LANOASTHK DAILY IItfTlfiJjl..lUf&fGEIf, FKIDAY, FJBBHUAUY 1 1884. 31 FOUND DKAD. TlttlllO UNI Of "IIAIINKV PIIOHI'," Ill Unity I'ntiiiil In ttie Knail, With III Mmll r-rHiliiiciliiiiil Uralns Kami It'K my ait rlitiin 'Irnurdy. Ait Mlsn Kohinsen, iv rclioel teacher of Mnrlle township, wna en her way te Miluml IIiIh meiuliu,', In tlin vicinity of Kawllusvllle, between 7 niul 8 o'clock, Alie found the dead body of Hernnrd Short, u well known icsldontef llie lower mid el "Mmtn with hi sliull fractured and Ms brains txiitlltiK fiem tlie Injury. Them was nothing except tint lujured ami llfcleHH liedy te Indicate hew tliu de. censed lind coine te Ida death, but nn luvestltfutliui of bin whereabouts the pievlnus evening develep fnetu that Justl fy tlm conclusion that hi trule fate w.ib i iii ii'bh i ill ni'niiiniii i iiriiiitii umnn in i.tu J ft lends hat hoi t he suspicion that hu v;,m a V victim el foul jiluy, und that his. murder was Incited by motives of roveiiKo or plunder. Mr. Hlllirt Mil., w.m tlin nnnnr of Mm I.unb hotel mi Heuti, Queen street, below I no, this eltjr, nud t iti'iiuciit vlnlter te I.UKMHter W'.n in eatefdnv. Ifn left tlie Ii'jtlv, (hiving nlmriie in n abduli f ut ii:20 l.i',! oveulm; nud when hint heard l iillve, m, reached, (.topped at nud left ICawl i0V0 uiiuut 8 o'clock. Nothing '"".e la known of him until bin body wan ' jCimi ni rul.ilud. Ills horse and slclh .vr'.it toward home, which is en the read Vnnri-u Hawlliivllleniid Ltbeity Buuare, , .ibmit nni) inlle from thu fermur nud two ' mllea fiem the litter. , Deceased wai about 55 yeara old and ' lery well known in this oily. Ile was a tlioreiitrb Hibernian, with n rich broue ; industrious aud piisliltiK.aomewhatlitlKuus and net m prosperous Bonntlmcansethora lie wna it seu in law of the l.ite llcniard llurns, und formerly lived with him. Eighteen years nire he beiiitht the plaoe en which he ha slnea lived ; and bin ux iMirionce in baiiktuptcy.hia mtta with Jue. Illldcbrand and with the Iniiunnoe com pany art well romembo'ud in leal oinale .mil in the t.ol.hbethood whom he lived, must of the oitizent thereof hnvitii! buen wltr-i-nsca. Ile wan quick wlttcd, hospitable nud uui'ieiiH ; and hla im'.ustrleus, Hpoctilatlve I jtideney and willingness te rub and wink enabled lam te held en te lua prep- rty threinjli all IiIh vicissitudes, and lie died llie ewnei of tlie Limb hotel and of IiIh farm, having for a short time kept the hotel. lle was 'i privnte Keldicr el Capt. Oumpl'n Ce. K. 70th 1. V. ; h ut hm ringer accidentally shot oil III lamp Nevin, was honorably discharged for disability and drew a pctialen. Ile leaves u wife and family of ohlldien, of whom two daughters were latuly em ptnved at domestic cervice In thin city. i'Hy tlwwe wliodiHOO'intenauco the tboery of foul pl.iy a is bclievitil Mr. Short came te hit death by b.dug thrown from IiIh vehiole and pe.iaibly tiamped by bin liure". l.ntu- iu(icular. A upceial dinpntch fiem Qiinrryvil'u te the lNTKi.Muk.Nci;u h:1)h that the plaoe whoie tint body wati found in tlie read lit thrco-eichtha of a mile below Hawlinsvllle. rriie heiw and nleich wcre found uear rriiemaH ll'ibuiHenV two miluti south of t?liert'n home and two and a, half iuIIch "rem Uawliimville. The back part of bin 'head wax enmlicd in, nud mmie of his braiim were found lying iimlde the f noe. riie poi ular impreKHien in the riulnity s that he wiw murdered. Corener Jetf rmntreag summoned n, iury and pre ceeded te held an tnnucHt, Dr. Weutz aet mg aHpb)Nician. The Murnrr Tlienrjr Htreufctlienlni:. Ki-MierilTJ. S. Strlne, who linn been viKituii; hi farm In thoueighborhood,camo te this city te day. Ile saw the body of Shcut and the jdaoe whero it wai feuud. Ile says the bead wan terribly bruised and that thcre wero no signs of runaway ; when the team was feuud, whip, blauketa, oane anil everj tiling were in piace, ami thcre were un signs et upset ; if he was accidentally killed it could only have hap I cued by him leaning forward ever the dailicr and being kicked by bis horse, which is net likely. It is deemed (It-gular that If he nut his death as enrly in the ovening hh he left Itawlinsville, his body should lie in the highway until this morning. uei.unuiiA m:vm. Frem Our ItiUlar.t;irreieiid.iit. The SuJeiiLhunna ii risliiK. It is feared that great daninge would be caused by the great liiahKes el ice If they should be broken up new bv a tloed. Its thickness and solidity would cnable it te sweep away evcrjtlnng In ita path if forced enwuidby high wnter. Pcople residing iileug thu river are gutting auxleuu about the matter. Tlie ItctutC iiITnemirMi. Latt night a disgraceful fcone was en acted in the vicinity of the Heading A Columbia depot, en I,ueitst Btrcet, by a party of diiiukcu men ami women, nil ipilte young. The tlltby language in. (lulged in by them would warrant a jutitioe In rending the entire gang te jail. The spiee of a Frent street man and two companions wai brought te a suddeu clese last evening uy llie who ei tue inrmer pouncing upon him and dragging him home. Thu sight was a sad ene, yet af af af foided coiihlderablo .iraueemcut te a num ber of w.tuessui of it. aiaitcraltclluleus. Thu revival services in the Methodist church Htlll draw out large congregations, in hpite of tlie very Inclement weather. Thu special tervlcca nt tbe Presbyterian church ended last night. Next wcek spceial services will be held in Saleme 1'rchbyteriau chapel. Flrtt Ward Doineciiitlo 1'rlmary. The First ward Democrats will held tbeir primary meeting nt the lilaek Herso hotel instead of at the T. T. K. 0. club room. The latter in tee small te acoum aceum acoum medato the large turnout which is ex pected. liulldliiB Oporittlenp. Mr. Jehn Ilartmau will break ground for three new brlek buildings iu March. They will be located adjoining tbose built by him last summer, en Chestnut street near Seventh. Mr. Jehn Wcstermau will build two brlek dwellings en Cherry street In the spring, and Mr. Jacob Flury oentomplatoH electing theni, en Commerce Htreet, a double brick ilwelling. I'lre Uempauy aietlhiK. The Columbia Fire company will held Its regular monthly business meeting iu tte. onciue houfie parlors this evening. After It is evor the commlttce appointed te arrange for the company's oontompla eontompla oentompla ted fair will held nu important meeting for the purpoBe of making boiue nrrauge meuts legardiugthat affair. ltureiiKli Miimnmry. Ollve IJraneh ledgo, Ne. 1377, 0. U. O. of O. l', meets te-ulght. The Columbia baud will bold a meeting te night, an will nlse the Letus Boelal club, Mr. Jamea WIlllaniH burled au Infant cbild In Mt. Uotbel comctery yesterday uftorneon. Boveral tnore Columbians are about I Martlnc for West Virginia, te ougnge In I tbe eorvice of the Chesapeake it Ohie 1 railroad company. ThioveB ontered and robbed Mr. Abram , Burner's rosldeuco last night, offeetlng au entrnuce into tbe second. Btery by means of ! a ladder. Threo operntorB will new de soiviceat the dispatcher's ofilce In the vrcat yard of the Peuiisylyaulrt tailrentt hetcaltcr, each eckdiai, turn e it. BOLSTERS Neu. 26 nnd 28 NORTH QUBUN STREET. DRY GOODS ! Ki:if ItUAIlV I,lf(l.-In enlur in reiluee our stock unit te double etimitlra or Ktliiimry 1M1, wn shall otrer iniiny koeiIs at ami liulnw eeit U)linll iimkn muny riMliictleni In our Dirsa (loeils llupnrtiiiuut. Liullui 0 4 All Weel Cleth SnIliiiK-i reduced from fi.'M teMc. I.ictlci P-' All Weel t'lell' BiiIIIuks leiluriMlienSe. I.oilles' I)rM (loeila induced from MJ te JI7H- Ladles' llre OoeiIh rciliiewl Irnm 37Ke tnSie'ci' lrec (ineila roilnced from Ile ami UHe, te loe. Iteppaer Wrapper Oneda roeured lient ISote I2Kc rore.iloaanil Uhlulz't) reituind l'i)e in loe. (Jiilleeei i educed irein He te Ce, Call coo i rolueed from (In lo.le, Cullceun rinlucud from Se te le. In Hhuetlngnnd Whirling Minlim )earii(d1uilni(ii.itreinidy low iirlciM, all lieiiKlitsliieiithi) lucent declluelii CetUiti (loeda. batik's' and Chlldren'i Merine tludeinenr and lleili)i,ali Kiilueeil toee4l and iimler. Wn pIiew nn liiiiiiiiiiaoHtneR of lliuuliiira and l.acea, all at luttrumuly Lew I'rlcei. It will pnyen te kIve in k6aII, !iu nu are dctei mined te Incruase our sales tills mouth and te luducoeur very larnoHteuk. BOWERS & HU RST. NOe. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN ene being en duty elgbt hours in uveiy twenty four. In the Km Inl World. Invitations te the annual bill of the Vigilant ll re company, which wld be held in thnaiiueiy en Thursday evening, February 2l, were Us'ied today. They am vety neat. A leap year ilaucn will be held in the armory te night by u put of Lauuaiiter ladles, who will bring iheir goutlcmeii friends along with thorn in sleighs. A supper will also be partaken of at War rrn s. A soclable In honor of Mips Fitzgerald, u lady guest from Philadelphia, was held en Wcdiietdny evening by thu Misses Mil ler, at the rosldeneo of their father, Mr B, II. Miller. It was a vey plcaiaut nllalr and thoroughly enjeyed by all in attend ance. Arrnmrinri n lnr Ihr IIIUlii Micltty Ami VfKnrj. The nrraiigemcuU for the anulvcriary of tlie city Uible society en Sunday, Feb 10, have bei'ii concluded, and ic accord auoe therewith tbe piiuelpal meeting will be held In drace Lutheran church, the president of tlin society, Hev. (J. Keiuiuu snjder, te preside and read the annual re port. Addresses will be delivered bv Rev. J. T. Satchell, Uev. 1'ref. J. 8 'Stahr, with Hev. TIiek. (J. Appel a-i altornnte. At the First ll'fermed chureh, H-v. J. Max Hark will pnMidu, Hev. l)r..I I) Bhumaker will read the nput; addrcssea will be inade by Hevs. Hlvauui Stall and Win. I'ewick. At S Stephcii'a Lutherau church, Hev. Emit Meistcr will prcside, and read thu annual report, and Hevs. F. P. Majser nud J. 0. Neel! will deliver addrexkes. Pastors of ethor churches are expected te Minuend K'i vices nud urge their cougreatieiiH te attend these meet lugs ; the collretietH enjit be turned ever te TreaMirer H H. High, a day or two previous, no ai te llgure in thu reports ; ami at an adjourned meeting of the soei ety Iu the First K)lenneil church, Tues day evening February 5, constitutional amendment nud ether important matters will be considered. A ('let I 1'irra n Hinlile. Miiuhelin H.'iiUntil About ene o'elock en Monday afternoon the stable en tbe premises of Mm. Wll liania, reiiiilluix in Penti township, ene mile north of Unionvllle. was dlacovered te be in IlinuiM, but the discovery was tee latn te savu tbe building, us tbe tire bad spread ever the mitlm structure bofero tbe alarm w.ih given. It appears that a six yeir old son, In company with a brother' child el tbe saine age, and living with the family, obtained anine matches, ami going te the stnble lit ene of tbem and nppllcd it te a iiuautlty of hay, from whicli the ll.iinea spread rapidly. The eentents of the building wero n (iiaiitity of hay ami straw, seme feed, a calf, four or llve pig", wheelbarrow and ether miner ImplimeiitH all of whieh were den treyed except the pigs. It is,net known -whether thore was any lusiirance en the building, and if net, the less Is (piltea BDiieiiH ene te Mrs. Williams who is a widow, having the e.ire of threo Htnall children devolving en her. I.uhi lfr niB-ipieinile. A pleasant leap ymr masquerade was held nt the leaideucoef P.Luu. en North Prime atrect last oveulng. The female character taken wcie a Quaker Rirl, cigar ulrl, au Indian Mpiaw, German neasant ulrl, Martha Washington, aoheol girl, liuab from Tew Hill, Cleopatra, Queen Ebzabetb, Moii'ienito woman und ethers. The miile cbaiaetiiis were an nnclcnt ulewu, lllgblaud ehief, King Henry II, Mark Antony, Kip Van Winkle, Pennsylvania Dutchman, cowboy, and ethers nt equal mtercst. Kxcullnnt vocal mmie was rondertd by Messra. Win. Scblutcb, ChailesKrnstani Henry Mellinger. Tbe ladies carried out the leap year piogramme iu full, asking the gentlemen te dauce ami escorting tliem te supper. The sociable was under the management of Messrs. Cbarlea and Jehn Ernst and M. F. Hewerit. After a pleasant ovening spent in social diversions, the party adjourned une die ut 2:'J0 a. m. Wlinta Uiiunljr Vlllngn IleitiU. Tbe IiitltK lttcard saya : Judglug fiem the nuniber of pipeia Hiibseilbed for nnd read in Litltz nud Warwick, this com munity la undoubtedly ene of the beat plaoe of its Bize te patroulze tbe newspa pera. Hcaldea the buudred of local weoklies whieh nre distributed, we uotieo among tbe dalliea the threo Ijiuoaater papers, in all about 125 daily; the Philadelphia Jitcerd of which about thirty llve ceplea aie ilia tiibuted ; half do.en copies of the Philadelphia I'rai, aoveral Timti. a mini ber of Heading pipers, ami about u dozen New Yerk papers. Taken altogether, no lens than ene thousand dollars nuually go from this oemmuuity towards the support of city (Inities, te say nothing of the large amount, spout for wecklicB nnd monthlies. Wliy lle Oeelluea. Capt. Uoe. F. Hpringer, In withdrawing hli naiue ua a candidate for alderman iu tbe Third ward, wrltea ua that it waa plaoed in nomination at tlin Domeornlio primary meeting without auy desire or authuilty en hla part ; that he has no wish te ongage in the disagreeable trade of politics nor any aspiration for offlelal dignity ; that be likea hla busiuesa aud proposes te stick closely te It. The Htrei t I.aiiipn. The police repert this morning shows that two olectriu lamps did net burn well Inst night, nud two did net burn at all, Threo of the gaaoliue lamps, also, wero uet lit. , Werk Jleaiimad. The bar mill of the Punn iron works, this eity, whieh for some weeks past baa been olesod, waa roepoued yesterday, aud la new in lulloperatfon. Uowe'a i.uucaiter Ulty and Ce only lJIreitury Mid Ottieltuer ler 1H81. The very faverable icceptlen acceided te thu first Uiiioet this work In 1832. 1ms Induced tlie pub.lahers te commence the canvass ter Iho Heeend Kdltleu, for 1(81. It will contain u complete general directory el Lancaster county, an lucurate list or all Iho farmers of the county, with their pest ofilce ad dresses, UCBldei a, buslness directory nt nil the towns and village or tee county alphabet. Icully arranged nlse a Hat el Kovumment and county etllcurs, cuiuus sUtlatlci, timet) et holding court, cte. The county will be thoteughly canvassed by competent agents te piocure Information ter the work, ami no labor uorexpousoeparod te make tlie directory iclluble and cemplete ni:w Att'jsHTtniin tnrx & STREET. In evi-ry respect and weilhy el your oon eon oen llnued pn'i online. ThedazetUteraiid lllreetniy Is denljined te Intindiici) te ouch ether the Iniyur and Miller, te liilerin men of ene town what advantages are te he ieuid In einaliif( (omniunlcutlen hIiIi ihoetlmr, Iheriitme te tlie enterprising biiMuias iimn.ns an ndvurtlnliitf muilliim, lta pugei Hill he leuiiil highly uifful. It reaches evrry nook and corner In thn county, being found In public places, hotels, railway sta tleiiH, pOHteltlces, llbnillea, news roeini. ceiintlm; roeniN, de. llr. Themas, reiireoont reiireeont reiireoent lug Its ailverlheuiiint department, will cull upon our bieilness men In u day or tue. AiniianiiiciiU. " The Jtrteyman "Te morrow evening II. MeAuley.Uii) popular comedian, will uppeur In tlie operu Iioube in tnli vet y funny and In terestlng p'av. The Mentieal (iiiitlle says . "lu this play tlit) attraction meitly rests en I'unk, but thure la aufnclentln the play besides him te make ll el luteresL The support la geed, and these who with te ecu a thoieiiKhly eneyahlu New Kii:lnnil cli.uncter perieclly pertiayed climild notleto the opyei tuiilty el MltlifMilliK 'Tliu Jilsejmuii " ril'KUMl NWllVKti. v u-r.j.s ?..c-ib..-arc w:-; -i - In the Hep I'oreui Platter the vlrtne-i el I'linh llept are combined wllh streiiKtliciilntr aiidatluiiilallnuhaliiiiiiH,ttndl(scureaef Weax Hack, l'alu In UieNMe, lilicimiiitlsiii, niul .Neu m'kIii or l'alu In tlie Chest are simply marvel. Ions, ll being moie efllcuclens and tlinreii:li limn anj Itiilu.enl or lliiuld imiiedles. You'll any neiiliiir tislnif. I'li)sl liin I rervrlun In Cillay. "I prescribe it In my practice," W (he expres sion ue I by Dr. J. A. t'utsinnru, el lciley, Ind. Ile ri'leried te iVinnir(Mi btrvlnt, ami lurlher alen says "It cuius ppl'eptlc flts. j:il-IwdeOilAw .tl) Metlifr llaalieen using your Ilurtleek Meed HMtrms a llvur tetneiiy. and lluds tuinn very efllca efllca efllca oleiis." uhiiN I.. .Mns wel tb, 41 Vauee llleck, liidlanapell', lie I. Ker ridu by II. II. Cochran, ilrugglsl, 1.17 and 10' .Nertli Qnuen stlect. Hifsct-R with llules Heney el lloreheiind and Tar, before tlie baby strangles with cieup. Tike's Toellincliu Dreps cuie In oiie mliiute l.'S Iwdeed.Vw Tnu mililtlve propartles et Cehlen'a 1,1'iuld lleel Tonic sustain the body without solid I nod. CeHlen' 1 1 no ether. JiS-lwdeediw OllloeliDlilma. The omce hnid by Ile klilutiyi M one el Im portance. They act as natures sluce-way te carry ort the extra liquids' from (he system und with them thu Impurltb both these that are taken Inte the steiiiuch and these that are formed in Hie bleed. Any clogging or Inac tion of these organs la Ihoreloio Important Kldimy.Werlls naturu'a eDIcleut asslstunt In keeping the Klilnuya Iu geed working order, strengthening thorn and Inducing tiraltby iictleu. If you ueulil git well and keep well, lake Kidney-Wert. A I'elli'riiiiiu llriiced I'p. I. I-'. Cellins, member el police, seventh wnril, Keuillng, l'n , talka this way "hiniurec' severely liem rheiiiiiallsui : nothing dhl inn any geed llll I trleil riemm Klectrtc (HI. It Is a pleasure te lecominend ll." Ker eate by II. II. Cochran, druggtal, 137 and 13U North Ouexn streul. Ker lune back , sniu or cncM, use Mlll I.OIIM I'UKOU.S l'LArtl'Klt. I'llee, 'i5 cent sold by II. I;. Cochran. 157 ami IJ) Neith (Jueeu iruet, Lancaster. 'r.bllcetie Why Tliy Call lllm " Ol 1 mail," " Yea, dial's aadly e," aulil Jenkins, ' my hair U lurnlnggnivatiil bit leg out betere lta time. Um rnuiellilng I would, but most hulr (esierera are ilaugeinus." " True," an awered his lilieul, " but I'uiki'I'h llatr Ilalsam ts us b innliws kh It Is eltcetlvu. I've tried II, und knew, (.iretlie llataaiu a show und the boys w 111 aoeuatop calling you ' Old Man Jen ktna." it never fulls te resteiu the erUlnal eolnrte gray or tided hair. IMchly pci turned, an elegant dicsMng. )10-lyiUAuewW llenry' tmrouite nalve. The best balve In thu world ter cubs, bruises seri'S, ulcers, suit rheum, tetter, chupped hands, chllhhiluH, corns and nil kinds el skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. Thu salve Is guaranteed te give perlect satisfaction In every casu or money rutunded, Ile aure you Ktit IIkmiiv's C'Aiinoue Halvii, u.s all ethers are but Imitations and ceuuturtelta. l'rlce Ii cents, (-old In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug -.tiiie 1,(7 Neilli Uiiiein si runt mri-4 .low te Mi'oure iltnldi. i senilis Mnmue Unit iinv ene will sutler Hetii (lie muny ileranKtiinnnlH brought en by an luipii'e condition et the bleed, when HL'O VII.I.'HSAHSAI'AKll.I.A AN DSTII.I.1NOI A, erllLOOl) AND I.IVKll 8VUUI' will restore perleet health te lht)ihyslenlorKaiitratten. It H Indeed a stienuthenluii syrup, pleasant te lake, a id has proven Itaell te be the best IILOOI) I'UlilKlKK ever discovered, elleet uullv ctiilnir Bcietula. Hvnlilltle dlnenlera. Weukuesa el the Kidneys, Kiyalpelas, Mala- ' tin; all nerveiia tliseruers and debility, bll. lousceinplatutsaud all diseased Indicating an Impute condition et the llloed, Liver, KM tie) a, Stomach, Hltln, etc. It corrects ludl 'ostten, A sIukIe boltle will pievu te you lta nun Its as a health iimewer, ter It ACTri LIKE A CIIAIl.M, especially when the complaint la et an exhauHilve nature, liavtmr a tmiduucy le lessen the natuial vler ut the bruin and nor veiis system. ., rtKR'S I'AIN l'ANACKA cures a pain In man uml beast. Fer use externally aud Inter, nully. IlKDIlOll-tC POWDKItS cuu) all dlseases f hnrt.e, cattle, alieup, bona, poultry aud all Live Meck A I'eilTlVKCUKK. mayil.u Fer suit) at 11. It. Cochran's dreit stoie 1.17 N ei Ih Queen htreet ttr.suur.ii liie.ii eicatii. 'Ihotellnwlngstaleiuentof William J. Cough In, et Heuiervllle, Mass,, la be leiuitrknhln that we hex teask for It the attention el our rend era, lie says : "In thu tall et 1M7U 1 was taken with a violent bleudlm; et the lungs, followed by usnveie cough, I seen began te lese my appetite and Hush, I waa be weak at ene tlme thut I could notleave my bed. In the sum. mur el lb77 1 (isadiultted te the City Hospital. Wlillnthcre the doctor? said I had a hole In my lull Innn na bin as a hair-dollar. I expend ed ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med icines, I was se tar gene at ene tlme a repert went mound that 1 was dead. I nave up hepe hut n trlund told me nt DIt. WM. HALL'S II A I. BAM r'OltTHK LUNUS. I (audio at my friends, thinking my case Incurable, but I get a hrttle te satisfy them, when te my sur. prisen1 d giutlllcntten, I commenced te feel better My hepe, onre deuil, beKau te re vive, and te. lay I tool In better spirits than I have thepast three years. "I wrltethla hoping you will publish It, se Unit every ene allllcted with licensed l.uiiga will be induced te take oil. WM. HALL'S 1JAI.SA.M KOUT1IK 1.UN08, and unconvinced that CONSUMPTION CAN IIU CUIIKI), 1 have taken two bottle" and can positively any that It has doue me mera geed than nil the ether medicines 1 have taken since my sick, ness. My cough luia almost entirely dlaap. poured und 1 shall seen be able te go te work.' Held bv II. ll. Cochran, 17 Nertli Queen street JHTJRST, LANOASTER, I A. DRY GOODS ! LANOASTER, PA I IK. I T1IS. IIkdmakkii.-Ou Thursday, .fan. .'II, 1HSI In Hliashiug boteugl), Catheilue llrubiker, wile of.I.ieeb llrubukur, aged 11 years. 'llie relatives und friends el the family urc espcclfully Invited te attend the funeral en Katunlay allernoeu at i o'clock. lutertnem at l.ongcneckei'a meeting houte. Jld KACTr.-.laniinry IW, lsjl, Kilwin t tbeitli yiiHret liMage. The fmiflal u III take phiee fmm his late ley. plence, Ne. &'.3 West King street, en Hunday alternoen ut i o'clock. Interment nt Wood Weod Woed wanl llltleeuietery. All relative Rniul trlemts aiv cordially Invited. p) It NK jtUVJ.UTJHt.aiJ.Mh. 'PIIK ll Kir I' I VI'. OKPli HAVANA (JIUAII i In thu city. Manufactured bv mvpelf nnil guaraiileixl te be the llnet,ut HAIlTMAN'jJ VKI.I.OW KICONTCIOAU UTOItE. 'I'll A Mil, I I her rebv deellne te bu a candidate ler common council In the Second ward and n turn my ulncure tlrinks te my Irluuds who phieeil my mime In notnluiitlen. lt IlKNUV ItANiIXd. 1IIIIKIM1I().N.1, 1'IAM) ntOVhlc. I'hinns and Furnltiire moved nt sher( no ttre. Orders by mall solicited. Over 1 (tr) pianos moved In three yeuts. AUlJ. t JtKINOKIII., febl-l Id Me. 3.11 N. (Juoen Ht., I.aneastei . M I'.IV llA.MIItlKII I'.IXIINIISAT l.lltVfcsT 11 11 nrlces. New Duinaalc I'ewuIh. 1 vil uml 12 In. long and 'II in wide, only ii eta New llarrcil . Muslins, the very best stcum ilieaaul Keathursat Lewest 1'ilcea at SWAUIt'U, lanle-.linilll Ne. 50 North (Jin en street. 1)Ultl.lU MAI.i; TIIK nNl'IKK IIUII-.I'. held InrnlMire el Sirs. Kncezitl, Ne. .( Ksat Vine atri'et, comprising I'm ler. Dining lloem, lied Itoem und Kitchen Kurnituie, Steve. Carpeta, lleiMtug, Cooking t'len-Ils etc., will be sold at public vale, ."ate en TU KM) n, KKII. 3, lit 1 o'clock In thn altei altei nenn J ACOI1 UU.N DAK KK. Ul-lt'l Auetleneir. rj'IIK OO.rAKT.NCKlllir KXtSllNtl TlC.I X tween (he undersigned, undi r the iiutne el binlth.t lluchanuu having been ill selvid by lliiillHiIen, JiuiiiHry IC, le8i, any persons having accounts te setllu wllh the lute linn will pfii,e them at thu efllrn nt the l.anrusler Unit Company. CI.KMKNTCJ SMITH, Hd" W. C. UDUUANAN I llliii.lii.iAi.r. III' Mul.FH tN MONDAY, 4. !'?(. will liA aelil ut niilil n tKlllll'AV ult at D. Legan's (..lie stables, reur et Alc Ur.tnii llouse, itirkut street, CO llcud et Pen nine Kentucky Mules, Irem a teft jtuiaeld, heavy liuned und well mated, and liem bli te IKS hnnds high. Suturul extra ttams well UIOKDI). Halu te commence at l o'clock p. m a credit or tiOduya will be vlvuu, febl.Jld IIOWAUD 11A1LK1. i UNul.ii; HAVANA Tllll.D,l .S K.K.I) VT Having seeuied a limited amount el this Heed, giewn time years In theHiutei Irem tliu Orlgluat llnvana, 1 wl.l sell r mull, postage paid, en receipt of 11.00, Biilllelent M-ed te pianiiiem iiiren ieuv acres, 11 tlie busl Is properly town and pieiei'tid JOHN i. IIOIIHKII. I.ancas'er. I'n. ruekages qI tills aeinl can bu Unit at S ION hit, SllltKINKIt A UO.'I llmdware Mern, opno epno opne alto Nerlhern Market. J3.':t.lliv w oiiWAiie lili. I, ;e.iii i:tku.-tiik iinuuul miutlnir or tim let iioie..i ni Woodward Mill leiiimiiri' for tlm ductlmi e trustees win be bebt en .MONDAY KVKN 1NU, KKI1. -t, IhSI. t 7 o'clock, p. m., ut Iho olllceet (iee. D. Sprccher. Ily order or tliu president. J3-1KI .1.11 StAHTIN. frc'y. yieiOKIA Cera Remover. The most etl'ectlve piepunillen ler Ihero Ihere Ihero meviil et Cerns, lliintens, Wuits, etc., ever pliiced beteiu thu public. Wununlud te er.idlcute ceiupl.-itly 'ind wlililn ushotttlme the most ebduintu coins, I hum or felt, u Itheul pam. IT I A TJ'ITlVllCURn, SOLI) AT The. I'. Itwhlnlil'M Dni-SKire, Ne. 101 W l.-TeltANHKSTItl'.Ll, eeinui el Charlette. 0.10 KN 1 KUVA IXMKNIH. lUi.ii'N ei'KiiA iiDUsr;. Suturdny F.venlnp;, Feb, 2. The r'urorlte COJIKD1.W, Mr. B. MeAuley, i hUceceuirlc lmpci-bemitlnu el G1LDEROY PUNK, In tlin new and eulticly nrlKlnal Alie rl. an Cetuedy, untitled "THE JERSEYMAN." A CIlAUMINU srtllll, liupplly eenceUed, beuutllillly wtlttuu, exculleull) nelid ADMISSION, - - - ?ff, no und :ia CkNl'S. IlKhKUN KDSKAT.1, - - - - 7.1 " Ker sale nt Opera llettau oltlce. j h-m VUI.ITKIAL. IOIt JIAVOIt, E. McGOVERN, H1XT1I WAUD. 'rSut)Jcclte IJomecratlo Kule. i."i n pur A I. Ul. II MAN THIRD WARD, Jacob K. Barr. Subject te ltupiibllcau Utiles. bUd I I.MUU11ATIU l'Ul.MAKIIH. The Domecratlo voters or Lancaster city will muet ut their usual voting places en BATUltDAY, FKIUlUAItY 2d, te sottle the candidates ter the soveral efllces le belll'ed at the ceinliiK municipal oleotlon, including Mayer, six Scheel Dtrcotera nnd City Coin-inlltceinou-inembers of Select Ceamll from the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, Dili unit 8th wards-Common Couucllmen ami wnrd efUcers Aldor Alder men In the 3d and 7tli wards, nnd te elect ene member te the City Kzecutlvu Committee from each ward. The vetlmt places will be as fallow 1st Ward-Sheber'a Hetel, u te n p. m. 2d Ward-Wenillu'a Saleen, u u p in 3d Ward hniiiRtr'a Saleen, 0 te s p in. 4ih Waril-itotliwellur'a Saleen, e le s ( 5th Ward-Wall's Hetul, 0 te B p iu. mil Ward-Schlller llouse, I te 8 p. in 7tli Ward-ICuhlinnu's Saleen, 5 te s p in. sth Waid-Kehlhuus' Saleen. 3 te - p. in. Uth Ward liana' oaleon, 5 tea p. in. The Judges will meet en the third Heur el the new Pest Ofilce HulhUng, en fatuiday evening, fob. 2d, at te coiuelidato thu vote ler Msyer and Boheol Directors'. lly order el the Commlttce. D. MeMUM.KN, Chairman. Attest ; J. II. liciitv, Secretary. JW id l.'LKUlIUN.-TIIK ANNUAL KLf.OllON lit t 'Uiuteea et the Lancaster cemetery will be held ou TUKSDAY, r'KII. 5, wl, be tjveeu thn hours et ie and 11 o'clock, a in., at thou rape Hetel. 2S-3tlM,WA3 l'ttlilent. SECOND EDITION. FRIDAY KVKNINO, FKU. 1, 1004. AMOURNFgrMAIrt 'IIILAI.KLl'HIA K.OI'IiK'S I'l.KIIIT. t tl ana unit OldeKrna C'apttirrd nt right of the Kenla X Hudden and Iho Hnrleua Hurpilie. Philadelphia, Feb. 1. A oeoklng main iu tbe hotel nt New Hunting park iu tbe norlhcnstern part of the elty wna tieated te a midnight aurpriee last night by a foreo of sixty picked polieomon, A late hour wai oheBon for the flgbtltig na It waa Mippesul te guajatitre tbe aperling men ni;ainat iutiualen nnd the smart aurprlae onuaed a rcciie of wild confusion. Aa most of tbe pollcemcn seized two men aplcce they succeeded In arresting ninety flve of tliORO nssemblcd around tbe pit. tbe prlaonera belng men el all tirades in life, A aeareh through tbe yard resulted In the oapture of twetity teams, seme of thorn being well nppelntcd draga. The polleo also gathered up Kevcnty two llve chiokeua of all sizes and brecda nnd any number of RnfTs, scales and ether parapbcnalia used upon such occasions. The priaonera were rpilekly taken before a inaglatrate and lined $11.50 each. Hoventy.twe of them paid tbe line promptly nud tbe remaining twenty threo were oemmitted. JUOUK IMCKKllO DKATII. Ilcroase in tun I.att .Ien of Ala, l'aekrr. HpcclUl te till) lNTILLKlK.NCail. Maucii Chunk, Pa,, Feb. 1. Hen. 11. K. Packer died at U o'clock tbiB morning of internal hemorrhage. Ilia funeral will .take place fmm bis late rosidenco, Maucb Chunk, en Tuesday afternoon, 5tb inat., at 2 o'clock. Mr. Packer wai under -lO.ycara of atre. Ik waa tbe youngest nnd only sur. vivlng son of the Inte Asa Packer, his brother, Kohert A. Paoker, of Sayre, having died about eleven mouths age. Decerned, at the time of his (loath, waa president of tbe Lehigh Valley railroad company aud nssoclate (lay) judge of Car Car eon county, both of which elllcca bis father held In his lifetime. He was a momber of the state executive cotnmitteo of the Dcmoerntio party, lo-elccted last week, and was ene of tbe most liberal, active and itilluentlal Democrats In the state. Ile has been in ill health for some time, nnd en Jan. 25, 1893, Bailed for Europe in the hepe of physical restoration; the next day hla brother started for Flerida whnre he died; nnd Judge Paoker, who leturncd te this country in the sum mer, has net since thou been in full bodily health. He was the head nud projector of great business enterprises, nnd controlled a large fottune, nil of which nre be organi zed that the present mauagoment of them will doubtless oentinuo and the eatate re main In bii father's family. Mr. Paoker leaves a widow and two cbildreti. Ens Mr. I'acker'a Huccenaer. PiiiL.vDnLi'itiA, Feb. 1. Vice President Charles Ilartsborne will serve aa president of the Lnhigb Valley railroad until a successor te tbe late Harry E. Pnekcr shall be chosen. Tbe beard of directors have power te till the vacauey until the next annunl meeting of the stockholders. AHMIIH AT IllKAIC. A Terrible Uenilltlun el Tnlncs. Londen, Feb. 1 The commander nt Tekar wiltea: "It would be Impossible ler our cen'Mtinn te be worse. The rebcls have tilled up all the wella eutBide the town. The water inside la brackish nud bad and thn troops nre suffering from diarthesa, There is grcnt fear that it will be necessary shortly te sunouder. Only ten te twenty rounds of ammunition per man am utill left. The firing en tbe part of tbe ribelii centiruPH day and night " I lib I.IVINO MCKI.T.TON. Ile I.usra I! is llrlde le (lie Kml. Philadelphia, Feb. 1. In answer te the writ of habeas corpus, Uriah Clear produced bis daughter Bertha iu court this morning. Her husband, the se called living skeleton, waa also picseut. In open court tbe girl declared that alie waa restrained of her liberty Iu auy way, aud piefen. d te go with her fatberaud net with her husband. The case was thru dismissed. Thore was a great crowd in and about me court houhe. The akoleton hai already said that if his wife denied him in open court he would net further tiFk her te lettirn te him. Ilutliirat I'ulturea. Ni.w Yeiik, Feb. 1. The busiucss fail ures of tliu last seven dayn number for tbe United States number b"29 nnd for Canada H, a total of 073 ; aa compared with U17 last week, au increase of CO. More failures are reported iu the Middle and New Eng. laud states than usual, while an iucrcase en the I'acltlc coast is ijulte marked. Fail tires nre also mero numerous iu Canada aud the provinces. Jin lllur Una Iu lletltf. Rlamnh, Feb. 1. A surprise wna caus ed here te-day by the nrreat of eight well kuewn citir.eua en thu charge of herse racing with alnigha ou tbe publiu read. They were held for court. The ehargca nre brought under the blue laws of 1701, which prohibit racing, and provides that tbe horses be sold, nud tbe proceed placed lu the county treasury. In Sell lialeiirr. r. let la, Feb. 1. Cburlei Myora, who was stabbed in a quarrel wllh Chailea Keebel, Wednesday night, died this morning. Albcn livrcer, who was alsodauuereusly out by. Kuobel, is lyiiic at tbe point of death lioebul Baja be did tbe cutting in self doleuso. In Uengreai. Washington, Feb. 1. In the llouse to day the meruiug hour wuadisrensed with, aud nt 12:15 the Fit. Johnl'ertor bill waa taken up iu the commlttce of the whele, general debate being limited te i) hours and iT minutes. Keilr und lllaaiuter l'liiLAiir.i.PiiiA, Feb. 1. At a meeting of the stockholders of tbe Kcely meter cempauy bold bore te day, another post ponement et the premised publie exhibl. tieu waa nnneuuet'd, at the reipieat of the inventor. IlieUebl fctateiueiii, Washington, Feb, 1. The debt stato state stato meut issued te-day shewa a doeicaso of t ie publie debt, during Jauuury of $11, 1)53,001, a dccicaie since June 80th last of (W,007,480. l'lra Yeara liupritenmeiit. Patterson, N. J., Feb. 1. Patrick O'Hare, convicted of sheeting Ellen Fulla love, baa leea scu'oueod te live years iu state prison. Olveu la tlie Jury, Nkw Yeiik, Feb. 1 The Foudrdoiit Feudrdoiit Foudrdeiit Dicesnola libel case wa glven te tbe jury this neon. Met Oullly, Nkw Oiilkans, Feb. 1. The jury in tbe oise of Troiavllle Bykea, for the mur. der of ICate Townsend, have returned a veidlct of net guilty. TtieUluaabluwcra, FiTTSHUiifi, Feb. 1. The glas bettle blowers will meet te night te dinuusii the propriety et resumlug weik under the manufacturers' tonne, Arcuinenta O.intlnueil. PeTTsviLLn, Pa., Feb. 1. The ar. Riimcnta In the Injunotlen oase of the Schuylkill navigation com cem pany ncalnst the Pottavlle nnd Mahenoy railroad cempanynnd of tbe latter company ngnlnst tbe Water Gap and the Behtiylklll rallrend company, whieh wote te have bcen beard te-day, have been continued te February 5, togethor with the case of i Mnbaney APottsvllle company against tbe l'liiladelplila x ueauing railroad company, which bad bcen fixed for Februnry 4. The Miliars. PiTTsnt'ite, Feb. 1. Sccretary Davis, of thoBtate Minera asioelation, saya two thirds of the miners in'thoatnte are out ei employment, but that tbe present outlook Is brighter than for soveral months past. In tlie anthraolte districts net ever half the men have work. He anticipates in creased aetivity in the near future IMD10AT1ONM. Washington, Feb. 1. Fer tbe Middle Atlantie states clearing, colder wenther, winds shifting te noithwestorly, rising barometer. BlAHUBIh. t'tilladelpnia mnrKnt I'niLAbBLrnrA, February 1 Fleur dull nnd iteady Uye Klnnr at f3 50(J1 MX. Wheatnrmj Ne. 'i WiMlern lied, II O-ViO 1 00 ; Ne. a de. tlSc ; N 1. 1 I'll. Iteil, ll 13. Cern quiet and steady t anil vellew, &8)C de mixed, ST.'iUWej Ne. 3 mixed and yellow, MQ57KC Oata steady! Ne. 1 Whltnllet Ne? de, nyt OlSat Ne. 3 de, llJifJIJc; Ne. i Mixed, tic. Uye nominal iitivc. Scuds-Clever (julet nt !Vi8ini0 Timethy dull at 11 40 s rimseed 11 rm at tl GO. Previsions Urmand fairly active. I.nrd Bteady. llutter dull and unchanRCil. Kgga unsettled and lewer. Cheese (Inn. Petroleum fjulet. VlilskY a' tl 2u Hew Yerk Mnrfflta Nkw Yerk, rob. l.-Klour-State und We-t-cm dull. Wheat WOJUe lower, dull and heavy ; bust bust nea mainly en speculative account i Ne. I While, nominal i Ne. 2 Hed, fob., It ('( lOllii de March, 1 Ortl OVJ ; de April, II wei 03Ji i de May, tl U'ltUHi June, ti vmm ih Cern ynViO lower and dull s Mixed Westeru spot, (SiTolKe: de tutiire. lORHltti1. (lata rnther easier Ne, 2. Keb.. 3'.t)(c i March, H'Ce: April. 41tc: May, UQlUic; btate, teip 47c: M'eatern, SJOt'c. I.tve Htuck Market. Ciiioaeo The Drever' Journal tcnerta; IIega-'ltecelilH, 17,lM head : shlptnenta. 11,5(0 de.; market atmnvrr and 10c hhther iiiacklnir, V Cart'.-): packing and shipping, f 20if U 75 j llglll, H OJifli -M i 1K1I, 1 1(1 iu. Cuttle itccnlpta O.oeo heail shtpinenta, 3,200 de.; market Ilrm and ncltve ; oxperta, f; ftef 7 ; ceed te oheleo snipping, iiliQQ ID) com mon le medium. tSfjSMi. Micop-ltecolpta, 2 iXW head ; shipments. 2,000 de ; market steady : Inferior le lair, IJ 50OI 00; medium te (,-oed, (If.') i chelcu te extra, V 25 05 CO. Kast I,inar.TV. Cattle dull nud unchanged j iccelpta, l.w'.l bead ; slilptnents. 1,MI head ; prime, fl 2."a 75 ; talr te geed, J350(Jrt j coin cein coin inen, ft Wa.V lles active nnd flini ; Phlladelnhlas, (650 0(!7H; lerketH, rttl3l; pigs, M25UJ5U ; re cetpta, 2 875 head ; shipments, 1,81!). Hneep ilrm , ucclpts, 1,200 head ; shipment, 2,000 h 'ad. titecK airK0t. Quotations by Heed, McUraan & Ce , Uanb tiiw urs, J.anca9ii)r, ra. 11a.m. 12 x. 1.0 MlchtKan Central New Yerk Central New Jersey Central Ohie Central Oct. Lack. A Wejtern.... Denver A K'.e Oinudu.... Hrle Kansas A Tuxes Luke Hliote Chicago & N. W., com.... N. NOnt.A Western.... bt. Paul ft Omaha 1'nctne Mall Ilocliusterft I'liteburith.. SUl'uul Texas 1'aclUc 1151 S1)J Vi UVA 21 2 "4 m 110 lt!i 3:y. 15 00X S5i WA 12') li'lU 21 V.i 2 MJa VO'4 2Di US v,l UK 11 si'i ni l.'.g 15 ml f8)l wx n)2 r.x r, wy. inn 'M 27 19 IS'J 'JK ! MK 5S . 21 11-10 2ft); . 17 ILK union racltle Wabash Common Wabash 1'refcrred Wesl'rn Union Toleitranh Loulvtlle Niwhvllle .. N. Y., Chi. & Ht. L. I.ehluh Vulley 4') )i 07 27(i LelilKll NiivlniUlen Pennsylvania Ueudlni; I'.T. lluthile Neilhern l'acinc Cem.., Northern I'acltlc l'ret... Ilestouvllle Philadelphia ft Krle Nertuern Cenlnil Undercreund Canada Southern.......... Oil I'uaiileV I'assunier.. ay. 2J 40JI, 51K I "J sty. nay, New lern Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks ilrm. .Meney ensy at 2c. New Yerk Central 114 Kile llallread Wi Adams KxpttMi 1'-J6 Michigan C'entiiil lUUread Ul Michigan Seuth.-rn Kiillrend l6',; Illinois Cuutral llnllie'id i:!i)K Cleveland ,t I'lttalmnth I Cull lead 13-tfi Chicago .t line!: Island Ralliead I17K I'lllHburKh A Kert Wavne Itullread VMi Wuaturn Union Telegraph Omnium. 75i 1K W Teledo A Wabash New Jersey Central New lerk Ontario Weatern imiladelpnta. yuotatten'iby Associated l'russ. Stocks uusutllcd. Philadelphia & Erle ll. It 17 ituiidlng Kallrend "C:)i I'tinnsylvaula Itullread tsyt I.ehluh ViUlev Itullread.. 117 United CoinpiiuluMet New Jersey.., Nerthern Piicltlc, Northern l'acltle l'teierrel Northern Central Railroad Leulgh Navigation Company Noirlstewn Itullread Central Transportation Company., l'lttab'K,Tltliavllle& lluUalO K. It.. Ltttlu Scbuvlklll UMlrnml ..1K5 .. 21 K ' il .. IW .. '5 ..110 .. 01 Lecal Mtoeita nne tinne ltupurted by J. II. Leng. I'm vat. . 101 . 100 . IOC . 100 . lim . iue . loe Lai aau li 2.10 114 Wl P ".50 "1 H) le) 10.1 102 tl 30 40 411.75 :ie 100 25 210 ft 1G I il (10 50 50 Lancaster L'ltv 0 nor Cent li1"! IS'".., " 1W5.. ' 5 perct. In 1 erSiyenrs. " 4 pur ct. Scheel Lean... " 4 " In 1 ei diyitnia., 4 " In 5er -iiyeai-H. 4 " In 10 or 20 yi -irs Maubulm borough lean , 1011 . tee MlSOUltAWKOCa STOCKS. Quiirryvlllu 11. It f Mlllursvllle Street Car 'Vt Inipilrer Printing Company &e (bus Light and Kuul Company 2.3 Slevens llouse (Henda) inn Columbia Una Company 23 Columbia Water Company Susiiuuliannn Iren Company loe Murletta llollewwaii loe Stevens Uoube..... , 50 Sicily Island M Kast llrandywlnu Wuyneab'g.... M Mlllursvllle Nermal bchnul Northern Market W Kastern Market re Western Maiket 50 TOTWIKH aTOCKH. Illg SjirlnR lln-ivur uliey I X 1 lu ltrldgopert illerwixa'...... l.i JJ Columbia ACnesiiuit Hill '2.3 18 'lelumbla A Wiihhlngteii 23 te i!eliiinl)ta.. Hlir 25 U Columbia A Marietta i3 M Maytown A Kllzuhothtewn 23 If Lancasterft Knhrata ta J7 loincaster ft Willow Street '25 W.M Slrasuurg A Millport 25 21 Marietta A MayUiwn 25 00 Marietta A Mount Jev '25 31 Lane, Klliubetht'n AMlddlet'n PR) 03, Lancaster A Krultvllle. 50 Ml LuncusturALttltx 25 75 LuncasterA WlUlamstenn 25 103.23 Iincastcrft Maner 50 lit Lancaster Manhelm 23 (4 Lancaster A MurletU .'.5 S3 Lancaster A New Uelinnu tee 5 Lancaster A Susauehannn ue .82 H1K8IOCHa. rirst National Hank noe t'ei Varmers' National Hank 50 112.15 Kulton National Hank loe us Lancaster County National Hunk.. M 111.19 Columbia National llanlt loe ua Christiana National llanlc 1) 113 Knhrata National Hank 1 142 rirst National llanlr, Columbia,.-., luu Hi rirst National HanK, Stnisbuiv..., loe Itfj. First National Jluuk Marietta 101 2u rirst National Hank, Mount Jey.. IW) 150 Lltlu National llanlc 100 in Munhelm National llanlr 1U0 PIT Union National llank. Mount Jey. 50 7 New Helland National liaiik, ...... leu U0 Oae National Hank ,, loe m euarrvYllle National Hank 110 110 MUOULLAMUOUa aOKUS. quarryvllie it. it., dun ises ii lle.W Heading A Columbia 11. U5's IW lid Lancaster Una Light aud Jfuei Ce., due In ler'20 yuan 10 ,(,J Lancaster Uea Light uml t'uel Ce., dne 1880 , ,'W llauUstia floreugU iiemlmniM 100..1 NKW AltrJUtTJHRVtSNTa w LMAM8UN A KOSTKIl. Williamson & Fester's SUCCESSFUL HALF, Twe Things TIMK and TIOK innn, nnd our wait for no Special 31 Day Sale Is drawing te a ciote and It has bcen the most successful aala we have uver had. Berne oeods have bcen uelnn at almost utveaway I' KICKS. Tlie alirewd bnyera that came early had the krstolielceol many thtnira, but there are seme very geed bargains that have Just bcen breiitfhl out and aome Jeb leta et goods that have been bought for caih nnd thrown In te make tlie assortment mero cemplete. Among tliomare one let el JIKN'8 AND IlUY'rt UI1ITR UltKSS BIIIIU'8, with Llnetl llo'.ema In all alzc, ter Me each. Onulotel I1I.ACIC UH 8TIKK HATd that told ler JUJ and i.50, new down te 11.00. One let el ti 11.23. KUlt lmiVINUUMIVEBdewn One let et COI.OIIKD SlIlltTB AND DltiW RllS for Men down (Irem a clone, price whin 40s) te 2.1c. Onocaneot very UK AW WIIITB UN'DKlt. WE. Aliter 25c. Cne let et MF.N'.S I1LCK WOOL SOFT IIATM-Mome 3K dezen that worn cheap at 50c, new down te 35c. Very many el the goods that worn adver- , tlaeil Inst wcek are new gene, but there are enough left te make It Interesting. WeBhalladd no New Department te our business for 1SSI that wu knew of, but shall tlcvote nil our tlme te finding out nud serving the wunlHOt theMKN and HOVS and doing It In the host po89lhle way by koeplng what they need und selling at the very cloaeat prlccH. And tlie LADIK3 will net be forgotten In thu matter el Shoea, for we shall study their wants In the nnestet qualities. In our CI.OTII1NU DKl'AUTMKNT a' prea- cntnron.ullen number of goods that will pay you te buy nnd koep till another you cannot make nny present use et thorn. rioae make a memorandum et what Is meiilloneU here nnd ASK TO 8KK T1IKM : MENS OVERCOATS THAT WERE $ 4 50. Down new te ...$ 3.75 11.50 " A.25 SMI " GAO 1000 " B.00 1200 " .75 l.t.00 " 10.50 MEN'S DRESS SUITS THAT WERE CHEAP AT H5 0O Down new te .'.tl'J.oe 1300 l!).0U " 1450 MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS TH AT BOLD FOR t S.00 Down new te $'1.50 " 7.25 K'.IO " 8.00 MEN'S PANTALOONS THAT WERE 10 50 Down new te 11.25 4.50 3.25 2.75 5.50. 4.00.. 3.25.. HOY'S SCHOOL SUITS That sold simply by showing thorn ter (150 n.'iO Down new te 13.75 450 " D.'.O CHILDREN'S SUITS. Krein fllM., " 5.00 " 3 50. Down te .$173 . 4.00 . 2.50 One very promlnentloatuiotliathas marked this Bl'KClAL 31 DAY SALK is that with a great muny (ioeds net even their cost was considered when tbe SPECIAL I'UICKS were tUed. What the ilrm el WILLIAMSON A FOSTKIl mostly needed was teturn the goods Inte ieady cash, and te de this unit de It suc cessfully llie Prices must be put very low. This has been done und the people me reup lr.g the benefits. In the BIIOK DEPARTMENT are seme very geed tlilnca that are attracting uttontten nt the present tlme. ATeng them are some 31 UN'S CLOTH WOOL-LINKD SHOES that 1110 new down te f 1.03 a pair nnd first fluidity. Alse some MKN'S HKAVYQKAIN WATEIt l'HOOK HOOTS, tlntarehlKlilyrcoemmended. down In prlce from J3.75 te $1.23 11 pair. Many et our LADIES' SHOES, us well is the Cents' have born reduced with the idea of exchanging them ler first cost during thu Si'KClALai DAY SALE. WHITE SHIRTS. This la thu tlme et year that seme poeplo annue themselves making WHITE DRKbS S11IKT3. lletore you make a beginning please call and seu or scud and gel suinples. Thu I.OWKSTI'IUCK HIIIIIT we keep bulla for 25 cents, and U well made with 11 Linen ilojein. or 110 Yb or MEN thu next better grade sells for 4S cents, and then we have a geed fcnli t ter 73c. and one that Is a little boiler for 00c, but the Slilit thut la proving Itsclt thn Heat In overy particular Is The "Eigmie" Patent Bosem b'hirt. IT IS MADE THE DEST. IT WILL FIT THE 1IE8T. THE STOCK IS THE DE8T. IT WILL lltON THE II EST and with the least trouble el any Shirt kuewn te the trade ut the piesuut time. l'KUKKCT IN KIT and comes In two lengths et sleeves und all alzus trein 13j te 19 Inches at llie neck. This Shirt Is given out en trial, and It net satUfautery in uvery respect tlie money will be refunded. Sold for $1.00 and In lets of K dez. or mere a discount of 10 per cent, ts undo, which brings the l'rlce teOO cunts ouch. Ilorero you buy muterlal and undortake making Shirts, please come ami examine this line et ours. Outer by mull if net cnuvonlenl te come youruelt. ench erdurs will be promptly at tended te. Store cle.'es at 0 o'clock p. m, day, until turlhur notice. 1 except Satur. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, Dealers In Oletnlnrjr, Hate, Ortps, Qents1 Furnlsblntf Goods, Boeta und SIioeb, Trunke, Travel- laa Dfige, Blankets nnd Whips, 32, 34, 36 & 38 E. RING ST., LANCASTKIt, PA J l 8. Jiut rocciveda Letet CartluKO Whips and Bulling lliem for 23c., he bestvaluewe lever had. .... , . ,111 41WIAW rl .lij I t W