, 1 titdlifttM mitft: Veliiiiin XX-Ne !!7. LANCASTER, PA,, SATURDAY, FEBRUAJtY 9, 1884. Price Twe Ob te. Wi 5f " 'ifwf'wti'i'i v.y-iTW'ffrv'' - - - I'l.VaiMNU AMI OAH jriTTINO. -- . . . .--lr 1 ,msi PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. Tin Reefing and Spouting, Gas and Ceal Oil Chandeliers, STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES, -(30 TO- FLINN & BEBNEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. ..- ..-. .u tu-.ptrmiitfi,jrAAU-a M I. AltMII.II, .!"" PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE .ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, HVFineit Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. tntv intuitu, st nine at,, era. , Tjiar: nUTIUIIKA KKMKIIIICM. New Ih IhcTImoleCnro SKIN HTJIOES. It Is at tl U season wlmn tliu bleed mid per spiration ure leaded with ltnpuillics,that Dis figuring Humors, Humiliating Eruptions, Itching Tortures, salt ltheutii or Ecr.emii 1'eo 1'ee slasls, Tetter, lllngwerm, llahy Humors, Hcrol Hcrel ulu, HcrntiileusHurcs, A licenses utul Dlicharg liiK Wounds, uml nve ry species el Itching. Scaly und l'lmply Discuses et tlie skin nnd He.ilp iire most Hpaeillly nml economically cured by tlie i.itticviia IlKMUtiirs. IT IB A PAOT. II uml i oils or letters in etir possession (copies of which may huhnil by leturn malli mueiir authority ler tlie assertion th.it Skfu, Scalp nml llloeil Humors, wholhurHcrefulou, Inher ited or Contagious, may NOW be permanently nireil by ciiticciia Hkselvisnt, tlie new llloeil I'ltrlllir, Dlutolleund Apputlnnt, liiterniilly. nml Curium v nml Cuticuha Hoai, tlie grout Hklti Cures uml Hcnutlllers, externally, In ene luiir tun tluiu uml nt ene ball thu expense of miy ether season. AVENGING A WRONG. A Wll'K'rt TltKATMKNT Or II Kit MIltD. QREATE3T ON HARTH. CCTICCRA IllMKIllKS 1110 tllU grClltClt IDCllt- clnes ou earth. Hail llie worst cise Salt Ulienin In tliU county. My mother had It twenty yenrn, nml In luctillcil trem It. I belleve Utf TicviiA would have saved her 1 1 1 e. My arms, bieast mnl iieiin worn coveiod ler three year,, which nothing relieved or cured until I used tlie C'CTict'iiA Kkselvbnt internally, mnl (. iti criiA Beat externnlly. .?. W. ADAMS, Nrwntk. O. OREAT BLOOD MEDI0INE3. The hitirins net been lelil ai te thogre.it ourntlve rowers of the Cl'ticuua Ubmkdieh. I havn pal'l liundercds of dollars for medicines te euro diseases of tlie bloeil mnl skin, mnl never leninl iiiiytliliii: vet te equal tlie I'uti- CfAltEMKUIBS. till, VS. A WILLIAMS, l'revlilcncn. It. I. GK' F.MINK1KI0K. i Kl), I'AIINKSTOOK. Dry Goods, Fancy a i ml 1. 1 no in l.miU'V im.i HAIR'S OLD rtTAND, NO 14 EAST KING STREET. I. VNCASTEIt, lA. Goods and Notions, in Great Variety, idldren'n ( HATH, (, l.i i A HS ami DUI.M ANH nlwey en hand. Silk Plushes ey the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. our Hum Making Parlors uie en tlie second mnl third floors, where Diesses, dials, Cloaks uml Delmans imi inailu ut short niitlce. I'erfncl 111 nml sallstactlen guaranteed, whether goods are purchiited here or i.il in be muilii up Irem elsewhere. Geerge Fahnesteek, - - Lancaster, Pa. 14 EAST KING STREET. HiXEH AS1 1.IO.UOH.1. E .HrAIU.IMIl-.I) 17M5 CURE IN EVURY OAaE. Your CvricuiiA UuiiKmnfl outaeil all ether inodlclnet I ki op for nkln illswi.ie.i. My cue-t-iiiicm anil pntlunli s.iy that they have ellt'ct. oil n euro In overy liistanci', wheroetbor rtn viIicn have falleil. II. V. IlitOICAWA, M I). Kninblln Kulln, N. II. Held by all ititiKcistM. l'rloe cuticvra. We.; ItKHOLVKMT, II: COAr, 'i'lC. l'OTTEll UIUO ADD UllUUIUAI.CO., lllMtOIl, Musk. hninl lnr ' Hew tu euro Uln Dl.cnnrii." TiTt1 A TT'I'V for Iteut'li. ( hnppcil anil XJJiJXi.UXX (iicasy fkln. Illncklientls, l'linplus, 8klu lilt uiMii") ami Inhintllf llu llu inetd, iife I rriii-RA ."eap, a rcil llcautlllvr. CATARRH! Sanferd's Radical Cure. WINES AND LIQUORS! At WART'S OLD WINE STORE, 1. 29 East lilg Street. rS CALL AND EXAMINE. "fcl i v li.ive just rccvlveil dlri'et trem tlie lalaiul el Muilerla the following Wlnea - Venlollie, VIiiUuje 1S70 ; Sercinl, Vlutage 1S10, Wli i li e eiler te our cimteiiiiirH, Kuutlicr with our ell 1SC0, 1SH, 1817, 1SH ami ht7 MA III. WAS: ami FINK OMI SlIKItUlKS. IIIIASDIKS im lell'Ws Vliitnue IStO, I?W, hi'., ISM, ISM. Kine Olil IIVK WII1SKIK3, JAMAICA Sl'llllTS. N. K. UU.M, At. KUK.Ntll COKOIAI.S, IlurRiilulliw anil ClareU. Wi have thclnllert tr ('hiiiii)iiinu Wlnt'M I't'lpur llrldai'lck. (I. II. Muiimi A Ce.' Dry uiiu'iiay and Ktni liiy, I. Hoedeler's (;art lllauelie, rominery Sec Veuve Cll'luet, Yolleiy .ahel Iry, Krni; a i n S i'rlvnte L'uvve, JuIih Champien. And tlie GREAT WKSTERX EX. DRY WINE, Frem the PleiiBant Vivlley Wine Oempnny, at Hammondapert, N. "2". ThU I. the Flnent American Wlnu In Hut market, IiiivIiik btien nwardeil the liltflniHt honors tliu lollew lug Kxrosltlem, At l'arls ln'7, Vienna 187J and I'lillailelpbla 1870. H, E. Slaymaker, auknt. " S. CLAY 5nLLBR" tines, Brandies, dins, Old Rye Whiskies, te., Se. 33 VENN SQUA1IE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. A MiiK'e dose el "iinfiird'n ICruilcal Cnre In stantly iidleVtH the ir ml violent Hnepzlnir or Head Celdd, r I ears the Head m by maulc, stepH Watery IiIm'Iiiiiki'4 Ireru tlie Noeuml Ket, prevcnls lllnulnu Noises In the Head, curest ScrveiM Heiidaehe anil Hiibdues (.hills nnd rover. In Chronic Catarrh It cleanses tlie mivil pasnxi"i el lenl tnueui), resleri s the dcjiiHemil riinull, tasie, mid heitrlni; when alluct i'il, Irees the In ml, threat and hienchtal tubes et ofTuPitlve mutter, nwietcna and purllles the bifaih.Htepi llie cough ami nrrests tlie i o e uiets el Catarrh tOHarttit Connuuuuleu. One bettle Kadlciil Cure, ene Ilex Catarthal Solvent and Snuferd'it Inhaler, all In ene packuuu, temilnif ucoumlete treatment, of all diuKKlxtrt ler tl. Abu pen SAmiVPitu's Kae- IOAI. CL'Btt l'OT-TUU DRCO 1D CllEMlOAL CO., Bosten. Cellins' Voltaic Ekc'ric Plasters, Fer the relict and pioventlen, tlie liiHtnnt It Mnpielnil of Kheuinallsui. Ni'iinilt.'lii, Sciati ca, CeilKhfl, Celdx, Weak Ilaelc, Stomar !i mid llewclA, MioetliiK I'alnn. NnmbiieHs, Hixtniln, Finnale I'.dnn. ralpllatleu, l)yHpejla, I. Iver Cempliilni, IIIIIeuh Fever, Malaria uml fc.pl tleuilis, ii-ii Celli u n' I'liKteri", (an Klevtrln lliillery ceiulilned 'Villi a Pereus PImsHtih'wI laiixhat pain. S.lc eveiywliere ietit-lydW.S.ftw H' ir td.il r i) Ut . - i ri r 11 1131 AS (1UANU, fl IIANUKK HHItTII.l'.l'.H CO. Hujviisr G-xj'isre. Unrlvftled for Wtaefit, CompeEOd of Fure Human Exorenaont nnd Urlne. Toenooo, urasa, uern, tsze. -SOI.I) IIY- w.M. H. JONKS, Ne. ifiil Market Streel; C. II. UOOKIIB, Ne. 133 Market Utrcet; (IKAIIAM, KM1.KN 1'AHSMOItK, Ne. till Market Streot ; J. IlIllKIl .t RON, llranontewn I'hllnilelphla, and responsible dealers Konerally. 0FFICI2....N0. 333 Chestiint Street, Flillmleluhiu. ailKlMuid O. MUSSELMAN, Agent, Wltmer, Lnuoftster oeunty, Pa. MIMICAL INHTKVMKNTh, IITII.UOXM WHITB Wilcox & White Organ Ce. HPKCIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW IS THE TIME TO llin PIANOS AND ORGANS AT H1.AUUI1TKU1NU I'UICKH. Oue II nod SecemMInml 1'lane 1 5 .00 ene Kleuunt HaceniMlnnil Orftun I.tce One KleKimt New Organ, I'J-btep C'ouplera and bnl)llK8 3.V00 Wilcox x Whltu Orguus Irem IJS.uu te tiw.oe ' Knube," MePhall, Qroveuatoln tX: Fttller, Koyateno, and Voeo & Sens IMaueH, B. ti. VUAl,. UAItTIK W tioiealu and Uetall Dealer In oil klmln e' I.UMIIK.IlANIUOAU turtaid: Ne. 42u North Wateruml lnne strwti i'-evii l.einnn Lancaster nJ lv II AUMOAHDNKHH A JI'.FKKItIKH, COAL DEALERS. OFFlOK.is. Ne. 21 Nertu QUBim BmBirr, AND Ne. WI North 1'iumuu Htiiuet. YAUDS. Nertu I'iuncb Htcuut, mkar lUAr 1KO DMrOT, IANUAHTKU, 1'A. UUflA-ttll Heme Comfert. Afler n ttuiny lllde it CiMvilry I'liynlnan Tells Wlml II B tlilnl: tr '-enin I eerie. " I ivUh te Rracteus some iiuojile would learn ivhen Ihey need a iloetor and when ll.cy tlen't," exclalmcd Docter K , as he in- tered Ids lioute In n cozy llltle villain In the Inteiler el the statoel New Yerk, after a te dious nluht rlde of many miles. " I liave bjtin down amoni;tliemniiutatus te eie a iiiun who the messenger paid was very Mck and net likely te live until nmrnln;;. unless lie 1'iut tiutnedlale help; and found him Hiilli rlnif from a rather Hharp nttaclt el eolle, which his tamlly tiilKht have relieved In ten minutes, It iliey had a groin of lunse ami two or tline sluiple inmedles In thu heiue. Hut no ; they must lemiln lueiant as pig', and when tliu least ache e pit i takes the'ii, muni lei a .lei .lei .loi ter, MhethortlieyeNor pay him or net " " Why, Docter, what iklml el simple letiio letiie diet, us you call them, de you expecf peeple te keep In the heii'ii T ' HMke.l hll wile, us he pem id him u eup of het u a. " In tliU caso,"ansiverodtlie Docter, "If Ihey had only put a IIKNSON'rtCAl'ClNKreltOUS l'l.AS r Kit en thu man's stoma h, 1m would have been all vllit In an hour ami uved me adicaiy ilile " In all ordinary cetnplalnls ll cures at eucu. All illseastuare eliminated from tliu system by what may be roughly called t xpuUteu or oxtraetlen, or by a union of thu two piocejs c. llunen's l'linter pinmotes: both. It In- cltes the torpid organs te act and n-nds Its healing, toething Influence thruugh the myr iad peics of thusktn. All ether plasters oblige the putlunt te wait. They give him hope ter te-morrow, llnmten'd plaster gives him help te-day. Which Is butter, de you think: Iluy the CA I'CIN i: mid keep It In the house, l'rlce 2S cents, Scabury A Jehnsen, I'hariuaceullcal Chum sts, New Yerk lu InulWtl9Aw l MtAU I V THO All Marked Down te Ilotteiu l'llces. given away. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 153 EAST KING STREET, II. II. I.ULKKNI1ACII. Agent. Iu))l7-Ud OMUH u xuKNfAsjr.itM and ifurT. NKHS. All persons nre hereby torbldden tetiuspass onanyel the lands el the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, In liebannn nnd l.ancaaUir counties, whether Inclesed or mi mi inclesed, either for tlie purpose et sheeting ei Ashing, us the law will be rigidly ontercc against all trespassing en said anils nt tin undersigned atlur this notice. WM. COI.KMAN FKKKMAN It. I'KItOY Al.DKN, EDWAHI) C. FKKKMAN, Altorneylor It, W celuinn's n 018-tMftW UOAI. I undurslgned has ler sale, at his Yard, Cor, Andrew and S. Water 8ts a large assortment of tlie very host kinds et Octil for Family TJee, which he will deliver, carefully weighed and screened, te any part et the city at the lowest market rates. Oulurs by mull or telephone nueti promptly Julyl'J-tid K1" m:v-vekt. l'llll.ll1 CllNDKK. 11 1 ANUK15 ANO CI1AI. 1t NowYeritand l'lilladelphla Herso Ma- uiiie by the carload nt reduced prices. All the 11EST O HAD Kb OF UOAI., Jleth ler Family ami Steam purposes. OKMICNTbythubanel. irAVand HTUAW by the ten or bale. Yard-sis Harrlsburg IMke. UHMiRAb Oieu-a))i East (Jlieslnut strmit Kauffmun, Eoller &, Oe. I'lirt-lyd Ml Alt. M. V. R. COHO BSO KU11TU WATBUBT., Zartratler, te Wliolesalo and Uetall Dealera In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uonneetlen With ths Tolepheulo Kiclmngei Yaid anil Olrlce He. 830NOUTH WAD It HTItEKT. IOU2J.lv DOKb WONDKItKUI, tUIUCS Or KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Ilccausoitactnen the I.IVKlt, HOWKl.s mil KIDNKYaatthe 8AMF. TIMfc. Uecause It cleanses the system et tlie poison eus humors that dovuleps In Kidney ami I rt nary Diseases, lllllleusuess, Jaundice, Cnuxtl Satten, riles, or In Itheumutlsin, Neunilgla, urvtius Disorders uml nil Female Cempl'iliiti. mrHer,u l'ltueb' ei ruix. It will SurelyClilti CONSTIPATION. PII.KS ami KIIKUMATISM by causliig FKKE ACTION el all t:ie organ mnl functions thereby CLEANSING THE DLOOD. itODtetlng the neriunl pewm te (mew oil dlscase. THOUSANDS OF CASKS 01 the worst lerms of thute ten Ible diseases have been quickly lulluved, and In u sh it time l'KUFKCTI. CUUhD. Prtoe, !. Liquid or Dry. sold l-y diuggists. Dry can be sent by mull. WEI.l.S, IIKHAUDSON A CO., llurllngtnn, Vt 'end stamp ter Dairy Almnnue for l"di. KIDNEY-WORT. docs eeilAw (Si IJtetlred by Iler nmbtnii it lulilmure Weman Itrglitcr nit O.Ub Never te Hpeak te Him Agnln Ilnltltnore Oer. Cincinnati I'.nqutrer, On Madlaeu nvonue, llaltitnore, Micro nre llvltig a married cotiple vrlie for the past flve yenrn, linve existed nurreundcd by tlie most intonHe ntmoaphcte of mental gloom. Although the husband l.i ucllvely engaccd in business, making tnotiey theteby rapidly, and iierschsch many coin cein coin panlunable and eoelnl olniraetcriHtlcs ; nl though the wife In n iclitied, maturely beautiful woman, with the usual horcdl hercdl tary trait of converflatlonal ability he common te homex dovelopcd In horeasn te an oxtrnetdln ry drgrce j although Unco nttrnotive and loveiy children com cem com pleto the domcNtle roll call or this particu lar family, yet for the past Hve yeara net ene nelitary word has been cxehnnRcd between this husband nnd wlfe. They each day partulie nt the same table and at the ftatne hour of thrce solemn, jtllcnt as far ns they nre concerned meals. The children, of course, chatter seme, but the father and mether sit dumb hke menti niental Htattie.s In a snow storm . Each night they oeeupy the narae room, but net ene word ever cicapes the r hpi. A recital of the cause fur this most rumarkable statu of daily ntTnirs, especially ns far as the lady la concerned, certainly portrays a most extraordinary nud romantle lifts drama. Ten yoarsnge the lady who new bue cessfully cunctn the rele of the "Silent Wlfe " was a beautiful seciety hullo et Daltimore. Among her suitors nt that time were two porsistent young men, bjth armed with culture, education, wealth and energy. Oue of these she loved nud ultimately formally accepted him, nnd they bcoatue publicly betrothed. The ether, ns may be safely surmUcd, then took a back scat in the arena of life for the time being ; but he did net mourn in obscurity and despair for a very lengthy period. In an evll hour, by the most sub tle nrtt, he suecccdcd In oeuviuoing the lady that the goutleraan te whom she was engaged was a porfldieus hbortineaud had betrayed n certain young lady with whom she was casually acquainted. When an explanation was demanded by tlie lad" the accused returucd nu indignant reply, and the result was an 0icn rupture. The rejected suitor new had the oppettunity which he had sought for, ami again laid a most vigorous sioge te the citadel of this helle's heart. In a moment of des des cratieu and pique, the young lady acceptcd this ence i ejected young man and hastily married him. t'ive years aftct the niarriage this lady, accompanied by her husband, went te a faney dress ball given under tlie nuspiecs of a charita ble organization in which she was deeply intcrchtcd. During all these years ef htr supposed happy married life Hhe had nevir scen nor exchanged words in any way with tlie gentleman te whom she had ence been betrothed, nnd who in true reality, was the only man she evor loved. During the height of the festivities she was invited te dance by what beemingly was a stranger. Her husband at the time was temporarily absent, She, feeling strangely aud irrcsisMbly attracted tewatd tlie masked goutleuaau wue asked her ler the honor of a waltz, although he was npparently a Btrang r, reluctanctly con sented. During the dance she bceame fully conscious of the most siugular aud uuaccouutable imptossiens. At its con elusion the supposed stranger drew her apart from the throng, aud in a quiet and ebscure corner unmasked, showing tlie evLii yet dear, familiar featurcs of th.) gontlemau whom she had bved for in my years, lie had known her even masked as she was, and sought this oppettunity te couvince her of hew teiribly she had been dezeived flve years bofero. Then uml there, in that hcphe of festivities, sur rounded by gaylyand fantastically diehsul crowds of laughing poeplo, amid the sweet sounds of musie, in an atmesphere im fumed only with morritnent aud content ment, the culmination of a sickening life fiortew was uufeldcd. In a very few moments this gentleman diew from the poekots of his rich aud hand somely decorated costume documents aud papers the import of which at ence convinced the lady thatllve years bofero she hnd been the victim of a most terrible deception ; that this ecutleman was guiltless of the infamous social crimes with whleu lie bad been charged, aud that her own husband, prier te marriage, had lied te her aud had dccelvcd her in the most cruel and heartless fashleu. This lady Is a woman of the most doeided nud onergctio character. She at ence paitcd forcver from the gontlemau bofero her, who eagerly pleaded that he mlht b permitted te soe her, if it was only ence mero. Thus she parted with the only man she ever loved, with fcelings in her heart which no tongue could describe. Then she scut for her husband, and both at ence left the ball room. That night she talked with him for the last time in this world. The first thing the next morning she went in her oairiage te the olllce of a prominent netaiy iiublie en St. Paul street, Ualtimere, and legally made a most solemn oath that she would never again speak te her husband. In nu interview which your loprosonu leprosonu lopresonu tivo had the honor te have witli this hcrole woman, alto said : '' I will talk te )ou freely, but I rely upon jour honor ns a gentleman net te give our nanus, or any name In connection with my life, te the public lint you may publish thu facts in any way you sce fit. I was llke a gieat many ether girls were aud ate aud will be until the end of time. I was hasty. Im pulsive, and easily convinced. In uther words 1 made up my mind in a minute and then noted out the Impulse the next minute. And I beheved uearly all I heard. I knew from what you have taid that you are thoroughly familiar with tlie fact that 1 was terribly deceived seme years age. Yeu knew that that ehanged the cntire current of my life. I speak freely te you, beeause the way my husband aud myself live tegether has been meat and drink for the gossips for a long time. And when any ene asks me why we live In this way, in my own dofenbe 1 frcely tell thorn, New, you will naturally inquire, in view of all the facts, why did I net, if it neie possible, get a divoreo from my husband in plaoe nf living in this most extraordinary man ner. Well. I will continue te be frank and tell you. It wasselely en aecnuut of the children. I loie thetn with all the Inex- preBsible devotion te a mother s heart . .My husband loves them, tee, of course. We both want them with us. If the case had geno te the courts ther. would have been a long, bitter oentest evor the possesien of the chiltlr en, ami then probably the old est would have been glven te the father and the vounirest te me. When I told him l would never speak te him aud he must never speik te me, or I would at oneo leave him he begged me terribly hard te iiuve me alter my decision. But 1 would net. I was and ant as ilrm as the reek of Gibraltar in this rospect. I said for the sake of the ohildren I would oeutlnuo te Hve with htm If lie se desired, but it must be as I said, He at last roluetautly oeu-1 sciited rather thnn have piolQaye hlm.and for flve years past we have lived this dreary, cheerless life. I will show you the affidavit you have twice during your visit asked te soe." Then she handed your correspondent the following oinphatle and foreiblo affidavit : Stale of Maryland, Baltimore city, Set : On this b"d day of January, A. D. 1878, Eorsenally appeared bofero me, thosubsorl thesubsorl thosubserl or, a notary public of the state of Alary land, in nnd for the city of lialtlmore, Mrs. , and made oath en the Hely Evangely of Almighty Ged, that she resides in the city of lialtlmore and state of Maryland : that from this time houcefoith aud forevor she will nover speak ene word of any kind te her husband. Aud she further made oath en thn Hely Evangcly of Almighty Ged that if he hore after directly nddrcsses ene single word te her, the said .Mrs. , she will lcave him nud never again soe him. And she further tnade oath ou the Hely Kvaugely of Almighty Ged that she will nover from this time henceforth and forevor, bold di rect written communication with him, the aald , in any way or manner what ever. Notary l'ublle or the State et Mary land In mid for tlie city of lialtlmore. As far as can be ascertained from the neighbers and persons who might naturally be suppesed te knew the most about this sad and novel case,the wife has Invielately koptthe singular and stringent vow which she has legally taken, nnd from present indinatiens bids lair te maintain It until the hour of death. A baby was born In n cemetery nt .Marshall town, Iowa, a short time age.but uvory-wliere can be seen babies berne te the cometcry be be eaueo mothers cruelly neglect te procure Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, a nure euro for cieup, colds nml coughs. MJUltlVAl,. C" VINU 1'OK AID. Less of Appotlte, lleadnclie. Doprestten, Indlgostlen and Constipation, Illlleinness.a Hallow Face, Dull Kye9, nnd a Jlloednhcd Skin are among tlie Hymptems which Indlcate that the I.Iver li cryfiiff ler ntd. ATER'S PILLS. Will stimulate the l.lver te proper action, nud correct all these troubles. One or morn of these pills should be Uiken dally, until health Is hilly established. Ne family can nirerd te bu without Arsu's 1'ILtH, mxr-ARED nr Or. J. C. Aycr & Ce., I.owell, Mans. Sold by all Druggists. IcbSlebll-lydAw A OHKAT HUOOKSS. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is famous for Its quick and hourly action In curing J.aine Hack, Kliuli matlsm, Sciatica, Crick In tlie Hack, fcldeand Hip, Neuralgia, Sttir Joints and Muscles, Sore Chest, Kblnuy Troubles uml all pains or acties either local or denp-scated. It soethos, Strengthens and Stimulates the parts. The Virtues et hops comblned with gums-clean and ready te apply, suporler te' liniments, lotions and salves, l'rlce, 25 cenls or 6 ler $1.00. Sold by druggists and country stnres. Mallnd en rccelntnt prices. Hep l'latttr Vom Vem panu, l'roprletore, llosteu, Mess. A GREAT SUCCESS. S-The best lamlly pill mado-llawley's Stomach and I.lver Mils. 'ile. l'lcnsnnt In action and easy te tnke. nev2C-lyiUw (1) vitr uoeini. ,fca"f-T l. K- KAIINrSTOCK. Tlieuitinds llmtencd te Their UriiTOsT ltelylng en testimonials written In vivid glowing language et seme miraculous cures made by seme largely puffed up doctor or pat ent mcdlclne has hastened thousands te their graves; belluvlng in tlietr almost Inaaue faith that the same mlrncle will be performed en thorn, und that tbrse testimonials inake the eurcs, whlle the se-called mcdlclne Is all the time hastening them te their graves. We have avolded publishing testimonials, us they de net inake the cures, although we have TI10VSAKD1 Ul'OS THOUSANDS el them, or the most wonderful cures, volun tarily sent us. It Is our modiclne, Hep Hit ters that makes tlie cures. It liai never railed and in ver can. We will glve roterenco le any ene ler any ill soase similar te their own II de sired, or will refer te any neighbor, ns tliure is net a neighborhood In the known world but can show Us cures by Hep Hitters. A LOSING JOKK. A prominent physician el Pittsburgh said te a lady patient who wen complaining of her continued 111 health, mid nt his Inability te cuie her. Jokingly said : "Tiy hop Hitters I" The lady took tl In earnest and used the Hit ters, from which she obtained permmient health. She new laughs nt the doctor ler his Jeke, but he Is net se well plcasnd with it, us tt cost him u geed patient, veiuj eir DOCTOIU. The fee et doctors Is. an Hern that very many persons are lntercsted In. We bolievo the schedule for vlsl's Is 13.00, which would tar a man conllned te Ids bed li.i a year, mid In need el a dally visit, ever $1,000 a year for medical attendance alene I And ene lngle bettle ei Hep Hitters taken In time would suv the tl WO and all the year's sickness. A LADY'S WISH. Ill, linur 1 .In u Nil 111V skin WHS a .1...... .....I anil na tni,,ii ' niil II lllllv C lltlT 1 trluud. " Yeu cat. easily make 11 se," answer ed the trtend. " Hew !" Inquired tlie Ural lady. " Hy using Hep Hitters Unit mtiki sriure, rich bleed and blooming health It did It ler ine, as you observe." etVKN rr nr tub nerrniw. Is it possible that Mr Oedtrey Is up and et work, und cured by se sluiple a itineiiy i" "lasuroyeu Ills true that he Is eutirely cuted.nnd with nothing but Hep Hitters, and only leu days age hlsi'oeteis gave lilmup ami ndd he must die, Irem Kidney and I.lver treuhlu ! ' (Jan 17-lmTThASAw It jeti don't see, i Is ninlnly yeui own fault, bec.iu-uby pieuuilugu pair el Celluloid hyn Ohisses, jeu can Improve lid lug eyesight se as te see clearly. Fin sale l.y all leading Jew elers and Opticians. 11 lwdeed llurklcn's Arnien salve The greatest meiilciil wonder of the world. Warranted le speedily eure bums, llrulses, Cuts, Ulcers, Halt ICheum, Fever sores, Can. ceis, l'llus. Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chappid Hands and all skin urupttens, guuiauteed te euro In eveiy Instance, or nioney ruliindtii. W'eiitx per box Forivile by Chas. A. I.ecli I. IniVlyeed.tw NEXT DOOR -TO Til K- VLeraiKtt. TT1U1U A IIHU, TO MASS BOOM MORE EEBTJCnOITS OVERCOATS ! 4.00 Overcoats .......itotleced te MM 6.0) overcoats ttoduced te 8 W 0.0) Overceats...... Hoduced te 4.73 7.00 Overcoats.,......,. ltcdueea te o.eo d.oe Ovoreoabi ........Uoduced te soe 1X00 Overceats induced te 8.00 18.00 overcoats ....Uoduced te 10.W SUITS! SUITS! l'UIOKS KKDUOKD ONK.HAI.r. BOY'S, SCHOOL and CHILDREN'S SUITS AT IiE33 THAN TIIK COST OF MANUFACTURE. Gents' Furnishing Goods OF AM. DKSOUll'TlONS, ATONE-HALF OK FOIIMKU PK1CKS, ONLY TILL MAHCII 1. HIRSH & BRO., l'KNN 11AI.I.UL.OTUINU UOUSK, Neb. 2 and 4 North Queen Street. M YKIW A ItATIirOH. COURT HOUSE. M'KCIAI. OFFKHINO OF A l.AUOKI.OT UF Hamburg Embroideries. Hamburg Embroideries, Hamburg; Embroideries, -AND- LACES. LACES. FltOM A I.AUUK IMl'OUT SALE IN NKW ? 8 AUCTION 1 !K. All at Much Less Than Regular Prices. E. E. JMneSbOck, I.ANOASTKlt, l'A. Next Doer te the Court Heube. Hei-lMe Mil. -FOIt- MBN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. CLOTHING that Is guaranteed te be strictly as reprosented. HKLRCTIONH that nre elegant, fashions Ills latet't, mid u vai lety that Is coinpleto In evcrv detail 1'IUCKS that are In harmony with the strict est economy and square dealing, and which we are careful te have uniformly low through out tlie year. IIKUF. oxccsbIve figures are nerer taoked upon goods In busy seasens, and afterwards supplemented by prices mero reasonable te whoop up trade. EXAMINATION and comparison et our CI.OTHINUnew, as at all tl-nes, wlllprove thai l he quality et 11 Is equal te the best shown any where, and prlees as low as the lowest quet d by any clothing tloaler In the city. ONE I'HICK, and a lull guarantee with overy garment w e soil. MYERS & RATHFON, LKAD1NQ LANCASTER CLOTHIIBS, NO. 12 HAbT KING STRWTT. LANCABTKIt, FA. N' w rutin. IEW FIRM! jMrr.Tuisic .v li Al"t.-Ar. Hew Jllueli Will I'n 117 Hew much of Themat' ICclrctrte Oil Is io ie quired te euro? Onlynveiy little. A lew nreps will euie uny kind of an uehe , und but utrille ineiii Is niedeil for i-pralus and lame-nei-Mta Uheuiualtsm Is net se leadlly atlec -eil; an ounce am) sometimes two ounces me icqutred. Ne medicine, however, Is se sure te euro with the samu number el applications. Fer saie by II. II. Ctielirtui duigxtst, 137 nml 139 North (Jiieun streel. rxclted 'llieii-iiuilH. All ever the land are going Inte ecstuey ever Dr. King's New Discovery ler Consumption. J lieir "iiioeKoii ler recovery uy me iiiiuuy ttse et this great Hie saving lemedy, causes them togeneaily wild lu bs imilsu. It Is guaran teed te positively euro So-eie Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Hay Fever, llrenchllls, lloarseness, l.es el Voice, or any atlectlen et thoThieav and Lungs. Trial buttles Ins) at Ohas. A. Lechei's Iiiug Stere, l.arguslze, Jl.ee. We ClialleiiRO tlie World, u etui wit kiiv vn helliivu. wu have evMnliee loptevo that shlleh's tonsiimptlen euro Is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, In as much us It will euro a common or Chienlc Cough In euu-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, ilinuehltls, Whooping Cough, Cieup, and show moie eases el Consumption cured than all ethers. It will euro whero they lull, ll Is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guarantee what we say. 1'ilee, loc.&eo and fl.ifl. II your Lungs me sero, Chest or Hack lame, use Shlleh's Pereus This- ter. held by ll. ll. cechrmi, druggist, rses. in uml ixiNeith uncoil street. fol)7-eod 1 "Don't Hurry, Oentleiiiuii." bald a man en his way te be liauged, " thcie'll be no Inn till I get thorn." We say te the dys peptic, nervous, and debilitated, ueii'i nurry thoughtlessly for hoiiie loinedy el ilnubtlul meilt, uncertain et relief, when you can get at the druggists for ene dollar Jlurileck llloeil HitUrs almost sure te eure and certain te licnellt. Fer silo by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, i:t7 unit 13'J North Utioen street. WKIIAK JbsT IIOUOIIT- THK KN'IIKK SIOCK OFOOODtJt'ALlTV COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OF A LAltOh WHOLESALE UOUBK DK- CLININO HUSINICSS. AND AilE NOW SELLING AT $ 1 .40 Goods thai were sold at f.'.'M tot J.5J. We have ou haml.nbe, WHITE AIM) COLOllKD, B 1 a n kets, IIOUGHT AT AUCTION bAl.K.", FltOM 75c. up te $10.00. We urn milling thcin oil chuap ; they h.ve been sacrltleed thn season at less tban inanu dictum's cost. Having purchased the stock and fixture et the Arm of D. II. HOSTriSS'a BON, we will dlspoe et tlni Clothing new en hand at remarkably low prices. We have redued piicea throughout our entire stock, se It will pay you te " leek us through " It aontempiat lug pni chasing. Hoping you will favor us with AN EA11LV CALL we are respectfully, ADAM BURGER, JNO. L. BUTTON, BURGER & SUTTON. Ne. 24 Centre Square, & I.ANOABTKH.l'A. tl-lyd "IANSMANsB IIRO. MAVlllHKHY. UAVINO DISSOLVKD I'AltTMCKhllir and pettnaueiilly clesetl thu Clieslnut ttrutt iron Works, ldeslre te inform my old patrons and the publle generally, that I am still In the business, being located In the l'enn Iren Company's Works, North I'lum stieet, where I am making Iren nnd llrass Castings et overy tloitrlptleii. and will be pleased te sere all who may laver me with their patron patron age. Fteui 40 years oxperleuce In thebusliiess and using thu best material aud employing the best mechanics, 1 am sail. lied I can guar antee ontlre satisfaction. Castings madu trem a mixture nt lien ami steel which are mere re liable ler strength and durability than the best cast iron known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a Hin'clalty. Cast ings miuie ei very seu lien, uiui urasa uasi lugs el every description. I Have all the pat ters til the well mid laverubly known Mewrer Cern mid Cob Crusher, relltted and Improved. Alse en band, mills completely ntted up or in parts, le replace old ones which have been In use ler years, Kuatunteeiug them te give lstactleii, anU-iu.' It. C. McCULLKY. Cheap Stere, Ne. U WEST KINO STREET, Uelweeii thu Cooper lleiuu aud Serrel Ilnrsu Hetel. LANCASTER l'A TiHWAttK, XV. J OlIN I'. HUllAUm, "yiirreitiA Cern Remover. The men cirectlve preparation (or the tc tc meval or Cerns, Humeus, Wuits, etc, ever pIsleiI botero the public. Warrant! te eradicate completely slid wltlilltnsheit Itmu the most obdurate corns, hunt or soft, without pam. it is a veamvH curu, setn at DtSOHTOLD'S DRUQ BTORB, Ne. 101 WEST OUANGKSTltKKT, corner el Charletle. dl-lyd FURNACES and RANGES OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call and sce the New Improved WllOUUHT 1110N COLD CASK. Radiating Portable Furnace, The Chc-ipesl and MarkeL Ileal FUUNACE In the MANUFACTUHED KX0LU81YKLY Y Jehn P-.'Scliaum, 24 Seuth- Queen Streot, FOR BARGAINS IN CLOTHING HO TO-UAY, TO L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S, AT Slia COUNKll OF NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE 818. Itldlculeiialy Cheap Overceats at t&fiu. Sce the Weni'erlul OverceaU at fs.OU. sen thoevorccauat fiA0,flU, fi.ue. f 10.00 aud moo. All wool BulU at 0.00. Seu the All Weel Suits at J. J10andli. t'lcniy or styles i roltable geed ; ear own tip ten inake. ,. . hcoeur Clilldren's rants at Me. Our Hey' rants at We: Our strong and heavy lined Men's ranis at fl uml 1.W. Hemeinber tliose bargains. Consider the value of your money bofero you pureiiasn. Loek aicund and see it we are net undersell ing anybefiy In tills or any ether city. I. Qansman & Bre., Wes. . NOUTH QUEEN 8TKEE1', uiuht ou thu Benthwest Cerner et Orange street, LANCABTKK, fA. Net connected with uny ether Clethlnn Ileuiiiln thuiltv. teb.' IVd LAN0A8TKU, l'A. MIK 1IKHT IflVK CKNTUAVANADII.AIl ttanuiaeiureu be trio finest, at ai.i.uiT i eTOUK, ni X in the city. Manufactured by luytvll Hint guarantor il te ue me nnrai, ui B IIAUTMAN'd YBLLOW rilONTCIUAU