LANCASTER DAlhY INTEJJLICJECEK, TUESDAY, FEBKUAKY 19, 1884. J ' it Lancaster IntelUgenrir, TTJB8PAY KVBNINO, FSO. P. 04' uiuer JuariOK iriTca dh.kma. tiling Without Mensy He finds I Hard te utt UK UbecK Cashed. K. X. World. Ohief Justice Walte, of the supreme court, had a vfunny oxperionoo the ethor dar.and as he bes related It te any number of friends, tlid story has had a wlde clreu Jatlen in society. BeTcral weeks age he had tin Iroperntlve engagement In unlti unlti unlti more. Llfce nil great men he is provor prevor prover blally absent minded. IIe went up te the oeurt and a few moments' session adjourn ed the com t and came down leisurely te the Ualtlmore and Ohie tlopet, whleh is only n short diitanoe from the cabltel. As he cot out of the stroet ear he found he bad ten minutes in whleh te puroheso a ticket nnd Ret a float ea the train. As he went up te the tloket otilce he discovered, te his surprlse, that he had only a few pen nies in his poekot. IIe had ncnlcetcd te protlde hlmself with " scrip for his jour jeur jour ney." IIe looked around the waiting room bnt saw no ene he knew. What was te be dene must be dene quiekly ; his nogatrcment was an important ene. Be he illed up in the line te the ticket office, and when he roached the window the ohief justice smiled an awful smile across the run WlulU Ol nis amnie raeiuu ami nsneu the ticket agent if he knew him. " Ne, I don't 1" snarled thoagent, "and what Is mero I don't want te ! What de you want I" " I want a tiekct te Daltimore and re turn. I am the chief justice of the bu bu bu prome court, and I bave no money with me ; it is purely occidental. I can gWe you my persenal check." " Oh, I knew you. I koew all the bleeds, but that dedge won't work en me. I bave just bad two mombers of the cabinet try te ' bilk ' me out of tbe tickets and no ohief justice dedge gets me. Take your ugly mug out of the window and get out of the way of poeplo who bave money." Tbe chief justice glared. IIe could net flne the young man for centempt of court. IIe icltohcaper and werse than if be bal been a real fraud. He blushed and per; spired se that the agent had his Arm I sllef strengthened, loe cuter justice uasucu out of the station te sce if be could net find seme ene te identify him. IIe had only flve minutes leir Itwatoe shetta tirae te run te the ripltel. IIe saw no ene. Acress the street thore was a saloon and eatlne house The chief justice made a rush across the read, but be stepped at tbe deer. What if no euenhi oe non going Inte a common gle mill ? hat would doedIo say. and it was a bare ehance if any ene in thore should knew him 1 Spying a Drivate entrance he rushed In and accosted the proprietor with tbe frantle Inquiry of "De son knew me l" " Yes, het ycr head, I de. Yer Hener," said the short haired, freckled faced man behlDg the bar. "Ye arc the be? s av the shuprame ccert. I sce ye ivery day going by here en the cars." " Will you cash my check ? I bave co time te explain." Here the justice grab bed a picce of paper uren a desk near by and began te write htrriedly. " Shuro I will. I've seen euld byes off en a tear befere get out of money. Trusbt m?, terr. It is a twenty ye want ? Here it is. Will ye bave a drop bofero ye ran f" But befere any further explanation could be made the chief justice had grab bed tbe money and was running across the street. In some way tbe ticket agent had learned of his blunder during tbe judge's absence, and was all politeness when he saw the money, ilr. Waits barely made the tram, but be has net hsi such a shock te his dignity since he went upon the bcEch of the scprcmc court. ULOWN TO SMITH EKE KN3. Tte Terrible l'enalty of smoking In a room vrltri Kndn, A qcsctit? of gacpewder in the top story of Hebb, Oibern & Hebbs' whole sale bard ware eatibl-ihmtnt.ea Richmond street, Londen. Oct , exploded en Monday. Percy Ince, Fraak Shaw and Donald Srsrtb were saekisz la the room where the pvwder was eteied, and it it supposed that the powder was ignited through care teisctfs. The upper portion of the build ing was blown erT, and the premi s of Robinson, Little & Ce. snd Hurts & Lams adjoining were badly shattered. All tLe ghusin the block oppeite was broker Ince, Sbaw and Smith were the only j . in the building when the exnl ion oc curred. Seme time elapsed befere the burning debris i eald be extinguished nod the victims extricated. Smith was. taken out dead, and the ether two are se reri reri euely injured that they cannot recover. The explosion shook the business p'ntiui of city for a quarter of a mlle around. Au laddered man In like an unsealed loiter, everybody can read him, but tbe wlsn mun se curetli in time what In lltue be nlll surely nced-ft bellle of Dr Hull's eugh Syrup. S-rit:leii 1 Fast, bllllhnt anil fashionable aru tbe Maui' nd Oj e colors enu packuge colors 1 te lbs. et goods. 10c. ler unv color. Uetatanydrugimts. Wil' Richard son Ce., Uurllngten, Vt. I'rem Llcvt Una, OM , Cemes u lotter signed T. Walker, saving "About six iiientin age commenced taklm- jjurueck Heed lllUcrt ter protracted cuse et lumbago una gonerul ilubliltv. und picas li uu vu biuiu iihvu reenTfrriui nip mm una wen ten strength. Feul butter altogether. r turn uy ji. ii, cecurun, druggist, 137 anl iiv uiiu wuuuu Bireui. f)e Veu telie It. That in this town tiimeam scores et ikiiseu-. paHBlng our stere overy day whoeu Uvb ure made mlsorable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heur nnd dlstres.e.1 Hteinach, Mver Cour plaint, Constlpiitlen, when for 75c. we will mil them Bhileh's Vltallier. iruarauteed te euie iiiuui, euiuuy ii. ii.vecnran, ilrugglAt, Km, 137 and vri North Queen stroet. i5b7-wui Ket n Uase, " Net a case et theumatlsin, net a case et neu ralgia, net a case of lainencsn. net a case el pain or spraln-noteno-haslalled te go wnen iitlaekml by 2'Aemus' yfclre Olf. Ker sain Uu00n"trCeeuiran,,irU,JK,'t',37ttna lS'J Nerni Jfer flltoen years I was unnoyed with suvcie pain in my liead and discharges into my threat from Catarrh. My eunse et smuli wus much Impaired, lly the use et ElyM cream Halm I have overcomo these troubles, j it Case, St, Denls llotel, New Yerk. ' ' Wor several years I havobecn troubled with Catarrh-Kly'e Cream Halm hat proved te b , the article aeslred. I bollevo It is the only cure,-L. U. Ceburn, Hardwnre Herehant Tewanda, l'a. Hl-awdcedAw ' kksuuku meat death The tollewlngstateroont of William J. Cough in, et Bomerville, Mass., is se remarkable that we beg te ask for It the attention of our read ors. He euya t "In thu tall et 1870 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs, follewod by n Buvore cdugh. 1 seen began te leso my nppetlte anil fleah. 1 was se weak at ene ttme that I could net loave my bed. In the sum mer of 1877 1 wasmlmtttodtethoClty Hospital, While thure the doctors ald I had a hole in my lettlung,a big ns a linir-dellar. I expend, ed e vor n hundred dollars In doctere and mod med IcltieH, IwassofarKenont enu ttmuAropert went around that 1 was dead. I gave up hepe V,"1 ""te'"1 to,e: WO Ot DR. WH, HALI.'B JIAIAAM FORTIIK LUNUS. 1 Jaughe at wy friends, thinking my case lneurable, but I get u be tUe te satisfy thorn, when te my stir stir ?!Ml?,I!Tll,Br?t,flcat,en' l commenccd te feel undo iytte0,JC0 doi.u.bcgatitejovtvo, vf&!"lt s,,,rtta lUan wilt be induced te take DR. Wu iiai i UALit AM FORTIIK l.UMQ8.Ma taMntlnJiS that OON8UUFTIUN CAN RE CURED 1 have takuu two bottlen and can positively sav that It has done mu mero geed than all the ether inodlctneslbave Uk"lnc7?ny ilci" ness. My cough lias almost ontlrely uimd. peanxt and I shall seen be able te go te work 801U by U H. Cochran, JI North Uueen street 3XJSU10AM. JMIOWN'S IKON HITTERS. Like au Evil Spirit. In olden times It was thought that evil spirits canie In through cracks and koyhelcs. Tiie generally approved way te keep thorn out was te plug up the keyholes mul step the cracks with cotton. Notwithstanding the.e preventtve mensures, Iho evll things had thelr own wav and often came in as they pleased. Se comes malaria new-a days. We try te keep It out or the keyhole and It cenies In by the crack. We step up the crack, and le I it comes from a leak In the plumbing, or nn open lop; from seme neglected drain, or from seme uninspected source nml unguarded dlrcc Ien. We cannot always keep malaria out, but we can glve II battle and drive Its effects Hern enr systems. II Jirewn's Iren Hitters U taken in ttme, malaria lias net n ghost et n chance. Th'a Is the great family medicine. Tour druggist cells It. and you ought te keep n bettle In the house. Motners I mothers I Mothers Arc you disturbeil nt night and brekuu el your rest by n sick child suffering nnd rrylng with the excruclatlng pain of cutting teeth? If se, go at onee nnd get a bottlenl MK9. WIN DOW'S 800T1UNO sritur. It wilt relieve the peer Uttle snflorer tmmodlately depend upon It j thore Is no mlstaVe about It. There Is ' net a mether en earth who his exer ucl tt, who will net tell you nt onee that It will regulate the bewcM anil glve reat te the mother, nnd reliet ami health te the child, op crating llke magic. It Is perfectly sIe te use in all cases, nnd pleasant te the tA3te, nnd Is the prescription of ene of the eMcatnml bait oinale physicians In the United States. ovetywhoro. 25 cents a bett' Ltttrr from General Jehn K. Atnlferd. NO. 23 1)BT STBKtT. NSW YOUR, October S. USJ. Fer yrars past 1 have med Ailceck's roisers I'ljlstkm en my person and in my faintly and have found thorn perfect as nn external remedy, quick In their action, giving lmmo lmme lmmo dlate relief, without blistering the skin, nnd Ur superior te all ethers. Ne family should be without Allcock's roaec 1'lastkbi i thelr healing pewers are wonderful, and their ofllclency tar reaching and lasting When In Washington Ust winter I was Induced te try another much mlvortlsel plaster ter sevcrt; pain In my back. Ne relief from the pain, but a sote and bllstured back for a wcek was the result. Se seen ns ths plasters healed tap plleU twoet ALtcecK's reROua rLisTia-t, and thoygave me tmmedlate nnd pertnantnt re lief . They sve additional strength and vital ity te the spinal column, and they are a ncvur tailing rcmedy 1 my f.imliy ler fengl's. Colds, Sprains and all kind or t'nin-. and Wvaknosses. Their uje has ropeatedly save I me from Pneumonia. I constantly no them, and would net be ltheut them f r nuy eou eeu eou sldcratlen. tcblMwcOdAw JOHN K. Mil. KOltD. llenry i;arunne aalve. The best Salve In the world for cnt.'.binlses sores, ulcer. salt rheum, totter, chapped. hands, chllblulns, corns and all kinds et skin eruption", freckles and pimples. The salve Is gnarnnteHl te glve perfect satisfaction In every case or money rvfundett. He snre you get lUwBT'fl Cjluboue Salvb, a all ether are but Imitations and counterfeit, l'r co ii cents. Sold In Lancaster t Cochran's Drug Mer 117 Nertn Uueun utreet. Tnvf-4 ftRJiltlAI. IOK IIII.IOUS UHOl.lU.-1'Oi: AUATIMl . the spasms of Mlieus colic, HonsenN enp enp clne I'oreus IMasters act promptly and splen didly." lJKNSON'S SKIM CfKB Prm Frank LexUe't IlluiirateJ Xewspaper.) A LADY SAID Ttieie llarttd rimplfi! Ne, I Ctnnet (le. I'lrsie l'reirnt Sly txcat " Probably two-thirds el tLe ladles la .eclety and numeiet our Ian I are ailllcUl wIM suin diseases et -arleus kind', te de nwas wlih which. If it ceald lx done wltheat Iilury, weald bj the happiest event of their live-. Then ihe would have instead of a disfigure.! and marred countenance, ene that would ) h-iTV.-eme, erat least geed looking, tit any with a clear, pnre skin, no mtt r what the cat et her fcatnrej are. ha a certain amount of geed loots which attra.-t overy- teiy. At It Is new, the imagines every ene sc and talks about the -te ireeklei.' --ihoie'. 1 pimples,- and ether ble-nlsn with wnur she Is a21tctel. bntthU Is into et either sex. Te Improve this appearance great ilsks are uken ,- arsenic, mercury, or high-seu r.d titled named articles containing theu deal.': dealing dr-jg, are taken In hopes et getting rid et a'.: troubles In many cae death is the remit. Ne alleviation of the unrnli.g, hauling, itching and Inflammation Is given All troubled with Kczema (salt riieumj Te ters, II amers, fntUmmallen, Heugh Fc.Uy Eruptions nt any kind. Diseases el the Hair an J Scalp, Scrofula, L'lcei, Pimples or Ten der Itchlnss en any part et the body should knew that there Is hepe ter them In a sure, pcrtctt and elegant rcmedy, known as "Dr. C. W. Uensen's Skin Curu." It makes the ssin white, eett and smceth : rmueves tan and fri-ikb, and Is the UEsTItellut dressing l TilhWulll.ti. It Is elegantly pat up, TWO bottles In one package, censli'.lng et t eth in ternal and external treatment Our readcrM should be sure te get this anil net seme old remud.. resuscitated en the success of Dr. lien ion's and new ndvertlsed as ''Ihotireat Skin Cure." There is only ene-It b.ars the .lo.te.'s Dlctnre and Is for tnle by nil druggist, II per package heciit nn has errc.i cxkn maeu by the dUcevery el seme new thlnir, but neth Ing lias ever steed the test like Dr. C. W. Urn- Ben's celery uulChameiiilln rills. They really de curr Sick Iluiduchu, Nervous Ilcaduche, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleepless, ness, Indigestion, I'aralj sis nun Melancholy, l'rlce, COeenU per but, two ter II. alx ter KM by mall, pentage Iree.-Dr. 0. W. Ihtnsen llaltlmere, 5ld. Sold by.iill druggists C. N. CBirrsirreN, New Voile, Is Whnu-, -. Agent ler Dr. C. V. Honten'H Iteincdlcs. lOa-lmdM.WA'jw HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED They who weik enily and late the year round need, occasionally, the hcalthlul utlm ulus Imparted uy n wholesome, tonleliko llos lles llos tutter's Hteinach Hitters. Te nil, Its purity and ufllcluney as a rumedy nnd preventtve el ills iue coinmeiul It. It cliecka Inclplunt rheumatism anil malarial symptom, rcllevca constipation, dyspepjia mid biliousness, ar reati, promature ileeny et thy physical ener gies, mttlgalea the Intlrmatlej et uge and has tuns convalcbcenco. Fer rale by all DrugKlsU and Dealers generally. f t.lmduej&w Qiiav'H m-KOiriu ntmuiar;, tiim Vj iiieut Rumedy. An unmilln euro ter Impntency, and nil Diseases that lel ew less of Jiiiuiery, Universal Lasst. I",'1."' "Si" la lll ,'ft(,k' "imness of Vision, Tiernature Old Age, and many ether ilhjeasea that lead te ltumnity or Con sumption and n Truinntiire dravn. Full pnr. tlcuiars In our pauipiut, which we deslrote Bund lree by hi nil leuvurj ene. The Spoclhe Modlclneli mild by nil druggists at tl perpack. age, or six packages ter, or will be sent freu by mall en the rewdpt el the money, by nd nd diesslnvtlieuuunt, "H ,,-, 1,V1'"'tJ0"AN, Druggist. Nps. 137 und RM North qubeu street, Lancas- On account of counterfeits, we have adopt adept ri i no Yellow Wrapir i thnnniy genuine , , THE RAt MklHCINrfCO anrlMvilAw iiuiiale, h, y. STOMACH BITTER! VLUTMXU. M YI.IW A KATUFOrr. WHAT A PLEASURE! It Is te order CLOTItlNti made Irem a stock of materlnl nhlchls Is se larire nnd varied as te comprl'e nil the new und talilonable style ei goels. and then te get a Mitt that nts and bears every evldcnce of having been properly gotten up. This Is the style el work that we turn out et our CUSTOM DKl'AUl' MUST, as we keep utters and workmen who are thorough nnd particular In their line of business. Ker the coining Spring, as well as af all in ture times, It will be cur mm te supply the trade with everything new nnd desirable, as as tt Is put en the market. lly strict attention te the needs of rur pa pa tren, add aclose study el the goods In our Hue. wniiopeto keep censtHntly en hand a welMelected assortment, trem which we shall be able te meet your wants In such a way that ye.i wl 1 pUronire us again and again. Ready-made Clothing', neat fitting, made, at the w here fashionably nnd substantially I.OWESl THICKS quoted any- MYERS & RATHFON, LEADiNU LA.NCASTKIl (. I.OTItt KIIS, NO. 13 EAST KINO l.ANCASTKi:. 1A. STREET. G sttr.i IlKDUCTIONS. 1 Prices Reduced -ON- FURNISHING GOODS. In order te Ksp out balance et W1NTEII STOCK, we have reduced the price; en our entire bal tnce of Undorwear, Qloves, Shirts, Knit Jnckets, cckvrear, &c , "ully eNK-ItALK trem fermer prices. KNIT J ACKETS. UK., COc, 73C, 90s. 10 . III.UE SHII'.TS. 70c , Sic., OJc. te It Ul.OVES nt lowest 1'rlces ever heard of. ONE HCNDIIED UOXEN "PennHaU" White Shirts, the best Shirt In the market, four ply l.lncn liosem and Cults, best quality iluslln, and only 80 CENTS. -Wr ask you te CALL AT ONCE and se. cure some of these llaralns, as we need tne sjaee they rccupy. HIRSH & BRO., PEN'S IIALLCI.'ITIUNu HOL'E, Noe. 2 and 4 North Queen Streot. 1.ANLASTEU. TA. V SII SAI.KS OT WLOTHINO. Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Oentre Square, LANCASTER, I'A. New effrr the UAUEST BARGAINS IN CLOTHING, '0K CASH KVhll Ol'KKIlhD IN Tills COUNTY. Whlie net du'illng for cash only, we have a ptrttcularllnenf goods, Manufactured by our own workmen, TarranUvi in quality und new ready for the market, WHICH WE WIM. MAKE AN OI1JECT TO AN ONE WHO HAS THE CASH ! ire dkfy rojz'srvreA axd cuukt i:xa nuy of our ueudu AMD PKICHH. C3TGuBtem Werk Solleltod. Call and sce our SAMPLE Goe U In the piece. Gents' Furnishing Goods ! In uiirlvallixlnsjortinent. Inn word, n hat hat ever you may be In need el In our llno-frem nnist Clothing down te buttons-you'll find them all ut & '8. li-lyd 'OK ,!!,;. IOK 1A !. n UfUOMI HAND KMI1NK. i Apply et this efllcc. fl2-tfil 1:n m ithN ' Ml 111 n Nl A llltlUK IVAllKlllilNlwiN Htri'Ot. tintwefui Hmtii ii,,...., .. Trlnce streels. reur m uie m "u.i ."" I! Ce's store. Apply at tilts ofUce. ' il'l-tfd 1 by Mis. hllllnn as a CUar llex Factory ( , , , i ,,,I,,u?K If," "KT,-TIIIM UK. Sr niMIUlU IttllUI lltlUI Ifntcii. ilnlm n iirt.iiii i..,Di,. and located wlinln hfa gouare from thi, IS.,,: ire et the city Is for rent. Apply in wm. J.COOI'ER. 4IX West Ring at., Lancaster. J2MM IOlt HALE, llfl KAHT Tl'.lt.llS. JJ Ihuvobemo houses en New nnd Duke streets which I will sell en easier terus t an ever bofero ollered te the public. Cnll en Jai)3-2uid 313 Nerih'OueunBtVeut. Jj'lMl ItENT FKOJI ATltllTl " ' J The Kecend und thlnl floors of Ne. 6 East King snout, sutlable ler any kind el business. Alse the basement el the miuiu bullilluir I fit. , ft nJ!!Lc,B" wsnmrant. inrjulieat JlS-ltd NOS. CAB NORTH (JUEEN T. lOit IIAIltlAIMS wit.i.VvcW!s'. '.er.k,n I'ints, Huclt Coats. m?,rJiL"KM."Ul,Knl1 ''"eu and Underwearl (llevrs. Mills, Hese, Coiulertx nml all uin.iJ of winter Oeclds cleiln it wHhe ui nu nul locesL Having un ovewuieltoii i'i id It wl ii iy te buy ter .nuxt season ut nre seni r.W, i' 1 iariieffiriXM??" "uy- tabVlyd Ne. Ki'air'e'eL 1)ILKS 1'H.KSI 1'll.UMi this MH J palnlnl und objtlnate dUoise is ciih',1 by atreutinent whleh causes no pull ut , uty'l liiBtant roller irem all pntn. A pir anef,t emu Kuarnnleud lu every case by I,u",mnu"t DR II D. LONUARKIt, and that liti bkIII Iiiih net been exerted tn vain leneU,rv,!,,8,e'.iy,!CaK" U,l ' ,,u "" uTitt ,,,,n"1 6lrce, u'jSSls 'A w sl r.ui.M, rtOTtcK. BOWERS Neb. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN DRY GOODS ! t'KUUUAHY l.ivi -In order te riMuce our stock nnd te ilouble our sale of February l.-HJ, we shall etfer mauy goods at and below cost. We shall mnke many reductleni In our Dress Uoeds Department. I.adles 6-1 AU Weel Cteth Suitings rottuceil from II.S) to3e. I.adlosft I.adlesft All Weel Cleth Suitings tcduced te I'c. Indies' Dies uoeds I educed from 503 te 37Mc. Ladles' Dress Uoeds reduced from S7Ke te !e Ladles DreM Uoeils reduced from IV) and tJSe te IV. Itepps or tVrapper Uoeds reduced Irem ISe te Kite, l'oreilesand Chlnti'a reduced UKotelOt'. Calicoes reduced Irem se te eV, Calicoes re.luccd Irem Ce te 5e. Callcoes induced Irem Sc te 1c. In rlioetlnnand Shirting Muslins wonreotlorliiKOitreinely low prices, all bought alnce the rocent dccltne In Cotten Uoeds. Ladles' and Children's Merine Undernenr nnd Hosiery, all reduced te roil nivl under. We show nn tmmonse sleck et Hamburg and Lnces, all nt nxtromely Lew l'rlres. It will pay you te glve us n call, as wu are detei mined te increase our atiw this month and te roduce our very large Hteck. BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN I) I UK Ktt'M TON ll. Oranges and Flerida. BotterThrtn Broesoa and Bloseenis Under a New Fing. Even the balmy air nnd orange groves of 1'lerldn fall te kip lu people lull et happi ness and comfort. Art must help nnlure everywhere In the tropic ru among the ptnea et the North. " And, chief among ttm bless ings which are adapted te a!l renes," writes Dr. J. O. Wallace, et Feit Dade. Fla . "Is I'arksr's Tesic. It eeuis te have the world ter n Held, and nie.'t of the current dt.eacs yleld te Its action 1 have i.ed U In the case et a delicate and dyspeptic young lady, with the most gratifying resain. It seomed te ac complish with ease wtat the usual prescrip tions and treatment ter that miserable malady tailed wholly te bring about. I am also glad tostatethattho Tonic has greatly rcllevtd me personally et a troublesome ntenlc condition et the stomach of long standing It l the Ideal pnrlfler nnd tnvtserauL" Messrs. Hiscox .C le. call cpeelal nttentieii te the tact that alter April It), lJJ. the name and style et this preparation 111 herealter be simply i"artr'i Tette. The word " Dinger " Is dropped, forth j rmse.i thtt unprincipled dealers are censlnntlydecetvlntftln tr patrons by substltutlnit Inferior preparations under the uamoet Ulng r : An 1 in uluiser is un nn lmwrtant flavor! m tnnredtent in our route, we arc sure tluteur frUnds !' agree with ua.stothe prepiifty et the change. Tl.ere ,11 . nnann.v h.itLtver. lu thu oreearatlon Itself; and all betl e remaining in the hands et dealers, wrapped under the name et 'Tahk kr's UiNOKRTean," centuln the cenutne med lclne It the sUnatuie et lliscex A Ce. U at the bottom et onutde wrapper "I I AIll HALS AM. TANKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A benetlclal drelng preferrcl te sluiUat article-" becauss of its purity mid rich rnir rnir fume. It UKSTOIlE- TO t,UA HAIIl THE YOUTHFUL COLD It and prevent ', uO ami tailing etthi Lair. !'e nmlil.iv. HlSCOX A CO.. N I . PIOKESTON. Excels the flne.t flower In richness. Deli cate, very lasting. Ne odor like It. He sure you get FLOltbsTON Cologne, !iignat,!rt) el Hlxcex A Ce.. N. Y., en every label. Z nn I cents, at clruslstj an 1 dealers In perlume. OOLOGrNE. dltlyweewAdTn I.MIKY'S UN'IVKltSAL l-ILK SUl'l'OSI 1 TOHY. A sure euro for every form et 1'llcs. Internal and extei a-il, Itclitni; or bleed lnir. and long standlna cjvs. It has nover tatlctl even In cases as long stamllng as iS teU years. This Supposllerv Is cene shaped, easy te apply, sate, neat ana cletn, end pessesies every advantage ove. ointments and Halves. Physicians use It In tt-elr pructice. Give It a trial. and you whi be beii relieved nnd con vinced. It your drufclst does net keep It or get It for you, accein v ether, but send for It by mall, us It can be sent an"whero by n..ili. l'rtec, Ws ver box- I'rcpaied and geld bj ANDKEW O. Fl'.EY, Druggist, Ne -20 East Orange (t.. t or. ct.rlstinr, arrlT-lydAwj Ijj-.ce.-i. r. )- uinxjvuirx. T IIUUSK'S. JlsT UECElVtD I VALENCIA ORANGES i ONLY 1JDO.EN NOW lb YOl TIME TO EATOUANOE3. Canned Fruit and VegLtnblas, : mall let Mil Lern, i cans .3c., Fell's Sugar Cern, loc , or 41 le drx. llaker's, WIuslew and forest City Cern, Jj dez. Fell s 2 S. Tomatee, l cans We . Fill's qt. cans Tomatoes lee , or 11.10 t'ez. We also have the Supeib anil Ilcutstaak 11 ram.' s, Mttrewtat Teas, Fell's Early June and French Teas String llenns lie a cm. Cnilfernla White Ox Heart Cherries, very choice. Choice Table Tenches, l ill- tlvatcd Ulackbetrlcs. AFullLlnu DRIED AND EVATORATED FitUirf.COUN, AC BUESK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO LANCASTER, I'A. feTJt ?F'. J'ltUTUUUArilli. J.' s. hutu. There has been such n demand for LARGE THOTOURA THS that 1 was compelled te get a VERY LARUE CAMERA HO.V te meet the demand. We can new make you a TIIOTOas Mnall a.s the smallest lockel IH heiu tip te a S-inch fate, te fit an 18vv. Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen itner f-tr.' JltHVl'LLASl.UVli NIITMJK III lltr.-ll'AM.-r.llM AMD UUh HERS. All iersms are horeby ferblddfm tetruspass en any of the lands of the Corn wall or Bpeedwefl estates, In I-ebaneu nun Lancaster conntles, whether inclesed or un Inclesed, oltber ler the purpose et h hooting or fishing, us the law will be rigidly cninroo. cninreo. cninroe. lgalnslall trespassing en snld lands of t underdgncd alter thU nottce. JVM. COLEMAN FREEMAN It. TEUC ALDEN, HOWARD C. HlEliMAN, Alterrt'iv i: , Cnb man's Hui- MKKIlaUIIAUM ril'KSANDTUHlM, ALL guaranteed te be as icpresentcil, sultn sultn sultn lilnforprusenU), at HARTMAH'B YELLOW FRONT CIO Alt STORE. AUCTIONEER AMI UUAL K-jTATK AUENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE AUENT, 01 North Dutfe St., Lancaater, Pn. Every thing pertaining te my business will rLoelve my personal uttemlen. Terms ica-en-ublu. lllve man call auTl-tfd UTKY'r-NS IIOU1K O HHAVINO AND HAIR lll(K4-IM, AI.OHN, UkOd Journeviiiun m i iirletsiaiiin as ether saleuiis. II. WAUNER. iivir.u Mananer. riUIK lll'-HT IflVK OKNT HAVANA OIIIAIt L In the city. Manufaetuied by misellnml guaranteed te be the llnest. ut IIARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIUAR - HTORIS. A 1.1. UIUAKN MANUFAUI UltKll ON T ii n NO ix. pruuusui uuu nru os ruprcsenini etluir goods relalli'd ut HA11TMAN" ELI.OWFKiNI LIOAIt i Mitr,, imx u neus, t. &D STREET. STREET. 11.4 TJ --V7 (UI'JI, II AVI'. YOU HMKN IT TJ TH B FEDAEA IS THE LATEST, AND MAT UK HA1D.1HF. ONLY NOVELTY THAT HAS At'- I'EAIIEDTHIS SEASON. The Fcdara is patterned niter a selt hat et French tunuulactnre, with a Unlet) that Is peculiar te hats from thtt country. The brim has n turned edge stltched-NO tllNDl.SU ; 1 Inch band with clastic cord nreund. It Is a geed, dressy hat, nicely lined and Is suited ter wear en any and nil occasions Yeu can get t he correct thing ut SHULTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (UUNDAKElfS OLD .STAND,) LAN CASTE It. I'A. -A few Winter Caps at Half Trice. tnari? OllUl.T'Z CL1I STAND. UKEAT ItEDL'CTtON IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Lndies' Seal Sncquea and Delmans, Ladles' Fur-Llned Olrculare, He nti' nml Ladles' Caiu at Cost, SILK V MURE 1. 1, AX. A Large Assertmaut et OL'VK3 at Cost. THKLAI!OEST STOCK AND ASSOUTMI.NT OF FAblUONAULE Winter Hals, Caps, Firs, &t, Evcretfered te the public, at the LOWEST TKICES. Wholesale and Iletall. Iluy te. rxh only and sell cheaper than nny ether Hat Hter In thu city. SOLE AUENT FOllTHK Knox Silk &. Derby Hat. The ONLY' Hat Manufactory In Lancaster. Heys' Caps from 10c. up. lien's Cnps et all kinds greatly relucel In price. Uepatrlng neatly and promptly deuu. Old bilk IlaUrnadu luhleuablc. JOHN SIDES, d2Mld Successor te BHULTZ & 11110. rx.vir.nfjr, xv. jen n v. nuiiAun. FURNACES and RANGES OF ALL RINDS REPAIRED. Cnll and fcothe New Improved WROUOHT IRON COLD CASEj Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest und Market Ilcat FURNACE In tbn MANUFACTURED UAOLU81VEI.Y BY Mn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Queen atroet, 'ebi'-lvd '.ANCAHTEIt CA. OAiaiH' UAI.I.EJtlK, " J 816 OhestDut St., Philadelphia, In conseriuenco of the Ircquent reiucsts et eurtilniuls hiid cuttomers te glve them seme Idea, at their own homes, of tne cost of pic tures, mirrors, rcglldlm.'. the restoration et portraits nnd ether palnltmrs Inlure I bynccl dentnrtlme. we have decided te send our representative, Mr. Jeseph Relnbeth, te Lancaster, FEIJ. 20, 21, at HTE VENB' HOUSE, who will be glad, then, te hear from or cnll upon any who may doslre Information regard ing thu above We ileal in Flne Art Uoeds en tirely and have at all times, et our own Impor tation nnd manufacture, a large stock et Mir rors (French plates only), Water Celer Draw ings, OH Tafnllngs, Etchings, Engravings, Thote-Uravutns, Thotegraphs. Alse, l'orco l'erco l'orce lain Tlcturcs, Htnlned Olesi, Window Trans part-ncles, Antique i.renzes, Aa, Ac: Wnnre HoteAKtmts ler tbe celebrated "ROUERS' UUOUTa," the prices et which range from (10 te i!3 uvcraglng about 115. Weaie the largest manutacturers of Ticture F rnmes and have the nnest und most complute stock et Hmall Frames, et card und cabinet sizes, tobe found lu this country, Importations trem Tarls, Her Hn and Vlunim. We ure also prepared toinuke In large quantities frames fercaids and circu lars, ler business men, corporations, railroads, te., nt very low prices ' ' JAME3H. EARLE A 80N8. Established 1131. Any communications can be sent te abeve address at onee. ;teblJCtd MA VltlNr.UV. IAVINO DISSOLVED I'AUTnKKDlIll I'l nnd r,r tinani'iillv olesod the Chestnut fctreut Iren Works, lifesliu te Inform my old patrons and the publle generally, that 1 am still In the business, belnir r lecuieii in iiiu i-uuu Iren enmpuny's itiuks, --nrin i-iuru Bireet, wheru I mn making Iren and 11 nets Castings otuvery dnUilptlnu, and will bu pleased le serv i'e mi who may laver inn wiin tnuir patron- age. Frem 40yenrafixiMrl(inculn thebuslness and uilng thu best material nnd employing the boil mechanics, 1 nm satisfied I can gunr gunr uutee until usatlsiactlen, castings inadu from amlxtuie et Iren and steel which nre mero ro re linbln for strength and durability than the best cant lien known, V teeth roll pinions, rolls nnd rolling mill work a speclnlty. Cast ings made el very selt lien, und brass cast ings et overy description. I have all the pat ters ii f the well mid favorably known Mewrcr Cern and Cob Crusher, rnntled und Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely mted up or in parts, te replace old ones which have Imicii In use ter years. Kuatanteelug thum te glve Istactlen. anll-i.iu R. (J. McCULLEY. OIVKKT OATUHAL, UI.II JUDO It, I I..1. Ilntnn ll, I III!.. O Union ,J laillUII UtltV, ,, ww., v... MIIIIU Tilnt. menhnula. Vcierun and ollierCluiruites ntbntloiiiprtcef.nt IIARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIUAR UTORE. xiTJUST, LANCASTER, PA. DRY GOODS ! LANCASTER, PA. imr tivuvH. N JKXT IIOOll TO TDK UOtlltT IIOUSK. FAHNESTOCK. CARPETS, CARPETS. EXTRA ht'TEIt INUltAIN, AND 8TAIII UAItrBT.4 Large Let new open Irem Auction nnd ether cheap sources, Alse, Rag Carpets, Rag Carpets. A Very Large Stock te ssleet from, c. a yard tip. Tersens commencing housekeeping, or theso about te replenish, should net full te see our Stock of CAllTKTS botero purchases. Alse, inse-FDrnisii Dry Uoeds, 811EETlNU9,TAnLE LINENS AND TICK 1N0S. AT LOW THICK. FEATHERS 1 FEATHERS 1 Hest STEAM CUUKO FKAT11 Hit! alwnyi en hand. R. E. Fahnestock, LANCASTER, I'A. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. J."- nahTi.t s Ce. 1884. 1884. Carpet Department NOW READY IN NEWEST DESIGNS, COLORS AND Bigelew Wilten Oarpote, Smith's AxmlnBter Moquett Oar Oar peta, Hartferd Astutnster Moquett Oar Oar pets, Blgolew Bedy BruBsels Oarpets, Hartferd Bedy Brusaole Oarpets, Horner'B Bedy BrussolsOarpeta, Amaterdam Bedy Brusaela Oar Oar Oar poeo. Oalodema Bedy Bruasela Oarpets, Enfleld Bedy Bruaaela Oarpeta, Smith's Extra Tapeatry oarpeta, " BeBt Tapeatry Oarpets, " B. Fallsade Oarpote, ,i e. " " SaD ford's Extra Oarpete, " Oometa Oarpete, HlBBens Tapeatry Oarpets, Mcdferd Tapeatry Oarpete, Dobsen'a Tapeatry Oarpets, Extra Super Ingrains, Cotten Ingrains, Venltlan and Ohaln Oarpeta. Our Carpet Floers, lately remodeled, are the largest und host lighted tn this city. Our Up holstery Department has been eularged nnd wu are prepared te Sew and Lay carpets at tbe SHORTEST NOTICE. LAUUEBT LINK OF WALL PAPERS INTUI8 OITT. J. B, Martin & Ce, Cor.AVeit Kins nnd Fvlnce Htfl., LANCAUTEIt, I'A. trnu uAMuiituM, c IMAKKM W. rilV. We are making almost dally; additions te our ttoekot WALL PAPEES, The styles are beautiful and wa have them tn olegant assortment, from the common brown te the finest ombrelderod gilt ene, two and tliroe band frlezes. Decorations ler ceil ings in olegant designs, cuntrti plsces te match. Dade Window Shades Are bocemlng mero populnrevory season. We can show you fitly dlflurent styles, In the pre vailing colors. Tlaln cloths for shades I u all widths, llxturo,;eruauiuutg, etc CREAM and WHITE LACE CURTAINS, 11EDHKTH. PILLOW HHAMB, TIDIES, and LAM1IREOUINB, CURTAIN TO I, Kb, CORNIOEB, MIR RORS, . PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. Gr.nUINKYAHAUlOAlLUI.EAlt t-ILLEIl only 5 cents, at IIARTUAN'U YELLOW FRONT CIUAR bTORE. THArjiliFlM OVIItK. JARUAMIKU ADD AtlLl.ltlt.SVIl.t.K 11 J Cam run na Inllnws: a l.eivve Lniicnsterd'. It. Depot), nt 7, 0 nnd 1 30 a. in,, nnd a, 4, n and p. in., except en miuihmhji hiiuii inn iunh tni li'MVt n lit UMUp. IU Leavo Mlflersvllle (lower end), at 8, H.nnii 10 a. in., mm 1,3, ft and 7 p. m. ' 1 uavn run iiiiuy Buiiday. en nbove tlme oxcept en COLUMIUA A TOUT DKI'OSJIT ItAtl, KOADT1MK TAIILK. rmlnannw run logularlveu the Columbia j .nil, J7HI10B11 iinurenu en tha following time i setmiWAiin. "HTATUlNffr I nenTHWAnii ;.M.r.i.;'.v, M:Ui tt "j , , 8.W 7:1.1 r,:l7 . .. 7:10 fl-lli.... 7:Sfl rlCd .,,. 7,:! ii! J:W B.W 7:'1 i.M.... 7:10 :I1 .... 7.WI liS'J 0.57 4:30 7:fy 0:11 4:14 7;J6 (1:3-1 4 01 7SH 0:30 SM 7;l7 3:11 7:1 tt r.M. A.M. A.M. 10..1A 10:W) .,i, Columbia ,. ...Wiwhl lieii. ....CieKtwell .... ...Bntn Harber... ..Ohenk'a Ferry. l'equea..,.. ..YorkFui-nace.. Turqtmn McCnll'H Ferry ...Kite's Kddy... .Fishing Creek. .Teach Ilntlem.. .. Conewlngo... .....Octernia ..,, ...Tort Deposit.. ... Terryvllle.... 8:11 7KW 7:0ft 7:011 7:12 7:17 7:23 10.S7 11113 ilr.t) ... . 11:21 ll:7 ..... .... 11:.TJ UtSS U:A-l 11:M 11:00 ft. 7:37 7:il 7:Ki e:06 7:10 7:57 7.37 11 a) r.w, 3:13 8.M li-is 11:(0 VIM 8i00 B.'JU: C' HNWALL.I.KIIANON ODLKIIKUDK VALLEY UAILIIOAD TIME-TAIII.E. seirriiwinD. Tialns leavn Lebanon dally (oxcept Sun day) at 0:30 n. m M;a mid 7:1S p. in. Arrlve nt Cornwall nt 0.4U u. tu .12..17p in and 7:10 p, in.t at Conewngo at 7-'.'iu. in". I:i nnd H'lUp. m.. connecting with tlie Tonnsvl Tennsvl vnnla rullread forpeinu East nnd West. NORTHWARD. Trains loave Conuwnge at 7:30 a, uiSdOnnil 8,'ii p. m. Arrlve at Cornwall nt ft 15 a.m., 4H and u 1.1 p. m.t nt Lebanon nt 8:30 a. m., 4 30 mul u.-il it in., connecting at Lunation with Thllndelphla A IK adlng railroad for points East nnd West, and the l.obnnen A Triiiienlbrniicli ler Johns town, Tlnegruve nnd Treinent. The 0:30 ii, m. train will atop only ut Cern wall, Colobreok and llcllalre. IKAUINU AUOLUMHIA tt, It. xUUAKHKUKNTOr TAf.)ENtlt MONDAY, OCTeilER Sh-u, NORTHWARD iavh. uuarryviue Luncnster, KlngBt LrmoiMer Chlckles Marietta Junction OeluinbLi. IJUilVI. Uoedlnz a.m. t u r, M ' i ..,.' sail 7:e .... 3 vt 7:13 i-tti! S.Mi 7: IJ 7..V .... lui 1W I ! Id 3:U . ' 0 IU .0 aOUTHWARD haVH. Keadtnrf AUIUVS. Murlclln Juiielleu.. Chlckles CeltimbH Lancaster Lancuatnr, Ring at., qnarryvllle a.m. . , , 7: 11 M r.u M-ul 9:IJ ... mi Wit .'-10 B--Jfi JJHi 'l-lli a i' ( .... s.l- 1041 .... 9 3' Trains connect a: i:, ..nn wlir t nil in t . from Thllailulphla, I'em .viiie lUrrlsbnw, a. a. Inntewn nnd New Y i-t Ir, via Hound . ... At Columbia with tnlus te and fro a i Hanever, Uettyebun- rrederlck a-i i mero. a u. WILHON TiKXHhV LVAtl I. :t.n.:tuAU M-iv ad alter SUNdai X BCHEDULE-up NOVUM HER. ' ius en tt.u 1'c.u.H vanla llallreud will i .vt- at and 'eat-. e i and ThlHib de; qLhu fei!. w . Irv Ar iLanll'ht ElBTWAaD Mall Express Tbllailelphla Express Fast Line Harrlsburg ExpFss Yerk AccmnmivIaUnn iirrlve ... Lancaater Accemn lat:ou arrives. Columbia Accomuel ,lnn ,. 10J 2 17 ft:35 H:lu SM 8,V iWO r.M. UM I2.(k3 '1 42 iV f. : ce i r i. a il ti Frednrlck Accommodation arrlvoe. Leck Haven Express , si. r.w. i Sunday Mali Johnstown Express Day Express Harrlsburg Accommodation. IV Hanover Accommodation Tt.-vl, cur-e. at Lr.ncaster with Nl.iciirn Miirw.1 ui I wRl run thmugl te Hanover dally, eiei' aunuay. Frednrlck Ace amo-latlen. wm '.con hoc 'leg at I.ancater wtl.. Faat Line, tr.n at 1 .1, - run trreuah te Frederick. " L& i.c WsatWA3a I'LlllLan A.M. A.M Mews Eipress Way 1'a.sseugcr Mart Train, Ne. 1, via. Mt.Jey Mall Train, Ne. 2, la Celumbla.lcaves Nlaxura Express Hano7er Accoir.mcxlatleii leivrs.... 4.30 4:30 7:00 '7:4U 6 31 9.1U 'iMl All 9.50 V.H 1-31 1: 5 1ft 1-f 7 7 lu ll .5 X Fast Line Frfvlr.rlcfc AccommxUllen leaver Harrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Acoemunxiailon Unvi-j Columbia Accomtte.lai'ou Harrlsburg Express Western hxpress Tactae Express 11-10 r.u. 1:14 "CM 5: it S.K 11 J llarri.4bun? Exuruss. v, men leaves Lnnrastr r I at 7:40 p in,, naa direct connections (wlt'ieut ennnuuui cars) ui wuiujuifiA rti.ti turn. tsjii Line, west, en au.., whun .1 .,, x'ni. s bnrg, Mount Jey, Kllzatiuuitewn and MI M' town. Day Exprens, Fust Line, News Ftprcei, -t .ii Train, Ne. 1, Western Exprcjs and Taclile f press run dallv. The tlme here given W Enitern lime, or that of the 75th meridian, whlce Is 1 minute mul seconds taster than Ihut hciiitnlern used. HUU.KU", 11, ryiiu BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We manufaclnie and keep In stock thu lel. lowing goods : Tortable Engines en Wheels and Sills. Hlatlencry Engines and Btatlencry Helltri. Tortable itellers. ToitubleBaw Mills. Large ami Small He Icr Feul Tumps ; pump and hcatcis combined. Hark, Cerk and Leb Mills. Tulleys.bhalllngand dealing Heube Cellar Heaters. Creameries llttcd up. Steam Heating a Specialty Iren and Rrass Castings. Iren Tanks for Water and OIL Light nnd Heavy Sheet lien Werk. Steam and Water Tlpes. Valves and Fittings. llulld any Style or Tower et Hellers. Ksttinntss given for machinery Itepalrs promptly andcarulutly nltendcd le Jehn Eest & Sen, (TROTR1KTOR3.) Ne. 333 East Fulton St., LANCABTBlt, 1A Janl5-lyd yiUTOKIA Cern Remover. The most efToctlve preparation for the ro re ro meval of corns, Uunleiis, Warts, ote., ever placett betore the publle. WurrunUxt te unullcate completoly nnd within n short tlme the most ebdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. IT IS A rOSlTIVH CUBX. SOLD AT BOHTOLD'S DRUG STORtl. Ne. 401 WEST ORANOE STREET, corner el uailolle, dl-lyd TJOllH, tVIUTt A CO, --BANKERS,-- 45 WALL STREET, New Yerk. Rrekurs and Dealers In Railway and all ether Securities, RAILWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty, In the selection ana cstlmnte of winch their long connection with " Toen's Maiiual or Raiuieads " glves them special ud vnnmges. Correspendcnco Invited mid In- Sulrles answered, Dupeslt nccennts rediivi d nd Interest allowed, dlU-Suited