tMA 1 V LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1884. PIjUMWA NEWS. .1011 IIMHII.AIt COIUHIM OHIM1NUK. Interest III mill Around the lloreiiRli 1'irknd up liy tbe Inlelil- irnnrrr lteinrtr. Oi.e of the llnrnl pkcea of work ever turned out from sv I'eniwlvanla railroad repair shops, Ih oiirIue Ne 21. Intonded for no en tlie 1-VpiIpiIeU division, which liasjuir rocelvod n oemploto overhaullnfl hcie. It linn been provided with overy latdht Improvement ler locomotives. Jacob II. Miller, n Columbian, ompleyod ns no ex tin lirnkcniau en the Peunsyl vnula railroad, was killed last night by the enrfl between Ovrt brook nnd Marian illations. Deceased Is about -1.1 years of nge and leaves u wlle and live small olillihen In Indigent circumstances. A man who atlrtuptcd te jump aboard the Hsurlsburg accommodation mlescd bin footing mid wan dingged half a bloek. A wIlncRBef tlie mishap, who wan en the platfeim of the car, succeeded In hauling liltu aboard. I'nlille Knleiliilniiients, A Hinall audlonce tittonded the loc'.ure given lest evening In the epera heuse liy llev. J. II. Hecter, untitled " II U Own Llfe.'' The lcctnre wan a Reed ene nnd de nerved a better pnlronnge. Jenah llaughten will locture te night In the lecture room of thn Methedist oliureli. en the subject of temperance. He lectured liore about nix years nge during the great tomperanoo movement which tben pre vailed. On the evcnluc of March 11th, the Lnilicn' Mlle noeloty of Salem Lutheran chuteh, en Walnut street, will held ati nvstcr mi liner In the artnurv. A lare.0 audlonce attended the storcop'.I stercop'.I storcep'.I can exhibition of Paradlse Lest and Ho He gained, In the Hothel cliureh of (led last night. A big audlonce will groet " Nobedy'o Claim" at the opera home, en Monday cvenitig. k'rrintml. The young friend of MIs Martha Weaver favored her with a surprlse party at, her home en Trout Htroet last night. Mie. Frank Llchty gave n party last evening in honor of the Misses Ida Hardy and Sun Trewitz, two guests from Lan caster. It wan adelightful gathering. A patty was given Inst evening by Minn Minnie Ottey at lier home en Walnut street. Anether pleasant gatherlng was held at Dr. W. G. Tnyler'a rosideuco. Mr. II. H. Essick in ontertainlng the Hen. Alex. Caldwell and wife, of Laavcn Laavcn werth, Kan. I'reuchtr mm l'ulilt " Washington a dienst of his oh.raetcr aud its lessens" wi'l b.i the subject of a sermon that the Uev. rt. 1). C Jacksen, will preach te the tncinbetu el (let). Welsh pest, O. A. H., te morrow evening, at the Hethcl church. The t-crvlccN will com motion at 0 o'clock. Tlie usual nervlecs will b li i!d at the different churches co-morrow. The itnlval services of the Mothedlst cliureh will be ceutinued next week. Around tlie l'eun. The Fiv Points Is net sueh a geucral resort for loafer, new, as It was bofero tlie remeval nl the Sbawnoe tire cuglne heuse from the Ineality. Last evening tlie olceilmi judges met iti couueil chambers and prepared the notices of election for successful o.tudidalesnt the ric?nt election On Tuesday the H class in history of thn Frhoel will have its tlnal o.taml e.taml o.taml natleu. It will thou pass into the study of ireegraphy. Te nleht a meeting of Peuusylvania castle Ne. 7(1, A. O. K or M. (J., will mce llnml h leellnn. Ih' ;..'.nil elected tlie foil w lug oftlefrH at a i il'otlen held last evening : Presl denl, J. D. Slude ; vice president, Chan. FlPclieiiHteln ; Hrcrntiry. A. II. Fex ; as rlMantsccutary, Win. F.iley ; maimer, H F Mann ; Mustem, Samuel Smith, Iv-muM Rnath and .1 ii'eb Hendersen ; lt. Itr, J. I), rtlnde ; musical director, Clia-i Fleekcusteiii ; janitor, Henjamln l.lgl.thoiser. HT'iinilr. Tl.e city Innd, last ovenlug Kereiuiird Harry V. Husheng at his rcsl rcsl ilcnce onCuatletto otreet between Lemen and Jamen, they then proeeed te the resl donceof Mr. Sherwood, HID Seuth Prince sttret, wlicte a lame partv was assembled en tins eccaBirn of his ehild's birthday. : f Ulng lip Yerk County. Voik Dully. Hi ii. Stclin .hi, state senator ; Sam Matt Fndv piothenotary ; Jacob M. Frldy, aud 1). M. Senscnig, all of Lancaster, were in Yerk yesterday and registered nt Statu baugh'n Washington lioube. Alt' lug ler A Itl. The major lias teceivrd u circular fieni the uutliontiea of Newjiurt, lfy., a town that was Heeded recently, asking aid for thn MiflVrerP. liHln Hliter rumtiiltleO Tins morning threj tiain iltlers who wero arrested by Piiiiinjlvania rnilrend police tfllceiH, wero sent te prison for 10 days each by Alderman McConemy .111111 SfllliaUtS. the llnihl Lights." This Id tliu airy ujt tin lutlen el u tretipu whlcli U sadl te Lu very xiuUlaetery In Its porlnrinance Tliey will t;e In t ullen epera liouee en Vt1nesilay unit Thurmlay tinxl nnd mil proneiincod by tlie preii-t nt in lu'litierliiK eltle ns enu et tlie stroiiRett ultnictlonten tlie renil. Tliey will certainly be IntotetlliiK anil tlotervo big Iteudud In I.'incasti'r, ;u llielr unturtatnuient I a siiiil te be niHl-el.wj In every way. " Aoberfj'i Claim "Tills uunsiitlnnal piny will be hoie Tuetiliiy evening. The scunle iiffecUct tills plote nre excteainuly line uml ri'ftlltle unci should be sm n. Tlie play U lull et interest unit fun, uml win, without ileubt, net ilhmppelnt llioje w lie piie H. Tlieiu should be a biK heusii present. for l.nme llneit, oie or Onest, use Hill t.OII'rt I'OltOUB I'LASTKIl. I'rlce, 8S cent cent Held by II. II. Cochran, 137 and 130 North Qiioen truet, Lancaster 'obltneilS l.ttttr Irein tlnerl ;.lelin K. Aiulferd. Ne ai i)r flTniKT, Nrw Yenit, Uotebors, 188). Ker years past 1 Imvouseit Auiecr's l'oneca 1'lastkrs en my pcriteu and In tny lamlly nnd have found them perfect ns an oxternal remedy, qulelt In their action, k'vIiiu tiniiio tiniiie tiniiio illnterollel, without bllsterlnK the shin, and larsuporlerto all otlieis. Ne family should lie without Alloeck's l'onecs 1'lastrm t tlielr licnllnit powers nre womlerf ul, and their onielenoy renchliiK nnd lastlnit Whan In Wnshlnittnn Ust winter I was Induced te try another tnueli ndvertlsml plaster ter sovero pain lu my hack. Ne roller from the pain, but n antn nnd bllglcrml back for a week was tlie result. He seen ns the plastnrshealeil lap piled twoel Arxeecn'A Poneus I'Lastkrs, and they xnvn tun liiimrdtata nnd pormnnent re Hat. They nlve nildltletml strnnRlh nnd vital tty te the spinal column, nnd tliey nre a never IMIIni; remedy In my family for (JeiikIii, CeMfi, Hprulns nnd nil klndn of I'ntns and Weaknosses Thnlr U'nhai rnpnateilly saved me from t'noumenln. I constantly use them, nnd would net be Itheut thorn for nnyeon nnyeen slile ration. Ubls JOHN K. MUI.KOIU). llnnrMytlin llett I'nllrr. In nivertlHlnirn mndlclne It' Is best te be honest i ilrroptlen will noveriloi the peepln won't stand It. l.nt the truth be known tlmt Itunlnck llteml lUtttr euro scrofula, ami nil uruptlmiHOl thn skin. This meillcliin Isnnlil ivervwherti by ilriiRirlsti, Ker mln by If. It, C'enlinin, ilniKKlJt, 137 nnd 131 North (Jnenn street. NB1V AJtrmiTltlltMKNTH. )KM1 UIOA10I a. iiruu up, in riie.n si.oe mil nu. new AtireiiTiBMsatRNxn, IIAUTMAN'H YKIJiOW KHONT OIOAU HLOKK PKOVKMIIONAI. 1'IANO mOVKK. rianns and Kurnlturn mevnit nt short no tice. Orders by tnall solicited, evor l.euO pianos inove.l In thren yenrs. AUG. F. KKlNOr.lll,, felil-tld Ne, 3M N. Ounen at., f.aucaster. ei.n HTIIUK UOHflKlI. , nt KItONT OIOAU A VV.W OK Til IX. tlcut Cigars, 11 for e nt IIAUTMAN'H YKI.I.OW HTOllIC, ATtW liAUi: 11 drnn's lllbs. Utll.l.AUH AND Utill.' New Wblte fi It Iris. New I.lKnt Oambrlcs and Prints. New Corsets. Alse l.lirht Wcttiht Beainlc Hnll-lle-nnt 1K cents per pair nt HvAltlt'B, I lu-SnidU Ne. BO North Qneen Htrcet. ArAftA AND X nnteed olenrllller, for Se. ut IIAUTMAN'H YKM.OW H'fOHlC HAVANA OIOAlt, tlUAK- 10. Ul FltONTOIOAR T?1K HAI.K-TWO ONK-SrOKY IIKIUK JP DVi:i,I,lN(l IIOU.4K4, Nei, 118 nnd ISO North Water street. feb.l.2tdTHAU Annlv t ) JNO. A.COYl.K, Ne. 112 Knat KIiik atrcet. IKMJlNi: HAVANA IMI.I.KIIH CIOAU JT ler 6 cents, nt HAUTMAN'H YKI.I.OW KUONT CIOAK STOItK. Fer niteen yenrs 1 was annoyed with sovero pain lu my head nnd illsclmrKOj Inte my threat Irein Cntnrrh. My sonse et stnell was uiiieh Impaired. Ilv thn me el Kly's Cream llnltn I hnve overcome these troubles. J. II. Ciun, BU UenU Hetel, New Yerk rnrsovernl yenrs t have been troubled with Catnrrh-Kly's Cream iliilm hm proved te ba the nrtlcle ileslreu. I bollevo It Is the only euro. I.. II. Ceburn, Hnulware Merchant, Tewnndn, I'h. Ill Swdced.Vw .low te noriire llmiltti, t seems stranun that nnv ene will sutler frnin the ninny deruiiKOinunts brntiKht en by nn Impure condition et the bleed, when HCO VlM.,8 4AltSAI'AltlM.AANI8TllMK(llAl or 1II.OOO AND I.IVKIt 8YHU1' will restore perlect benlth te the physical organization, n li Indeed n MiencthcnltiR syrup, pleasunt te hike, it-id hns proven ttscll te be the IkjsI lll.OOP I'UIIIKIKH evor dlscovereil, elleet unlly cnrlni; 8crelula, .Syphllllc dlsenlers, Wee'jiiri'g et the Kldneys, KryHlpelas, .Mnln rl.i ; all nervous disorders nnd debility, bll. Inns remplutuls nnd nil diseases lniltrntltiK nn tmpure condition el the mood, I, Iver, Kid neys, stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects Indl Kestlnu. A sliiKle bettle will preve te you Its meiltsnsit heultli renuwer, ler It ACTH I.IKK A CIIAUM, especlullv when the complaint Is et nn exhaustive nature, having u tendency te lessen the imturul vlitnrnt the brain and nor veus system. .iKKIl'H i'AIN l'ANACKA cutesnpaln In lunli and hea-d. for use erlenmlly and Inter nally. Ithl) IIOUSK POWDKllh euro nil dlse.-ises f hnrse, ailtle, bheep, Iieks, poultry and nil l.twiHleck A I'OSITIVKCUUK. IIillJ-il-2 Fer wile ut ll. II. Oechnin's lrur tnrr 137 North Uiieen slrwd. illlt i will bold ene of their seciables at thn nhureli. West Klnir street, e.. Tuesday even. Inic. February in. 'lliore will be excellent iiiusle, lttarurynxerclsnH, nnd ns usual, cukes nun ceucn. Aiimitsien, iu coins. u &lf finn"mrAT,! I'llMH TO LOAN u)JUUUen llrst inertuiucs In Lancaster mill adjoining counties, at IXand 1 per cent., In mi eunts te suit tlie borrower. WOUIIAM. A 11USSK1.I,, l2J-3iveOil 113 Beiltli Filth St., lMllhldelplilu. I.AHtKS Apply nt s IIIKK'fl UAlll'KT IIAIX. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! -AT- SHIEK'S OA.EPBT HALL. J-Jelliti OlT te Clesu UuBliiCHH. Kveii tiling Must Foaltively lie Sold. A Full I.lnoef 1IOI1Y jmU8SKI.8,TAI'K5TIlY, nnd All OrnilOJ of 1NUUA1N CAUt'KTH, IIUU8, HliANKliT8,COVKIll,KTHand01Ii CI.OT1I. Z3TALT, AT A 8AQRlFI0Er Mr 1'retnpt attention Riven te the Manufacture et Its? CarpeU te erder. -AT- SHIRK'S CAEPET IALL, OOR. W. KING AND WATER ST3 , LANCASTER, FA. KKW AnVBllTlHItUKHTH. iv. i7aiiT7k8t"aniTiikht bteuic if JL Knchre, Cosslne and 1'oker cards, from 8 cunts per pack up, at HAKTMAN'8 YKM.OW FltONT CKIAH HTOIIK WANlKtl AT ONUK-YO0NO in Drntsmnkers Annrtntlccs thn llrejsmuktnir Dennrtment. 2.1 llimr, (4F.OUOK FAIINKSTOCK, It Ne. II KnstUlllifSt rUMH OIC.IIDOKAill! (UlllATV CKMAIIT. 1 leewtll meet en MONDAY, FKII. 'A ut luK o'clock n. ti , In the third. story et tlie new poHtellIco hulldlnc, North iu eon street. Thn oblectel the mcetln Is te llx u day ler the lirlrnary election, unit lolcctlen et aeleKales ie the Doiiiecrutlo County Convention nnd te determine a day ler holding thn sntnn. J. I,. STKINMKT., leldt-dA wtd Chairman. ltrilK.N I AltVKKTIHK I'l.KAIC HAVANA V Hllers Clears for ft cents, I Kiiiirnnlce thorn te be such. MMITM.VN" 1KI.I.OW Hl'OllK KICON f I Ik til HAI.r. 1 DAY, FKII. IIKATIIH. PciictWKii. lu this city, en the luib Inst. (ieorKe Schulmycr, In the Wtli year et his nm The relatives nnd frlands of tliu family, also Toutenla I.odKe, -Ne. ll, 1C. et 1, Hcbcl l.edKO, Ne.SDJ, 1. O. O. I , mid tlie otde.s In Reneial, uml the raster Mmnnurcher, nre respectlully Invited te attend the funeral from his lale icsldrnce, Ne. COJ North (Jueen street, en Sunday uftrrnoei ut 'i o'clock. In tertnentut I.unrustur remelerr. Hut' IIauiiriemt. In this city, en tin 'list Inst. M trKiiret, wlfe nt Addlien llumbrllit, ii;,'d 32 yturs audi month. Tliu relatives nnd trlcnds of the family nre rcspuctlully Invited te attend the fiiuuinl from her liusbaudM retldcnc. Ne. 319 Cherry street, en Monday mernlnu. nt sl o'clock. IllXh mass nlSt. Antheiiy'rfcliurclinl It o'clock. Interment at Ht. Jeseph's cemetery. 21 l'Aiir.isii In this cllr, en the 22 I Inst , Aran', seu et Sam ml and Vle'a I'srrlsb, Intnettli eai of his ngu. The relatlvusnnd Irlends et the family nre respectfully Invited te attend the funerel, from his parur.ts' residencu, Ne SI2 North Chrlttlnu street, en Monday nltorneon ut 2 o'clock. Interment nt St. Slary's cemetery. It Dokusem -In this city, en the 2 Id lest. Kiuiiia 11., eldest (luuuhteret Philip ttnerein The relatives and friends of the family arc respectlully Invited te attend the funeral, Irnm I he residence et her lather, Ne. 120 Knit King street, en Tuesday morning nt S:lS e'clnik. Solemn Ueiiulem mass will be culebra trilniM. Mnr;'s Catholic church nt 'i o'clock. 1 2.1-2 1 Kir.iiL. In this city, en the 23d Inst.. Mury Martinet, daiiKhteref II. F. unit b. K. Klehl, .ireiI 1 ye ir, H months and '.'3 days. The u'utlvcs mid friends el the family me rt'spuctlully tuvlted te attend the funeial, Irein the lestdancent her parents, WestUrnnt street, en Monday ornliiKnte o'clock, it HKtitit In this city, en February 2Jd, 181, llenry M. teller, In the I9tli ynar et his iike. The relatives und trlcnds of the family me respectfully Invited teuttuml the f uncial Hern his late uMdence, Ne. 230 West OranKC street, en Turt lay ultorneon at 2 o'clock ; Interment at we i.'.wuril;lllil cometery. 2til IIkilman. In this cltv. en the 2 Id Inst.. lteslnu llellmun, In the 71th year nt her nc. 1 he relatives and trlcnds et the lamllvaie lcspccttiilly Invited te attend the funeral from the roildenco.of her son In-law, Cenrad Oddenderlcr, Ne. 017 IIIrIi street, en Tmuduy nlteinoen at 2 o'clock, luterinent nt .Ien's cemetery. 2td 111' IKIIIH1CH ON niON. Leu ill's Hules stables, Mnrket street, rear of Mcdrnnn Heuse, Lancaster, l'n 20 heml el Ohie Herse 8. Ainenir them are seme heavy boned feeilers nnd workers. Sale te coiiiiuenee nt 1 o'clock, p. in. A eiod eied It of CO days will be Klvcn. ltd OAN1KI. I.OtlAN. SI'Kll.M, INIIUUK3IKNTH IIPFISICRII T Werklnamcnut HKCHTOI.n'8. Knewliiff that the Nst two tuentlu has been voryseviro en i enple who nru mv best custemers I hnve reduced my prices te ment ibelr demands, mid resiiectfnlly Invite ii'l te cnllund centime, my stock bufere liuylmt. Tiude Dellsrs taken ntpar. I1F.NIIY IIKCIirOLl), Nn. fii North Queen Strict. 1. 8. Ileutesund lmlldliiK lets for sal en easy terms. f J lyu Imiiilie f vai.uahi.i; eity l'repertv.-Dn SATUHUaY KVKN1NU. M UCII n, issi, by vlrtuoelnn order el the Orphans' Court, tlie timlursluneil will sell nt ai tenners neiei i no urnpej, inu uiu uericcui COAL AND I.UMIII'.ll YAUD. fieutltlir 119 leet.u Indies, en the north side el West Lemen utreet. Lanc.nter City, between Arch nlley and tlie I'ennsylvmila rallreid uml oMendliiK northward nlenu the I'ennsylvanla rnllread lis net,!; incnee, ana nienir aicii aiiej v ieui, 0,'i Inches, te land et the I.incaster A ilcndim; Narrow (laiiK'e iiillreuil. This property Is nil Inci'iit te two rail! e.uls mid Is well adapted ler a Ceal nnd Lumber Yard, Tobacco Ware Ware Ware nIioihe. shops and Factories. The Improve ments consist or u Ceal und Wnuen Scales, Large Mntiln nnd Caril.ue Heuse, lrentlni; en Lemen street, with heddln the whele depth of let along Aioli Alley. Itoem In Stable ter Six lie- es. Saint comnienc nt 7 o'clock, when terms will be Hindu kuenn by ltd A. A. M Kill. TltlStce. YKIW A ItATIirOK. M BUST! I'ropurntlenslorHprlne Trnde nre rnpldly prOKrcsstiiK nt CKNTllK HALL. All our em ployees are us busy as they can well be. Our tables and shelves already bear evidence of tlie earn nnd pains taken te make our stock of CLOTHING the host yet shown here, und In thrse FOUU POINTS mean te he uhead el all competiters: Point Ne. 1 TIIK 8TYLK. Point NO. 2-THK FIT. Point Ne 3-T1IK QUALITY. PoIntNe. 4-TH IS PH1CK. It Is yetesrly te speak of Clothing ter sprlnu wear. It Is net tee early, however, te aJvlne you that we wish te be considered ns oeinpetlni; lu the race for the trude that will boeu be here te the end that when you contemplate pur. chasing you will step In te soe us, and leek ever the stock that wa shall then have, confi dent Hint when you bring your host oxperl encn te bear In making comparison, both us te (juallly nnd prlce, you'll stay lenu cneiiKb te buy such clnthlnu ns you will think necusiry te inoctHprlncrciiutreinonts. SPUINH OVKU COATS. Here you will find n wall-selected let et Spring ovorceats, In nil the new shades of Corkscrews, made te suit n laslilonnble trade, with soil roll nnd medium lanrctfi. Slmtlu armnnts-COATS, VKSTS nnd PANTA LOONS, ull qunlllics, nt prices that will am ply lepay you te Klvn us u call whenever you uxperlunce the want of tfcem. MYERS & RATHF0N, LKADlNO LANOA8TKII CLOTHIIJUS, NO. 12 HAST KING STREET JV-Kir AnVJSHTlHlSatBNTH IXrANTKU-SlO.OuO ON UltSV TT cnge en a farm worth ln,roe. Annlv te H2-Iui3dAwtt MOHT- II. U. KOLTON. Ne. 27 Kast Kin Street. SECOND EDITION. SATURDAY EVENINO, FED. S3, 1084. AT WASHINGTON. NRWBVItOMTHK NATIONAL OAP1TAI. PHOl'OHAI.S FOIt TIIK KUKUTION OF the Farmers' Northern Market Heuso will be recelved ler the whele work or ler the soveral parts in detail. Plan and specifications may he examined at thonfllcaer Alcrmnn Jeseph Hamsen, Ne. 213 North Queen street, J.amasler. Proposals will be received te 0 o'clock a. m., MAllCH I, 1884. The company rcserves the rluht te to te Jcct any or all bids. I21-3t H. O MAItTH QUEBN8WARE ! QUEENSWARB I -AT- CHINA HALL. China, Glass, Queensware. TIIK LAIIGKST ASSOUTMKNT. NOT8AT1E- ALLUOOUSKXCHANUKO IF FACTORY. Housekeepers leek te your Interest, amine our stock bofero purchasing. F.x- I.A PA. N TI5XT HOOlt TO TIIK COt)ltT IttlDSF. FAHNESTOCK. CARPETS, CARPETS. KXTUAsUFKH INQUAIN, HALL AND STAIU CAUPKT3 r ITIIIIIIt' KXUKI'riON I 111'. Ill HT Se, V Clur In the city nt ll Vu.TMAN'1 F.LLOW FIlONTt lUAlt HTOltK. Lnrge Let new open from cheap sources Auction und ether Alse, High & Martin, 15 EAST KING 8TUKKT. The lllll Appropriating 9100,000 for Lan caster l'Qblle Hatldlnc Hr ported In tlis HeuseThe Ktlftr.lloynten Affair. Washington, Feb. 23. Dorero the Kolfer-lloynton Investigating committce te day, Charles 8. Oarfleld, of Olaveland, Ohie, testified that he had the MeOarrahan bill In hand ; that It was n large ene, and that any ene who wenld be of aasUtanoe would get pay for It. The oernmlttoo then adjourned until next Saturday. I.nucnitcr's Approprlstlen, Among the reports made in the IIouse te day was ene by Mr. Ilepklnn (Penna.) from the oemmlttco en publle buildings for a publle building at Lancaster, Pa,, net te cost evor (100,000, It waa roferrod te the oernmlttoo of the whele. At 12:45 the Heuse went into commlttce of the whele en the pleuro-pueumonla bill, Goneral dobate la limited (e thrce hours and a half. A Naw Statu. The Senate commlttce en torrlterics te day nRrced toreport a bill for the admis sien ei southern uaiceta as a state. Cljoeao nrUjiiaif'deniarfil'f i'aVull Idiiais, Pplrelenm dull i rflne.l, XK:- Whisky atliv - 1- ' m i i Raw Hern Mftrk, Nsw Iem, Feb. Kl-Fleur fltaleand West cm dull and declining i am 3 SJ t Kxtra de. .l 803 B0 1 Uhelca (In. M mm t Fancy no. te ten 78 1 Round Heep Ohie, ts si ftlOJt cnnlce, llOSltOOOt Bupetfthe Westetit, ?2..7303. M I common te (reed extra de, wne 3(13) olielco de, $3 70fl 00 Cliolen WhllO Wlmat de, W 23(J0 50. fleuthsm nulet anrt unclmngeii t common te fair nxtre, IS 4UQ utu( kuuii vu ciiuicne. vt tamtev. declined 4.9n I mlnal j Ne. a xed May. ll IIKQI 13W i de June, tl 13fl y Wheat openod sllahtly blRber i subsequently it no Al I i iflUe advsnee t Mixed iWestern spot, taaeiei ruiea woaker anil declined UXe t trsrte iiuieu nn. wuite, nominal i no. a ited. March llMWfJIOSJCt de April, ll 10KH1 Ilk! de ri mm. Inter let de r. i W(&i i Cern opened lnture. 02HBC!Aia. nis (inu nnu a snaoe onslert 42quq state, 4lo3e t Ne: 9 M&V. Wostern, 418I10.; I.lve Hteek Marfcat. CntOAOo-Tlie Drev4rt' Journal ropertit Hekj lleeclpts, 11.000 head t mrkottren Jer BCed Braaeft roeah packlnjj. M 8Jtt8 83 1 pack- kf BDi! 7siynPoeB'W 00O70j llnl Wee w Oatllo-llecnlptfl 6,000 head t ililnments, 3 300 de. t market firm ; experts, ttl coat 00 1 Reed te cholce shipping. I3 90n83 common te medlum, $l(3B0t Corn-red Texnns, ISfiO. Bheep Itccelpts, 3,000 head t shlpinenls. 8,000 de i market strenjn Inferior te talr.H 70QiM V HO weight! medium te RoeJ, 117393 73) cholce te extra, 10 go 15. Mm. T1I15 .IKANNKlTE'S UltAU, tletvlces Over the Itnnlvs el the jiretleCx pierers. New Yerk, Feb. 23. Imposing cere. monies ever the remains of Jeremo Cel lins.ef the Jeannetto expedition, wero held today at the Komau Catholie ohtireh, The sorvlecs wero very grand. Tbe bodies of Cellins and his mother wero then transferred te a steamship te be taken te Cerk, Ireland, whero they will be burled. Services wero held evor Deleng and the ether victims of the Joanuetto oxpeditlen at the church of the Hely Trinity. Uishep Petter was proseut. uncle I.esder Acln ArrMtea Rkauine, Feb. 23. Henry, alias " Buck " Leador, who killed Frank Ceylo by throwing him out of his (Leader's) saloon and bt caking bis nook, and who was oxenoratod by tbe corenor'B jury, was again nrrcsted te day en the same charge The authorities claim te have discovered additional ovldenoo. Leader wai held in 2,000 ball Ter court. A tlolered Uonventlen. I'lTTSiiune, Pa., Feb. 23. Tite Union elub (oelorcd), of Allogheny county, has appointed n oernmlttoo te make arrango arrange arrango ments for a oenvontlou of colored men of the North and tbe Dlstriet of Columbia, whleh will be held in this city en April 29 te dlseusa the rights' and wrongs of the colored peeple of the Seuth. ntem mitt-Met. Qaotatlena by uoed, McUrann A Ce , flank- ors, i.nnciuier, ra. I1A.M U. U. aS I. ...... .... Michigan Central ,, (13 New Yerk Control UlH New Jersey Central 89J Ohie Central Del. Lack, ft Wostern.... 13l! Denver ft Hlo Urande.... ltm Brie w2 Kansas ft Texas 21H Lake Shern 103 Chicago N. W com.... I21K N. N., Ont. A Wcstern... ht. Paul A Omaha 32V Pacific Mall iV,i (oencsters ritisuurgti.. -it. i an i. ..............,,, Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash Common........ Wabash Proferrod........ West'rn Union Tolesruoh Lonisvllleft Nashville. N. Y'.,Chl. A St. L i.efiiRii vaiiey Lehigh Navigation, rcnnsyivama Ueadlng p.t. ft Uniraln Nerthnrn Pacltlc-Cetn... Northern Paclfle Prof... uostenviilo Philadelphia ft Krle jsonneni j"niTm . Undorgrennd Canada Southeru., en People's Pn,sennr 5P 8IJ fflV "s t 4s; 4BV4 47K M MX 23 13-13 OK 21il MX 100H I.A, 'A CM'f.uIAL. HPKLIAL. O S I L K S , SILKS,. SILKS. I)UI1'1VM .INIII'liKlIMIIOIlV iJAI.i:. On MONIIAY, FKHttUAUY, 2S, ls:l. will couimi-nce cleslnir out the entire stock and tlxluies et the finest and Lest let et goods for ui.-rchatit tailoring purposes lu this city ( einprlslug ull raie and choice sell c c c ttonset Foreign nnd Aiucilciu Noeltlis In Cleths, Unsslmcrcs, Vestings, riultl lgs, Trou Treu sering unit Overcentlng. All et ti u latest stjlesnnd tlncst fabrhiuesln Kngilt ., I roneh und Ameilcan production. A full line et Tai lors' Plece I'rlinmlngs fllk Serges nndlullns lu coleis te match m.y Nhndc- of Overceating A let el Finished Weilc, (louts' Furnishing (loeds. Notions. Ac. Thcsu Koeds aie arc all ticsh und sound, und et the most popular and desirable styles Must be sold te elose busi ness Among tbe fixtures are two lurjte Solid Walnut Fratne rreneli-Plntn Mirrors, tour calld Walnut Fiencli Veneer Counter Tnblis, a large nnd elegant Centra Counter, llnlshed coinplete lu hardwood with sliding drawers, highly ornamental; two cutting Tables two Shew . uses, one Desk uml Cabinet Case, one Flii-Proer Mite, ene hewing Machlnv, Meva nud Pipe, Case et Drawers, .-helving, Cornlce Flximes, Cm tains, llrusicls Carpet, ttc, etc., etc Poisons wishing te Inspect these uoeds can de se by cilllng ili.rlng thu day provleus te sale Sale te open at 7 o'clock p, in., at It NO. UlNOIll'imUKKNflT. Rag Carpets, Rag Carpets. A Very Large Stoek te telcct Irein, 23c. a yard up. Pcisens commencing housekeeping, or tiiose about te repler.lsb, should net lull te sce our Bleck ,t OAUPKTrt beloreputcliaslng. Alse, EonsB-Fnreisli Dry Goods, SIIKKTlNaS.TAHLK LINKNS AND TICK 1NU3, AT LOW PHICK8. FEATHERS ! FEATHERS ! UustSTKAllCUKKD FKATIIKUS ulways en hand. R. E. Eahnesteck, I.ANCASTKU, PA. Hager & Brether Invite special nttcntlen te their S1LK9TOCK, which will be found especially intereallng, uh Iho prices aruoxcceilliigly low. Black Gres Grain Silks Next Doer te the Court Heuse. OF TI1F. 11K3T AMF.1UCAN MAltlSS. AND LYONS Onobemlro femora, Oaobemlro Arabic, Rbadzimler and Bbadainn. MACK SILKS of Superier QtMility. NF.WCHKCK upwnrd, HUMMKU SILKS, from SOc. TOUQUOIB HTUIl'KI) bILKS ul very Lew Prices. CHOICF. LOII3AINE 91I.K9, Colored Dress Silks. Wenie lecelvinp dally new French, English and American Dress Uoeds. OV-We Invite examination. Tlie Murderers of the rjliir Family. Cincinnati, Feb. 23. Richard Inalls, ene of the men arrested for the murder of the Tayler family nt Avontlale, made a statement last night te the elToet that Jno. Harris, a man he nevcr kuew until Friday last, etiKnued him te assist In takinR the bodies te the medtcal coIIero. The bodies were In saeks. Ingalls said Harria set flie te the Tayler heuse. An A end Kvimle Crlinluul. Uu.ti.mehk, Mil., Feb. 23. Mm. Mary Huudermarlc, who was oenvlotod In the Ualtlmore county court en the 5th Inst, of manBlauRhter in sheeting Charles Enser by shoetinp; him en the 17th of Ootebor last, was today Bontencod te the penltcn tiarv for four ears and threo months. He iti new 01 years old. ltuilurs Fallures lorllie Wctk. Ni'.W Yeiik, Feb 23 The buslnesa fall, ures last week numbored 200 for the United states, and 40 for Uauntin, a total of 248, analust 290 ter last week. A redue tlnn In tlie number aud Importauce of thofiillureslbrouRhouttho country is np I ..nm.if n..Anln11v In tlin WpHt. I (J Klre la Flltibnrg. PiTTsnune, Pa., Feb. 28, 1 r. M. The larfie stables of the Pittsburg and AIIo AIIe AIIo Rheny passeiiKer rallwa cempauy, lu Al Al Al loKheny City, are liurnlufr, and ns a IiIrIi wind prevails a disastrous conflacratlen la featetl, rnw tiirr Quotations by Associated Preas, fltecks dull and strong. Menoy easy fat. IX 2c. n New Yerk Central 117k Krle It ail read wji Adams Kinross ISO Michigan Central Kutlrnad ttlli MIchlKnn Southern Uatlrend 1034 Illinois Central Kail read 183',? Cleveland 1'lttibuvKh Itnllreud Iiwi ChlcaKO A Kectr Island Ill Plttflbnrrth ft Fert Wnyne UfHIread ll Wmtern Union Toleumpli Company..... 70J Teledo A Wabash 17 New Jersey contra! tM itt New Yerl: OutnrleA WestArn. AKI A lif t.UTlS KMKX1N. AMF.D.-A (II III. 1(1 hotuuwerk. Apply nt fltd ' Ne. ISll i: AST WA LN V Y yut.i w I IINOH. MOCK TUItTI.IC SOUP, THIS I j (Saturday) evening ut CHAItLKY HOj ,TON OI'l.ltA HOUbK. TWONlUllTS. Wednesday & Thursday, Feb. 27 & '28. Baylies & Kennedy's Bright Lights. The Medel Organization et tbe As'e. IIUy.vNTand UlCIIMOND. CUONIN nud SULLIVAN Mil. W..I. MILLS. HICK und IIAIITON. .lONKSnnil MONTAOUB. 1)11 (1KNF1CAI. ' I'A'1' KFll.LY. uif UKisr.i(.ti. MAIIUK MRTON'. u AUIIV .Mf.i.v ll.l.l-.. MAIIKL VACUHN. Wnntlerlul Mesmerists, the Prels. J." B1AkTlN Jt CO. T'KU'.S Cerner Kalnen. lu rearm Central ket SprliiKer's llesr an tap. Mnr. ltd" IXfANTKO. TWO fSTOUT lltlYS TO i learn te uiake Hersn Cellars. ltd' KKY8TONK COLLAIt FACTOUY. Hi Kast Orange street, millCIll .INLY FAULT.-" Tlll'-Y AHU L tee cheap ter the Reed they de," they de," they say el llonseu s Cnpclnn Pereus l'lasleit), Prlce CI coats. (HATUIt- nasi s Klnu street AUUIt K1CAIJT I.UMUI1 Tills nt Kxcelsler Hall. ..!-. . dl'KVlAL NUVlVKa, Physicians recommend porous plasters lu cases or lUck Ache, Ltxme Bide, htlir Muscles, Kheumntlsm and nil local tmlnn. Jlep 1'lastert are the best undo, combining Fresh Heps with Hums lleiuly teuje, plexsaut und power ful tn action. U els. nt any druu store. As Wlit n Mini Was Yenuc " l have used l'liikct's Hair llalsain nnd like It belter than uny similar preparation I knew et," writes Mrs. Ellen Perry, wtloet llev. P. Peny, et Co.dbreoU Springs, Mass. "My hair whs ulmest entirely ttry, hut a dollar bettle el the Halnani has reitnred the seilness, and the biewn color It had nheu 1 wnuyoung-net ndlnitle grayhnlr left. Blnce I began apply lug the llalsain my hnlr has stepped tailing out, an 1 1 Uml that ll Is a perfectly harmless nnd ngu eitble dresslnx." tO-lnul iAoewW A niMKDV for Inillgcstlnu, Consumption Dyspepsia, Weakness, Fever, Ague, etc., Col Cel Col den's l.lriitld lleel Tonic. lis lwiheilAw 1l DAY) fivenlng eei. uen nr-s oeeron inn, A HON, Proprietors. 1)F.(lll.l'S HUII.UINO, MIAN AND 1IK FOS1T CO. Monthly meeting this oven even lug, ut 7 o'clock, nt Majer Holneohl'sotnoe, Ne. 41 Houth Dukn street. Menoy te lean. Hale at U o'clock. Itorrewers get lull nmeunl, ltd A. 3. VILLKK, Hecrutnry. Ami the a-KENNEDY'- E HAGER & BROTHER, J.B. MARTI & fcX AHKH.-l'KHhONH 1TJL i WINIIINO IO Ht'- CUHK a suit nnd Mask ter the Mionner- cher Ilnl Musfiue. will call en Mr. C. Hnulte, wue win no ai me juicnnorcuer nan wuu u line asserununl, nil day Monday. COMMIITEK. RKAI. KsrATKAIlKXOY.-TIIK AOKNOY for the rale or purchase of Hosl Kstule, ler Lite or Klre insurance, In Heme or For eign companies, and for procuring Pensions, Is ut I!) North Duke street, Lancnsier, Pa, ltd F.UII.HUHN, Agent. A Ward of Unullan, Uullroad'men, mechanics, ccniinerclul ttav ttav eleis. bnsu balllsiH, lurmers, and ethurs, who labor out et doeis, am peculiarly liable te ae. eldeiituml Inlury. Themat' Kclectrle Oil for bruires, burns, bites and sprains, Is enu et the nmt applications vel devised Fer eale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 anil liu North Omen stieet. When Yeu Fee! nine ami jour back aches, und your head IcuU heavy, ami you wuke u nre freshed In the inernlnif and your boivels are sluggish or eoi eei tlve, you med Kidney-Wert, it is nature's gicat icmuily und nevcr falls te relieve ull oaeet et Diseased Kidneys, Torpid Liver, Constlpnlleii, Mnlarla, Plies, UhcumatUm, lc. It operates simultaneously en tlie Kldneys, Ltve ' ami llowels, strcgthenliig them nnd re storing healthy action. Put up In dry ami liquid form Held by ull druggist?. NOT1UIC 1'IIK nlKMHKKH Otr THIS Lancaster Mnniiurchornre rcriuosted te mi'utalthnlrhallen Sunday afternoon nt ene o'clock, ler the purpose of attending tbe funeral et their lale lollew-mnmbor, (lenrge aimlmyer. UKUltOH PFEIFFKU. H eocretnry. RIOMTUI.Y AlUKTlNlt Lean Assoelu- tlnn will be held at W. A. Wilsen's nlllce en MONDAY KVKNINO lit 7K O'clock. Hale el money nt U o'clock. A. 11. HALL, fecietary, flUlK IIKOIH.AK J. et the Union llulliltng and fOK IIKNT. 13 10. 1.omen, U rooms, bill), Ae, let K.King, 7 rooms. 431 H. Queen, 7 rooms, gas, bitb, Ac. 410 W. Chestnut, 8 rooms, gas, bath, Ac. 63! W. Chestnut. 8 " " ' ' tei W. .lames, 10 ' " 557 N. Lime, 7 " " " JOHN II. MF.TZLKH, ltd Ne, J Seuth Duke street IUK HALF, O.-S l!.l3riEK.ll3, 1 Ihavofcemo houses en New and Duke streets which I will sell en oasler terms than ever bufore nilered te thn publle. Cull en 1. P. MAYKlt, Jani-2nit 8U North Queen street. In grand plnohebMlral Intortatunient. Per f us are fed potatoes ler apples, onions fei aruiwie, coil llvi r oil lei chaiutiHgue, are sewiithrnugli tongue, clie.d and nar.i at evurv piilermanie. $V0 toniiycemmuiltteo et jiliy slctatis who can detect uny trnud. Come en the stage, gouts, nnd wltnoisevorytblngdonn. Don't cry fraud without a thoieugli iixamlna iixamlna Hen. Ilemember you are cordially Invited, PKICKM 75, U) and :n eenls. itcserved seals at opern heii'i) lilBt OIM'UIAL IIAHUAlNb IN DRESSGOODS. WATT, SR1HD k 00., llave bought lour large lets et thesu popular goods In ull the new colors Hern UXe te Me. a yard under last season's pi lees. Ne. 1-KLKUANT STIIH'KI) SILK", 50e. u yard, last season prlce ler thli quality O'.'Jse. N0.2-HF. VVIKIt STIUPKD 31I.KS, B8c, last sea en pi Ice, 75e. Ne. 3 Cholce Line at COI.OUKI) DKKSS HI!, ICS 73c. a yard, hut snns'iii's prle i, i I 0. Ne. I Kleanntquallty COI.Olthl) DUF.SS 81LKH, lido 11 yaid, last season's prle ler this quality, 11.25. KMUltUIDUIMK'. Anoiherluige Invoice el Pine Hsmburg Kdg- tnss und Insertions at the s'imrj Lew Prices, NAINSOOK KMIIUOIDKltlKS, 8WIBS KMBUOIDKItlES. -AT TIIK- NEW YORK STORE, X0S. 8 k 10 EAST KINO ST., I ANCASTElt, I'A OPEN TO-DAY, DJR ROT IMPORT A TI O NS O F Burgess & Goddard's WHITE GRANITE WARE. -IN- 26 WEST KING STREET , L.VNOASTF.Il, PA. OI'KUIAL. CPF.OIAI. anliioiiliiiiiiuiiiiliiiHIeijils, Cambric Kdgtugsaml InsertlngB, Nalnzoek Kdglnus und lusertlngs, Swiss Kilglngs und Intoning.-, and New flouncing In hctset i iirleus widths te mulch, A complete line el Medium und Fine Qualities, French Nu'.nzneksuud Mullu, India Lawns, India Checks, Nalnzoek checks. Mull Plalls. Piqiie Welts, llerley, Lensdale und Helly Tiu Cumbrb's, Leng Cleth nnd Percales 4r3We have new open fiillllnesolthunbevo EAGER & BROTHER, '25 W. Klnp; St., I.uncnstcr, l'n. pnitsiieipniH. yunuiuensby Associated Press. Stocks strong. Philadelphia A Krtell. P. IS',' lteudlng Itallread T.i Pennsylvania Ilallread ii Lehigh ValloyUnllre.ul 71H Unttwl Companies of New Jersoy ..... ...10i Northern Pacific i Northem Paclfle Proferrn 1 I72 Northern Central Ilallread CO Lenleh Navliratlen Cemnanv 18 Norrlstewn llallrend ..110 Control Transportation cempanr .13 niisD'g, iiiusviue.x iiuiinieii. i LlttleHcllUVlklll tUtlrnnd 02 M nnlin Ulieiieil iiliiift-lf t ) enatn. San Fiiancisce, Feb. SK-W. O. Far well, aecd 29 ears, keii of ox-Qeverncr Fnrwell, cemmitteil sulolile en Thursday night. He choked hliutself with vallse straps in his bed room. Kjiiu, tnn I'ucl lt ll Jured. (Jiucioe. Feb. 23. Paddy Ityati, the nugtlis', was fcve rely cut In the lace with a bcer ulass durini; n bar room tight early this morning. riirentuned Htilke. noeN, llas3 , Feb. 23The weavers el the Hamilton mills have voted te strike this afternoon en neoeunt of the disoharge f thrce weavers without cause. Tlie Tea, Toilet and Dinner Sets. These goods nre tlie host White Heeds lu th uiuikut, nre Fully Wan anted nnd wilt glve satisfaction. ALSO FIVE CRAIES Brawn Molbeumo, Brown Mel her Hubbard, Brown Brighten, Blue Brlehten, Brown YoBemlto. Brown Phllean, Meaa Ito&e Wild Reeo, And ether patterns minted Ten and Dinner Sets. Full Decorated DlnnerSuts. lil pieces, nt 115.00. Sole Agents ler HAV1I.AND A CO.'S Cuieurutcd French China. air All the above are strictly 1st quality and warranted In overy respect. IminensjStoek el 2d quality Ten und Din nor Ware ut lets I ban hall prlce, 7,'.Y 7 Ti'K TA IN 31 UN TH. I AMUASTKIt MUNNKKU1IOK BAL MASQUE, -AT- MJiNNElWHOlt HALL, Monday Evening, February 25, 1884, A liill nnsnrtment et Costumes by Mr. C. Hache, et PhllaUelphla. TICK KTS, ter Oent, nnd ene I.udy, 3,oe. Aililltlnnul I.sdy tickets, fiOe, extra. Ne Ladles ndinlttnd without company nt n (Ion (Ien tleman. Tickets te bn had et the undorsluned Cemmlttenanlv : II. UKHIIAHT, F. HtHFEL, 11, WOLF, Dlt. HOI.KNIUS, UKO. PFKIFFKU, 110-7111 Itabels Ksger te VlRtit. Huakw, Feb. 23 Osman Digma 1b reported te be nt Feb with a large torce nnd eaccr te fight. Ilnnvr Lesn by Fire. Aueusta, aaFeb.23. Or ndy'a plalc ItiK mill burned this morning. The less Is ucavy;'ferty men nre thrown out of era. pleyment. A ninftSiictiusntt l'eitnlllcs ttnbbed, Ipswich, Mns3., Feb. 23 Burglars et Inte the iostefllco hore last nlRlit nnd stele mauy nrtlole of value. niHdeAn AsHKiimaiit.; St. Leuis, Feb. 23. Jehn O'Sulllvan, lumber, has made an assign assign ment ; nssets J30.000 j liabilities un. knew. ! t ) 100 100 50 50 60 te Loeai aiuuui. h.-..i uendi Kopertml by J. II. long, fir al. Lancaster City 0 pet cent 1MI... im KM... HM ' PW... IOC ft jHTi'LIn 1 orSeyoara.. ice 4 pofct.Behool IOn.... tee " In 1 ei Slynars.. 100 In Sei-'Mycirs.. tfVJ I ' li in rWlyiviw. 100 crouch livin irti vineKr.tAtiiuia sreass. Juurryvliiu It. It 150 MlllorsvllleMieet Car "W Inqulnir Printing Company 50 One Llghtiin-t Fnel Company in rltevens Deuse (llemls) loe Columbia Ons Company. 25 lyeuiin-.uu nirri;einpiny,.., Susriuehanna Iren Cemp-iuy nnrieiut uniinwrnrH Stovens Heti'Ki Blellv Island Kast lliiimtywliietv WiiyuraliV..,. Mlllersvlllii Nermal Cr.hoel Northern Mnrket Kastern Market Vi Wostern Market 10 TtmnTiKu BTOcsa. lllit diirlnu ilirivnr Valley : 25 llrtdgopert 4 llormheo 15U Columbia A Chestnut Hill 25 " jlumbla A Washington 25 Columbia A Dig Iprlni; 25 Columbia A Marietta , Maytown ,t Kiizauetntnwn vs Lancaster i;uurnui .... Lancfistci A iMMnWtroe titiimuurg t Millport. Jtarieuns niiyiewu..., uarm;i:i,i .iienni .mv Lane. Kll'Jibrtlit'n & Mlddlet'n.,... Luuuasir A Vr.iUvlHe. LnuciV'ter A Lints LuncnMcr A Wullai.nlewn.. Lanniiter.t Maner Lanaister A Manbelm 23 LancasterA .Marietta.. . 25 l.antu.iter A New Helland loe Luncnster A uftoueliHnnu. 00 B4VK BTOOtS !ftr,t National niinlc l' Farmers' National Unnk , 50 Fulton National Hank VO Lancaster County Nutlnnr.1 Hank,. 50 Columbia National Hank MO Christiana National llaiilt 100 Giiliratn National 11.10 k W' Fhst National Hank, Celnsnbla.. .. 100 first Niitiennl ii.iiik, tHrusnuiv... I'" rirst Nutinnnl It ink Marietta I.f Kli-jt National Hank, Mount Jey., bm l.ttltz National Hand ut) Manhcl 11 National Hani; IMilen National ISunic. Mount Jey. 50 New Helland National (lank....... be nun National llauk nsi (Jimrrwllle National Hank 100 UlSdiLIlMOOS ijUHrryvlllu It. it., danltttt KKi llidtn,r A Celuinhla It. Kb' 100 i.nncasLer Una LUlit aud r uui Ce.. due In lertM years 103 l.ancuHterUn.1 Light nnd Fuel Ce.. duell 1W Manhclm llorengh Itjiuls .,..,.... a 2B 25 B 25 ITO 00 25 'X 50 F A I'refassar et HpsnUli Found Ileud. ANNArei.18, Md Feb. 23. Pedre Montaldo, professor of Spanish at thn navnl academy, waH found ad thore this mernlnK. Dnmneril hi Fire. WencKSTKit, JIass., Feb. 23. The Cloveland maohlue works wero damaged te the oxtent of $75,000 by lire last night WKATI1F.K IrtOICATlONS Wasihnoten, Feb. 23 Fer the Mlddle Atlantle atatce, olearlnp; colder wrather, procetlod by light raiu or enew, nertherly wcuterly winds, higher baroraetor. Lest eole W1.7J 111 lit ia.10 tm m v IU1. ti 'l ia.7 t: 100 a &.A.4J no 5 ltf 1 Jl M 50 r,t 10 13 13 IE M K 47 18.03 21 60 31 63, CO 75 105.2A 140 41 SI ta 7IS1 S20I 112 148 112 140 115 151 Hi 139. :r 150 14" 107 75 m 115 110 115 105 100 103 100.23 VU1.1T1VAL. lOHCODNlYUOalMlSSIONKH. JOHN I). HaUUAU.eI Christiana, Badsbury township. S- bublect te the decision et the Demo cratic county convention. J8-dw 1? 7MIK UOUnTVL-OaiSllMlONKK, OKO.B IIOON E, of HaOsbury township. rs-HubJect te the iloclslen or the Democratle county conventlon. Ibl8 dA w TJ1JU COUNTY KLI HATTON, el Upper I.oaceek tewnshlp SS-SuMcct te tbe decision et the Domo Demo Dome orailo convention. imdw eon uAL k. ut.imit J.B. Martin & Ge Cor. WeBt King uml I'riuee Sis., LANCA3TKII, PA, Alll.TON OPKHA IIOUHIC, TueBday, February 20, 1884, THE LATEST NEW YORK SUCCESS. First time el the New Sensational Melo Mele Druina by Mr. K. A. Lecke, author of "A Mes senger from Jarvls Section," Ktc. N0IH)1'S CLAIM. Presented by Mil .!. S. ALEXANDERS Cem pany, lteceived with shouts et Laugh ter und tears of sympathy, ' The best American Jlole Drama evor writ ten." Aeui 1'erfc lleulil. " It bold the audience spullbeiind." AVie t or, j mif i. All the Scenery ami Mechanical appliance that marked Its success ut thu Windser Thea tre, New Yerk, Is carried In a special cur con structed for that purpoie. SrWANTKD-WBUPKi;NUMAHtF.3.-C Apply ut tbe stage deer et the theatre, en afternoon and evcnlnir et performance. ADMISSION, - - - ana 7B, CENTS. 11KSF.UVF.D SKATS, - ... 70 " Fer sale at Opera Heuso oiHce. WMt 1JOK HHLI!,-S UKUUNOUAN1 BMIINK. : Apply at this ofllce. ng-tftt I'hlladelpnu mamei, Pmladblvjua, Feb. 53. Flenr In lair de. inanil and steady.'j Ohie uml Indiana family, 3i(a vu I winter puium, ieau, Wheat quiet nnd easy i Ne. u Wostern Hed, 1108,1108! Ne. 3 de, l 00XQ1 01 1 Ne. 1 Pa. lled.fl 16. Cern scarce and hlKher t sail yellow and mtzed, H1U66-0 ( Ne, a mixed and yellow, 59 U dO. Oats quiet and steady : Ne. I Whlte, 4le Ne. 2 He, 410 Me a no, no I .10 -i iniiee, tu, ltye Bte-uly ut BJaeSc. ,,,, Siisls-Clever qutut nt 10ai0)et Tlmn. thy Urn: at 11 f 031 55 1 Flaxseed scarce at f 1 0i Pio'vlslens arm, tilr demand 5 Mes Perlr, I?.W. wow....,... llucen amiiKeii niiuuiuui9,D:iueui b,.v. e 1 omeiceu nums, iiuimi iHtwuu uu, lOXe t loe 11, HOfJlO IS 7Wa7ie Lurd ct usluri city refined at i.n.riii.rv uul04:nt mtiun straui .. . ' .I-.lT '.T . . .1.. a, n.l... nr.),,,t. uuner null Ullll liarny " . - iy uxtra, 31O310 1 flrsts, WtlWfi j Wvsiern ex tra, 13Q-J10. Hollsat7aiCe. ,. ., ,.. Kkbs aotVveanil loaen Pa. extra, S0KO 'Ji0. IOlt KENT FHOM jsFIIII- 1. 5 The third fleer of Ne. a East King strcetj lultable ter any kind e busing. Inqnlre at J 15-till N OS. 0 8 WUttTU QUKKN JT-Q -r-...i wT- IlltlOIC WAlllilltlCsK N 1' MIIUu st'rcet, between Beiitli gueen and P-lnee BtrcSts. rear et Oeo. M. StelninHn X Co'ssteia. APP'V t "' omce- '"'"" HI5MT. Tlll IU nrst-clasi basin u. uiTd located wltnln h ll a square Irein ttuscon ttuscen ue et tha city Is for rent. App y U. ., u, v. vwv- -.a-. s.....i.irtc .H.llHK VltlC I j airnble Hetol, doing" flrt-clns beslr , JSl-tld 4 IK West King bt. imnaisicr. IJSSTA'IIS OF JUlin IIAIllI.ll. LAl "' It Uincaster city, deciuwetl. Letters et ad ad iitlnlstrnllen en said esuiti'tiavlug been grant ed te the underpinned, nil jwrseuu Inilebte t thereto uru rvquiuiuu iuiubudmiicuteuiuij' incut, nud tbose having claim or demands BKUUISI lll WU1U,WIII miwiMni., delay forsottlmiiontUtliouiiOrslguvd,rl'l fersottlmiiontUtliouiiOrslguvd,rl'l forsettlmiiontUtliouiiOrslguvd,rl'l Ins in Lancaster city. . . in jAUOu GAUI.K, Administrator. W. A. Wiuen, Att'y. s-tdeaw i. ' ri Ml