$v-' 'fWWTW'1" f'w .-( r JLANCASTTCT DAILY INTEJAilttEKCElt WEDNESDAY, FEBKUABY 0,1884. i W ; l Lancaster IntelUgenrcr. "WEDNESDAY EVENING, FKP, 0, 1004. VRIIK0AHV. Oh.dsyU -ere when Love muslecalls- ' In inula calls. Oh, bright U Love dancing through llRhtet halls. Through lighted halls. Oh, sweet Love's kiss boneath the mistletoe, .Anil soft his wenli whero fur wrnpped slelgn. era go, With tinkling belli, acres the moonlit snow jJntsadls Loveboncath the Joyless ruins, The pallid rains, t7hen February te sad Karlh complains In mournful strains. JPretn the wet weeds and late unhappy leaves' JUln retting brlers, and rank, rclectcd slieavcs, , Xove drops bis sweet averted eyes, and grieves. B3 Irem my gray, bleilc, lllu a tear he'll stray t Yea, though I pray Te clasp bis flower, swoet fingers for ene day, He leres the Hay. With brlde-buils set and violets abloom i He loves the rose-crowned, sccnted month of June When rarest singing birds are all In tune. Ob, heart, thou wert a llttle traitor set- A traitor set Whero fondest hepe and truest vows had met. Theu art In debt Te February's weeping leve. One day, One rain-cold day, when all the sky was gtny He came with smiling taco, and cauie te stay' Ue dried with klsicsall my tear-stained taco ; Ah, what sweet grace j Ue made my dreary room n splendid place ; llele't no trace. Ol doubt or gloom j he said, with clear kind eyes, "Oh, Love may llve beneath the cloudless steles I But wet with pain of tears-he nover alts !" m m INDUCED TO LKAVK. Old Jesh Nuoklenen's Hrtt Experience In a Theatre, Arkansaw Traveler. Tbe ether night old Jehn Nuckleaen went te see Emma Abbett In " Faust." Befere the curtain went up be remarked te a man Bitting near that It cost a " rite smart " te get into a town school bouse, and that if he haden'ter been " hengry " for fun ha wouldn't have oemo. After the orchestra had been playing about fifteen minutes the old fellow remarked : " It takes them follers a devilish long tlme ter tune up thar Qdduls." " They are net tuning up, they are playing,'' said the niau iu front of the critic " Is that the musie ?" ' Yes." " Sounds like thoy're playin' for a par alyzed man ter dance. It meut be music here, but aint where I live. They wouldn't call hogs with such a tune." After the curtain went up he remained quiet for a long time, then leaned ever and said : " When does the show begin ?" " It's going en new." " When will they de something te make a feller laugh ?" " There's no laugh in it." " Then it ain't no show. I come here te laugh. I ken soe this sort e' thing any time. What I want is something te tickle me." People turned around and looked at him reproachfully. " They scorn norters'prised ter see me here," he continued, " but if I'der knewed as much a hour age as I de new I'der saved 'cm the trouble e' twistiu' reun.' They may call that a seug, but I c.ill it a squeal." " Hush your mouth," said a man who did uet want te leso a uote of the music, but who secretly wished sumo one would break out with "Mary's Run Away Wid a Uoen," or " Ge Down Moses." " Wbut's the matter cap'u ?" " I want you te hush." " An' I want you ter hush. " You're betheriu' me as mueh as I am you. Wen der it they're geln' ter retch areuuu song books an' tickets fur tbe oencort, what" be the best part e' the bUew, an' se forth ? Who's tbe feller with the red piaster en the back e' his neck ?" "Thedevil, hush." " The devll, eh ? Wall, I'll wait a while longer, fur there ought be a heap e' fun in the devil." Ue quieted down for a wbile aud then said . " The devil has dis appointed me. Dry as the upper west fork o'Buekhorn creek in August." " Say, there," said a policeman, whose services had been called by the music loving people who Eat near the disappoint cd man, Wall?" " Hush that nolse or I'll pu you out of here." "Gimme my money bick ,vnd I'll go out." " I will give it te you," taM a goutle man. " Here," aud he haudid tbe old fellow a dollar and a half. "That hits me whar I live," he said, as he stalked up the nisle. " Beat my way in an' am paid te go out. It meut net argy much iu favor e1 my cetup uy, but it makes my old jeaus feel mighty comfort able." non Heward wrote t " 1 find u pity hangs upon his hrcuNt," the fellow had evldeutly cold and hail nut yet be- n Informed that lr iluU'a Cough Syrup was thuenly suie iuiui-dy Mrs. Laugtry, And otlier famous women have wen n reputa tion ler facial beauty. A II no complexlon makes ene handsome, even though the fate Is net of perfect mould. Ilurdeck Jlloed Jut. let-M act directly upon the circulation, nnd se glve the skin a clearness and smoothness othetwlse unattainable. Fer sale by H. n Cochrun, druggist, 137 and 139 North Uuten street. 49-UaautltynDH Uuullty. In the Diamond Dyes mere coloring Is given than In any known dyes, undthsy xlve luster and inore brilliant colors. lOe. ut all druggists. Wells, Jtlv-hardien ft Ce., liiirllngten. Vt. Sample Caru, 32 colors, and book el directions ter 2c. stump, De Yeu Hellers It, That In this town thore ure scores et portions passing our store every day whose Hvos are made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Beur and dtstrcsnud Stomach, Liver coin- filalnt. Constipation, when ter 75c. we win soil hem tihlleh's Vltallzer, guaranteed te euro thorn. Beld by If. it. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 117 and lsa North Uuoen street. Xeb7-eedJ Threw Away Ills Crutches, "buaored from rheumatism se badly had te two crutches.but threw thorn away alter apply, lug J'Aemai' Kcltctrle Oil te my limbs 1 hew iel hotter than I have for yeurs " K. L O.bbs. 391 Klk BU, BuUule. N. . Fer sul6 by streeu " "H"11 l37 ttna I39 NerUl Uueen OfclUKb, KUUIIHK,' UAHIMO AMI up ftOUlerPlaylnBcllrl from 8 cenu per pack llAUTMAN'3 YELLOW KUiNTOIOAIl HTOUK. "yiUTOKIA Cern Remover. The ineit otrectlve proparttlen for the io ie io ineval of Cerns, Bunions, Wurta, ote.. tver placed befere the public. ' ' or Warrunted te vrodlcute compietely tnd within a short tlme the most ebdurate corns hard or soft, without pain. ' IT IS A rOSlTIVfl CVBK. SOLD AT BEOHTOLD'S DRUG STORE, Ne. 0l WK3TOUANUK8THBKT, cerner el Charlette, dl-lyd V'-rnuv UVKIAL 111.15 HUITOHI - iOUY, A sure euro for overy form el Piles. Internal and extUrnal, Itching or blued Inif. and long standing cases. It his nover lailed uvun In cases as long stundlnir us "a inu years. This Bupio?ttery fi "cUSe slmp'eiL easy te upply. safe, neat and clean, und dehVhkiw overy advantage ever eIduSSiN h m RlttStSS Physicians usu It In their pructice. Olvu it trial, und you will be both' relieved und ceni vlnmi. it your druggist does net ta, UeV get It for you, uceunt ue ether, but heik ler it by inall.asltcan be sent unywhera bv mull i'rlee, bile per box- I'repured uni , seidty ' M ANDUKW'O.VnKY.DrugKstr n5?tS,i5Mi OMn8t., Cor. Ch.istlun. eprt7-lytl4w3 ianuutter, l'a. Hit IH B KOWN'S I HON 1I1TTBUS. The Hard-Working Man. He was a hard working man nnd lern geed many years he had been working twkeas bard as any man ought te work. He said be bad a splendid constitution anil that he ceuldstand It. He torget that as years passed en the wusie el the system Is much guvUer than In youth whlle the repair et It Is leas. He bocame weak, debilitated, neneus i mil despondent. He regarded the future with dread, and said he had worked hluisell tntetiii untimely giuve Hut he was net taken te the cemetery at all Instead el that, u geed trleud brought him ome Brown's Iren ItirTXRs. He began te pick up strength. That was what be wanted. Hrewn's Iren Hitters em Idl ed his falling bleed and put new llle Inte liluu It toned up his dlgajtlvnergaus sethat his loed began te nourish him nnd de him geed. Most heartily does he recommend Brown's Iren llltters. MKVIUAJ M'llKY AKK UUIOK AND MIIOHK.-" I JL use ltonsen's Capclne Pereus riute constantly In my practice." Dr. J. M. Wan dell. Price 23 cents. 1 BNS0.V8 SKIN OUUB. Vem Yen l$U't Ittuttrntetl XfWiimpcr A LADY SAID. 'These Horrid l'lmples! Ne, 1 Cannet tle, I'lease l'resent My hirutM." Probably twe-thlnls el tte ladles In society anil Hemes ei our lanu an- uuiieiuii iuiiin diseases et vurleus kinds, te de awa wlih which, it It could be dene without lulury, would be the happiest event el their lives. Thenshe would have Instead et a disfigured and marred countenance, ene thit would bw bandsome, oral least geed looking, ler nny ene with a clear, pure skin, no matter what the cut et her features are, has a certain amount of geed leeks which attnet every body. As It Is new, she Imagines every en sees and talks about theso freckle.' "lhiw horrid pimples," and ether blemlsnes with which she Is ailllcteil, but this Is true et either sex. Te Improve this appearance great risks are taken i arsenic, mercury, or high-sound titled named articles containing these deut dealing drags, are taken In hopes et getting rid et alllthese troubles. In many c.ises death Is tbe result. Ne alleviation of the burning, heating. Itching and Inflammation Is given. All troubled with Eczema (salt rheum) Tetters, Humors, lttllarattatleu, Heugh Scaly Eruptions of any kind. Diseases et the Hair and Sculp, Scrofula, fleets. Pimples or Ten der Itchlngs en any part et the body should knew that there Is hepe ter them In a sure, perfect and elegant retnedy, known as " Dr. C. W. Uonsen's Skin Cure." It makes the skin white, soft and smooth ; removes tan and trcckles, and Uthe IJE8T toilet dressing 1 TIIK WOULD. It is elegantly put tip, TWO bottles In ene package, consisting of both In- I tenia! and external treatment, our readers should be sure te get thts and net soine old remedy resuscitated en the success of Dr. Hen son's and new advertised as " The Great Skin Cnre." There is only one-lt bjarsthe docte.'s picture and Is for sale by all druggists, II per package. A Sensntleu HAS OrTBN BKE5 MADS by the discovery et some new thing, but noth ing ha ever steel the test llke Dr. C. W. lien son's celery and Chamomile Pills. They really de cur Sick Headache, Nervous , Headache, NeuralgU, Nervousness, sleepless, ness. Indigestion, i'aral) sis una Melancholy. Price, 50 cents per box, two ter tl, six ter 1150 by mall, rostage tree. Dr. C. W. Demen, Baltimore, Md. Sold by. all druggl.ts C. N. CRiTTBifTOjr, New Yerk, Is W holesa.e Agent for Dr. C. W. Bensen's Uemedle. l'.-lmdM.WftSaw HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED They who work earlv und lat- the ear round need, occasionally, the he.dlhtul stim ulus Imparted ey a w holesemu tonic llke Hoj Hej tettur's Stomach Bitters. Te ull, Its purity uud eftlelency as u remedy and pieventlvu et disease commend It. It cliecks Inclplt.ut rheumatism and malarial symptoms, rulluw-s cnnstlpitlen, dyspepsia and biliousness, ar rests, premature decay et the physical oner ener gks, mitigates the lnnr'nattes of age and bus tens convalescence. Fer sals by alt Druggists and Dealers generaily. fl Imdeedftw OUUCJiUItSH. AT HUItait'.l. JCdT HKCK1VKD Flerida, Valtncia and Palerme OraDges -AND- HBLLINQ OaBAP. Never Sold Them Se Cheap. lied Cress Brand FKES1I SALMON at 1(5 cts. Can. The Salmen were bought under prlce and guaiauteed new and tresh. Just bought a large line el Choice KltKNCII I'llUNKS.and will he sold ut 12c, He, Hie. unit le. New Turkish Prunes, 3ft ter Sic. Our Pure SUU All S VUU I' at u ct-nus a iuart Is going. Buiall let of 1S-J CANNKD COIl.V, i cana let 25c. FKLL'B NEW 8LOAK COUN, lee. a cun. BTJESK'S, NO. 17 BAST KINO STREET. LANCAhTKU, PA. II OU tilt A.HU HTAVlONKUi 1SS4. 1SS-1. VALENTINES 1 NOW BEADY, Elegant Souvenirs -KOU1HK- VALENTINE SEASON, ATTllKHOOKBTOKK OF JOM BAER'S SOUS 16 nud 17 North Queen St, AUUT1UNBKK AND HEAl. KMTATK AtlENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKKlt AND UKAL KST.VTK AUKNT, 01 North Dulce St.! Lanoauter, Pa. Kverythlng pertiilnliiK te my business will receive my personal attention, Terms reason, able. (Jive me a cull. lanlJUd STOMACH BITTERS VAC. lJ!Y(iUUltl. I KT.HK.K .V llAtUllaiArs. wkiham: Ji'T iieiuin ihk k.mikk iec h or uoed yr alii COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OF A I.AUUK WHOLKSALK IIOl'.SK DK- UIMMI HlSIXK.ss. AND AKK .SUM SKLLINU AT $ 1 .40. Uoed that were sold at li.u) te fiN' We have en hand, also, WHITE AND COLORED, Blan kets, BOIUUT AT At CI ION bALES, FKO.M 75c. up te $10.00. WeareellIng them oil cheap : they have been stcrltlced this seaseu at less ttiui manu facturer's test. & Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WEST KINO STREET, Betueen the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. LANCASTER PA MAKT1N ttt. J." CAEPBT -AND- 188-1, 188 i. J. B. lartin & Ce., We are snowing ter the -prlng Siusen the l.iirgiet Llue of Carpets and Wall Papers KIKKMIOMN IN THIS CITY. EVERY UKADE. NEWEST PATTERNS. nut n-Loud fleer has been remodeled and we have new the Urgent and bent lighted show looms. In thai llnu. In the city. We have made ipucliil ettert In selecting the goods, und luv-lugpurchu-ted In UrgeriuantlilMS. hivn very low prices toeilt-i. Vvselliltu call, even It net a nurchaier. and wl l Lin ni.-mnr., in i-howlngeur gexls. It In ne.il et nnyth'ng in um nnr, H niu u- lujuur iniun-ji te give us h call. 1) (inlaw Similes mul Fixtures Slalr Heds, Carpet Llnln ri" stair Tads, Etc. Our Werk Department. Our LpheMtery and all Papi I Werk De partment have tlie best force of alllled me ihanlcs lit the c'ly Ttie Department has U-en tfioreughly organized, un-u-r tlie tare of com petent foremen, and having u mueh larger frcoef l'uperHnnguraandl pheUturers than any othersleio In llietlty, can doweik when premised. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West King und Trince Sta LANCASTER, PA. VAllfr. Tit. 11AKOAINM, 1JAR.GAINS, RARGAINS, -AT- Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. McslKliiiraiid Mater Sis., JUST HECKIVED A Let of the Oholeeat Oarpeta Ever Brought te Lanoaetor, Which, In addition te the large stuck et homo hemo home iu ado goods, Will be fold Cheap if Called for Soen. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Oer. of WeatKlnp; and Water Bta LANCA8TKU, PA. pOOIt, AV1IITJS & OO., --BANKERS,-- 45 WALL BTREET, New Yerk. Ilrokets nnd Dealnrs In Itullwny and nil ether tieeurltles, HAlLWAV INVKbTMKNTS n specialty, In the selection aud estlmate of whinh their Ieiik connection with ' Poen'n M AtjUAt eir JUiliumm " Klves them special nil. vantaKCB. Uorreapntnloura invited und In. qulrtes answeiud, Deposit acceunU received undlulvicvlKlleMud. aitKiuived J'"" - """ QhO. V. IIATIItllH. CARPET DEPARTMENT. tk J t 9. OlVl.KU. We are new offeriu? souie Special Bargains In Oarpeta te Persons wanting Oarpets the coming Spring will de well te leek at find Eome patterns te suit them at an odd price and Bave meney. larger than ever ; some goods are arriving new. JOHN S. G-IVLER os-: NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, S I'KUIAL. NOTION BOWERS & .HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN DRY GOODS 1 KIIIIUAIU I. l"l -In ... '. r te rr-inee eiir stmk and te double our sales of February l!.J, we shall eiler many iroeds at and below cost We shall make tuiinv .,! uu.-i . u. -hi ITrO.HIs Department. Ladles 0 1 All Weel Cleth 8tiltinK, i.Muc.m! from ll-Jtol5e I adleO. All Weel CIolliMilti.......u.taie.w. ladles' DreM i,e,hU reduced Hern MS te 37Hc l.adles' Dre,, "loe U "dice imwMW? l. ite I.ad.,' Dress umnl. r. hue ! 11..1.. I h -ti.d lic. te l.w. Ilepps or Wntpper tloeds riHiuce.1 Iren, lSote UHc Pe.cllesaml V tr'sTe I uced l-JWotelUe Ciillee)-. ii-i.ui l iim i u.tv. Calteoej re lined Irem e te5c. Cnllcees reducud fioiuae tn lev I., m,,,..,. ....., a .'.... woareoltorliiKoilrem.u l.m i-ru.-. all LeiiKht slucelhe recent decltne In Cotten Heeds. ll..tn.- .. ,. ...,. ui.. ..I... .I.i Vl'.i ..un' iin Iiiii.ii.m... .i.tAb ..i it i . . ... ....,,.,,,. ..,..,. .....,..., ,.,..,v.,,v..n iiiuiiuurKs aim i,iicen, an at extremely Lew 1'ilces It will nav von te k1e us a call, as hu an u ui mined te itu-re.Me our sales this mouth and te reduce out very lare stock. ' BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN s I-II1MI, 1HSI WALL PAPER. IM.1,,1! UanK,"J fr 8"r,nf? "'" 00n"1"" ' l" '" '' Choice KOU VK.STIllfl.Eh AND HALLS. lOll PAULOUS AND 1.1 IIUAltlKt. KOU DININU-ItOOMS AND CII AM11KU3. CEILINU DECORATIONS, FINE FREEZES AND RORDERS. . ... T.h?.a,Kn .w",lU l'Hr are new this season, and combine the t'helce De-dRiis and Colorings etWall t'jperi In Knod iy es et last season, which we have mat kel at extremely low prices. e have uet t e-itfht l.at are known Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, flO.ll'. ' 1 MAM) WOltl) CONTEST. LOOK! LOOK! GRAM) WORD CONTEST rLEASlr AT0 I1STU I1K I VSTIMK. MagQificent and Costly Premiums WILL HE OIVKN 7r lt. 11. 1 (jeld Watch , . Jl-M H) id. Maitnlllienl lin hut. imibracliin waiters, U Inch hammered und en graved, is pli-ct.it hammered and en KTUVrd, with (nld.llneil slop mid cream.. (tia-lruple plate iiai ie M 1 HUiiK lie S au-r '-.i, Imnd i ii.i-i.-I or chaed satin, Willi peld-llne.1 slop andcup 2i CO 111. Tllllnir Ice Water ?t, ein;ra ed.w 1th eeld-llmil, movable slop ami cup Z2 ue 3th. Toilet Man. I, tine dueerated bottle nnd ponder box, with tkttln-llned Inwel drawer 21 .0 (Mi. Intlt stand, rich decerateil Klass, ettner blue or aiuhur 17 ue 7lh. Tete-a Tete set, i plrcn red and aui ber K'ass, handetiKrave-i .... U 50 eth. Hell Caster, chuncd bell handles The tell cua rt-adlly be detached Irem the handle iu 50 Uh lee Pitcher, J (tji ihaaed, double walleil le te leth. Cake SWinil. clix-e-i and el-l 11 it-u 7 u) Uth i-'rult bland, rock crystal Klass, beautltully cut 7 i '1'he rnanulartureiH uf the celel.tuti .1 Day's -eap will Klve en thi lit of M.i), lie I, the above costly and beautiful i-remltim te tlie pi rinrn making out the larKcst lUt ut werdu lieui the words DAY'SCELEBRATEDSOAP. THE CONDITIONS AltE Ut All lists must lie acrempanli'd i,y , 2 centstamp ter return pn,tat;e, and tne rltieu Biatemeni mat you imve iin-l urn new ulni the Day's Seap In your family, and the name and address et the grocer Irem bem you buy It. Jd. Words must be urltten plainly and num. be red. 3d Ne words cenntid in winch letters are used net found In Day CeU-brut-d benp. Uh. AUUsls must (. In by thellist or May. as the nremlums w tl! be Klven en that day. 5th. T he premiums in t,e Riven In rotation according te largest ll-t or wenH. Oln. Write your uaini-and address pl-ilnlynti list, and lerliirthet iniiirmatlen uud Instruc tions enclnse '1 cent sutmp. This eiler Is made te Induce ou tetry and ue tbe purest and best Snip umiin. Jiy U use you lutvone belllnt;. iiOHi-iiliiinir in, 11....1 ,,r sKam. and your wasmii.-iieni- li- one-hall the usual tlme. Day's tieun must be iikml t-.dlrerte I. Direr tlens will be leund en iai-h wrapiier. The Day's Hmp Oin be had el JeudlnK wholesale and retail Kreceis tiiroiiicheut the United Htntea. Elegant emlj..scd cards mven with Day's Seap. HAKUrinTRKO BT DAY & FRICK, HJi'.13.,3.1Ja'"1 17,i- "'arl Street, and UHl 17.5V V?7, IP an'1 m WaU-' lue htieet. I'hlladelphta, l'a. MfVat sale by MU.LEK A IIAIITMAN, Lancaster, 1'u. ja-UldWAUlw HIUlKa. 'I'll IS UKAWllAUOil Telephone & Telegraph Ce. FOR PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK. NEW JKItiKY. MARYLAND, DELAWA'lE AND D1STRIC1 Of C0LUMII1 A. OiganUeil Under lMwtr Mate ej Aem rerk. OapitRl, 300,000 ShnreB, Of Par Value of 860.00 iaeh REGISTRAR OF RECEIPTS, The Fidelity Insunuice, Trust and SiUVi Deposit Ce., riiil'a. This company and the local companies te be tributary te It, In the several fctates nauied, have thu oxctislve 1 lent te the Inventions 0 Danlel DrawbauL'h, et l'eunsyl vanla, the erlu iiiai nivuiiiui ii iiiu ivii!itiintin ntni ... .,- parcel te establish their claim te the telephone und telOKraph business of this territory. DIRECTORS; i barker (Chaniller. of lie lio ten, I'res'L) Upv.Tlies. SI Wallor.el C'onnee- M nujunliiianlt'n Mutual Llte Insurance company 1 Edward A. yulnturd, I'rest.CltUens' Ha Iiil's Rank, N, V. cuuner.1,1 111111.UH1, r. Kiimunds, of Vur Vur inenti (loe. W. .und Uoe. Itiddle, el l'hlladel Ph a 1 Jitilne I'Pnier inn, et New Yerk 1 Jolce.tspour, el Washington. Heeka of atibscrlpiien tern limllcd nmeunt et DruwoanBhTelephonoiindToleurupli Cem. imny Stock will be opened Tuesilay, .January 15, I8JI, at banking heuse et the uiiifcrslKueil PRIOE, 816 PER SHARE. npporcenLiiayabloonsubscrlptton. Italuiice lobe paid onlyen faioruble decision el U. 8. Ceuits, WoreicrvorlKht te advnnce this prlce nt any llme without notice. Any turlher lnfoi lnfei lnfoi matleu und ull documentary uvldoncecan be ehtnlnud Irem B. K. JAMrSON & CO., 9-liad,W4S I'llILADELl'JUA. ' 1 ,h"""" employ, 01 rnuaiie p 11a 1 Uev. Ilorace Fulrbanks, et Vermont i Hen. (Jee II. Watrous. I',. i-Mde'nt N Y. at"t V. II It. It. Ce.! Will. f. Lenun. el Phlladelphla t Win. 1 Llbby, et Uroeklyn, N. Y.i Josenh Dlllworth.ef I'lttsbnrK. Pa.! James Klrkhaiu, Piesldent. First Nat. Hunk et ttnrlnirllulil. Mass 1 K. W. Jienil. l'rnal.lnnt lHt UVU1M, Jte. nucK vur goods axd gaiipkt STREET. ! STREET. WALL PAPER. as Jobs or releited goods by manutactuiers HAGER & BROTHER, VL(itiixu,u.ut:uirEAii, . choice CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, FOIl lATIIhlt. MOrilKK. I1UOTHE113. SIS TEII-, COL'slNn AM) A I' NTs, BRISMAN'S, Ne. 17 VEST KING SFREET, Ki member tin- number and stieet I I OKKIIAKT GREAT REDUCTION -1N- FINE CLOTHING -AT- H, Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East King Street. In order te roducen heavy stock et FINE WOOl.ENSanil te make room for the Spring Importation. I win make up te order ull heavy-welKhtaUITINUd and OVERCOATING Fer the Next 30 Days at a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ot , or First Cost of Get ting Thern Up. I have also u Large Assortment el medium weight WOOLENa ler the early Hpilnif trade, which will be made up bolore the Spring trade sets In at an cual reduction, te kivu employment te my bauds during dull season), THK AMOVE HEUUCTIOH IS FOK CASH V.L i N. II. Mv Bample canli of Hptlnt; Importa Imperta Importa tlens are new ready and unyet my customers desirous et securlnK cholce styles can de se new. H. GERHART. UL.ANH AUD JU KKNHWAUR. II 1UU 4B BIAKTIR. . CHINA, GLASS -AND- QUEENS WARE ! -AT- CHINA HALL We have new open a lull line el Heusefurnishing' Goods ! -IN- (JUEKN8WAUE. GLASSWARE, CHINA, LASH'S, AC. Housekcepers will de well te oxaiuliieour Stock boteiu puiehaslug. Our WurosureKUar. auteeil. Wuexchaugeull Uoeds net latistuo latistue latistuo tery. Higli & lartin, 15 EAST KING STItEET, LANOAHTKIt, I' A. NOT1UK IO TICKHl'AIMBlUl AND UUN N KR8. AH persons ure heruby forbidden tn trespass en unyet the lands of the Cern wall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon nnd Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un Inclnsed, cither ler the purpese et sheeting 01 ashing, as the law will bu rigidly outercoo igalnslall trespassing en said lands et thu undersigned niter this notice. WM. COLEilAN FRKKMANl U. 1'EROY ALDKN, KDWARD 0. FRKKldAN, Attorney ler U, W Celcman'l llu 0K.lMw inake room for Spring Stock our goods new, as they may Our New Spring Stock will be & CO., iwvsk. LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PA. DRY GOODS ! Ladles' and Chlldieu's Merine IJiiderrir L .. i'. I. in. 1.1 mill LANCASTER, PA. Ci'icine, mm. of the le.idlni? manu luutureu Alse a line LANCASTER. PA. ru.l r .' fit tl'r ClOluUMlllA J HIIIT DKt'OMIT IC.V 1 1. KOAD TIME TAIILK. Tmlna new run regular! v en the Celumbii. 1 Pert Deposit Uallread en thu tnllewlns Utae ! OUTUWAIip. I .VfA'llUNli. I KORT1IWAKJ r. m. 6.JI &35 e.u 70 7.06 7.0J 7:K A. H r x r.M. ....Celuudila.... s.'i) M ..WanhlliKten... SOI ...Cuv-si'll .... H.Vi . Male Harber... 7:1.1 VSI .... SJJl.... 5 17 .... 5 1. 50S M 50 ..... 1.5.1 4-Ul 4JUI .Uhenk's Ferry. 7 le ... .rieitiba .... 7-S) .Yerk Furnace.. 7 34 .....Tuceuau 7 7:17 7:3 7:37 McCail's Ferry 7.a Mte's Eddy . 7-10 7 11 .rialiliiK Creek, 7t, Peach Ilottem. H57 .. Cone-tno .. b.li 1M 8.-06 1.3) 7:"V0 1.14 7.X0 3:13 8: ,... Octerara .... 6.31 ...Tort Di(lt..l 6:Ju .. I'erryvllle.... .... 406 355 3 II 7rflS 7:17 7:15 (IOHSWAI.1, I.I.IIANOM IMILKIIICWOK J VAI.LE1 RAILROAD TIME-TAlll.K. BOCTUWABtt. Trains loave Lebanon dally (except Sun day) at b 3D a. tn , li.25 and 7 is p. m. Arrlve ut Cornwall at 0 le a. m . 1237 p tn 1 ml 7 40 p. m , at Conewatfo at 7 '."1 a. iu., 1 ii and s 20 p.m.. connecting with the Pi-nnil-vanla railroad for points East and West. KORTUWAIID. Trains leave Coue'.viiffo at 7 30 a. m.,JJuuuil s-il p in. Arrive at Cornwall at s 15 a in., IH and a 13 p in.j at Lebanon at S W a. m . 4 30 and 9 45 p 111.. connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia A IWmlltiK tallread for points Eiut and West, and the Lebanon A Tremont branch ler J ohns ehns ohns tewn, rini-K'rove and Tremont. The t30 a. in. train will Btep only at Corn Cern wal, Colebrook aud lioilalre. T1KAUINO A COLUM1UA li. K. ARRANOKMKNTOrTASSENUS t MONDAY, OCTeilER '.Vrn, l. . NORTHWARD. uuva. Uilti Irtrj1 1 In A.M. A.M. A. U 10JJ ION) .... HW U-.1A ... . 11:0) .... 11. :i 11-47 11-K llvM US2 U-V HM 7:10 u.su i.r, r. m. ! 77 13 10 8,iO 12:55 8.JU F. M. r. M. .... 2.S0 .... 3.10 1:00 S.50 .... 3.:t0 .... 4:0) Lit 3:4. 3: 5 Lunciuter, Klni'st!!!! ....... b.3U 7 -!fl : t 9:10 9:20 uiuiuwiujr Chlckles Marlettu Junction... Uelumbta. AIUUVI. 7:40 7:211 7..'S) 7:S0 ueadlnK.. 9:4: SOUTHWARD. l-MAVB. A.M. ItOMIng 7;23 11: '-.. r.M. 8.01 .... 8 30 '4:10 8:26 2.10 8:13 .... 8.2.1 .... 931 AHRIVH. Marietta Junction 9:15 Chlckles e:i5 Columbia u.te Lancaater.... g;3e IincasUir. King St 9:e Otinrrvvllli tn-m 5:15 6:'.'6 " ................ ,v. .u .... V U) U.CU Train, r-minftit n, l, , .... ,,.... .... ...... e.;e freni rhlladelphla, Pottavllle, HarrlabuM. Al. lentpwn nnd New Yerk, via Hound B.oeti uonte. iAt..!:0,ll,nJbS with trains te and from Yerk, Hanevur, Oettyaburg, rroderick and Haiti. mero- A. M. WILSON. Sunt. 0J,iJ1i1,fm31.8,18ltni,na entn, 1'ennsyl vanla Uallread will arrlve at and loave the Lancnster and Phlladelphla clopeUai fellows : Levi Ar Lanl'hl Eastward. mi'uW'i t A.M. A.M 1:0D 8.05 4-25 7:M1 2:27 6:35 7. ".."" llArrlHllnris KTnnu. tlftt 8:10 10r20 Vnrlr Anmmmu.nllnn ,..,... Lancaster Accome latleu arrives..., Columbia Accomtiiedi Uen frednrlctc Accommodation arrlves,, Leclt Haven Express 8;55 9.00 U:i6 r.M. 12.53 12:58 3:16 BnjJ'layMall. Johnstown Express Day Express Harrisburg Accommodation r.M. 2:12 2:20 5:18 tl.15 6:46 6.06 7:26 9:45 Hanever Accommodation west, connectlna at Lancaster with Nlagaru Express ut 0:4. will run through te Hanever dally, oxcept Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecUna at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:J5. -will ran Uireuith te Frederick. ' ILe. Ar. IPUlllLan Wsstwabd. A.M. 1:!) 4:30 7:00 746 A.M 6:23 6:30 9:20 9:30 9:45 9.50 r.M. 1:36 1:43 6:15 2:30 7:30 7:10 11:16 1:35 Xf QWB Kxpress........... .......a....... Way l'ossengor Mafl Train. Ne. 1. via. MUJey Mall Train, No.2,vlaCelutnbla,lcavos mngura express... Hanever Accommodation leaves., Fast Line rroderick Accommodation leaves. 11:10 r.M, 2:14 4:4' 6:te 0:10 11:20 Harrtabnrg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves... Columbia Accommodation Harrlsburg Kxpress.,., Wen tern Express l'ucltle Kxpress llanlsburg Kxpress, which leaves Lancaster ut7:IOp in., hus dlroet connections (without chaugiiercani) te C'elntubla nnd Yerk. rust Line, west, en Sunday, when llDg-ired will BtonatDewnlngtown.Cnatosvllln, PaikM burg, Mount Jey, Klltabuthtewn aud Alld.lln town. Day Kxpress, Fast Line, News Kxpress, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Weatern Kxpress and Pacific h,i. press run dallv. Thu tluiu here gtven Is H'uitem time, or that et thu 75th meridian, whlce Is 1 tntnuteaiuU eccends liutcr than that horeteloro used, nernmii. w II, MAMMON . F(MTl:il. OYER TWENTY DAYS -or -OUIt- SPECIAL 31 DAY SALE Will Clese On Feil. 1(J. The amount el Hurplus Sleck we eiprcled would take a mouth te m-lt imld net supply the demand f(fr three weeks We have been obliged te ad I tiesh purchases In order te keep up. In CillLDUnN'S SUITS We pteneuta list of iuIcim that Is uer thy yeut atlenlleji. M..V)aull woeRor fei 117. LIS " 3MI i.7 " S IU) " . ill I l - Mil n 5 i" These are all New Heeds and wilt pay the puichasur te buy ler luture wear. CHILDKEN'S OVKHCO.V'IU Theprlms will teiualiinl the follewlnxllKures until the close el our n.tle. 17 SO Child's Overcoat we otter ler tl.U) B.W ' " fti-, .(() " ' 5(U 3IO " " I0U i.tm " " s.i'i ISO " ' HM 3tt " .... Ill OnepalM Success HOY'S SUITS. Hare been Iu eenstiint demand, ntdew we gle )OU the prtces of the lew mtui thalaielelt. MM Hey's Suits w elTer ler ..I17 6.00 " 4 en ..) " '. i'. 7.011 " . 1 ? ;jn uoe H.ti : e.50 " ,111 OVERCOATS Fer Heys are reduced In iiiautlly aii-l piinn but wehavereprenentatlves 01 all nln-t KV) lley's Ovotceat we eiler for . .. 1 i", 6.00 Mil 5.CD " 1 in 4 60 " 371 173 " 1A1 MEN'S HL'SINESS SUITS Aie In splendid condition let 1 1. -no 111 want et a flrsUclius suit at a very low prUe. Illtre All-Weel Bull we eiler ler Jtloe 13.00 uui 14.r) " 11.25 12.III " U75 IU.Ok " .... t"0 The nlMive hi a AIMViml OeimN Hi-iuuh ethers that nin net -.tt telly nil wool al veiy much loner prices. MEN'S FItOCK COAT SUl IS. Ilf.u) Cutaway Ceat Suit e eiler tei III -e -.e.ui le.. ll.eil . 11 ; MEN'S OVEHCOATS. Thcre are SUes Enough te Fit All Cemers r.(H Fur Heaver woetler fei .Ill e" Hil ' ' iiv Hei ilr'n Diagonal " ... H -1 llte Stylish overcoat " .... ' - HOOTS ANI) SHOES. 1 he dumand ler LadleV Shoes liin-1 in- aii-et-eneil has been for line goedi Weliaie all sizes In th) following prlcei ISOOlove Kid woettui for M'-l 4.25.spanlsh Arch woeifer for ' 3.50 Kugllsh Kid llulleu we elti-i tei .. . "' 3 e) Common neiue he eiler ler 2'" MEN'S HOOTS ANI) SHOES. 1100 M oil's Cult Heets we eiler for H .'1 350 Ecllpne Heets woetler ler I'"1 3.00 I'f gged lioels woetrer ler w 7 () Hand Sllched Congress we eiler ler 3 71 6.(0 Hand Hitched Hutten we ellei ler I 'JO 5011 Laced Hal we efTer for I ' 4,'e Laced Hat w coffer for 3 hi 4.00 Uutteu woefforfor i S Rubber Shoes ler Ladles aud CenM hive all been 1 educed. HATS ANI) CAl'S. H'uIllackHtlft llabi we eiler fei . Ii' 3.(1) HlackStlir Hats we elTiir ler 2.0 211J llrewn btlll Hals we eirer ter ... . I "( 2.50 lllack btltr Hats we eiler for 1 '" SlOSeft Fur Hats weoirerler I VI X.rosetlFur Hats woeilur ler J'"' J.00 Yeung tleuU" Helt Hat we eiler ler 1 m 5.00 Silk Hut we eiler ler I '' MUSlIk Hats we offer ler 3 5" BUFFALO ANI) PLUSH HOHLH 111.(0 Hulfale we ofter for ID ' 6.25 Pontile Fuced I'.usli we 0II01 ler... 5 ; 8.40 1'luali we offer ler - J 1.25 Herso lllauket we eiler ler 1 l-i FUItNISHINO GOODS DEPARTMENT. We have made a considerable addition le thu Iiaricalns In this Department, as the lel lowing llatet prices will show $ .10 Heavy Whlte Underwear woeifor ler I 25 1.50 All-wool tfmlerwcar uonller ler.... I 21 2.'A18carlet ITndurwear we offer ler i 1,50 Scarlet I'nilerweai we eiler for ! " .40 llrewn Mixed Underwear we oil. 11 ler -J A large quantity et Morlnelloso in various colors we have reducud Hern 35c te 2J0 SILK NECKWEAR. 11.50 l'ull and Flat Searls we ellci ter fl X 1.25 " ',' 1 m " " 75 75 .. " 5(1 ,6(J " 2.1 We have a quantity of Tcek Scarfs that formerly sold ler 5ne. and 75c. We new mat k theiu all te 13c. each or 2 leriuc. I .GOSllk llundkerchlels we eiler ter I .10 .11 ' " 2.1 .a ' " 1 A large quantity et Silk llunilktuthleH, last colors, i for 25 cents. A GREAT STRIDE IN OVERALLS. We tils day rodueod 11 large quantity of Overulls te 'ion Cents a pair, and In elder te proteot our customers we wlil net sell meut than Twe Pairs te each person Alsonemo Htuud Up Linen Collais ler One Cent Kaeli. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 B. KING ST., IjU, LANUASTEH, I'A lUlnul&w