m miwwijju i4i u jMgrwregaraEH i m "-,WfW-T T" IV'-V aggggcygr r jW - Vl "7- -?msj - vj jpjftf,OT Y'lTj'T"''. ,N, , ; pr-" - vawz' "yp y iff !'s, 1 j I UvAAMv I MVV Yoliime XX ,n 170 LANCASTER PA ., WEDNESDAY, MA11CII 19, 1884. Tris Twe Cent. ' I1I.OII1IMI. ir Kill ft IIATIM'DK, SPRING OVERCOATS, SLMIINU SUl'lV, SPRING SUITINGS. Hprlng OiiireeulH In nil tlm new nliiuli s (it IjOIIK HCItKWM, made, te suit u fuslileiiuhln Unde, with "lilt tell iitnl iiiiiilliuii litiiulli. Olll'SlOCk il SI'IUNh HIM M lltll lllV IIMldV ler luipcctlen 'l luy it n liiU'lc limn raruliilly soled ed iimtci IhIm In liumlsiiiiieiiml tttiactivn Mylcs, mid p-i'iiirlu Hiieii .i variety us will unable us tu jili iLiu ever limey (Jel Hntiiplcn or Our $10 Siilfs. (Jet humpies or Our $11! Suits. Can Ih'IiiiiI by culling at the store, or will tin lllllllllll lip-Ill IIITMlltlttlKHltilD'HH. Hl'KIM. WOOLEN III nil tlm nitty, beauti ful and I lixhlntuthle patterim ler FINE CUSTOM TAII.OItlNG. I litest Kiixlilni! Plates ler Inspection I'or I'er lert Mltlng (iariuciit In terrccl blyliH guar nulciil. ' MYERS & RATHFON, LEAOlNU LANCAaTLIl CLOTHtEK!?, NO. 13 HAST KINO STREET. LANCASIKU, I'A. A a Ol,l kimsii, HOT A !.KW fium, WlthNtW Goods AND- New Business Methods. At. I. Ul IMJUC II V-KllS(lVl'.V '1 1 1 K A I). A.SI'A.h Oh 'I 111'. (.AMI TI1ANV- AC1ION. Hn liuMer (,uh mill selling leu ( .i -. 1 1, inubliN Burger & Sutten MERCHANT TAILORS & CLOTHIERS, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, TO dlMi Botter BtimuluB lu Gertnlu Lluea of Rortdy-made Goods Than Oan Be Had Elaowbero. Till) (.ceiIh urn tlie Cheapest, llie Finest nml iicsi.miu lurniym every puichiscr surely run sirui en, rut en. It jeu want runt-iloeti, or u Ceat n cut, cull iiili k, v, llli your inenuy, ou or Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASThU l'A. 11-lVit II IH1II & ISItOTHKK. ATTENTION! OUR $12 SUIT MADE TO ORDER.. Is the ltst offer nor given te the people, te liuve u geed, mibstuntlal, well tilinmeil, geed tilting suit or clothing uiii'i'1 ler t he r rlcn ii r. iimiIv mudetiitl Wi' have tlm go ds In differ utlt stilus utidusk you te call and m a thutu. THINK OF IT, AN All Weel Gassimere Suit FOR TWELVE DOLLARS, MADE TO YOUIl OWN ORDER. ALL WOOL PANTALOONS TO ORDER, FCR POUR DOLLARS. ffirsh & Brether's I'KNN HAM. CLOriUNO 1IOUSK, Neb. a nnd 1 North Queen Streot. I.ANCA8TKIC, l'A. 11." KICIIAltT. GREAT REDUCTION -IN1- FINE CLOTHING -AT- H. Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East King Street. Iiionlerte riHiucnii licnvy oleulc et FINK. WOOI.KNH uml In umUn loom ler tlie SpritiK linpertiitlnn, I 111 ninkn up te onler nil lii-iivynulBlitbUlTINClSaiulOVKKCOATlNa Fer the Next 30 Days ttt a Re duction of 25 te 30 PerOt., or First Cost of Get ting Them Up. I liuve alie n. I.uru'u Anaortment el inedluin. wulglit WOOI.KNH ter tlie etirly bprlni; tnule, which will Un mmli) up lioteio tlie BprliiK tnule st'tH In nt mi ciiuul reduction, te ive ompleymont te tuyhutulK iIiuIiik dull season tun a nova uiwuctwx jh run V A till OSLV. N. 11. Mv satnple c.inlH of Spring Importa Imperta Importa tleiiH ure new rumly mul tiny nt my cuateniurs ilenlreus el ycurltiij chelcu elylea cuti de .e new. H. GERHART. triuTuniA Cern Remover. The most oirectlvo propur.itlen ler the ro re ro iiievul et Cerns, lliiiueiis, Warts, etc., uvur placed boteru the public. Warranteil te emdlcate couipletcly imi wllhlii a short time the most ebduiatu corns, hard or tell, without pattt. it u a I'ejiTivu cunu. set.n at BOHTOLD'S DRUG STORfl. Ne, 101 WKSTOKANUKaTUEKT. cerner Oli Chai lotto, Ul-lyd BUR&ER & SUTTOI, mir uueim. 0 lAiti'K-r -AT- HARNISH SiCO.'S, 46 WEST KING STREET, wet" rTw'tTi'Vi" '"K '" 0llr 5l,telner" A ''''- Extra-Supec Carpet, AT 71e., WORTH We. I'KIl YAllll. AI.HO, JtAG CARPETS Ofmirewii iiiuniiliiriiiiniit very low iirlci'N, Witcle tlm mruiHt liiiiiniMi In tlmclly In Kuk riirpi'lB liccuiiHi we inalcc Hid Imit Carimt ler llie liuwl iiieiuiy, mill our ciiilem ltn Cur pnlHiire IncrcuHlni! fJ) jiiir idiil nvury himikeii i ami wn Klvn cuBteim.m purluct Biitliliictlen. 1NUI1AI.N CAIll'K'lHnl 250., worth 40c. IWUHH tlOODSernllkiniN. (Irnit llnrKlnH In III.ACK (JAHII.M KltlCS mill .1 KllhP.Y Cl.OIIIrt, mm M), lONHelhll klnil.H, im (Jleviix, llmu ei nil klnilx, t. beiiD, llivillLiilu;i unit IlinurtlliKI. HeuBOfurnJshing Dry QoedB, SlietitlilKf. Tulile l.lnunn mill Tlchliitf nt l-ew I'iIciui. airCI.OTIU.NII MA l)K lOOItlir.lt nt Mierl notlLe. Ne. I Prlmn Slenmul PKATIIISUS nlwnyg en limul. Jareb Harnlhli, Wilmer Hess, Ne. 4G WESl' K.INQ STREET, fulj7l-lliiilA2niw I.ANCAfJTKII. IM. N TKWHI'HINW llllllll.i Grand OpeningI TOT, SRAND & CO,, llnve ItncelVDil kUly emus mul ll.ilra of NEW SPRING GOODS Within MinpiiNt wml nt llie lowest prlrta evur kneun In tluilitittery of lliu Dry (ioeils IiiihIihuh. NKWSI'INO DKKSB (lOOI)". OTTOMAN mul )1N CIIKCK 6UIT1S09. MKI.ANdKS, IlKIIKUKS, AUMfllKS. 11..ACK AM) COi.OltKI) UAHIlMKItKS. NKW COI.OItHlli KllhSS SII.KS. SaV SI'lllNO IIOUKIIV AVI) OI.OVKS. CAMi:ilICmulWlSS KMIIItOlDF.ItlKH. KUCIIINOS. COI.I.AUtnilil LACKS. NKW CAl.lCOKSntiil lKltCAI.K8. WASIIINU OINUIIAMS nml CIIKVIOT3. MIIItTl.NU l'ltl.NTb mul CAMIIKIU". TAI1I.K I.INKN, .VAI'KINS niKlTOWhi.S. bllKKTINOSnnil TIM.OW MUSI.1.VS. LACK CUIflAlNS mill 1'II.I.OW bllAMS. Peimlar (JoeiN at Popular Prices -AT TIIK- NEW YORK STORE, NOS. 8 & 10 KAST KINO ST., I. VNCASI'KIl. l'A. N t"..t ixieit te run ceuitr mnisr. PAMESTOCK'S. Is! SIS! Sis! tVuM worth nt III ACU.CO' OUKI). bTltll'K nml MIKCK SII.KS. .Iiwt lmiilil iretn nti mi mi liertvr a auction suit) In .New 1 erk. Ilrnwn, Nuvy llliie, Myrtle Ollve, (imnct, mul llrenra bllle. only .;7Kf. Nuvy lllnp, llrewn. Mvrtle Urrnn. Ilrenza anil eurnut bllkx. U)?,C5c, 75c, mill (1 00. Htrlpn Mlka, illllurunt conililntitlens, l3e, M)e G2e unit "5c. Clii ok Sllkn, lilnek mul wliltu mul wliltu nntl black, We mul G$e, clicnii. Illurk hllk ut M)e,lc. 7.''0, 87Kc, fl.W, tl.UK. $l.,Jl.:e. 11.75 uml 12 te. TUB 1IEST SII.KS AT 1'IUCHS WB HAVE KVKK UPFfe.Ul-.lJ. UUH BLACK SILKS Atll einnil 1.124 am biiintlfli ut llie prlre, mul weitliy tliu mrly iittuntluti of thesu In wiuil. J- Ou ami tiller March 17. our itntn will bu eiHin In tlie oveiiliij; till liu thur netlcu. E. E. FannestecL I.ANUA8TICH, l Next Doer te the Court Houae. VAUUlAUKtl, CV, 1 7im: eAitniAtii: iiujL,er.iib. THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk UFI-AN'CAbTKIt COUNT. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN ItKAUOPOKNTItAI. MAIUCKT II0U3B8 I.ANOASJT'lilt, l'A. We inake ovuryBtyle lliiKgyund Currlnue ileglred. All work flnlKhcil In the most com cem com leitablo and elegant style. We une only the bent buluoted tmiturlal, and empley only the host lnuchaulcM. rer uallly of weilc utu prlcea ute the cheapest In the Mate. We buy ler cisli nml mill ou the most reasonable terms. Ulvu us n call. All work wanauted. KKrAlltlNOl'UO.MVTI.VATTKNnKlJTO. One Hut et workuieu especially employed ler that nut pese. nlil-tfil.tw 1'llUTUUUAI'JIH, J." . IIOTK. There has been such a Cem anil for I.AllUK l-IIOTOUUAl'11.4 that 1 wen cimpolleil te get a VKilY liAUOK UAMliUA 1IOX te meet the demand. We can new muke you a, l'HOTOua small as the smallest locket will held up te u Much Ihce, te tit an 18x22 Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen; Streot. une2-lta MKIHllAu. "UIIIC'UH lll'.MKIIIKS- CUTICURA A POSITIVE CURE yeit Kvunr mtii or Skin and Bleed Diseases, FROM PIMPLES TO SCROFULA. MM) (II, KANSK Till: HKIN.Hcalp and lllred 1 of IlclilnK, feily, I'luiply,(.oppiirCelorni, HcrofuleiiK, liilicilti-d, ati'l tonliiitleu Hum or, llioeil 1'olfieiiH, L''ci-w, A'-bcikmih nml In luntlln MkluTettuti-H, tlieCirricDHA llitucuiu mil Inlallllili). Outli'iirH Iti nl vnt, tlm new Itloecl I'urltlur, IMiirolleniul Ajinrlcnt, nxpeN iIIbiiiinu unniH from tlm bleed unit pomplriitleii, uml Unix re. mevcn lliu cattle cuticcra, tlm ureal Mlti Cure, tiUiitlv ullayH ItclitiiK mul luttiimtuii. lien, cIuiiin tlie Skin mul bculp, IiuuIh UlciirA uml feriM, luntenm tlm Cninplmlen. Cirrtcu ha Beat, nn eiiUllln Hkln lleaiillllcr and Tellet lteiiililn, u liullnpunsiible lu lu-iitlng ikln illieiuu. mul ler rnuuli. cliuppeil, or Krea.y skin, blackhead, liletrlirM uml baby humor. Cutieuha ItSMiiniifgnrii tlie only In. fallible, bleed purlllur-i uml Hkln beautlllurH. Jlm. llmiKliteii, r.i , luwyer. 28 Hlntn t, Ilotten, riipertsu chid of fnlt llheum unilur hlrt olnerviitlen ler tun yeim, whlt-li tevnrml tlie putlimt'n hotly mul lieib,aiid te which nil knew motheilHof ticntmiint hint henn iipplhul without bcnellt, which wui cuiplelcly t-muil niniy by tlm cmcuiu ickmkuie-, Ii-uvIiik a cluiiinml healthy hkln, Air. nml Aim. Kvrrrlt Ktrhbln, llolclier llelclier tnwn, Muni., write : Our llltln boy wiih torrl terrl bly ulllicteil with bcrerulu, Hull Itliuuin, uml KiyHtpelaH oTerflnco hu v. ha lint n, nml noth ing we could k'vu him helped hltu unttl we tried CUTtcunA Ukmkuim, which tjraduallv cured him, until he In new in talrui any child II K. (jHrpni.tnr, llenderHOn N Y., cured el rerlii"U or l.epie.y. el twi-ntv juurH- BlllUlllIt', by CUTICVIIA ItUMKOIM. Till) most wonderful cute en joeord. A iluttpuuful el HcaliHlell inmi him dally. 1'hynlclaiiBiind IiIh IrteiiiU HieiiKht he muit ille Curn nweru te belere u Initlce el tlie pe-ice mul Hundeinun'H tuent nretulnuut clttzem. Mr. t. -., vhliplr, Decatur, Mich., writes Unit het luce, head, uml heiiiii purtH et her body wure alineit raw. Head cevere.1 with hCalu unit beiih. Mullered learlully uml tried , very thlnit. Permanently cured by tlie Cvticuha ItKMKDiKfl tretn a bktn Humer. fold by nil ilriiKUlHtx. l-rlce : cirricvnA, OOc.t ItlWOLVKNT. Ill BOA1-, 2,'iC 1'OTtUll 1)111 U AND CiikmioalCe., Iloateu, MllHH. tlnuil ler ' Hew te Uuro bkln DIsPHiin." CATARRH! Sanferd's Radical Cure. TIIK GltKAT IIXI.SVMIC DISIIM.A- HON OP WITCH I1A.KI,. AMeill- CAN I'lVK, CANADIAN Kill, MAIUliOl.lt, CI.OVKI'. lll.OSSUJI, KtO. Fortle lmmedliile itellpl mid I'urtnnnnnt ('uroel overy Inrm et Calarili, trem ublinple llcml Celd or Inlluen.n te the l.etts of Hmell, Tunte uml UearliiK. Cenqli, ltreuchl'ls uml Incipient Ceui-uiuplUm. Unlit-f lu live mln ute) In uny nml every com), .NeUHiik llke II. Oratcful Imnnint, wheleiiniuu. Ctuu belina from tliNtuppltcatlen, uiut H rapid, radical, pertnunuut mul nnver talllm;. One boltle Uiullciil Cun-. enn Ilex Cntiirrhal Solvent uml b.iuterd'ii Inhaler, ull In mm package, termina u cninpletu treatment, of ull ilrtiKKlxH ler II. Ahk for SAWurenii'H It ap ical C'UIIU i'OTTUIl Druu and Cukvical Ce., llOHtOU. Pain is tha Cry of a SaffwiDg Nerve. Colltiie' Voltaic Klcctrle lMuater tnituiilly aireclH the NurveiiH Systeiunml biin!hei p.iln A pertcct Klectrie Mattery combined with u I'oreui riiiHtur ler 25 cents It unnlhtUtcs p-iln. vltultzu4 wii.il; uml wetn out pute, ntiountliens tln-il muacles, tirevnnls dlsuise, and dei mere In ene-n-iil the lime than any ether phisterlu tlie weild. bell every vinote. tiiurl-lyitW.S.ftw c IH'OINi: l'OHUS 1'I.ASI'KII. THOSE WOMEN FOLK. Mew linrci-llcnOed Men rttlinikta Slim 1 1 1"U" Which They He Met Ull(lfrt:ind. Any' edy who has led u demcitlc llf( knows hew comnien nuch IhlngHUH the backache and p.ilns lu lliu chPbt, me umenK the woinen who de the work. Olten uml perhnps K'meraUy the dldlnmcs am borne without inueli com plaint. The woinen set about mul the ma chinery et the home i;ee-i en. Ileyend tl)H, these conre tialncd miltiials whom New Kuk land women call "tlie uiun folk," seldom leek. Helonn us thtdr wlvoienluuKhlorsuro net nc. tiiully In hed, under tlie doctor's care, the uv oruce thlck-aklnneil husband mul lathei k'vcs the subject tin nttuntleu. At the satnu time the peer housuheld ilrudu'ci who duserve a botier fato-creepureund. bioem or utimsllh in hand, upntutrs, ilennatutisuml ouleld 019, (lelmttlinl woman h wetk, which "Is niivvr ilone." Lesses et leved nlvus ami fair Klrls leascH whoe Hiidilenucss uml unexpectcdiuxs attenlsh thnae woedun-patod hiiHbimls uml lalherH-lall, seemingly nut of a cleir hky uml lertn the logical scquel te the story 01 neglect. New, you men who stand ut the heads et ten thousand such homes, allow uh te (Iren u word in your lucepttve cat. If thebe women et yeuts ute w 01 lb husliii;. they ute wn th suvltiK. That back-ache-that, pal 1 In the cheat t What 111 e tuey hut Indications of eeuic organic tioublent the kidneys, the hem t, or the lungs 7 Ktid It ut once by the application 01 lll'.NbON'e CAI'CINF. l'UUOUM 1'l.AsTKIt. It wlllsoelho I hat nervous dlutinss, drive away thut pain, b.uihh that dull, weary head uc lie. glvu new strcnulh te thu body mul troth hepe te the heart. Noetlur plasUrs will de this. The llensun riunter, houecr, Is net tniiCet soil but te heal. It 1) a toiiied) which never yctbroke lldprotnUe-mul never will. Your druggist has It. Hut 1 clout paying your 25 cents mid putting the plaster lu yeut pocket, leek ler thu weul UAI'CINP. cut lu inlddlM. Beubury A Johnsten, I'liatiniicmitlcal Cliem Ills, New 101k. uil5 luulWAHAw 31 U HIV At. lNHTHUMKNlti. w IlX'OXiJ WIUTK Wilcox & White Organ Ge. SrKCIAL TEN BAYS SALES. NOW1STIIETIMP. TO 1!U PIANOS AND ORGANS AT BLAUUUTKIUNQ l'KICES. Oue Geed aitcend-IIaml 1'lane f.V.Oe Olie Klegant Hecenddland Organ ISM) Oue Klugunt New Organ, 12-step couplers uml Hub lluss MOO Wilcox & Whtte Organs trem 173.00 te 1 150X0 "Knabe," MeFball, Orovenotoin & Fuller, Koyateno, nnd Voeo ds Bena Pianos, All Marked Down te Bettem l'tlcea. A uicsl glyeu uwuy. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroroems, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II, II, LUOKKHUACU. .0Ut. AWAY DOWN SOUTH. KKIIM MT, LOOM TO HAN ANTOMIJ. Ornplila l)ecililliii el h Heutlicru .leurnty by Hull-Ail Old llineTcxati Illy rlctiiml, The felluwltif? Ktaplile ncoeunt of t trip by rail from St. Leuis te Sail Antonie te i-otlier with tlie tletnilH of a brlef tttery in the latler city In from the pen of nn old L.iueaMrlaii writlu;: te a frletul In tills eity : On the 13th of Feb. no lefl Ht. Leuis in the hanuVome hotel car, Gallia, ou thu Minion rl & I'.iaiflu railroad. It had been Miowiiie; threttfjh the day and was luteusn ly cold in the evening, when wu left the city. The read Reamed uiiustiiilly reunh the train moved nlenc very Hlewly and can tleunly and thoie wan ntich ntieztra amount of jolting that we Hti8icctcd hoiiie danger. We tcaohed Scdalia two heuin late. TLe delay wan canned by the heavy tains having made the read bed uticeitaiu and thu roiif;hnesn was thu effectnf the ex tretne cold, which bad coverod the track with ice no that npcelal care wan iioceh Bary. Our breakfast was served in excellent Rtyle, we F,it down t) a neatly Rpre.ul tabte mid enjoyed the coflfeo, Rteak and ome.ct, ut our lulsure. This Is a vast im provement ou the plan of tushing out te a restaurant or hotel, with "twenty ntin utcfl for breakfast, " or dinner, ringing in otie's ears. Frem the car window, nfter wu had iliiishcd eating, a most brillhut bight met our eycH ; eveiythiug was covered with ice, and glittering in the muishlne ; the trceH aud grasH, aa far as the eye could reaeh, were dazzling in their brightness. Thu telegraph wirca wcre hanging iu fefi fefi fefi toeim from pole te pole, mid, in matij placeK, wcre weighted te the ground aud broken, looking llke Immcusu Btrings of diamonds. The barbed vire fences were hung with rows of brilliant fringe, rcllcct ing every color of the rainbow. Hettting comfortably in thu cushieiiH of a Pullman, we could enjoy this wintry appearance of things aud as we ceul I net coo the country olethed in the verduie of bpriug, we were glad for this unusually bcautiiul sight. We continued te travel very ttlewly and did net reaeh Indian territory until four o'clock. It was a disappointment net te have mero of a daylight ride through the Natien ; but, be far as we could judge, the country was very Mnnl.ir te Kansas ; though there wcre fewcr towns aud mero streams. Tlireucli Inillmi Territory. Vinita weh the only large plaee we patHLtl boferodark ; it presented qulte a thrifty ami nttraotive appearance ; it is really a city, but the better portion of it could net be seen from tlie cars. We watched cagerly for a gonuine specimen of the uoble red man, but the civilization of this jiait of the Natien duprived us of any Hiieh curiosity. We saw a number whose dark complexion and black hair told et the bleed that flowed in their veins, but their dress and geucr.il aspect were be modern as te destroy all the romance. There are evidently great expectations for the development of tins country, judging from the mimuretts higubeards marking the sites of prospective towns. The chief at traction hore was the beautiful sunset at this hour j breaking the mouetony of the plains, a line of hills was te bj seen, net far distant ; behind thin dark ridge thu sun sauk peacefully in a cloudlets sky, but lighting up the heavens with the 1 idlest hues of red, yellow and blue, se that we could imagtne the peer red man might easily havu been persuaded, by thu ug ug gresserB who desired te possess his hunt ing grounds, that the laud et the setting sun was just beyond the hills, aud far mero te be oevcted than the dark country en this aide. Traveiluc l'lirmigli Wattr. An hour nfter suusct we passed ever the repaircd wash-out, which had pro pre pro veutrd the train that left St. Leuis ou Monday night from continuing its trip, se that it turned buck te the city many of its passengers remaining nt vanntis towns, waiting for Tuesday's ti.ilu. About niue o'clock we found we were pasaiug through water, which had evor flowed the track te seme depth, the large o.ikcsef ice grating against tlie whcels, causiug no very pie is ant sensatien among tlie passuugers. An hour or two later we icaehid another overflow of a branch of the Canadian river, which oevorcd tlie ttaek te a depth of from two te thrce feet fur neatly two miles. At Eorae places the water washed upon the platform. Most of the passongers had retired, but many of thorn made a hasty toilet and crowded te the doers ami platform, feeling seme trop trep trop idatien ns te the result of this trip through the water 5 we knew that the ougineer oeulil net see tlie traek, and that en each side of the read was an embankment, se that if we left the track we would at least have had an uucomfertably cold bull. He fildcB, the water being se high, tnere was danger of the etigine llres buiug put out. It was qulte exciting for a time, but as luesday'H train had passed through only a few benis ahead ei us, our engineer aud oenduotor felt thut they tee could ilsk it ; and we did get through s..fely, for which all felt thankful. We reached I)cuisu:i nearly ten hours late, and Wace net until six o'clock iu the eveuiug. At Tayler, ve oveitook the train which had slatted from St. Leuis twenty-four '.hours ahead of us, and wu oame into San Antonie together, at lour o'clock en Saturday morning. We had gained titne during the night aud wero only eight hours lite. We lenialned iu our berths until heven o'elock, ai the con ductor had kindly told us net te illi-tuib ourselves and then, after out i.afe and comfortable ride of two du)a aud three uights, we left our pleasant quarteis iu thu Oullia, mid bidding our genial oemliio. ter geed bjo.drevo te the Hetel Maverlch, nfter breakfast. Hummer Weittlie- lu San Autunla. The morning was cloudy aud cold, and theiu was a he into et disappointment and a Buspiuleu that the Houtimeut about the "balmy, sunny south" was ab.ue fabtiea tien ; but bofeio neon the sun was shilling te brightly, aud the air was se waun, that we sat by an open wltuUw watehiug the ladliu promeuadiug, without any wraps, aud currylug parasols 1 The mornings have been usually cool, but by teu o'clock it grows warmer and the rest of the day is generally delightful ; at midday it has really been tee warm ler comfort ; iu the oveniugs we eau Bit ou the perch or gal lery, till eight anduine o'clock. The grass, vlues and bushes aie looking very grcen aud priug. like, and the peach tices have been in blossom for at least a week ; most of the trees are budding rapidly, and in u short tlrae will appear iu full leaf. A Texuu City. We romalced at the hotel for a few days and then found comfertablu ncoeru. modatiens in a bearding heuse ou the baulc of the San Autoule 1U01-. This Is it vety winding stream, uarrew, but a Hwilt ourrent ns It curves in nud out it affords twouty-Bevon miles of river within a limit of six miles square of city I It 1b crossed by Humorous bridges, and gives u very ploturetquo nppsarauce te the plaoe. The streets are Irregular. There tire n uuiu ber of squared or plazas at various dis tances through the city ; they are used for tnarket purposes, very tntteh ns Ceutre Square In Lancaster used te be. All of the old houses here are low, mostly oue story, built of stotie and plastored ; adebe, I beliuve It Is called ; tbey are surrotiuded by pretty yards and prosent a quaint, old. fashioned appearance, but they are rapidly giving way te mero modern homes. There nre a number of liaudsome new business buildings new occupied, and many mero are being put up ; improve ments nre going ou in all directions, aud iu a few years this aneleut, Interesting old Mexican eity will be transformed, l'etuts el lilalotle Interest. It would have been gratifying te have visited it befere these changes commenced for new things nre lu a semewhat chaotic Htate, because of the great amount of building that Is going en. Of course many of the old historic- buildings will be pro pre served nv points of interest. Oue of theso is the old Alame mission, near the coutre of the eity, en Alame Plazi, the building which Oeti David Crocket and his tnen weru building dining the siege, and wbore they lest their lives, being murdered en surrendering te Sauta Anna. It is of course much dufaoed and dilapidated but has been proteotcd by a new reef. Tnore is also San Fernande Cathedral, from the tower of which Bauta Anna displayed his flag, when demanding surrender. A party of eight of us took carriages a few days age aud visited the old missions thrce aud six miles from the city ; these are from 150 te 200 yearn old the first ene, three miles distant, is preserved iu pretty geed oeuditiou, thu iuterier being newly whitened, aud kept se that services can be held in the main part of it ; but in seme parts the old paintings aud decora tions en the walls nre still discernible, The second mission is the eldest. Frem the ittlns still standing It Is evident that it was ence a line building, the arched cntratice ever the priuoiple deer showing heisu liaudsome carving. A eolebrated artist from Spain was brought hore te de this work. There must have been a number of large figures and many smaller ones, few of which retnaln iu geed ooudi eoudi oeudi fioti ; most of them have bcuu defaced or carried away piecemeal by visitors. These missions are new guarded by fatnilies living ou the grounds, se that little mero damage can be done. Mn l'cilrn hprlncn. Oue afternoon we took a drive te Sau I'edre Springs, located in a beautiful park ; the olear spring water comes from a large hele in the reek, which is fringed about with lively maiden hair-fern, and tli en flews ever a mass of brilliant green vines, producing a charming clleet ; tut tnereus ether Bprlngs swell the stream and it Hews en through ditches made for pur poses of irrigation, and then into the Sin Antonie river. San I'edre Park is the prettiest oue hore It is about two miles from thu city, and Is n great lesert en bright, warm days, crowds going out iu the street cars, which run te the entrance. Oue evening we went dr-vn te the mili tary plaza, where the Mexicans furnish lunch, having the tables spread in the open square, with 110 covering ever them. Each table was furnished with seme kind el a steve ou which te inake colfce and uhnoelato, and 000k special Mexican dishes ; things did net leek vciy inviting, or give ene the impression of being any tee cleanly, but seme of us wero tempted te taste the luxuries which they call tumults (ta-mah-lis) aud chilli 0011 carne. We did net find thorn very palatable, but possibly we lacked a cultivated taste I Kecently we had a mild nerther, which blew rather cold all day and raised a dreadful dust; today it is qulte old. Thore urn many attractive things about this country, but we are net euthusiaBtle ever it. Thore are mero Bigns of winter than we expected te see. 0. It. I). The reiiHen why Solemon said, that thore wns nothing new under thu sun, was that he eeuld net buy 11 gee I lemedy te euro his fib born cold. Dr. hull's Ceuuh Syrup had net b'en compounded then, It bus lout "luce proved Hselt te be thu ureal bonelucllou of the ulnettentli century. .lKMVUFTHB 1'OlOSIAOi On The Otilcknlieiiiliiy, Under dute el May 8, 183J, Cel.S. F. Tlbbltls, of Dever, X. II., sends us the following "Whlluen duty In the army et tne I'oteuiao In thu swamps et thu Chlckahemlny I con tracted u compllcitlen of diseases that culmi nated lu spinal trouble, paralysis en ene side and sevurudlieasu of tha kidneys and bladdrr, uml great urinal weakness. Fer a long tlme 1 was nnder the treutmentef the host physi cians, ami tried many el the se-called remc dim, but received no permanent benefit When 1 was In the drug business In Iloaten I iieatd lavoruble accounts et thu efllcacy el Hunts Itemcdy for diseases nt the kidneys ami urinary organs, mul having decided te plve It a trial, I purchased seme ut Wingatn'e drug store, Dever, N. II., and have received grcut loll -f trem using It. The sovero pains In my hick are removed, and I am able te sleep soundly and obtain rest at night which for se long a time I oeutd net de. and the weakness In the urinary organs has been te- Heved, uml I gtnitly reg'et that I did net, test the great merits el Hunt's Uotuedy when I was tlrst taken slek.us I am confident It would have suruil 1110 fiem Boverul yoirsef siiller Ingjand 1 urn uieiu strongly convinced et this utter hearing of thu most remarkable enrcs effuctt'il by Hunt's Itemeuy lu acase of Hilght's Dlsuasu herein our midst In Dever, niter the p itlunt had been pronounced Incur ubiu liv eolebrated physicians." Mr. Tlbblttslsa retlted ilmggUt, lormetlv located In llosten, mid Is u thoroughly relia ble citizen. Cen. Kd. 11. b. resTAi. ar.itviui:. II. H. Whitney, iiHSlst'iut pestmaster, Put nam, (,'enu, writes May J. ISSJt "1 hae used II mil's lleuiedy with thu best results. I havu suirurud untold agony for eighteen months with kldnuy ami liver complaint; my water was very bad, nt times 1 actually passed bleed. This wus followed by general prostration. My iiuMiics requiting me te bu en my feet most et thu tlme made my cuse wersu, I win advised te use Hunt's lluiuedy by a lileml who had been cuiud by It, ami can truly say that It has benutltud 1110 mero than all thu ether medicines 1 have used. 1 consider It thu bust medicine ler kidney and liver tumbles, uml cheei lully n commend It te all." nil7-lwilM,W.FAw Hleked Out. Hew many poeplutheio aiuwhe ure sting gltng te rlau lu this weild that utu kicked down and out by envious ilvals. Tliemus' JCclectrie Oil nover " klckwi out'- Its patrons. It Is truu blue Fer threat ulfectleus, uslhmu nud catarrh It Is a certain mid rapid cuie r or sale by II. II. Cochran (IruggWt, 137 and IJ'J N 01 Hi Queen street. iV Kemurkabla Kcrtni, Un. Mary A. Dalley. of Tuiikhannoek, Pn.. wus iitnicted ter six years with Asthma ami llrenchltls, during which tlme thu best physi cians could glvu no rellut. Her lifawusde spall ed et, until lu Inst October she proeured a llnttle et Dr King's New Discovery, when immediate icllet wni felt, and by continuing Us u.u ter 11 short tlme she was completely cured, gaining In llesh ."' Si In a tew mouths. Free Trial lloltlesel this lertaln uure et all Threat and Lung Discuses ut C, A. Loelier s Drug Stere. Lutge llettli-sll.lO. lluctuun'i Aruicit Sulve. The llest SuIvh lu the world ter Cuts. Hrulses. Hoies, Uicers, bult Kheuui, Fuver serus, Teller, Clmppud Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and till Bktn eruptions, and positively cotes Piles or no pay iceulred. 11 it guar anteed te glvu peilect sullsluotlen or money retuudud. 1'rtcu, 23 cents per box. Fer sale by C. A. LecIhv. Heme Hirntiu Mlnileil Women Can rr Ktilute their husbands mnszlngly last, should they net de their duty. Murdoch Jlloeil Jlltteri ure a geed regulator of tlm circulation. They uroexoluslvnly 11 bleed tonle.nmlcoiisiv queiilly itrikt ut the met et timny sorletis nil. meets, rer sule by It. II. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 nml 13') North Queen street. 1 Wish Kverytimlr te Knew, llev. Ueergn II. Thayer, un old citizen el this vicinity known te every ene us 11 meat Influential clllzun uml christian mlnl.sle.-el the M. K. church, Just this moment slopped In our store te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew that I consider that both tnysult uml wlfe own our lives te Hhlleh's Consumption euro." It Is having u tremendous sulu ever oureeiinters and Is giving perfc-ct satisfaction In ull cuses ei mug wis' seiwej, such ns nothing else has none. 1)118. MAlUIIKTr JllANUK. IIourrek. Itid.. Mav IS. 78. Sold by II. II. Cochran, djugglst, Nns. 1.17 ami IJl) North Uueeii street, I.anciLsUir tohllnedl StKlHUAL. A YKIt'HUIIKltUY I'KUTOKAL.. Ayer's Cherry Pecleml. nfir.IV"? " OrrvIUe, Ohie, Sept, 10. I8S2. uvuwj. 11 Having been subject ten bronchial ntTecllen, with Ire'iiiKiit colds, ler u number et years, 1 herein certlfi that Ayer's Cheny I'ec I'ec tet nl gives inu prompt rellef, uml Is the most efloellve remedy 1 have ever tried. ' Jamks a, Hamilton. Kilitorel Tht Crcicent." P.nndHS "Mt.OlloiKl.Ohle, June wi, isii UUUUUU. ., 1 have used Ayer's Cherry l'ec l'ec ternl this spring for a novel 0 cough uml Inng trouble with geed eiruet, ami 1 urn pliiaed tJ recommend It te any ene similarly abcetud " llAllVKV llAUIIIIUAH, " Proprietor ulobe Hetol. rnrA!iKti nv Dr. J. C Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by ull DruggUta. ml0-23d.tw A UUKAT SUCOKMs. HOP PLATER. This porous plaster Is fatuous for Its quick ad heartv action lu curlmr l.mne Hack, lilieu- mutism. Sciatica Crick In the Hack, Hdemul Hip. Netinilulu. Htltr.lnlnts mul Muscles. Unto Chest, money Troubles ami an pains eraches either local or deep-seated. It. seethes, .Strengthen-) mul Hilmuiulus tlie parts. Thu virtues el hops combined with gums-clean mid ready In apply, superior le liniments, lotions nml salves. I'tlce, 2,1 cents or fl ler $1.0). Held by druggists mid country stores. Mulled ou receipt el prices. e;i flutter Com Cem iHiiiy, 1'iopileleis, llosten, Muss A GREAT SUCCESS. -The best family pill mado-IIawley's .Stomach and I.Iver I'llls. 21c. Pleasant lu action uml easy te take. nevatt-lyd&w (1) MfcVElt FAILS. SAMARITAN NERVINE. "YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH for Samaritan Nkuvinb," says 11 skeptic. "Hew can ene med icine bun spcclllu let- Kl'II.K.r.SY, DYSTKl'. BIA. ALCOHOLISM, OPIUM ICAT1NO, HIIKUMATISM. bl'KUMATUItltlI.i:,eraKM' INAI. WKAKNKHs ami tifiy ether com. plaints t" Wu claim It 11 speclfle, simply. bo be bo eanse the vlitis el all illM-asi s arises from the bleed. Its Netvlnu. Kesolvent, Alterative. uml Laxative properties miet ull the condi tions herein rulcired te. It's known wurld wide as THE GREAT Nerve Conqueror. Itrju lets and composes the pat lent net by the iniioeiiciioti 01 opimes ami drastic cathartics, but by thu restoration or activity te thu stom ach uml nervous system, whereby the bruin Is lelleved of morbid (ancles, wl fell ure cre ated by the causes above retort oil te. Te cleigymen, Luwyers, Literary Man, Mer chants, Hunkers, Ladles, and ull thesu whose sedentary employment causes nervous puts puts tratteii, Irregularities of thu bleed, stomach, bow els or kldueis, or who require a nervu tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Bamaiutan Nkuvink is invaluable. Thousands proclaim It thu most wonderful lnvlgerant that ever sustained the sinking system. tl.f.O. Held by ull Diuggtsts. Thu I lit. H. A. K1CHMUNIJ MK1J. CO., l'ropilelets, Ht. .loseph, Me. UI1AS. N. CllIlTLNTON, Agent, New erk city. a2l lyoed.tw (1.) IIOILKKH, JtU. ri'HK BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We munutactiiie ml Weep In block the IeU lowing goods : l'ortuble Knglnesen Wheels nud Hills. Hlallenery Kuglues uml btullenery Hellers. l'ertuhlu Hellers. 1-ui table Saw Mills. Large un'l Htnall llnllrr Feed rumps ; pump and heuters combined Hark. Cerk uml Cob Mills. l'ulleys, Shutting and Gearing. Heuse Cellar Heaters. Creumerlcs lined up. Steam Healing n pi clalty. Iren uml llruss Castings. Iren Tanks ter Water and Oil. Light mid Heavy sheet lien Werk. Hteiim and Water Pipes. Valves and Killings. Ilulld any Style or l'oner el ISnllerj. I'stlmates given for innchliieiy. Hepatrs promptly aiidcmutully utttnilei te Jehn Best & Sen, (PKOl'IUKTOKS.) Ne. WWW Eust Fulton St., LANOASTKU, l'A. unl.vid IHtUijKUlEH. M01lt.Tlll.-SU 1JW. It 10 lUiENDEI) Thu best 25u CoIIce In Lancnsler. AU'uys Flesh llouste'l. Weulways had geed 25oeelteo, but tottunately we havu ceme across a Daisy i.H)0 pounds). Fer body ami flavor It lukes thu rag nir thu bush. There la net tithliuulu lull el dirt or bud collee lu u bag, XT1S11EGALI II-18 DELICIOUS I Te tl.e Levtr or r UUl OF OOOD COFFEE -AT- BURSE'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET. LANQASTElt, l'A. b UHAVINU AND 1IAIB DHEaSING SALOON. Geed Journevmen nml prices sann 1 as ethei saloons. U WAGNKU, tuyis-tftl Maniypjr. ,LilIUti"t;jKltWMAH, V. A.- Y AT it a CO. -Fun- 18 8 4 New Shapes, Nevel Styles. Lew Prices. A. C. YATES & CO. . LKDUKil IIUILDINO, OOR. SIXTH & OHB3TNDT ST8 I'UlLADIiLl'IIIA. F OK ciieick; FURNISHING GOODS. FOlt FATII Kit, MOTH Kit, IIIIOTIIKK9, TKltS, COUS1NH AM) AUTS, BIS 00 TO ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KINO STREET, Hnmomber the number and stroet. T 1115 J.AUOKST ASSOKTaiENTOIT ThoHELKCTIONef COLLAItS and CUFKH In our FUICN1SIIINO GOODS IIKPAUTUKNT consists et all thu NF.WKST3TYLK3 by thu Earl aud Wilsen's STANDUl' COLLAlta wu have the iollewlns styles lu regular sizes: UIMYAII. ENGLISH, HENEOA.OAUMKL. CAYUGA, UNION SOUAItK, MYKON, ACCOMAC. Earl and Wiloen'o Stand-Up Cellars FOlt OY8. ST. VALIKIi, F1U3THA8E. GF.O. II. CLUETT ft CO. CUOWN DUAND we have In STAN I). UP COLLA1IH. 0II1ME, FKNHUKST. FKNWICK, PAUKVALB. And the HIHIIOl', n cellnr specially, sultable lerKLDEItLYUENTLKMEN. Ooen & Ce. 'a Stand-TJp Cellars. ItOYOK. TKK.VT, ASCOT.OLNKY, SPECIAL, NEW HI'ECIAL, jIEVEULY. , IlIKIlMElSTKIt ft IIUKDEN ANC1IOU 11UANIJ STAND-UP COLLAU8. CLUJJ HOUSE, TONQU1X, IDLEIIOUit. Earl & Wllaen'a Turn-Down Cellar', IltOyUOIS.GEItMANICV TOl'EKA. KEOKUK, ITASCA, Fer HOYS, the COASTEIt. GEO. II. CLUETT CO '3 CUOWK BUAND TUHN.DOWN COLLAU8. ANTON.O, 8ENATE. Coen &Oe.'s Turn-Down Collare. FLOllENCK, LINDEN. 11UKNET, UADNOIt MONTCLAIIt. Hluruielster& Ilurden's Ancher llrnndTurn llrnndTurn dewn Cellars, the Newest nre the Alcctryen anil the Hetuba, tlie latter beluga l'atent col cel lar that cannot cause annoyance te the wearer by contact with thu stud at the back et the shirt baud or by using ubove the vest cellar because the button hele Is In the outer folds. WHITE 8IIIUT8 ler TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, anil the CELEUHATEDEIGIIM1E81IIIIT, Ma.ioet l'ure Wumsutta Muslin and warrant ed a perfect lit, for J1.00, lrem which prlcea dlsoeuntot ten per cent. Is made when pur. chasing six or mere, Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 30 East King St., LANCASTER PA. "i ANaatArt et uue. 1884--SPRING--1884 GOOD TIMES AHE COMING. The tlme has ceme uml we are new ready. One glimpse ut, thu bargains eilered la our lurguiiudiittlacllve NEW SPRING STOCK -OF- Ready-made Clething1 ! AND GOODS IN THE PIECE, wlUcnnvlncn you that an era of peaceand prosperity bus dawned ler you, unit our low prices wlfl actually set you trembling with delight. Loek at our samp'e pieces, marked In plain llgutes, lu our northwest show window, illicit with thu chnicustplecn goods whleh we make te order ut thu lollewlug low prices s Suits te order ut 112 CO, lll.CO, 1 15.00, tllCO, 118 00, liO 00, 122 00, rx w I'anU te order nt ;j M), II CO, ILSO, $5.00, W.00, $7.00, J8 lOiiml J 00. lteudi.maiiu Mills for Mount 13.00, t(J 00, 17,00, tlM, 10.uO,12 00uptel(100. ,.,.., .... Keady-nisde Suits ler lleysat 13. W, $ 1.00, 1.60, M.Oi). (0 Ot). $7.00 up te 110 00. ' Cl.lldr..n?Sillti at I1.7J, IW, !W M.0O, l.OO UlltOfflW , V ne' her yen wlh te purcliase or net. plcase call, get pasted nml see. ler ycursclf whether suy ether Clothing or Merchant Tailoring Heuso can approach you with as low prlcus uml large assortment. L. Qansman & Bre,, TUB FA8II10NA11LE MEIICIIANT TAX LOUS AND ULOTUlJS.ua. Nes. 00s8 NOHTII QUEKN STIJiT Ulaht 01. the Bouthwest Cerner el Ontac Ulreet, LANCA3TKU, l'A. v Ket eouuected wttli;any ether :Cietiiif Heuso in thfl cltv. ... NUSlrsTS' iicteriuui, whBiher taclesea or un ffiSid elthir "or the puriiew 01 shoetingoe Sft' tne law will he rUridly wtf 5a liwt Sfl trespassing en wlU Unus e Um Sraers.Kne.ni.u.rthU netj.ee. ru 11. PKUUY ALDKK, EDWAUD U. FUKEMAN, Attorney let lu W Coleeia,,Hrt OlO-UUOW SPRING CLOTHING n ri '. i 1 . u if- -j 4 -5J n i S.j ; 1 I 1! M ? .'i it A if fiBti