JJl-'". !V tfA. r- A LANCASTER DAILY IISTJUjLIGENCEIJ, THURSDAY, MAKCTl 0, 1881, ,l;i fxl" & fr'.T.i' V' ix t U- B Vk I t h J.'.' Lancaster fntclHgcnrer THURSDAY KVKNINO, MAU, O, 1004. UMDOWKKKU. Theu hstt net geld T W hy, tbla Is Beld Atl clustering round thy forehead white And were It weighed and were It told 1 could net lay It worth te-nlglit t Theu hnt net wit t Why, what Is this Whorewllh thou captureU many a wight t Who doth forget a tongue.ls hli As 1 ell nigh lorget te-night t Ner station 1 Well, nh, well I 1 own Theu hast net place assured tlioe quttu, 8e new 1 raise tbec te a throne Ungln thy relgn, uiy quoen, te-night I Berliner's Monthly, Hnre Dure far Sauting. K. Y. Times. Thore Is precisely ene euro for snoring, and it Is te Sir Humphry Davy that we ewo Its dlsoevcry. That emlnrnt soienUfio poraen ascertained thnt suorieR is due te an nbnermal vibration of ttie cenla of the larynx, and that this vibration oeours only when the surfnoe of the larynx has beceme dry. A man who sleeps with his mouth open until his larynx has beceme dry by contact with the atmosphere is sure te snere. tilr Humphry saw at oneo that in order te eure a snorer his larynx must be kept moistened orrelaxod. He found by a aeries of experiments upon a Mothedlst preacher of unusual snerinir powers that a pieoe of castlle soap Inserted in the open mouth of the snorer offceted an instant eurrl and wards off any further attack of unerlrur for at least twenty four hours. Repeated applications of soap breke up the habit of tutoring, and thus effected a permanent eure. According te Sir Humphry Davy, castile soap, which is composed of elive oil and soda, is decomposed the moment it comes into contact with the human tengue which has a wonderful affluity for exygen. The ollve oil being thus set free, lubrieatesnnd relaxes the larynx, whlle the sodium is forcibly expolled in the shape of strongly alkaline language by the snorer, who awakes the moment the decomposition of the soap begins. It is seldom necessary te administer castile soap mero tkan thrce or four times ; nnd the most obstinate oase of snoring known te modleal men was cured with six doses. It might be remarked that almost any variety of soap eau be used with bencflt as a remedy for snoring. Castile soap is, nevertheless, much mero rapid iu its ae tien than any othervarioty, with the seli tary exception of soft sep. The latter, however, is foldera found outside of farm b6"R08, and Its administration presents certain difficulties whleh will hinder it from evor bocemtna. a popular remedy. m Killed In a Street right. In a street tight en Tuesday evening in Washington growing out et a difficulty letween a white and a colored man, Frank Langsten, a son of Professer Jehn M. Langsten, United States minister of Hayti, shot nnd killed James Spoucer, and seriously wounded Jehn S. Williams, two spectators, both of them colored. In fattening sheep for linrket. Day's llorse and Cuttle Powder is the thing te give tlicm. Stesk rnlsi-rs knowing this env It. l'rlce twenty-five cents tier package of ene pound. uui weignu 4TS-A Aew Suit. Faded articles et all kinds n stored te their original beauty by Diamond Dyes. Pcifectuiid simple. ll)c at nil drug glBts. Wel.s, Richardson A Ce., Uurllngten, Vt. "My urunlther'. Cleck," was ence n very popular song, but llke many ether nontinienul tunes It decsu't wear well. Dr. Themas' Eclectrle OU ictll wear ; It will wearxwnv all aches. snrains. unit nam, mid repay Its purchaser a hundred leld. Ker sale by 11. ii. Cochran druggist, 137 and 13 North Qurcn street. lJe Yeu Helleve It. That In this town there are scenw et persons passing our store every tiny whose llvtm are niade miserable by Indigestion, l)yiepsla, Sour nnd distressed Sleinacli, Liver Com plaint. Constipation, when for 75c. wewlllr-eli them tihlleh's Vltallzer, guaranteed te enru thorn. Sold by II. II. Cochrun, druggist, Nes. 137 and i: North Queen stnnit. tub7-ei2 2 Illg TMctcs-U. DygpefsK nnd debility nre two big thieves s tliey creep tn and steal our health tint I cotil cetil cotil eon be tore we knew It. Let us put n step te their Invasion with a bottle et Ilurtleck liloed JJlUert, te be had ut tiny diug etore. r or sale ty 11. II. Cochran, drugglat, 137 ami Hi Ninth Uueeu street. Itruwn' iieDsrnuia faiiHcrn. Ib the most otiectlvo l'aln DcHtreyer tn Urn world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether Uiken Internally or applied exter nally, and thereby mero certainly UKL1KVK l'AIN, whether chronle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, unit It Is warranted dou ble the strength than any ethor similar prepa ration. It cures pain In tha Bide, llac!t or llowels, Bore Threat, UueumatUm, Toothache, und ALL ACHK3, and Is The Ure.u tlellrtvnr ut i'aln. "BUOWN'SHOUSKUOLDPASACKA" should be in every family. A tapoeulul in the l'amicen in a tumbler et het w.tter sweut nd, It prorerpMll. taken at bettilmu, will 11UKAJC UV A COLD, Ii ctinU h bollix mtyl-T.Th.K.tw L,eciurs Iruiu h reiuul l'liyi-liUti. 101 Second avuxuk, Nbw Yerk, JIuy , i&. My poclelty Is diseases or women und chil dren. 1 llke Alloeck's 1'onecs l'LAsrsiis be cause they are se quick und elllclent, unit never irritate or murk the louiteicxi kln. 1 have found theut most useful In uiypiaotire, and they ure certainly the best plasters new mede. Tolllustrute: MyBonef ten years of age took u bad cold and ceughed iucensantly ; no medicine would relieve hlui ; utter emtie twolve hours 1 upplled an Am.coek'8 I'oueus 1'lastkk te his threat and upper cliesL The cengh ceased entirely in atl hour, and the next day thu boy was well. Held the case teu gontlemun who sutlered In thusame way; be, tee, was cured In twenty tour honrsei his cnujth by Alloeck's l'oitecs 1'i.a.htkhs, Anether patient suitered ftem pain in the Binail et the bnclc Allcock's l'oneus 1'LAi.TKn was applied ut night, ami ueit morning the pain had ceased. Again, a young lady sutierlng Iretn Neuralgia l'alns areirid the heart,by tny advlce used Allcock's I'onevs I'lastkiis, and was entirely cured In three days. Finally, a lady came te me with Celd Feel, which constantly ruciirrud nh-i.i ..,.! day-thls sometlmes is a symptom et uterlnu congesnon-i nppited an Allcock's I'oiiecs l'LABTKn te the selu et each loot, ami her loot getnud continued warm. Hlie wero thu Plus Plus ters ever a week. Thus I bave recently tried Allcock's l'oneus 1'LABTilu, anil take great pleasure in bearing witness te ihelr romnrkable curative power JAWK3J.IlAKmt.ai.lt. " Allecck'a " is the only genuine Pereus Plaster i buy no ether und you will net be cheated. dew te beeurn tiealtii, teeems straiiBe tluit nnv ene will sutler Iretn thoiiiunyderungemunlH brought en by an Impute condition ei tlie bleed, when SCO VlLL'fHARSAPARlLLAANllHTlLLINUIA. erllLOOllANDLlVKRHYRUP will reslore porleet health te tlie physical orKtinlrutieu. it Is Indeed a strengthening syrup, pleaant te tuke, and has proven Itseil Ut be the best J1LO0I) PUlllFIEli evor HlsoevuriMl, elleet. uully curing Bcielulii, Syphlitle disorders. WtMikiievH ei the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mula' rla all nerveus dbtorders and debility, bit. Ions cetnplalutH and all dlseusea Inillcutlug an Impure condition el tlie liloed, Liver, Kid ney, Btomael), Bkln, etc. It corrects liidl Kostlen. A single boltle will prevu te you Its merits iw a lieulth renuwer, ter 11 ACTH LIKE AOUARM, especially when the cemplulntU el an exliuustive nature, having a tendency te esuu me uuvumt vigor ut me uruin and nor veus system. jKKR'B PAIN PANAOKA cures it pain In man and beast. Fer use externally und inter nally, BED HORSE POWDERS euro all dlsoasea mono, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry ami all LlveBteck. A POSITIVJOWICK, muySl.3 for sole nt II. i). Cochran's drag stere 137 North Uueen atroet. MKlllVAL, B HOWN'fl IKON HUTKllS. BAD, BAD, BAD BLOOD. Seme bleed Is bad bocuuse It Is peer and weak. Seme Is had becanse It contains luiputU tles. Heme men bave such bad bleed Hint the wonder Is it does uet poison tlie tnosuulteo who oemo te bl te them, Tlie rich red color el geed bleed 1 owing te the Iren whleh Is prusent. lJloed which bus net enough Iren in it is always unsatisfactory. The potion in whose veins it circulates can uet be said te enjey geed health. The efforts of expert chemists te produce a preparation el Iren which can be assimilated with the bleed bave resulted in that perfect preparation whleh is an Important part ei llrewn's Iren Hitters. It la the only ene which tioely enters lnt' the bleed. ltUthoeuly oue which accomplishes the desired geed. Weak, peer, thin bleed may be niade rich nnd stieng, nnd Impure bleed m y be putltled by the iise et thatMreat Iren Medicine, Jlreien't iron Uttlert. MEDICAL. 'AMAIUTaN NKHV1NK MKV15H rAII. SAMARITAN NERVINE! THB GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR. The only known ipecljtcter Kplloptle Flts.-C MtrAU ) ler Sp.ims and Falling &lckne3.Tt Nervous Weakness iiulckly relieved nnd cured. Equalled by nene tn delirium of lever, -C8, -.Neutralizes perms et diseases and slcknctf. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn liloed sores Cleanses bleed, quickens sluggish circulation Eliminate llells, Carbuncles and ScuURli 4-PcrtuuiiciiUy nnd promptly cures paraly sis, Ycs.lt Is acbnrmlng and healthful Aperient. Kills Scretula and King's Evil, tn In brothers. Changes bad breath te geed, removing cause. ."Routs biliousness and clears complexion, unarming reselvent and matchless laxative. It drives Sick lleudache like the wlnd.-vt 9Centatn no drastic cathartic or opiates, Promptly cures rheumatism by routing lt."ta Restores llle giving properties te the bleed I guaranteed te euro all nervous disorders. 4-Hcllable when all opiates lall.-ffa Ratreshes the mind and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money rvtunded.-fc 44-Eiidersed in writing by evur tilty thou sand Leading physicians In V. 3. and Eurepe.-ff Leading clergymen in U. S. and Europe.-fc I)lciises ei the bleed own It a conqueror. -SO Fer sale by nil lending druggists. fL5lfcti Tlie Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Ce. Preps. SL Jeseph. Ale. C'hns. N. Crlttenden, Aceut, New Yerk City. nprlMyeeditw (2) HOSTETTERB CELEBRATED The Want et a Helluble Dlaretfe Which, whlle acting as a sllmu'aut et the kid neys, nellhar excites nor irritates them, was long since supplied by Ilostetter's Utemach Hitters. This flne medicine exerts the requi site! degree et stimulation upon these organs, without producing irritation, and Is, there thero thore tore, fur butter adapted for the purpose than unmedlcited excitants olten reserted te. Dys Dys pepsli, fever and ague, and kindred dlcues are alt curettbylt. Ker sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. ml-lmdeetlJtw ULV 3 UtttSAM llALat. CATAltHH, UAl'-FEVEIt. ELY'S CREAM BALM Jccuia CATAIlltll, CdLD IN HEAD, ItOSE-COLD, HA-riSVKK, DKAKNKSS, AND HEADACHE. CuudcH no I'aln or Dread. Ulves ltellet at Once. Net a liquid or snuti. Applied with thu nuger. Thorough treutmunt nill cure. KASY TO USK. Ptlce 50 cents, by mall or at druggists. BL BROTHERS, l-eeiliw Uruggkts Owoe, N. Y. HUOKH AND HTATUINKUX B LAM it IIUUKH ANllSrATIONKHV, JOP BAER'S SOUS, 15 nnd 17 North Queen Bt. Blank Beeks & Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, lilunk DecilH, MertirugCH, LU'. -ATT1IK- SIGN OF THE BOOK. Ji IH V I'LL A NKU VH . Ar.tllA AMI II A A.N A U1U A l(S, (IDA RAN X teed clear filler, for re , at HARTMA.VS YELLOW FRONT CIOAR stuuk. XTtll'IIIK. L PutientH wlMilng te consult Dr. La (Ininge, of 1KJ PUIiert street, Philadelphia, Pa., are reiiueited te glve at least two dais notice prier te their Intended visit te pruvent disappointment and less of time. Boe Ills new work en Nervous Ulseases and Allied HIserdurM, fcuut Iree by pest. M cents. Address as above. inl-Stml rP(l MAllf. YUUUalSLFUUailfUHTAIII K UOTO IIEUHTOLU'S And see Ills Bhlits and Drawers he U new Bflllluif Irem seu. tin, Lined Pauls, nuw lunku of Oveiulls, KultJaekuts Irem We, up te tlie bestWnistcd, Woolen and otherBhlrts.Oleves, Mlttn, Hobe, ComletlHUUd illaukels. Closing out ut reit bave time und money ami give me a cull; HENRY IlKOHTOLIt, I'M yd Ne. bl North Uueeu Btieut, A UCTMtNKElt ANIt ItEAl, AUENT. KIT AT K HENRY SHUBERT, AUCTIONKEIl AND REAL KSTATK AUKNT, 01 North Duke St., Lauoaster, Pa. Everything pertaining te my business will leculvemy peisoimluttentlon. Tenus reason, able. Ulve inuaeull. 1uiil2-tfd N?' ', "'Asr.ica ANtt tlu. NERH. All persons ure hereby lorbliiden Uttrespuss nnunyet the lands of the Cern" wall or Bpoedwefl estates, lu Lebanon und Lancaster counties, whether Inolesod or un' Inelosed, either ler the purpose el sheeting or nailing, as the law will be rightly onterooo igulnstall trespassing en said lauds of the underslgned atter tlds notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN It. PUROY ALDKN, KOWARI1 0. FREEMAN, .... Attomeylor u, w Celetniu's m -i OlMIdftW STOMACH BITTERS. vitr neijii.i. II AtlKtt IlllOTllKlt. CARPETS! Wiltens, Meuquettes, Extra Quality Velvets, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-Ply & Superfine Ingrains, Hall and Stair Oarpets, Rag Oarpets. IS NEW Sl'lUM. HTYLKS AND LAKUK ASSOllTMKNTS. -ALSO- Linelieums, Fleer Oil Oleths, China and Oocea Mattings. Prices as Lew as Same Quality are Sold in 1'biUtlulphla or Klsowhere. & 25 WEST KING STREET, L.VNCASTEK, PA. AVA Ll. PAPKIW. WALL PAPERS. We Invite Bpec'nl Attention te our Stock et SAW SPK1.NU Ufc.3IU.N3 in PAPER HANGINGS. Itepicacntlntr all qualities, from thu FINEST UA.VUI'ill.MU te the lower Kratloaet Flats and lllanks. The Latest designs In CEILING DECORATIONS Friezes and Borders. - We employ Competent Paper Hangers and Riiarantee atUtacileu as te priced and workmanship. Hager & Brether, 25 WEST KING STREET, I.ANCA3TKK, PA. ULAlitt AND QUJiKNiHAltti. wut MAIIT1H. QUEENSWARE 1 QUEENSWARE ! -AT- CHINA HALL. China, Glass, Quccnswarc. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT. ALLUOOU3 EAOIIANOEII FACTORY. IF N0T8ATIE. Housekeepers leek te your Interest, uinlue our stock before purchasing. Ex. High & Martin, 15 EAST KINO HTKKKT, LANCASTER, PA. VAIWIAUJSB, au. PINi; UAKKIAUK I1UI1.I1EHK. THB STANDARD Carriage Werk OFLANOABTKR COUNTY, EDGERLY & 00., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET BTRBB1T, IN UKAII erglUABKKX 1I0U3U dce!rkA,,wTSKnlnVh10hyu iortable and elegant style. We two only the host tnechanles. rer quullty or work our prices ate the oheapost in the state. We buv jprcttsh and sell en the most reasonable terms. Ulve us a call. All work warranted. REI'AIRINU l'UdMl'TI.V ATTVtfllvnm, One set el ivitrbieiin OBpcclally employed ter that uurnesu. nfcr.Vi '- .-- - --t wn-uiinn HAliEB BROTHER l'KCIAl, MUT1UK. BOWEKS & Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QOEEN DRY GOODS KKllllUAItY 1, ll.-ln elder te reduce our stock and te double our sales of Kebtuaty ISA), We shall maku tunny reductions In our Dress Uoeds Department, ladles rt-l All Weel Cleth All Weel Cleth Suitings triliicvil te Me. Laities' Dtess Hemls induced from We te 87Mc Latlles' Dress UimhIs tediieetl tieiii .17Ke loile Ladles' Dress Heeds reduced from l ami HKe, te loe. ltoppser Wrapper Uoeds reiiuced Iruiu Isote UXe. I'ere ties iintl Chlutt'x reduced HKclelOc. Cnllceen retlueed IromSe tefc. Calletmi re lueeil liiuitfie te Je, Calicoes reduced IrnmAote Ic. lit Nhuetliignud Bhlrtlng Muslins we urn ettering etrntuely low pi Ices, all bought stiicolhe recent derlluu tn Cotten (loeils. Latlles ami Children' .Meilue Uudernear und Hosiery, ah reduced te coil nnd under. We show tin liumoiixe stock of Hamburgh and Lnces, all at extremely Lew Prices. It will pay you IerIvuus a call, na we are determlnett te tnervtue our b.iU this mouth iintl te reduce our very large stock. BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN Gl IVLr.H A UU.'S SPUIMI 111-KM Ml. IMPORTED DRESS We itre new roeolvlngr lnrRe llnea of new atytea of Dreea Qoeila for SprltiK BnleB. Some of the meat popular nre Tricottlnes unealmores, Froneh OtiHhiuent ami Foulea, lu nil the new light ohndea BleRitnt All All Weel and Bilk nnd Weel Combinations. Unehmernntul Albntresa Kmbroiderod Reboa. Fliie AlUWoel Froneh Plnida lu Henutlfttl Oolera. Shouherd Flnlda In dltTorent alzed checks nt vnrleua prleca. Rlnek, Colored and Summer Sllkaef nil gnidea LSTTake a. leek nt our Weat Window nayeu pnee. JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. OIVLEK, VLWlHllHi,Vlil)BltHKAU, St: H. UEUUAHT. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- FINE CLOTHING -AT- H, Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East King Street. In order te reduce a heavy atoek et FINK WOOI.KK9a.iul touiake room for tlie Hprlntf Importation, 1 'will tnake tip te order all heavy-welKhtbClTIKOSaudOVEUCOATINO Fer the Next 30 Daya at a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ot , or First Cost of Get ting Them Up. I have also a I.trge Assortment ei medium weight WOOLENS ter tne early bpilng trade, which will be in ado up bcieru the spring trade iets In at an equal reduction, te tove employment te my hands during dull ceasen THE AHOVE REDUCTION IS fOli CAUUOXLY. K. 11. Myeample cards of Spring Importa tions ure new ready und any et tny customers desirous el securing choice stIe can de se new. H. GERHART. T OOKTO THE FUTURE. Fer future wear 1IUY" YOUR OVERCOATS .new. " w hy .' you say, les, that Is true, but the "the Winter t ever." prices of Overcoats are se low at tins season that it will pay te buy ler thu future. All that remains et our large sieck in Wlnter Ovorceata Have been grcutly reduced In price. They are all desirable patterns and are Uurgalns seldom ettered. Pantaloons. The sudden cliania-i In March weather call out the pantaloon buyers In full torce, for wnem we are prepared witti ull the most iasli iasli iasli ionable styles of Dress Casslmeres and Worsteds. Oblldren's Suits. Thu remnants et our Winter Stock In BHORT PANT SUITS are selllngatclearlngnut prices which means Rargalns ter the little Heys. BIXTY-EIUHT CENTS will purchase u pair of tlrst'Class Overalla That nover rip or break In the se'iuis. Every pair warranted te stand any reasonable test. Suspondera that cannot U-) prualled ter 25e A PAIR Streng, sound web silk finished and ntckle plated buckles that will net rust. Trunks and Vallsea for the traveling public In all style and grades, at the lowest prlcus tlut the best makes can be sold for. Beets and Sboes Fer Ladles and Gontlemen, IIejm and Olrls. The assortment is very large in ull grudea. ANOTAULE LADIES' SHOE KOR DUES!- Is a liandsoine Opera Toe, with flne French Ulove Kid Tep. THE FEDORA. Is acknowledged the correct style ler Spring. lnHOlterstltt ielt Hats. ALL'IHK LATEMV STYLES IN SILK fl.VTH have arrived, which we shall take pleasure In showing te ull who will favor us with u call, OUR BTORE8 CLOSE ATM O'CLOCK P. M.. EXCEPT BATURDAY, when we are open until 10 o'clock p.m. ' Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 30 and 38 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA CAHPHTtl, TMSTAHI.1S1IKD 1H30. CARPETS -AT- Philip Schum, Sen 4 Ge's 150 SOUTH WATER 8THEKT, LANCASTER, PA. Wohaveafiill8iiiply el RAO AND FILL. inu uAiucin, tru uniy usu the best of yarns. II you want a geed, sorviceable Curpet, please coine and oxuinlue our stock bolore purchasing elsowhero, as we will suit us cheup us the cheapest. Come and see loryeurcelf and be convinced, as we always have the reputa tion et making flrst-elass Carpets. CUBTOM RAO OARPETH A SPECIALTY COVERLETS. COUNTERPANES, ULAN- KETS, CARPET CHAIN, STOCK- INU YARN, Au. Dyelng I'one In all Its branches ut short no tice. GOAL I GOAL I 01 tlie best quality, expiessly ler family use. TRY A SAMPLE TON. KEMKMI1ERTHE OLD BTANtl. PHILIP SCIIIW, SON & CO'S Ne. 160BOUTH WATER STREET, !9-3md LANOABTKR, l'A. -rilKN I AllVKUTIeN CLKAIt HAVANA v t riuer cigt them te be sueli. Filler cigars for 0 eents, 1 guarantee HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIO AU mellis, ItHt ;(l(t(ti, Cf. STREET ! - - - STREET. SPRING OPENING OF- S. GMVLER .T3 AH It VA1W. CllULT'Z HL.U MIAMI. tiltKAT ItKPUCTlON IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Lndles' Seul Bnoquea und Delmana, Lndlea' Fur-Llned Olroulare, Uenls' ami Lmlles' Seal Caps ut Cost, HII.K VitilKKLLAH. A I.ari;e AssortuiMiitei OI.OVEd at Celt. THE LA ItUKST STOCK AMI ASSORTMENT OF FASI1IONAUI.E Wiflter Bals, Cajs, Furs, &t Everetiered tn tlie public, at the LOWEST PRICES. Wlielenalu and Retail, liny torcesli only and sell cheaper than any ether Hat Stele in the city. SOLE AGENT FOR THE Knox Silk & Derby Hat. The ONLY Hat Sianulactery In Lancaster. ItejV Cnpn Ireui lit. up Men's Caps el all kinds greatly teduced lu price. Repairing neatly und ptemptly doue. Old bilk Huts uiadu ashlouahle. JOHN SIDES, di-i-lld S-ucciKSorteSIIULTZ A 1IKO. 11 ATf. 0.1', Ac. M. Only Hat Stere. JU3T RECEIVED OUR SPRINUSILKHAT3. THE BROADWAY Is the hat adopted by thu lireadway Hatter's Association and Is always the leading unit most popular hat In all tne cities. A geed style toranveno. The FEDORA lsstlllielllng well and will be worn all Spring. All sizes In stock all the time. -THE- FEDORA. WCASH.-ffO. 144 North Queen Street. (OUNDAKER'S OLD STAND.) LANCASTER. PA. w A few Winter Caps at Half Price. inarniydAw liuiLtsun, se. ri'ltK BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We manufacture and keep lu stock the lol lel lol lewing goods : Portuble Engines en Wheels and Bills. Stationery Engines and Stationery Rellers. Portuble Ilollers. Pertable Saw Mills. Large airiBmall Heller Feed Pumps ) pump and heaters combined. Hark, Cerk und Cob Mills. Pulleys, Shutting and 0 curing, Housu Cellar Heaters. Creameries tilted up. Hteuiu Heating a hpeclalty. Iren and llruss Castings. Iren Tanks ler Water und Oil. Light und Heavy Sheet Iren Weik. Bteam nnd Water Pipes. Valves and Flttlugs. Hnlld uuy Style or Power et Hellers, hslluiules given ler inaehlnery. Repairs promptly and careiully uttentled te Jehn Best & Sen, (PROPRIETORS.) Ne. 3!J Eiwt Fulton St, LANCASTER, PA unl5-lj'd rilllK I.AHOKSl' AN11 IIK41' BTOUK tir JL Euchre, Casslne und Pekur curds irem 80 per pack up. HARTMAN'S YELLOW FUONT CIOAR STORE. f MtAV'H Hl'JCUiriU MbUluimtS, TUBI J Great English Rometly. An unfailing euro for linpoteney, and ull Diseases that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lass!, tude. Pain In the Hack, Dimness ei Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ethor diseases that lead te Insanity or Cen. sumptien und a Premature Grave. Full par. tleulurs In our pauiplet, which we dm 1 10 te send ii co by 111 all te (ivory ene. The Specific Medlelneli sold by all drujglsts at tl ier paok paek paok age, or six puukuges forts, or will be sent tree by mail en the receipt el the money, by ad dressing the ugent, H. II. COCHRAN, Druggist, Nes. 137 and VS.) North (ueen street, Lanta. ter, Pa. On ncoennt ei counterfeits, wa have adopt ed the Yellew Wrappwr t thennly genulne, THK GRAY MKD101NKCO., yiur uuuiue.ii. x, JEETJRST, UANOASTBB, l'A. DRY GOODS ! we shall elfer many goods at ami below mill. SiiIIIdlm reduced innn si.'Si inin,, i,k,.- LANCASTER, PA. -n a. -ur-a GOODS. & CO., LANCASTER, PA. OEO. F. HATH VON. VLU111I.XI. LMMt CHOICE FURNISHING GOODS, FOR FATHER. . MOTHER, IlROrilK.RS. TF.RS, COUSINS ANIt AUNTS. SIS BEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KINO SrilEKT, Remouiber the uumtier and ntieet. (JJIALI Ml I1AUSJ1A.N. SPJtING AM) SUJ13IEK, 18S4. We have new in stock a full line et all the leading styles tit Suitings. Spring Overcoat Overceat ings and Treuserings which we cerdlully In vltti you te InniH-'ct. Although It seems rather eatly ter Spring purcluurs the buyer has the advuntage of a larger ami meru varied assort ment te select lrem thun he will navii later In the season. Our goods are et the choicest pro ductions ut Foreign and American miinutae miinutae tere and have been selected with great care. as ncrcieiuru, we win give me strictest atten tion te the Fit, Style, ami Workmanship et our garments. OUR SAMPLE l.ARMF.NTS Illustrating the style and werkmunshlp of our productions, Mill been exhibition In u lew days. Sinaling1 & Bailsman, FINE TAILORS, NC. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( 2d Floerj LANCASTER, PA. tnay!MydTu,ThA3 riMIK lilillUNU 11DO UAH L RIOUS IIKKN Merit. That is, hlspriMllctien et six weeks et bad weather has been verified; but, ir he had been sensible he would hsvn made better preparation ler tlie bad weather by net having Ids hair cut tee seen, and then hu might have defied the chilly blats and staid out el his b0le.justas ALL hKNStlit.K MEN, APPRE CIATING THE IIIRTI1 OK SPRINGTIME. ARE NOW RCHING FOR THEIR & And the Pisco they Most Rush te -18- Burger &Sutten's, NO. 21 CEN'IKE SQUARE, Where Spring Overcoats, Spring Sulbi, Spring Underwear und all the Novelties el GENTS' FORNISHING GOODS Fer Spring can be had w here else FOR CASH. cheaper than any Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. Il-lvd H IINH & 1IKOTIIKK. PANTALOONS TO ORDER. Ve uru new showing In eurSOUTHERN WINDOW, seme of the many NEW AND 8TYLI8H PANTALOON GOODS which we ure lust rocelvlng. We guarantee a rlRST-OLABS FUTINO WELL TRIMMED PAIR OF PANTS, ut prlcesas low as thosteros In the elty charge ler READ Y.JIADK GARMENTS, A NEW LINE OF SPRING OVERCOATS Will be ready ler Inspection and ler Bale In tow days. OUIl GOODS AVE THK 11EST, OUIt PltlCI-S THE LOWEST. -CALL AT- lii'sh & Brether, PKNNHALLGLOTHINU IIOU8B, Nes. 2 and 4 North Queen Streot. LANCASTER, PA. WlllltlUr nXUKPTION TII15 IIKS1' He Cigar In the city. UAUTMA'3 YELLOW FRONT CIQAR STORK. TIM VKhFlftl (I II I IU:. 1 A NOAH I Kit ADD 1I 1 1,1.1111.4 VI I.I. H. It II .1 1 Carn run nslollewH Leavu l.niirnsler(l. II. Depot), at 7, tl an l:.W n in., mill 'i, 4,0 ami :t n. til , i-xeept en Bnliinlay, when tlie IhhI tar leavrH at UMep. tn Lenve Mlllomvllle (loner elid), ntB.S, ami Mil in., MM!, .id unit 7 p. in. Curs run dally en nbevu tlme except ea Hundav. ' CtlLUBIHIA A fUHT illKlTlNI I HAH. UUAD T1MK TAIILK inuns new run itituinriv en thu Columbia A l'ert tlme t wepudii utinreiiii en thu lonewltig SOIlVllWAItO. STATKlSB. " f NeTlTIIWAUU r.n A.K l M. A.M f,M. la,M. Columbia.... y.'U) A;Ai .... ..Washington., hoi r..jit ... Clexswell... Hit: s:u... . Sate Harber. . 7;lft S:17 .... ... .Hlienk'n terry. 7:10 5:11.,.. , l'eiiiien TM R.OS .... .... ..erk Umiaie. 7:31 Mm , Tuciltmn.... 7-. Mm..,.. .... McCall'H Kiniy 7:il 4.MI Kite's Kthty .. 7 10 l:l.1.... Klshtng Creek. 7'' 4:Mi 7:10 .l'eaell llotlem. C7 1-30 7 ' 7:'27 .. Conevlngo .. 0:li I II 7.16 7.37 Ot'tnisrn .. s r; IftV 7r.rt 8;ee ...Pert DeiMisIt ,0 3 ( 7 17 H.'Ji ... l'erryvllle....! .... 3 111 7" ft 10 . 6: 10.NI 0:1 0.A7 7.1KI 11:1V Ili'Sl ll:JI llt 7:0U 7:12 7:17 7:3 737 M U: 11:K llrrwi 12.0ft 7:11 7.M 3.TO :13 8:2.1 is.ai r.M I2:-2S 12:10 li:M C1IIIINWAI.I. I.r-.IIANOM .V OUI.r.llltlillU t VALLEY RAILROAD TIME TAIILK. SOCTIIWAHII. Trains leave Lebanon dally (except Bun day) at H..10 a. m , 12.2ft and 7: p. m. An tin ut Cornwall ut 0 10 a. in . 12.37 p in and 7.10 p, ui.i nt Connwiige ut7".Ja. in., l:2.'i und ".). in., connecting with the l'eunsU vuntu railroad for points East and West. MOkTllWAIU). Trains leave Cnnewiigbut 7.30a. ui.,S:S0and 8.2A p. in. Arrive at Cornwall at t 15 a. in., IH and ttds p. ui.i at l.i baiieu at C .Ma. in.. I lieund WO ii. in., connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia A 1W ailing railroad for point Ka-t mid West, ami the Lebanon A Tremont Inane li ler Julius town, I'luegtevu mid Tiemetil. Tlie C'.:;u a. m. train will step enl at Cern Hall, Colebrook and llullalre. KKA,U NO ACOl.ll.MltlA H. II .Ul'.ANUKMKNTOr PASHKNUrt' MONDAY, OCTeiiKR inn, NORTHWARD. LSAVH. 1A.M. r k r. M ; ... i.'l .... ami w' 3JCO. I ' III' 1 1 J 34 t:. I S. IJu.viTj'VllJe Wincaatcr, King St.. Lancaster.... Chlckles Marietta Junction.. Columbia. inaiVB. Reading , ; 0 il'.O iV T:30 7:1') 7:.v 7:fe 7'30 9:ii SOUTHWARD, bSAVII. Reading ARiuva. Marietta Junction.. Chlckles Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, UlngSt.. Uiiurrvvllle A.M, M. ' r.M. 76 12.-U t-ii 9:15 i-.m. 801 V.ti ... S-SO .' 2:10 S ; a 2.le s i thfc ... b'r 10 le .... dS' Trains connect at Reading with ti.lm from Pldladelphla, Pottuvllle. Harrlsbnrt;, At. lentnwn and New lurk, via Hound lieutn. At Columbia with trains te und Iren. Hanover, Uettyvburg, Frederick ami . mom. A M. WILSON i Dli.NMhl l.VAM I A KAII.IUIAU HtU X IM-IIKDULK On ami utl.-r SL N I NOVEMIIER, Is.l'WJ, Uatiu e.i l. I , vu .ii. Rallreiul will mrlveni ml 'l ,t, Li.e-i'tei and Phil !! Ivhta .teixiu.U IO Lev ,r I Jin' if KAsrwAnu A.M. 10' 2:27 S23 6i' 9:01' r.M. 4 4 S.-eC ta 7S 0-2fl Mall Express, Philadelphia Express rast Line Herrlsburg Ksi"ss , Yerk AccoinicedaiJon arilva-s Lancaster Acceiui Ut:tu arrives... Columbia Acceir.' ,e-i Jen rredwrict Arv-ommedatton arrive. Leck Huren l.xpre.w Sunday Mall , Johnstown Kjpivju .. Day Expruett Harrlsbur Accommodation .v. 'i IS 6 0C . .& JtS 2:12 2:20 6 if Hanover Accomtnrxlatlen wnst. cennectlnL- at Lancaster with Niagara Kxpriu at U:15. will run Uirengh te lluuoYer dally, jcj Pi nnnuay. Frederick Accoimneilatlon, wemI, ceninetlnij it IuieuiUir with Fast Line, out, at 1 run through te Frederick. 3, Will L, 'I'hl IAr. WBarwAnD. hill I ah A.M. A.M Hews Express Way Passenger Mail Train, Ne. 1, via. ML Jey Mail Train, No.2,vlaCelumbla,loavt Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation leaves... 3U 1.30 7.00 0.3. lt:2rt B-;Kj 911 tfVi f R 11? 1 15 5 15 2'3t 7JD 7.10 U '5 133 7-le rast Linn Frodetick Accoxnxned lUen leavee Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation Itaves Oilumbla Accomir.edulion Harrlsburg Express Western Kxpruss Pactfle Express 11 1 r.M 2:14 V" 5:10 11 11 J llarrlsburg Express, which leaves Lancaster at 7:10 p. iu., ha direct connections (without ehangu of cuid) t.i Columbia and Yerk. rust Line, west, en Huuday, when 1U4K I willstonatDnwnliigtewn.Coatiwvlllu, Puriton bnrg, Mount Jey, hllialxdhtewn and .dl, town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express, Mad Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and 1'i.cinc Ex pruss run dallv. The tltnohero given Is Kail em time, or that el the 75th metldlan, whlcu Is 1 mlntiteiind i seconds luAter than that horetotoru.used L" CM. St .ML. A1UIANOKSIKM-.- HOURS FORCl.OSINO THE MAI LI Hy Kullruad Nuw enrc tiiiieiuu maii Mrt and 7.30 u, m., 12:J0 p. 111., 3-00 p. in. and 2 0Ou in. s WAV 31 ail, east. 7:0a. in DowMMtiTewit, Lcumuti Place und Uup, i H p. iu. PlIILADILrHIATllROCOlI MAIL, 3:1.0 am' 7 Wll in., 8:1 n. m 12:3(1, tKW ami 2.Mia. in. PlTTSUUIIU AMU WKHT, U.UO U. IU., 1 M Ullll 10 1 P. in. !i llAnnisneRci mail, e.OO and 9.00 a. m , 1 ii, Su), ( 7:13 and 10.43 p. in. Way mail, w est, 0:f0 mid 9 () it. in. IIALTIMOIIU A.NO WASIIIaTON, U PllllUlll'l phla,5:0i)p. m. 11ALT1MUIIU AND Wiblll.VOTO.V, Vlalerk, I'M X. in, liALTiMene and Wabiiikoten, via Harrlsburg, 10:13 p. iii. HiiiiiiN-IlANU, Christiana, Purkesburif, Coatesvllle and Downlngtewn at 12 M p. in. , S Columbia ut O.ne a. in. 1:30 and S no p, in. YOISK AND YOKK WAV, 1.30 Ullll 10' U p. III NOHTIIUriW CK.1TBAL, U.OO (.. Ill,, 1 21 Ulld 10 i"l p. in. RkadIne, via Readine and Celcmuia It. R , n 7:00 n. in. nnil two p. in. Rradine, via Philadelphia. 3: Omul II (O p m i) Us api no wav, via .1 unction. Lltltz, Man- i helm, East Hemptleld and Kphruta, 3 13 p. m. ' Ceahrvvillk, Carmurge, New Providence, West Willow, Murtlnsvllle, Rcllen and Lluie Valley, 0:13 a. in, and B.G0 n, in. mw iielland, ciiuicutewu, ureeiiuiniH, Rliie Hall, Uoeilvlllu, lleartewn ami Spring Urove, by wayel Downlngtewn, ut 0 13 p.m. undlLiiOp m. SAyE Haiioer, via Columbia. 8:50 a m. nnd 3:10 p.m. II Hy Mtsgn-Slackwater ami Sale Harber, daily, at 4:00 p. in. Te Mlllersvlllu, Sand 11.80 u, in., nnd lp in. lllnklev's llridge, Leuteck, liarevtlle, NeT Helland, 2:30 p. iu. ivinew airtnt, amiiiivine, iiiick, Chesinut Level, Green, Peters' Cieek, Pleasuut Ornve, Reck Springs, Falrmeuntand RowluiulBVille, 3Id dully, ut7:(.eu. m. Lunuls' valley, Oregon, West Karl. Farm ersville. Netisville, Hliiklotewn, Terre Hill, ilartindale, dally, at 2:30 p. in Uiuenlund, Feitlllty, Lampeter nnd Uheat tuiiu Anns tu cirasuurg. uaiiy ai -i p. iu. New Danville, couestoga, Murtluvllle. Cole iiianvllle, Mount .Ne be, KuwllnsvlUn, He thesda uud Liberty Sniture. ihillv. at 2.30 n. in On Sunday uvenlug, mulls east und west! cies at iu;oe p, m, WIIUN OPRM VOU IlKLlVKRY. Artiilng bv Mull Eastern mall, 0,30 u, in lo:ue it. in., 3:10 nnd 0:30 n. in. Eastern wuy mull, lo.uea. in. Wostern mull, 0.30 and 10,00 n, 111., 2.00 lltlii Reading, via Reading uud Celumbl.i, 2:Sl P.m. Wcstern way mall, 8:30 it m. Reading way mall, 10:30 a, m. 1.1U II. III. OiiarryvllleJlranch, 8:15 a. in. audLUlp, m Arriving by Htage Frem Sule ilaiber and Bluckwutur, at v.uu u, ui., (inny. Frem Mllicrsvllle, 7 und 0 a. in and 4 n, in Frem New Helland, ut 0:3e a. in., dally. Frem Rolandsvllle, Mil., at 4.00 p. m Reudlng w ay mall, at 10;:ie a, in., dally, Frem Strasbui-g. ut 0:30 a. in., ilullv. Frem Rawllnaie, ut 11:10a. in. vl Krnm Term Hill, mill ran tn "I UHLIVK1UU3 HY UAKKIUHS. Thore are three mull deliveries by Lotte: Carriers each day, and en their return trip) they take up the mull mutter deposited In till letter boxes, A collection Is made Irem all the boxes ei UtaitMM 1IMWI "" !' Fer the nrst delivery the carrleis Jeave th otnceat7:oo n in. second delivery at iu. u. iu. third tlellvery ut 3.00 p, in. SUNDAY 1'OSTOrPJ.UK HOURS. On Sunday the postetllco Is epen irem Apr 1st te Ootebai 1st, trem 8 te 0 a. m., and from te 7 li. in. t from ttcleberjHt te April 1st, iret V IU IU U. 111., Ullll IIUIU u te t p. Ill i i' ilUJiH- . .-