f m liEIMW Q - ? I IAaAAWJV I vVVVt & Volume XX-Ne 1 18. LANCASTER, PA , FRIDAY, FMBKUAjUY 22, 1881, Trice Tite Cent. vi.vatntmt and IO II PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. Tin Reefing and Spouting, Gas and Geal. Oil Chandeliers, STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES, -00 KLINN & BEBNBMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. JOHN I. IHMM.P. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, MTFiucst Werk, Best Workmen. Lcuve your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. mtr KM. KAIIM-.nlO UK. HAIR'S OLD HO 14 EAST KINO STREET. LANOABTKH, l'A. Dry QoedB, Fancy Goods and NotienB, in Great Variety, A Mill t.lneel Unites' ml Children's COATS, Ufr.OAKH biuI DOLMANS ulway en hand. Silk Plushes ey the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our Dress Making l'arleis urn en Ihu bcceiu! unit third floors, where Dresses, Coats, Cloaks uml Delmans urn uuiilu ut short netlcu. l'urleet lit uiul witlstiictlen giiuiunUjed, whether goods are purchased hern or sent te be inailu up from ulsew heru. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET. CIJtJ.. B. '" DIAIITIK Wholemlound ItetaJl Dealer In al "imbel LUM1IKU AND COAU. MriTuril: Ne. 43) North Water an 1 I'ltticu streuts abnve Lumen Lnnc tutor ns-lyil ItAUMOAHDNKlM A JurrMIIM. COAL DEALJKS. OKF1CKS. Ne. 'Jl North (ukum -tubbt, akd NO.ttl NOIITII rnlNUK bTUKKT. YAUDS. North runic Htkkkt, ukaii Uhaih ltd) l)l'OT. LAN0A8TKU l'A. auglMId ClOAI. 1 DO A I. I j Tim undurslgneil Inn ler salu, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts ularguiiHsnitiuent el thu vury bust kinds 01 Ocnl for Family Uhe, wlilcli lie will iliillvnr, rnrelully weighed uiul screened, leuny part el the city lit tlie lowest uiurkut lates. Outers by mall or tulopheno ailed promptly. Julyb-tM 1'lllLIl' OINUKlt. MANOHK AMI U4IAL. New Yerk ami riitludelphla Horte Ma nure by tlie cnrleiul at reduced pileus. All Uie UKST (1IIADK8 OK COAL, lliith ler Kuinlly miU flicain purposes. CEMENT by the burrul. HAY ami b'X'KAW by tlie ten or bulu, Yaue Mi llarrlsburg 1'lke. Gknkhal OrifieH J) Bust Chestnut struct, Knufrman, Koller & Oe. uert-lvd 1UA1.. M. V. Ji. COIIO .13t NOHTII WATKll HT Lnnnutar, In., Wholesale una Untull Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With tlie Teleiihunle KxoIikuke. Yard unit lllc- Ne 330 NOIITII W ATI 11 8 Til K 1ST. fiil.as.l.M UOUIIH AND HTATlUNKUt lSS'lV 1884. VALENTINES I NOW HEADY, Elegant Souvenirs -KOUTHE- VALENTINE SEASON, AT'IHK I100KBT011E OK JOIN BAER'S SOUS, 16 and 17 North Queen St, VAUU1AUJSH, tV. -IIUUKHLKV A CO. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EDGERLEY & CO, MAUKKT HTIIKKT, IN UK All OK NKW I'OSTOKKIOJS, LANCJABTKR, l'A. Wotiavent ourtKactery anil Kojiesltory a 1. u run una splendid Ansertmuut el PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AND- DOUBLEl SLEIGHS. Tliey are maile or tlie Ili-gt Solectod Materlal uml ICln e t Finish Our motto ; " Quick salea uml siimll prelllu." It cuIb netlilni; te cull unil iizmnlne our work. We also liuve en lianil A KUI.I. I.lNKOKKlNHOAIllllAUK WOUK All our own wull known make. Al.l. WOUK WAllllANTED. ltcpuirliiK preinptlv uiiuuduil te. One set el workman uupeclully ouipleyud ler that pur pur pesu. nW-ttdAw hah rtrritu. TO - uuuim. 1 Kll, FAUNKHTOOK, STAND, - Lancaster, Pa. VAUl'KTH ItAllUAlMn, HAUUAlltS, 1MMUINH, -AT- Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cur. est hint; anil Muter Klb., JUST UKCElhD A Let of the Oholceat Oarpeta Ever Brought te Luncanter, Which, In mlilltlen te tlie huge stock et hoino heino hoine umiUi goods, Will bB Sold Cheap if Called for Soen. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Oer. of We3tKlntf and Water Sta., I.ANCASTEll, l'A. K" 'nTAiiMSiif.n msii. CARPETS -AT- Philip Selium, Seu & Oe's 150 SOUTH WATER STHEET, LANCASTKIt.l'A. Vulinvun(iill8iiliily et IIAO AND I'll, I,. I Ml t'AUl'r.TH. We only u-e tlie budt or JUIIIM. It you want a roeiI, Horvlceublo Carput, ploiuie coiue mill uiiiinluti our block buloie niircliiislni; ulHUwlitire, in we will null ni ciiuup iui tlie clicttpesL Ceiuu uml tu'O ler yourseir und boreavlncoil.iis weulwiiyH liiivn tlie ruputn ruputn tleu et mukliiB llrut-clan.i C'urriuld. CUSTOM IIAO CAKl'KTH A Hl'KCl AI.TY COVE1U.KT3. COItNTKUI'ANKH. 1I1.AN- KKTS, CAlll'KT CHAIN, bTOCK- INU YAllN.Ae. DyeliiK Uoue In nil 1U brancliud lit short no ne tlcu. GOAL! COAL! 01 the beat unllty, eipicssly ter fniiilly uae. TUT ARAM I'l.K TON. KKMK.M1IEUTI1K OLD bTAND. PHILIP SCHUM, SON k CO'S, Ne. 150 SOUTH WATKIt STUKKT, 10 3111(1 I.ANCAHTKlt, l'A. tlLABH AKIi UVJCKNHHAltr., H 1UM M DIAUT1W. CHINA, GLASS -AND- QUEENS WARE ! t -AT- CHINA HALL. We liave new open a lull line of Housefureishing Goods ! -in-: QUKKNSWAUK. ('. I.ABSWAHK, CHINA, lAMt'a, Ac. llousekuupora will de well te oxamlneaur Hteck buloie puielnisliiK. Our Wares aru uur. antOtiil. WouzeUnngoull Uoeds net sutlsliio sutlsliie sutlsliio tery. High & lartin, 15 EAST KING STREET, I.ANOABTlilt, l'A. G flUKX. KUUHItK. UAHIMO ANII y etuerplaylnircara from 8 cents nor pack UPl NAIlTMANfl YELLOW K0T 01UAU BTOUiJ, MilUV.lI., A ll'.U'rt UllhlCUk Jt'l.CIOH.ll,. . "Ohhvillb, Ohie, SlipUlO, 1682. fil II, l)S lliivlnjr Iiueii Hilbjcclte n bren. uvuuj etilitl iirrcttimi, with liuriuent celiln. foriiiiiunlMirer yimrH, I Imrnliy cuttlfy Hint Avkii'hCiikkhv I'kcieiiai. ulvt'9 inn pioiuptro pieiuptro pioiuptre llitr, uml N the miiit ultiiotlve leini'ily l li:ive nviir trlml. Jamka A. Hamilton, hdltoret 'J he Vrcictnt." nnnilFm "MT.(Ill.KAb, 01iln,.ltiniSil, 1. UUUUUO, ,. lV0 M., Avkr'h ClIKRIIV I'M- tcrai, tlilli mirliiK ler HHiivmi) i'imirIi uml hmi; iriiuiiin wlili Kiieili'tRct, mid 1 mn pli'ii.i'il te (.'(.oiiiliieml It leiiuy emiMnilliuly iillicli'il. HAItVUr llAUrillUAN, I'iejii luter Ulebu Hetel." riinrAniii) nv Dr. J. t'. A) cr ic Ce., liimcll, .Muss. Held by nil HriiKKHlA. tel.l'J Inb'iVlydAw I Aair; hack. HOP PLASTER. Thli porous pluiler In ubnelulcly the bei eviir inude, (eiiibtnliiK tlie vlrtum et hops with KutiiH, biilsiitiis mid i-xtrnctH. Mh pewur Is wniuturriit In curlnu illMi&Hnt whure ether lilimKiD) simply rid Id ve. Click In thn lluck uml Neck, ruin In the Hlde ei Union, HUH leliiti mid Munclns, Kldiuiy Troubles, ltliiiu mutism, NnunilKlii, Heici cnest, Altoctlensot thn lUiirtunil l.l vor ,11ml nil I'lilim eriiclic.i In liny part curi'd instantly by tliu lien VUttttr. "Trylt. l'rlcu, ia cunl, or Ilvo ter 11.10. Mnllud en reculpt orprlce. Held by nil ilriin ulstsaml ceuntrv Hteit-s. Ilmt flhtier dim. puny, I'ropiletorfl, llosten, Mass. LAME BACK. 4"Ker censtlpntlnii, liwi et uppctlte anil tllseuKUH et thn bewuls take H.iwlny's Hlemiicli nml l.lvur I'llln. n tunts. el.1") lT0.V(1) N KVI'.K l'A U.S. SAMARITaN NERVINE. "YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH ler Hamaritaw NKnviNK,"siiysiiskiptlc.. "Hew can 01111 meil meil IrlnubeiiHPiTlllR ter El'll.K.l'.SY, MYHl'Kl. HIA. Al.COHOI.HM. OI'lUM KAT1NH, ltHKUMATlhM,HI'hUMATOUini.K,erbM' INAI. UKAKVESS uml lltty ether com cem plalutd?" We claim It 11 ipecljlc, siuiply bo be caiiHii thn virus et all tUni'iisex arlres from the bleed lln Niirvlm, Ueneivunt. Alturatlve. and I.axntlvu propel ties nii'ut all the cendl. tleiiH heieln rutunud te. It's Known Uurltl ul(laa THE GREAT Nerve Conqueror. ItquletH nml cnuipiHestliu patient net by tlm Introduction or opiates and drastic cutliartluD, but by tlie restoration or activity te the stom ach and nervous Nysteni, wheiuby the b nil 11 Is rulluved et iiieibld taucles, which are Clo uted by tliDcait.iesaboveieturriiil te. Te clergymen, Lawyers, I.lturary .Men, Mor Mer ehiiuts, Hunkers, l.adfus. mid all the-u wIiihu sedentary oinpleyinunl fiui-es nervous pros tratlen, irieuiilurltiaser the bleed, stomach, lmwelser kidneys, or who lequlin a nerve tonic, appetl.er or etlniiiliiiil, Hamaiutax Neiivimu is lnvaluible. TheiiHiimls pieclalm It thu most wendeilul ln IkeiiuiI that ever sustained the sinking steiii. IITO. Held by all DlUKKlsts. The I) I!. H. A. lllCHMOND MKD. CO., l'reprlulms, St. Je-epli, Me. CHAS. N. CUITTKNTON, AKClit, New Yeik City, all lyoediw (J ilifV ()(), Ol'KIIIAI. ll.lKUAINt IN DRESSGOODS. Iff ATT, SMI & CO., Jlavn beiiitht tour Iuiku lets et thfsu popular uoeils In nil llie new coIeim I10111 li(c te .'5c. 11 jard under lust season's prices. Ne. 1-KI.CUAM' STItll'KD fclLKH, uOe. a aid, liiil season pilce tin thH quality CJHc Ne a-HKAVIKllbTltll'KDSU.KS, Mu., last season ptlce, 75e. Ne. 3 Choice, I.lnuet COI.OUKI) DUKSS SILKS,; 7.'iC. 11 yard, lust snasen's pi leu, ft 0e. Ne. I Kleirantuuallty COI.OUKI) DIlKl-h bll.liS, il Mn j ard, last season's prlcu ter thlsmiallty, JI.M. Ourstamlmil 11I.ACK DUKSS 811. lis Aiutliubust value In the markulnt We , "Si., ;, ' W. l.'i. !'. '" ami t:t)J. fcpcclul i;aiuliis In Weid Kucud DUKSS GOODS At lOu., 1'iyiv., 17e., We., uml 'iie. a yard. MUSLINS ANDSHKKIINGS Uy thu yurd or plcri) at lmi than lnanulactui urs' pi leu j. NEW YORK STORE, NO. 8 A: 10 EAST K 5 NO ST., 1.ANCA8TKU, l'A VJ l-.T.UKIt & HAUlMlitlAi.. WKIHAVK .lUHT HOIHIHT TIIK KM'lltK hlOUK OK UOODgUALlTY COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OK A r.AlltlK WllOI.KHAl.K. HOUSK DK- UUSIM) IIUHINKSS, AND AUK NOW8K1.MNU AT $ 1 .40. Goods that wuru sold at ti.ot)tef J.S0. We li.ivu en hand, also, W111TK AND COI.Ollk.Di B 1 ankets, HOUOllT AT AUCTION 8A1.E9, KKOM 75c. up te $10.00: WoaresoUliiR thorn eit cheap tthuy imvii been sacrtllced this simsen at less thuu iniinii. ruuturer'a cost. 1& Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, lititwoen tlie Cooper llonseand fierrel Mersu Hetel. LAN.0ASTKU l'A SPRING ELECTIONS. r.lCSUl.T.S OK TIIK lilllUI, CONIKH1M. Dllllltl Itrtiirns from ttifl VmiIuiis lllttli.ts n( tlie County lluw tlie Tewimtilps Voted, Delew 1110 kIveii tlioedloinl icIuiiih ftuin the various townships of tlie county : CLAY. Juilk'e : Jehn 12. Wolf", ll'J : Jusenh 1J. WlHsler, W3. IimpcoterH : Jehn C. Iluohter, 51) ; Jehn O Elser, 111 ; Henry II. Ebcrlv, l!7. AsBCBi-er : Jnoeb (J. Euuk, S32 ; lllratu SI. IJruckntibreail, G2. Supervisors : II I rain Ncsitiyer. 17a ; Jehn B. Kettor, 107 ; bamuul Wu.tlaml, I'JO. tioheol Directors : Henry It, Snyder, 77; Hiram Hellluffrr, 181; Andrew Welti man, 203 ; Uenj. II. Erh, OH Conntable : Lincoln Clirint, SCO. Auditor : Simen H. Huydnr. 2S5. Ulerk : Martin 8. Gress, 273, i.nhi:pkni)i:nt fciioei, msTiucr. New Btilltewn DirecterH : Elam II. Uracklilll, 11 ; Abraham Motzler, 10 ; Israel Horshey, 1 ; Jacob Miller, 2, COLEUAIN. Jutltre : Clayten MoCatiley, 111; Abraiu Stiuely, OH. Inspector : Win. WIiUchIiIe. 1 ft ; Hu hert A. Morrison, 57 ; Petor Weed, 1. Anspsner : J. Oalbraith, 117 ; Levl Har nett, G7. Supervisor : A. Jl. Levett, 110 : James WhitoBide, lit; Lewis Liinberu, 05; Win, 11. KcrRHseu, CO. tJoheol Directors : Win. HeRff, jr., lii't ; Samuel Wltmer, 00 ; J. O. Maule, 10'J ; Themas Haker, 73. Censtable : W. E. I'oters, 1 17 ; S II. BueilratH, CO. Auditor : Jehn Walker, HO ; Milten Kccch, 01 ; Jas, K. Scott, 3. Clerk : JoKepu Heep, 207. DONEGAL EAST. MAYTOWN. M. Helhnan, 181 Jtulge : M. Beiitz, 130. IuKpocter ; Maize. 108. William ; Jehn Silas Sjiiesc, 212 Hujjistry Ashchkei- : Harry C. Eib, 173. filMIINOVII.I.i:. Judje : Huury l. Hear, 03 ; Tobias Genker, 38. IuHeoter : Cenrad Iiartels, 115 ; Jehn Deycr, 20. Hegistry Assessor : Samuel Uurkhohler, 125. LINCOLN II. 8. Judje : Gcerge Miller, 100; Bernaid Eiiisteiii, 83. Inspector : James McCltiue, 101 ; Jehn Campbell, 81. HeKistry Assessor : Frauk l'aules, 153 ; Emanuel Engivieht, S3. CONSOLIDATi;!). Assessor : S. S. Starks, 131 ; A. L lietitscal, '.'IKS. Supervisors E. Micky, 3S7 QIadackcr, 33. Benjamin Shields, 410 ; Jehn Oratly, 321 ; Ocar Scheel Directors : Samuel 402 ; Jacob K. Nis.sley, 370 ; 2i0 ; Jehn Fletcher. 12J. Censtable : II. KiiiL', 373 310. Clerk : S. Bessier, 501 ; I. G. S. Euslu, Brand, ; J. Myets, Cirpuntcr, iu. Auditor : 8. Greve, 505 : hart, 207. EARL EAST. Parrirt Lib- Judge ; II. Ileidetinch, 112 Inspector : Ooergo htirk, 210 ; James 11. Handwerk, 155. Absosser : D. S. Kurt. 211 Weaver, 2 Hi, Minus W. Supervisor : S. M. Shirk, 203 ; S. News wander, , Jacob Wochter, 181 ; Adam Sallaub.iruer, 200. Scheel Directors : Sam'l Mimlmnau, 350 ; Thee. A. Kiuzer, 230 ; Relat.il Weiland, 130 ; Henrv Decker, 131. Censtable : D. S. Kurtz, 211 ; Moses M. Weaver, 210. Auditor : Sam'l Waohter, 112 Town Clerk E. M. Wallace, 112. EI'HRATA. Judue ; Levi S. Laudis, 115; (eor"e Urich, 211. Inspector : Hany S. Reyer, 270 ; Frauk B. Ilossler, 27(5 ; Jehn W. I'lltur, 127. Assobser : Jacob S. Sharp, G07. Supervisors : Edward NaKle, 311 ; Jehn R. Shiik, 18l;Jabeb O. Shealler, 218; James I). Tre(,'e, 59 ; Levl t-'ohlead, 313. Scheel Dirccteis : Martin Melllii:eiyll2; Jehn M. Reyor, 171 ; Henry K. Kurtz, 331. Censtable : Josse Jehns, 317; Jaeub 8. SimDRler, 210; E. O. Shimp, 00; E:ra MollliiKer, -1. Auditor : Audrew Baker, 502 ; Martin Bryson, 170. Township Cleik : Martin S. Fry, 015. FULTON. .Itidjje : Ames K. Biady, 217 ; Geoige Whitaker, 03. Inspectors : Jehn I. File, 215 ; W. F. .Jenklus, 101 ; C. C. C.uUiiiun, 1. Assessor : James Leek, 217 ; I). M. Themas, 03. Supcrviseis : Fiank TullliiKur, 100 ; Albett Haiues, 101 ; Henry Ilrewu, 130 ; Win. Ingram 01. boueol Diroetors : C. II. Stubbs, 119 ; E. M. Haines, 100 ; S. McSjmrrau, 171 ; a. .1. tianua, av. Censtable : Charles Geed, 211 ; Riley, 103 ; Charles Jamisen, 1. Auditor : David Denver, 217 ; Kirk, 210 ; A. C. Jenkins, 08; J. T. L. E. woeuwnrii, U3. Town Clerk : A. Chailei'. 217. J, McCiilletiKh, 08. IIEMPF1ELD EAST. ri'.TKItSIll'llll. Judge : Jehn S. Gingrich, 20. Inspector : A. II. Honsler, 20. Registry Assessor : Abram Yeuug, 20. UOllItKllSTOWN. Judge : David Rlngwalt, 17 ; Aaieu Laudis, 12. Inspectors : Adam Laise, 33 ; Joseidi Haboeker, 11. Registiy Assessor : B. B. lliestaud, 10. landih vi 1.1,1:. Judge : Samuel Dietrich, Geedman, 30, Inspectors : M. S, droll', 10; Urich 10 ; J. K. liaKer, ou ; Ames llrewn, . CONSOLII)ATi:i). Assessor : II. G. Kern, 115. Supervisors : A. T, MeUjer, 117 ; II. 1;. Heist, 111, Scheel Directors : J. L, Brubaker, 120 ; G. Trout. 113. Censtable : S. G. Piekul, 03; A. Kis Kis slnger, 8 : 1). II. Laudis, 7. Auditor : 0. M. BlomeHilcrfer, 111. Town Clerk : J, Bummy, 115. HEMPFIELD WEST. NOUT11WK8TKHN. JiuIke : Jno, Kane 00 ; Jno. Hougende- bler-11. Insjieetnr : Christ Sueuk 72 ; Jno. M. HouiigendoMor '11. Reglstry Assessor; Jacob Shenk 73; Otte Andersen -11. NOUWOOl) .Itulge : II, W. FishurOS; Harry Nlssley Iuapccter : Heward L, Oberlin 07 ; Penrose Nlssley 42, Registry Assessor : Henry B, Eshleman 03; Win. Holdler42. SILVKU SI'llINOB. Judge: Edward Gallagher 131; II. Monchey GO, Inspecter: II. G. Baker 121; Jonathan Oamber 09. Registry Assessor : Jes. Dornthelsor 110 ; Fred Mumnia7l. MOUNTVILfiK. Judge : Jehn J. Leib 141 ; Aaren Ober 73. Insjieoter: Henry M. Frldy 111; Jehn Lelb 73. CONSOLIDATE). Assessor : Wm. M. Albright 417. Superviser: Andrew Mumma 411; David II. Kllne417 ; Dan'I. 1). Ferry 280. Scheel Dlroters : Jacob L. Hoitzel 410 ; Audrew Groider 307 ; Jno. 8. Hoevor 312 ; Henry Zoatner20. .Itistlce: Jehu M. Groider 431 ; II. M. Woller 223. ConBtable: Christian B. Kllne Henry PaiT221. 421; Auditor : Leaudcr P.ogle 433 ; J. Frldy 227. Town Clerk : 11. K. Haokeokor Mattlti Leenard 225. LITTLE BRITAIN. Judge : R. A. Scott, 158; Merris tields. 150. Halls 135 ; Hey- Inspectors : Harry Falrlarab,103 ; Rebert R. Cleudenniti, 157. Assessor : A. L. Kennedy, 140 ; II. M. McCardell, 103. Supervisors : Jas. M. Balance, 100 ; Jehu L. Crawford, 150. Scheel Diroetors : William Blaek, 159 ; B. F. Tayler, 102 ; James A. Kyle, 155 ; B. F. Celeman, 147. Justloe : J. F. Paxseu, 170 ; Jeseph L. Holten 187. Censtable : Harvey Jamisen, 140 ; Sam uel J. Radders. 1G2. Auditors : Abner Uarter, (3 yrs) 103 ; Abraham Ebonsbade, (2 yrs) 153 ; B. L Pattorseu, (3 yrs) 155 ; W. W. Heusol, (2 yds) 150. Clark : J. C. JaruUeu, 159 ; William Runner, 109. MANOR. MILLKIISVILLB Judge : J. W. Spayd, 220 ; Otte Reese, 37. Inspectors : Harry Wissler, 151 ; Benj. Wertz, 83 ; Cyrus Smith, 72. Registry Assesser: G. F. Kahier, 231 ; Jehn A. Brush, 20 ; Frat k Rcrutholsel, 40. MANOIl NEW. Judge : L. S. Shuman, 70 ; M. K. Strebig 34 ; Reuj. Yeung, 21. Inspectors : Oee. Gamble, 80 ; Simen Shultz, 35 ; Em las Wertz, 1. Registry Assessor : W. B. Moixell.lOl; Jno. A. Brush, 25. INDIANTOWN. Judge : E. T. KautTman, 159 ; C. Kliue 112. Inspectors : II. K. Gautz, 105 ; A. E. Kliue, 13. CONSOLIUATCl). Aescsser : M. It. Sheek, 387 ; Elias Mo Me 3Iulleti, 333. Supervisors-: Hiram R Witmer, 451; Jaoeb Shank, 023 ; Benj. Kaullman, 284. Scheel Direotera : Christ. U. Uerr, 371 ; Heuty Bewman, 40 : David E. Mayer, 401; A. B. Eshlcman, 225 ; Jacob Pickle, 107 ; Jehu 11. Martin, 01. Constable : A. K. Dem, 233 ; Benj. Haas, 109 ; E. II. Lehr, 151 ; M. S Brady, 103 ; C. 11. Shank, 21 ; Henry Gehr, 29. Auditor : J. S. Stouer, 71 ; Harry S. Beck, 100 ; G. A. Taj ler, 158 ; Jehn S. Mauu,22l. Clerk : Frcd'k Stouer, 470 ; Abraham .inner, rj ; .luini uamuie, tj'J. MARTIC. Judge : 8aml .Tenes, 211 ; Sam'l Alex, niuler, 121. Inspector : J. W. Keller, 211 ; Lindley R McUluue, 120. Assessor : B. Simpseu, 192 ; S. C. Stevousen, 143. Supervisors : Gorden Armstrong, 231 ; Alexander Ilumphrey, 170 ; Jno. MoAlul MeAlul lun, 1 13 ; Jehu Mentoith, 09. Scheel Directors : Jes Clark, 192 ; II. F. Armstrong. 193 ; Jno. A. Alexander, 113 ; Wm.G. Galen, 135. Justice : Hugh Armstreug, 217 ; Frk'n Breuemati, 120. Censtable : Jacob Shank, 101 ; David Ci earner, 108, Auditor : Olayteu Erb, 210 ; Win Swoigert, 121. Cleik : Julius Leng, 210 ; Wm. Graham 123. MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP. ui'i'ini. Judge: Henry S. Hotteustelu, 129. Inspector : Chrlstlau Hummel, 25 ; S.L. Obiirhellzer, 81. Registry Assesser : Wm. Winteis, 18 ; Aiiiej Nifsley, 82. 1.OWK11. Judge : Jehu Reeth, 81 , A. F. Shelly, 18 ; Jacob Kiener, 3. luspcoter : Henry Mussleman, 51; Jacob Swode, 70. Reglstry Assofser : William Winters, 93 ; Ames Nissley, 31. rONBOLIDATUI). Assessor ; B. K. Eshlemau, 133 ; J. G. Gruber. 130. Supervisors : Peter Measbey, 01 ; David M. Meyor, 03; David Frey, 30; J. II. Lengenccker, 118 ; Isaae Kuyler, 81 ; Wm. Hamilton, 01. Soheol Diroetors : Allou E. Ceble, 103 ; Jehn II. Risser, 01 ; Levl N. Rlsser, 83 ; 1). N. Hiestand, 57 ; Simen K. Nissley, 101. Justice : A II. Balmer, 255. Censtablu : A. F. Lougeuooker, 201 ; Leepold Wiokenholser, 73 ; Ileury Short, 157. Auditor : Jehn G. Reist, 141 ; Jeseph Barnhatd, 111. Cleik : Henry H. Ceblo, 251. PENN. Judge : David Earhart, 100 ; Levi Mil Mil eor, 50. Inspectors : Wm. Palm, 97 ; Edward Baer, 55 Chrlstlau Bueh, 32 ; Frauk Heller, 53. Assessor Samuel Beatd, 93 ; Ames Hershey, 145 Suporviseis : William Miller, 178 Fred. Motzger, 175 ; Themas Reath 03 Jehn Kech, 02. Scheel Dliocters : 223 ; Geerge Harmau, Jacob He8tntter, 01 ; Henry Hesb, 1 1U. Justiee : Jehu Wcber, 313. Censtable : Augustus Naumati, 17 Samuel Buaciier, us. Auditor : Jehn Relst, 240. Town Clerk : Ellas Rtfrt, 251. prevideMje. Judge: Albert Themas, 1G0; Nelseu Dyson, 47. Inspector : Jehn Hart, 101 ; Jehu Dully 45. Assessor : J.W. Uerr, 172 ; 11. F.Wetth, 31. Soheol Direotera : Tobias Brubaker, 101 ; Jacob Kcen, 101 ; Jehu Ceurad, 43: Win. II. Rlohardsen. 41. Censtable : Henry Martin, 150 ; Harvey Riucer, 42. Auditor : Jaoeb Themas, 158 ; O. 8. Hiidebraud, 40. Town Clerk : Frank Goehonauor, 101 ; Secrates Miller, 43. RAP1I0. Sl'OIlTI.Vll HILL. Judge : II. 8. Bradley, 00. Inspectors : Jacob L, Kaullmau, 39 ; Henry K. Naumati, 21, Registry Assessor : Henry C, Motz Metz Icr, 03. NEWTOWN. Judge : It, II, HIppIe, 73. Inspectors : Gcerge Fry, 22 5 Frank Moere, 50. Registry Abbcsser : Solemon Rkeads, 72. HTlttCKLKIl'8 SCHOOL IIOUSIC, Judge : Jacob Geed, 01. Inspectors : Uenj. Breuetuan, 51 ; Goe. F. Baker, 18. UNION SiniAllli. Judge : Jehn II. Clair, 110 ; Henry Keser, 32. Inspectors : Jacob Pfaulz, 73 ; A. Gclb, 25 ; Jehu Howe, 53. Registry Assessor : Gelahlus Brubakcr, 151, CONSOLIDATED VOTE. Assessor : Jehu 8. Brudley, 310 ; J. E, 8taufler, 49, Supervisors : Samuel E. Mvers, 221 ; Benj, F. Garber, 51 ; Samuel M. Cever, 04 ; Jacob Miller, 3-15. Scheel Diroetors : Christian Geed, 83 ; Henry W. Eby, 151 ; Michael Glbble, 12 ; Heury Wonger, 89 : Samuel K. Snyder, fl; Benj. S. Garraan, 193 ; Paul Glbble, 01 ; Rouben Shelly, 77. Censtable : Isaae M. Cever. 237 ; Jno Keser, 110 ; Reuben Weaver, 18. Auditor : M. L. Kroider, 318. Town Clerk : J. R. Zug, 333 ; n rus liuhi, 1. y SADdBURY. Judge : Jehn McGewau, 148 ; Andrew Neblo, 140. Inspectors : Win. M. Stevenson, 155 ; Jno. M. Rutter, 135 Assessor : Eiwoed Pewinll, 131 ; Jehu F. Graham, 151. Superviser: Omar Gilbert, 110 : Wm. B. Moero, 152 ; Wm. Albright, 142 ; Win.' Hey, 120. Soheol Diroetors : G. F. Baker (3 yrs), 105 ; Ames Ilea, (3 jrs), 189 ; Lewls Llu Llu vllle, (1 yr), 141 ; I. LeuIb Walker, (3 yrs) 133 ; Harry Davis, (3 yrs), 112 ; David Fraim (1 yr), 114. Constable: Jehn W. Wisher, 151; I. T. Williams, 110. Auditor : Goe Whltseu, 158 ; Henry C. Wltmer, 128. Town Clerk : J. Hepe Ilershberger, 155 ; J. T. Brown, 128. SALISSURY. Judge : J. C. Bttehauan, 210. luspcoter : B. F. Weaver, 109 Geergo U. Worst, 5U. Assessor : II. B. ColTreth, 103. Supervisor : Ileury Massey, 210. Scheel Dirceters : Jacob Martin, 212 ; C. L. Kaullmau, 100 ; Charles E, Masen, ,7 Justiee : Daniel Lee, 200. Censtable : Samuel Bewman, 20S Auditor : W. C llouderson. 204. Clerk : B. 8. Woller, 4 ; W. O. ilerseu, 7 ; 11. F. Wellnr, 103. STRASBURG TOWNSHIP Hen- Judge : Jehn F. Uerr, 71 ; Franklin Clarke, 11. Inspectors : Martiu Baldwin, 71 ; Sam'l. II. Wlker, 11. Assessor : 8. 8. Hess. Supcrviseis: Samuel U. Hersh, 78; Samuel F. Liubaker, 78. Scheel Directors : Joseuh Hostettor, 78 ; uenj. Li. buavely, 73. flnltDlnlitn . Innnlt (2l,iln.n. - I C m 1 1 ConBtable unuuuuiviuiuiiu, I , uiiui a W. Lautz, 2 Rcssel, 1. Frauk Trout, 1 ; Aaren Auditor : Jehn Z. Tayler, 78. Town Clerk : E. D. Uerr, 78. WARWICK. Judge : Samuel Seaber, 371 II. B. uueu, 71. Inspector : J. J. Rtoiuesderfer, Isaae Yest, 74. 371 ! Assessor : M. M. Fielis, 1193. Supervisors : Urlas Leuhart, SG0 ; Frauk uessier, 001 ; oaeou 11. mums, ui. Soheol Directors : Peter Witwer C3 years), 238 ; Harry Miller (3 years), 288 ; S. L. Orayblll (I year), 230 ; I. O. Pfautz (3 years), 41 ; Jehu II. Yeung (3 years), 10; U1I..8 Eitnire (1 year), 4L Justiee : A. B, Roidetibaoh, 359, Constable : II. II. Helman, 331 ; Jehn teny, 00. Auditor : I. K. Iluber, 373 ; Jeremiah """"'I ""' Achey, 70. Town Cleik : T IT - . . . 1 M Walter E. Sturgis, 308 ,. 11. uruoe, 11. L1T1T INDKl'KNDCNT f.CllOOL DISrilICT. Dlreoters : I. O. Erb, 147 ; N. C. Fry, 130. A Kentucky glii dories lu a head of hair which Is seventy Inches long and very thick, but our chin! glory Is In the number et cures innde recently by the use et Dr. Hull's Cough Hyiup, the best remedy ter coughs anil colds. i.uuic out reu tui: kneink." I am a locomotive engineer, and liave been ter twenty yuars, mm urn new running en the Malno Central Hallread. Lite en an engine, as utl engineers knew, Is vury trying te health ami strungth. The continual Jar et thu engine, and strain en our leiiir tilps all tend te weak en thu kidneys uml urinary organs. In addi tion te this, tun yours age, I met with a sovure accident, and 1 was taken trem under my en gine wltlisuvure luturniil Injuries, which gave me great pain. I was laid up ter six months, and Buttered mero than I can describe, and mere than I wish te sutrur ugaln. 1 resuuit.il work, but my kldnejs begun le disturb me, mid my nervous system suumed te be onto! eidur, 1 could net sleep, is my water do de tnandud such constant uttuutteu that I was kuptuwuke a great partet thu night te uri nate causiid sevuiu pains. 1 oinpleyod the bust medical skill In Portland unil elsewhere hiilceutluuud in grew worse. I w.w peisuadedte try Hunt's Itemedyas 1 round that many of my filunds lu l'eillund had usud It with gnat success, jut I had no lulth that It would reach my case However, I sunt tern hull-dozen bottles at ene et the drug stores, In I'eitland, uml Irem thu usoet thu first bottle teiind a giuat toilet. My water was much belter and the pain In the back unit limbs greatly rulioved. 1 centlnuuil Its use until I had used ten bottles In all. 'and It has been teinuu weiidurlul blessing, and 1 liave deemed It u duty and pilvllege te recommend It te these tumbled inuslmilar lnauneri uml you may putilluii this ler ihebeucilt of our lullreiid men and tlie public In general, as It has completely eurud me, Gee. W. liiiAbLuv, Kngliieer Maine Ceulrul It, it, 1'eiitlamii, Mb., May 12, 18S3. UAUHK Klllt AI.AU1I. Alick K. Culms, el llrunswlck, Mr., writes us ou May 13, lSSJi "That she hus sulfered vury much nt trcquent Intervals witll kidney illaeusii. and the uttauks wure lncrcaslnir In se. vuitty se steadily us lecalise ularm. llerauntl Mis. N. M. Hinall, pursindud Iter le use Hunt's Itemed y, and atter using several bottles Miss Curtis has been Ireed Irem the severe aches and pains le which she had long been aoeus. teined t and iurthar says that Hunt's Heineily never falla te relieve thu suvere pains In the slde uml Intonse backache, and Mlzs C. pro nounces It a real blessing te woman for all kidney ilUeasa,aiul slie cordially roeetiimeiuls It ter thu many Ills mid pains peculiar te them" HJlwilM.WAKAw llucklen's Arnica hmIte, The greatest medlcal wonder fef the world. Warranted te speedily euro burns, llrulses, Cuts, Ulcers. Salt Ithuuin, Kever sores, Can cers, l'lles, chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, ctiappfd Hands and alt skin eruptions, guaranteed te cute In every Instunce, or money rclunded. a cents per box, Ker sale by Clies. A. Lectiur, lo2J-tyeeilAw A Hun enu Drug Stere, Nevor was bueU ii rush iiimle for any Drug Btern as is new at Clms. A. Lechur's ler a trial boltleol Dr. King's Nuw Discovery ler Consumption, Ceuglismul Colds. All persons otlccteil with Asthiuu, llrouehltls.Hoarsimess, t.,.i..... rniiirii or an v utfuctlnn et thu Threat unil Lungs, can get a Trlsl llottle et Hill great reiUOiiyrfff, uy uajiiny uvnuuTvi .'tiitf ewiu jteiulurslxw, 1.W. 1 builder It Down thn AM, That ter Ininencss, ler rheiimallsm, ler neli, ter pains, nml ler sprulna Dr. Themat' Kelt. 'li0 ".,"'l.loltlvinnilrellablormoily. Dr. 7Amni AWc(r(e Oil can be purcliisM oreny ''"'HRl't. for sale by II. II. Coehran, drug K'st. 137 and 139 North Oneen strent. J Wlih r.rerybedr te Knew. tiiuXiMni?rg,0 " T,'ftJ,er' " eM clllzen el tR!! ? l,i,alwcUu.(" nn'1 elirlstlan mlnlstoret J... ... 5llurc"l.",t l,lU mement steppod In ?hnttiMS.KIU 1 wlB ' overyboity te 'knew pur Uvea te Bhlleh'g Consumption Cure." It Is linvlnir n tromenilous rale ever our countem ftnillsiflvlriKporfectsattsrftcllon In all eases et Lung Dlsoeflos, such as netlilnir else liaa ilone. DUS.'MATCHETT ritANCB. IleeiiBOW. Inil.. May 18, 78. i w! '.7 .','" Ce.cnrnn; UiUKKlst,Nes. 1.17 anil 13i) Nerm Uiioen street, Lnucaster. tebllnrslt Uan't Hay Knenjfh, ..'.' l cannot speak tee highly el Jlurdeelc llloeu Jl litem: limy liave been a great hits. Init te me. Cured me 01 blllousnena and dvii. pep. la lrnin wlileli I had sutlered ler years." sir. .1. Marsh, Hank or Terente, Ont. Ker 1?le.!13f, "' ''. Ooehran dniKKtst, 137 ami 130 North Oneen street. Vr.OTIHNil, M YEIW A It ATM VON. WHAT A PLEASURE! It Is te order CLOTHING matle from a Bleck' of materlal wlilcli Is Is se lare ami varied us te cemprlu) all the new unit lashtenabln styles of Reeds, and then te geta suit that rtts and bears overy ovldunce or having been preperly jetlen up. This Is the style et work Hint we turn out et our CUSTOM DKl'AUT MKNT, as we keep (utters and workmen who ure thorough and particular In their line el biiflnciS. Ker thu com 1 111? Spring, as well as at, all la la tieo times, It will be our aim te supply the trade wltli overythlnK new anil dcslrtbte, as luit us U Is put en t he market. Uy strict attention te the needs or our pa. Irons, add nclose study et thn goods In our line, we liope te keep constantly en band u wVH-selcetud assortment, Irem which we shall be able te in out your wants In sueh a wuy that you will patreulzu us again and airuln, Ready-made Clothing, neat llttlng, tashlnnubly and substantially maile, at the LOWKSf l'KIOKS nueled any wheru. MYERS & RATHF0N, LKADINO LANUASTKIt CLOTII1EU8, NO. 12 HAST KING LANCASTKit, PA. STREET. rr uisitiiAitT. ..GREAT REDUCTION -IN PINE CLOTHING -AT- H. Grerhait's, Ne. 6 East King Street In order te reduceu heavy stock of FINK WOOLENS unil te make room for tlie Sprint; Importation, I will make up te order all licavy-welglitSUlTINGSanilOVEUCOATlNa Fer the Next 30 Days at a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ofc., or uirsc uest or net ting Thern Up. I have also a Large Assortment et medium weight WOOLKNS ler tlm early Spring trude, which will be inade up belore the Sprlnn trade sets In at an equal reduction, te gire oinpleymeut te my hands during dull season TIIK AllOVK RKDUCTWX JU FOli GA811 0X1.1', N. II. My sample cards of Spring Importa tions are new ready and any et my customers desirous el securing choice styles can de se new. H. GERHART. ' ( ANHMAN St UHO. FOR BARGAINS IN CLOTHING GO TO-DAY, TO L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S, AT THE COHNKIt OK NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE SIS Ridiculously Cheap Ovei coats at 93.CC, bte tlie Wem'urlul OverceatH at. $w. Sue thu Overccalsut S4M, f 7:10, fS.W, llOAiO amlKiW. Ail wool suits atfa.ee. cu the All Weel hiiltHiit fl, ;i0aiull2: I'leuty or stylus ; reliable goods j our own tip tepmaku. t-eoeur Children's rants at 03c. Our Hey's rants at DOc. Our strong and heavy lined lien's Punts at fl ami fwa, Uemumber tho-e liargalns. Consider tbe value of your money bulore you purchase. Loek mound and see it we ure net undersoil underseil lag anybeiiy in this or any ether city. L. Gansman & Bre,, THE KASHIONAIILK MKUOHANT TAl LOUS AND CLOTHItUS. Seb. uUrCU NUUTII QUEEN STREET lllKht en the Bouthweat Cerner et Orange Uircet, LANCA8TEU, l'A. .- Net cennected with any ottter .Clothing llouseln thecllv. 1'llUTVUXAVUH. J."" HUTK. There has been such a demand for LAltOK I'lIOTUUltAlMIS that I was compulteil te get a VKUV LAUOK CAMKKA 1IOX te meet tlie uetnand. We cau new make you a l'HOTO as small as trio smallest locket will held up te a S-lncli lace, te Ut .an WxU Krame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen Street. un','l", STKVr.NH IHIUHK SHAVING AND IIAIK DUES31Na SALOON. Goeil Joumevmon anil prtees same m otlier saloons. II. WAONKU, mylft-Ud ftHmajjer, 1