7-i A '. r ',. X LANCAbTIttt DAILY INTELLIGENCE! 'ITKSDAY, JANUATIY 129, 1884. w. HUncastct fruclUgcnrct TOaflOAY BVENlKO.JAW.tO, 10D4, 13 MOKI'lllA IMIKHI r (JUIMNtt. A VedDK Wile and M.lnr lleid Through IlreuJl "-" GoerRD W. Biistel. Renernl manager of Iho Metropolitan Moieantilo n(?cney of New YeiV, atid hli wife, lme been step pvg nt the St. Nfohehn hotel, In Cerry, i. On January 11 bis wife gave birth te n child, mid tcetnrri te be ROttlritf nlenp flutljr. Ttbrn, en tbe 18th Inst., obe brcame very ill and dleilnt midnight. Dr M. Plokett bad lelt a prescription for tliree grain capsules of quinine-. Mr Bristel bad obtained twelve- cipmiles bat a few days bofero from a Randelph (N Y.) (lniRRlut of tbe same mull clne, mid, Instead of sendiug out for tbe Plokett prescription, pnve his wife tbe Randelph capsules. She was very slek all day after taking tbn drujr, vomiting often until sbe died. It new turn out that tbe Kindelph cipsules wero threo grains of merphia, instuad of quinine. Air. Bristel says he bad been in the habit of Retting tbrce praln quinine capsule, and of the same druggist. Dr. Blair analyzed ene of the RiudelpU eip utiles, and found it te ba merphia Siimo Siime Siimo bedy rnade amistake, and tbe lile of the young wife paid tbe penalty. Mr. Bristel says he had taken two of the capsules at dilforent times, and bad te resort te purgatives and emuttcs te get rid of tnelr eu"eets. His wife was tbe daughter of James Kinney, of Syracuse m m FardinV foolish freak Press Society Uesslp An entertainment that will duubtlcsi be tbogreatest uoveltyofthe season will be flven en .Monday everling, February 4, by frs. Themas Meltean, and will be a Leap Year party, at whieh tbe ladles will go at tired as men from tbe waist up, but will, of oeurso wear skirls that probably will net train after them in walking. The idea is net a new one, but is very seldom brought into play nowadays. In the pagrs of Punch may be found govern clever pictures by the magic pencil of Jehn Iiech. in which hosbews the beaut ei of Eeg Mi society oftwedecadesao, arranged in short HkiriH and regular maFcullue coats and waist coats, togeUior with the masculine- ehirtu, cell irs and cravats at that time fashionable. Ner is the cflVet at all unattractive, and the young ladies se attired leek as sweet and pretty an any of their sister beauties dressed in tlictr natural (emale garb 1 tie party will net be a large one, and will consist of about fifty young ladies and half as many men, and the litter have been in vited from among the elder and mero se da te ranks of society. It is also said that several of Mrs. McKcan'n young ftiends will appear dressed as young ladies, Tlie exticme penalty or hlguiny t .two methers-ln-liiw, lint the penalty for re at tending te your cold llomver trilling It U, will be Hncetlng consumption. Tike Hr. Hull's Ceuuh Syrup as seen as 5 en detect troni'le or pain. Letter Irani Dr. H-rre. is WisrlUrn Srnirr, Nett less, June 1. l3I. 1 have been a sufferer In the past wlib Miv liria, wlilcli finally bcciimi Ctill.s and Furer. Treatment by my pi yglclan lulled te help me, I 11 ed IliiAMinbTH'j 1'itLS and i cured, Thirteen miiiitn have elapsed idnre then uiiil I Imve had no 1 ecu 1 1 en co. Other ti,eiribri- of my family ued them tnr Uie sauiu truublu with tliesimucc oil re'illt. 1 1 clieerlully utidersu them for thli lllneH. and ul'jen iilpmrnui.ixitlve or purgative, ac cording te the number taken. 'Ihuvaie new a tiouaehelil re 1 edy with me ami 1 am never without thorn I neuld (jUilly ivp tlM Ue tall or the 101 n 'einif te any who uil.'btcfie 'e t -. ill upon me for them. J. K. SEnitK. U,n:i, ri-Irteen T' 1)jt.tiU. "I sutlereii TNttli lyspcrla for 13 yems.' wrlbs Jehn Albrljnt en , et ("eluuibn-. Ohie. Samaritan .Wrtl.ie cured me." A it always cures uch divider. At druKglsu UMwdceiliw Ker lniu nien , bhiu or t,nedi, ue stii LOIl'9 I'UllDUd fl.ASTKIt. l'rlcn. 1", cent Sold by II. U. Cochran, IS7 an MSJ North yueen troet, l.ane sir. irimoe brtvpii ltltn llltht. " I have uui Hunleek Meed BUttrt, and am happy te ay thj have ihme me mere Koea than anything yet, tend a fur'hJrnuMii tltyateiicu. TliU iiiKU mis usurTurur iriin ilvsp'iMla ler twenty years. Hli numu U Aleiuuiler l.eugh. and lm live at Aljena, Jllch. Ker calu by II. 11. Cochran, driiLulit. 187 and 1OT .North tjnrcn treet. 89Vkll ckvmkd rKerLK den t war tiiniry or lulled tnln-s when thu luc. and uuiiraiitei'd Diamond Dye win make iiicinuiuned an n.-w 'ihey ant purfect. dot at ilrujuleia und be eoenomlou We.H, Jtlclu-ilsen ,t te , llur- llngten, Vt, Ne Deception Hied. It Is strange se many pe pi will rnnt'nue te sutler day alter day with l)ypnp-.hi, I,lvr Cemplulut, Coiibtljiutlen, Heur Stomach, Oen oral Debility, when they can precurw at our store SUU.UII'e VlTAUbll, irruet cost lilt de'4 net euro or relieve thutn. l'rlce, 73 cents. Held by II. 11. Cochran, '3; uuill3.Verth uueen ilreet. L:uiciwtr. lodM-eelS satUlnctleu l)nlreru), " In the past three ment s I have job! one nunurtu ami ix bettlei el Themat' Jilectrie tm. iuvei- ni- ti ineiiicina in uiy lire that RUVe SUOll Universal tatlxturtlnn. I nrnl un ulcerated threat tnr me in twenty-four hour : nevcr tailed te relieve my children of creup.1' ? 1.t; lall.druKKaf, teayvl le, III. Ker hale by ll. II. Cechiun drutfKlst, 1S7 and 1X1 North uui'un pireei, Jtrewn'it iiniitenuin I'miHtf. Is the most eltectlve 1'uln Destroyer In the world. Will most unruly quicken the blinxl whother taken iiiternally or applied eiter ually, and tin robyiuero certainly KKMKVK l'AIN, whuther chronic or ucute, than any otherpatn alleviator, und It Su warrunted dou ble the strength than any ether slmilur prep.i ration. It cures pain In thu Blue, Hack or linwele. Bete Threat, itheiimaiuin. Toothache, and AM. ACIIbS, and Is llie tlrimt Keliatir i i'alu. "IlltOWN'j IIOU8KIIOLU l'ANALKA " should belu every lamlly. a teuspoentiil e( thu I'anacea In a tumbler et het water iweot iweet nned, ll preleired) taken at bedtime, will UltKAli UP A COLD. 23 cents bottle. mavl-T.Th.KAw low te hpetirn lluaitli, t seems strunjre that any one will sutler trem the many dorbiiKumentit bronchi en by an Impuee condition el the bleed, w hen SCO VIM,,S3AUSAl,AItlU,AANlHTII.I.I.NuiA OrllLOODANnUVKItaYKUr will tonteid perlect health te the physical orKunlratlen. It Is Indeed ustrongthenliii; syrup, pleasant te take, and has proven luult te be tlie best U1.00D fUlliriKK ever illscovered, eilcet. ually curinK bcietul Syphtltlc disorders Weakness et the Kidney, KrysJpelas. Mala & all nerveug dlienlLrs and debility, bll. n,mf,0n'I1",?.U! R,,a aU "'"L'ases luillcatiiiK an Impure condition et the Hloe.1. Uver. Md gestlen. X slnulM belUe will prove te you Its T n .1? 1":au"r0r, ler It ACTS LIKE A CUAIIM, especially when tbe complaint U of an exhaustive tiuiure, having a tendency te lessen the natural vlKorei the biuln and nor veus system. Mii KU'S I'AI.V I'A.N ACKA euics a pain In inttn und bcabL for use externally ami later, nally. MSDJIOUSJS rOWOKIlS euro all dlse&sis f horse, cattle, sheep, begs, peultty and ull uiioeujcu Ai'uairivjsuujtc. umyii.a rersaie at n. jj, coehrairs drug store W norm uueen street. " " -' . i.iiU'i1.en..c,.ul. Unl0 J'. Onp Little U bottom' prlce I If ,0nlB UU" BM,li,,wl,u IIAU'IMAN'd VBLI.OW ritONT OIQAU bTOKK. TT-MJKKtVKAU ANII UOhlr.lti. ir. A "i'eetaliy at Hechteld's. llavlnir an "'"'''" " boiiie Kiuus of Winter tJoeifu i m ill eirer niterlnl Inducements te ttmclaVit table and peer and all eihu uurlni tlie ifi Z,' 'lh.r. and uumy rTerJena V.ut'nr Hn m M:.h:::.v"v!'i. fllgn el IhduV 8tSeWnerue"VwSyS geiihMiue.t ler tbelrwenei. ue,ui 2Je,? even Trudt. dollars tulten rar7tankSl ler past favor.. II UN lit i i?Veui '"' MBIUVAt. - SB- tlUWM'd IllO.V.HlTTtJlS. Wern, Weary ' As weak a a eat ' I an expression Ircquent. . ed ' y itubllttated sufTercM who m try try try lngtole'l ber forlorn thev .t el. 11 Is an Inu r.ct t xpi-len. I01 a cat 1 one of tbe most rgdcnnd vlAcue.ijnmma.a in cxIMmue It weild be 11.0.0 correct te say, " as eak as n iiinje'. Iras" tertlut glcs the l.'e.iet tit.fr 1 n'l,ity 10 he'd ot.e' e.( up. Ibe ueary per 4 .n n-iie fre!s thin is g- ncrally worn, we.. it? I, woeiul nuil wietnieil. Peni-I'mc It 14 a cae nt overwork, nuil temcllmrs of Impervrt lieurMimeut 1'he bleed In the frMem et apcren wheM " as weak ujt rag " Is In a wtetclied'y min eenillttnn. ll licertii Iren, te Impart tlchncm, rednes, and strength. Thl i te be l-nd by taking lln.in.Vn Irek llrrrKn's, the only sate and proper prcpirntlen el linn in connection with gentle and powerful tonics. The physldnn and the druggist em tell the worn and weary haw aluablc a tonicity Hpetvji lnes llrrrirts hus been found In actual een ,iay ne StKlHVAL. N ThVKII rAIIJ. SAMARITAN NERVINE. " YOt' CLAIM TOO MUCH for S.vmaritax Nsav xk," say a ekeptlc "Hew can ene med icine t a SbecirlO ler KPII Kl, DYI'Kl'. 81A. L(OHOLlM. OPIUM KATIM1. KIIKUM.TIM.ll,EKM.TOKtlllerS M INAL WKAKNKs1 nnil Hfty etl er i"in plaints?" Wii claim It a $pee Ifle, lmpl ie caue therlrn el all dlea nlc tiem the bloe,! lt Nervine. lCeeive.U Al'erntlve. and Laxative properties meet ai' me condi tion herein referred le. It's knew n u-urld u-itltte THE GBEAT Nerve Conqueror. Itqulets and compose the patient net by the introduction ofeplatcn and draMlocnUi-irtle, but bv the rentonitlen et activity te the .torn .tern ach and nervous syste'ii, whereby the breln Is relieved of morbid lancle-., whicu are cre ateil bv the cauenbeerelerred te Te clergymen, Lawyers, l.lteniry .Men, Sier rhnt. llunkep. Ladles, and all lhoe whose ceilentary emnlmment raue nervous prm tratien. Irregularities el the b'oed, itein.uli, bowels or kidneys, or who require a nere tenle, appetUer or stimulant. Sa4Bit N'EKVtMf is Invaluable. Thousands proclaim It the mint wendertul Invluenint Hilt eer t)utatned tbe sinking system. ll.'O. Sold by AlUrugitMs. The 1)11. S. A. lULHMO.SD MED CO. Proprietor, St. Joeph, . Me. CIIAS. N. CIlITrfc.NTO.V, Aent, New erK City 021 lyeedAw (t.) G AIN IIK.tl.TII AMI HATFlNr.-s new : DO AS 0TIIKU3 HAVE DONE. AltE YOU It KIDNEYS DIOItDEUKD T "Kldney.Wert brought me from my uruve, a It w i re, alter 1 had been nlven up by 1 J best ductnis In Detroit." 11. IN . DkVKaicx. Mechanic, lenbi, JUch. AUK YOUIt N hUVES WEAK ? Kidney-Wert rured me Irem nerveu weak ness. Ac alter I had net eipected te live.-' 31 rs. St. St. It. Ooedwln, Ed. Chrntian Muniter Cleveland, Ohie. HAVE YOU IlllIOHTS DISEA"!! " Kidney-Wert cured m-i when my water was just llke chalk and then like blend." trank Wilsen, 1'cubedy, Situs. SUtFEKINtf KltOSl HlAllETh'-? " h ldney-Wert is th most succerstul remedy I have ever used, elves almet liiimtdiatu n llei." Dr. I'bllilp C llalleu. Slonkteu, i. HAVE YOU Lit Ell COMPLAINT " Kidney-Wert Hired me of chronic Liver DIseuMia alter i prayed te die " Henrv ttard, ! Utc Cel. will Nat. eaard, N. Y. H tHUIt IltCK I.AMK AND l lllsti ' Kl Inpv-llert (I beltlr) i ure.1 me l.en i ! was se lame i had te roll out el be, 1." C. 31 Talmuje, Slllwa'i .ec. Wis. HAVE Y'U K1DSEY IISKET i " Kidney it erl made me sound In liver and I kiilneBater jeirs of unuces-.tuidoeterlnir. Ma north ll'ia box." Suuri Hedges, Wl. Hams tow n, S est t a. A Kb YOU CONSTIPATED: I Kidney itett cuuS'is eusj" uv.icuatlen and cured mi alter 10 yearn use et ether mwilciuu." Nelsen rulrchliii. St. .UUan-, t. HAVE YOU SIALAItIA T , ' Itldnuj-Wert has done bttur than any etiu i ii med) I nuvH ever med In my prac-, tic.-." Dr K. It. Clark, south Here, Vt. AltE YOU HtLlOUsr " Kidney-Vl ort ll:i done me mere 2oed llun any etner retnt dy 1 have ever taken " I Mrs. J. 1. Uiillesuy, klk r'iut, Otruen. AUK YOU TOI'.SIENTED WITH PILE1- I " Klilne)-1 ort permanently carud me et blci-dlnt; lilies. Di, . i;. Kline retemmeiided lltamu. '-Gee. II. Hurst, Cuehter M, Kituk, Mycrstenn, Pa. AP.E YOU RHEUMATISM HACKED T "Kidney-Wert cured me alter I wa Kit en up te die by physlcuns and 1 nad sutleie I J yeuis." blbrldge Slulcetub, West liiitli, Mu. LADIES, AUK YOU sUFFKKIN'U " Kidney-Wert cured me el peculiar trou bles el Bevenl years standing. .Many lrlen Is use and prntse it," ilia. 11. LaiuereuuA, Isle La Slette, t. It you would lianlsh Disease aud Oaln Health take KIDNEY-WORT, THE HLOOD CLEANSE1I. duc.1 eed.tw HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Tbe nctcealty ler pieinpt and eftlcliint household remedied It daily Krenlii mere Imperative, and 01 these Hestetter's btomaeh Ullters Is ihe chlur In merit ami the most pop ular. Irrctfuluilty et thu stomach and bnwu., limlai lid (evura, liver complaint, debllity, rheumatism and miner ailment, are thor oughly conqueted by this Incomparuble lam lly rcidoratlveund medicinal afeuind, and It Is Ju.tly reuarded as the purest and most comprehensive remedy of lu cluss. i'er sale by all Drugauu und Dealers Benutally. 11-limlved.tw lLV S UKISA31 HALM. CA'l'AHHH, UAY-PEVEK. ELY'S OREAM BALM cniEs UATAItllll, COLD IN HEAD llesif rnt it Causes no Pain or Dread. CiUes ltellut at Onte. Net u liquid or anufl. Applied with tbe linger. Thorough treatment win cure. EASY TO UBH. PiloeWceni, by mall or at druggKb.. EL-Sf BROTHQR8, I'-eeiUw Druggists, Owoice, N, Y, FllKY'MOIIAKCOAI. LOZKNUE Ker Dyspepsia, Inillgevtlen, Heartburn. Iloiilache, llad IlieatU Irem Htiieklnir le CoiiHtlputleu, Heur Htemach and all dlserdeis otthe8tomaoliundUlKestlvu Oibuiih. Jleli k a purely veuetable, sale, mmple nnil ihiap remedy, It ruudlly commeiids itsull te the liublle eutlerlnif irem the above (llsonlers Try It. Price 'jSc, ier Het, Hunt unyw m7u by mall. 1'roiiurert ami snld'by tt"w"lf" ANDltKW U.ntKY, IlltyaeiST. nKT,-a2'JK Orango8t.,Cer Christian, aprtMrdAw Lancaater, Pa, STOMACH BITTERS and Wretched. tUll HAI.K. V9i Ctuei'KK tieil.si'; Ktnt iu:T,-rin iik. slmble llnlel.delnita tlrt-cla bulne, and leciit.-d within half a ftiare Iretu the cell cell cell Heet theclt Is ler lout. Apply te U M. J. LOOI'KK, J 21 lid 41Vj Wet hliiK St . I nncKter 1lt SAI.K, tut K.T ThltllH. 1 liiveMini lien- en New anil Duke rei-'s w inch I will eil en e-iler terms than cv i b-teru eiti red te ti.e public Call en 1 1 imEII, ) ur'-Jnid hi i North Queen stnmt. Inic hk r mm .trim. 1 V I . e second and third floors of Ne 1 Knt !.-' n'.'i, ult,ihlc lei any Kin I et tulncs. , Hie t'li-ruii'iit ! tin1 ".min bulldlnir : tl'- i i p fei a llit class res'aurant Inquire at J,., ltd NO?, t. A .SOUTH VJl'LKN -T. I.Mut iih.Ni Tilt-: t.Aiier; uet'iu.h Krent "-tore Uoem en the nertlleat cer nei et Neith Oueen aud Orange stiewti, new and I tr m-iny ye-ti eicupled by Jlr .s. !. lUlhven. nsn clothing an i fentHnit'H lur nlshlnu store N-Int; wt ll lliintnil bytweUiee nlJti' uliss window. ro-aesleu i;len en April 1, 11. Apply te r. It .hKVKK. I.'l ".t Otliee Ne. I ' fca-l Klnn street. 1JI HI. It) fAI.l-.-0 TiiVttMt. ,It. 1 1.1111 .11. ll. will he sol. I at the Leepard Hetel n lliee-teiv IlltKK l Kl.l.iNO. slui.i.el u; :.9hmt Orinae street, cent lining ten looms, imnrry. I'nmb-watter and china cieset etl i! ling room, unit a clot in everv ih.nnl er and In he bull, cupboard In kitchen, heitei in ptrier an l dlnuii; room, and range In klteheti, nttn het and cold liter upstairs and iewn : eaptinu tul, with het and cold tter In wajh-hiuie oeod dry ceiler under whole hone K'eg-int yard with plenty el truli Terms easy i- m-tde le suit the pur cher. tl at ; e clock p in., when conel Hen w til be made kne u by K9t. llhMtY SIIIBKUT, Auct i;i'll.tS i'llllKT s.ll.1. OK VAI I' IIL,t. V ) IIKI1, K-TM'K-im lilt ItDA, 1'fc.ll. II, 1M, th tinder-lkiuetl.lt) puruince of an order el thu iiiph.in oeait, of l.aneaster co .ntv. win li at public ile, at the Cooper Ilou-e, In II, . r 1 y et l.an. nstei . ull that vulu able two -lerltd llltli K lH bl.I.INli IP'USK an I let el rfieiind nltscned thctole, ltuatnl en the east lde e: -euth Prince stri et, 1u the suld tit) el 1 tncaster, tentalnlnn In (ronten said tn et tl let t. mure or less, mid Fitendln In dep'h JI lect ."4 Inches ; nuuiberel Ne. 19 south Pr'iice strtet. Sa e toce'nuience at 7 o'clock, p. in, when terms will be inudu kn w n by JACOll N S1ILI.EK. Aduiiul'tratcr of Murmuet Weaver, dte'd. 11 emit suinsBT, Auctioneer. tan."J.V"fl,3tebJ.3,9.11 It () HPHANfliOUKT.-tALri UK t ALUAlILK Duelling and choice bulldlnir let. On r rtday evenini:. rebruury IS, 14. In uursu ance et un alias order et the orphans' court, et iineter leuuty, will he enl nt public tetidiie, ut tre Leepard Hetel, Lust Kin; St., l.unc.kilt r. Pa Ne 1. A two nd a-halt story Urlete Dwull Inn lliu-e. twe-lei Dilik Hack Iliilldltikr with Jniuie ten and llrlck stnoKehen( and let or plec el uteuti'l -ltu.ite.1 Ne iS Serth C'eeen street, l.aiica-tiT, Pa . Irentlrj: 4 fit, men i r liss, en s.tlil Nertn ijueen street, and exU'iidins In diptli J.3 teet, te Market alley Tnere Is it frame "table witn Cuirtae Ilou-e, Ucd aud also iueIcu trull und grape vine en the pruuiNei. .Sn.5 1 he lellew !ng choice butldln: let, en the Chei-uiut mifi't tratt," Lancaster Pa. Nes dUami ). ou emnnu.t c ,rner et c 1 -st-nut und Mar-ti.Ii s'.u-et-, a llilnliik; each tfluer i t-id iucL 1 a !.x li, - .1 ft t In trenl bj lis leet deep. N'. ir. fie'i'Jne t ut en north si li i h, jt- nnt .fn'i, un l ett n.ilnt; i" iiet In J, t r I Ni.- .V- .' :i i uid -i i. Imnlini.-i-ui ii -J 1,-et en n.uiii sMe . I t ,ui"ii Mnet. ai.d exun.luw In depth I'.l t et : Mil lutj Nn, . . und .! a l:. , T' 'm ns.i l , recti il tv I b ti t, and ! t et dull w p li -hlnzle i.s.i. wldi h will t e ,mii e 'li tin .uUin --, irutslr te suit :, ill i .-els. Ne ' mid Uj each fronting it fnet en eouliisidHet Walnut.. reel, und ileiidli.,' In UCpUl IS teet. (. jrt,Jt4 63, 377 and 37!, eai'h frentlni?; left en nert i sbfe of ttulnut etitet, and n ti ndlng In depth lAi feet. lli, lv Nert. J18 bliI 117, en side of h, 'en street, ndjelnlmr cat h em r. und each let bvlntf : feet In Irent b) t ) teet deep. Pe- s.ien nd tltlea en April 1. Ie. ?ale te ceminenee ut 7 nVieeic, p. tn , when nt'.endaure will bs lien aud terms Ol .ie tiuiJe kuen n Dy D. HHTMA.N.r. Excutoref D lUittnan. dei'd Usxkt "HrnitKr, Auct iJunllTrh.ts 1 IHLIC sali: -AT- NORBEOK & MILETS. COR. DUKE AND VINE STS., LVNCA9TEH, PA.. TQBSDAY, FEB. 5, 1883. Owing te a slight chine In thu buslneu, we will dispose el en ibis day evct ONE HUNDHED FIRST-CLASS VEHICLES OF LVKKY DEHCniPTlON. The piiblle will beir in mind that these lobs were net built ler .special sale, but wl 1 be guaranteed, in Is our usual cus tem, ine business win tin tarried en the H minus heretoiere, under the caretul super vision el Me-mi-s Norbeck and Mlley. I'ct,ihii who lie lieu tliiii vrhlcle ter the spilnx and are ni. tan )el prepared te purchase, we have uuuicu us a speetui iiidticiiiuent a CHKDITOF FOU It SIONTIH inn iiisceiiui ueing in lowed te cash pur- viiupuin jiiisiii mi uiu largest puuiie car riage sale ever held In this state, and purchas ers will net be .leeclveil, as tlie reliability et this ilrm's work is widely known, a iriiurun ti oef one ytui given with every blilef sale. DiscripMtn circulars gltlntr ptrtlculars et tain ami ev. t) jen win no nilered te the pub He In n tew ilits Loek te your lntuieal. OUR W O ll It b U a 1' A I Nil U U It W I It I). ,, .. , ., NOUUbCK A MILKY. II v '. Kewe, Auctioneer Netk l'he iiiiiliitc.iiiim in the construction of llr-t class lehlcles are the wheels. Ours cannot be excelled, us they are all made by Mr. Slllny.the wull known wheelwright of this Ilrm, who has been In the budness ever8U y.urs. Ne patents or ether inukis Usui. hale reniinenciiii ut 0 o'clock u. m. Ne post ponement en in count or weather All work net dl-.no. cd of en this day will bu continued en V ednegilay, Mb lust. unlUJlw,tanC7td ULAHti AK1 UVt.VHnHAiiib' H IUM a MAKTIM CHINA, GLASS -AND- QUEENSWAREI -AT- CHINA HALL. We have new open a full line of Heusefurnisliing Goods I -IN- QUKKNBWALK LAMpruK- c,una- Heusclcf opera will de well te examine our Sleek betere purchasing. Our Wares ure umlr anticd. We exebaiiKe all Uoed, net wtlilui' High k Martin, ir EAST KINO STREET, 1 kUl ASTKIt I'A. J" . f. UlVLKll. CARPET We are new offering soma Speclal Bnrgaina in Ourpeta te Persons wanting Onrpets the coming Spring will de well te leek at find teme patterns te su.t them at an odd price aud save money. larger than ever ; some goods are arriving new- JOHN esc NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, N TOW M'K. BOWERS fe HXJRST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. New Open New Spring Prints, New Spring Porcales New Spring ALL AlfO .1 .aa.. A ether makes, belli strletll fl-t Ia. '"' w, ' ft TMCO OrtlIH i P'1"' "iwirewi - wi.u r.ui.irun MlHK, Ja e a! K nmmp CamhV.iV- l,rsWe.n ami n ..'., l ..r, .,.!..,.... .... i.vrt nei ivu e. levant iln ill unu' nh,i mi inuvi. ri.,1,1...... , ..... - . . It .. ..I L ...li ..I .. I .uillt wiiflll I'l IIIUIU. IIUII1UIIIK r.iiiiiiuiiiriir!"i-'- - all lu lull UMertmint. BOWERS & HURS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN UAO Utt .U tlltOTHKK WINTER Sules will continue tit Roduced Prices until Winter Stock Is oleeod out, te ranke room for New Burlmr Assortnaenta jjhik OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SUITS, DRESS SUITS YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, Purobesora lnvlted te oxtvmlne. Bachanrmoetmarkod In plain flguroe at the Loweat Cneh Prlcoe Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, 1)HV liUOUH Ct'r.eiAi, sALt or Housekeeping Goods -AT TIIK- NEW YORK STORE. 0ln'ni u.e.xt depressle.. 1 , fiu enttun market, we lmn ruln luru hiicmiiii of Ulvachwl and L uble.icl.ed MUSLINS In all the 1'ipular brands whlili decani 11 b, the piece or yard at less tl an u it.u.uc'.ur er' prlcei. ?, 5-lnmie-l llleacliel and t'nbleaihcd PILLOW MU3LI.VS. M, J-1,9-4, ia-4 nirache.il and Unbleaclicd IslIKKTINOS In all the tVell-tcnewn Ilrands. Tbe special attention of ladles Is invited te the Linen Department. We new eflcr the best value we eiiid In mve ever LINEN TAI1LE DAMASKS At iic. 33c., 37Ke . He , w , niKe , 7c. (l.eu and 11 yi. TKc, H, K ' Table .SapkttiH. TCUKEY UKDTAIILE CLOTHS. In all alies and putterns at lowest city prices Wdet All Linen Ulass Towels, 10e. eaeh : 73 dnz. Oimuslc Towels, Uc, usual price, 17c: .-ouei.iieruian iewei, ac. each Kant K ringed TehcU, 21c. each. Mi de. Kle- WATT, SHAND & CO., NO. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST., M KT.UKU A UAUUIIjia.v WE UAVK JUbT ItOtOHT Tlllt KNTIKE 3IOUK OF OOOI) ljUALn V COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OK A LAKOE WHOLESALE H0O8K CLIN1NO HUSI.S Kss, A.N I) A IIK NOWStLLl.NU AT OK- $ 1.40. Qoeits that wer sold at H.00 letlM. We have en hand, alie, WII1TE A III) COLOnEIi Blankets, HODOnr AT AUCTION BALKS, THOU 75c. up te $10.00: Wn are Bellliipr Jliem etr eheup i they have been saerinced thli stiueu at U.s than manu tacturur'a cost. & Cheap Stere, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, llutwoen tue Uunpur lleuia und Serrel Heme Hetel, LANOASTEll PA UOTIO.-SKKH .ANII 11I5AI. AUK NT. KDTATi: HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKEH AND UKAL K3TATU AOKNT, 01 North Duke St , Lanoaater, Pa. KverytblnR pertalnlhtf te my business will lLoetvoiny penonalatlentlen Termu leaseu. iM. uivemeacull lanl'itM 11 Ut OOUltO, ,te. QM. V, HA rut ON, DEPARTMENT. S. GIVLER mien rnr aoev axd g&rvkt IN LATK9T AM) CHOICKST PATrKllSP. Olllliant'lJ III k . s . ....... ITrtr "". w;"r. """.. "V?0 ".0,.v ,,l,n" ,l"'" l',. '".. rilltlllllH t I.IIHII1U MUllil lii.nit' iithiit, ..,t.. -- -- .. ...n., 11, u i uiu KVEUTTHI.ne MAIIKSP AT L0VK9T P(H3UILK STREET. LOWEST PRICES ON- CLOTHING, HAGER & BROTHER, JUIY UUODH. J."- MAilTIM A CO. Decline in Prices -or- Ileusefiiniishiiig Goods ! We have ou luuul all popular makes el Mnsllns, Sheeting3, Tickings. Checks, Table Linens and Cottens Te?, els, Napkins, Crash, Cennterpancs, Blankets, Comfertables and Feathers. Hamburg Embroideries, IN NEW AND HANDSOME PATTEltNS. ALL AT LESS THAN ItEUULAH IMUCKS. Call and examine. I E. Martin & Ce, Cor. West Kiui; and Prince Sts., LANCASTKll, PA. IN f.Xr IIOOUTO THK UOUHT HOUSE. PAHNESTOOK. GREAT SALE OF HODSB FDRNISHINO DRY GOODS. Vew gelne en, at Prlcei never bclore known, HLEACHKD AND UKULEACIIED MuBllns, Shoetintr, Sblrtinff and Pillow OaBlngr, ALLOItADKS AT ALL WIDTHS. T1CKIN0R. ee., 8c., 0c., He., nr Chan Ileds. llcst ViO. PEATHKlt TICKINU at 10 and 20 cents. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS In quantities, at Lew Price. broIdere.il Handseme Em- Stand, Table and Piane Cevers. FEATHERS I FEATHERS ! We keep none but thu best steam cured Feathers. Persons commenrliiK housekeep ing, or thnje about te replenish should nut tall te see our mock beteru purchasing. R. E. Eahnesteck, LANCASTER PA. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. VUUTUUUAi'UU. J.K' HOTK. There boa been lueh a demand ;for LAltUK PHOTOUUAPHH that I was compelled te net ft VKIIV LAUUK OAMEllA HOX te meet tbe demand. We cun new wake you a PHOTO as small aa the Bmallnst lecket villi bold up te a S-lneb loco, te Ut an UxSi Frume. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 10a North Qttoen Btroet. Utie2IM I KWU1NK VAUAOlOAlt.OLKAH KILLKH IAHAN-"VkLLOW FIIONT CIOAK 8T0HK, make room ler Spring Stock our goods new, as they may Our New Spring Stock will be & CO., house. LANCASTER, PA, VM'tV OVKti 11 Chintzes, mnti In u... i.. . of Hleadied Muslins -IV a, sVil . M . .,.., h tl'.. .1... 1 . .. ". "lltl I tlt , . . ... . . . . uu u,e im-si inaKes. In UV11UUKW. 1111)10 liltlens. lOWtlla Villilclx. , PltlCKS. T. LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER. PA Jl A Til A Mil VAf.1. "IlKAII Tills! BROTS TAH YLNO SZTLUHS We have thrown together a let et hTIKK HATS lb i we don't want te carry et er te next i-aen, and marked them all "l.flO. In the let are Hats that cost us 1.7 a dnzin. They ari net dam aged In any way. Correspendlntfrodue. ttens have been Hindu lu all Winter Uoed. Heavy Caps ar Keln at leu than ball value. 1h tew Kur Uoeds lelt aru all marked nay down Wi have only Three Klne beal Caps lelt, and these we want te sell at cost. Thu low prices huve played buvec with our Winter uteik. and seuu we will have iielhliiKlctt SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (UUNDAKKIl'S OLD bTAND.) LANOASThlt. PA. mart7 tyd.Vw OllULT" LI.D MIAMI. CHEAT ItEl'UCTlON IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladlea' Seal Saoques and Delmans, Ladies' Fur-Llned Circulars, tients'and Ladles' Scul Caps nt Cost, BILK UMBRELLAS. A Large Ajsortmtntel OI.OVES at Cost. THE LA UUKST STOCK AM) AH80HTMENT OF KAbHIONAULK Wittier Hats, Cans, Pars, k ErerelTercd te the public, at tlie LOWEST PHlCbS. Wholesule ami lletall. lluy ler rash only nnd sell cheaper llmu an ether Hat Siete In thu city. SOLE AGENT KOIt THE Knox Silk & Derby Hat. The ONLY Hat Manufactory In Lancaster. Heys' Cups Irem loe. up. Men's Cups et all kinds Kreally reduced in price. lleimlrln uentlyuud piemplly done. Old Silk Hatxmailu asblenablu. JOHN SIDES, dn-lKI Successor te HHULTZ A HUO. I'Ai'JSU UANU1HUB, Ac IIIAUKH W. I'HY. We are making almost dally; adJitlem te our stoek et WAIL PAPERS. The styles arubeautltul and we have thorn in ulCKunl otseruneui, iruiu me uuiiiiinui brown te the Unest embroidered cllt one, two unit tii run band frlezus. Lfeeuruiiuua ler ceil' Inns u elcirunt designs, mutch. centre plucui te Dade Window Shades Are becemlus mero popular every season. We can chew you tllty dlirerent styles, In the pro pre vuilInK colors. Plain cloths ter shades in ull widths, Uxiuruaernumenlg, etc. CIIF.AM and WHITE I.AOK CURTAINS, 1IED8KT3. PILLOW 8HAM8. TIDIES, and LAMHUKOUINH, CURTAIN POLES, COUNIOKH, Mill- U0U3, Ae. PHARES W. FRY, 57 NORTH QUEEN 8T. TUArBhlSXlO' UVJlilt LA.NC'AHTKK AM) Alll.l.KllOVII.I.K It. Oars run a, t.-" "- Leave LntHAbmr IP. It Depot), at 7, V, ) 1:3(1 a. in., and S, 4, 0 und N.W). in.,uTrnnt en BiUtirday, when 1 1 n i.it car leaves at :Ju p. lit Leave Jtlllersvl.le (lower eml) alA, tl, amlilt a. M., and 1, S, t and 7 p. in. Cars nin dally en ni jv n i 'i.e mmpt en Hun tav, (leKNWAiri. i.kha'min mil t'.iniijeK J VAI.LK UAII.UOAII 'UMK-l'AIII.K. sel'ruw'Aim. I'rnlnn leave l.elmiien dully teteepl Min day ) at il in a. in , ll 2,1 mid 7 il p in AirlMi ut Cornwall ill 6 l() il in W '? P ,"' nnd Mil p, m.j nt Loneiviiuo nt7 tin m . l-f' illiil H.Mii. in., eennectliltf with the Peiiiisjl vatilii tallread for points Kail and Weat. NOIlTIIWAIin. Tralim lcavoCenoiviiKOat7'Wa. iu f. SO and 8 ' p m. " ArrlVH lit r?nrnnll a ( - ... 11A nnd 0 1,1 p. in.) nt Lebanon at 8 31 a. in. 4 ID n't,. I ,, V 111 , eeunectliiK ut l.elmiien wllh Plillii'i.',V"'u A Icadlt.Kiullroiidferpolnls hn'tnid V '"' nnd the Lebanon , Tiemeni branch ler Jehn, town. PlneKteve and Tremont. Iho fill) a, in. tinln will step only at Corn Cern wad Celiiiiuxik ami llelbilre. '"-i-urii AOLUMIUA A IOKT I)l 'nil Ik.vii V IIUAll TI3II". '1 A III. rminrt new run teuuUriv nn t iniins new run iKK'Hiriv en i, ( e,u n'i ,i ion UetHisIt lliillrenil en Ilia uiiinii. tlmut weimiWAiin. blAl'lUNtt. mom f mi Aim r. u N-'JI a.x in: i.w 7 0S k. M. S i'. M.ir.M, I'M) .... n.Tl .... s:U'... ft 17 .... Mil1 Mm1.,,, iJ, & out I.MI ....Columbia.... ashlnitten.. ... CiexKivell .... . Hate Harber... .Shunk's Kerry. ... .Peuuca .Tork Mirniue., ....Tucuan...,, McCull'H Kerry . rite's Kdily ., .rishliur Creek, .Peach llottem, ,. Cone liie.. .... OcterMn ... ...Pert l.-ip.wli. ) s.ir: T:IA 7 10 7'.1 7.W 7iW 7:.1I 7:17 7:37 7ll0 4:4.1 711 7(i 4:111 l:.V) :ll 7.M :0S 17 (ill 7 6" 7 36 7: 0 7 17 7 S 0T2 H-Ai 4 0ft 3 ll ... Perryvllle,. I ir Aiumi ueLUftiuiA n.n AUH4.NUKMSN1 Or VASttKNUKli TRAIN MONUAT, OCTlTllER .Vrii, leM NORTHWARD. UATX. A.M. A.M. A.M IUM 10.JII 10X7 .... 11:111 .. . 11: si .... 11-21 11:27 11:32 11:11 U:5'J ll:M MM 7-10 l'2M 7..7 r. m W" 7 37 I'l (U 8,-ii I'i.U Hi) A. il" 7-) i 1O . AI wuarryviue iaj Lancaster, King Bt 7 i tAnc.iuir 7.(, Chlcklea 7-je Marietta Junction 7 je Columbia. 7, ARB1VI. Reading m. SOUTHWARD. tlAVTL Rcjuling ARKITB. Marietta .t unction Chlckles Columbia Ijvncjutxr Lancaster, King St tluarryvlile cm r.si ... 2.11 ... J 10 1 ik 3 VI, .. I i ni, .... l' 1 1'. J ' Si S&i A.M. M r.M 7: l'i.00 8.I1 ' ' is r.M' md Vl) ... J" Mi MO 8 ' )' j l ill 1.1:4, .... "A". 10 .... .1" rain eeiinect nt !tniii,u; wiim iit.m Irem Philadelphia, PettAVHJn, HarrMbtir.;, AN bintnwn aud New erlt. via lleuail ii iHIUKk At Columbia wlUi trains te and Iren' Hanevur, UuttysburK, Knslerlck and morn. A M. WU.S'IN in. 1BhKhYtVAH I A :' IIKDCLK On KAII.ItOAII M',W and alter HI S I, .NOVKMI1ER, 1.1, ttWJ. trains en thu I', n ' . vanhi ItAlliiiiul wilt arrive at and in.iv,- me LaiicisU)' and Phllq-l.-'ii'iladerHitBan te '. -w Levl Ar Eadtward. lLanlPh' A.M. A.L Sirt 1 : 7V le.a Mall KxpreM Philadelphia Express favit 1 tne HarrlsburK Exp'.iu Tork Acceuitr.rxlaM'm arrives LanctiMter Accemt 1ri:eu 'irrlves... Columbia Acceiui. el dun rrelerlek Aceommmlatten arrives. Leck Haven bxpress 8u.ld.ty Mall JohnMewn Kxprtwi Day Kxpreiu Herrlsbu r; Accomiucklatlen 10J . f.-s;. (t:l" 8.0 !,ft )-fl P.M. 12-M i-4. 11-45 Vis i.M. ' iC 7 .' tl 40 J l.'l Hanover Accommeiiatlou wtift, c-inmc at Lanciister with Nlaxara Kxprtvs -it wl.l run through ut llanevi-r dally. Sunday. rrixluiick Accen imiktinn. v,n u. kt Luaci.iU'r wiih V-uit I. no, we.t. .' I run tnreturh te fv ! rVt ;!.V1 '1.0. . . hlllLan W mrrw u A.M News KxpreHs.... Way Paisenirer.. X 6 M 9 AI 15 )Vj r. m. I v, 1 1'. 5.16 l:3 7: 7K' It I.U Midi 1 Train. -Ne. 1 via. ML lnCeluin "V ..H-e.IV Mill Train, Ne.!, mnirera r.xpreJ Hanover Accemm'bi"r-i I rast Line Frederick AccomnuxlaUen lu ivtin Uarrlaburg Accommeilatlou Lancaster Accommodation leaves Columbia Accommodation HarrlsburK Express Western hxpreas PaclUc Kxpnwi HarrlsburK KxpruM, wnleh leaves Laiiruster at, top. in,, lias direct cennectuma (without chauKoet cars) U Columbia and Yerk. rast Line, west, en Sunday, wjeu tt iskii wUl step at IJownliiKterrn, Coe tea vine, Parkea. burfc. Mount Jey, lUHliuthU)wn and Middle town. Day Express, Test Line, NewsKxpreiw, Mall Train, Ne. I, vvestern Kxprcus and 1'uclHe Kt pruss rnn dallv. The ttnitt here ulven Is Kaitem time, or that et the 73th meridian, wblcu Is 1 mlnutnandJ seconds taster than that huretoleio used. IIUUHH AHU HTATWNr.Ui. 1SS4. 1SS4. VALENTINES I NOW READY. Elegant Souvenirs -rORTHK- VALENTINE SEASON, AT THE ItOOKHTOUK OK JOHN BAEBS SOIS, 15 nnd 17 North Queen St. VAlll'liTH. 1 AHUA1N0, IIAUGALNS. BARGAINS, -AT- Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. WcbI King and Hitter Sts., JU8T RECEIVED A Let of the Oholaest Ourpeta Ever Brought te Lanonetor, Wlileb, lu adilltlen te the large stoek et homo hemo home imtUo uoeds, Will be Hi Cheap if Called fjr b'oen, Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. et WeatKIng nnd Wtter Sta., LANCASTER, PA. C1IOAK4 I'OUTlli; HOLIDAVblN IIOXfcH 1 et 'ii,80 and 100 at IMRTMAN'U YKLLOW KRONT 010 AU H'lORK. NOT1IIK '111 XUKMI'AHisr.lC-l AMU HUM. NKR3. All pontens uie hereby teiblddun te trespass onauyet thelunds of the Cem wall or Bpeodwell estates, In Lebanon nnd Lancaster ceuutleu, whether Inclewd or tin- Inclesed, either ler tue puipe-,0 et shoetlug ec nsning, aa tue taw win de nun against all trespassing en said nsldnir. as the law will bu rlirldlv ontercao against an trespassing en sum iudus 01 hid iiuilcrHlvncil atter this nntlce, 1VM. COI.fa.MAN 1TRKKUAN R. PKROY ALDKN. KDWAlUli; PREEMAiN Attenmy ler It W Colnmae u "it 111.. I'll&W .- ... . . !.-. .... A.U. I ,. I 7i ' 7' I" I I e. M. .Ml V-i' ')1 11 J