"T" 1 r wrpHi VS " " "" m-,grv - j HfflFTT Tf W"WTpf W ' . rr fi i 'V . LANCASTER .DAILY INTEIJJGENOElt, MONDAY .MAKOll 10 1884. v'". n.. "iSPPWI"1'1 v 'r-vvfPF&V'vni'VF'? E " 85 ,'iii X ' 1 w Vr. t !' fc , t ' S K r'4 r i lc Lancaster JntelUgeuccr MbtfDAY tfVKNINQ, MARCH 10, 10U4. What They mil lie. The wish is father te the thought in the Republican journals that tire busy in proclaiming the revival of the old Randall mid Wnllace fight in the Bclee lien of delegates te the national con vention. There la, in fact, no evidence of any such contest, and Its existence is exceedingly unilkely en the fnce of things. Pennsylvania has the most moderate expectation of being favored with the selection of the national can. dldate from her borders, and should alie be surprised with the gift it is net likely that any of her delegates would deslre te refuse it no matter who may be the chosen anointed. The aim of the delegation will be what should ba the aim of the conven cenven conven Hen, the selection of the best and strong est candidate. If he exbts In Pennsylva nia, the delegates from ether states will be left te point him out; our delegates will be wlse and prudent enough te refrain from obtruding their own opinion as te their own men. This is dictated ;net only by geed taste, but by geed polley. Experience has repeatedly and clearly shown that if a state has a candi date, whom she sincerely desires nomi nated, the delegates de net best secure their aim by clamoring for him until they have found he Is clamored for. Candidates themselves have been taught by n steady experience that proper mod esty in the presentation of their names is as'.conduclve te success as it is indica tive of their worthiness of it. Mr. Blaine and Mr. Tilden, who are said te be again in the front of the candidacy of their respective parties, have both been striv ing very hard te keep in a safer back ground, and can hardly congratulate themselves en the circumstances which force them out of cover. If the Penn sylvania delegates have any hope of a Pennsylvania candidate, there are two things they will net de; if they are ikis ikis sessed of the geed sense they ought te have. They will net suffer the exhibi tion of any rivalry between Pennsylva nia as te who shall bear off that which is net yet assigned te their state ; and they will net undertake te claim It until they are Invited te de ee. The coventer of Seuth Carolina Is showing a laudable and unusual degree of resolution in securing the apprehen. sien of the murderer Cash. It is a duty which the governor of a stale should never be lax in performing ; yet it is net often that we And it zealously performed. Every criminal should be brought te trial, and the power of the state should he exhausted in the effort. Even here in Pennsylvania we flud that the power of tie commonwealth is net what itsheuld be. Prisoners escape front jail,and crimi nals from apprehension, with a frequency which shows that punishment does net inevitably fellow crime, as it needs te de te prevent it. A year or two nge in a neighboring county a man was hung by lynch law and the citizens who committed this great offence against the state were net apprehended though they could net but be known. The dignity of the state suffers when these who violate its laws are permitted te escape arrest ; and if there were no stronger ratsen te be found by the gov ernor in his oath te de his duty, it would seem that his desire te merit the approval of the people would Induce him te de that which is se plainly laid upon his office. De LussErs is an imperative man and likes te have things under Ills manage ment conducted in ids own way ; and he has been remarkably successful net only in doing things well but in doing them as lie wished them done. The sue cess of iiis rveik doubtless accounts for the ceneral surrender of his associates te ilia views. He lias at uresent some difficulty with them concern ing u subvention with Eeghind, or English merchants, which lie proueies in regard te the Panama canal, but prob ably he will again have ids way. It is pretty certain that he will get it or quit the ceucern 5 nud it cannot afford te lese the prestlge of his name, though he is seventy eight yearH old, and might be expected in ordinary courfe te seen drop out of active work. His friends, hew ever, claim for him that he is geed for manj years of activity, and his present vigor certainly gives no premise of his early decay. In llie IIouse en Saturday there was a motion rnade by Mr. Morrison and op. posed by Mr. Randall, the effect of which was te secure consideration of the bill te give ttie distillers who have quantities of whisky in bend a further extension of time te pay the internal revenue tax en it, which was long slnce due aud which the government boa only deferred col lecting by reason of thespeclal privileges of an act pussed some time age, giving the whisky men extra time. As this is aueut elapsing they want mero, simply because it is te their interest te get it. Very naturally such special legislation is repugnant te thoughtful and conscien tious legislators nud the preposition te take up the bill wa? voted down by u majority which would have been mero decisive had the bill Itself been en pass axe. "We have waited in vain thus far for some explanation of the remarkable report of the finance cornmlttce of coun cils in estimating an appropriation of 3,160 next year te pay principal of the city lean, when the law requires a pay ment of $12,150, aud that amount, or thereabouts, has been regularly appro priated for that purpese for years past. Did the committee make an error, or did it purposely seek te mislead councils and the public V And if its estimate is in correct in this particular, and must be rearranged, what dependence can be put upon the reliability of this budget in ether particulars ' la Allegheny and Philadelphia the Republican machine has asserted itself and will elect delegates te the national convention in its own way and or Its own selection. It is in these counties that the largest Independent RepubJIcnn Bcntiment exists, and its only effective organization. But at the last election the stalwarts were triumphant and Hushed with their success they begin te abuse their power, plainly Indicating te the opposition what sort of reform within the party they may expect. As the delegates te the Demociatle state convention nre elected, that body is lllliug up witli geed men and true. In its membership there will be many wise in council, and the great majority of them will ba anxious and determined that the convention shall be trie from factional strife 5 they will have peace if they have te fight for It, and peace with honor, tee. The Democratic party of the stnle is big enough te de j ust ice te all its elements ; it is net big enough for a eat light between any of them. Tin: PltUburg glass blowers who went te Betgium for higher wagea have catne back wiser and sadder meu, having found that carrying oeals te NowcaBtle would net pay. Tug only place in America whero the lotus (lower ei Egypt is said te be hull, geneus or naturalized Is 011 a mill ;eud near Dever, Del., and if there is any place in the country where it ts always lazy afternoon it is devrn that way. One of the upper ten pawn brokers of New Yerk admits te having m much as $50,000 leaned out at a time en watches ; 6130,000 en diamemlei, aud 313 400 en seal skin sacques, ou which he cets 2 or !) per cent, a month aud hoi is collators! worth thrce times as much as the amount advanced. Oveii In New Brunswick, N. J., they have a literary and Becial club something like the " Cllosephio " of this city ; it is called the " Triangle :" at ene corner are the families oenucotod with Rutger's col lege, itt another these of the theel gicat seminary, and at the ether the city ptsters and soine ethor town folk. The splendid new posteffico building in Philadelphia is practically finished, aud about next Saturday it is the postmas ter's design te transfer the whule great business of tbe department, with its (our hundred aud fifty carriers and ever four hundred clerks and ether employer', from the old building te the new in fifteen minutes. There is an increasing public sen,imeut thnt tbe iadure te put an entrance in theCkestuut street aids was a blunder. Ur areuud Gay field, XLusieimsy.U, the scene-uf the receut shipwreck, there is a settlemeut of poeplo of mixed Iudiau aud nogre bleed , their amalgamation dates from the days of slavery iu Massachusetts, when the slaves married Indians as often as they could, because the issue of ludiaus oeuld uet be held iu slavery under the New Euglaud laws. At the recent ship wreck the whole of this community seem te have turned out for relief, ni tbey all put in claim for au 1 were aw trded prize money. Isc.vrAULE or unworthy judges are rarer in Euglaud than in any country and this circumstance is ascribed te the fact that instead of being recruited from the most mediocre members of the bar, from hungry ofll.'e seekers without practice, the Caglish judges de net reach the bench until they hive shown their fftues for the honor by a long aud brilliant career as advoeites. Public opinion never ratifhs an appointment which is uet justified by well recognized legal oxperienco and in tegrity of character. Is his testimony beieru the cougres slenal cotnmltteo en Saturday, A. M. Gibsen, wh received $5,000 a govern nient counsel before he went out of the Star Itoute cabus, testified that he beg.iu te make n special study of the posteffico de partment in 1873, and that between that time and 1SSI he becatne familiar with the business of tbe department, especially iu relation te the awarding of mail contracts, and that in 1830, belere the presidential election aud while Garlleld was a member of the Heuse, had Bhewu him a hit of 03 ex ped 1 ted Star Routes. CURISTOl'UEIt CeLUMltUd Was UOt UOU- ble as a writing master, and Mark Twain knew school boys tsn years old who c jiild spell bolter, but Columbus' lotter relating hew he feuul America, aud his oarlieBt Impressions of it is a doeument uew se highly estimated that a copy of it printed in Heme iu 1403 sold for $850 the ether day. Toe original m manuseript of the "great paper," Magna Charta of English liberty, new 003 years old, is preserved in the British museum, aud it net for sale. It was ouce in the hands of a tailor, who nearly cut It up for paper patterns. In his opinion dlssenting from tin re fusal of common pleas court Ne. 1, of Philadelphia te admit Mrs. KiLjore te praotice law Judge Piorce argues strongly that as wemeu nre made pension ageutH, postmasters and commissioners te take tostltneuy Iu seme status, " publle opluieu U every whero appreviug of such appoint ments. They promote the public interest, which is benetlted by every legitluiatu use or luUlvluunl ability, whlle mere jus tice, which is of Interest te all, requires that all have the fullest onnertunitv fm- the cxorclse of thelr abihtles. These eases are the mero notuwerthy us being cases of publle offices te which the in. oumhent is appointed ter a term of years upon a compensation provided by Uw and in which she 1b required te glve bends." Tiik SUIwart Commercial Atleertlier, of New Yerk, shows Iti teeth at MaoVeagh and Jauiei most unmistakably, and do de do elarcs that if their testimony oeuld be believed it would be very damaging te the Republican party. As nobody but the AdurtUtr Beetns te dlsoredit it, that Stal wart organ furnishes peer oeniolatlon te its di:graced organization when It says : Messrs. James and MaoVeagh, by peen liar reaseulng of their own, have ceme te regard themselves as very important per. seilages. But really they are net. In Crivate life they are amiable aud pleasant, tit it can he said without fear of contra diction that lighter timber never went into a cablnet than when they were put Inte by Qen. Garfield. This was seen dlsoeverod by the presldeut himself, and thore is also the best reason for beheving that if president Garfield had lived until the end or the year 1881, these gentlemen would both have reth-ed, STATE GLEANINGS. A IMtA.11.Vlll, l.MllltOULlO IN KKAUINU, All Adrian tlmtB llrr mnniiger'jt ttcml AKltii t Wall A Hum! ut llej Drf (xititilnrit Iu Oil City. Au tinloeked for event Mnttlcd the gupsts of the Mausleu house, Heading, Satmday evening, nud for n time great rxeltiMiirnt prevalhnl Iu thi private apart emuls uf MtOM Colliugweod, a member of the Frederick Warde dramatic cempauy. Miss Collingwood and another lady mom her of the oempany were in the 100m, when suddenly the former was seized with n lit of hysterics nud becatne uucoutrolla uuceutrolla uucoutrella bio. She ru (died te the window, nu J pedes tilans below worestartlod te soe tlve pauej crashed nud the broken glass jingled 011 the pavement below. At first it was thought that the lady watited te jump out or push seme 0110 else out. Loud screams came from the room, which nttraetcd the clerks te the second tloer. With ethers came Jehn C. Cetlius, manager of the company. The uiiforttuuite lady had terribly cut both her hands, which were bleeding from many wounds. Instantly she seized Mr. Cellins, pushed him against the wall, nud Hcverely cut him ou the head The lady bad unnatural strencth, and It was seme time bofero she oeuld bj restrained nud pacitled. Manager Cellins said te the rxcltcd truest : " The lady has been ill aud is uet answerable for what she has done." Nine hours bofero the sceno took place Miss Ueyle. the leading lady, left the company nud went te New Yerk. Mr. Wurde, the leadlug mau, was net at the hotel at all dining the cxcltemeut aud he left the coin pmy permanently Sunday morning aud went te New Yerk A member of the company said: " Tkore have been personal grlvancea in the com pany ter soma time prier te our arrival In Heading. Ou Friday uight the play was delayed a half hour owing te the uen arrival of Mls lljyle and a quarrel among some ei the inale members. Miss Beyle, however, came and played. The trouble nt the hotel was precipitated by au attempt te adjust ditTerouees and griev nuees betweeu two ethor lady members of the company a sort f family light." Costumer Yau Hern and his son, of Philadelphia, made a hurried visit te Reading ou Saturday, presumably in rela tion te the separation of Mr. Warde and bis manager. Sunday night ene of the members of the company was arrested for accidentally thing n bullet through tbe second story window of the American heuse. Tnejr Were te 1'ulteu Their Mether. A band of would -be oewboys, wt is members de uet avorage 10 years of .iue has been broken up iu Frankliu by the spanking process, liberally adminMercd by parental nanus, ine b?ys bad fixed their plans iu a manner that would have done credit te the worst desperado of the West. They held their meetings, ma tured their plain, and a few days ae had everything in readiness for the departure. Their captain, familiarly called " Dead Dead weed Jim," gave the dual command. In erder te have no caiibe te return he said each member of the band must poison his mother. He premised te produce the IKien and have it ou hand the next day when it would be divided. All the boys were te poison their mothers 111 the evening, and morning was te find them far away. Ne doubt they would have carried out their diabolieal plot but ler ene small, eeveu-year old yeungster, who was afraid his mother would sutTer tee much. The captain, te satisfy him, agreed te apply the poison en tbe servant ulrl urst, and, if she died easily, tbeu the mother must fellow. The servant girl happeued te overhear the agrcementaud informed the boys' parents The result was tba'. each particular mem her of the gang was interviewed with a strap iu the weed shed. i.oer .Akl'g Aid (or CeluiUitl'jn. Laber ollleials are circulating in Pitts burir a petition te Cengress asking an appropriation of 10,000,000 from the treasury surplus for colonization purposes. " Tnis amount would allow 20,000 fnml lies $500 each te locate an entry under the homestead aet. A mortgage, payable iu fifteen yearn, would be given en the laud. If the settler should pay for his homestead of 150 acres in five years, no Interest bheuld be charged. If he should in lens than ten years the mortgage should bear interest at tbe rate of 1 per oent. ; and If in ever tun years, 2 per cent." At a meeting of the labor leaders In Pitts burg ou Saturday uight tbe " supreme council of the National homestead assoeia Hen" was organized for the purpese of assisting the laboring clashes te secure homes and tocultivate the spirit of ccone my. The following officers were elected : President, A. O. Rankin ; Vice President, 11. u. murgoen, ou u. ; secretary, aiat thew W. Smith : Troasurer, Jehn Jarret Attorney, J. II. btovcusen. Brauch associations are te be formed In all the principal cities. New nrldga at Phu-nlivlllaOiMinnd. The new publie bridge across French cn k at Phconixville, was opened te the puhliJ Saturday with nppropriate corerao- nii'ii. 1110 main structure is of Iren, with ueavy nan uoenng. it Is thirty feet wide. twenty feet of whleh is the readwav and flve feet en oaeh side are set nil for the use of pedestrlnus. Its length is 1,125 feet The iron work begins at Tayler's alley, and theuce te Froueh crcek are thirteen spans from 21 G feet te 31 5 feet in length. Fiench crcek is crossed by a single span of 1G5 feet 2j inohes. Then thore are fourteen spaus, ranging iu length from l 25 feet te CO feet. The total length of iron weik is 030 feet 4J inohes, and the highest point Ib r,5 feet above the crcek. The cost is $50,000. Uebbta by a Vemals l'oelini'1. Henry Esslinir, a young German gontle. man new traveling in this oeuntry, arrived iu Philadelphia Saturday eveuing and left Sunday uight for St. Augustine, Fla , after having been robbed by a woman in men's clothes en Walnut htreet, near Nineteenth. Mr.Eashugdined witha party of frleuds, all becoming slightly oxblleratod during the evening. About half past thrce Sunday morning, after bidding his frleuds geed-by near" Ninth and Walnut stroets, he started up the latter street te tbe pri. vate heuse at which he was a guest. At the southwest oernorof Wuluut aud Nine. teentu Btroets, the upper side of Rltton Rltten Rltton heiuo square, thore is a haudsorae private residence, next deer te the Chureh of the Hely Trinity, which is just en the cerner. In front of the prlvnte rosldeneo is a sort of alcove, or erahrasure, slanting Inte the doorway, Just as Mr. Essling passed a Blender ngure in u long overcoat stepped out of the aloevo aud npproaehed him quickly. The figure aud gait were theso of a woman and Essling stepped involuntarily just as a pronounced lemlnlne voice demanded his mouey. Essling laughed and made seme sportlve remark te what he Imegin. oil te he a bolated maaquerader, when, te his auprUe, the young woman pointed a pistol at him and again told hlra she watited money. He could scarcely reallze that he had boeu oenfroutcd by n female highwayman, but the woman's roseluto tene nnd grave demeanor oenvincod him that tbe pistol was net purely ornamental. He had just ?1 in his poekots, and sur. ronderod the meney, the wemmi walking quickly away along the slde of the square. Thore wero no polleomon in sight. Kssllng, new thoroughly frightened, was ashamed te give an alarm aud went home. Twe mothers KllUd by nil Uipluilen. The promature oxpleslon of n blast charge at the Cernwnll rurnaees, near Lebanon, killed Jehn Eek outright nud mortally weunded Milten Eek, The men are brothers nnd both have families, The ferce of the explosion was felt at 11 great distance. i'AitauNAli. McUleskky Is ' CAniHNAl, te day. '4 years old Wii.kik Cellins Is tickled ever the translation of his novels into the Iteugali. SlHHTOH CAMBIION' Of WUOiMlsllI will ipilt the SJtiate te praotice law aud make mero money. E P. ller.'s seventeen ycire'd daughter starts her literary eareen with 11 shett story in a Chicago periodical. llKNitv Waiu) llr.r.i 111:11 practice nud defends eatiug with oue's knife aud uoehng het tra or cedec in the saucer 1. W. RtTTKii, formerly of this oeutity, will run for ttie Democratic nomination of county treasurer In Fayette. Rkv J Calvin Lkinihi 11 has icsignrd the pastorate of St. Jehn's it "formed church nt Riegolsville, Pa , te tiku effect the latter part of May. Mutiikw Aii.neli) will net write a book about America, but will probably say seme geed natured things In the magazines. He thinks Philadelphia beats Bosten. Co.nkline oareastically said that Morten w.-w given the French mission "net se much in order that his French illicit be exhibited as that his English might be effectually oencoaled." Mils. Lanetht scut Jehn Stetson iJQ worth of haudkerchtefs hi payment of a bet made with her, and wen, that she would de as geed business iu lljsteu as lu New Yerk. Patti says Gov. Crittonden.ef Missouri, didn't kiss her ; oil the state she kisses nobody hut Nicellni and the parrot ; Gen. Shernuu tried it ence, but as he had jut kissed a let of ballet girls Patti dodged him. Patti's, "unconventional" iinnuer of life has b-.rred her from such n reception nt the Whlte Heuso as Nlllsen bail, but Henry Irdng nnd Ellen Terry were net only outertalned nt dinner by the Bcecburs, but the woman was presstited by thorn with a splcudld jowel for n keepsake. Vex Moltke Is a soldier pure aud simple : "a tall old man. thin nnd lean, quite taciturn, very wigoreus still for his eighty years, with cold exterior, polished manners, awkward gesture!", nud en the whele rather insignidcaiit. He disdains the world as well us the judgment of the crowd." Maiua T.uiMONi.once the famous queen of tbe ballet aud uew the widowed Coun tess de Veisins, is living in Londen where she is held in high sechl esteem. She is aged SO and after losing her fortune, dur ing the France Germau war, she made another with n school ter deportment and dancing iu Londen. Cit.vs. Eliet Noktes, bofero he reached the zsuith of his fame, was kuewn as the son of his distinguished father ; later, as the distinguished scholar and authority en arc ; out a iew wceks age, wnen be visited New Yerk a prominent paper announced him as the father of the champion byci byci ellst, Mr. Eliet Norten. Gee. Alfred Townsend's uevtl, seen te be iiisued from the press, wilt deal with cveuts iu the life of " Patty Cau non," said te have been the daughter of an English gypsy and the discarded son of a nobleman ; she was a famous fetua kidnapper aud murderess, who ran notable career lu Delaware. Chas. S. Wolfe says be is out of poli peli tics nud oxpeots te stay out until he cau devote his time and oucrgies te seme higher political issue than a mere scramble for the spoils for office. " Judjistie De mocracy has baffied Independent Eoferm Republicanism and Republicanism with Quay, Magee, Cooper nnd Leeds iu com maud is net the reformed aud harmonized Republicanism te suit me. Such reform has beeu bought tee dearly and such har m jny is but abject submission." A Town Housed bjr it aeiunniiibulitt. Iu Leveland, Ohie, at midnight, n lady visiting at tbe heuse of Mr. M. T. Vau Vau dervert, jumped out of her bedroom win dow in the second story while asleep, and went along tbe railroad track in her night clothes, where she met two railroad watchmen. She told them that Mr. Van Van dervert's entire family bad just been mur dered, and that she had oseaped by jumping from the window. She was Ira re footed nnd bareheaded, and Ioekod frightened, but was uninjured, aud talked rationally. The watchmen returned with her te the Vandervert house, aud saw nt tbe window a man with a revelver in his hand, who inquired what they wanted. The watchmen then reused the town, and the peeple went te the Vander Vander eort heuse iu ferce. The family wero found safe nnd sound, aud explanations followed. Tbe family hae been talklnc about murders up te tbe time of going te bed that night, and this seemed te have settled deeply into the mind of their guest. She had never been subject te somnambu lism. A Uullege Athlnte injured. There was a large and interested attend ance at the Yale athletic meeting at New Haven en Saturday. After a number of well ceutestcd events, a sparring match was announced between Rebert Bradford Williams, of Augusta, Ga , of the class of '85, and Olive Dyer, jr., Mount Vernen, N. Y , of the class of '80. Williams is a tall, well built colored youth. Dyer is accounted au excellent bexer, and a spirited bout was oxpected. Before the first blew was struck it was evident that Dyer was fearful of his opponent. Williams' blows were vigorous and rapid. Dyer parried many of them, but bofero the first round was ended be roceived a stiugiug blew behind the right ear. He staggored and foil. The hack of his head struck a cleat that Indieatcd the bounds of the ring, and he wan picked up unconscious. Medical aid was summoned, but It requlred threo hours' work te re re ro stero the young athlete te his senses, Tbe physicians are of the opinion that he will need a vacation of two months bofero he cau rosuine his studies. Despite the ae. cldeut, the contests wero continued. rihet litnd by Ills 1'rliencr. At Wilmington, Clinten ceuuty, Ohie, Saturday oveuing, City Marshal Jehn T. Nan Deran was shot iu the head and killed instantly by Alfred Ballard, a drunken man, who was under arrest aud en tbe way te prison in oharge of the marshal. A orewd attompted te lyueh Ballard while en the way te the jail after the murder. The offieors fought them off, howevor, but during the moleo seme unknown person cut uauaru 111 uiu emu, HCBbbed by a Uusteiner, Froeraan Willis, ene of the proprietors of the Eagle hotel, Laoenia, N. H., was stabbed late Saturday night by Fred Dew, ene of three lutoxleated young meu whom he was attempting te ojeot from the heuse. The wound Is near tbe heart, and is con sidered dangereus, Dew was arrested and will be arraigned te-morrow oharged with intent te kill. He Is twonty-threo years of nge, and bolengn te nrcspcctable family. FMATUHKB OP TUB BTATE TRUSS. The Lltitz Kxpreti Is for Edmunds for prcHiJent ; Wharteu Barker's American is out for Harrison. The Uonnellsvlllo Courier warns the Groeno county Dcraesrats net te violate the spirit of the law by gioedlly Irylnj te oleot threo county commissioners, even if they have the number;. AFTKK AN OUTLAW. I XCIIIMI II Mi; IN NIIUIII U.Wt'H.I.N . I'nnn l,i finrrh rii, the Huj,lll,i l.-ur ili huernr.l In Ouptnrliu III Knllirr. Under special instructions from Governer Thompson, Stite Constable R, N. Kiuh beurg, with twelve picked men, nrnird with SpriniUWd rillns, left Columbia, S. C , at midnight Saturday night and ar rlU'd at rioieuoe ut 3:30a, in. They wete met 111010 ey Biirriu ueie, el U.trlliigten, and took a special train ler Cash's depot. The 10101 leached a point a mile below Cash's depot at ft a. m. Ilcie the tinhi steppid and the ferce disembarked nnd proceeded up the track en feet te Cash's heuse. Before daylight tbe house was Miireiiiiiled and the foree watted for light. About six o'elojk Ctsli, the elder, rose, found that the pickets were about, armed himself with a Winchester nqnutliig title and pistols and tried te escape from the premises. Re ran against Jehn II. Pear son, 0110 of the sentinels, who presented his rill 1, dem liidlug his surrender. Cnnli hesitated nud Peatheu slid : "Drep jour gun or I'll sheet you lu two socemls." Cash dropped his gun quickly. He nil mltted having been taken completely by surprise. Wheu captured he was endeav endeav erlng te make his way te the leg hoiiHe whero young Cash has been sleeplug every night since the murder. The ferce closed iu and searched old Cash's house tho roughly, but oeuld tlud nothing of Began Cash. A party started for the leg house, but when they wero half there Cash, getting nlnrtued fur his neil's safety, made a prep ositleuto go te the leg heuse. If allowed te de h,i nlene, nud pledged his honor that he would have his seu surrender withiu two hours. The preposition was ncceded te and the ferce was recalled. Cash went aud seen returucd, raying that his son had left the house au hour bdfore aud that lie did net knew where he was. He oH'ered, however, If the ferce would withdtaw.that his seu would surrender bofero Wednes day. 110 statcsl that he only wanted te come off with llyiug colors; that ueither he nor his son desired te be considered outlaws, but that he desired te oficet a capitulation ou his own terms. Beating lu mind the dcsire of Governer Thompson that Cash t-hmild he captured rather than he allowed te surreuder, Chief Constable Iiichbeurg declined these terms. Cash's home was thou surrounded by u guard, with instructions te nllownedcpar turn or arrival. Cesh's pistols nud nib wero taken from him Cash protested bitterly against this, but said that he yielded te ferce. Captain Itichbeurg.having determined te let nothing prevent the most thorough p,.rch for yeuug Cash, left most of tbe meu at tin house, and at.mnu o'clock proceeded te Cheraw te summon a larger posse, including a number of horsemen, who were obtained, and theso scoured tbe country around for miles during the evening, hut could tlud ue trace of Begau Cash. The bcarch will be rosumed at daylight te-morrow nud strong hopes are entertain ed that the murderer will be taken. Colonel Cash was takeu te . elumbia, charged with complicity in his seu's crime. lwelvd iiemuu Hilled Or h nmm-Mide Ou Friday uight n snow slide half a m.le wide at Alta, swept away the works of tiie New Emma mine. killinc Gus Lbeeker, foreman ; I). D. Wasseu, machinist, nud brother ; Samuel Pretkers, Charles Colgreen nnd wife, Edward Crocket', Lettie Pioeu, O. J. Jehnsen, U. S. Delauy, Willard Stophenson and Jehn Rtchardseu. All the bodies except ene have been recovered. This is the worst slide ever kuewu iu the Little Cottonweed district. The snow was piled forty feet high. The damage te the mine is 15,000. The storm was tee sovere te admit of briugmg the bodies down Of the killed Heveral leave families. The Wasien brothers were from near Pert Henry, New Yerk. Geerge Cullins, the superinten dent of the mine, came down te-day, briugmg the first uews of the disaster. Feul t'luy .Suspected. Mrs. Kate E. Jenes, wife of Jehn T. Jenes, of Maiden, Mass., who died sud denly last Wednesday, as supposed from injuries received from falling down stairs, is new thought te have been the victim of foul play, or malpractice, by n Bosten physician whose name is unknown. It is rumored that her life wns insured in sever al mutual benefit societles for 40,000, aud as she had no cbildreu nil of the insurance gees te the husband. It is further stated that several of the societies have filed ex ceptions te the death claim te await a full examination, which will probably take place Monday. A Mltaitruui Fire. The heuse of nn old ceuple named McNeil, nt Cape Traverse, Priuce Ed wards Island, has been destroyed by hre. the old poeplo barelv escaping with their lives. A girl aged 12 years was burued te death. Uew Ulrls Are Treated lu lteuiuaulu Roumania is famous for the facility of its divorce and the laxity of its morals. It Is, however, net se generally kuewu that the usage of the laxest society iu Europe imposes the severest restraint upon the innocent social intercourse botween the young of both sexes. A lady writing from Bucharest sends the following account of tbe way in which the Reumanian Mrs. Grundy tyranizes ever the unmarried woraen : "Girls have very little liberty here. If a gontleman is seen dancing mero than twioe during the sarne evdning with a young lady, iie is as much oempro mised as tbe unhappy maiden hor se If, and Immediately pounced upon by a soero of relatives demanding his in tentiens. Ne conversation can take place betweeu the young couples, as dircetly after the dance the gontleman must trot his partner baek te tbe materual wing. A yeuug girl is allowed te have little or no intoreourso with men, nndaharmless 'lllr 'lllr tntien ' would be ruinous te her reputation in Bucharest. Hew can a girl's mind develep under these and the accompanying circumstances? Ne wonder she accepts the first offer of marriage as n means of emancipating herself, neither is it aston ishing that men never treuble themselvcs te talk for nuy length of time te an un married lady." Hewarrt' Life tUved by it Weman. Koctiestur 1'est Kxpruss, Thore is ene act within Mrs. Grevor performed which will net be forgot fergot forget tou ns long ns the memery of Soero. tary Se ward is dear te the American people. That net is recorded in the life of Mr. Seward. It appears that when he was a yeuug man studying law in Au burn, he nud a colored servnut dreve into thoOwajce ercek te wash the carriage By seme menus the carriage was upset and both were thrown into the water. The colored man being nble te swim, boeu get out, but Mr, Seward wns left struggling in the water. Mrs. Oiover, ueeliighim from a chamber window of a heuse clese by, rushed out, seized a beard aud pushed it within his reach, and thus saved him. A number of persons saw the ncoldent, but nene of thorn seemed te render help and if it had net been for the nation of Mrs. Grevor, the future great statesman would undoubtedly have goue te an early grave. Mrs, Grevor reached the advanced age of 87 years, and has been a resideut el Spriugwnter slnce 1830 lieercuied Demand ler l'estal Uardi. Slnce the iutroduetion of two cent lotter postage there has been an unoxpeetod re duction in the number of postal cards Issued. Fer flve years the avorage animui inoreaeo iu the issue hns beeti 11 per cent. Since July 1 last thetehns been an ineirnsoet lti per cen'. iu tbe iiumher of ndlieslve stamps, ami 25 per e nt, iu t tin number of stamped envelopes Ihsiitd, but the Issue of postal eaulii reached 250 552, 750 only, us agaiifU 2110. 2 .ll 250 dining the oerii'spotidiug period lu the pt renting ear. lu consequence of this decreased demand the postmaster t'cniuil has Informed the speaker of the Heuse that the estimates ler the cost of iiianiif.iotur iiianiif.ietur lug postal ciuiIh during the next llne.il years may ba tfdueed $35,000 Hi Injur,. I'redltllju irlled Nkw Yerk utuplile. It will be nunombeird that when the verdict iu theGultenu ouse wns announced the piiseuer leaped fieiii his chair aud shouted, ' Ged will punish you for this," aud then pioueiiticed n prophecy of ven geance uten Ills prosecuteis, luuir wit nesses nud the jury. Cerkliill, the district attorney, has lest h s office, nud Is looking for njinettiitig te de. One of his nssoelato counsel took te drinking seen after the trial, and Is uew a common drunkard. Twe of tbe jurymen are dead, two mero have failed lu business, nud another is hopelessly lns.iue. Ttiiee of the medical experts who testi fied te his sanity nre dead, and a fourth nas oeeomo tiisaue. And new iu yesterday's papers it Is an nounced that J. W Tilden, the ohemUt who discovered the poiseu lu thu beuquut Mis. Scovllle sent te her brother the morning of Ids execution, has goue crazy, nud been committed te the government asylum for treatment. The Kesebmt (Ur.leu or (III K Mcrulisnt Traveler. The young ladles were looking at a tlue bouquet, nud they began te chuose which they would rather be "A rese Is my oheico," said a quoeuly girl, "for I'd lllte te be elegantly beautiful like a rose." "IM rather be a lily," said a queenly girl, "for or nil llewers the Illy is the fnir cst nnd purest." "Oh, pshaw," sld the llirt, " I rather be a tuberose, ler the gentlemen all leve te wear them near their hearts." "I'd be a pink," remuked a meek girl, "because pinks arc he sweet and modest." "Sheet it !" finally sung out the gayest ene lu the orewd, knocking her hat down ever her oye saucily ; " ymi cm be any thing you please, but I'm a daisy, I nm, nud don't you forget it." r1.11.1t .iicciiMMii'H ruM-:ui. A llreet ntHtiilii el l'Mde liminr the Memury el n llllliigulhril l It'ieu. The funeral of Peter McCeiiumy took place from his l.tte residence 011 West Chestnut street this morning ami was attended by a great concourse of citizens, friends nud relatives, of the deceased Tbe Julforsen club assembled nt their rooms at 0 i. m. and proceeded te the heuse of the deceased in n body. The school beard, of which the late Mr. Mo Me Mo Cenoray, was also a valued momber, were likewl.su present. Frem au enrly hour in tbe morning a steady stream of citizens poured iu and out of the spacious parlor in which lay all that was mortal of 0110 whom they had learned te leve nud respect se much, aud wheu the immense funeral proce.'sion began te move it was ebserva ble that all classes, profesnions and creeds wero reproent',l lu the sorrowing throng that had gathered te pay its last tribute of respect te a worthy citizen In the meantime St. Mary's church had filled with an Immense nssemblage of pee ple, ami as lue ncau 01 the luneral cortege, the Jefiorsen club, entered the sacred edl. lice, the ergau iitencd the sad sweet in troduction te Ohnew aid's requiem mass. The solemn requiem mass then began with Itev. Dr. McCullagb, as cdebrant. Hev. Themas McGovern, of Danvllle, deacon, aud Rev. James O'Reilly, of Bosten, sub deacon There were also present In the sinetuary Revs. Danlel A. Brcnuan. of Philadelphia, Dau'I I MoDjrmett.of West Chester, J. J. Ward, of Bristel, llev. Barry of St. Cecilia's, Philadelphia, aud Rev. Dr. Kieran, of St. Charles lorrem"o seminary, Oyerbroek. The tlrst named, who is chancellor of tbe archdiocese el Philadelphia, acted as master of coremou ies. The mass was very ulTeetlvely reudered by the choir, Miss Leila Bair singing the " Benedlctus " aud ' Aguus Del " in her usual line style. At Its conclusion Miss Della Deylo tendered with great sweet ncss and pathos " Angels Ever Bright and Fair." At thn end of the ma?s corcmeuies Rev. Dr. McCulIagh necouded the pulpit aud delivered a beautiful nud Impressive eulegy of the deoeased. He speke of the opportunity he hnd, ns Mr. MoCenomy's father confessor, of knowing the beauty nnd purity of his inner life, aud he felt that it was net tee much te say there were few with a record se Hjietless nnd honorable. Fielingly yet delicately he painted the mother's wee at the less of him in whom filial duty was a secend nature, the wife's sorrow ever the taking away of a thoughtful aud affectionate husband ; and the grief of relatives and friends te whom the deceascd had ever been most dear. He exhorted nil present te profit by this warning of the uncertainty of Ufa and the necessity of preparing well for the day which te nil meu is inovitable. The revorend speaker was at tinies almost cvor cver cvor eomo by his emotions in speaking of bin warm tiorsenal relations with the decoased nnd his high admiration for his charncter. When he coueludod with a touebing ex hortation for nil present te pray fervently for the repese of the soul of the deceased thore wero few dry eyes in the audience. The sermon ever, tbe absolution of the body was performed by Rev. Dr. McCul Iagh, after which the mournful fituernl precession slowly wotided Its way te St. Mary's cometcry, where the last sad rites nt the grave wero performed, thus dosing the earthly career of n loving son, hus band and father, whose simple manly character inspired rospeot and whose liberality of sentiment and tender thought theught fulnpss made him a universal favorlte with oltizeus of all classes, oreods and conditions, Handuome floral tributes, nineng thorn a oress, wreath and anchor, souveulrs of the affection of kludred and friends, lay en the coffin during the oerotnonit'B. Tbe oarrlers wero II. Clay Brubaker, esq., Jehn W. Lewell, Geergo Stelnmau, R, J, MeGrann, W. U. Heusol, esq , and J. II. B. Wagner, esq. funeral or Antheny Aletzretb. The funeral ei Antheny Motssreth took place from his Inte resideuce, Ne. 420 West King stieet nt 2 o'eloalc this aftornoen, aud was nttended by a very large number of relntlvcs and friends, After impresnive religious serviecs nt the rod red rod deuco the funeral cortego was formed nud moved te Zlen cometory, whero the inter inter mentwas made, MeUmera tribe, Ne, 2, I. O. R. M Teutenla ledgo, Ne. 105, K. of P.. Hebol ledgo, Ne. 009, I. O. of O. F. were lu nttoudance at the obsequies, Nu Uauie mr Alarm, Soeretary Themas J, Edge, of the state beard of ugrloulture, and Dr. Bridge, of West Philadelphia, veterinary surgeon te the beard, ou Tuesday visited the various herds of cattle in Chester county, in the vieluity of West Chester, whleh have been under qunrrnntine because uf the plotire pneumenia which had brokeu out among thorn, They feuud that iew unimtis woie nflllcted with the dlsoase. Mayer' Court The persons bofero the mayor this morning wero all leJgcrs, and they wero eoyeu in number. All wero disohargeJ, WAS IT MDHDKR? 1 UK MAIS fllUM) MKAH MIM.WtY. A Miiipltliin ut Pem ., , ed-ruiir Men Arretted mr llllllim 11 iieiih I'Hiddii Wlille DrtinK. Yehtiuday morning (Jerener Shiffei uiu paiitielled a jury omnpendor,)ttuii- Uncle ell, 11. F. Benedict, T. V Mel'. Iigett, W. 11. Delehler, Jehn it HI.IIW mid Jehn M. Beediuger. for the purpose of holding mi Inquest en the mm who was found fatally injured en the Heading and Columbia rnthend, between Midway and Akren, 011 Fiiday evening. The partleulain of the all.iir nre about as published lu the I.Nrr.L LKiKNcr.ii of Saturday. The man was leuiid lying near the 11ttlre.nl track, his skull was frnetured and tlieie was a cut 011 the head extending fiem the lih te the centre of the forehead, lie wns taken te the house of a farmer near by where l was kept ever night, and was breugli' te this city ou Saturday nnd taken te the hospital. He remalurd in au iineotiKeiiMis condition u d te the time of his death, which occurred hi the evening. 'I he Miei'e III, liny, Thore were 110 pipers found 011 the mail which would lead te his lilen- iiiicaiien, 11111 irem iiis appearance the persons In attend.iuee at the hurt pital believe him te be I'M waul Haley, of Brldgepeit, Conn., who was a tramp, ami nttieug men of Ids kind was lanilllaily known ns " Btidgepert Fatty." lie had beeu nu inmate of the workli.tne hetu nt different times aud is said te have ceme from Carlisle recently, where he had been iu the almshouse. It is said that at differ out times lie received money fiem his mother in Bridgeport. The man was about ftS years of nge and mensmed e feet 7 Indies. IIoawasieaseuably well diesscd, but Ills appearance does net Indie ite tint be has done much work recently. Beth of his arms nre tattooed. On one Is thu representation of the Cruaillx nud the ethor a Goddess of Liberty. Beth wrists have hrncelets iu India Ink and lucre niu anchors, cee., ou the arms. A haudker chief, razor nnd poeketbook wero feuud 011 his pcrseu. The Theory et .iiiirm r. When the man was first found it was beheved that he had been Mi tick by n train en the railroad. Since that additional faets have been learned and many nre inclined te beliove that he was miudered. Of Of tlecr Heffman, of thu Huading lallnuul polleo force, began Investigating the affa r. He learned that decctied was hern with four ether tramps at Midway en Fuday. They had whisky with them and nil wete drunk nnd quarreling. The officer thought that ene of the party struck Haley with nu Iren fish plate which w.1.1 taken from tl.e rnllreid track, nud that they thou placed him along the r.ulru.id track se that it would leek like au ucel dent. AVhMt the TrnniSiy. Ou Saturday the officer attested thu four men nud 'Squire Kraal z, of Kpl11.it, , committed thfun te jail te answer the charge of felonious assault nnd battery, .s thu man was net yet dead at that tune. The prisoners gave their names ns lollews with thelr homes : Charles Manning, Willlamspert ; Jehn Slevens, Hamsburg, Jehn Jenes, Dutchess oenuty, New Yerk, and James Dell, Wilmington, Delaware. Olie of the party is n mere boy and tbe ethers nre all known here, having serv d terms iu " Bummers' lull " at different times. They claim that they are Innocent ofthecrimo nnd de net knew hew their oempauion received his Injuries. All tell substantially the same story which is about ns fellows : They met Haley en Thup-ilay en thu Lltitz pike near this eity nnd nil started te walk together. They traveled the pike until they readied Lltitz en Friday whete they started te walk en the railroad track. They received considerable whisky, of which all drank freely, nxcept the boy who redistil te take any. The lour meu became intexiuJted but it seemed te affect Il.thy 111010 than the ethers. Somewbeio iu the vicinity et Midway, Haley left the paity for the purpese of going te sleep In a barn, which wns situated seme distance from the railroad track. Thn ethers did net soe him again until he was found iu nu uncoil szleus state by thn farmers. They sup pese that after he found that they hud goue ou and left him tin started te fellow but bciug very drunk laid down 011 thu track te sleep aud was struck by the train. The coreucr's jury, nftrr tlewint: the body, adjourn d te meet nt the call of the coroner nt such a time when the meu who feuud tbe iujtircil man and ether w I messes can he present. The Corener's Inqiieat. Contrary te expectations Coieuor Sniffer called the jury in the ense together this meruiug nt 11 o'clock. They met in thu court heuse nud the railroad meu wero present. The first witness present was Officer Heffman of the railroad, who gave his theory of tiie case ns has been lel.tted abevn. He stated that he had heard seme additional faets concerning the quarrel which the tramps had ou tbe day tint Haley was feuud, but he would reserve It until the hearing bofero 'Squire Krantz ou Wednesday. Alfred Grogery, ongiueeroftho train by which it was at llrst suppesed Haley was struck, testified that he was 011 his way te Reading, nnd when near Millway liu noticed an object, which he nfterwnids found te be n man lying near the traek. He thought that he was tee faraway te he struek by thn train nud he did net step ut the time. The train was afterwards stepped aud witness went baek 5 they feuud the man lying in oxuetly thn same position they had first seen him. He was ut least two feet from the trade, at a dls dls Unce whero it would have been impossible for the enginn or any ear of tiie train te strilce hbn. They then Informed the sta tleu ngeut of the affair. Themas Williams, flreinan of the engine, corroborated the engineer. Jeseph Brubaker, the station agent, ten tlfled that tbe trnlu men iufermud him of the affair, and he had the body remeved ; when wituess first saw him be was lying exaetly hi the position doreribed, and tee far from the track te have beeu struck by that train. The coroner's jury reudered a verdlet te the nffoet that deceased uame te his death at the hands of seme unknown parties, THIS KAHTKHN ftlAHUKT. Hale or btallt ler the Knsiilnc Year, On Saturday afternoon B, F. Rewo nuotleueor, sold by publie sale for the Eastern roarket company, the stalls in thelr new market house, cerner of East King nnd Church stroets. Ninety flve of the ene hundred and sixty eight farmers stalls were sold the highest pricoe bid beiag $20.50, and tbe lowest $15. Hvery ene of thb butohers stalls wero sold, tbe highest pnoe paid being 13,und the lowest $23. The total rocelpts from the striils were about $2,200, from whleh is te he deduoted about $100, paid In advanca by butehers nt the tlma tbe market was first openod, making Saturday's net sales amounting te about $1,800. ,,,.,. The sbeddlng boleuglug te the ranrket oempany hns been ronted for a yeir te Gustav Waltz, for $103, aud the company will roeolvo bosldes quite u hnndsome iu iu iu oemo irem the sales of advertising space betweeu the windows of the market heuse, the spaeeB botween the wludews bciug sold for $3 oaeh. Of the soventy-throo farmers' iitalla net sold en Saturday by Mr. Hotte, quite a numbur have slnoe been taken and it is bolieved that nearly nil of them would have been sold had net thu wcather nnd reads been se bad, They nre offered nt $10 oaeh, V