. f. nMItgmM awU: m Volnme XXNe 1(18 LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1884. Price Twe Cfinti. V fii VLOTHtmi. ' F OH CIIOIOK FURNISHING GOODS, roil rATIIKIt, MOTHER. IIKOTIIKttS. BIS TEHS, COUSINS AND AUT9, 00 TO EKISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KING 8IBEKT, Hoinembor tliu nutnber anil street, A M Ol. II STAND, HUT ANEW FIRM, With New Goods -AND- New Business Methods. AI.I.OA8II PURCHASERS Q1VKV THE AD VANTAGE Or THE CASH TRANS ACTION. llu1riKler Citnh and selling (or Cash, enables Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS & CLOTHIERS, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, TO GIVE Botter Bargains la Oertain Lines of Ready-mado Geeda Than Can Be Had Eleowhero. ThaCnodsare tJie Cheapest, tlie Finest anil lies t, ami ter Style every puichaser surety can strut en. II you want Pantaloons, or a Cost or a Vest, call quick, -with your meney, en & Ne. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. 14-lV'l H 111811 A llltUTIIKK. ATTENTION! OUR $12 SUIT MADE TO ORDER. Ii the best efrVir ever gtven te the people te have a geed, substantial, well trimmed, geed nilinK suit of clothing made for tlie prlcoeta icatly made suit. We have the goods In differ ent styles anil ask you te call anil hob them, THINK Or IT, AN All Weel Cassimere Suit FOR TWELVE DQLLAB8, HADE TO YOUR OWy ORDER, ALL WOOL PANTALOONS TO ORDER, FOR FOUR DOLLARS. Hirsh & Brether's l'ENN HALL CLOTHING MOUSE, Ner fl and 4 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, l'A. Soets and Shoes. NKW SPRINOBTYLES 111 IIOOTB and BHOKBet all kinds ter Mini's, Heys' and Ladies' Wear are new ready te show our customers. This season's stock Is the result et an earnest endeavor te precure nene but tlui very best goods ter tlie lewest pries that only a knowledge et true values could ac ac ce'npllsh Te knew hew IIOOTB and 8IIOK8 are madn and where tlie best aru te be bought has hud luatteatln bringing te us an ex. oellent putrenaga. This ozperlenco we give te our customer In uvery pair et hoes we sell thorn by giving a geed solid article that is Honestly worth all that Is paid ler It. TUB VENDOME, A Bcwed Shoe with an extension odge, being a protection te the uppers, prevent lng them iretn Injury when coming In contact with any hurd substance. This shoe Is much worn by and Is n lavor laver lte with railroad employes, HOYS AND YOUTIIB' LACK AND IIUTTOX SHOES at all prices. A netable ene Is a llev's Hut ten llul. for $1.83 and an excellent Youth's Hal terll.SO. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HPRING- 11EEL SHOES, made upon a medel that a long oxperlenco latlie milking of shoes ler Oiilldien lias proven the wen comtettable. LADIES' FRENCH KID Opera Toe and Common Sense Walking nnoes ei tna eeai Known niaaes. MKN'd COAUSK l'LOUOll SHOES ler $1 23, andeur EM UAL. ler $2.30 Is net te be equalled ler the price anywhere We hnve a eomtertablo and pleasant salesroom ler Heets unu Shoes and will esteem It a ploasure le show you our NEW Bl'ltINO b'iOOK It yen will pay us a visit, Williamson & Fester, Healers In Clothing, Furnishing Heeds, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Vhllses and Travel. lng Hags, Heets and Shoes, WZ & 38 East King St., Lnncaster.Fa. - Our stere will be epen in the evenings uommenclug March 17. VUOTUUHAV11H, J." HUTS. There has been inch a demand ter LARUE PHOTOGRAPHS that 1 was compelled te get ft VERY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make yen a PHOTO as small as ttie mallcst locket v 111 helU up te a 6-lneh loco, te lit an 18x22 Frame, J. E. ROTE,? Ne. 100 North Queen Btreet. juueJ-ua, BURGER SUTTON juir aoeva. pAltfKT -AT- HARNISH &C0.'S, 46 WEST KING STREET. Wti ara new ettering te our customers ALL WOOL TWO-PLY Extra-Super Carpet, AT 750., WORTH We. PER YAU1I, ALSO, RAG CARPETS Ofetirnwn tnanulaotnreat very low prices. Wuttn the largest business In the city In Hag t.'arpets becausu we itiuku the bait lnriet for tlie le'ist money, nut! our custom Rug Car. pats urn Increasing Se per cent, (ivory season timl we give customers perfect satisfaction. INUItAtN UAUl'KTB at Ma, worth 40c. DRESS GOODS of nil kind. Great llargRins In HLACK CASHMERES end JERSEY GLOTIH, and NOTIONS etkll kinds, as Gleve, llose et all kinds, tub bona, Hamburgs anil Inserting. Heusefurnishing Dry Goods, Sheetings, Table Linens and 1 takings at Lew 1'rlces. WCLOTHINU M AUK TO OUDKIt At abort notice . Ne. 1 Prlme Btoamed FKATHKtlS always en hand. Jacob HurnlHii, Witmer Iless, Ne. 46 WEST KINQ STREBT, reb?Mmd.tnw LANCASTER, Pa. N EXT UOOll Til TIIK CO CUT IIOC3K PAMESTOCK'S. Sis! Sis! Sis! $3,000 wnrtti et HLACK, COLORED, STRIPE and CHECK SILKS. Jast landml lrem an im porter's auction sale- In New Yerk. Drewn, Navy lllae, Myrtle Oltve, Uarnet, and HreniB Bilks, only 37xc. Navy lllue. Drewn, Myrtle Green, llronze and Uarnet Bilks, Me, 03c, 75e, anil f 1 W, Btrlpe Bilks, illtlercnt combinations, 45c, 50e 05c nnd 73c. Check Bilks, black and whlte and whlte and black, 60e and ;, cbcap. lllack Silk at tee, Oic, 7$c, 87Ke, $1.00, I1.I2X. 11.15, lt". i.73 ami is co. TIIK 1IKBT BILKS AT PRICKS WE IIAVK EVER OFFERED. OUK BLACK SILKS At 11.00 and (1.12K are boaulles at the price, and worthy the early attention et theso In want. T- On and alter March 17. our stere will be open In the evening till further notice. R. E. Fahuesteck, LANCASTER, l'A Next Doer te the Court Heuse. i II, 31. MIT IN X CO. SPECIAL SALE -or MTJ SLIN8 -AND- SHEETINGS. W e will sell thofeUowlugbranrlsotUloached and Unbloache 1 Sliullns and Shootings at less than Manufiicturer's I'rlccs: MUSLINS- BLEACHED. 4-4 FRUIT OF THE LOOM. 4-4 NEW YOUR MILLS. 4-4 WAM8UTTA. 4-1 1'ItIDE OF THE WEST. Muslins-Unbleached. 44 ATLANTIC 4-1 I'AOIFIO. 4 4 AIH'LKTON. 4 4 ADRIATIC. SHEETINGS-BLEACHED. MOHAWK VALLEY. FKUIT OF THE LOOM, UT1UA. V In All Widths. Sheetings Unbleached. CONEBTOQA. LANCASTER, l'KUUKA. 4)1-In All WldtlH. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cor. West Kfngftucl Frlnce StP., LANOABTER, l'A TriUTHIA Cern Kemever. The meat effective preparation ter the ro re ro meval or corns, Uunlens, Warts, etc., ever placed betore tbe public Warranted te vradlcate completely n& within u short tlme the most oDilurate corns, hard ei soft, without pain. IT 10 A 1-UJlTlVM CURE, BOLD XT BJIOBTOLD'S DRUQ STORE, Ne, 401 WEST ORANGE STREET, corner el Charlette ill-Ud JOTIOK. PATIKNTS WIUII1KIU TO DUN. DR. LA ORANGE, 0? 1623 FllBCBT 8TBIET, PUItADkLrnU, IA., are requested te glve at least two days notlce prier te their intonded visit te prevent HanniiiMntmnnt and less of time. i. i ., flr.iriHiiii. nw wnrlr nn MArvnti. 111. ceses and Alli?d Disorders. Bent free by pest. Kcenu. Address a, aboye. mlmd tltlUVAL, riUKKII OUT. The distressing Irellnir et weariness, of exhaustion without rflert, which makes lUe a burden te se many people, Is due te the fact that the bleed Is peer and the vitality conio cenio conie qunntly feoble, Ii you are suffering irem such feelings, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is ut nhatyeu noeil, anil you need, anil will de yen tncaleulabln geed. Ne ether preparation be concentrates and combines iloedpurllylng, vitalizing, on en rlchlng and Invigorating iiunlllles as Aran's BAMAI'Alllf.tA rncrARKb nr Br. J. 0. Ayer & Ce , Lewell, Mais. Sold by all Druggists t II, six bottles Ter $3. 11112-18 A OltRAT HUCUKH9. HOP PLATER. this porous plnslcr Is lameus Inr lis qu nil hnartv action In curluu Latno Hack, ill: nick and hearty action In curing Latno Hack, ltlieu. nifUlsm. sciatica, Crick in tin matism. sciatica, urick in tee Hack, Mueanii Hln. Nenrnlula. Btltr Joints and Muscles. Bore Client, KlilnuyTroublesantl nil piitnn or acties eltlier local or iloep-seatod. It seethes, Htn-ngthen and fltlmnlutei the parts. Ilie virtues et hops oemblniHl with cnmn-cletin and ready te apply. mixrler te liniments, lotions and salves. I'rlce, 23 rents or Ii ler $1 00. Sold by drugKl'tx anil country stores. MhIIwI en recolntel prices. Hep J'lcuter Com Cem anv, I'roprlelors, lloiten, Mem-j. A GREAT SUCCESS. a-The best famllv nlll inado-Uawley's Stomach and Llver I'llls, action and easy te take, nevW-lydAw 21c. I'leasant In (1) TriUMBV-WOUT. DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Hccauseltacta en the LIVER. ROWELS and KIDNKYa at the SAME TIME. Hocause It cleanses the syitnm et the pelnn eus humors that develops In Kidney and Url nary DUoesus, lllllleimnes, Jnunilice, Censtl nation, I'llca, or In ltneuinatlsm, Neuralgla, Nervous Disorders and all Female Complaints. SO-HOL ID PROOF OF TII1H. It will BurcIyCiire CONSTIPATION, 1'ILKB and RHEU3IAT1SM by causing FREE ACTION et all Uie organs nnd functions thereby CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Hestetlng the normal pewer te threw ett dUcase. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the werfit fennt of tlioie terrlhle illseaics have bcen quickly rolleved, and In a short tlme I'ERFKCTLY CURED. Price, II. Liquid or Dry. Sold by drugguts. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, RICHARDSON 4 CO., Hurllngten, Vt Fend stltnp ter Dairy Almanue for 1981. KIDNEY-WORT. dccAcedAw (3) TUr.VEIt fAIUS. SAMARITlN NERVINE. " YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH for SAVAmTAM NxBVi,"say8asUeptla "Howenn ene med icine nonspecific ler EPILEPSY, DY8PKP. 81A. ALCOHOLISM. OPIUJl KAT1NO, RHEUMATISM. SPERM ATORRH, or HbM INAL WEAKNESS and fifty etlicr com cem plalntat" We claim It ii tjieeifle, simply .be. catiRO the virus el all illM'tises aiUes from the bleed IU Norvlne, Reselvent, Alterative, nnd Lnxatlve propertied meet all the condi tions herein referred le. It's known wurUl ufifas THE GREAT lerve Conqueror. It quiets and composes the patient net by the Introduction of opiates ami drastic cathartles, but by the restoration et activity te the stom ach and nervous Hystuni, whereby the brain Is relieved of morbid tnncies, which are ere. ated by the causes above referred te. Te clergymen, Lnwyurs, Literary Men, Mer chints, Hankers, Ladles, and nil these whose sedentary employment causes nervous pros trillion, Irregularities of the bleed, stomach, bowels or kidneys, nr who require a uerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaiutan NxaviNk ii Invaluable. Thousands proclaim It the most wonderful Invlgerant Unit ever sustained the sinking bystetn. ll.fO. Sold by all Drugglsla. The DR. 8. A. RICHMOND MKD. CO., I'roprlelors, St. Jeseph, Me. CHA8. N. ORITTENTON, Agent, New Yerkttty. all lyoed&w (4.) MUHIVAI. INbTUUMUMTb. ViriLUOX a WlilTIt Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SL'KCIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW IS THE TISIE TO HUY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT SLAUGHTERING PRICES. Onouned Socend'Hand Piane 130.0.) One Elegant Bocenil-Hand Organ 45 00 One Elegant New Organ, IS-btup couplers and Suh.llas 33.10 Wilcox .t Whlte Organs trnm I73.M te $130,10 "Knabe," MePhall, Qrovenatoln &s Fuller, Koyetono, and Veee 8s Seus tlanea, All Marked Down te L'ettnm Prices, Almest given away. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 162 EAST KING STREET, H. II LUCICENHACH, Agent. tebl7-tld MAVUINKHY. HAViNO uiaaoLVne paiitmiuiiii' and pctmanently closed the Chestnut fctreet Iren Works, idoslre te Inform my old patrons and the publte geuurally, that 1 am still In the business, being located In Uie Peen Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren and Hrass Castings et every deUrlptlen, and will be pleased te sorve oil who may iaver mu wun ineir patron, age. Frem 40 years experience In the business and using the best material andumnlevlnir the best mechanics, I am satltfled 1 cuu guar antee entire satlstaotlen. Castings ma u from a mixture el Iren and steel which are mero re- liablu for strenuth ami durability than the beat cast iron known. V teeth roll tilnlens, oil rolls and roiling mill work a specialty, Last- lugs made ei very sett iron, and brass cast ings et every description, 1 have ull the pat ters af the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, ru fitted and Improved, Alse en hand, mills completely flttfd up or in parts, te rephu-e old ones which have been In use ler years, guaranteeing them te glve Islactlen, angll-timd R. 0. MeOULLEY, 1KOtrKBSIUN.li flAM aiUVU.lt. . Pianos and rurnllure moved ut short no. tlce. Ontera bv mall solicited. Over 1.000 Pl" "Vea Hi three years. fm,m Ke.S.'QicwB&Mler. OAllLISLE'S SPEECH. rUU UKVUUMATIUH, MOT IIEVOI.U1ION What tne Bptaker Bald at the Frte Trurte Winner and Hew It Was ltcUel. At the dluner of tbe Freo Trade elub iu New Yerk en Saturday nlf.ht, Hpcakcr Gatliele's toast wan "Tbe Fodernl Union." IIe said : "Jr. Prendtnt and Otntlemtn of (he Club : I sbeuld be oeld indeed if 1 wcre net profoundly grateful for thin very friendly reception. It Is de much mero tban I expected, or bad any right te ex pret, Unit I fcel myself wholly umible te express my appreciation el it, "lam obliged te you also for tbe op pertunity te say n few words 1n rcspptise te tbe toast Just nuueuticcd, although it would be Impossible, under tbe olteum stances, te de anything llke jtisticote tbe subject, nnd, perbaps, I shall notcendno myself very closely te it. Certainly I shall net attempt te de mero tban call your attontlen very briefly te ene or two of tbe most conspleuous advantages con fcrred upon tbe Amoriean people by tbe union established In 1789 Tbe formation of that union, poaeeably and fraternally, under n constitution wbleb made such radical changes In tbe relations previously existing between tbe several xtatcs them selvos, and betwecu tbem and tbe general government, was undoubtedly oue et tbe greatest political achievements of modern times. It is difllault te say which is most entitled te our admiration, tbe st itcsman ship of tbe men wue framed the oeustttu tlen or the patriotism and iutolllgenoo of tbe pcople of the scveral Btatca who rati fled it and made it for tbetnselvee and their posterity, the fiupreme law of tbe land, Applause It Is, I think, safe te anHctt that in no ether part of tbe wetld could sueh a fundamental ohange liave been peaceably made at that tlme, and perhapr, gentlemen, It is equally safe te say that It could net have been made here twenty or thirty years later. " Why and hew this union waB tormed aie historical questions which it would be superfluous, and, in faet, impessible, te discuss upon this occasion. What beneflts and advantages it has already conferrcd upon us and bow its bend shall be strengthened and porpetuatcd are ques tions which challenge our attention ean stnntly. The old confederation possessed no rarans of sustaining itself. Iu fact, it was but a skeleton of a government. It bad no power te inipose taxes, te regulate commcrce, or toadminister justice. It had but ene of the otsenttal departments of a real government, the legislative and even that was dofectlve and almost impe tent. Each state bad the right te levy imposts and duties, subject only te the condition that it should net interloie with treaties entered iate by the United States in Congress assembled with foreign kings, prlnccB, or states. Thore was no llmlta tieu whatevcr upon tbe pewer of any utate te impese duties upon tbe products of another American state brought within its limits for sale or consumption, for the purpese of pietccting nnd ouceuraging ita own domestio manufactures. Tbe state of New Yerk had full pewer te impoie any rate of duty its authorities might think proper te establish upon the products of ISew Jersey brought here In scarab et a market. New Jersey possessed the same poorer in respoet te the products of New Yerk. "If the doctriue of proteetion is what its friends alaim ; ii its application te lufaut industries in new states enables tbcm te overcomo natural disadvantages and secure a bigher dogreo of preperty than would otberwiso be attainable, it must be admitted that the arraugoment existing under tbe confederation was a wise one, ami ought nevei te have been disturbed by tbe formation of the faderal union. Uut,goutlemen, the fratners of the constitution, the men who feunded thii federal union, did net think the oeufedera tlen was tbe best system. They bolievcd that absolute froe trade betwecu the several states was imperatively Uomanded by the interests of the poeplo. Accord ingly they adopted this prevision ns a put et the constitution without a slrjgle uis uis senting veice : ' "Ne state shall without the consent of Congiess, lay any impeas or dutles en imports or experts, except wuat may be absolutely necessary for executing its in spoetion laws, nnd the next preceeds of ull duties nnd imports levied by nny'state ou imports or experts, shall be for the use of tbe treasury of the United States and all sueh laws shall be subject te revision and control of Congress.' It is true Mr. Qeorge Clymer, of Penn By Irani;, said while this hub jcet wasuuder consideration that 'if tbe states have sueh diiTorent interests that each cannot be lelt te regulate its own manufactures without oneountoriug the interests of ether states, it is proof that they nrn uet fit te compeKo one nation,' Hut he steed Rtibitautially nlone iu his position, and when tlie vete was taken net a slugle state was recorded against It. Applause, " Thus free trade was established by the constitution, uet only between the states then existing, but botweeu nil tbe states that might thereafter exist as mom bets of the Federal Union. Applause I vouture te bolleve, my friends, that the most ardent advoeato of the protcetivo system will admit that the wonderful growth nnd prosperity of this country aie attributable largely te this prevision of the constitution, mero largely thau te any ether ene thiug, Applause With free commerolal intorceurso between the Btaten, our internal commerco has con stantly and rapidly grewu until it nineuuts te thousands of millions of dollars, More thau a hundred and twenty thousand miles of railroads bave bcen constructed, ever which almost innumerable trains ure oeustantly passing, carrying manufactures and ether artleles of commeroo from state te state, while the great waterwaya aie crowded with steamers and barges and ether craft laden with tbe produets of every part et the Union. The markets of New Yerk nre as free as the markets of Philadelphia for the iron and steel and oeal of Pcnusylvauia, as froe as the mar kets of Savannah, of Mobile, or Charleston ate te tbe cotteu and fruits of tbe Seuth. " What a different plotuie this country prosenta from what it would have pte- sonted if the policy of restriction and pro tection had prevailed nmeug the states as it bus prevailed for fe many years botweeu the Uultcd Stati h and foreigu countries. Applause Under the liberal poliey established by our constitution, our means ei ln'ernal communication ami trausper tatleu have Inoreased und are btlll increas ing, while under the rcfctrlctlve and ob structive poliey of Congress our morehaut marine, ence it seurce of pride and profit, has almost dlBapt cared from the seas; and uuIcsb somethlug ean be dene te ur rest its fuither doelino it will disappear entirely. Freo commerolal iutoreourua botweeu the states has encouraged trade, and the dovelopment et the national ro re ro seurcer. festered nurioulture audmanufae' tures, aud added untold millions te tbe wealth of the poeplo, while tlie ptoteetlvo system maintained by Congressional legis lation has te it large extent at least shut us out from the ranrkets of the outslde world, and limited production substantially te the demnnda of home consumption, and in many cased netually arrested tbe free dnvolepment of great industrial interests. Under this system, when any highly pro tected manufacturing Industry has readied a stage of dorelopmont wbleh enables it te' supply Immcdlate demands, Its growth must coase boeauso It caunet have its pre ducts gaining access te another market. "Tho'eonsitutlon net only prohibited the states from imposts or duties upon Imports or experts, but it expressly delegated te Congress the pewer te lay and collect taxes, duties, Imposts, and oxelsos te pay the debts nnd te provide for the common de fence and tlie general welfare. This is simply the power te ralse a rovenuo for publle purposes. It is wholly soparate and distinct from the power te rogulate com mcrce between tbe Unlted States and foreign nations, and among the several states nnd with tbe Indl n tribes, which Is conform! by another olause of the con Btitutlen. Tbe two pewers wcre delegated for difforent purposes. It Is a monstrous nbuse of the powers of taxation te use it net for the purpese of raising a rovenuo but for the purpese of regulating and prohibiting commerco. Great applause. "Let no ene, I pray you, mUundorstaetf me upon this point. The oxperionco of mankind has shown that it is iinposslble todevlsenny system orsehomo of duties upon imparts that will net inoidentnlly, in mero or less degree, oither injure or benefit private Industrial interest, I have nover hesitated te say that I would rather bancflt thorn than injure tbem, but what I mean te nvsert is that when the primary or principal object of a tax imposed by pub pub leo authority is te benefit a private Interest it is net the logitlmate use of the pewer of taxation, but a slmple spoliation, Great applause, Whother it is called protee tien, direct or incidental, nnd is or it net teally bencfleial te preductive industry, i a question about wliieh, I lmaglue, there will never be anything llke psrCeet unan imity of opinion, but, whatever may be our opinions upon that quostleu, most of us will ngrce in thinking that there may be conditions iu which it would net be wise te niake a sudden ohange, evon from a bad pelhy te n geed ene. Ap plause " When manufacturing interests have grown up under n high protective system, or through a series of yearn, and theso who nre engaged in them hnve bocemo accustomed te lean upon thobeunty of the I'overnment for support, it might be In jurieus aud evon disastrous te them sud deuly te repeal or greatly rcduce the duties. Applause. Such a course would seriously alarm many who bave ample capital ompleyod iatbese enter prises, aud when capital is really alarmed, even though it be witheutcause, the result is ter a tlme as bad ns if thore really were cause for alarm. Fer theso reasons, fur all luAereste, it has always bcen my opinion that it was the duty of Congress te proccedoarefully anil conservatively in its legislation upon this subject, paying due regard at every step te the large intoreita involved. In otber words, I am in favor of reformation net revolution. Ap plause. Mr. President, this proeoss of rofermatlon must go ou until tlie pewer el taxation is used only for proper purposes. Applause. Thore must be no step backward. Applause. Thore must be no deviation irem oerroot prinoiple and sound policy. "As I bave already previously intima ted, this Federal Union is commerolal us well ns political. Politically we are free ; commercially we ure net. Applause Wiieu our nnccsters dotermiucd te rebel against the British nystem of goverumout iu America ene of the principal j.unes nlhgcd in the Declaration of Indopendeueo was that Eugland bad out elf our trade with all parts of the world. Is it uet strange, my friends, that the governmont established for this people by theso mrae men will persUt in tbe nniutenauce el n policy wliieh must ultimately produce substantially the sv.ne result '.' Le'. us see te it that the whole found ttieu of sueb au ncousatieu against the governmont of the Union is romevod as spjedily ui olr elr olr cumstaneos will nlmlt. Applause. Tax atien must be only for the purpese of iestcriug nnd protecting legitimate trade, Ktiengtheuing the Union, insuring the prosperity of the pcople, aud perpetuating the Bystem of government under which we llve. ter myself, Mr. Uhalrman, I will oeoporato with all men nnd ullerganizi tieus, by whatover name they may be known, in every proper manner, te bring about this great result." Applause Jeariiti Wlisrten'n Vatcanlc llutt Iu order te dissipate theories that the vitreous particles feuud iu tlie snowfall of January 29 might have proceeded from iron or steel weiks or from chimnejs, Jeicpli Wharten lias made uu examination of samples of dtistfjem tlie steel weiksand I run blast furuaoe of UotUbbem. Mr? Wharten attributed the reoeutBUnsot glow t ) volcaule dust, particles which he olatrea ti bave found iu the suew near his subur ban rcsldeuce. Iu rofercuce te his last research be states that in the snowfall of January 20, the dust particles possessed the characteristics of volcaule glass as did nlse sjtne pum'ce which hnd settlcd ou a vessel in the Iudian Ocean, near Kraikotea. The furnace dusts had strongly marked dissim ilarities from the otber pattleles, Tlicfe compirifeas,Mr. Wharten contends, greatly enhance tlie probability that the miew ddat was of volcanic origin. The Londen Truth feaisiliatovenlioslng Is a constitutional defect In America; thlsmuy bose. hut thore is ene thing Knirlund eun net help ackuewledgliig-th it we have thu grout est rumedv for asthma oter known. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup llurttleu's Armea salve. The llejt Salve In thn world ler Cuts, Urnlsei sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sereH, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns.aud all skin eruptions, and positively cures Pllua e no pay leiiulred. It i guar anteed te give perlect siitisuiotleu or money refunded. Price, U cunti per box. Fer Hale by 0. A. Lecm r. A Hupuat Minister's Experience. " I am u Ilaptlbt Minister, und betore I ever thought et being a clergyman, 1 graduated In medicine, but left u lucratlvu practlce for my piesent piolesslen, 10 years age, I was ter many years iihuUeterfieui quinsy i "Tltemai' Kclectrie Oil cured me." I was also troubled with hoarseness, and 'iAemat' Jiclectrle OH al ways relieved mu. My wlfu and child had dlpnthcila, and 'Ihemaa' Kclectrie Olt cured ttiein," uiul 11 taken In tlme It will euro seven out el ten. I nm rontldeut It Is a cum for thu mei obstinate cold or cough, and If any oue ulll tnkn h Hiniill teasnoen null half 1111 It with thu Off, and then place the end et the spoon In ene uestill and druw the OH out of tlie spoon Inte the head by snllllugas haul as they can, until the OU fulls ever Inte the threat, and practlce that twice a week. I don't care hew ulleuslvu thulr head may be. It will clean It out and emu their cutuirn. Fer deafness and eaiache It bus done wonders te my curtain knowledge. It Is thu only medicine dubbed patent medlcluu that I have uver lelt llke riv eiimmeiulfmr. and 1 am verv anxious te see It in every place, ter 1 tell you that I would net be without It In my house ler any cunsldeiti. tlen I am new sintering with n pain llke lhcuuiatlsm In my ilghtllmb.and nnthlugiu nnthlugiu Huve3 me Mini 77ieni(i' Kclectrie Oil." Dr. K. F. CRANE, Curry, Pa. Fnrculuby II. U. Cethntu,drugitlst, 137 and 1M North Uunen strnet. ttlml te 11. ar it. " Fer several months 1 ondured nilull palu tnreugh my liiugs and sheuldtrst lest my spirits, appull u und color, and ueuhl with Hit nenlty reiuuln lrem my hud. My piy.ent healthful coiulltlen Is due te ilurclee. JIloeU Jlltters. Mrs. E. A. Hall, lltnghamten, N. Y. Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 197 and 13'J North Queen street. AniWT Or TUB rOTOMAU, On The Ublckahenilay, Under date of May 8, ISsVt'el, S. F. Tlubltls, or Hevor, N. II., sends us tbe following "While en duty In the army el ths I'otemao in the swamps of the Chlckaheuilnjr I con tracted a complteitlon or dUciscs that culmi nated In splnul trouble, paralysis en ene slile and soveroillsoaso or the khlneya and bladder, and great urinal weakness. Fer n long tlme I was nmter tlie treatment or the best physi cians, and tried many of thn se-called remr remr dlen but received no permanent benefit. When 1 was In the drug business In Ilosten I heard tavorable accounts el the enicacy et Hunt's Remedy for diseases of the klcnnys and urinary organs, and having itcclded te islve It a trial, I puroluieil nome at Wlngite'a drug stere. Dever, N. II, and have recolved great tollefliom using It, The sovcre pains in my biek nre removed, nnd I am nbln te slcep soundly and obtain rest at night-which for se long n time I ceild net de and tlie weakness In the urinary organs has been ic ic Heved.andlgriiitly regretthit I did net lest thn great merits el Hunt's Remedy when I was Orst taken stck.aslam confident It would have avcd me from soeral yeirs of Buffer ing; ami I am morn strongly convlnced et this niter hearing of the most remarkable cures ellect'd by Hunt' Iterneuy In a"cHse et Hrlght's Dlsnusa herein our midst In Dever, ntt- r the pitlent h id been p oneuncod ineur nble by relebrnted physicians," air. Tiebiiiaisii retired druggist, formerly located In Uoiten, and Is a thoroughly rolla rella rolla bie citizen. Cor. Kd. V. s. postal sr.itviun. II. S. Whitney, assistant postmaster, Pnt nntn, Conn., wrlles .May 3, I8il: "I bave used Hunt's Remedy with thn best results. 1 luve suffered untold nveny for olghteen months with kldney nnd llver complaint my water was very bid, at times 1 actually passed bleed. This was lnllowed by general proetrntlen. My Imtlnchs requiring tne te be nn my feet most et the tlme made mycase werse. 1 was advised te use limit's llomedy by n friend who had been cured by It, and can truly tay "that It has benefited inn mero than nil the ether medicines 1 1 nve used. I conMtler It th best luuillclne for kidney und liver t euhlcs, and cheerfully rr commend It te all." ml7.1wtlM WAFAw A walking ekrlDtuii. Mr. E. Sprlnger, et Mnchnnlesbnrg, Pa., writes; " I as mulcted with lung lever anil abpesa en lungs, Btid reduced In n. walking Kktltten Get u iree bottle et Dr King's New IMscevury ler Consumption, wlilcli dtd me se mueli uoed that 1 bought a dollar bottle Alter using tlirte bottles, teund myeelf once meiu n man, completely lestered te healtli, with a henrtv nnnnlltn. anil a rcaln In flesh 01 48 pounds," Call at C. A. Loetiur's Drug Stele and get a iree uellln et tin. certain euro 101 all Lung DUeetes, Large bottles, II.-e. (3) 1 Wlh r.veryUudr te Knew. Rev. uoergo 11. Thayer an old citizen el thU vicinity known te every ene as a meet Influential clltzun and christian minister of tlie M. K. church, lust this moment stepped in our stere te sny, " 1 wish overybody te knew that I consider that both my-ell and wife ewi our llves te Shlleh's Consumption Cute." It Is Having a tremoiuleuMHilo ever ourceunter and Is giving perfect satisfaction in all cuset et Luug Df.-te.uu-, such an nothing else has dene. UlvS. MArCIIKl'l'A FRANUE. HoURDen. lint., 31ny 13, '7S. Sold by 11. IS. cnclirun, djugglst, Nes. 137 and 119 Nerm Queen street. Lauc-uter toblleoill II lit (tUUJt. NK l'.U'Sl'KlNu ten us. Grand Opening! WW, SHAND & GO,, Have Received Sixty Casus nnd Hales of NEW SPRING GOODS Ithln the past weelc ut thn lowest prices ever known In ttiohintery et the Dry Goods business. NKW8P1NG DRESS UOOD". OTTOMAN ami PIN CllKCIC SUIT1SOS. MEL'NUK", DKURUES, AU4IURES. 1I..ALK AND COLORED CASHMERES. NEW COLORS 111 Dllh.S 31LKS. NEW .SPUING HOUERY ADGLOVRS. OAMIIRICnmISWlS'3 EMIIUOIDERIE9. RUCIIINGS, COLLARinnd LOE8. NEW CALICOES nnd PERCALES. WASHING GINGIIVM9 nnd CHEVIOTS. SHIRTING PRINTS anil CAMURICti. TARLE LINENS, NAPICISS and TOWELS. SHElCl'INUSanil PILLOW .MUSLINS. LACK CUt'.TAlNS nnd PILLOW bllAMS. Poplar OoeiIh nf. PeiHtlnr Prices -AT l'HE- NEW YORK STORE, NOS. 8iV;10KAKTKINti ST., lanusti:r. pa 1ih.irh Alitl ML .lift HAltt. -... u MAIU1K. QUElflNSWARKI (lUKBNJSWARB -AT- CHINA HALL. China, Glass, Qiieensware. THE LARGHJT AS30RTMENT. ALL GOODS EXCHANGED IK NOTSAT1E. FACTORY. Housekeepers leek te your lutcicsl. amine our stock buiore puicliustng. Ex- High & Martin, lii KAST K1NU STKKKI. LANCASTER, PA. AI'KW I HfTIIKIII.il HTOUItUOWNKOTI cul Clgurii. 1 1 rer He , at HARIMAN'S YELLOW Flt'JNTUlQ VR STORK. KV Alti: AWAHK Of I UK IMi'OKT. L1 unce et clii cklng cold in Ita llrststaue. . - . . . . .. . II l-Oll L' II ceuuh or common That which in the he- glunlng weuiu yiem 10 u mini lemony, u ueglected, seen preys upon the lungs, LOCHER'S RENOWNED COUGH S Y 11 U I aUenls liutant rcllei. I'rlce, i-Tie. ami 50c. u llettle. Te be had ealylat LOOKER'S Drug Stere, NO.HEASTltlNGST. JjjMIINUjytlVlCK WKAM, SV. "SA ,! )f A.c VATKS A OO. -VOU- 18 8 4... New Shapes, ; Nevel Styles, Lew Pricee. A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER 1IUILD1NO, OOB. B1XTH & OHB3TNDT STfi., PHILADELPHIA. M YKIW & KATIirOR. J SPRING OVERCOATS. SPUING SUITS, SPUING SUITINGS. Spring Overcoats in all the new shades et CORK. SCREWS, in ado te snlt a fashionable' trade, with eett roll and medium length. Our stock et Sl'RlNH SUITS are new ready ler inspection. They are made Hern oareiully HOlected materials In handseiuu nnd mtiactive styles, and cninprlse such u variety as will enable us te plcase every fancy. (Jet Samples or Onr $10 Snlts. Uct Samples or Our if 12 Suits Can be hail by calling nt the store, or will be mailed up n Inml-ililnu uddrcss PRINU WOOLENS in all the new. beatitl. CUHTOll'' LOi?Sl,S.W PaUrnS 'r K1NE 1 ntcst trashlne Pi ilea ler inspection. Pel feet Kitting Giirments In correct styles guar, anteed. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING LANCASTER, PA. STREET. II. OICKIIAKT. GREAT REDUCTION -IN FINE CLOTHING -AT H. Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East King Street. Inerder toredueia heavy stoek el FINE WOOLENS and te make room for the Spring Importation, I will make up te order all heavy.welghtfcUlTINaSand OVERCOATING Fer the Next 30 Days nt a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ot , or First Oest of Get ting Them Up. I have also a Large Assertmi nt et medium weight WOOLENS ler tn'e early bprlng trade, which nlll bu uia'te up betore the Spring trade sets In at an equal reduction, te give employment te myhunds during dull season TUB AIIOVK REDUCTION JS JfOR CAN 11 OXl,l'. N. II. My sample cards of Spring Importa tions are new n ady and any el my customers desirous et securing chelcu styles can de se new. H. GERHART.' "I ANSMAN A IIHO. 1884 SPRING 1884 GOOD TIMES ARE COMING. The tlme has ceme and we are new ready. Onogllmpte at the bargains olio roil la our large and uttractlve NEW SPRING STOCK -or- Ready-made Clothing ! AND GOODS IN THE PIECE, wlllconvlnce you that an era or peace and prosperity has dawned ter you, und our low prices win uciuiuiy sub juu iivuiuiiiie .uu ,''ll"t- . . . ; . . Loek at our samp e pieces, marked in plain ngurcs. In our northwest ahew window, filled with tnochelcei-trleco goods which wu u.ake te order at the lollewlng low prices : Suits te order at $12X0, lll.OQ, 115.00, 118.00, lis ei, iw ue, M ou, fa le Pants te order at ?J 60, 1 1 00, fLDO.tSOO, WOO, 17.00, mteandU CO. Iteadj.iuade'-uus ter Men at .00,W 00, 17.00, f 5.00, li).ou, 1'2 00 up te $16 CO. Read v-inade Suits ter 110) sat 13 90, $1.00,11.1)0, $5.00, te 00, $7.00 up te $10 00. Cmidren'sSults at 1 V, $1.00, 1CV, IJ.OO, $1.00 up te IS te W nether you wish te purchase or net, please call, get prsted and see. for yiurself wbetner xny ether Clothing or Merchant Tailoring Heuse can approaeh you with as low prices and large asaertmcnU L, Sansman & Bre., " iVs01 TkU Ne. CO.OB NOKTH UUELN STKKliT Right en the aeulhwest Cerner el OraBjp street, LANOASTKB, l'A. JW Net eonnecmd with any ether .CletJtlag Uouse in tbe eltv. SPRING CLOTHING ' H J i