Q ' LANOASTBtt DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, SA.TUBDAY MARCH 15, 188d. I HI'. IIUOUNDIIOO. Itlmerlail Vlnitlrullnii in 111 IMictt lnf( lii.llncr. Tlint ve nm en ttie vcrn of ijeiilln f.pilii! 11011(1 tmk tlie most tlltlllCBS HlfPJlllu will vmiture te doubt. Kvery devout le Hever in Hint most lnlrlllriit of nil wentlier noplieli, llie nroutullietf, known through wli.it viulKiltitik'B of totnpi'tntiite, necuinlely infill till ly Hint vwiornble h.irh, we liuve roiue te tlie vninnl sensen. Sume efuiir iille pntcil local (!oiitcmier;i urn oeulinuo, l'i llie fnei of liiillsntitublti f.iet nml lirrfnt..lile uri'nincii'.te maintain Hint tlie wiilespu1 ul niul llrmly enlalillslieil inititnr fultti in tint moiiiitllieK Ik founded upon uiu tli, Ml fiiielt IT tliore Unity b.iie ntiiilrvcr for tbein we infer te tlie Columbia Fpy't nnrrutlve of nn liiolilentnf real oaeiirruneo, ebtnliuil, It tells us, from vorncieui mnti. nn onitjiicercni the l'enti sylvnnla rnllreaif. Ittnjs: The w.il Union then tools nir tt e muilim, put him Inn box. unveted blm with liny, nml nulled the box dint vi-ry securely. Tlmy then put tlm box in n neiplibnrliig eell.ir, nml fait mil It te the wall nbntit four feet from tlie I'ruiiml, he Hint neither r.tts, nils nor ileps could i'rt nt the drop iiifj v t 1 1 r ''lupin t. They vIM'rd him dally about mne ii'eloek, but nnw no kI,;iir of inltirnlim bfe Itn wan te nil intent niul purpesrs ilcnd ni n deer nail. About n week boiero roiinillie day, the w milium nt the Gap embankment of the l,i'iiiir'v.iiilii rnllm.vl iIiik out n big-, faturenr i' i e(f He nnpnpp.imntly lifeless nml wni MilT nun pnlst'r They put him tu the tunic bucket of Kmttuecr J.tniiR WHIiekiw'h I'tntlni', Ne. BO. the puitiue iixid en t he Q.in inltmnd Improvements, nml net tlie hiiekct behind the bill ler, te frc tr be mild be thawed out mid brought te life. Hut it didn't wetlc, mid Air, Orounillietr ennlinueil te exhibit Hint s-tnie stubborn luiliUiuaiica te wnriuth mill llfe thnt usunlly oli.ir.n!teii7.'-n iiiittualH of tlil-i clnrs in inlil -viiiiti r. On February 2d (rtiiimlliiu: day thorp vtns n ohniiKe, however Wheti they u.illed en In'ii that met mm:, about uiiie o'clock, they found bliu nn hve'y nn n orielo t Dm inif tlm iiii'ht or eirly morning be had i-nten Iiih way out tlireiith the bexjumped down en th" rcllnr lloer, mid was running: nruiiiid ns filsUj su u Hprim; l.imb. The f.ietrt nml cliiMininUr a k nienUd a ceed bit i.T Interest in the o.ne, nbeut 1 1 in ll.ip, mid mnny j'fopleo une tu m'e him During tlirte vlnttH hoiiie onclelt the deer op n. mid n tUu (dt into ttie cellar, mid killed the proutidhe); 'I'll in ciulcd his career as a vi either prephnt. On the IM of Febiury. etn day after, the workmen en the embntikiiiiinl dun out another pretiuil hug, but they fnnnd him htill'aml (leiniiiiit, nml they put h m back into his little bril. lie bad no doubt been nut en the second, i'v bin shadow mid went back tt Iila bole fei six weckn' niote of prneefiil hltern.lMuti. (JimiI is ttie I'mund betf as a weather prep' t. The t,Hiiv,un inr llllj (lltirn. City Trc-asirer C. V. Mers and Water WeibnSupl. IjO. II.lllnull w II likely him) no opposition ler tuiieiuiuaMiuiu tbe Hep liean cauciiH el zeiincilii ; City Solicitor J. V. J'thiiftui Is ceijlldcnt of u iioiiiiiintleti ; Sam'l I.i'van having willnliawn from the rnnvani for strect e timnUsiiiLer, David L. Oeeu ih slatud for that place ; a younger Deeti cspectH te bn oiilneur nt the water works;,!. II Mnikley, Jace'i Chillis mid nuother camlniatt', want te bn clerk of common councils ; nnd Oej. Ivellur ex pects te be cleik of the rclcet branch. DreurHllnii Uiiniiiilllee AlI'lutl. At a mri'tiiif of Geero II. Themas pet HI, held last I'veniu', the following named commdeH were appeinti-d a coni ceni coni mtttee te initie nrniiiRrmenta for the cclo ccle cclo bratieuof Di'coratieu day, m thu :il)tli of May : M. N. Ht.uk. C. H. F.isiincht, JamcH HwcRer, Wm. II. II.ill, A. O. I.ron I.ren ard. Ulraiii HtiRhenjr, .1. A. Shur, 'm. II Iiimau and Audit w Swisher. The cnminiltre will meet for ergauizv Hen en Tuetday next. Wati'ii mill Cliitlii lifenv i il, The eilver watch mid pld uhnin Ktelen by Tlieil('reC'iii)inni,'lMm,fr en Ins brother-ln-lw,l)r. H. Winchcater, of Oxford, Chester county, nnd held by the thler to.Iehn K. Irwin, of Meunlvillc, li.w bet u recovered. Chief Oeicliler, havlni; learned that Irwin beuciit the vva'ch nnd chain wrore te hi in tli ' tl ey we:e utoleii property, unit Irwlu can e le town ledny mid hui.ihd ev r te tlie eliU'l, who will ferw. i I te the ewiict. tlicni tli cm l'rriiianeni l7etlll'aiC9l' Ctiiiimltten lrc line Tlie eoniuilttee en perinnmuit cortitleateH will he'il another uiO'tiPi; for the ex.itnlu ntlen of tcinolieia.ef Siter.l.iy, March 22ml, nt ttie h'cli i-dioel Iiiiiiiluii in llii ctty, nt 10 o'cledi n. in. A iMmliitulvi t'ei;. Mntitrr Fiauk in I), llnllue iins hliewn iih an I'tic l.ihl by u luntini lien, tli.it U net much larger tliuu u (jowl bized inutlile. Thn ei'g.i l.tul by her heirship hillurte hnrenll been of uerinnl m.c. Mm. ntuyer'4 fiinrriil, The Yetk ;.7 notes that II. M Netth, chij , of Columbia j II. Kd Deucl.thf, csii , of IliiitC'rctiiw.i, nnd Walter M. Fiiiiiklin, rFq , of this city, ntteiu'ed .Mrs. .Itilia L Mnjir'H fuiiural hi Yerk yesterday. Ixuttr) t'nbllu, Jehn M. Ivr niiuger, of iMauheini, has beeu reappoint d notary publlu by Oover Oever nr I'liltiKeii, his oiniiiiiirnleii te dute from Mnreh 17th, niul remain in foice until the end of the next kessIuu of the Scinte. I'ellc supper. Last cvonleg shift Ne. " of tlie city I'olice li.d a Mippi r at the hoit'e of Oftlctu Orutcrinereu llncUttcet. ThcyLnd 'etn if geed th nun and plenty of luu. 1'iiy wuy, The pay car c f the I'cuiihj lvani.i railroad company mme up jesterday nliciuoeii and the empleyes wi re paid off for the mouth, i Attuntluu Ih ciltcd te tlie aiile et tlm old U 01 net ceiil une liinilinr vni'dtlila ucnlii( at tlie Uiapu iiulcl 'llm IVemuii'd Ulirl nl-tii Ttiiipernuca Union, I'liiyei'iueuiliig to-innriew ut S.") p. in,, .n Mei.ivUm cureii, ('imtU'tel by Itev, c. S. Kicyi wiekly lurullng iucaduy 'lltorneon ut Ne, II i Nei'ih 1'ilnce street. hi ,iiiim (rret) Uiimvii. hiindiiy sei vie. s. I0J o'clock a. 111., nnd Ti p. m ; Sunday.anhoel ut'J i, in. I. union services Tuesday, Thuradiy uml Eaturitay ut i)i p. 111 1 Weituiaduy and Friday nt 7Vj P- ni. AinuetiniHiila, JVit HoeneuU Cenipauj.-On Tuesday even ing I'nt Unenuy, who la iicknewliidgeil Je be the gientnat Irish ceinedhtn or hla kind bo be bo eoro the public, will appear In tills city with hla luriju company or variety poeplo Tlie party Includes .Jehn mid Jottrtes I'endy, To Te packnud Htoelo, Mlaa liuUe Iteaney, Valjcan and ethers. "1,000 Mile iuii."-Ot till play, which appears here Menduy uvenlny, tlie Clnclunutl Hindis tnya : " Mr, uyien una hla play hnve preved ee larit innrked succuss, Judging from thonumbeisnmluppUuiio et tlie uuillenceg, Thoinutuuctlennt the pi' te H full or Inter Inter eat uml excltcmint. Tlie cliaiaeicrt, eh lug te the fact tlint the sctmu la Inld in Austiahi.lu, me devoid of Unit coiiventlonul uppeiirancu wlileh they would luive li the story wero told of ml ventures lu tliulrewn country. The con cen con v.nj.itleii u tml I veneil by n humor which U contnleu.H, Quetn'i Lace IlamHerehtt "-TLU opeia will be fcitng here bv the New Yerk opera company en nest Th railay availing, The Keiidlng WesiHH i "The meinbers of the east nnd 01 tlm olieiin weie lu uxccllent voice. Tlie coinpinydeM net centntn uny noterscr singers who nre net familiar with their paits, and tlie admlroble inanner In v. hleh they ron ren ron deiod thomusleprovoil cencluslvniy llmt thev iave been properly tuuglit ami lUUlcd, Hiet only intlioineio prnuilnniit tcnlureii of tlie work, lint In nil tlm mliinte detnlls ns well." yt(imt ihe Clttirn.-Oix Pililny iivenlnff (li'iirxnll Ailuiiw. tlm inineii clown, wlllnp. penr In tlilrt ctty wllh lilitpaiitoinlnecoinpriny, wlitrh Is lnrnr limit nvnr llil nemen Mr. Ailutns In miiiperliiil li Ins liretluir Jftinei. 'I he pantaloon unit I lie peel lty poeplo me nil flrtt tit's Mr. Ailnm Kernpiuirfli, of circus laiiu'i ImmiiniRernl tlionliew. it (.tills, KRMifnKii.-ln tlil clly. en tlie l.itli Inst. MhKKIe FelHlnger, In tlie ift li J enrel livriiKO, Tlm lelntlvuiiniiil ltleiuU et tlie Ininllvnte renpnelliilly InvlUel le ulluml the luiicrnt lieni tlie lejl'luiiciwir imr lireilier-lii-linr, Oce. I'tjlciiiiiiii, Ne ill het tli Wnhir 8lrret, en Hiiinlny utleriioeiiiit'Jo'tlielr. lntorment ut .ion ccimiinry. WmnLie-ln Hi's city, .Mm eh U, .lehn It Wclille, In llui lllli y inn el liUnie. Alllletlen oie for yenw Im liure I'litKluliltis eieln ul n At IkiiisMi nml pluatti'l te ultra h'tn ense, An l Iri'e hint I nun his intln, Klceplinf In .Ii'biii. Tlm mliillvi't nml lilrnilH et tlm rnilly nte ri'Kpi'ellnlly liivlti'il t iillmiil the leiieiiil, Iteiu his Inte icklileiicc, Ne. W.l llncklund Htreet en hciiilny ntloriieiin ut 1 o'clock. IIaiuikn .M tlm teMilrnnnnf thn Inte l'uler MrtJtiiiOiny. Mill', li II. 11, .Miilur(l It. Ilin ilini, In tlie 'M.I jfiir el lmr nue. Nutlet) el litnnnil hoiuiitter. .V4II All I ttltnf.Mt.Mh s JtAIIKIt Itlt.MM' I ll.Ntlll, lis H.Vrilltl) nviuilnif nml Kelilnr'x Heel en tup nt KC!t!ini Mull. ll ,1.1(1. Ht.'IIUr.NIIKItUKIt, Prep. Ijr.N.s i) ti.Mtt Miti't mi no vv.H live' tlll'.l lip. Ill IIAKCMAN 8 YKI.MiW I'KON r C1UAU Hit III K. I .'Oil IIKM'. ' Tlm IntfStni v I'rli'lc Invrllliitr nml H'ern iie'iiu, no. uii nnuiii vjui. r.. niui.r.i. Appl en thu ineii lstrd. It v,-i.iii.is kkaii r i.u.i(;ii i nit i:vi;nin i1 m ilm (tliiiul llenitit. Ne. ?J1 Nertli (Jticun ntitut. lit ht lieiiit-iiiiiil.i liftir en mp It ClIAH..ULiI, Prep. 1 1 ,i;NNr.lKJHIlt -IIKH HUllTltlt Ullltlt slut te Im nrutienl Itl All iiii!iiiiM'i4,iti)tiiiiff(tiil te Im pronent ler ri'liiiiiiciil en MONDAY KVKMM1 U17X o'clock. It (J. MAT7,. ami uritr.MO- (.mini lllieui' l.O.-sen O Klt'H l.uucr liter ut u ite r. i . i n 1 1 v. it's 1 1 e r k !., II Coriierut Lew nml lleckliind Htteets. ir,lliM'. n.V.rt,v J tei .'. emite, ul IIAU'niAV.s KI.I.OW Hieiti; I'li.i.r.iis uieAit PIUINTLIUAIl IllnUti. I (Hdlt'i Pin l.imcll THIS KVKN1VO nt Oil Aid. Kt IIDSTKUM Cerner Hnloen. In lenr el Ct'iitiul iUrktt, SprliiKei'ii heuren lap. II J .toil .l.r. 1 A niiiulipt'ef Wnlniit-Tep Ceiinttjm ami HIiqIvim In ietil cm .litliiri Aililms', .1 II. II VUMUAItUNKIt. liil.VWlS till pr t I livtii.v ti. -i inn; itK.iioVKe tuk IV iiulfhnlii .Villi. hi liiiitlnts trein Ne 6 I-II-.1 Ivirnr irtel te it nml :n Heutli (jnucn strri't. i'i"'"Me the reiinlitln Inn nun 7 IM .U;i.lOiM.()KII. 'l'lll-i .HI.NtlMt -HlUMI MtOttlNI': OK. 1 II co ttlll Im remevivl tut April I, ls, te 7ii hunt Mni ilit'u', new oecupled by tlie City blioe Sim t Tlllf.SlMir.lt M .Nf'iM'0., 1113 lint A.. I. MIT' IIKM.. JlilliUKOr. Uril I.N I AltVllltl liK til.KAU HAVANA Killer ClMiirs ler 5 centit, I cuimnUe tllum t lit) lll'll IIAIITJIA.Vi K.M.OtV niONT clUAIt hTOilK. fllllK I.AItllKSf ANll IIKir HTODK Ur 1 hitplirti, tttHblneunil l'olier curiU I ram 8c pur piiek up. II VUTMAN'S YKI.MIW KUONT CIUAll STOItK. WANTV.IJ A OIIOll lOllrtl'UO Hl'llll'. l'KIt mm tint enn strip wrappeia. tioel wiicuiiu.il altudy work. Iiiqulruet .1 1". WOI.K, It Se. Ill Seilh Mnlb-iryHt. J.'Oll HK I V 'I lie llft iiiiiint, I'eutie Siiiue. I.nnr.is tr, ntiMf ei'eii)li il lw A. I. Knliiifi'. I'lisst'sf alen lob- etiun April I. Ui Annly le HMIt . SHKNIC. inistri C'enirofqunre. VI. Willi-. ANll t,(INVI'.NIK.-.T HALL. FOIl ItKsr. Tlm hull or Knxlnn (,'om (,'em liiiny. . 1. (lnruiBrl Hum 1110 Flre com )im), ul.l Im ii'iit-'il. 1'eJBti Ien lvn 1m UR'il utely A pilvuif t'litriincn 10 hull In tiiitrttil li. .N. IIOMKI.I., uilSIt HI Chlel Kill,'. I.. F. O. vei ion it iiftimi nivi;s THAI AT 1 ule tu the Cour' el 1 nllcillen will 1 Loinme.i I'li'ii-t el Lunrita'cr county, oil Sat iirtluv. Mnreh ., A. I ltel. ler u charter ter the " Irnnatilni lln-t'Oiill Club," el I.ur.caiter. l'n., thf ni'p e et wliU MU te niK'OiiruL'e and ptnmote tli.t Inleiesl tit the uament biianlmll. 1 W. 17. I1KNHKL,, It. M. IIKI 1,1.1 . HI1-.T..H solicitors r I I null I' i-X( r.l'TluN llli; HCttt' Be ) ( linr In tlitiflty. II VUIMAN'.S Yhl.I.OW KIlONTCIOAIt h'lOIti:. 1)1)111. It) MAI r. tf lltiKHr.M ti. AKI.N. DY. MAIL 17. is.il, will be Held at I. I.nirn MHiiliHftabitH, Mmknt atieet. rear nt M((!ruiili IIoiike. I.iiirmiIki, l'a, 20 lie.ttl et il'si-cliHri t'ftiiiera uml Di Ivers, uml (reed Htnpiiur llniRia. Sab) locetiimt'iieont 1 o'clock, p. m. A oied ll ul CO ilnys wt.l be k veil ltd OANIEI. I-OOAN'. OI'IUIAI. Til 't'OIIAUOII I'.tUKKIIH Alll) O Weiklncmcn ncnerally. All nre itapectrully Invited te call and son tlie best mklnu I'unlR, .Inekt ts nml Hhlrts In the inaikct Mu 10 nftcr tlie most iippinvt'd P it 'crn nml llnlnli mid wnrtiiuti'il nel te rip. Ai-e I'mlci wiuir, llnili-rv, (ilovet uinl ether sta;)lt) goedt. All eliDip te suit thn prcsunt tun' s. I'li-use cull ami cxnmliie batore you "'5' HK.SItY IlKCIirOI.D, Ne bi North Oiitimi fctreet. ' ijlKii el the IIU Stocking vi 1yd SK'iAtc, MceAits, -i:e,uh. fliivliu puieli'iSLil t n C'lgnrteri, Ne. 7 Miith IJiienn mIiei t, nt Wllll.im Ileneia, uiv nlii ct will be te Rlve the best hei:nr ler the moony lu tlie tlly el I.ancHttr. Tecnnvlncu tlie luoitekeptloil nil 1 ink I. te conie unit itiveuii'iu nirini. I11LI.Y WIUTl'd OI.O UKLlAIlbB and ether gmiles, os)eclidly Hit 2 ter Se., nnd irthcy nre net 11s I represent you te be the JiiiIke buy no iiiniu My M'Kiirs 1110 nil man iilictiirml iiuilrr my tnatriictleiiH and I tukn great euro In iiclecilni; nene but tlm beat or TeIkiccii m llaveruil with putsniieuailriiKa ler thu piirpnaoet iloci'lvliuryeu. toglve ilium a tlaver, but nil et llie bent Tobucce that money will buy. Fer t.'ile at betli et my sterca, 7 North Queen Streot nnd 5 Baat Orange Streot, Laucueter, Fu. It UII.I.Y WHITF,. (1I.1()M lll'l KAIIOUtlS, WEDNEaDAY, MA.ROH 10, 1G84 'the Chiirmlng, V motional Actress, Miss Maude Granger IN TUB HUCCKlSHTI. 8O0IK.TY DltAMA I Claire and the Fergi Master" IIY KTTIK 11KNDKI180N, Authoref "Almest 11 Life " " tlulre nud the Fome .Master'1 Is no Uulng plnye 1 ut Wul lack's 'lueiitre, New Yetk, with enormous success, undur the litle or " Ludv Clalre " Ml-isUr.inger will be auppeittnl by Ills Hun Hun de. son I r limit le Ce. Kueli meinburun nrtist or Indlsputuble worth ami ubllltv, under the miiiiiiKcmontet Win. llnnilorseu, Inte et the Standufil '1 henlre, Nuw erk, ADMISSION 3.1,60 A 7J0KN1M. ltKSllllVK.DSK.MM 71CKNT3. Soilisceuroil utopert liouseomeo, inlSit V 7UI.TON OI'KKA llOUHIl. TaURSDAY, March 20. TIIK. UltKAT MUSIOAL BUCOE38 I Patterson's New Yerk Opsra Company, In Je nnuHtniuii' latest oeuiposlilon, urng nltlcuuily piediieed, the ) Tner, nnnrllrAltnTif S Lilliil HiUllllLOMlUl. Mr. Fuawk IUrranseK, 1'iep'r. niul Mnnnger. AlHeintely thu Fnvorlte Ceuilqun Opera el beui werlnn. i'.luborulely inennind with ill teut uiluiitleu toevery tletull Uorgeou. cej. tuuies nnd wardrebe. AuiiiDliig Incldeiun. Laughabluiltiutlenii. Oilginul orchestrations and boei'o. Uompletoclioiiuuiiiiuuxllllury, HUAI.h OF 1'ltlUKS 1 au 7.1(1. A 81,00. llKaKHVKDaUATa, - - - - . HI, 011 Beats leeurnd atiOpnra llouse onice Monday juornlnaatSe'cloclr. J, II, LAINK, IlilBluess Mannt'er, Cnirlne "y Ue ordea'd nt lim 11115 st 1UUNb.UlVl.ICU. 0 Tlie Largest Assortment I The Newest Patterns and Colorings I The Lewest Prices. ftKLOOK AT OUR CARPET WINDOW.-32W Our Oarpet Sowera and Layere are the Meal Rollable la the Olty nnd de work as well as dene in Phlltvdol Phlltvdel phla or New Yerk. JOHN S. GIVLER NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, uttw AitrtiUiJHJtatnttjn, ClLOHlnO OUT KNT1HK DTUUlt J llaritalnt fe'ciuili. Kuticy Uoeils, I'orket lloeloi, Uuluuue llettla. lirimlici), Henpt, Etc. niKY'rt DltUUrtTOItK, It Ne. 'flKiuitOliinKeSt, OITUATION WANTKli AUKKMAN lllltl. O wants a nltuatleu te de Kunernl heuse- wurK. It Aimlv nt NO lOiUOItWAHTHTUKET. 1)UIIL.IOS.I.K, ON WKIINrHUAY, IHAlt l'J, 1R8I, at tlin Itnlirer Hoiihe, corner Nnrtli Ituutiu mid uneHtuut utrre a, a l.nre AkBortmnntet Kurnlliire, ceiiIhUiik nunn. anil kltccun mipply, tllnlnu room clinlri. large Hldutieuiil, tablen, Uhlowure, milt hm, aiioed MOnnillnKKenK, pliine. eiilts of lurnlture, nln nln Kle uiul neutilu IjikIr ii ml lieddlni;, wunlmtiinile, llrniiln nml lnKraln (JurputH, curtuliiH and lixtuien, loe yardH et nil cloth, tievuriil bed room nml noll-letxIliiK Htevtfl, a Ne. U Nallnnal ItHiitfK. with liellur and HtluchnifiitH, and a vnrlnty el nrtlcliu net mentioned. bule te coinimince ul 0 o'clock ii. in., and conlinue until nil In sold. MUS.A. KKNDIO. tUvuir. I 1ms ft Sen, Auct's. in 15 Stlt RKI'OHT OK TIIK CON1IITION Or TIIK ()uarryvllln National Hank, ut Quarry vllle, In thuUtatuet reiinsylvanhi, at tlioeloso et linslncss, March 7, lbtli nxsoeucu. Leans nnd discounts .17,' P. 2 I). H. liemlH toaucuruclrculalleii 30.WJ0 00 Dun Irein upnrevetl resurve uuenti.. 'J,ll hi IMm trein ether Niitlenal llimka filrMiA ltcnl UKlatv, tiirnliuinnnil IUturt... (Jin rent t xpensea and taxes paid Clucks nnd ether caatiltaum Illllitet ether bunks Kraitlenal puper currency, nickels nml puitnk-8 Specle.... I.ckuI tumlur notes ittMttniiiitleii fund wlihU.H.'l rensur- G.'MJ 37 7SI 49 017 70 (iI5 00 1.1 70 37i W 1,011 00 ur ( a per cunt, et circulation) l.UO CO Total. 1WS17J27 LUUILITUS. CtplUI stock puld In f CO.000 00 Undivided prtiUts 78 OS Natlenul Imuk uetei eiitstandlnir.... '27.(XM 00 ImllvldiialdepoaltMiiuliJuctte check aJ.U70 bfl Uuu te ether Nntlemil Hunks 61 81 Total 1.2,817'.7 Stale of J'etintihantn, County of Lnnuaittr tt: I, A.H. itarkiiesi.caililoret thnabivenumetl rank, de Delumuly awnur that the above Htute muut la true, te tlie beatel my knowlcdfe unit bullet. A. 8. II AIHCNKS9, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn buieiti tun this 13th day of March, 1881. I.. M. l'KTKIW. Notary I'ubllc. C'errt'ct-Attut : UKO. W. IIKNSlfl,, O. M. HKSH, UJIIKIIT MONTOOMKKT, innrlVlbl Ulrecteru. J; .K. OALOW El.l. A Uu. Silver-plated Ware. Modern inventions have great ly improved the manufacture e( Silver-plated Ware, and skilled i designers have contributed largely te the attainment of the present symmetry in shapes. Our Tea Sets, Dinner Serv ices and Flat Ware, such as Knives, Ferks and Spoons, have the appearance and finish of sold silver. In these the assort ment is at all times large and complete. The productions of all prom inent makers will be found rep resented in our stock. In the higher grades we particularly recommend the Hard Metal Wares of the Gerham Ce. We cordially invite an exam ination of our stock, feeling con fident that the moderate prices prevailing cannot fail te give entire satisfaction te every one. J. E. Caldwell & Ce., 902 Chestnut St, Philadelphia. N JKXT llllllll TO rtlK UOUIir IIOUHB EAMESTOCK'S. Sis! Silks! Sis! W.OUO worth el III.ACK.COIORKD.STItU'F. nnd ClIKCK HILKH. J est landed trein nnim nnim perter a auction snle in New Yerk. llrewn. Navy llltie, Myrtle Ollve, Gurnet, and IliOnie bilks, only 87Hc Navy lllue. lliewn. Myrtle Orcen. llronte and Garnet Silks, 60e,G3e, 75e. and 1 00. btrlpe Hilks, dlllerent oemblimtlons, I'ie, soe, tile uml 73c, Check Bilks, black nnd white nnd whlte uud black, 50e and Gje, client). lllack Hlllc nt 6O0, Me. 75e, H7Xe. II.W. I1.12X' 1.5, 1.M, 11.75 nnd iw. TIIK IIKST HII.K8 AT l'HIOKS Wit IIAVK KVKU OFFKUKU, OUH BLACK SILKS AUt.eOnndtl.12X nre beautluH ut the urlce, and worthy the curly attention or tlioue in want. 47 On anil arter Mareli 17. our stere will be open in tbe evenlng till f urther notice. B,. E. Eahnesteck, LAN0.V3TKU, l'A, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. ifKtr AUVXUTlHKRtKNTO. .A. RiP El T NUW rs.s-'S-r-r AnVKUIlKKMKNTH. TT 1? .TU 11 ON Ol'KllA HO U.IK. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1884. Gee. H. Adams' -OWN HUMPTY DUMPTY And Star Specialty Troupe! UNOKIITIIB MANAOUMKNrOP MR. ADAM FOREPAUGH. Alae I'toprlcter et KOKKl'AUGII'a (JIUUUI KOKKt'AUUII'd (JIUUUI AND MKNAUKII1!?. LauKhlng," GEO. H. ADAMS, the Clown. AND IMS TllOUl'K OK I'ANTOMIUK AND Bl'KGI.M.TY 8TAU8. The Llvln Marionettes. Tlie IVeniluriul (Jan. "Tats who I.hukIi " "Cats who Talk." "CAt wnniiuitca." ualt win cine " "Tim only l.lvlmr Mnn Illnl." TIIK rih'-OTf."iiKonulneKuropoan Novelty. Klret appearance In this country. THUMMITINKI'TIS. IIKItNAItUO 111103. Mill ItOSA COOKK. I.ll Helle .Inlvlolle. TIIK 1'ONV HKNKOA. A THIUK OK SIOUX IN IlIANh, tieatlml by the Chlel "WallaWalla." TUB MAN illllO, the wonder et thu World, sclunttjU proneuncu him uncxplalcable. I.KSlilK llllOd. KUNKie A W tTi.CK. MIsailATlIKUllOVEIt Tenlnu IVelby. TIIK. UK All-" I.nlla Koolik." 1'ltOK. UKO. I). IUIINAIIUO'3 Military Ilrain IUnd and Orchestra. OKO. II AO.lMS.thoUlewn. .IAS. It. AI)A), tlm I'antalenn. And a liostet I'antomlme uml Speclulty Stars, who will hppuar In the entirely new version, utitltlud : HUMPTY 1JUMP1Y AMONG 1HB INDIANS. NKW TllICllll NKW 8CKNKIIY ! NKW WAItOKOUK I l'KIOKH, IB, no ami 35 UKMS. I KEbKKVKD SKATS, . - 78 UKNTS. .evbenta new en (ulualthuUpura UouteOfllro . HARRY W. 8EMUN, General Agent- 1U.INN Itlll-.Nl'.llAN. FLINN & BRENEMAN llnve iccclved from n New Voik bnnkruptsle nt unhUHid ei :oe iiez. soe nez. llUOOil.-, utile 1IUUKKT.S, nt 13e DISH l'ANi), nt c a i07 101 1)OZ. ?00 1)07, 20) IIOZ COAI. HOIJb.iit ac. LAMPS, at 23e SUKUII llltU8IIKtt, utbe 2(XI DO?.. SCItUIl HltUSIII'.S, at 10c Werth !0c Baby OarrlngcB.Voleclpodos, Erprcea Wagons and Rofrigeratora. FLINN . & BEBNEMAN'S UltKAT HOUSE KUUNIEUINO HOUE, NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A- NEW AltrjiHTlaKMiSVTH. TIDIILIIINALK. I On On WK ONES'! AY AFTKKNOON. M Vlt. ID. at ail Kmt (Jheatnut street. n Konenil in aertmui'.t et Ilnusi'linld unit Klclien Kurnl Kurnl ture, all In uce 1 cemiltl in. Sii'e te commence utlo'cteck. JACOI1 OUNDAKKIl, Ittl Auctioneer. T MltAltll.l.'H, IMIIIK AMI V1NK, iJll1l ffii, Wi'Si1' Si ' &lS tirieit Heller Fleur oeeo, loc i llOCPIIl'tl 200 ; nest Cedecs, '23c, We. 15a uml l.'e-Ircsh roasted nnd, running mill by bleam power, always fiesli ground. IQ-Iyoed E ."IITATh Ol' I'KTKlt fllcOONOMV, MTK el I.nncnater city, ilccunspil. I.ottera el ftiliclnlstnitleii en a aid ostnte having befii S ranted te the uinltrlnnel, nil poraena In In t'btetl tlierele 1110 requustetl te tiiuku I nunc dlate payment, and these having tlulins nrdtt limnils ngalnat thu aaiuu, will present them without tielav ler aoltlnnient te II. C. Ilru Ilru baker, ntlorney ler tlm untteralined. AI.IUF. K. JIUOONOM Y, mOnUlfl Administratrix. 1.18TATK OV IIH.NIIY M.Sr.NKIt, l.ATr. J el Lniicaatt'r, deceasud. Letters tPHta nientary en said cstute hnvlug been urant oil te thn iindurHlKned.nll pemnna lndebiud thoietn are ruquestetl totnnke lmmediiiteay niunt, and theso having cliilma or deiminds iiKaluat the sime, will present. tliiin without delay for i-ettlenient tntlinunilurHlKned.ixald tng lu the city el l.uueaster J 1'HMlKltW K3KNKU, WM. 7..8KNK1C, Kxeculera I.. Kllmakkr, Attorney. inS-iltdH num. IO HAI.K OF VAI.UAIII.K tllTY X Property On Hatunlay evening, March 15, 1681, by vlrluecil un order et llie orphans' . Court, the tiiideralgned will cell ut Mleluiel'a iioiertiun umpej, 1110 uiu uerrucui tyiiai unit Itumber Yard, trolling IIS lent, 0 Incites, mi Urn neitll slile et West (.onion Btreet, Lnnoas Lnneas Lnnoas ter city, boiween Arch ulley and the I'min sylvunla rulliend and exiemllng neithwurd along the l'entiayivunla iiillieul ill tutit, 0 Inehea, nml uleng Arch alley UJIect. Ui Inchts. te land nt tlie l.nncnsUir A Heading Natrew Oiugorallreotl This prepeity N aojacentto two railroads and ii well ailuptu 1 ter a Ceal and Lumber Yard, Tobacco ari'heuse, Hheps nnd Factories. The Improvement consist el n Ceal and Woyen bcales, Largu Hlubln mid Currlaue Heuse, ttentlng en Lemen atreet, with ahedding the wheln deptli et let along Arch alley. Henm In Hlalile ler 51 Merses. Hale te commotion ut 7 o'clock, whun leim wl 1 be mutle known by 123,W.tmS,l5 A. A. MYF.ItS.Trustee. 7UI.rON OI'KKA ueuai:. Tue3dny Evenlng, Mareh 18 IteRiilar Season el 1SS3 t The rocegnlsed aim Company et Amorlen ' l.niver, Hetter mid htroiiKer than uvur. Determined te muliitaln my termer lepiitullntt et having the best Spec I illy Company en llie loud, PAT ROONEY'S NEW YORS STAR COMBINATION, Headed by tlie Urcatand Only l'AT 1100NKY. The wonderful Kgypilnn Juggler, VALIKAN. TOl'ACK A Ul'hKU the grfutett bieak-neck Seng and Dnncuund UiiitusqueTeuui. KI.I.Ie tV MOOItK. bHAItl'LtY A WfcSl". musleal Illnck-Fnee Comedy ArtU's. DAY'ION A (IIIANUKU, tliernrlneil Vec.il, Terpsluherenn anil Clmrnoler Bkeleti Arttsta. 'llie Preinlur 1'nstiirnrn nml CnnlnrllniiUls nf the World, UOWK A ATIIOL. Mtsa I10LL1F. DAVKN POUT, the most nleaslng Vetullst new bulore the publle l.UUu KATIK ItOONUV. the lault less boubretto. TIIK I'KNDYrt. The onter. tulnineut will cnuolude with Tepack A Sliel'a laughable ntterpiece In 0110 scene, entlfed " INNKKKl'Kll AND TIIK MOHKKY." Full Ureas Hand nud Oichuttin. PIUCK9 A8 P81AL. Iteaervcit Fonts nt Operu lloiise olllce. mll-Jtd uuvvKJurH. s OllliTlllNO KW, 1U0 1)LEM)EI OOlrirEE. The best 25e C0U00 In Lancaster. Always Fresh Itouated, tVeitlwuji hud geed Uoeetleo, but lertunutely wubavu ceiuu uerenituDuUy (J.W0 pounds), ForLeilyuud naver It tnke the rag nir the bimli. Theiu Is net n thimble lull et dirt or bad eolteo In u bug. 1T18UEUALI lrIDKLI01OUnt Te tlie Lever of a CUt OF HOOD COFFEK -AT- BTJESK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING 1.AXCA9TKU. l'A. STREET. 1 G KU, r. HAT11VON. S ! & CO., LANCASTER, PA NKW - AND MKNAUKIIlt;. " Th re la no Harm In - k the lollewlnguooda which they aroeflerlnir J.ew 1'rlcea: Werth 70c. Werth 20c. Werth 35c. Werth 35c. Werth 81c. Werth 10c. NKW AVWUTINjeaUlNTH lxrATKl. TT BOSTO I.KAKN TltADKS. nt II, A. ALT! OK A SONS. mil it UnndM West Orange street. I. IHI. IVAnTKI) TO IM UKKKIIAL IX. lloufettorl.-. Geed releronce required. . 01. ni 1 Hits, Ne. 31 WestOraiiBeSt, Laticaster. 11113-11.1 rANTi:u AT THIS OFriOB, A COl'tf f 01 inn WKKKI.Y lNTF.I.MaKNCKU OF FKUKIJ. tr AltY H, ISM. lOHHAI.K-KIVKDOWn- UNKUriUEt A' iresii unn lour geed mllkers. Apply te I.KWIU KNIGHT, CtambnuKti l'lacti, Mtltz Turnplke. ml3 3td HUTTO', HUTTOn.'. 1IUTTOMS. Cemuand exauilnenurnndleaa variety et Fancy Dress lluttena, which we are nelllng at null prices, at SWAUIl'8, CO North Queen atrutit. Open every evening till 8 o'clock. JI03uulll l.H'KllY rlr.Nrtllll.K llOUSKKKKI'hlt ItK I J quiring Pure Tesa nnd Cetlena, in neat condition every time, should call ter 8, CI.AUICK'S Titaa and Coiree, at Ne. .11 West King Htrcnt. Heat Uriinuliited Hugar, VAe pur neunilH ; 1 pounds ler '29 cents, llest Whlte ic. c our iieiinda l.lnht Drewn H 11 gar. 23 cents. Will move te Ne. 33, directly oppealto Aptll 1, ItSI. ninrll-ljil KNlKHTAlNaiKNTH, IULTON OI'KKA UOU8K. MONDAY, MAROH 17, 1804. ltth el the DramnttoCycleno Year. OLIVER D. BYRON. fcUl'I'OltTKD by the CIlAIlMlNd ACTIIES8, MISS KATE BYRON, And the famous 1J1KON COMII1NAT10N. In the world-renowntd and rtiallatie Drama et American ami Australian lltu and diameter, In lour Acts, entitled 10,000 MILES AWAY. ililmfiil el Fun, 700 LaiiKln, Intoraperalng I iUlB. 'I lieNc Yerk Jleratit says 1 " It must net be understood tout 10,1100 Ulles Away la a play el the bonier Wind fur from It It Is thn strongest play et thndnvln liuiimn Interest." The New Yerk Telegtam biivbi " Mble's Oiuileii wus crowded te evetflnwlng every night le see the tuuulest play In thu world," l'KKJKS A3 USUAL lteaervcd Seals at Operu Heme etllcu. in nit riuiK INDIANS ARE AT LANCASTER I WHAT INDIANS: Why the WARM SPRING INDIANS, TIIF. 11KHOK9 OF TIIK LAVA IIKDS, at MjENNERCHOR hall, COMMENC1NO MONDAY EVENING, Mnr. 3, 188 1, FOIl TWO WEEKS, TIUtKETltlHKH UKl'ltESKNTED. T1IKEE nurisu uiurr, Ohlef American Herso, Ohlef Tnl-B-Ko-Ne, the Truller, Ohlef Blaek Oleud, Ttie WlzurilUllleUlietnt the Cascades, with a Hand et Wild Western Warriors -AND- Indian Squaws, with Their Pappoeses. AUTENUB. the Modoe Queen. DOVE WING, and her little I'Hpnoeto lied te u beard, alter tlie indluii custom. I'KAlllIE FLO WF.lt, the Nlghtlngale et the Mountains, In l'urler Hengs, Indian Scouts. Indian Ilravcs, ludtuii Mudlclne Men, Indian Wuirlers and Indian Interpreters, WILLOl'EN A TWO WEEK3' OAltNlVAl. AT MINNBROHOR HALL. rorlermanco every utghiaiid Balurdayinat Inte ler clillilitiu. l'esittvuly no ehlldieit ad mitted ut the night poiteriminto. ADMISSION TO ALL I'KUFOItMANUES, ONLY 10 CENTS. Ftent Bents roaeivctl ier Ladle without ex. tni charge. marU-tld SECOND EDITION. HATORDAY HVIilNINa, MAn. 16, 10B4 GABLE NEWS. VUUM KNIILANU, FIIANOK ANI KOKIT. Inatanceaet rreml llrnTcryln the Konent Ilatlle m tlm Heiidaii-rreneli l.fRlsla. tera Oppeaina; tneTiinquln War, Suakim, Mnreli 15. The troops returu. ln( te Suakim cheered greatly the jioriienal heroism of Adams Franer, the lnrgeat man of the Black Wares. Twolve Arabs wcre laid low by his sIiirIe bayonet. Drum, mono", et the same reglraent bayonettcd Osman Ulgna's ncpliew. Fifty men hnve left Ohatham te fill the vaoaneies In the Ulaek Watch roglment. The llrbela Otttlnu Actlre. Caihe, March 15, Thcre are Indications of iuernafilng activity en the part of the rebels near the Nlle beyond llerbcr. Tele grnphle communication has been cut off and a Htoamer dcsceiidlnK the Nlle from that elty has been ilrcd upon by the Insur Insur gents. Hcntrd ICgyptlmm, Londen, Mareh 15. Suakltn ndvless say that n pante occurred last nlht amenj? the Egyptian troops under Baker Pacha. They get a notion that the rebels wcie coming and took te tlielr heels. Tite of them lest their lives in the confusion. fcnglMi Ueiiimiuilttl, The Communists had Intonded te held a meeting te morrow at the grave of tlie famous Boelallst, Karl Siarx, who died in Londen a year nge, nnd was buried in the lllghgate coinetory, Londen. The police have decided te prevent the meeting nnd erders have been given te oleso the come tery. Ilerlery fnctery llnriif.l. The Midland hosiery fnotery at Bab ford. was burned this morning. Ths less Is estlmated at .10,000 pounds. OppeilDU tlie Wttr lu Tenqnlti, I'aiiis, Mnreh 15. The Left In the Chamber of Deputies intend te oppeoo n continuancaef warllke operations in Ten. quin. They nre opposed te any further sacriuce of moil and expenditure: or money. The Ilntlle In TeiKpiln, Advices have been roceived from Bae Nluh, China, dated yesterday. Thcse state that Geu Nogrler.who led tlie Ficueb forces; which ndvanccd from Unldzriiig, onceuntorcd the enemy nt X-tlrey botweeu Saugotheng nnd Lagbudi. A sovero battle ciiBitcd. The enemy wnre nt last feiced te retreat and the Fionch forces pursued them into Bae Ninh by the LnnhRen read. Tlie enemy evacua ted the town in great dlseider and the French continued te pursue thorn in thn direction of Thaiugnyun. Ilaiphseng dispatches repert that pirates had captuicd a small morehant Htoamer near that tewu and had tnurdered the Froneh captain and eleven of the ctew. Scrleua ltnlUmid Wrrck. T0110NTO, Out., Mareh 15. Early tills mernliiK, while n freight train was back ititr out et n sMitiK near Hlith Park, the rcone of the ternble noeluent en the 2d of Jauuary Inst, nnother frcisht train ran into it. The ont-iucer and tire man of the latter tralu, Roeiug it wa8 impoB8ible te prevent a collision, jumped from the train nnd wero seriously, If net fatally, injured. Tliotlamaue te the rolling stock is estimated at $25,000. The Mcxlctn Central ItftllreHd. City or Mnxice, Mexico, Mar. 15. The first through train ever the Mexican Cen tral railroad left here this meruinp, having en heard A. J. C.issatt of Phila delphia, General Manager Robinson, and a number of their fi lends. The train was composed of private ears. The read will be opened te freight and limited pasbon pasben Rer traiBe en April first. IteRiilar express trains will commenco running en May first. llurgliira seutrncnl, PiTTsnuite, Pa., Mnreh 15. Alexander Tarr nnd Aloxander Mcslclen, couvietod of rebblufr postefllccs in Klttntiulnff and ethor places, in Armstrong oeuuty, were sentenced te-day te tlve aud six years ro re ro spcetlvoly lu the Western penitentiary. Hnipendcil en Acauutitei h Ulilnsinau. Wilminoten, Del., Mnreh 15. James L. tlawklus, ohlef of police, hns been sus sus pended from efUce, pending the InvostlKn InvestlKn tinn into his asaault en Hep Slug, the Phllatlelphia laundry man. A llU Ituubtry In Uliritttr. CiiESTKit, Pa , March 15. Jeseph Deer ing's dryfioeds stere was entcred lastniftbt by thieves who carried off several theus. aud yards of silk, valued at ever $3,000. 10,000 IMre. Buffalo, Mai eh 10. A flre te-day damaged Bobcellkopfti tiiuuery. Less 11,000. WKA'lllKIt InlllUATIONM. WARHiNOTON.March 15. Fer the Midilln Atlantic states, slightly warmer fair weather, preceded in eat part by light snows uud tain, diminishing westerly wiude, higher preteure. ItAHHrtl", riilllei"i .tlrKii l'lilLAUSLvntA, Mnreli 13 -Fienr tinn nnd qulutt Hupurnnu Stute, tl 73R3 0-J I Kxtm tleH'OOSfiOi l'a. futility, $ lJ(iS Ol i Ohie A Indium tumlly, finfluet Minn ultra, eleir, It 75fi0 37i ileatrulght, f Minn i winter pat ent. lOitU 75 1 uprltig de. JOfltJifl. Ilyulleurui tlfxlia 0). Who eat tmiTKet RlvudVi Ne. '1 Wnstarn Uud, MfJOOXei Ne. 3 de, WHO i N 3. 1 l'eun'it lluil, Cern dull i sail yellow and mixed, OlflO Ha Ne. 3 tnlxutl and yi'llew, SSftS'lKe. Oils arm uud uuu ktit ti .lult Ne. 1 Whlte imjMe i Ne,a ito.4iyssiie ; Ne iiue.ujftf Het Ne 2 mUed, 4JSe ltye itcsreu at iWiiTue. BihhIs Clever dull at080iei Timethy at 11'OiSl Mi Flaxxeeil llrm uljl Ulfll TO. 1'rovlnteiiB mutket ijtiltit and stuuly Mus l'erx.fiU&Ot lluit Uaum, IMj Inula Mets lleet, IJIW. Hacon-BeiPkod 8h nlders, SKm salt de, 1)iat Binnked Hums, 11(113 1 pickled de, Laninrmi city refined at infjioket loene buteliurs, UViflOKe l pilmu sliiuui, fJs7fJUl. Ilultur-.Miirket llrmer with Tilr iluiiiuud CriiiiiDfry extni, SldJ llHts, 31U33. ltells at UKUle Eggs Uruier uud light elterlnus i extra. UIK. oliuesonim for lull crunnH ; skims iiilut ; Full cieaum, liViWise. ,, , l'uireieuui nun : reuuuu. iVMie'u, Whisky ut II i Mew Yerk AlHrunl Nuw erk, March 15 Flour-Hiu'e and Wejterududntid.it 1 lu hufi'iuvnr. Wlioaliiilvaneed'iOent thoei uiilug, later rulutl weuker ami Usl tint linproveiueiiti traile dull t Ne. 1 Whlte nominal! Ne. 2 lift I, April, f I (K1 U'JJji i May, tl llt 1IJ I 1 one, $1 13 Ul 13?. Cem without Important clinnge i modemto tradlugt Mixed Wejtern, spei, (OdtUJft de fiittir.. MAittPAItn. --- - -,...,., .. ,,.n,. xr OHUllllil uuu a eiiuuiiiu'tui i ii.iiiib , 2 June, Olie titute, UtjUiis wuituiu. :;) "He- bieciK BinrBet. Quotntlens by r.ced, McUr&un A Ce., Unnh ers, i.anctwiur, i-u. II A, U. 0. 0. A I. 0........ ......... .... Mlelilgan Central New Yerk Cuntiul Uf.i New Jersey Central. &) OWe Central ,; Del. Lack, A Weitern.... 1:7H Denver Hlo Urande.... ... Erie 'ay Kansas A Texas '0 lake Bhere , WK OiilcngeA N. W com,.,. 1I7H N. NOnU4 Westerii Vi. V.H .... .... .... .... .... bl.i'auiAuiuanu,..,. l'acine Mull aiJi .... eK i .... 13 . Wi .... ui!j lu .... soy 77Ji .... 77 t " te UK .... 75 SH .... IBM .... .... pk liociiustei'A rtitsuurgu.. Bt. 1'aul... ....... ........... Texas l'aoine...... ........ Union l'acine..... Wabuah Common Wabash l'rtiferred Weat'rn Union Telegraph l.oetaviiloA Nasnville... N. Y., Chi. A Bt, L LglUgh Ynlley ..,.,,,, mm I'Ohtfth Navigation 47K 1 1 fi nl 87 .... ml .... ml .... &3X .... low .... ... l'unnaylvania...., 5'iu KIN. .2S 15-10 I.T.A llutrale 8 Norihern l'acino-Cein Northern I'aoine-l'rof.. 40 Iluatonvllle ,,,,, wlll',0lplHn Kt,u 8niKrWfdn.::::::::; : Cnnsua Boutr.ern.,.,, fit Oil liny 1'nnnli.i. .....:. m. wv.w Q OtlUllHUt, .... .... Mew or. lJuolAtlens by A.soelftted I'reM. Blocks hlKlinr. Menoy easy at IXatcJ Allium KiprcM., , ....'la Jllchhrnn Oeniral Hatlreiui 1 Mlchljian Beuthcrn llallreatl a Illinois Centrnl ltallread.... 111 (Jlevelaml A l'lltaburRh ltallread... .......im Chlrne.t Heek Island ltullremt .....IS I'lttaburRii A Ifert Wayue Hallrentt isl tvoaiern union xeingnipn company.. u Teledo Wnbaah New Jnrsey Centrnl Nnw Yerk Ontnrln A Wntrii CO 10X ABIf AUVtiHTlHRMKnTa. AnIUNKI KIT AT K Otf IIKIIMAN MIL. ler nnd wlle. et I.nncnater city. Lancas ter con my. l'a. Ilermun Miller mid wlte e( .alienator elty, h.ivlnir bydend et velnntary iisulKinnenr, ilaled February ?J, 1814, nvaUneit uml trunifiirreil nil their ostnte and elt oiate thu uiidfrslKiiud. for tlie bnnnllt et the crod cred crod llersnl tlm slid Hernian Mlllnr, he Ihoreforo i;lvei nollce te nil ponten a lndebteil te said mslKiKir, tomakepnymtinttothe underalKned without delay, and tlioge ImvliiK claims te present thorn te A. AUI.RIt, ASilK'ies. .MIat Hneww, Att'v. iilMt'18 MALL'rt HEALTH CORSET New take? the lout el everything In the Cor seiiiuu, aa lanica nun 11 mil uieai COMK01irAUf.B inn P K 11 F HOT FITTING Knrmnnt worn. Morehants any It frlves llie Ik'hI HiitlHlactleu el any Ceraut tlmy uvnrseld. Keraalu by all lfiultiu fo.ilert. l'rlcnby mall iiia btiv iiAiiitnur .i!i) iOV. IIAUMON .tCO.. iul'-WASiflt New Unven, cennl I)lll)l'0-(I.S WILL. UR 11KIIEIVKU AT tlm Mayer's ofllce until TIIUIHUAV, M AltOlI 2.', at 4 p. 111.. ler flooring llie room Ir. which thu nuw mx minion Knllena Worthlnn Werthlnn Worthlnn len pump la being urectud at tlie Water Werk. Tlie liennla te be et the beat North Cuteilnn jtlinwpltut, 3 luetics wlile untl !' lnclii'ntlilck, also, lereullluK t(ie sauie roeui with Ne 2 Whl eplnu, net wider Ulan Slnchua mid 1 Inch thick , u:e. for wutnacetllng the aamoreoiu wl li tiwt qualltv Neitll Cniellnn vi'llew ptnc.net wider Ih'in .llnelua. K-tnctiea thick. 4 loot lilh,wltUcapef tlioenme weed ; alae, torpliiaierlng thu anne room, making ihunauie Ilnl'liasln llie olher WorthlnKten piuii)) reum the old plaster te be lntekud nnd, whiue rt!(iilretl, the .holes le be tilled with brlekanuil uierinr, te liiaurn n Reed ob 3 ce.ttg te be put 011. The window In the Houtli Heutli tirat cot hit nt tlie room te Im) bearded up, lathed nnd pliiatercd 'l he doera nnd windows te be easud as In the etlnir WorthliiRten pump loom. 'L'.ie work te bu bltl ter nan whele and nnd te be denu Immediately. The innterlnis nnd woriiiuaiiHlilptebOHUl'Jectto the approv apprev ul el tlii)8uporlntendontol the Walnr Works. Jlvortler ofthe Water Committee. .INO.T. MACUONIUI.K. ml8.3UlTh,fiAW Clialrtnnn. J." A1A11T1N&UO. SPECIAL SALE - OF MUSLINS -AND- SHEETINGS. Wn will neil Ihofellowlnglirandsof lileachcd nnd Unblonche l .Muslins nud tthoetlnx at leas than Mnniilucturer's 1'rlceu : MUSLINS- BLEACHED. M FltUIT OF TIIK LOOM. It Mill' YOKIC MILLS. M WAMSUTTA. 4 1 1'ltIDK OF TUK WKST. Muslins-Unbleached.! 4-i ATLANTIC. 4-t 1'AOIFIO. 41 AI'l'LKTON. 4-4 ADHIAT1C. SHEETINGS-BLEACHED. MOIIAW'K VALLKY. F'UIT OF TIIK LOOM. UTIUA. 43- In All Widths. Sheetings Unbleached. coNESTeoA. LANUAISTKlt. 1'KUUKA. 9 III All Width). J.B. & Cor. West King nud I'rlnce St?., LAN'.ASTKK. l'A. PUU ti.tLK. I .Olt ISAI.K, HKUOAO-ltAMU ISNUINK. Apply nt tills olllce. ris-tra l.'OK HUNT-AONK.hTOKV HOUBK, NO. l' .19 tt estein stn ut street. Apniyattue tld INTKLLIUUNUElt OITFICE. I.IOH HKNT I'KO.II Al'lllt. I. J1 The third lloer or Ne. 0 East King street, sultnhle ter uny ltlndet bustne.B. liuiulreat JI5-tltl NOS.OAH NOltTII QUEKN HT. TTIOH HKNT A IIIIIOK WAltKlleU'sK ON X1 Mlllln street, between Keulli Queen nud l'rlnce streets, itar et Ufe, m, Ulelninun A Co'HHtere. Apply at this ofllce. tt'Mfd I .Mill ItKM' L.AHOK AWIJ UKSIHAHLK 1 Frent Henm. Kimtern front en socenU story, with or without ueard inuttd S23 EAST OIIANOE 8TIIKET. I'Oll Kr-Nl-TIIF. I.AIIOKI TWtl.STOKX 1 1HIICMIE81IIENCK en nerthwent cer. iicref Dukeund Frederick streels. All mod ern couvtinleuci's hugu let with trult In ubudance,.tubKAeXNAuKuuAc0i mlNlwd 1CW East King street. 1UHL.IO HAI.K ON eATUKOAV, BIAllOrt vJ. ISdl, will be sold nt publle eule nt the Debter I10U80, corner et North yuetm uml Chestnut streets, ull that oertatn two-story llltlUK IIUILD1NO, known as the FltlEND Billl'KNUlNEHOUBE. Halotecoinmoiinoat 7o'elock In tlm even, lng, when conditions or sole will be mude known l)v JOHN MeCULLEV and ethers. Hksut Biibbkrt, Tr,'Jl'!i; Auctioneer. lu8,10,H,ia,17,ll), OIlI'llANVCOUltr BA I.K. lly vlrture et nn order et the Orphans' Court or Lsnonster county, the utnlf rslgned will seli Oil TUESDAY KVEN1NU. MAltCK 13, lesi.atthe Keystuuu Hetel, in tlie elty et Lancaster, the following valuable cliy prcp- Alet or ground en the south siile of Ksst Loiiien street. betw. en Dnkeand Llmestrceu, cenlnlnlng In trent HI feet. 4 Inehcs. u in deptli te Madisen alley xit;et en wlileh siley aroerectetltwo liiUCK ''"U3K3. .h A let or ground eh the west side of Nertn Dukostreet, between Jaiuei jnd ireder'ck ireets. containing lu lient jl toot, and in "optlite ChrUlInn tet III IjtUt hlfl Btreet ure erected a two-story rltAMB UOUBK " Hlo'le comuience at 7H o'clock p. m., when term, will be made ftg.ub J.UU3TZOOK, AdinlnMrAter et U. A. Ultner. aaM PXUX llt) Auct. inle,lJ,,17.1 MARTIN i r J V'J in Si .i n i i 41 . . I a Ml "'