3?- rtF,' "V '"''VWPfWJ' fc?V" t?"jp -rw frs v x, ( v '' rt"vv "W7 s LANCASTER DAltiY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY MARCH M, 1884.' '-F 'J. !.' H MLUMBIA NEWS. HUH HIUliJI'AM UUllltKUTONDKNUK. Tlie Itrjiular Monthly Meeting of (he Hthoel Heard rreMi Voting- Ainu Wnkn Up II10 Wrnnu Uemitryninii. The regulnr monthly meeting of the noheol benril wna held last ovening. All of the members present. Minutes of the regular meeting of February 14 read nnd nyiuevcd, The repnlr and supply oemmlttoo re ported Hint the lnstltute nnd Fifth ntroet school buildings needed repair, and the beard ordetod thatsueh be made by the proper oeuimlltoo. The yard of the Fifth ntroet nolieol was nlse orderod te be grnv clcd, The visiting oemiulttco reported the sahoels as belng in cxcolleut condition. Heme improvements wen niiggestcd te the beard for f evcrnl of the r.oheols. The spcelal building oemmlttoo advUed thnt the projected new uahoel building at Third nud l'eplnr htraets be two storied high, nnd Luge oueiigh te contain four floheols. l'rcaldeut Moyera reported that thu let en which the new school building hi te boercotcd lins already been paid for. The beard instructed the president and rccretary te sign nu nppllcatlen for the ad mission of Win. Chancy te the home for the friendless. Superintendent Ames reported the fel lowing nttendance at the schools for the month ending March 10th : Whele number attending, males, 043 ; fetnnlcn, OUQ total 1,8110. Avurnge atteudnuee, malen, C07 ; females, 691 total, 1,159. Poreantago of attendance, malef, 01, females, 1)1 Por Per Por ceutngo of nt'rtidnnce te date, male, 1)1 ; fcmnle, 01. Present every sossleu, 001 ; visits te sohuels, ITS. A immber of bills wcre ordared te be paid nnd the beard ndjurtird. Freight Cars tube tUltOil. On Sunday the wrcefcers from this place will taiiu the two freight cars which foil ever nu embankment In the icecnt wivck near Peaah Huttetu, en the Pett Deposit rallreaJ. The track was damaged for a distance of -lOOjards (luting thotimetho wicuked earn were pulled along tlie track by the onglne, bofero the latter was stepped. eUn U ttii) Wriii): l.etiitrj limn, A cuuntrjmau was capltitfd jestcrday by a party of young townsmen who at tempted te gel u littla i Tt out of him. They had plenty of It afforded them One of them was ''Kent t ginss " in the llstlctiff that the rustie get up for their amusement. They will baldly treuble a ceuutrj man again, at least net seen. llullUlec tl)if rllu, Jehn Wcsterman ' pre paring te oet a two story, double, brick dwelling h use en Cherry street. The cellar for a double, two story brick dwelling house, t be built by Adam Undenhauser, Is being dug at thccituar of Ilethcl aud Locust ntruets. Ilaruagli Jetlltisr. The Lcutuu scrvicca at St Pam'a P K chuteti tire wed nttthded. A great deal of drunkenness p.ev.. VI last iiliiht en the sheet. The llt( iiien wcre called out last evnnlt g by iu.eUict false aluitu of tire. Thu Bbawuce furnaees sliew no signs of being operated at a very early date nt pnheut. There are u great many utle boy i tin ulug the streets. Many nre ue denht truants from school. If the river lit in uoed condition by that tlruu a faw niore weeks will sce the open ing el thu rutting hcusen, Kr. Jehn Canard nud daughter, Mim Clydia, returned home te Philadelphia today after an extended visit te fiiuuds hern. Workmen wero employed in cleaning Thiid street yeeterday. Te day's rain will render it necessary that the work be dena ever again. St, Jehn's Lutheran church fair epatnd under very faverablu iuipiua last evening. The display of fancy in Heles itt excellent. Tim refreshment tables nre well supplied. The lair continues te uight nud te morrow night. The river into six inches last night aud is still rising. Hut htt'e iue is te be sceu aud that is principally nleug shere. The Kev, Francis J. Clav Merau, pastor pre tern, of St. Paul's P. II. church, will deliver his lecture en "Wnnderluxs en the Hhiue," in the eprn Unit te mnnew evenluz. The following mcetiugs will be held te night : The borough council, the Celnm bla band, Ollve Branch ledgo, Q. U O. of 0. F , nnd Bhawnce Encampment, Ne. 23, 1. O. of O. P. MUUUKN DKAIII. UN Mutlld Ooweii Kidrril l)rrrty Alter llciiriee ter nu num. In Harrisburg last cveniug MUs .Matilda Uewun aged 03, died suddenly, at the it si si dence of her sister, Mrs. A. 11. ll.tum, of heart disease. Half an hour bclore her death she sat at the round tabic in tl' family sitting room, nud retired te hi r room ou the third story nbeut nlne o'cleolc She had geuu te bed when her sister, Mis. Hantii, entered the room remarking, "Aunt Titlie, don't drace chapel leek beautiful wl'cu lighted?" Mrs. Oewen roplled, "Yes, very beautiful. I huve bi'cu lyiug hore watehmg the rclleotieu." A mluute later she exclaimed, "0, Kitty, I feel se queer, I boltevo I am going te dls l" The doctor was sent for but bofero his coming rdie was dead. Though iu fairly geed health she had had premonitions of heart diseace. Miss O, was a sister of Colonel James Oewen, contractor new of Montcalm county, Michigan, n cousin of Franklin 1). Oewrn, et the Philadelphia nnd Heading railroad, nud a ceusiu te the McOrath family of Yerk. She was the daughter of Dauiel Oewen, at ene tlme a prominent citir.cn of Strasburg, Lanoaster oeuuty, and has resided in Harrisburg slnoe 1812, Tins rn Ail JiAtJEUribTa. early vIesIiik Knits the Druircltti. At the regular monthly meeting of the Lancaster county pharmaceutical nsseuln tieu jeaterilay, tliere was n fullattondance nud rpirltcd dibcushleu of the topics Intro duccd. Thche took n wlde range, among them the ene of most popular interctt beiug the enrly dosing moveraont ; It was reported te work satisfactorily. The commlttee ou uuefllslal formulas rande its final repert, and was discharged irem further consideration el the subjoet. New formulas for Qlyccrlte mid Byrup of Tela nnd Koumiss, were presented nnd oensld ered, The bill te propare and publish n National Pharmaeni ejia, iceeutly lutru duced into the Heuse of Itcpreeentntivesj was spekeu of und suggestions made that mombers prepare thelr views upon lid practical bearings for consideration nt nezt meeting. Reports upeu the oendltiou of the drug rniuket wero read, nnd two new ndultcmtlens of drugs, recently thrown upon the marktt, wcre ropertcd and noted. Attontlen was onlled te two valuable woiksef rofcrenco lately issued from the press, Oldberg & Wall's Cem peudlum en the U. 8. riiarmaoepcula, und Lloyd's Illustrated Materia Medici. Utiui eta With Assault On complaint of Jehn Marks, Harry W. Lofevro was nrrctted nnd gave ball for a hearlug befere Alderman B.imsen of a oharge of assault nnd battery. At the hearlcg Lofevro was held te bull te answer at court. Anether Attisuineut. Jchn Kcelernnd wlfe, of Warwlek, have madu an assignment in the recorder's ofllce of their property te Israel 0, Krb, of thofiime township. MUUII MAIlltlHD, TlinllusbnnnorTen Many WUM, The Carllsle papern contain n no co of the mnrrlage ' en Tuesday, March 11th, nt the United Presbyterian manse, New. vllle, Pa., by Hev. O. M Ileal, Mr. Mlohnel V. Kllburu, of Carllsle, fermerly of Lancaster, Pn.. and Miss Laura Ilycrs, of Carllsle, 1M." The happy brldogreom Is well known In this city. Ue left Lancaster sovernl years age with; anetbdr man's wifr, with whemlin has breu living as her bus. baud In Carllsle. On Tuesday of this week the returned te this elty, te rent n house, and said she nnd Kllburu wero oemlug baek te be married ever nnd tnke up thelr rcsldenoe In Lancaster. During her nbsence her rccrrnut paramour went bade en lilu obligations te her and married another Carllsle woman an nbove related, nnd when last scen was en the cars with his new wlfe bound for Kansas City, having converted his personal properly Inte cash. Twe Crnti Bulls, Abraham Wlsler, of Landisvllle, was arrested bv COnstnble Kllne en complaint of David Sanders, who charges him with having threatened te de him bodily harm. He was held for n hearing befere Alderman Ferdney. David Handern, In ret urn, nppearcd be be be eoeo Alderman MoCenomy and ninde com. nlalut ngnlust Abraham Wlsler, charging him with assault nnd battery. He nlse waR held for n hearing. An falter. loin tlie lleneillckn. Mr. V K Frey, one'of the editors of the Yerk Jinntykaninn, was married en Wednesday morning te Miss Flera Uakcr, at the rosidence of the bride's father, Mr. Ilenrv Ilakcr. en Capitel Hill, Washing, ten I) 0. The oeremony was perfermed by Kcv. W. MeK. Heiley. atom TalrpneDe Connections. J.S. Mumma, cigar box manufacturer, and Joel Wei tcr'n patent roller mil), Brownstown, (ills county, are new con cen con ncetcd with the tolnpheuu exohange. I'rHctlcMl lluuiehnld llecnijiilnii. It Is h comparatively cesy matter ter ft woman et means te ta'tqtully (111 tier home nlth e'ciiaht iitul rnre works et art, but It Is Infinitely inein te tlin ctcillt et n woman who, bnvlnir but a Hlenilur purse, contrives se te cmiile tln initans nt limit tliit u ilolnil)le ctr cl U ncur.it. Thu Deuiuillc bimhn; Jladilue Company, ul the rooms et ttu-lr ivunt,Mr. I.. II. Cutnpbull, en t'eiitrii aqinrn, tuls city, nru heldliiK un Ait Jtfict'ptlen Hilt woek. Thu exhibit con twins lIoiiFehehl Drnperlus In Cnillui vurlety. In almost evrrv heuau tkure la u suwIiik tun tliitii'. and in' Bl et the home operators umler btumt hew te nreducu oeil work ujKin them. If thun, j ou own u Domi'atle .Sewing '.Jlnclilile you poiiesi thu bnaU upon which te construct thode Luautllul urllclei upon which this no table uxbtblt (.'epunds. Ily tliDt'iiiptoyuient of your ewiuliln,niy, fur us iiticii, a julr of ordinary lacecurUliir, von cm h lornuuieut nml apply ploccset vui vui breldury nnd eiaur nlce helii); inachluu work, that ynu can mulcu a pair et curtuuis, which, II iirelucnt by hand, would run Inte money, be II )ou hitvu any ordinary elt or cl Ih ublu or ldane oevor. you enn oinpley the nam i) mulhed tl-.e-.vn by the lioiue.tlc pio pie plu, uiul brluu te your home a uuiv and ulu Kunt c) it tlibt cannot be bought for money ; lb valuebuliij euli meed by your own werlt jmt upon It. ThUarlrucopt'en t truly an arltliew, an t tlie uxnlbt h truui.irvuleui What has ulwayH bin C"iiUlcred us bulennlni; te hmd work Is uiwlln prvtnre of the t'oiuuslle Huwlnc Sl.ichlne te prnducu. The draperies banners, HCruuiiD, plcturut, Ac, shown nre uxeculud en satlu, Dllk, jiluili. Iclt, Ac. ; nud the umtcrluis ti i v I Inernanif illation are uhninlln, iirnnime, omhreliliirystllts, ttnstiM, Ac. Thu recop.leuwlll ceutluuu until Monday nlKht, and wu advlse evury lid ,- te avail bur den et tlie opportunity new ellurud te ex.'im ex.'im ex.'im Inoieinuo' thu handieiiinsldrnpurt sand art decoration that liave uvnr ht'.in en uililbl uililbl tlen u Auiiinmiinntr. "Ij.Oce .vll lu'fii." This melodrama will be ylven In Knlten Opura Heme, Monday nveulng. Thu Cincinnati Gaietto nays et It "Tliie aru numereus peltrs In thu plecu which Ktvuaiupluoppertunlty te thocenipany ter flnuucting, and, a4 n rule, they nre mude thu me.t of. In the tlilnl nctthere Is a ccinie Intrixluce I of a fancy ilruw pirty In Austra lia, In which niicii wull known characturi as Hlrl'cter Tuuzln, MuphlstophelCd and Juliet L.knp'rt. The dotting elt el the scttne ru flre'td (treat credlt ou the slage artist." A large luidlcnce will no doubt cruet '-Ten 'Iluu'and MIIcj Away." ii'i:viAi. van ait. The ei Platters have a wonderful sale, and why i lleoufe they euro Hick Ache, Stlu" Jelnti. Pain In the lde and Sorcne-n In any part. lVople uppruclatu thorn. Any drug gist, 'X cunte. Cetnts's Liquid ileer Tonle Is onderao I by phjHlcliut. A$k or Cettltn'i; take no ether Of (nudist's mlo-lwdueihtw Mothers! Mnihersi Mettiar Me you dlHiubednt night nnd hrolcen el your rust by a sictr child sutlerlui: and crying wilt, thu oxeruclatlnir pain of cutting tcethT If e, re at encu and get a bottluet Jllta. WIN. SLOW'MBOOTIIINU UY1IUP. It will rullOVO the peer llttlu sullurur Immodlately .lepund upon It ; thure Is no tulstake nbeut It. Thure U net. i motlier en luuth who liai river used It, who will net tell you at encu that It will ritfiilate the bewals and Ktve rest te the mether, and rellet and health te the child, op erating l!!cu magic It lsporteotly sale te me In all cases, and pleasant U the tiutc, aud Is thopruscrlptleuof ene of the npiestnnd beat em ile physicians In the United Status Sel overywlu're. iicontsabett'o. tnayl-M.W.HAw Fer Lamu Jiacu., aiuu or Chist, usu blli blli Leira l'Oiteuti plaspkii. l'lieu, ia cent 8eld tiy II. 1). Cochran, 137and 13'J North (lttoeu str.tet, Lancastur. 'ubllnedU Loek out fur Your llriul. Ne matter what parts It may finally nttoet, catarrh alwnys starts in thu hea't, and belongs te the head, 'Ihere Is no u.ystery about the erlfilnni this illieful disease. It Ih'kIiiu In a lU'Klectca cold, One of the kind thatls " sure te be better In a low days." Thousands of vlctluH knew hew It U by sad exporluuce. Ely's Cream Halm cures cehis In the head and catarrh In all Its stages. Net a smut nor a liquid. Applied with the n tiger te the tins trlls, mt-2wdoed&w Vbut we Oan Uure, Let's net Kndure. II we can euro an nohe.nr n sprain, or a pain, or a lameiu'iD, or a burn, or 11 brulsu.er blte, bv uslnu ThOMat' Kclectrle Oil, let's de It, TltemuV holtctrle Oil Is known te be geed. Let's t y it fur sale by II. II. Cochran, drug. Hlit, 137 ami 133 Net th Uuoen struct. nev te ttoeurn liealtli. t seems strniiRe that anv ene wilt sutler Irem thu many iloraiiKementfl breiiKht en by an tmpure condition et the bleed, when SCO Vll.I.'SSAUSAPAIttl.I.AANDfiTlM.INUIA, erlll.OOl) ANDUVKIl BYUU1' will rostero peitect health te the physical organisatien, it is Indeed nstroiiBthenlnrs syrup, pleasant te tuke, aid has proven itselt te lie tlie Iiest ULOOU PUIIIFIRR ever dlscoverod, ottoet ettoet otteet ually curing Scrofula, Syphlllle dlsentms, Wuaknesa et the Kidneys, Kryslpelas, M ala lia j nil nerveus dlsonlers nnd deblllty, bll. leus cempiaintu and nil dlse.ujes indicating an Impuie condition nt tlie llloeif, I.tver, Kid unys, Stomach, Hkln, etc It corrects Indl irestlen. A-slnglobetllo will preve te you its uivilts as a health lonewer, for It ACTS I.IK K AtiiiAii.M, eapeciniiv when thu complaint Is et au exhaustive navure, huvlnu a tendency te Iokseii thu natural vlirei' el the brain aud nor veui j stein. jn.Kll'8 I'AIN I'ANAOKA cures u palu In wan anil beast, Ter nse externally and inter nally. llKDUUIt&R l'UWDKltS euro all dlsoase f herse, cattle, tdicup, liega, poultry und nil Mvuateck Al'OamVKOUItK. mayil-H for sale nt II, 11. Cnehmn'a drug suire 187 North uuevn stroet. ttJBW AVrXHTlIKMJlPtTll. "" NN A llltr.NRllAN. FLINN & BRBNBMAN llave rocclveil fremft'New Yerk bankrupt stock the lollewiufr Koeds which lliey aroeflorlng atunhosrdet Lewl'rlccs! :03t)0jitU0U6,ntUc Werth Mc. tee DO., llUCKKTfl, at I3e ..Werth 20c. 200 1)0.. 1)1811 l'ANS, at 2fie , Werth 33c. loni)U,ceAMiODH,aicno ,. ..Werth iie. 209 1)07, r.AMl'H. ate ' (Werth Sie, 20J 1)07, BUUUII IIUUHIIKS, ntbe Werth mid QfK)I)OZ.801lOll nitUIIIfl,at'lec, Werth (Oc. Bnby OarrloKea, Voleolpodoo, Ezprcea Wasenaand Bofrlgerntora. FLIUN & BKBNEMAN'S UHUAT IleaSK KU NORTH QUEEN STREET, MAHHIAUJSH. r-? r. Kiiv IltuKiiKrr.-On Mnrcll 1.1. 18SI. by the ltev. W.T. (Inrhard, at the rosidence of Mr Jehn Nfltr, Kast Uranue st l (let, the bride's brellier-ln-liiw, Jlr. Harry K. Kry, nt Millers Millers vllle, te MUs Kmtna It. llenedlct, of Lancaster city. It HKt silt I'JUtTlHilMKNlH YV IIOVHTOr.WAltNTItADKh, at 1). A. AI.T1UK ASU.SB. mil it 41 and 41 WestUranRO street. . Olltl, WAbTI',1) '! IHI V Hoiuawerk. Geed rclcrcn H. M. IK) UKM!ltM. co rpqulred. MY KKH, ml3-lld Ne. 31 Wet OranKO 8t, Lancaster, pTlcu at tiiih otrner, a vuvv VT Ottlle WEEKLY INTBI.LKJENt Elt OK rKnitu tr AltV 14, IBS). i,'i)iiSAi.K-i'iVKu)WH-o?ri:ejrTiiKa5 L liesliaiiil lour uoed milkers Apply te 1.KWIH KNIQIIT, atambaeRh l'lace, tnl3 3ld l.ltttz Turnpike. IOIl ItKNT TnX.AUUK AND C01IMt ' ilieui hniise, fit Kast Orant'e ttrcet, ad Joining iL'shloneoolJamosatowjrt, esq. All modern cenvcnluncui unit papuied through out. 1'osjex Ien given en or bofero April 1, 1831. ferturms, c nnnlyte UEOllUE KAIINKSTOCIt, ml3-3tdK II Kast King street. F 70 K HAI.K Vnluitble Olty Building Leta. .Sltiiatu en the northeast corner of North Lima and Jauiix streun. These lets will makn elcRant billlilliin situs, beliiK sltuated lu a tiutlmprevlnx enrt el the city. I'er lurtlinr Inlonnatlen call en ALI.K.N A. II Kit R A CO., lteat Estate AkuiiIs, Ne. IDS Hest Ktmr Ulrcct, l.uncastur, I'a. JulylZCUIAeawKUtt (JI)31I.TIIINO HV.W. It 10 IlLENDEI) COFFEE. The bOAt Ue Colleo In Lancaster. Always Kreuh UeaHte.l. Wu always had geed Uccellcu, but tertunati'l) we huve come nores1 a Daisy (2,5t) peuiHlH) for Leiiy and flavor It takes I Ou raireir thu bush. Tlinru Is net u thluiblu lull nt dirt et bad collee In u bag. IT 18 ItEOAL ' II' 13 UEI.ICIOUa I Te the lAivur or a CUT OK OOOD UOKFKK -AT- BTJRSK'S, MO 17 EAST KING BTRKclJ I.ANOAhTEIt. I'A. X r f I.f STAND, HUT A NEW FIIIM, With New Goods -AND- New Uu3ines3 Method A). I. CASH PUUOIIASKItS GIVEN TUP. AD VANTAGE OK THE CASH TRANS ACTION. llujliiK ler Cash and eclllnu' for CunIi, enable Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS & CLOTHIERS, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, TO GIVE Botter Bargains in Certain Lines of Ready-mado Goods Than CUu Be Had Bleowhero. The i.oeds are the Chnnprst, the Finest and llest, anil ler Btyie overy put chasur surely ran struten. II you want Pantaloons, or a Ceat or a Vest, call uiilck, with your money, en Ne. 24 OSNTRE SQUARE, I.ANOASTEIt,IA. t-JVt NK w Beets and Shoes. NKW Hl'UlNO STVI.Hi In HOOTS nnd BIlOKrt et till kinds ler Sinn's, Heys' nnd l.iullei' Wear are new ready te show our customers. '1 his season's stock Is the rrsult et an earnest endeavor te procure none but tlin vury best Reeds ler tlie lowest prlc s that only a kuowledgo et true values could ac complish Te knew hew HOOTS unit 3I10K3 sre made aud whure thu best are te bu beuirlit has had Itsettuetln brluulni; te us uu ex. cellent patronaue. This uxpoileuce we Klve te our ciistoniers In uvury pair of Uhnes we Hell thorn by Rlvlnif a tfoed, kelld artlole that Is honestly worth all that Is paid ler It, TUB VKNUOMB, A sewed Shoe with an oxtenslon odse, hetiitf a protection te the uppnrs, pievent lng thm from Injury when cemlnn lu contact with uuy hard substance. This Hhne Is much worn by und Is a favor faver faver Ue with railroad employed. IIUV8 AND YOUTHS' LACK AND UUTXO.VailOKU at nil pilces. A uotuble oue is a llev's 11 ni ni eon Hal. feril Unml nn oxeellunt Youth's Hal. ler 1.5!. M13SKE' ANDOIULimKN'S SPHINd IIUICI. SllOKi), made upon n medel that u lenrt eipeilence In the making of nhoes for cultdreu has proven the meat eonilettublo. LADIES' r'UKNCIl KID Opera Toe and Common fense Walking Hlieui el the best known makes. MKN'J COAltbK 1M.OUU1I HI10KS ler (123, and our U KM II A I,, ter (-2(0 Is u t te be equalled ler the prlee any wuein. We have a comtertablo unit pltusant salesroom ler Heets ami Hhecs und will esleein It a pleimure te snow you eur.NEW Bl'HINO bXUUH II you will pay us a visit Williamson & Fester, Dealers In Cletlilnff, Furnishing Uneds, IlaU nudcap9 Ti links, Vallaei und Travel. in if HagSf Heets und HUets, 32 &38 Ertat King St., Lnncoster,Fa. WrOur stere will loepon In thoevenlnas commencing March 17. nmuirm 0 rmmmrm ' KN1SUIKU BTOUK, LANCASTER, PENN'A. A'Ktr AliritllTtnliZtliNTH. IJKNN OMJAItSFJUill SI 00 i'KIt HUN" dred up, at HAltTMAN'3 YELLOW KKONrcIQAIt STOUK. tirilKN I AllVKltTIsM 01. '.All HAVANA VV Killer Claars for 6 cents, 1 cunrnntce them te be such. -- HAHTMAN'ii YELLOW KIIONT t lUAIt u BTOUK. rpilK I.AUUKH1' AND 1IKHT hTOUIC Uf JL Kuolire, Casslne ana 1'ekcr cards Irem 8c per haclr up. IIAKTMAN'3 YELLOW KUONT CIOAR BTOKE. BUTTUNM, IIUTTUNn, IIUTTIIHS, Cema and ujcamlnoeurnndlcss variety et Fancy Dress llutteiu, which we arn iillliiK at naif prices, at HWAIlll'P, CO North Queen direct. Open every avcntugtllltJ o'clock, J10-3mdll EVnitY BtNalllLK JIOUSEKKKl'KK UK. qnlrlng I'ure Teas and Corfees, In neat condition overy time, should call ter 8. CLAltKK'8 Tt-os and Colrce. nt Ne. SI West KIiik struct. IScst OrnnulstPd 8unr, VA c per pounds 4 pounds for 29 cents. llct Uinta. ic. Knur pounds Light tire wn bugar. 23 cunts. Will me ve te Ne. 38, directly oppeslto April 1, lesi. inartl-lyd lAUUAINS, IIAltUAlNS. CLOSING SALE AT AUCTION, WITHOUT ItESEllVK, At "O'clock. SATURDAY KVE.N1NO, MAIC. 15, mat at 101 NORTH QUEEN STREET, -OK- UlCAItr-MADK OLOTHINO, CUSTOM WOllK. 1'IKOE U'JODS. SHOW CADE andsundry ether articles. JACOII OUNDAKEK, Auctloneor. ml32t IV KSII IIUOTIIKIC. ATTENTION! OUR $12 SUIT MA.DE TO ORDER Is the beH etTdr ever Rlven te tlie pcople te liave a koeiI, nubstuntlal, well trimmed, uoed nttlnc ault et clothing in a' 1 ler the price et a tuady tnadeEult. Wu have thoKOeds In dltrur ent styles and ask you te call and sce them. THINK OK IT, AN All Weel Oassimere Suit FOR TWELVE DOLLARS, JfADli TO TOUll OWN ORDER. ALL WOOL PANTALOONS TO ORDER, PCR FOUR DOLLARS. Hirsh & Brether's t'ENN lIALLCLOrillNO HOUSE, Neb. U and 4 North Queen Streot. LANCASTER, X'A. JSN IJiUTAlU M KM H. FULTON Ol'EKA IIDU.SK. MONDAY, M4R0H 17, 1884. Hth el the Dramatic Cyclone Year. OLIVER D. BYRON. .Sll'l'OllTEnbytheCllAKMINCi ACTUESS, MISS KATE BYRON, And the famous HYHON COMIIINATION. In the world-runewniil und realistic Drama of Amurlcau and Australian lllu and character, in mnr Arts, cniiuuti 10,000 MILES AWAY. Ililmfulet Fun, 700 LaiiglH, Intersperslnir 1 Aets, The Nc- Yerk llernltl says : " t must net be undorbtnetl tout 10,000 Mllei way U u play 01 thu berdur kind far from It-It U the strouest ulavet thu (lav In Immnn Inturcst." Thu New Verk Teleaiam Havn : " Nlble's Uaiduu was crewdud te evtullnwlui? uvery night te seu thu tunulust play lu the world," PUICEK A3 USUAL. Itcservcd Heats at Opura llnuse oltlce. 111 13U riMtv. INDIANS ARE AT LANCASTER 1 WHAT INDIANS T Why the WARM SPRING INDIANS, TIllIlItJUOKSOF THE LAVA HKDS.nt MjENNERCHOK hall, COMMKNC1NU MONDAY EVENING, Mur. , 188i, KOIt TWO WEEKS, TIIUEETltlllKS UHIMIKSKVTKD, TIIUKK NOTED CIIIKKS, Oblef Amerlcaa Herae, Ohlef Tal-E-Ko-Ne, the Trniler, Ohief Blnek Oleud, Tha Wizard Itlfle Shet et the Casemlcn, with a Hand nt Wild Western Warriors -AND- Indiaii Squaw3, 7h Their Pappoes03, AltTK.NUB.tllQ ilodeoQiieou. DOVE WINO, and her llttlu I'uppnose t oil te a beard, alter the Indian cunteiu. 1'UAlltlH fLOWEll, thoNlghtliiKnlueltho Mountains, lu Parler BOllgS, Indian Seauts, Indian lliaven, Indian Mcdlelna Mun, Indliyi Wairlers aud 1ml Ian Intcrprote, WILL OPEN A TWO WKEK8' CAHN1VAL AT MDNNEROHOR HALL. l'ortermanco overv night aud Situniay lout luee or children. Positively no children nil-mltti-dut thu night porfrniance. ADM1B810N TO A 1.1. l'KUr'OltMANOKS, ONLY 10 CENTS. Frent Seats reserved ler Ladles without ox ex ox tractmrge. CS;mnrS-tril i SECOND EDITION. -r-rr.- S.1! T T- ' FHIDAY HVBNINO, MAH. 14 1084, m I'UE FOREIGN BUDGET. I.ATB IIAflTKNlNUg IN OIUKIt LANDS. Mere IHtnll of the llatlle lu, Kgypl tlure- Thirsty Vorretpeniinnt Wndn Inte tlie Arab! Trichinosis In Ucrinan I'erk. Londen, March 14. Further dcUtls of yehtcrdny's flight between the English troops nnd the folleworn of the false prophet under Osman Dlgna, near Tamla Vells, say that during the confusion, when the Arabs by thelr wild rush caused the lit Hlslvte rotlre, the nowspaper ropertors and otber'non combatants used thelr revol vers freely nnd with deadly effect against the enemy. After tbe fight Osraan's eamp and threo villages wcre burned. Osman lias fled te the hills, Among the trophies Osman's standard wan tnken nnd Tewflk IJey'n was recaptured, The British losses wcre considerably hcavier than at first ropertcd. The num ber of these killed reaehes n hundred, wlille tlie wounded wero ene hundred and fliy . General Graham's forces nre return ing te Hanldm A Ilefenttd bnt !!rv Fee. The Arabs rotlred slowly nud sullenlr fell back, but net routed. They wnlked away, as though saunterlntr through a bazanr, with folded nrras. The Arabs are se nllicd by family tics that it is thought a great less of Ilie will break their faith in the Mahdl and sheikhs. Ne priseners wero taken aud the wonnded Arabs evon killed the British soldiers who nttemptcd te sucoer them. A New Horrer far England:. The explosion in the hotel at Futham ulght bofero last was net a Feulan outrage, as nt first supposed, but was due te a dangerous osplesivo toy belonging te a boy. An EurtlMinike l!lt In Simln. A slight cartbquake shake was felt this metnlng throughout Alycoute, a province in Southeastern Spain. New Let the American Eacle Omit Ueiilin, March 14. Trichinosis, en goudcred by eating German perk aud due In no wlse te the American produce, Is ravaglug various parts of Germany. Aueibrr Vindication of the Orcnt American 1'lB Paiiis, March 14. The Chamber of Commcrceof Lyens pruteaU against the embargo en American perk. A Ujnumic niercnanL TninsTK, March 14. A merchant by the name of Marats has been oirestcd for smuggling bemb.s and petards in tleur saeks. Uoncrler; Thttr llcleveil Uutninniidcr. Utica, N. Y., March 14. A major gcueral'a salute was ilrud here at uoeu te day iu honor of ths action of Congress in vindicating Fitz Jeuu l'orter, and the 101 101 lewluc dispateh was sent te Gen. Perter : "Tne mourners 01 tue tutu corps, tuat loved you, and which you loved se well, are firing n salute in your honor. They feel that Congress has partially righted the great wrong dene their old com cem com m.inder." llie Ut osutTeriiHUn lu Hilar la. St. Leuis, March 14. A dispateh from Ilnrrisburir, Ills., eayn : Details of the damage dene by the tornado, which passed ever Salinn county last Tuesday, are just beiug learned Six farmhouses wrre destroyed and boveraloth rs unroofed nnd badly damaged. A dtizan or mero farms and ether outbuildings wcre tern te pieces. Mueh darunge was nlse cauicd te feuccs, cribs aud ether furtn property. Held l.i SI, SOU Ils.ll. Philadelphia, March 14. The charj,e of conspiracy brought agaiuAt Mrs. Emma D. Coelldgo, by her husbind, who iicoujes his wife of uttemptiiig te nbdttat their ten j ear old seu, wj.s heard bufore n mng istrate this altemoeu. After hearing tcH timeny the defcudant was held iu $1,500 for her appcarauoe next Tueeday, when the magistrate will tiive his decision. The U initie ail no Lltaitir. Pocahontas, Va., March 14 The mines, in which thetcrriblu explosion 00 eurred yesterday, killing inote than 150 men, are still en tire, aud the only means of extinguishing the tlames is te oleso the inines, :tud seal thorn up. ThU is new being dene nnd the iniufa will remain cloed for probably two weeks. Nene of the bodies have been recovered. Anether r-tilke kt l'lttibnrc PiTTiiiUite, Pa., March 14. The help ors in thu melting hhups of Slnger, Nimiek & Ce.'u Rtuel in lis nre out ou a strlke, against aicduotlen of 12 percent. iu their wages. The men nre willing te aocept n bix pur cent. reduction, and it U prebable Hint the tnatter will hi coin pre inked. llnpelciily Insane. IliUDOKi'OiiT, Conn , Match 11. Wil liam II. Field, of Grcouwiek, w'.e shot his brother about n mouth age nud who has since been oenlltiod en the charge of in teudiug te muider, wai adjudged hepeleas ly insane uy tue oemmisstou appointed te esamii e hitn and font te un nsylum. Drain el llie lijurit lale fctunent. New IIavkn, Conn., llareh 11. Oliver Djtr, jr , of Mount Vernen, N. Y., the Yale nophemoio who was Injured nt their garacd en Saturday, the 8th lest., and him beL'ii iu nn uuoeusaioui condition ever since, died this "morning. A HI ujlreni nuuwtllde, Denveii, Cel., Mareh 11. The Aepen stage, arriving from Loadville,brings news or n sunwsiuie en the Aspen mountain la.si Monday night, in whleh three empleyes of the Vallejo mi no weiu killed nud another missing. A UaukTelIrr (latin VVrene. St. Leuis, March 11. Frodciiek J. Diotrleh, toiler iu tlie Sioledo bank.ef this elty, Isndefaulter te the ameutit of about ?at),000. Ulotrieu ion town wceKsugoeu a leave of absence Ills bends ain.ly oevcr the dcfloleuey. Iluilncts Failures far the Week, New Yeiik, Mai eh 14 The buslncsa faliiirw last woek nuniber 171 for the ,rtcs llml enrcl10' le bleed and eliminate i? i i a ? !,,Kt. r" r!n,u -,n,i I tlie poison Irem the system. Oe te the near United Stutt nud 42 for Canada and the rHIXKlsti Uuy Kldney-w en mul be cutcd . provinces, ntotaiei am tigaiust; aia tuu previous wceir. The Kelicr-lloynten Airalr. Wabiiinoten, March It Tostlmeny iu the Kolfer lioyuten Investigation was closed ou both bides te day aud the com inlttoe adjourned. WKATlir.lt INDICATIONS). WAaiiiNQTON, March 11. Fer the Mlddle Atlautle Btntcs, slighly warmer cloudy and inluy weather, brisk te high north, eastcrly wludfl, lower prcsiute, followed te night uud Buturtlay murmuu uy oioar eioar oiear lujr weather, neithcastcrly wluds nud inereabiui; piossure. AVoelil Net 1..U Hlin I'Uy. The Jehn J. Celllua thcatneal company wcre ivtverti8iid te play threo nights in Syracuse. Upen thelr arrival the nian nian Ker of the opeia Iiouee telegraphed te Froderiok Wiude, wliw left the cempauy ut Heading, te coiue te Syrucuse aud lilt bid euuauumuiit. air. ueiiius was aware1hSat tl..'dateh had i -unUsM and upon the arrival of Mr. Wnrde refuted te see him, or te permlt htm. te play with the oempauy, A AVE LI. MKUITICIt l'Urr. Klftborate Uilllelmn of n New 1'epulsr I'tsy N. Y. World. Many plays nre Imboello, nnd n vary few are Infamous. The recking rubbish thnt was nut en Inst nlnlit nt the Comedy theatre under the name of Rck'i Dad Dey In both, , Poeplo who have had the misfortune te read the oxtraets from ivw nun, in lour acta, which have been making 'longshere man laugh for a year, noed net be told that the sareamlmf discovery that nn Impious, vulgar and brtitnl boy Is funny was made by Mr. Peek. The faellity with which this dlsoevory oeuld be made and handled for the denotation of base minds probably doterrod ether men from its uee. Mr. Peek wallowed in It with porelno satisfac tion. Ills "Bad Bey" nlludca te his father's amours In the prcsoneo of his motlier, flavors his relationship te his parents with the air of the oheap assigna tion house, winds the nlang of the cutter round the family altar, and with the cheapest of nil wit turns saored things lute rldicule. Mr. Peck having sucoeeded lu convincing n certain erder of mind that impious rubb'sh te be read should only appear te be funny, Mr. Charles F. Pidgin dlscoverod that vulgarity thnt 1 read should be ropiesontod. nnd Mr. William Cnrrell last uight undortoek te ropro repro ropre se nt it. 8ueh stuff as lek' Bad Bey ought te be ati oflenso te overy noter who has ene lingering feeling of rcspoet for his profes sion, Fer It dec3 nil things, aud does them with blind wantonness, that rcspeo rcspee rcspeo table naters have been ntway claiming that the stage docs net de. Its puerility is appalling, nnd its Irreverence la amazlug considering hew careful the stage gen erally is te avoid givlug effense in this direction. A mule might have kicked a botter drama Inte shape. Hut obiection te the farrago takes a wider scepe than even this. We are Just new brought face te face with forms of jiivonlle vlce that aie bolievod te be the result of pernicious literature What ehall we ray of the writer and the manager who Invite the fathers nnd the mothers them selves into a rospcctable theatre te see juvenlle depravity gllded and oeadcuiad, and the most roprchcnsible conduet nnd language proffered for thelr approbation, and with no ether excuse that than It makes pcop!e laugh ? And SHU They U01119. A Brooklyn boy captured In Baltlmore is wild te have been inspired with the Idea of rtinnlug away by reading flash stories ; Iu Quincy, Mass., Oapt. Jack," soveu bavs whocalled thomselvo3 "Josse James' Gang"aud another body of juvenlle rangers called "Billy the Kid Gang," have been befere the local pDllce oeurr, and were put under beuds. The outbreak In New Eng. land Is accounted for by thu fact that the ".nil. iTnunt. hollow eved clant " la nush- Incr his lone. slim, black, oefllu.shapcd wheelbarrow through the columns of the Hptlngfleld Republican. A llltiirte Uviiublathcu Lincoln Story. New Yerk Times Just after thu publication of Secretary Chase's exceedingly able treasury report in 1803, and when the secretary was kuewn te have the presidential bee buz zing In his beuuet, n zealous friend of this president went te him (Lincoln) with a suggestion that Mr. Chasa sheuli bn looked after ; he was using h'B pewur as secretary of tlie treasury te further Ids own nmb'tieus schemes. Lincoln laughed shrewdly aud brought out the inovitable Btery of whleh howasremiudod. Au Illine'H farmer, tilling a few nercn of laud nnd employing only oue peer old horse, wus plowing oue day, whlle his seu regarded the operntion from the nearest fenoe. Suddenly the old, spiritless herse prioked up hit cars nud started brif kly ou ward in the furrow, almost dragglug the old man nt the plow tall around the laud. The lad surveyed the unuiinl sight from the fonce, the old man htvlug hard werlt te keep up as the herse went ll, lug around, aud. then he crled out . " Sav, dad, why don't you brush off that gad fly ou old Dobbin'e back ?'' An be flew pant the old man re piled : "IneversDw Debbin doing he well befere. Let the gad fly be." Hew Liu celli mnde the nnnlioatieu any mnn can tell And if theru nre any high eftUlnlit be troubled with'.the presidential gad fly that they aru ileha manually well, it were a pity te distuib thtm new. A 'lit Hit of Mite inn. Cardinal Wieorenn having called en, Haren LIeuul de Rothschild nt Gunners bury jiailr, went lu with the family te lunch. Whlle thrre Mrs. Wnlpela canie te pay n visit, ni.d the baroteH hospitably nsUiuc bur te j jiu the company miming them. When the cardinal was moil tiened, Mrs. Wnlpolesolomuly bridled aud eald, "I am sorry, but y tt must oxeuso me, fur en pilnolple I n.ver wittingly break bicad with n Kemiah priest." The barenrss begged her pardon domtuely.aud added with a qulet sralle : "Vm knew, my dear, I nevtii dreamt or efreudltitr you, "j for, you r.ee, 1 ntu net n uuitMiian, can't bu oxpteted, therefore, te enter into Mich feeling. - m m- llrrn'4U Dnaiicn. An elderly, occeutiio nnd wealthy clti zen of Blnghamten, N. Y , who is married but docs net live with his wife, propesos tukiug an cxourHien te Kurope next June and te defray all oxpnnsuseu certain con ditions. Tlie party must oenslst of ten or mero unmarried couples, the females te de the " pupping of the unostlen " prier te thoveyago. On beard the steamer thoie is te be ene or mero weauiugs escu nay tin'il thu tilp Is made. Marringcnble young ladies nre bagluulnr te dlseujs the matter and soveral nntlolpate making the voynge. HftiVlAlj SUTUIKI: A I'epuUr t'yllaey. Many pcopie tiiluUthat ulieumatlsm cannot be cureil. ltUcuusedby a bad statu of thu bleed whleh dt pe lupeUnwma timtter liithe jnlnisand museles, causing lamen bH,stlitniss nud swelling nt thu Joints and cxciuaatlug pains. Ktdnoy-Wert will cettatnly etlect a euro, ltacisen theKtilnnys, I.lve aud Hew- els.stlmultttlim them ten heiilihy action, pur no in avtaeinp. n, y. "licit weak und lnnguldt had, palnltailen et tlin heart and numbness et tlie limbs, ur ur ur tfoe Jllewl Jllttcrs Havu certaluly relloyed ine. They are most uxcnlUnt." MriJ.il, wrignt. Fer sale by 11. U. Cealinm tirurtUt, 137 and IJ3 Nerm Queuu stueU Mlulitcn Mniimt lt l'rutae. Itev. Mr. (JrecnfleliN. Knoxvlle, Tenn,, writes as lollews: "Samaritan Xtwlntvrr mnncntly tureJ my sailor eplleptlu nts." Iluie's loed Ter thought. Sold by drugKl t il,fO, mll-iwueiAw AUMonirieM I t-uru veur oeuijli thoreuuhly with Hale's Heney et lloieliound and Tar. Pltre's Toetlmcho Drep euro Iu ene iiiliuue. m cod A w l'eiliiuuu lii Wrenu r.ua m mi v mnn mill v in; Ml tbelr beet 4 who no er utvu a iheuuiittuiiiu condition et thulr half, ti cent te burrow It casually with brush uud 1 uiuiiii. i BU'uult It te llie p i' alyaliuf attuutieii nl thunvt'iitKUbailnr. Wiiatliappuuaf Why, Mil i nun neitleet, mental aiixui.y, or any id u seore nl causua, llie hat,- turns prematurely 1 may ind liilni ti fa. I out. J'arker's Hair ' Vi.iinni will nt enuj nten llie latlern-eci. uei MAJtliKIK. " vnintdeiuttia marmot. RILAhar.wn.. ll.ui. I. . r,..i.iT.7'""- "'"nn it -Fi.mr nrm ami l"75kV.a?.,Aly'. Vf""" Minn flitreT em uyu neurui it no ,3 eJ, "" '" (fllTH. ' "' M8 ' Nx l renn-a Hed) vSerV mil1.!,!"1" ,,eUe,7' nml miMit, inlke S..2 m,,x"l and yullew, 58fJ59J( . n i....? ,lrm nl' nmrknt. iiiieti Ne. 1 Whlfn Kye sotrce at CSrtTOe. Sols-Clev(ir iull nt OOleai 'Ttmmhv t It MfJl Mi riaxse..,) nrm etll ssl 70? 7 Frevlilnns markut qulet amUtemlyi Mem '". HO 60 1 Ile I Hams, $13 1 Inula Km Sw, Bacen Smoked Slnnlitcn, 8U01 salt de. yni Hmoketl Hams, 11015 1 ploklett de, Lnrd quint 1 elty rcflned nt 10!Oleto 1 loest buiotiuie, DHOSKe 1 nitinu uam. ft 709 75. Iluttiir-Marke nrtlre snil higher t Croanj Creanj ry eutrn. ansnei firsts, 81QM. Keiis momma Kuaa Armer nnd mero octlve 1 extras. 30W 210. oheoso firm rer full creams) sitlms quiet 1 Full creams, 13UJ16e. rotreU'um dull 1 roflneit. VritfiUe. Whisky nt si ai New Vnrk nturiteu. ..Nw Yenit, March li rionr-8tate and wostern dun nml drooping. ,'WhiiatKf!4e lower, null and Irregular 1 Ne. 1 Whlte nominal 1 Ne. 2 Ked, JIareh, 11 OiU. .Cern epeni'd t(t lower. Inter reactwiKO a; MIxhii Wmurn, Bpnt, SlJMKl de tuture, fiWrthSJic. m)its a flinile ni.Iurt Ne. 2 April, 40e; May. 10lKi: June. 41Kei 8tnle. 41017a Western. WuiGc. r.lvn Htoek Mnrkitr. Chioieo Tlie Oreier' Journal report t IteKH llecelptx, 13 (x heml 1 hlpmeuw,7 0U) lu ads lnarkni oak andlO(Jl5c loiter 1 reuKh piii'ldnir. 1U 10(10 set packing und shinning, H0M73Ul Ilxllt, fSbOrtlttO: iklp, tlQili. battle Kucelpts U.000 burnt 1 eulpiuiiulH, I 700 de.; market (lull and lOQlSolewi'i't experts MM37M rihrI te olielco HlltpptiiK nt V) 7011 0 li common te meuium, isas CO 1 cera fed Tnxan-t, ttHft. fthcep itecqlpts, S 500 hearl 5 shlpments, 90) dot market slew w.uk, and iSrjUalowert In. ferler te fair. I3 2.ffll60 t mudlum te (feed, $1 73Q5 25 1 cholce te uxtru,t5&3. Htoek RinrKOU. Quotations by need, MeUrann A Ce., BanH uib, L.ancastur, rs. 11 A. M. u. u. & 1. c. ..... ......... .... IK. iT.Ui luiuumuu wailllu,,.. ...... lira New Yerk Control 1I8 NuwJorsey central...... exl Ohie Central Oel. Lack. A Wostern.... 1I7K Denver Hlo Ornnde KtiG ...... ........... ...... a) Kinsaa A Tuas '.0 Lake flhore Wl CldcjieA N. W , com.,.. I17H N.N.,()nUA Western... bt.raul.temaiin.. .... CnclncMnll SUi 118K MX. Eochehtor PUtsburch.. I3K auraul Texas 1'aclfle Union Pacinc Wabash Common Wubssh ITofcrrel 77K Weat'rn Union Teluirranh LenUVUta A Nashvllle... 74)i & n. l.. 111. ,x au ........ .... IxihUli Valley l.uhlnh Navigation Pennsylvania 69 HemllnK ...1A 13-10 l'.T. & lluttale Ui t.Arthim l'nntflp l!rttn... .... 8) I Nerthern Pacltlc l'ref... 8 uosienvuio .... l'hlhulelphta & Kile Nertnern Central Underground Can a la Southern. B4 uti uex I'jeriu's I'wseninr fit liMK t'Jiilauelvlita. ;i.iattetwby Asaoelatwt I'ress. Stocks steady but dull, I'hlladulnhLa A Crle 11. It 19S ileidlntr llallread 2) IV 10 rtmnxylvunla ltallrei.il... f9K LehlKh Valley ltallrei.d 7i',i Unlted ComeinlojorNow.Jorsoy.., 103 veitliru I'.elfle,. itm, Mirthern racim I'li'lorrel 40 erthurn CVnluu Katlrnad 111W LcnUh NavlKatlun company 47H Norrlsteivn Kallrevl 1M ContrnlTrnniiertAt'on Company SIK rittsb',TitJivllh) UutfaleU. 11 8 MltlnaelinvKIU lU.'Iread 034 Kuw 4irn suntntleiH by AMicinted I'rcss. otec.'tH steadier. Meney cesy at l)Q2c. New Yeiit cuntral 1ISW l.'rlu ICutlrmd j Miami Kxtirnas ............... I.....1 9 "'tlelilwiin Cieitral 1 Cat 1 read OIK silehUmn lenth-rn llallread 1U2 Illlneli Central ItaDrnad 181 c Mvn'and .t I'lttitmrgh ltnllread I'M ( ii!cina Itnck Island Uallread XWt 1 'ttsbnrsjh A Kert Wnyne Itallrend t4 WiMintu Union Tolerupli Company 71Ji Tolrile.t Wahiuh I&'i New J "rHey Cuntral f( vw Yerlr Ontario .v Wi-stcrn leii Lucai hiues mi ner.ai IHnna'Usl by .1. IS. Leng. Par Last stle 101 111 120 100JO 103 100 100 103', iea 1201 11M5 1(8 ua 146.20 114 1B1 1SI.B 1119. aec 1&1S0 lit 101.25 '.7.fl m US ue vni. Lano'nter City 0 per, cent 1SS5... 100 iioe... tee 1K... IOC per a, lu 1 or 33 years., loe 4 pr ct. Hnhoel Lean.... 100 lu lorttiyeara.. 100 i " in 5or'yeais..l00 " 4 " In lOorMyetvrs. 100 M:i"hPlrijboreurfhIoan 100 nTK BTOOXri. Vlrst Natumiu iwink 1100 Kurnu'iv National Hank GO Pulton Nnllnnal Hank 100 J.anrcMer Cenntv National Hank.. 60 O.ilumlilu Vntlenal Hank 100 Chrljllana National Hank 100 Enlirntn National Hank ion Ffrrt National Hank, Columbia.. .. 100 Flnt Natlemu tlnntr, Utrusburff.... 100 Mm National Hank Matletta...... 100 fire "utlenal Hank, Mount Jey.. 100 f.tmz National Hank , 100 niuih. I n National Hank 100 Union wntlrmal 11 ink. Mount Jey. CO New Helland National Hank....... 10 i dun Snilei.ii Hank U) Onairvvllln Natlennl llauk........ 100 " rnHt.ru ruKhnan htiwub. nii; epiliiK ft Heaver Valiey. 4 U 1 10 'IrldKutieit Allorusheo US r? Columbia A (.ueJtnut lltll I 'le'i'inbiaft Wnshlmden iu '( tiel iinblilft HIk BprlnB 2fi lb Columbia A; Marietta V3 ly ALaytewu A KUzabothtewn V K lauciutur 4 Kphruta a Lancaster ft Willow Streot 23 48.0t Str.'-s'inru & Millport 8S Al.ntetta a MayUiwn 'tf JO Marietta A lleant Jev U SI Liinc.Kltrnbotht'uftMlddlet'n 100 O Lancaitera rruuviiiu. 1.1-uutlnrttMlltZ te Lancaster Wllllamstewn 'H lea. 1. iiumiler & Muner... ........... M 146 inneustti A Mnnimlm J Lancaster.! uurlettn. sa M Kfieiister.t New lleimu'i - loe lJVln'',u"ri.''nniiueliHniiA aoe Ji SISCZLLAtlVOCa STOCKS. ,-irr vlile IU ti W tl 'li orsv.iiQOUTJei vur ....... ... . Insuirer I'rluttnK Company M hub l.lK'itand Kuel Company , 25 binvuua tleukO (IlnniU) ,, pe Columbia tins Company,... "te Columbia Wau-rCenipany Busnuuluiuna Iren Company Kxi 40.7s 30 100 95 i Sbfi.20 Z10 It IS 1 ai 60 te (0 u& 104 10O 103 100.25 Maiiotiaiieiiowwaiu , w Hteviuis Heuse. te Btclly lBlaud Eaatllrhndywlue Wnynesb'g.... M MUlorsvllle Nermal Bobeol Nerthern Slarket " Kiutcrn Martlet au Western itaricet.,.. tf iun'jr.I.AMUOir4 DOltD. c)ui.rrvvllle H. It., itaetJ.q ,,.tuu imblalt. H..r.'8 IU) iUmIIiis' Ceiuint 1,'iiiciuiun uan Lik'Ut nnd uei Ce., Ine In I or J) yar leu i..,ncasturiiaHshVana luel Ce., niein) ,. loe Manhetm lloreueh Hinds I -vit. U. 11. HltOWN. U I'UVdIClAN AND OCUIilDT. llllOlltlUa ll.TMUUWlliaii , lias Itomevod W) Ne. i) WK31' eiiamus. bi Eve and Ear ireati'd. uiastusauiuauHi. Uu. porler aptotnelcs en hAUd nun le eruer. . 1ASTATK 4JATIIAHIMS K. HKIUAIiT. li into of Lancaster city, dacoased. letters otudmlnlstrallen en raid estnte having ben Kiautedtii the unduriiruel. all poiseiib In In debtml tliurete aru requf (toil te muke Iroino Ireino Iroine illato payment, und thesa havintf claims or (lemaniisuKttlnst the estate et Hid Iecj'ent, will luake the sawe known 1V',V,"i,SJu,,ellt delay. ADAM KElUAur, UU1 ' Ne llellaud, J,8. UUK.NKIIAN. Lsncinmr City. Atturney. .ikeuhh K IkTA'I'l .if i. A. IIIU "" airti i ';..:.; .,, i..ii,.rnl ul. . 1. . M .a ...tf Laneaiwr euy. ";-" r"." ".,..,, mliilstialleii en .n'i "" mw.. -.-... tyriiXlx 'ihJitu ate reuuall nintiHl te the uiiuersmuvut iv.w. nuVLdTatopayiiieat.anil ttuu ImvIhk claim of der i. ndlTaiialnut the sainu, will puiu 9 "u"....tr.. .r.,i,v Inr Hc-tilviuuuttO tan UO- llieiu wiiiiu.v..v "r.v..,7 .,.-, :. - ... .... i. ., ilirslgned. UtillKCCA lUI'NbK, j. i.irsi'xutiH. AdlutnUiruters. J, UAT llneWK, Att'r. JU-WO04W P 4, w, ;2 f Si rfj J ; 1A I 1 1 I :l i VI al i'l vi i v V ',; I 4 M