w L&NUASTEll DAILY iNtfEJJLEGENUEl., MONDAY, ffEBRUAB 25, 1884 COLUMBIA NEWS. .mil ur.eii.Ait ueuiiaiMNiKNUKi ICsuspa nf Titigrn Uliartfetl Willi i Hnileus Crime Matters In tlie KallRleu unit Heclil World. Ftatik Leye, colored, attempted te out rnge Suau llice Inst Wednesday. The nlialr was kept unlet, na It was desired te nttest tlie scotmthel. Last night Officer WlllleU Itnirctl of lil whereabouts and attempted an nucat. Iioye lied, closely pursim! by thoefflcor, who shot at liltn llve tunes with IiIh lovulver. A large crowd joined hi tlie ohaae but tliu rnltlve escaped. liOye In also wanted In Middle town for highway rubbery. Meclely .Hi-cHubd. A Seub of Tcmpciance reuiety wns ergnnl.cd en a.iturd.iy ovenlng nt the temperance inectlnir held in tlie Muthedlst church by Jenah Houghten. Half n hundred poisons tire nlreaiiy enrolled. 'I he following uicctlngH will be held te night : Company C, Suiquelinnna ledgo of Odd Fellows, Conestngn ledgo Knights of Pythias, ami UlvutaliM llome, rie. J, II. l (U F.)C. A. I'emmml mill MecUI. Miss Nidlle Btalr, of Yerk, In tbe guest el Miss Kiniim Sohreoilor. Misn At.nle IVIg hi ontertnltilng Miss Ida Hiu..ird, of Lancaster. Mrs Ilattle Mlller, daughter nnd son, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr. S. II. Miller. Mtsn Ltzzie Htulnmetz, et Lancaster, la visiting lIlssAHce Michael. Mrs. Aunt Weed, rf Pittsburg, Is tlie guest of her brother, Mr. Jehn Bnydsr. Adance will be held in the armory en the evening of March 17, by tlie O. A. K drum corps. lu the Cliuteti World. Anether latge prayer incellii wan huld last evening at tlie ueiutnuia engine lienf. . . . . . Xext Sunday will be missionary day at the M. K. ohitreh. The exercises will be held at 2 -30 o'clock. Tlie revtval servlces at the M. h church will be held this week en Wednesday, Thursday art! Friday eveniugB. Hev. AVtii. l Hvaus, pastor of the Hae end H'tcet I.uthcrau oliuteb, finished his ueum of sermons en "Tnc Kind of Town We Mve in," last evening. Over a bundled O. A. It. men nttended special servlces at the Bethel Church of Oed last ovenlug. Tim rhurch could tiet accommedato the eiewds that desired te attend the f.ervices,nnd many wero obliged te go clfowherc lloreuRti Uriels, Nothing moie .a h ,nl of the cloak man. Cohitnbinniinie new looking eijucUntly forward te the slmd tUbing season. River is still fnllin. Sinej hatutday tlin water foil u feel. The band font its instruments te Phila delphia for a complete overhauling. The flgurtelW!) nre written in chalk en the pavement all ever town. Tumults", the llrtt of the seasjti, lird up nt Maiiutta josteday. They uimn from Cleat Held. Tlin beautiful drama or " Nobody's Claim " will npiiuur at the opera Iioiike te iilcht. Tlin trmipe pleying it in nu ex celleut nun Popular prices of ndmistiti. Jacob II Miller's rrtnains wote bailed thifl afternoon at M. Ite-the! comctery. The fuueral t.civii'i i.cre held at Cook Ceok Coek man'R M. C Chapei. J.itdics v,he dtsite te .insist at the approaching fair of the Columbia tlie company will meet te nionew evening at 7:30 o'clock p. in , te tnnke arrangements for that event OfflcetH te couduet the fair will than be elected The telief commlitce will meet every Thursday afternoon In the room in the rear et tlie C'litucil chainber of tlie opera boute All donations I money, feed and clethirg will tlieie he ticcived, and all ilcRtring aiisistauce mu then make applict tien for it. DUU.MIlUr; 1MIIM11. 1'atmr mid Ornusr lllnp(iiii .1 Hiict'P"lnl 1 a r t 1'kIiIIbIiI MIks Hachrl McSpartan, of Fulton tewtiMiip, has .i llm lu-d of p,inalen bloom ing nut of deem I'hey were budding when the imew (nine and when it went away they pepped out in blosseniH. Wn may net have any ul ttiat kind of blessmis In Drumei, but we had a low ernngn blubvuua last week. Mr. Hamuel ,1 Ankrim married Mia Hetta Stevenson hint I'uui sday evening Some people ncein alv..ii te he luel:y and " Sam" Is oue of thou; The happy couple have a ferumi of i'lM-d wHhcH Irem tbeir in my friends. Th lair held la.t week at Fairllel 1, by tin Oh! Fellows and Knights el Pythian, . amcctvs, aprolltef about four hun ditd dollars being realized. The mombeis of tbe two ledijcH csteiul their hearty IhankH te the kind friends all ever Mm county who contributed te the fair and patronued it. TLe boekit of the matiftgerH testify Bjiecially te t'i t'i llbpraliiyef a number ei Lancaster friend Following are the uamns of articles ouiu euiu ouiu jietr el f.T, the names of the competitors anel It amount received by caeh : A line top I j.'y, ene of Messrs. Nerbeck & MUey'i best, 0. U. Ue&tlck, $185 ; C. 0. Ilejd, $77,115; Jehn Coency, i". Fer the line lllty dollar senlng mnohlne, Mary Coency Had U7.77 ; ballle .Mlller, ir.;iu 8ule HctiBel, $28 81 ; Lfzzle Stolnferd, 412 2.1; Alice Kwini,', $175. Fer the robe, David ZimmerH had 320 30, and O II. ItOHtlek, $3. Tbe ntreet I.iiiups, Tlie pollue e Ulcers en duly em Sa'.unUy mid Sunday nights repert that ou Saturday there wero thirteen electric and 39 gasoline lami.i that did net burn or burned poorly ; ntid en tjatmday nllit tliore uine clcctrie and nlne tHoline lamps that wero out or buriiii).' unsatisfactorily. Tlie locations of thoeleettlo lamps that failed te render liejht were ai fellows tliere beiiij no report from the lamps in tlie First ward: Saturday Ornnt and Christian, for 2 lieuis ; Duke ami Or.itij:e, peer nil ulglit ; Lhcetuitl Church, from 11 te 1 j Vine and Beutli (iueen strcet j Seymeur ami Seuth Queen ; West Iviup; nnd Mary j Oraue nnd Columbia avotiue ; Duke and Freder ick ; Inry and Love Ltne ; Mauer and fiuuiel ; St. .loseph and Laurel ; Lern mi mid I'rlnce ; Mulberry and Lemeu ; Mary and Lemen. Sunday night Christian and Grant, Shipped nnd Orance, Duke nud Orange. Seuth Queen and Vine, Sltippen and Chestnut, Duke atid Frcderlulr, Liutel nud Mauer, Lemen and Mitlberry, James ami Mary. ASTItEKl'FIUIlT. .liiii Dneliler (lives Uncvry Itaytunnil a lllnclc ICye, Harvey Raymond nnd Jim Doeblor bad n flulit at tlie " Snanper llex '' this after after after noeu about 2:!i0 o'elook. The dlsagree. tnent begnu presumably evor politics, high words nrose nnd Deablor said " he could net be handled bv Ilaivey Itsyniend nud bis crowd, " It la tald that Deebler struck tlie Hist blew, giving tbe HpilriRvllle statesman an unpleasant adnitiment te his left organ of vision, Tlie latter then caught bid assailant by the neck and choked him until Doeblor, concluding mat discretion w.va llie butter part of valor, ceased In his nttnelc Quite u great ileal of excitement was caused by the fracas, nud it was vtituusscd by a large crowd. Tlie Republican campaign may new he said te be fairly opened, Tim smallpox, lie tilth ComtnUsIeuur WcathacMer re perta tliHO new cases of smallpox during last week, and ene of tbe two old cisch ro re ro cevircd, 'eivlng four easci new under trct'miui in the city. Tlin Mliert Murder, Adam Haney, the boy who HtatCH that IiIh father killed Ilernard Hliert, lit bin Htery te Cnnslable Slicnk, said that the axe with whlohtbe tnurder was committed could he found In the wagon In the barn. Blnce tlin hearing Hoareh was made for the axe and It wan found nt the place named. It ban also been learned that provleus te the arrest of the Daueyn, the boy told a nolghber that he knew who wail the mur derer of Hliert. It having been icpetlml that Themas llnuey, ene of the meti oharged with the murder of Harney Short, wan ence con victed of larceny or burglary In Lebanon county, the dopulyclerk of imarter bcs. sIeiih of Lebanon ndvlseH the iNTni.MOKN. ci;ii that u certain Themas Ilehny wan Indletcd nnd charged In 'January bcrsIeiih, 1800, with tbe ctltne of larceny ; two UdlctmentH wero preRentcd but both wero Ignetcd by the grand jury. Ilurlftl u llocirKe h'cliulinyer. The funeral of aonrge Bohtilmyer.whoso death eccurred last Wcdnenday, toel: place yesterday afternoon, from Ins late resl dence en North Queen stroet. The futieral was largely nttonded by friends of the dccpaspil, and Toutenla ledge, Ne. 105, IC. of P., Ilebolledgo, Ne. 509, I. O. O. F., nnd tint Laneastcr Mainnorehor, of which orders he was a member, wero also In attendance Tlie lleral trlbutert wero pro fuse and exceedingly beautiful. Knmiljr I'lriitaiitilts. On Saturday night the family of An drew Ulnehart, residing at Loeast and Christian strcuts, had a row In which the old man had Ills head cut. IIe proceeded te the olllce of Alderman Ferdticy and made complaint against his son Jehn, eharglng him with assault and battery. At the be.nitiL' this tnernitii! it appeared that tbe father, who was drunk, was te blamn for tbe whele affair, nnd the cate was dismissed. t'ullcn (Imei, Aldermnu Spurrler committed Charles Wise for a hearing ou WeiltiPMlay evening next te answer complaints of nssanlt nnd battery and ninety of the pence made against him by hls'wlle. Cee. Boek colored wns held te ball by the ratne officer te answer a complaint of assault and battery made against him by Jehn Cenlpy. also colored. Tlie Mnyer-l'.lart. Te day a dolpgatlen from Yerk county, oensistim: of J. W. Test, Ooergo J. Shot Shet tor, W. West, Edward J. Gctz and A. A. Wnsseii, called upon Mayer elect Uosou Uesou Uoseu miltcr, te ceugratulatn him upon bis elec tion Mr. Hospiimiller being a native of Yerk county. Tlin New Mrrtt Itellwny. The work en the stroet railway te the park will be begun ns neon as the weather will permit. Tim route will be 5 700 fort long. This morning Mr. Webb, nf Johttewu, who wants te furnish the tai's, was driven evor the reute by seme el the gentlemen interested in the enter prise llelil ter it HCHrlnc Yestciday Samuel Craig, who ban been missing from town for seme time, was ar rested at Uird. in-Hand. IIe is charged with aR'aulting and desertlng his wife.nnd Alderman McComeny held him for a luar lug. iltil l'riiin hmlillnc Ames Parrish, n four year old son of Samuel Parrish, North Christian street, died en Saturday from a severe wilding suffered by him four of llve wceks age. The funeral took place te day interment lu St Mary's cometory. t'rll irniii h Itrlilce. A son of Wm. Leenard, Locust sticet, fell from the Duke street railroad bridge te day and Mtffered severe injuries, his shoulder belng broken nnd bis body badly brulml. Te tip lliiilml In MrnilJtirj;. The body of JnFeph Nolte, who died the prl'en en Friday, will be taken Strasburg for burial. .MlHinrinrnn. " I he llrtjli! Ughl!." 'I'licreslinulil be as Hiit.ni et llie excellence et this entertain uiunt In llii fict that the manager et It, "ny Mu3 .1 Ki amidy. Iuti dccMc.l te hIieiv In I.nn c.iitiM two urunlns, VVednus.lay an I Tlum day. a nieiie Us brlirlil llu'ld" are lliyaut and Ktclimniid, I'lenln ami sniiivuu, Mr. . ! .MIII3, IIIp i unit narlen, .leuei and Mnu'aiue. I'll I llellly .MuIke Atstin, Ilarrr Jlellvllle, Ma'ud ViuiKbn.and tliowenilnrliil uiesiuuiUti, l'rels T. A. and J. K Kennedy, of wltnm tlie Uhlcige Journal says- " Hut tha corn-cracker was tlie iiinsinorle snance by the Kennedys; people were made nt ence tietu an amateur te a cornelian pain was r.unove I, e.iudles eaten for candy, mil ns terapplex, flour and water ler Ice pip it, peepln place I In a duad slum Per In un uiHtaut, and ether num. astenUldni; IiIiibs accomplished. "XoUedy't Claim " Will be piesunted Ui Ui Ui tuoiiew (t'uejil.iy) evenluir, liy .1. . Alexun der's eempany. This play It said te lie very Intcrc-dlni,', and lias a wetldnl tun lu It. It has been diawliiK larve houses nnd Is very sensational nnd stnrtllnit;. The seonle Directs are line, and aie well weith soelnir. All the scenery nnd uiechaulc.il appllancei that tuarkud lis success nt the WluiUnr Ihoatre, New Yerk, ts cirrled In a special car con. slructed for tliat purpose Tlie managers havealvertlsed Mr.W snpernumarlei. A Lecture. Rev. J. 11. Hecter, poslceuiuidii der of David E. Small pest, 3mi, of Yerk, who made such an entertaining speech at the u imparts of tin icceut Grand Army eucninp im.'nt, In this city, will till the story et tits Own Lite," at the court house, en Ft Play evening, ler the benefit el pests 81 and IM, G, A. It,, of Lancaster Tickets, cutting '.5 cents, can be had fiem any taember or at C, II. Heir's book and Nlmlew's cigar stores. HVKVIAIj IIUT1VICS. Physicians recommend porous piaster) In cases or Ruck Ache, Lsme Side, htlif Muscle, liheumntUm and all local pubis. Am 1'Uutirt nre tliu best made, combining Fresh llepi wllh Gums Ready te use, ploisautandpouer pleisautandpouer ploisautandpeuer lul in action, '2.1 eta, nt any drug at .te. .la Winn Htie Was Yeuuu. " 1 have used Parker's Hair IlaUam uud llke II hotter than any similar preparation I knew el," writes Mrs. Ellen l'eny, wll ,et Rev. P. l'eiry, et Co.dhreok Springs, Mass. " My halt was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle et the llalsam has restored the seilness, and the brown color II had wheu I was young-net ntlngle grayhalr left. Since 1 began apply Ing the llalsam my hair has steppod lulling out, nud I II tut that It Is a 'perfectly .harmless and ngreeahle dressing." tO-lindSAoewW Wlmu Yeu Fel lllue and your back aches, and your head icels heavy, and you wake unrefieshed In the niei nlng and your bowetsnreslugghli or co -tlvn, you nced Kidney-Werl. Ills nature's gieat temedy and never falls te lelluve all cuce) of Diseased Kidneys, Torpid I.Iver, Constipation, Malaria, Piles, Rhcumatlani, itc. It operates Hliuultam.eni.ly ou the Kldneys, Ltver nndllewels, sitcgthenlng thorn and re storing healthy action, Put up in dry and lipild lerm. Mild by all druggists. In Has ine irsrs, Impurity or lllemt, however generateii, Is always present In the body when piln Is felt : It spreads and torments wheievera weak spot or low vitality exUts, lliiAKDiurru'a Pills are the ene gieat and tin tallliiB remedy, buciuun they take held and expul only what Is hurttul se when slak, have piln, dlzr.lness, rheumatism, colds, or ceitlveuess, take from three te live, and II they de net operate In tour heurj or se, take threo or lour mera, 'l hey cloaiue the bewels und circulation Irem all Impurities et the l)loe.l. and elteu awn tile. Huamdkktii's Pills proicrve the vigor et youth, and ter a lenir period keep eir the debility et uite. Sold In overy it run nnd medicine store, wllh plain prima I direction! for usu A IVerd of UdoIIed, Itnllreniljnicn. tncehnnlcs, commercial tuiv tuiv elars, liie liallUts, larmers. anil ethers, who Inliorniitet iloers,nrn peculiarly Ilatilotoao Ilatiletoao Ilatiloteao clilontnml Inliiry. Themui' JCeleelrie 0(1 for lirulsim, burns, bites anil sprains, Is ene el the llnti't nppllentlens set ilevln(l Ker snle hy II. II. Cnchrnn, ilruuKlst, 137 anil 133 Nerm Uueen striint. Ilrtiwii'ii iiimiieriiMil I'linnriPn. Is tlie tnertt ctlcctlve t'nln Deslniycr In the world. Will most surely qulcken the bleed whether taken Intenmlly or npplleil oxlor exlor oxler nally, ami ihoreby mero certainly UKl.tKVK l'AIN, whether clironle or acute, than any oitierpiilii alleviator, anil It !s wartantcd iteu bin the strength than any ether similar prepa ration. It cures pain In the tilile, llaclc or llewuls, Unra Thieat, HheuinalUin, Toethiieho, mid Al.l, ACIIK8, anil Is Tlie (Irnitt llellnvir or I'nlii. "lIUOWN'SllOUSKIIOIiDI'ANAOHA" aheiihl be In every Inmtly. A tuaspenulul et the l'auarua lu a ttnnblar el het water ewcrtt nail, ti preferred, tnhen at iH-dtlme, will It UK A It UP AUOIill. acntiUn bnlllf iiuivl-T.Th.l-'ilw 1'ilYfliclAfl attest: " Celdun's f.l'inlil licet U particularly useliil In Diphtheria, Fever, and overy ilcpienatugdliioniie ISi'lwilued.tw Hfitiry ;arneiiu nnlve. The best Salve In the world ler cuts,bruUes sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hatulH, chilblains, corns and nil kinds el skin eruptions, freckle and pimples, The salve Is Ituarantecd te lvn perfect imtlHfuctlnn In everj' cam or money reruuded. IIe sure you KetHxNRV'rt (JAituoLte Salvu, at all ethers are hut Imitations and coiiuterfcttH. Price 'IS cents, bold In J.ancaiter at Cochran's DniK tine 1S7 Nferlh eiimiin Rlrmit mv-4 l'KOi'Lt: nre killed by ceukIis tlul Hale's Heney of lloteheund nnd Tar would cute Pike's Toethiieho Drep cure In ene inlnute.2 f'iVlwilcetl.tw Oiirnl .My Itn's Vi",Iiib. Frem Kvausvllle, 1ml,, the home of our cer respondent, Mi. Jehn It, Patterson, com. s the follettlnir: " tiamarttdii Xirvtne cnteil my wile et a case of liimaln weakness." It's an extract liem .Mr. Patterson's letter. $1.50. f 10 IvrileO'lAw Docs your heart ever necm te step and you I el a death-llke utilisatien, de you huve sham pains lu region of your heart en luve Heart Dlseafe. Try Dr. (Irivi'V Heart lleitaltiter. l pur bettlti. ' H'u knew Heart Dlsinsu cm he cured, why f bt'Cnusotlieusindssjiy ihcy have imciI Dr. draves' lleatt UcKiilaternud knew It does tliecure 1'timpten A'ciri." fl per bottle nt ilrugclet-i tn-'Jtw UNM,'ii'T1UN UltltKII. An old plivslctiu, tutlred fiem prao'le having had placed In his hands by an Kast ndla mliMeniirv tlie lenuuli et a sluiple voRntnble remedy for the speedy and perma nent euro et Consumption, Ilrenchltls, Cu tnrrli, AMtluna and all tlireat and I.iing At fictions, ul.-ua nedllvu and radical cure ler Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaints nfter bavins tested Its wemlerlul curntlve petiurHln thousands ureases, Iiiim felt It his dutj te make It knr.wn te hi, KiilIerliiK fel low -t Actuated bytliU tnetlu and a !erlre te lellevn huiiiau Hiur.'iln, 1 will xenI tr e of ehnrge, teall nliodejlro It.lhU recipe, lu Gor Ger man, French or KnaP-ilt, with, full I'lreetlens (irpiep uliu; and ustni:. font by iiiitil by ad ilresliiR ttltli sbiiiiu, nauilni; this paper, W A. Nevks, V-.0 I'jwer't Jlleek. Jtechcster, X. ' 17 lOlwcnw llnnr'iy tlin Itrtt 1'idlry. in 'ntvnrtlstiujiv uiedlelne it Is Iiph' te lie hencHt dereptleu will never de; tlie lireple uen'tHtand It. i.et tlie truth be known Hi it Jlurderk t'U ed lltltcr.i euro pcielula, ami all eruritliiiid et tlie skin. 'I 111 medlclu i la Held evei vwlien- by iltiiKrfli's Fer mle by II II Cerlmiii, ilriik'fl'l. Ii7 and l.TJ .Seitli (Jucen slrtet it:.iT;f. IIoeiisev -in T III-, city, en tlin 21d lnt. I'.inuia II, eldest diiuuliteret Philip ltni-rim The lulatlves and filcuds et the liunlly arc rcspcutliilly lnvl'.rd te attend the luntial, liein tlie runldi-ncii fit lier tntliur, Ne. 11 Kast KltiK street, en TiiphiIav morning at fi-.fJ o'clock Se'i'inn llcfjnlein mass will bu celnbra led at m. Jtaiy' Call ellcclmrcli at 9 e clock til-'t SKNun In lids Pity, en Fibiunry 2M, 14l, Henry M. enl, In tlin mill yearet his ukc. Tlie tcluttvus unit lrlendser tlin family are it'spectliilly Invited teattend tuefiineinltrmn Ms late rrsldunc-e, Ne. iSft West Urange street, en Tin n Iny alternoeu at '2 o'rlnek ; Interment ut We i .w ml. Illn ceuiiitnry itd llr.n Man. In tills ell v. ou tliu M Inst, Ite-lua llclliii hi In the Tl'li yeai el l.cr ai;. The telallves and friends el the family aie nspe'tlully Invited te attend tlie fiiueitd from tlie rostdunte of lier son In-law, ( emiiil Odd. nderler, Ne Oi, HIbIi street, ou Tue-iluv alttiiinun at 'I o'clock- Interment nt Ien's ccuiUi'iy. 2ld HUTU -In lids elly, e. Fubitt ry'JI.H'! Jllsrt i liarlet'.u str.nn, lu the IM aoiret liei iikp Tin ti'lattvc andtilendsolthetainllyi.ro respccttully Invite I te attend the funeiid from then bldencoet her uinthi r, Mr. I.nulu Saltier, Ne HUNeitli (imcii street, en Wid ncsilay atlerneun at lo'clenk. raiiTiiti, IOlt UllilNl ull.lt llsil.NKt. JOHN D. H.iRllAlt.et (.liiMliiim, Uadn'.un tOWUHhlp. G4 -ublect te the dee -d u id thn 1 inn crulle county convention. I.sd.Vw j;i.n Cllll.NTV l O.llSllM-IO.N! It, GEO. S llUOM-;,nt Midebury township. adSuliJeet te the .'cetslonel thn Drmevratlc ceuniv convention. leblsilftw T? ii( i.nu.Ni'i ejini.Mi-lti.M.il. ELI II M'TON, ei Uppei I.catei'k township, eif-SulJect te tre di cl"len el tlie Demo Deme Demo erailp couvintlen Imd.tw Iuk cn - i e.ti.-n it iiii.s i:tt. IIORDLEY S. PATTERSON, ei Little llil taln township 45-Suuiccl te the di olxlen ( I the Deiueeratlu ee inty convention, tl.ML'.tw ALII Alit J.lflJtt.SIJiMs r i I'liiuir I'xoi.i'i'ie'' V Cigar In the city at I UK lll'HT r.r. HARTMAN'S YELLOW FROM I 1(1 l. HTORF. TTIilll ti.ll.l!. Gun et Jehn Hest U ten's Pelt Hi ater Pumps with Coiiuter shall compute, ntp.ble et Hiippljlng a SS-lmtsii pewiT boiler liiijnli'.' ut .iiiar.i-ii ii. niiiir-icn Ma' nine ' lnliiV J eed hop, Nuith Cllllntlun ht. rpiitc i et t KiitiUi.AK mentiilv mr.UTiNO the American Mechanics' llullillui; and Lein Atsecl.itlen will be In Id tlili (Meiuliiy) evening, l-ehr nrv i 1681, at " 31 o'clock, nt W. II. ueland's elllce, 'iei$ hunth Duke htu-ut .Meney for rile. 11 E. .1. ER1SM AN, bccrelaiy. vreTitiK. 1 Tlie memheisel the Lanca-ter .Minn net -cher are iciticted te tneut at thrlr hall en TUESDAY AFTERNOON ns 1 3) o'clock, ler thopniues.0 et atttndlng the tunnrnl el our late lellew member, llunry il. boner Ity elder et the ptesldent. It GEORGE PFEIFI-ER. i)ltOI'l)S.I.H 1'Olt Tlllt IMM.UllON OF tliu Farmers' Nnithuin Marltrt liouse will tie received ler thu whele work or ler thn several parts In detail. Plan and speclllcatlnns may he examined nt thnolllcuef Alermau Jeseph Samsnii, Ne. '.'li Nmth Queen street, Lam aster. 1'rone-mlH will bei rculved te U n'ueuka in, MARCH I, lhl. The eempany reset ves the right te ic Jict any or nil IdiN. I JI-3L 1iT.VTL OF OIIAKLF.U RO 1 11 tV'Klf.l.tt, 1 late et Lancaster City, due d. l.ittih luttamculary ou said catiile tuivliiu been isrunted tn thn undersliuul, all hiisuiis In dubU'd Ihorutearoriiiiuusleil te jimUn liniue liniue dlale payment and thuse havlni; claims iiKulnst tuu Hiinu. v.111 preseut them without delay ter butiluinnnt te the unilerulKued, JOHN FRIISCH, hxeoiiter. II t. KniiAnv, Atfy. j7-DtdM" I vlll'.A.lLH ill' 'lillS 12.11!.-THE 11!- XJ palnnent et Hearing lu yeuui; pursnii'i and in oulldreu Is very elteu attributed te "uhiimt mtnduiliieni" by piruuts, and ti "at'iplllly' by tcacliul'4 Inn, n child stupid, tueie tstilwuys a (.tune, which Hhnii.il 1,9 ti.ir-Jd out, and ttw pour child uittrnatid ilHltltVMiru li speiiatlili) ter tlui (IHlU!.i) III it run teird it he liui'iisuxet tlie 1'iir Eye ami Threat Heated by II H, LON(IARER,rI I) Clll.'e Ne. UEiiat Uamui Httect, LaueuHter Consultation trie va tdAw New AumiiTinKAtttttTit. TJ)UHIT1VM AHI) l'BKUairiOHY PUBLIC SALE. On MONDAY, KKIlllUAllY, 2.V 1831, will commenco closing out the entlre sleck and fixtures el tlie finest and best let el uoeds for merchant tailoring purposes In this city Comprising all rnre nnd clintce selec tions of KOIIHION AND 1IOMK8T1U NOV KliTIK&lll Cleths, Cassimeres, VESTINGS, Suitings, Treuserings, AHD- OVERCOATINGS, all nt the Latest Styles and Finest Fabrlijues, In Kiigltsli, Frenchnnd American productions. A FUI.M.INK. OF Tailors' Piece Trimmings. 8IIiKBKIlOK4 AND8ATIN9 In colors te match any shade of oveica'leg A LOT OK FINISHED W'OIIK. Gents1 Furnishing Goods, NOTIONS, &c. Thce Reeds are alt Iresh and sound, and of the most popular and desirable styles, and must be sold te clese business. Aiuenn the fixtures are two lawe Helhl Wiilnut Ftame Tnneh.'lale Mirrors, tour -elid Walnut FiencU Veneer t;eunlcr Tables, alarseand ehiKiint Contre Ceunlui, nnlsbcd complete In bard weed with flldlnif drawers, lilKhlyetuatnuntnt; two Cuttlnte I'iidIcs two show a;ej,enu Desk and Cabinet Case, ene Flre-l'roer.-nlo, one cewliin Mielilut, steve and Pipe, Case et DrnweM, Hhulvinir, cornice Flxtutcs, Curtains, Ilrnssels Cnrpnt et3 , etc., ote. Poisons wldibiKle Inspect tbpei;oeds can de se by ealllint di.rlnu the ilny pievleus te sale Hale te open nt 7 o'clock p, in,, At 121 North Queen Street. plKKU'H TON HI. Oranges and "Flerida. BotterThan Broezo.i nnel Bloseema Under a ts'ew Fin??. Kvcn tin balmy air and oranjte Biovcsef Flerida tail te keep lis people lull of happi ness and cem'rrt. Art innt lulp nature every whet e In the tropics as ninnnjr the plnes et tin North. " And, chief ainenjj tlin bless lin;s which are adapte'd te all zones." writes I'r J. O Wallace, et Fett Dade, Fla., "Is I'AliKBn's Tenie. It scorns te have the weild ter a field and most of the current dlseaes yli'ld te Its action. I have used U In thocaee et ndullcuteuiiit djspeptte yenni; lady, with the mentBratlljlni,' results. It leemedtoac leemedteac leemedtoac ceinpll.'h with ease what the usual prescrip tions and treatment for thattnterablu malady t.il ed wholly te bring about. 1 am also glad inst.itetbatthe Tonic hits greatly iclli'vul me few tonally eit a troublesome atenic condition et the stomach of long standing It Is the Ideal purifier and Invtjerant." Messrs Hiscox.CLe call cspcc'al attention te the fact tlmtattir Apill 1(1, lkSl. llie name dtulsiyieet this preparntten Mill heioulterbo simply J'arkcr'i Tonle. The word "tiinger" Isdieppcd, ler tlin reason tint unpilnelpled dealers nre constantly diculv lift tin Ir patiens by Hiibstttutlin: luteiler prepnatlens under tliu naineet clnget t and ns cliiKiu' Is an un important Unveting ingredient In our Tonic, we are sure tjul our Irlunds will ujtrce with us as te the prepiletv t the change- There wild: nediimac liewuei; in the preparation ltsi If ; and all belt es remaining in the hands ut din'i'is. wrapped underthn uitmeet "l'Ainc Kd't) OlMiun'leMU," cnlitaln the genulne inut Iclui It U.oWuatuieot lliscei.t Ce. Is at the bottom et euulde wrapper. SUAI'. 1II.1MI trilltlHOMKlT, LOOK! LOOK! GRAND WORD UOA'TOT TLKASthT ANII IS'TllClTlTK Mageificent and Costly f8TlMB. Premiums WILL RE GlEN. Woith ll. onllil.Gelil Watch flmne Jd Magnlllcent 'lea hut, einbi-uelng wattei-H. J I Inch linmiunri d nail en in.ivi'il. li ulcers Immniei d and uu- giavcd, ullli go d-llned slop and cieam, quadl uple plate 3d Tilting lte Water Snt, bund ch.ieder lim re elnuud tntln, with geld linen clop and cup lib Till Ing JeeWalur bet, eiigiuvid, with ueld-llnt.il, uiev able blep and cup.. .MU 'toilet bland, line dcrerutcd bnltlu nnd ponder box, with batlii-llned i'mei e rawer Mh Fruit stand, llch du-rlati-il glasi, eltner bluenriimbc'i- 7th 'I ute-ii Tele Set, 3 pluci i ted and am- lit'i' gins'!, handengniied jIIi. Ili-U CuMter, ehasc-d bell bandies. The I ell can in.1.1 Illy be di taeliud from the batidle Vlli. Ice l'ltcher, U qts, tha-cd, double walled lilth. Cake Stand, chafed and geld-11 id. 11th Fiutt Biand, rock eiyntal gias, beaiitllully cut 'I Me iniinutiu'liirms of the celebiati d .1 Ul i I ee 17 CO li M 10 M 10(i0 7 01 7 00 llav'n soap will give en the lstet May, issi, tlie above ce-itly and beautiful piemluuii te the poisons innKiugeui mi' inrgiiM rsi ei wenw mini hid wenls DAY'SCELEBRATEDSOAP. THE CONDITIONS ARE! 1-t All lls's til ii t be aeeeiiipiinled liy a -centstamp lei'ieturii postage, and tne n ilttcn Hlalement that you liue an I air new using the Day's eap lu jour family, and the name and addiess et the grocer tuim whom ou buy It -M. Wents in nut bewillten plainly and iiuui buied, 3l. Ne words reuntfd In wnteli letters aie UHi'd net found In luiy's ('t'lebnilel imp. 4tb. All lists must tin In by the Mril of May, as the pieii.lum-will be txiveu en that day. Slh. 'i he piumlums will ln given In lotatlen accerdli g te largcht list of wind . Mil. Wi (te your name ami add 1 1 i,s p'alnly mi list, and ter turthut Intoiuiiitten nnd Instruc tl ns eucluse 'I cent stuinp. Tills eiler li made te Induce ou te try and Hen tl e pill cut mid best Soup made Ity Its iipe ou havene bnt.lmt, iiOKcaidltiu, no heiii, no hteaui. and your washing dnnu In euu-halt thu usual time. Day's beau must be ut.ud a die. te I. Dliee- tlens will be leunit ou inch wrapper. The Day's beip cau bu had et leading wholes lie una tetull giecers threiighnut the Unlnii States. Elexaut emhessid catdi given wllh Day's Soup. MANUl'AClX'llUli IIY DAY eSi FRIOK, 1731,1751), 17J8, KiiOaud l"iiJ Heniud Sticnt, nnd 17U.17U, 17S , lsj'Jand is. I Wab lloe street, Phllndelplila, Pa. -Fer sale by MILLER A IIARTMAN, Lancaster, li. JiiUdWSUlw I'ltl lit .IHI.Y f.UI.T-"THl-Y AUK 1 tee cheap for the Knet they de,' they de," they nay et itcnsnn s Capcluu I'mniis asters, l'rlce 2.1 tents CtlM'AKlNF.llMlllt-, ; LAMOASTita, Feb, 7, Usl. We, the uiidersluned, hie eut red Inte a ce-p.itlticislilp, toitatelro'ii February 1, 18JI. ter thu tui'uiei enu year, Ijc the tiuusautleu et thu Fulitht uud lianlliiK imilueis as the " C. A. Rimer Line," liei tii'iue tn estentiied by our elllzeilH, uud tot whlidi we selli-lt a cnnilnuaiKii el thu snmi at thu old plute et bUBliicas. HariUbiirir avi'iniu. oppetlti' Mul berry street. I). 1'. c. W , IHTN Eli. I7,s,UAIwdeeu I.Mll'L OF 1. A, llllM'lt, i.Ai'n OK 1 j Lauciuterclly, di'ivtwd Lulteidel ad ad inlnUtialleu ou u.ild cniatu luivlnn beun Kranti-d te the undvrnhtucd, all persons Indubti'd thereto aie ii'iiiniud te iniilie luimedtatupjyiucnt, and tluiae h.ivlni; claims or iluuiindti iiKutust the biiiiu, will preunt ilieui without delay let n-iiieincut te tne on en derslieuvd. RUUi:(:CA 111 FN Kit, J.lilJSl'ZOOK, AdmliiHiiateis. J. Hay Riiewk, Att'y. Jl'.'tiuieiw I'bTAtr. or iiiin.N ii vitrr.it. laic of li Lne4stcr ctlv. di eiubi'd. I.uttera et ad- iiilnistrill m nu wild cita'i'li iVHi;beiiiii:iant ed te tuu unilurulxuud.nll iierseus Indebted theieie are leiiuijlcn te mnke tiuincdlatupay muni, and tho.te h.ivlnn claims or demands uiralnst the huiu, lll piiiM'iit them without delay (or dulllumunt totuciuiduiiitt;ned,risld tetuciuiduiiitt;ned,risld lut; la Laucaster city. JACOR eS.VIll.i;, diulnUtrutnr, W. .V. WiLteM, Att'y u-utdeaw mkw AuyjijiTiaiiMKNTa. WANTKD-A HIXUATIOM "te" 11(1 lA lA berlng work. Apply at the Serrel llorse hotel, West King stroet. U 1)K.MS UKIAIt.1 fllO.rl 81.00 l'KH UON X dred up, at HAHTHAN'S YKbLOW fHONT CIUAH S'lOHK. I)ltOKi:HSlONl. I'lANO mOVKIt. Pianos and Furniture moved nt short no tire. Orders by mall solicited. Over l.one pianos moved In thren years. AUO.K. KKlNOKHIi, febl-ttd Ne. 320 N. Uucen Ht,, Lancaster. AI'I'.W OK TIIK ULII HTOUK UONnKC tlcul Cigars, 11 for 2.e., at HAIITMAN'H YKI.T.OW FllONT CIOAIl STOKE. TVTK.W L.V01C UOL.I.AUM ANII (Jlill.- 1 dreit's Illhs. New Wliltn Skirt. Nniv I.lgnt ('ambries nnd Prints. New Cersats. Alse Light Weight Beamlcss Halt-Hoteat 12K cents per pair at HWAItlt'8, J10-3iiidlt Ne. 60 North tj aeen Strcet. Cnp. rff-r.HTATK FUNDS te LOAN tj),;cVUUen first mortgages In Lancaster and adjoining counties, nt IX and Ipur f-ent., In nir eunts te suit the borrower. WOllltAI.L UU8SKLL, 12.1 3woeit 113 Seuth Filth St., 1'lillnilclplila. W1IKN 1 ADVK.KTl.1i: ULKAK HAVANA fillers Cigars for 5 cents, I guarantee them te be such. H.MtTMAN'9 F.l.LOW.FllONT ClOAll HTOItE 1.S.STATK "f JOHN 1IKNKV ItllllKM J berg, late et Lanenster city, deceased The undersigned Auditor, nppolnted te cits cits trlbute the Imlance renmlnlnc In the hands e I laceb Heinlielil, admlnlsltatlen, te and among theso legally entitled te the same, will sit ter that purpese en TUESDAY, MAItCII II, isai.nt 10 o'clock, a, in., In the Library Keem et the Court Heuse, In the city el Lan caster, where all persons Inter sted In laid distribution may attend W,T. 1IIIOWN, feblS-CtilM Auditor. NOIICK. IN Till! MATT Kit OK Till! assigned cstite of Abraham Illtner nnd wlfe.nf Lancaster township, Lancaster count. Notlce Is hereby given that Abraham llltrier has presented u petition te the Ceuit et Common t'leas et Lancaster county, asking the court for an eritur nnd decree that D. It. Hestetter, his us us us stgnoe forthebunelltot his creditors hy deed el assignment, dated July 31, ISiU, 8lm!l re convey te hint all of the said nsslgued estate new In his hands as suehasslgnen, and that the Bald assignee be dlscharged nnd released from said trust, and that tlin said court have llxed Monday, the seven teanlh day of March, 1841, at 10 o'clock a.m. at the ceutt house, lu tlie city el Lancaster, rer the hearing of said petition, when nnd where all parttes Inter ested as oredlters of the said Abraham miner may uppearnud be heard, SAM MATTFHIDY, fil.tmS.lO I'rotlienntnry. PM.Ni: (JAIlUtAOR 1IUI1.DKK4, THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN KEA'l OF CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, LANCASTER, PA. We make overy style lluggynnd Carrlage dislred. All work finished In the most coin cein coin feitableand ulcgnnt style. We ue only the best selecte I material, and employ only the host mechanics Fer quality or work enr prlres are thu cheapest In the sta'e. We buy ter cash and sell en the most t oaseunble terms. (,lvti us a call. All work warranted. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED I'O. One set et workmen i specially employed ter that purpese, u2'5-ttil.tv A'.V 1 Kit TA I NM K.I 1 .1, I A Mi. "3Tf.lt .M.llNNF.KUIIOIC BAL MASQUE, -AT MsKNNEItCIIOH HA LL, Monday Eveninp;, February 25, 1884. A lull nsoitineut et Costumes by Mr. C. nncni', ui i-iiiiaueipiiri TICKETS, ler Gent, and one Lady, W3.00. Additional Lady tlckets, 50c extra Ne Ladlcn admitted without cempiny el alien tinman. Tickets te be bad of the uudetslk'nud Committee, eutv - II.ur.RIIART, F. IKEFEL, H. UOLF, Dlt. ItOLENIUS, GEO. PFLIFFER, lltl-7lit ll'l.TON (H'f.KA IIOIISR. Tueselay, Febiuary 26, 1804. TIIK LATEST NBWYOUK SlTCCKSS. Flist tiiuu el the New Semiannual Mnlo Mnle Dramaby Mr. E A, Lecke, author or "A Mes senger item .larvls feectlen," F.tc. N01J01)'SCLVrM. 1'iesentedby MR .1. S. ALEXANDER'S Com pany. Rucelved with shouts et Laugh ter and tens of sympithy. ' The bint Amerlniu Mele Drama evor writ ten "Arn Fer Jlerttlil. "It held tin tiudlouce spellbemul." AVic Yerk Timet. All theScimety and .Meclunlc.il applltuces that inaiked Its success at thu Windser Thea tre, New Yerk, Iscaril-d lu a special car con structed ler tn. a purpoie. OS-WANTEU-WbUPEENUMARlES.-tta Apply at Dm staga deer et the theatre, en altt-rneiin and evening et porlennmice. ADMISSION, - - - 33, 00 uiiil7a CENTd. UKSKIIVKII -r.AT - - - - 75 " I or bide at Opera Hehid olU:e. t 'J II KUJLTON Ol'KKA IIOCSK. TWO Nil, UTS. Wednesday & Thursday, Feb. 27 & '28. Baylies & Kennedy's Bright Lights, The Medel Organization el the Age. lllty VNTand RICHMOND. CRONIN and SULLIVAN Mil. W.J. MILLS. RILE unit IIARTON. JON ES and .MONTAGUE. PAT RKlLLY MA HUE MHION. HARRY MELVILLE. MAHEL VAUGHN. And the Wenderlul Mesmerists, thu Piels. KENNEDY T A J. H In Kiand phyehnlnlcal Intel talumniit Per Per si.nsuie tud polateiiH for apples, onions for eiuuitei, cod llvtr oil ler chiitupiiitnc, nut fcuwn inrniiKU iiintriiii, uuiifK nun iiuin ui uvery in ileiiuauie. Jin toauycemmmltteo orphy erphy blclaus who can duteet any traud. Come en the DUiiiO, itents, and wltnun Dviiiytlilnn done, Dnu't cry fraud without a thnreiiuh oxamlua examlua oxamlua Hen. Remembui' you arc cordially Invited, I'HICE! 73, te and 3) cunts, Rcservi'd seats nt M iia In u e 12.1 St i'UU It. ILK. I .Milt MAI.b, A l'OOMIIIANO I'.NIIINK. Apply at lids olllce. fitfd irHIK KI..M' FllO.11 .t I'ltl I. 1 I1 The third fleer or Ne. II Kat KIiib strcut, suitable ter uny kind et UunIihmi. luiiulruat Jlfl till NOH. 11 A 8 NORTH (JUEE.NJST.rj I.TOK Itl'.NI A MIllCIC WAHKllllUsKON 1' Mlllln stteet, between youth Oueiui und Prince sticels, rear et lien, si sti'lumnu .t Co'ssteio. Apply ut this olllce. ll.'-tfd Cpiet'iiii inMj'in tuu HiiNT, nun UK- slrable Hotel,iletuKn tlrst-elass huslnes, and liicat'd wltlilu li.irasiiuare Irem the con tie et the city Is for runt. Apply te WM., I. COOPER, JJIltd (IK West Klncal, Lancaster. 1,'UK HALL', On KAST lF.ltlHS. Ihavetome houses en New nnd Duke sireeiH whlcli l will sell ou easier terms than uvur bidore etteted te the public. Cull en I. 1'. MAYER, latiH-Siml 3U North (Jucen street. Ul'IIAM'(JOIJUTH.I.I', OF VALUAItLI". J City Prepuiiy lly vli tue of an order et the Orphans' Ceuit et Lancaster county, the undiuslitned will sell en TUESDAY KVhN 1NU, MARCH 1. 1831, ut the Leepard hetul, 111 the city et Laneaite , all that em tain twotto twetto twotte rled RRICK DWELLINU IIOUE and Unci; llullillui: and lotet Kieunitattielieil.sllimteil OU tlllM'USttlllUIlt N'eith HlllppCIlBtlCL't, In thu city et Laiicaslur, uumbuied Ne, ii't North Hhippeu street, cnntalnliiK In tienl en said street 1'J Let (I Inches, uud uxtunillng tu ilepih Hi lent, te a tluee feel wide alley. This property will positively be sold. Dale te eouununce ut 7 o'clock p in , Wuui terms will be made known by AMANDA COX, Administratrix et II, F Cox, doe'd lUtenv auuiumT, Auct, i'j,ll,2e,'a,WAin3,t SECOND EDITION. MONTDAY HVBWINQ, KKB. 24, IBH4. WASHINGTON NEWS, HUMK I'lUIUKnillNOH OF CONOIIKSS. Uonilderine tlie Appropriation el Meney KorHnlTcrers br the Floeds-oeatli el mi Atntricnn Dlpleinat in Spain, WxsniNOTON, D'. 0., Feb. 20.-.In the oenato te. day Mr. Hansom offered a joint resolution te approprlate $100,000 for the rellef of the fuiiTorers by the rccent great windstorm in the Southern statca, which uuuscu me ticatu or evor oue persons. Messrs. Harris and Morgan opposed the resolution en constitutional grounds. Mr Morgan thought tbe polley of making npproprletlons for purposes of Ibis kind wns a dangerous ene. After nome discus sion the resolution wan refcrrcd te the oemmlttco en appropriations. In the Mimic, In the IIoube Mr. Ellis, of Louisiana, Bent te the clerk's de3k and had read cor cer lain atatoineuta in tbe New Yerk Sun of Saturday last, rolleotinfj upon him (Ellis) In connection with the Star Reuto funds. He stated that the whele story wen false from beginning te end, and asked that tbe postefilco cotntnittce be dlrocted te Inves. tignte the charges. Huiclde et an AmeiicHii Diplomat. Washington, Feb. 25. The secretary of state received a cable mesage this morn ing from Minister Fester at Madrid, announcing tbe death by tuiolde at Alcaute, Spain, or Jamea H Partridge, who was residing thore en noeount of his health. Mr. Partridge was In tbe United States diplomatic sorvlce for many yearn at Hrazll and ethor Seuth Amoriean ootiu eotiu oetiu trlcs, hla Inst pest being nt Lima. The Diinvllln lllets. In the Danville riot investigation te tiny Congressman Jehn S. Wise tostllled that he considered the whites brought en the riot te obtain political eapital rilllKIILX MhWd, Matters et lulertit Initie Old World, Londen, Feb. 25. The Duke of Marl borough writcd te the Timu that no noge tiatleus have taken place with Germany in regnrd te tbe plctutca in the Blenheim liouse, and no proposal has been made. An llltturleMrntnsnlp, The government has purchased the steamship Great Eastern for a coal hulk, te he stationed at Gibraltar. King Jehn anil tlie Fnliu rmphet Constantinople, Feb 25 -It Is pesitively asserted that the Mabdi and King Jehn, of Abyssinia, have signed a convention te tbe cflect that King Jehn shall remain neutral and in return shall lccelve a pert en the Red sea nnd a large accession of territory. iiortlule 1 reutined etH Spy. Suamu, Egypt, Feb. 25. A spy captur eJ in Osman Dlgma's enmp had ene of hla hands cut off, and tied around hla neck. The Linker llrviuuluti Berlin, Feb. 25 The Vetsische Gazette d -dares that it is unable te rcpiiut the eutnmrnts of the American press for fear itn editor would be imprisoned. Min Min ister Sargent'sdignifled course in ignoring attacks of tlin German press Is much ap proved A .Unther'H Urutl Deeil. PiULADRLi'itiA, Feb. 25. At the cere. ner'n Inquest te day en tbe body of tbe ehild ei Matilda Fichter, which was found iu n well in the rear of a liouse en North Seventh stroet where the mother was employed ns a ser vant, it wns shown that death wascauscd by oIliiMen of the brain, the result of a fracture of the skull, Tlie mother admit ted that tlie child was born allve. Shewaa committed te answer the action of the district nttorney. A Vtelnimii Mnrdcrnd, Nuw Olkans, h , Feb. 25. August IVJenii. a nrivate watchman at Sarrav.ln'a cigar faotery, was found this ineitilngln the stoie with his tlireat cut, and bis skull fracttitcd. When discovered he was still able te speak and said : " Twe wlnie men 12 o'clock night." He was conveyed te the hospital iu a d)lng emill'lnu. Tliere is tin clue te the tutitdercrs. An l'Xdei'iii lnTtr.uO. Terente, Feb. 25. An explosion of gas oce.iiii.il this morning in the vault et the Bank of Commerco. All the wiudews in the olllce '.veto blown out a. id the building otherwise damaged. Bank Mcssengur Shaw wns badly but net fatally hurt. The clctksat their desks wcte mero or less Injured, but none seriously. Ilftnltinln I'riinlari.t Liurruu Omnecrat, WiLKEiiiAiuiK, P.i , I'Vb, 25 Gee. Bear aged 5S, n pnimiiii'iit leader of the Demo Deme cratic party in Luzerni ejifity, who held the olllce of city and eituity auditor for scvcr.il yeath, died sudden' j this morning el paralysis of llie bruin. A 50, OHO lire. Ciiicaoe, Feb. 25. The heist liouse, engitiu room and ether miner buildings conuceUd with the works of the Calttmet iron nnd steel company at CmnmingH Stiitien, burned last night Lrjs, 50,000. IUO Bdnnerh Milkr. , Amesiil'iiv, Mats., Feb. 25. About 120 spinners in oue of the Ilnrmoteti woelou OJinpany's mills Rtttick this morning. A htnniiinr lliirned. San FnvNCtsre, Feb. 25 The steatner Sau ta'lta, plying bttwceu hore ntid Sin Quentin, burned at tee latter place last night. She cost $150,000. A 1H4 CuiilLiKratluii lu Kxus. Ui:N'nii;rTA, Txas, Feb. 25. The L'ou L'eu tral hotel, the Shield ( newspaper ) olllce and llve el" tliu principal bitslnesB lnuscs buttied last night. wr.xi iir.tt intitu.vTie.N!-. Wasiiinoten, Feb, 21. -Fer tbe Middle Atlantic htate.', warmer partly cloudy weather, light snow or rain, iu northern portion, winds, bbiftlug te seut'ierly, lower barometer. (liliiK Op nu.nn te Wtimeii, Giving up heats te women lints almost entirely gene out of fashion iu the elevated cars Whotber or net thu reason is the cushioned comfort which must be relituiulstied iu order te obey the old aits, tern, or that tliore is a general deoline in practical tutiderneEs toward tbegcntla Bex, the correspondent deis net esplaiu, Me matter hew young or hntidsomea woman may be, he averts, or hew well drcssed, she la usually left sUudiug in a crowded ear. Wall strcet brokers, professional men en their way home from down town, merchants with ex cellent manuerH all theso new Bit complacently while women stand nt their very knees. Old women nre uucxoeptiou te this new rule of city railroading, and thcre is 0110 ether, according te this observer. During thu hours of the late aftorneou when thn ears are full of mechanics nnd werklug women, mixed iu with shoppers In finery, the men in llie garb of labor will relinquish their seats readily te theso whose dress similaily botekotia tell, but never te tbose who nre artayed for lolsure JlJLUKtil. New Yerk MttrKtiis Nnw Yuan, Feb. 23. Flout State ami West ern about steady expert and home traile duuiand Ihthtt Utiperrlne hbite, ti 7.8 3 3dt Exttade, H 3.id3 te choice de. $J C0n j Funcy de, M lOQO 73 1 Round Heep Ohie, U 33 07?iKoeKlteoliolcoeloi7SB(ra' Wheat opencd He higher? subicrilienilr rnled weaker and ilcclTnert'uiwn.1 u.eJlV!l nniet i jje . Whlte. nemlnsJ j NfJ j nS, M March no (lln.0.rJ?Sp?n.?,l flrm I 'tcr (lcellnil unwe t i"X. . "."" ninuiu lowert 0( state, GO470 i Wostern, I! NeiU Miiv. 34480, LWe Hteck Market, deyVntC!e,'!?ii'JP2n lllSSrtMr&'r '?ninta. 7,000 HOgs dull! rhiiadelplllas, 17 40O7 CO I Yerk-. crs, men he8a',C?2h&n re:c.Pts, ,,coo l'tillcllpht Cuttle Murker. J..T.?CIC lAnP3' WMTl'HItAOBLMItA, Teb. 2- ?.l.y",JJ2l!f,!l ,n,ri ileeetnts, 81)00 trail: tVor,,msnac.flJla6Xe' '"ellu,,, J flKHOet Common, 4H.e : lainlw, BKOTjJ. m,iJ8Tm'rk0t. ftt,r ' oclepts. 4,C) t et sell ing westem atloeiOXot county, saiec. I'lillndililiin murker. 1'niLADiiLriirA. Foli.53.-rienr lnacttveand fiM yni5Vrn,V 8tn,0 2 WB3 TO t Extra HeM OfJ,180lM. fatnl V, $1 MUS4 71: Ohie A Indiana family, Wttftnej Minn eitra7M "s fl,Rp,o0rXnTBe,0aOCfl, "I,r,n8 ".O0. .i&:?Vo,,,.vri;a?.vVa.,Lsiiin5)?ed Lern searce and wanted t sail yellow and n.d,oi0e:ot Ne. 3 mixed nniryoIIeV, M v?aii?.i,,ult,Jlm,caller ' ,N.' 1 White, IIe i 41 kc. ' " ,0, H? Ne -2 m,X0(, Rye staid y at Okigsc. Heeds ClnriT nutnt. nt nietint,.. rT,M- i.. ..J ".". v.r ";. " t7i ' rmXBUl'd "mi at l I'ei Previsions steady, fair demand: Mess ii licet l!llpnTl-Hninl.-ftil ahnnUAM elyxiiy.. J 4 77e; Smoked Hams, llfilti plcktedj Lard steady: city rennest nt lOke: lee butcheis, osnejo j pttme steam, floeio ilk PiS,,tcr.?,,.',ut unil a,y I croameiy extrd., 3tfl Jte : n. e. mu .v. y. tubs, ae t de firsts, l s ua; wesinrn oxtra.lSOile. Rolls ut 8fiir)U wSilffrnlSJitJK"' Pfc "tra'OS C'ticose firm and qulett New Yerk lull cream, HXffilKet Wiwtern de, 13yil3e da lair te boe.1. 1 ftil2Se t l'a. pt sUiins. 8J4 G'JKe; de mu Hltlms, 7Hfi8e. I'ctielcum dull; roll nud. OXQiUc. v hlshy in an n mock mmrneu, ejiiptnttens by Reed, MeOrann A Ce , Rank -ors, Lancaster, Pa, 11 A. If, 12 X. Sp, Hj r.'. . . '. C........ .... .... Mielilvan Centrnl van -MU 02 New erk Central 117 IIUJ4 11 NowJersoy Central 89U 832 88W Ohie Central 2$ 2 2J Del Lack. A Western.... ISIJi 130 130 Denver A Rie Orande. 1D)J 20 19 Erie 20X 2fiX 2fl52 Rar.sas A Texas 21i Lnfte Hhore let OhlcaKO.l, N. W., com ... 121W N. N Ont. A Western.... 11 St. Paul A Omaha l'nninc Mall 4S! RnehesierA l'tiiHburKh. 15 St. Paul I2t Texas l'acllla i. 2lt; ml 11 m Union I'ncllle 2fi i &i Wabash Common 17k 17jJ 17-,'2 Wabash I'rorerred 28-i 2.SM 2s4 Wcst'rn Union Tolearanh "CM TCV V. LoulsvllleA Nasnvllle... Ik tSll 3Vi N. Y Chi. A SL L ..V. K LehlRh Valley 71K 71 71 Leliiitn Nuvluatten esij 18 iijj Pcnnsvlvanla CO CO tfiY. Readincr say. sn.S SJJR I'.T. & Hutraie ok ei n4 Northern Pnctnc Cem... 2144 21 21k Northern Piicllle 1'ref... !7Ji 47 47VS Ifimonvllle l'hllailelplila & Erle Northern Central Underground Canada Seuthern rV MK 6US Oil 100X 9. ',mz Poeplo's I'assenuer. Mem vern. )iioiaUeiisl)y Associated Pres. Steckii weak; Meney easy nt l)(C2e. New Yerk Central , net; hrle Railroad........ , , j-tj idaiiis Kxiircss 123 Michigan Central Railroad ei Mlctilnm Heuthern Rnllread 103W Illinois Central Railroad 13IK I'levnlandA I'lttsburgti Railroad 13IK ChlaweA Reck Island Railroad 121 I'llMburuli A Fert Waynn Railroad 131 wiwtiini union Telefrriipb Company 7ritf ,,,irii,.,ib T UII1U3I1..., New .1- rhey Central. U...... ................... 8Sb ).t Wostern u wnw lers iiniurie. i'hllmlnlphlft. .uoiutleiHhy .Vsseclatsd Press, Stocks stendy. l'hllailelplila A Erle R. It w ituudlnK Railroad aai? ! "unxylvanla Rallreail ceJ Lhli Valley Railroad. 71 United Companies el New Jersoy 193 Nm thorn Pnelde. aik Northern Pncttlc I'ruforreJ ,. 48k! Nnithuin Central Railroad CO i.eiintu .-Nuviuauen company 4S noirisiewn iiaureau Centnil Transportation Company.. 1UV FlUsb'tf. TItnsvlllii A oey uuttateu. R.. e Little Hchuvlklll IU.llre.id. 61 Lecai hiecui ana neuds llnported by .1, II. Leng;. l'a i wal. Lancaster City a pet cent ls... Ittl 1S90... 100 ' l... IOC (1 per et. In 1 or SO years.. 100 4 per et. Scheel Lean.... inn i " In ler 2) years., tee ( " In 5er'ia Yoaw.. lue " 4 " lu loeriiynam. uw Mauheltu boreuKh lean... !') MtsoaxAHaecs sreeies. Last SlH 101.73 114 12U 1CXU0 102 100 101 103; uw ti 40 49.7 nc IM 23 't 203,26 210 S IB 1 21 M M 5J Ouuri'Wlile R. R MtllerflVtlle'streitCar Imiulrur Pi luting Company, Uas Lht'it ami Fuel Company . , 5l re Ml as 1110 23 mtivuiip iiuiisu iiMintiaj........ I'n Mitilmi fl..q I niiiiwim uuuiiniiiu uua uiuiiuiiy i.iii 11 -inn v uti'r , fiii p.h'iy ......,.., tiusiiuuhaiiua lien Company Marietta Holle wwure atevens Ilouae Ctclly iHlaud East Rrandywlne ,v Wayuusb'u... 100 100 . GO M W .tiiiiiirsviue ."leimai ecikhii... Northern Market M Eastern Market... 00 Wustern Market 50 TUBKl'IKU flTOCCO. lllu' Spring A Ue.ivur Valmy i IlrlilL'eneil A HoreshiM U t le 13W 23 Columbia A Cheatnul Hill.. 'Jelumhla A Washington.... .... 0 lb ......... 20 IS 30 II 47 43.03 41 ise 31 83. W 75 103.W 14(1 44 4 HI ISl r.01 112 l8 IU till 113 .01 td m ux no 111 107 ;s 'SI lift no 115 iu IU1 PV imi,3 1 :ei 11 in mu .v mtt npring, .....-..,,.. 23 25 23 26 23 23 a V 1U0 be J5 23 .Ml a isuiillliui.l .(. aiii.iitii.iii.,,, , ....... Maytnwn A F.llzabethtewn lanciuicrA Ephrata Lnucistni A willow Street rUradUiirp ,t Millport Mariettas Maytown , Hnrlcttn A Mount .lev Lane, EiUnbdht'n A Mlddlet'n Lancaster A Frultvllle. ,. I-anca-derA Ltntz LanceiterA WUIlamitevru Lancaster ft Maner Lui'futiTA Manhntrn.. ....... ...... UuicnsterA Marietta Lancaster A Nnw Holiaeu , leu Lmmister ABuBUuiilinnim. ,., loe First National ttnrilc tluu Fanners' National Hank N Fulton National Hank jti Lancaster County National Paul:. ' Columbia National Hani: '" Christiana National Itr.uk, loe Ephrntu National Rank..... let' First Nutlenal Rank. Columbia.. .. 1(0 First National iiiiu-,ttrasbur)f..., 100 First National Rank MarlettJe. IM Flrt Nattenul Rank, Mount Jey., loe I.ttltz National Rank 100 Manl.eln National Rank loe Union HutleufU Rank, Mount Jey, SO New Helland National Hunk pie Uan National Hunk tun Oimrrv'vlllu National Hank 1M miuoxllahseus neNns. uuarryvtlleR. R..duula line ileudlim A Columbia R, RA' 101 Lancaster lias Light and Fuel Ce., due In ler 'JO years .., 100 Lancaster Ues Light and Fuel Ce., duultrtj I0i Mauhulm UoreiiBh Heeds Linoiae The Drevtri Journal r.nnrtji , '0,K?r,ccelpts 5,000 head , shlpmenutloeo 1.LSTATK OF ritANK JllUBlMl OlMIIJl. 11 late et the City et Lunuaater. dee'U I fit ters test imentary en said estate tuvlnrt Inen L'rautiHt te the uiidcrstnud. nil persons In debted thereto aie riiueited te make tin tin tin inodtate payment, and ttieiu having clkluis or demands agalnit the same, will prtssiu them without delay for settlement te the tin tin deralKlied. JNO. A, CeYLif. lebB-CtdW Executer, J 1 i & "?I .' " i m s,