v 'rctdlmett&f mtia cr Veliim- XX-Ne ! LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1884. Price Tm Cente. $$$ I ufHWT '"&k'vrW-WWW " - amiNi v m.v.im .i. 0 1111'NI V rlNAN(U'.S. 'lim.ntfr's urpnrt Acrueul or .Inn, .1. Heed, Ticusuier of l.iin l.iin l.iin ci.torieunly, ler the jenr ending Deec mlinr, Ull, HSI' UK. Te balance due l)iic,,1l,lmj P.M457 IH I'e iMliiiice mcctveil Hern in Tieas. (linn I 171 m 'I'd amount in county 'lux levied ler Ism '270 its 73 'In amount or state Tax levied ret-lsi 50,222 U7 Teiiittslumlliig tax rer It'll I.HI7 :i" " " 1811. I l II SS2 " MIxnllUIII'OllH Itieeliils'. " KxcessTax, IMI " lHs'2 " IHS.1 " II vi iur coin, lidded en HlrtV I'llX 1,351 IP (H.24U (.1 1,075 50 ID 7.1 8.11 M M mi 217 7U tli2 4'7 '.1 Oil llv imyimiiil ConiinNilnn CeniinNilnn ConiinNilnn cid'eiilorstolOl Inclusive 'JIO.r.M 50 nvexnn. utm nhl. ullniunl l.irini 47 M lly ceiiiiiiIs'Idiis p.il.l for l"tl 411 'H lly ex hi. nml it I it . iill'iwcit ler IKti 10,101 10 lly ciimiiilisleus ii it .1 ter ls.ti 5.3H1 .11 lly exnn unit ulit ulliiuc i lei I1:t Ml M lly commission n ilit l'ir ltsl W.I21 lly outstanding tax let i1l S3.W7 lit ' ' Hat 'i.iul te ' Statu pcuieual lux pil i :n,:m u I" Ticimirer's mluiy... aoeio hnlince ilnc 19.1,301 On IS1(7 M OutttiimliiKj 'lax for 1882. T" " DISlltlCT! g S ? Murltillit boieugh 3.11 Hi I C 00 Mnrllc township nij 22 bnilMmry " ')2 co r.ital li.WJ r!i t 500 OuMamlinrj Tar for 1833 f e 'J e Se tun rittci- V 3 '. i Ailaiiistewu borough 1 ifl 37 t 51 10 Hurt township I.OIW Oil ( miiarvnu township '2,(12 50 t; C8 l.hiy " I 711 '21 110 H) CihIIi ii Katl " .... 702 42 Ce, illi-e West I.OI'I t'J teli'iiln " .... I.N'iil 75 C"l I', blnbnreiish 1,125 lil l.eiu -len lewn.lilp I 113 Di din y " I.1U1 I 'I Den gul Kmi " 3,211 w5 ." i :e !) .iy.il et ... . 1.521 .! Druinei.' 3,ivi hit Km i,a;i ej ... Kul it '252U ixt .; U I' ill. .". i -I '2,91 87 ., "I Hi t i " Ill 1 h .. In - 717 :vi J UJ hlunlii lliteMii lioreii(iti tv.i 17 h.pluul.t tOHlialllp l,7'J7 .Vi, 310 71 1 nil hi lewnMitp I t.it '20l llMliptleliI WeH lunlilp I VI5I "7 4) 41 l.impi'ti r husl . 1. 114 7J, 132 51 l.iinpi'ttr Wml ' 1.601 II I.iini' Kim " 3ti 71 i.-ini uiiei city .IM)K lei l.ri in K tewntlilp 07i) "0 I.e. I' i k I'pp'T t IW II Kilt l (il'J U Mui.li.-tiii " I 1,111 12 ... Maner " ),Vr) tw Murli Kit i.oieiii;ii ii20 Mi Ul Murlli' tewntlilp 731 IS ill .toy " I Wilt 311 .ley lioreiijjli I 1,164 M 132 01 I'ai.fc I4 lewnslilt I 4,'21'2'27 MM ri.i'. ! '2,e7i'.3i IV. l " ' 511 31, l'l.i.l nci. ' 1,(02 15 itu.it. ' ' J,5J7 Hii'i.l. ii y " VXJ 50 M.llHl.uiy " I n.HO'JO II 03 si a Imnrlioreuitli I 1 4S -lit lu ,n Kk tewnlil .... 2?J23I r..t.il H.iUHil l,l 0 d Al.l.niil bUtfinf I I nl Hi" l"eiiii.t irluiier el 1 .inrniiter l,i Jilt r, IV , lurltie Vrr IH83 .4 iff ir I'n inly Aaeciniir . lillit, ujiiincu Mi 'l n0!itiiivnl Irupi'ity AMOitm't litlli, en nc iDiinl l asMiiiiiinnt Ki-Klttry xmt'inei'a blllsi l'i Ibsl 3ll till Atiftei'i blllt 17.015 17 133 00 3,512 (0 412 II 112,001 5- A l.i''.miy, I'n nli W "'id Nlalientr y. I .in inter r.xainliuir liiiellleciiiH New hr.i Iti'l Hirer VulkitliOUIld r ii'l'i l'rctde lneiniri'i I'. JI 1'. t'e lena II. Iliriuis Win. II Uey Jelin ll.l'rarsel Lel 11 111 bla Hey Heralit Cniiraut Miii.iilta'rimei ltogUtei hlUiibMlitawii Lluonlcle .Mount Jey Herald ' SWrnnd Newh M a. 1 In tin belltliii'l I.iil l'.xprt'K9 Uecerd Kp'iiuta llcvluw 1 Ni'w llellaiiil Clrtilen ijiil.iluK Star (. II lUir (i I.. Ten lieremlili riiuillv llurald It - UillltllllUll l.iiw Itnvluw I'lie nil Kl'J 50 an 70 405 0i 310 30 121 00 211 00 15 M 72 10 30i i 25 3 5) 70 110 'S3 if IM i'e 2.i4 75 I HI 0 1 125 0" I.I. 1 141 OJ '2'J. TJ 120 00 125 0 . 113 III) IIS 00 J(X) 15 1') 31 24 2 EU 7 50 0 00 3 00 Aliltnnen Juitlerianil turntables. (,ntt pil.l by county In emeu mil retumiM le com 1. II 11 3li'ijoiieuiy, aliliirmun, lat wiiii', city Mi s5 riuiik A DltTomleiITiir, iililuruinn, 2nd nan!, city W 33 Win ,1 Kordney, iildiiiiiian, ' inn wui'l.cliy. IO 05 I K llarr, uldeiinan, J.l waul, city. 1,1 A. K.Spurrbir, " Itli " " l; M. A. McOlliin, " Mil " lo'epli fimisnii, " nib 1 A. r. I) iiinelly, ' 7lli " p. Doiinelly, ' am " " 1,603 CO V3 W) 91 15 Wl 03 491 13 504 S) d.ie Yeuiik', jr., Jimuce, i warn, Columbia W. Ilaym Urler, Jiiitlcii.'-ii I ward, Celuuibta Sceti I'alten, liiBllcn, 2nd waul, Col Cel umblii Jno. 1' r'liiuk, mltee,3il ward, Col Cel li inbtii ,1110 .1 Heed, IreiM'r, limllce IiIIIh. comtalile " .. ri'0 01 2 28 102 20 771 20 400 I'S 7.123 10 I 13.723 13 llrUlges-Hrrcllen ami HtpaWs. II. r , r . lien mm a. in. m..hi. euh labor nml matetlul en lilt? Heaver llerr and a. M. Miller, extra bildKe, N. :"".; : Cemiii'rs Clicntnr ejiinty, X ceit ler.alrx en l.ee'a Kerd biblK" Ii. McMellen, balance In I11U ler erectliiK Uiefl'ii mill bridne Wm. Ma ulnyuiaker. tt ill , Inspect- InitUietr'amtll brldKe H C. Ulayumker, plans, aneclllcn- llnua, anil lavliiK out Inldgu ever Clilokles at Myers' Muling i; McMellen, en account erection or lirldKOUt Myers' ford 1 11 if losenli Ubeiheluer, wliltevunhlii county bridges lu Hunt Karl Kvnn Tebn, wlillewasliliiK briilKu at Teet forge Musser AC'ev WiiUiiwiisliliiK brl' en IHk and I.tltle Chlckles 11 K hiultli A llre., wlillewaahlnu Itli; Hiayer bridge, Ne. 1 rrnncls Cassldy. whltewaiililiiK lirldi:es en west branch el Octo- rnre ItenJ. Lapp, wllltewuihliiK bilduet en Mill, Coueategu umi Muddy creeks , , j, II. Apple, patntliiK bridge en Chlcklei 28 81 211 00 (OS 00 10 20 10 00 1.000 00 14 00 100 104 23 51 00 21000 20 74 Jehn Krecitul, masonry loenlra 011 "Oldlatery brldge'1 1)1 A. U. ivopier. iron red ter " Old Fac tory bridge," 1). n. Martlu, lumber let-"Did r'ue- tery bridge". 1 ii 10 45 1 CO 21 12 111 IS IH 20 ICO 00 Henry lleoiiteld, material and luber 011 "Old Factory iiriuge Haumgardner, Khermau A Ce., pi aim ler " Old Factory brlde ".. 1'. It. It. Ce. Iielght 011 lumber used lai'etialrliie Chirk oibrldge. Ne 4 W. It. 0. Cook, liiiubui-useil III te. pairing CtiloWle 1 bridge, Ne. 4 Peter lleliiiiin, lumber use I lu re pairing Clilonlei bridge, Ne. I . ... Jehn lre3kel, repairs 011 Mill meek bridge, Ne. 1 VOVNTY V1NANCKH. Win, Itesslnr, carpenter, repairs en Mill creek bridge, Ne. I... 14 te llenry Atixer. supervisor, repairs en In Idgu ill Hlennrimd's mill 213 67 Ure. Hear, Wm. Illnlr nml llurvey Lyllv.siiporvlserit.Ucostol bridge ever Mill rrcek at llonver'n mill.. 427 M t 4,303 SI VharUahlc anil Penal Institutions. II. It. Fulton, treasurer Children's Heme f I0.0OJ (0 Htnte I.unnlle llenpllnl, lieunt nml Cletlilnn two Innmtei 330 45 llr. II, K, WoHtli'ieriiir, nicillcnl nor vlccnni city lockup 12') (xi I'etcr NnKlti. nienlH utlillj' lock up. M2 13 htntnrn I'ciiltiintliiiy 41 10 (,'iilvln Cnrtfr nml It. It, lilt jr.er, tlfmiirer l'llseu lleaul 10M)7 C5 Muiiliatl ,t Umiulur. Imrdwiire for iirlien kltclinn u Ml Kvuns .1 Ovonlcer Imnlwiire mid lubei pinenKllcliun M 77 11. II, I. .mlN, ircnmircr 1'oer llnnne, 51,802 f.'l Uli'n llreiifiniin, el lit., Inbural 1'oer IlllllMI 1)11111 ti !, It. II. Mnr In, liitnber ter Peer IIeuhii burn 52 73 Duvlil It, .1 1 Mi Ien, iniKeii work en 1'oer llnnm) imrn he 70 Clnm M llowell, ilner kill ler 1'oer Heme I1.11 11 '21 00 II. Trewltz Iniiilliix iiiuturtii' ler Peer IIeiihii burn 120 Ol A. l'entz A llie, brick ler 1'oer llonse li.irn (a (A J M. llAcliiniiii.ci'cctllifr 1'oer IIeiibii burn 1 1?3 ii 11. A. niniiiT nun J01111 I'.vaiiH, In- npiclliiK Peer lleinnburn s te lluiiHinnn t lluriix, fi yearn liiHiir- ance iiremliim, Peer Heme barn. It) Ce J. 11, bwiirtzwi'liler, ercctln Hinull- pox lleipltul , 1,217 On llumpliroville A Kbiirur, pipes, etc, for rtnmllpex ilespltul ;g Hi llrliiitiuiriiiiil Urban, palntlUK out NliloHmnllpex lleipltnl 1075 I Hl.tVIl 37 (oinmliilenfr'j Ofilce. Satnuel 51. Mjiim, balance In mil ceinmr'H m rvlcei for 1'82 172 00 Abrain allium v, balaticn In roll, cniiimi'HMirv.cei ler 1142 2I'I 00 M. Illldt'hraiit, balance In lull, com- liilssloiU'rtPervlcoi ler IS12 2M 40 Hum n't .M MiiHien account, com- tiiliHldtiurH hitvIcci ler IIjS 000 00 Allium Miunny, en account, com mlialntnir cervlcui ler 18S.1 1,100 00 Martin IllldebianU en nrceuiil, co m 1111 M ccrvlcea ler IS3.I MM 00 Jelin II. Kry, en iicceunt, county fiollrlter'd salary 375 00 liie. K. Carpenter, carpontetlnK ... 10 Ol Xriiuk (lrelit,cl(irl(' salary l.Oue te i, Ml 00 C"iliu anil Comparing. Jelin .I. (Jend. trioasurer, (epylnc and ceiuparliiK bllli I 1,350 .0 On- nifr'i 11711ft (did Veir Mertetn Kzatnlna. ueni. II A. Hlillleranit dnputlet, M coreu er'H IiiiiiiiiU $ 1,017 7e llrt. CralL;, Ceniptnu red etlitMM, jwwt uierliiui oxainlnatlent 720 00 I.W7 70 Court Ktptmei. Clerk Quarter Neuleni I'eet Owi. W. Eaby and II. K. W. Uiban I t'.lH((lI.ff (Jimrlerly reluru bills estHtn court cane.s Iftitrict Atturney Feet II. K. Kslilemaii. cjij Tliemaa ). D.ivU, eii Jureri H. H. Martlu, mealri Dm. Atletinnd Kluir, proteatileniil mirvtccs ler tick Jurers .Ine. .1. liend, Tn,a.,JiirOM' bllN Jlllf (; J 110, .1 1,00.1, Triij.i , JiiallceM cnurtblllt frothenotary't h'eu K McMelltMl rt. M Krldy Sheriil ' fees- .Inn. II IIHIi .lneebS. htrlne Stenographer coe3lmlock nml OncurMoyer.... Ttpiiaxet anil Court Crier J no. .). (loed, 1 rem., II lilll-i, paid Wllnemet Ine. J. lioed.Troaa.. wllncst bllli paid Afi sr((aij .let. C. snydur, court lulerpreter, tt2 ""....M. lelin Hery, court Inturjiretcr In lower court room, ter Im2 (t e, W. Kuby, cetts In Cem'lli vt iiin'l lletlinun, Cem'tli vn.Ja.t. llioekt, Cem'lli V. llcerKO Mi!i, ami Cem'lli h. Anna driiii Jebn K. Ciirpentiir, uuiklnK Jury box lenvit)liiK 4 iiiluen te Heme of ltuItIKe 1 : 1 1 . fowl, cunvuvlnK Onind .lureii te public bulldliiKi Dr.i. ltelnmf and II0I011I119, exam ination lu lunacy el I.tr.tle Jlc Jlc Clarien Drt. Klnu and llelfiiiliii,tiitnlniv Hen In lummy et Jno. lloevor. Kditerly A Ce., repalrlnu " Hlack Maria ' lit:; 31 700 2; 3,531 11 30 10 3.3.V1 It) SI nu 13 00 le.l'll 11 1,530 00 50 50 310 7" 717 02 55 12 31 f 50 J Si1 no C,'i 1; 7310 17s Ii .1 Ikl M en 10 .'iO le te 15 00 t;M,CI8 iW Total tour uinr, Janitor, h'tc. luhii livln nml F. II. Wlllielm, weuplnu Ktrfet 1 utiiitl A ItoDKler, lianlivvre l-uteMmmnns, tce W. II Hprrclier, powter and llenry Winner A Hen, alievclInK new Inlin rt.Ulvler A Ce.. tnuslln .Mh. :ilxabetU Scliell, wiulilni; le welt Kllnu A WlUen.plumbtnE PII1111 A Hreneiniin, lii'dse a. yclioll.Jaulter'ri salary Win. Tliompjen, lepntiliiK Court Uoiii-eelook ll.lt. Huber, repalrs Kmaiiiivl Huber, repaln K. r" llnwinan.wlndliiKUiidreKUlat Inii Court Houaucieck J K. Carpenter, carpentur repalrn McDeiinull A Kote, putting up nwu- lllRrt Jelin Htuutrer, sprluklliiK Btreet llenry WaHiier, niuilluu rubblsli.... Water vent Jehn A. Woluier, carpenter repalrrt llumpliroville A Klotler, plumblnK. TIieh. llaniK'Knn, matelii'H . Jelin 1. Hciiauin, repalrlnu uml cleaning lurnaccj Jelin 1', ncliaum. pliiiublnir. ote 4100 27 25 H) 00 10 t 40 87 1 01 12 00 01 02 tl te (0) 0) 8 no 2 23 2 00 50 00 2 50 US) 2 0) 75 111 75 3 50 10 55 1 25 211 H1 11 07 4 70 Henry Veuiib A wen, lepairimr lefkj , $ 1.UV1 02 Elections. .1, I.. I.yle, et. l computing Kebru aiy t-lvcllen returns f M 0) Jno. J. Heed, treasurer, February election elllcert' bill 1,002 41 Jno. J. Heed, treasurer. Constables' bill, February election . 831 30 Uce W. Knby, tiling and recording February election returns Jno. K. Carpenter. ft. (il.,cemputlng Novembur election returns Jno. K. Cnrpenter, servlng election notices Jno, J.Uoed. treasurer, November election oltlcers' bills 131 8) 113 00 2 b 2,017 40 4.583 Ml fuel das, Pottage. J as. II. Marshall, box rent ami key.-t 4 00 Fiank driest, dork, postuite uml postal cards H 20 (lai "itl llaumeardnerA Jorierlos.ooal 207 25 f 1.122 53 Jury Commissioners. a.'. Itlncwalt. balance et salary ler ltll.T m 50 Jehn I. IlartiiiBii, salary ler 1812 . . 427 50 Francis Milium, clerking 00 Frank Urelst, clerking BO 00 tl CO I 0llC0 County Leans ami Interest. Ilends riMleomed 17,550 U) lnterist paid U.lS'.Ol I 20,733 01 w Pubtle Offices, Wm. H. Rey, recerd books uml repalis.... (Vjj as lleeliter's Ojlee Wlilmyi r X ltlcksocke ', two cases U8S 01 pigeon noies D. A.siiltler, carpenterrepatni.,,, JIes3 A Ce., books unit blanks.,,. Mess A Ce., bend book,, Jes, 1inblO! blank books Hecerders Ofitce D. A?Bhinur, carpenter icpalrs II. L. Trent, record books Harry M. Myers, seal press , , . J'rolhenotaru's Qillce 13 73 4 tO 32 00 15 CO SI ;3 50 100 no 13 73 Mess A C?,, blank books ... 137 VOVNTX riSANLKH, II. Ji. Trout, rupalrliiK rccenl boekf (,'ynit H. Iioiie, onnderiiti lllm,,,. UyruaM. liotre, JndKineiil Indlccii, Hhertirt Uplce- 11. M. Merrow, repairs Wnller A llelnltHli, dcBk (JtutrHr NriiiOHi Vplce - Win, I), .I'll, rublier, filiiinH, Ac, Itarnnt A llitber. 1.500 tllet. ....... llce. W. Knby, 00 ilnyn nrrmiKlnK I mi pem , I. K, Curpunter, NU'iicll.i, Htmiipi, Ac 211 05 11 M Wi 00 I I.I Till 53 01 h m 525 00 1H0 00 II CO t 2,121 m Views. I WI 10 10 Ml 40 00 75 00 at 00 635 M :e) m 53 00 I.3W (X) IWJ 0) S.3 00 47 00 10 00 1,021 00 10,12 00 6'20 70 Hend nml Ulicil Damage nml (,'elnniln Wi'HlC'ecaltcc KnAt,i;url Kdim Kpliratu Kuttllnmpllflld WrHt llempflcld I.caceck Maner , , I'eun , Itnplie Hiilltbitry HtniflliurK tewnnlilp Warwick. Lancaslnr filly II riml lnwHi1111l Hiirvover'H IiIIIh H3,5flC wl Miscellaneous CommltslenA paid te school dljtrlctsi t,7i'i 41 lax ri'tiindcil., , w Jl Jelin II. HlKh, sliviltl. dlsiniinllliik' llili.jietfi f(3 CO Jet. umble, ItcKlstcr. HIInK county Treiuurf rW iicceunt 15 01 (loe. Nniiiuun nml 31, Ilreilut, chiis.. nlterney loe, In re llliikleyV brldge 101 no A, K. Hbiuiriir, tax collector WuhIi HiKten boreugli, lis), extru exon erations 0 33 I. A. rltr.pnlrlck, reward lernrrcit nml conviction et Incendlarlet ... loe en K. K. Mnttlu, 03i., ntlorney Ice, lu ir, ilefiiiiltliiK tax collector .'.000 A, K. aiienk, esi lUidltliiK' county oIllcflrs'ncceiiuM 217 50 31. J. Ilreclit. County Hupt., appro priation tolnicliers'liiHtllule 2 0 01 Scliell and (lrpt oendlni; nut 119. Kffltinent IioeIih, reglitrlcs mid e' ctlen pipura 123 re II. It. tnlten,efli., attorney Ice lei trylnKHticcl damage cnqei 3n 00 Jno. J. Heed, treaiuier. et. al coin In Mreut iliimaj!" caica Krcd'k Ilrlinmur, I'nt'lc (.Imrrj' and AlbertSnllz, livery blin Jacob I.lbliart, Chan. K. Ward.J.M. Kuby, II. C. Ulbble, Andrew J. .Mutucr, Jes. II. ArmHtrnns, Jehn I'. Kr.ink, Jn4. Hawtliernn A. Seu, A. K. Dennelly. I). A. .Sblller and K. II. llurktieldcr, celli 11 Iiik nml burylni; paupen Chat. Ilrlmmcr, sIku Ii r County 80 80 lleUern ellleti tf. II. .aliiu t- Ce.. 2 0l11mui I'enu (ivlvanla Civil Service K. K. Martin, fuii., Illnn't Justice and MnrsliM Cnuauiblei' Uuttln .. C. A. Helnllab, nlcoliel ... Wm. K, Oerhnrt, suiveyer'a norv nerv Ices Sundry imall bllli in; 11 12 vi 2 5n 0 re 1 2J .1 co 5 OJ $ 10,733 31 Recapitulation Ansec son .$ li.Oir, ri Advertising, printing and station ery Alileriiien, .lustlccrt and Constables IlrldKCS, erection and repairs Charitable nml Tenal InHtltutleni Comml.ilenurs' eillce Copy Iuk nml comparing Coienei'i Imiueftts and uett mer- tern examlniitlenn Court expunset Ceuit neuse, Janitor, An Klcctlena Fuel, urm postage Jury CniiiiulstlnnerH County lean and Intercut l'ublle ontcen Street uuil read damage, and vliw-t Mlnccllatieniit 4,811 35 15,721 1.1 4,3il.l ( I 02,fl .'17 4,502 V) SW, 211 1,107 70 30,011 m l,0J 02 4,5.1.1 8') 1.122 55 Oil 00 20,713 111 2 421 00 13,101 F0 10,7ai 31 Tet ill .2li).C"iO 50 SAM'li, .M. JIYKUS, A 8U31MT. M.HII.DKllltA.N'l', Cpunty Commit. iniiDit Atteu Kiunk (niicar, Clerk January t IS!,. Iub1-ltd.llw UOll.Klltt, XV fl'lll BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We mauiilnctuie uml keep In ileck the lei- lowing Koeiia l'ei table Knplnesen Wheels uml Sills. Stallenery Kngluei and Stationery llell. r r l'eilnble ftellers. roitubleHiiw Mills. l.arneaud Hniull lle.ler Iced Pumps ; pump nml neiueis cemnineii. Ilmk, Cerk uml Cob .Mills. Pulleys, Shatttng ami dealing Heuse Cellar Healers. Creameries lilted up. Steam Heating n Specialty Iren ami Brass Casllligs. lien Tunlisler Wuterund (111. Light and Heavy Sheet Iren Werk steam ami vaier i-ipe? Valves mid Fittings lliilld nn mi 'oer Power et Hellers l'.stlinntes given ler machlnery Unpalrs promptly amlcaielully titlendcd Jehn Best & Sen (PIlOPIUKTOUS ) Ne. m Fast Pillion St., I.ANCASTKIl, PA I iinlSlyd MUHIUAIj JNHTUUJUJKNTh. AITII.UtlX JB WI1ITK Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW IS TH K TIMK TO IIU V PIANOS AND ORGANS AT BIiAUQIITKHlNU PKIUK3. OnodeodSecomMIaml Piane 300 One Klegant Second-Hand Urgan 45(0 One Klegant Nuw Orguii, 12-Slop Couplers and Hub-liOMs 53.U) Wilcox & Whtte Organs Hern 7.'i.m te iiw.ui "Knabe," MePhnll, Qrovenatoln & Fuller, Koyateno, and Veee & Sens Planoe, All Marked Down te llottem Pilces. glyen away. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II. II, LUCKUN1IACII, A-iOllt, febl7-Ud STKVr.NS HOUSK SllAVINU AND HAIR DRK331NO BALOON. Uoetl Jonrneyinon nnd prlc. h aaiue as ether saloons. II. WAUNKIt, mylS'tld Manugcr, 60 THE SCHOOL MOAKD. TIIKIU HK41UI.ArtrKltltUAltVMKK.TINU. Itrpart or llie rrepetly mid finance Coin- iiiltlccs Seme Cliatiges In tlin riljlit HclioeU- hujicrln(fiiiie.i i'n itopert. Tlie eohuel Iie.ikI met lu common cenn oil chamber at 7 o'clock last ovenlnp, with tlin follewltitr members present : Meters. Uakcr, Brestun, Darinstotter, Ebermau, KvatiH, Ilnrtmnn, llerr, Jehn- Hen, Marshall, iucuomRey, AloiJermlok, Oblonder, Ochfl, Jlaub, itoitnensnydor, Smoyeli, A. J. Snyder, K. 0, Snyder, Spurrier, Warfel, Zoebcr, lievcrgoetpres. Idcnt. In tlie nbscnce of tlie secretary, J. M. Jobnuten, Mr. Kberraan was cbosen i-ncre-tnry, pre tern. 'llie reading of tlie iiiinutei was dU penpcd with. Itrpotteu Scheel J'rnperty. Frem tlie property committeo Mr. Ilart mati reported that ewIdk te Ibolnadciiuate heatiii;,' capacity of tlie heatcru in tbe JaniCH Htrect Rcboel It brenme necessary te clofie tbe school untttuly during ejld ncatber nud tbe oeintnltteo ilaced nn mix iliaty be.iter lu tbe school. Me called tbe attention of tbe beard te tbe bad coudl ceudl coudl tien of tbe roefa of tbe Duke street sobeols. Tbe aotiec of tbe oimtiilttce was approved. Hills I'nhl. Mr. Hvans, chairman of tlie ilnauce committee, presentcd tbe following bills which wcre approved nnd ordered te be paid : Lancaster gas lit;bt and fuel oeni pany, Ran for West OraDge htrcet rcboel, 10 80 ; Ohas. II. Harr, boekn, etc. $38 81; Fred. Vellmor, furnltuie, 424.S0 ; Jehn P. Scbatim, plumbing, etc, (7.02 ; Jehn P. Sclinum, pltitnbini;, etc., 177.08 ; A. H. Stamy, tuition, iJ32.nO; Flinn & Hronemau, Htove, i310 ; J ihn 8. Gilver, carpetn, $2.5.'5; W. I). Sprecber it Sen, mcrcbaudise.VJO.'i; Peter .Miller, ijIebM and oil, i'.i 70 ; I.an. caht'-r kh8 oempany.cas for Wejt Cliestnut street sobeol, $23 ; Inquirer printing nud publishing company, bend book, $7.00. MrIiI Schools Poorly Atlnnileil, Mr. Jehnsen, chairman of the ommit emmit ommit tce en night hoheols, reported that owing te tbe tini'sual falling oil' of attomlaneo in tbe night school?, the committeo had deemed it advisable te dtsponse with ene teacher in tbe boys' school aud oue in tlie girls' sobeol Alie, tint owing te tbe (act that the uttondaue.i in tbe cdored night school could net be kept up, it bad brrn closed. The action of tlie committee was en motion approved. superintendent's lUptut, Tlie report of City Superintendent Utichrle wan pteseuted, but en motion, was nor lend. It was as fellows : Lancastkh, Pa., Feb. 7, 1881 '!' the Jlearil of .Scheel )irecle 1: Gr.NTi.KMUN. Your city btiperiutendent lire-Fonts the following report of the public hcboels for tbe month of January : lliu whele number Of ptipili enrolled as in tbe high schools, 2 10 ; secondary, 1,120 ; primaiy, 1,800 ; total, 3,274. The avoraue attendance was lu the I1M1 school', 2;t2 ; secondary, 0"i7 ; primary 1,-101 ; total, 2,050. The averagn porceutage of atloudance was 82. The enrollment in ihe night schools was 123 ; the average nttonilance 80, and tbe percentnee 05. The Htipcrintnudcnt made 125 visits te tbe schools, aud examined hcvcu classed in tbe secondary schools and ene in the high bchoel. The number of visits in ado by directors was 210, credited te tbe following mom birs of tbe beard : Dr. U. K. McCormiek 17. II. It. lireuciuan 17, W. O. Marshall 4, A. 7. Uingwalt 22, J. 1J. Warfel 5, II. E. Shiymaker 20, S. V. Haub I. E. U. Sny Sny der 7, W. McConifey22, J. W. llyrne 11, Dr. M. L llcrr a, Wm. .lobiihen 12, Dr. II. Carpenter 1, Dr. J. Lovcrgeod !), J. I. Harttnan 10, P. MoCenomy 8, T. II. Cochran 0, D. Smeych 15, J. M. Jnhribteti 1, H.QastS, Goe. D.irinstetter:), J. Onus 8. Of these, 27 wero made te the night i-'eboels. Very rospeotfully your obediout servant, It. IC. llcniiur.i:. ailicrllaiineut ninttrrs. Tbe amendment te tbe rules by Mr. Slaymaker at the last meeting was toad tlie second time Mr. McCenucy, of the superintending nnmmittri', reported that 110 action hail yet been taken in regatd te the Seuth IJiieen t-trcet school building ; no further ti 011 bio has arisen butwoen tbe toaehors, Miss Gable aud Miss Johnsten. On motion of Mr. Iireams, Piofcsser Huelirle, the city sttporintcnilent, was giv n leave of absence te attend thu na tional convention of superintendents in Washington nnxt weak. VlrltlilgCeminilteeit Picsident Lovcrgeod auueiinci'd tlie vis iting cemmitters for the emming quaiter as fellows : Southeast ilivUieuE. G. Snyder, Henry (last and S. W. Uaub Southwest division Dr. D. It. McCor McCer mick, Cbas. Sohwcbel and I). G . Haker. Northwest division A. Z Hingwnlt, C. P. Ebermau nnd Marriett Bresitts. Nertlieast division A. J. Snyder, Gee. Darmstetter nnd J. Hay llievwi. Adjourned. A Weman Dies Inn llintUl's Ulmlr Mrs.Jnraes Stoveuson, ofSar.iuteu, died in a dentist's chair en Thumlay at tbe ofllce of W. II. Heist, after undergoing a terrible ordeal iu deulistry. She was no:empanled te the dmitist's ulllce by her fntnily physician, Dr. A Strang, who had administered tbe anicstbetie in eijunl (luantlties of ohlerform and ether. After the tlrst was given two teeth wero pulled ; then nuother dese was given aud niue troth were oxtraetcd, after wliicli a third wns administered and Uve inote teeth vvore taken. The frightened duntist then rea lized that his patieut was dead aud had been for soveral mements bjfoie the last teeth had been taken out. Efleits weie made te rcstore her, but tbey were uselcbs. The coroner is holding an imiurst and lias oeutlnuod his investigation until Friday. Mrs. Stoversou was forty yeatH old and the mother of scven childieu, tbe youtigett being four months old. The trcatment bhe received iu the dentin's chair is the Mibjcotef fcoveio cemment. Water nlelers Have 11 (limit Mleet. Plitln, Itceerd, The meter sorvice lu gauging the water used by large tnanufactuiuiK oeuconiH ap pears te have a Boed.oll'cot. Theio nte 1G7 meters new In use, aud requests are made evcry day te- the water depattinuut by manufacturers and large consumers of water for meter Eervice. Tbe result has been te prevent 11 ircut waste of water. Tlie cost Is 00 cents per 1,000 cuble foet.er at the rate of 8 cents per 1,000 (,'nllens. Iu ene case a morocco manufacturer had been navinir n water rent of WO a year. When the meter was put iu it indicated that he used the water at the rate of $075 per year, lle oemplalnod te the department, and upon Investigation it was dlscovered that he permitted tbe water te run at wuste nil night. Wheu it was shut oil' tbe meter indicated that he would uet have te pay any ruore per year than formerly. lIUcldlttlnK Jury. At Memphis en Thursday the jury la the case of Patrick Haley, 'eharged witli murderlng Aloxander Dunlap, an aged colored man, by euttlng his threat with a butcher kulfe, rotttrned a verdict of net gnllty. It wns Haley's second trial. On the first he was convletad of murder, but was granted a new trial en a technicality. WIieu the jury announced thelr vordlet yosterdoy, Judge Grear said "It wan a porfeot surprise te tbe court and a dlsgrace and an Insult te auyolvlllzed community." He had the jury pelled and thelr names pieced upon the minutes with instructions that they be nevcr ngalu summoned as Jurera in bis court. The latest news from Alrlca Ii that tlin y.ulu Mug has the croup t this news Is doubted by many, but iiotwltnatiindlng.the lrlends el tlie king iinve ent him a case et Dr. Hull's Cough syrup nnd consequently knew lilt euro ts cor cer taln. HAILHOAU E.MPI.OVEKS. Tlin leading business men el Provldenco, It. I compeao the Hunt's Koinedy Ce., nnd they guarnnlce nil testimonials published by thorn te be goiuiliie, The following dated May 1, nil, from Sir. W. II. lllanchard, Lewell, Mai,(i but 0110 et the thousand romarkable cures that nre belng made by this wouderlul medicine. Mr. lllanchard eajs . " 1 have been greatly trouble. 1 ler ever ,-It yeara with acute lililney dtsea.e, with eovtre pain In my back ami hips, 1 was lormerly employed en the llosten and Lewell ltallread, but wni obllged, owing te the constant Jar, te gtve up the rail rail lead business, m many ethers have been obliged le de, en account of kldney dlscnse I have tried many medicines, but received no permanent relief. A friend recommended me te use Hunt's Ucniedy. I purctinwlu l-ottle el oneol eurdruggtils In I.owell.nnd com cem com tnenccd te Improve nt ence nnd ntter using two bottles I was entirely Ireo from all pnln, uml consider myselt cuied, nnd I cheerfully recommend this wenilcrlul medlclne, Hunt's lteiiii'ily, te nil the suirers from kldney nnd liver dlscnse." AT I.IUKKTV. Fer a number et years 1 was nllllcted with Kldney and gravel dlsease, and suflered with pains lu in v limbs and back at limes se severe ly that It boomed that I could net cnditre It. I used several se-called cures leceiiiuienilcd ler these diseases, but they did 1110 110 geed. A lilend el mlne that bad use. I Hunt's Re medy, nnd pronounced It the best In use, urged urn te try It, nnd 1 puichnscd 11 bottle nt deorge K. Hall's drug store In Manchester, nml m-tere I hrul Used ene bultlu 1 begnn te tool much better, the paint lu the bladder and kidneys wcre reduced 11 geed deal, nml utter using live bottles 1 found that Hunt's ltcmedy had done nil that It was recommended te de. It had removed all the pain, my appetite Im proved, uuil 1 gained soveral pounds In n few weeks I have renewed vigor mid strengh for one el my years (31), nnd I can only thank tlie proprietors el Hunt's Kemedy for my geed health or today, and you nre nt liberty te publish this, thai It 111 ly lie tlie means of some ene being cured by Iho use of yeurtruly won derful remedy, W. II. Tinmi.i.. dorrs-rew, N. II., May 7. 1863. tllwdll.WAF.t'V It you don't see, It Is mainly ynurewn lnult, becaii'0 by piecurlng 11 pair el Celluloid hye-Uliu-ses, you can Improve falling eyesight se nt te see clearly. Fer sale by nil leading Jew elers mid Opticians. fl-luilceil llucklen's Arnica snlve. The ureiui'it medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily euro burns, llrutses, Cuts, Ulcers, Bait llheuin, Fever sores, Cmr cers, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chapped Hands nnd nil akin eruptions, guarantee le euro In eveiy Instance, or money retunitcil. 2.. runts per box. Fer sale by Chas. A. I.ecln r. Ih25-1vceiIAv Iteiv much xyiti de It? Hew much of Themas' Kclectrie Oil Is re quired te cure Only a very little. A tow drops will euro any kind of nn actie , nnd but n trill 11 iiinre Is needed Mr sprains and lame nesses, ltlieumntlsm Is net se readily ntlec' cil; 1111 ounce and sometimes two ounces 1110 iciiilied. Ne medicine, howevor, Is se sure te euro wlththe sumo number et applications'. Fer sale by II, II. Cochran druggist, 137 and 130 North Queeu strict. I'xcltnd 'lhnii limit. AlloNer the land nre golnglnte ecttacy ever Dr. King's New Discovery ter Consumption. Their nnloeked ler recovery by the timely use or this great llie saving remedy, causes them te go nearly wild In lis nralse. It Is guaran teed te positively euro Suveru Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Hay Fever, llrnnchltls, llearnenca, Le'B el Volce, or nny nlloctlen oftheThroiu uml Lungs. Trial bottles tiee at ehas. A, LocheiV Drugstore l.nrgoslze, $1.00, Wn Challenge llie World, Whim we pay we belleve, we have ovldence topinve that Shlleh's consumntlen Curu Is declilQdly the best Lung Medicine mndn, lu ns much as It will euro a common nt Cluenlc Cough In one-halt the time nud relieve Asth ma, llrenchllid, Whooping Cough, Cieun, mid show mere cases nt Consumption cured t bun nil ethers. It will cure where they tail, It Is pleasant te take, linrinless te thu youngest child and wn guarantee what weeny. Pi Ice, inc., 50e and it.oe. it your Lungs nre soie, (Mniul If-int liimn iib.i Ultllrtti, PnianiiD 1 1 Inn. ter. Sold by II. II. Ceclu an, druggist, Nes. 137 ami iJ'i Menu uueeii street. luor-een 1 " Don't llmry, Oetitlemen," sulda inmi nn his way te be hanged, " theui'll be no luu till 1 gut theie." We say te llie dys peptic, nervous, and debilitated, ueu't hurry thoughtlessly for some lemedy et doubtful merit, uncertain nt relief, whim you can get at the ilrugglsla ler one dollar Jlttrileck llloeil Ittttcri almost sure te euro ami certain te beueilt. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, n7nnil 130 North Cjueen street. JlAVttlNMtr. I IAV1NU l)IS.H(M.VKI) PAKTMIKSllll' IX and lielmiiiientlv closed the Chestnut tieet lien Works. I iloslre te Inform my old patrons nml the public generally, that I am still In the business, being located In the I'enn Iren Company's Works, Nmth Plum stieet, wheie 1 am making Iren uml llrnss Castings et every iloitrlptlen, and will be pleased te serve all who may favor 1110 with their patron age. Frem 40 years experience In thebuslness mid using the host material nml employing the host mechanics, I am sallitleil 1 can guai anti'ii entile Biitlslaotlen. Castings ma le Irem aintxtuie et Iren and steel which uru mero re liable ler strength uml iliiruhillty than the Inst cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, tells nnd rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings made nt very soil Iren, and brass cast ings el every description. I have nil the pat tots lit the well nud favorably known ilewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, retlttcd ami Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely titled up or in parts, te roplace old ones which have been In use ler years, guuiuutcutiig them te glve lslacllnu. iinull-dini' It. C. MeCULLBY. TLHH'AJIX, SU. 1IIIIN V, HUIIAUIYI. FURNACES and RANGES OF ALL U1ND8 REPAIRED. C'nll and soe the New Improved WROUGHT IRON COLD UAUttj Radiating Portable Furnace, The Chonpest nud Market, Hest FURNACK In the MANUFACTURK1) EXCI.US1VKLY 1IY Jetm P. Schanm, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, I tebtf I yd LANCASTER 1 A. JttJtVlVAI.. pttviNU reit AIO. Lest of Appotlte, Headache, Depression. Indluestlnn nnd fJenntlnnilnn. Illllr.naii.,an .. Ballew Face, Dull Kyet, nnd n Illoedshoil Hkln nre among the symptoms which Indlcnte that the Llver Is crying for nld. AYBR'S PILLS. ,iL8tlln.u,?.te. tl10 1,vor le proper action, mil COrrOCt nil tllCSn Imill.ll.a fl,,n nrtnnrn nn Onn or morn or tnese puis should be health Is lullvrstiiiiiiaiiiui taken dally, until Pitt0 """" Clin """"I'd te be without Avrtn's l'lutrAniw nv Dr. J. U. Aycr & Ce., Lendl, Mbsh. .,.1. . ,0l.1J,ra11 "rugglsts. Icb3 lebll-lydAw A OltKAT HUOUKH.i. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is famous for Its quick nml hearty action In curing Lame Hack, lihou liheu matlsiii, Sciatica. Crick In the Hack, hlde and lllp, Neuralgln, Hllir Joints nnd Muscles, Sore Ohest, Kldney Treubles nnd nil pains ornche olther local or doep-aeated. It seethes, Strengthens nnd Stimulates the parts. The virtues et hops combined with gums-clean and icady te apply. Superior te liniments, lotions and salves. Price, 25 cents or 5 ler $1.00. Sold by druggists and country stores. Malled en rccolntet prices. Hep Plaster Com pany, Proprietors, llosten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. O-The best family pill tnntlo-Hawley's Stomach nnd Liver Pills. 23c. Pleasant In HCtlen anil easy te lake. nev2C-lydftw (l) iinr uuuvH. KW IMl'OKTATltS. HAMBURG Edgings and Insertings. WATT, SE11 & CO., Have opened thier first Involce olthesoovor popular trimmings, uml olTer nn tmmonse variety et new styles 20 per cent. under last season's prices. Pllty Patterns nt Hand-Maile TOUCHOU LACKS In new designs at popular prices. Special Ilurgatns this weck. OTTOilON DltKSS HOOD0, new colors, 12c, worth 20c. a yard. Annnreltes nnd Albeitlm DltESS OOODi, 17c. unit 2ee., usuully sold fer23c. 51 ineli All-Weel OILHKItT CLOTH SUIT INU, 75c. ti j-aril, regular price, J1.23. 50 dozen Children's FlthNCIl ltlllllKD HOSK, solid colors, running from 10c. le 25c. 11 pair under usual pilces. Special Ilargalns lu Tnble I.inens, Olethe, ToweIb Napkins, Thu (iicat Sale of nnd MUSLINS AND SUEETINGS At less than liinnutnctuieis' prices still con tinues althe NEW YORK STORE, NO. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCASTKlt, PA 1.K K.MlNKSTOCIl. NEXT DOOR TOTIIK- COURT HOUSK SPKOIAL OFFKllINU LAKOK LOT F OF Hamburg Embroideries. Hamburg Erabreideriej, Hamburc; Embroideries -A ND- LACES. LACES. FROM A LAIIUK IMPOllTUll'B AUCTION SAI.K1N SF.W 0lth, All at Much Less Than Regular Prices. E. E. Mnesteck, LANCA3TF.ll, PA. Next Doer te the Court Heuso. c.ut2ri.iiAa, av. jum: Itl.KV A CD. SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! EDGERLEY & CO., MARKKT 8TKKKT, IN RKAR OF NKW P03TOFFICK, LANCASTKR, PA, We have nt our Factory nml Repository a Large ana splendid Assortment et PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AND- DOUBLEJ SLEIGHS. Thev are made or the Hest Selected Materlal and Finest Finish. Our motto ; " Quick sales and small piellts." It costs nothing te call and examine our work. We also have en hand A FULL LINK OF FINK CARRIAUF. WORK. All our own well known make. ALL WORK WARRANTKD. Repalrlng promptly nitendeil te. One set el workmen especially employed ler that pur pose. 11-vuuAw T.11KY'M UN1VKUSAI. 11 LT. SUPl'OSI A sure euro for everv lerm of J? TORY. Piles, internal ami external, ucning or oweu eweu lug, and long standing cassis. It has never tailed even lu cuses as long standing ns 23 te 35 yours. This Suppository in cenu shaped, easy te apply, sale, neat una clean, uml ie4S04sea overy advantage eyer olnttnents and salve. Physicians use it In their practice. Ulve It a iri.ti nmiviuiwiiiiiii limn relieved and con vinced. It your druggist dees net kcen It or tot It for you, accent ue ether, but send for It uy man, as 11 can en sum ujf i ....., Ptlee, We per box- I'mwrij 1 mjil seldljy ANUUK W U. FREY, WrumUt, Ne, 20 Kest Ornnge St,, Cor. Christian, pri7-lvilAw LnncawttirjTli. oLexniitu, lulling oho, " TO MAKE ROOM MORE REDUCTIONS OVERCOATS ! i'K !JV0cenh Hoduceil te $2.50 6.03 overcoaja Itouuceii te Ste 5J' Overcoats Iioduceil te 473 J'JS Overcoats Itcduced te 6.00 ,S-SSJ 0vurceats. Koduced le 000 ', Y overconta... Itcduced te h,ei 18,00 Ovorceuts Koduced, te 10.03 SUITS! SUITS! PRICKS UKDUOKIJ ONK-IIAI.r. BOY'S.SOHOOL and CHILDREN'S SUITS AT LK33 THAN TIIK COST OF MANUKACTUIIK. Gents Furnishing Goods OF ALL DKUCIlirTIONS, AT ONB-HALF OK FOUM KK rHICKS, ONLY TILL MAKCII 1. HIRSH & BRO!, PKNN HALL CLOTHING HOUSK, Nea a and 4 North Queen Streot. isr KIW A llATHKDIt. iii -FOR - MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. CI.OTH1NO that Is guaranteed te be Btrlctly as icprcHentcil. HKLkctiens that are elegant, fashions the Inicn, and n variety that Is completo In overy detail PltlCKS tlmtarnln harmony with the strict os economy mm squnru dealing, and which wanre curerul te have i.nifermly low through out tlie year. HKllF. excesslvn tlgurcs are never tacked upon goods In busy seasons, nnd ntterwards supplemented by prices mero reatenabln te whoop up trntle. KXAMINATION and comparison et our CLOTHING new, ai at all times, will prove that the quality et It Is equal te the best shown nnywhore, and prices ns low as the lowest quet (I by nny clothing doaler In the city. ONK PltlCK, nml h lull guarantee with overy garment we soil. MYERS & RATHF0H, LKAD1NO LANOABTKll CL0THIKRS, NO. 12 HA8T KING LANCABTKK, PA. STREET. N W rutn. MW ITEM! Having puichased thosteik nud nxturoiet the firm or 1). It. HOSTKTTKR A SON, we wllldlspoieol the Clothing new en hand nt rcinarknbly low prices. We luve leduced prices lliroiiglieut our entire stock, se It will pny you te " leek us through " II contemplnt lug puichnNltig. Hoping you will tnver us with AN KAItLV CALL we me respcctlully, ADAM BUROEn, JNO. L. SUTTON, BURGER & SUTT0M. Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKlt, PA. N-lyd G ANHMAH A IlltO. FOR BARGAINS IN CLOTHING UO TO-DAY, TO L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S, AT TIIK CORNUR OF NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE 8T8. Ridiculously Cheap Overcoats at t3.W. See thu Wonderful Overcoats at. 5.(x). Sce the Overccuts at f).50, f7:W, f s.iki, 10.10 anil 412.00. ' AlIWoelBulta at0.00. See the All Weel Suits at ti, fl0andU. Plenty or styles t reliable goods ; our own tip topmake. seu our Children's X'ants at 65c. Our Hey's rants at 90c. Our strong and heavy lined Men's Pants at 41 anil 11.23. lteinuinber thesu bargains. Consider the viilunnf yqur meney before you purclmse. Loek 111 emul nml soe II we are notuiiilpr-Keii. Ing any beUy In this or uuy eUer city. L, Gansman & Bre,, Neg. (10.08 N0IITH QUEEN BTRKET, Ktffht en thu southwest Cerner el Orongo aireet, LANOA8TKR, PA, i- Net connected with any ether .Clothing Heuso in ttiecltv. riUIB MUST V1VK OKNT HAVANA OIUAlt JL In the city. Manufactured by rnyselt and Kuamntesd te be the nnest, at IlAUTMAN'B YKLI.OW FRONT CIUAU STOUie, II ", 'tl 'I