k'it- r, LANCASTER DAlJLY USTJEliUGENCEK THURSDAY, JANUARY ai, 1S8J, aancestrv IntclKflcnrcr 3HUR8DAY UVENINO, JAN, ill, 1EP4. AN UUI IIAOIIKMIK TO AN UI.U MAID. 3n early sprint? the eiijr-tlrtB sing This Is Love's bomeii. 80011 shall spread A carpal crcen bcfore his loci Ami crocuses and snowdrops bring A wreatli te crown his lovely listvl- Thlj Is Leve' icrwen-swcet, swcet, swectt Then youths nnd maidens, wlille j e mny, Yeu swoetboarts choeso botero the light Thai shlnes e;i spring-time shall rctre.it : j"er ence that Jlisht has pwsed away, J.lfe known njraln e hetirB go bright, 80 full of gladness-sweet, swcet, swcet 1 New 1 bollevo the birds nra wreuc That Is, net altosethcr rlght rlght rlght Xove may with partial eyes beheld alie spring, but yet the whele year long Ite smiles with tenderest delight On all tme levers, young and old. And though your early summer's lied, And though my nutuii.n's nlmest here, The lilies-blessed with leve dlvliie - Shall tnku the place et roies dead. Will you consent te plucir them, dear, With me, and be my Valmitlne 7 ilaraaret Jtlnie, Vi The Manhattan for lWiruary. FA It 31 Anil OllUIIAltl). A Few Hints About (Iratimc. Uormantewn Telegrapn. This Is a Btibjcet about which a Kroat tleal has bcen mid tti thtd department in time mat aud It is of r.e much value in ItBelf that very much raerj will ileubtless be Bald about It in time te coma. Perhaps no ether paper has from year te year clven se much praotleal information about it. The reader of this ' journal kuew that we Eoldem theorists, or in mero hemely words, " beat about the bush " in any. thlnf we have te Bay en titiostleus inter esting te our brethren who are deeply interested in the economy of agriculture, but rush at once into the gist of the sub ject. In crafting it, should be borue in mind that the Bclen3 should be taken only from healthy trces, ax any diseascd condition of the soiens will couvey this uubcalthiness te the new rtrewth, which will actually affect the trees ever after, even if it should uotcause its eventual destruction. The fruit graf ted can only roprcseut that of the pareut tree, and when thcre is a falling off In size or quality it may be taken for granted that something la wrong in the condition of the troe from which the scions are cut. Iu cutting tha scions care should be obscrved te de it before the sap has begun te meve in the spring. In fact, te ba sure of thcre being no mistake in this, it is hotter te cut thorn late in the fall or in mil winter, and tying each kind together, labal and bury in the ground under ashed, from which much meisture is ezcludcd. Or, should the ground net be frezen, stick the ends two or thrce inches iu the ground at the bottom of the troe fiem which the scions are taken. flrajw aud cherries cauuet ba cut tee seen in the winter or epring, aud all scions bad better be cnt new, and then the work will be euro net te be emitted through neglect. 1'ear and apple soiens out and jiroservcil iu this way can be set quite late in the soisen even up te May and Juue. In grafting it is very ueces. sary te de the work carefnlly, aa it is sure te be cemusnsatcri for by the ready and iinfailirg success which will fellow. Brnl id tours need net last ev r 1 hi ee days new. ltsccuispessltile ler any young ceuple te stay In dee:s lur thu length et tlme. and lalk about the merlir el Dr. Hull's Leugh fcymp, asate and pli u 4,111 1 turned y it'liy He Downcast? '1 rue, yen am In a miserable cendltl.m you are weak, palld, and nervous. ou cannot xlcep at n'gbt, nor enjoy your waking hours s vet, whylo'e licirt 1 Uet nt the ilrugglit's a bottle et Jlurileck llloed Jlitters. They will re store you te iieuith nml ptace or mind. Ket saleby II. U. Ceeliriin .fr MKt-tt U7 und 1J9 XSertli (jtiueu utrce' - ueeirallie Art. Kxplttlt directions ler ivory use are given will, ilie Dlameiul Uyc. rer ilVflnc; iloie.i, liraiMO. Kggs, ivory. Hair, Ac. He DruggUlH keep them Wells, Itlcharilsru A Ce., llurllngten, Vt. We Deception Used. It iHStrtingosetnany poepio;wlll rnntlnue te sutler day alter day with Dynpepslu, l.lvur Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Uen iiral Debility, when they can procure at our storeSUll.Uirs V1TAM7.K1I, ireoerrost lilt does notcureor rolleve them. Trlce. 7,1 cenl. Sold by II. II. Cechniu, li.'uml 14D North Queen street, I.aue,islr. !odlt-ved5 Spcalts liUlit Lp. " Have trio 1 Thenum' Kclccli tc Oil for croup and colds, and rimllt tlie l.eit remedy I have ever used In my lumlly." Win. Kay, .110 Ply mouth Ave., llroeklyn, N. V. Fer sale by 11. U. Cechian.drug.'lM. 137 and IS) North tjucun stroel. VAttflUH, AKAI, HA1?tiAINS, HAKUAIiNS -AT- Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. Wcsl King uud natt'r Sts., .IUHT Ui:chIVhl A Let of the Ohoiceot Cnrpeta 12ver Brought te Lnuoaetor, Which, in adilltleii te the 1 irge stoel: et home nun Id goods, Will bs fold Cheap if Called for Soen. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. et WeBt Ulna null Wnter Ste., I.ANCA3TKU, l'A. UUUVKUIKH. AT ItUIWK'rt. JUST UKCIUVKD Flerida, Valencia and Palerme OraDges -AND-SULLINO O HEAP. Never Sold Thern Se Cheap. lied Cresa llrand FIIES1I SALMON at 10 c(9. Can. Bt7a'rrtei.ran,i't,,,r,e8,h!l,t ,,m,cr t,r'C a,,,1 ViliiLt,UBht.a,,",Bt""el Chelee I'UICNCH is geirng.'r SUUAU BYUul" Bl ce"t a tuurt tfinttiriotef l8SiCANNi:i)C0ltN 3 cilia for 2Se. VKUU'a NEW UUU Alt COltN,' lUcTcfm. BTJRSE'S, NO. 17 BAST KIJNQ STREET. I.ANCASTKK, VA, O'l'AVr.MM 11UUHK O SHAV1NU AND J1AII1 DltKHSlNO UA IfiiiU j,2?nLJe,unc,VUU)u an'1 Prices sauie as oiher ealoeus. mylD.iM ii. ir.iuAKU .iunifir. byVia'll. 7-SnSS,l!R!.i inld'by80"1 M" ANUllKW U, KIlKn . Inn (idlHT . tan. (inn.,, t i ,,' V .V. ,7 r'. atxuiOAZ. mOWS'S JltOMIMTTEK?. Wern, Weary and Wretched. " As weak nt a, cat ' Is an oxpreaslon trcqucntly tised by doblllUited sutToren who ero try ing te tell hew forlorn they tccl. It Is an Incorrect expression, tern cat Is ene of the most nglle and vigorous animals In existence. It would be mero correct te say, " ea weak a a limp old rag," ler that gives the Idea el utter Inability te held one's selt up. The weary per son who fcels thus Is generally worn, worried, noelul and wretched. Enmeltmcs it Is u case of overwork, and sometimes of lmpcrlcct nourishment. Thu bleed In thosystemol aporsen wheli"as weak nsarag" Is In a wretchedly thin condition. It needs Iren, te Impart rlcliiicsp, redness, ami strength. ThUtste be had by taking Urew.Vs Iken Hitter's, the only sate and proper preparation el Iren In connection with gentle nml powerful tonics. The physician and the druggist can tell the worn and weary hew valuable n remedy HiteirN'a lr.eNlttrrsRa has been found In actual evervnlay use. XBUIOAI.. IIIINKT-WOKT, THE SU11K CUKE 1011 Kldney DleeaBOO, LlvorOemplnluto, Constipation, Pllen and Bleed Dlseases. rirrsicrAXs sxDenst: it iikaktha'. "Kidney-Wert Is the met successful rem rem edy 1 ever used." Ir. 1'. C. Hallen, Menk ten, VI. " Kidney-Wert is always rollsble." Dr. it. N, Clark se. Here, Vt. " Kidney. Wert has cured my wife niter Iwo years Mirroring." Dr. 0. M. Summerlln, Sun 11111, Ua. IN TH0USAND30F OASES It has cured where all clse had failed. It Is mild, but cmclent, CEHTAIN l. ITS AC TION, but harmless In all cases. Slt cleanses the llloed and strcmrthens and gives new life te all the Important organs of the body. The natural action et thu Kid neys U restored. The I.Iver Is cleaned et all disease, and the llewcls meve freely nnd healliifully. In this way the worst dljcases are eradicated tiomthe system. I'i-IccSI liquid or dry. Seldbr Druggists. Dry can be sent by mall. WKLLS. KICILYUDSOX Si CO., HUUL1NUTON, VT. KIDNEY-WORT. dli-eedAw "jr.VKIt FAlIJi. (-') SAMARITaN NERVINE. "YOU CLAIM TOO Mt'ClI for Sajaritan NcnviNB," says a skeptic "Hew can ene med icine be n unceltlc ler Kl'lLKl'SY, DYSl'Kl' SI . ALCOHOLISM, OPIUM K.YT1M1, lillhl MATISM..SI,KRMAT01tUH.K.orSKM MATISM..SI,KRMAT01tUH.K.erSKM 1NAL WKAKNKbs and llfty ether enm ptnlntB" Wi' claim It n iienJe, simply tbe rune tl.e vims et all ilUeaes arises Irem the Meet Ua Neritne, Ueelvent, Alterative, and Laxativi) properties meet all thu eendl. tlens herein mterrcd te. It's knew n tcurM THE GREAT lerve Conqueror. It quiets and composes Hie pitlent net by the Introduction oreplatei ami drastic cathartics, but by the restoration et activity te the atom atem nch ami nervous Myitem, wl-ereby the brain Urelleveil et morbid Jancle,, wlifch nre cro cre atil by the causesabove referred te. Te clergymen, I.awyerK, Literary Men. Mer chant, Uankcn, Ladles, and nil these whoe sedentary employment cniisc nervous pros trntleu, Irregularities or the bleed, stemaeli, Iwwulser kidneys, or he tcqulre a nerve tonic, appetlrer or stimulant, Samamtan Nbiivixb is Invaluable. TIieu-hihIj proclaim It the most wenilertul tnvlgenuit tti.it ever sustalnud theiilnklng system. 1.(0. held by all Drugftt-. Thu 1)11. S. A. IUCHMOND Ml'D ri), l'roprleter", St..leeph. Me. OHAS. N. CU1TTK.NTON, Agent, New Y'erk City ail lyeedAw (.) HOSTHTTHR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. The ncccisity ler prompt and cillclent household roiuedlus is dally growing mero impeiauve, and el thoie llnstntter'a Stomach llltti ra t tlie clilef In inurll and the meit pop ular. Inegularlty el the itemach and bewuU, nuluil.il teveitt, liver complaint, dehlllly, rliemnatlsm and miner allmenU, ure thor oughly cemiiiered by this Incomparable fam ily losterallvonnd medlclual Hafeguunl, aud ItluJuatJy regarded ai the purest anil most comprehensive lemedy of Its class. Fer sale by all Drugglatu and Dealers gunetally. 11-lmdeedAw lI.VM UltUAIl lt.ll.ai CATAHIUI, HAY-FKVEK. ELY'S CREAM BALM CATAHIUI, CHID l. IIKAI). KOSfc-COI.D, IIAl-rKVKIt, DKAl-NKSS, AND HKADACHK. Causes no l'nln or Dread. liivea llellet at Once. Net alt'juld or snull. Applied with the Ilnger. Thoieuuh treatment t 111 euro. KASV TO US1C t'llce 60 cents, by mall or at drugglts. EL"ir BROTHEBS, UJ-oe.lAw Druggists. Owegn, N. y. UCIY'M II'IHIIKIU PiKlllulMR. TlIK euro rer Ixn potency, ana ali Dlaujt thut tjule, I'uin In the JiaOc, Dtmuesis el OtUer (tl3CaS03 that Juuil In lii'dinllrnrrn... etitiiiillnn .i.i ii tl...... ..., . .. i A.... piwiMinuii uuw i iiuiutuuniuriivu. run lmr tlcuhira In our immnlut. which we ileslrn te ModlclneliMOlitbyalldrugglstiintllperpaclf- - ". " i..ftu .in .!, or win mi hehi irte In L'.'lII nn Ihi, ri,r.,liif ., it... in...... ,. dieting thu aueut, ' ii. ". cucilllA.N, Druggist, tur i'rtftn N"rU' y,U0" ul,uul. Jca- ..P", UCviVAl ' uiitei;,dtfl, wohavendopt. tl.e fellow WrupiKTt t uionlygeiiulne mri-iv KUK u,lAV MKDlClNKKCO ' ' nprl'MydAw llullale, L l.-'i-W Alll. AWAltK. UP Till-. IMI'UKT. 1' lii ftii tt lw)tr(iiip (i iMi.i. .... 7... cold n luilrmatiiKe. That which in the "!". hi, 11111,1, iiiiiiu jiciu ie a mini remedy, if neglecied, toen preys, upon tlie lungs. I-OUIIKK'S UKNOWNKD COUGH S Y II U I atlenW Instant relief. l'rlcc, 20c. ami OOc.u Ifettle. Te De had only at LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO.tlKAHTKINOST 1'AVXH ItANUlAHB, -ptl.VllKS XV. rilY. We nra uinklnir nlmeit dAllr! addition te our stock et WAIL PAPERS. Thn style are beautiful and we have thorn tit elegant assortment, from the oemmon brown te the llnest cmbroldercd gilt one, two nnd thrce bnnd trleze-i. Docernllons ter coll cell tng4 in elegant dcdigna, centre plecej te match. Dade Window Shades Are becoming mero popular every eoen. We can show you titty dirrerent Htyle, In the pre vailing colors, rutin cletbs for ahades in nil wtdthd, llxture:,tornatnetit, etc. CUP-AM and WHITE LACK CUUTA1N3, 1IKDSKTS. I'lI.I.UW SHAMS, T1D1KS, and I.AM lilt KXiV INS, CURTAIN l'OI.KS. COHSICkS, Mill- UOllS, AC. PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. 31 US 1 UAL lyUTUUMUNTS. :: - l LJ AniAH. 1V11ITB Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES'. SOW 1STI1ETIMKTOUUV PIANOS AND ORGANS At' SLACOHTEltlNU 1'ltlOES. mm Uoetl Second-Hand 1'lane t)M One Klegant Second-Hand Organ 13.10 one Klegant New Organ, 12-step Couplers and ut llas 65.00 Wllce A Whtte Organs Jretu I7J.00 te IIW.CO "Knabe," MePhall, Qrovenateln fe Fuller, Koyateno, and Voeo & Sens Pianos, All Market! Down te llottem Trices. Almest given away. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II. II. I.UCKKNIIACII, Agent. febl7-tld HU11.KUB, SV. T" BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. We manufacture ami keep In stock the tel. lowing goods ' Portable Engines en Wheels and 9111s. Stationery Engine and Stationery Hellers. Portable Hellers. l'orutble Saw Mills. Large and Small Uoller Feed Pumps ; pump nnd heateri combined. Hark, Cerk and cob Mills. Pulleys, Shattlng and Uearlng Housu Cellar Heaters. Creameries titled up. Steam Heating a bpuclalty. Iren and llrass Outings. Iren Tanks ter Water and OU. Light and Heavy Sheet Iren Werk Steam and Water I'lpec. Valves and Fittings. llulld any Style or Power et Hellers. hstlmates given for inachtnery. Ucpnlrt promptly nmlcarelully nttonded te. Jehn Best & Sen, (I'UOl'ItlETOItS ) Ne. 33: East Fulteu St, I.A.NCA3TKH, I'A lanlBlyd OLAHb ANIi QUXtSHHWAHH. J I HIM a MAltTIK CHINA, GLASS -AND- QUEENSWAREI -AT- CHINA HALL. We have new open a lull line of Heusefui-irishing1 Goods ! -1N- CjUKENSWAUK. ULASSWAUK, 0H1NA. LAMPS, Ac. Ilousekcepors will de well toexamlnoour "7""1 iiiiiuiiiwiuk, uur wares are guar anteed. HoexohangHitilUoods net satlttae. lery. High & Martin, 15 EAST KINO STUEET, I.ANOASTKlt, I'A. i.n'i1.011 Cl.ubv. Unl0l Je". Our Tltue aV'tWl'e!,';; at"10" UUrt V" UAHTMAN'H YELLOW KUONT C1UAU TTNIllSltWKAH AHU IKISIKUY. KJ A hpecialty nt llcchteld's. llavlnu an ovnrsteck of seme kinds of Win ter Uoeds 1 will eiler special Inducements te the , SmVl. tuble und peer and all othera during the se. vorecold weather, and many pomens out of employ, who will want te buy w'lore they can getthonieu ler their meney. Come alenir even Trade dollars taken at nar. ThanWIul ler past laverH. HKNHy IIKohteld" .. . . Ne- Ba North Queen Street, -flln nt the lllg Htec.klng. KfciMya rrie. h. uivLKit CARPET DEPARTMENT. We ero new offering seme Special Bargains In Oarpets te Persona wanting Oarpets the coming Spring will de well te leek at find Heme patterna te suit thorn at an odd priceand save meney. larger than ever ; seme goods are arriving new. JOHN S. GIVLER OXE NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, "ew ericy. BOWERS & JHTJRST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. New Open New Spring Prints, New Spring Percales New Spring .v-". V,c.? a??.V.Vil.,,;!i: J'1 1!"1'!1? ",,91M.l'S0N'3 V1,l) K-N.L,iail C111NT7.ES. Fer mourning wear tiuwe geed are prcturre.l te al( r makes, betns strlctlv llm-clii. and will net wejir rustv. Aim new mum n . .. i,.,., ,.,.1,., m nT. .... ...... m...u.... '..,,.. n-m ...' ethe TlUe, dalei iiameurg Kmurelderlcs we have new an elegant All in full minrttnnnl Dav.?! Kr,V,u?' A110 ','0.e,ll -"'Uirer Idem, Kerestdale, Lonjdale nn l many ether makes. We also have Prhln et the Weit, llei kley. Lens. ind KlnL' 1'litlln Cambrics. Ill Mieetlnif nnd IMltear i'nn Unaiin. n i... 11 ini, i n ,, i ..i.i.i.. i . :.. ... BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN TTAOKIt IIKOTIIl.lt WIJNTTER CLOTHING. Salea will contlnue at Rodueod Prices until WInter Stoek ia olescd out, te mnke room for New Gprlnp Aseortments OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SUITS, DRESS SUITS, YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, Purohnsera invited te oxamlne. Bach sarmontmrtrked in plain llgurea ntthe Loweat Orteh Prlcea HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA vnx tiuu va. 't'KOIAL, T3ALB OF Housekeeping Goods AT THE- NEW YORK STORE. Owing te the great depression In tbe ';, n market we have madn largu p'.rcim,' of Hlcachcdand Unbleached MUSLINS In all the popular brands which we can s 11 by the plecu or yard at less than manufaotur manufaetur manufaotur ere' prices. 9 8, 5-lnndO-l Illeached and Unbleached PILLOW MUSLINS. 7-1, S-4,9-1, 10-i lllcachcd and Unbleached SIIEET1N0S In all the rt'elllcnewn HramU. The special attention of ladles Is invited te the Linen Department. We new ener the best value we have ever owned in LINEN TAIILB DAMASKS At 'C., 83c, 37K.. I2C , WO . liir , 71c. !7Ke., l.W)andI.'a. K..JfiTable Napkins, TUUKEYHEDTAULK CLOTHS. In all size and patterns at lowest city prices Mdes. All I.Inen (Hass Tewels, 10c. each : 75 der. Damaslc Towels. USc usual prlce, 17e.: 50 dot. Uerman Towels, -Oe. each i 'ii iler. KIe' gant fringed Towels, ilc. each. WATT, SHAND & 00., NO. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., M ETUKlt is llAUtiilirinn. WK HAVK JUST HOIOIIT THE KNTIIIK STOCK OK tiOODyUALlTY COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OK A LAIIUE WHOLESALE HOUSE OE- ULININU HUSlNKSi, AND AUK NOWHELLINUAT $ 1.40. Uoeds that were eeld at ri.oe tefi.53. We have en hand, ul.e, WUITK AND COI.OItED Blankets, I10UQUT AT AUCTION 8ALE3, ritOM 75c. up te $10.00: " ?S I1,n?. rhem 0IT cllai) i they have been sacrificed this oaseu at less than iiianu. 1HVIU1II B LVIh & Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Between the Coepor llouje and Serrel Hersu LANOASTKK PA AUOTIONBEH AJIII ltKAI. K3TATK AUEMTi HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEER AND HEAL ESTATE AGENT, 61 North Duke St,, LanoaBter, Pci. EveryUiliiK perbtlnlnu te my business will recelvuiuy jnimena attention. Tenus reason' abl6, UlYomuaeull tunl'Mfd i)ttv uuem, ce. ntWK DltY GOODS AA'D OAHPKT ALL IN LATEST AND CHOICEST PATTEItNS. itnoet new cholee goods. Tickings lit all the EVERYTHING MAlllvF.D AT LOWEST P0S31II1.E STREET. LOWEST PRICES ON. incr auevs. I II. 9IAKTIN Je CO, Decline in Prices -OK- Hnuset'urnisliing Goods ! We have en hand all popular makes et Muslins, 8heetings, Tickings, Checks, Table Linens and Cottens Towels, Napkins, Crash, Counterpanes, Blankets, Comfertables and Feathers. Hamburg Embroideries, IN NEW AND HANDSOME I'ATTEllNS. AI.LATLE5S THAN IlEUULAK MiIChS. Call and ezamlne. I B. Martin & Ce,, for. West King aud Prince Sts.. LACAHTKU, I'A. N KXT DOdltTU T1K UOUUT IIOUHn. FAHNESTOOK. OUEAT SALE OK HOUSR FURNISHING DRY GOOD?. New geiiiK en, at l'rlces never belore known. ULEACIIED AND UNHLEACIIED MuBlIna, Shoetini Shlrtlug and Pillow Oaelng, ALLUUADE9 AT ALL WIDTHS. TICKINGS. 6!e.. Re., 10c l?c, ler Cl.alt Ilcds. Heat Mc. KEAT1IKK TICKLNU at IU and W centH. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS In Quantltles, nt Lew 1'rlciu. llandsome Em Em Em brolderod Stand, Toble and Piane Oovera. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! We keep nene but the best Hteani cured Fcathers. I'orsens commenelui; houHolfocp heuHolfocp houHelfocp Inir, ortheso atieut te repIenlBh Hlieuld net tall te koe our stock botero imrchiuluu. E. E. Eahnesteck, LAN 0A8TE It, PA. Next Doer te the Court Heuso. rilUTUUUAVUH. K. ltllTK. Them tiaa been such it doniand;fer LAItGE l'llOTOGKAlMIS that I nafl compelled te et a VERY LAUOE UAMKII.V l!OX te meet the (temand. We ran new malte you a 1'HOTOn.s emall as the Hiiiallesl loekolMlllliold up te a 6. inch lace, te lit ,au ittn Krame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 North Qiienn atrwt liine'.MId 1 KNU1NK YAltAUIIIAK fii.KAit vi I.I.Kit VX enly6cunlH. at I IIAIITMAN'3 YELLOW KHONT CIGAIt I bTOKK. I OKU, V. HATIIVUN, make room for Spring Stock our goods new, as they may Our New Spring Stock will be & CO., JtOUSK. LANCASTER, PA. N ' (UV OPEN Chintzes, best make Table l.lnuiw. ToweM. Napkins, i PltlC'F.S. LANCASTER, PA. tha rr.Lt:us Hi J l.. CtllKNWAI.I. I.KItA.Ml.N .t IIOI.KltKllOK ; ALLEY IIA1I.UOAD TIMETAIII.E. sermwARD. Trains leave Lelmiinn dally (except bun day) at l 30 a. in., I'.' - nml 7 - p. in. Arrive at Cornwall at ti iu u. m . l'i.37 p in and 7 10 n. m.: at Cene wuire aLT-.'.'J a. in.. l.iJ and :iu p. in., eennectliii; wltli the Pennsyl vania railroad for points East and Wct. ISOCTIIWAne. Trains leave C'one-vntfo at 7 30 it in., ;':30 and S.r. p. in. Arrive nt Cornwall nt i I'i a in.. !.! anil 0 13 p. in ; at Libation at n ion. in., i jeand .S S 1). i ll In in., cennictlnt; at Lebanon with Phlladeln A lKndlnt: railroad for nelnts Kmt and W est. mill the t.etianen A Treiuent branch ter Johns Jehns town. I'lnourevo and Tremont. The I, K) a in. train will step only at Cern wad, Coleiirook and llellalre. Cti.i;i:::a a reiiT deposit itA.Ti7- ItOAD TIME TA1II.K. I'.- I.-. i'i-v rnn leKularlven the Columbia A i-i s- peflt ltaltread en the lollewlnii tlme . HOLTHWA M'.iTUjNH. ( KORTUWAnD ii iiiviii ir- tr'i.ua iiiiii ii n mini in nn 11111 ih'.il iiiiiari. in A.M. r. m. r.w, BuV)1 6:311 .... 5:33.... 6.17 .... 5 1.' 5 US 'i(;' 50e 6:3) 6- ''nmbla..., ,.Wiu.i.r"iinii.., ...Orcsuwi t .... . Sate Harber... .Shentc's Kerry.. ... .l'eqtiea .tert: rAirnaie.. Tuc'iuan ifcCall's rerry. ,..KIU's Eddy... .Ftstiliur Creelt,. .Peach Hottein.. ,. ConelnHo... .....Octerara ..Pert Deposit.. ...1'erryville..., 8.-20 S.O S.02 :42 7:00 7:06 7.U0 7:12 7:17 7rn 7J7 7:IJ 7.10 7.3ti 7:31 7: 7:'il 7:10 7.ti Ml t.M. 1:4.1 ."II :SJ 1:30 4:11 7:60 7.50 7:28 7f.S 7:17 7:C5 b:03 (!:ll 4:13 0:32 C:20 4 05 3:55 3:11 KAJjlMiaUOLiniUIA Jt.H. 1U "" OKJi". Tfl' I'A.'iSENiiKKTHAINB MONDAY, OCTellEE 2rif, 1883. NOUTHWAUD, LMAV3. I A.M. A.M. A.U 10:3S lOiUi I0:ft; 11:1S ... . 11:20 11:21 lL'.T U::R 11 .ti 11.52 ll:.v; iB 7.10 12-2U 7:27 P.M. 12:23 7J7 12.10 K;(0 HIS 8:00 A.M 7:30 11:10 UriO lluarryrille Itucojter, Kliih'St Lancaster... Clilcklcs Martettn Junction Columbia. A&&IV8. Ue.-vdlns 113.) 7ai 7.1b 7:20 7:.V) T.30 U.4E aOUTUWAUD. Z.BA78. A.U. v. r.H. 6:10 8:01 8:30 r. x licauint; AMUVP. Marietta Junction. Chlckles Columbia Lancaster Lancaflter. King lit. Ouarryvllle 76 12.-O0 9:15 D:l5 11:40 r.M, 2:10 2.10 8:25 8:13 8:25 8:35 5:15 5:25 U:40 10:40 Trains connect at Hcadlnir with trains teand from Philadelphia, 1'ottavllTe, llarrlsbnrcr, Al Al Al lontern and New Yerte, via Hound Uroek Uent. At Columbia 7lth trains teand from Yerk, ilanevcr, Uouyebuig, yroilerlck and Halt'., mere. A. il. WILSON. HupL Pr.i4rthVi.vAn it iiaii.heaijnrw IIOHEDULE On and Rfter SUNDAY NOVEltiIKU, 18, lsfl, trains en the l'ennsyl viutlu ItAllread will nrrlve at and leavn the linciJitif nnd Philadelphia dopetaos fellows i Levl Ar Lanjl'hl EAflTWARll. A.M. A.U Mall Eznresa.... ?. te.'r.u. .... 2.311 .... U:l0 1m 3.50 .... 3:30 .... 1:00 1:10 3.10 1-20 5.50 1:01 3M 2:27 4:25 5:35 7:60 8:10 10:20 8.00 ..,,, 8;55 0:00 11:45 P.M. 12:53 12:58 8:16 r.v. 2:42 6:16 2:20 6.C6 6:16 7S5 0.45 0:13 Philadelphia Espresa r asi 1. 1 no.... ........... ..... ......... lUu-rlsburK Express Tferh Accominelatlnn arrives '.ancester Accome latlen arrives.... Celumhla Accoesiurxl lien jfie.lnrlcit Acotnnmedatlon arrives.. Leck Haven Express Sunday Mall Johnstown Express Day Express llerrlsburz Accommodation Hanever Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Expresg at 0:45, will run threugn te Hanover dally, oxcepi Sunday. rrodericlr Accommodation, wost,eonnoctlnst ut Ltiiciuuir with Fast J.lne, west, et 1:35, will rnn f.reuKh tiiK;edarlcic. ILO. Ar. U'hUILai Wkbtwahd. JL.lt. IA..". Kowe Express. Wiv l'OMjienirer. ...........,... 4:30 4:30 7:00 7:56 :23 6:30 9:20 9:30 0:46 0.50 Mtui Train, Ne. i, via. Mt. Jey MaUTrain,No.2,vlaCeliimbla,leaviis KUnsera hxptess... Hanever Accommodation leaves., r.n. fast J.lne rrodeilck Accommodation leaves... lltlO 1:35 1:46 6.15 2i:0 7:30 7: in .. r.v. llan1stT:rh' Aocemiaodatlou Ijincastcr Accouunedntlou leaves... celumhla Accommodation... llarrlsburK Express,,, WtMtern Express I'ncltle Expresj 2:14 4:IC 6:40 0:10 11:16 11:20 1:33 HarrUbnrK Express, wiiteh leaves Lancaster at 7:10 p. m mis direct connections (without chanire or cant) te Columbia and Yerk. rout Line, west, en Uunday, when nagged will step at Dewnline town, Cen tosvllle, l'urhrs, tnirK. Mount Jey, Ellzubethlewit nnd Mlddle. town Duy Kxprnss, fast Line, News Kxnresa, 11 ml Tmlu, Ne. I, Wcstern lixpiesaaud l'atine Ei press run dall v. ine uniu nure Kiveu is nauern umt, or mat et the 75th uiei lillnu. whlce Is 1 inlnuteiinil i kxeiuIa taster than that horetotoru used. MOTIOMl. riMiic '1 ZENITH -oreuit- SPECIAL 31 DArT BALI T Was reached nn Saturday, the wtli, and If the downwind hitlf should prove iw satisfactory te us an the lertner has been we shall have ac complished n oie than we anticipated. Many poisons are under the Impression that we nre holding an Auction ?ule. Why they should thlnlcse weeauiint tell, rer the Information (el the lew) let in state we have NO AUCTION SALE, although the prices at which we nre selling the goods perhaps am lower than Auction Prices In general SILK HATS. Fashionable Dies HaM....Piem ,U0e te ft t'lueHllk IlitwsllfttH " 5(0 te .( ' I ( te M.M IIXTA AND OAl'rl. Yeung Omits llr. 8tlir Hats Ite- dured from ?IW le jtl en Men's Selt fur 3.i) te 'J..M) Weel 8tin " l.'it te l.u Hey's stur ' I.M te . Yeung (louts' Finn Pocket HaU reduced Hern !.'- te 109 (ieuillueSeal Skin laps rrduced from IWO te MO (ienuliioSeo'.cliCapsiediicodlroiii l.ue te .&) Slelghlng Caps leiluced from T.1 In .'' Imitation Seal Caps nilneed trem 1.71 le l.i") Men's Cleth t'api tedueed irem .75 tf w HOUSE M,ANKinU The Keystone.... lledueed trem J.l.V) te VJil "linker " a.5e te I.SU " New Ilanipstdie " TU te I II LAP KOHK5. Kur llebes Uediieed Irem lll.uu te $ ti.ie llniriile Uebes " IJ.te lloe l'lush llebes " l.sote 3fl M15NS' OVKUCO.VT3. Iaui0 Men's Overcoats I(educel te fine) ItM " II W.W " 13 J I4.W - I"1 MKN'ri riN'K I) HESS SUITS. ;ioe 4-llitttim Cutaway Milt Ueduce I te ? II ' ii "0 J-lliilten cutaway Stills Iteduoed te I''" MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS. 13.t) All wool Iluilnc.il Stilts Itcdiircd te - fll'' 1I.IM All wool lliuluei. MilU llod'ired te I' " 10.00 All wool lluslnics lilts Itcdtiriwi te ' !)( All wool Stlltn Ilednei-il in 7-', CIIILDHKN'fl SUITS. Ket Children Irem I le 12 years el nRe. M.50 Child's iinlt Ite.'iicidtefl.'u 5.re ' '"' 4.25 ' 5 350 " " CHILI)HI.:rS DVKHUOATb. K5) Child's overcoats .. 3,ui ' 4.im " 3 25 ....Uedliceil te 13.25 . .. " 1.4(11 J Vi '- 75 BUYS' OVEHCOATS. Jti.OO Child's Overcoats 5.WI " 4UI " .Cud need te J.Mm ' I oil 3 t. HOYS' SCHOOL SUITS. Ker Heys from 0 te 11 yoiusel ae 17.00 Heys' Scheel Suits Kediiceit te 0.te 11.00 " .... " MO .M) " " 4I' l.ie " " r. HOYS' SUITS. Ker Heys Irem 12 te HI years el iifje. JlO.lKJ Heys Suits lleilufiHl te (Hni S50 " ' 7ii 7.50 " i,.Ml llO) " ' '"I HOOTS AND SHOES. Meil's I.iue Hals lledueed from ,7.00 te 'i7", .... ' 1.50 te .iw ' ' " .... " 4.00IO Ii". ' lluttell " .... " 3.V1IO . mi LADIES SHOES French Kid WnlUltiK Slioe reduced Irem fiW te no English hid WalhliiKMine reduced Hern lii te 350 EiiKllsh Kid WulklnKSheereilueed from 3.10 te 2tn Men's, Heys' and Ladles' Uiiidjern have all been reduced In pi Ice. UMHHELLAS. A Kencnd reduction In Alpact, OliiKhains and Mill;. UNDHUWHAIt. White All-Weel.. ..Uediieed from ISI.'O le I 25 Camel's llalr " 2 Je te 2.00 Gray Mixed ' 50 te in Canten flannel.. . " Win H5 WOHKINO SI1IHT. EtrenirUtrlpcd lledueed Irem f 50 te f ,4,i .10 te I'l Heys. " .80 te 25 NK0KWKAK. Pnltacarf.Bllkback.rediicodlreiiijJI.'.'i te f .60 Viat ' " " " 1,25 te Ml LonjrTles, " " " ,'5!' J" 11 ,1 .50 te 25 1'uirBcarl, " " " ' le 1 GLOVES. Dress Kid, 8pilii( Tep, ix-diiced from.... tieu te fi.re Dress, Kid, Hprlnir Tep, reduced irem 221 te 1.75 Dress lild, fur Tops, 1 educed Hern 7.1IO .HI Cleth (lleves Itedticed Irem .50 te .25 Lined Kid Mitts.... " 1.75 te 125 Ladles' Fur Tep Mitts, " I 37 le 1 10 HOSIERY. Men's Merine deduced iieiu .50 te f .15 " Fancy Httlpi'd. " -Tite .f.e ' llrewn Hese.. .23 in .1.1 Seamless ... " -13 te .10 The above Id i.et 11 full list el all the Hal gains but Justa low from each depattment, and as each line Is Held out they will net be replaced, se call early ler the Ileal Hckei Ien Our stores close at 11 o'clock, "i. 111., except Saturday, WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 B. KING ST., J, Ul LANUASTEIt, PA. ;jlllmd.tw