J.V t LANCASTER DAILY INTGJjLlGENOKU, FBI DAY, FICRKUAR'Y 29, 1884. u I e. X ft: -v. r . V , . y limtMtcx IntcUCccurer FRIDAY HVBNINO, FED, 20, 1004. B WHAT TIIK HMUW 1IIKIM 8AIO. . " Cheep 1 ciioep I" nalJ seme little snow blnU Astnosaew caiiie whirling ilewn j ' Weiiavn'tancst, Or a place te rest, Bftte thl link troe bending down." Choep I cheep I" natil llttle Wee Wing, TIM smallest bint cf nil " 1 hive nover a care Intht wlntornlr wlnternlr wlntornlr Ged care I or great and small." " I'tfef-1 poet I" sild rulliur Uraybreast t " You'ren thotightleis bird, my dear 1 We Ml must eat, And warm enr feet When tnew anil loe are liore." " Ohwp I oheep " Mid llttle Wee Wing ; Yeu are wlse nnd Reed, 1 knew j llutthlakolthefun Fer oaehl Ittle ene When we have lce and snow t ' New I can oe, lrem my poreti en tlie trae, Thomerrloil morrlest sight - Heys skating along On the ice se strong) Clioep I choep I Uew inerry nnd bright I" " And I sce,' said llrownle Snowbird, " A sight that is prottler tiir j Flve dear llttle girls With clustering eurls, And eyes as bright as a star." " And I," said his brether Urlghteyes, 'See a man of lce and snow ; lle wears n quoer hat, Ills large noe Is tint ; Toe boys mnde him, I knew." t soe some sleds," said Motlier lliewn, " All tilled with girls and boys ; They laugh and slug, Thelr volcei iln, And 1 like the oheorlul neUe." Theu the snow-birds all said, " Choep I" and " Chce I" 11 Hurrah ler lce nnd snow 1 Fer the girls and boys Who drop us crumbs As away te thelr sport they go, "Hurrah for the winter c!car and cold I When the dainty Hnowflakes fall, We will sit and sine On our eakeu swln?, Ker the dear Ge J cares for all." -Our I.itlU Onei. UAKMAItlSM AND mxuitv. Baxon Londen Centrmveit With IU tteman Teileceier. The Antiquarian. Baxeu Londen was dilTercut from its Reman predecessor. When we exatnlae tbodireetlon of the Reman remains, rays Mr. Leftio, the facing, for example, of a villa, as shown by its pavoment, we de net find it te coincide with the direction of the modern streets. The barbarian did net in truth enre of the pelished luxury of the then civilization ; he built his pigsty or Uia cattle pen whero the palatial reel, donea of the conquered Reman waB, and he resided himself in his wattle and daub or his timber dwelling The map of Saxen Londen is or should be the map, modified hore nnd tbere by topographical obstruc tions, of a town community. The forum Rave way te the foldmeot, meeting in the upon air at the spot long known by its name, near St. Paul's Ctess. Ne grand reefs wero required by frce Saxons. The markets the tradesmen cougregating in their spcei.il localities the gates and streets, with their new namrs, all betoken n different life te that of the selemn beart beart ed Reman. lluy Day's Herso nnd Cattle Pender. Each pnctiigu contains Information valuable te the armor and Bleck raiser. Day's veterluary preparations are the best In ue. Keep a pack, age ut your stables and barn yards, i'rlce twonty-ltve cents per packagoel ene pound, t nil weight. Or I us. Pleasant, healthy grins are scen only en the la.'cset healthy persons, lhu dyspeptic nud debllttuted can suillu only In a halt-henrled wav. l'urlly the bleed, tene the stomach, and strengthen the tissues with Jlunteck Meed Jttttert, It j ou wish te laugh well and etten. Fer pale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IX) North uureii street. j ""aj I'erlectlen. The Scarlet, Cardinal, Hed, Old ueld, Wavy lllue, Seal llrewn Diamond Dyes glve perfect rsultn. Any tuslileuabli) color, loe., at druggists. Wella, It I third son ,t Ce., liurllngten, Vt. AVIll It ICeallj (Jure ltheainatltiii 1 Wa answer, honor brlght.lt will euro rheu- inatlsm, and thn snveresi cases tee. Dr. Thern. ei' KcUctrie Oil was specially propaied ler the rheuinatlc and lame. Netice letters from the people relative te Us merits In nearly even' paper In the country. Ker sain by II. II. Coch ran druguUt, 137 and 133 North Queen street. Ue Ven Helluva It, That In this town thore are Bceres el persons passing our stere overy day whose Uvea are made mlseniblu by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and iRstrcased Hlemach, Liver coin- Flalnt, Constipation, when ler 7Sc. wu will sell hem Hhllnh's Vltaltrer, guaninteetl te euro thorn. Held by II. II. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 13U North queen street, reb7-oed2 lieury' (laroelio nnlvr. The best Salve In the world for cuts.brulses sores, ulcers, salt rheum, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The sulve Is guaranteed te glve perlect witlsfactlen 111 overy case or money refunded. He sure you get Hkniiv'b Cxnneuu Salvh, as all ethers are but Imitations and counterfeits. Pilcu 2ft cents, bold In Luncaster ut Cochran's Drug nIiiie. 137 North Uiiiuiii street. uu-.Nu4 KKHUUKI) riiem UKATIl ThotellowliigBtAtemontof William J. Cough In, et Somervllle, Mass., is se remarkable that we beg teusk for It the attention et our read ors. He says : "In thu fall el 1ST0 1 was taken with u violent bleeding el the lungs, folio wet I by a severe cough. 1 seen begun te lese my appetite und flesh. I was re weak ut one time that 1 could net leave my bed. In the sum iner el 1877 1 wasadmUted te thu City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a Xple In my left lung as big us a half-dollar. Impend. ed ever a hundred dollars in docteis mid mod med mod Iclnes. lwuase tar genuat ene time a report went nreund that I was dead. I gave up hope but a Irtend told ine el 1)11. WM. HALL'S BALSAM KOltTHK LUNI18. I luughe at my frlends, thinking my ca.su inciimble, but 1 get a brttle te satisfy them, when te my sur prise et d gratification, 1 cemmenced te feel better My hope, onee dead, began te revive, und te. lay I feel lu hotter spirits than I Imve thope.it three j ears. "I wrltethls hoping you will publish It, se that every ene mulcted with Dlfeased Limrs will be Induced te take Hit. WM. HALL'S BALSAM KOllTHKLCNUS.nnilbocenvlncod that CONSUMPTION CAN IllC CUItKD. I have taken two bottle and can positively sny tht It has ilone me mera geed than till the ethor medicines I have taken since iny sick ncsg. My cough lias almost entirely dlsap pcarcd and 1 shall seen be able te go te work.' cold bv II. II. Cochrun, 1I7 North Oueenstreut new te senure llenltli. t Beems strauge that nnv ene will suller lrem the many dorangemontfl brought en by an Impure condition ei the bleed, when SCO VILL'SSAHSAI'AUILLAANDBTILLINUIA, or BLOOD AND LIVKIt 8YKUI' will rcatore perleet health te the pliyslralorgiuilzutieu. It Is Indued u strengthening syrup, pleitsanl te take, ind has proven itselt te be the best BLOOD I'UIHFIEH ever discovered, ollevt ellevt uiilly curing Scrofula, Syphlltle disorders, Weakness et the Kidneys, Kiyslpeles, Mala ria ; all nervous disorders and debility, lill. leus complaints und ult diseases Indicating uu Impure condition el the Bleed, Ltver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, eta It corrects inill gestlen. A single bettle will preve te you Us merits as n health ronnwer, ler it ACTS UK B ACHAIIM, especially when the complaint Is et an oxhuustlve nnturn, liavtni; n tondeucy te lessen thu naturul vigor el the brain nnd nor veus system. urtKll'H PAIN l'ANAOKA cumi a pain In tuau and beast, for use externally and Inter nal) y. BKDHOUSK I'OWDKUS cure all illsousea fltorse, cattle, slieep, hogs, poultry ami nil Livestock. APOSITIVKOUKK, maySl-a Forsale at II. B. Cechrau'a drug store 137 NertU Quoeu stroet. JHffiiKMS ItllWN'S IHON HlTTKltM. The Peculiar It wns ene el the peculiarities el the old rngblened doctors that they never would tell pa pa tlenU what they woreprescrlblng ler them. They said It would de the patients no geed te knew, nnd that It would only be gratifying a loellsh curiosity. In order te keep patients lrem knowing, they would wrlle the prescription In deg Latin, te that ineit patients could net rend them. All that sort el thing tj new ever. The patient wants te knew what he take. IleU weak, and wants te be strong, or he Is dyspeptic, mid wants te digest well. Or he has a troublesome liver which lus wnntfl te put te rlghls. Se he takes llrewn's Iren Hitters alniut which tbcre Is ue mystery nt nil. This U the beat preparation el Iren in the world, In combi nation with gentle yetcfllclcnt tonics. It gives slienglh. It builds uponteebled systems. It enriches Impoverished bleed. It removes leiululne wonknessos. It casts out debility. It It what you want nnd your druggist lias II. linmn's itouseheii t'ttnncciv Is the most ortecttvo l'nln Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied extol extel nally, and thereby mom certainly UKL1EVE l'AIN, whether chronic or acate, than any ether pain alluvtater, and II Is warranted dou deu dou bie the strength than any ether similar prepa ration. It enres pain In the Side, Hack or Itewels, Sere Threat, UheuinatUm, Toothache, and ALL ACI1KS, nnd Is Tlir Great Uoltever el I'alii. " HHOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA" should be In every family. A tcasoeutul et the Panacea In a tumbler el het wuter sweet nod, it preferred, taken nt ledtluu, win UUK.Yli UP A COLD. 25 cenu a betllu. mnvNT.Th.KAw Fer nttcen years 1 was annoyed with sovero pain In tny head nnd discharges Inte my threat lrem Catarrh. My sense et sinell was much impaired, llv the use el Ely's Cream l!altn I have overcome these troubles. J. 11. Case, St. Denis Hetel, New Yerk Fer several years 1 have been troubled with Catarrh Ely's I team Halm ha proved te be the article desired. I bellove It Is the only cure. L. II. Ceburn, Hardware Merchant, Tewanda, Pa. Ill-2wdcedAw Fer Lnmu Hauk, aide or cnest, use slll LOH'3 POKOUd PLA8TEU. Price, VJ cent Sold by II. U.Cechran, 1.17 and IX) North Cueeu treet, Lunouter. 'eblteedu J'UHTIVAL. pOlt COUNTY UOMMlSSlONKlt. JOHN D. HAHUAK.el Christiana, Sadsbuty township. Mf bnblect te the decision et thn Demo cratic county convention. fS-dAw nnett ueuriTV coitni3ste.Mc, OEO. S. UOONK.ef Salisbury township. J9-Suljrct te the decision of the Democratic county convention. tebtg-d.tw TC.Ilt CUUNTV UOM.IIlSSlONKH. 1!LI HATTON, of Upper Leacock township. 3uhject te tse itecljlen el the Demo Deme Demo crntle convention. lmd.tw COU COUXV COS13USSIOMKI4. I10UDLKYS. PATTKUSON, Ol Little Hrl taln township, j 4SSubiect le the decision et the Democratic county convention, 115-ttdAw SlKlHVAu. j KNslN'S HKIN UbltK. fVem Frank Letlle't Uluttnueit !feu tpaper ) A LADY SAID. "These Horrid l'linplest Ne, 1 Cannet (le. l'lease l'rrseut My KxcaetM." Probably t e-thlnls el tt.e ladles In society nnd homed et our land are a 111 I c ted wtlh skin diseases et various klmU, te de away with which, II It could be done without Inlury, would be the happiest event el their lives. Then sl:e would have Instead et a disfigured and marred countenance, ene that euld lm handsome, or nt least geed looking, ler any ene with u clear, pure skin, no uult-rwh.it the cut el ber features are, has n certain amount of geed loons which attract every tedy. As It Is new, she Imagines every ene sees and talks about " these irocklei,' "these horrid pimples," and ether blemlsnes with which sbe Is urHlcted, but this Is true et either sex. Te Impreve this nppeurnnce great ttsksure taken ; iirsentc, mercury, or high-sound titled nanied articles containing these dentu dealing drugs, are taken In hopes et getting rid et all tin se troubles. In many cases death Is thu result. Noullevlallen el the burning, I beating, itching and Inflammation Is given. All troubled with Kczeinu (salt rheum) Tetters, llnuiers, Inflammation, Heugh Scaly Eruptions et any kind, Diseases et the Hair and Scalp, Scrofula, Ulceis, Pimples or Ten der Itchlngs en any part et the body should knew that thore Is hepu ler them lu a sine, perlect nnd elegant remedy, known as "Dr. 0. W. llensen's Skin Cure." It makes the shin while, setl nnd smooth ; removes tan und trecklcH, and Is the BEST toilet dressing IS THE WOULD. It Is elegantly put up, TWO bottles In ene package, consisting et both In ternal and external treatment. Our readers should be sure te get this and net seme old remedy resuscitated en the biiccc-s of Dr. llen llen eon's nnd uew advertised as "The Urnat Skin Cure." There Is only one-It biars the doctor's picture nnd Is ler sale by all druggUts, 11 per package. A H-usittleii HAS OVTUN 1IKEN MADil by the discovery el semu new thing, but neth lug has ever steed the test llku Dr. C. W. Hen eon's Celery and Chamomile Puts. They really de cure Sick Heudache, Nervous Headuche, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleepless, ness, Indigestion, Paralysis und Melancholy. Price, SO cents per box, two ler II, six ler tlftO by mall, poritage tree. Dr. C. W. Bensen, Baltimore, Md. Sold by.ull druggists C. N. ClUTTBMTOtf, New Yerk, Is Wholesn i Agent ter Dr. C. W. Bensen's Hemcdles. 1'jS-lmdM.WAbd.w I.1KW AltK AWAUK OY TIIK IMl'OIIT- V aiiceet etiiehlug n Cough or common cold In Its llrst stage. That which In the be ginning would yield te n mini lemedy, it neglected, seen preys upon thu lungs. LOCllEU'd UENOWNED COUGH S Y R U P atlerds Instant relief. l'rlcc, 'Jee. nml 50c. a lieltle. Te be hud only at iOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO.0EABTKING8T. yI.K'H OI4KA.1l 11AL.H. CATARIUI, HAY-FEVEK. ELY'S CREAM BALM ;euum CATAItltll, COLD IN HEAD. KOSIC-'-OLD, HAY-KKVEIt, DKAfNKdS, AND HEADACHE. Causes no 1'uln or Dread. Gives Itellet ut Once. Net illiquid or Hiiull. Applied with the tlugur. Thorough ticutiiieut will euro. EASY TO USE. Pi lce M cents, by mail or at druggUts. BhTi BROTHERS, )2VcedAw DrugL'let.'i, Owoe, N. Y. TTAIlt 1SALUAJM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A beneflclil ilresHlng preferred te slmlhu ut'tlcles because or Its purity nud rich tier tier luine. ItUESTOUES TO GHAYHAIK THE leUTHKUL COLOU und prevents iMmlniii uud lulling el the hair, doanudtl.ue. IIIHCOXACON, Y. FLORESTON. Excels the flnest flower In richness. Dell cate, very lasting. Ne odor like It. lle sure you get KLOUKBTON Cologne, signature et lllxcez A Ce., N. Y ou every lul l. i.1 uud 7u cents, at druggists nnd dealers lu perfume, COLOGNE, tUHywoewAdTu Old Mystery. mm ti.ti.K. i;illt KAI.K, A HKUONIMIAND KNOIMK. Apply at thli etllce. fri-tfd iruiu JL1 The third fleer of Ne. 0 East King street, suitable ter any kind el buMmwt. Inquire hi 115-ttd NOS. CAS NOIITH OUEE.N ST. Tlllt lll'.NV , iikiuk wakkiiiui.m: ON x1 Mini n i Htreet. between Seuth Uueen anil l'rlnci' stii.eis. rear et Uee. m. steinman ,x Co'ssteiv. Apply at thli etllce. ili.tfd 1'uit ni-.Nr. a nitiuit ivi;t.i.i.M 1 lleiue with store nltaC.ed, situated cor cer cor nerSeulh IMikeund Chinch streets, oppeilto tchiHls. Apply te -.T-3t PIIIMl" I.EH.EI.TEH. C" 10lirF.I tltlUSK FOlt ItKMT, rmi j sirable Hetel, doing a nrst-clasi business, nnd lecatitl within lilf a square from the cen tre et theclt) Is rer rent. Apply te WM.J.COOPKU, Jll tld 4IS West King bt., l-nncwter. 1?OH .S,t.K. 1 Onn or Jehn Hct A Sen's Helt Heater IMmin with leiintiT blmtt complete, eplile et suppllng a i.Vhoine power boiler, lnquliu nt .IOSKl'11 II. HUllKlt'a Machine Shep, North Christian St. fobi'Wteod I.'llK SAI.K. UK K,8T TKItalS. 1 have some houses en New and Duke streets which 1 will ?ell en easier terms thau ever berore etluied te the public. Call en I. V. MAVKtt, lan9-imd SU North (J neon strwut. Ul.UI It I.1U, l'y 1KH KAU, ,fC. F?eii C110ICK FURNISHING GOODS, KOH KATIIKlt. MOTHEH. I1HOTHEH9. S19 TE11S, COUSINS AND AUNTS. (10 TO ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KING STIIEKT, Komember the number and street. OII.M.INll J2 HAL'SJIAM. SPIUNU AND 'sUJIjIEK, 1SS1. We have new In stock n lull line et nil the leading styles et hulilmrs. Spring overcoat evercoat overceat ings and Irouserlngi which we cordially In vieo you te Inspect. Although It seems tather eaily ter Sp Ing purchases, the buyer has the advantage of n larger uud mere varied assort ment te select lrem than he will have later In the season. Onr goods are el the choicest pro ductions et Foreign nnd American mauutac turu and have been selected with great euro As heretofore, e will glve the strictest attun tlnri te the Ut, Style, and Workmanship el our garments. OUK SAMl'LE UAKMENTS Illustrating the st le and workmanship of our productions, Hill been exhibition lu alew days. Smalmg' & Bausuian, MNE TAILOUS, iC. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( 2d Klem.) LANCASTEU. PA. luaytMVdTu.Tli&g HUAV '1 UAM IVOltll UONTEST. LOOK! LOOK! GRAND WORD CONTEST rLBABAMT AND INSTnCOTlVE rABTIUC ICOTIVE TASTIUC Costly Premiums Magnificent and WILL BE GIVEN. Werth MilhKield Watcl .JtlGO 00 Magnificent Tea Set, embracing winters, 2i men niunmerea nun en graved, 0 pieces linuiineied and en graved, with geld-lined slop und cmim. quadruple plate 100 10 Tilting leu WaterSet, hand chasoder 3d. eiiiueu eatin, wuu goiii-iinee step nndcun, 23 te itli. Tilt lug Ice Water Set, engraved, with uehl-llncil. mevablu slee and cup.. ?.! 00 5th. Toilet Stund, Mnu decorated bottle and ponder box, with satln-llned jewel ilrawer 21 00 cth. Krult Stand, rich decorated glass, eltner blue or amber 17 (X) "Hi. 1 ete-a Tete Set, 3 plecen rel and am ber glass, hand engraved i 50 Hth. Hell (Jasler, chitied bell handles. The Lell can reaillly be detached trein thu handlii 10 50 Olh. lce Pitcher, i 'its. chased, double walled 10 (X) liHh, take Stand, cliuscd and geld-lined. 7 UJ 11th. Ki ult Siand, rock crystal glass, beautifully cut 7 de The luanutaetureisef the celebrated Day's Soup will give en the lstet May, lsdl, the above costly and beiiutllul premiums te the persons making out the liugest list el words lrem the words DAY'S CELEBRATED SOAP. THE CONDITIONS AUE: Ut All lists must be accompanied by n 2 ceutstiunp ler rulurn postage, and the written statement that you have and are new using the Duy's f eap In your family, and the niime and audi ess et the grocer Mem whom you buy It. 2.1. Weuls must be wiltten nlalnl v and num bered. 8.1. Ne words counted in which letters are used net found lu Day's Celebrated Seap. 4th. All lists must bu In by thu llrst or May, us thu premiums will be xlven en that day. 5th. 'Ihe premiums will be given In rotation according te largest list et worm. (te. Wtlte your name audnddress plainly en INt, and ler further Information and Instruc tions en clone 2 cent stump. Thli eiler Is made te Induce you te tr and use the pineal and best Snap made, lly Its usu you have ue boiling, no scalding, no heut, no sle.ttn, and your washing deuu In one-halt the usual time. Day's Heap must be used asdlrected. Direc tions vi 111 be found en each wrapper. The Day's Seap can be had et leading wholesale and retail grocers throughout the United States. Elegant embossed cauls given with Duy's Soup. MANCVAOTununnv DAY & FRIOK, 1731, I'M, 17 .8, 174-0 and 1702 Heward Street, and 17M.17M, 1737, KW and ltei Waterloo btreet, Philadelphia, Ph. 4-Kur sale by MILLElt A HAUT.MAN. Lancaster, Pa. J2J-13ldWA13tw GttAV'H hi'KOirie eihiiiuims. tub Greut English Uomedy. An unfailing euro ter lmpo'euoy, and all Diseased that fellow le-ui el Memery. Universal Less! tilde. Pain In the Muck, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, nnd many ethur diseases that lend te Insanity or Con sumption und a Prematura Grave, full par. tluulars In our pamplet, which we desire te send Ireeby in all te every ene. The Specific Medicine li sold by all druggists at fl per pack pack age, or six puckngea ter $5, or will be sent tree by mall en the lecelpt et the money, by nil. drowsing the agent, fl. 11. COCIIUAN, Druggist, Nes. 137 and Ki North quoeu streut, Lancas ter, Pa. On account et counterfeits, no have adopt ed the Yellow Wrnpiwr I tlioenly genuine. THE UUAY MEDIC1NECO.. iinrl'J-lvd.Vw ilullale, H V UUTIUNEEU ANII L AGENT. ItKAI. KHTATK HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEER AND HEAL ESTATE AGENT, 01 North Duke St., Lanoaster, Pa. Everything pertaining te my bnslnubs will rccelvemy peisanalattoiillen. Terms reason, itble, Ulve ifie u call. jiiul'Mfd H IVtiMt co.'s dl'MMI 81 V l.f.M. SPRING- STYLES! ln eun- MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We are opening daily new things in our Merchant Tailoring Department We guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Wc solicit an examination of our Goods and l'riccs. JOiUST NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. OIVLKH, t x -- -rv " C1KC1AI PilTlUK. BOWERS & Nes. 28 nnd 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET DRY GOODS ! - " KEllltUAUY I, vi. in order te reduce our stock nud te double our sales el February ltfiO, we shall etrer many goods at and below ceU. We shall make many reductions In our Dress Uoeds Department. I.adlei Ot All Weel Cleth Suitings reduced lrem fl.ai te Me. I. miles J. All Weel Cleth Suitings reeuced te BSc. Ladles' Diess lltuxls reduced lrem 5c te ;i7Hc. I.Mlles' llrvss Uoeds reduced lrem 31Xe U'"0 l.adle.V Dress Umxls reducetl from IJe and UH1'. te 10c. Itepps or Wrapper (loeds ri)uced lrem ISe te lic. I'ere lies and Chintz's reduced 12Xc te inc. Cullcei's rixlueetl Irtmi Se te Ce. Catlcoe re luced lrem Re te .Vj. Calicoes reduced Imm Jc te 4e. In Slieetlngand bhlrtlug Miiillns we are etlerlng extremely low prices, alt bought slncotheroeeut decllne lu Cotten Heeds. Ladles' unit Children's Merine Underwear and Hoslery, all reduced te cost and under. We show an Immense stock et llambtirgs and Laces, all at extremely Lew Prices. It will pay you te glve us a call, as wa are determined te Increase our sales this month and te reduce our very large stock. BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN nut umwn. M KTZOKUA: llAUUtl.-nnr). WKIIIAVE JUST IIOI'UIIT THE EN'llIlE SlOCli Of UOODyt'ALll Y COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OK A L AKOK WHOLESALE HOl'SE DE- CLIN1NU IIUSINES, AND AltE NOW BELLINu AT $ 1 .40 Goods tnat wero sold at IJ.ue te 12.50. We have en hand, also, WHITE AND COLOBEDJ B 1 an kets, HOUGH I' AT AUCTION SALES, fKOM 75c. up te $10.00: We are nelllnir litem oil cheap; th'-v h ve Imn sncrlHced this season at less than lnanti facturer's cost. & Cheap Stere, Ne. I WEST KINO STKEET, Itotween the CoeiMjr Heuse and aorrel Herso Hetel. LANCASTEU PA Cl'KulAL,. e SPECIAL. SI SI SI L L L KS KS KS Hager & Brether Invite special ntloutlen te their 81 LK STOCK, widen will be found oipecully tnteres'lng, as the prices ure oxteedtngly low. Black Gres Grain Silks OK 'JHE IIEST AMEItlCAN AND LY'ONS MAKES. Oaohemiro Zamora, Oaobemiro Arabia, Rhadzlmler and Rbadama, RLACK SILKS of Superior Quality. NEW CHECK BUMMEll SILKS, lrem 50e. upward, TOUQU018 8TUIPED 'slLKS at very Lew Prices. CHOICE LOU3AINE SILKS, Colored Dress Silks, We me receiving ilally new French, English und Amerlcan Dress Goe Is. OirWe Invite examination. & 26 WEST KING STREET , LANCASTEU, PA. OPKUIAL. Ol'lfLlAL. Eiroiisauineeoili!. Cambrle Edgings nnd IneerttngB, Nnlnzoek Edgings and Insertion, Swiss Edgings und Insertlngs, and New fleunclngs. In sets of various widths te mat ch. a complete ltuuel Medium und Kine Ouulllles, KreiichNuluzoeksauil Mulls, India Lawns, India Checks, Nalnroek Cheeks. MullPlulds, Pluue Welts, llurley, Lensdale and Helly Tree Cambrics, Leng Cleth uud Percales, iVe have nowepen full lines of the above IA&ER& BROTHER, i!5 W. King St. i Liiiicftster, l'a. ericuiAi. muutiKMiiNTH ei'rr.iihi) te O WerklnginunntllEOHTOLD'S, Knewing Hint thu last two months has been vnrysuvire ou reople who are my best customers. I have reduced my prices te meet ihulr demands, und respectfully Invite nil te call and examine my stock bolore buying; Trudu Dollars taken at par. I1KNUY llECHTOLD, Ne. Bi North Ouueu Street. P. 8.-110U8C3 and building lets ter sale en easy tonus. U-Iyil HAGER BROTHER nut mntim, . S. G-rVLEE STREET. TIXWAKK, JtV, SUMACS. JOHN V. FURNACES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call and ee the New Unproved WllOUOHT 1UON COLD CASEi Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest and Hest Market. rUUNACE In the MANCKACTL'RED EXCLLSIVELY IIY Jehn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, fb."7-lvd ".ANCAHTKU. PA. (lAlll'KTa 1 I'.tTAIil.lSIIKU IHS0. r ARPETS -AT Philip Selium, Sen & Co'slge FIVE crates 150 SOUTH WATER STItEBT, LANCASTEU, PA. Wehave a full supply nt RAO AND KILL ING CAItl'ETM. u only use thu best of yarns. It you want n geed, serviceable Carpet, plensu come and examine our stock beleru purchasing elsewhere, as vu will sell as cueap as the cheapest. Come and sce ioryeurself and be convinced, as wu always have thu reputa tion et making first-class Carpets. CUSTOM UAO CAKI'KTS A SPECIALTY COVhlll.ETS. COUNTKKPA.NE1, ULAN- KE1S, CAItPKT CHAIN, STOCK- ING YAltN.Ac. Dyelup lice. Dene in all Its branches ut short no- COAL! COAL! Of the best 'inality, expressly let family usu. THY A SAMPLETON. UEMEM1IEUTHE OLD STAND. nil LIP 8CHU3I, SON & CO'S, Ne. 150 SOUTH WATEK STKEET, 19 3ind L.VNCAHTKIt, PA. JWlLKltH, C7. T"" BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We munutactute and keep in stock the fol lowing goods : Portable Engines en Wheels und Sills. stationery Engines and Stationery Hellers. Portable Hellers. l'ortable Saw Mills. Lurguairl Small Under Keed Pumps ; pump and healers combined. Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, Chatting nnd Gearing. llotise Cellar Heaters. Cicamrrlca tilted up. Hleam Heating u Specialty. Iren and llress Castings. lien Tanks ter Water und Oil. Light und Heavy Sheet Iren Werk. Rteuin and Water Pipes. Valves and Killings. Hulld any Style or Power et Hellers. Katlmates given for machinery. Hepulrs promptly and carefully attended te Jehn Best & Sen, (PHOPIUETOI13.) Ne. 333 Eiist Fulton St., LANCASTEU, PA janis-lyd -puuu, WIlll'C Si tO --BANKERS," 45 WALL STREET, New Yerk. llrelceis and Dealers In Hallway and all ethor Securities, 11AILWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty, lu the selection and estlmate of wlueli their long connection with " Poeh'h Manual or IUiliieads " gives them special nil. vnntages. Correspondence; luvllcd nnd In quiries answered. Deposit accounts received und Interest allowed, dllKJmeed I?UK.V'S OlIAKUOAI, I.OXKNOES. ; Ker Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileatlbuni, Headache. Had Urenth from smoking, etc., Constipation, Heur Stomach and nil disorders et the stomach und Digestive Organs. Doing a purely voitetublo, sale, simple and cheap remedy. It readily commeuils ItBClt te the public Jsutlerlng from the ubove disorders. Try It, Prtce 25c. per llex, sunt anywhere by mull, Prepured and sold by ANDIlKWG.KUEY, DUUaUIST. SUE. OnuiHO St., Cor. Christian, pr27'lyd&w- taaewwr, i'u, &c CO., LANCASTER, PA. OKO. P. UATIIVON. HURST, LANCASTER, V&. DRY GOODS ! LANCASTER, PA. ItllY UUOIKI. J."' ntAuTIN A CO. J.B. & j OPEN TO-DAY, DIRECT I MP Oil TA 77 0 XS 0 F Burgess & Goddard's WHITE GRANITE WA! -1N- Tea. Toilet mid Dinner h'cts. These goods ate the best White Goods In til market, are Kully Warranted and will glve satisfaction. Brown Melbourne, Brown Motber Hubbard, Brown Brighten, Blue Brighten, Brown yosemlto. Brown Phllean, Mess Hoeo, Wild Rose, And ether patterns erlntisl Tea and Dinner Sets. Kull Decorated Dinner ?ets. Ii5 pieces, nt $1.1.00. sole Agents ter HA VII.AND A CO.'s Celebrated trench China. Oi- All the ubove are strictly 1st ijuullty und wurrunted In uvery respect. Iminensu Stock et 2d euallty Tea and Din ner Wuru at less Ihun hall pi lce. J.B,Martin&Ce Cor. AVest King anil Priuce Sis., LANCASTEU, PA. MUHIVAL IXHTItUMJStlTS, ViriMJOX. A W1IITH Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SlKCUL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW IS THE TIME TO HUY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT SLAUGHTEHING l'UICES. One Geed Second-Hand Piane 5i.0c) One Elegant SeceiuMInud Organ 15.00 One Elegant Nuw Oiguu, 12-step Couplers and Sub-lias MOO Wilcox & While Organs lrem $75.00 te tlMMO "Knabe," MePball, Qrovenotoln & Fuller, Koyateuo, and Veae & Bena Pianos, All Marked Down te Bettem Prices, given uway. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroroems, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II. II. LUCKEN1IACII, Agent. febl7-tlil MAVIUNKltV. II AVINO D1SSOI.VKI1 1'AUTaKtleUIl' XX. nnd netmanentlv closed the Chestnut Street Iren Works, l ifoslie te Inform my old patrons and the public generally, that I am still In thu business, being located In the I'enu Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, whero 1 am making Iren und llress Castings oteveiy iluitrlptlen, and will be pleased te serve all who may laver me with their patron patron age. Krem 40 years oxperlonco in the business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, I am sutlitled 1 can guar antee entire satlaluctlen. Castings made from a mixture et It en nnd steel which are mero re liable rer Btrength und durahlllty than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings mudoet very soil Iren, und brass east. Ings et overy description. 1 have all the pat ters ti f the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern und Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. Alse en band, mills completely fitted upei In parts, te ropluce old ones which have beeu In use ler years, Kuaiuntoelug thum te glve lslactlen. auuU-0m! It. 0. McCULLEY. PUOrKSSUINlI, I'lANO inevmc. Pianos and Kurnllure moved ut short no tice, enlers by mall solicited. Over 1,00a pianos moved lu three years. AUG.'. UKINOEHL, rcW-U4 2,'o.3WN,0;ueo!iBt.,Laucastcr. MARTIN TJtArJtl.M'M UVtltf, ' IANOAMTimTlU) Alll.l.KitHVtl.i.K It i Cms run as fellows l.eave l.nnriistir(l', II, lleiuil),al 7, an. 1::k) a in ,nnd!l, 4, (land S:30ti, in., exeiqd en Saturday, when thn limlinr leavt h at li..le p. in l.eave MlllersvlIlM (lower end), ntft, s. ana 10 a in., nud 1, .1. A and 7 p. In , , Cars run dally en nbuve iime oxcepl en Sunday, (lOMlMlllA I'OHT DtM'OHIT ttilt. J UOADT1MK TAIII.K, l'riilnii new run teguUrlv en thn Celnmbln i l'ert Deposit Unllrend en tliu lollewlnir tltue i ' neimiWAiii). HTATlONH. "T M0IITHW4MU I'. M. A.M. r.M. (1:20 0.42 7mi 70S w.x ..V.OI11IIII1HI. ... I0.NI I0.S7 llllft ..Washlimteu... ..... .... CnwdwiOl ... ...Hate llartier.. .Shenk's Kerry, l'etiuen .,erk Kurnaee., MTiicqunu.,.., SleCnll's Kerry ...Kite's Kildy ., .KlihlngCteek, .Peach llotteiu. ., Cone-vlugo . Oclernia ... ...Pert Leiiiwlt ... Perryvllle... lll' 7.W V.U 7ll7 7:23 7.37 7:11 11:21 11:27 U:.12 U:at 11:R2 ll'-W IMA 7M 7:10 7:27 7:37 7:N 7:SP 7rt8 7:17 7:1ft S:W 12 20 r.M :I3 b:2ft lw 12 40 12:M 8,-dOl 8:'i) C1UKNWAI.I. I.MIA.NON .V IHM.KIlmiMK J VAL1.KV UA1LUOAD T1.MK-TA1II.K. HOCTIIWAHO. Trains leave l.ebaiien dally (except Sun duy) nt 11.30 a, in., 12.2.1 and 7:2.1 p. in. Arilve nt Cornwall at (J le a. in . 11:37 p m nnd 7:10 t, m.t at Conewnge at 7 22 n. m., 1.2.1 and 8.20 p. in . connecting with the I'ennsyU vanla railroad for tielnts Ka.it and West. MORTIIWAIin. Trains leave Conewngout 7:30 a. in., 3::Mand 8:23 p. in. Arrive ut Cornwall nt 8 15 n. in., IIS and ed3 p. tn.j ut I.eluiunu at 8.:M a, in., I W nnd )M p. in., reiiuectlug at l.ebannn with I'lilladelphla A lUadlng railroad for point Kail mid West, and the Lebanon A Tieinent branch ler Jehns town, l'lnrgrevu and Tiemenl. The n.:m n. in. train will step only at Cern. wall, Colehreok and llellalre. U,A IJINtiaUOLCMIIlA H.H,. AUKANUKUKNTOr l'ABSKNOK MONDAY, OCTeilKU Wra, IHI . NOIITHWAIID. IRAVB. 1A.M. A.M. r.M, I M.-20 ftl.V) , 8.0.1 :.TI , 8.W ft III , 7HS 5:17 , 7:40 R:lt , 7:Sfl ft.08 , 7:34 1:U1 , 7:" ft (10 7:2:1 4.M , 7:10 4:41 7.tl 4:.n (I:ft7 4:;) (1:11 4:11 n-si 4e(i : J.M I .... 3:11 r. m r. u a. .... 1W 1:0 .... 3. in UilO I de 3 se v:x ... s a ... .... tM .... 1:1" 3.1' .... 3:. t.U! .... j Uuarryvllle , Lancaster, King tit, Lancaster Chlckles............ Marietta Junction Columbia. u-: 7:30 7:40 7:'J0 7:5(1 7:30 Anaiv. lUACUng 9:46 aOUTHWAUD. LVATS. A.M. tteidlng 7:25 ASMY. M. 12.1Xi r.M. r.M. H.01 r.a Marietta Junction 9:15 Chlckles 9M 8:30 Columbia j.4i Lanc&ster. 'J:' Lancaster, King 8t Mi : 3-1.1 i.n 4 ; l d Uuarryvllle ion Trains connect at ltn:iilliiir wuu I .in. i utim . u.ju.4ti, jiiiua, I ,ii,.iv iiiu. III. I ihiiuim, lentewn nnd New lierk, a Hound ' .... ,1 t.lll. i I ..I ..I. la. Ilntlunllln II.IAl.liHta. VI. uoute. At Columbia with trains te and tttu iiMiover, Gettysburg, Krcderlck an.i i.t i. mere. A M. WII.HON s.i, DKMIMLVAM.l UAIl.KO.tll- m; JL nt IIKIIIJI.K UU and atler Sl'N'i . NOVE3IIIK.lt, IS, 1S3. trains en the I e- n.vl van 1. 1 Ibiilruul will airlve at and leavt the Lancislei and Philadelphia dopetsas iel'i w iLevi Ar .LanM'hi Kahtwahu. A.M. A.N Mall Express Philadelphia Expitws Test Line........ Harrlsburg Kip-'sa Yerk Acconimcxlaileo arrive. ... Lancaster Actemr IniJen arrives. Columbia Accoibiue-i den 1.01 2:27 S:b j.uj 8; U.tJ IIM r.M. rrrxlerlck Accomuiixlatlen arrlves. Leck Haven Express Sunday Mall Johnstown Express Day Express Harrlsburg Accommodation 12A3 2:2 'iaj 5df 6.A 3:15 r.M. 5 19 5-06 llnnever Accommodation west, cennectlr at Lancuster with Nliurara Kxprttss at U-f Unit 'JKP will run through le Hanover dally, excnp.S Sunday. ' Kttslerlck Acceu inodatlen, wust,c.uu-tln9 til Ijincnster with rust I. Ine, wudt, ai 1: .3, wlj "I run threuKh U l"rMlertek. 4 Il.e. lAr.f J'ldllLarr, WusTWi.cn. A.M. I:3i 4:30 News Express.., way rasseugcr Mall Train, Ne. 1, via. Ml. Jey Mall Train, Ne. 2,vlaCelumbla,leaves Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation leaves.... 7:40 Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leuviw.. HniTlsburg Accommodation Luncasuir Accommodation leaves Columbia AccoimreduOon HatTlsburg Express Western Express Pacific Express 11:10 v.ys. 2:14 4:1 5:40 9:in u-ai Harrlsburg Express, which leaves Lunrnst I nt7:IUp m., na direct connections (wlthei elangu or cam) 1 1 Columbia and Yerk. Kasl Line, west, en Sunday, when dagg. dagg. dagg. wUlstopatDewutuirtowii.coatosvlllu, Putlit bnrg, Mount Jey, hllzabolhtewuand Mldd town. Day Express, Kest Line, News Express, M Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacific t truss ran dallv. The tlmu horn given is Kaitern time, or tlii otthe7.Mh meridian, wlilce Is 1 minute urn seconds taster than that heretofore used. T OCA I, AIAII, AKHANOKMKM"!. HOUUSKOH CLOSING THE MAILS. ISr ItHllrnnd Nkw erk TilHOLdii mail t ' and 7:30 u, in., 12: p. in., 5:oe p. 111. and 2.03 111. Wav Mail, east, ":ZQ a, m Uou.ninutew.v, Leamuu Pluceund Gap, ('. p. m. PlIILAnilLI'llfATIIROt'rill mail. 5:C0 ant' 7:30 in., 8:11 a. in., 12:30. 5:00 and 2teu. m. PlTTSUURU AMD WUHT, tl.UOll. III., 1.20 ttllll 10 p. III. HARniRiiuneMAiL, ri:00iiud O.OOn m., 1:20, S. 7;15 and lu.4.1 p. in. WAV mail, west, :'() and 9-no a. in. IIaltimehb and Wasiiinotem, via Phlladi' phla,5:U)p. in. HALTlUOllUA.fO WiHIIlNOTON, VUYOlk, 1 p. 111. llALTIMOmt AMD WiHIIlNOTON. Via HurrlsbU! 10:15 p. in. lline in-Hane, Chrlsllunu, Purkesbur Coatesvlllentid Dewnlngtnwn at U:30p. m. COLUMUIA atO.OOa. IU. 1 30 uud 5.00 p, III. YOIIK AND YOIIK WAV, 1.30tlllll 10:15 p. ill. MlllTIIUUN CUNTKAL, U.OO ( til., l.'ij UUU 10. p. in. ItKAntNO, via Headine and CAluuuia It. 1 7:00 u. m. uud 12-'0 p. in. Uxadine. via Philadelphia. SiiOrind 11.00 n . Hkauiiki way, vlu Junction. Lltltz, Mai) helm, East Huiuptleld and Ephratu, 3:15 p. it Ouaiuiyvillk, Carmargn, Nuw PrnvldeiuJ West Willow, MurllnHVllle, Helten and Lle aiiey, una a, m. una e.uu p. m. Nuw Hellanu. Chiirchtewu. Greenbani lllue Hull, Goedvlllo, Heurtewn und Hjirli llrwit I. tp urntr.if I l.tnriil t, ttfliili i.t ILI. . a l V.... , ', UJ T.1.J ... .'...I. .....''..., ..V U..V I'll. uud 11:00 p in. Safk llAitneu, via Columbia, 8:50a. in, in" fi:le P. in, lly staRD-Sliickwuter und Sulu Hnrbe dally, at 4,oe p. m. Te MUlorsvllle, Sand 11:30 n. m., and 4 p. I lllnkluv's Hrldgu, Leacock, llaruvtlle, N'e Helland. 2.30 p. m. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, lluck. Cheslnn i.uvei. Green, I'etera' Jieek, I'leasunt Grev Heek Springs, Kulrmeiiutanil Hewlundsvlll Md dally, at 7:00 a. m. Lanuls' Vnlley, Oregon, Went Karl, Eart ersville, Neltsvflle, illiiklutewn, Toire IHI Jiartliulale, daily, nl 2.30 p. in. Greenland, fertility, Lampeter and Wheu land Mills te Slrasburg, dally at 4 p. in. New Danville, cnnostegn, Marlluvllle. Cel manvllle. Jleunt Nebo. Hawllusvllle. H- thesda nnd Liberty Siiuiuu, dally, at 2:30 p. n 1 uu miniiay uvuiuug, muns oust uuu wc. cles ut 10.00 p. m. 1VUEN Ol'KN rOK lIKl.tVKUV. Anivlnc by elull Kasteru mall, G.30 a, m lO.oe a. m., 3:00 nud U:30 p. 111. Easturn wuy mall, 10.00 a. in. Woslern mull, 0.30 and 10.00 u. iu2.00ar 7.00 p. tn. Heading, via, Heading anil Columbia, 2:. p.m. Western way mull, SO a in. Heading way mail. 10:30 a. 111. Uuarryvllle Hruncli, 8:15 u. 111. und4:0ep. t Artlvlug by Stage-Krem Sutu Harber an Sluckwuter, at 0.00 a, m ilally. Krem Mllicrsvllle, 7 und l) a. in and I p. m . Frem New Helland, ut 0:3Ou. in,, ilally. Krem ltolandsvllte, Md., at 4 00 p. m. Heading way mull, at 10:30 a. in , ilally, Krem Strusburg. at 0:30 a. m., dally, Krem Hawllnsvllle, at ll:C0ii. in. Frem Terre Hill, ut 10.(0 a. m, 1IELIVEHIKS IIY OAH1UKKM Thore ure three mall dellverlct by Letti Carriers each day. und en thelr return tiln they take up thu mull matter ilopesltud lu lit letter holes. A collection Is made lrem nil the boxes 01 Sunday utter 4.00 p.m. 1 Ker the first delivery the carriers leave tlr oinceuwaiu 11. m.; secnnu ueiivury ut tu. u. ill, iiuiii uuuvury ut J.uu p, iii, SUNDAY rOSTOtTIUK HllUltS. On Buniluv the nostefllco is onen from 1st te October 1st. lrem 8 te 0 11. 111., nnd Iren; te 7 1). in, t irein wctouer isi te ajuh jai, irui u te ion. in., uuuirem u iu , p. in, n i .I.) 1 . VLA P ,' apIh S OI'i ,re