SJwarf!SS)vBiN"KnB-s; .-. Br- w--v rfVrf-' " r" JVj. -- 'J V i ' ' - - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, MONDAY, FEBHUAltY 25,1884. . r n -) A;r&ffi332 r - ,r, i'-i K i .(' P Pi 4 f1 I r 1 l.ticrtet InfclHgenccr. MONDAY BVKHmQ. EBB, flO, 1004. COAT, UAWIKUI.AWU I1KE8. KxMtltae of mi Antmleae mrmer Who JIM Baneb In Knttla, W. Y. Ban. "A etael mwi earry a ten." Hubert Elriridjte, of Cincinnati, wlie has Jat rttarrid from Russia, whero be baa Men rearing goats and camels, Rays be has bem geed pack camels carry mero tban a tea en tbefr backs, but a ten Is considered fair burden. "Are thcre many camels reared in Rub ria?" "The Industry Is net important in a commercial point of vlew. I have been engaged at it for four years. I have fig ured that thore are 23,000 oatnels in the Kuldseba and Erlvan distrlets, tbe Kal maeks have about 20,000,and tboKhlrgcse net far from 1B0.O0O. Camels are bred for their labor principally, but also for tbelr balr and milk. A camel will shear from 18 te 22 peundH of hair. This is worth In the epen market about $3.50 a poed. "Yeu also raiied goats ? " "Yeb. I had about 800 en my ranch when I lefU Thore are evor a million and a half of goats in European Russia. The industry is the most important in the mountainous portion of the Caucasus. The Angera and Casbmore breeds are bred in seme of tbe governments for tbelr milk, meat and hair. In 1880 the expert of goat down amounted te 933,000, while the coarser qualities or hair about doubled it. The largest expert was in 1870, when It reaohed (400,000 for down and cearse hair combined." "What de you knew of bee culture in Russia?" "In Llttle Russia and Lithuaub, the great linden fercstu render bee keeping very profitable The finest honey I evor saw is produced in Kovne. The largest quantities oemo from the governments of Yokateriueslav and Polleva. Thore are evor 450,000 hives iu theso two districts. Kaluga produces annually about 1,700 poeds of honey and 3,500 poeds of wax. A poed oentains nbeut 30 pounds. The annual production in the Den Cossack country amounts te $50,000 in reuud num. bers. "In Velbynia and Uessarabla tbe com bined yield of honey reaches a value of nearly i200.000 a year. The annual yield of the wbole orapire is net far from $4, 000.000, or about 18,000 tens. Te this must be deed nearly 5,000 tens of wax worth 92,000,000. This is about all con. sinned In Russia, the oxperts beiug very a mall." The bout othiuett'J tern man is net te bout of his virtues. It Is ulse exceedingly Inele gant te annoy society with his cough anil colds, when hn can A ml relief In a bottle el Dr. Hull's Congh Syrup. W DO IT AT O.VCK. Fer 10 cents get a packagoet Diamond Dyes nt the druggists. Xhey color anything the finest and meat de sirable coleta. Wolfs, Richardson A Ce., Hur Hur llngten, Vt, Sample card, 32 colors, and book et directions for 2e. stamp. All Admire a Handsome race. A pure, clear skin will make any lace hand some. Manifestly anything whljh strongth strength ens and enriches the bleed will directly uilect the whole person. All eruptions et the skin disappear when Jlnriteek Jlloetl JIUtert are ompleytd. 'i'bey ure a vogetablo remedy et Inestimable value. Fer sale by II. II. Cech ran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street ue Yen llelieTc it. That In thli town thore are scores et persons passing our store uvery day whoue lives are madu miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and distressed. Stomach. Liver Cem plaint, Constipation, when ler 75c. we will sell them Shlleh's Vltallzer, guaranteed te cure thorn. Sold by II. li. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 133 North Queen street. xeb7-oed2 I'ettmaiter Kam'l A. Hewitt, Of Monterey, Mich., dellvcrs himself In this wise: "Fer colds, bums, sero threat, and rheumatism, Themat' kclectrie Oil cannot be be.Uen. I say keep It up te the standard, and It will tstisty the people. I shall send ter a new supply Boen." Fer sale by II, It. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Homers I Mothers I Mether Are you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, go at en co and gata bottle nt Si 113. WIN. SLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer llttle sutlorer immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It, There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels and glve rest te the mother, and rellet and health te the child, op erating like magic It Is perfectly sate te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription of one of the eldest and best emale physicians In the United States. Sold evorywhero. 25 cents a bottle. rneyl-M.W.BAw iticsuuKu ritual diiatii. The lollewlngstatcmentot William J. Cough in, et 8arnervllle, Mass., Is se remarkable that we beg teusk for It the attention et our read ors. He seys : "In the Jail et 1878 1 was taken with a violent bleeding et the lungs, followed by a severe cough. I seen began te loie my appetite and flesh. I was be weak at ene time that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer el 1877 1 wasadmltted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hele In my left lung as big as a half-dollar. I oxpend. ed ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med. lclnea. 1 was se lar gene at ene time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hepe but a Irlend told me et nit. WM. HALL'S UAI.SAM FORTHK LUNGS. I laughe at my friends, thinking my case Incurable, but I get a bcttle te satisfy them, w lien te my sur prisened gratification, 1 commenced te reel better My hepe, ence dead, began te rovlve, utid te-lay 1 feel In better spirits than I have Uiepast threo years. " 1 wrltethls hoping you will publish It, se that every ene allllcted with Diseased Lungs will bolmluced te take 1)11. WM. HALL'S UALSAM FORTH E LUNGS, and bocenvlnced that CONSUMPTION CAN 1115 CURED. I have taken two bottle and can positively say ini u nan uuue me mero geed Hum all the ethor medicines I have taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely dlsap. peared and I shall seen be able te go te work.' Held bv 11. it. Cochran. Ml North Queen street Ifer fifteen years I was annoyed with Buvere pain In my bend and discharges into my throatfrem Catarrh. My sense el smell wns much Impaired. Hv lliouse el Kly's Cream Halm 1 have overcome tliese troubles, -j. n. Case, St. Denis Hetel, New Yerk rumoverul years 1 have been troubled with Catarrh-Ely's Crciim llalm has proved te be the artlcle desired. 1 bollevo It Is the only euro, L. 11. Ceburn, Hardware Merclmnt, Tewanda, Pa. til tow te hoeuro Health, t seems strait te that any ene wilt sutler Iretn the many derangements brought en by an Impure condition el the bleed, whan SCO. VI!.?,?AU8Al'Amu'AAN1,8TILLlNGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will restore pcrleet health te the physical organization. It Is Indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, aid has proven ltsell te be tbe lest 11LOOD I'UHIFIEU ever discovered. otleot. ually curing Screlttla, Syphlltte disorders. Weakness et the Kidneys, Eryslpelas, Malel rla: all nervous disorders and debility, bll. leus complaints anil all diseases Indicating an Impure condition et the Weed, Liver. Kid neys, Btemach, Hkln, etc. It corrects indt Kostlen. A slngle botUe will prove te you its t?i8t71 heulth renwer, ler It ACTS LIKE A CHARM, especially when the complaint is el an exhaustive nature, having a ten. ency te vu.n.ytem! lV,KOr0' U, "'""l""? KU'B PAIN PANACEA cures a pain in mannUbeML reruseexternallam't In",!" 11KD HOUSE POWDERS eum rii ,ii rberse, cattle, sheep, begs. PeuUrli', Tin Live Stock A l-OBlVl VKuilSg"" S Fer sole at H. U. Cochran's drug itore i North Queen street. K 8lore "7 Fer Lamu jiacic , Bide or Ohou.use sinl LOH'S POKOU8 PLA8TEK. Pric,. a "". Beld by II, 11. Cochran, I37un J 133 North Quee" trwst, Lnncaster. StJtmVAL. B llOWN'M IKON lUTTKItS. The Peculiar It was ene el the peculiarities el the old fashioned doctors that they never euld tell pa pa tlents what they wero prescribing ler them. Tlicy said It would ile the patlenls no geed te knew, and that It would only be gratifying a loellso curiosity. In enter te keep pAtlents irem knowing, llicy would write the prescription In deg Latin, co that most patients could net read them. All that sort el thing Is new ever. The patient wants te knew what he takes. Hels weak, and wants lobestrong, crhelsdyspeptte.nnd wants te digest well. Or be lias a troublesome liver which be wants te put te rights. Se he takes llrewn's Iren Hitters about which there Is no mystery at all. This Is the best preparation et Iren In the world, in combi nation with gontle yet cfllclent tonics. It gives sti engtb. It builds up enfeebled systems. It enriches Impoverished bleed. It removes femlnlne weaknesses. It casts out debility. Ill what veir want and your druggist has it. StKUlVAl -rz i IJKNSUN'S SKIN UUKK. Frem Frank LttUe'i Illustrate J Xtwipajier J A LADY SAID. "Tlicxe Horrid l'lmpleal Ne, 1 Cannet tle. l'lenne l'resent My Kxensnt." Probably two-thirds el tte ladles In society and homes el our land are allllcted with skin dlsoeses el various kinds, te de anav with which, II It could be dene without lnury, would be the happiest ovent et their live. Thonshe would have Instead et a disfigured and marred countenance, ene that would be lumdsome, or at least geed looking, ter any ene with a clear, pure skin, no matter what the cut et her features are, has a certain amount of geed leeks which attract every body. As it is new, she Imagines every ene sees and talks about " theso truckles,' "Mioe horrid pimples," and ether lilutnlnes with which she Is allllcted, but this Is true of nlther sex. Te Impreve this appearance great risks tire taken ; arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles containing these dcaU: dealing drugs, are taken In Hopes et gutting rid et all.thcse troubles. In many dies death Is the result. Ne alleviation of the burning, heating, itching and Inflammation Is given. All troubled with Eczema (salt rheum) Tetters, Humors, Inflammation, Heugh Scaly Eruptions of any kind. Diseases et the Hair and Sculp, Scrofula, Ulcers, Pimples or Ten der Itchlngs en any part et the body should knew that there Is hepe ter them In a sure, perfect and elegant retneily, known as "Dr. C. W. llcnsen's Skin Cure." It makes the skin white, seu and smooth : removes tan and truckles, and is the U EST toilet dressing I THE WOULD, It Is elegantly put up, TWO bottles In ene package, consisting et both In ternal and external treatment. Our readers should boiute te get this and net some old remedy resuscitated en the success of Dr. lien son's and uew advertised as ' The Ureat Skin Cure." Thore Is only ene It b3ars the doctor's picture and Is for sale by nil druggists, 11 per package. A Sensatleu HAS OfTS OXEN VADM by the dlscovery el some new thing, but netb. lng has ever Bleed the test llke Dr. C. W. Men son's Celery and Chamomile l'llls. They really de cure Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleepless ncss, Indigestion, 1'aralysls and Melancholy. i'rlce, 60 cents per box, two ler $1, six ter 12.50 by mall, postage Iree. Dr. C. W. Ikmsen. Baltimore, Md, Sold by;ull druggists. C. N. Cwttswtew, New Yerk, is Wholess.u Agent ter Dr. C. W. lleneen's Uemedlvs. 195-lindM.WASitw HOSTBTTEKS CELEBRATED They who wetk early und late the year round need, occasionally, the healthful stlm ulus Imparted ey a w tiolesemo tonle like Hos Hes tetter's Stomach Hitters. Te all, Its purity and efficiency as a remedy and preventive et commend It, It checks Incipient rheumatism anil malarial symptoms, relieves constipation, dyspepsia and biliousness, ar rests, premature decay nt the physical ener gies, mitigates the lnflrmatles of agu and has tens convalescence. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. fl-lmdeed&w TjlLtf'M UKKAH 1IAL31. CATARRH, HAV-FEVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM ;curks cvtauuii, cold in head. uose-celd, 11ay-fevku, deafness, and headache. Causes no I'aln or Dread. Ulves llellet at Once. Net a liquid or until!. Applied with the linger. Thorough treatment will euro. EASY TO USE. Price 50 cum, by mall or at drugghts. EL- BROTHERS, DruggUti, Owego, N. Y. UUUCISUIKH. AT HUnsii'S. ORANGES, Oranges, Oranges and Lemens. JUST UECEIVED anothei lurgelotet thnselllc. YuleuclaOiutigi's und ure going fust, nlll be nil in a ruwdus. Alte, a large let at 15e. and 18e. a dozen. Tlime are also very cheap, but wn have tee many anil the low price must sell them (iiilck. , Smoked Herring, 15c. a dez. l'uru Codfish, boneless, Se. lb. tibaker Cern.ijc. lb or lOe et. Splendid I'eaches, 10c. lb. Eviipernted Unpared 1'eaelies, 15e. lb I'aied Evaporated ruuehes.'JJc. lb LEMONS, LEMONS. LEMONS, only 10c. ilez Think or It, hew they would go with tbe mercury at 10U. 1IALDWIN APPLES by the bbl. ami ut to te tull, Ahuiysbemu special bargains -AT- BUESK'S, NO. 17 EAST EUNQ STREET. LANCASTEU. PA. "1)0011, WlilTKjA te, --BANKERS,-- 46 WALL STREET, New Yerk. Jlrek- is and Dialers In Hallway und all ether Securities. HAILWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty, In the selection urn! estimate of which their long connection with " l'oea'tt M amiui. ev IUiliieads " gives them special ad vantages. Correspondence Invited and In. qulrles answered. Deposit accounts lecetved and inteicst allowed. dUMmeed BLACK IlKAIIf, n.VMH WOKA1B ANl I'lmples.-Thev ailed the cheeks, lere- nuau, nese ami neck. Thore is nothing se mertllylng te a lady or gentluman of retlne- Illltllt litlll llsil ! nt nS t. !..- 1 .. .1 utlllcted. and mlngiii dally in seciuty, luellng that every ene s looking at them, for persons with this affection ure generally very sunsl- ' 1)118. H. D.and M. A, LONGAKKlt liave paid purilculur attention te theni troublesemo atrvctlens of the fsce, and will giiurantcu te cuie overy case, oillce-13 East Walnut sticet, Lnncnstur, I'm. Consultation 'rt, I2I.3UIAW STOMCu Biras Old Mystery. MtSVilLL.lXXOVa, CA ItfKTS -AT- HARNISH clCO.'S, 46 WEST KING STREET. We arc new oflerlng te our customers ALL WOOL TWO l'Li Extra-Super Carpet, AT 7JC, WOUTH P0C. PEU YAUD. ALSO. RAG CARPETS Of our own manufacture at ery low prices. We de the largest buslnes in the city In Heg Carpets because we make the best Cart et for the least money, and our custom Itag Car pets are Increasing W ler cent, every season t and we give customers perfect satisfaction. lNUUAlN CAUPETSafrc .worth loc. JDItKSB UOODSef till kltuM. Ureal llargntns In ULACK CAMIMEUES atldJLUKY CLOTIIH, and NO riONS of nil kinds, as (ileve', IUhc et all klmW, 111 lv lv bens, llamburgs and Inserting. Heusefurnishing Dry Goods, Shillings, Table Linens and Tickings nt Lew Prices. Srf-CLOTIIINU MADE TO OUDEU at short notice. Ne. 1 Prime Steamed FEA1HEUS always en hand. .Iiu'eb Hiirnish. Witiner Hess, Ne. 46 WEST KING STREET, fetm-lm.lAJtnw LANCAsTKU, Pa. Ot'KUlAl. HAMUAINS IN DRESSGOODS. WATT, SHAND & CO., Have bought four large lets et these popular goods In nil the new colors from li-i te .'5c. a yard under last season's prices. Ne. 1-ELEGANT STU1PED SILK?, 00c. a yard, last season price ter this (juallt y Ne. J-HE.VVIKII STUIl'ED SILK-5, 5sc, hist ea en price, 75c. Ne. J Choice Line et COLORED DUbSS SlLK-i, 73c a yard, last season's prles, Jl On. Ne. I Elegant quality COLOUEDDUEaS SILKS, III") a yard, last season's price ter this euallty, 1.25. EM11U01DEUIE?. Anether large Invoice of Flne Hsuiburg Edg ings and Insertions at the same Lew Prices. NAINSOOK EM1MOIDEUIES, SW1JS EMBUOIDEHIES. -AT THE- NEW YORK STORE, N0S. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. JIUHIOAL HiHTUUllENlb. Wl vex a wiiiTs Wilcox it White Organ Ge. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW IS THE TIME TO 1IUY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT 8LAUUHTEUINO PUICES. One Uoed Second-Hand Piane lit.oe One Elegant Second. Hum! Organ 451X1 One Elegant New Otgtin, 12-Step Couplers and Sub-llass 55 CO Wilcox White Orguns Irem 75.0O te tlW.CO ' Knabe," MePhail, Qrovenatoln & Fuller, Koyeteuo, and Veee &; Sena Pianos, All Marked Down te L'otletn I'tlcts. Almest glycn uway. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II II. LUCKEN1JACH, Agent. fidilMld UI.AHH AtV UVr.JiXHAUl. H,u" tt BIAHTIM. QUEENSWA11E I QUEENSWARE -AT- CHINA HALL. China, Glass, Qiioensware. THE LAIIOE3T ASSOUTMEST, ALLOOODS EXniI.VNUED lr NOTHATIS EACTOUY. HousekeepeiH leek te your Inteicst. Ex amine our stock beteie putehtising, fflgh & lartin, 15 EAST KINQ STREET, LANOABTEU, PA 1KAUII.L't4, Ullll, I1UIIK ANDVlMISblN, VJT Nei-llatsln lluekwlieat, 8 a packages ler 17e.i Columbia lllver Salmen, 15e.; Cox's Gela tine, 17c.) l'ure Sugar Syrup. S and 7e. New Dried Apples, 5e a quart Must Kiln Dried Cem Meal, 3e a quart Mutches, 7 and tte a iloien Hest Cotlees, U', 15, W, ile. lUlyoed V lUTOltIA Cern Remover. The most oirectlvo pronaratlen ler tha r. mnvul of Cerns, lluuiens, Warts, etc, ever piiid.ii uumru iuu jiuuiiu. Warranted te uradlcate completely nd within u short tlme the most obdurate corns, bant or seit, without pain. IT IS A I-OSITIVH CU1IK. SOLD AT BEOHTOLD'S DRUG BTORB, Ne, m WESTOKANaKBTUEET, cerner or flint-Infill .ll-1i.l VMUttUIVVI MfijK G IVLr.K S UO.'S Sl'KlNO 8TYI,I 8. SPRING STYLES! IN OUlt MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. We arc opening daily new things in our Merchant Tailoring Department We guarantee satisfaction in every particular. We solicit an examination of our Goods and Prices. JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. GIVLEK, s l'KUIAI, MIT1UK BOWERS & JETCJRST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - LANCASTER, PA. DRY GOODS ! t-'hltltUAKY I, lvl -In ertler te reduce our stock and te double eursaliu et February IW1, we shall otrer many goeiW at and below eeit. e shall make many riduitlens lu our Dress Ueivls Department. Ladltw 8-1 All Weel Cleth Suitings reduced tiein ,20 toMe. Ladle 5 A1I Weel Cleth Suiting reduced te He. Ladles' Diess Goods 1 oil need Irem JOe te 37HC Ladltia' Dress Ooeds reduced triiui 370 te 2fte Ladles' Dress Uoeds re lured from lie and llSc. te loe. Hepp-i or Wrapper Heeds reducud Irem 18ote UXc. l'ere.insaud CIiIiiU'h reduced UKotelOc. Calicoes reduced irem se te 6c, Callcoet reduced (mm tie te Se. Calicoes reduced from Se te c In Sheeting and Shirting Muslins we iuu ettering extremely low prlcet.all bought slncotherocent decline In Cotten Ooeds. Ladles' and Children's Merine Underwear and Hosiery, nil nlueed te ciwl and under. We show an imtneuiu Meck et llamburgs and Laces, all at extremely Lew Prlces. It will pay you te glve ui a call, as u are determined te Increase our sales this month and te reduce our very large stock. BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN dh uuvtin. KT.llKt: X llAlllll ilrt.i WEJIIA1K J I' ST lUHl.lir 1HK fcMIUK .SIOLK OK liOODyt ALII t COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, Ol A I.AltUK WHOLKALK HOfSK DK- CLI.MNO IICSlNK-s, AND AllE NOWSKLLIMj AT $ 1 .40. Uoeils that wcre sold at f2 00 te JAM. We have en hand, also, W111TE AND COLOitEDJ B 1 a n kets, UOUUHT AT AUCTION SALE3, KKOM 75c. up te $10.00: Wnnre nelllng ibpin off clicap ; tb'V Imve been sacrificed tlm 6ea;eu at U'i than munu fucturer's cost & Cheap Stere, Ne. 411 WEST KING STKEJST, lletween the Cooper Heuso and Serrel Het se Hetel. LANCASTKU PA Ql'KulAI.. Sl'hCIAL. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. Hager & Brether Invite special attention te their SILK STOCK, which will be teund cspuctally Interesting, us the prices are exceedingly low, Black Gres Grain Silks Olf 7 UK HEST AMERICAN AND LYONS MAKES. Oaohemlro Zamerti, Oaohemlro Arabic, Rbadzlmier and Hhadama. BLACK SILKS of Suiiorler Quality. NKW CHECK bUMMEli SILKS. Irem Mc. upward, TOKQUOIS 8T11IPED SILKS at very Lew Prices. CHOICE LOU3A1NE MILKS, Colored Dress Silks. We bio receiving dally new Kreuch, English and American Diess liuedi, iirWe Invite examination. 26 WEST KINQ STREET , LANCA8TEII, PA. S PKUIAL. s KVl&L. ElllllliKlliliCS (lM ffllllfl (1D, Cambria Edgings and Innertlngs. Nalnzoelc Kdglims and Iuert!ngH,Swl4 Edgings and Inaertlngn, and New flouncing. In sotset various widths te match, a complete line el Medium unit Kine 0.uallUs, French Nalnzoeksiiiiii Mulls, lndl Lawns, India CheckB, Nalnzoek Checks. Mull Plulds, PPpie WcltB, Ilerley, Lonsdale and Helly Trce Cambria, Leng Cleth und Percales. XWe have nowepon fulllincsottheabovo EA.eEB1& BROTHER, 25 W. King KUt LancnBlcr, l'n. SI'kuiai, iniuek.imi:mth ei'rKitKii te Worktngmeiwit HECIITOLD'S, Knewing that the last two mouths has been very he vera en roepto who uie my best custemers. I have reduced my prices te meet their demands, und respectfully invite all te call and examine my stock bolere buying. Trade Dollars tuken at par. IIKNHV HKOHTOLD, Ne. 61 North Ouoen Btreet. P. 8,-lloiuea nnd building lets for sale en easy tvrms, xj-lyd HAGER & BROTHER ii r uuevif, e. S. GIVLER "VtT -M m STREET. fAl'XU llAHUMUH, 4tc pilAKKS W. UlY. We are making almost dally; additions te our stock 01 WALL PAPERS. The etylej are beautiful amine have them in elegant u.erttnent. In in the common brown te the embroidered gilt ene, two ami three Imnd friezes. Decorations ter cell ing in elegant design, centre pieces te match. Dade Window Shades Are becoming mero popular every season. We can Hhew you titty different styles. In the pr vatltug colors. Plain cloths for shades In all widths, tliturei.'.ernaiueuU, etc. Cl'.EAM and WHITE LACE CC11TAIN9, II El) SETS. l'lLLOWSIIAMS, TIDIES, unit LAMllllEQUINS, CUUTA1N POLES, CORNICES, MIl KOR3, Ae. PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. TUlWAlttt, JtV. JOHN I-. SUHAUtf. FURNACES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Cull and see the New Improved WUOUOUT IKON COLD CASEj Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest and Hest KUKNACE In the Market. MANUrACTUttED EXCLUSIVELY II Jehn P. Scnaum, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, lnb7-Uil 'wANCASTEU. PA. 1WILKHH, JtV. MM1K BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We munutuctitre and keep In sleck tlie fol lowing goods ' Pertubla Engines en Wheels and Sills. stationery Engines and Stationery llollers. l'ortable llollers. I'ortable Saw Mills. Large tui'l small Heller Feed Pumps ; pump nnd heaters combined. Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, Shafting and Gearing. Heuso Cellar Heaters. Creameries fitted up. Hteam Heating a Specialty. Iren nnd Hrass Castings: Iren Tanks ler Water und OH. Light and Heavy Sheet Iren Werk. Steam and Water Pipes. Valves and Killings. ltulld any Style or Power el llollers. Estimates given for machinery. ltepalrs promptly nndcareiully attended te Jehn Best & Sen, (PUOPUlETOItS.) Ne. 333 East Fill (en St., LANCASTKU, PA JanlO-lyd YAH A AND HAVANA UMIAKS, tlUAIl anteed clear tiller, for tic. at HAHTMAN'S YELLOW ITliONT OIQAU HTOUK. 1.1! W AUK AWAItK Otf TIIK IBU'OllT. ' ance el checking a Cough or common cold In Its first stage. That which In the be ginning would yield te a mild remedy, II neglected, seen preys upon the lungs. LOCHKK'B UKNOWNEI) COUGH SYRUP affords Instant rellel. l'rlcc, SGc. nnd 50c. n liottle. Te be bad only at LOOHBR'S Drug Stere, NO, S EAST IUNQ 8T, & CO., LANCASTER, PA, OEO. F. HATH VON. 'xz-r --m DRY GOODS ! LANCASTER, PA. mir autiuii. N JKXT UOOli Ttl l'HK I'llUUT UOUStt. FAHNESTOCK. CAIU'KTS, CARPETS. KXTItASirPKK 1NUUAIN, HALL AND STAIlt CAIIPKTA Large Let new open trem Auction and ethor cheap neiirccs. Alse, Rag Carpets, Rag Carpets. A Very Large Sleck te select Irem, 25e. a yard up. I'urseus commencing housekeeping, or thoe about te replei.lsh, should net tall te see our Stock et CAIU'KTS bolero puicheslng. Alse, lose-Femisli Dry Ms, SUEET1NOS.TAHLE LINENS AND TICK INt.S, AT LOW PUICES. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! Hest STEAM CUIIED FEATHERS always en hand. E. E. Mmesteck, LANCASTER, PA. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. T II. OTAivTIN & CO. J.B. & OPEN TO-DAY, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS OF Burgess & Goddard's WHITE GBANITE WARE. -IN- Ten, Teilet nnd Dinner Sets. These goods am the best Whlte Ooedi In tli market, are fully Warruuted and will glve satisfaction. ALSO FIVE CRATES Brown Molbeurno, Brown Mether Hubbard, , Brown Brighten, Blue Brighten, Brown Yoaemlto. Brown Fhllean, Mebs Reae, Wild Reeo, And ether patterns minted Tea and Dinner Sets. Kull Deceialed DlnnerSuts. la pieces, at llS.rx). Sele Agents ter 11 A VI LAND A CO.'S Celebrated rench China. 4V All the above are strlelly ltd rjuallty i.iiu mi iiiiuvu ii, uiut jr ivafuui. Immeiisu Stock el 2d quality Tea und Din nor Ware at less t hun halt price. J. B, Martin &Ce, Cor. West King nnd Prince Sis., LANCASTER, PA. NOTIOK 111 TliKSrAHSblta AH1) OUN NE113. All persons are hereby terbldden te trespass en any el the lands of the Cern wall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whother Inclesed or un un Incleseil, either ler the purpose et sheeting or ashing, as the law will be rigidly eutorceo tgalnst all trespassing en said lands et the underslgned alter this notlce. WM. COLEMAN rREEMANl It. PKltOT ALDEN, EDWARD 0. 1CKKKMAN, Atternnyln" IL W Celeman's Helm 3.C-UUAW MARTIN THAmmil'H uvtitr. IArUIAHFKIt AUtl AIII.I.KIIHVIM.K It It I Curs run ns lollewa Leave Lunrnsler (P. It. Depot), nt 7, n and 1:30 a. m., mid 1, 1, 11 and t: p. m , excepl mi Siitunlay. when I he last ear IcavtNiit 11. k p, m, Leave Mlllersvllln (toner end), alfl, s'nnd 10 a. ii,., and 1..1, (Valid , p. in. Cars run dally en above time eieept en Hunilav. CULUB1IIIA A l-OUT Itri'UNIT HAII. IIOADTIMK. TAIILK. Trains new run reuuhirlv en the Celir.uiiin ort Deposit UalliiHid en th following aeirriiWAUii. r.M. A.M. 4.M. 0:3) 10.M C:55 le-.H . I0.R7 7:00 una ... . ixn lira) .... 7.W 11:21 7:W 11:27 7:17 IV.X1 7:lKI H:3S 7:37 lld'l 1 1P.M 7.R0 11.0ft 7:10 K.TO 12 'Jl 7.-27 8:13 12:W 7.37 :i l'J-40 ,() 11..U S:x "IPVA'ViiiNH. I HOHTIIWAHU A.M S-Al SIM 8.W 7:1.1 7.10 7i. 7:31 7:2H 7:11 r.M r.w, .....ueitttntila ., .WHKliinKteu... ...CuiKflivell .... tH ft'3-,1 .... Mil... M7,.... R I .... 60S!..., . num uariier.. .Shenk's rcrry,. ......l'lwitiea ..lorkrunmce., Tiiciuau McCnll's Kerri' ...rite'n Eddy .. ,KlihtngCriik, .Peach llotteiu. .. Cone-vlngo .. .... Ortnram ... ...Pert liepiedl ... Perry vllle,... SCO Mm 4:1.1 7il 7.WI flft7 0:11 l'3-l 1:30 7V 7'SP 7i'. 7 17 7-f 1:11 c.:w II A Oft 3 41 c -UMtNWAI.I. I.KIIANIIN ,C ttUI.KIIIUlOk A 1,1.1'. V ICAII.IIOAD TIMK TAIILK. SOlITIIWAni). Trains leave Lebanon dally (etept Sun day) at .10 n. in , 12.2,1 and p. in. Arilve at Cornwall at n 10 it. m ll.17p in mid 7 10 p. 111 1 at Cenuwtigii at 7 .Ma tn.. 1.2J ami BSD p. in .reiiiiiTtlng with the I'ennsjl vanla railroad for points Kest and nit. MOUTHWAIItl. Trains lcave Couewago at 7.30 a. m., SuTe and 8:23 p. in, AirUoalCerniMillntS tin. m., 4IS and 0 13 p. 111. ( at Lebanon at 8.. n 11. in., I 30 and ',i."il p iii..einnectliigal Lebanon with Philadelphia A Hi ailing railroad for point Katl and Went, and thii Lebanon A Trenten! branch ter Johns Jehns low 11, Pluegtuve itnd Tremeiit. The ii 10 a. m. train will Hlnp only at Corn wall. Colelueok and llellaliu. u tC.YIMHO It ' ','UNOKUKN-I Or PASSKNOA MONDAY, OCtTThEU '.".rn. .s NOHTHWAIID. ka&va. IJiiarryvllle Lancaster, KlngBl.... LM"udnr Chlckles Uarluttn Junction,.,. Columbia. J.RMVB. Ueadlng , a.m. r. h ,r. h. (. 30 ... 'LSD 7:80 .... 3.10 7:10 l:t) 3.ft0 7:'J) lai 7.SO .... Hie 7:30 i.ji 3.i 9: Ju 5.V. MU). . 0 J 10 J X BOUTHWAHD. LiAva. tteadlng ASJUVB. Marietta Junction. ,, Chlckles Columbia Lancaster.. Lancaster, King St. .. Uutmrvllle a.m. M. r.M. 7:36 12:01. :li 0:15 p.m. s-01 9: IS ... 8:30 J-Ii :: 10 b- :a, :iu 8.1.1 'J-t" .... 81'' le-.m .... vx 5 U H JO TniltlA Cenner t nl ItitA.lliiL. urliii irHln. t,..i...f rrem Philadelphia PettuvllTe, Hutrlsburg, Al. lentewn and New Yerk, vW Hound P Itoute. At Columbia wlUi trains te and Irem , Hanover, Uettyiiburg, rrtxlertclt and i u I. mero. a M. WIl.fON. S'le PEHNhkLVAMIA HAllTiTeAK KhW nrilKDULK en and after HlfNiv NOV KHIIKIt, 1S,HJ, tratiis en the I'HMnyl Tanl.i llnliread will arrlve ut una leave the Lanratei and rhlla-telphla in-i-eUat (elmw . livl Ar Eaatwami iLanli'ni aImTa-m Hfttl r.rpress l.O) 3.W rhthwlelphla Express 2:27 4 25 rut Line IM 7:60 Harrlsburg Eipias 8:lu iotje Yerk Accommodation arrives S.-u) .... Lancaster Acceinr lat:en arrives.... ;V .... Colombia Accoiauted .ion tin i:U r.M. rrederlck Accommodation arrives. ius .... Leck Haven Kxpre I'JV 3:16 Sunday Mall im i:is Johnstown Exprusa 2,-a, 5-os Day Expres 5:lt 7ri Harrlsburg AccoiutiUMlatlen 8 15 9 IS Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at I-ancoflter with Niagara KxpriMi at U:ti will run through te lUnever dally, nicept Sunday. rreilurlck Accoimnedatton, west.ceniHtcUng at UincuaUir with funt Line, wiut, at 1-Oft, will run through te rrederlck. I A. !Ph IAr. Wbtward. till A.M. Mews Kzpress Way Pa.i!ienger Mali Train, Ne. 1. via. ML Jey MallTmln,No.2,vlaCelumbla,leaves Niagara Expreas Hanover AccommiUUIeu leaves.... rast Line rrederlck Accommodation leaves... Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves... Columbia AccomrcedaUon.. Harrlsburg Express Wuutern Expruss Paclfle Express A.M 8: 6:30 9.-2U 9 JO 9:U r.M. 1UM l:5 S1A 2.30 TM 7:40 11.15 1:35 4:30 :30 7AX) 7:0 11:10 .... r.M. 2:11 'V:i' f:W 9:10 11-20 Herrlsbnrg Express, which leaves Lannuter at 7:10 p. in., has direct connections (without cbangu of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. rast Line, west, en Sunday, when tliigged wlllBtopatDewnlugtown.CoatoHVlllo, l'urkes. burg, Mount Jey, EUabiithtewn and Mlddb town. Day Kxprew, Pest Line, News Expresi, Mull Train, Ne. 1, Wusiern ExprehS and raclde Ex pruss rnn dallv. The ttiuu here given U Knttern Hme, or thut et the 73th meridian, whlcii l.i 1 minute ami J seconds faster than that heretolnre used. I" OUALMAll. AUUANOE.11KMTS. HOURS KOR CLOSING THE MAILS lly Unllrnnd Nkw eiik TfiRet'nii Mit B.00 mid 7 M a, m., 12:30 p. in., 5.oe p. m. and 2.03 a. in. Wav Mail. cast. 7 '0 a. m Dow.fiMUTew.-r, licumuii Place and Uap, fi.15 p. tn. PuiLADKLrtitATnnecnii MAtt., 5:C0 ant! 7 JO a. m.,8.1a. Ill,, 12.30.5:00 and 2Mu. in. 1'1TTBUI-RU AND WEST, 11.00 II. III., 120 unit 10 15 p. in. lUKntsnurieMAiL, GOOnndOOOa. m., 1.), 5.00, 7:15 und 10.13 p.m. Wav mail, west.'fl.'O nntl 9 (if) a. in, llALTIMOBB AD WASIIIKfJTO.f , vllt I'lllladel phla, 5:00 p. in. llALTlUOItE AND WABIIt.f UTOK, Via Voik, l.W p. in. lULTiuens amb Wahiunotem, via Harrlsburg, 10:n p. in, lltiin twdUtin. Christiana, Purkesbiirg, Ceateiivllleand Downlngtewn nt 12.30 p.m. l.'ei.uMBtA atUWa. in. 1 J) and 5 00 p. in. Yerk anu 1 eiik wav, 1.J0 uud 10 U p. m. NeimiBiiN CitxreAL, U.OO a. m.. 1:2) and 10 15 p. m. KbadIxu, via Rkahine and Celtjuiiia R. R , 7.(0 a. in. uud I2.)0p. m. Rkadine, via Philadelphia, 3: e and 1 1 W) p m JlHAUtNii way, via .1 unction. Lltllz, Jlitu Jlitu lieltn, Eiwt Heuipfleld and Ephrata, 3 13 p. in. Quahrttillv, Carmurge, New Providence, Wciit Willow, Murtlnsvllle, Helten and i.lme Valley, 9:15 a. in, and S.oe p. m. Nkw Helland, Clmrclitewii, Uii-aubauk, lllue Hall, Uoedvlllo, lleurtewn und Spring Orove, by wayet Downlngtewn, ut (1:15 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Havh lUmieu, via Columbia, 6:30 a, tn, and p, m. liy Mtngn-Sluckwater and Safe Harber, 4.00p. m. Te Mlllorsvllle, Sand 11:30 u. in., nnd t p. m. Hlnklev's llrldge, Leateck, llarovlile, New Helland. 2:30 p. in. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, lluek. Chestnut Level, Ureen, Peters' Creek, Pleasant Orove, Reck Springs, rulrineuutund ltowlandsvllle, Md., dolly, at 7:oe a in. Lunula' Vnlley. Oiogen, West Earl, Farm Farm eraville. Neflsvllle, lllnkletewn, Turre Hill, Martlndale, dully, at 2.30 p. m. Oreenlaml, fertility, Lampeter ami Wheat land Mills te Strasburg, dally at I p.m. New Danville, Coneitega, Murtlovllle, ( ole ele ole manvllle, Mount Nohe, Rawllnsvllle, llo lle thesda and Liberty Square, dally, at 2:30 p, in. On Sunday evening, malls east and west oles at 10:00 p. m. 1VUKN UI'KN If OH DKI.lVEHV. Arriving br Mull Kaitern mull. fl;n a. in . 10.00 a. in., 3.10 and 0.30 p m. Eastern way mall, 10 00 n. in. Wejtern mull, 0.30 uud lo.eo it, m 2.00 and 7.00 p. in. Ueadlng, via, Peadlns anil Columbia, 2:30 p.m. Western way mall, 8:10 a m. Reading way mall, 10:30 a. in. Quarry vllle llraucli, 8:13 a. in, and 1:00 p. in. Arriving by Htsgs from Sate Harber and Slaekwatur, at U.OO a ut., dully. Kretu Mlllorsvllle, 7 und u a, in and I p. nt. from New Helland, nt U:30 a. m., dully. Frem Rolandsvllie, Md., tit I 0) p. in Reading way mull, at 10.30 a. m , dally, from .strasburg, ut 0.30 it. in., dully. Frem Kitwllnsvlile, ut 11 CO a. m. Frem Terra Hill, at 10.(0 a. m. UUI.IVRHIKS IIY UAKICIKHS. Thore are three mall dullvorles by Letter Carriers each day, and en their return trips they tuke up the mull matter deposited In tlie loiter boxes. A collection Is miule Iretn all the bexes en Sunday alter 4 no p, m. Fer the first delivery tlie carriers leave the oiilceat7:00 it m, second dullvery ut le.i 0 a. in. ; third dollvery at S.oe p, in, SUNDAY POSTOITIOK UOUltl, On Sunday the postefllco Is epen Irem April 1st te Octebei 1st. Irem 8 te 9 a, m , and Irem u te 7 p, re, from October Ut te April 1st, irem 9 te 10 a. in , nnd irem 0 te 7 p. in i I mi w !'.