'y-'wvk 'itV wHl , fit' LANCASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCES, MONDAY MARCH & 1884. X' A MAD STEER. new hi: hoeuhi'd tiik low r. n i.mii, HI ricivlmm ttnml Dhutuoler I In.irs llm IHhMiir mill IIUmrr llin hrtiuels I ulil l.uw Uf &.x nullettt. Among tlie largest feeders of ualtle In llie lower end til tlie county ift Siinmel Nlssley, who Uvea en nml ewim tlinStaett Hiving fiiriu, iiniir MrehnhU'.i (liove. This year he lias u very line herd ; evety titty tliuy me tinned lulu tlie barnjard for wnter, Ln.nt ThiiiHiluy they wero put out h unual ; ene of thum Jumped ever tlie (unce into tint publle reml, when It Imme diately became mini or itt leant Hoeuied se. With u hollow It stalled eir, running ns Car ilium Alt. llope church nml olenrlug the lead of ovety tiling in It went. At that point It struck the Hoetluud read, en which the flrnt man whom the brute met was Jacob Newsw.iiigcr, en whom he made a charge) nml who made u narrow escape evor the feiiee. He also went for coveral ethor men, ntnl at Unss Hill school he elmtgrd into a gtetip ei' boys mid severely injured ene of thorn. After leavlii( that liocnceuntoicd twomeii en horeback,w!io lliil n : In wim In earnest Ih'd, with htm 'lmiu te ttitir heels, nml he followed thorn evor a utlle. In the me ultimo Mr. NiBsley, who rede nlter him, had f.lviut the alarm and a large crowd went In ptiistilt, hut wero alrald te p.et clune te him. Late en Thursday night in) i..i- ilcoeyid into a Held of il.m. Cellins, wheii) it wai pii'Mliiud he would cool down nnd tie o.tptured in the ttierniiiir : hut such wat net the e.i he, for it found him fully u milt' away mid as mad an nver, uiiother l"iy ii'juied mid a down moil up ttccH. Ily hi l.i had a whele comiuuiiltycemplototy ik'.iiid. Ily thin time Mr. N. beeamu convinced that thoie was no ohauce te talui Mm alive mid, hit piosenco net belng ill suable, liisenuct g.ive it out that any ene who lolled him euuld have tlie aire-iss and the tmlitu tutn-d out m lore, armed with all kinds of weap ins, but all taking t;eixl ene 1 1 i'il her gut behind nr op a troe. Ily dark mi Sunday ul,'lu llve balls wcre under Inn hide mid he w.ih still ram pa t, tut I iter a wi'll directed shut laid him low. After the b.ittlu was evor he was skinned mid diONM'd by tint hl.iyer ; he woiuhel overl.liK) lbs and Mr.Utsale.) mjslie wu.i n very gout In sh-ei- in Lliu stable mid never showed any jiu-vi mn dlsp'-ritten te be VICI0I1H. run imcima. Mttiliuiin .IrtiiiiiiAOlieK hi llnr llrtfitt ' .III ill or llie llelituw Methnr.' I'l.ty Tlie parquet chain mid o'rele of Fulton upeia Iieiimi wote well Illhd en Saturday evening witii a fashionable uudtetice te witness M.idaine Jnunuseluk's gloat I til pcisnualinu of "Zillah, or the Ilubtew M"tl'er." The play is ftein the French of " Li Tireuse des Carten" aud i;lves exaep tienal opportunities for the portrayal of heavy tr-vi'dy. The hciie el tlie dtmua in l.itil in ih Smitlinrii Pi mce of two cen tum h iiw'e. ZiUah' liltle I'.irl li.li beeu Ht'iU'ti lien the nurse pi whose eare shu liaii bem placed in order ( her allur Hub Ktitiitien ler a tieecasi d iniimt in n uoble family, the Dutinti, retiiilnnt in the tieiifh- liorhe.itl. Thin portion et the xtery told in the pruleuu te tli u pi ty, the lour netH .f the play beiiiif dovetrd Ui the suareh (or her child bv Zdlni, wb'i li ih asmimeil the natne of liudirjti ami tlm aocatieii of a HorcereiM or manici in, in order te better facilitate h'Tqncsi. fir lui mirtitii d.iiih ter. The play in womlerfitliy adapted te bruiK out tlie utreiiK oharaetenstio.iof .I.tti .I.tti aiiKeltek'n ijeniiis u.s atiactrti.M, oxcellliiic na hIie iIe.'h in the dohue-xtio'i of hoary trag edy. Frem het Una api.ar.ince in the play proper, the oentro el n a we btriekcu IKUHautitretip, hhe hi'M l"'r midieuoe iti raj r attention and thuimi'icfcitieii deepened as the pl.ty prere.sl. Tie Intter tvtiKUlnh hlundcd with a eei'aiu J.'V that til Ih Itudttj'i'i brf-nnt whim ui" r. I.iut fludn her hut itatii;hter the idol of i wealthy mid iioblet.hri tun home, iwi t-e thought of her dt'itpi.v-l Jiuvme hi h, , i-t poitmyed wit1! a mvhI icm tl i i . irtlm-. The death HC'M.f, tlie ll'ti-iu' elim ix that ends the pi ty, with the i-a t oneiimstauceu Hi it lead mi te if. wero iinwiii'fully prenented, brnit,'ii)k' temiiid the line work et til.UI'j.B itud Ctihhinai). The markul (lerman aoeoiit that din titiKiiUlieii Jaiiitiibehfk'H ienderiii; of r.titilinh playH suldH a qitan't r (Tietiveuets te the impay.nienid Kcuiien that it Ih impe.i Hible te deuoribe. At thoelo" of the llrht ;ii,d third aetJt the Kreit tr.iKfi,enue was eorepellitl te fobeforo tlie euitniu in re re Hpunne tti vikuieuh cuceies. Her wuppert was excellent. Miss Viriiili Ilroekrt an I'mitcc'tii JJenali and Mihh L'lvinia Shnn lien as Xihtltii e.irryinn oil' the honors for the Lulim mid Mr. lieerg I). Chaplin an lltrtnr Ffirmenti mid Mr. OiIch Shitie as l.K.'i 7'ieifr for the moil. Takou all in all it nan an cxcolleut ptcHoutatieu of a oed play, anil me of the few really yowl ilrainntle pu.'inrmancc.s of the beaiuii. Tin; hiki;i:i' lasii-h. The lilidrln I.UIits Itiirnlnie lliully loooi leooi loeoi lino l.itinpn lliluj; llettrr. Follewii'i; nre tlie reports of tin polu pelu inun as te the number of electric aid casuline lamps net burning or tuitiiuK badly Saturday nud Sunday nights : Klectne l.impn, Saturday niht Omne .ml Duke, 7 o'c'eck; Kant Kiutf mul Plum, Hist Km'j and Ann, Orange mill I'ltini, Oratifjem.d Ann, from 11 te 12 ; Christian and Oinnt, peer ; Alulheny aud VVest ICmk, 7 ; Charlette mid West ICIuk, Alary and West Kinp, IJerwart and West Ktiij;, 12; Chii8ti.in and Unke 7; IMuru and Cheat nut 12; Christian nml Oreen, 7;Strawberry and North, Freiburg mul Aluldlo,Freibur and Ljcust, 0 ; Neith nnd Duke, North nud Green, peer nil nl;lit; Alatier nml Laurel, Ilili mid Filhert, Hlj;li mul St. Jeseph, St. Jeseph nt church, St. Jeseph mul Der watt, Poplar nnd Filbert, Straw berry nml Vine, 7 ; Filbert nnd Maner, IJeinuit mill Alatier, Derwnit mid Love Lane, llth and Iiurel, Bt. Joneph. mul I.amelll ; WtiluiU mid Alnry, 10; North Oucen and New. out thice hours; Jiiiuch nud .Maty 10 te 12 ; total 'M. Ne ropett fiem Fourth ward. Sunday n!e,ht Christian mul Milllln, Seuth Queeii nnd Ha.il, 7 o'clock ; Seuth Quceu and Anil row, peer all night ; Seuth (Jucen nnd Vine, Otnnge nud Columbia avonue, 2 ; Dnkenuil Chestnut, Plum nnd CheBttiut, 7 ; Oroeti nud CIulBtiati, North nud Strnwbeny, 7; Freibiirg nnd Loeutt Lew nnd Fieiberf, 11 : Alatier nnd Laurel, Lanrel mul High, Filbcit nud Illj-'b. Filbett mul Poplar, 7; Strawberry mil Vme, 10 ; Lonien nnd Alulberry, Alary mul Ltuueti, James nud Alary, Clurluttn mid Jmues, 12 ; Duke and Online, jiier nil iiiaht. Tetnl22. Qasolltie lauipd, Saturday niirht Al ket rear of Keystone hotel ; Alarkut, rear of City Hetel, 12 o'elook ; Urnnt, botween Aun mul Plum, 7 o'elook ; VVoedward nnd CIulBtiati, north, between Christian und Duke. Total, 5. Ne lopert from the Fourth ward. Sunday uint, Priuce mul Graut, 7 o'clock ; Grant, between Plum ami Ann, 7 ; Wuter, betwecn Andrew nnd Ilassil, Uoaver botweeu Atulrew mul Hazal, 7 ; Charlolte, betwecn Wulnut nnd Chestnut, 7 ; Alnry botween Ye1t Klnp mul Orange, tie lamp , Strawberry anil Lafnyette, out from it o'elook. At tholleadol the I.Ht. Some time In January II. L, Villoe, et this oily, was exnmlncd bofero the civil rorvlue commission iu Washington. There wero -10 competitors aud Sir. Vlllce steed at tlie nead of the list with 03 per cent. On Saturday he received word that he had Loen appointed te a position In the pest- ofllce dopartment. Mr, Villoe is a son of A. H. VHIoe of this elty, and a graduate tuenigu toueoi ami ler several tenens tntiftht roIieoI In the lewnnhlp of Ooney, Went Uonipllehl mid Kant I)enpnl. He In new oeulhlontlnl cleric of the njent of the I'emmylvauln railreid company In New Yerk city. nnmr i'iuuikkui mm. The iiimiraiirnOMolUnitiiieil 'I'nxfiijr, Thin morning court met at 10 o'elock mid tlm trial of the iiiMirnuce oane wait pre. i riled with. The Hist witmiHH wim L IS. l'aitrltluc, nu.illrd. IIe tertllled that while he wun examining the htnuk of oedn after the II re he illHueveicd a liuuilln of fiinne en the north nhlfl of the room, wliluh hud hft'ii jtatnratid with coal oil; the buinllii wan oivi'ied with wrapping paper; Air. lilirmati mid Hmll (lett. t'Ohulk were pri'Hinit mid witness linked Mr. Iivin te nmell the fringe ; the latter pteked up the fnuue mid placed It In Kmil (lellHuhnlk'H fitee; witncnit under Htend him te y : " Smell thin you d d .low, mid nay you did nut tot the Htore en Urn ;" Kmllnaid itdidhiiiull or eml oil; wllnryn ntitid that In the inautifaottire of nrtillJlnl llewi'in, n l.ire let of which wiih ilentreyed in thin Die, u (jieat deal of wlre Ih hmmI mnl it would be Impossible te den den trey It ; veiv I'Mli) was found In theduhrin: it in very dldlenlt te bunt iilumcti ami ostrich leathern entirely ; the (pilll would be left ; In th ' didirin of thin lire 1G nr 20 were found ; if kid sleven wero burned the hiittenn or f.tHt-eerH would lie left, uoneof these were found after the lire ; the gloves would be likely te frizzle up If they wero in pnekagcH aud evidences of thorn would be left. The wilnent wan linked whether front the character of thiH llre It would he pos pes pos hlhle te totally destroy the amount of i;oedn elaluud in have ln'eu burned here. The (piifilleu wan evei ruled by the court. Witness dil net llud any witen of llowerner tips, mieh as would muvlve a lire, In thedebiU. The wIlnefM wnn ex nmltied nt lei)i!th in rej.';inl te the elasn of t;oedn aliened te have been destroyed, and in bin opinion the ipianttty el. timed could net have bit n ilchtiejul without leaving tiiore trncen. On orern oxnmiuatlen the witness st-ited thet he did net diccevcr any ether pieecn of tfoedn that had been uriaked with coal oil in thin store ; h.is nevur hjeii that piece of fjned.i rlnce. Uarrent lintlua. Adam N. (.leliman, who wan convicted last wtek of ellmn liquor en Sunday, wan thin tnemini; s.intenceil by ,Iudie Idvln Idvln nten te p-iy a line of 200 and centi". ()win te the unavoidable absenoe of Mr. Cee Mul.'eek. the reRtil tr court ntcno ntcne pnipliT, .Iuit'ib O. Gilbert, of I'hllnilel phia, who ban been taking the testimony dining the tilal, w.w nwern in te take Air. Mulleck plaeii until Inn tetuni. nillir SltM.tlH flllll llilllll. At a Pale of H'e.'ka mid b null at the Cooper hoiise at two o'clock thin after noon, by Simtlel llesi & Seu, the fellow ini; t-teeks vii sold for the tdtate of lien jamin lleiiiliry. deceased : Twenty sli.iren el l olmnei.i national bank stock te M. Yehu at $145 per sbaie ; twenry.clght bhiiren Hattiu te h:iiue at H0 20. Twenty iliuren el steuk of Uiiien nntieii.il bank, f Meuut .ley, te K. C. Nowceuif r. at 77 ; 18 thares of i-ame, te hanie, .it J77.25. Sen li hliutcH of hloelc of First national bank, of Mount Jey, te 13. O. Nowcetnor, nt SI G I 20. Ten kharen of Farmers' national batik steek te .1 S. Hoever, nt $11 1.20. Ten nl.Hres of OHinnbla Si WnnliliiKten turnpike ht-iek te .laceb II. Lamlis, at $2 1 0"i J2 li()0 four per cent L'. S. beuds te A. (). Newplier.it 8121.G0. The tet.il salen fortbemtato looted up $15,870. Ameti' the ettier Miles made wero 10 shares of Farmers' uatteual bank ntoek te A. U Ilr.ieUblll at $112; 21 sharen of hJviiie te Jacob I). Iieui; nt $111.00. 21 hhates or Columbia national b.iulc stiKik to.iaceli II Ij i'i; at $110. 10 Hharcs New Ilellmid turuplke Hteck withdrawn at R2.i5. S shares Marietta turnpike stock te .1. U Lttnir nt : 50. $:j oi,e bix per crnt. bends of the Lan caster watch fact ny withdrawn lit $100.50. A number of bU.ites of Lancnstcr nud New Danville tuii'pike aleck wero with drawn at $10 50. i Hi: I'ltlsUN .M.AUKMKM' .ilueltiiS ei Hip limprctiirs ludny. The terjulnr monthly tucetlup; of the prneu nu-peoters was held te-day. The tiMial uiimber el bills wcre pteseuted mul approved The quarterly report of the phj sieiaiis, hhewliiK ene death, was re.ul and Hied. Action in regard te the contract with the Keystone Pott.ible steam drill cempauy, was postponed until next meet mir uf the beard. Alcssrs. Weaver ami Allller wero aji aji peiutcd n oeinmittoo te r.dvortise for pro pre pro pesaln for the furuisliiug el b:ef for tbe prison for six mouths, nud also te invite biiU for tuklu the photograph of nil prisoners who mono' or n ny be oemmltt. id te the keeper's oare. Tlia coutraet te be for ene yenr. llids for both nre te be received en or befere the next meeting, Saturday, Alareh 20 Alessra. Carter und Nlssley wcre ap pointed ti committee te purehnKO two kitting machines mul le report nt the tiext meeting of the beard. It was resolved te itioiense the capacity of the weaving departmeut te lifteen looms, mul Alessrs. Aliller mid Nisblcy were appointed a committee te purchnsu eight additional looms, A l'd'tlneut liqilry. " Piqiiea " wiites an fellows : " De the honorable ccunty oemitiis- sinners of the county of Lancaster, state of Pennsylvania, knew that the brldge evor the Pc i tti en oreok nt iloften, which oebttho aferesnid oettnty seme $512, ban no railing en the sides? Ifthey de net Itiiew thnt fnet, for nbeut 45 they can send n man down te me nbeut it, mul for nbeut $20 drnftn could be drawn for the same, and for sonic $22 50 viewers could be employed. "Tlnre Is no icasen why the wholeoouhl net be done for $5, $20, $22.50, $1 i 18.50. The $1 is for the work." lliliebiill nieetlUB. Ue)rcscnt.itivcs of baseball iuteiests in (Jhamborseurg, unester, ivest unciiicr, OarlUIe nud Yerk nre te meet with tlie maunger of the Lancaster elub In this city this afternoon nnd confer 011 subjects of professional interest, the main idea being te form nn association for southeast seutheast eru I'cniisylvaula, New Telrplieue Uoniieellunp, Paul & Ilamllten'H ergnu fnotery, Ne, aJ5 Oliureh street ; J. 11. Leng, stock broker, 0 WeBt Kiug street ; llager & llie., dry goods, 35 West King street, nud the Morrimae hotel and sale stables, North Prluoe street, have been connected with the telephone oxctinnge, Oluyer's Court. This morning the mayor had nineteen enses befere him. Fifteen ledgers woie disehnrged and four drunks wero oeminit tud te prison ter short terras. Twe of tlie latter wero colerod wemuu, anil all wero rcsidents of thin elty. ImlUii I'urnile, The Indians which nte exhibiting In Miunncrahnr hall, made an attrnetivn of ! street parade te-day, which wa viewed ny miniireus 01 11111 rosteu upuoiaierH, COLUMBIA NEWS. Mill l. Ill til (lOUIir.HI'HK'I'l Nlh AllMlnnnry liny In tlie fflathnilltt iilmreti Oilier ItelUI'iiiiiNetfnl Uligrnef lul I'iKlit ml ftra Yentetilny wan mlnslennry day Rt the AletheilUtehiirch. Beth of the Huudav eehoelnof thlHohttieh pirtlelpatcd lit the' liitercatlne, tervlcett which wero held In the iiftcrnoeu. Fei lie mlsilenary fund I he I L'oekman elintfi pehmil contrlhtited 470, I mid the church school dlOl 1'.). Total contrihtitlenn were therefore Sillll.-lO.Af the ineriiliiu'K Korvleo in the ehurch S 170 I i weie oenttllnited te.vunls Ihnsutn of $090 .cptlrcl te be taken by the pnnter ly Ute npproae lilnc eonfcietoi nt I'hlladplpliln, mid In the tivrnluc ei7 03vrati oellooted. Total eliutelt mid Hiindiiy coheol oeiitribu. tletm, 5(!3 85. llie dcllulency will be nuidi) up by the collection of outstanding quarterly contributions new due. The urnnil new erijmi In Trinity Catholic church nave enttiu natlHlnotleii nt the nnr vIceh held yenterday. Te morrow evening tlm charily conceit will be held in the opera houte. Tim con cert will be tint miKieal event of the ne.iROii. Te iiii'h', the eighth anniversary of the oripiul.alleu of Uoekmiiii'K, ohnpel Sunday school will he celebrated by nppropil.ite oxerciseit, at the ohnpel. Deers open nt 7 o'clock exercise begin at 7 00 o'clock. Kev. S I). (J. Jacksen conducted la-t uveuIuk'h prayer meeting nt the Columbia llre murine heuse It wan the laructst yet held thore. About 50 llremin aftetwardn matched in n body te the llalhul obiiieh te hear Air. Jacksen ptcncli. I'trveiint. Mr. (Jlnrle llitey, nr l!tltiiTiore, is visit ln Mr. .I.tnien I). Slade. Alisn Hull In Miller, Inte the Riiint of the family of Mr. S II. Allllni, returned te her home in 1'htiadclphi.i thin morning. Mr. JnitiPH Wilsen linn entered the nnr nnr nnr ricoef thel'lnhdelplii.iit Ile.uliu railroad cempiny nt HendiiiK Mr. S. C. Swartz und wife left te-day for Leaveiiweilh, Kai., tlieir futnie home, via I'ltthbuij,', where they will be J lined by their daughter, JIUs AInmle. A lil-tnicetiil ilrlit. A llht occurred at Maek's Five I'oiet browery, en Hiturdny, duriuR which the Htove in the room wan everturned. The fleer e itching llre the nlarm wan sounded, but before the engines arrived the ll.itius hid hitii extiufiiiished. The allair ivusa ment diH;iraceful ene, tirxHIiOHnliiipllcUcl should be punishrd. Ne iKillcemati iii peared nt th kjcue until the ftaejn was ever. til let Tnxtll hett. Snow fell iiKaie las; infill. IheVwili'it llie emipjiiy will lieu a bunlnesn ineetinc te mortew eveniiii;. The date of " Peek'n Had Bey" at the opera house ban been cancelled. The contract for delnif the ntv.cll fre.n coo work en the stairway of Odd Fellows' hall, has been awarded te Tayler Crown tdiielil. Jacob Scab) died at Ida home in Marietta nt the advanced iigc of 88 yearn IIe wan one of Mariutti's eldest ami mn-t u.tlu-'i thtl citizens. The following meetings will be held to te niftbt : SiiHiiuehauu.i lede of Odd Pel. Iewh, Company C, Concstega loilge of ICuiuhtM of Pythias mid Ulvorside Heme Ne. 27, H. U. (tl. f.) V. A. Tliln week n first class baseball club will be organized here for thu cemlujj ball hc.iseii. Several persona of means nre said t- lmve preiuined te pruvide mi fuolevd ball field for the camen. The Letus club still Iivlv. The meetlti which dissolved the club has been declared et no account and Its action illfpn), nu n iitetiim of the ineinbi-rs wero net present. Tlie band has joined hamlt with tl.e club nnd will new p nctice two nights n week in the club room. l'ciinylvauia tnilread car inevcmeut for February, 1S3I, In : Eastward, luided, 28.010; empty, 2 tl'J-1 ; titnl, lU.GPJ. West ward, luiidcd, O.hUI ; cmrty. 21!, 781 ; total, :)l,075. Oraml total, 03.221 Uo Ue Uo ereae compared with J imiary, 1881, in 3 070 ; cetnpan d with February, 188U, is 9,252. OOltilOMVII.I.IMlKMIl. A .ttnii Itjuri'ii WrtC"" llrekcii nud Oiiet'iiPMtmi liuiiieMMiitt. This morning nbeut 8 o'clock nt the railroad station tit Uotdeuville, n two herse team belonging te David Taggart took flight nnd l.m oil. Air. Tnggnrt seizi d one of the iiinawiiy bertcs by the head, but wan thrown de mi ntnl the wag'ti tiassed evei ene et his les injuring it very reverely but brcaMug no bones. The wagon was upmt and almost domel Ished, but the horses escaped lujitiy, thetigh they ran with lb' wreck a li-.'iiue of 500 yards. About 8 o'eleik this ntemiuc un aotne cars wero being run upon n siding nt Ger donville, ene of them, which was of unusual width struck a large crnte of qucenswaie, nnd threw it out into the read, making tad lmvnu among the dishes, which bcleuir-il te Ames S. Her shey it Bre. llrikt mil in snow. Tills nveiiliiK llioie will open nt Mwiiner. clier liutl a Kruud Inillun iiiitertallinient, te last ler two weeks, evity urunlnif, und te Wldi'll tlie pilcoet lulmlsaleil Ii hut liicrtiln. Tlimu mi) u line let et border utti actions, nnd n (.eml Mm et Indian l'lle nnd oimleins tuiiv tie Kilned hynttmidliiK this uxhthllfeii. There nru irruat olilelsel the Medoc tribe, the "lu-iecs of the I.uva lieds," whe.wlth tliulrmiiunnd pnpoe-.cn, will pivsteit n iuet enturtnlnluit exliltiltleu of Vi-,teiu lllniimeni; the Indlnns, Tliure Is te be n uirnlvalet fun and wendeifiil stioeiliiK nud ethor starllltii deuds will n nke up the pieKrauiiue. .tiiiiiHtriiKiiit. f if Hine Th's li-agailliin wld uppiMi- tn 1'ulteii opeia home Wfiluiwday crunlni; In ' VlrRlntiis," Tnursilny eienlnit In " lllehaiil 111" The Dolrelt Vee 'rn saju of this actor- "The succem wlileh Mr. W.irde hus thus furiichleved In tills city bus licim et the me-it prniieiincud clmrneter, and the ranks et his udiulicrs have Increased te nmest n-inurk able extent. Ills ropeitory hai Included tniKle relm of the niejt trying eharaoter, hut his splendid concuplleiu have well Ulustratu.l a coriespendliii; power, physically anil Intel lectually. The 1110H vurlud and ceutras'lng trait-), liutuer, recklesi tieldtius-i, satlrr, aitee 1I011, pathos, iiike thnoiitlre Kiinut et human emotion uud oxpicssten, lmve been p.ilntud Iu strong ami brilliant co eilug, and enforced by the breadth, color and llre of the actor's urti Mr. Wanlo luualse shown himself te he 11 careful, correct ami schelai ly leader and an IntelllKeiil actor. Ife fi physically well en. dewed ter the lole-i he has oheson te portray ; lit) has an Intellectual anil exprnsive l.iee ; his voice Is melodious, and et (reed ceuipas I1I1 imuiicliitlen li eleir nml dWtluct, und he liosiessesndrauiatle dash uud linpetueiilty In certulu sconejol hUtelestliat hastt pewuiful otlect upon an audience," ' Hip Van Winkle." ThH favorite play will he presented In Kulton epera housaeiiTitis day ovenliiH, by the popular comedian, Oilaude W. ItlaUe, Thu Indiana 6'anttnel says Jehn M. Hlekey's Itlp Van Winkle cempauy open 3d last nlKht ten very lair uu uu uu dlonce. Mr. O, W. lilake luipersaualed "itlp" tlm title roleot Wushlngteu Irvine's leueud and gave u very crodltahle poiferiuanco thrrtigheut. Thosiippeittug teinpiny Is fur ubove the ir'orage. All levers el purceeiui'dy should net lultssoeliiL' Mr. lllake. " ief j, or Jlti Llttle Uulchtt." The only pttfiinnuncu of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Klorcute, new society comedy In 4 aeU, will be Klven at the epera heuse en Krldayevculiic. The play lias been especially wilitun ler the Klorenci s by Jcssep uud Ulll.auil played te ciewdcil houses tu all the loin lint; thoatred lit the West. Mr. Klorenee wllluppniras (?ii. i'mfe vtrhlm, a ctuuiplen liar, and Mis, Florence iippditlng as Mat ififn Wi r, an KbhIUIi iiutherei', " Vu Knew." A lare unit liulilenibln heusu will welcemotheKloieticoson their first appent appent ance lit this new play et " Facts." The chum for roserred scat epens te-morrow ut the epera neusn. Tlie play wilt be imnilemly ttiounteif. nml Mrs, Kjorence will wear four cleKniitcostumcatniKleIti l'irla especially (or linr purl. rti'jeuihriruTiviiiiT lljutfrlfl ntnl Mcrvnna l'roitrllen. M'e lve our rcneers mi ottniet Iretn cheerful letter, written by Mrs, K.llxnbutli fltnlili. et Itlelunenil, Itui., who nva i " Nit nuirltim Hervlnn nureil tii'j et hysteria ami ncrvein prottrntleu." U jinmunt In tmnles. t!A IwileixlAiv"" 11 fyl Tifl. I.Atiw. Mnrcli I In Hits city, 'J lieimis l.une, In tlie 0 111 year of hle ue. Tlie rulatlvtM ami fituintn nte renpectliilly S!;IC1V;1., (, ft. MurclH ftt 10 , ,. i,lU, 0jttr cptttotery. fitnernl, from Ills late ntreet, en Tties- 'rinent nt f.nti- tery. It ItlNOWAl.T. Ill Cmrnirven tenrnslilp. en llm lit limt., Miirtiit UliiKwnlt, nL'ed li yculs.lt mentiis unit is days. The relntlven nnil frleniln of tlie family nre ruapaettnlly Invited te ntUinit the fiiiiai-nl, from hU Inte resldcnee. Cwrnarv tt tewnslilp, en Wednesday, March Mil, nt 0 o'clock. Iti Iti tcrmiditnlNeir Jleilatul, in3-2t tuvrLK. In I'arndt-e, en tlie 21 Inst., Mar Knnit llobsett Hmnple, The relative anil trlends of tlie family nre rrnpcctlillly Invited te iitteint tlm fitiiuml from lier late riMtncnm, puraillsc, Lancaster emitity, l'a., en M'odnentsy innrnlni; nt 1(1 o'clock. Inierinctit id I'.ir.K'lie clmrcli in3t-2 SlALO.ni! tarell 2, 18"l, In ttiliclty, Kdmnii'l K, son et It. A. unit K (.. Mnlone, In Ills Olli year. Tlie reliitlMMiin I frlciidi et tin) rumlly nre rcsprfetliilly tnvlleil te attend litn fitneinl en Wudiienilay uioiiilie: nt iimje cioett, irem tne ri'stdcncenl lilt pnrents,2S West KIiik ntrcet. Ite(iiti'ui not-vlce ntHt. Mnry'sCntliellccliitrch. Te proceed te Hi. Mnry's cemetery. a-re i r Aitv nit Tin n. it i:.f r.n. UiiNTKD-A 1(tllJAllN AH DllOK V Cuuirlve iroe'i rr-turpiirn. Apply nl tlie cornel et Mtdilln nnd llecblnml stit-uts It 1):ss uteAitn I'nu ii i oe im:u hu. hu. ernd up, nt IIAK1'UA.N S YKt.t.OW I'ltON V Cl'i Alt BTOllK. iyAnTMi,-l SlIIIAllOS AS I, VV ti itui. : inn lve goei! refetenc". II) IKS Atltilv in l'eiurs' aioie, euiner anuuie una strueti. iiecklnnd II I IMI K MOsTII I.V fll KKTIKU IIKTII K'M Mf I leisnii rtiili" will tie field 1 til- (Monday) iivriiliiu utso'eloclc, In their looms, lllinmis bnllillni;. WM.T. JKKr KltlKS. It (jecrutury. lirANTKil.-A 1IIUMI OI1CI IV.VTH A ?T ntt'in'len te ile KPnernl liouewerl. Ap A It ply tit HJl Nerlli Muter etteit. riiiinijr i.xuKt'riiiN mi-, m-.m no VV Clrnr in Hie city. 11 AftTilA.N'd VKI.I.OIV FHONT I UiAU SfOHK. lVASIi;il. A- HtlAlttlt'.lf, TWO ftlAII- M ilpil collides alter April Is' next. Knell conp'e can liave n Imndiome front ree ", neitii hIiiii of Kant Hln stri'i't, "M eqiliireg past el I'utui t-qoure. Ker Inrtlicr liiloriini liileriini lltin, iiddrees Altorney. tnlj nllli'Q. ml-fitd fl'lIK I.AItllKSI JlNu IIK81' STOeK VV 1 KiiPlire. (.astlne nud Poker caida Irem ne ppr psclc up. llAtirMAN'.S Vr.l.l.'IW FltONTLUAIt bruin:. MJItK I'Olt IH-DIMMI. V ijrvnt ItfiiiiP'len In Cerlc Slinvliifrs ler lnattrt ss, jillloirs.rusiileiis, ite , te continue lern blieit tin." enlv I'ut up li ID pound MickH. TweerndiM OHllveied inn. Cu.Sh TOU.VCMlK WOIIKS, tnt-lnit Ne. 211 A m K. Kulton Bt. L ..1. HKNT A lloiife and Sinsll llaru with three l.ove f.ane, noiesetllrnt-rnto land located en le rent Irem April 1. imii. Ale two small 'inlnce lVMieheue en North Prince Direct. I'O'Si-snlen Imiiiedliituly. Apply te A W. ItUSdKI., inl-lwdlt Ne. '.: Kant Unit Streit. -i -AllA AMI HAVANA )M1AII,IL'AHAN 1. te'd near fl lur, for in . nl ii ai: I'M N'S VbM.liW FitOXT tIGAU bTOUU. Glr.NIHM. HAVArtA I'M I. BUS UIOAll I ler 5 ceii'r, ut HAUTMA.N'd KI.UIW FUO.VT C1UAP. rtfOUK. riMll'. Ml.lli:il 8KWIM1 MOllVK UK 1 tlce will he lemeved en Ap'll I. IbSI. le i.S' Kst Kim,' stivet, new occupied by the City blioe ster i. 'rilliSIMiKIt MANKiS CO., in.T IiihI A. J. itlTMIKI.L. MitiiURur. uriiKN I .ml iJitii-j'. CI.KA'l H IVANil V Killui L'luuia for 5 Cfiitn, I Ktmunue f h,,?n In Im HtlPll JIAIUMAN-d Y1M.I.OU KUUtX' IOAH bTOUK AT OKAItll.l.'S, IlL'Kr. AMIVIM., Hunt i.lcn, Cc Se and tie, or a as. '2'ej ililed i-went t'eru, Sen quart : WosternHeller Fleur Tic; CIieIcm flour. t'V; ; Kpp's I ecnii, iue : ilrlid Puiclies, se V ft : ltunei's L'iiocrlnte :0u ; Heat Cenees. i3i!, '.0', 3u mid Uc-lreb leasU-d und, rumiliiK "'! Iy icnin pnwnr. ulways fiesli (round. I'Jlyeed iTnr; nnft-KsrAl1' hjmun iu wa.n &HO.UUU,n llrst nieitiiiin In l.aneii'tet ni.iladjoliilui;ceiiiitli. at Vi nni " ier cent In mi emits te suit thu li ut nvur. WOllltAI.I. KU-SM.I.. i.1,1iend 111 Seuth tilth m., J'lilliuklpniii. TllTlllK, IN PntlentH wMiIuk te vmifilt Dr. f n liiinurt, of 10 Ftlbeit hired, fiillmtulplilii, l'a.. nre lequested te utvn ut lMst t-e dnyt liiiliee i)tler te their inlonde.l i-4t te piuvdil dlmippetntiiieiit anil loisel ilu.ih hoe Ids new work en Nerv ui DIiimii-r and Allletl Disorders. Hunt tree by Ost Vi cents. Addicsi us above. uil-Smd ( IHl'Alll.NKIlSlIlr. , j l.AHCASTKn, I eh. 7, lt4. ivi, tlie undersigned, ham uiti ra Inte a co-purtnendilp, te date from Kirtritury I, ItHI. ler the tiirmet ene year, ter tlm traiuaiitliiii el thu Kii-Iht and Hauling huilnesi us the C. A. lllini'i- l.tiii)," lien toteio se esteeircd tiy our cltlr.ens, and ler which wn solicit a oeiitlnuiiii(i) et the same at the old plnrn et liiislnesi, llanlbiiig aveiiuu. ijipnsiie Mul berry meet. l. 1'. & f. . HUN hit. I7,s,0l Iwdeeu Ijiioi'esai.h 1 1111 iir.Kr Ain riiDiu Ki-uplilni:. Proposals for pfiotnurnph pfietnurnph lui;, ter one yeai, llie cinvtet-) eon een llnadlntln l.unciistar county ulsen will tie received at tlie prison en or nt'ie thu next meutlurf.tohelH'idoiiSATUIlD.IY. MAitCfl 21). 'llie luspccters renorve the pilvlleue et leJectliiK uny or nil lildv At the sumo tti'in and place lildl let tiiiulth. liiK bee I ler tlm Prison for six nnntlis, coin cein iiiiiiicim; April 1, will be lecelved fly outer el ti.e Heard. JOHN O. WKAV Kit, .IOUN 11 MU.I.Kll, in irJ 3td Loiniiilttne. V ;Ul.Tt.N lIl'KKA iim.'si:. V'lllDAV I:VEN1NU, MAUOl IMI. Twe heiiisaud a-half ei laiiuhtcr. 1 011 cm taku thodevernoi's word ter it, ihe luvoille Anierli-uu couple. MR. & MRS. W, J. FLORENCE, IN ANliW l'I.AY Mr f'loieneeas thoChimplen I l.u Mr. Klenuieeat llie Cliaiiiplnni'i iv-lm-. Mr l.-iiiineiin4tliii cluiiniiloiireKi r I'l.iyer. Mr. KleieuciiaH thn Champien '1 rat til eiler. Mr. Kloieiiceas Matilda laiL an Kniljlih nutliuies," Yn Knew, 'In .Jeftii and Ulll Hew Cemudy, 111 lour new, 1 PAOTB, or Hla LIUle Iutohet. tiev. l'lnte l'l-rkliH. MUsMutlldaHluir... ...Mr. V. .1 Hertincu. Mrs. it. J Kinicnce. ItKIKllVRU BKATS, - -U.U.' KIIY. ,Vi ,t OI.OO. CO CKNTet. iu3.;tii New en nub) at O) era UeudO Oi 1.AU1.TO.N Ol'KltA HOUSi;. TIIK KINKHT TIIEVT OP TIB M'i.VhON, TWO NIUUTS ON1.1. MA.ROH0th and Otl,1884 Tllllll) ANNUA!. T(tUt Mr. Frederick Warde, And 11 Company et Actors under tnu Manage ment of Mil. JOIlN.I.CeJ'bl.NS, prescntlni;, WKONB9UAY i ItllOWles' C-ldinted Klve- KVRMINU, J ActTlil-ely, Virginius ; or,Thi Remau Father. TllimaDAYjSIiaUespeare's (iroiteH Trng. KVKN1NU. i udy lu FlieActf, RICHARD 11., Olt.TUKllATThKOK HOBWIfUTII KIKLl). Iliuutltel Ceituiius, l)ii.zlhi Iteuian Armer. Ac. Ac. hVKUYTUlN'a IUbTOUlUAl,I.V I'l'KUKCT. J'ltlCH.b : Orchestra Chairs and tlrsl two e In Drees Circle, all ieiiorveil,7flo. Heats lackel second row in circle, COe. nai lery, 33e. lUiigrnm new open at the Ofieta Heuso runrl-tn NKW ADVKHT1HKMBNTH. t .u--w.k--ji.iar ON MTAIIl ItAII.S WKTAKK TUK I.I5AI) nnd nckneirlcilRO no superior. Call nml gctetir ptlccs. 1). 8. flWBKTON, Ne. 4(0 North Mulberry street. -rr. iiAvr. ON IIANO AN KI.KUANT fr took nt Walnut and It nml Ant, Rfiilr llatlin. ter. both nlnlu nml iirtnann. I'cll mul nut. ourpilcej. l. M. HWKKTON, Ne. 109 North Mulberry street. IP tMI INTKNIt TO lr III' VllUK I ofllce with new Wrltlm? Desks, Tnbles nml Hatlliitf, cull nnd gnt our prices. 1. H HH'BETON, Ne. 400 North Mulberry street. Ir TOlf IWTIiNIITIIMAKMAHV AI.Tft I nlletm In your Blere nnd put up new tMlelvlnn, Counters nml Tables, eill nnd net our prlcei. If. h. bWKKTON, Ne. 403 Xerth Mulberry itreet. w,:, IIAVll UN HANI) AM KLl'dANT llOOk Of Wulnut nml Anil KTlnnilnn laein j.vks ami Hlldcs. Call nnd uut our tirlees. I), h. HWKKTON, Ne, 4C0 North Mulberry street. EK Ylltl NKK1I A NKW RXTKNnlON , TnLle and ene thnt will lait you a llfollme call and gut our prices. D.S.BWKKTON, Ne.lOJ North Mufharry street. WTAHTKlt. Y TWKNTY-FIVK Qlltl.3. Apply Itiinieillatnly nt .. . JOIINK.HKKDACO.. l.5toedlt Ne.-m North t'rfnce ttrcet. XTKW K IIOI.I.AUH ANII OHI. IM dren's lllllH. Nlltv Wlllln Klrtrta Mnur l.Unt f'amlirlci nnd l'rluts. New Corsets. Alse I.lKlit WelKhtHeamlesB Ualt-lleunt Vii rents pnr pair nt UlvAUIt'U, llOJindlt Ne. W North Queen Street. NOTICK.-IN TIIK MATTKIt OK TIIK nlnned estsfe of Abraham Illtner nnd wlto.el f.unciu)te,rtow!ihip,i,ntiC!Uiter count . Netice Is hereby given thnt Abrahnm Ilttnur has presented u petition te tlie Court et Common I'tens el Jjincastrr county, nskliiK thu court ler an order unit Uecree that 1). fl. lletetter, tils as as as sUnoe for tlie benent ei Ida crodlters liy deed el usilffntnutit, itntiNl July 31, I8S3. shall re ro ro convey te him nil et the sntd asttied estatu new In his Iniiids us such assignee, nnd that the snld usl!iiei) he Ulicliurued nnd ruloased Mem snld uusMiiiil thnt the said court have llnl .Monday, thu suvuiiliMinth nay of Mareh, ISsI, at 10 o'clock a. tu , at the ceuit house, In the city et l.uncnuer, forthe henrlnic el said potHlen, whim and where all pantes tutor tuter mted as creditor of the snld Abraham Illtner insy tippcar and be heard. SAM MATT fltlDV, fi"..t ui3,10 I'rothenotary. riiiiL: INDIANS ABE AT LANCASTER t WHAT INDIANS? Why th3 WARM SPRING INDIANS, TIIEHISll0K3Ot' THELAVAIIKDS.at MNNERCHOil HALL, COMMENCING M0K IMI EVLWINU, Mar. li, 1S83, KOtt TWO WEEKS. TIltlUKTllUIKS UKIMIK9KVTKD. TIIKEE noted ciiiura, Oblef American Herae, Ohlef Tal-B-Ko-Ne, the Trailer, Ohlef Blaek Oleud, The Wizard lllfloShetot the Cascades, with a Hand et Wild Western Warriors -ASD- iQJhn tquaws, with Their Pappoeses. AltTENUH, the Medoc Queen. DOVE W1NO, and her Ilttle I'uppoeo t!ud te a benrd, alter the Indian rtisteir. I'ltAIItlE FLO WKIt, the N'ightliiKHle el the Mountains, In 1'urler bongs, Indian Scouts. Indian Braves, Indian Medicine Men, Indian Watrters and Indian Interpreters, WILL OPEN A TWO WEEKS' CAKNIVAL AT 1VL3ENNERCHOR HALL. t'orlerinance every nlcht nnd Saturday mat fnee ler children, realllruly no children ud mlttednt the nlKht porlerniunco. ADMISSION TO ALL I'EItFOKMANOES, ONLY 10 CENTS. Frent t-fats reserved ter Ladlca without or. tra di.ire. iiiat3-tfd pO.IITlVK AKU I'EHKBinOKV PUBLIC SALE. Special Sale of Fixtures -ON- MONDAY EVENING. Will continue the sale et the finest and t4st let et noeds for tnerehiitit talleiliiK puipeses In this city. Comprising all rare Jind ohelen seli cllonset FOllKIUN AND UO MCST1C NOVKLTIHB 111 ClelHCassiwes, VBSTINGS, Suitings, Treusering's, -AXO- OVERCOATINGS, all et the Latest Styles and Finest Kabrloues, tn KiiulUli, FienchnndAuierlcanproducUens. A FULL LINK OK Tailors' Piece Trimmings. BILK aKltUK9 AND SATINS lu oelois te mateh any shade of Ororceatluu A LOT OF FINISHED WOltR. Gents' Furnishing Goods, NOTIONS, &c Thce Reeds nre all tresh and eeiind, and of the most popular and desirable stylus, and must be sold te oleso business. Amenu- the ttxtuies are two large Heiid Wulnut Franie jfrench-l'late Mirrors, lour t-elld Walnut Froneh Voneer Counter Tables, nluiaaiinil ehinunt Contre Ceunter, llnlshed completo In haul weed with ?lll''.u,riiw,u"' hlhly ornamental 1 two CuttliiK'ltt bles, two Hhewi nws.one lesk and Cttblnut Case. 0110 rire-rroer miie, ene dewihk, """, "",'", and I'lpe, Case et lirawers, Hhelvluir, Oornlce Flxiuriis, Curtains, llrussels Carpet, etc., C f'oKeiis wlshliiK te Inspect these uoeda can de se by callliiK uurlnir the day previous te ale. . . . Hale te epen at 7 o'cieck p, ui., At 121 North Queen Street, mar I t'18 UNI KUTAINStJSMTa, pULTON Ol'KllA HOUSI.. TUESDAY M&I.OH 4, 18B4. -BXTUA I !- Tlie Manaijomenttako Kspeclal l'rlde In an- neunefiiK the appearance as ubove, et UNO. M. lUClf.Kl'a Ideal Hip Yiui Wlnkle Company, Ititrediiclns tbe l'eerless Comedian, MR. ORLANDO W. BLAKE. In his brlKlit and Joyous Impersonation of the title 10I0 in ilia new ilruiiiuttziitleu of Wash ington Irvmu's lauieus leKend. RIP VAN WINKLE. Thn best company In Anierlca, correct and iiiultstte scenic elteeUi and a representation tu Its entirety without equal or purullul. NOTK Tim NKW KIIA IN I'KIOKS, the cheapest eyer known ter nrst-eluss utnusc mtnts. ADMIH8ION, " B, 35 and MO GKNT8. ltKhK.UVKI)HKAT8. . OO UKNTS. I Fer sale at Opera llouse Offlce, rilMt SECOND EDITION. MONDAY laVliNINO, MAUOH 3, IUB4. aam irj-i -' jz IN PfllLADELPIHA. MV1S MlN-lilTIOMS OP TIIK UAV. A Illfpntn llctwcen Twe Telegrnph Cum. psnles Hctllcil b Fertltiln nirnus llie lliipjeit Over llm Victim of rrldny' flre, I'ltiLADnLniiAInreli 11. A controversy botweeu tlie Ualtlmote & Ohie mul Wm tern Union tolegrnph companies evor the poFseasion of nn ollleo In Third strrer, culroltuited te ilny in the forelhlo ejection of the WcBtern Union operator. The content has been kept up fllnce Friday lniit. Up te that tlme the ofllce, which Is merely n fenced off oernor of hroker's olllce, was used by the Western Union without rental, It ! Bald, nnd fuibjeet te be vacated nt a day'B notice. The Ualtimore & Ohie company recently obtained n luase of the ofllce fiem the tenants of the building, but the "Western Union operator, noting under instructions, refused te leave, evon nfter hi.i wit eh wote cut off. IIe remained thcre for 110 bouts without feed or llht, until relieved by nnother man, who crawled evor the transom, the deer being locked nud the key held by the brokers. The matter enme te a climax thin afternoon by the llaltlinore & Ohie cempauy Kendlng n fore.i of men te the place, who ejected the operator, threw the ofllce fixtures into the street nnd took ohnnreoftho establishment. Besides bciti feicihly ojeolcd front the ofllce, the Western Union oporater, Win. Conn, was arrested und taken bofeio a magistrate, nud charged with forcible entry, he havitiR entered the place in an irregular way te rcliove the operator who held watch thore en Friday nnd Saturday. William II. Conn, Ucorge Hylny anil Andrew II. Seil, empleyes e the Western Union company, woie subsequently nrralgncd before a maRlstrate charged with conspiracy and forclble entry and dotalner. They wcre held In $1,000 bail each for a further heariuK te morrow. Superintendent Gill, of the Wcsteru Union company, entered ball for their appcar nncn. IKiultelnu Iiiqutst. At the Inquest te-day en the body of Mrs. Emma Kelly, killed by jumping from the third story window of a Htore at 422 Seuth Second street during tlie progress of a llre last Friday night, it wan shown that Mis. Kelly aud her husband oceuplcd the rooms nbove the Htoie, that the origin of the fire was susploietis, nud thnt the owner of the store, Kebort K. Hogerski, or hU wlfe, iu whoe natne the business was conducted, had $1,700 insurance en $1,000 worth of goods. The jury recommended that the matter be roferrod te the district attorney, and Mr. irnd Mrs. llegernki wcre com- km Ik in.l 4-n Intl ih n rtri f fr ftltrt rnciiH rtf a thorough luvcfit(fatieiu UIVUIUUIS QI1IU VilllllVVSi The efforts te bare Jehn McGiunls, the condemned murderer, whose execution is net for te-morrow, resulted te day in steps being takeu te obtain auother fit.iy of oxe cutleu. Uounsel for the murderer appeared bofero the state beard of charities this morning aud delivcrcd an hour's argu ment. Dr. Diller Luther, the seoretary of the beard, then, under the direction of that body, signed the application nud afli. davit for the appointment of n unmnils&ieu te examine into the sanity of McQiiiuls. A telegram from llarrisburg says : "Up te 2 o'elock this afternoon the govorner had taken no action iu the cise of Jehn McQiunls, who in te be hnnged in Phila delphia te-morrow." UUllOl'l-JAri KVKNT1. Tne Victetl.ns Troops In 1'iryi.t hald te be (iraerrii iienir, Londen, Match 3. Tbe Times under stands tbat orders lmve becn Rent te Ocn. Ornbam, whose soldlero defentcd tbe robels en Friday, te retreat forthwith from Tekar, fu Eypt, and te urranre for tbe immcdlnfe return of the troops te England, The peeple of Tekar kissed Qonernl Graham's hands as he entered the town, and there wcre grcnt rejoielngs. The enemy nckuowlcdge that flftcen hundred of their number wcre killed In Friday's battle. A Kenard Ollcred. The authorities elVer n rewavd of ene thousand pounds for the doteo'.ion of the authors et the recent dyuanilta outrages. WASIUNUTUM NEWS, The I'ublle Land Quvstliie In tlie beunte. Washington, Jlnreh 3. In the 8ounte the coramlttce en public lauds this morn lng doeided in favor.ef tbe forfelturo of the Texas Pacille territorial land uraut as. signed te the iSouthern FaoiQe railroad company. Valid uud cenetltallunul. In tbe U. S. Htiprome court tenlay, it was dcclded that the Ical tonder net of Mnreh SI, 1873, Is valid audjcoustitutlenal, Hnew Hterim In Onnadii, Mentiical, Jlnreh 0. The fnew storm has caused much dniuage In Eastern Cana da. M many points private heuses alen the St. Lawrouce rlver are almost buried In the pnew, nnd their oecupautH have te mnke their exit through the nttie wiu wiu dews Trackmen have net seen such drifts for many years. In seme soetlous they are evor 12 feet deep. The deniand for snow plows cannot be Ratistled. Hellers l'.jpluiied. WiiiRESiiAHiin, l'a., Murch !i. Tbe beilers nt thu California saw mill, owned by A. Lewis & Ce., nt Bear Creele exploded thh mennnp; demolishing the entlre building. Three meu, Hudelph Supler, Whitney Whtte. bread aud Josse Kneelit wero killed, nud their bodies blown several hundred feet from the mill. Less, $8,000. A murder lu lllfili Lire. Bt. Leuih, Mareh !!. Leeuard Welndcl, prcsideut of the Welndcl nud Wettblln maiiufaetuiiug oempauy, shot nud fatally wouuded his wlfe te-day while under the inlluouce of liquor. The pnrtles wero quarreliuB at the time. Woiutlel it) still at large. . 1 Tlie Heard ut I'ardeus. IlAuntSDUiia, Mareh 3. The beard of pardons has tloci.led te give a hearing nt their next meeting te Martin Winoberger, the convicted Allegheny county murdorer. This is the ease iu wlileli the Auatrian minister has beeu interested. A Clerk aud M73,U00 UUappcurs. St. Loeis, Mareh 3. Prontice Teller, meney olerk of the Paoille express oom eom oem pany, has disappeared with $75,000 iu cash. Dotcetlvos nre striving te find him. A Cfly Treamirer clone Wrong, Jehsev Citv, Mareh 3. Frnueis J. Smith, city tioasurer of Hayoune, was te-day held iu 10,000 ball for trial en Iho oharge of omberzlomout. Convict Laber. Aluanv, Mareh 2 Goreruor Ulovelaud has signed the bill prohibiting the making of further articles for labor of oeuviota In tLe aUte's prison. WISATHUIl iwihoaxiens. Washington, Mnreh 3. Fer theMldill Atlantle states, rlslr.,' barometer, wluds shifting te brisk nortuwestorly celder fair woather, preceded lu north and 08Bt parts by snewi MAUKKlf. Fbllailiutinim niKtki. 1'iiiLniii.rnr, Mnreh 3 -Heur iittlct and 11 nn t niiiu.n.... ........ . . n. . . .. -..,",. ,,nu aiuii7. r .m.i vji KZltm '. ' MliC I 711 Ohtn utts, clear, winter pat. Itvu Heur ii, .1 Mi1 " i Ynu mVA"1",'1 ",M,!r I Nrt- WoteinlU'it, ItM.WiVi;?0 J ,l' w l .'I,n,!,,", butstrady ler local tnulei Steam. pr.WiiOlet mill jelinw. UlUflfluii UJ,' mixetl. Nn. 8 mUiHUmfynlleHr.Mnwin. ""IW,, Ne ido.lJiaijj;ei Ne 3 de, HQIi?.ei ru ru Jeeted, 4IKfillet Ne 2 nilred 4llll Jic?' Kye senrce at CTc lerearlnis. AUI",l' Heeds ijulot-Clever at yHOlOet Ttnie. thv at tl Mrtl 81 1 Khuseed aPl iShi'i. I'roviMens steady and in lair itettmmt t -J ess I'erif, j w, Jiea flams, $M no, ma ,J Mi ss fleet. tUViO. Uncoil Hinekcd Shnulders, BUe salt de. 7ke i Hineked Hams, lljjlbi picklml ae. UlUil'JO. Jjiril qnlett city refined at loi.010e Ioeb hntaliers, OitOKei prime steuin, te 7580 te. llutter uioie fmiulry and pileeu steady t Penn'ii cnatimry citrs.n.'et WeMern rte, 81a t It. C. anil .V. V. fiilm, VJoiile ilrsts, lBS)ct Western extra, WQiie j de geed te choice, no It'ells at ertlflc. Kitks ilrmer l'a. extra, Sle i woatern de, iMiiXe. Ciieesnflrm and In mnileiMte deinaml t N. V. liillrream, UailWai Western de, 13U mxel de Hilt- te uoed, liKOlSKet l'a. p.irc Dklliu, 8HllKe; (le lull SkllllS, 7)4O8K0. I'otreliuim dull ) rotlned. OKlSJHc WhlBky atlliw Mew Verk market, Nnw lenit, March 1. Fleur Stnte and Western dull and pitcei Utiely stoedyi Htiniirllnn htntn, $1 81Q3 10 1 Kxtrn fin. 13 lOtf'.l (0 1 Choice de, .t eQO te t rnncy de. 10 lean 75 1 Hound Heep Ohie, $.1 40 fll 00 1 cliolce, Jlioaeout Snportlne Western, li Hitt'i 10; enmmeu te iroed extra de, M40 :i 71 1 cheicn de, $1 80(0 Mj cholea White Whvnt de, fil 23tU AO. tleutharu quint and steady t common te fair extra, t-'l 60(2 fjl 70 ; frond te choice de, f 1 7.180 60. Wheat heavy s liOKe lewer, with a Ilttle belter speculative tradlnir j Ne. 'i llud, Marcfl, 1 WiQlwy,; de April, ft 09Kl I0; de May, II Il4l Vlk t de Junu.ll lat 13f. Cern MtlKe lower and moreratefy aclf re t Mixed Western spot, SSiSdJ ; de future, 01Q eits UttUe lewer nnd fatrfj nctlve ; state, 42 017c s Westein. 41Q4GO. l'hlladclpnu Uattls Market. Stock Anrn, Wkst I'liiLADSLrniA, Mar. I. Cattlu-tnarkut fair; Ituceints, 2,K0A head; prime, 7f7H; Keed, (SHfjue) medium, 6 6e j common, BttSJic "iii'eii iu luireuinniKi ! r. irii sieauy, oiuer stock 'Koerr jl'rlme, iyiG7e t (foist, ai& nHc : Medlum, SQOe; Common, 3JIJie lHinhi, aXU7Ke. Hogs tu rket dull; recclpts. 3,500 head; Wealeru nt HlfilOJic ; country, 8310c. Live Hteck M nrket. Ciiioaeo The firever$' Journal report t I leirs Receipts, 3s.oue head ; shipments, b,vn hHid; inurkct llrm, aatlve and prices 10a higher: reiiith packlmr, ta JOflf 70: packlnir ami shlpplnir, .) 7337 13; light, $J 05S07U; suipise(u. Cattle Itucelpts 2,300 head ; ehlpmenU, 2 300 de. ; market strong and active ; experts, te 60 fl7: k'eixl te cliolce slitpplnx, f.1 IttflO 4') ; coumien te tnedlum, $3 ViHiOJ i Texans, HJ 0OJ. bhceti Uccelpts, 400 head t shlpmnnta, 1,500 de; inferior te lulr, 3 USUI 60 1 medium te iroed, (1 5UQS83 cliolce te extra, (3 fWfJD. East LiBKitrY.Cattle nothing iteIiiK I ro re cuipu, 1 lit head ; shlpmunts, KV) head. iieps dun nnu slew ; l'miaiieipnia. 17 309 7 01 ; Yorkers, te 40fJO Ce. Itccelpts, '.',0JJ head t shipments, 3,u). Htteup slew unit nominally unchanxed j ro re icipLs, IfiOO head t salpmuuls,-3,Uue huxd. bteuic niiirKOM. Quotations by lteed, McUrann ft Ce, Bans. ors. Lancaster, l'a. U A. M, C U A I. C. ........ ....... .... Mlchteun L'nntrnl .... 13M. New Yerlr Central NowJersey Central Ohie Central Del, Lack. & Western... Douvor&Ille Urande... k no.. ............ .......... ICunsus x Texus LaUe Uhnre Chlcaiie & N. W., com... llJ UOtf 4 101 UVi M IH lew 18 27 7.'5 IV'. 10)1 10V,t 117i bt ruul .t tmmli'i , l'aeine Mall Kochester.t I'litshuri;h. St. I aui.....,............. Texas raelllc Union l'ueltlr Wabash Common . il., flll. rt. ,T IVKVilla... nuv2 in2 211J TT UUU31I-! IUIU1 lUO........ West'rn Union Telesraph 27 ,W LouisvuieA Kasnvine... N. Y., Chi. A 8UI. Lelitp.li Valley 49 renusyirenla Ueadliur... ...., J4UIJlfl. ilUVIKIUIUII,,,,,,., 695C 2J i'. 1. x jiiiirKii) u Northern Pact fie Cem Nerthern I'aciac l'ref... I0i ifostenvniu ..... i'htladelphlu A Krle ...-. . Northern Central Undei-reuiuI ., Canada Beu thorn.,,.. CI Oil ................. ......... llu Id roemo's rassanzer., MOW YOIK. Qnotntlens by Ateectated rre3s. stocks lilRtier. Menoy easy at Se. New Yerk Control 1V.K Krle Uatlread 25 Adams F.xiiress , 128 Michigan Central Uallreud Ui MlchlKau Beuthern UaJlread leiVi Illinois Central Uatlread 1SJ Clevnland A l'ltt,ibiirnh Uatlread 1SS ChlciiKO A Koelc Island Uatlread 120U I'lttsburKli & fort Wuyna Uatlread ...131 Western Union Tolesraph Cempauy 75! Teledo ft Wabash in New Jersey Central t'K New Yerti Ontario A Western le rrnindeipiim. (luotatlensby AssocUted i'reas. Stocks steady. L IlllUllllipiilli 4 ILIU lb. Ak.......... Ueadliifr Uuilreait is 23' t f Ji I'nnnsviranialuillreail ?H LahlirhVallev Uatlread 71 United Companies or NowJersey 19S Northern i'aci"a l' Northern I'.ictMe l'rofurreJ M Northern Central Uatlread 6l) LouiKliNavlKatien Company, 47U Norrlstewn Uatlread ..KB Central Tmnsportatten Company Sii I'lttsb'K.TItusvtlleft llutUleK.lt 8J Llttle behuvlUlU UMlreail C3 tl VIS VIAL MUTlVXa, Why no you surfer wttll Hack Actie, I'atn lu tl:e Chest, llheumatlsin, or lamonesa any where when n Hep l'latter will surely glvu you roller I DnijfuUta soil tliem, U coats. Fea a cmiKh or sero threat, the best niedt ciue U Hale's lloney et Ilorehound und Tar. l'lke'i Toothache Dreps euro lu ene tninute. mS-lwdeedw Ilniieity llie licit t'ellcy. tn advertisimra modlclne tt ts Ueat te bii honest t demotion will noverdot the peeple won't stand 11. Let the truth bu known that. llurdeelt llloeil Jl liters euro scrofula, and all eruptions et llie siiln. TIiU medlclue is sehl evorvwhero by druguls's. Ker pule by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 13!) North Quoeu street. J'ULITIOAL. TjlUK UUUMTY UOMMlSaiONKK. JOHN l). IIAflllAB.et Clirlstlatta.aaiUbuty township. a-btibeet te the decision el. tp Dm cratle county convention. is-a&vf $ 70U COUWTl'COMSiiaStONKll, OEO. 8. HOONK.eTtadsbury township. jrSublect 10 ttio'uecUleuof the Democrat a county convention. leblSIAw F Oil UOUNTV COMMISSIONED. KLVHATTON, of Upper LcaoecktownshM. a-3iitiloet te tbu dcctsleu et the Deme oraile convention. lmdiw F OK COUMl'V COMMISSlONlIlt. HOIIDLKYS. PATTKItSON, Ot Llttle HU- a3Suhiect te the ilcctslen oltheDemooraUo county couventlen, H5.UUAW IlAllTMKIWHir NOT1UB. NottceJs hereby Ktven that tbe pjrtti3r shin lntel autislstlim botweeu I). l Lecuar a id Ci. II. Lecher, under the nrm nauia of l. l. Lechor X seu. wus dhsselved en the 11 jU dsy of February, 1831, by U10 death el D. 1't bAll debts owing te the satd partnertblpftW te be received by saUl Chas 11. iegw, ,vt VlVliiKtnuuiboret the nrm, und all """ en the said partnership are te bBP""41110 hlin ter payment H'i lit n 1" Lccliac burvlvlnn member of thoflraiel n.i.Lccuw A Ben. Tlie undoMlgned hve entered into n ee. MartiiersIilP.iliiderthtiiiatiiiiind nrm pi ii, J.SSuer Jfc beni. and wilt couUuuetUo Dalit . . ii..BiilnlAiu lutf uaiues n ,.,! IT.'T.nCIIKK. J23 JtarnAM ttUOKnVJS.J.OQlU v., ; TiV " . '.' ' uieiiiy c0.!' ,Jin M ' nrn Ue, MflO iJ. 'ji 9 v.2 ,Y TH m ut y nl n YI k -31 .l '.$' M . 1 I ..s.i : t '? .,." s .fflr' "n jr 4 ' ' V1 1 'j MU-WUmJx