W2s.imrtwwfa fvr'Wfip?gt? wm-dW. v-w-r. rSSfl. ( LANOASTEK UAsir.iV INTELLIGENCER, FB1DAY FEBRUAHY 29, 1884. if ""' ipar'p'TTwjr 'vnffffr v, BLUMBIA NEWS. Fit HHOOIjAU UUUUKHIMINIIKMJK (a i.neil Uilhrrnl up I" ' Walk Aruuud town ltnllru-.il fmw utiil Itvllil-iu Iiilclllitniicr. )live Hinneh ImUw Ne. 11177, (1. U. O (). )-' . will held 11 ninetlm te-lllflht. Tlie thnrninineler was nix degiees iibiive f.ote this morning, nlil!i'nMerilnv inoin inein i.. . i. . . . .... ....'V- ..,.i... Ti... i.,... Ug 11 WIIH ilUliVO KOVKHIK I'uuii. uu ii.i;i la cevrn-d Willi iieavuu: icu. Mr. Ilenrv Kllne niul family, rchiiliitu en it farm near town, wero nearly nult'oeiitcd last nlitht by tlie tf-eaiilitir gas Item n heater pipe, which had become disjointed. Thu wink el repairing tliu dumugu denu liy tlie Inte Heeds te tliu Heading and Columbia inilread coal wlnuvcs will be commenced In u Tew dajH If tlie weuther Is filvornble. Year by year tlie ifeu of lllg Island Ib diorensod in Mxe by the llneds, mid In a very few yciirn nothing will remain of Ibis ence large tinet of liml. Tim Heeds of tbU winter cut uwuy a great deal of ground. l'.T-eiinl mill .Inn ill Mrs. Win. U Uiven in entertaining Miss into, daughter of Kev. Allied Coekinnu, rhllailcIphU Tlie llev. Win. V. Kv.ii' last iivenlni united In marriage Mr. .1. A. Menk, mail agent ou thn leading A, Columbia railroad reute, tn MIkh Junnie Kamu, of West Ilomplleld t "Wiihlilp. these wee oneo lernied tee new iloiuuel Otun club rculize new that they made a mistake In ileinu' dire such an exorbitant lirloe for tlie elub room furnlliire nt tlie tlme the T. l ll. () club organized. Tlie furniture will new bave te be Held for a liiore trille. lttdigleus iimiit. The beveral iiiietlugs in tbe Mothedlat obureli nil) probably cud te night. I Tbe conference el tbe United Hrottiren Ichureh which is new in (suasion In Verlc wiih attended yesterday by a nuiulier of the members of tbe U. I), church or this pi It CO. Tlie sociable held last evening In the Hioeud htieut Lutheran church wan an cutire success. Tlie attonilance w.ih large and all tictincd te thoroughly enjoy the occasion. ColTee raid sandwiches woie tliu lcfreshmei.tM provided by tbe (numbers of tbe congiejtntiou for tlietnfelvcs nnd fneuilH. 1'lrO IllHllCI 4 EtfoitBare belng male te establish a reading room in the C-eliitnbia cnglnu Iio'Ine. Such a thing should iccelve en couragement ami imhlstnuce, Tbe Columbia llrcman, cull tbeir new LOhO tower n wbite ok pliant. They Kay it 1m of no iise In drying bow in winter, us It in te oeld. .lust $7"iU are thotifero waited en this Htructure. I'ublla KnUit.lniii-.iil-. TieVctH te tbe rliar.ty e mcert, that will be Le:d en Tuesday evening next, will be oFerolfor Hale ly the children tomor row. It I probable tint no inme dramatic cempanl-'s will be pi lyed by the 0. A.. It. jxist. Tbe Hoaeen was a geed oue for tbe , V3- le nlcbt tbe Columbia band will nre duce n Hatun'e Hpeoinieu u( tbe kind of uniform tbe baud Intends purchasing. Nw alieill tlie Dppit. At Inst a beard walk has been 1 tid from the Pennsylvania railroad te the bridge. It should bave b-en made ycais age. ;amuui xniiii, a r. it. it. brakeman of liifl piace, had liis left arm badly laoeratcd usteruay Dy tlie luuitier with wbieb a ear Ieh leadod becoming jammed against tbe in ami siueui tlie caren wliieti lie w.is kaudintr. Hie rcuilKilvanlA rallreid eeainanv Ii.ih lurehastd for thu cum of J.'iOD the iirnn. Irty at tbe canal basin, bt lenninir te the "fltate of Wm. Gorden, deceased. U will used for coal storage. A I Ine frl mi'. LLasl cveidug Michael Keblman, huh of Irnard Kiiblniau, of UecUlaud Htiect, ebasjubt llnihhfd ln nppn ntict'H'.iip ! (i prluter. uae a line but out te bin Irietida ut h'a fatber'a heuse. Tbe elty laud, of which IIiIh young man In a mom er, wre prcseut and furnished line tunic. den an Vrteinim' l'nlr The fair under I be iiUH)lcenef the Seus voieraus. win oneii in tlie lame room. tdrd Htery of pcstofllce building, te mer iw evening. The room Ih being band- fniely decorated for tbe occasion. ltrllcluiia. Iriie llev. J. V. Kckert will liieneli In tlie Inleit eliapel, Kpiiintn, next Sunday uieriiliiK luetl iCK. AlllllSOIIII'Ilt. ' ZMtth," Tin n moriitutacteiy Indications lat a larye and fuhleiml)le midluncu will bit liiltnn oiiera heiiae Satunluy uvenluif en loeccanton of lliouppcarmiuiet .Innuusi hek I nor new mid ureal piny et " Zillah." Hi. f'litly Aladauie.lmiiiiiicliek played n lenuthy ligiiuemunl In New erk mid Inter In I'hlla- I'lphla, and was received with lunch enlhii- lasin In this ilimiia. It li until te bueiceed- kltly Interesting, and Dhows thu rich resnurLu.1 : thu act 1 en. The Philadelphia eceriisiVH' ThuBlluatlnns ure line mid thecllum.xeawell rotiBhteut." Hip Van H'fiilfe.-Thls lameus play, which ave Imineitallly te In lllualrleiis author, nkliliiKtnu living, will be nredncul In Kul- n enuru Inuse en Tuesday evunlne next, by iihn Jl lllcney's Ideal Hip Van Wlnklocein iny. The title 10I0 will be tnken by the well- newn come itan, Urlanda W, make. Ilumip. lert Is sild le be uxeellunt mid tlie teonle i'lcclu attractive Hl'EOIAIi NOriVKH. I- Tr -1 r- i Why de you suiter nltli Hack Ache, I'uln lu no Cheat, KlicuuititMti), or nmuneis any. 'here whim a lien J'lailer will aaiuly tilve ieu relict I l)run'lits suit tlium, '1 e juts. IMlisej .Aetenliliment. . ' Cemnletelv lirestrated ler ilavs wltlilndl. ,'Pstlen nnd bilious lever. The eilucts of two liettles el Jlurtlitek llloeil Jiilttri iistenhlied let visiiue iiupreviiuiiiiit ilirlit eir." Jlr. veali Hates. Hmlra N Y Fee sain liv II. II. Cochran. (1iiiku1.iI. n: und la-j North Oueen ttreet. Wliut lliree Appllcntlnim Dlil. 'I was troubled very much with Hern feet. Thice armltcuHeni of Tinmitt' hclcctrin im eutlrely eiircd them Nethln botter lu tliu market." .Jacob llut'er. IteadltiLr. l'n. Knr .sale by II. II. Cnulir.iii,iIrumjHt, 117 und li) Nerm ijueeiiBUcet. l'nvsiciAU attust : " Colden's Llnuld llcut hi hmrtteularly metnl lu Diphtheria, Fever, and uvery ucpregMUK Ulsoase 12,-lwileedAw I'Ken.B are killed by ueuirlii that Hale's I Heney et Horehountt and Tar would 0111 c, Pike's Toethacho Drepi cure lu eun minute. tlS-lwilceiLtw flleiriersl ntutlicrsi Dlulliurs Are you illsturbed at nlxht and broken el I yenr rest hy i sick child BiirTerlni; nnd cryliiK iwun 1110 exeruciaiitif; pain et cutting teeth 7 ltsn.KOiit ence mid KMlnbeltluniMKU. WIN BLOW'SflOOTillNOhyUUl'. It will rolluve llie peer lit tlu suricrer Immudlately depend upon It t there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will "u'Uulate tlie bowel uml Klve reat te the mother, uml rellut und health te the child, op efutlnK llke inajtlc. It la perfectly sate te use 1 In all cases, nmi pleasant te the taste, nnd la ' the prescription of ene or the eldest and beat omale physicians lu the United Statej. Beut every whine. 'ZScuntoabetlJo, mnvl-M.W.HAw As When Mho Was Veuiis. " I have useil Pnrker's Hair HaUam anil llke It better than any similar preparation 1 knew el," writes Mrs. Kllcu Perry, wlloet ltev. I. I'erry, et Co.UbreokBprlniM. Mass. ' Mr luitr was almost eutlrely r.iy, but a dollar bettle et the HaUam has roiterod tlie HOltncsf, and the brew n color Itlmd when I was younir-net utlngle gray hair left. Slncel bt'Bim apply liiK the Halsam my hair hasjtopped laiiint; eUt, nnil 1 ilnil that It Is a Jpcrlcctly .harmless and nurcoAble dressIiiK." la-limnAoewW In line lne Vrnrn. tmpuilty of lllneil, hnwevur Kuiiornleil, ti nlwiiJ'B iiHHenllu tin) holy wlmn juln In foil I ItMlirewt ami liuniuntii wlioruveru weak r.pet or low vltnllty exlitii, lliiANiiiiKTirrt 1'iLtfl ure the oue Ktnut anil tin lulling lemiiily, bfi?mne tliny lilke lieliliiml oxpel only what U liurtlul no wliun flick, Imve ptln, illr.r.tiiuni, lhetiiimtMin, oelilo, or oeillvuni'M, tike Irem thrue te live, unil II tliey ilonelopurata in Iniirlieiim or te, tuke tliree or lour tnore. '1 buy cltinme tlie boweU ntul eliciilutlim Irem nil linpurltliH el the bloel, mill nltiin hive llle. llnNnnirrii' I'illh ptinervu tlm vliter el youth, mid ler a leiK perleil keep cut tlm iteliltlly nl it(n. Held In every ilru utul tiiyilloliinnlere, with plain prlntii'l illreollem ler i"" llmieiy llie llml I'nllcjr, lu ii'lvnrlUitiK a tiiiullcliie It N tient tn lie lioneHt i ileeiiptlen will Mever ite I lie peepln won't Hluinl It. Iii't tliu truth In) known that llunlitck llloeit lltttcrt emu norelnlii, mill nil eruplloiiHel tlieNklu. TliU inuilleliui la netil everywliere by ilriujulntg. Ker mle liy It. II (,'eilinin, ilriiKHlt. IWnml 131 North (Jtioen Hi lent. HymrrU nnd Nrrvenn I'rexritl loll. We tilve our rea'lerM an extruct Irem clienrlul letter, written hy Mm. Kllzubuth Sinllll. el lllcliinoiel, 1ml., who Kiiys i "Nit mnrittvi Xervlne eiiteil no) el bjHlerla anil nervous procuratien." Ueimiienl U iiieleim, VM IwileeilAw l.iiillfn In Ainrrlcn leiur before tliev reach inlilille ke 'reriuimtly fl ml tlieinrelvea suirerliiK from nome of the ceiiipliiliiUnnil weaknejieK peculiar te their fX, for nil Midi Kliliuiy.Wnrt Ik u rent l)(K)i1. It iniliice.i a lieallhy ncllen el tlm Kill neyK, l.lverniul Ilewel', clenni'H thn nytteiu, mid fltieiiKtheiiH utul Klvrs new llfu le all tlie Important organs et tlm body. It In nature's KrrnlniMwHitnt Inintan litiln unit suitnlnlnif health. Held hyiill driiKKlt. itrATIIH. Mc(Ievkhm In tliUelly, .Inn. 30, Mrn. Mnry MelJeTiTii, iliitiKhter el AiiKelm anil Jtury Hitler, in tlie ,1M venret her nun. HlNitn In thl city. 'eh. il. Win. U'ner, en nl Aiifelm miu llnry Miner, In the 17th yenret lilmii(i) Ni:tt .tOVf.HIIHKXIKSIh. IXANIKII A ' Tt tnuelut In tal qutronttlihellluu. IIAl.K.IIUOWN " 1UIII. takliiK enre of u child In- i.j-ji IUST VI'.MTI'.IJHA t. I A Small Skye-Terrler. A rewuril will be pnM ler the leturn nl tlm paiutitn ll :.NU. H5KASIMAMK8 8T. irANri;n-, huv aiiudt 17 mkh IT elil le iitleii'l te a hone unil cow. ueml wiikim ami n I1011111 for mi lieneHt mul Industri eus Imy. Te oilier ueeil hpmv. lnuulrnfit ll M) Bll MAIllKTTA AVKNUK. (. , K.-'lllf. IlKMIIKItt (IPIKIK(IK II. Tlieiniin I'ntt HI. (i. A. It. will meet utllrnuit Army Hull tills evening nt 7 o'clock, snurp. insiiiKi 01 .h 11m 1111111 ne'ir. 11 w ANTI'.U A YUIINU MAN WANT'S A position Innilruz gterx. or wllllni: te de miytliltiK tn innke lilmsell Rflnerilly iipe'iiI. Apply ut this oilli'e. It WArsTKU. TWKNTV-K1VK (Jlltl.S. Apply linme llatelv nt .IOIIS K. UKi:i A (JO. rJO-ltoedlt Ne. i.'7 Nertli I'rlnce ItreeU AT tlltAllll.lS. Irlllf. ANU VI.NK, Ilest lllrn. Ce no mid lie, or .1 fts. 2Vj s dried sweet Cern, cc 11 quari ; Weslern Helier Fleur 7.1e ; Chnlcu Fleur. Hie j Kpp'n t'oeon, 'JOc i drleit Peaches, Se V ft : linker' Chocolate, Via IteMt Ceiltes, me, m--. I5e mid 12a-Iregli ea.steil nnd, riiunliii; mill by steam power, always flush ground. ID lyced IIOTIIN ' ATuTltl.M aiiuriiiNi Will bii eli Bed out lit mictien UN K TII017 HA Nil PAIRS )K IIOUIM AND SHOKSmii! I.AIUIKS UAITM'S reirard lens or cost, In tlie liiHi'liient or Ne. fi Kiflt Klnu Htleet, en Kltl HAY M'BVIMt, KKIJUllAltV '.0. mid SAT UHUAY KVKNl.Ml, SIAKCIl 1, ut 7 o'clock. ?u HAI.K Vftlunble Olty Bulldlntf Lets, bltuatu en tlm northeast corner or Nertli I. line unil .Inities Htreets. Tliusn I11U will iniiku PleKmil biilldluir ltr, belui; xltimtea in a iiwi liiiiiievliiK l.nrl el tlm city. Fer lurtlier Information rati en Al.l.li.N A. IIKItll ACQ., Itu.il Kxtnte Aneuts, Ne. urt Hast I! I in; street, I.ancn.stur, l'n. JtllyUiitdAeawFlttl 1 1 na.M) KAMI ir GEO. H. THOMAS CAMP, I'e. 19, Eeub of Voternna, Te be held third Meer, New rnslolllce, bettln. lilii(hATtIltlAY, S1AUU1I 1st., mid ulldilij; JlAlttll II, I"S. fliTUOMK A.NIJ HKKUS.-tfa lilWl fM., Kit h A II K A II O I' A I.I. I .CdJII'KTfKMIS Vj JUST THINK ! UltANUI.ATKIl SUOAK UIVKN AWAY. a as Biisar with 1 ft Choice Tea. 1 " " 1 " Kauieiw cellue. ,l it 5t ,. OLARKB, 'llIK I.KMUNO I.ANl 8Ti:il TKV DlIALEIl, Ne .11 Wesl KlUK street. Will lemove 011 April 1st, te Ne .'H, directly oppexlto. Tens und Ceirees at Popular l'rlcs. 12-J-at ni'l.uiAi. H ti. 11 nut no days -tiiiKA-r O II! mtiietleii In prieis. In order te reduce oureteek timl toileublo rmr sali.'S et .Mare.) ; we shall eiler Kient Imipilns. Ileal liatr sT7ltelus, all Ieuk hulr, that wen) Held ler 10 ure new cold ler tn; $S nre new sold terfli rent ulce ones ntd.CiO unil Demiina low us Mc, All Kinds et ventilated weik leaseiiuble. Nntiirnl curly bmiiitt Irem '.Ms. up ; old ladles' (routs; whole wins nnd hall wigs In ureut vurlety at hail price. Don't ml?s thlschmice el itettliiK seiiietiiliu; 1 Ice, us the sain only imsIh iWihiys. Ix'glnnliiK baturday, .Match 1st, .My Bleck Is large and uirle I eneiiKli tn sup ply everj body, at MltS. C I.II.I.K1PS, ti Ut Ne '.27 North IMeen Htriet. LjUltl.Il) HA1.I0 OF YAI.CAIII.K (IITY Property. On Saturday evening. March 1,1, 1KSI, by virtue el mi order et the Orphans' Court, the uuderslKiied will fell nt MIclmclM llotei;(The urnpc ), the Old (iorreeht Ceal nnd Lumber Yard, Innllni; Hi leet, U Inches, en the ninth side et Went Lemen street, Lune li ter cltv, between Aroh alley mid the Piiiin Piiiin eylvanta railroad mid exlendluK northward nleiiK Hie I'entisylvanla talliead 111 tuet, ll Inches, and aleiu; Arcliulley 01leet,0i Inches, te laud el llie Lancaster . Itcadlni; Narrow UaiiKe rullreud This property Is iiujacunttn two mllreiuls and In well ndiiptel ler 11 Ceal and Lumber Yard, Tobacco alehouse. Sheps mid Factories. Tlie luiprovemenU consist el n Ceal uml Wayeu Heal en, Larne Htable mid CarthiKe Heuse, IrentliiK 011 Lemen strvet, with NlieddliiK tlie whole depth of lotnlenu Arch alley. Uoein In HUible ler hlx Herees. Hale te cointneiieiat 7 o'clock, wllun leimi wl 1 be made known by Ill'a.tiu8,15 A. A. MVKllS.TrilHll'O. T MIK OIKUINO II Oil HAH 1IKCN VI01O. HIOU3 1 That Is, Ids predletlnu nl six weeks et had weather bus been verllledi but, ll he had been penslbln Im would have made hotter preparation ler the bad weather by net liavlnK his hair cut ten seen, nnd their lm uilclil have iletled the chilly biuts mid staid out et his hole, lust as ALL .SKN311S..K MKN. APPItK ClATINtl TIIK IllllTIl OF Hl'IllNUl'lMK, AUK NOWllCIUNU 01tTlIKUt Suring Overcoats l Sailings, Ami thu Place they Most Itush te -13- Burger & Sutten's, N0.21CEN'ri!ES((UAUE, Wbeie Spilr.K Oveiceals. Sprlni; Suits, Sprlnij Underwear and all the Novelties et GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Fer Sprlnpf can he had cheaper than any where else FOtt CASH. Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne, 24 Oontre Square, LANCASTKK.l'.V. Il-lyd HKW AlrKllTlNlWMKfrH. I.AIJK IIUI.I.AK Nll"UHIl7. VTBW 11 dr run'n IIIIim. New Wiilui Skirls. New l.lint I'uinlirlni null 1'rlOdS. SaSf Cornels. Alse l.lulit WelKlitScniiiluii JlntMlfrefttl2j cents per pair nt . , JUAIlU'8, 110-aiiittlC Ne. WNnrlhMlacen Atrcit. OKLI.INO OFF AT ASIII HRMIW VOjiV. THBEN'riHBBTtlOICOF' BOOTS AND SHOES, -OKTIIH- City Shee Stere, NO. 20 J BAST KINCr ST. Will bodlfpesnilof bulwren new ami Al'llllj l,ut unil below ceit. This will boa line chance losuciiie bargains. I). I). Clf AKLHS & CO. 127-1 d JK l.HAII TrtHM Al.l.. -TI1K- AIERIOAU TEA CO., NO. 20 CENTRE SQXTARB, Are H'vlug away Ohremnn with migar. Loek ut mil' prices! H'utiila tl Granulated ...7Hc While " A " SlIKUf 7c. Unlit llrewn niKar.... tXc Klun (liererleSKO'd ntcesU Oue visit loeur stere will convince you that this In the I.ead Int; Tuii unil Cellee oleto In Lancaster. A31KKICAN TEA COMPANY, NO.aiUKNTKK BUUA11K. lMlT.Tbftr A T IIUliHIi'H. Coll'ei'H, Coll'ei's, CoH'eep. NOrWITIISTANDI.VO That Cedecs have advanced le. a pound, we still keep up tlm hlandard and hell the sumo fiinllty ler V3e, tlmt we Beld w lien Ce Hues were lower. Our motion : "'lloeitCollee, 1'rejli 1(0 isled.nl 11 Uuasomible I'llce." LI-JNl'KN a 001)8. Choice Ne. I Mackerel, lloneless Cedllsh, Hall ilerrlitir, Smoked llcrrlni;. Cnnneil Klsli, Krush Muckciel. beuced Mackerel. Kresh Lob Leb ster, Kresh Salmen, l-ardlnes, Shrimps nnd Klnden Huddles. We still bavonbeut Wl ilen"n nl theso large Valencia Oranes ut ISe. a ueen. BTJKBK'S. NO. 17 BAST KING STR13E7. I.ANCAHTKlt. I'A. 11 IKSII llltllTIIUlt. PANTALOONS TO ORDER. We me new showing lu our SOITTHKUN WINDOW, dome et thu uuiiiy NKW AND bTYI.ISH l'ANTAi.OON i-OODS which we nre lust receiving. We Riinrnnlee 11 HI15T CLASS KI'ITINO WKI.l. 'IIUMMI'.D l'AIlt OF PANTS, nt prices as low ns the stores lu tlm city charge lerHlIADY-ilaDE UA11MKNTS. A NKW LINK Of SPRING OVERCOATS Will be ready ler inspection and ter Sale In lew days. OUK HOODS AKE THE 1IEST, OUR FKICES THE LOWEST. -CALL AT- Hirsli & Brether, I'KNN MALI. CLOTI1INU IIOUSK, Nes 2 und 4 North Quoeu Streot. LANCAVI'KIt, l'A. Vtril.LIA.lltiUn .v I'lliSTKIC. The Reason Why Tlm KKiHMIF. MIIUT holds tlie I010I110H nmk ui;alutall computlleri. IT 18 NOT tlm peculiar tdmpe of lha Patent Ilosem that maUes this Shirt the lavoilteol till ethuis, IIUT IT is the superior quilltyef the material usril uml thu exeulluucy el thu r 11 nun Keens TIIK KICHMIK Always In tlm I1011U The Price Is 1 1 W), II n liiuncfiluil. A dlsceuiit of 10 pet cent, allowed en Halt Ueeii Lew. kxtua pantaloons Fer I.lttle lleys, streiiftly sewed. 111111 made of exccllunl mnterlnl ter 73c. te 11. M. (IKSTi'ANI) YOUTHS' TllOUSISIt!) 01 the leadliiK patterns In the Ilext Cas'lmcres mid Worst d, cornet. In point et fiishleu und wnrrmited te tit. THKCHII.DKKN'S HL'ITS That hiivn been reduce 1 lu 1'ilce nre the roui reui naiits et lurne lines lu Fall mid Winter pit terns, They ure decided Uargatns te the Heys they will lit. A (J It K AT MANY NOVKL and NKW SHAPKi In SOFT nnd HT1FK HATS IlIlVO arrived. Tlm IIOSTON FLKXIIILK 1110 iliiuible. but the MOM STY LISH HAT FOR IWSHIUN.UILK UF.NTLK MKN IS TIIK FKDOUA. The shape el this Hut Is of French origin, mid wiu made soft, but some preler 11 still Hut In nil Hliapus. Te supply the wants et these customers we liuve the Federu shape made In SHU Huts for these who puler tlicin. PLOUGH SIIOKS Fer moil nnd streii);, neat, iliuablu hhees for nevs nun eiris 111 tue most Popular Price;, and thai is the very I.OWKST I'KICK. I' here Is still alarm) assortment et NKCK NKCK NKCK TIKStortWe that formerly sold ler fl.OJ ami ti.ia. Williamseu & Fester. -DK.VLKH4IN- Trunka, Vnllses, Travellnff Dag6, Cloth ing, liubber CoatB,LeffgInB, Dlunketa, Huts, Cops, Beets and Hhoeo. 32, 34, 36 and 33 East King Street, LANCABTKIl. PA KNIKHTAINAIKN IH. lULTON (U'KKA HOU3K. 8ATUUUAY KVKNINO, UAUCH 1, 1881. TIIK 1LLU8TU10US AKT18TK, JANAUSCHEK, Huppeitcd by her llrllllant Company In the THE 1'OWEItPUL.TEWISII HOMANOE, ZILLAH ; THE HBBRBW MOTHER. The event el the present sessen, nnd a play nbeuudluK In opportunities for tlie display el the (cuius et the star, IIKSKIIVKD SKATS, - - - - - SI 00 admission, - - - - aeuiuiia cunts. NATIIANIKI. C1IILDS, ManiKOr. KDWAHD TAVi.Olt, 11 us. Alauager. "-Marcli 2l-0ee, II. Aaanis Cclebratcd llumpty Duniply. J;7'ita NKW Anrr.HTlHKMItNTA. rpilKIlt 4INI.Y KAUI.T.-TIIUV AUK I tee clieap ler tlie koeU they de," they de," they uny et llensen's Copelne 1'oiens jialers, I'rlce a coins. D h. riiT"iTuewr " " "" l'liyfllOlAN ANIIOCtlLIHT, IIn Honinveil te Ne. i) WKsT OltANdK k'V. Kye anil Karl rented, Classes adlusted. 811. perler epenlucles en IihiuI unit 10 order. Hi'il'lvilTh PUItl.lO HAI.ri Wll.l, I IK HOl.ll AT I'iiIiIIoBhIe, en Mnnd&vnftorneon,ntoiin o'clock, nt tlm Keystone llouie, 40 liend or Nerman mid Cladsdale Horses. Anienir the let nre f nine fine drivers. I!MI I'LATKUAHAMl'SON. 895,0003 en first meitiraviH In l.nniiintiir neil ad jnlnlDK counties, at IX and Ipur cent. in. nil uuniH iu sun inu uerniwer. WOltltALLA ItUKHKLL. l2S-3wced 113 Seuth Filth bt., l'hllndelpliln, ClOI'AKlNIIltHHIl-. j LAt10ASTr.11, Feb. 7,;iMI. We. the nndCrslKncd, have enured lubin cn-parttiiirshlp, te dale from February 1, 1 Wl. ler tbe term et ene year, ler the transaction et tlie Freight und lluullm; business as the "C. A. Illtiier Line," liuntelnrn se cstcnipi-il by our citizens, mill ler which we solicit a continuance el thn (tame nt the oldpluenel business. Ilaiiisburi nvutiue. oppeliu Aim. benv Btreet, 11. 1. U. W. IUTN Kit. l7,M,9t4wileni I.'KTATH Of II. 1. I.IIUIIKIt, I.ATK UK j 1 uiicnstur e.lly, decoenid. Letters testa, mutitmy en snld ostule liivliu; been Kr.tnled te the tindcrsltfiied, nil peisnus Indebted tlieretonrereitiesti'd te make luiliiedlale pay ment, nnd these hayloft claims or demands HtfMnst llie same, will preseii then without delay for settlement te tbe uudcraltfne'1, 10- ciuiuir 111 iiineaiiTcny. CIIAItl. KB It. LOCH Kit. li'int'ii r.. j.uuur.ii, It. ItHTWOLDS. Kxeouters Attomey. febit CtilTh E" LlTATB HI' ' A. MtTNKIt, I.ATK (IV Lancaster cltv. ileceiised. Letters of ad- ministration en said estate liuvlnR been l? ran ted te the undersigned, nil persons luilcbteil thereto nre rcqiusted te make Immediate payment, unit these having claims or demsnds iiKulnst the sunn, will present thorn without delay ler settlement te tun nu. ilorsluned. KKIIKCCA llIL'NKlt, J.GUSTZOOK, Admlnliirnters, .J. Hat llitew.1, Alt'v. JtMUle iw vltl'HANS'CIMltTSAI.H III' VAl.tlAlILK t l liy Properly Hy virtue or mi order et the Orphans' Court nl Lancaster county, tbe nuiloiHlinied will sell en TUKKDAY KVKN. INO, M AltCII 4. 1881, nt tlm Leepard hotel. In the city el Lancasie-, nil that certain two-storied ICItlCK HWKLLINU HOUrK and Hack lliilldlliK uml let or ureund ntt iclied, situated en the east side el Nei th Shlppcn street, lu the city et Lancaster, nuinbeiixl Ne. 'ii.1 Nertli Sluppen Htni't, cnntnlntiiic In Irent en said struct lu teel flinches, uml nxtendlii); In depth si lent, te a three lent wlde ulley. This property will positively be sold. Male in eommence nt7o'cleclc p, m , when terms will be made known by AMANDA COX, Administratrix et II, F. cex. dee'd. llK.snrSucneiiT, Atict. l'J.ll,M;i'i.2'iAiii3,l iul.ti ei'kiia uuuan, TUESDAY M &.HOH 4, 1884. -KXTUA 1 1 The MaiiiiKemnnt tuke Kspeclal Pride In an nouncing tlm uppenrnnce as above, el JNO. M. HICKKY'S Meiil Hip Van Winkle Company, Introducing thn Peerless Comedian, MR. ORLANDO W. BLAKE. lu hli lirlRlit and Joyous impersonation of the title role In Hie new drmiintlxatleu of Wash luctjn Irvine's lumens lcKcnd. RIP VAN WINKLE. The best company In America, correct nr.d miijestle srcule cltccts; uml a representation In h entirety without equal or pirullnt NOI'K illi: NKW KIIA IN PUI P.S, the eheapeit ever known ler first-class amuse ments. ADMISSION. SB, 33 and flO CKNT!. IlKsKUVKt) SKATS, . fid eKNTS. Fer sale nt Opera Hou.e Ofllce. 1"J-1 TI KAlJUUAltrKHS I'Oll MANILLA PAPER OF ALI.8IK", 11 V TIIK POUND Olt UK AM. 20.23, CO, 3J, e 60, t Pound, At FON DBRSMITKS, Boeksollorund Stutloner, Ne. 40 K AST KING ST., LANCABTKU, PA. (Samples foiwanlen application.) Iisrii,s.vW KllMl HAI.K. TIIK OOOH-WILL, STOCK, FIXTUKKS, Ktc. OF TIIK DRINKING SALOON AND 11I1.LIA11D ItOOM, Situated III the Nortlieast nnijle of Centre biiiiaie, and new owned by tbe uinlcrjlKiieil, will be sold en reason tble terms. The saloon is the ban looniest and best fur nlsheil In tlm city, end bus done a thrlvluK bunlness lern number et years. Tlm bllllar.1 mom has lecently been turnlslied w'tb two billiard und miu jioel table, und Is also very handsomely titled up. Tilts Is ene el thu meat dislrablu stands In tnu city, and Its nppolul nppelul ineutu me exceeded by tew In the state. Fer lull particular us te tonus, pilte.etc cull or address A. I' FULMKIi, 127-itWA.J Luncuster, l'n. I1UIIL1II HAI.K OF NKW ri'ltNiiilKK. 1 WlllbonnldetiTHUIliDAV, MAUUlt 13. 1H.SI, nt Ne, 3-JI North Uucen street, Lancas ter, fortlie purpise et elenlnn out business, mi euttre stock et NKW HJUMTUItlC, con. Hist lux et one Hulidseiuely Curved Solid Mil Mil heKany Chamber Suit, two Walnut Chamber suTts. rtve Cottuiie Suits, in ililfeieui colors, ene Wiilnut Cheat et Drawers, I nrge Walnut lloekciuiu. suitable ter u lure rlllee, oue lied Louime, Tables of nvery descriptliin. Wash Stands unit llodsteads, mi eleu'iiuliissertiuenl et Couches, lurxe Jet el Leiiuki'm, Husk mid Straw iltittrcs'es, Kaiy Clialrs, Wall chairs. Sofas, three Piiiler Suit', ene Heater and Pipe, Small Steve and a large lel of Heeds net mentioned. Hale te eommence nt 10 o'clock a. in., sharp, nnd te continue until the entire stock lsdls- p 'Sed et, without reserve ur underbills, A. C. FLINN. Samuci. Hbjs a Ten, A it. 14. tcb27uiarl,3,8U,le,U,l'J i)AUTNKItsllll NOTlUr Netice is lierebyKiveii that tlm partner ship latelv sttlslsttuir between I). P. Loeher am' Chas. II, Lechor, under the Ilrm nmiie et D. P. Lechor .V. foil, was dissolved en the 111 ll day or Febtimry, 1831, by thu death et D. i. Lechor. All debts ewliiu te the said pirtnershlp are te be lecelved livsald C'luis II. l.ecber. sur- lvlii! mi'inbnr et the ilrm, and till detunmls nu the said partnership am te be presented te him ter payment CHA". H LiCHKIt, burvlvlnu member nt the Hi met IM', i.echcr A Sen, llie uiidcrelKncd huve ei'.teied into a co ce partnership, undur tlie uume mid Ilrm el D. P. Loeher A fiens, mid Mill LOiitluuulhe biinU lnu bitklnces ui hvrutotero. CHAS. It. LOCH Kit, I24 2K1T1I&M bOllKUT K. I.OCHKU. VTUUUK. IN TIIK MATTKIt Of TIIK 1 assigned esUte of Abraham miner uml wlle.et Lancaster township, Lancaster ceunlv, Netice Is hereby Riven that Abraham Miner bus presented u petition te the Court et Common Pleas et Lancaster county, asking the court ter nn order unit decree that I). II. lleatcttcr his as. tdarice fortlie bonellt et his creditors by deed et iisslKnmeut, dated July 31, id3, shall re ro re cenvey te him allot the said assigned estute new lu his hands as suchusslKuee, nnd that the said assignee he discharged und released Irem said trust, mid that tlie said court have tlxnd Monday, the seventeenth day of March, 18sl, at 10 o'clock n. m,, at the cemt house, lu the city of Liuicaiter, ter the huarlint nt said petition, when and where nil parlies Inter ested as creditors of the said Abraham Miner may appear und bu heard. 8AM MATT FUIDV, ru.tm3,10 " I'rothenotnry. A UDIfOIW NOriUK. In tht Court 0 Common I'lcas vj Lnncattcr County. JOHN W. BW..UTZ, ) November Tnrui.lBU vs. J Se. Si. SAUAIl MOUl'.HWELLi Kucutlen Uockel. TheiiuderslKiiQil auditors, appointed by the Courtet Couimeu Pleas el Laucaiter county, te dUtrlbute te and iimeimst tlie-te le gally entitled thereto, thu monies miide 111 1110 uoevo uxecutl execution and ruled Inte court ler dlslrlbuiluii will sit ter thu purpeiu 01 inuir iippeinimeni 011 Tuesday, February 2d, A. 1). 18H, at le o'clock a. 111., in thu Library Hoeinor ihuteiiit Heuse, Hi the city el iJineaster. wliere all poisons inleieitud In suld distribution may utu nu, K. 1). NeilTH. K. It MAhTiN, Auiillers. LAMJl.TliU, Feb, 1, 1631, li'lldS SECOND EDITION. FMDAY KVENINQ, FEU. 20, 1034. A NIGHT OF FIRES. Till', l'l.AMl'.S IN I'MILAUKLl'lllA. Flrn llirrsrent OoefMerMlons nt Una Tuna ThaUretiteit nt 1'ewtrs A Weight- man's Chemlnal Werk! A Mil linn Hollars Lern. PftiLADKLPiiiA, Feb. 20, List nlubt was emphatically a night of tires In l'h I la ilelphla. la nil dircotlenn the startling alarms worn heard, as the flve tires, which wliorelti progress nt the snme tlme in (lllTereut parts of the elty, blazeil iu tbe wild storm. It required the attention of thocntlre lltodepattmcnt at tbe confla cenfla confla (ratiens. The worst of tbe (Ires wan tbe ene at Powers & Weliihtnian'fi obemloal werkB, en the oeruur et Ninth aud Parrlsh streets. It breke out nt a short tlrue before ene o'clock tbls morning, and is still, atl2:!J0, burning, although nearly all tlie mitlre works bave been dostreyoJ. The less ou tbe building aud Btoek will oxcecd a million dollars. Tbe ohemloals in tlie building are ablaze, and the wind, blowing almost a gale, made the fire bum wltb extraordinary floreoness, and spread It with grrat rapidity and alarming Intensity. The ontire square, bounded by Ninth, I'arrlslt, IJrewu and Kuex stroets, was oue vast sheet of llatne. Tbore were frequent and loud explosions, nnd tbose united with tbe lloreely burning oil running through tbe streets, caused a sorleus panie atneug tbe rcsldontsef tbe vicinity, wbe crowded in tbe streets iu tbe biting wiud and tben sought shelter in tbe houses of their uolghbers. The latter, la turn, lied as the ilre progressed until tbe police directed their efforts te keeping them iu their houses no as net te endanger the liTcaofclilldreu by oxpesuroto tbe bit ter cold. The Ure bcoatne se alarming that net withstanding tbe ontire llre department was nt work, tbe firemen wero forced te call ou oitizens for help und voluuteers rendered them valuable aid, working la a petfect storm of sparks aud frozen spray. Tlie r.xlent el ibe Flre. It was in this building that bismuth, merphia, potash, soda nnd ether prepara tions were made aud stend. Tbe building, together wltb all its con tents, was entirely destroyed. Up te this time, flve o'clock, tbe (lames bave steadily triumphed ever all opposition, lighting up the entire elty, wbile the neighboring streets are blocked with paule stricken residents romevlng their goods te places of safety. Prem 5 o'clock until neon the progress of tbe ilre was simply that of u gradual destruction of nil intlainmable matter within tbe oeullucs already described and tiiere was no fear of its further spreading. The walls bave been crushed down during the early morning, but as these accidents were net unexpected no ene lias been hurt and tbe streets bave bceu proper ly rjped off. Borao of tbe neighboring beuses had their reefs aud freuts damaged by ilre or by falling walls, though tbe way in which they were dronched wltb water during tbe night proventod tbeir total dostiuetion. Heme of tbe walls are still in a very dangerous couditien and will preb ably be blown down during tbe day should the high wind contlnue. That portion of the building still standing is covered wltb ice nun though the llre Is still burning In the ruius nt neon tbere cau be no danger of nn outbreak of the llaraes. Kxteut of the Leis. It lias bcen impossible se far te obtain fieiu anyone connected wltb tlie Ilrm any idea of tbe value of tbe machluery or stock either In detail or round fig urea. The genernl estimates however, vary from a million te a million and Imlt et dollars. Frem ether sources it is learned that lUe building, machinery and stock wero Insured for ever 4500,000, of which $215,000 was placed lu this city, and tlie romnlnder iu New xerk, eastern and foreign elllces. IIV OAIILIJ feumn News from Kurojie. Londen, Feb. 2!). Reports nre curreut of tbe arrest of several people in possession of dyunmite. Tbe pollce will noither deny nor ceufirm them itrperlcil I'liiure I'jplosleus. Information Is belng ledged with tbe pollce of tlie intention te blew up tbe law court. Thrce arrests bave been made. A large quautity of dynnmlte was disoevorod iu i. house iu Clare Market, near Strand, (tsteincnts ueiiled, Laii.ii. The pelice nre roticent and deny that any arrests bave bueti made en account of tbe dyunmite disclosures. llu the l-.ve of llattls. Colonel liumaby, war correspondent te the Loudeu World, wired from Triukitat, Egypt, last night, that the forces wero en the ove of action, and oxpeotud te be en gaged this morning nt day.brcak. Tlie Untile lleitun. Tihnkitat, Feb. 29. Firing begau nt neon te day. Tlie Linker Itrtolutleus. Deiilin, Feb. 29. The German press is us iu doubting tlie wisdom en lu tbe Roiehstag, by almost unanimous of tbe iutreduuti the Secessionists, of a resolution tbauklng the Uultcd UtateH llouse el Ueprosouta Uepresouta Ueproseuta liven for the resolutions of coudelouco en llutr Lasher's death. Minister Sargent oemos iu forsevoral raps from the Bis marck organs. WliiH Hie "Neitli Otuunu Oaistte" Says. The North German Qatette says : " The loinembrauco that the National Liberals expicsBed approval when tbe Amorleru minister, Mr. Ilancreft Davis, refused the congratulations of the Frankfort Dorao Derao Dorae orntio association, ou the oceaslon of the Amerlcau centenary, does net oblige us te approve of Prlnoe Ilismarek's llliberallty, but we porcelvo the Nemesis of history. Threatening te Htrlice, PiTTSiiDiie, P.i,, Feb. 20. At nu iudlg iudlg natien meeting, bold nt Salluovllle, Ohie, last night, which wns attended by six hundred miners, employed In the mines of thn Ohie nnd Peuusylvauia oeal company, it was resolved te strlke if the operators insist ou the miners dealing at the stoics of tbe company, llallrimiis lllueknilnd Uy dhow. Tiiet, N. Y Feb. 29. A snow drift at Uallsten Springs bus bleuknded the Delaware & Hudsen railroad trnaks. Ne trains have passed tbese slncelast oveulng, The trains te and from Montreal lie ou either sides of the drift. Nineteen hours work has proved unsuccessful in clearing tbe tracks. Vrsielsla Hie Hlerni, Ni'.w Havkn, Coun., Feb. 20. TugH bave been sent te tbe ansistanoe of two sobeonors, which oame asbore and sunk Hometlmo during tbe heavy gale last tiigbt. It Is stntcd tbat ineu can be scen dinging te the rigging, Tbe names of tbe vessels nre unknown, A Ulshuueit UnsliUr. Nkw Yeuk, Feb. 2a. It Is reported that tlie cashier of O. A, Bennett & Ce., stock brokers, is a dofaulter iu $20,000. Tbe Iiouee is strong and will net be hurt An Kinbrzzlrr uunvlotej, Pliii.AOKi.rniA, Feb. 20. Martin W. Gulp, ox-tueoivlig clerk of the gas trust department, charged wilb cmbtzloment, was convicted te-day. A motion wna rondo for a new trial, WKATUr.il INDICATIONS. WAarriNaTON, Feb. 29. Fer tbe MIddIn Atlnutle stntcs, generally fair weather, northwest te southwest winds, rising followed en Saturday In nettb and west portion by falling barometor, nearly stationary, followed by rising tcinperaturn, Vlelned te Their lieinniid. IJojten, Feb, 29. Masen, tbe elgnr manufacturer, lias yielded te tbe demands of bis striking bauds and started up bis factory. t323 tm m ' UNIUNTUWN'S CANDIDA IKS. mis Llrtle Nnlt Among tlie Applicsuti ter the 1'ettiiiBilArahlp. Washington Dispatch te N. Y. World. Geu. Balley, state treasurer of Pouusyl Peuusyl vauia, a Stalwr.rt Itepublicati and oue of tbe se-called political bosses of that state, was iu a very angry frame of mind Tours day oveulng, when be addressed a group of frlends at tbe Rlggs hotise. lie is a resident of Union town. He came here for the purpese of asking tbe president te ap point a man by tbe name of Hush pest master tbore. He arrived Thursday nioin niein ing aud called nt tbe Wbite Heuso seen after 11 o'elook. He asked for n coufldeu ceufldeu tial Interview with tbe prcsident, nnd according te his own ropett had no treuble in scouring it. He said te the president : " Probably you knew who I am ?" "Oh, yes," said the president; "you are Gen. Ualley, state troasurer, I bo be bo llevo." "I dare say," said Geu, Uallcy, "that you will be willing te oenccdo te me tbe laet that I represent a certain political iniluonce lu tbe state." "Far would it be from me," snld the president, "te coutradlet sucb n modest assumption." "My rcaseu," said Gen. Ualley, "for making tbe assumption Ib te domeustrato tbe fact tbat when I give n plodge I bave tbe power te earry It out." "Theu I am le infer," said tbe presi dent pleasautly, " that you bave eallcd this morning for the oxpress purpese of delntr me a favor?" " Well, I don't knew ns it Is exactly tbat," said tbe coneral. "It in Justus you leek nt it. I bave get a man, Husb, tbat I want made postmaster at Utiion Utiien Utiion tewn. He is a flrst-elass man and a big worker. If you will appoint bim post pest master you can wltb oenlldouco count ou tbe delegation from that district at tbe Chicago convention." " Will ene pestmastersblp de tbat nil ?" said tbe president, with an air of levity which grated upeu Ualley's sonsltlve na ture. Tbe president continued te foneo with tbe Pennsylvania politician, dialling blm iu tbe midst of most ardent protestations, and refused iu tbe most exasperating way te make a single premiso. The result was that iu a very few mementa Gen. Bailey bad n rush of bleed te tbe bend nud be be bo came se mad tnat ropeated shouting of his woes during the rest of the day bad net cooled bim off, Wbeu tbe shades of even ing came he left tbe town swearing von ven von gcauce ngniust tbe president. This Union town light has seme complications which may or may net bave nu effect ou the del egntleu from that district te Chicago, Sturgcs, tbe editor of the Ufiontewn paper, is backed by the Indopeudont Sen ater Mitchell nnd all of the Republican congressmen of the statu. Miss Lizzle Nutt is belng pushed for the plaoe as a compromise candidate. Tbe prcsident is urnvuly asked te appeiut this young woman sonsteonablo her te legaiu lest social standing. Ureely's lloyneod. Horaeo Grouly's personal appcarance was always a subject of remark from bis boyhood. Hellin C. Mnllnry, n member of Congress from Vermont, who wns nn nble champion of the Amerlcau system, ueed te nnrrate n visit of his te tbe printing oflleo of a country newspaper at Poultuey, Vt., bis place of residence. His uttontien was attracted te a young compositor, who was ratber nwkwardly "sticking types," aud wbe, though full grown, was evidently tbe youugest nppren tiOfl ill tllft nOlnn. ilia 1n..am. n r..r.,1 .lnnl K2S! t,.,?.!l ,:,"5:.t "J te A $ iuuun, vtiu oiue.ua u inn uui. nuiiruuijr reaobed belew bin elbows, bis hair was very wbite und llnxen, und be was, en tbe whole, hi tbe aggrogate, taken soparately nnd togetbor, the greenest looking spoelmon of humanity we oyer looked at, and this is saying a geed deal, for " we koepa a looking glass.". "That boy," said Mr. Mai lary, "wlllmakonretnarkableman;Ioau't held an argument wltb bim en Masonry or nny thing olse connected with politics." Ab Mr. M. was considered ene of the ablest men inCengrcss,bis remark oausedino Heme surprise, aud we net only "made a uote of it," but took nnotber leek nt tbe " devil " (prluter we mean), nud oeuld net. but trace lu tbe oxpansive forehoad " a mind formed in nature's finest mould and wrought for Immortality." It was years afterwards that we boeanio nwnre of tbe fact that tbat boy was Horaeo Grouley. Cheating a Peer News Hey. A very mean, fashionably nttirud young man did n very contemptible thing in tbe statieu iu New Loudeu, Conn., Wodnef- day evening. Calling a uowsbey, be took , a paper, bauded him u dollar, and cried : ' ."M"1110 Hurry "Pi JllQ 0,lrs Km atatt m ban a mlnute." Ibe little fellow ceunted uu. ue ecu in into tiiu exiuuuca unuu 01 tue young man, and a second later went oil tbe train. The dollar proved te be n counterloit of tbe plainest kind. XJoed naturcd empleyes nt tbe station combined nud mnde geed the small boy's less. Wbe will make geed tbe self roupcet el the young mau has net yet been discovered, eiAUHliln. -l-H JU '1 m car wnrst PMIkUelplilr. mar net. PuiLAOKLrurA, Feb, 29 Fleur .quiet nnd fteady ; Huperllne Stute, 2 73f?a en; Kxtra deMiUfjaWi Pu. family, $1 tetsi 73; Ohie A Indiana iiunlly, flO.I i)) Minn extia. II 75tB 11 ; winter patent, i3fl70s spring de, IOU0 7S, Jtyu Heur at U :(li M. Wheat Miirketsteady ; Ne, 2 Western lled, 11 Oiyttn 08: Ne. 3 de, oae ; Nj. 1 I'e. Hed, 11 lCQl 16K. Cern (lull and easier; sail yellow nnd mixed, COKd'Hei Ne. 8 mixed and yellow. 37CCUO. Oats quiet ami stead; ; Ne. lWhlie, Het Ne. 2 de, 4 iX(J 130 1 Ne, 8 de, HJiOiie; Ne, 2 mixed, like. Kye quiit at (WflCSc. Seeds-Clever steady at OJiOlOKct Tlmo Tlme thy quiet ut IttOaiMl riuxseeil nnr. nt $103 ii-e. Previsions easier and quiet ; Mini Perk, $10 M; Hint Hums, $.8 6ea.9t India Mess licet, til SO. iiaei, lit.l Laril iiacen Mtnoifeii oneuiuers, nwe tan no, Smekeil Hams. 11(215 1 ulclcled de. 13e. rilnulotanilcaslet 1 city refined at 1014 110 1 ioejc uuieueis, u;iuiu I pruue siciun, J75flUW. .... T -.... .. ... . v. ...... .....- iiuiiersieauy, rai nor mere nemnun t cream ery extra, 3103.0; H. O. uml N. V. tubs, 2Je; de firsts 28; Western extra, 20Q.".e. Italia at Hf j He. Kkks tinner und uoed ileinuilil ; l'tt. extra, 'iUCilKe 1 western de. 20ttitiia. . .. - - -... .... . T. -rrr . jiieese nriii, lueuerniu ucinauii : N. V. lull cream, lp.fd Ike ! Western de, 13k(JI3We I de fair te uoed, llifil'.Hc t Pu. part skims, 7K 0'Je ; de tell sklins, 7HQ8KO. Petroleum dull ; rutlued. OKnOKe. Whisky ut 11 20 Live Stock Murker, Ciikhoe The Drevtri' Journal reperts 1 HoKsllecolpts, 10,0110 head 1 shipments, 6,000 head 1 market weak und price lOUlBe lower reuuh naeklm;, tOSOjiS Mil packlux unit shlii ping, itlb0(t72. 1 llKbt, .uiO 73 ; SUlpi, i(J0. Cattle liecelpts 7,300 head slilpuieuls, J 400 de.; market stren nud prices 10c higher ; In quiry brisk en local nud shipping account; experts, W 40U7 1 geed te chetcu slilpptmr, (d ioe 83 ; common te medium. $3 ie3 73 1 T'OXUIIS, 93233000. Sheep liecelpts, l.MQ head t shlptnents. 3,700 de ; market steady Inferior te lulr, (3 bOQ 4 60 1 medium te geed, II WQ3 30: ohelco te ex tril, 3 6030 23. Kart Liiii(TV. Cattle market dull 1 nothing iIeIiiki ull threuuh coiisluninents 1 rvculpts. 510 head t shipments. 1,15'J lieaii, Hel'h ilrm 1 1't.lludelphlas, 17 Wtf7 83 1 Verk eis, tl&eail73. sneep slew at yo.'erday's quotations j re ceipts, 1,0 w head f ghijmtcuts, l.ice heid. Hew Yerk Market. ,N,W Tew, Feb. flour HUte , and aVndu3..e,.ia1n,r.flml,3uUt- BwXUrn wiieat Kue ulaher nnd firm, hut very Cern aU'lrlfllmttnr but Very nnlnti Mlxnd W.lernspot,67.1(UKei de future. Side eita without (iiiomuie oiuuiRej NeiaAiiril 4IH0I atate, 42UI7HO t WwtorVuwe, ' ntoeK MMriceu. liuotiillens by iiced, McOrann A Ce.( BUA ors, Lancaster, l'a. .... 11 A. If. 12 ic Ir. Wi u. VI. Z 1. u....... Ulchlznn Cnntrnl ifi New Yerk Control WA S"w 'jersey uenirs , 871 Ohie Central............... 1 Jjel. Lach. A Western.... 10) J..1..YU. a. 1.10 urnuue.... iu Kne..... ...... ....... ....... nit Kansas Texas .ejZ Lake Hhore ioeC2 Sl,l5'? W. wcem.... u N. N.,Ont. Western ht, Paul A Omtiiia w Pncine Mall i'jyi llochester l'lttsburgh SL Paul 8SJ4 Texas Pacific 1D Union Pacific 77 vnniinsn ueinmnn. ....... Wabash Prorerrod West'rn Union Teleeranh LoulsVlIIeA Naslivllle... lUJi 74U 8 , .T ti, 1,, CHI. A HL li, Lehlab Vnllnv LeblKh Navlatlen.,, a t i-eunsyivania, Headlmr 4tt ttt 2 mi t 13 9 211 V . .."inn"... Northern Pacltle Cem... Northern Puclfle Prof... Honienvllle 11 m . rt...in Plilliulelphta ft Krle Nortnern Control Underground Canada aoulhern fi.M OU ............ lOHlJ Peonle's Paso'iutrer...... 5JX New Kerx, Quolattena by Associated l'reii?. Stocks firm. Meney easy at lKGc. New Yerk Central IWA Krle Uailread , !it Adams Kxpress ,17 Michigan Central Uailread , se MlchlKan Heuthern Uailread loe Illinois Central llallread iee Cloveland A Pittsburgh Kallreait iiMjf ChlcaifeA ltectt Island llallread 119i rittslinruli 4 Kert Wayne Itallread.. IM Western Union Toleprraph Company 71k! ToleilnA Wnbesh ISU New Jersey Central tlU New Yerit Ontario ft Western le) I'htlndelphlB. y notations by Associated Press. Blocks weak. Philadelphia A Krle it. U. 17 5. ikvauiiiK ibuniuuii , 21 i 1.11 liny I VUlllflt !MI,llLUlUltae. fjuhluh Vnllev ltnllreiul t n tJnltl Cemnanlcw of New Jerttuv. a i Ui Xerthem 1'acine. , W Norttiern PoctUe rroferrol K Mir4)in, fTn.,.i1 tlrtll.nnil vr iJi .v. V...J. .. vv...... ....... i,.,.... ........ ..... uu Lcnltth Navigation Company tTi Norrlstetrn ltullrend ,108 Control Transportation Company gttt Pitlsb'g, Tltusvllle A HuUale II. It 8k LllUeScUuvlkUl lUUread eiJ i.echi Hteess nnd Dena Unpelled by J. II. Leng. Par Vel. Lancaster City 0 pur cent 1S8S... 100 ' ltrju... 100 1... 100 ft per cU In I or ) years.. 100 " I perct. Scheel Lean.... 100 " 4 " in lei 20 years.. 100 " " In 6 or 20 years. .100 " 4 " tn 10 or IW years. 1(0 Manh'jlm boreugli lean 100 net si'oeira, riret National bank tlOO Partners' National Hank CO Fulton National Hank... 100 Lancaster County National Hank.. 60 Columbia National Hank 100 CbrlsUami National ltauk 100 Kphrntu National Hank IM First National Hank, Columbia..... 100 First National Uiuik, tUrasburk.... 100 First National Hank Marietta 100 First National Hunk, Mount Jey.. 100 I.ltttz National Hank 100 Manhelra National Uunk 100 Union National Hank, Mount Jey, DO New Helland National Hauk 100 (Inn National Hank 1 00 (.utirrvvllle National Hank 100 nmniKu stocks. Lest salti 101.75 IU 120 100.50 103 100 100 10V. It2 tcet 112 lis 112 146 115 151 111 139. 20C 150 140 107 75 131 115 110 Ulg Spring ft Heaver Velley 9 23 1 10 HrldKopert Alloresheo 13f a 18 20 18 SO 10 47 43.00 21 CO 81 V 6.1 V SS: 75 10fi.l3 140 41 li 83 28-1 12 40 4J.75 30 100 80 9 900.SB S10 B IS 1 31 60 60 60 115 106 100 103 100.25 ..... .....In . ,.k.....H... tl.ll .uilliiiuiu t uiinniuu. ...if.......... 'lelumbUft WuslilUKten Columbia A Wg Spring Columbia A Marietta 2A 20 23 a 2.5 25 V a ?SS JUliyiuwu x r.iitttuuiuiAjwii... ....... Street .........a.... 25 BtmamirgA lltlljiert 25 maneiia.x jnaytewn ' Marietta ft Mount Jev 23 Lnna.KUzabeUit'n ft.Hlddlet'n 100 Iincaster A Frultville. CO Lancaster A LIUtz ., 25 Lancaster A Wllllainstewn 25 Lancaster. Maner 60 LnnaiiterA Manhelm , i". Lanoasterft Marietta 25 Lancaster A New ilellunu 100 Lancaster ASusauulianna. MO MtsaKLULirBera btoesa. Qnarryville It. H 50 Mlllursvllle Street Car CO Inquirer PrtntlnK Company CO U03 LlKiitund Fuel Company 23 Stnvens Heme (Hends) 100 Columbia Has Company 25 Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company 100 Marietta HoUewwaro 100 Stevens Henso 60 Sicily Island 60 Kast, Ilrandy wlne A Waynesb'K.... 60 MlUersvllle Nermal Scheel Northern Market 60 Kaslcru Market 60 WesteruMarket 60 uisoxLt.iLNr.eos Benns. Ouarryvllln It. it,, due ISO $100 lleadiiiK A Columbia It. i.ft's 100 Lancaster (las Lltfht and Fuel Ce., due lu ler 'JO years.... 100 Lancaster Uae Llijht and Fuel Ce., lluelSHO 100 Manliulm lloreuKh Hjuds til-KVlAl MOTlVJClt. luiliilcence and Kxeeases. Whether ever eating or drinking are made harmless by using Hep Hitters freely, giving ulegant appetite and enjoynient by using them before unci removing all dullness, pains anil dlstiess at tur wards, leaving the head clear, nerves sternly, unil All the feel tugs buoyant, claitle nnd mere happy than belore. The pleustng circcu of a Clnlstlaner sump tueua dinner continuing days afterwards. RinlnoiitTeitlmeny. Sew Yerk H'ltncn, Auguit 13, 1S30. " 1 llml that In addition te the pure spirit contained In their composition, they contain the uxtruct et hops and ether well known anil highly approved medicinal roots, leaves and tinctures lu quantities suftlclent te render the article what the makers claim It te be, te wit, a medicinal prrparatlen ami net a Dover Dever Dover age unlit aud unsafe te be used except as a inoillcliie. " Frem 11 careful analysis et llielr formula-, which wasuttestcil under oath 1 Unit that in every wine glass et Hep Hitters, the actlve, medicinal proportion, iislile Irem the distilled spirits uru equal te a full dese for an adult, which fact lu my opinion, subjects It te an In ternal revenue tax us auiedlctnal bitters." UniBN U. Hauu, U. 8, Cem. Iu. llev. Hardened Liver. Flve years age 1 .broke down with, kidney and liver complaint and rheumatism, Blnce then I have been unable te be about at all. My liver became hard llke weed 1 uiy limbs were puffed up una niled with water. AH the best phrslelung agreed that nothing eeuld euro me. I resolved te try Hep Hitters ; I have used suven bottles 1 tbe hardneis lias all geno from my liver, the swelling from my limbs, and It lias worked a mlracle in my caee. otlierwlio 1 would have been new tn my grave. . J. W. Merkv, Uutlale, Oeu 1, '8L Poverty and ttaffeilag. " I was drag trod down with debt, poverty and iiiitering ter years, caused by a sick fam ily and large bills for doctoring. I we com pletely discouraged, uutll one year age, by tho'advlceot my pastor, 1 oemmeuoed using Hep Hitters and in one mouth we were alt well, aud none et us have scen a sick Cay since, and 1 want te say te all peer men, you eaii keep your lamlltc well 0 year with Hep Ullters for less than ene doc ter 'a visit wUl cost, l knew it," , , leb-T'lmuAw A WenwuaJLiw. WANrutl.-A UaTUULIU mah ur HL'H Incss disposition and steady habits. Must truvul short distances In ect ten in willed lm rejMcN. An actlve, intelligent lady also wanted. Apply, with it'toreucuo, te 123-JtTh Ne. sit uieadwuyi -Sew erV. u m 1 ! . 1 a ' :3 1!. r. 'rj :. ,1 &. "i .: ,it j :n