7' 'fytvi wi'irrrm "-TliTyw r1 'vi i""fr'' . ' '. ' i r LANCASTER DAILY INTEJeLIGENCEl., MONDAY, MAKCll 10, 1884. i?J l - C"7'W " i . cr 11 Lancaster Intcllfscncxr, MONDAY KVHN1NO, Malt. 10, 1804. A WMBVlOWN IIOMnMJK. Twos In ye plesjiant elilea time, Oh, many year age, TVhen hulking bees anil slnulng ichoeli IV here all the tun, 70a knew. Ttie singing toheol In Tarrytown, A quilnt elil town In Malno Malne IVm wisely taught ami grandly led Jiy 11 young roan named 1 Atne. A gallant gontletnah was Pat no, Who liked the leatcs well t lint beat he liked Mis 1'allunce White, M all lid school could tell. Una nlg'.it tun singing school had met Yeung I'ftlne, all carelcssly, Had tnrne 1 the leaves and jnlil ; " We'll sing On pae ene-seventy." ' 'Boe gontle p-itlence smlle en pain,' " On I'ftlne they nil thnn smiled, JJut notse jcently as they might t And he, conlused and wild, Bcarched qalckly for another place. As quickly gare It eat 1 The tneirlmant, suppressed bolere, Itese new Inte a shout. These wcre the words that mat his eye (Ue sank down with a groan) ; " O glve me grlet ler ethers' woes " And pallonce for tny own I"' KVKItV 1IAT TKAODKIKS. rs Lewis and Her uanithtr round L.)lng Dend Side by alje. Mrs. Elizabeth Lewls and her daughter Jjsste, aged 10, wcre found (toad in bed at their home, iu New Ilavcn, Conn., en Saturday ovenlng from suffoeatiou by pas, the burner beitii? half way turned en. The last heard of Mrs. Lewis and her daughter was en Wednesday ovenlnjj, Jessie- being heard playing the organ by the family in the upper tenement. The family heard what tbey supposed te be dores cooing and what is new Raid te have been the groans of Mrs. Lewls and her daughter, which were audible from Thursday morn ing until the following day. Tliey also smelt gas, but paid little nttotttien te the feet, as the smell was net supposed te be offem ,ve. Mm, Lewis ami Jtsile were found lying aide by aide, dead, with the gas escaping from the burner. Medical Examiner Whlte is satisfied that their deaths wcre aoeidontal. The huiband nnd father lies at the hospital at the point of death from inflammatory rheumatism, having left his home for treatment two or threo weeks ege. Salclaeefa Yeung Vfemn. Martha Terres, aged SO, a domestie in the family of William Sellors, at Hidley Park, oemmitto.l BUicUle Friday night about 11 o'elook by taking oarbelio acid She was a waiter aud had access te all parts of the heuse aud went te Mrs SeUarti' mudiolne chest and get the poison. After taking it Hhe came into the dining room nnd told the family what she had done. She died in about half an hour. She wat forme.ly from Mlehigau aud has been iu their employ for about eight month aud was of a veiy cheerful disposition up te last Tuuisdav, when she received a letter from a man in Miehigan who had been paying his attentions te her for sorae time before she came East and who is supposed te have be 01 engaged te be married te her from lotters teund iu her possession. Corener Fairlamb held au inquest. The jury rendered a verdict that she came te nor death by taking oarujlie astu aJmui aJmui aJmui istored by hertulf. ' mm m A t'erftct Blrdlilee Client. Sin Et.Ne, N. Y., Test Ornca, ISIarch l!i, IsM. One wcek he, whlle engaged In tuy dutlea an Asilstunt I'estmnster, I ws taken with a violent pain or kink In tny book ; It wa9 te paintul 1 could hardly breathu aud I nched ml ecr my body. 1 Immediately sent for un Ailceck's l'oaets l'ntrri:uniul applied It ever tne seat 01 pain 1 In llve minutes 1 was entire ly relieved and cured 1 have med Alli-eek's plasters In my family ler ever twenty years, and have feiiuil Itiuui uendurliillyeirfctivu Iu curing coughs, colds and pulmonary illMcul tles. They are a perfect mrdlclne chest j they euro wllheitt the si tghleit pain or lnconvenl lncenvenl lnconvenl enco, never leaving u mark en tLe skin. THOS. LEAKY, rretttlentej Village of Stng Sing, X. 1. When purch&Mnga I'oreut I'lastur, le sure togefAlaeck's." All ether sejillel Tor Ter Tor eus rjesters uru Imitations. The best thing te relieve - sutrutlng horue, cow, sheup or hog is Duj's Herso and Cattlu Vewdnr. prepnreii irein the pruicilpt'eu el the celubritted Lomlen veterinarian. Dr. Jan. T Day It is saloandrellible. Kull dlrec tlins with ruih packaxe. Price a cents per picknsii of ene pound, lull weight 3.l mr Hult. Kaded articles el all kinds rusieted 10 their original beauty by lllamend liyert. I'crfect and simple. lc at alt drug vista. Wel s, lllehurdseu A Ce., llurllngten. "My UrandUlber'i Cleck," Was ence a v ry popular song, but like many Otacr sentimental tuneH ltdeexn'l wear well. JJr. Thema' Jiclectrte Oil mil wtnr ; It wlit wearnwuy ull aches, sprains, and pains, and ropaylisiiurclnueruliunili-eii (old. Kersalu Uy i C'lln"1 ,lr"Kgl-t, 137 and 133 North Me Deception, Used. It Ls strange se many people; will eentlnuu te suffer day altur day with Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sour Stomach, timi. oral DehlHty.when they can pieturu at our ateru SHIUlH-B VlTALlZKlt, Jreeef ce"t It It lojjsuetcuruorrellovo them. lTUe. 7J cents. Held by II. II. Cochrun, I37iuidixi North eumm Blreet. Irftnrastwr. u dU-Mxih S-lllgll.levcs-U, Dyspepsia und dehlllty ure two big t Meres 1 they creep Iu and steal our health und com cem com lert before we knew It. Let us putu step te Vj.'J!1' vajleijs witU ii Uetlltsfjt Hurdeck It feed llUtert. tobe hudatany ding toie. Kersalu by II. 11. Cochran, drugKlst. 137 and I3U Neith Ouceu stieut. Sleinersl nietherst Alethers Aroyeu diaturbed at night and broken el yeurrest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pnln of cutting teeth I If se, go at ence nnd gut a bottlenl M 113. WIN BLOW'flSOOTItlNUSrUUI'. It will relieve the peer little suitorer lintiiodlutely depend upon It; there Is no mistake about It, Tliure It notamethoronoarthwho has ever used il who will net tell you at ence ihnt it win rogulate the bowl and glve jvst te the tnethur, and rellul and health te the child en. crating like magic. It is perluctly sate U use lit all eass, and pleasant te the Uste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best omale physicians In the United suuw. Hei.i overy where. 33 cents a bottle. mayi-M.W.SAw new le neoure lleiimi. t seems strange that unv one will suiter from the many iierangemenu brought en by irj TS,"? r.l'V"0" of ,,,u bKxxl, when SCO. ULIaSAUSAPAUlLLAANDSTILLINUIA erllLOOD AND HVKU BYum- wll restore perlect taiwlth te the physlcolerganUutlon. It n"l.,lrU,)nst"u"1,,K VV P"want te luku. md has proven lueli te be the host HUMID 1'UUIKIBH ever dlscrere- , e,,tt ually curing Hcrelula, Syphlltle dlJenlers Weakness el the Kidney, Kryslpeias, 1 a"' rlaj all nerveus disorders and debility bil. eus oemplalnu and all dlswmes liutlcaUnJ n 11 impure condition el the Jlloe.1, Liver K neys, Stomach, Bkln. etc. corrects tad gestleu. A single bettle will preve te you is meriu as a health renuwer, ter It ACTS 1 1 it V" A CIIAUJ1, especially when the cemplJ nl u pi en exlwusUve nature, having a tendency te l6en the natural vigor 01 the bmlnaudner veus system. '"" KKK'8 VMS l'ANAOKA cures a pain In man und beast. Ker use externally and Inter. KEDHOltSK rOw"DKK& eure all diseases rherse, catUe, shoep, hogs, jieuitry and all WvoBteclc. Al'OSITIVKCUItK. marua rersale at H. a, Coehran'a drug etore 137 North Uueen ktreet. GeVnnt." ""SiaSi HAHTWAii'fl rKLLOWKltONTClQAIt MRD1VAI NO IHIUtlT OK TIIAT.-"IIP..NSI)M'fl Capclne Pereus Plastmsare clean, rella rella bie. ftiib'koetlng and highly medicinal "Dr. M. r. dowers. 7kN37n'S 8K1M CUllK. Frem fi-ank UtUe'i UluttraleJ AVu'jaj)r.J A LADY SAID. "Thine llnrrld l'iuiilntt Ne, 1 Citniiiit (l. 1'lcasa rrnent My Kicuim." Treliably two-thirds el the ladle In oelot) and home t our land ara unilcled with skin dlscusej el vnrleii9 kinds te de awa with which, II It could le done without t-iury, would be the happiest ovent et their live. Then alie would have Instead et a dUflgurt'd and marred oeuntenanco, ene that would Ixi handsome, or at leant geed looking, let nm ene with HOlear, pure skin, no miliar what the cut el her (natures are, has a certain amount of geed loots which attmit -very-body. As It Is new, she Imagines everyone oe and talks about lliose trvckle," "ihne henld pimple," and ether blemln'v with which she Is atlllcted, but this Is true el ullher sex. Te lmprove this appearance great tliture taken ; arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles containing the.e dealt; dealing drugs, are taken In hope et getting rid el all these troubles. In ninny caes deith Is the result. Nonllevlatlon of the burntng, heating. Itching nnd Intlammatlen Is given. All troubled with Kczemn (salt rheum) Totters, Humors, Inflammation, Heugh Scab Kruptlens el any kind, llea.e et the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulccis, Pimples or Ten der Itchlngs en any part el the body should knew that there Is hope ler them In a sure, perleet and elegant rotnedy, known as I" Dr. C. W. llonsen's Skin euro." It makes the skin whlte, sett nnd smooth ; removes tan and freckle", and Is the 11KST tollet dressing 1 THE WOULD. It Is eleganUy put up, TWO bottles In one package, consisting of both In- ternaland external treatment. Our realtor should be sure te get this and net some old rcmcdi resuscitated en the success of Dr. Hen son's and new advertised as " The ure.it Skin Cure." Thore Isenly one-lt tuarstlie docte.'s picture nnd Is forsale by all drnggltt, f 1 per package. A Ssnsjiilen HAS OrTXN BIKN MADE by tlw discovery el soma new thing, hut neth Ing ha ever steed the test like Dr. C. W. Hen- eon's Celery and Chamomile Tills. They really de cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleepless, nesi. Indigestion, Ptintl sis and Melancholy. l'rice, 50 cents per box, two ler II, six ter nw by mall, postage Iree. Dr. C. W. Ik' n se 11, Halllmere, Mil. Sold by all druggUts C. N. CJurnticreN. New Yerk, Is H'hii'ev , Agent ler Dr. C. W. Ilenson's Kemedles. IftMindM.WAS.tw fiiwi'! ai'tieirit) nhuiuiAH, tub U vJreat KuKllsh Uemudy. An unfailing cu.ii ler Impeuincy, and all Dlsens that fellow less et Jtomery, Universal Lasl Lasl tude. l'aln In the liack. Dimness of Vision, l'remature Old Age, and many ethor diseases that lead te insanity or Cen. sumptien nnd a I'rematuru Orave, Full par ticulars In our pamplet, which we desire te setut tii-ebi u.iil.te every one. The Speclllc ill-tlcineli old by all druggists at II pr pack age, or 5x packages ter 15. or will te sent tret ey uinu en me receipt 01 me money, by at. dressing the nuent, 11. U. COCIIUAN, Dnigglst, Nes 1 n and UJ Nertu Viuuun sfeel, Lancas ter, I' a. un account et counterfeits, wrhnvoadep'.. eil tin. ellew Wrsptwr : theenly genuine. THK (iltAY MKDIC1NECO., V'U" lturtale, . N TOTIUK. I'ATIKNT" WI3UlOT) CON. suit DR. LA GRANGE, or 162 Kilbuht STnxirr, l'lilLiDSLrnit. Pa., are requesteil te kIve at leant two d.iy notice prier te their Intended v Nit te prevent disappointment and les of time. free his new work en Nervous I)lcase9 and Allied Disorders. Sent free by pest. Mcentn. Address as above. ml-lmd VUlt HALK. LfiiK .iALIt,-.t SKUU.MI tl.t.MI KMJINK. . Apply at tills efllce. f.2-tfd Pll IfKNT KltOMTl'llli7T X1 Thethlid fleer of Ne. i Kast Mng street sultahle ter any kind et biiilnes. luiiulre nt J1S tld NOa.e.t NUItTH (jCKfc. sT. F OK KKr A IIUICK UAICKIHlC-sKON Mlttln street, betnei.n Snnfli ihmi nn,i 1 -uiicu strce's, rear 01 uee. i sit'lnnmn A Ce's store. Apply at this ofllce. HJ-tfd r.'Olt IIKM-UllllK ,11)11 DKalKAIII.E . ....... ...-,,.., .n?,ii nunt un iiecenii story, with or without neaid. ...v.... .. Mmji uii.i.mc eil.r.tI. L'UB tll-.M-AFII.lt Al'ltll. 1 A l.AltUK 1 rnitnmi llintrnnii il.yi.ni .i... t..n... butbllng, heated by stram. i:i.ii. uir.ii r i.nti.suci). uiS-5teOil U and .S North (juceii ht. 1?Olt SAI.K, en KAST rKitsn. lhavei-eme lieusi-s en New and Duke streets which 1 will fell en easier terms than ev r beteru ettered te the public. Call en .... l- ' M.v. hi:, J.in2mt Mi North Queen atn.il. i.'Mlt HKN1-. A (feed llrlck HtKb'e en Sllltlln btrcet. re i' et Nes. lieanil 152 hast King street Apply te ALI.hN A. HbltllACO., Ileal hslate and lnmirance Agents, Ne. luS Kast King street. mi-3t PUIII.IO SAI.K-ON rAltltllAl, llrtKU.I Ti, 1.14, will be sold at public hale at the lleller house, corner et North Uueen mid SiV'irUitif.,ir!',JwV..un. t,,lt MM" two-sterv ltltlCh ItL'lLDlNtt, known as ttie IHlhND IHlhND hllll'I'.NtilNKileiJMK " Sale tncninmeneuat Te'chn k In th even ing, whi-n conditions el ealu will be ma e known Ly e JOHN MeCULLKY and ethors llEMKV SlirnKUT, Trustees a ULtlenet r. uiS,ie,is,ii,i:,ij,i 11UIII.II) SAI.K OK M-. FUKNITUItK. 1 Will hosehl en Tltt)Ul) A V M 1111 w 11 IKS I. at NO. 3(11 North (lnn..n .1. 1 '.' ter, ler the purp se id closing out buslnens, an ubllre stuck et .SKW KLHMI L'UK, 'M. ,.w..., . ..,,,aiiy v.arveu aenu Ma hogany LhaiuUir hull, two W al out Chamber hulls, live collage bults, In dlUere.it colors ene W uluut Client el Drawers, I arge Walnut ...v.m.n,,lu,,i.;r u iuri:u eiuuH, one Hull I.euuue, 1 aides of every descilptlun. Wash Stands and l'eil.teads, an elegant armirtment 01 Couches, large let et Lounges, Husk und StniwMuttr.Mes ha.y Chairs. Wall chairs. heU, threii Parler hulls, 011.1 Heater an 1 milntleiied Sl"V li",, " U,B0 let "' KOO,ls ""' Balotecoininence at 10 o'clock a. in., sham and te continue until ti,e eir.lru steek UdU p.jsed el, itl.eut reserve or underbids. Samcki llit-s A Hen, a nets. A" " Ll!is teb.'74liiatl,S 9,10,11, 1)UliLIOMAI,K.O.N tVKDWKSDAY, 1I,H l'J, ll. will beOldat iHiblluHuin. ,.1 11,.. Leejiud hotel. Lust King street. Lancaster I'll., the following viluable ieal estate. 10 wit ' All UlHt I rill 1 11 1(il nr nl.wu.iii ........... 1 . ..... . ; . " - hiuuiiii VdllUK (1 011 the eiistsldu el south Duke street, in the r ?,.;, .: i.v.t.'y-' . '.v.'j..1 "r.ue 0.r.p.c:! . house Is suitably located ler a doctor or ler a ?, ,1 n0''.. J' !.?i. MnWnliW ten the rear 1 gas all through the lieusi water ?nV!!,,li'u,bft,,lroe,!,'',,1,1'w' "Trunilng Inte cellar, cellar under the wiiole bullcllni? 3 teet alley. ' Tlw back 'Jul ..Ingl, (iulet dee r!' with a wash klicheus by u leet. wiin sa iJ!i back et buildings. Het and eehi water 7n kitchen. sowerage through the yatd.ohelcu Itultund new tonees uli mound. ,""l,tuo,ce Any poison desiring le view the pronertv TurwStey. "l UT 8"U' ,,,,k " ycarUrre0nuU'UlrC0 perd0Ma ,na' will give 3,e a Halu te liealn at 7 n'elnxU ... ,....... when aitemlaiiee wll ETIli " ' "' eul" "u? "KNUV 1'. KICIILKIt IlKMivSiiueiiRT, Auct. JiriO-iui RTUVK8. 1JOOH, W1I1TK& UO., " "" --BANKERS,-- 46 WALL STREET, New Yerk. llrekeisund Dealers m Itallwny mid all ether cecurltles, UAILWAY 1NVKHT.MI5NT8 whmiCilti.l.Jl,rli,J.nU.10 ,0,ccllniiniiu estlmate el K .I0,,1 :,K,,r..,en connect en with ' I'oer'h pitOKKHSIONAI, I'lANO mOVKIt AITll P lrUllin.i. revi-tia Ne. SMN. yuu Bt., Lii iiViucr. vur ueuva. piAiti'Kr -AT- HARNISH&CO.'S, 46 WEST KING STREET. r We nre new nfterlng te our customers ALL WOOL T0-l'LY Extra-Super Carpet, AT lie, WOltTII OOe. l'KIl YAUI). ALSO, RAG CARPETS Of our own manutactureat very low prices. We de the largest business In the city In Itag Carpets because we innke the tmst Carpet for the least mniier. and our cutem llsg Car pets are Increasing SO per cent. e ery season 1 nnd we give customers perfect satisfaction. 1NUUAIN CAlll'KTS at 2SC., worth 10c. DUKSS uOODSefnll kind. Ureal Itsrgalns 111 ItLACK CASIIMKItKS audJCIthEl CI.OTIIM, and NO TIONS et all kinds, 11s I) love, Hrxe et all kinds, Itlb Itlb bens, llamburgs and Insertlngs. Heusefurnlshing Dry Goods, Sheetings, Tnble Linens and Tickings at Lew 1'rlces. -t LOTH1NO MADE TO OUDKU at short notice. Ne. 1 Prime Steamed FKATHKU9 always en hand. Jacob Hariiisli, Witmer Hess, Ne. 4G WEST KINO STREET, febll-lunlAiuiw LANCA9TKU, fa. N KW Ul'HlNO UOUUS. Grand Opening! ff ATT, SHAND & CO., Have llccelvcd sixty Cased and Hales of NEW SPRING GOODS Within the past week at the lowest prices ever kuewn In the history of the Dry Ooeds business. NEW SPINU I) It ESS UOOD". OTTOMAN and l'IN CHECK Sl'ITlNUS. MELANUKS, DEIIEOES, AHMUKKS. 11.-ACK AND COLORED OASHMF.KES. NEW COLOItSIn DKKS3 SILKS. NEW S1MUSU UOUKIir AND GLOVES. CAMltltlC andSWISS EMUH01DEKIES. UUC1UNUS, COLLAKs and LACKS. NEW CALICOES and l'EHCALES. WAIUNU GINGHAMS and CHEVIOTS. SH1UT1NU l'KINTSand CAMHItlCS. TAliLE LINENS, NAPKINS andTOWEI SHEETINOSand PILLOW MUSLINS. LACE CUttTAlNS and PILLOW SlIAUs, Popular Goods at Popular Prices -AT THE- NEW YORK STORE, NOS. S & 10 EAST KING ST., LAN CAST Kit, PA. VLUTU1XU, F 01c CHOICE FURNISHING GOODS, OK KATMEIt MerilElt, IMOTHEIIS. 513 TKlts. (.L'l S-IN& AND ACNTs. BEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KING SHIEST, Itemeiuber the number and attce'. w riLl.tAJISON A FOSTKU. THE INTRRMEDTATF. Medium weight Milts and Overcoats suitable ter this Interuifdlate season c distantly called ler especially the Medium "Welght Overceats, OI which we have a large and varied assert, men t, commencing al 10 50 te a tlue w ersted el superior make. Pantaloons. This Intermediate season Is hard en Pants, but we i.ave a large and well selected stock et ull grades, trem 11.35 ler a geed, strong pant ter evening weur te a high giade casslmere ler lull dress. LUtle Beys' SIMUT PANT SU1T.S are well represented and In prices range from tl(ft up te any price thoiuesllndulguut parent would f.cl disposed te pay. Qlovea, Cardigan Jacketa and Un Un derwear That are usually iireppud out et line at this si-urfonare still In demand and selling at thw reduced pr'ces that ure geed ler the buyer. A Suporler Overall O80., That Is guaranteed net te rip or break In the seams, lids should be low enough ler tlrst class goods, but If It is net we have an extru hiavy Ne. 1 A11T1CLE KOIt HALF A DUL. Elghmie Shlrte. Anether large Invoice et tliese celebrated shirts ust lecelved. This Is, without exeen. Hen, IHEllESTelllllT Full ONE DOLLAIt. Hats and Caps. A desirable STIKF HAT, new pattern, Just coine. PKICE, f.'.W. It will becouie popular without a doubt but te be Fashlenublu wear a tKDOHA. Caps terthe Theatre or te use ler Traveling rt e have a lull und varied ussert. ment In silk or due cloth. Beets and Shoes In ail makes and the b stthal can be leund 101 the Lewest Prices. Trunks Tlint are made strong und Iren bound, with a Mew te resist the bundling et the Averat-e ilaggage Man, the Prlct-a et them ure very Allcnllersari welcome at any tlme te leek Uiteugli our stock, and we shall lake pleasure In giving you all the deslruble Inlormallen. untVirieCi i1'" "l ' 'c!e;lf P' m' "I""1 Saturday Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 36 and 38 East King Street. LANCASTKU. PA P. 8.-3.1 PAIUSOKUENTS'LINEN CL'KFS large sizes, at 5e, A PA1U, ULAHU AX1) UVMSKNaWAlth. ITltOI MAHT1M. QUEKNSWARB ! QUEENSWARE I -AT- CHINAJULL. China, Glass, Quoenswaro. THE LAUUKST AB30UTMENT. ALL OOODS EXCHANGED IK NOTBAT1P KACTOUV. ft"c Ilousekoepors leek te your Intorest y. nmlne our stock lofero purchasing! , ligii & lartin, 15 EAST KING STKEET, LANOABTKIt, Pa. H AtlKlt & IUtOTIIi:it. EARLY ENGLISH CORK SCREW SUITINGS. Plain Celers and Fancy Mixed Suitings. Frem Erken, Sobelllor. Illlirer mitt ethor Oolebratod ForelKn MumifcioturerB, toffethar with a varv lnru aud full aeaer tiueut of the beat A morlenn Cnpalmcroe and Sultlnga, from lewest te nneat qualltles Wn ,,r propnred te ninkeup te erder any of the abeve, aud guarantoe satlsfaotlen ub te trhumluB8, Ut, qtiullty mid Business Suits, Dress Suits, Beys' Suits, Spring Overcoats. Our Clothing stock la coinpleto aud all of home manufaoture, from oarefully aoleotod goeda mid ,! 1 , o:mpteut tallera, aud we guarantoe It te glve aatlefactlen, Prloe aa low ua the loweut. y HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, r AKrn A , n A iiewKii; a iiritsT, BOWERS & HTJRST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET .... LANCASTER 1A ElogantllueBlaokOashmoroanowoponlng Elegant line Blaek Silk Warn Hnnrlnt.ru OIethB new openlng. Elegant llue Btaek Tnlbet Shawla new openlng. Elenant line ninnV Oropea and Blaek Orepe Voile new openlna. In Blaek Orepe we have aepoelal nualltv thn vorybeatmado. Elegant llue Ladtea" Blaek Joraeys. Elegant quality, only 82.00. Eemnants Dress Goods, Eemnants Calicoes, Remnaiits Muslins. ALL VElir CllKAP FOR CASH AT BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER PA jHiVLr.it & uuTa al'itiMu unssimi, r - - -zr SPRING OPENING IMPORTED DRESS GOODS. We are new rocelvlng large llnea of new atylea of Dress Ooeds for Spring Salea. Some of the f popular are Tricottlnea. uaesimoren. Froneh Oaahmera and Foulea, In all the new lleht Bhaden Pwri Weel and Silk and Weel Oomblnatlena Oaahmore and Albatreaa kmbroldeod Reboa Pine AU-WmI Fretih Plaids In Beautlful Celers. Shepherd Plaids in dlirorent alzed oheoka at various prloeo. Blaek Ooterod IS Summer Sliksef all grades. fiTrake a leek at our West Window as you pase. taeK, uoierod and JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. GIVLEH, VAIll'KTH. lSTAHLIHUKD 1H30. CARPETS -AT- Philip Scliiim, Sen & Ge's I'jO SOUTH WATER STREET, LA.VCASTKi:,l'A. Wuliaveafull gnpnly et KAG ASP KII.I.. INU C'AUl'Kl'.S. Wu enlv u.n tli.. I,..t r yarns. ii you warn a (?oei, Horvlcenble Carpet, pleae cciik' anil uxninlnu our stetk buleru nurchtLftlni? nlHnwTiHri, h. n will ...II au nti....n .- r. . --.. .w. .. . hi ..... .v..l.. as leu clicapcat. Ceine uml see ter yenrlf uml ueLviniiiLcunuiuwuja IIUVU IU 1 rupuUi- lien et making lltst-clasj Carpuu. IIMTOM IIAR I' A flt'KTB A kVirrilT.TV COVK11I.KTS. UOf.STKlll'ANKS ' 11L.AS- 11C.15, UAltir.l 1-11A1., 6TUUU INU Y.(l(.V,Au, Uvi'lllir Oeni) in all It. lirnnrlii. nt ahnrt nn. tlcu. COAL I COAL I 01 the bet Quality, tiprcssly ler family uje. TUV A SAMl'LK TON. UKUKMUEKTIIK OM) STAND. FIULIP SCHL SON k CO'S Ne. 1W SOUTH YVATKIl STltEET, 19-amil LANCASTKU, PA. 21UH1VAL. IXnTHVMENTH. w LOOX JB W111TB Wilcox & White Organ Ge. SPKCIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW 13 THE TIME TO I1UV PIANOS AND ORGANS AT BLAUUlITEItlNCJ PUIliES. One Geed Baceml-lland Piane !..( One Kleuiint Htcencl-lluml (JrKun 15.00 One Eluttint New Organ, ll.tep Couplers and Sutilluss M.ne Wilcox A Wlilte Orgutu trem $;j.(jii te liM.te "Knabe," MePhall, Qrovenotoln Se Fuller, Koyateno, and Voeo && Bone Pianos, All Marked Down te llottem Prices. Almest glven away. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warcroems, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II. II. I.UGKEN1IACH. Aeent. feul74IU alAVIllNKUY. HAV1NU 1JIHS01.VKIJ and tictmuiiently cli fAltTMKKhllll' ClOSCd tllU UllOHtllllt fctroet Iren Works, ldoslre te Inlerin my old patrons and tne publie Kenurally, tliut 1 11111 mill In tlie bualnuaa, txilng lecated In tlie l'ean iron uempanys norm, norm I'lum sinxtt, wliure 1 am making Iren and llress Ciutlnus et every iloitrlptleu, and will be pleiuud te serve all wlie may luver 1110 with tliulr patron age. from 40 yoaraexpotlenco In tliebimlnusa and ualng tlie bust material and employing tlie ben I muclianlcd, 1 am untuned I can guur guur antue entire gutlsluctlen. Cnstlngs mii'le Irum a mixture et Iren ami steel wlileli ure mero re Itable ter Btrengtli und durability tlian tliu beat cant Iren "known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls und rolling mill work a siieclalty. Cast ings made et very sett Iren, and brass cast ings et every description. X liave all the pat ters ar the well and favorably known Mewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Duproved. Alse en hand, mills completely lltted up or In parts, te re place old ones which have been In use ler yeaiu.KUUian teeing them te give Istacllen, amm-emd K. 0. MeCUI.I.KY. Stkvanh iiuusn BUAV1N0 ANO HAIR UUE331NO HALOON. Geed Jeurnevtuen and prices same as othet ealoens. u, WAUNEIt, mylS-Ud AlanRKer, nur uuenn, . SPRING CLOTHING. WE HAV13 NOW IN 8TOUU S. GIVLER & CO., vi.nnufu,vxm:uH bau, e. H. UKUIIAItT. GREAT REDUCTION -1N- FINE CLOTHING -AT- H, Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East Bang Street In order te reduce a heavy stock et KINE WOOLENS and te make room for the Spring Importation. I will make up te order all heavy-weight SUITINUdandOVEUCOATlNO Fer the Next 30 Days at a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ot , or First Oeat of Get ting Them Up. I have also a Large AMortment et medium weight WOOLENS ler tlie early Spring trade, which will be made up betnre the Spring trade sets In at nn equal reduction, te give employment te my hands during dull season TUB A HOVE HEDUCTION IS fOli OAUH OXLY. N. II. Mr "ample card of Spring Importa tions are new ready and any et my custmners desirous et securing choice styles can de te new. H. GERHART. G AN1MAN A HHO. 1884--SPRING--1884 Q00DTIME3 AllECOMINU. The time has ceme und we are new icady. OneKllmpsn at thu bargalna ollured lu our large and ultiuctlve NEW SPRING STOCK -or- Ready-made Clothing ! AND GOODS IN TIIK PIECE, will convlnce you that an era of pcaceand prosperity has dawned ler you, und our low prices will actually set you trembling with ilellhL Loek lit our ttamp'e pleces, marked lu plain figures, In our northwest hIkiw window, tilled with the choicest piece iioeds which we make te order at thu tollewlniit low prices : Hulls te order at 112.W, tU.Oti, f is.OO, (16.00, lis e i, i :e oe. i ti co, iz- oe 1'anU te order ut 1 W, $1.00, f 1.60, 13.00, 4 00, 17.00, 18.00 und te 00. Ueudj.mude Hults ter Jlen at 13.00, $0.00, $7.00, IS.00, fO.U),$1200 up te I1U 00. Ueady.nmde Hults ler lleysat $3 50, $1.00, $1.60, $3.00, 111 00, $7.00 up te $10 00. Ctllldren'sSults at $1.73, $',00, $2.V, $3.00, $1.00 up te$fl60. Whether yenivUh te purchasa or net, please call, (et posted and see, for ycurseir whether any ether Olethlnu or Merchant TatlerliiK Heuse can approach you with us low prices ami large assortment. L. Bailsman & Bre., 'IUK I'ASIIIONAIH.E MKIU'HANT TAl LOUS AND OLOTlIlJSUa. NO". GO.UB NOllTIl UUEEN HTHEET Ulght en the fieuthwest Cerner of Orange Blrcet, LAN0AS1KU, PA 49- Net cennected with any ethor Clothing Itouselu thucltv. w IrtlOUT CXUKII'IUN THK iifcsr Oe Cluarfn ttincltv. llAH,riIAa YELLOW FllONT CIUAlt iVj CXXt t-sg. a. r... jr-: LANCASTER, PA. GEO. F. RATH VON. II ATX .1.YTJ CAM. H ATS, 0.1'. Ac. SMIz's Only Hat Stere. JUSTHECEIVEDOUIISPUINUSILKHATS. BROADWAY Is the hat adopted by tlie ilrnadway Hatter's Association and U always tlie leadlnir and miMt popular hat In nil me cities. A Voed widl uiiil u ii . .. i .." "" r. ,r-"""v isstlllvelllnu stock all the time. in un wurii tui annul., aii .i..u i;. - - a...,,.. ,,. -TIIK- FEDOEA. - CAsn.nra 144 North Queen Street. (OUNDAKEIPS OLD STAND.) LANUASTEll, PA. - A few Winter Caps at Hulf Prlwi. mar.TiydAw CHULTV. Ul.l hi AMD. OKKAT KEDUCTION IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Lndlea' Seal 8acqueH and Delmans. Ladlea' Fur-Llned Circulars, llents' mid Ladles' Seal Cups nt Cost, H ILK UitUHKLhAS. A Large Assortment et U LOVES ut Cost. THE LAUOKBT STOCK A.SDAHSOUTMENT OK KASI1IONA1ILK Wilier Hats, Caps, Furs, &c, Eve.?S'.,,,rJ'i!1 "'' imullc. at the LOWEST PU1CEH. Wholesuleund Uetull. Huy tercush only nnd sell dumper than any ether Hat Sloie In thu city. SOLE AGENT KOIITI1E Knox Silk & Derby Hat. TheONLr Hut Manufactory In Lancaster. Heys' Caps trem lOe. up. Men's Cups et all kinds Brently reduced in julre. Iteputrlnir neatly and piemptly done. Old Hllk Hats made ashlonuble. JOHN SIDES, itSl-tM Successor te 811 ULTZ A HHO. auecKitir.H. t nunaii's. Fleur of the Entire Wheat Uakes a Ilrevrn Hrcad.U used ler Uems and Sluflliii.U Is J 11st the IhtnK ler dyspeptics, It contains ull thu gluieu j In. deed, everythliiK' that nature intended, OALL FOR CIRCULAR, Which Will Oitic Puuthkii Particulars. Ker Mecker's eelf Ualslng lluckwlitat, Ker Whlte Cornmeal. Kei-Choice yellow Kiln Dried Cornmeal. Ker Yerk Slate Huekwheat. Ker Maccarenl and Vermillion, Ker corn starches. Ker Karlna und Idea Kleur. Ker Choice Ne. 1 Mackerel. Ker Ilnneless Codfish, cholce 80. B, Ker 6 B Salt I'lckled Herring. S3e. Ker Smoked and euitur Cured Ilerrliitf, etc., eta, go te BUESK'S, NO. 17 HAST KING STR13ET. LANOAHTEll.I'A. TUAVKLVIVmitttltK. JAWOAHTKlt Allll 01 1 l.l.l. K1VI l.l.l. H It i Lars run aslnllens Leavn Lunnisier (P. II. Peputi, nt 7 0 an k?i,,.?.i1.":' ",!" " ' " " ":1" ' m " 'I n Hul inlay, when the l.e-l eat leavi i al iv.n p. n Ilia nT" .'.' VVVlln M"n"T "l",)i "I I. '"' iu a in,, ami , a ft umi ; p , ( Bun lav'1'" " y u" ,llM'V0 1""" "rei'1 en COLUS1II1A A I'llUT Hhl'OMII l M iwl HOADTIMK TAIILK. Tnilns new run lenulnrlv m tlm i ,.i.m in Pert Deposit Kallread en the IoUet." y m)UTiiwaiaT jTATKS. " nenrMWAR; r.M. A.M H-l M(FI x.v: ;.tn 7.10 7:S0 7-:n ;-.ai 7 2.1 10 p. ii. :V1i 0:33 tl:li ....Ueluilihla .. ..Wiislilniileu . ... Cliw.well .... . Hale Hill ber. . .Shenk's Kerry. ... .l'cnieii .... .Yerk luruai'ii.. i....Tiicitiaii MrCall'H Keny ..Kile's Editj .. .MshlnirCri'rlc. .Peach lliittiiin .. Cone vlue . Octnrnni ... ...Pert lieiiifHlt ... Piirryvllln... r.i. 3:30 , 3-.C1 5 3.1. 7m 7:tti 1.U 7:17 M7 ftW 3 OS . 3I1! ... l IH . Ill . ! Ill A I (A I K 1 7 1 II i 7:'fl 7:37 7 11 7.30 :03 8:13 I'" i ; 1 ti .i C1.uy??vA,li,K,,"N',,' eiiLhiiniMiii J VALLKV UA1I.UOAD I IMK-l Alll.h SOUTHWARD, .i-V.1?1'??. J?'ivn ,iel1ll"' IiHy (except Sun. day) at t!.:te u. in., 12.23 mid 7 23 p. m. ' .AirrJV ut t-'"rwll 'it 0 in a. in. u. 17 n ni ?. . J i! ' m,i ut Oonewouo at 7 22 a in., I 2 niul M-.Mi. m. I'liniH'Clliii; with the Petinsj -vatil.1 railroad forpelnUi East and West. KORTIIWAMI. Train leave Coneaatfo nt 7:30 n. m., g. and 8:'ji p. tn( Arrlve at Cornwall i.l S 13 a. in., IH nnd e u p. m. at Lebanon at H..10ii. in., I an an I u fl ii ni.. cennectliK? ut Lebanon with Phlladi liilila Hi adliiK railroad Ter point Ku-t and IVtsl. and the Lebanon A Trtiiieni brant Ii lur Jehns' "',?." ' ''"Wi'Te and TumheiiI. Tliu i.:.W a. in. lluln will step only ut tern wall. Colehiook and llellalre. u KAlllMUaUOI.UAlUIA K. ii AKUANOKMENTOr PABaKNU.' MONDAV, OCTeilElt '.-'r i NOUTHWAltll. 9.ukW-m yuarryvllle Lancaster, KinirSi Lancaster Chlckles , it arietta Junction Columbia. AnaiVM. Uedluit A.M r. m r. k (.:) 7:30 7:ll) 7-20 7 30 7iSi' I i N I , f U:iS 3.. SOUTIIWAUD. UAVl. Beiling ARRITB. Marietta Junction Chlckle Columbia Lan caster. Lancaster, King St Uuarrvvlllii A.M. A.M ie.a ... 10-.NI .... 10:37 11:13 . in) . .. 11:' U:'J7 :si UlS3 11:M 11:M lim 7:10 12 SO 7-27 r.M. 12:2 7:37 11.10 ;W U:33 8;'.M A.x. . i r.M 7r23 11:1 t 9:18 P.M. rad '.'-.IS ... .in Ml) i I : - in ... 10:4 .... i TMlln. nnnniu.1 ... inn .... ... from Philadelphia, Pottaville, llarrUeni., lentnwit und New or. vVi Hound lieute. At Columbia with trains te and m . . Hanover, Uettysbunr. rroilerietr ... tnore. a M. WILien - 1)KMHSYLVAIII,l lt.Ml.llll.il.. 8CHEDULE-On aud ftli.. 1 NOVE.MHK.lt, IS, ISM, tmlus im . yaiila ltallru.il will artlvr ni n.i Lan'" te i nnd l'hllulii:liln, tiepnt ,- n Vf I i'V A. I.an l AU 1 U i 1 -7 I 5' d-1 ., .. S..' .. s,3 . 9:00 .1 I r.M. Ut '." Ii3 '.M. H. i J' ' 3-1- . . EARTWABD Mall Exprtiss Philadelphia Express f.LL.Ine V llaxrlsburir Extus Yerk Accommeduvlnn strives Lancaster Accemr lai:en arrlves... Lelumbla Acoeui.ou Hen rredfirlek Accouiineilatton arrive?. Leck llaven Express Sunday Stall Johnstown Express Day Express Ilarrlsbunr Accommodation.... Hanover Accoinmeilatlon rest, conuec'iiK at Lancaster with Miupirn Kxtirees ut li will run through te Ilanevar dally, i vt Sunday. Frederick Accor iiii.tatlen,viiiit.i'iiii.. u u at Lancaster with rant Line, wu.'t, a: . r,-1 ran through te Knulerlek ,LM. I '.li-Lna WarwAiin. ews Kxpresj t z r m. ay rassenifer I aiau mini, me. i, via. Mt. .toy : m aiau iruin, .o.2,viaceiutnbla,leavos Niagara Expinss 7 i uauever Accomuicniaiieii leuv.i. . Test Line rredetlck Accoinmeilatlon livtviis Harrlsburg Accenimixiuiti.n Lancaster Acconimedattoii leaves r m i I ueiumuia Accommodation 4 1 iiarnstiurir Express 7 .1 5 esuirn r.xpress ;i 1 t'acinc Express i. IlarrlsLnrg Expreus, wlileli leaves Luiicusti at 7:10 p. in., lias dlixct connections (wuueiit ch.inKuet cars u Celumbli and erk. Fast Line, west, en Biimluj, wu.tn , e Will step nt Dewnllii;U)wn,Culmvl)li l'tukc burir, Mount Jey, Ellrabotlitewnuii.i mm town. Day Express, Kast Line, Newsbriu.-.-Train, Ne. 1, Wcslern Express nnd rac nr r 4 prvss run dallv. The tlmw here irlven ls Katttrn time, or t'i et thu 73th meridian, whlce Is 1 minute and seconds taster than that heretofore 11 d T DUAI-aiAIL AKKANOK.lll'.M . HOUHS KOHCLOSINU THE MAII.1 lly Hnllreud N'kw eiik tiiiioieii mail ' 00 and 7.30 a, m., 12:30 p. m., 3:00 p. lu. and 4 00 a. 111. WAV Mail, east, 7:30 a. in DowMKOTew.v, Leauiau Plicuand Onii, i. 13 p. m. PlIILAOKLrUIATUROCOII MAIL. 3.1.0 alii' J i) II IU., H:14u. ill,, 12 30. &:0U uml 2.'0u. in. PiTTaui'iui awu wtDT, U.eO a. iu., t ,e and 10 Ij i. in. I IlARni8iiuneMAiL,c.03aud0 00a m , 1 ji. in. 7:1.1 and le.is p. m. ' 1 -Wat mail, west, li:Ht nnd 0 01a. in. llALTIMOIIi: AND WASHINGTON, Via Plllladl I phla. 3:11 1), m. IIALTIUOIIK AND WaSIUNOTON, MilYCTk, 1 (j p. III. Haltiuure and WAbiiiNUTON, via llairlsburh', 10:13 ii. iu. " HiuniNllAND. Chrlsllana, Pnrkesbnri;. CoiteHVllleaml Ieh nliiKlewn at 12:30 p. m. t.'OLUMiUAatO.uOa iu. 1 'JO and 3 Oil ii in. Yeiik ami eii wav, I Hand 10:11 p. m NORTHKRM CENTRAL, ia0 .V 111,. 1:20 ull, I 10 U p. ni. IlKAntNa, via Hradine ami Celu.miiia It. It , 7:10 a. in. aud 12:l0p. in. Ukadine, via Philadelphia, 3:i0and II Hip m ItBAUlNit wav, via Junction. Lltiu. Man. helm, East Heiiiplleld and apluata, ,1 13 p. in ..,yu.A1.t.'?.r.ylLLB' Caiu.aiue. New PieMii. nee. West Willow, Martinsville, Helten and Llme alley, 0:13 u. in. and 3 00 p. m, ...Nkw.. ""LLanii, Chin uhtewn, (.rienb.inlt Illue Hall, uoedvllle, Heuitewti and hprlnu Ureve, by way el Dowiiliiftewii. at (, un, u, und ll. p in, Savb Haruek, via Columbia, K.w a in. ami 6:10 p, m. lly tHB-Shietnvatcr und s-ale Harher, dully, at I:!))) m, ' 'I'e Mlllersvllle, 8undll30 ii. in.,nndlp m llliikluv's llrliUu, Leacock, Haievllle, New Helland, 2:30 p.m. Willow atnet, Bmlthvllle, lluck. Chestnut Level, Ureeu, Peters' Cieek, PleiiHiint tirnve, Heck Siirlnus, Kulriunuiit mid Huwluudsvillii, Md dully, al 7:00 ii. iu. Lanuls' Valley. Ori.Ken, West Karl, Kami Kami eraville. Nellsvflle, lllnklelnwn, Teiru Hill, Alartluiliile, dally, ut 2:30 p. in. uremiiaiiti, leiiuiiy, i.auipeier anil ivne.it. land Mills te Strasburir, dally at I pnn. New Danvlllu, CouesteKii, ftlurtluvlile, Colo Celo Cole tnuuvlllo, Aleiint Nebo, It.iwllnsvllUi, He thesdaanit Llbeity Hqiiaie, dally, ut 2:30 p.m. On Sunday evenlniTi malls i.ast uuu ni cles at 10.00 p. m. WHliN Hl'KN I'Ull 1IK1.IVKHV. Arilvlair by Blall-Eiwtern mall, C3J ii. m.. 10.00 u. in., 3.00 mm 0:30 p. m. Eastern way mall, loeou in. Westurn mall, 0.30 und le.OO u. in., 2.00 and 7.00 p. in. Iteudlnjf, via lieadliii' and Cnliiinhln, 2.30 P. in. Western way mull, f-te a m. HeadliiK way mall. 10:30 a. in. (juairyvlllu Hraiieli, :13u, in, and l:C0p. m. Arrlvlnc by HUue from Hulu Hurber und Sluckwuter, ut O.oe n in., dully. Krem Mlllersvllle, 7 und u u, in and 4 p. in Krem New Helland, ut 0.30 a. in., dully, Frem Kelandsvllui, Md., at 4 M p. in. HeadliiK wny mall, nt 10.30 a. in , dully. Krem HitasbnrK. ut 0:30 a. in,, dally. Krem Itawllnsvllle, at 11:10 u, in, Kiem Terre lllll.al lu.lua. m, lJULIVEIlIKa IIY uakuiuhd, Thore nre threo mall dollveiles by Letter Carriers each day, and en their tetiirn trim they take up thu mull matter deposited In tlie letterboxes. A collection is made irem ull the boxes en Sunday alter 4 oe p. iu. Ker the rtrst delivery the carriers loavetho ofllce at 7:00 a in.; second delivery ut 10 oe a. iu, third Uollvery at 3.00 p, in, SUNDAY I'OSTMIWIUR lIDUltf, On Sunday the posteflleo Is open Irem April 1st te Ooteboi 1st' trem s te U a, in., nnd ire!n 0 te 7 P. in. t Irem October 1st te Apill 1st, uem 0 te 10 a. in,, aniUreiu 0 te 7 p. in. ' STOKE.