t ILanxMte; cT Veliinif XX--Ne lffli LAlNOASTEH, FA , TILUUSDA.Y, FEBRUARY 7, 1884. Price Twe Cents. I' 1,11 Mil I XU ANlt UAH FITT1NU, MKIHVAl. :a PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. Tin Reefing and Spouting, Gas and Ceal Oil Chandeliers, STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES, -GO TO FLINN & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. IIMIN I. ,MII,II, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, tSTFincst Werk, Best Workmen. Lcave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. e liiiine ren aii. 1 fcll, PAIiMrilUU Ditr tuwn.H. I 1 KO. KAIINI'.STOUK. lUIH'S (H,l) HTAND, NO 14 EAST KINO STREET. LANCASTER, l'A. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and. Notions, in Great Variety. A Fl l.lnvnt Lit Ilea' and 'illdren's COATS, CLOAK' nnd DOLMANS nlway en lmml. Silk Plushes ey the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our Dress Making 1'niler in" en tlie wcend nml thlnl fleer, whute Dii'mci, CeuU, Cloaks nml Delmans mn iiiudn tit short notice. Perfect (It mid satNluclleii guaranteed, wlwlhcr goods urn purchased here or cnt te be inuile up Iieiu visum here. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET. - - - Lancaster, Pa. Less of Ainlltit, lli'ftilnclm. Depression, Indigestion nml Constipation, lllllnusncss. a Hullow Knc, Dull Kyes, nml u lllnndshed Hkln nre Among the symptoms which Indicate that tlm I. Iver It cryfng lur ndl. AYER'S PILLS. Will MltnulfUn tlie I.Iver te proper action, and comet all Hum- trouble, One or morn el Ihcsn pill. should hn tukun dully, until liriiUli Is Hilly i'kIhIiIMiciI. Ne lamlly can iifTenl te by without Avr.ii's I'lLl mKrAniiu nr Dr. J. V. Aycr & Ce., Iiimrll, Mass. Held by nil Druggists. feb.1 febll-lyil.tw 4 IIKKAT HUUUKH-. HOP PLASTER. This porous plnster Is famous for Hs quick runt lirurly hciIeii In curing Liiimi lluck, Khi'ii mallttin, Sciatica. Crick In the llai k, rlilniuel llln. .Neuralgia. SHIT Joint and Mii.cIfM. Snre Chest, Rb'ney Troubles nml nil pubis eraches either lecnl or drop-seated. It soelhos. Strengthens mid Mlmnlates thu parts, 'ihe virtues nl hop combined wltli 1511111. -clean nml ready 10 apply. Htipurlnr te IlnliniuitM, lotion, ami mil vr.. I'rliu, ''." cents or .1 ler tl.oe. Sold by iliugglsl nuil country slnies. Mailed en receipt et prices, eji flatter Com pany, Pioprleters, Husten, Mess. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tlie best family pill tnade-llawley's Stomach nml Liver Pins. IV. i"rmut In action mul easy te take nevflJ-lydAw (l) It V 31 A tlUAttO. r iiv.MiKU i'i;i;in.i.i:it te. IID.NKY-tVOUT. DOE WONDERFUL Cl'EES OK KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. llcc.iUHOltnrtHen the I.IVKR, liewri.t and KlDNKYauttbM HAMETlMh. llccause It rlriti. c t lie yptetn of thu polen 011. litiiueiN tlmtiliTelep. in Klilney mul t il nary lJIgeimr, lllllluu.iii'., .luiuniK, C'entl nutlen, l'llc, or In RliKiitnatl.in, NunrtilKla, Nervous DIfierilcM nml all KruialoCenipluliits. 69-SUUD I'lWOFUFTJim. It wIllHurFlyCiireCONSTirATlOV, IMI.KS unil Itlll.UMATlitM by ciuhIhk KltKK ACTION et all 1 10 organs uml limctleiiH tlicruby OLKANSIHO THB BLOOiJ. lEr.tetlnj thu nermul jinn'ei te threw oil illieiue. THOUSANDS OK U.VSB1 Of tlm wer.t forms of tlioe trrrtbln iluiuiei lmvn bcenrjulclcly rnllevcil, mid In 11 jliert tluiu 1'KKKr.CTI.Y CCISKD Trice. II. I.lquliler Dry. Sold by ilriiifgiita. Dry enn bn prut by uiull. WE1.I.S, ItlCUAltDSON A CO., HurlliiKten, Vt Eund ktamp ter Dairy Almanac for 11J4. KIDNBY-WORT. A WAR STORY, TUtlTll NTHANUKU TflAS IIUMON. 'I lie Trlliiilall'in. of it Heliller and Tlillr Muppy Termination lu ttin HWiiiivdry tit an Old MvrttnrArt. Seme ye!rn bofero tlie late war Otln litir litir ten, n former rcltlent of Banger, left te neck IiIh fortttneB in U10 vpct. lie ilrifttii te MIsHeuri, whero he met an nccnniiliih rd yfdtiij; Ift'ly with whom he fell in leve. 8he was pleatied with him, but bofero he inaile his iianslen known slie nioveil te 11 dlstnnt part of the Seuth. About thin tune the war bioke out nml the two boeh lest traoei of nadh i)ilir. IJurteu joined the Union inny mi I wan neon nfterwnrd wounded, and as it wat nuppescd hu would die it letter wan seat te liln mother lorerminii nor mat no ceitiu ftet llve. He, hewever, wan blrsnrd with a kecmI cotintlttitien nml rccevcied. Ilu went baelc te Ills reftlmrnt and was detail wl with a company te tnVe nuiiptii'H aores the pUliiH. Tlie jiaity wat attacked by ludlaim and every man in the fotce ex cept himself killed. He was te have been ulain with the lest. The Indi.inn decided te let him llve and took liiii a prisoner te their retreat in the meuntai: n of the .Smith west. He gradually iccnercd fiem weundn he had rcceivwd in the encmnter, and inade himnelf aifrerable te hia captern and adapted himself te their w)s of llv. ieR. After he had been in captivity six menthn or moie he wa.-) allowed mere lib erty, and new bcttni) te watch for a ohauce te csenpe. The Indiann had stolen a num ber of penlca, and among tUcse wnn ene which Hurten'n practised eye showed him wan highly bred, swift, and with peed and onduruneo. Thin pony was cared for ad petted by Hurton, and he was allowed te riile him. One day he strayed away further than usual, and though net ac quainted with the country made a dash ler liberty. He was olesely puimeil, but the gallant bttlopeny had tlm " bottom" for .1 winning; race. He rede for three days and thou begzu te ttee that he was t'cttiug out of the hestile country. In the distunue he saw a house which he knew must be inhabited by whiten. He shouted with lev. fcelinir that he had gained free dem at last- He knocked at the deer of the house and a nurprise awaited him. It wn8 opened by the woman whom he had loved In lang syne. He was at ence recog nized and received a heaity welcome Hurton told his udventurcs and narrow escapes te a willing listcusr. She, tee, told liur story. Shu had marrwd a con federate, olhcer who was afterwards killed iu battle, and new bue owned the farm she occupied. In it nccesnary te tell the rest V They were betrothed, and thore was a merry wedding and the happy oeuplo are still hviuc in a Southwest ttate Surely in real life are romances an str&uge and raore iiitersstiiiu than thoe weaved by the fertile brain of the novelist. lC(j5ed.lw (3) SA" jikitan mkkvim: Mr;vr.it ru, HUMAN CS-'D'A.NO. Cotnpecod cl Puie Haman Slxoremont and Urine. Uurlvnled for Whent, Tobaceo, Qrnea, Cern, fce. -SOLD 11Y- WM. II- JONKH. Ne. t.tKl Market Htroet! C. 11. UOb-KKS. Ne. 1S3 llnrket Htroetj el'.AIIAM, KJILK.N X PASbMOllK. Ne. fill Mnrkut 3tnet ; J. UIKKK A. HON. llruncntewn lMitiadelplil.1, ami rinponsible ib-aler. cenrrully. OPFICE.-N0. 'V,V.i Chestnut Btroet, IMiIluiIeliihiu. nuKlWlmd O. MU33BLMAN, Ageut, Witiuer, Lanoaater oeuuty, Pa. SAMARITAN iiuu. men, ,tv ri'HK BEST STEM! ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We manulacluie anil la-op In Bleck tlie fol fel fol lewliiKKOOdt rortuble huklmwen Wheels ami Sills. .Stationery KiikIucs uml stationery llelluri. Portable flellerH. l'orlable Saw Mills. Larue an I binall lle ler Kent I I'umps ; pump nu I hi-alcrn eeiublneil. Dark, Cerk nml Cob Mills. 1'ulIejM, hli.iilliiKuiul ueurliiK llimnn cellar Hunters. (.reainrrleH ilttuil up. Steam llnitliu.'a bH chilly Iren and llnu.s Canting. Iren TankHter Water anil Oil. I.lKlittimt Heavy Hlicnl lien Wmk Hliiam ami Wuter Piped. ulviidlind KlltliiK. liullil uny Stylu or Power el llnller.1 hBtliimtusutwii for machinery llepaliy prumptly muleuuilully attended te VUAl.. 13. II. MAltTIN Wholesale and ltetall Dcilur In ail klnU of LUM1IKU AND COAL. -fnnl: Ne. 4'i) North Wnterand rrlnce ntreuts above Lemen Lancaster. ni-lyd 1) AUMUAUDNKltd A JKFITKUlh. COAL DEALERS. Jehn Best & Sen, (.'UOl'lllLlOu , OKi'ICK1. Ne. 'il Neirrn tJtiitnN BTiiHirr, un Ne. Mil NOIITH l'lUKCB HTBK1IT. YAltDS. NOIITII I'lllNCil BTKKirr, KAn IlBAD- ini Durer. LANCASTKU, l'A. miKl.Vttil CIOALI tin a 1. 1 j The umlerslKueil ha.i for mile, M. Ills Yard, Cor. Andrew nnd S. Water Sts,, alaruuussortiueiit of tlie very beat kinds et Ocal for Family LTbe, uhlch he will ilelUnr, enuifully wulgluM nml si leeneil, te any part et thu city at the lowest mat kid rates. Outers by mall or telephone tilled promptly julyl'J-ttd I'HlLir OINDKlt. MANIJHK AND U1IAI, New Yerk ami l'hllndelphhi llorse Ma Ma nuie by the carload at reduced prices. All the 11KST UKADEb OF COAL, Ileth for Family and Hivain purposes. CKMKNT by the barrel. HAY and 8TUAW by the ten or bale. Yaiid .111 HartisburK l'llte. Uuhviial Oriuu MX Kaat Chedtmil stroet- Kauflman, Koller Sz. Oe. aerl-lyd lanlMyd Ne. 333 Jfesl rulteu St., LANCASlhlt, l'A alAVlllXKHV. I IOAI.. M. V. B. COIIO 330 NUUTU WATtSH HT., Umemter, 1 e.. Wholesale and ltetall Doulers lu LUMBER AND GOAL. Uonueotlon With the Telephonic KxcIikuka. Yanl ami Offlce Ne. SaJNOllTH WATKIl STUKKT. febM-lvu NERVINE! THE3 GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR. The only known ;ireiylefer Kpllcptle Ktu.ma - Aim ler bpasuis and Fulling bli-l:ness.TV4 Nervous Weakness nukkly lelleveil and currd. Kqunlleil by nnnu in ilrllrliiinef fever. -68 Af-N'outrallcsKeiuiset dlsiaiiisandelekiies4. Ciirei UKly blelches and siubberu tiloed mue. Cleait'en bleed, um Icki-tis m! unlili circulation Kllinln.it p llnlls I'm bum le. and f-caliU.-kl j-l'eiiimni!iiil nn I promptly rurea panuy- Is. Tes.lt U achaiuiln and ln-allhlul Aperient. KlllsScudulaand lvlni;3 FMI, twin bielliers. Cli WRi'H bad brr.it h te Knod, r meln caii-e. a-teiil biliousness and eliniis eouiplevleu. CharinliiK leselyeiit and in nchlc-i-i btxatlve. ltdllves Slct lleudai hu llku tLe wliid.-a AS-Centnlns nedinstlc calhailte or opiates, l'remplly cures iheuinall.in !J leutliiK 1I.-V4 Itrsteicsllle Klvinii propel tli s te the bleed Is Kiiarauteeil te cult) all nervrun dtseidi rs. A4-Urllable when all opiates lull. -4a lletrt'shes the mind and lnvlueiutcs the bed. Ciiii'h dyspepsia or money ii'lundd.-u 4urKniterseil In wiltlui; by oer illly thou sand LrndlnKPhyslclnns In I'. H. and Kurope.-bt Leading cleiKymen lu L. a. uud huiepe.'US Dl.eases et the bleed eivn It n ceiKiueinr.ni Fer Bale by all leadliiu dnirfulsli. l..Vi.-l Tim Dr. S. A. lllehmeiid Mr Ileal Ce. 1'ieps. bt. Jeepli. Me. Chas. N Crittenden, AkciiI, New Yeik City. nprll-lyeeiKtw (J) 11. V3 CICr..VU IIAL'I. J CATAUU1I, UAV-rKVKK. ELY'S CREAM BALM CATAI1UH, COLD IN IIKAD. UOiK-l OLD, HAY-FKVKIt, DKAh.NKsb, AND IlKADACllK. Causes no Pain or Dread. Olves llellef at Ouce. Net 11 liquid or Hiinfl. Appllrdwlth the tlui;er. Thorough treatuivui 111 eu:e. KA8Y TO UbK. l'llec&lceuta, by mall or at drui.'UtH. ELTC BnOTHBRS, UVceilAw DriiKillsts, Owoje, N. Y. Uaritit unit Irvluc It has been announced publicly that Mr. Uarrett ban leased Henry living's Lyceum thoatre iu Louden for eome time iu next March until Mr. Irring's return te it a few weeki later. Uut the ci. cum. stances leading te this engagement have net ben announced, anil it 's upon thrm thai tLe Restip .hAiigs. Mr. liairett is rccegiileed ai timeng the foremoet of Americau tresdlr.n. uml net n few erltim awaidhim thepalru 1'utoren the brightest of American stare have shown with a dim and llieiering liglit in tlie L union fog. The liritish are pione te exclaim, "Can any geed eonie out of the transatlaulle Na7.ieth ?" Edwin Uoetli wan coldly receivsd. Mary Audorcen will make money en that tour abroad, and it will a'se prove a geed invrstment for advertis ing her at home t tta, the nrtlcss, piipiant, nunshiny L . 1. has beci jceied. 15ut with fu 1 Li.iitIi ige of the dilUeul tie3 which liedge the path of an American actor abroad, Mi Hirrrtt has uudcttakeu te beard the r.ntl-h lien in hin den and upon Irving's own htage te appear in n reuud of elui actors whtuh have mnde him famous througheii' the L'nited Staten. Several times has Mr ilarrett nre.scd the sea for ph nnure, and eaeh time he has visited Londen, where has besn a faTori'e giifht at BUiuliyef the prominent clubs and In seciety, aud t'inre he has frequent ly met the prince of Walm. Net only that hut it is whitpeicd tli-t the princess of Wales lias. taltOn an unusual interest in him and that her patrouage in the proepec tire guarantce of his hiilh.rit triumph in the British capital. thin? Thene nte few enough words, and tell the whole story. new Whcnt, Urtnaiitewn TeUgrnph. The dinictilty of originating a gcnulne new variety of wheat would seem te be almost unsurmoutitaule. In 1SS3 the Koyal agricultural neddy of Euglaud, in erder te dnvolep nny noicntifle possibilities in this resptct, offered premlumi, without restriction as te country, for any distinct new v.itieties of wheat, " aemblnlug the largest yleld of grain aud straw per aere, with appreved fettn aud slr.s, smooth and thin skin, full whlte kernel, ntid high specific gravity of seed, aud with bright, firm, ntiir straw." This umbrsces overy foature of what a flrst-elast wheat eucht te be ; and whother It wan the lmpftba billty of reaching euchresulte, or the smallnens of the premiums that InfluBnoed the cfferU tomicet the demandn of the prepls, or ffant of practical kuowledge as te the processes by which they wero te be attained, Igsnknewn : but tuie it Is that only two person oempateo and the result of their competition wan no unsatis factory that the oeminlttco te whom the matter was submitted decided that nolther was entitled te the premium, as neither variety offered wan either new or an Im provement en the kinds new cultivated. Tiem this it will be seen howdiftleult It is te accomplish anything satlsfnatery iu this direction, and that we shall be obliged te rely hereaftrr, an we have heretofore, mero en aoeidontal discovery than upon any scicn ilie developments. A Musical Ctlilctun. Siimbrleh is dellghtful, with a voice sweet an a Minnhaha of heney, a purling treu' brook el msple syrup, the warbling of Xelian harps at oventide, or the cooing of a whele weeds full of rainbow tinted doves. mt mm mn ' It iini'l have been a trnlble state of nff.slrs tlmt rausKil tlin l'ralinlst te nsk "necan stuinl botnre his cold V In his day tlie rome iilns nun fuwuuil deubtlul : hew much hup nler should this renera'len be. that has 11s a tioii.eheld rnuieilr. Dr. Hull's Couch byrup; e wonderful has bra lis cures thut millions rise up and call It blcssuil." TlieuiiiDd llejttued te Tlielr OrnretT P.elvlnir en testimonials written In vivid glowing luneimiiu et seme mlraculeui cures made by some largely puffisd up doctor or pat ent medicine has hastened thousands te thlr grave, bjlluvlni? In thelrnlmest Insane ralth that the same mlracle will be porlenned en thnm, an 1 that these testimonials make the eurrs, whlletliu se-called medlclnn la all the tlme hastening them te their gravrs. We have avoided piiblishlnatostlmenlals, as they de mt malce the cures, although we have Tnet-SABDJ creu TKOrSASDi et them, of the most wonderful cures, volun tarily pout us It Is our medicine, Hep Hit ters tlmt niskcs the cures. It has never falltd and never can. We w 111 glve relerence te ny ene ler nny dlsease similar te their own II de sired, or will refer te any nclxliber, os there Is net 11 neighborhood in the known world but can f hew Iti cures by Hep Hitters. A L09IMU JOKS. A ntnmlnrnt nhvslclan Of I'ltbibUlgtl l'l te n lady paltent who wns cemplnlmni: of her continued III health, uml of his inability te euro her. Jokingly said; "Try Hep lllttrrs,) The lady took It In earnest and used the Hit ters, from which she obtained permauenl liLalth. HhL new laughs at the doctor for his Jeke, but h la net se well pi usu.l ivr.li II, m It cot him a geed patient. rtina or Dtxrrens. The fee et doctors is an Item that very many pnreens nrolnleirsted In. e belleve thu ecliodule ler visits 1 3.00, -wlilcli -would tax 11 man confined te his bed ter a year, and Hi need et a dally visit, overl,000 a jear for mud luil attiMidance nlone I And one tingle bottle et Hep Hltters tuken In ttmn would tav' the l,ii) and all the year's sickness a lady's wish. " eh, hew I de wish my skin was a eVur and ntt iw yours," cald a lady te her ti 1-nrt. Yeu can rasllv make It te," iiniwur e,t t'.e friend. "Hewt" Inqulreil tlie flist Pnly "Hy ii-ilnn Hep lllituis lliut mat. ipuru, rlcli bleed and blooming health. It did It ler m. , a j e 1 oli.urve." eivss vr nr run nerruM. Ult nrk. and cured by "1 n-surii jnu His true tint he Is rntlrely eiiixit. and witn nothing but Hep lllUeis, and only ten iitvs uie his doctors K.vvehlmup nml sild he must die, from Kidney and Llcr irjiib'e I (Un 17-lin'ri hA9Jt w DHV OOO DA, TsTKW IinrOllTAIIUHS. HAMBURG Edgings and Insertings. MTT, SHAHD & GO, I Have epenrd thlcr first Invoice, of these ever popular trlinuiliiKs, and offer nn Immense variety of new etlc W per cunt, under last onsen's prices. rilty LACKIS ratternp et lUnd-Harte TOHCHOU in new drslisns at nepuiar prices. Hprclnl Ilargalns this week. OTTOMONDUKa3UOOD3,nowelors, !2Kc, worth 20c. a yard. Annurottes and Albnrtlm DUEAS O00D3, 17c. and 20c.,usually sold fer'i'c. M tilth All-Weel UILIIRKT CLOTH SUIT INU, Vm. a yard, regular prlcn, $.'21. M dernn ClUlilreu's FUKNCH IttlinKD IIOSK, solid colors, running tretu lOe. te '.'3c. a pair under ueual price. fpcclal nargalns In Table LI none, Clethe, Towelo Nopklne. TheOrcat Bnloef and MU8LIXS AND SHEETINGS At less than manufacturers' prices still con cen tlnursuttbii NEW YORK STORE, NO. 8 k 10 EAST KING ST., (lU)TIIIXO. 1NO. d.nSIALlNO. REDUCTION. 1 have still a low CHOICE t'ATTEUNS OF On hand, whteti I will oteao out At and Belew Cost. Cull at ence and cceura HAIIUA1N8. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAILOK,) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( id Fleer.) LA.NCA8TEH, l'A. lnaylMvdTu.ThAB VKin U KATllKOW. LANOASTKU, l'A. .K FAIINKSTOCIl. NEXT DOOR -TO THE- COURT HOUSE. 81'KCIAL OrKBUlNG OF LA UO BLOT OF Hamburg Embroideries, Hamburg Embroideries Hamburg; Embroideries -AND- LACES. LACES. ivr IniB-MuflB Cleli, -FOIt- MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. CLOTHING that Isguarantecd te be strictly as represented. HKLKOTIONS that nreetCRant, fashions tlis lnlcjt, and a variety that Is complete In overy detail. 1'IUCES that are In harmony with the strict strict esircennmynnil square dealing, anil which vm urn careiui 10 nave uniiernuy low lurougu lureugu lurougu eut the year. jir.imoxctssive ngnres are nover laoicea uien Bends In busv seasons, and afterwnrds supplemented by prices mero rcaionable te wnoep up irnue. KXAM1NATIOV and comparison el our CLOIHINO new, as nt all tl nes, will preve that the quality et It Is equal te the best shown any whero, and prlecs as low as the lowest quoted by any clothing dealcr In thu city. ONF. PRICE, nnd a lull guarantee with every garment we sell. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTIIIEnS, NO. 12 HAST KINO LANCASTER. l'A. STREET. N t.W KIK3I. OT HEI! FROM A LAllOE IMI'OUTRU'B AUCTION bALH IN KKW TOUK, All at Mueh Less ThanRcgular Prices. E. E. Eatmesteck, LANCASTER, l'A. Next Doer te the Court Heuso. pixnlhlethHt Mr Ondtrey Is up and at ,nd cured by se simple a remedi V DiiseLVJiD rAiunKitniiir and pctmancutly closed thu Chestnut ttreet lien Works, 1 deslre te luterm inyeld natrens and tnu public itennriiuy, inni 1 mn I I AVINO IX ly. still In the husluess, bulng lecutud In the l'uiiu iron Company's werxs, norm riuiu mrcei, where 1 um making Iren and llntss Cestings otevery deurlptleu, and will be pleased te serve ull who may favor 1110 with their patron patron age. from lu years oxpmhmce In the business uml using thu best maUTl.it and employing the bet mechanics, 1 mn u.Ul-tU'd 1 cuu gum gum uulce entire satlgluclleu, Ciustlugs made from umtxtme et lien uud steel which aiomoroio aiemoroio aiomeroio liable ter strength uml durability tbau the bust cunt Iren known. V tctith mil pinions, tells uud rolling mill work a specialty. Cast ings made et very soil Iren, unit brass cast ings et overy ilosuilptlen, I have all thu pat ters uf the well mid luveruhly known Mewrer Cern uud Cob Crusher, relltted nnd Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely fitted up 01 In parts, te ruylace old ones which have been lu use ler yeais, guaiunteelng thorn te give ,8anguJjiiid It. 0. McCULLEY. VAfKU HAnuinua, . MUSICAL lUSTRVHKNTh. ntiAHi: w. Fiiv. te SHAY'8 Ml'lCtllfJU MhlllUlDK. TUB VX Great Knitlisli lleuicdy. An unfailing euro for lmpotuney, unit all Diseases that fellow less el Memery, Universal Lessl tude, l'aln In the lluch, Dimness et Vision, I'rumuture Old Age, and many ether dlseusej that lead te Insanity or Cen. sumptien and u l'rumutuiu Unive. 1'ull par. tleufars lu our pamplut, which we iliulre te send treeby mallteuvury ene. The Specinc Medlcluel i sold by ull druggists ut tl per pack age, or six packages ter 15, or will he sent froe by mall nn the receipt et thu money, by ad dressing the agent, II. II. COCHRAN, Druggist, Nes. 187 and I3J North (Jueun utieet, Lancas ter, i'a. On account et counterfoils, wahave adopt ed the Yellow Wrap pur 1 thuenly genuine. TllK Oil A I JUKlllOlNr-t.O., We am making utmost dully; additions our stock 01 WALL PAPERS. The styles are beautiful and we have them in elegant useitmeni, irem inn common brown te the tlnest embroidered gilt one, two nocerauuus lercuu and three band friezes. lugs iu elegant deigns, match. ceutru plecus te T1TILCOX. Hi W1I1TI!) Wilcox it White Organ Oe. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW II TUB TIME TO I1UY PIANOS AiND ORGANS AT 8LAUUIITEIU.NU l'RICLe OnoOeod Suceud-llanil I'tane f:n.oe Ouu Klugaut Heceiid lluuil Organ I'jiM One Klegant New Organ, 1-step couplers uml Sub-llass Mikj Wilcox A Whlte Organs tiem J7J w te flMJ.te Origin ut a ruinous UliarAiUr. The origin of ' The hut 'e L iwriuV has been deeeribed by its author te a correi-pondont of The Cleveland Ledger. "The character," Mrs. Burnett aaid, "was taken from a strong htu.isome woman, among the miner iu the village where I lived with my parents before I o.une te America. I was a sety little girl at that tune, net mero than si von or eight yenm old, but I can remember her perfectly, she was such a uentiAH', te the ethers with whom she was associated. They wero eidiuary miners, she accrued like a (piccii among them, 1 was at time tee yeuti,; te appreciate that she was beauuful, My idea of beauty then was of the china doHei'dei, pink checks and delica'u features. I had net yet oeuoivod th nobler kind of beauty, but as I giew elder after leaving this pl.100 and thinking out this wemm 1 perceived that she was really beautiful. tshe was finely formed, btately iu her movements, and hr neck was as taceful at the Veuub of MUe. I used u a child te watch her with e,tat inteiust, nnd when she would net paiss my father's i;ute for eome time, I temembei that I would almost long for her. Iu lati r years I wee areuud her the htury of 'That Lass e' I.ewriu'H." ' liyouilen'lseo, r Is mainly jourewnUult, Ih- iiii-e by procuring a pair et Celluloid Kye lilassr. jeunm lmpime falling eyrslght se us te f e eh arlv. i or sale I y all leading Jaw uleisaud Onlielans. ' lwiloed rncklcii'9 Arnick BBlve. Thegrcairst mrdlcal wendtr 'of thij world. Wairunle.it te speeillly euro burns, Itrulses, tuts, Uiceis, alt Rliuiun, t'evcr serrs. Can; curs, l'lles. chllb.alns, Cerns, Tetter, Cliuppad Hands and nil skin eruptions, guaranteed te euie In vmy Instance, or money lolundeu. i coins per Lex. r'er sale by Chat. A. Lechur. ini'dyeeilftw 3C VAMUlAUnB, XV. E OIlUHI.KY & CO. Having purcliMiid the stock and fixtures et tlie Arm of D. U. HOSTETTER SON, we wi:i-Uaiio:eot the Clothing new en hand at ramerkably low prices. We have reduccd prices throughout our ontire stock, se It will pay you te " leek us through " II oentomplat lng purchasing. Hoping you will favor us with AN EARLY CALL we are respecttully. ADAM BURGER, JNO. h. BUTTON, BURGER & SUTTON. Ne. 24 Centre Square, SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! Hew Much Will De 11 T Hew much of JVtemai' Hclectrle Oil 1 i tailed le euro t Onlyaveiy little. A tew ..rir "I" cm 0 nny klt.d et an ch , and but s.tiiP.0 inore Is needed for spialns and lnm iirssrs Klieuuiatlain U net n iradllyurlec rdi an uunrs and soinetlmos two euuees am rrq Hied. Ne medicine, hewrvsr, Is se sure te euro with the same uuuiberetuppllculli ui. I or ram by II. 11. Cochran druggist, 137 and IJV Norih (juuen strwet. i:cild 'iiiimismu. AlleTei the land nre going Inte ecstaey evrr Dr Mng's.New Discovery Mr Cousuuintlen. llirlr Kiilnekml lonccevery by the timely use of this gieat Hie saving lemedy, causes thein loge neaily wild In lis linilsu. It Is guaran tied te positively euro Seven Coughs, Colds, Astlimu. liny rover, lltencliltls. lleatranrss, Les 01 Voice, or any hITucUuii of the 'Ihreiu mil Lungs. Tilal bottles Hee ill Ohas. A. Lechei's Drui: htore. LargesUe. t.W. EDGERLEY ft CO., MARKET STREET, IN REAR OF NEW 1'OSTOITICB, LANCASTER, l'A. We hav at our rnctery and Repeslliry a Large ami aplendlil Assortment et PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AND- DOUBLE SLEIGHS. They me madoet the Hest Selected Material and Finest Klnlh. Our motto : " tjulek sales mul small presit." It oesls nothing te call and exuiiitui' our wei k. We also have en hand A FULL LINE OK KINE CARRIAGE WORK. All our own wen miewn uiuke. ai.i. 1u11a WARRANTED. Repairing promptly aitended te. One set et wnrkmen especially empleved ler that pur pese. u'Jtt-tfdAw LANCASTER, l'A. H-Ijd r ANHillAN A into. FOR BAROAINS IN CLOTHING UO TO-DAY, TO 8i)r,S-ydw JJulTale, U, Y. Dade Window Shades Are becoming mero popular overynsnsen. We cun show you fifty dlUVucnt styles lu the pro pre valllng colors. Plain cloths ler shades in all widths, tlxiuicsornumeuis, ute. CREAM and WHITE LACK CURTAINA, 1IEDHET8. 1'lLLOWBHAMS.TlDlta, and LAMllllKOUlNH. CURTAIN I'OLEH. CORNICES, MIR RORS, Ac. ' PH ARES W. FRY, t-7 JlenT-H QUPJJN ST. Knabe," MePhall, Qrovenatoln Fuller, Koyateno, and Veae Ss Soue Pianos, & All Markid Down te Uoltem i'rl ,ej. Almest given awjy. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroroems, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, 11. II, LUiKENHACU, Agent. feblMfd We Ulinlleiicc I"" World. When we say we bclltive, we have ovldenco te prove that billion's consumption Cure Is dm Ididly thu best Lung Medicine uimlti.lii as much us It will euro n common or Clnonle Cough In nun-hull tlie tlme and relieve Asth ma, llrenchltls, Whoeplug tough. Croup, mul uimw ikinn, (-- fit Censuiiiatiun cured than all ethers. It will euro where they lull, It Is p!uaant te take, harmless te the youngest child and we guaiantpe what we say. I'llce, Hie, tee and il.w. If your Lungs are ero, Chest or llai k hiiue, use Shlleh's Toreus l'las ter. Held by II. U. Lecluan, druggist, Nes. 1.17 and ISU North yneen stieet. Iub7-oed 1 TOlIN I'. riXTAKH, C. HUIIAUM. niiiKi., VJ KUUIIUK. UAHS1MO AMI ether playing wril from 8 cent per pack UPllAKTMAN.'3 YELLOW l"UON,T CIUAlt bTOUK, rruulnuICrees. Uonnantewn Telegraph. An olaherato writer iu the I'acijlc Hum Press, Rpsakini; of the methods of pruning the reue, says : "I can searcely mention a mero complex subject in rese oulture than pruning. Ne ki'veu rl,1 '" blJ Ifcitl down that may be safely followed, anil thu little that may be said upon this all important subject may be said in n few words." And then he gee en te Bay, "Use a sharp kulfo,(whe iu.m a dull out'.') out as isiiuare ncress, ts possible, (why cut equaie across?) aud when a lare cut is made wax the wound ever with grafting wax," ote. Is waxtutf any iose branch at all necessary, oMe,;jKi!ly ii it la net cut square '.' 1 he ndvice here given Is a compute contradiction. First, 110 rule for pruuitiK the rese cau bu hud down that can hu tately followed, and then he nays that, though the mibjeei is nil im portant, a llttle only can be said, ote. NYhy toueh upon the biibject nt all, but let overy ene pnrsue his own ideas'.' lie will seen dltoever tlie method that will suit hlin. Of oeurso rampant growers should be out back severely ; and se far as our own oxperlonco teaches, we found It te be advantageous In preduciuu- the most vlimr- eus bushes nnd the largest and best fermed nud eolersd Ihwers by cutting thn tntire butk down te the ureund turyfeur Vuytar. TL?rv ' what ile you nay te Ilen't Hurry, tleallsmen," iildu man en his way lobehangHd, " tieie'll be no luti till I est ihcre." We say te the dys dys puptle, nervous, and drbllltatod.ueii't hurry theirjhlliisly ter inmu reuisdy et deubtlul mm It, uneeitalu of relief, when yen can gat at timliugglsts for one dollar furifee Jtlteil HUttri almost sine te earn and curtain te bruent. Fer sale by 11. II. Cechtan, druggist, U7and 13J North Ourrn stref t. yioieiHA Cern Remover. Tlie ine-t crrecllve pieparalleu ler the ro re ro inevnl el Cerns, Iliinleus, Waits, etc., evur phiLud Lelere the public. Warranted te eradlcate completely and wllhlu asheil limn the most obdurate cer s, hur.l or soft, without pain. IT IS A I'OSITIVS CUIUS. SOLI) AT BOHTOLD'S DRUO TOI10, Ne. 401 WEST ORANGE STREET, corner el Cluvrlettu. dl-lyd I.'IIKY'M V IORY. FURNACES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call and see the New Improved WROUGHT IRON COLD CASE, Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest and Mnrket. Hest FURNACE tntlie MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY Jehn P. Schaum, L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S. AT THE CORNER OF NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE S7S. Itldloulensly Cheap Overcoats at $ 3.60. hie the Woni'erlul Overcoats nt. ;s.00. Sre the ONulcchts ut fIM, JIM, fi.U0, f 10.i 0 ami ti.v0. All Weel Suits ntf 1.(0. Kee the All 'OO.U suits at fi, ?IOand?U; Plenty of stj les i rtllable goeus j our own tip top make. ,. . see our Children's l'nnts at 05e. Our Hey's rants nt Oee. Our strong and heavy llned Men's rants at ?l nud fl.. Reiuember Ihote bin gains. Consider the valne of your money burore you purchase. Loek aieund uml sce It we are net umlir-Mill-lug tiuybedy In this or any ether city. I. Gansman & Bre,, Nes. OCeCS NORTH QUEEN BTEEET, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, Riant en the Southwest Cerner 01 rcet, LANCASTER, I'A. el Orange feb27-U'd LANOABTER, l'A. - Net connectoil with any ethor .Clothing Heuse In the city. UNIVKK1A1. rll.K MUl'l'O.Sl A sure curu for every form et Piles. Internal and external. Itching or bleed- In r, nnd long slaudlng casus, It lias never lulled even In cases us long landing as a toss years. This Suppository is cone shaped, easy te upplv. sale, neat and clean, and possesses every advantuge ever elnlmeuts and salves, l'hyslclansuseltlnlhelr pnicliru. Ulve It a trial, and you will he both relieved nud con vinced. It your druggist does net keen It or el It for you, iiecepi no eiur, uui nuiiii iuru ut. get 11 ter by mull, as It can sent uuvwheie by mull. I'riee, ftoe per box- Prepared and told by ' ANDREW U.FREY. DruggUt, Ne. 29 Hest Orange St., Uer. Chruilan. aprt7rJylw'i Xancttmwlifl, VJIUTOUHAI'US. azx T K. BUTE. There has been bucIi a ilereand ;for LARGE I'HOTOURAl'HS that I was compelled te net a VERY LARUE CAMERA IIOX. te meet the atmianrt. We can new make you a PHOTO as small iu the smallest locket w 111 held up te a 5-lneti laoe, te lit an l"x Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 1Q0 Nor.Uj"Queont8troot, ln.HQfci.td li'f." !Y -,:..i,i., Cnnuli or coinmei n .inrflUI Kur.tus .- --. or common - 11.1 itM tint stoge. 'lnat wiiicu 111 me oo eo oe Sni "g wnhl yfeW te a mild remedy, It nejlccied, seen preys uien the lungs. LOCMER'S RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP ntlerd? Instant rcllet. I'rlce, 25c. uud 60c. u ilottle. Te be had only at LO CHER'S Drug Stere, NO.SKABTKINaST.