Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 28, 1884, Image 2

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?Lancasier JntclUgcncct.
Nat from Henjsmfn.
TlioXew Yeik 7t (hunt prfntfl from
thti advanced slieels of Thurlow We?d'.s
tnomelrn, nn anonymous letter found
atnenjr Mr. Weed's papers, addressed in
August 180, te the llrltlih ensul '
New Yerk, In which llie writer declares
thnttliciels a strong sentiment In tln
Seuth favornble te n return te English
rule and asking for an Interview with
the consul upon tlie matter, which could
net fee then had because of the consul's
absence from New Yerk. He Is reques
ted te address his answer te ,,Bmi.i
mln," te be called for at his eillce.
Upen this hint the letter Is proclaimed
te have ceme from Jndah P. llsnjamln,
Although tlie style of. the communica
tion contradicts the suspicion utterly.
The writer claims te be a member of
Congress, but If se he was a very silly
member. HanJ.imin has never beensni
pectcd of silliness ; en the contrary
If there ever was a mere astute
cltlzen ntneng us be has net been
recognized In the present generation. If
Mr. Benjamin had any such prepositions
te make te the British government he
would net have made It te the consul at
New Yerk ; nor would he have sug
Rested it in writing ; nor would he ha"e
done it In the language used by this
writer, who is evidently of the feather
weight order. Xcthlng Is mero likely
than that, in the conflict of sentiment
between the North nnd the Seuth en the
slavery question, there may have been
Southern people, and many of them.whe
would have favored a union with Eng
land If they could thereby have saved
their peculiar institution. But it is
extremely unlikely that any Southern
statesman, of ordinary sagacity, would
havescensuch nchance in an English
union; the Seuth would have jumped
from the frying pan into the fire en the
slavery issue in trading off its union
with the Northern states for ene with
England, where public sentiment is
unanimously against slavery as an insti
tutlen of their country. The man who
wanted te interview the British consul
was ene whose Judgment was blinded by
his passion ; und was net Benjamin.
The Mayoralty.
We feel quite cprtain that n very large
majority or our citizens, regardless of
politics, will regret te learn of Miner
MacGenigle's determination te retire
from the offle which he h is se acceptably
filled for three terms. Had he been
otherwise Inclined there is no doubt that
he would have been uuaninieusly re
nominated and le elected by a decisive
majority. Te an intelligent appreciation
or the duties of his 011106,110 has joined
such diligent und undivided application
te them that his administration has wen
for him the encomiums of geed citizens
of all partus, and has been productive
of the brst results for the municipality
In announcing his intention h ietire,
with pardonnble pride lie reviews the
events related te the city government
which have been centemp muieu3 with
his connection with it, und of which
eUitb will uadily concede that lie 1ms
bem a larce tart. "Lancaster will tie
f irtunaie, tndtcd, te find ann'her whose
effeits fm the promotion of the city's
best inter s' swill be as wisely directed
and as prel iU Especially salutary was
the application of Majer MacGenigle's
business principles te the finances of the
city, which li.idb-en dtiftlng from bad
te worse, and which, under his direct ion.
have been se far righted that the exhibit
which the authorities are able te make
te-day is the host stien for many years.
In the seltctien of Ids successor the
Democratic party needs te make care
ful choice, se that it mil) net disappoint
the public expectations reasonably i.tlsed
by the standard of magisterial fitness
maintained by M.i)er MacGenigle's re
nominations. The unjust geirymander
of the city and the partial disfranchise
nient of huge portions of it
In the apportionment of council
men is se crossly iu favor of
the Republican party tlmt the election
of a maer from the opposition is essen
tial te the best interests of the city. The
wisdom of ene branch of the municipal
government being a check upon the
ether is new very generally recognized
There is deuble responsibility upon the
Democrats of Lancaster te pick it a
man of unchallenged capacity, eipui
ence in ami acquaintance with munici
pal aftrtirs, tlrmuess and Integrity, us
their nominee for major. The nomina
tion is te be made next S iturday nig! .
There is no time te lese.
Luiiinr b Letter.
Senater Lamar was Invited te the
Commonwealth club receptieu tendered
iu Philadelphia te Sneaker Carlisle.
Being miable te attend he sent the fel
lowing letter, of which a copy has been
furnished us :
UMrcu StatlsSknate,
Wasiiij,qten, Jan. 15. 1881.
Gk.MI.kmkn : I recant that juv duties
In the Semite, will net allow me te be pre
eeut en the interesting occasion roferrod te
iu your kind invitation. I would be happy
te Identify mysell with auy publle mani
festation of honor te that able states
man, and distinguished Democrat, (Mr.
Uarlije), who presides evor the jircsent
natlerul Heuso of HepreHutitatlvus. It
would uUe afford me slncere idcasure te
evince, by milling with the members of
your nieoclatien, my oetdial respcet for
the Demoerats et Pennsylvania, They hnve
through h eg days of tiial aud even oblo
quy mude hemst battle ler the oenRlitu.
tlen, nnd the great prlnelpUs of liberty
which that inatiumenc was designed te
socure. Thuy have withstood tbe feraes
of sectional nate and jealousy, he long
directed ugaiust the ejipresscd Southern
stater, with a moral intrepidity that hu
dene much te rostero the brotherhood of
tbe Amerleau people,
lint the work of peaeu and uatienal con.
cord has net yet been fully accomplished.
The majority of the people of the Union
as I fully bulleve, would gladly return te
the wUe aud oemorvatlvo methods of the
fatheis, but tbey havii net suoeeoded in
dhledging from the potbessleu of the na
tional geverumcut the party whlehregatds
n large body of our cltUeus as proper
objeets of ansploleu, donuuclatien, ropres
sleu and dlsfranchisemeut nene the less
Bweepiug because it Is net embodied in
utatutes. Measures are new pending in
Congress involving fmiernl usurpation
ruorealirinlng nnd assaults upon the nu nu nu
toiemy of the etnts mero fatal, than any
jit doclded by the supreme court te be
vlolatlve of the constitution. The para
mount Imiie bofero the country is still tlie
reform of the national government from
its sectional usuipatleu nnd cor
ruption Tlie great want of tlie
country is peace nud administrative rc rc
leira. Te accomplish this great end el ndmiu
stratlvu ri'ferni nil true Democrats, all
patriots, whether of Democratic or He
publican antecedents, who nre wlllhnr te
cooperate should, whatever may be their
diirorencH ou ether questions, iinite te
electa D'mocrntle president. Tim union
of the Djmecracy, for the eend of the
union, is the flint step te a crowning
viotery that will Inaugurate an adminis
tration under which loesl self government,
thofree nud harmonious pi vy of economic
forces, the just rights of states and indi
viduals, of labor and of eapltsl, will b o e
cured, and at the satue t'me the American
repuhlie shall have opeucd te it a career of
grandeur and benrfloenca transcending
even the glories of the past.
I am, with great respecN
Yours, jca ,
L Q C. Lmiui.
Te the Commonwealth club.
Mr. Ltmsir Is ene of tlie ablest and
most thoughtful men or his party in
Congresi ; lie is mero of a student than
of a "practical politician ," he Is as ad
vanced iu Ills theories of revenue reform
as Mr. Watterson, Mr. Carlisle or Mr.
Morrison, and ene of the ablest s,v . is
male Hst soislen In support e ' i-r
position en economic qus.sti ms was
niiwle by the writer of " firejeing
let'er. l'i vle.v of thesi fats it is vcrj
signlflcint that Mr. Lamar, speaking for
his secticn, declares tint "the piraiueunt
issue batere the country is still the te
form of Hi tiitleinl g vernm?nt from
itsseclie" il usurpation and ceruip'.l in ,"
" Theunln et the Djtnecr.wy for the
fjxid of the union ' must. bein.iinM'tml
tosceurea " crowning victory tha. will
inaugurate an iilmiulstratleu under
which lecil sslf-gevernmeut, the free
and harmonious play of economic forces,
the just rights of states and indi
viduals, of labor and of capital will
be secured." We believe this te be
the well expressed Idea of pitrielic
Democrats everywhere. Te concede
that the tariff question is the only issue
before the country is te abandon the
Democratic faith; tomrrew It te a
doctrine that threatens te divi le the
party, Is te invite defeat. It would be
just as rational te insist that the Deme
crats must either declare the pree it
civil service system te be perfect or
espouse Mr Pendleton's particul r de
vice for reforming it.
The action of the joint Republican
caucus in Washington followed with the
introduction of Jehu Sherman's out
raje resolutions in the Senate,
very plainly the purpose of the enemy
te revive the issue of sectionalism. Te
met this and every ether pxsible issue
wiieh may be forced upon them, the
Democracy need te bs inspired with the
spirit of Senater L mar's letter, ami te
b go le I by no n irnwer principle
Te elect a Deiiejratic president will
require the votes of all th Siuthern
states, of which we are reaseu.iblv sure,
a-ida remainder that can be gathered or
list from Indiana, Ohie, IVnnsjl'Mtiia,
New Jersey. New Yerk and Connect
cut. It is felly t I ok ti s-.v.i9 a for
ttieiu than wlu-re tlejj can be most rend
lly had
W.WNU Ma vkaqh uiaj be said lube
the sole suruver among the letullLg In
dep ndeut luminaries of Pennsylvania.
M. MacVeagh's independence, instead of
djlng away, bloasems forth in ienewed
vigor, rrem supporting a Philadelphia
municipal ticket, which was two
Hepublicin and one third D;ti ecratie,
he has advanced te the snppirte' one
that is t w. thirds Democratic and oee eee
tbird It-ipubMcaa ; and he clearly mani
fests his willingness te take an undiluud
Demecritic ticket if necessary t- tt.e
cause of reform. Mr. MacVeagh's mde
pendeiiLe is of the genuine kind.
Tu riiifky bellcn who are uuligniut at
Fred DeuglW nnrriuge w ith a (J uieislau
are all rngaged at present in Kiumn,
" C'enldi't thou eome back te me, Dun
Uv atie.miu t ie 4Jo,)00, 4Je,)00,
OJO Cbntians en the t;lebe, are divided
into 215,000,000 Reman Catholics, Vii OCW,
00) Pretcbtants, 80,000,000 ndmuents of
the Greek chureh and 3,000,000 of ether
Till It LOW WEISU'ri ailtebuiLipliy wtll
show tint Cameren's tiinsler et the
Pennsylvania delegation te Lmoel i, ;it
Chicago in 1S00, whu.h aloneHjoiirod uu
nemlnatuin, was eutlrcly unexpected tj
Suwaid and his tYieuds who hvl eveiy
reason te expect thvt when neoded Cam Cam Cam
oren would help te nominite and nn' te
dofeit Seward.
Te the view of the liantut Weekly in
telligent Christiau poeplo never san uure
lutiiuiioKeroi man iut uuerus :
" ' ou ieIm nutiilnir,
Only te limit hH tuiil
A brelcun iiml uiniuiuil vestel,
torttieMiutar'susu inuiuniuut "
" Oh te be nothing " is bad enough, but
ean any eue think of a " breken " plccd
or crockery belug "meet" for auy hoiisl heiisl hoiisl
bie " use ?"
Ir tliore Is a point where forbearaueo
coases te be a vlitue, it will seen be
reached by a Hufl'erlng nation if tlie head
of the ponslea offlae does net ceasa lux
efforts te add te the new overcrowded
pension list. Thern are at present
evor 100 different varioties of pensiencm
numberlng mero than aOO.OOO, nnd tl e
man who propesos te add te this list de
serves a liberal application of the Muffed
club loraeJy for bis hardihood.
In Ge rgia it Is olilmed that prohibition
works well. The tomperancii question
there is Icept as onthely out of pellt'cs as
the seciet soeloty Uhue is here. There are
nmety counties out or oue hundred aud
thirty six InGoergh with partial or ontlre
prohibition and the experiment is sueh a
Huceuss that the tomperatico peepla light
en hepeful of oevoring the ontlre state,
Iu Malue, ou the ethor hand, it is shown
that liquor trauie Isluereaslng; thore are
1,103 retailers paying government lloeuso,
nn lnoreaso of 40 per cent. In tluee years ;
the ratio of pauperism is twioe as high
as In Ohie ; the per capita of wealth 110 per
cent. less, and the nvornge of local Indebt-
edness nearly double.
mkuy l.ui ok tin: AMI ritOl'KllTl.
1 lie I't'Uilit MllelAlllli it llfntrnclUe
I'm iiiuiic IIuIUIIiiks I'eunilltlira itml
SlKliy l.e Lad t Se,.
Ph g d en Saturday was oue et almost
nuptial il'cd Heverity iu Ktijiud. At
Uestnijis the theatre aud pier had te be
closed, the electtic lights nlongthe jurade
were ipieuehrd, and tlie e.s dashed eer
the utreet, mikiiu; walking daugereitH,
At Meiumnuth theWye and Monuew liven
oveill ied the binkfi, nml the highways
weie Heeded. Southampton aud Ksst
bout no suffered tevcrcly.
The wind blew a hurricaue all S iturday
ui;ht, doing mush damage in l.imlm and
injtu nig many petnens. Tbe gliss reef
il the Wistmtnater wjsdomel
ilie), causing a pimc among the audtence
iu wli ch tevend perrens wcte butt. A
pi tilling olll-e iu the ll.ij market was
uiuoefcd and a boy nns killed by fatting
Many veseli were wrecked off the ceist
and a large number of liics were !et.
Telttgraph wires te the continent aid the
Atlantic etbbt) vreie interrup.ed for
feviuU heui-i.
Katl tj lullle has been greatly impeded
by the lua uew clernn throughout the
e imii ) At leiqtiay tLere were in inj
Cim.i.t os, nils lamp vteie blevMi dull,
treet upr eU.d, and many bjkts were
Toe sh p en the Ue of Wirht were
ole-od e irly ou Saturday, enhiu't -the hur-
raiae. A lady was knocked down by the
wind and ha I leg broken At Newry
niiuj heus't wen' unroofed and police
bit racks were rendered unteuaali de and
he pjliee weie compelled totike i fuge
iu the C u.t beuse.
At fred tbe root of a dwe ling c )1
lAp'd. ki 1 tig the daughter of a weikram
aud u luring his four eens The mad ti tin
between Durham and Darhugt mw I'Uwtc
stepped by tbe Bid j. Ne belts w re al
1 wed te leave Portsmouth, and the Free
rhiukers' hull there was completely de
melishi d by the wiud
The Kriiibh bark Nokerals, for Hiltt Hiltt Hiltt
niore, i rttd her cables and was driv 'U t-e
mm It. n feared that tlie vesel aud all
h u. ds have been lest.
The hurnoaue loraellshcd an ir u cb ipel
at Newcastle. The reef iu falling killed n
we uau and two children.
run Mural In l',itl
A ch'.itruetivi) .storm raged in PariK ou
?.ruid.iy uight, fevering railway aud
telegraph cjinmunicitieu in all direo'.iens.
The gale has blown djwu telegraph
wirei and dene much ethor damage iu the
suburbs. Many persons hae been injurwl
whle walking in the stteeU An im
mtuaa number of lamps and windows Inte
been Mii.iahud, naiffilils overthrowu, trees
upiiud and chimneys de-ttre ed.
While Mra B-reh.irdt was playing in
tbe ' Dime Am Cunelias" en Saturday
M the VetUi Si. Mn tin tbei're. Puis, the
p'lie'jiauce lucludcd a feature u it iu the
pi.i imme, namely, a burrieane Dunn
it.e Iirst oe. the 8'ir'Q mere!) gteffled
euii ieu.i!y, iiut during the ecce'id aJt it umu tbe win Je. vi of the grand f.iyer
All tin diir4 were sli umed, the uoise
recill ng the stirring missafis aud
lley tliiiig in the " X.iua Sahib."
The ehauieliers bag in te a wing te
a id ire, aiid the andieuce uran
nervrn? Sirah Uernhardt wt.e at that
moment was nciing the tirst great Live
eiiics with M. Mu ais, u'tertd a p "niieg
lutlu scream el alarm and std iiieu.ui
less Rut au instant later she re-umed
her work A window frame ou the s .we
was (lasted te pieces by the wiud, at.d the
fUue was mandated with fragavu ti of
K-a-s Mr.ih steppiug ou one of tbesi
tragtiicnts cut lur f et f lightly.
Dm in tue fourth act the windngun
burst open tbe window and extmgu'ihed
one of ilie large chandeli'is C ufusieu
and excuemf et e utd. M P. cpulin net
hit wi&h a piece of a wiul,v tishenih
loltelbow, but nebjdy wis s 1 1 lus'y iu
j'irci. The droseMif the ici ses and
tiguarintes were, Lowevi-r, li'ewn abe'tt
iu i u.ust nidisireu' manner.
.1 l'KKIsm.-Md r viilLv.
aitvrt Iriim tirvitl'in till Treeji'ui; uy h
-lUBblni; I'arty In tlie I,urrl Hill,
A bieighing par'j of yiuug folks in
Vtt inei eland eeuaty the ethei Light Ijsi
tneriul and bejjinmg lerj cold biiihIi'
Mimn d we ling where they niitf'.r. wum
a-d thur wy seeing a ligtit
sein d stanc i ahead tbey drove up and
ffuud i turned Williams as mu r.
able au'l doitirute as evor mm lojkel
up( n in this eulibtend emu'ry. Bofiire
a smouldering tire, the fuel of wuieh wn
lone a lcks of wnl, una en i in the n.e
andtbe'her civcreilwtth lee, cieiubed
three childieu ciyleg from bun
ger and c ild. On a seautily furnished
bed in the e irner of the cabin was t'l ..
father, helpiiss with inllamnn'ery rh u
matism ilia ff.fe bad reused liersuit and
was prepirmg te brave the tirrn and
auld aud sv..!e threu 'h the e'd aemplu
of milei 1 1 ask help fro u their nearest
1 no It tie ttere or tool for the winter
had b tin exhausted, oave a small piece e
bucuu and srjnie corn, which thou had
been parc'.uug aud grinding thrnu ;h a e f f f
Soe mid, tuakiug a subaitute for cernuic-al.
'1 he gemtem in of the sleighing , riy pre
cured a 1 wge quantity of wejJ Ir m tlie
f'ir.'st m nr by ami made a oe'u rtable
tire. Attr the party had warme i them
seUis and cared for the iiumatcs s best
thej c mid, tbey proceeded ou their way
te S'aUUtewn, a village at the western
b ie jf the mountain. They purchased
f' id, l ethiug aud ether necessaries uue
aeut .horn te the sullering family. A
phj&mi in was sent te visit the sick mail,
after which the party proceoJod te thuir
homes feeling (ratified that by their
unplea4ent aoeidont they were enabled te
aave a peiisbiug family.
SKUll Hillt WltllHUAxe
Suuday morning Stcphen Mm is, of
Maitin's l'eiry, O , a laborer, while drunk,
procured an axe, and going te the reBi
donee el his son iu Uw.Jehn Craft.ontered
a bed room whoie Craft was asleep.
Gelug up te the bad Merris raUed his
axe aud struek Craft in the faee, splitting
his skull from the right oye, across the
face, te the point of the chin. Craft's
wlfe came te the resoue, when Merris
struck at her with his bloody axe, narrow
ly missing her head. Merris is under
I'xplotlenot ill tit 1'e.vilcr.
At llitdabore, Berks oeuuty, Biturday
night, a let el giant powder cartridges
w Inch hid bsen plaecd In the Phllidel
phh & Heading signal tower te thaw ex
j'ledtd. The iuside et the tower was
wrecked. James Kenny was instantly
killed and Buniimiu Trout was seriously
injuicd. The foreo of the explosion was
felt a great distance.
lluiKWiaSleul 85,000.
Burglars breke into the iowelry stere
of K. It. llayden, Ne. 200 Pulton stieet,
Brooklyn. Saturdav nkdit. and named nil
$5,000 worth of the stoek, breakiug open
a large safe iu which the most valuable
part of It was placed for safety. The iwife
was opined by meius or powerful jimmiis
and drills, the hinges having been broken
off Ne powder was used.
A I'r iiiiIdaqI tltUsu Hii uuU llliujelt.
James II Kiuslie, of Wluncpeg, Mlnu ,
committed suloide by sheeting hlmselt en
Sunday at the Winslnw heuse, 8t. Paul,
Minn. He wnsoueof the must prominent
cltlsens of Wlnnepeg, piosident of the St.
Audiew 's society and a heavy real ostate
ruuiteeu Killed In a Ml no.
An explosion occurred en Sunday In a
f J'elhery In the Hheiidda Yalley, Wales,
i Ki""K oleveu PO"01"; iB P-rty
of thrce men, iuelndlng the manager of
tbe colliery, who subsequently desendnd
iute the mine, were also killed
A lining llrr.i IliiriieU te lifiitl,
Jehn Murray, sjvontieii vratseld, whose
futhcr's losldeuee ou P.vlmvra street, New
OrlKitis, took tire en Sifiudi)', oinied bis
little tn.iiher and fiatei i it el Uw b.iust',
but te unied te gut line oleiuitm for his
sister and wis overojmi by etnoke ami
buiued te death
r.ilneneU lur llrr luurum.
Agues Murphy, of Qiynietiewa, N. Y ,
died Sitiidny merntng Ir.un p iseu i.g
There are eiicumstauees in tbe ease whle i
peiut te Its being u life iiiMirauOJ murder.
Svi.riM bus saved $130,000
IICNltY Hliueil is worth i-'.WO 00J.
Ben I.NOKitseLt. is much teal In Indn.
Blaine's book will be iead in a faw
w eeks.
DvrtiKT, the iievelit, tikis bis tiote
book uverywhere.
Dit. Dkums siys that kissiug is piml
au AmerL-an habit
Ex Gov. .Ions LfTi in; Im died at h s
home iu Lexiugten, Va.
Mas Ilrviii l)isiev his d.nJed te
build a Pirsbyteriau ehuic' at T.ioeuj.
FitiNk Dkvmish is svd te hive the lead
for tbe mayoralty uoiuiuatien tu Sei niten.
Mas Jcdsen Kni'iTiiKU is bringing
the temuins of her hunbiud home (rem
Get i n threiteus te mi people fm talk
in? about him, his " prep'i.ies " and his
Kiticjses. iuvouter el the Montei, at
tlie age et SO is working e i bis i Ij.i of a
solar engine.
Mtss Bi.le.s Tmutr, the K tlish aotress
w .h lleury Irvinj, is sol te have only
four husbauds.
llcTK! (.Li Miixhidel Gri!') will
be evor next te p' ly i-i K'it,lis'i (or
th Ameneins
I.eitit umids, the tobace men h ive pud
the Koverument nearly forty in Ilieus in
tax iu twenty years.
Hen S A. BmneEs, litoef Allentowe,
leftileOOPrt, tuestlj s hts jeuug wliiea
but his reht.ecs will contest.
"Fitm." Kviurrr his piM'nvd a
bandsome St. Beruird d g for H 000, the
highest ptice ever pud for a oauiue.
Mint A'.onnses eerel a gre.r suecess
In Lnul in en Siturdiy hight as CUrtet Iu
Gilbert's ne.v play, " l'.a;ely and Cem
CiTEL admits that he M.d a woman
ever JO ought te be Hiirru'l or i nun, but
be denies that the V.ihiugteu spinsters
get nugry.
Gk.s. CwiKlie.N, Jehu A. lliedt.iud and
party, aftorathr.e weeks' prodtable siay
at II Jt Spriugs, Ark., hive left for Gil
vesteu and Mexico.
Ciiint z FesTEK's api'etu'nieni by Gov.
II udiy as trustee of the I'eled asylum
hinug bieu rejected by tbe Djaiuri'u
Senate, he will try Ferakr
Hlv Dn. OniucK, j.ister of Christ Kpis Kpis
cepal church in Heading, bis receiveil a
call te a professerbiptu the Divinity school
et thechuicbat Philadelphia
Hen AcmIstcs D. Ltncu fi ruiT y
biul; et imiuer of luduni, is ti.lkcdefes
lirst assist nit sierntary of the treasury te
suceeed Jehn C. Ne, reeeti'ly resigne I
Qlekn VicTenii is la stronger health
tbiu she has been fir ye.irs. s'ie will .e
te Bifen en April 15 te attend rh) wedd
mg of Ut griuddnnghters, the P.-inensrs and I'lizibe'b of Hese, with
Prince I. list of Bittenberg an I the Grand
Duke sergius of Hussia.
Da Jehn B Weed, ene of the
wilel) known newspaper men in Xct
Yerk, tell from the tnug pieoe of Piet
North ruer, at 12 10 en Sanday and died
shortly after. His skill in eliminating
iiunoie-fary outer.cos fr im iv ti n ports
weu him the title e( thj Greit Auieu
can C'endunser."
Ji doe LoMinenTK ei C n iniiM, who
has recently come into possession of 10,
000 000, lately entered the studio of Matt
Morgan, the well known artist, when the
latter drew a rapid sketch of biri vuiter,
who was arravd in a sailkin oeit and
hat worth i 15 J Oi being shown the
sko'eh the judge prjTiptly presented Mr.
Mirgm with tboestl) girments.
HL'lir WHIi,r uu i.sii.mi,
A l.Utle tranger, Hip Di-1 icatrd,
Jehn Sheek, nged about l'i years, whose
father desert.d his famdy in Iliiubridge
some months a'e, and wh i"n ni jther died
mero recently, eimi t) Lineaster, en
Saturday in hopes of tindng a hetna aud
getting sometbing te de. He was net
successful, and during the afternoon he
went te the children's home and nsked
for admtttance the,e. bit cnild net be
accommodated. Seeinc semebiy cast
leg the hill en Ann s'rcet he
joined iu the sper'. Wnde going at a
high ri'.euf speed th-sled en which he
was riding came in oelusl m with a sleigh,
aud was thrown out of its ciursi uti 1 ran
against a teiegrapu pjie witii great foreo.
The shock was se great that oue of the
b y's hips was disleeited and one of his
knees very badly sprained. IIe was
tnkeu te tnn station heusu iv hsre hid in
jurlea were h nded te by Dr Westhaef
ier, after wuich he was taken te tbe
county hospital.
On Saturday a daughter f B.miet
Brown aged 15 years of Paradise, while
coasting with ethers, was thrown from a
stud ami recelved a fracuiru of theelav.c'e.
She was attended by Di. hmith of raru
bule et htecki.
Henry Shubert, auctioneer, sol 1 for
Mary A. Herr, oxeeutor of Henry C. Herr,
deceased, the following stocks aud
bends :
0 shares of Farmets' nitien-il biuk of
Laueaster te Adam Lifevre at 4111. 75 per
10 shares same te U. It, Itheads at
i 75
10 shares same te l S. Itheads nt
112 15.
00 shares Lanoister nitienil biuk te
Adam Lofevro at U2 10.
15 shares same te Jace'i Sbltk at
17 shares same te Henry Bewman at
10 shares Maner turup ke stock te Petor
S. Heist at $110 CO.
2 SlOO Lancaster eity (5 per oeut. bends
at SlOl.Ot per 100 te Gee. K Kced.
Jaoeb It. Leng, bieker, neld te day at
prlvate sale, 'JO shares Slanetta turunlkn
steak at i'M Hi per share, and 1 1 shares
Farmers' natleual baukat $2.15,
LBiicsiter i'luulere Ueiiiimiiy,
It has been arranged for the Lancaster
Pinafere company te present the epera
en Wednesday, February sixth, iu Fulton
epera heuse en the occasion ei the G, A.
11,, demonstration In this eity.
It is also propesod te phy in Columbia
en the fifth, and at llarrisburg en tbe
elghth. This ovenlng it will Im announe
ed during the pflrformauce of the opera
"The Beggar Student" m the opera
heuse at HarrUb'irg that the Laueaster
company will appear tliore, aud we learn
that there Is a stteug ikslre among the
poeplo of that city te have the cempauy
te sing tliore. It Is te be hoped that all
the members will conseut te go, as It is
necessary te have the lull streugth of tlie
company, and there are no objections of
nny ucceuut te detor them from visiting
There wtll be a rehearsal this oveuuig
in the opera house, and a full ntteudauce
is requested,
ill!" -.1 l.,.iln Ktt IlKMILIMK ls)K.
Tim e ,111111 imeslili rler Tim liii I n
lr Hi" in IrliMi llii llin.liifj "-jinn
I lit Sutibaili
III thcoeittof ipl.lltei HOSlleUS (111 Sit
urdiiy nfiettiO'iii I'd win Spieeher and
limy Herner, who were coin icted of
forulriitieii and InMiudy weie sentenetd
us iiMial.
Wiulleld snl U.eign Smith, of tJolum tJelum
bia, who nte eh.ugid with the murder el
juntig Sliuek, weie brought IntoeeilH
uinl iheir ese was continued te the next
iti!ular term.
l'tie only s h' .ltd befere Jtidgi) t
l.uiiigs'en. whs that ei iiesittien against
Itsunuel Lvhiid, of I'Mimbln. The
I'efenilant nllered te provide a place for
bis wile It she w uhl llie with him and
the court centiiiueil the casu te February.
Wm. Beeth pluulid guilty te mnbcz.le-
inetit of some uiotie) belonging te Danhl
Nflii, and was sentenced te two nnd a
half inen'hs imprifeiiuicnt
Judge Pattoiseii beard the Hlldebraiid
Ksbleiunii horn eidc ose until ,T e oleok
and thtu ftilj mi iud court until 0 a. m ,
Meltdav. Tee je. it this c.isobaieto
be kepi together unt 1 its conclusion In
ohargeol tivi tip t wjs ceiisJautly they
niv eitert.uud a' the Liepard heiiht',
where the) tut ai i slaep aud held no
oiiiside cum mu iaMeu. Ye6teisI,iy they
were taken oil' let a walk.
Nn lienise apt-limtl tan te Hi Jiintriry
tot m h ive .nju b.i n h und (n dispote 1
iridium T In ihe HII lilirsml ('.
Mr.rrfy AJttrn en. Oliver It. Millrr
teslitlrd thut he saw the b uly of lMile
in m en the dy after this ojeucronoo ;
wi neus uuthesjcd it te prepate for burial;
thru was aipiin'i') el bleed nbeut his
nine nn 1 t is fioe wan bally disfigured ,
! s
when his oleUiu ; w is takui oil a unik,
res inbling the heel et a beet or shot, was
feu ml en bis bte is' ; it was m lie te the
rUM of the hi'iut than the left. Samuel
G ass who nt.ssti.1 Miller, was called te
eorrebi rate hnu.
M eh let GiufflesMlied thit he hasknewn
th pi setnr for 10 or l'i years, and heard
bun make th eats ngalust Kshleman bi
teem U.e and six yens age; he sid he
wen' t sett'e sumo day.
ii i cress cximlnalieu the witness raid
t!m e mi isati n t k plaje at the Stras
burg dviHit , Hildeb nud was passing and
Mitt ess w ,s en :no perch; from the
eei.VLis.itwn ei Hlldebrand witness
thought he and Enhlemau had some dull
culty ; witntsM bid a conversation with
tbe fa her of the prtseuer as te wb it he
ki e.i about this, but could net renminbi r he told Lim the prisoner had said;
did n it te I h u t'iO vh jle of u ; had ueier
sul tuit e'lu-i pen lis were preeeut when
this talk i v i. in Ie ; wi iifS askud Jean
E iij r and mviel Aumcut w he'her they
b .ii tiit't .riut, witncs-s might have bx-ii
tnistakeii in the i-tatduent made te the
pi is. in. i s fattier ; he did net want te tell
huu ail lLe s'a e n.Lt , wbi,t he sayx new
is line
hmlty Fir, Hi, n Matliti Gr.iff, be ng
neiihd, le- tlnl e.i cress examination
th.t he ha I uet tell Mjnire llildebr-iml
thit when Fillmuu mule tliis threat h
hi I a uuu en bi sheylder ; don't temem
her if he i,ver slid te Anus Hull or any
b-xly else thit Hi! lebraud said he wuuld
en. -q'iare" lth Kshleman or tint u
w is nine or te'i years &e; don't reniembi r
wh ou he t ild about i since the homicide
Mis. Hmma K'hlemau, widow etdeceas
cd, testified that her husband was a man
in geed he.ilih, tweuty seven j eats of age ;
they had tlve ohildren ; Henry left home
in grxid heal'h ou the merntng of t,u day
that be came home aDd died.
1' wealth here rested.
(ll)ODlnk- for ti Defnip.
i ' 'ense hre made a proposal iu
! tl a: us the commonwealth hid
nil i v.
i imn
i Ktac Mulligan te be present at the
I tht oieurrLLC" the comm uwculth
dirfi tid ti i ut him en the stand
The court dechucd te tnake the elder.
Mr. Uiosies tln;u opened the cise for the
defense He said they would show the
ethor side of the esse, divesting it of the
Khtstly fe.ituies in which the common.
wealth had exhibited it , that I'sh Ionian
and H.ldebraud had been intimate friends
for years ; andtheir families sustained like
relations ; that this rotation continued te
Sept 13 ; that Hildebraud went te linn's
saloon en a business errand ; the conver
sation about tbe deg was all Iriendly ; Esh Esh
lemin, having been drinking fieely, be
anne efteus ve and tormented Hildebraud,
who tried te ave d trouble, while Eshlo Eshle
man reimwed it ; Hildebraud, oxasperatod,
slapped h s face, but net te hurt , Eshluman
advanced threateniugly toward Hildo Hilde
brand and wjs taken away ; Hddabraiid
avoided I.! m aud iu their hst meeting
Kshleman met him fu'l half way : both
clinched and went out the deer ; Kshleman
fed back eve' the steps ; Hlldebrand In
trying te save I iinself fell upon him aud
struck his feet upon his breast; he then
went baak te the saloon, threw out Kshle
man's hit, nnd nobody suspocted that
the man was seriously hurt ; nor did dn
fondant have any reason te bulieve until
next nurning that hu was lu danger.
Tlie First Wltnea.
Isaac Mul igan, being sworn, test Aid
that he is a bricklayer, lives in Straburg ;
knew Lshleman for tlve years , knew
Hildtbrand, was at Itrua's saloon Sept 15,
after 8 15 p m. ; saw Kshleman ; Ilildu
brai.d came in late- , Eshlcniu nsknd mi
what I thought of his deg ; 1 said I did
net kuew much about bun ; we talked
about him ; Hlldebrand came in ; Kshlo Kshle
mau called him and talked about the deg;
invited Hlldebrand te ceme out in hunt
mg season and help te break him; Wal
Miller offered him 1 for the deg ; Kshle
man said he'd rath r sheet him than take
that ; Hlldebrand offered him 00 cents ;
Kshleman asked $2 ; Kshleman began
pulling my hat down, and I romenstratcd
and walked away ; Hildebraud and
I talked of going nway ; seen
we went Inte the lunch room,
and had cold pudding and beer, served
by Btua, who told us the man with the
deg bad geno ; when we oame baek te the
bar room Kshleman was thore, and as Hil Hil
eobraud passed him he knoeked off Hlldo Hllde
braud'H hat, and when be steeped te pick
it up Kihlcman kicked it away J Hildebraud
then struek him with his hat aud slapped
him ; Kshlemau said it did net hurt, aud
Hlldebrand wenl te the ethor end of the
room ; saw Kshleman subsouuently draw
his coat, and heard Keesy erder Hilde
brand out ; he refused te go or be put out;
Miller tried te (pilot Kshlemau and was
cuffed by Keesy ; Keesy then set Kihle
mau en a chair ; thore was a geed deal of
diHerdci then ; Hildebraud ropreaoliul
Kcesy for Interferlng and being cowardly ;
Kshlemau thou said something te Hilda
brand ; they ndvnuoed nud took holds,
when Brua ordered thorn out ami opened
the deer ; they scullled considerably
around the room ; went down, get up
again, struck the deer jamb, Hbpped from
that and Kihsemnn went out backwards,
Hlldebrand en top of him and the deer
closed ; pretty been Hildebrnnd oame lu,
found Ksulenuu'H hat and threw It out;
I said te Brua that was net the way te de
business ; wheu Hildebraud came
In Itrua said It was ull evar
new j heard Kshleman say " Fil,
you ought net te have dene that;"
Hlldebrand warned him te keep away;
when Kdhleuuiu ndv.iuoed toward the bar
he was at the north end of the room,
Hildebraud had already ceme from the
south end and was lu conversation with
Keesy at the bar; Kshleman ndvnuoed
tewaid him. wlih the remark above
quoted, and after Hildubrand bad answer
oil him as stated, they both advanoed
aud took held of eaeh ethor by the
breast ; both were exerting thomselvos ,
In the tussle Kshleman's Intuit sliujlt the
deitjauib; Ihere In ene slip uiilsldu, be
sides tin sill : one trend und two ilrcs ;
llii'V bad holds ulieu llmv ,.i ...t
Ilsblimiiu had been dilnkltnt : lnul bnmvi! '
nun imHirmjeiiH ; iniiiiiiuniKl wilt out'
for a M'lishut tune ; was very dlese te
huu win n ln e mm in , he sal i, " hetn'ti
Hen's hut ; let him have It ;" Im Kiild
nethlnij olne , Im slid uethiii luein tibnut I
l'shletna'i or hiiusell ; I (Mil net In ir him
siy, "I h.ive seltled Iil'ii ' or "I have
M'lll-,1 the ;" tl ,e mid It I
did uet hair him ; no one, nxe p' lima,
was tiiMiir te huu Hum I , Itildeliinml lett
tbe saloon with me , did net knew i;,hl -
I man was badly hint until next d i ; renni
i ...... ..i.i i i- - a,... .1.',... ..
.. .. , ---....
will' rum ,ii mu liu.llinf; iu ii inn uouiei
h.l I sail he would be all riuht III the ,
i meiuiie; ; we went down te the finnt nf
I Polls' hotel , stajul tln-re ball nn hour
I get eiguiH, went thoiee te Waidley's
emdy stere and cot candy, Repirit'dj
1 alterwaids ; knew el the funnily r laliens '
letwcpu Ilildebi mil ui d l.shlemnii let
.me rm. past ; llililcbmti.l'wai a btlck- I
u ikcr , he .ii.d I hunted tegcth, .. i
linker , he .,n,I I hunted Um
Am is U I, uu, or, hweiii. am a bl vksmllh.
... . l.l . .l....l.l.
Mini n.wt 11.1,1.,' I
.h.", ""ia.ed iu"
was ut si loon ; saw IJsbieinin
brand thorn Witness
O'eiirri'i m them nb,t ,nl ,1 y hi tel 1 by
leiiiiniiii I lita l.iuill.
Tins morning nt 10 oMeok was I he
tline ler the opening el uoinmen plean
euutt. ,l,idge I. vltigHteu was net presi nt,
owing te the fitsl tduess of his brother
In Philadelphia. The list was eilled ever
before Judge Put rseii
Of the thirty ciseM down for tn il, twni
ty "no who feuii'l ie b,' nnd.
The following were ninrkid e tt'td .
David B. Mye.s vs. Jie.ib Kil'er ind
lludelph Mjersfer the use of gamut I
Myers s Benjinnu Haekinin nml J .cob
Hi kuiuti
lu tle dii of Divil It. l.mdls and
Wm. WrMlnelter, trvliug as Liudt &
Westhieirer vs Jehn L. Bilr Jiidgmeut
was entrre I In furor of tbe plaintiff for
lJv en
Itichaul Weaver vs. J. V. Oilier. Judg
ment entered ler phutittlT for i'li 2.t, .,th
etav el ex' cutien ler four mouths.
Ne . uses were tittnehed for trl il by jury
this foicueon, nml the jurors weie illi
cit irged un'il 2J this afternoon,
API Ul.ll l'(IUIk.l.l ItllllH.
Muuiltrtul Ltungcs eluic istis us or u In
u ti .nrUi.t Hrllc.
Jacen M.ley, et ibe li m of NeiUuk ,t
Mile), ciruiKe buddrs, lus she i u us nn
old ted in toice p eLetb ok which be
let ged te hts Krandiaihir M.rtm Sliley,
and te his fither David M ley, ns 1 u ae
aslS0 It is in n ptetty geed state of
proseiia'ien Uieiwu it is ilUe iterel by
time and I g kiu timed service. Ou the
llap is wiiltcn, "David Mile), Miner
te.viiship. t'uu'. t iwu tlie 11th of A l
gust, 1810 " F,u.teii.l te the ceutre ( I
the pieUetbx.H, with ,i p e j of tape, is
ai py of " Peel Wi'l's P eka Almanack
ler the yeat 1SJ0 " Lik.i m i iy
mederu tuna, it co itaius net
only the ca'endar, i' e eclipes, the
astrnaomieal phrnetnina, the tides, k've.,
but the names of the president of the
U ii.teil rit.Ues , rius Jettorseu ) and hts
cabinet, the soiriters and representative s
in Congress, the governor (tstmnu Miydcr)
and I.ogisliture of Punnsylvauia, together
w th the county officers, the supreme, eir
cuit and e'her courts of the United States,
tbe tinif of holding c nirn tn Ponn Penn
sylv.i'.n, art ethei st ites, i,ml much
ether useful i itottnilteu Hat, Ler,
dllicrcut was niciytluui; ibin from
what we have new, thmich only a
u single "ibree s- nc )eirs an 1 ten" Inve
passed ! There were then no telephone,
telegraph, lojemotiios orevoii herse rail
roads. I howae.i teaJ from Piulud, Ijilni
t) PittsburK' is set uevrti ,V 2'Jli miles, aud
rasscd though Downiugtewo, Lauoaster,
larriaburir, Carlisle, Urren-.burgnrd Bed
fer1 1 he e;Ler stattoeseu the read wero
nenly all county t.iver , s inie of the
u.itnes t-teinj the mack worse, isuek,
Barlej bbcaf. U' Tbtw I r mini, Palter
s.itis,Ain',l,.t. 1 lvrr i.t'ie V irk, Ac Au The
mu li ui tho.e i'a7n we.e fe-r and fir be
tween. There was one mail coach daily
between Phlhidelpiu i and Lancister ; two
a woek between l'hiladelphi i a' did ad
inc. and ene a week fieui N irt'iumbui
land, Lycoming, Centre, te. The rates of
pestage were ler auy pUce by I ind net
exceeding 10 miles S cents , from 10 te 00
miles 10 cents , from 00 te 1 j' miles 12J
cents ; from 150 te 310 miles 17 eentfl ;
from U00 te 50O miles 20 cuuis, au ! ever
500 mile 25 cents I New IdttPis a,e cai
ned 3,000 and mere f u 2 eenr i. in the
ceed old d lys of Jeffersen nud niineu
Saydn Virgimi was the boss stite und
Pennsylvania was net far behltid, each
having ever twenty repiesentativcs in
Congress, while peer Jittle Ohie had but
one, and west of Ohl thuin vete no states
but mercly Indian iiornteiy, Mienrsippi
territory and' Orleans teiritery. On the
whele it isn't worth while te greau mueb
evei the depirted days rf .loffcisen at d
5lmnn Snyder. The world m vi h, miybe
in the ri, lit direction.
1 I. I.IN.N-rtMM j'lUIK.ll
Jituunrv ""letilni: el tn arlnt't.
At the meetiug of the Llnnman society
ou Saturday the donations te the museum
consisted of mrintus larvm ; thrte cases
et cadu.s lly aud a sack of the sack worms ,
several sj oeimens of I'ltacut egns ; a dried
cedar apjde ; beau weeirl, toad fish found
in an oyster at Jehn hides' restaurant ; a
four legged Brahma lewl from A. J.
Zieher. Te tha library wure presented n
quarto vdume of the U. B coast nml
geodle survey of 18S2 ; various news
papers , pamphlets, circulars, ote. The
librarian's report was rend and various
correspondences. The following chiurmen
of committed) were nppninteJ for 1SS1 :
M limnology, Dr.M.L. Davis; ornithology,
W. L. Gul ; hurpetolegy, Dr. T. It.
Baker ; ichthcgolegy, C. A. Ileiuitsh ;
entomology, Dr. S. . Itathven ;
betanv, Mrs. L. M. ZjII ; geology,
Dr. J. B. Stahr , pileontelogy. Dr.
J. II. Dubhs ; micioscepy, W. A.
King; archaeology, ,H. M Sener; mluoiale
gy, J. B, Keviuski ; natural and histeiieal
miscellany, Mrs. P. K. Gibbous. Delin
quent momberH are te be notified that if
they will surreuder thrlr ntoek certiflcites
thiy will be roleased finm ull obligntleus
nud dropped fiem the tells. After an half
hour's disotissieu of the phenomenal sun sun
Hetsnfthls season the society adjourned
until Saturday, Feb. 21), nt 2 p. ui.
1KI.I. II.N -HIKlUr.
Lei; llreueu nnd Nhenliltr ulaleriited.
On Situiday evening whlle walking en
nn ice oevetcd mdewalk en North Qiioen
street ubove James, William Sharpf,
upholsleror, foil aud breke his leg. Hu wbb
oarried te his home, Ne. HKist Fred
oriek street, a surgoeu was called in and
the fraeturcd bene.i were sat.
Jehn It. Fitzpatriclt, of Mount Jey,
whlld walking In that bmeugh H.ituiday
evening, fell uu the Ice and dislocated his
right shoulder. Dr. J. P. Zleglur reduced
the dislocation, and Mr. I', is uble te be
about by cairyl ig his arm l.i a sling.
iV l'iiineil SpcllLiB llee.
"The Pioneer Literary soeloty" of West
Denegal, Pa , will held a "spoiling bee" en
Friday evening, Feb. bth, IS8I. Twelie
books will be given as Music, au
oration, solcet reading and "The Pioneer
Weekly" will enliven the occasion,
llusltu llrpett.
Di. Westhajffijr, henlth commissioner,
ronerts that slueu the npert of last week
thoie have been four new cases of smnll i
pox lopertod. Of the i.umhcr inperted
last woek two died nud tlve hnve recoveiod,
Thore are new under treatment flve cises.
Mil, U.viU'lMlll.t. Mill' A IHSIIUIUI,
..-.. ..
l lUuilille; lit ll I l n,iin,
I! til-lll l.ntiT tiitliU til rx
1 1 ulhn I' inn IH'f.
The fellow leg httci, whleh lu' brru
nddrcsscd by M.,or Mn'Genlgle Ie the
chatinian of the Duinocrntle cH i xi.Mitlve
Ciiininlttre, ninply exptaum ltsi
J McMulltn, ri ( Anirwuei f llir Itn-iiHe
CVimwilHer if the Deuinri illlr fti"u l I mi-
I'UMt Sill Yeilt ceniiniUie li lng
nppeliited nud niininiiieNl tl.e then for
heldlug the primary ineetmnii Im the
seluitien of candidates for the initie pil
i'IHich te be vetid ler en the third Imn
diiy of February next, and my immr It v
ing been ptetty generally in. titlem ,l m
e niiiDOtieii with the inajentltj, it u lm
fair, in elder that the eanvnss te (III tl ,
posiMen properly may pinned without
ll,""""I!:ul,ll,,,ll,i .' ,,,.,,,,," ,,,,,,,'.,0,,y ",y
'' '" ,K'" ,l01l '" "'"7 t,', '"w f:
"iiu'ii'ii, li in nut, vt li mi ill, Mil nv II Ttiniltll
f'TU'ls that I entered tin t.n.t. st twejems
"l',i;!,'' y ew. "! ''. -ji
nuidiiat the strenn pretests of I bone who
nre nearest nud ilemcst te me 'I he addit.
leiuil two yenis' expeti. nee which I hwe
Ind since Ins net teivnl te It ssen inj own
r'ptlgtniice te a peisunal i.iuvjss fm ,i
fourth term, net las it iliiuiuisheil the de
cided opposition of thoe te whiimli.m
inclined te listen.
At this point, I nm sure, I miv be ikm
nilttrd te thank my folio v eitUiuis Dotu
is'iatH and llepubllcaiis for the hotiern
the) have cenfertid upon no in thrice
(lei'iing me te fill the pilnelpsl nMinleipul
u 111 en In theii itift, I also thank the press
of this city fei ilnilm; with ley nlllei-il
oenilnc'. kindly, Indulgently. 1 ,1 i net
Il liter ill) self that I baveescnji'd the iimi il
mistakes et mankind, but I must, be al
lured te claim exemption from suy inl.ui.
tlenal pervius'.eu et my i ilhv- t . j.e s im1
or partisan end i My record ii vn t
nil of our eitir.elirt wlie have w i ch it ti c
tieurse of our miinlcpal nlfiin. 'iml b n
I must st mil or fall in pub ic e'ni nm
It Is tdittsant te ireall t'-'iml ''iat I
have been contemperet v at i , in
many events which tuaif: pren s m nr
city life, 'lhtce wide mlbm.iiitnl u n
bridges span the Petinsylvati a ru'mal
where ugly, narrow wooden Ftructuxs
were before. Belgian b'ecks 1 ave been
introduced flet,ii''i te public ieiien
the best ami leis' ii ubh nin iv in i
for our streets. nthtogteu l unus
unve ecen and ar" in i r oes el cmis ,
tieu with a capieity if U 000 I 'O i i
(!.ily water supply The i
depnrtranut has been hup tscded h
paid fystem with its, tl" e
llre alarm. The morale et th" pe ii i I
has broil delated, nml its flh a
pi evrd us much its it elleant' " '
small a number of men spreivi e
lari,e au extent e' tiriittry an I w
divided respensibllltv fur thet-
i ii
ii i
r se
Il t
I Hi.
The law has b
KU iH.Sslellv
lliMl'n I
restraining tlie il' exisindltme
f t n
public memv I uj net outs v
bended debt of the ett has b-. n i '. .'
52,500, aud would bav Ihiih d i i s
)92,500 had it net bun ler piev i. e,
lleienuics of M0.0OO which h id t I, p n
vided for by a lean. '1 his, ofceursu,
Isprojierly chargeable te the ml nn imi .
tlen of atlarn previeus t Cct 1." IsTT -the
date of my Installation. $J0Uti)' "
six per cent, city b.mtls b vrn Knn t i ti i
ed nt 1 per iciit , i u i 'y ls. u 1
annual mtercst ateuut $l,ii.e lur
sluicing fnud has been ntii;iiicn'ci. '. mi
0!),S'i3 00, June 1, 1H78, teiW .s.U,
in January, 1N.S4 lu this com. i n i.
should be rem" 'iliered that (or t a fun
vtars l mined a dy pneedue: l L i i n
iieiimbeucy ei il e miyeiali m , $11 100
was placed in t'm Itii.d '77i
per annum : in six yearn since th bain
been placed iu the fund ?.1M 100 t i
419,73 J per annum Whv ' te i . y due
the fund was net j !,,je I hi it .. i' l i . -187!t
te lb77 and in the mam cr n iu,i i
by law, the eomiiiisfienrrB 1 1 t1 i in .
the period Lamed p.'rli n cm exi I .
Thore nre eeniK tinr miiti i i i
tant te the city .s inteiests tl.a' I w tul
like te have assisted iu aeceini l,hliin ;
bofeto retiring fiem the intiyertlt) 1 m
wards of the oily should be distr Uul m
voting precincts of 250 voters or l. s '1 lie
additional costs of l.elilmg r'ictius w 1
lu trlltiiii', com nred with tbe e d a1,i Ii
will cusue Theie will be 1 's-i, 1 sh
wrangling, tiitich mero co ve.i i nee am'
consequently a Isrger vote pe I .1 I
would .h i have liltid te R' e ee n i '. taki
held el the i. ise illy nssnssm n . of t ,- or
tyfertix j urpeses. If it wire li . ti i,
llgun.s hew Heme of our duetts u' e
wronged, nay, dilibenitely clnati ,1 m tt
beuctl' el ethers -hew seme pi , rt
are astessid at 8). 00 or 100 ter i i
their value. while ethers are as ' i
30, 10 or 50 per cent a just c ma
exist for eppti rebellion en tbe put
overtaxed. My message of JuleIi
at lcabt suggest e'her imp nlant im
moil's which can be studied vi It ,
ii t1
' tn.v
i r ive
i 'vin-
tage te the city. Ihctu is tun i i bfl
denn befere our wat'i tnpply wdl le
sufficiently laige te nnceuiugn .n
manufacturers te cettlehcie. Iho '!() h
want something mere than uure pa. I. leg
they require seme settled iil.uief putfin;
them iu a geed and inaannnt tjiidinei
In conclusion I again thank my i M w
citi7cns for their partiality In '" nn
ns tluur chief mngistrate ler tore m.ns
sive terms, and I may without being dis
respectful ask relense from f'Tthei servlci.
Very Hcjieetfii ly,
Jehn V. Mai Ium l
L wi, Pa , Jan V.8, lP-'l
nit': uuiiiM) Kin i
MMrmly Cuiiimeiiilril tiy n 1 1 si.iuii .! in. 1
Hsv. M, Ungflileldei, el I'lei.'eii, iS I.,
1ms leceived and ncceptid a ea 1 lie.u l e
Hubrew cngiegatien id this i ij.'ellll
the vacauey e.uiMid by ihe n 'ii ui nut
Itev. Samuel Laski, who wmt wst a
week or ten da) s age lb v ludeiUn'ii
Is a single man, about 110 yeirs of iwe, and
is well kuewn te many el the Ilebr w of
this city. The Trenten Sunilty .Id t sir
na) s of blm :
" Hev. M. Ungurhldrr, tabbi ,f the
liar Sinai congregati in el t n ci y, has
tendered Ins resignation te the tins e s of
that congregation te accept a call e the
Shalry Shomnire (the Gat a -r II avenj
oengrogatlon nt Lancaster, Pa, wh) nte
roRelved te secure blm at any slaiy Mr.
Ungerlelder is ene of the most b arned
rabbis iu tills country, and came directly
here from the University of Viennii. His
work In liar Sinai congtcgn'ien wa
marvelous As a preacher be is k iw i
all ever tlie United Htatej, au 1 is ,i 1 ,,
mudlnt and philosephet he has hut few
equals. The membms of Her6um in
this city ihe profoundly sorrow in. t j 1 -e
htm, as lie is undoubtedly oue ei tin lut
rabbis aud tiachtis that eier ellaia'td
here. Ills farewell sermon will be dcli dcli
veRtl ou Tuesday next, when a ihn u.jnl
synagogue is oxpecttd. Ilisminy turn
tian lrlentls who respect his pn t. u 1
esteem his mnny sterling qu ilitici of in ad
iindhcait, will equally rogret bis de ., c
ute "
llin Itjirrltburc Hall Ululi.
Tin Hairisburgbase ball club will uu
deubtedly nea miceess, Theiuluiittntie i.e
te tlie Kastcru league has bum pa d, i nil
the mauagcrs et tlie club tire mnv ie 'King
for playets. None have (t linn (.ml
although thoie tire ulmesta bunO 1 up
pllcants for positions Qeeign N u'. ,
oatehor of last) car's Chum bet sh i c i.ti
will hu oue of thu phi) eih ; and it i 1 .
Ileatty, of Ilwuisburg, will be u..n nei
ninyer Ueurt.
This morning the mayor bad ten people
bolore Ium, ull of whom weie tramps . a
were discharged.