Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 30, 1884, Image 3

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    v r c, '
'J. J
What l.uncmter County I'njslunnd (Id Out
Wlitrn tlm Htntn'lnx Until Frem
nml Where It Ones Te,
Auditor (lunernl Loinen has dlntrlbuted
oejiIch of his nununl report, n doeiimont
that Is always full of Interest te the tax
payers, nn It aiitimerntcii the roaelplH anil
expenditures of tlie Btnte fei the year end
Ing Nev. IIO, 1883, the sources from which
they oame mid the places whero they
wero applied. The total receipts
In this period wero $0,773,130.19,
of which the hulk uemcH from the tax en
corporations, of oeiuko, an they escape
local taxation In a large dogrce 'I'hu
payments in the saine t line amounted te
0,70.s,0l)0.U'J of which the judiciary
nteii ever half u million, the Ijoglslnture
an much morn aud ether oxpeiiflon of gev.
eminent about tlies.tuin ; leans rcdoeincd
took ua much morn, and Intercut en
Htate debt, $37 1,701.50; nearly a million
wan Invested In (J. H. bends under the
Humes bill; chnrltleH and soldlern' or er
phaim schools nbsorbed u million ; the
penitentiaries and rofermatorloa about
100, 000, the national guard WIG, 32 1.83,
and the common schools dl,080,-109 72
Tee Ooriieral Ions et the Comity.
Frem haneastur county the state g t
3.00 from the Hlg Hprln; turnpike, com
pany tax en corporation stocks ; $21) 80
from the Columbia Sz Washington ;
I.VJ7, Columbia Sz Clieitnut Hill j $28,
Columbia A; Mnrlettn; $20 83, Columbia
it I'ert Dopealt, H It. ; $11, Contre hall,
Marietta ; $200.82 from the Columbia II.
Sz L Ne. 3 ; $00. Columbia Water Ce. ;
$22.1, Cliestnut Hill Iren Ce. ; $21 7' Cm
estega Sz Big Spring Valley turnplke ;
$750, Chlckieii Iren Ci. ; $108, Columbia
OaH Ce. ; $213.31, Columbia 1J. Sz L ; $20.77,
Franklin 15. Sz I, I,inoister; $203 11,
Lancaster, lllUabctlitewu it Middlotewu
turupike ; $01, U. As Kplirata ; $00, I, Sz
Frultville , $180, I. A; Milts'. ; $12.
oaster llre insurance eempanv ; $187. L, Sz
Hummehanua tnupike ; $171, L. Sz WIL
liamstewu ; $300 Laucast' i Gas com
pany ; $103, Ij. it Marietta turnplke :
$1112.50, Lan. Belt Ce; $1.10 00, I,, Sz
I.ltltz turupike ; $138. .Marietta Holle
ware and Kuamelllug Ce.; $131 SO, Man Man
liemi Sz Lancaster turnplke ; $21.09, Mt.
Jey Woolen Ce.; $00, MeC.ill'w Terry Ce.;
$52.7.1. Marietta Si Mt. Jey turnplke ;
$112.50, New Helhtid turnplke , $19 00,
People's II. L. As I). Ce ; $82 5.1, St.
Jeseph, It. Si, L , Columbia ; $101.71 Union
II. A: L Lancaster.
'Ui en llnnU Heck.
Columbia national, $3,000 ; Kphratra
national $110 ; Farmere' national. 2,700 ;
First national, Mt. Jey, $7.10; Fi. t na
tional, Strasburg, SI'-U; First national,
I.ino.t.iter, $1,200 ; I'u-s'. national, Colum
bia, $1,200; First national, Marletta,
$000 ; LitiU national, $420 : Lancaster
County national, $ 1,800 ; Mandelin na
tieutl, $0U0 ; I'tiieti national, Mt. Jey,
Tux en Net i:i tings.
II.ur A: Shenk, OC.Ol , 1). I I, icher Sz
Sen, 22.01 ; Kced McOrann Si Ce., 510 00 ;
K. K Smith Si Ce., Columbia, 01 00.
I'm en Lean.
Columbia borough, $111.00; Lancaster
city, $2,013 ; Lancaster Sc LitiU turupike,
$2 ; Lancaster Sz New Dauvllle turnpike,
$01 ; Lancaster Ce., $32.IS ; Manhelm
ber, (3C0; Marietta, $121.20; H'las
burg, W 80.
La:. cester county, tax en personal prep
erty, $ 50,01)0 ; tax en write, wills, doed,
ifce.. $2,002 10 ; collateral inheritance,
$20,03100; tavern license, $13,500 ; re.
tatlcm' license., $10,510 ; eating heuse;,
$21,100 , brewers' $30.25 ; billiards, $300 ;
brokers, $7(5.59 ; auctioneers, $570 ;
wholesale liquor dealers, $780 20; pcil
dlers, $7 31 ; theatres, cirJUJ, Sea , $55.
Kneh notary public, appointed or reap
pein'id for the cetrity during tlm year,
paid in $25 ; the rscheatcri ostate ! .1 s.
Stern yielded $017.10.
In the matter of paytnciite Lancaster
county is loprctentcd by the salaries paid
its judges, members el the Legislature
and its representatives! in the various de
partmentsef the state government ; little
or nothing for advertising ; $101 5S te J.
II. SchisMder, tnoreantile appraiser ; $303,
05 te Alilennan Spurner for costs in sn t-i
njalt.s' deliiiipiient deali-n ; netliii-tr te
charltiiH here , $10,108.3S te thu Ml Jey
soldier' orphan school ; the allowances te
the Lancaster and Columbia nulitaiy
cempaniis, $1,032.80 te Capt. Crtne's Ce.
C. and $150 30 te Ce. K. ; $2,000 for the
salary of the county sunt. ; $31,901 33
Kenrral ecIiheI ajipropriatieu ; $10,307 00
te Milliinville normaUcheol aud tttuilri.'v,
and Hi pensieu te Amelia Wislcr.
Deatti el Kilwur.l iluct:.
KdAaitl Kautz, familiarly known s
" Hecter " who ler tnore than forty years,
wna cmployed by the state and the l'cnusy I
vanla r.uliead company in oue capacity or
another, died last niflit about ten o'elook,
after a long aud paiulul illness, at his
residence, Ne. 50.1 West ICinj; street. He
euterul tlie setvlca of the state as a tire
man en the Philadelphia Sz Celumhii
railiead, and was nfterwards promoted te
the per.itl-ju of eninoer which hn held ler
a len ttmoalter tlie statu nail sold tlie
read te the Pennsylvania rallrud com
On account of ill health he rcliuiuihhcd
the position aud accepted an easier ene at
the pasRene,er depet In this city, where fur
about 23 years past, he was te be seen
dally, except when proveutod by sickness,
eflleiently attending te his responsible
duties. He was n faithful eltlccr, a pleas
ant aud intelligent gentleman, generous te
a fault, and contributed liberally te all
deserving charities, as far as in his power.
He was a brother of the late Jacob F,
IvauU, a prominent Democratic politician,
who wielded n great deal of political inllu inllu inllu
once a quarter of a ecutury age. Edward,
also, was an actlve Democrat uii te about
1850, when he joined the Hepubllcan
party, anil was ever afterwardH oue of the
leading ItcpublicauHefhls ward. He leaves
u wlfu and ene daughter te mourn his lean
aud hosts of friends who ahare in thelr
beroavement. Ills fuueinl will take place
en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'elook. Inter
ment at Woodward Hilloemotory.
A lllgCreiTd nt the llenring.
At the hearing In Epbrnta yosterday
bofero 'Sijuire lvraatz of Ell Heinoy.
Daniel Horuberger, Isaae Broneisor nnd
Mrs, Julia Ann Iluzvard, thore was an
imroenso popular attoudance. Dotectivo
Uartholemow was u wIUiebsh against the
(lefeudautH in all the easos. Mrs. Julia
Aun Huzzard was roprcsentcd by 'Siiulre
Oarmau, of Denvor, who pleaded hard for
lier aud her threo small children ; she was
dresied In blaek and exclted oeusldorablo
sympathy, the ovldeuco against her being
rather weak ; alie said that she had nil
along tried te be an honest woman and had
doue nothing wrong j that she did net
knew w here her husband, Abe, was, nnd
that she nevcr, knewlugly, rccolved any
stelen goods.
Ell Heinoy, iiulofenfo, said : " I must
suffer for offenses which ethers have com
mitted. Can't wrlte no mere thnn my
name, I did net wrlte tliose sentences
which wero en the blackboard nt Llnoelu
noheol heuse, Earl township," He denlcd
having any Iceyu in his possession, He
denied that he could speak English, at the
Batne tlme doing he, which caused oon eon oen
hidorablo laugUter nud made him very
Daniel Hernbergcr oenfossod tint, he
was guilty en aome obargea, but uet'all,
aud he deu't want te suffer for tlieaj com cem
jnlttrtl by ethers,
iiei.iinniiA ni:wh.
l'reiii Onr Itegulnr UorreipetiiUiit,
A great deal ofnufferlnK exlsls nmetig
the peer.
Kvery minister In town will preach en
tomperauco next Sunday ovening.
A tnifiniotnile nnd fancy drcsa ball nre
te be held hem at no distant day.
Tlie ladlcH of town nre new forming
roller eoelcty. They nre doing geed.
The Mseenil street Lutheran ehurcli
will give a grand musical concert In the
opera heuse In Februnry.
B. Ivruoher has re opened the photo
graph gallery en LeaiiBt street, formerly
occupied by L L, Williams,
A slelghlng party from Mt. Jey last
night made thelr headiuarteiH nt Lewls
Smith's oyster parleni, whero u nupper
A great deal of "emmmit ban been
mnde regatdlng the notion of the neunly
oemmlsslouera In having Frank nnd
b'truek arrested.
The revlval mnetlngii In the .Methodist
church nte laigely atteudrd ; lastoveiitng
flve pcuttentH were nt the altar cocking
conversion and three succeeded.
All pcrrenn holding books belonging te
the Prcsbyteriau Sunday school library
are icque&tcd te turn them into J. L,
Pinkerton, no 'rotary, se that they can be
The prayer meeliiigii in the Columbia
onglne heuse me te be continued. Next
Sunday nftetuen t e Prosbyterian claireli
ohelr, wilh organist, will occupy the en
gine room.
The high oeustablo's pioulamatleus for
the February election has been issued.
The First ward Democrats will held thelr
primary meeting In the T.T. E. 0. club
room. Twe candidates nre la the Held.
At a mcolingef the Ornnd Army Pest
last night, it was decided te attend the
statu oue.impiuont at Lancaster in a body
en Wednesday, Februaiy Cth. About ene
hundred men will nttend. Six recruits
were admitted.
Last night seme sneak thief stele n pulr
of pants from Kamiul Stautsenborger, an
ompleyoof the Continental hotel. Well
ington Duck was accused. Ofllcer Struck
thoroughly searched his heuse and every
ether place frequented by blm, but they
wero net found, and Duck clnlms te knew
nothing about the pants.
The stockholders of the Mt. Ucthel as
sociation met yesterday nftcrnoeu nnd
ehctcd the following beard of managers :
J. H. Mllllln, P.. Ilershey.Uce. Haldeman,
J. I), llucbanan. J P. I'haler.J. A. Myers,
Stuiuel Cruseelt, Dr. W. Hlghter, Dr. .1.
F. Cottrell. Tlie unking lund was voted
te be increaicd from $5,000 te $10,000.
The lKxird of managers will erganlrc
Thursday afternoon.
"."ie e.ui: run autiiin."
In the )K"0 ii Wllmntli t llriitrl.
The case of 15. J. Wilmeth, an alleged
ditertive, vh. W l'. Ilonsel, chairman of
the Democratic state committee, te re.
cuut $1,000 toward, ehimed te have
bee-i clleied for the iloteation, convletion
nnd pniHsliiniMit f eiT"iBcs agaiust
ttie laws piiiitshing bnheiy aud corrup
tions at eloeti'ini, win rceently tried bafniu
arbitrators in Melvenn runly. I Me.
Sweeny, It. H. Hose aud Tlnm. , Mmri
snn, crqs., all attorneyr-at law at Smelli Smelli
peit, the county seat, wero the arbitra
teis : the ca-se was argued by Mullin A:
McCluie, for the plaintlll, and by E. L.
Kieiian, chairman el the Democratic
county committee, for the dofendant.
Afu r holding It under ndvisement for two
da)?, thu arbitrators late en Saturday
night illcd an award for the defendant,
finding ue cauie of aotleu
Tlie defendant offered no testimony , it
was Miewn for plaintiff that the Deme
cratie state committce had Issued a pester
off ring rewards for ceu ictiens of violating
the laws against bribery anil con upturn,
aud that the chaiiman in a speech at Brad
ford declared these eilers te be sinccre and
in dead earnest ; that a tax collector had
been preiccutcd for Issuing a bogus receipt
te Wilmeth. )' 1 1 gu.Ity and was never
On cress examination It was shown tha
Wilmeth uadhontte lIulT.vle for associates,
who iet bogus leccipts from the tax col
lector under his direction ; that the ro re
ceipt which he himself get under nn
asiu.iud name was Issued te him the day
aftei the election, and that nobely ever
voted or tried te vete en it ; aud that the
defendant was ncver called for sontence.
t euitT r uuMaien i-i.kas
.l.iiKO I'littcunii linen en ultli llunlim's
This morning was the time set for the
commencement of common pleas court,
which, owing te the Hildehrnud case and
the absence of Judge L'vlngsten, was con
tinued from Monday. Judge Patterson
cjucluded te go ou with the court nud it
was s intention te have taken up the
Ilnekcrvillu church case. It svas found
that a witness was sick nud the case could
net ba begun te day
Tlie case of Len Ceble vs. lSeniamiu
Shadier and Geerge Hyred was the tlrst
taaen up huh was suit ou a seaieu uoie
fur $50 wlijeh was given by Shaclfcr te
plaintlll cu August 12, 1857, for money
borrowed. I5red was the security en tlie
note, which was for tluee months. Al
though a number of payineuts of Intercut
en the note were made the amount was
never paid nnd hence the suit.
The dcfiiuse proceeded te show that lu
1801, after the nete was due and Sbaoffer
ni a solvent, lljred untitled plaintlll' t
(orce Shacfter te pay the nete. Hyred
heard no mero of it until 1870, when
Ceble demanded payment, nnd he was
told that a.s he failed te mnke an cfTert te
get the meney when told te de se, he
(Hyred) could net be held liable. It was
also claimed that the amount of the nete
has been paid.
The parties te the suit live lu Elizabeth
town. On trial.
I'eicr VI iiiiniun I'niiitictrd.
Chief of Polleo Doiehler, Watchman
Ed. Shubroeks aud Charles Orcen yester
day attended cetttt in Harrlsburg. as
witneasts lu the case of Peter Wil
liams, who was charged with burglary.
It will be remembered that Williams was
nncsted in North Duke street, thin city,
while attempting te onter the heuse of
Mr. Charles Fendeismlth. Onhlspoiseu
watehea which wero utoleu In Harrisburg
were feuud. Alter serviug a sontencn
hore he waa taken te Harrisburg. The
first case called against him yosterday was
that which oharged him with robbing thu
heuse of Frederick ISIcssuoyaudstealing a
watch The jury wero out but 10 minutes
until they found a verdict of guilty. He
was then put en trial en the charge el
breaking lute the heuse of Mr. MeFnr
land, wlicre he also atole a watch. Dofero
the jury was sworn the prisoner asked
lotve te withdraw bin plea of net guilty,
and outer ene of guilty. This was allowed
by thu court, and scntonce was postponed.
IlinUf inriu Injnrcd,
Tuesday afternoon about two o'elook as
n freight train of the eoceml Union line
cast wns running en the middle track at'rt titntiun, llrakemau WinfleM
Camphell jumped from the onglne en
which he was riding, with the lutantleu of
going back te the nilddle of the train. In
jumping he foil upon hle and
sulTcred very uovero lacoratlens aud
contusions of the scalp, and though nn
fractures wero dlsoevorablo, he was ou
tlrely disabled. He was sent te Go.itsvllle
whero wns oxamlned by Dr. Ulakosley,
who afterwards brought him en te Inn Inn
caster, whouce he was sent te his home in
Harrisburg, for further troatment. Ilia
injuries are net rogarded m nocessarily
A llud UrefslDf.
The otesslng at the Harrlsburg turnplke
nnd Pennsylvania railroad, in the north
wosteru part of the elty In in a very dan.
goreuu condition and soveral nocldeuts
have been eaused thoreby within a few
days past. On Tuesday about 10 o'clock,
T. ft, Cochran and family had thelr
sleigh up.iet and were thrown out nnd Mr.
Coehrnn was rather loverely out In the
face ami was given n black oye. A few
hours earlier E. J. Zahm'fl rlelgh was
upsetnt thosame plnec, nnd both shafts
were broken off. On Monday Dr. M. L.
Herr upset nt the snme point, ebcnplng
with slight damage
Disturbing Meetlns.
Elmer Helslngcr, oelorcd, was arrested,
hofern he was out of bed this morning, by
Olllcer Wondler, en cemplaut of Wm.
Himber, who chnrgea him with having
disturbed the religious ucrvlces at the
colored M. E. ohureh, en Clay stroet, last
Sunday. In default of ball he wan com
mitted for a hearing bofero Alderman
Samson, the ttmn for which has net yet
been llxcd.
Vl.ttlni; Uounclliiieii
Te day a commltteo of the city councils
of Headlng were In this city en n
visit. They came for the purpese of In
specting the Lancaster gas works and will
remaln In town ever night. The patty
IneIudcH Jehn L, Lawronce, prcsldoutef
select council ; A. IC. Stauffer, Jehn E.
Stelnel, Win. II Proessor, Ames Hugett,
membcrs of common council, and Jue II
Kepplcman, elty clerk.
A-anultenn Wumnn.
Petor Frank was nrrestcd te-day, and
locked upon oemplant of Annle HInehart,
who charges him with having committed
an at-saultand battery en her. The case
will be heard by Alderman Forduey.
I.adiki hlieuld wear a Jli J'tittter ever tlie
small et thu Imek, m It cnrci all palna and
iiclics. 1'icU. nt any dVng tjni All rendy te
J(nnf Haul Tliore are yet seme seals te
lu teeiirt'il ni tliu epcni house for the concert
this evening. Tim Iiir(,-u and t'islileiiulilii nu nu
illencu that will be present rccei;nlzti the fact
that tliU Krcat cantutrleu Is niet worthy et
llHtetilni; te. The sceno (rem the opera " La
Kaverltu " will be nn ntlracttve tenture. Trie
mippert i exceptionally strnng.
;. MeAuteu This Ann oeincdlnn nppears
here In his eccentric nnd tunny remedy, ro re
pleln with Jollity aud cnlcrlnlnment, entitled
"The .lereiiinan" en SuturiUy evening.
iMnraiter Opera Company, Uniler the man
iitreitient et tlui U. A It. and ler the benefit et
Attirdnil Koynelda l'ejt, 401, the I.aucnster
opera cetnp my will litBtlieopeia"rinnfero"
en Wuitnes.lny. Kuli. 0. In Knlten opera house,
The company gnnu te nblg honsejon Tlinnks
Klvlnc Day, nnd will doubtless de se nn this
Kruxlnn. Ilex olllee opens te-morrow morn mern
luir iiml e-its should be necured early.
niTT mrifiniiii I'lfr-
In the Hep 1'oreui Platter tlm virtues el
I i$h llept nre combined with strenutheiilng
nnd HtliiiiilatlnKliiilsains.niidltBCureset Wenic
Hack, I'nln In the Side, Hheuinnllsni.nud Neil
rn'Kla nr l'nln In the Chest nre simply inai vel vel
leun, It being morn eillencleiis nml thoreuRh
tlun nnv llnlnient or lliiul.t remcdlrs, eu'll
sny manlier usln."
rii)il(t.kiin I'letcrtba li l' ll.ry.
' I nunc ilue II In nil pnicllee," lt tliuuxpitf tliuuxpitf
nlen use I by lr. J. A. l'asstneru, et Klley,
I ml. He it lerred te Samaritan Jicritne, nnd
Mrlli.U' itlen' uij 1 "It euros uplleplle llts."
".lly Slutliir
II is lieen mliig your llurileck Illoetl Jlltteri as
ii liv.r it'tuudy, nnd 11 tula tnuni very islllcn-eleu-..
' L'lins I.. Alnswerth, tl Vnncu Illeek,
In tit umiMill., I ml. r'er cule by It. II. Oechiiin,
ilniKiilsl, 117 mid I3J .North Queen stieut
'lliunmcn held by tau kldneya Uenij el l;u-
pnrtunie. Tliuy net in nntiirvs sluec-way te I -
c in yen uie uxtrn iniuliln Irem tliu systum I
nn.l !l!illieui thu liupurltlis belli thesu thut
are iikeu into the stomach und llieau that aia
leruud In Die bleed. Any eUKKliiK or Inac
tion el tliese organs Is thurolero Important
niilney-W ort l-i uatuiu'ri cITIcldiit lusUUint In
keepliiK the kidneys In geed working order,
Htii-timiieuliitf tliiuii nnd linluciiii; healthy
ii"ili)ii. II ou would jret well nml keep neil,
MUe Kidney. Win t.
.V rellcciiiau HlllCCll l'.
H K. tellln.', member et police, miventli
wni.', Ilundlm; l'n , tnlks this way "Suttetui'
hi'mhIj from rtivtiiiiiitlaiii . nnllilng did inn
liny oed till 1 tried 7Viennit' tilcctrie (HI. It
Is .i ple.i.urii te let'Oimneii 1 It." Fer Hale
by II. II. Ceelir in. driiKKtxt, 117 nn.l IU North
(Jllei i st net
oreu n'n iiiHinriiDin rittmce.ii.
Is uiu ine-jt utlectlve l'alu Destroyer In the
wet M. mil ineitt surely 'iiilcken thu bleed
v. hethur tnkun Intiiinally or uppllcd exter
nally, ami tin reby mero ciitiiluly UKI.IKVU
I'AlN, cluenlc or acute, than uny
ether pain alleviator, nnd It Is warranted dou deu
bit t!i. strength than uny nthui similar propa prepa
nt'mi. It cuius pr.ln in the Side, Hack or llowels,
seiu Threat, Uheuuiatl.iu, Toethacho, and
AM. ACIIK9, mid Iri Tltp Urent ICellrrer et
should be In every family. A teifspoenliil el
thu 1'nu.icea lu a tumbler et het water (awcut
euid, It preferred inkeu at bedtime, will
IIUKAK Ul AUDI. I). 'iSei.u. beltl.i
I.ivinostev At Ids usldence lii Phlhidel
phhi. .Inn. '7, 18-J4, Clement A. Livingston,
ieiiiieilyiif l.uiicauler county
Punernl t e i the icsldenru et hU brother,
II. 1. I.lvln s.i , liiij), en Tlniibthiy iinitiit I
o'clock p in liiteimeiil at iielluvuu church
yaid M-3f
Duiit.iii.T. In this city, mi tl.e 'JJlh lust.,
Sirs Mniy I'ehiiert.ln the T'.'d yearef her uge.
The inntlves nil. I fiUndset the family uie
" )i'Ctlully invited te attend thu fuueiiil
iniiii tlie rtaldentu of liei Bister. .Mis. Anna
l'lg, Ne. 143 last Chestnut tticet, en Thuru
tluy morning at 10 o'clock. Te proceed te
Philadelphia ler luteimciii.
IAcr.-Jiitiunry ), 1SJ4, Ktlniiid Knulz, In
Uie i.3ih year et hU uge.
'lhe luiicrnl will take place Hern his late i(f
pltniee, Ne. Tn West King street, en Sunday
ulleiuoen at J o'clock. Interment ut Wee-),
want Hill cemetery. All lclatlvesiind friends
n im terillnlly invited. )2U3l
AAD AHi f.UttlsKll'.M1
kind of hniisoweik or c Miking, Apiilj
at no 415 hast Uruut street. It
iY Hnt Lien en $30,eu0 worth or City Itoa Itea
Lstute Hve per cent lntereut, p.itil semlt
unnu.lly. Apply ut this efllce It
lj Mmk: SlultU'O Cresi nud
Unltl Kni.
Ubaial icwaitl will be luld upon leaving tlie
same ut this elllce. hu-'Jl
Apply linmeilliitely ni
.'3 5t edll ' North Pilnce street.
iiriMiiiWAUD mi. i. iii'.niKTr.KY.-Tin;
aniiunl meeting or thu let hehliua nt
Woedwnrtl Hill lemetery ler the election nt
trustees will he held ou MONDAY KVKN
INU, l'i:il. 1, 1SSI, at 7 o'clock, p. m., nt lhe
ofllciiel One. D. Spiceher. lly ortler of tlie
JJMliI J. II. MAItTIN, See'y.
iiem.iu mai.u or VAi.iiAni.i; mihtii
Queen snoot propeity. ul the Keyutone
lliiije. etty el l.ane.istei, at 7 ouieek, ii. in.,
enavrUliDAY. PKIHtUAUY U, 1881, eeinlst.
IngoIn'ewe-STOItY IIUILD1NU. with buck
iiulldlng iitlnehed uml let nt ground. Hunting
ou North (jiiuen street, thirty-two net (31),
iiinre or less, nud oxteiultuglii depth ene hun
dred and elghty-llve leet tlsl), mero nrieia,
with right ever uml through a 3 feet wide
alley tunning eastward te uliilstlun btieet,
Ituate nes JI7iiinl 219 North (nuun street,
Lancaster, P.t.
Terms made known ul sale by
:.hy biiuniiiT, Auet. jJJ,iei:,ii.7,ti,vi;
DK. U. II. HltOW.N.
Has Unmoved te Ne. 2.) 1VKST OltANUL SI .
KyiHind Kill' tieuteil. (llasaeHiullusteil, Mi
norler aiii'elaeles ou hand und te order.
' le'21-lyiU'h
"IlKliUUTIOff IK 1'ltIOr.H.
February IB, 1884.
Straight Reduction from Our Regular Prices
- or
25 TO 33tf PEll CENT., FOR CASH.
Our UoedH ure KIItST.Of.A83 In overy Department.
We nre thoroughly Equlpped for
in overy
4TStore will be closed nt 0 p ih. every
I'.NimiTAINMr.N 1H.
J - " ..iw.itaa-jftMrr..
Wotlnesdny, January 30, 1004.
Minnie Hauk
Leiullnif l'rltnn Denna el Her Mulenty'n Opera,
i oniien ami iew ietk. nnppeneti ny nor
own company or Hterllntf ArtliN. In
Grand Stnte Concert nml Opera.
I'AHT l.-Mlncollnmeui).
1'AIIT Il.-Tlin Jd Actet Ionlettl's drniil
(In Full Costumes nnd StniteHnttlnKi ) The
company Includes ti'IleMAI. I, Contralto, (liite
ni Ailullna l'ultl's company) ; sl. (iliiMin (iliiMin (iliiMin
UlUKforenor ; Mk. inl-AnUIIAl.te, Itittl.
tene, (late el the Scaln Tlitntre, Milan), Air.
DiiAH. K. l'ltATT, Accompanist und orKan erKan
IhE, nun
Mr. Oouettiutlno Btornberrr.
l'lnntd nml Composer. The Piane trem
Mes4m, Utctnway A Hene. CurrlnKetntlu lj
HCALKOK l'UIUUB: 1 OO, 75 .tf,0 CENTS.
Sain of sent cernmctire Friday mnrnlnjr,
Jan. ;,, ntOpura lletisu OttJcu, l'lt
"ItM.TON Ol'KI'.A lltfUHK.
amurdny Evenlnjr, Feb. 2
The rnvoitte COMEDIAN.
Mr. B. MeAuley,
In his tccciilrlc lmpersetiatlnu et
In the new nud entirely original American
Comedy, entitled
A CIlAltMlNl. STORY, happily conceived,
beautifully written, exeellently ucted.
ADMISSION, - - - 7B, fiOan I :tr, ( KNT8.
HKSKllVKDWKAT?, - - - - 75
Kereale nt Opera Heme ofUce. J.O-'d
1(111 ni.WOK.
etf-.SnliJi'Clte Doineorntlc Utiles.
or TUB
Jacob K. Barr.
I Subject te Hepubllcan llules. 118-lld
The Domeciatlc voters or Lancistur City
will meet nt their usual voting placet en
HATUItDAY. FEllltUAItY M. te mulii tbe
cnaillilatcs ler the hevui'mI etllce te ba tilled at
the eimlng municipal election, lucliidlni;
Mayer, six bchoel Dticcters and City Com
mitteemen members or Select Council tiem
thu 1st, 2d, III. 1th, Bill nnd !th wards Com
mon Ceuiicllmnn and ward elUcer Aldor Alder
men lu the 3d nnd "tit wauls.
1 he voting places will be as fellows
1st Wind Slielier'H Metel, r. ten p. in.
VM Ward WiiiiiIIiz'h Saleen, 0 te S p in
3.1 Wani KniiiKfci'n Saleen. G te s v in.
lih Ward llothweller's halnnn, 0 te H v
stli ward wnirs Hetel, u te s p in.
Otli WnnlSelilllcr Heuse, 4 te J p. in.
7th Wuril Kulilman's Saleen, 5 .e S p. in
stu aril uenirraiis' nnioeii, a 10 s i. in.
mil Wiml linns' Saleen, 5 te s p. in,
The general iienitmitl'ins will be made ut
the nbovennmctl voting places, en WEIi.NL'-
DA KVISNlJiU, JAMJAUl Tllll, irOlll lO
S cVloek.
The Judges will meet en the thltd tloer et
the new Pest OQlce Ilulltllug, en Sutuulny
evening, Feb. 21, at ..'W te conielldato the
vote ler Mayer nml Scheel Dliecters.
lly onter el the Committee.
D. MeMULI.h.N, Chairman.
Attest ; J. 11, LieiiTi, Seciuiiiry. Jiltd
VlAJl Ultm, unLtr.HH r.Ati, .i i .
en te
Itiuiiumlier the iiuniber and .met.
4l.HH.llt I
H. Gerhaxt's
Ne. 6 East King Street.
In order toreduoon lunvy Bioek el ri.SK
WOOLIINHuniltoinake room for the spring
Importation, I will make up te elder nil
Fer the Next 30 Days at a Re
duction of 25 te 30 Per Ot ,
or First Geat of Get
ting Thern Up.
I have also a Large Asseitui'int el inodlum inedlum inodlum
welglit WOOLKNB ter the euily Spilng tru le,
whlWi will be mude up helot u the Spilug
trude sets lu at uu equal leductien, te give
ouipleymont te my hands during dull season,
run ahevk UKUVfTies in fen
N. II. My sum pi e cauls id Bpilng Importa
tions ure new ready und tin) 01 my customers
deslietisnt securing choice styles can de se
ri'iiu it Kir fivr; Usui' iiavana diuau
J In the city. Mnnudiciuied by luyHeHnutl
giiuuinloett te be the tluesl, at
anil Flne ReprtlrlnR
evcnlnz, except flalunlay.
nun HAr.r.,
.'IKMAI.K llltUKMT. Alt IS i O-HTll It Y
J. litieic Divelllnx Heuse. Ne. 4US N. (Jueen
strent. This preiierty has nine looms ami nil
modern conveniences. Apply te It .1, Mo Me Mo
Uranuer;!) A Allien. I'iltlwd
Rlmliln Hetel, ilelni? n llrst-class buslnesi,
nud located within linlf a sijuare Hern the cen
tre of the city Id fei rent Apply te
JJl.tld IIK West Klin.' Ht, l.nneaster.
J .'UK HALK, .i IIAHT TKIt.ltl.
I have Boine Iieusch en New nnd Duke
nt riots which I will dull en easier terms than
uvt r belnre ellcred te the public. Call en
I I. MAY Lit,
Jan'J-Siinl 3U North (jueen stne'.
IUK HUNT KlltlSl i I'll It. T.
1' The fecund nnd third Heom or Ne. 0 Knst
KliiKHtreet.hiiltabloleruny kind nt business.
Alse the basement nt tlm H.itnii bulltllnji j III.
led up Mi a tlrst clnss leslnurnnt Inqulre at
IOIC IXM. T1IK i.akei: iieuiii.i;
' Krnnt htore Heom en the nerthnist cer
nor et North Queen and OrniiRe street", new
nnd ter many years occupied by Air. S. 8.
Itathven, aHiiclethliiK mm Kentlutiicii'n lur
nlshtnir store, bulnir well ltlited by twolntce
nUte kIsss wIiiiIewh. Possession j;lveii en
April l,lsi. Apply te
121 0t Otllce-Ne. 137 Kast KIiik Street. SAl.K. l)NWi:Ni:siAY. JAN
J L'AIIT .in, 184, ut the Laenint hetel, that
two story brick dwelling, with two-story
nricK nitric iiuiiuiiig, .no, ;i, est i.emeu
Htieet, hall, eveii r ems, garret nml cellar. IxnlHinl n
1,-., I...., .Ill, Ul.
Let l7Kxl4i lout, side and rear ulley
urane arbor, etc.
Possession nnd clear tltle April I, 1MI
Sale te cemmcncM nt 7 o'clock p. m.
ll.SllunttnT, ALLAN A 11EUU.CCO.,
Jl'J-lOld Auet 10S ISnstKlmcbt.
.'eit un.tT.
A tlelrnb e Dweillni: Heuse near thu cltv
limits, en the Columbia plse, with tl vu Acres
and lortyteur Perches et ground, liitly
ewntd by Prer. .1. II It. ugncr, thorn lielng
plontyel fruit, geed water and outbuildings
thereon. I'owslen given Immediately.
Alse, a large Dwelling Heuse, Ne. I JM Seuth
tjuoeii stieet, known uh St Mary's Academy,
and formerly tlie Children's Heme. I'osns I'esns I'osns
slen glien April 1, Apply te
li. A A1.T1CK.
JS0WA31M CeinuiUlee.
7)lilll.IO HAI.K.-0.1 TnllllHIIAI. .I.i
1 UAIt Y 31, 1"JI, will lie sold nt the Leepard
Hetel n Three-story IIK1UK DWKI.I Ive.
Bltiiatcd at a'J Knst Orange street, centninnig
ten looms, pantry, uuuib-wiilier nud lUIiiu
closet oil dining loom, iintlu cle'ta In everv
ehainbei'iind In Hie hull, cupbeaid In kitchen,
heaters lu parlor nnd dlnlugioem, and range
lu littchcu, wltli het und cold water upstalis
and down : Hnapstone tubs, w Ith het and cel I
water In wash h')iii. (ioed diy ceiler undi r
whole home Klegant jiml w Hi plenty et
Irult. Terms eitBV or mude te ult the iui iui iui
chuoer. sale at 7e 'clock )i in, when eondl eendl
tlnns will be made known by
J7i.lXUTUlv nnttl.r. 1M MONDAY I'.VKN
li 1NO. KKIlllUAltY 1I.1SSI-WI1I bceeldnt
nubile enle. ut the Pinnklln lleus -. Lancaster
city, l'u., the following leal estate, Inte the
property el Dr. K. .1. Ilewman, deceased, sltu
utcu .Set. ill ami 2J3 Kast .linn, h street, in the
cltyet Lancaster, consisting el a double two
story I'runit) Dwelling Heuse mid ether neeos neees
snry outbuildings ;u liyilinnl near lliodeor in
tut. et Ktuuiiti, tttitiiing tin sain r.uHi .James
sticDlO'j feet, mere or less. This property Is
lu geed condition.
Persons wishing te view the promiser will
pl.i.ise call en the tenants, residing thereon.
bale te commence at 7 o'clock p m., en said
dny, when terms will be made known by
LxccutoiHer in, . .r. itewman,'d.
Ions Ukiiuan ,t fcO.N, An te. lUtdW.tS
i - --
I )l 111. 10 MAI I
1 JSajDXuJSX OS J.VlJ.Jjilj I O,
TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1883.
Oulng te a slight chaiign In the business,
we will ttispeau et en tills day ever
The pillule Will bn.ti' III mind Ihal
these Jobs were mil built ler Spcelnl s ile,
but will be gunratiterd. us Is our usual cus
tom. The business will be nulled en tlie
same us hereloteie, under the careful super
vision el Mefsis Nmlieck nud Sllley. I'ei'-nus
w he ne.lii) a Unit Mthlele let the -prlng and
me uetas yet piepaie.l te puichie, Meh.tve
etfeied ui uepeelal Indiiceiiieiita
Ttiu illsi'eunl being ullowe.1 te cash pin
ehusnrs 'IhN will en the laigest public ear ear
llagesaltit ver held In I his stale, it d puiclu.s
els will net beiierclved, as the reliability 01
this llnu's weikls widely known. A gu iriin.
teoefono year given with every blilel mi In
Descrlp'lin clieuhiis giving p.iitlciilais el
each anil evt ry Jeb will be elleieil te the pub
lln In ii tew d.i Loek te your I uteris! . ill' it
NOItllKI li ,1 .MILI'.V.
11. P. IteivB, Auctioneer
Ne i it The iiiiilnltiitiiiu lu thu const i notion
et lli-telms vehicles uie tlie wheels. Ouis
cannot be exeulted, ns they are nil made by
Mi. lllley.thr well known wheelwright nt this
linn, wh i has been lu the limbless evcrttu
y ars. Ne patents or ether inalci m us tl.
Nile commencing ut tl o'clock u. m. Ne pint
peneiuent en account el wenlhei All work
net dispened of tin this tiny will bu continued
ou Wednesday, fitll lust.
nt irusteea of thu Lancaster cumetery
win ni) uriti ou lui.niiai, r uii, ., ibii, oe ee
twien thu heuiH et leauil 11 o'clock, u. in., ut
the dupe Hetel
U-3tdM,WA! Ptestdent.
is prlcm New Daiuusk low els. 1 yd und
U In. long and 'il in. wide, only IS cts. New
Hurretl Muslins, the very best Htium dressed
V cithers ut Lewest Pi Ices nt
tauln-Sindlt Ne. S North (jucun street,
rflUOI(IHM.Iir.K.S'ftll.KTlN(l-!N I'UltaU-
O mice et a li'solittlen el the Heard et Dl Dl
rccteiH el lhe Knruiui'H Nettheiii Ma: ltd
Company, et Lunt stn, Px.n meeting et lhe
stockholder et the said eorpeiutlim will be
held ut the Kejuieii'i Heuso, lu theclty el I, no
caster, en TUDSDA, MAIICH is, A. I). lhSI,
at luu. in. ler the put pnse of considering ami
uctlng upon u piopu-dtien te Increase the
capital i-liiel. et thesutd eeinpiny, agreeing te
thu pinvlsloitset thu Act of Aeeutbly pusmd
April '.".i. lS7l.entltletl ' An Act le tholncer
atleii and Itegiilatleu et Ceiiulii Cnipora Cnipera Cnipora
tlens ' 1SHAKL I I.ANDLS,
Ptesltleiit. Samben, tecietniy.
Lancaster, Jununry 15, 1S3I, lC--mdWA'.,mw
Uil ID. ill 'lltl'.Sf ASSr.US A.N11 UUIi.
N Kits. All uer.iens nre hurebv lerbtddeii
te trespasj en any el the lands of tlie Corn
wall or Speedwell 03talns, In Lebanon an t
Lancuitir counties, whether Inclesed or tin
Inclined, either ler ihopuipesool sheeting i.i
llsiting ua the law will he rigidly onjereoe
ug.ttiiai till iruspasslng en shIiI lands et )
iindersli'iiutl ntter this notice.
Aiierne.y ter 11. W Celemaa'a Ilelra
A Herlnns Oonllaxruien at Heme, N. T nnd
n 813S,000 rire nt ICecheittr. V.
nnd 000 Hands Oat of Wetk.
IleMn, N. Y Jnu. 30. PIre at 1:80 this
morning dostreyod a building adjoining
Stnrrloex Hall hetel. An oxplealon took
place, knocking out tlie front wall of the
building, .lefleph Aloxander was attempt
ing te r.ite Heme goods when the wall roll
en lilm, Ue wns horribly burned and
died nt soven o'elook. David Patterson,
of Albany, a clerk, waa aluostruek by the
falling wall and liln left leir had te be am.
putetcd. The hetel had 70 guests, all of
wnem wero areuscu ana romevcu tneir
effects. Tlie hetel wan Raved, but was
badly drenched. A Mrs. Aloxander and
her ehlldrcn were rcscued by flromen nnd
polleo with lodderB. Hlnk'H opem heuse
in the rear narrowly escaped. The lewes
nggrogate about $30,000.
A Hcvr Yerk tire
New Venn, Jan. 20. An npartment
heuse en Hlitli n von no caught llre this
morning, nnd the occupants cscaped by
jumping te tbe reef of the adjoining
buildings. The heuse was owned by E.
Mlcbnel, au aged Frcneh woman, who
with her grand daughter wero probably
fatally burned. Tbe occupants of Abbot Abbet
ford hetel, adjoining, wero at ene time
panic Htricken ; but the bulldlug wai
I'lmnrs in Tins Htate.
Pittsbuhe, Jan. !i0. A dispatch from
Kochcster. Pa., sayn : The Pbcenix glass
works at Phillipsburg, en the Ohie rlver
oppeBlto Heclientcr, wcte completoly de
stroyed by llre last night. Tlie works
wero among tlie largest in tlte country.
Tlie less Is $125,000 i insurance, fn,50O.
Five hundred hands nre thrown out of
Mill llnrncd.
f.nwisTON, Me., Jan. 30. Richmond &
Tliompsen'n steam mill at Jey burned latt
night. Leis, $30,000.
mnn HAr.itisituiie,
An Appoltitment by ttin Governer.
Ilvitutsufite, Jan. e0. Goveruor Pattl.
son has nominated for appointment by the
pn Hidcnt, JameR Leng, of Philadelphia,
te be commls&lenor for Pennsylvania te
the world's industrial and cotton contennlal
cxpoiitien at NewOrlcatis. P. H.Thomer,
of Mcchnnfcsburg, was soleetcd as alter
nate. Ileatti WuriHLti Signed.
Tlie death warrants of Jcsse Carter and
Oie. Jone, of Allegheny county, were
signed by the governor te day. The exe
ciilinns will talre place en Thursday,
I littliur l)cmncr(i' Cundldate lur Mayer
PiTTSuune, Pa., Jan. 30. The Demo
cratic city convention which met last
niglit continued In session until
noun te-day. The contest, which was the
lengeiit anil most exciting evar occurring
here, w.ih ou the mayoralty nomination.
Thotev. ere four aspirants and ou the
nineteenth ballet Hen. Itebctt Llddell wai
Ue held the e 111 co n( mayor threo y03ra
age. Tbe convention waH turbuleut In
character, lint no hm-ieus conllietn oe
AVID Start On again.
Hladine. Pa.. Jau. 30. It is learned
te day that r. vortien of the Philadelphia
tz lteadliic relllnz mill, v. U loll buspcudcu
permanently nt New Years, will start up
te-morrow. Most of the machinery had
been bhipped te Danville, but will new be
re tut red te Heading, The cause of this
new mine was tiouble with the bands at
Danville, who refused te work nt wages
Contempt ut Oeuil.
Pettsvii.i.i:, Pa., Jan. 30. Euclneer J.
W. Oeary and Scotlen Iless C. Doner wote
brought Imfnre court this morning, te
nnswt r tbe olinrge of contempt lu the in in
junclie'i rcstr.iiuiujr tbe laying of the
ttacl; of tbe Dolaware Water Gap &
Scltujlkill railroad en ('eal street, this
elty. Denei was discharged, but lu the
case of Geary n deelcien wasreserved until
Februnry 4th.
iibrijtils or lteprrMt ill ,e Rlaekey
Washington, I) O., Jan. !J0. At ene
o'elooic tin Senators prncndcil lu a bedy
te tlie li ill nt the Heuso of Kf prcr.cntitivcs
te attend tin funeral obsequies of Hopro Hepro Hopre
S'u.tntivo Mackcy. AM ptiblie busiuesH
v,'.i then suspended in tlie Heuse, and
tl.c lutieral ccremeuici woie bold. As
tlie Soimteiftfllul tlewn the main aisle te
the hi at them, the members or
the IIeiiHt:
of ICrip'.'Ct.
remait" ! .Uniliug, as a mark
1 . (j en t te lluilMiu,
Ni:w Yi me, Jan. 03. In consequenoo
of leg a collision occurred ou tlie Brooklyn
bridge, but no perseu was injured nltheugh
liuthv.trs in tlie collision were crowded.
A Hamilton fcrty beat collided with n
Staten Itl.ind feiry beat but ue ene was
liuit, bit' tlie beats were boinewhat
(.iilll'lan In tlie rug,
Ni:w Yeiik, J.ui. 00 During the fog
tliiit ineining ene ttalu ran lutoauethor en
tlie Sixth nvcnue olevatrd railroad at Park
Place. Tlie p.isscugnrH wero well shaken
up, but no oue was hurt seriously. The
lead va liluekeil for tlnce (juarters of
tin lietir
Iti'lititted Kallrnud Wrntk.
Nkw Havln, Conn., .Inn. 80. It la re
potted here that tlie New Haven ft Ner
lhauipten pascuger train which left hore
at 7:15 this morning was illtohed and the
cars burned, and that several passongers
wero injured
Tflrrlule Devastation et lrnreit """""
Londen, Jau. 30. Hoperts of the havoe
caused by tbe late gale in the north, oon eon oen
tinuo te multiply. Within a radlu3 of ten
miles of Ayr, 200,000, tries were blown
down, 100,000 in tbe estate of the Marquis
of Alha.
Found Utility.
Pktlhsen, N. J , Jau. 30. The trial of
Patrick () llaia fur the murder of the wife
of Hicham 1- ullalove was concluded to
day. The jury leuderlug a verdiat of
gulltv with rccommendatlou te morey.
ratio Accident
Toi.ude, Ohie, Jan. 80. A passonger
train en the Michignu Geutral railroad lest
nitiht, near West Teledo, struek iv buggy,
hilling Mlim Nera Mclntyre nnd sovcrely
Injuring I. G. Lewls.
A Schooner Supposed te be Lest.
Gi.eLCLsmi, Mass., Jan. 30. Anether
oue of thu ever il"1) tlahlng vessels, the
sshnoner Walde I.viug, has bceu given up
as lest. Her crew numbered fourteen.
A Ituynl uiul Itecaiiture.
DuitiiAH, Jan. 30. The Zulus' king,
Cotewnjo, cfoaied from Ekowe latt Bun
day, but was recaptured neit day.
Washington, Jan. 80. Fer the Middle
.Ulantie states, gonerally fulr weather
except in northern portions, local rains,
v. luils shifting te BOtitherly nnd falling
rhnMlpb Mftrkat.
tendyf 0trn"' Jftauary W.-rieur qnltt anit
KyoFlenr nt 13 MOI SI.
Whent flrmandnnieti Ne. j WesMrn Bad
nx)i j Ne. s no, iJskj i ke, i ra. uoe, lujySg
Si'?,Jn,2t ' . Mll ye.llew;,n.nxel, MXtf
60jei Ne. s mixed nml yellow, Msee.
Onts itcaily and In lair deinmtd i Ne. I
Whlte4l0 Ne.8.10. MW0 No.Sife,4lva
Bocds-eiovor aolet nt OKfllCfe t Timethy
dullntlHOi riaxsewl firm nt 1 lUO. '
Previsions firm nnd fairly nctlve.
Lard firmer,
nutter steady nnd unlet,
KtK loarce nml Arm.
Oheese (Inn or geed demsnit.
Potreloumnmoli ltoflned, V,iQ9ic,
Whisky t l ai
Maw Yerk MkrkeU.
.-7.lT,,M,. jR"' M.-riour-atnlennil Vfoit Vfeit Vfoit
ern dull and unehanstml.
...Vl'll'ilPf ene .ft lr,Be lilirlieri nlterward
aweW, ,i0 Ai,rn- ,e, ,e
,.Vern .'.V1". uml nrlc "Uheut mueli olianne I
Mlxml Wostern, Hpot,i'Jrl8iHe t de tuture.wt
Oats senrceiy se firm j Ne. I Feb,. aye :
May, uy,Qiii4ai Statu, 400)inu w,tern,'ili
I ' .
Llve Hteek Mitrkat.
CntcAiie The reerj' Journal rcpertDj
IIeks ltecelnLs. ni.i e.) hcatl i .shlnments. 7.C0O
de. market atendv ler best t pncktnif. S. con
5 9); pncklnir nud nhlpptng, tnoeffOOi light,
GOftO 00 I Sklpt, f I utti 2V
CaUle Hoceipts ",0ne head j shipments, 3.200
de.; expert Brailes,M107 15 : koeiI te choice,
shipping, 15 tose in: common te medium,
II OOQSSO! Texans, fJ573,
Bhcan ItccelpU, s.eue head j Hlilpninnts, l,K0
de bestgrndes stfiadyt ethui s2Jc lower j
Inferior te lair, r2 7.1(11 00j mi-iltum te Reed,
HOi'.'i; cholce te extra, 1.1 Vftii s Texas nt
2 4eai.
Kast LtntRTr. Cattle neMilntr doing i ro re
celnts, 3,800 head ; shipments, 1,077 head.
IfegHln lalrdnmnnil t l'hllndelphlaii. US0O
C 70 j Yorkers, t 7583Js receipts, l,49Mieau t
shlnments, B.013.
Sheep dull and prices a shade lower en com
men ; Reed grades unchinitedi receipts, 2,8(0
head ; uhlptnenUi, 4,u hend.
h tee it nnrKfi',
Quotations by lined, MeOrtuin a. OO, IlanH
ers, Lancaster, Pa.
II a. m 12m. "ir. v.
Michigan Central VI 9i 91
New Yerk Control 111?: lift 141;
New .Jersey Control 87)? 8Si5 81K
Ohie Central
Del. Lack. Wostern.... llVi 12im 1!0
Denver A Hlo Ornnde.... 21, n i
Kile -mn MK
Kunsas A Texas vex 2nS 'i
Lcte Shero 9856 ns?ft 9i
CMcageA N W., com.... I18H U7H 117s
N. N.,Ont. X Wttern PX
bUPanl&Omana 3 ;1K, siU
PaclhcMall 4.J lav; tl
Rochester ft t'lnsburgh IS Pi 15VS
BLPaul wy, I0)i f
Texas Pacino 19k l'.i4 19,'J
Union Pncl Oe 77H 78 T7H
Wnbash Common ltt)i 1M ins
Wabash-Prorerred 27 27K 27
West'rn Union Telegrnnh 74U 74 7dVi
Loulsvllle.t Nnshvllln 17H "i ?k
N. Y..UHI. A SL L 9A 04
Lehlgli Valley 67i
Lehigh Navigation -)
Pennsylvania SS
lteadlng 2IJ5 MVJ s
P. T. A Jlutrnle Z'i ok W.
Northeni Piicltlc-Cem... ii ii 11
Northern PacIIle Pief... 47H 474i 47
Hosienvlllo I5,S 1SK
Phlhidelphla A Krli
Nortuern Central
Canada Southern ii 61K MJ2
Oil 11UU HOX UP??
P.fielnV 1'H.sHeiitfer
quotations by Associated Pren.
Stocks steady.
PUlliulelphlaA Kile 11 H
Keitillug Itallread
Pennsylvania Hnllrti'id ,.
Lehigh Valley llntltead
United Companleaer Nev Lirwiy ...
Northern Pncinc.
Northern Pacltle Pit. fen el
Northern Central Itnllread
Lenlfh Navigation Ceuipany
Noirlstevrn Itallreiu
Central Transportation Ce-up-my..
PIIMb'g.Tltusvillti.t ISiitlnleK fl.
I.lttlnScliuvlklll lUtlre.ul
. ny
.. M5J
.. s
. '.'II
.. M
.. I4V2
.. Wt
.. eiX
New YerK.
tjiintatlens by AssocUled Press
Stocks lower. Meney easy at 2c.
New Yerk Central V
Erie Itallread '-
Adams Uxpress .. ..ITS
Hflnlil.rn,, fl..r,,iil l'nflwa.l .O'Ll
Michigan Southern
. m4
Illinois Control Uatlrnad
Cleveland ft Pittsburgh llallrnu.l
Chlcige ft Keek Island Itallread
PlttHburgh A k'ert Wuyne Uillre.ut..
Western Union To'.er.tph ''oein'my.
I'elrdn A Wabash
Vex .IiTi.jy Control ,
v.iw Vetk cintnrleA Wwiu-m
.. 74W
.... ml
brets tab mm
We have thrown together u let et
STIKP IIAT3 thnt we don't want te
etrry evor te next season, uml marked
them nil 81. GO. In tlie let are Hals that
cost us t27adez?n. They me net dam
aged In any wny. Correspondlngroduc Cerrespondlngroduc Correspendlngroduc
linns htivi been made lu nil Winter
oeds. Heavy Cops nre going utleca
i ban halt value. The tow Pur Heeds
jolt are ull marked away down. We
have only Three Pine Seal Caps leir,
and these e want te tell at cost. The
low prices have played havoe with our
Winter stock, nnd seen we will hnvu
nothing loll.
Ne. 144 .
murJ7 lyd.w
Hats, Caps, Furs,
Lndlea' Real Saoquea and Delmans,
Ladlea' Pur-Llned Oireularn,
1 1 cuts' and Ladies' Seal Cups ut Cost.
A Large Assortment et ULJVE3 at Oejt.
Winter Hats, Cans, Fats, &c.
Kviironered te tlie public, at tlie L01VK8T
I'lllCKS. Wholesuleand Ketall. Iluy
ler cash only and sell chonper
than any ether list Sieiu
lu tlie city.
Knox Silk & Derby Hat.
The ONLY Hat Manulnctery In Lancaster.
Ilevb' Cun Irem luc. up. Ilea's taps et all
klnila greatly reduced in Ijnee. "fPnf
neatly uml promptly Uone. Old Silk lints made
rt?MM fruccesser te 8HULTZ A IIUO.
Maury' imruoiie Milve.
Tlie owl Salve In tbe world for cuu.brulsei
nercs. ulceM, salt rheum, totter, chapped
hands, chllblnlin, corns and ull kinds et skin
eruptions, trockles and pimples. The salve Is
guaranteed te ijtve pcrtcct sutlsfactleu lu
every cue or money rufundixl. Ue sure you
get Hknry's C&nueLia Halvb, as ull ethers are
but Imiuuleiis and counterlelta. Piltv V5
cenU. Sold lu Lancaster nt Cochran's UruHj
store. 137 North Ouoeii stroet, uiy.k
j i
t iwn W-JWw f rf
tfr.-itftrx .