LANCA8TKK DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, THUltSDAY, MARCH 20, 1884. M , - I c tit yj 'i 1. i-T- COLUMJUA NKWS. U1( ItKUui'AH UOltUKHrONUKNOK Arrint i)f thn rltiml who Mnde ttin I tt it ml Axuniiit en Knillj UWemiiteii 'luivn ; t rx. Willi, dm J Klucaddrn, ii( Columbia, h tn.Vi etiiirr l "I'll b.ivln ' committed i rnpn m li 1-4 10 jervp old nnusln, Knilly Ktnrndili it, dm tlm 2!ll of I-Vbiunty, was urtestrd ynMrrilfiy morning near Qiinrry vllle, by OfflVir Wlttlek, el Oehmitiln, niiil Oni'er Unite, of Cornwall. He was brought tn Columbia last night mid Huh morning wan tnkrn In Cornwall. When (iict1ttiii'il liy the iNTi'.M.iORNritii reporter last r veulntr, he stated that he would ire bably plrml j ulli) te the chnige. basing bin ilofeine mi tint pica of temporary In. sanity, le which he alleged that he In nub jt'ct, During the Int'Tvlcw the ptl'nnnr pnvn undoubted evidence of being simple minded. rcmeniil, " A.M. Wilsen, Hunniliitemlcnt of the II. A 0. rnllreiil, In visiting New Ynrlc. Wm. II. Given, fn., will full forKutepo en the I'Jtli el April. .Mr li It r.irnnv will Icnw en Bjlunlay for Washington, I. G where Im will us us mme charge of iv hrae drug store. Ills many friends ri'giet. his ilepartuin greatly. A IIixiU AKut KhIN lu Jump llli llimril, Rlilimnr U the imuie of "cheeky" book agent, iifiti'ly lefrncil te in the Inti'.I.I.i nr.Nccti. II" attempted te le.ivn town without GOtt'ing his beard bill, hut bin IntentimiH being i impeded he was wntehul nml hln hHcI; of books iittnehml. The jiubl idling (Irni by which he wnsumplejcd has dince redeemed thuin. e.IhI Umiis. Only a small number uttetidul the leap j ear party which was held In the armory Inst night. A. ball which wan hl. last night in Central hall, M.irlnM.i, was altumluil by a number of Columbians. ThoReiisnfTimipi'rauoo society is In ore.isuig ItM ni.-mbiirslilpsl iwly hut Htirely. Anether nanie was added te Hit roll at hist night's luretlng I rlltlnlO. Te-night tlie Pri'ibyU'riniiH will hnlil their eutcitalnniini in the Icctuie loom of the ehiirah. A 'I are invited te ntti-nd. Services a' :t. I'nul'n 1'. H. eliiirch will In hi to-tmnrew lh follews: Morning prater anil Ilibln le-nling Psalm xxul at 10.110 o'clock. Kvening M-rvioe ami Mr-limti-subject, "Salvation," at 7 o'clock. Iltiruiiixe Itrlil". These young iron who have the menus niiil tliue te give te Hitch nuuiM iiiciiIh should feini a beat club hoteioihe beating M.lMill llpOIIH riie i.iehmet who will pinnoethu pl.uiB for the urw school home wan here te-day examining the Mte rn w Inch the building i te be ended. The country rea'lti and turnpikes in tinny placfH nre ti.idly in heele! repairs. The wretched e mdltlen of the fiirmur is what prebablj prevents the farmcis from aUemlin maiket. Last evening a trail: in the east yards of the I'enncylviuila tnilread ,is blocked for about nu hour by a wr. eked freight car, tl.e accident having been ejuisil by a breken axle. Nei: .Menil.ty navigation ni the canals its cxpcctLil te I'pen. Tliere was a rather peer nt'endauce of both huyitH and hellerH at maiket thin mernliitr." Bruuer & Ce. received M'vetal raftrt at their wharves te day. A mcetliiK of OjceaU ttibe el Ucd ilun will be held te niKhi. Win. Kcdman h.m rciutehiicd front Win. Cenner the bather nbep iveeully Rold te the latter. si:i(iiiiiiMiHUeu m:iVs f.vntitii fl(r nmt .uruii Urn I'mmly i.liim. A nicetmi; of citizeim haw licen held in Chambciabur te tuke niM'nuH for the appropriate obsmvance et iliu e -ntennial of FniukliB count, en mlir 9. The Pen: sylvania rail mil ewes U 100 nharcs of the htcck of the Pe .i.Hjlvjula Stcel company, the pnr nlun of which Ih 4210,000 00 It Hhare of the profits of laSIl wa 110,802 00. ' Jin1. Third, the iuxaiie worn in who nre ntcd a benxatlen in the Pottuvtlle euit en Tiuday, lum been a ljud(ed limane anil will he cnt te the asylum. .Slie owns cenii.dnrablu pioperty. A oemmittoo was appointed te I'tke ch.irn of it. lJy the hiealiinc of a rope at IttHt colherv WidniKiIay floerijo U.iiiinxarilner, of Aidilaixl, wan fatally ami tte ethers heneusly Injured. Wink in the colliery was B.iBpt uded. At Centrali i celliciy Antheuy liarnnan it a a killed by the breaVIni; of a lepu. Hev. Win. II. Patihn. panler of the Lawreuroville IlapiiHt chinch, in Ktat Ceveutry township, Cheter ceuntv, who had IiIh nkull fractured ami wan otherwiHe injured last Baturday evcnltit Limerick btntien, by beinj; struck by the fai.t cxprcsH, died yen'enlay inernlnc. bamiU'l II. Wallace, of lloneyhrook tflwunhip, Cli''t(!r e unity, who died te ecntly, bequeathed biii entiie cstate $20,000 after the death of bin wife, te St. Mark'rs Kpitoepal church at Houeybre k. In 1832 Mr WuIIbce'h hoiue wanenteied by lURakrd ineu, who bound nud ;ixxt him and h's family and then took i O.OOO' in cnMi. Dr Jehn Ie icpertaa ccnuine cibe of Asiatic uhnlcia in Heading. He wan called en te iiduiiriiiier te a woman lesidiu en Maple nticct, who was almost dead and hail all the ryinptema of the diKeate. The family consists of rovciitceu perseiiM, raiigiuf; in a(;e from two meuthn te sixty jcaif, nud nij;ht dex"i " living in two Hinall rooms and a left. Hepper Carney entend the na'em of James MePnddcn, in Ahhlaud, nu Feb. SI, and demanded a drink. MeFaddun lufunud it, ami ayH Carney In can usin abusive laiiKiiage. At last they came te blows, ami McFaddcu Ktmck t'arney en the beail with nu iieu Dialht, ittllctiuu a fatal injury. This mernini: Caruey'M life whn despaired of, and MoFadden wan given a lieaiiiiK bufoiea justice and ball lelmed. He was tent te jull, nvii nitiviNc Aeuinr.M'd. A Mlnlltir Tlirmvn freiu it llUBy The ,'ie rleti nthlinp et u lirivti-. On Batiuday afternoon labt an Hev. Mc pin Harding, was returuiug from the Kplficepal church at Nickel Alines, where he had ceudtictnd the merninc services. oho of tlnrspiliiKH of the bupgy iu which he wan rldiiij: broke and .Mr. Harding wan thrown from the vchlole and suntitiied painful but net dangerous lujurien. Tlie hoise ran off, and a bon of the rector, who was in his eumpauy, could only step It by running the animal in the bushes by the roadaide. The buggy was badly wruoked but young Harding escaped injury. On Tuerday Ooergo Klllsen wan driving oue of Frederick Hugle's mineral water wagons through Uohrerstown, when the phi which holds the wagon bed nud run ning gearn teguthcr cauie out. The bed dropped down and Hllisen wasthrewu out with the herfcs en top of hira. He wan badly out about the head, and had ene feet he badly Injured tuat no is uuaoie te ue about. Hebs ihlevix. On Tuesday a thlef outered the Uvery iitable tllloe of Pattlek Chcriy, en Seuth Wntcr street, nud stelo u line bullale lebu and lap blanket. It has been but a week slnce Mr. Cherry lest a rebe in the same way. Argument Court. In niRiimciit court yesterday the orphan cjmt list wan reached, After the argu ment of several cases court adjourned te 3 o'clock this afternoon, AtAKlNUlllKMIMINAriUNn. Nmiim rrmn Wlilrd llm Hctrrtlen of Df I K nt e Will lle nirtii". At a nif ctluit of the Domeornoy of e oral of the vr.mtM of the elty te nomlnate c.indidateH for dulrateH te the elty een. volition te he olcetod at the prlmnilr te be held en Biluuliiy uveiiIiir, the fellow ItitftiomliMtleiM were niade Firht Watil-W. II. H-iIaml, A. l!c, Jaoeb Urere. Ce. Coin. W. II. Iloletiil. Hfoend Ward .1. It, Dennillv, Hemy ItaiiKlii).', Philip lleitinrd, llui'h lCoheo, Dr. l J. Tiliipatrlek, Jehn llalit'irnacht, D.ivld MuMiillcn Ce. Cem. .1. I M'iiiiiiuni7. Heventh Wnnl (leetui D.iruiMtotter, Aiijr. Htelnwauille, Adam ICiihlman, Henry Hinoyeli, .I.iH. Him', Jehn Ivejjli). Ce. Cem. .Inceb II. Hennhler. lilubth Wnril-Jelin Heltohie, Charlca Mppeld, David Hirdv, Froduiiek Qlai. hronner, Wmn, J.ioeb Upen, Ftoderick Judith, Aluxauder Uahidil. Ce. Cem. ILirnhart Hnydr r and Frank KmHt. It will he hoen that in nome of the wardft no K,,l,'r'il uoiiiinallens wero made, eh tlieru wa no Kenenil mil ler Wrdnraday eveiilin; incetiiiM Other naniiiH can be added te the lint at uny lime befere the primary elruliens. en Haturd.iy uveniuc ; and, if left at thlnollk'e bofeio te-morrow all) p. in., will be duly announced and ptitiUd en the nli p tieketH. 'I llf, i in. 1. 1 i.Aali-1 r.iilen Krtieit el in., l.ninp Mit lliirnliic I Mat Num. Tlie policemen en duty last ulRht report the felhiwiiii: lainpi out or hurnltii: badly: Klcntnu Lump Prmce ui.d ('hentnut pour all nlulit j Market and Grant 11 o'clock ; Oiauue and Hhtppuu, Oralis" and Plum, Dist Ktiii: and Plum p-ier ; Duke and Vine peer all tomtit ; CnucHteua and Prmce peer for three heinii; Chentuut and Shijipeu, Walnut and bhippeu 7 o'clock ; J'Vcderlck and Lime, J a men and Iilnie, Lemei nud Lime, Franklin and CheHtuut, peer until 1 o'clock, thnn all out j Uecliltnd and Lew, peer all uiclit ; .Maner and Liurel, o'clock; Strawberry and Vine. 10 ; Love Lit e and and Maner, peer all nij'ht ; North Queen and Walnut, Prince and Frederick, Lemen ami .Mulberry, poei all.iiilit. Total 20. (l.inoliue Lampn Ileiiver between Vine and German, nut from 7 o'clock ; Franklin and Fulton, Plum and Fulton, out from 17 o'clock. Total !). rim .llmlin ()euiiii),,i Kriinri The Maxim company neudu u.i ihe fel lowing report of all the lamps that itn iimproieiH e add (hid I ist muht net work. in; well : Chentnutaud Hinppeu, Wnlnut and Shipped, btrawberry and Vine, Lemen nml Lime, North (Jin en and New, Columbia nv nil'', Prince in d Coucstea ou all niht a total el 7. Anclller (lunvrul MIim' .liiululiiiniiiH, Auditor General. cleat Nilcs auuouneid nil inn appointmentH en Wednesday. Six of the old merkn aioietiiiueil Chief Clerk Theiii.iH McCaniant, Itltlr ; Corporation Clerk Hubert Frimr, Allef-heny ; County Clerk Henry N. Gralleu, Montgomery ; Waratit t'lerk, .1 Hri!un Mejeri, Venango ; Clerk, J. li. Storey, Hutler, and U. L. Imbiie, Heaver. The following aie the new appeintmri !n : Kbjili J. Campbell, Lycemlnjj ; P. J. Hew, Yerk ; L. U. Kys ter, Franklin ; ('. W. Mjew, LinciHter ; It. J. Carthv, Tiea ; Mensenijer, Guy M. Huiteii, l'hiladelphia ; Watehman, William It Midlam, H-irrishurK. Tlie retired elerks aie .lamcfl McAllister, Dau phin ; .1. w l.iuer, I.u.erue ; V. .1. ltusli, t'ayi-lte ; Geerge C. Wilkimi, Pliiladel i ih la, nud () L. Harvey, HuutiuKileu. MctArfl. Huiteiinnd .Muli.un succeed Snm'l Haker, lilair, and Leranzi Taylfir, Harris burj,', an uicsseuur and watchman, ro re fpeclively '1 he C. W. Mjern alluded te abeve is a rcidtlent of Clay tow 1 1 s 1 1 i j . , end in a nnphewiif Hcijamiu WiHaler. rrjiil.lln himre Mii; oellertliin. Harper A: Iliethus, New Yerk, have publhhtd Ne 2 of the Franklin Squaie iieng collection, c.impiled by Prof. J. P. McCaskey of thin uily. The book con tains two hundred favonte nengti ami bjmiiM, Mjtnnef them new nud Heme of them veri nlJ, and all very geed. The collection embra"! n every vailety of music f I em tin llvel) airn of the niUKeiy te the helemn ii'iiiiiunin of the tomb seugs of home, of leve of hnutiment, of patiielinm. An ndmiial featuia et the book is that the mtiMe of each piece in complete en oue piee, or en two paiea that facn oaeh ether no that no leaf 1 1 turned by the performer iu cempteting any picre iu the collection. Prel. McCafakey takes occasion te make tiiccial ni.kuewlcdKineut te publishern and ethers for cepyitaht piivileeF, and pays a merited tribute te the musical ability of Prof. Cail Mat a of this city for his valua valua valua ole assistance In the compilation. niHkliiu n Miect I.tTtly. Yesterday Henry Fisher, who lately nrrived in thin city from Philadelphia, get drunk anil in the evening went te the hiiut-e of Liz.le Ivnlp en Middle street nud kicked the deer In. The woman ran from her home te that of Jehn Gerz, followed by Fisher who knocked her down. Mr. Uni. interfered nud he struck her after which he drew a revolver. He was dually ejected from the house nud whlle in the street he tired several shots. He wns arrented by Ofllce Stoinwaudel and looked up. Today he wns very penl tout nud seemed te be very seiry. Tins afternoon he was te have had a hearing befere Alderman A. F. Dennelly, but the prosecutors did net caie te make Fisher any morn trouble, nud he was dis charged upon paying all costs and premts tug te de better, ruber oneo served two yeirs Iu prison hoie en the chargn of folo felo fole uiously entering a hou&ent Klizibothtewn. Unptalu Jlulia t Oe te New .lersey. Captain Jiukn, the well known swindler, who has a number of aliases ami is wanted en numerous charge's of fraud in diflereut parts of this nud otlier states nud by the Uuitcd States government for fraudulent ly mprciseutliig himself te be a pension iifeut, wns tnken befere the ceiut this nfloriieou, The court undo an order transferrin:: him te the custody of Ollleer Vaudi'grift, of Uurllrc en, rsew .lersey, wnere he is wanted for false proteuso. This ollleer was the first te ledge a detainer and requi sition for him here Jinks admitted that he was the tiursen named In the requisi tion, and he was sent back te j til te await the arrival el the eflicer. liDHtu it DhsIii nieUliilu, David McClaln, a well known rcsldeut of the Sixth ward, died nt his residence, corner of North Lime and Lemeu strectf, at an rnrl) hour tills morning, nfter a eheit but painful illness, Some weeks age Mr. MeOlaiu took a Kovore oelJ whlle working outdoors iu bad wcatber. An acute allee lien of the kidueys followed, which ceded in his death. Hn was a brloklayer by trade, and at the time of his death was janitor of the Lomen strcet public soheol buildleg, Ue loaven a wife, but ue ohildreu, A Ills V.KS Hlilpper In the past thirty days IU. Goerco II. DoLeug has bhlpped from Mount Jey 11, QUO dezen eggs ; an nvorage of 1180 dozeu or 4,400 eggs dally, Thcse eggs he limpeeta himself, oaeh egg being caie fully tested bolore it Is shlpped, HIh trade is principally with soveral of the leading botch and restaurants in New Yerk elty. Tnz Collector Appointed, Tlie nentity oemmlgslonoraliavoopiinint. cil K, 11. TewnBOUil, of Llttle Ilritaln, oellcctor of atate and county tax for sale) tOWUklllp, l.fnmitn rlnea llnmi. Jehn A. Fry, nRrntP. II. II., ntLenman Plnce, Bccompinied by hln w Ife and nlece elartwl ynnterday for Ualtlmore le attend the funeral of hln yeuiiRcnt brother's wlfe. Hln tiltinn In b Inff flllrt by Heute AreiiI J, 0. Slelnmetr, of Phlhdnlpla. P M. Kaby In felling timber In the woednof M. N. Wew! J, of Wllllamnlewn. Hn ban foiled 300 sturdy oaks without damaging oue. Apiinintmt I'ltnctpiil. Harvey Hoitek, rrq , Lebanon, Pa,, son of the ntnte deputy mporlntendent of public Inntruotlen, ban beeu appointed of the Mount Jey wildlcrn' or phnnn' nohenl, loeatcd at Mount Jey, thin county. Mr. Houek In a Rrndiinte of ShlppnnnbiirK Nermal nolieo), In an oxeo rlencml teacher and In preeminently qual llled for the prepnr dleoharije of Iho dutlpn of the position. (Mil Helilltrn Knlltlrd In lUeh I'ny. The following tiamcd noldlernof the 122d Hegt. Pa., Vels, nre entitled te back pay for extra tlutv whlle In the nrrvlce of the United Hlaten, and ean obtain It by leav. Ing their pontefllcn nddrenn with Dr. J. H. Siidtli, IH North Duke fitroet : Danlel F. Clark, Ce. A.; Henry Flery, Ce. B.; Jenph P. Prloe, or Jesnph Priee, Ce. P.; Chan, Hosn, Ce. F.; Jehn Mlley, Ce. F. AilHIKOlll'liI". " Qnten'i Lace HnnlkercliU"'l here will wilt Im a InrK" nmllnnce prurient, no doubt, tlitii nvenliiK, whim this luvoille opera nl Himtjii' In preauuleil by 1'ntturren' New Yei k mil ri cnnipauy, Tlie Bcrnnteu Ittpubtl can nnyn " Their runilltlen et the chnrmtiiK plicn wan vetml mpirler te thnti;lvonhere hint tall, unit the nuillcncn cheircit thulrap nrcclittlnn by lltierally itppUuillnK. 1'atil Arthur us ' Cervantes ' nml OeerK" Jeten n 1 Den Hnnclin ' ijiivii very crcitltiihle ttiterptiv tatloiiHel their purtn. (Jasteu Is a flrnt-'ule In v cemeiltm unit III nrlKlns! humor help te initie him very Hccuptnbln te tlie itiullmicu. Theman Martin, as the minister et wr, whs vuy tunny and In the trio mn by (iustun, Krnk unit tilinni'lt, he mnln ijnltn a hit " 7i'ui7.-Heturihiy evenlnK (jhnrlen A. (Jaril. nor will nppear nt the npnrii hnune In the clmrinliiK play of " Karl." lle In a illatcct eomeuiun or u very nuperlnr onler. Nothing In ovrrilene or Htratneil en hln part, but the nreknn KnijHsh wltli ttio"wect Herman an. emit" lathi from Ills tongue im easily nml trip. plnily us from that etuny tnlhutlve " (Jerinan Auinrlciiu " fellow clllziiu. I'aitt Itesn, the seubrett , ! morn thnn elinrinlnir. Hhn In tlm rnntlitlc Irish ilmnestlenf tlie best cls?s Qeergn (unii. -I rlilay event K this favor He wpu hts lunny nml many uttrnctlens will be In Knlteii epura linnsn, umjiicntlenii lv tliu funnlent clown tu America, nml whlle hn Is bi'loie the niiiller.riKrnvliy of nxprctnlen In nlmply out el the qiioitlen. Mr Ailuins Intro. duces many new frnturna In his " Ilutnptv Diimpty " which nre erlRlnul with hlmnelf. The pony "Heneca" Is aureate ml. The lit tle fellow rhnnnti lenrvnllniiHileKree of Intel, lltff nrwunil performs many cute tricks which never lull te please. nrr.eiAt. S'trivrn. Hep Vlattm arc cle m, nweet unit plena int te use. fresh ltii s cnmblneit with Ilalnninn nmt (iiims. Mere powerful than any oilier porous plMHter. 2.1 els. CeLnRN'B l.liiilit lletf Tenle, An n tinlc In nil cex t of dtbiltiy unit weakness, cannot be nnrpisni'il. inl7-lwileeil,t'W Don't bn Irli,tlitatttt1. tt von nre in trouble leek up, hehl en, Rlve the blues oe 1 liy. It yen urn in pnln. hnve u Inmeness, pave nil nohe of unv kind, (te te the ilriutvlttiiuil usk lilm ler Thomai' Kclectrte Oil. It will ile you uoeil uverv tluiii. Kersiili) liy II. II. Cechtnn, ilrtiKgtat, 137 unit ISO North uiinnn nirei- Don't Ven De It. Don't nnller any longer with thu pains and nehesnf Ithenuintlsiii, which inntte lileabur. ilen te you, lteller. speedy nml permanent en u lie procured nt the nearest ilnn Ftnre, tn tlie form el Kldney-Weit. hlbrlilge Malcolm et West Ilitli, Maine, says ' I was completely prostrated with Utmnmatlsm unit Kidney IreiHilei and was net expeeteil te recover The first iIoje of K'.dnuy-Wnrt livlped me. Mx doses put moon my tiet. It has new entlnly cured inn and 1 hnve hud no trounle slnce." Hew ubBurd te w-liccre with a ceukIi which Hale's Heney et Hnrelieundund Tar will cute. 1' Ike's Toothache Dreps euro In ene minute, m 7 IwdeeilAw llnir Klin. " ffl nfie I wns iilllietitil with slek hnnd hnnd nelieuud Keuernl debility, but Jlurdeek Illoeil Vfffft ri breiii;ht about nu InuneilUti) Improve Impreve iiiiiut In my Kimurul health. I consider them the tuHt f nutty nieillclue In the inarkut " Adnlph I all r. Iliiltnle, N. Y. Ker pule by II. It., driiKKtst, 137 unit 1.10 .North Queen street .low in Miriirn linnllli, ihnemn strum.'" that unv one will suiler trem tlie umny dertiiiKeuiiints hrenctil en by nil Impure condition et the bl'irsl, when SCO VM,l.'rtsAUHAfAllll.I,AAM)STtM,INOIA, or Itl.UOM AND I.IVKK HYUOl' will rcateiv piirti-i I beultli te the physical erKanU.utlnn. It Is ludeeit antrniiKthuiiIni; syrup, pteusanl te tul.-n. aid has proven ltsclt te be the best lll.erm I'UIilKIKIl evor ittscovered. elleet. uully cnrlni; Scretula, Hyphlltte dlBordem, Weiikness et the Kidneys, Kryslpclus, Mala ria; all nervous illseulern nud debility, bit leun etuiipluluu nmt nil dlscnhcs Initlcutlni; no impure condition et the lllend, I.tver, Kid in ys, stemneh, bkln, etc. It eerreats Indl Kcstlen. A sliiKle bottle will piove te you Its inuillniina hnultli reniiwer, ler It ACTS I, IKK A CIIAIIM, espuelullv whop the ceiiiplulnt Is et an oxhn'usitve until re, having a tendency te lesbim thu ualiiiul vlyorel the hialu unit nur veiisaystein. jitKll'M I'AIN 1MNAUCA Ctirnd u pulu In man and beast, Ker use externally mid Inter nally. UKlMlOKslI t'UWDKItb cure nil dlseases f horse, cuttle, sheep, heyn, poultry and all I.lvoHteck A I'OSITIVKCUKK. muy:i.8 for sale at 11, 11. Cochran's iIiuk store 1.17 N'eith Uueen strcet. fllemrrs nintliersl aielliera Arnyeu dlsturbed nt night and broken el yeuriust by aslctc child HiitTurlntf und crylnK will, theuxeructatliiu pain of cutting tenth f It se, (eat once und i;t a bottlenl Mltrt. WIN SL,UW'H800TII1NU bYltUP. It will rulleve the peer little nulterur linuiedlatuly depuuil upon It; tliere Is no mtstuke about It. Theiele nut u mother en luirth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bowels unit gtve rest te the mother, und rultet and health te the child, op. crating like uiui;ic. It lspertuctly sutu te use In all casvs, und pluusant te tlie taste, ami 1 the prescription of ene or thu eldest nnu unit einule physicians In the If tilted Htates. Sold uverywhere. a cuius a buttlu. mayl-M.W.HAw JltS.ITIIH. .Ioiinsew lu this city, en the 18th Inst, (ieergu llest, son et Chnries und Ellu Eckert Jehnsen, uged HI uieuths uml M itnys. The relatives and Irlends et the lamlly me leepcctttilly Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence et his pnreuts, Ne. 2.'9 East Chestnut streut, en Friday nrternoen at 2 o'clock. Interuieutut l.aiieastercemeteiy, 'it Jerdan, In this city, en the lOtli Inst., Eltiu, iluughtoret Elizabeth II., unit thelutu Jehn S. Jeulnii, In theUUi yoaret her uge. Funeral Irem the residence of her motlier, Ne. 621 North Duke streut, en Satuulay mom. Ing ut Wi o'clock, Tlie relatives nnd frlcuili are respectfully Invited te attend. 2t 8unit'irzn In East Karl township, en the lDthluit, Mrs. li. C.tiheaircr, In the Kid year of her uge. The relatives nnd fi lends 01 the deceased tire respectfully Invited te uttend the tunernl, irem the lusldence of Adam Uelst, llluu Hal), an Saturday next at 10 o'clock. Interment at Christ church, Lcuceclc township. mVO 2t tour Aiirxjt 1't.iitMisNTx, w ANlKlt-A UOOlf. APPLY AT THU lt leuutttlu inn, Heutn quoen at. S" TK.Vr.Nrt IIOU8R SIIAV1NO AND llAIll DUKbaiNU HA LOON. flood Journnvmen and prlens nanie at nihei saloons. H. WAUNKIl, myic-ud Mumifer. MKW AtyrKtlTlHKMRMTtl, 1 !--: "' ISLIMN IIKKNKWAN. FLINN & BRBNEMAN Have rocelveif from a New Yerk. bnlrnPtntoek the following Reeds which they are ettering 501 1)07 IIItOOMB, at lie................. ...,,...,,.,.,,,, Werth ?rc. Vn DOZ. IIUCKKTS, nt Ue. , ...,.....,,,,,., .Werth We. xoe l)i)Z. D18II I'ANS, nt V5c , , Werth Sc Ift) DU,. CUAI HODH.nt Me ....,..,,., , .Werth 35e. ion DO, l AMI'S, at Me .,,..... Werth Mc. 50-1 IK) 7. HCIltlll llllUBHKrt, at he , , Werth 10c jOI)OZ.80UUlt IHlUSUKS.nt 10c Werth 20c. Buby OarrlBBOB.VolecIpotloa, Ezprcpu Wngeusnnd Rofrlgeratorn. FLTKN" & BEENBMAN'S UttKAT IIOU3K FlIUNIflllINd UTOHK, NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. XSTKllTAINSl t.NIB. F 701.1 OM Ol'KIIA IIOUHK. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1SS4. Gee. H. Adams' -OWN HUMPTY DUMPTY And Star Specialty Troupe! UNDKIITIIK StANAUKJIKNTOr MR ADAM FOREPAUGH. Alse Proprietor et KOIlKrAUGH'H ClllCln I ( tt hi GEO. H. ADAMS, the Clown. AND HIS TUOUJ'K OK l'ANTOMUIK AND HI'KCIAI.TY 8TAI18. The Mvlnit Marlonelten. The Wonderlul Cuts, tnlnwhe I.niigh," " Cuts who Tnlk." "Ciitnwhe Dancu." "C'nts who Sine" "Tlie only Mvlnji Mnn tllrtl." THK rth'-OTV' u Kimulne I'urnpean Novelty. First nppearancu In this country. TIIKMsllTINKTTlS. IIKIINAHDO IIHOS. Mint) ItOSA eOOKK, I.a Helle .fah telle. THK I'OSV HKNKOA. A TltlltK OK KIOUX IN DIANh, liuaded by tins Chief 'Wnlln-Wnlln." THK MAN ilIUD, tlie weuilut el tin) World, nclentlsts pioueunco htm unexplntnable. l,hSI,IK IHtOS. . , K.UN10K WSM.AOK. MIHH llATTIKOItOVKIt, Tenlnii Welby. THK HKAIt "i.nllft ICoellk." i'KOK. UhO. I). 1JHNA1JI)0'3 Military llrass llaml and Orchestra. (1KO. II. ADAMS, the Clown. ) AH. It. ADAMS, the Pantaleon. And u het et I'nntomlme and Hpecl.ilty Stnra, who will appear in the entirely new version, entitled . HUMPTY DTJMPIY AMONG THE INDIANS. NKW TIllCltHI NKWHCKNKUVt NKW WAUDIIOIIK I ritlC'KP, nml 3S CKNTS. I IIKSKKVHD 8KAT8, ... 75 eKNTS. JOVdvula new en tule ut the Upuia IIeubii Ofllce. JlAJtlt Y W. SEMOX, Qencral Aijcnt. JVlir MiV KltllHKMVSTtt ' t m w pm. uw -aw.Miw.r.11. imi 1 U.tlUINr, IIAVAKV Kll.t.l'.HS U1I1AH vT for .1 con 1 p. at HAllTAlAN'rt YKI.I.OW fUONT ClOAll UIOltK. I KfflOVAIi( ,Tlir. lU'KIUlO Of IIAUIll- IV. II irsrdner's .lilleilcs, cent dealurs, tins 'WSr" lNe. IO NORTH UUKKN HT. 11 1'nilVAl IX The ofllce of the l.nncniicr (Jnt-llght nnd Kind Company hs Iidbii luinevt-d te Ne. l"a NOUTH gfJKK.N S I BBhT, mue-stit uri t itnur l-.XtiKI'TION TIIK IIIV91' Be V Claarln ihimlty HAUTMAA'a YKI.I.OW FltONT ClOAll HTOHK. Oit. 0. 11. imew. I'UYalClAN AND OCULIST. Has UomeVHil te Ne.WWKITOItANUKbT. Kye and Knr treated. aUssnnmlliinteil. Pu Pu Pu perter opectncles en bind und 10 order. 1 leSl-lviirti fiuip. i.AiuiKHi' ami jsTetnc or X Kuclire, Cnsslue unit l'oker cards liem 80 ,10riAUTMAN'S YKI.I.OW FKONT ClOAll BTOltK. BUTTOMS HUTTOrie, I1UTTON3. Coineand exnmlnoeurondless vnr.cty et Kuncy Dress lliiltem, which we urn sidling MI...II unce., at :sWAUH'S. 60 North yncen Mreet. Open every evening till 8 o'clock. JlO.ttndlt IlUKUIIAMlNU AtlCNT WaNIED ITOIl Luncsster City unit Ceunly te sell the AMKUICAN SKWl.NO MACI1INK with JhO uuw Automatic ItuttonheloAttuohment. Cor Cer Cor irspnmlunce sollctted Irem responsible men whemeun business Addre's. ., NO. 1318 CHKSTNUTHTUKET, marlO-Stceil l'lilindelphln. TTUIHSI 1 risii. r 1 The Msli Sensen having new oiienuil, we rn innlrllljr FIl'SI HI1UO. lllilTllllf. imiuh, ICI1VII1JT rn-sn emul, miniiiK. "'u". la.dslly, which we will sell whehwali; dl itveiy low rules. Alse Knwh and I'lhll.A nr rntull u.,11 n, WM. ItllAS A SOS. It Ne. tits. Queen St. RiMiitiCK iiiium;. Cernur Clmslnut nmt North Queen St. UKKUlt.NISIlKD TIIIIOUU1IOUT. Will open uiuter new innmiKuiuunt April 1. Applications ler rooms enn b 1 addressed le " M118 II. MCllKAUBIt, mnrt?i Nu. l'fl Seuth Duke St. ISTATKOl'LI'.WIIhrilhOIII'.ll.l.ATK.ll' It Luncvterelly.ilce'd. Letters testnmeninry en suld estate having been granted te the 1111. ilerslgned, all poisons lnuehled thereto nre requested te make luimodlate liayment, and tliose having claims eriluniands against thu mine, will eresunt them ultlieut dcluy ler suttlument ie the unilerstned, residing tu saldclty. SAMUEL tit'ltisi lice, uitotdeaw Executer, EMTATK OK l. 1'. l.UUlll:tl, LATK K I nncnstvr city, dcceajied. Letters testa. muntaty en said estute hiving been grunted te thu undersigned, nil peisenn Indebted tliorutenrurequustod 10 iiinUulininudlute puy inent, und these having claims or demands uiralnst the same, will prison them without delay rer sottlemnnt te tliu underslgne I, le etdliiL' In Luucasturclly. CIIAItLKSII LOCIIKlt, KOHEUTK. I.OCIIKII, S. II. ItKTBOLlH, Kxeciiters Attoiney. lubJI tu'lli I UlTll.HJ SAl.K. O11THUIISDAV, MAIICII 57,l"Sl at Ne l.'l Seuth Duke street, at the latu lesluencuet Abraham McKlmin, duccnrd, Household und Kitchen Furniture, eeuslstlni! et bureaus, Tables. Chairs, Sef it, neuters, Morning Light Cook Steve, l'lpe,, lledsteuds. noening, ene 0111 iiisuieneu tigiu-wuy wee, Floweied and Hag Curpeilng, Tubs. Queens wure, uud muny eth 'i' uitlclus tee nuiiioreus te mention. Bnie te commence nt 1 o'clock 11 in. SAMUEL Ml 1.1. bit, Executer. .lACOn UunnAVER, Auet. lnAMlt CIO l'A KIN KltS 1II1-. J Lakeaitub, Feb. 7.16SL We, the undersigned, have eutvied lnlen ce-partnuishlii, toilnte from Fehriiury 1, HHI, ler thu term nt eun sear, ler lliu irauiuuiieu el thu Freight und Iluiillng business us the C. A. lliiuur Llnu," hmetotnre seesleumid by our cltltciiH, and ler which we solicit 11 cnntlnuanee et the name ut the old pliini et liuslncsi, llarrlsburg avenue, opposite .Mul berry street. 1. 1'. A C. W. IttTNKlt. t7,8,0.lwdcen pUllLlO HALKOlr NEW FURNITURE OXFUWA 1', MARCH If, 1". At Ne. 301 North Queen Streot. A general variety of Fnrnltiirn et every de scription 1 all must lie sold ; 110 hack bidding, Hu.u te commence ut 1 e clock. &. O.FLINN. Sam'i. IlKna X Een, Auct. AT llUHHK'n. TUB LOVBIta OF GOOD FLORIDA ORANGES, Just rocclved nn Invoiced! INDIAN U1V Kit rLOltlD OIlANOKS from thu iriove of MH. (JIIAU. NAU.MAN (n former Ltilicntrlnn), Tney nre VKIIY FINK, thin Uln uml luley. They are luscious. -OUll- RIO ItLENDEI) C0FEEB, The best 23 cents, In Lancaster, convinced. -AT- Tiy Itund be BTJESK'S. NO. 17 EABT KINO LANCASTER, t'.V. STREET, 3 tr. .-rr NKW- AND MENAOKH1K. nr tt " Th re Is no Harm In NKH Altrt;itllHK3IKNTt, A')lTKl AT THIS OFF1UK, A l'UI' VY otthe W&E1C1.Y INTEI.UOKNCKIt OK rKBUU. AltY 14, Itsai. tf RKMl.VAI. I IIAVK KICUOVKD THK Wiiolcanle Notion lluslness Irein Ne 0 Kmt King Hlii'wl te :u nnd : Seuth (jueuu street, opposite the Keuntiiln Inn. inar7-tfd JULIUS I.OKII. LSKUONOANO l.AMT 1-Ullt.IU BALK OK On KKIDAY. MAIL O NKWKUKNITUIIK. til, IbM nl Ne SOI North Queen struct, consist ing 01 iiicionewing, iiiwiii Hintii unsinuer Huts I'arliir Organ, 1 I'lnne, I rnrlerSutt Wu'listaml, Mntliasa, Se. a. Kusy Chair. Mur. bio Trtlile unit n lotet Cheap .lelin notions. Alse l'i Kleaut New Couches. Hale te ceiiimeuca at 10 e clock a m., nhnrp. A. C. KL1NN. 8. IIM3 ASO, Auct mie-st -U.KKOVMAN'.S NOKH TI1KOAT. ( J " Chronle I'haryngllls." Iu these cuses 1110 voice Ducomev -vunuu ut limes, tuen mill flud unit hearsu. Thcse symptoms cerittnulng, It becomes a mutter of Ulflluiilty te speak In u clear, distinct tone, und the etlert te de se Is painful. The voice may buadcep bsss in the mnri.tnr, und grinlually rises in pitch te a shrill scrruchln tha ceursn et thu day. All illsi'ieseset Kye, Karauil Threat treated sue. cusstully by DltS II. D. nml M. A. I.O.VQAKKII. Ofllce. 13 Kust Wnlnut sticet, Lancaster. CoiiHiiltatleu free. m' J. a. UAI.OWKX.I. CO, J. E. Caldwell &Ce., SILVERSMITHS. Tea and Dinner Services, Ornamental Pieces, Ferks & Spoons, Complete Bridal Outfits. Designs and Eatlmntes furnlsheel en application All Inquires and mall erders rocelvo prompt attention. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. in 20 llNlr.llTAtlilir.NlM. XL KUH.TON OI'KKA IIOUHK. TaUIlSDAY, March 20. TIIK OltKAT MUSICAL 8UCCK99 1 Patterson's New Yerk Opera Company, In -lehnnn Htrntin' Intest compniltlen, motf metf nlllceiitly produced, the r Mr. Kiunk PATTiinsew, Prep'r. and Manager. Absolutely the Kuvoilte Cemhiuu Opera et both werlun. Klnberulaly mounted with ill rect uttentlen te every ifctutl (ieritenua ces tumes nud wnrdrebe. auiiisIiik lneldeutH, LauKhuble sltuiitlmiH. Orlidual orchentrutleiw nud ncore. Complete chorus nnd nuxllllary. HOALK OV P1110K9; OOC, 7fln. A Sl.OO. UK.aEKVKDbfc.ATS, - - . - . 11,00. Penis sccured nt;()iera llouse Ofllce Monday morning m 8 o'clock, J, II. LAIN1C, Iluslncas Mnuniier. Carrlagei may bu ordered at mis St 1UI.TON Ol'ISltA HOUdlC. Saturday Bvenlng, Mareh 22. SECOND ANNUAL TOUIt Ol the runniest Uermaii Dialect Comedian In the World, CHAS. A. GARDNER, Who will appear lu his grand charnctorlzntleus of n Herman Irem rrankfort-en-lhu Main, Hi his Comedy Drama el appear lu hts grand charncter Uerimin Irem Jrankfort-en lain, tu his Comedy Drama el KARL. I TV X T-5 T TlIKPEUDLKlt. Specially s'ippiirtud by the hilghtrat little Koubretteon thu American Htnge, MISS PATTI ROSA. Our Unrivaled Orchestra and Uniformed Military Itinsi Hand, tnuether with UKN.O. It. DKCilblt, the bmallest Mun In the World r-l'epulur Price et Admlaslen, Iteerved leatant Opeia Aeusu Otllce, SECOND EDITION. THUnSDA-Y 16VENINQ, MAB. 20, 1004, Tfljfi GOVERNMENT. Mil, AlirllClt AND F1IZ ,I() lift l', Tim I'rettlsnt Ittlinstes thnt the (Innerai Hill Heenris Only Ills Cltll lilihts Ilia Vfilneie IniKiuiiilty Fund. New Yeiik, Mareli 20 X Waslilncteu special te tbe Ettmng l)it nayn that nt the ozeeutlvo maiiBleti a low ilayn ninoe, refcronce wan tnaele te tbe Fits Jehn I'er ter bill. Various foaturen of the bill wero iIIrcurbciI, when the president talkcil frccjy of tbe debaten in (Jeugrcns. Anions ether things he nalil that the jealousy between I'orter and I'ope had been very great, and wan net tu be approved ; that in pardon ing Perter he had restored him te his civil rlghtn, nnd that he had net seen any. thing (n the ovldenco that had been pre sonted, wbother uew or old, te justify placing him baelc in the army. The suggestion was niade te the preni. dent that a veto would net Impreve his presidential prospeots in MiutiRseta and In seme ethor quartern, wliore i'orter wan nald te have friends. The pronldeut took no uolieo of thin suggestion, but naid that he oiitertainod tbose vlewn and did net object te having thorn known. Tlie Chinese Indemnity Fnml Washington. March 20. The Hetine commlttce en feieign alTalrn te-day agreed te report favorably tlie bill authorizing the return te China of the residue of tbe Chincne indemnity fund. I'D Kit I (IN ITK.1IS. Hntttrs nf lnterrt rUshed OaUls, Over the Paius, March 20. The Figare (now.s (new.s (now.s papei), has a dlspateb from Caire. Kgypt, this mernlug, wbteli nays that Qencral Gorden ban tvld the French oensul at Kharteun that lie In disappointed in what he has been able te accomplish, lle said it would be impossible for him te defend the place against tbe advancing tribes. It Is Btatcd at Caire that Abdel ICader Pasha, minister el war, will be sent te tbe rcnoue of Qencral Gorden. Iteimrteil Plight of tlie itsUel I. eider. Buaeim, Eirypt, March 20. Spica report that Osman Digna, with a lew followers, ban fled te the ititorler. Hin llight is at tributcd te the toward eflcrcd for hia cap ture. The slaves are deserting bim and lleeiug te Suakitn. Tlie ICeunnl ler Umiisii Dl juh's Head Wllli- IITHIfll. Admiral Ilowett has withdrawn bis eiler of a reward ler O.imau Dlgua's bead. Ceiilllrllnc llciuris. Londen, March 20. Dispatches re. ceivul from tbe uewh)iaper reporters at Suaklm are iu serious conflict with each ether. It in new reperted that Osmau Digna has summoned the tribes te a meet ing te morrow le arraugu for a renewal of active warfare. The Kauri Klux t Vlilt KntUua. The Maori king will sain from Aukland for England by way of ban Frauoiteo en April 1st. l.ibur Trouble. PiTTSiiune, Mnreli 20. Tbe miners' eilleials nre agitating u strike among the mincis of the llrst, second, third and fourth peels if the operatorn insist upon reducing wages oue fourth of a cent per biibhel uext week. The operatorn say Hint if tlie men strike new it will be tbe longest lookout they ever cxporlenccd, tbe miners nay that it is only wbeu starva tien stares thorn in tbe face that they will make tbe strongest light. Tbe Miners' association, however, is net iu a condition te stand n long strike, nud it is prebabli that the roduetioti will be acceptcd A fatal t'nisenROr Trnln Wreck, PiTTSiiune, Mareh 20. The Chicago Limited express, coming east, ran into a land sllde near Columbus at 4 o'clock this morning and was wrecked. Later reports say that Engiucer Rich ards and the firemen wero instantly killed. All the passongern are tnoie or less in jured, but noue wero killed. Ihouaggage master anil a brakeman wero slightly injured. Eightjef the pas Hcmgers wero hurt, but uone of thorn bad boues brokeii, and It is said all will be able te go through te their destination. What Uauaml II In Death. Asiilnd, Pa,, March 20. The coro ner's jury iu the case of James Caruey, who died yesterday, after being stiuek by Jamen MoPadiieu, teuud that tlie deceased died from a complication of diseases, though death may have been bantcued by MoFadden'a blew. A fslie llepurt. Nasiivilli:, Tenn., March 20. Tiiere is ue foundation for the statouieut mnde in the npceiai dispatohes, sent from here en the 18th hist., that two men had bcen sliet and killed near Hatsburg by auother man with whom they wero playitig cards. A find ami Fittiil AcclUent, Uilicitwoei), Tenn,, Mareli 20. James Rewetis shot nud killed Miss Iteark last night whlle handling a pistol, lle had takcu her home from chut eh. A murderer Keiilt(iil llAnuisnuiie, Mareb 20, This morning tlie governor grauted a respite until June 8 te Jesse Carter, of Allegbeny county, noiiteucod te be hanged en thu Ud proxime, rire tu Trian, aALvr.TON,Marcli 20 Heard's grocery Pennington's general stoielieuso uud a saloon wero burned yesterday at White wrlfcbt, Gragtien county. Le3s, ?!i0,000. WKAltlKIt InllltlATlON.I. WA8HiN(iTON,Maieb 20. Per tbe Middln Mlantle stntes, olearing, followed by fair woather, northerly te westerly winds, higher barometer, nearly stationary tom tem tom peraturo. OyiniintilciNut All Ancient lllvnrtleu, Au Etiglish writer en gymuastie exer, oise says that gymnastics lu any technical roube reniaiiu'd unknown te modern Eurepe until about 1771, wben, at an edit, oatienal establishment founded at Des sau, physical exercises wero introduced as part of tlie system. Boeu afterward a cer tain Oiilriiuuths of Qetha published a weik en gymnaBtic.4,nud promoted tbe praeticoef them In many places. Hut in Get many it was Jahn of lieilln who llrst started a public gymtiasium, lu 1311. Ills estab lishmunt, with several nthers which had been founded in Imitation of it, was closed in 1818 by the pelice, en the gieund that tliey wote used as places ei political Intrlgue. A royal doeree at last re estab. llsbcd their legality in 1812 and slnce that time they have nourished mere iu Germany than olhewhoro. MAtihtiic. fxuniieipiii uiHrhui. PuiiADBLriirA. Slur. OT-rieur nieaiij ily tei i Hztra goeiibmndfl8upoiriiiHbtato,ll7S03 0e ileHiUtlJr.ut ru. iimillv. i 00ii3 00 1 Ohie ft Indium iniiilly. woneot Minn, eiini. clear, is m.iA rni en tniliilit. (3 60420 15 t wluternau cut, 0if0 7it Bprlng d. W Wi0 73. llyu Heur dull a' W no. Win heal steady but unlet i Ne 2 Westtrn lied. $I07iDl07Ht "e. 3 de, t7KQiei Na. 1 Penn'Ajlted, l 17. Cem quiet t Metuner uiued and yerew, 67m (t.V.K) t null jollew nnd tnlxud, UluUiO) Ne. 3 iiilziMt and yellow, 67ON0. Oats quiet unit stuuiyi Ne. 2 White, Hit 4tHe e. 3 de 430) Ne 1 mixed, 4Jc. live nimutcsa'tie. Seeds- Clever dull at 8.Q9)e t Timethy dull at II (0l (3 1 KlaiBoed llrm uttl 70. Pievlnlims nteaily, titr demamli Mess .,ru 4i'iNiM"nMl! Hint Maun.i'S.'OiS.VIi Illllll I Mes Iteet. iU2U0. Hntou-Smekod BheuUKri, fKi sslt ?fo!lSK&ra0kea IUm' lHlet pickled fni. stonily I Atl Aflln,l mt IMA liuttcr fcnrce nnd wnntcd t Croemerjr extra nnd nrsts, nemtnnl lVeturn eitrn, M 1Z&lO0,O,,'1O,C0' Km" oheese llrm wim fMr ilninnml t V. T, mil ";,"n". 'JMQI80I Wosiern de,' 13'ijiJHi nkfiii'luSiun? "."'."KmiOI PnTvart WldB,iy,tiril,ronne,,'8a- Mw Yerk AlRrnau. Nbw Ierr, Mnrch SO .riour-Blnte nnrt WMtiirn dull unit declining. Benlhern euit nml iinchnmred Wheat y,ae lilahernndvnayitnn, rlth a iiiiiuv lii'iii-r ' J i" ! i Flit 'A KRII. ti imaiuvi. Cernii tililobettnr hut voryqutet: Mlied Vnstern, spot, cndCJt de ttttiire, MKfyUKa. Oatn without (llietnbln clmnae, Including Ne. 2Mny. 41a June, 4l40 Utale, 41 UHet Western. l0O40e. n r.tve Stoelc Murker, CiiKMoe llej Itecalpti, o,e head I ship, munis, ; WiO head t iniirketslew but nleadyi reiiKli pnaklug, (S2i)qa 70i pneklmr nml nhin. pnnr, tT-iit 3J llrfht, $31Kua 75; skips, It 9 73. IHIAI f tlll I II 9 tttlt 111 t IM UnH I ftJe . uniiie uoceipts ,- uenu i nmpmants, i u de. i market mew out, Hinnny I ex norm 103U tin (Hi ueixl te ohnlce nhliinlntf 0U6 lilt common tn medium, e(js w corn feu icxiun,)iiu. Sheep llecelpla, 1,500 head j nhlpmentn. 1,403 de i market nlew nnd prices linchnngeil t In ferior le fair, tifi t uiudltiui te iretii, IIQ5 i choice le extra, AfJ1 73. Lumbs, IS SOfJO. Kaht LinnnTT Unttln slew ; prime, fl 23 if (I'd) fair te noed, 15 5038 'il common, iQb ; li celplx, 835 head : shipment, 4.0 hend. IIeks Blew i receipts, l,Sbi) head uhlpmnnts 80 head l'hlludelphlav 17 4037 0i Yorkern, 01QS7i) Hhecpdullt prlme, t3K0QH fair te 0525 1 oeuimoii, .f(3 60; receipts, Hiohead; alupmentn, 3,200 head. htoetr, mnrBSM. Quointlens by ltucd, McUrann A Ce , Banl Banl en, Lnitcaater, l'u. 11 A.M. UK. sr. w. Mlchlatm (Jentral... K Nuw Yerli Cenlrul 114 nail Ohie Central "h Del. Lack. A WiMtern.... lWi nuw uurauy uuiuuiiMtn 12: 103 si 65 via 21 27 73 43JiJ 71 Denver 4 llle Uranue.... 19) Erle. ............. ........... i Kunsai A Texiu... V2 Lnku Bliore 10.15 ChlciKO.V N. V coin.... ll'Ji N. N., Ont. A Western ht. Paul ft Omaha 31 l'uctne Mall 5V4 ItechesterA I'ltlBburglt nu ram 111... ...... ......... 4 rncinc 2i)i , l'ncltlc.. Till Texiin r union TV HUIUSU-UIIlllltJll........ Wabnsli 1'roferreil Weat'rn Union Toleurnnh Louisville A Nnnhvllle... S. V., (Jill. A 3L L 27 l$i 71 S3 7i 472 LehlKh Vnlley .... Lelilgh NavlRallen rennayivamn... ! KOKUIIIK r. t. a iiutmie Northern I'ncKlc Cem... Northern PaclUc l'ref... lfojtenvlllo l'lilindelphln A Krle Nortnern Central.... UndoricreuiuL Caniulu Southern OH.,,,,..,,,,, ,,i,k, roeulo'ei'HH.innirer 2.1 75iJ 214 11W loex fiiiiuaeipnia. ejaolntlensby Aceclatcd 1'rees. Stocks iulet and Arm. l'hllndelphln ft Krle It. 11, .... iieuuniK iianreaii I'lmnnyivantn llntlread, IiflhlKh Vallev ltallrnad. i "7i United Companies of New Joreey 1U3K Northern l'ncltlc 212 71 Merinern rncme rreierrei....... Nerthern Central Hallread Cl?s Lenlch Navlpatlen Company 47U Norrlntewn ltallrend 11 IK Central Transportation Company......... 34 1'lttdbV, TltUHVllle ft ltultalell. U 772 LUUe BchUVlklll UUlreiul CIK flew or. (luolattenn by Avaoctated Press, Stocks eanlsr. Kloney easy at lQ2e. New Yerk Central... XWi Krle ltallrend 21 Adami Kziiress IIS Michigan Central ltallrend VIM Michigan Ueuthem UnUreud larili Illinois Control Uutlroed 131H Cleveland ft Pittsburgh Hallread 134 Chicago ft Ileck Inland ltallrend... ...121! I'lttnburKh ft Kert Wnyne Unllreud U3 Western Union Telegraph Company 7Wi Teledo ft Wabash f!K New J erney Central 8S New Yerk Ontario ft Wiwtcrn 10) Leem Btecs mnrt Demu llcperted by J. II. I.enif. l'nr Lest vel. 100 100 100 100 s&le WJ 114 120 1000 10a 100 loe 10V 102 1201 11-2.73 its 112 146.20 US 151 191.23 1S9. taw 114.20 140 161.25 77,2fl 131 113 110 Lancaster City G nor, con t isss.. ldTO., " 1895., R per ct. In ler 30 years per ct. ttcuoei i.enn .... 1UU 4 " inlei 20 years., loe 4 " in 6 or 20 years.. 100 " 4 " InlOorSOyears. 100 Manhulm boreuRh lean 100 Hi IK BTOCKP. rtrst National itnnk 1100 Karmers' National Ilnuk M) Kulteu National Hank 100 Lancaster County National Hank.. 60 Columbia National linnk 100 Cbrlstluna Nntlennl ltnnk. 100 EphrnUi National ltnnk IOC Kirst National Hank, Columbia 100 First National nanir, Birnsmirg.... luu Klrst National Hank Marietta 100 Klisl National Hank, Mount Jey.. 100 I.ttltz Nntlennl Hank 100 Mnnhelm Nntlennl think loe Union National Hank, Mount Jey. 60 Nowllellnud Nntlennl bank. ...... 110 Oae National Hank 100 ejuarrvville National Hank 100 TUBNriKI STeese. HlirHnrlncrft Heaver Vallev t 25 $10 HrldKopert ft 1 leres hoe 13)( Columbia ft Chentnut 11111 20 :nliimblaft Washington SO X3 18 74.C5 IS 10 47 43.03 21 60 81 63 66 75 103.28 118 44 : 2ffJ VI 43 49.79 30 KM 23 i y,25 210 5 10 1 21 60 60 60 Columbia ft His Spring Columbia ft Marlutt. ...... a 23 Maytown ft Kllzabellitewu 23 Lancaster ft Knhruta 23 Lancaster A Willow Street 25 atruamirgA Millport 25 Marietta ft Maytown 25 Marietta ft Mount Jnv 25 Lanc.Ullrnbntht'n ftMtddlet'n 100 Lancaster A Frultvtlle. 60 ljincaaterftLltltE 25 Lancaster ft WUllnmstewn 25 LnncasUirft Maner... Lnnctuterft Mnnhelm LuncnsterA Marietta 60 25 25 Lancastur ft New Ueliuiui Lnncuster ft Susiiuelmnna 100 , SOO MlSCmLLANSOUS STOCKS. uuurryviuu ii. jw M MUleruvlllesireelL'ar Inn. ulrur Printing Company Has Lh'ht and Kuel Cemnanv Ml 60 25 Htevuns lleueu (HnuiU) Columbia Una Company 100 25 oeiumuin wuuire.empany Susquehanna lien Company 100 Marietta llollewwnro loe Stevens Heuse.. 60 Sicily island 60 EnntUnuidywlneft Waynesb'if.... 50 MlUoruvllle Nermal Scheel Northern Mnrket.. 60 Knntern Market 60 Western Mnrket 60 uiaontXANueos son no. Qunrryvllle It. K., due 1WJ 1100 Keadlm; ft Celmnbln IL ll6's 100 Lancaster (J as Light and Fuel Ce., due in lei-SO years 100 Lancaster (Jus Llklit and Fuel Ce., duelcbtl 100 Mauhelin Horeuuli Itends US ut 100 103 100.3 1)UllL.IU HAI.K ON BATUKIIAV, RIAltUK 22, put, will be sold at publle unle at the Helster house, corner et North Queen and Chestnut street, nil thnt eartnln two-story HIIICK IIUILDINO, known ns the FullSND- SHIP KNUINKllOUSK. Bate te cammence nt 7 o'clock In thn oven even luj;, when rondltleus or salt) will be undo known 1)7 JOHN McCULLKY amletuers, IlBKnr SuuucnTt Trustoes: a uctienesr. iu3,10,U,13,17.11,tJ ABlKlNKU KbTATK Or- HAUUhL WIN. ger nnd wlfe, et Providence tewnihlp. The unilursluned auditor, appointed te dlstrlbule the balance reiunlntmr In tbe litinds et Samtiel Miller, asslue-e, te and among these legally entitled te the snme. will sit ler timtpurpcmieu Thursday, April 10, 1631. at 10 o'clock h. in., lu thu Library lloem et the Coutt-lleusu, in inn city ei i.ancasiur, wneru all persons Interested In nald distribution may attend. WILLIAM N.API'LIC, uil'JStdeaw Auetter. l)ALl.'IJ HEALTH CORSET New take the lead et everything In tte Cor yet line, as ladles rind li tbe most COUrOUTAHLB P K It T K 0 T iflTXlNO Itarment worn. Merchants say It glrca tli Kit a Islnctien of nur Corset they uver sold. rer .ah, by all 'JS&aT11 utWSMt 'NewlUyen.Ceani de, ' m . 'y n 'il ft nl -y.. m . ' '1 ft .1 I