sT" r r " ' &'...: ir LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATtTRAY, MAKCH 1,1884. i( . 7 n? Kf it ft it" ? I I !,t &&ncf tet jntelUgeucct. SATURDAY WINING, MAB. 1,1884. "C32 The Fer President. HI ter Dana, of the New Yerk Sun defa net Beam te be In sympathy with representative Hatch, of Missouri, in the conviction that certain political fu nereis in a few of the statea would profit th Democracy . Mr. Dana says that the bfttlenal Democratic convention will meet te ratify a popular demand for Mr. Tilden as the presidential candidate of the party. The New Yerk Sun.under Mr. Dana's direction, has been steadily proclaiming for a year or mere that Mr. Tlldea'a candidacy was nu impossibility, and for a few months of the year it vig orously proclaimed Mr. Helman te be the man for the place. Tbe loud funeral demand of Mr. Hatch In Congress seems te lrnve persuaded Mr. Dana that It would net be safe te play the opossum game any longer in the matter of Mr. Tilden's candidacy, if that very astute old gentleman was te be kept politically alive. Notwithstanding all the denials of his continued ambition te be the party nominee, the impression has never died away that he steadily alms at the prize ; and the unmasking of Mr. Dana, his leading organist, clearly shows that the popular opinion has been correct. The ether day Mr. Tilden declined te say in answer te categorical questions of a ,rslstent intcrvlewer, that he would . it be a candidate ; be contented him elf with a mild denial that he wanted tf e office. The convention, therefore will have t. deal with the funereal question and It - .mains te be seen whether or no the najerlty of the delegates will sympa thize with the feeling of ltepresentatlve i Catch. There is no doubt whatever that ',1s declaration has struck a responsive chord in many Democratic besoms. The question simply is whether we are e have a fresh nnd lively campaign, flth new men aud methods, or a stale :,nd wearlsorne canvass with the old Ltlcks. There does net seem te be any pressing reason for the party's confining 'tself te the contemplation of presiden jdutes,-whem it bes prefUlessly iazeuupen for many yeats ; for there Is no man among them commanding the highest place in their regard by his talents, character and services. There is no giant visible. There are hundreds of eoed men in the party who would make geed presidents ; but there Is no particular ene who towers abeve his fellows in his qualifications for the pest The delegates te the convention can leek around and see the location which Is likely te give the most strength te their ticket, with the certainty of finding In that locality n man te be their candidate who is as fit as any ether part of the country can present. And they may And fitter men among these who have net been prominently uanied than among theso who have been made con spicuous by their own or their friends' partiality. If they will give the party a clean, vigorous, sensible candidate, for whom Itcau work with unity nnd zeal, with the feeling that if It elects him he will reflect honor upon it, nnd act se us. te strengthen and unite it, they will de their whole duty. With such a candidate we will have an aggressive campaign ; we will have nothing te defend, and have tin npnil in nt-rdfl nnll-J""avrtlI tnr. thriutainKnu. If we have our prlncl ples'clearly declared and are given a candidate te lead ua, arrayed in spotless white nnd vigorous in bjdy and mind, we will advance te the battle with all the assurance of triumph that it is possible for us te secure. Tim contest for the Itepubllcan nom ination seems te be Blalue against the field, a position similar te that at the last two Itepubllcan conventions, and one which it has seemed that Mr. lilalue at this time desired te avoid, having found It se fatal en these former ecca sleus. But it stems he cauuet get away from it. Nene of his friends will believe tbe assertion that he is net a candidate, since it is one quite iucapable of belief. Mr. illalne cannot retire behind his asseverations any mere thau can Mr. Tilden. A man who has once con sented te be a candidate is booked for it a3 long as he lias any life left in him. There 1b only one man living who has been a presidential can dldnte once, who is credited with an at) selute objectleu te being one again. That is Horatio Seymour. 13ut lie Iiiih u singular reputation for truthfulness and self-respect. The ordinary run of politicians are net believed te be capable of telling the truth when tliey deny tliat they want efllce, particularly when the ofllce is at the top of the heap. Mr. Blaine will have te go in te win this prize with his colors flying; there can be neBnttak game played with the presi deucy by one se conspicuous as he In Hip rogues' gallery. One of the meat Important emces te be filled next fall iu this county Is that of county commissioner. As the Demo crats will elect ene of three members of the beard, a certain measure of rospen slblllty falls upon them te mnke n lit se lectien, and among the candidates al ready announced, with perhaps mere te fellow, there will be no dlfllulty finding a proper man. lint as the Republicans have the selection of ivmujerlty of the beard theso of that party who nre sin cerely interested in u real reform in the management of county affairs will de well net te leso sight of the importance of the commissioner's ofllce iu the scrum bio for mere lucrative places. The en forcement of the law paying the county otlieluls with salaries will largely depend for Ita efilclency upon the next beard of commissioners und auditors, and any candidates for either place who are of easy vlrlue, or who are tee urdeutly de aired by political jobbers, should be re jected. PmttJiDKHT AimlUK has solemnly us surt-d an anxious Inquirer that efllclals In the postefUce service iu Illinois need net fear removal in the ovent thnt they advocate his renominatlen in preference te the selection of Legan. This com. fortable asanrance ought te warm the twarta of nil genuine civil service re. formers, Tun reported oale of Bedford Springs hotel, se wldely advertised last season, has fallen through. The man who thought he had bought it Beems te have been doing a streke of prlvate simula tion en his own account instead of being an authorized agent of the Vnnderbllts, and the grnteful premises of great Im provements at this old summer resort fnde into thin air. will be a netable absence of serious contests for seats in the next Democratic state convention. Thore are signs, however, that seme of the few contestants who villi present themselves will base their claims mero en their predilections than en the strength and merits of their case. We trust they will be disappointed. Let every tub stand en its own bottom if It has one. March is very loenlno new, but It will be oxccedlngly Iamb llke when the tlme cornea for its parting. The negre song that refers te the necessity of getting away from the window through fear of the ' razors a' tlyln' through the air" must have had roferonco te the cutting winds that new assail the unfortunate pedcatrlan whose business calls him abroad. Tiieuf. is a tuovement ou feet in the New Yerk Legislature te take away from the beard of aldormeo lu New Yerk city the right of oeaflrmlug the mayor's nom inations of heads of elty dopartraenta. As this prcrogative gives the beard Its auto cratic power, thore will be a stern tight for its rotention. TOTHIQPBKS'9 BRAtTII. 1 drink 1 rtaronetsny te whom t A queen ! net Unuland'e queen, but mlne. 1 itrlnlc te ene wnesu pure young lips Are richer ttian the wlue. t Unto nor hazel cyt I drink ! And te her nut-brown hair ! And te the dainty feu-shell pink Her dimpled checa doth wear. 1 would that I might breathe her imuie, My stmple son would stew divine. Even-as these uielkui ombera turn When siplll torevor-to holy wlnn. T. II. AUlrlch Tuk coaimltteo en territories of the Senate have ropertod it bill te cuable the pcople of Southern Dakota te form n constitution and state government and for the admission of that part of the proseut territory of Dakota as a state and : the creation et tbe northern part lute soparate territory. Dakota seems te pre- for thodistleotion of being tbe smallest frog in a big pond, rather than the king frog of a llttle pond. Gladstone's new frauohlse bill, it Is claimed by the promler. will increase the voting power of tbe United Kingdom by about 2,000,000. Of tbi3 number England would furnish 1,300,000, Ireland 400,000, and Scotland 200,000. This movemont of the "grand old man" of Hawarden te get dewu nearer te tbe peeple, tbe source of all government, If successful, will add ene mero te the many laurels In tbe cause of humanity gained by the great English Liberal in tbe ceurse of his political career. Tub dyuamlte explosions iu Louden are very similar In ene sonse te tbe robbeiies that occurred lu the neighborhood of the Welsh mountains after the escape of tbe jail birds from tbe county prison. All unexplained robberies wero promptly attributed te tbe escaped oenviota, just as urJ..Arp)nsinns In England nre new flrmlv bclloved te be of Irish Ameri can origin. Tbe Londen Timn makes a bread assertion when it says : "We knew that the Amorieans are aware of the idou ideu tity el the plotters of tbese outrages" If two or three hare-brained English idiots wero te place dynamite explosives in Amorleau government buildings, few sensible poeplo would be found te beheve that the English government was in cel. luslen with the tmeaking villaius fKltaONAL. Ukavi'.h is new booked for congressman at large. Gaiidixai. Antei.nk II vsseu.s, patriarch or Ullicia, is dead. AiiTiiun Is fend of llttle children aud delights in telling thorn stories. Bishop Siianaiiak, of Harrisburg, will be alxtoen years a bishop en Tuesday next. DensitY denies that Iugorsell's fee for defending him iu tbe Star Itoute trial was 8100,000. Miss Anukusen will stay lu Londen for auother year, uud Mr. Irving will remain lu Amoriea. JunnE Ashman, of the orphans' court, rhlladelpbla, favors tbe admission of women te tbe bar. Mattiiuw S. Quay has bought a house in Heaver from Marshal Itutati aud intends te rcmove thore te live. Gen. Alkheh Pi.kasonten was placed ou the retired list of the army after a sharp dobate in tbe Heuso yesterday. Mas. Mauy Biiewjj, widow of Jehn Brewu, of Harper's Ferry, W. Va. notori ety, died ou Friday at San Francisce. L. M. Mrs8i:it, of Marietta, has been oleeted prcsonter of mementoes for tbe uext class day at Lebanon Yalluy collego. Hkv. IleiiKitT L. Ceu.yku says that the laek of national sontimeut iu the United States Ih owing te the growth (of Amorleau humor. Jaaies II. McCenkev, of Wrightsville, a member of the Laueaster county bar, was admitted te practtoe lu Yerk yesterday after an examination. ItT. Hlv. William O'iUitv, D. l)., bishop of Soranteu, It is reported, has deollned te aoeopt the papal nppelntmeut as nrobbisbep or Philadelphia. 'Ji 9-' ",:,8IE. A.. 11. or the elass of '83 F. & M. collego, is taking a pest craduate ceurse In French at Lafayotte ; James Gatnoren Wiley, or this elty, is eat alegued as a Freshman lu the same in stitution. Paul Stiieiiacii, ex United States mar. shal of Alabama, tells Mr. Hpringer's oom eom oem mltteo that the whele pewer of the depattment of justlce had been turned upon him and all his proseeutlons have hcen prompted by malioe. Da. ZoKinvreiiT. the ohnmpieu chess player or the world, last evening played be ven games simultaneously with mom. bera of the Ilosten ohess elub, winning five unqueatloned games, One he relin quished because of a mUqall and the seventh he oeknowlodgod lest ou aoceuut of a wrong play. Themas Oiuttkndkn, a son of Ex Unltcd States Marshal Orittenden aud grandson of Jehn J. Orlttemleu, the noted Kontueky statesman, has been soiiteuued te three years in the ponltentlary for killing a negre boy uamed Ileso Mesby. nt An An An oherago, Ky Ortttonden is n wild rook reek leas youth, oentlnually gettlug into trouble, BLOWN FBOMA TRAIN. A aiAHVELUUH KaOAl'JC ITltOSl DKATtl. Secretary el State Kelaey, el Mew Jersey, NireptOda Metluc Train lly n unit of Wind. Seoretary of State Henry 0. Kolacy, of NowJcrsey, took the Philadelphia aud Heading "vwo-heur" train from l'hliadel phlate New Yerk atTronten Jutiotieu at H o'cleok Friday morning en his way te attend a meeting of the beard of directors of a company with whleh he was couueetod in Newnrk. The train was crowded. Finding the scat which he first occupied tee cold he started te walk baek te the rear ears te find a hotter ene. As be opened the car deer the truln was passing along an ombankment eight or ten fcet high, nbeut a mlle from Trenten Junction It had net yet obtained full headway, but was going seme SO miles an hour, ile stepped upeu the platform, selzing tbe brake whoel with the hand in which he held hisnowspaper and mittens, and holding en te his hat with the ether. The wiud was blowing a gale, and had a full swcep across a wide Held aud ever the ombankment. A torrifle gust at the momeut Mr. Kolsey was stepping from ene car te the ether lifted him from his feet, tere his hand loeao from the brake and hurled him dear ou the train and several feet from the track. Ile went evor a pile of rails lying heslde the track and, striking en the earth ombankment, relled ever nnd ever until he stepped at the bottom. Ile was ren dered unconscious, but iu his oxcitement had strength nuflleient te gather up his mittens, paper and hat nnd soramble up the bank. The train meantime had been stepped and backed up, tbe accident having been wituesscd by a passenger, who pulled tbe bell repe. l'lie conductor wished te bring him back te Trenten Junction, but be in sisted that be was net hurt and was helped into a parlor car nnd inade comtertable until Jersey City was reached. By that time he realized tbat ene feet was badly injured and tbat he was bruised and sero all ever his body. Ile was put at ouce en a tram for Trenten, and by 11 o'clock bad been taken te his room at tbe Tronteu beuse, surprising Mrs. Kelsey, who had net heard of tbe accident or known that he had geno en tbe train. Tbe iujury te his feet is net serious, but is very painful, and the result of the Bheck and his bruises kept him iu a nervous con dition, but no mero serious results are apprehended than a few days' confinement te bis bed. His escape from death is te be attributed te the fact that hn struck with his fcet first, and that his fall was further broken by bis being mutlled in a heavy ovjrceat aud by the snow that was ou the greuud He has been tbe reeipicnt of congratulatory tolegrams from all parts of tue county. SUltUUNHKS Wltl'.UKKU. Crew Nearly freien la the ltlfctne Five t'crtena Uruwned. A pilot drove tWe miles against the piercing northwest blizzard, from tbe iighthouse te New Ilaveu, Conn., late Friday afternoon, with information tbat a scboenor had sunk oulside of the harbor, and her crew wero freezing te death in the rigging. Alse that a second bad geno down iu tue lower uatuer. A tug was immediately dispttohed te the scene of distress but returned an hour later covercd with ice, uuable te roaeh tbe wreck in consequence of tbe sea and gale. She lewered two beats, howevcr. and three of tbe men wero taken oil' and lauded at or near Uranfenl, about eight miles from New Haven. One man was left in the rigging, it being im possible te rescue him. Subsequently he was rescued terribly frost bitten. It is thought certain that two or mero of the crew have been lest. Tbe harbor is very rough, the wind blowing about forty miles an hour, which is the reason tbe tuc'abeat did net return te her, but preferred te land with the sailors whero it did. Through tbe capsizing of a sleep in Bell rar read, near Raleigh. N. C, en Friday a man, two womeu and two children were drowned. Tvt NWnS Kll.LKD. Til e Teirible Crime et u Convent Hardener In France. A terrible tragedy was onaetcd Friday lu the south of France. A gardener uamed Chave, empleyed at a convent at Servaiue, near Marseilles, was recently dismissed for laziness. Ou Friday, whlle the sisters wero walking en the convent grounds, and at a momeut when they were iu a eeoluded spot, Chave suddenly ap peared before them. The lady superior asked him kindly if he had found work. Chave, without re plying, drew a rovelvor and discharged six barrels, killing the lady superior and mortally wounding ene of her companions. The remainder of the slaters lied, seeking for help. A number of peasants gathered, and en tbeir arrival at the scene Ghave reloaded bis revolver and kept them at a safe distance. , Twe gendarmes then arrived and pluok pluek lly closed with Ohave, who llred at them twlce, without howevor, hitting thorn. One of tbe gendarmes shot Cbave in tbe chest nnd another bullet penetratcd the murderer's ear. Chave, in his dying ag euy, inflicted upeu himself a third mortal wound with his own revolver. riVK .11 KN UAMIKU Judge Lynch Takes I'ait It One of the xecetliina. Luke and William Jenes, who, with Cabnu Stephens, had been found guilty of the murder of Andersen Lackey, wero hanged at Jacksen, Ohie, en Friday. a party ei Amer can ivnchers in nu- gulse en Friday took the Indian murderer, Leuis Sam, from a British otlleor at Vic Vic eoria, H. C, and banged blm nt n point ene mile this slde of the International boundary. Wm. Moero, colored, was hanged at Franklin, La., en Friday for tbe murder of Lee Annan, a Chines?, last spring. Uoejamln Gillman, oelorod, was hanged ou Friday at Iiaybore, N. 0., for the murder of Henry Garter, in April 1883. The Tattooed Wemun'a llitbe. Laura Savornie, known in all museums nud oircuBes as tbe tattooed woman, gave birth en Thursday ulght In Baltimore, te a boy baby who bears upon his body all the marks possessed by his mother. The boy la a bounelng little fellow, and both be and his mother are delug weli. The latter and her husbaud oarae thore about a week age, thelr last exhibition havincr i ?e.u , at Frederick, en Washington's birthday. The raother'a marrled name iu Mrs. Adelph Merath. Dr. A. Trego bbortzer nttonded the woman, aud was very mueh surprised wheu be found tbe babe'a akin marked as if with India ink. Upen it nre dealgus of llowera, leavcB, nn anchor aud ehatu, nu oagle nud o:ber figures. Uiit All Night In the Oelu. Hamiiel Itumferd, Frank Huraferd, E. Neal and J. N. Derboraklre, et Ohcater. went evor te Ohcater Island gunning for w Id ducks Thursday morning and the wind was blowing se hard that they wero afraid te venture baek iu their araali Bkimi, se wete oerapellod te stay thore all night nnd all day Friday without feed or lire. 'I hey spent their tlme In walking up nnd down the Island trying te koep warm. Friday ovenlng aorae partiea from this city HUirted evor iu a flshini: aklir and roseiiod thorn, When found Frank Hum ford was almost dead from oeld. llurned te Death. Liwronce Olement, n farmer, living near Lamar, Me., was burned te death en 1- riday mernlug In a flre whleh destroyed his dwelling, OVKlt TlllJ STATIC A Ills tire In Oil Oily. Fire was discovered lu the furimce room of the opera heuse nt Oil City nbeut 11 o'clock en FriJay night nt the conclusion of the pcrformance of "The Blaek Flag," by Edwin Thorne'd company. The nudl. ence had barely left the building when the flames burst forth whlle the netent and actresses were stilt present. The latter had considerable diflh-ulty In saving thelr effects and had te leavn the building lu thelr costumes. One of the ladles fainted aud had te be carried nut. Great difueulty was oxperienoed iu getting ladders te the structure, owing te the surrounding net work of telegraph wires The basemcut was occupied by the Kctn tnp lHi:ianl and the battery room of the Western Union company, te which the flames spread with rapidity, seen envelop ing tne euiiding ana completely destroyed it The lire theurcaehed the Kellegg block, nnd nt midnight was threatening the Trement heuse. The opera hene, owned by the Meadvllle national bank, was valued nt $50,000. Tbe BU:tml less does net oxeecd $2,000. A Wfnlthy r armor's Death Kieni Celd. Jciemiah Van Bex, need CO, and worth 1100,000, met with a strauge death iu Heading, Friday. Ile left his home iu Amity township, lift ecu miles bolevr He id ing, at an early hour iu the morning, i y drive te Heading lu n buggy. He was warmly clad, but the long drive ngamst the bitter cold wind chilled him te tbe heart. Ills oarriage arrived nt the hotel and wbcu nn atteudaut held the horse for him te get out, he failed te move. Mr. Van Bex was lifted from hi carri tgc, nnd he was just able te walk into the hotel, whero he fell ever with a gre.u. He was carried up stairs, where be lingered in an uncon scious condition until 1 20 p m , when be died. Ills family horse, beitij; familiar with the read and streets, brought his master safely te tbe hotel without being guided or directed. He was a retired farmer, and tbe bulk ei his cst.ite i;cs te his only grandson. Seme suppese death was caused by apoplexy A Woet1eu-L.Oj:rd fundi;. " Weeden legs run in my family," re marked Ann Llewellyn, of Pottsville, iu a justlce's ofllce. " I have one, my late husband had one, the de a I buried had ene and the ealy seu I have living has oue. "Mr. Llewollyn claims te own a small picce of property In Potts ville. She heard that the real owner had sold it. She had it fenced iu, and ou the banks of the creek tbat runs tbieugh it built a small frame heuse with a window aud deer in it. The minions of tl.elaw, at tbe instance of tee purchaser of the property, tere dewu the fence, upset the heuse into the creek, and arrested Ann for trespass. The property has hcen iu dis pute ler many years, and she has frequent ly trcatea the fences ether have put up as uers wero treated. t peciiiien t'ltll -ictxicc itelerm. Ames S. Wagner was officially notified yesterday by Secretary Felgcr as his ap peintment as aupcriutendent of the gov ernment building te be ercctcd in Williams pert, Colonel l . Kmb.ek. tbe llrat appolnteo, having dcelrnctl. The cbange waa caused by the nirosure brought te bear en the presideut and secretary by the pomieiaus, as ueutiei ttmbick v,as a Democrat. murder In the hecemi rircrer. The trial of Patrick J. Malone for the fatal shoetlntr of Edward J. Brooks, cot. ered, in Philadelphia Fridnv-BBaTyJ agrccmenc ei counsel in a verdict of mur der in tbe second degree. The prisoner win de Drought up ler sentence te day ltan Hall Ncnt, lue Harrisburg Patriot ?as that Manager Diflcnderfcr, of the Lancaster club, was in that city last evening. Games were arranged by bim with the Harrisbunr elub for April 10 in thia city ami en the JJd in Lancaster. The aame gcutleman says there is little hepe for an inter fctate issociatien, the elubs at Yerk and Cham bcrsburg net having awakened te the lmportance of the mevement. Tbe manager of the Chambersburg basa ball elub has rccsived n dispatch from F. A. Diffeuderfer, mauager of the Lancaster club, asking him te n.i a reprcsontative te the meeting of the association in Lan caster next Monday. After consulting some of the directors it waa decided net te rend a delogate, as it is net definitely settled yet whether they would go into any association. The stockholders of the new Lancaster club will held a meeting en Monday for tbe purpoee of taking seme action en prepositions looking toward inselidatiun rcceiitly made te them by th i Ironsides elub Manager Dilfenderffer, of the new club, is known te be opposed te conselidn tien and will endeavor te form an associa tion composed of small towns In the state. The Ironsides elub still cling te the hepe of being admitted te a league. They will make application te court for a char ter at ence. The work en the grand htand will be commenced in a short tlme. Next week the manager and Bevcral dircoters of the club with a contractor will go te liar liar riseurg te take a leek at the grand stand en the grounds there. The club is new Issuing season tickets, and the number te be issued will be limited. SuccvaatuI Fair lit MhuIuIiii. Tbe ladlea' fair in Manboim.held for tbe benefit of the Liberty cornet band, closed en Monday evening after oeutlnuiug ene week ; the object was te ralse funds te procure new uniforms j the hepes of the mombera were realized, rw the lair pievcd te he n auecess linaneially, ever four bun dred dollars being cleared ; the band was atationed iu the contre of tbe hall aud ronuerod aome or Its finest selections at internals, The renmbcrs of tbe baud nre very grnteful te the kind friends who patronized them, nud also te the ladies who labored be assiduously U inake it n success. A number of valuable aud useful nrtielcs wero competed for.inelnding a lady's solid geld atom-winding watch, which oaused quite an exciting contest ; the competitors were called te the stage and their mouey counted, and when it was announced by Dr. G. J. Snavely that Misa Lettlo W. Briiuer bad roceivod a slender majority of olevon votes out of evor a theusaud cast, tbe name of tbe tmeccesful hdy wan greoted with long continued npplause. Tne ".Saw l'ra" nu Uerr Smith. I.nncaster Inquirer. "A Republican of Hspublicaus." Of oeurso he is. He oxemplilied this by his exceedingly able support of the untl untl untl Gtmiose bill, a measure vrhieh his organ the New Era doelarod was " a triumph of the Hoodlums iu an 1 nut of Congress ;" nnd by his vete for the Flta Jehn Perter relief hill, a measure that hla home ergau said euuld only he paralleled by an attempt, te " whitewash the reputa tion of Benedict Arneld," I'ropeiala Opened. The following proposals for the collec tion of taxes wero opened at the oommls eommls oemmls Blouor's ofllce : Pequea. B. E. Hadolifl'e, 5 percent; Lanoaster township, II. N. Baumnau, S per oent ; Henry Martin, "i per oeut. Tbe contracts were awarded te the highest bldders, Mes&ia, HadcllfTe and Bausmnn wero the collectors in their respeotlve townships last ye.xr. florae shipped, Heury vVclll ahlpped te New Yerk this meruliiir, from his stables ou North Qnecn street, 27 head of draught and driving horses. Fiss & Deerr shipped ene car lead of Laucaster oeuuty dratt and driving horses te New Yerk te day, IT GOES OVM. Till". tMUJItANUK CASH UOMTINUKD. Cetiuael ter Detenae Ask nu Adjournment Unlit Monday Court IIuiIiwm that Wn Transacted Te-dnjr. In the OotUehalk-Lcdermnn insiiranoe case Friday afternoon. Ilarrv N. Hewell was recalled. He htatcd that he iiad ptepaied n rough draft or relative positions or Gettsclulk ec Ledei man's store and the residence or the former.wlth the ditfercut routes said te have beeu taken by Uettschalk and his brother en tbe night of the tire. The draft was admitted iu evidence and explaiucd te the jury. This witness in his oress-oxnmltin tleti iu the morning stated that wheu he first went into the store ou the ulght of the flre, he fell and dropped a torch which was extinguished. He explained lu the afturuoeti what kind of a toreh it was, and stated that It would be Imposslble for oil te have run out of it uuless It leaked. The witness also stated thnt tbe caus which he saw in the store were square, nud he was told that they had contained cologne. 11. J. Shaeder was called, and he cer roberatod Mr. lrvin lu regard te the con versation between him and Lcderman in regard te the amount of money the latter put iu the business K, C. lrvin was recalled and be tostlfled that he had n conversation with Oott Oett Oott sehalk nfter this lire, asking him of his whereabouts en tbe night of the tire ; he said he and his brotber went te tbe hall ou that night nud thouce te the Stevens heuse, where they played peel ; nfter thnt they went te Fulmar's, and upeu leaving walked up North Queen strcet ; opposite the store they stepped, nnd his brether weut aoress the street nnd tried tbe deer, as was thelr custom ; they walked up North Queen strcet te the depot, where posted a letter and went home ; after remaining down stairs seme tlme he went te bed and was awakened by his wife,whe said the store was ou tire ; witness bad bis attention called te tbe oil cans round in the store by Chiet Hewoll but did net ex amine thorn ; oue day during the investi- fatlen or the lire when iu the store Mr. 'artridge allowed wituess a let or lace which had beeu soaked in coal oil . he bectme excited aud said te Emit Gott Gett Gott sehalk (yeunger brether of oue of plain- tins) leu scoundrel, tuvs tue cause or this tire ;" witness thonjek the young man te the mayor's oUlcewhoro, in the prosence or the etiief of pollie he ex plained exactly the whereabouts of himself and brother en the night of the flre ex nctly as the latter had dene ; witness examined the debris in the store after the tire ; he discovered but few goeda entirely burned nud had oleaued up aud put tegether all quills, foathers, wires, &e., but did net 11 nd a sufilcieut quantity te satisfy tbe elaims or the plaiutiffa. The general character or the goeda in the store was cheap. The witness was cress examined at great length lu regard te the charaetcr or the goods. Tbe couusel for the dofense asked for nn adjournment or the court until Monday as It would be impossible for them te clese this week, liaving lUtecu witnesses yet nt least ; the witnesses from a long distance would be able te get home. The court thought It would be best te adjeuru as the jurors would then be able te spend Sunday nt home, and it waa agroed te de 80. TO DAY'S COUIIT. l)..trll jii Cm en Dlapeaeil Of Jeriy Duugan eiinuceit te five Yenra In the Kaal- (rn l'enltentl&rj-. Court met at 0 o'elock this morning, the tlme set for the hearing of the surety of pcace and desertion cases. The case of Samuel II Leckard, of Columbia, charged with desertion, which was heard iu part seme time nge nud con tinued, was taken up. The defendant stated that since the hearing he had pro vided rooms for himself nud wlfe ; he Kent for her te her mether's house, but she refused te go with him or te allow him te remeve the furiilture from ber mether's heuse. Ile admitted that he had net spoken te his wlfe since last court, nor had he geno te bce her. The court ordered htm te pay his wife $3 per week for her support be letitr ns they reraaiu aoparate, te give security lu the sum of $300 and pay costs of prosecution. Commonwealth vs. Jehn Ovordeer, of this city. The defeudant was charged with deserting his wife. The ovidenco of tbe dofense showed that the accused had lived with his wlfe as long as he waa able ; she would ceme home drunk whenever she get out ; she disturbed the heuse se that Bbe was told te remain away ; he then continued te give her money for her sup port, but she spent it for liquor. Frem the appearance ami condition of the woman whlle en the witness stand it waa evident that Overdcar'a story was true. In reply te questions of the court, he stated tbat he was willing te pay for hla wife's sup port, but if alie get the meney alie would spend it for rum. The court continued the case until April in order te give the hus band an opportunity te secure a place where his wife may stay at hla oxpeuso. The case of Elvlna Stewart, charged with surety of the peace en oeraplalnt of Mrs. Mary Emma Graham alias Frasch was dismissed with the oeuoty fur oesta) A Severe .lenience. Jerry Duugan, who at the October court was convicted of arson, in nttempting te set fire te stables of the Fountain Inn this city, aud recommended te the morey of the court by tbe jury, waa brought Inte court this morning. Ilia couusel stated that he desircd te withdraw his motion for n new trial nnd te have sentence pro nounced. Judge Patterson then sonteucod him te flve years' imprisonment in the Eastern penitentiary. Court nd journed till Monday nt 10 n. m. HUIOIDK WI1II.K INHANK, llenjamln llnckwalter, an Inmate of the Ueanty Aaylain Manga llluiaelf With u Mtrep, Some tlme during last Benjamin Buck Buck walter, nu Inmate or the county insane asylum, committed suioide by hanging y hi 10 Ii i ulmsclf with n strap, oue end of ileh he tied te the iron grating aoress the lslde of bis cell window. '1 be bed steed ar the window and the place where the ap was tied was but a iew fe3t abevcii is lloer. v5e fleer When found, he was lying en with the strap drawn very tichtly around his neck. It h bolievod tbat he llrat tied the strap te the grating, and thou relled out of bed. Buekwalter waa admitted te the asylum en Monday na an iusane person. It waa known that he had attempted suioide several tlmes hofero and leather cuffs wero therefore put upeu him yosterday. Duriug the night he breke these cuffs from his hands nud with the sttap used en thorn, put an end te hla life. The deceased resided near Intoreourso, nud was a tenant farmer. He had been queer for aame tlme (mat, imagining that he had wronged the Monuenlto ohureh, of which he was u momher ; he thought he was unfit te live, but yesterday begged the fiiiporlnteiidcnt te take the cuffs from his hnuds, premising that he would net again attempt suioide This morning Gorenor Shlffer Impan nelled a jury nnd held an Inquest en the remains. Jehn Fry, an attendant, tostl testl tostl Hed that the man was all richt last nicht nt 10 o'clock ; this morning wheu witncBs entered be found him (lead ns abeve described. The verdiet was death from suioide while insane. The body will be taken te his former home for burial. The doeoased wns '15 years of nge and leaves n wife nnd eight ehlldrcn. TIIR UN1TKD IIKKTHIIKN IN IUHK, A llnr Third Day HevlaliiK the t.aurnater DlUrlrt ltetUnloxl)ML.eral Treach er! anitTuelr Yterk. Iu Yerk yesterday the third day of the session of the oeuforouco or the United Brethren wltnessed the transaction of a large nmeunt of business, principally the reception of reports of committees and the passing of characters. The East Pommy! vnnia conrereuco or the Evancelleal asse ciatien, lu session nt Lebanon, Pa., tolo telo tole graphod thelr greetinga. Mr. MeMlllati, or Philadelphia, dollverod seme Interesting remarks lu regard te the Mount l'isga mission, or Philadelphia. The commltteoou the third yoar'seourso or reading reported favorably en the names of J. W. Siieath, grade 1 U 20 ; A. H. Ayres, 1 1 10 ; J. B. Woldler, 1 !1 10 ; 1). W. Sollenhorgor, 1 13-20 ; nnd Wm. Mewer, it 2 0, All wero recommended for ordination except William Mewer, who was referrcd bnek te the third year's oeurso Ter anether year. The names or local preachers were called aud characters passed. Thore was hoiue discussion iu regard te tbe uame ei J. G. Mtunmn, who bad left the ohiireh regularly during the past year, and, pend ing the resolution te record him as liaving irregularly withdrnwu from the conference nud church, the oenfetonco adjourned. The following names were called, their reports reviewed nnd characters passed : J. O, Smoker, J. N. Mundeu, E. L. Hughes, J. O. Cllppluger nud J. T. Mower. The eommitteo ou boundaries submitted as thelr report iu the Laudater district that Slisser'a appointments be dotached from Pnradise eircult and merged into the Oregon appointments, tbe Ephrata mls mls aleu, Quarrjvllle, tobeoallod Mt. Ploeaant mission , In the Harrisburg district, that tlie UnrrisDiirg circuit be called East Har risburg circuit ; Ghambjrsburg district, that Orrsterrnnud Shlppensburn charges, new iu ene oharge, be restored te their respeotlve relations as they existed previ ous te the last annual coufereiico, oxcept that Shippensburg be made aelf-sustalu lug, te be called Shippensburg eircult ; Baltimore circuit, that Wluterstewn, Mt. Olivet, Zieu Unieu nnd Plensnnt Grove be detached from the New Yerk olreuiU aud constltute the Wlntorstewu circuit the remaining appointment, immely, Dallas town, Hed Lien, Inncrsville, Longstewn and Mt. Union te constltute the Dallaste wu circuit. G. L. Stearn, William J. Benmer, I Baltzell and E, Light were elected presid ing oldera. The report of the Yerk oharge allowed a very aatlsraotery aud nourishing condltieu or affairs. J. V. Etter read n report ou education. He was follewod by D. D. DeLong, president of the Lobaneu, Valley college, who read a report of that institution. Bev. D. K. Fllokitiger, 1). D., goneral missionary aceretary, D. I). Kcedy, C. A. Burtner aud Z A. Golsteok made seme remarks. Tilt. I.VAMIKI.IUAI. UOHfllKKSUK. Inttreitlucl'roceedlncaef tbeSeaalen III the Evangelical conference In Lebanon yesterday J. B. Derane, A. II. Sayler T. D. Geary, Jehn Stonner, William Sehulcr, A. S. Kline and I. Zimmerman applied for admission te tne tunoraey. uev. barauel jitcsse waa reporter! ! as having died during the year. A motion te divide the coufereiico four presiding elder districts waa firsts ted by 42 te -10, then roeonsldorPIdd finally dofeatod. J. C. Hernbapfer was re olectcd and B. J. Smoyer ami A. M. Stirk uowly-elccted presiding eldera. The presiding olders wero stationed as fellows : Philadelphia district. G. K. Flber : Allen town district, G. S. Hagman : Heading district J. C. Hornbergor ; Harrisburg district, A. M. Stirk ; PotUvllle district, B. J. Smoyer. Hev. Messrs. S. Broyfegal, S. Ely, J. Bewman, T. Hnrpcr, J. Zern, J. Fry, D. Yeungstaud H.M. Capp are tbe super numeraries of tbe oenforenco. The super annuated members et tue conrereuco are F. X, Oabcl, Dwlend G. (Jlugorieh, lielz, J. Saurb, J. M. Sayler. II. Tllli:VKM AT WOKK. Held Kebberjr el Werkhelatr'a Stere en Ueat Orange Mircet Laat Night. Last night thievca ontered tbe store of Yalentiue Werkboiser, at Charlette nnd Wcat Orange streeta. Thla morning when the proprletor went down stairs te open up the atore he found the front deer open. A drawer in a desk in the rear of tlie stere room had been epened, a small bag and a poekctbook, whleh had con cen talncd meney, had been rilled of thelr centents. A geld wateh whleh had been in the drawer also was missing. Tbe mouey taken consisted of 1G or 20 trade dollars, $25 In mixed silver pieces and a large let of new flve ceut pieces, Ameug the let was a silver half dollar, bearing the date of 1820. A large let of new silk hankorchiefs wero stolen from the dry goods counter. Tbe watch was a hunting oase, stem winder, of Waltham make, Ne. 720.080. The stere was closed up last nigbt about four minutes bofero 11 o'elock by Mr. Workheisor, who left the key in the leek or the front deer ou the inside He sleeps directly evor tbe store, but heard no uoise during the night. The supposition ia that the thlef onterod tbe atore aome tlme dur ing the evening and hid until a late hour. It waa then an easy mattorfer him te take his doparture by unlocking and going out the front deer. Ne macks of burglars' tools can be found en the deer or desk, but the latter was net looked and prying was unnecessary. Thore is an oleotrio light ou this oernor, but the burglar was uet afraid of It, as he took the chance of Its belng out nud was net disappointed. A atrange man waa aoen in the stere about supper tlme last ovenlng. He steed around for aometlmo and did uet soem te want anything. Ile finally disappeared and was net thought of again until this morning after the burglary bad been disoevorod. t'lHTULH IN SU1IOOL. Ne "Texm Jack" Itaalneaaln Lancaster, Some oxeitomont was created among tbe pupils of the Ann street soheola a few days nge, by seme boys who had a rovelvor.and who fired it off two or three times On the playground seme of the little girls alleg ing that the pistol was pointed nt thorn. The attontleu of Miss Llehty, oue of the toaehera, was oalled te the matter, nnd aoeing a boy named August Rich with a pistol in hla band, she oalled him into the school room. In aome way he had diapoaed of the pistol bofero reach, lug the school room, which is en the second fleer, Ile said he had roturned it te a boy name Baker who ewned it, and who lived iu the oeuntry. He further said that only blank eartrldges were used In the pistol, and that the weapon was cot point ed at any of the girls, but was fired upward in the air. Miss Llehty notified Dlroetor Darmstotter of the oceurronoo and he oalled nt the school and made an Investigation, but no ether faets were olieitcd oxcept that the same pistol had been seen in the hands of ether boys seme days previous. Mr. Darmstotter repri manded the boys, told thorn he would re report thorn te the visiting committee and the heard of directors, and that any boy found with a pistol in his possession would he oxpelled from the soheol, Ullleer ISlected. The following ofueora of the Qutenberg denth bonefleiai fuud association of this elty, have been oleotod for the ensulng year : Presldent, Geerge Darmstotter ; Vleo Presideut, Philip lluhlmau ; Secretary, Otte Pnohelhl : Treasurer. Petor Miller : Trtistecs, Goe. Wall, Jehn Landau, Will. Wianer. HECTOR'S LEOTUJIM A UOI.UKKU HOI. AM l'UKAClITI no Teut tun comical Story nt Ilia Own I Life tu the Hatliraellen et n lain cnatar Audience. There was a geed slzed nuilloneo In tlie! court lieiiBO te bear tbe lecture last oveu lint of Uev. Jehn Hecter, en "Ilia Own I Life." The loeturor la a colored nrciicheri from lerk, and the lecture waH for thel boueflt of pests 8 i nud 405 G. A. It. Hev Hoetor's leoture wna ene most worthy te ue iicnre, wiieu tue inn torce nud excel lence of its humor nud pnthes cnu only b appreciated. It is largely composed of anecdotes nud blight snyiucn that defv satisfactory reproduction en paper, nn they must have the Inimitable qualntupsa and expression of tlie speaker himself te dcml ouatrate thelr rare wit, and eih'ltuyllt Mr. Hecter's parents wero alaveS lived with thelr mastar near HurperVj ferry, until inverauin moment camel when they escaped lute Canada, nud nftcij much time and tribulations be.thcn n be wns reoeivod into n kind home in lllluell Tbe various Incidents With which tbe' rceltal of theso journeys were enriched, evoked shouts of laughter. It la ImpesBl. bio te de any justlce te them by a report, but n few of his witty nnd original ex prossleus may be given. Spenklmr of Ids hair being out ence when it wna iu it most deplorable state, he remarked inoldontal ineldontal inoldental ly : " My hair ia llke seme Christinns, wheu it la out It premises te ceme out Btrnirfht ; but seen that promlse ends, for the hair turns nud cutis nnd kinks nbeut. nnd seen backslides nmeujfst nil the rest " " The American ladies want their hnir te kink nnd curl llke mine, se I need net enre about my hair I am tbe style '" His description of his fenr and wonder at hla (list tight of n railway ouirliie was most nnd enjoyable. He naked what the name or certain cnclne was. "Gieat Engle," lrJl waa told. Ile asked, why that name" "ile cause, after she gets sUirted she leaves the j track and tiles, " be wna answered an 1 hoi bollevcd It. An usher brought blm n class or water while Hpcnkim;. As Id pieked it up he remarked : "Yeu haidlyl ever aee a windmill nui hy water ' " i Ne part ei the lecture was mero pKislncl ami humorous than the iciitnl or hlhi expcrlecce and impro'tdepa in tl e nrmy.i lu dcseriuiug tlie first hattle be saw Ijl became very impressive and graphic, mil the nudioiice listened iu the utmost Mlem as he beeau : "Thore oame up ndeep. dai desire that welled from the depths of m heart, that 1 could net control I wautc te go home I" Or hs cuirage he paid ' I eau say thla for my own bravery nover left a lenn trce alene I alwai get behind it." Anether: "Mv cummin, tried hard te win tl-a battle. 1 waa eti of theso who tried I tried te get awny Tbe oelonol made n speech ouce te tf seldiers, nud his cemiadcs took oil the hats and yellcd : 'We will stick te ve colenol we'll stick ! ' Fer himself 1 answered by addressing n big sycamel troe : " Yes , I'll htlck te jeu 1' stick 1" All through his lecture such humoreusl expressions vrure made nud their value an cffectlronesB wnu augmented by the mat nor nf thn Kucnki-r. Air. Ilrrtnr in 1 v pleasant, genial looking man, and mail ItlUIDUII 1. II..V.4..U II IV.. Villi IU. IdUkU ence. TIIKSTURKT I.AblrS Klajhtr-fenr nt Tnem I'.epotle.l Out lull Mjtit. The pelice report the olectrie lamps ia tue louewiug points te have been nut burning badly : West King Centre Square. Wesi King nud Princ . Went Kim: and Wat I from 7 o'cleok , Prince and Chestnut fro I 12 o'clock ; Llme nud Church, Vine ml Church, Duke and Church from 11 te German and Water. German and Priua Couestega and Prince, Andrew and Princ Prince and Hazel, Seuth Queen nud Hazil south uuecu aud llager. south Oue I and Soyraeur, Beaver aud Andrew. Beavbil aud Couestega, Beaver aud Hazel, Beaver i nnd linger Irem 7 o'elock ; booth Queen and vine irem 1'J; urauge nud Juulbarrk r... IT! .l ,..! .7 iir....t in I muel iyiuk mm .jiuiul-ii, irrai mn! .us unarlettc, west King and .Mary, V( Kiug and Pine, Orauge and Celuml avenue from 7 o'clock ; Duke aud Jamil Duke and Christian, Plum nud Cbestnl from 7; Grccu nud Christiau from North nnd Strawberry, Locust and Frl berg from 10 ; Middle and Freiberg frr , . v. i ni..i . . . i ; .u.iuur nnu rnecri, manor anil I'd wart, Maner aud Laurel, Love Lane and Maner, High and Laurel, High nud D wart, men and t iibert. at .losenh n Laurel.St. Josenh nnd Derwart St. Jese at ehurcb. Poplar and Filbert. Strawber nnd Vine Irem 7 ; Lomen nnd Mary, Jam nuu eiary, i roderick and rrluce Irem uuke and urauge irem 7 ; Minn nl and Orange peer for 2 hours. Total laii out, 47. Thirty-suveii of the g.isoliue lamps we also reported out.ei wmeii lour wero In t First ward, two in the Second, two In t Thlrd.flve in the Fe.utu, ten lu the Fift flve lu tbe Soventh nud nine in the Eigl in explanation it is nnui that during t storm ou Thursday night soveral of t lampa wero blown from the lamp pesta ail a large number of ethers had the glas.J blown out of them, and the ngenta had nl time te repair them, The wiud waa hi;l last night, also, nnd the broken lanil could net be kept burning. Senior Cluaa .llnnquet, The aeuler elass of F. & M. collego hoi tuetr annual banquet last evening Mlller's restaurant at whleh nil the mcil hers of the elass wero piesent. This chr if all the mombera dining its ceurse hJ remained, would uew number tinny med but owing te uufortunate clrcumstaucl only silicon, thn present number, BatdevJ te tbe banquet. 1 be class waa eutertnluj between the hours of 0 nnd 12 at n tail with the choleest delicacies of the scasil nnd nflnr thn ninth rnmnvml tJ following toasts were responded te, Intel sporced witb various college songs bv til gloe clubs. " Address of Wolcemo" Edl Twltmyer, Zlen, P. ; "The Glasa of 'fill Jidw. Bassaraan, Head Ing, Pa. : "Cellei Student" II. P. Wanner, Headlng, Pal "Our Faeulty" 0. P. Stiokle, Siatlngteil Pa. ; '' Colloge Homlulsceuaea" F. II Meyer, Froeburg, Pa,: "Our Ahse Classmates" D. F. Aucena, Headlng, Pa "Colloge Heys" t,dw. cangrce, Aiera drla, Pa.; "The Ladlee" F. 0. Goe. Uagorstewu, Pa. After a few inform toasts had hcen responded te and tl coneluding fceng had becu sung, the cla dispersed unanimous iu tlie opinlen-thr It waa ene of the most pleasant occasion! in thelr cellege life. Anether Ueld Miilit The " Arotie wave" Iiiih net yet left up. At no time Friday did the mercury rlne abeve le dogrcea, and from 3 o'cleok p, in. it began te fall. By 0 o'cleok It had fallen te 10. hy 0 o'cleok te 8. and by midnight te 0 dogrees abeve zere, remaining at thai lleure unt II 7 o'clock tuts morning, wnt it began te rlse nud at neon marked il By 3 n, m, thottemperaturo had risen nl most te tne tuuwing point. The abeve are the figures marked hj thormemotor. We bear of a few' that marked as low as zero at dajj this morning. The l'enliry Aaaoclallen. A reculat monthly meeting of tl caster County Poultry association held en Monday next, Aiaren uui a. m. at the oflleo of Jacob! Hheada' building, West King stl important mattera nre te ue cons isdailz-ed that thore be a full atl v 1 1