Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 07, 1884, Image 2

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Lancaster JnielUgenccr.
Ucttcr Men Weeded.
Judge Yerke8, who has worthily sua
ceeded te the bench In Bucks county,
has been directing the attention of Uie
grand Jury and the public there te tlie
Importance of the offlce of county audi
ter, which he Informs them Is net u
merely ministerial one, but a place In
which the Incumbent has te exercise
judicial functions. " It Is net enough
te audit a bill because it has been paid.
It is the auditors' duty te knew whether
it should liave been paid or net and te
charge it ugalnst the disbursing etllccr
if it was paid unlawfully." The elllce
corresponds with that of controller in
the municipal government, which has
been dignified Inte one of great import
nnce ; as, for instance, In the ense of Mr.
PattlBen, who first gave It its real sig.
nlDcance In Philadelphia, and gained
much deserved credit for himself by in
telligent and fearless administration of
it. Throughout the counties of the
state generally the elllce has been a per
functory one, being bo3tewod most fre
quently as a petty party reward.
In this county for some years there
has been a growing disposition te make
the audita audit, but partly for lack
of capacity and partly from the lack of
a proper motive the investigations have
net always been wisely directed, and
even well intentieued movements
against some existing abuses have net
uniformly commanded unqualified popu
lar respect.
The present attitude of the auditors
in tills county, In surcharging the com
missioners with all payments made by
them, contrary te legal authority, is un
doubtedly a correct one, leaving te the
courts te declde whether the auditors
are right in their const iuct Ien of the
law. The principal subject for com
plaint here has been the enormous sums
paid out as costs In dismissed
cases, in most of which the ends
of justlce were abused and scan
dalized rather than subserved.
These bills have been paid, it is te be
assumed, uniformly upeii the approval
of the county solicitor, au official for
whose selection the people and net the
commissioners are resienslble. That he
has performed his duty in a slovenly nnd
incapable manner is very obvious, and
he will probably take refuge behind the
meagre salary paid as net suilicient te
justify the rigorous examination that
would be necessary te test the correct
ness of every bill of costs presented.
The whole system, or the abuse te
which our system of county administra
tien is subjected, demonstrates the need
of an entirely different kind of men in
the local offices. The overwhelming He
publican majority in this county has
tempted that party te the utter subordi
nation of public interests te personal and
factional advantages in lllling the county
elllces. The result Is a vicious adminis
tration of public affairs. Ne laws can
be made that will make unfit men capa
ble officials, or which will check the
rapacity of the dishonest, but once
public attention i3 fully aroused te the
importance of an office there is s mie
hope that men may be selected te square
with the place.
.V Weakening Corporation.
We are likely te have cheap telegraphy
befere long. The effeit of the Western
Union company te buy up competing
companies, which has been continued
through many years, has left it tee
weak for further essays of that charac
ter. It is only interested new In an en
deaver te keep Itself alive. The Indica
tions are that it will fade away before
the competition preparing for it. Any
strong patty could enter into this com
petition successfully ; and i he party is at
hand in the Baltimore & Ohie company,
which is actively preparing te reach
all paying telegraphic points in the
country with its lines. An independent
cable line owned by Mr. Bennett of the
Herald and Mr. Mackay, of bonanza
fame, is about te be laid.and it Is certain
te remain an independent line. As
Mr.ilackny has said te some one, inquir
ing en the subject, the owners are able te
wait long for their profits, aud this enter
prise will net be hampered by demands
of stockholders for speedy dividends.
Mr. Bennett's Interests as a newspaper
proprietor are an additional guarantee
that the new cable line will preserve Its
autonomy. The felly of the old lines in
swallowing each ether lias had a like
weakening effect In the resultant crea
tures that has met the Western L'uien
anaconda. They are both at the mercy of
the young, alert and uuburthened rivals,
by land and sea, which we knew are
coming te stay, because they are strong
enough te conquer and it will ba profita
ble te them te fight.
It is a matter for congratulation that
the often divided and betreubled De
mocracy of Philadelphia have coine te a
substantial agreement upon se excellent
a representative for delegate at large
from this statu te the Democratic
national convention jis Mr. W. F. liar
rlty. They could have presented none
whom the party in the rest of the state
would mere heartily approve. Thoceuree
f Mr. Harrlty in directing the
organization se as te present the great
est harmony compatible with its highest
efilc eney has wen for htm tlie entire
confidence of the large body of Demo Deme
crats in the interior, who knew that se
much of tlie result In thlHHiMtn ,i,.,w.,.i
upon the wisdom, the unselfishness and
the honesty which control the erganiza
lien m riiiiauefpiiiH, aud when tlie
party there puts forth one who stands
forthese the Democracy of the state
will be only tee glad te de him honei.
Mil. AYiiitklaw Hum nnd a number
of gentlemen like him, of the Heinibll
cau party of New Yerk city belonging
te ine ciass wnem Jim Belferd and Tem
Ochlltroe call " men with bangs" re
cently hnd themselves elected te tlie
city cemmittee nnd tried te capture tlie
organization there. But at tlie meeting
list night the old regulars who used te
train with Arthur walked away
with It j nnd made Jehuny O'Brien
chairman. He and the.JJuruey DJglins,
Jake Hess and Steve Trench w ill keep
control of the machine.
. m -
PmtiADKLrniA'ri experiment with
water metres proves their efficacy. These
who use water judiciously find no In
crease In the cost of thelr supply ; these
who waste It are apt te correct thelr
prodigality when they find that they
cannot make ethers bear the cost of it.
Newaiuy Lancastrians have te
apologize te visitors for the imperfec
tlens of the electric light, but in the near
future, when the Increased city t.i rate
has been rendered necessary, council
men will find it mere difficult te make
satisfactory apologies te their censtitu
Tnu prevent damp and rainy hci
has had no elfeet in chilling the enthusiasm
el the Grand Army boys.
TllK graud ledgo of the Junier Amen.
cm Protestant association whatever that
is tu session in Heading, Ins excluded
colored poepio from the order. They want
"no niggers " in their heaven.
Paknkll dillers with Queen Yie' i a m
her ostimate of Ireland's tratiqeiluv and
he will meve au amendment te the queen's
speech with reforence te the government's
policy iu the Kmerald Isle. Like ll.itique's
ghost, Paniell is hard te down.
Nil a vessel under the American 11 ig is
tit te u se for the Oroely relief expedition
and recourse must be had te Kngland for
the necessary craft. Congressmen Robin
son aud Fiuerty must this tun keep their
bauds oil the ISntish Lien's tail.
TllK system of paying officers by tees
instead of by tlxed salaries is a bad oue
and New Yerk eity in particular is made
tJ feel its ill effects. Hatter by far it the
Lancaster county practice of fixing the
salaries, thus removing the tempt itieu te
An investigation was made in l'hiladel
phi last eveniug by the police aud it was
found that 32 doers, 10 windows aud U
shutters wero left open durii'g the night.
It is little wouder that there are such oe
pleas burglars in view of this exhibition
of carelessness.
The Phiiadelphi.1 Recerd does net take
mueh stock In young Mr. Hlack," tlie
lieutenant governor ; which is uufortu uufertu uufortu
nate for the Ilteerd The Recerd did net
take much stock in young Mr. I'.utisen.
It belied him and libelled him aud opposed
his election , but he was chosen governor,
uovertheless, aud the Iltcenl still lives and
may learn.
A Knss mau advises the government
te eiler vlOO.OOO for tbe rescue of the
Orccly party. The government would
still be a great saver if double the sum
were offered, as compared with the costly
methed of investigation already agreed
upon. Hut there is considerable difficulty
iu attracting private enterprise te such au
uudei taking at any price.
The treacherous Ohie river has again
burst its bauks and the indications point
te Heed disasters similar te theso of last
February. Thus far httle damage has
occurred along the bauks of the Susquo Susque
hanna, but it is net te safe te ciew, as thu
end has net been reached. It is te be hoped
that Uie probabilities for elder weather
seen may turu out te be correct.
Jei f Dams is failing in health rapidly.
Dii. J. L. Fonweou will be the Demo
cratic candidate for ma) or of Chester.
I)i kk of Amhnv, leaving a public
meeting in Dorking, Eug., hid a q lart of
beer thrown at him.
Eaiil OnesvKNOH, whose death nas
been recently noticed, was never
than when driving an ougiue.
ShiXNEii, of North Carolina, contested
by Peele, is awarded his seat by the II jus i
cemmittee en elections by a vote of 0 te 1
Yeiiv Uev. J. 1$. Dueiiu.i.i, director
of the Catholic bureau of India') mission.!,
ries, died ou Tuesday eveuiug in Washing Washing
ten. 1,111111 Wll.Tri! Pi VflMlI-T , Inn nf tl...
,Duke of Argyll, en joys tbe distinction of
li.-iln i. llni ll ...,. In h.I I. . .. . T 1
"'" t" iiiiii, iuiii iu ucuuiuu a 1.UUUOI1
IlRI'KESi:.NTlTIK Tlh Dl I'uUir.Ullnl -E
OcuiLTitKh of Texan, is seen, it is haul, te
daughter of Jehn F. Mackey, the I'aciUe
coast many times millionaire.
J. C. S. Hlvckm UN. Kentucky's unw-
senator is described as tail, square
shouldered find Mtnnii-v lfta faiiii.,!., ,,...
handsome, nnd l.irnn hlitii nnu ,,,.., I,.,. I.
out above a heavy brown raustiobe.
..... ....-....,, ...... IHIUUOU 1IUI11 .1
speaking tour through Missouri, aud is in
rlvn. Am,.M i...i.. t . i . .
'"" "' uuu. uuncr ter president, who,
he claims, can ktriwn Mlfilinrn 111..,.,,
, " - ,'.,W,U,I .lunula
Iowa, and Missouri "with the thorough,
ness of a hired man at diuner.'' Weer
will be a candidate for Congrers.
I'llESIDI.Nl PilTlKll. nt I'nlnn n,.ll..,.n
Schenectady, will Bail for Eurojie en Sat
urday. He has just returned from Ounev.i,
where he has been in consultation with
me auineriiies ei lloeartcollogoroganling
the presidency recently offered him. It is
uuderhtoed his trip abroad is te scek the
advice of some of his relations and warm
supperters, new absent from the country,
concerning the offer.
Senvteh Loevn'h Jlve year old grand
child was perched en a visitor's kuee the
ethor day, eyeing wishfully a bright new
munui nuiuu iuu Kenueman was euerlng
him. Hut his mother, with leek and nod,
bade him tint .ip.iviiit if Tim nm f,.n...
next turned te the senator te get his per-
iuibdiuu ie i;ike ine prouereii gut, but he
fmWIl.ifl n HtIM mnrn nmriliill
Then the embryo Btatesman grabbed tlie
liuiu uuu uiti.iiiiiuu, uaii quesiieuing, nail
defiatltlv : "Wliv irrnnilii v ;, ,l,.u,i'i ...,.
any effice '"
Kllled In m Uelllery.
The central colliery or the Delaware,
Lickawaiina and Western cempauy, was
the soene of a futal accldent Wednesday
afternoon, which resulted in the iiihtint
death or a miner named Chailea Owens, a
prominent politician of Bcranten. Owens
wan lu the aet or taking down seme loose
pieces of reef when a large urns or reek
and oe-xl desconded upon him, killing him
instautly. Ills rellew werkmen, in the
bope or aavlug his hfe, ran a torrible risk
In removing the heap of debris boneath
which he was buried, but when they
reaohed him he was dead aud mingled
beyond recognition. He leaves a wde and
eight childreu,
All Umiiert hj a Vew,
A construction train en the Loulnville,
New Orleans and Texas railroad, carrying
a large foreo of laborers, while backing
around n nurvn iinnr Perf.rillii.nii Atiuua
sippl,rau ever a cow, overturning eight Hat
cars aud weuudlng fourteen men, one fa.
tally aud three dangerously.
nun samm in riuuiis.
Ilindicnl ltl III Hid (llile nml IK lilou lileu
iHtlfd I lllrmi IVmiiii DreuiuM In
Sim let (x, tltilii I Memis.
Net fei thirty-two je.irs Mm waters
risen te hiich a helijht as they did en Wed
nesday about Pittsburg, and it will be
llftj two jears next .suudiy since they
were higher tint bmtitf the guMt ll ed of
Febuiary H 1.W, mIumi the water reach
ed thirty live feet This time it came
within a few inches of that, but at clot en
o'clock yVdncfilay night, had begun te
recede. The twin cities, Allegheny and
Pittsburg, piosent a spectacle neu'r before
seen miles nf valuable property and him
dreds of houses under water. The ilis
ti ict bounded by Duquoustie w is mi the
north and Water street en the south
and from the junction of the two uvers
en Sixth street, including I'enn aenue,
Libert street, from First te Sixth treet,s,
Ferry and Short street, is almost entirely
submerged, ami every street south of Peen
avenue t ' Sharpening, adistmee of five
miles, is from oue te ten feet under
water. I he management of I. 'brary hall,
en 1'ei.n avenue, where I.iwreuce llarrett
is pi. nig, has been compelled te suspend
operations until the water recedes. The
museum, en SixMi street, is still open,
although Mirroutided by vatr, and the
inanag-r eilers frce transpertati n te and
from the niii-eum in beats At night the
city is in a s'a'e of semi darkness. The
water is up t the gas works ,md, while
tlie gas is Mill nuruieg. it is very ilitn.
Ou the se'Hh side every street south el
Carsen, from t'hartiers creek te Thirtieth,
is inundated, while all property within
three squaris of the liver in Allegheuy is
submerged. At this time it is impossible
te estimate the leis, but it is safe te say it
will net fall short of J 1,000 000 aud may
greatly exceed that auuuiut. The 1 iss in
some instances will reach fiO.OOO while u
few hundreds will cover ethers. Fully
five thousand fimilies are rendered home
less by the ilevl. Arrangements have been
made te sholter them in the public halls
ami ou Thursday morning, ami in accer
dance with a proclamation of Maier I. ion,
public meetings will be held for tlie pur
pose of making some prevision for them
until the Heed subsides sufficient!) te
permit them te return te their homes.
Every iron nn'l, foundry and glass fae
tery iu the two cities have been compelled
te shut down, while all the railroads,
except! the Pennsylvania Central, siispeu
ded traihe Wednesday afternoon. Hetween
Pittsburg aud Allegheny travel by street
cars has been completely shut off aud the
only way te get te the North S de
is by ferries, are pljuig a
lively trade. M iny p.ier families hue lest
all they i essevsed by tbe Heed. Frem all
points along the rivers, from their seurce te
mouth, comes the story of devastation, but
Wednesday night uens was received that
the water is receding, although it is still
warm and raiumg b or a time Wednesday it
was (eared that the Sixteenth street bridge
would be washed away ami travel ever it
was prohibited, but at midnight it was
still firm. Se far no latal.ties have oeoured
and no accidents have been reported. Oje
ma'i was drowned, but it is bel.eied that
he jumped into the river with the intention
of committing suicide, as be refused te
take a plauk thrown te him. The merniiiK
newspapers nre suffering great inenva
uience (rjin their cellars being ll ,ed -d.
mi; iiiiiii
I-It Icen IV-mi llrewupil Ht Mnilrtlu, uiilu
H a llllk Olllui; nnjr,
At U p. m. Wednesday the water was
WfcetiJ HLhiM iu depth a'. Cincinnati,
and the ruei was rising two inches pr
hour. The rain had almost stepped. The
lower pirt of the city was submerged.
The Ohie river has nsen at Wheeling,
W. Va., at the rate of about eight inches
an hour, and is forty feet high a vreseut
The Seventh ward, lying en Wheeling
island, is almost entirely submerged, and
the residents have abiudemd their houses
iu many eases, and in ethers moved into
the secetid stones, reacbiug their dwell
ings in skills. The low portions of the
First aud Eighth wards, at the north aud
south ends of the city, h.ive beeu under
water, and the river is encroaching en the
business streets iu the heart of the city.
.uirieiti, unto, has neon plunged into
the depths of mourning by a ternble dis
astei ou Wednesday, the remit of the-high
water. A large crowd nf people weie
standing en the biuks of tiie Muskingum
watching the dntt oil thu surges, when
the bank ou which they were standing
gave way.aud the larger vart of the crowd
were thrown Inte the rirer. Theu who
did net fall in were oreieomo with panic,
.ind mauy e'liidren were cirried awuy bi
the sw ift waters before an ell jrt could be
made te save thorn, rim wildest excite
meut prevails. Ne estimate can ynt be
made of the extent of the calamity, us
nobody knows who e irnpised the crowd
It h thought, however, that at least n
persons wero drowned.
The town is almost oenuiletolv ever
flowed, and Hundreds of families have
abaudenud their li imes, moving away in
some cases with euly thuse articles which
they could eirry in theirhinds. Tiie ruer
has reached 11 feet, and the rejHirts lrem
above confirm the belief entertained that
the preseut ll ed will be without para Id.
liii. siiyuKiMXMA ItlslMJ
femitliHl I'eit lPi,..ll May hulter linn
the I en llrntka Up.
Thu .Stiqueh.inua river at Harrisburg
has becu steadily using all Wednesday,
but the ice has shown no signs of a break
up te 'J p. in. The people iu the lewer
scctieu of the city are in great fear of a
Apprehensions concerning a Heed at
Wiiliamspert are subsiding, although
dispatches from up the river say it is still
raining. The ice gorge above Leck Ilaveu
has biokej and the head of the jam has
moved dunuti) thu upper end of Williams
pett boom. The ice is en the move for
miles up the river. The lioed iu tlie river
is new eight feet. The ice abeve the dam
is expected te go out during the night.
The danger of inundation whicli threat
ens Pert Deposit, is uncertain, dopending
entirely upon whether the iae in the river
passes cjuietly in'e the Chesapeake bay
within a day or two, or resists the pres
sure of water from abeve long eneugli te
dam the mouth of the Susquehanna. The
body of the loe moved ab jut ten feet Wed
nesday aftorneou, while its present state
el solidity is a threatening sign. The rail
road company will keep their locemotivos
lired up all night ready te meve trains iu
case of imminent danger. The water is
only about two feet abjve the erdiuaiy
The danger is that the volumes of water
new pouting from the miles of melting
snow and ice abeve will net contiuue te
hai e f n e egress into the bay. The nun a
montef asiugle tide may detormlue the
result. If it breakH the sheet el
l:e, wliie'i uew covers the river
at Pert Dopeslt, and carries the lines
quietly away with its ebb, thore will
bO 110 llOed. bllt. If Hill inn w.nlutu ..,
mere tides and is then breken by u sudden
swelling of the rlver and jammed ngatnst
the obstructions below Pert Deposit, nun
and disaater will fellow. The Ice Is about
fifteen Inches thlek, stretching from shore
te shere lu a solid Bhoet, a mile wide and
many long. An lueh or two or the risitiK
water rushes along evor its surfaoe con
cealing it rrem view save at the bauks,
Wednesday night nieu wero watehltig the
swelling current miles abeve aud belew
Pert Deposit, ready te give Instant warn
iugef peril.
Harry k. l'aeker'i AV III.
By the death of his brether Hebert, tlie
Inte Hen, II, B, Ptiuker beoatne heir te
one half of thu ast estate of his fathei,
valued at $0,000,000. He is survived by n (
maiden sister, after whiwe death the es-.
late of the elder Packer is te be man gi d
twenty ) ears by n beard of live dircctets
and thou distributed, the I, high I'uiver- ,
sity and St. Luke's h pit,il, of lltthle
hem, being the pritu- al beii'-lunatics.
Hy the will of Ham i: Packer he ex
ereises the power, unlet the w ill el his
father, which gave hen the right te dis
pose by will el about one ipiirter of the
Packer estate. He makes i few miner
bequests aud gues his wile all tin lest of
his property during hei life At hi r
death twentv twetiti thuds of it g es te
the I.flilgh I'uiversity, at lietlilehem and I
three twenty thirds te M. Luke's hespita',
llethlelieui, both of which were built and j
liberally endowed b his father. I he ex
editors ate his wi'e, Kl sha H. Wilbur, of
llethlehem, and Di K beit Limberteii,
liresideut el Lehigh I nuersiti. The will
oeutaius nothing else of public interest. It
was executed last August.
I mini; (ih I in ul ill) Amu ll,
Nmvs of a herritile outrige comes from
Putnam county, O n Tuesday in irmng
Mi-sKmmt llurtingei. a )etitig wemiu
of about tS ears of ige lett home te visit
seme friends In the neiilib rhe 1. llr
w,iv led through i piece el we,nl!anil.
While passing threiuh it she was met by
three nieu with nii'hs, wit seized her,
gagged her te prevent an outer), earried
her into a dense ttueket and ns.s.iulted
her. The soeuiidieN then tied, leaving
their victim te return home ns best she
could. She reached ilure m au exhausted
condition aud told her sterv The news
spread like wild lite, and ere v ted the most
intense excilemeut. I'lie ceuntiv is lie tug
scoured by bands ei aimeil aud incensed
men. It is sile t.isiy tint if th mis
creants are eatuht ll.i u fnt will be settled
by short sliuft ail luj lope .Miss
Itiirtenger thinks she ml be able te
identify her f.ssai' nut iltl eugh th y were
Henri Hell llenli-i ee
On I he morning of D e 2" last Henry
Dell, a prominent Puil tdelphm ace Mtit
ant, received injuries which resulted in his
death shortly afterward. The indications
were that he had been murderously as
saultcd, but a coronet's niry d-cidwl that
the death wis, The lltterd
has since been invesfg-itiug the matter,
and has secured the afll lavit of S lUy lUy
mend Cheate, of Newark, Del, who saw
Hell beiteu aud rebbe 1 hy tA, meu uear
the place where h in subsequeutly
lriirneil (nr h t uncial
Mrs. Martha Wrigh'. el Yemusviile,
Pa , was drowned en Tuesday evening
while ou her way home fiem her motbei's
funeral. Fl lating ic c irned by the high
water ever the read bed overturned the
sleigb iu nil eh she was riding. Her body
was found 10 reds trem where the acci
dent occurred. &he leaves a husbiu i aud
one seu.
Lfnclieit iiv Vl;llIHl'-
' lud" Wade, luader of the Niobrara
In rse thieves in Minticseti,has been Ivucli
ed by " Yigilauts.' It is kuewu that
three igiiauts have lynched 11 meu iu
that region, and it is susp-'cted that mauy
ethers have been put ut el the way.
A Ittl-u il Tirrer in li-xlce
The Indian pepulan ti at Tiitlau, .Mex
ice, has raised against the whites Soveu
of the principal merchant are said te have
been k llcrl and their bodies k'eked about
ihe streets by a mob. Many buildings are
Slid te have beeu burned.
It.-siiilleg it Wife Miitiierrr
lijveruer Pattiseu has respited Jehn
Dillmau, the wife murderer, who was te
03 executed at hmten en the 1.5'b iust ,
until April 'h, in order that the cemmis
sieners recently appointed miht have time
te mquire into his insanity.
ltu.ultd ui I'lKjriiii: witu I'euuci.
Near Heward Furuace, Ohie, en Wed
tifs lay a gallon of powder ignited in the
lip of Mis. William Woelotu, and au i x
plosien icsultid. The woman aliI a lIuUI
were killed and two ether children iijurtd.
The house was blown dewu.
TllK WIIirriMI l'UST.
A v'ur.i.p juiluul Vlii Hr.nlj Hella, cs lu
lit hlllcn-y.
tei tUu 1MKL1 li.KSl Kit
The question " Heselved that the
establishment of a whipping pest by law
for the puuishmcut et crirniuals would be te the moialsef the community
and the welfare of society," was adopted
for discusiieii at the nexf meeting (Mon
day oveuiug, Feb. 11, lsl) of the btras
burg literary association.
Ie modest and refined ears this may
stuiiil harshly, and in this present enlight
ened age it may be taken as a spirit of
biutahty uud bit bar if in m the p-inishmerit
of wrong doing ; but when it is considered
that the criminal in very many instances
h moved only by brutal passiuiis and
instincts in utter disregard of all the
eutre ittes, moral or religious
instiuctieu, it would seem the most ado
ipiate punishment and the only defence
that an injured, enlightened community
can adept.
It is is au old adae which says, " If a
mau will net hear he must be undo te
feel." Aud it is dem eustrably and sadly
true that many men in this onlightencd
ami Chiistian age are feiixcoptible of ue
feeling hut that of physical pain ; or, if
they have any such sense they willfully
ignore and disregard it. There are men
who allow thouiselves te be prompted
and guided aloue by the most degrading
brutal passions aud b iaBt in thorn,
whether aroused by temporary oxeitauts
or hy criminal indulgence. Their delight
seems te culminate in the intlictieu of
cruelty upon their fellow man aud in the
satining of their bloodthirsty vongeauco
at the most trivial ellense.
Such men are iucapable of reformation
by a human, moral or process;
tin y have no regard or fear for prison
bulw or bars, oveu if they could be sub
jected te thorn. The only remedy for the
cure of such moral depravity is the
prompt, curtain aud sure infliction of
bodily suffering and disgrace. And such
ii the whipping pest. Di.i i srr..
Viiniiiii lUtiuieiii M-rvlct st Hi. Mnrj'i
Oliuruli uu Hittiirility .Vlurnlni;,
The funeral of lUv, J, C. Hickey,
whose death ou Wednesday morning has
been already noted, will take place from
St. Mary's church, this city, ou Saturday
morning next at I) o'elock. Services will
be held at St. Patrick's chinch, Carllsle,
te morrow meruing, te be couduetcd by
Hev. Father Molinde, of Harrisburg. The
lemaius will thou be conveyed te thu train,
arriving iu this city at 5;lS p. m. They
will be taken immediately te St. Mary's
church aud placed en a haudsome cata
laiquu in the imve of the church, where
they will Ue in state until the dual eervlccs
en Saturday morning.
Tlie work of draping the chureh is new
lu progress. Solemn requiem mass will
he celobrated at 0 a. m., with Hev. Dr.
MeCullagh, pistorefSt. MaryV, as oolt eolt oelt
braut. Hev. Hugh Lane, of St. Teresa's
chureh, Philadelphia, will proaeh the
f iiicral sermon, nnd Right Hev, Hlshep
Mil inahaii will glve the absolution of the
body. The remains will thou be taken for
iutorment te St. Mary's cometory. Many
priests from abroad will p.utiolpate in the
lutieral services.
Hula ul llnrses unit Mulen.
Simuel 1 1 e.iH Si Seu, auctioneers, sold at
public sale yosterday. at the Styer hoiibe,
New Helland, for Ed. ICauflman, nine
head of horses for $1,51)11, amj fourteon
pair of mules for 1,201.10, the whele
amounting te $5,h?3,50.
Vl'N Al I, Isl- MOIII'-s ur,il' Mill..
rim I i illiiv Ciiiitpit ler cniiuiMiliili r - li -tij
Inr tun VV bi I.ikIiiii ( mull IhIh
dluir i Isiillmit le-iln) s
I l hi i-rOlii;
N'etwithstaudiiig the iinlferui bad
vventhei piev ailing, Midi mud Aimy visi
ters succreded in having a geed tune )cs
tenia) nnd te day ptemenading tireiiud
the city viewing the vatleus neiuts of iii
terest. The Columbia, Maiietta and
llainbndge delegations jolt ou the after
noon train for their homes,
niimbei el these I rum the western pirt of
the state hatemil their departure because
of the repmtsel lloeds prevailing in
that v iclmty. A session of the encamp
iiieul was lield vesteiday afteiiieuii, the
proceedings of which were attended with
gieat interest. 'The eterans Itights
union met in the evening ami that tu con
junction with thecamp lire at Mu-ntiercher
hall, and the presei.t.itien of " Pin.ifote "
tiv talent for the benefit of Aduiir.l1
Hev nelds pest, helped te while aw.iy the
evening pleasAiitly. M my private social
diversions were held in honor of Iho visi
VVrilln-fiU) Allrriiniiii SUs.lun
It was decidid by a Urge majority net
te change the b isis of representation se
that in future encampments every ene
hundred comrades instead of ei cry fifty,
us new, should be entitled te oue delegate.
Nominations for department commander,
senior vice cemui wider, junior vice com
minder, medie il doctor aud depirtmciit
ehap'aiu were then made.
Hit, Oltti-er t:lftteil.
'The excitement c msequent upon the
e uitest for department commander cul
minated late last evening when it became
knewu tlut F 11. Dyer, of Washington,
I'll , had received a mijerity of the votes
cast. 'The vote was as fellows
F 11. Dyer, of Washington 10J,
llee. 11 Chilmers, l'ittt,burg ... 21s.
lleiuy ('. Wiiguer, Allentown. . . s.
His l-uii lire,
L mg before the hour had arrived for
Judge Patterson te call the " camp lire '
te erder lust night, the while haired and
middle ngrd uniformed men who tilled
every sent in Mnnuercher hall were en-tuu-iixsticilly
making the welkin riug with
nouns ter,
I'eiui" for illiiinii.
i,eii us mr supnt-r
llenns, beam, biuns,
.li d ether old army seugs that seemed te
revive the youth of a quarter of a century
age in the Grand Army veteraus.
Judge Patterson was escorted te the
chair and introduced by Captain Win.
D. Mauller. He tiieu th inked the oom eom oem
rades for the honor oeuferred upon htm,
and welcomed them te the hearts aud
homes et this city, aud te the eamp lire.
He emphasised the importance et urgaui urgaui
zitien en the part of soldiers " te secure
the recognition of the just and righteous
claims of these who preserved the nation,"
and said that " Je.OOD geed and true men
i meet be despi-ed." He urged upon all
pirtieipatien iu the Yctcrans' Hights
Kcinirks ul lllatlnguliirieil Uclrgntes.
The tall form of Comrade Wm. A Stene,
Pest ', Pittsburg, I intcd States district
attorney ler the Western district of Penti
sylvauia, next inspired the cheers of the
delegaUs who, be said, had come with
him across the mountains from the " clear
aud beautiful atmesphere of Pittsburg"
te receive se dt-lightlul a reception from
the poepio of the el 1 town of Laucaster.
He eulegized the Grand Army or the He
public and mourned at the rapid tbinniug
of its ranks by reaper whose nime is
di-alb. " The thousand gene before are
net dead they ure only mustered out
and seen all et us will be gathered te that
beautiful city who,e walls are made of
jaspui aud whose streets are paved with
GeuernI W II McCartuey, of Wilkes
bat re, 'rejoiced mere aud mere, as each
suce eding year's .tlteni.ite bcaseus of frost
aud suusluue come aud go, reminding us
through the whitening hair nud unsteady
step of theso who sived the uatieu's life
that their race is nearly run, that I belong
te the Grand Aimy of the Hepublie."
General McCaituey declared that if he
must talk he would rather talk te soldiers
than te any ether class of people he knew.
He loved te face a soldier without a
musket ; for it is no respecter of persens ,
its highet.t ambition seeming te be te get
up a Itinera! ; aud he didn't yearn after its
attendance up iu his own funeral.
The general continued iu this strain for
several minutes, evoking rears of laughter
and tumultuous applause. Iu conclusion,
he ventured the prediction that until thu
vast army represented before him had be
come only a tottering squad, their hearts
weuid beat rcsponsive te their country's
A Mu.lcul lull nil. union.
Comrade Wm. IJ. Hall, of this city, saug
Bayard Tayler's " Crimean Camp Seng "
and in response te the hearty oneoro ren
der! d "A Fine Old Arkans.iwOoutleman."
In the course of the evening Prof. Hall
also sing " Marehing Through Georgia,"
(tbe vast audicnoe joining iu the chorus),
aud thu "Uugle Seng."
Otticr Atliiresecu
General Hubert II. Heath, the commander
in duel, congratulated the Jopartmeut of
Pennsylvania iu the supremacy which the
Keystone statu maintained as the banner
Grand Army state ; he also reminded his
audionce that thore were scores of thou
sands of seldiers who are net yet sharing
iu tlie botiefits of tlie Grand Army. " Ge
en until we have made up the grandest
association iu number .is it is new iu ob
ject." At the oloe of his address thrce
hearty diners were given for the spoaker.
General Leuis Wagner, or Philadelphia,
said that thore were only two Pennsylva
nia counties Pike and Fulton in which
there was no Graud Army pest. IIu de.
clared that there were just as many soldiers
iu this state out or the organization as iu
it. He urged upjn his fellow comrades
that they put fresh zeal into thelr work
and go forth determined te soeuro a total
mombership of 50,000 before the meeting
of the next state encampment.
Cel. J. P. S. Gebln, of Lebanon, felt
like taking exception te seme of the re
marks. He denied that these men are old.
"Yeu are the heys, the heys of '01 1" "It
is a mistake te say that this Grand Army
will pass away. It will stand at Gettys
burg, at Petersburg and at Appamatex,
until the last syllable of recorded ttme."
Colenol Celiln strongly rcoemmoudod that
measures be taken te preserve the records
of the battles fought aud victories wen by
thu Pennsylvania troops, se that all might
be permanently proservod nothing lu ex
tonuatlen, naught In malice aud ovory evory overy
thiug true.
A UIU7 Cel rit mother.
Undoubtedly tbe feature of the evening
were the two addresses of Comrade Hec Hec
eor, of Yerk, ene or the dezen colored
dolegatcs prosent. He declared that he
was net from Pittsburg, evon if it was a
" dark aud smoky oily." He oxpressod
his joy at the opportunity of addressing
his comrades, ami his pleasure at belng
able te add beauty te the assemblage by
thiewlng en a Httle coloring. He related
hew his geed old " Missus " had roeom
mended the drinking or buttermllk te
ohange his oemploxlou, aud hew one
oveuiug he went into the cellar deter
mined te " bleaeh or bust." The doctor
saved his life, nud new he was hore te re
miud his hoarers that they had
homes, ehurches and soheols te light
for, while the dark-skinned poepio of his
own raoe had uelthsi Hag nor country and
a very peer home ; novertholossthoy went
shoulder te sheulder with the white mau,
"and new I greet you and you groet me as
comrades of the Graud Army of thu Re
public -Iho only iisHiiolutien this slde of
heaven where blank men nnd white meu
mingle ou n feet of equality." Mr. Hecter
concluded with u puelle reference te Abra
ham Lincoln's name. 'The hull faitlv
shook with the pioleugcd applause thill,
ensued. He was again called te the fieut.
He cxpliiiiiul that it wasn't Ins fault t hut
he was hlack. "Ill had had uiv way I
would have hum au uugel " lu conclusion
Comrade Hecter entered a c uiiplaiiit , he
declaitd that he was a Methodist preacher,
and new would be compelled te undergo
the chagilu of seeing this vast audience
go awa) without having the oppeilunit)
or taking up a celli otien !
Iltlmr hrHturts ul ttin I utii lire.
Ceuiiaile Forleseue leeited " Kentucky
Phil niiiphv." and An-dslim Adjutant
General Mewart, " Jake Selinetdei'ii
Hide." A K Ster) told efthe Luicastei
boys in his regiment who used te receive
" snlu " fiem home, and thatiktil Ged
that, although men who laired their hands
against the nation euje)ed positions of
tiust and honor under the geveiiimuul,
t In y could tint cuter the Grand Army id
the Republic , Chaplain S.t)cis lemlnded
the audience, that he became a Grand
Army mill iu this city In lsi)7 , M.ij ir
Ueineehl " fell as I listened te Comrade
Ilectei that it was vveith all we fought
for te help stiike the fetters rrem the
slaves" 'There were loud c ills for Com
rade Man letl Hrnsius, but huwasuetin
the hall. 'The meeting then adjourned.
I tin Vilrr-ins' nights' Union
This eigani. Ulen inetiu the court house
last evening, sixty eight pests being up
resented The following ullieers were
elected :
President J. C. Aitkin. Pest ltll
Ylce Presidents Ueorge 11. Thatcher, of
tlie Philadelphia i7Uircr,lst Pit) , This.
G. Sample, of the Pittsburg Lender, Pest
l.'S , N. G. Wilsen, Pest 0.
Secretary K. Caldwell, Pest U
Treasurei (I. J. K. Miller, Pest 10.
Much iiiipeit.iut business of u private
nature was transacted ; all tending te the
object of the asseei itien and the protection
of the voter wis' rights. The atteu
tieu r all the PeiiusvlvAiiii congressmen
is te bn cilled te the propriety of enforcing
the federal suitutes which declare that
veteran soldiers shall have prefeimeut in
official appointments.
TiiritMiiY vimiMNu,
The contest for the offices which was
begun last eveutng was cetitinued at this
mornings session with the following te
suit :
Fer senior vice c until indcr, Austin Cur
tin, or Pest 201 Hellefeiitn, received .t.M
votes; Clgir Welsli. Pest 7, 171 , L U.
Atkiuseu, Pest 131, OS ; M. Fullmer, Pest
I, is. Austin Curtin was dec'arcd
elected. Director H. Hakcr, of
Pest 21, iccoived 111 vetes , Win. Gnehug,
Pest HI, .(.' , S. II. Snavelv, Pest 1U0. 10 ,
J. 11. Davis, Pest UU, ... J. U. Davis
was deel ired eleeted.
Department Chaplaiu I. W. Sa)res, of
Heading, the present incumbent, received
101 votes, and IJ. F. Heyle, of Irwin City,
120 Chaplain Siytis was declared re
elected. Junier Yice Commander. The n' niggle
terminated this afternoon iu the uiiiiui
meus election of 1) maid Caldwell, of Pest
l'J, of PhilAili-lphui, all tbe ether caudt
dat8, including Maj r Fasiiacht, of this
city, having withdrawn in his favor.
The fir. -it ballet for council of adniiiur
tratiuu resulted iu the election el K. G.
Sellers. Four mere ate )ct te be elected.
Auether ballet is in progress as we go te
I'lr.entHlieii lu (Inner) llmnlirl jtit
Al ab mt ten o'el 10k Gen. II. A. (Iam
bi ight, whose hiitlerlug from a slight at
tack of illuess prevented his participation
iu the councils or the oucimpmetit, was
very agreeably surprised at Ins rcsi
deuce ou North i'iiuce street by quite a
large detachment or his old command, the
79th regiment, who came te witness the
presentation te himself by Sergeants Goe.
W. "Singleton, W. P. Kigle ami , Ine. L
Dilfeudnrfer, of Ceiupiu) C , uf photo
graphs of themselves hiudsomely framed
in gilt. Tlie presentation speech was
made by K. Iv. Mai tin, esq, and was
foelingly responded U by General Ham
bnght. General Negley, commander or the
brigade te which the 7'Jth tegiment was
attao'ied, aud Colonel Grimm, or New
Jersey, also made addresses. Tlie threo
sergeiuts who tetulered te their old com
mander this ettering of their resect aud
aileotien formerly lived in this county, but
nil are new residents of Philadelphia.
Simii lly tlie l.itiiciister.Utiiuiiitiiy.
'Tlie lower part of Fultui opera house
was crowded last evening with an appre
ci.itlve audience, who had assembled te
hear and sec thu presentation of Gilbert
aud Sullivan's pretty open "Piuafere,"
by the Laucaster epira einipauy, for the
benefit of Ailmital Reynolds pest I0.", G
A. It. There was a large attendance of
the representatives of tins organization
as spectators uud the performance scorned
te be very well enjoyed. There have been
ue changes made iu the cast of the com
patiy, consequently the opera was roil reil
dend by the same individuals who gave
it en Thanksgiving day last Thore is
improvement noticeable, aud the applause
roeoived last oveuiug was geuoieus.
Much mere vigor or expression in speak
ing, acting aud Hinging is quile uoedftil te
secure a geed reception te the company
outside el their native city. The leading
diameters, especially, should net forget
IlKAlll ATA I'lllK.
1'ul Inn WhIIs Ll
mli rmir I'i rjiuis In Allou Alleu
tuvvii. At a fire in Allentown en Wednesday
night ut the furniture factory uf Gressman
&, Ivliicuter, the heat or Inside burst
the building with a loud oxplosien, and a
sheet of ilame seme fifty or sixty feet iu
width swept out with a horrlble hiss.
Ladders and men went down boneath the
falling wall. Four men are known te have
been killed and seven Injured. Among
the latter was II. IC. Kurtz, who will be
remembered for the Beus&tienal breaking
of his marriage ongagemout te a daughter
of Judge Leugakcr roceutly. The city Is
in the greatest oxeltomoiit evor the affair
and u subscription for the f.unlies of the
dead has already been started.
Trounle Over n. County Atlas.
Oxlei'il 1'ieis
A number of New Garden, Choster
county, farmers have refused te take the
uew euunty atlas new beiug delivered,
They claim that the agent who took their
subscription misrepresented the ntlas In
that he Infermed theni the township maps
were only ten cents aploce and agrced te
take but few of thorn. The delivering
agent admits that the maps are euly about
that prlce, but that the agroemont was
they were te take the whele number com
prising the atlas, about ISO altogethor.
The same trouble exists lu ethor places.
One subscriber threw the atlas into the
ead, and went te oensult a lawyer.
Acclilent te mi Kuglnn.
List ovenlng the fireman of company
Ne, 1 deolded te take their herses out for
a Httle oxerotso and try the onglne, The
animals wero a little frisky and begau te
run, At the cemer of Mulberry and
Orauge streets, the wheel of the engine
struck thu street ear track and the maohiue
was upset. One wheel was badly breken,
Messrs. Kautz, Waters and Uaiemau wero
en the engine at the time, but wero net
Ilelore ilia ftlnjrer.
Th) mayor had flve bums bofero Urn
thlBmerning and nil wero dlsoharged,
Al. I ION OI' ( llll SOILS l.AHl I.VKM.Mi
Inn ltiniii ul Urn I'liiNiur, I'liy'l i sitniti tr
mill Oilier (Jiiinnilltmi-i Km I I luin
Itiiilnr. In Uiiiiiiiinii Oniiiit II.
A slated meeting of both hr inches of
councils was held lu lhlr lenpective
ehiimbcrs I ret owning.
fl IpiI Clliilicll.
'The sc lec branch wascillml te erdei by
PiesulKiit llerger, the f'lliwuig luemhers
being present :
Messrs. Maker. Ilaldwlu, llergnr, Hiewn,
Ddler, Hvans, Wolf, Wise ami . icher.
'Thu minutes or the last meeting wero
lead uud approved.
Tim report or the edy treisurer was
presented hy Mr. Hvans, and It showed
that the receipts Ter the last mouth were
).1,;1M7 07 ; expendilnres $1,H.J8.I , bil
ance in tieasuty, fJO.O.M) SS.
Mr. Hvaus also present! d the repot t of
the llnaiice Ciiminlttie, vvhMish iwed that
iu Jantliry bills were approved te the
amount et 3(1 a.U.l'l The yeinmitteu
placed in the sinking fiitul S V)0 of 0 per
cent, and 10,1U0 of ,'i per cent, city bends.
'The bill or thu Peniisylvaini Glebe and
Gaslight company was icfeiied te euu
The report or the eeuiui'tteu en fire
cuginrs presented by Mr. Hvatis showed
that bill had been apprevid te the iiniennt
of JliOti.-l t. 'The committee ordered that
(iiigiun linuse Ne. 2bn painted outside.
Mr. .eeher prcseuted tlie report of the
water committee, unit bills te the iiiiieuui
of s i.t ',j were shown te have been up
proved. Thursday, April 21, was up
pointed as the day of nppeal for water
leuteis, 'They reported Uu ir tup te New
' rk te inspect thu Worllnngleu pump
and the assurance of Mr Wortliingteu
that the pump wil be shipped in three
'The bill handed in fiem the Pennsylva
ula Glebe Gaslight company came up for
action. 'The lamp committee had ap
pieved it, but the llliauce cemuiitti-ii ob
jected te its being p-iid until ccitaiu
deductions bid been made. 'The fe'l liv
ing report which Mr. llvans hud received
from the police, showing the number or
gasoline lamps net lighted in the months
named, was rend :
April S te May 1 2.10
May M
June till
July IF,
August 220
September 00
October ii'J2
November 'J.'l
Dccombei 7"2
'Total I, ills
'The deduction made for each limp is
0 cents per uight, and Mr. Evans ar;ueil
that deductions should new be tiimle fei
these lamps net burning a total et jj'i ;
Mr. Hakcr objected en the ground that
neither the finance committee nor councils
had power te go back further linn n,s
mouth te make such deduction ,.
Mr. Hvaiis said he was surprised tint
Mr. liaker, as a lawyer, would assert th it
iu such nn account items could net be
charged up At any time.
Mr. Hiker iu reply sml he a is r irpnsed
that a business man who has gau.i d such
a reputation as Mr. Lvaus, would ap
prove bills month after meii'li without
being sure tint they were eiinvt. He
wanted te knew why these doduHieus
wero net made at the cud of eieh month
Mr. HvanssiKlthat the bills worn ap
proved by the tliiaueu eiinmittee bocause
they had been approved by the I imp com
mittce, who w -.-u supposed te kn iw tint
they were correct, lie had receive I Mm
report of the police oilleers bat reumiily.
Mr. llakur moved that the bill be pud.
with deductions for the mouth of Decum
her only, and the motion was cart ml, as
fellows :
Yeas Messrs. Ilaker, Bnger, Dilkr,
Wolf, Zecher.
Nays Messrs. llildwiu, I. ms and
Ceiiiiniiu ueiiiiiil.
In the absence of President Hurst, Mi
Kiddle was chuseu chairman el the meet
ing or common council. The fellow mg
members wero present :
Messrs Adams, Il.tre, lleletnus, ( .
meny, Dnmuth, Kbcrman, Kv.uts, II trt
ley, Henry, Leng McLiughlui, It Idle,
Schum, Skeeu, Spaeth, .-iteriuf jIu.
Thu minutes of the last stated ineettug
were read and approved.
Mr. Coruteny presented a petition limn
citizens iu tlie Fourth ward protesting
against tlie taking away of the electric
light from the corner of Yum ami Water
strcets, and asking that it be p-placed.
ltefcrrcd te lamp cemuuttic
A petition was presented lrem citizens
asking that the water pipe be i xtended
te the residence of Nicholas Me) is en
Poplar strcet. Huferred te water cjiii cjiii
mittce. Mr. Demutli offered a res ilutiuu li tin
ellect that select and common councils
autheii.u thu mayor te draw his wan i it
rer V te reiinburse Henry Deichler, w'i
was fiued that amount ter driving evui the
flru onglne hose, contrary te the cidiuance
prohibiting such act. Thu reason for this
is that he paid the flue befere the erdi
tiatiae bec.iniu a law.
The resolution was a (opted. N-k-Lt
council concurred.
ceuur ei (,o-u.-tie.-s
Vurillctslleuili mil nml Nun Sulis Kutt-ri-il
llieJury Dltcliiirceil.
Ill the oaseof Hli Lybe vs. the suiviving
partners et the firm of I). Hair A. Ce., the
jury round iu laver of tbu plaiutuf lei
In two ether cises bieught by Lybe
against David Hair, the phuuti!) agreed
upon non suits upon payment of costs by
the dofenso.
Huulek Hacker va, .Martin II. Fiy. Tins
vvasau action te recover $Ui 'iO idleged te
he due ler the manufacture of 0,000 cigars
at 25 cents per hundred.
'The dofenso oeiitoulcd that Hacker had
consentod te deduat from Albert Garuun,
who werked for him the mini due te plain
tilT from Fry. At the time Haeker had
i'M in hand due te Garman, who was iu
dubtcd te Fry In a mueh l.irger amount.
The contract was donled by the plaintiff,
who called Albert Garmau te sustain him.
The jury this morning fettud In favor of
the plaintiff for the full amount, with iu
terest from January, 1883, te date.
In the ease of Gettlcib Sjiath vs 11.11.
Ilerr and wife, the jury rendered a vcidict
In favor of the plalntlll for $110.
Ne ethor cases worn ready fur trial and
the jurors were discharged.
A oharter was grautcd te the Lancaster
base ball dub.
Lewer Kml Nutrt.
Oxford l'resi.
Jes. C. Jamisen, of Little Britain, aud
Jeslah Hrewn, el Fultei tevviishlp, are
bothprestrato en a sick bed, the former
suffering from pneumonia nud the l.tttec
from typhoid fover.
W. II. Scott, of Hlehland county, Ohi ),
Is en a visit te Ills old home in the lewci
eud of the county. Mr. Sjett is ongtige 1
in farming nud gives n geed report of Ins
section of the Iluokeyo statu, He retuniH
this woek In erder te he home iu time for
maple sugar miking.
Hev. Dr. C. W. Stewart, of Union eim
te Oxford last week. He left a geed huf
fall rebe In Blaek's llvery stable oillce
while attending te business. During Ins
absoneo seme person onterod the otlleo au 1
took Mr. Stewatt's and left his old ene iu
stead, It la suppesed it was done in