IiANCA&TEU DALLY INTELLIGENCE H MONDAY, FKITOUARY 11,1884. ' r jf l' I Lancaster intclHgcnn MONDAY EVENING. FED. 11, 1004. 3tKItltUU B HIM. DEWKK IIKB' SILKKOK. Heb.na Bfl Wit. l' Tw.ntj.n Inr VfiratielK Kn utntr. An event of contJdcrnble iropettanoo has oeountd Jn a little farm hoiwe a few XXmCanteD, O, within a ew cHys. Mrt. Deweeunrtoke te her uunbabd. Tula li wht ih tafd : , , William. I bollevo I am ilyluR." However, sbe did uet dle, and oho Is ..ri wnil atn. Bntthe faettiiat ahe fpeke at all te ber husband linn greatly cxelted theie who are acquainted with the old oeuple. They are pant thrce soero. This Is the first tlme oltber haa spoken te the ether for nearly a quarter of a ceutury, though eaeh has spoken te ether persens dally all the while. Nearly twonty-flve yrars njre Mrs. Dawees desired her husband todoatn tedoatn todeatn Ulnc thing wbleb be roflarded as eltuer Impoaslble or unwlie, and be refused. Skw, betesslnj pjtulant with disappoint ment, rashly aielalmetl : If you don't I'll nover speak te you again as lone as I live." I net only will net de It," be said, aroused te anjier, " but I will net speak tn .n until mil hife.lk first tO CIO. The Issue thus Jolned lasted leuRcr than cither Imagined It would. Until the recent night spoken of nelther Mr. rer Mrs. Dswees ever nttarad a word te the ether. The quarrel wis seen evfr, and the best of feeling was resume! between them. They have lltfd together ever elnee, oentontcd and harmonious the only cloud upon their happiness being their sllence toward each ethOT. uut srsn tuat uaa nau ub ." tarns , "When Mr. Dewcea wanted te nay anything te bis wlfe be would say, for example te ene of the children : " Jennle tell your mother I wish sbe would sew another button en my over alls." Of the metxjer would say : " Jehn tell your father te bring sorae sugar, oil, pepper, and a spool of thread, Ne. CO from town te-day." At flrst it wai difficult for them te repress the Impulse te speak te eaeh ether, out Doing persons 01 siruuK will, they stuek deggtdly te their resolu tion until habit made it easy te de se. " Yes," said Mr. De wees te a neighbor one day, " we hava net spekeu for pretty near twenty nve years. It has sometimes liefln n. Httla inconvenient, and. of course, it seems silly te most peeple ; but it has been a blessing te us iu soma ways. That one quarrel was our last. I knew from my disposition and hers that, If we bad kept en talking, we should have kept en quarrelling mere or less. Iwslbly we d have get worse, because we are both pretty blghstrung, and it might have gene se far that we'd have been divorced." On the night when the silonce was broken Mrs. Dewees had been ill for sev eral days, and about 1 o'elock In the morning she aweke in great pain, and thought her end had come. In her agony she called te her husband William, I beliove I am dying !" The old couple have been talking te Oich ether ever since. m m fAl&T 11K1KT 1AJ1T FA I It LADY. A Canadian Untlaiuu Kan Annj Frem tb llyniensal Altar. Intense surprise has beeu caused iu Mon treal by an event wbieh steppod a young lady of the leading society circles in Mon treal from changing her natne te Mrs. Walter. Wilsen. It appears that for some years back Miss MaoUeugall, has been afflauced te Mr. Walter Wilsen, a gontle man engaged in business and whose social connections, like theso of the lady, exten ded among the leading families In Canada. Seme time age tbe nuptials weie postpeued en account of the lady's illness.aud it was expected that the ovent would take plaoe yesterday In Christ cbureb cathedral Ills lordship Bihhep Bend was donning his vestraents for the ceromeuy, the groomsman was leaving the St. James elub for the church, the bride was dressed awaiting her carriage, the bridesmaids were arranging tbe last duties of the happy hour and already the ehurcb was fairly filled with tbe friends of tbe parties. Suddenly the news went around from place te plaoe in a hurried whisper that tbe bridegroom bad belted for New Yerk and that there would after all be no marriage. The news waR broken te the expectant lady by her brother in law, James Wilsen, who l a brother of the missing groom. Mr. Wilsen's ttery was that Walter bad telegraphed him that he had net the heart te go ou and marry the lady and that the only thing left for him te de would be te leave for New Yerk. He premised a satis factory oxplanatleu te any of Miss Mao Mae Dougall's relatives who wished te rce him there. Thonews was like a) thunderbolt te Miss MaeDnugall, who, however, bears it with much spirit. As her relatives are all influential peeple the explanation must be a satisfactory ene ere Mr Wilseu Is pardoned his offenco. The yedutr man had already signed his marriage contract and ethor marrlnge papeis, all of which nwaited euly the signature of thn premlrcd bride. His friends had dined 1dm en Wedncsdav at St James club, and no thought of tueli au ending oeourrul te any person. Many Lnunen liullei crop their hair short and wear an almost eutlru "1, and cnnio cnnie cnnio quently catch cnhl mere fiequeutly tlinu their Aincrlcan cousins, but of course they till tutu Dr. II u I I'd cough ayrup. HUWN'S IKON 1I1TTKKS. Strike at the Bettle. A nervous and dlsoaie stricken old kci.UcujaM was silt ng In Ills room en an easy chair, his physician being at hi Mde. , -. , .. . , Saldine old gentleman, ' New. doctor, yen li ve been treat na; me ler a leiig tluie a havcu't done tnemnch poed. I'm tlre.l et all thu . 1 want you tostrlke at the reu et all my disorders. Said Uie doctor, "De you tneen exactly whs t you say "Te be sure I (e," sld the venerable Invnll d. "Well, here KOM'-'ssMllii" doctor, mid wit a en.. hnck et his cane lie t.roke le piece llmlimnilr bettlj which steed en the mantel. The old gentleman was auKiy nnd excited. butl.eM.la goe.1 an.wer ready '; 1 " . ........ ,i..,,i -... i imrnr ukiiIiI l,r.i cut Inte the hnblt el ter. " Docter, li ll nan" i "" "" v'" "" - --- flrltikttlff " Inlirewn's Iren miters there Is stretch for the debilitated, refreshment for the ner ner veu, and new llfn for the broken down. uur auuiM, , ,1 a.T., .Jf.ssr- M. g. U1V1.KU. rjH, K. UATIItON. HOTIUNH, CARPET DEPARTMENT. ZIRV1CA.U !SNst'9 SKIN UUHK. Fr$m Frank Ltilit't Illustrated .Vcuijm;irr ) A LADY SAID. IS i)iir ueuus. I'KUIAt. 1NUU0KMKNT -IS- iThuritllerrltl l'iinUMi Se, 1 Cannet lie. 1'lente rrixetit Sly fczeuies." Probably twe-thlrdi et tr p Indles tn ectety and nemm of our land are mulcted with skin dlienOJ et vartem kliul. te de awav with which, It It could be ilone without litury, would be the happiest ovent el their live. Thoi. the would have Instead et n dttl8urcd and marred eountenance. ene tint would nt handsotne, or at lcat roeiI lenklmr. ter nu onewlthaelenr, pure skin, no tnitt-r abut the cut et her features are. has n certain amount of Reed loons which nttmet eery eery bedj. As it is new, she Imagines every enw geex and talks about ' thoe treekles.' "inet horrid nlinnlc." ami ether blemlsnxs with which she Is afflicted, but this I" true et either ?ex. Te Impreve this appearance great risk ure tnken ; arsenic, mercury, or high-sound tltleil named articles containing these deatr. deallup druRS, are taken In hope et (jetttnc rid or airibrse troubles. In many case death Is the result. Se alleviation of the burning, beating. Itching and Inflammation 1 Riven. All troubled with Kcicma (alt rheum) Toilers. Humors. Intlftiutnj'.len. lteiuh fccalv Erupfonset any kind, Dlicascs et the Hair and bcalp. Scrofula, Ulceis, l'lmples or Tcn ilnr ltchlnca en any wart et the body should knew that thore U hope, ter them tn a sure, pcrlectand eleant remedy, known a " Dr. C. W. llonen's "kin Cure." It makes the skin w hlte, son and smooth : remove tan ami rrekle. and Is the 11KST toilet dressing 1I Til fc. WOULD. It Is elegantly put up, TWO bottles In ene package, consisting et both in ternal and external treatment. Our reader should be snie te get this and net some old ruined v resuscitated en the success of Dr. Hen son's and new advertised as " The Urent skin Cure." Them Is only ene It b Jars the docte' plctnroandlsferalobyall dru.'glsts, II per paeknge. A Sensation BAS OrTKN DK2!f MADS by the discovery et soine new thlug, but neth lng has ever steed the test like Dr. C. W. llcn eon's Celery and chamomile Tills. They really de cure Sick Headache, Nonous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness. Sleepless, ness, Indigestion, Paralysis and Melancholy. l'rtce, 50 cents per box, two ter II, six ter fZ.50 by mall, pestage tree. Dr. C. W. Bensen. HMUmere. lid. Sold by'.all druggists. C. N. CRtTTKT05, New Yerk, Is Wholes. e Agent ter Dr. C. W. Bensen's lleinedles. I'je-ImilM.WJtSitw .U0U8EKEKPIXG GOODS. ffATT, 8HAND & CO. We are new offering soma Spoelal Bargains la Oarpats te mnke room for Spring Stock Persons wanting Oarpets tbe coming Sprlug will de wfll te leek at our goods new, as they may find eem.9 patterns te suit tbem at an odd prlce and save money. Our New Spring Stock will be larger than ever ; some goods are arriving new. JOHN S. G-IVLER & CO., exk riuca DKY GOODS axd carpkt iieusk. ru-KUl.tl. TIII11T Unit lAi rtAI.K. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, -THtt- LANCASTER, PA, -- n "ii O fill. "Ml, 1HHI e H.ivu again received several Large Invoices et TA1ILK l.l.NKNS. In New Designs and cry Lew Prices. Klo Kle gant White, Cream and runcy TAH1.KLLOT1H AND NAPKIN". In 'eis tn tnatt'li. In dttferent blies. much under uiml prlers An lm'iieiise assertmunt OK . Al'MSS AND TOWELS, In all sizes and popular prlces. Spring tin portatleu et LACK ffllTAlNb, LACKTIIUK1. LACK PILLOW SHAMS, Inache'ce variety et New Stjles. Popular brand et MUSLINS AND SHKEriNOS, In all w Id' lis and ;u kittles, at lass than man ulaeturer s prices our own Importation et HAMIIUUU KDlil.M.S AND 1NSKIITIONS, l'wutity per cent under last season's prices. TOKCHON LACKS. INDIAN TlllMMlNli's, h KKLASIINU TlllMMINU?, At Lewest City rrlii NEW YORK STORE, NO. S A: 10 EAST KING ST., LANCASTKU. PA NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, Cl'HiMI, 1881. CURTAINS. Brussels Lace Curtains, Swiss Lace Curtains, Antique Lace Curtains, Madras Lace Cur tains, Turceman Curtains, Vestibule Lace, Cress Stripes. Complete Lines el Curtain Poles and Drapery Chains. Window I lellands and Opaque Shading, in all widths and colors, and the New Dade Shades. Spiing Balance Fixtures el Most Reliable Makes, etc. l&Sr All Shades and Curtain Werk promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed. WE INVITE INSPECTION. larked Increase -OK- HOSTBTTBKS CELEBRATED STOMuGH BITTERS They who weilc early and late the year round need, occasionally, the healthful stim ulus Imparted ny a wholeaemo tonle like Hoj Hej Hoj tettetV Stomach llltters. Te all, Its purity and e!Tlcluv al n remedy and ptoventtve et iUuapu eJBmend It. It checlci Inclptent tlieumatUni and malarial symptoms, relluvea roiistlputen, djtpepsu and blileusiifus, ar rests, premature decay el the physical oner ener gleg, mltlg.itei the lnllr'nattej of agu and haa- U ns convulecence. Ker pale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. ri-lmdoe l.tw HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANOATER. PA. Ol'KCIAL OTICK 1IISSAJ1L1! HUllltKK ULUTUIMI. G J. B. Martin & Ce, GOSSAMER RUBBER ULUlfllfl J. BOWERS Nea. 26 and 28 NORTH Q0BEN STREET DRY GOODS ! & JHLTTRST LANCASTER, PA. DRY GOODS ! OTJE SALES At the dullest period of the Winter xeitsen PIIOVKS CONUI.UMVKI.V that our Spi rial .11 Day Snle has been thoroughly Initie Inter, est 01 buyem. SPECIAL Thirty-One Day SALE. WE have umMI obliged te buy SBIV M'CC'H In enler te keep up with the demand inade upon in. F Ell KIT Alt Y 1, lkcl -In or ter te re-luce our stock and te double our mUm of February lO, we (dull offer many goedi at nnd bulenr cost. We shall make many n I jitb mi In our Drew Goods Department. Ladlet ft-i Alt Weel Cleth Suitings reduced from 11.3) te We. t.adles .V All Weel Cleth Sultlnns re.luit'il te file. Ladles' Dress Goods reduced from 500 te 37 V. Ladles' Dress Goods reduced trein .170 te Me Ladles' Dress Goods n luced from IV atul liS't te loc. Uepps or Wrapper Goods reduced from lc te US- 1'ere d"sand Chintz's relucel USc te 13c Calicoes ie 'me I from e te te. Culleeui re luced lrtm 6a te 5c. Calicoes reduced trem 5c te I? In Slioeilngaud hhlrtlng Muslins woareoUortngoxtreiiie Km prlci s, all bought since the recent decline In Cotten Goods. LadluT nnd Children' Merine Underneur and Hosiery, alt reduced toiest an 1 un 'er We show an Immense stectc of Hamburs nnd Laces, all at extremely Lew Prices. It will pay you te give us a call, ns w arr .! u rmtni d te lucie.ise our s.Ues tills month and te reduce eui very lar'e block. BOWERS & HURS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. T. LANCASTER, PA. SPECIAL Thirty-One Day SALE. j icy uueitn. HATS A.l VAf.1. R. tMll.NiaiUCK. NEXT DOOR TO Til K- V A It I' KIM. pAHOAIM, UAUGALSS, HAUGAINS, Flrtt Jlate Ktlileucs, " Often uiiable le alteud biiKlnens, being subject te duiIeuj disorder of tl.e kidneys. Atteraleng slegu et sickness triid llitnleck llloeil JIltteTM and uus relloved by n- 1 1 i bot tle." Mr. It. Turner, et KechrMer, N. 1., tkes the palus te write. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, drngglst. 137 nud 13j North Uueeu street. JtarUuMUtltyiknil Uuiilliy. Iu the Diamond Dyes moie coloring Is given than iu any known 'yen, and thwy rIve taster uud mere brilliant Lolers. lOe. ut nil druggists. Wells, JtlchnriUeu A Ce., llurllngten, VI. 8amjde Cam, Sicolerv, and book et directions ter Jc, stamp. Ne Deception Used. It la strange se many poeplolwlll contlnue te suitor dHy alter day with Dyspepsia, Ll or Complaint, Constipation, Heur Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procure ut our store aiilf.OH'H V1TA1.17.KK, ireuoreeM It It does notcuieor rullove them. Price. 75 cents. Held by II. II. Cochran, 13 J and lift .North C;ueun street, Lancaster. tedU-ted5 A Meuipuper hcllUir. O. M. llolcemh, of Dloemvllle, Ohie, iltoste explain : ' Had that turrlblu tllseasu catarrh, ter tweutv yeats : couldn't taste or smell, and hearing was railing. Themui' tJcleclrie Oil eurtil m. These ure tacts velunturlly given agalntt u lormer pruudlce of patent n.cui fi?0, lS!'f,lUe.,,' " " eeclirun, drurfglut. 187 and 18U North Uuoen streut. VilUTUUUAVUS. J. is. Hurt:. -.-i.i. I ire Tkeru has bcen such n demana for LAUOK l'HOTOUUAl'lia Ihit 1 was compelled te get a VKKY l.AUuK 0AJ1KUA J10X te meet tbe uemand. We can new make you a PHOTO aa email us the smallest locket Hill held up te a S-lueh luce, te tit tan ltix'.'S Frame. J. E. ROTE, Streot. Ne. 100 North Qucen lunnLttd JTlItKX'H UUAKUOAI. UIZKAUEIt, ; Ker Dysjiepsla, liullgestlen, ilenrtbutn. .til f.l..l u...l.l.... ...-' -AT- Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. "Nest King and H titer SIb., JUST 11KCK1VED A Let of the Oholcest Carpets Ever Brought te LancaBter, Which, In addition te the larue stock et liomo liemo liome mado noedj, Will bs Sold Cheap if Called for Soen. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Oec. of WeatKlnff and Water Bta., LANOASTKll, I'A. K'srAlll.lhlllil) 1H30. CARPETS -AT- Philip Schum, Sen & Ce's 100 SOUTH WATER STItUET, LANCASTKlt, l'.. Wohave a full supply et 11AU AND KILL. INU CAItl'K'lU. We only use the bust or yariiH. If you want a geed, serviceable Cirpet, pleasu ccme and exumlue our stock belem purchasing elsewheru, in hu will sell us cheap us the cheapest. Come and see loryeurself ami liecenvliifiid, ai we always have the lopuui lepuui lopuui tlen et uuikinK llrsl-elass Carpets. CUSTOM It.VO CAHPKTH A 8PKC1ALTY CO KUI.KT8. COrNTKIll'A.NKS, 11LAN- KhTS.CAltPKT CHAIN, bTOCK- l.NU 'AUN,Ae. D j eIiib Dene In nil IU branches at short no tice. GOAL I COAL I 01 the beat (jnultty, expressly ter family use. TIIVAHAMPI.K'ION. ltKMKMUKUTHi!; OLD bTAN'D. PHILIP SCIIUJI, SON Si COU Ne. ISO SOUTH WATEU BTBEKT, I9 3md LANCA8TK1I, l'A. W e are the SOLE AUENT3 In this city et a prominent manutau'.ureret RUBBER GOODS, And will furnish IUJ 1)11 Kit UOS3AMKK (.OOD3 of all kinds at Lewer Prices thanthuy can be bought elsewhere. MKV.4 COATS tfl flO 83.00 LADIES' CIUCUL.VU3. 123 4 00 ClllLDUKN'3 COATS.. 1.00 'J 00 AH et our ItUHIIKU OOS9AMEH UOODS are warrunted and can be returned It net aatlslactery. J. B, Martin & Ce, Cor. West Kim,' and Prince Sis., LANCA3Th.lt, PA. rOTIUH uoaciaciie. jiau nrnaui nom siuekluir. etc.. Constiputlen. BourUtemach and all disorders et the Stomach nud Digestive OrKiius. Jlelnir a purely vouetublo, sate, simple und cheap remedy, It readily commends Itself te the public sulferliiK from the uuove illsordere. TrylL XTlce iaa per Hex, sent unywhore by moll, rropared and sold by AJiOUKWU.rKKY, DuuaaisT. . ,. . vriunje oi,,wer. uunstian, l .prt7-lydAw iAncester, 1 IU TUKSl'AWUnitS AMI) OUN -All persens ure hereby torhlddet ou any et the lands of the Cern icdwcll eBtatea. In Lebanon nm Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un nshlutr, us the law wi Inclesed, either ler the purpesu of ahoetlntr or undersigned altur this notice. be rlilillv miforfve ilnstall trespasslnu en said lands et the WM. OOLKMAN FUEKUANI II. l'KHOYALDUN, KDWAUD O. rUKKMAN, Attomey for U. W Celeman's llelrs eir.udw COUB.T HOUSE. bl'KCl.VL OKIKH1M. Ol" LAUGELOT OF Hamburg Embroideries. Hamburg Embroideries, Hamburg Embroideries. -AND- LACES. LACES. FUOM A LAItOK lMl'OltTKU'S AUCTION ttALEIN NEW YOHK, All at Much Leas Than Regular Prices. E. E. Mnesteck, LANCASTK.lt, I'A. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. "pt.AD TIII3I EROTS TAH YLNO SZTLDHS We have thrown togethor a let et fcTIKF HATS ttmt we don't want te carry ever le next seaten, and market them all S1..10. In the let are Hatii that cost ui 117 n itozen. They are net dam aKd In any way. Correspendlnir reduc tions have been imwte tn nil Winter uoeds. Heavy Caps are Kln at les than halt value. Tne few Fur Uoeds Ictt are all marked away down We have only Three Kine seal Cap lett, and these we want te tell at cost. Thn low prices have played havoc with our Winter Istock. und toen we will have nothing left SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (UUNDAKKlt'8 OLD (STAND,) LAN CAST Kit, PA. inar.T lyd.lw rii ilji'in tit I lit ClOLUMIIIA tt t-OHT IIM'OaiT HAIL ; UOAl) T1MK TAI1LK Trains new run reKtiUrlv en Uie Celum'dfc A Pert Deposit Uiillretul en the following time : bectiiwahp. STATTOKd. I'AfJSii UANUlIHiH, AC HK8 W. rilY. pil We are iiiiikln' almost dally; additions te our stock et WALL PAPERS. The style are beautiful and we have thorn in elexuut assortment, from the common brown te the finest embroidered Rllt ene, two nud three baud rrlezcs. Decorations ter coll cell lniri in ulcgunt designs, centre pieces te mutch. Dade Window Shades Are liuceinln.' mero popular e very season. We can show you titty dllterent styles, In the pro pre vulllnii colors. Plain cloths for shades tn all widths, tlxiurc?,;ornameuist etc. UllKAM and WHITK LACK CUUTAINS, HKDSKTS. PILLOW HHAM8, TIDIKS. Ulld LAM1IKKUU1NH, CUHTA1N I'OLKS, COUNICks, Mill- UOltS, Aa PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. IIA'H UIIKAU II A Lai. CATAIIUH, IIAY-FEVEK. ELY'S CREAM BALM erata CATAUU1I, COLD IN IIKAD, UOSK-COLD HAY-FEVKH, DKAKNKB3, AND HEADACHK. Causes no Pain or Dread. (Uvea Holle! at Once. Net illiquid or Biuiil, Applied with the iluger. Thoreuuh tieutineut will euro. KASY TO U8K. Price W cents, by mall or at druiuWa. mx BROTHERS, )25-edAw Dj-UBUlsU, OwegO, N, Y. M KTOKIt IlAUUIiatsin, WEIHAVK JUeT HOL'dllT THE KNTIUE STOCK OK OOOD QUALITY COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OK A LAIK1K WHOLESALE HOU8K DE- 0L1N1NO HUSINE.is, AND AHE NOWHLLL1NU AT $ 1 .40 Goods that were sold at n.oe lefiW. We huve en hund.alue, WHITE AND COLOItED Bl ankets, 1IOUUI1T AT AUCTION SALES, FItOM 75c. up te $10.00: We are soiling them ett cheap ; they have been saorltlced this seusen at less thun liiaiiu facturer's cost. r. v. ess) 8UJS en 7n 7:06 7.CJ 7'1 7:17 7: 7.37 7 41 7.50 s.-ea 9:13 8:ft A-M, 10 M 10-V); 1037 11:13 lira) 11:: l llr 11. 33' ll- lift U:V W.lrt li -.1) r.x 12: 1J 40 U:SS A.M. 7 10 7:'.7 7J7 8JI ....Columbia.... ..Vt ashliiKten... ...Cresswell.... . Sate Harber... .Shunk's Kerry. ... .l'eeuea .Yerk rurnacu.. TtiPfiuan M -Call's Kerry .. Ute's Eddy .. .Klitilns Creek, Peach itnttem. .. Conevlugo .. Octerarn ... ...Pert Uamwtt ... 1'erryvllle... A.M. s-ai seu 7:45 7.40 7:31 7.S4 7? 7.il 710 7-10 B57 6:11 (i 3! I ti:JL 5-.V), ftjrj ssji, 5171 6 1) Jus M.I1 ftlUi 4 5.1 4-41 4SJ, 4:i0 4.11 4 0ft !U 3.41 1 BUT Have been careful In nil nun te malntnli OllININAI. VALUES, although nlll:iK at (irtatly llcduced Price. SPECIAL Thirty-One Day SALE. 7: 7:SJ 7SS 17 7" 5 c OUBLT7. CLU STAND. GltEAT UEDUCT10N IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladles' Seal Sacques nnd Delmaua, Ladiea' Fur-Lined Olroulare, Uenls'niul Lailles' Seal Cupd nt Cost, filLK UitUlWLLAa. A Lura Assortment et GLOVES at Cost. TIIEJLAJIGEST BTOCK AM) ASSORTMENT OK t'ASHIONAULE Wilier Hats, Cajs, Fnrs, &c, Evorelfered te the public, nt the LOWEST 1" HICKS. Wholesale and Hetall. Iluy ter rash only and sell encaper than any ether Hat Stere In the city. SOLE AOENT roll THE Knox Silk & Derby Hat. The ONLY Hat Manufactory In Lancaster. Heys' Caps from 10c. up. lien's Caps et all kinds xrcatly reduced In prlce. Uepalrlnit neatly and promptly done. Old Silk Hats made oshlenablo. JOHN SIDES, cimid Successor te HHULTZ X DUO. t & Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, llotweon tbe Cooper lloiue and Serrel Herso Hetel. LANCASTER PA A LI, UlUAItH MANUKAOTUUISIMINTH1S premises und are us represented, Ne otner uoeds Tetalled ai HAHTMAN'a YELLOW.KUONT 010 AU KTOUK. JUAVIIltiKHV. 1.IAV1MU XX. and DISSOLVED FAKTtlKliallll' notmanentlv closed the Chestnut htreet Iren Works, Ideslru te Inform my old patrons and the publla aouerally, that I am still In the business, being located In the l'enn Iren Cempp.ny's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren nnd llnuss Casttncs el every dottrlptlen, and will be ploased te serve all who may favor me with their patron uke. Krein 40 years oxperlonco In thobuslne6s and uslnir the best maUirlal and ompleylnK the bust mechanics, I am satisfied 1 can Ruur Ruur antee entire sattstactleii, Castlnus made from a mixture et Iren and steel which nre mero re und durability than the V teeth roll pinions, liable for stremrlh best cast iron known. rolls and rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings made et very sett Iren, and brass cast Iiiks nt overy description. I have all the pat pat ters nr the well and tavendily known Mewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted und Improved. Alse en hand, mills coiupletoly fitted tip or tu parts, te replace old ones which have been In use ter years, Kuaraiitet'lni; thorn te ulvu Islactten. unifll-(imd K. O. MeCULLEY. 1KW AHK AWAItli Olf TIIK IMI'UHT ? ance et checklnt; a Couch or common celdlnltailrststaKO. That which in the bo be KlnnliiK would yield te n mild remedy, it neglected, seen preys upon thu luns. LOCHER'B IlKNOWNED COUGH S Y 11 U P affords Instant rcllet. l'rlcc, i!5c. and Guc.a Uottle. Te be Und only ut LOOHER'S Drug Stere, N0.9KABTKINQ8T, 1UKNWAI.I. l.KIIA.NON .V IHM.KItUtM) K VALLEY RAILROAD TIUE-TAIILK. senuwAr.D. Train leave I cbannn dally (except bun day) at (i 3 a. in , i 25 and 7 ii p. m. Arrive at Cornwall at C te a. m . l-37 p m and 7 te p, in.; at ConewiiKe at l.'ii a. m., 1 25 and Sfflti, in., connecting with the l'ennsl vanla railroad for points East nnd West. KOBTMWAHD. Trains leave Conowage at 7.30 a. in., 3:30 and S 25 p. in. Arrive at ( ernwall at 15 a m., 4 11 and 9-13 p. in ; at Lebanon at 8 3J a. in., I 30 and U 25 p. m., connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia A lt HiIHiK railroad for points East and West, and the Lebanon ,t Tremont branch ler .lohus .lehus .lohus tewn, Plneitrove and Trement. The ll W a. in. train will step only ut Corn wall, Colebieok and llellalre. IKAUINOMUOLUMIIIA It. It. ARRANGEMENT eTASaKNU Ell UONDAY, OCTOUER ?JTn, 184 , THE Necessity el a Unit te this IIARGAIN SALE Is apparent te all Intonated tn prncurlnc the HEST 'VALUES ter the LEAST POSSIHLE AMOU.ST Or MONEY. SPECIAL Thirty-One Day SALE, LBAVX. Quarryvitle . uinc NORTHWARD. IA.H. t3d 7:30 7'IU 7:'M 7 50 7.30 U:iS 7:26 9:15 U:15 9:40 9:30 9:10 10: 10 r, m. r. m. .... 2.30 .... 3'40 1:00 8 50 .... 330 .... 4:00 1:1b 3.4U 3:2 t. l.U' 7:0 9:10 9:A caster. Klni; St uim caster.. Chlckles Marletm Junction.... Columbia. , aubiv. Uc&dlnK SOUTHWARD. LBAVIL I A.M lieaamK Aliniv. Marietta Junction..., Chtckles , Columbia Lancaster , Lancaster, KlngSt..,, unarryvllle Trains connect at lieadlmr wl rrem rmiaueipnia, I'ettuvlll 1UUUJWI1 UUIl flllf unit, ueuiu. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, rrodertck and Haiti, mero. A, u. wilsen. supl M. 12:00 P.M. 2:10 2.10 P.M. t:hj 8.01 b:30 a:a 8:13 P.M 5:15 536 8:J0 THIS Is the Third Week et our Special 31 Day Sale, und tbe stream et satlsned customers cairy lng away UNEXPECTED HAIIUAINS Is as continuous as upon epcnliiK Dayset thuSale. Thcse KRIEND3 will de mero te advertise our business than any ether means SPECIAL Thirty-One Day SALE. 8' th trains teand e. HarrlsburK. Al via Hound iiioek PEHNhYI.VANlA ltAll.ItOAIJ NKVT SCHKDULE-Ou and after SUNDA NOVEMIIER, 1H.1863, trains en thu Puunsyl vanla llAllreail will arrive at nnd leave the Lincaatei and Philadelphia ilopeUas fellow ElBTWAr.Q. Levl Ar Lanl'hl jniut JJ.A1UUQO,... .., . I'hUadelphla Expruss root Line , HarrlsburK Exp'esa Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster acoeido latlen arrives.... Columbia Accoumedi Hen KrodertcS Accommodation arrives.. Leck Haven Express Bnudav Mall Johnstown Expicss nay express... HRxrlaburu: Accommodation. A.M. A.M ..........................i ......... . 1.U1 2-27 6:35 8:10 two 8,55 9.00 P.M. 12-53 12:58 2:42 2.31 5:18 ti5 3.00 4:25 7.60 1030 11:45 8:16 P.M. 6:45 60T 7:26 0:45 Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at I.ancujter with Niagara Expiuss at 9:45, will run threuKh te llanover dally, oxeopt Bunday, Frederick Accommodation , weat, cenn ectlne at Lancaster with Kaat Line, west, at 1:33, will run threuuh te Kroderlck. WnaTWABD. IfbUlLan KowsExpress Way 1'assonKer Mall Truln, Ne. 1, via. Mt. Jey Mall Train, No.2,TlaCeluinblo,loavos Mlagare Express Hanover Accommodation leaves,... rast Line rrodertck. Accommodation leaves, llarrlsburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leavos,. Columbia Accommodation Harrlsburtr Express Western Express I'acine Express , A.M. 4:30 4-30 7:00 7:i6 11:10 P.M. 2:l 4:4( 6:40 :10 UrJi A.M 8:26 8.30 0:20 9.30 9:45 9.50 P.M. 1:35 1:45 6:15 2:30 7:30 7:10 11:16 1:35 IlarrtsburK Express, which leaves Lancaster ntTilOp. ni uas direct connectlons (without chaiiKe of cars) t j Columbia and Yerk. rast Line, west, en Sunday, when tlaged will Bten at DownlnKtewn.Contesvlllo, l'urkea, burn, Mount Jey, Ellznbothtewn and Middle town. Day Express, fast Line, News Kinross, Mall Train, Ne, 1, Western Express and l'actde Ex prass run clallv. The tlme here atven Is Saittrn time, or that et the 75th meridian, whlce Is 1 minute ami s sccemls faster than that heretofore used. AN Opportunity for IheTravelliiK Publle te put chase anoxcellontTRUNK or TRAVELINO 11 AU at a greatly Roduecd Prlce. We have put Inte this sale a quantity of Imitation Leather, RejI Leather and luc COVERED TRUNICS. Heme Lenllinr ami Im itation Luather Traveling Hags ter Uontlemen nnd a large quantity of Ladles Cabbas. SPECIAL Thirty-One Day SALE. WILL CLOSE ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16. Williamson & Fester, -HEALER1 IN- Hata, Caps, Clothing, Trunlie, Va- Heea, Trftvellner Bags, Pur- nlahlDcr Goede, Beets and BhoeB. 38,34 36 ft 38 R 1MB ST, .Lancaster, pa, ,ju lmilw