if: LAN0A8TJEH DAILY INTELLIGENCE! SATURDAY JASTOAUY 20, 1884:. Tim I yeetiui I tsturlniiieii. Hhrntmn H, White, Abralnni linker, Ma. tin llmry, Bernard lMulinati nnd Jtiliti 1) ibtni, charged with disturbing tlie tiioet lugs of tlie LaihIisvIUe lyeciim, IihiI n hoar hear lug bufiire Atilninnui Sitnsen this ufter neon, niitl Iho eeuipl tints against theiit uore dismissed en tlitlr payment of coats Ilii- llnrler la AttHiiilnnen. It is Dr. Ye.nilny who It attending J'eMiig ltd ller, wIuihe leg was broken In tie Chat lotto ittint't coasting ncuUlnut. Iltirsns M'l('"il. Kiss & D.v'ir, shipped thin mom ng te New YurU, oho e.ir le.nl of dratti'ht anil driving heiscs. llinstrutt Lumps, Twe f'ontrle ninl soven gntollhe lumps refu'Oil t-i de duty hint night, tt'l'V I lirjr On 1 1 lllm CI I iinti,n Tits, Unit's sully in "mlil Jiiklna, inj liMlr l inrtiliiu Kia nml tul lug outh.'leto lis lime Um something ? t would, 1ml most lull iwsieipin ute dangi'iens " " True," un ski ii'il iii lilnml, " hut Punter's llulr llalsnm Ih.i h irinlws u It M nuetlre. I've tried II, nml kimw (nvcthn Ilulmun u hew ami tlie lms ill v -unstop culling you 'Old Man .lull klui" It iiiiM'i falls In imtem tlie erUlnul r" or In nrv or I 'tied hnlr. Itlclily l"'i fitiiii- .1, lu-lcg ml iIiiih-Iii r. lll IjiPiAeew',? Henry'" uartinlie nnlre. The best Hnlveln tlie wet Id foretils,brules iin-i. iilrerw, unit Hiimiiii, teller, eh.tnped hands, elilth' 1 111. form nml all kinds el sktn uiiipilniin, Deckle uinl pliiiile.i. Tlie snivels i(iinriiit(int te give perfect satisfaction In every nwcnr tuniiuy lefuuduil. Jin sum yen net Hkmiit'h ( aiireliu SALVii.ni nil ethers am but Initiations nml coiiiheiIcIIh, Prien 2A cent, held In Lancaster lit erliltin's Drug sti.i 1.17 .NOllll Olll'lln I iHIMl tfl Ji I ICCOtllllH'llll i.iL'iy 1,11 till lU'rt PVCII'l 01 Y011II1 ninl llimuty for tint complexion us be Inn Iiir hiipmler te miy iiillole 1 ovei used. It positively removes Kieokles, an(' will remove I'llll III OIKI iippllcstlen, I'llcn Ww. Knr sale ut ull druggists. ill.S. .MtKNNK SMITH, tctt.l.ind.MA! Newuik. N. J. Ht.trti. thtHRll yr, tin .Inn 'Jl lAil.Utorge IN MI.Mtlltl tot. II. Mitrun's Itrleit MnrMne iVi-rii.. . 1 ANeAdrr.n, l' .tun. i im. WlIFIlXln. II 1 IV) pleased Ainituhtv Oeil In lit 1 in I'lnviili'iicii te riiiiiovuiremtliU world (In sntll ill mil fellow WOtllHIlMl, Will It Hp. ri mult, nml Iiiti a . dining i,4 inni; service In- Ii.ih liv I1L1 mini v cillriii'iiiu tiuniltle en deared hlmxcll tu us nil, tli' ii.fem llrm'itil . 'Ilml In h'a urmh wn liM Icliew in knit 11, hiir.i leit a cr.'iini nml wanii hearted rntiiHiiilnii whope Vtlp.i ui.l hi -irtv Kii'ct liiif will lie iij.lly liiUv.l. A (,.,nn),i(il nml nklU lul inf. Iii'ili: wlm te wrtjn did lil-t work wi, nltliHiicyi h'ih' e id ilin liiliiriHl.n of iU cin iliii ui'.l lli, t iiiinurlty, nil liniirnt mnn I ml unml rll -ti 1. lUinhrit 1 Vmt we tender our he irtfelt Rvni pithli'4tn fits berrnvivl liiinlly I10 linve l t II rnf .I I ,(,.,,, , an 1 ktn.l fiilliun limy lie who hi" nt.tmvl in ln 11 Miller te tin' Mlli'rlrn iii'1 '.(-. iiicii'in! titu ul'loiv,lie ilutr fiilher mil'. trvnd Jifteli'il. I Nil w iittwnd I1I1 fiinnnil In 11 Vi.lv, Mi.ll tin rm 'liitlnns l:n inilillxliPil III itiwd 11 v idiih'K nml 11 euv el tlie iiitne Ira 'eiwnide 1 te tin' tiimllv "I thn due. mi il. 'HUH. V. I'.IIIIIV.I, II.MtUY lll.l(.Kh.NHKIUKIt, J Oil EVANS, lid CO'iiniittO'. Ainuni mriitii ti'iniii mi A. It I II te li'ini'inlii'i' thnt It I-, nmMiiv ti un at iiiire te 1 lie opera Iioiipe ti leiuri' net: A tinU ler thin itriiml concert. Minnie Hulk v III li'VK pevenil ineii'liers 111 tiii ieni miy who eie net with lierl dlcar, 1111 I who me mom Rill" ulnjers Mi" 111 he hi'i" We Inrad ty evi'lilntf. nl'tkVI.M. NOHUJin. In ti.e ; I'oreut I'lmter thn vlrtnen et 1 1 nh I! i(ii nre ininliliii'it wllli Mr. nut Inning nml llninliillnll li ilM'l'i.-.nnil ll rule of WeilK Urn k, I'i. 11 In Hie M'l". Iiheiiiiintlitii.mid Neil ni'ctiier 1'iiin In the ( hf-l ui t htinjily marvel-e- I li Iiik' inmu rltlcm luu' and thoreiiKh t'uin 11' I iilii.eut or llqiihl lun.idlet. You'll hiiv h 1 i.ttei lllli" Hiinn I tell lit ttm IlltlW Ai 1 tin motives of 11k millietK, tmt uone he 1 ue mm 1 timm dmilit tlie etlletey el llurilerk lllixxt llilttm lhli npletidld Meed tonic 1j wltiimii a pi-er Fer mln liy II. II. Cochran, iIiuk'k'UI, lnand S3 Ninth (juuen Hlree.t. Wlirn Dim turn l)llK'ee II mil in- ttnin ii'iuijli te de ibl the rellali'llly el Kl.lney W01 1. Docter ull nifii e tlmf It In n 11. eat ai until.: inedlclne In nil dlsordeiiiet Ihu I.imt. Kldiii-VH mid ItetveU nml fivanuntly presenile It Dr. I' ('. Hallee, et Meilklr.n, nji "The past yenr I have tuixl II mere Itiim e7er nii-l with the heU leiiilts. It It thn 11 1 st f lccisitui remedy I haTO ever tn-pd." Hiich a 'cc miiiiendiitl m upenki ler ItHulf. void b nil (lruccUU Heumlvt. Tu ii 'lite Threw Away 85.10. 1 1 'ii.i wliliiivlimn ler nlht ypnrs Net ! li.ttlm uf Inenutt l.rlttlria nil red mt cempltl'ly. niter Bonilln ever fVM wllii.nit Ihn (.Unlit)-"! tuiiiettl." lliHllwnui AuuiKt Trnbiier, of Tiei.e, I'n , mt rer ,ile by II. II. Ceclinui, duiuUt. IJ and 119 N 01 tli (Jiucii treet ! UBWHg Ml'KlKli. In MiicfUl, In LlmCTMl enrel hUUifu '1 1111 relntlviii nml lileiiilnortlie Innnly, alie Teil Hl.il. A. II., me lenpentlnlly Invited te attend thn tumii-il from hU Inte icil lence, Ne. !M3 H'Ht Vine stie I, en Jlendnv alter alter neon al '1 o'a'eek Intel 1111 nl nl Woedwunl Hill Ciiuiliiy Vt Ht, C1.AH1 -In thM rlly, oil .tun. S.1, IMl, A'.mlt) II. M. (.lull, in Hi" lllh J cur et bur (i.e. lb Intlvm nml lil'Mi'li) nr ' iPHpiclln ly Invi ted te intend the Iiineiallrii'ii the twWmire el herlnetl in-In law, I.mhIn (Ii-Iis, Mi. bONerlli (Jin en silent, en Monday innrnliiK t 10 e'i leeli. tut) rmenl nl l.anriinter cemetery. 1' tmt' AiirMtviHHnttNrK II Aur.it . 1meTi1r.1t. LOWEST PRICES. ON ' WINTER CLOTHENTGr. Balen will contlnue tt Rodueod PxIoeh until Wlnter G took' la elrj30rt out, te wnke room Ter New Bprlnrr AerOr,m0"t9 OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SUITS, DRESS SUITS YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS) Purelinmra invited te oxamlne. Eaeh anrment marked hi plnlu ngurea ottbe rewcet Oneh Prlcce, A . It .1 IH'hll I'I SIS Ml. S T.W. AIH'.K ll).AIiT I t.Nfll I II 1.1 I.VI.MNU iii ,n. : has' HI 11 1! "tiei-l n e-icau (iiiurr. s NM'.ilTii de OM WASH IMl K nut ethur kind el work. .e iii) I'l.uii rur. k.t. ,'lllt .MI.K.-'I'IIK IDIOI) Wll.l. AMI KUt'iiut el the siHi-eher lleimi Atmlv uitlin hl'lthtllKIt UOUSti, It imke street C M Kl( Kltnlll' l.UVUII tO-"iOIIT AT O l'liter LeU'dSiiIiiiiii, S'l). XI mill II NOHtl w 11 F' (J 11 eon tint t. niitht. An pltn ft (in lleer en li.p te ll" SADe.lt Kll Mil I. I'M 11 I'lll" H'fMNII ut the (llrard llenae, Ne. 2.1 North CJaeen itreet. It The b)'il hiitne m.i'in lleer en tun. ( IIA.. ZKt.H I'roprletor. ' Mil: Kl OIII.A It niOV I III.V M Kl'.'l INO III' e I nten lliillillnir nml I. nun Arseelntlnn III be held Ht W. A H tl.en'rt (.fiti-u 1 11 MON DAY KV RNIVd nt 7) o'clock, ynloer money lit a o'cleplt. A. II. II.M.Ii, Hecy. SWK.IT HAI'llll.ll,, OI.lt fllllllt-. Onion I'lub. tlnlen Jack Our l.lllle I'ilet. .i'ed num. Vi'itrim mill etlierClifnrntltB al tinttnin tub nt IIAItTMAN'S VLI.I.OW KIle.NT ('lli.Ml SI'OUK 1 1111.1t miiur i.ijmi 11 tiii- : iimjei 5 Hi III" LAW I'.ril.lUMi KESTAl'lt.VNT. H'iwi ir' tini-ilnr lleer en Inn. t .JKH9K .IONKSB HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 26 WEST KINQ STREET, LANCASTER. PA T2W3K5TC: Arlt .Mil I'.lfllSKMI.NTH WAN'll II TWO hi OCT IIOVM lit lenin In ninke lleru ( elluis. Apply te Jims W. i.ewkIjI,, ltd' Ne. IS Italt OrntiKi "U'''l' TTrAnTTii TWKNTV 1IVK OIlll.B. Apply linmedhttelyni ' .Hill V r. IlKEIt CO.. Wantiedll 711 North I'rlnue strcut. lll'IbltlMI LOAN AM' '- t aeimi I'.uUUrlUM IN 1'ltlOI NM'.W AlH'UHTilMMHN-lIf - r (Tr-wrriT 1 TBrsertr: SECOND EDITION. OATUliDiT'EVKNINQ, JAN. 20, lUa4' pet Ce Monthly nini tltn? thM (vniiinit 1)Ket'l.l'. H ..nail tin Ht7)ilnck. al Mntnr ItAlnechl'H elflce. Ne. II Aeith Dukn street. Moniytelonn. Ilorrew. era (jel lull amount. New inrlen op n It Ah. Vll.liKK.f'CC'y. Hdili'd piopeinU will be rppelveil until MONItAT, KKHUUAUY 4, at 10 o'clock a. m ler itlntliiK'-'OI copies of Urn annua report el the prison inspectors. Tim proposals te boilu beilu boilu livcred al th county prison, and nildreMOd. " l'ropesnls for l'rlntliiu Aiinnnl Hepe t CAI'VIN (JAlll Kit, JOHN II Mll.bKIt, Jlt.SAtlHbl Committee. IHTAri. Of tit II I A XJ of t nlKi-tngu lp. 10 li. I. 11 VV ill Mr-it cti'H Mule" nt iirlvale snlunn Monday, 'I iiesday and ediiesthiy or nuxl wi'ek, a my stock yard If JOHN W. MKNTiKH. I" en V.vi.V"eiT"riKNTT 1 iii: 1 MTi-ifeiiv ' llrlek DwelUiiK llii'isii. Ne. KW N. Queen street ThW nreperty Ins nlne lenmt unit ml modem reiivniilniiCKt Apply te It ). Mo Me Mo jrannerl) A. Altlck. ilrlwd t I.I. OMIAKH lA.NI'f AOI tlllKI) O.N THK J. pietnUe nml are us represented. Ne elder uoeds letutleit at IIAIIT.M AN" 1 K1.I.OW ritONT CUIAIt SI'OUK N1 Ti;V IIAIlK AMI .MKIIItI.1l ItAUK Cnllcai's, New Hlilrtlni ( nlleees, New Cuinttilr. New I'ercsler. New MiihIIih. New abuilnxri. New lllimk.-tx. New Comforts mid Ne Cennterp nil s at the latest Iiw I'rlci-s at SWAIlll'!. Inn.'n-.ltndlt Ne. VI North Queen street, TTKISIION, lir.ll II 1'IIOSIAH I'OST kl, (J. A. It., will meet at (irmid Army Hull en MONO v. J AN. .Hnt I o'clock, siinrp, tenttead the fniienil et their Inn Ceinrde, (ionrire Mtu-ier. Uiillerm ( ap, llleuse. White tileves and Dark Otmrent Cemrndes of Admiral Keyii'i ds I'est 40 are cenllilly Invllcit. Ily eniiiiiuind et MAItriN' N.8TAUIT, A item ( emiiininler. ;. II r'Ar-Ntcnr, An It J February 15, 188-4. ItNTlI, T11K AIIOVK DATK (AT WHICH TIMB WIS T Alt K flTOCIC) WK erFKlt A Straight Reduction from Our Regular Prices -or- 25 TO 33M PEJl CENT., FOR CASH. Our tioe-ls re Kll.srei.A38 In ever? Department. We i.re thoroughly Equlpped for Manufoeturlnc and Pine Kepalrlng In overy branch. Metnurs ' Miitner.il ftlotliem Are vn,i ilt"tiirbe I nt nlrfht nnd broken nl your u st by aslei child nirrlti nnd rrylnij ultl. the exciucliitltiK pain ercutUnif teeth 7 It i, ire nt iincnnnd K-t a bnltleel M113. WIN M.n' -"-einillNtt HYltlM'. It will relieve Kiep..ii little hiitterer lmme.llately depend pan It . lln-ie li m) mlstakn about It. There Is i.nt it n .ither en earth who hat eier nod It, -In win i, id lell yen tit ence tlmt It will -. i'i'..t" tins biiweW and tlve rest te tie u I'ltiei, and teller and health te the child, op ep erutl'ii' "ki inncie. II is purli clly s Uu le utii i iulleii4n ana pliamnt lit thn taste, ninl Is u e I'lererl.Hlun of one of the el lest nml best t.-nmie piijalLlitn In tl.e Uiiitt I .tbites aill tiveiili re i' ei"i i ii be 'U-. ma' i-M "-. A 1 AIIIC Itt-.M" JJ1 A iieslr lil'Mi'i t i riieil UKATll I ii..ilii'-!.ileminter Wllllani I Lillian In, 01 "tuiiei vllle, Mas" , U "O leiliiilkaliletlint we I'iv toe.k for It tlin atlentliiii el our read ci . He ".s "In thu lali et 1-J7H I was taken with a vle.i ut blee HiiK el tlie lungs, telluwud In in-even einiRh. I neon bi'Krtn te Ieso iny ai i lite and flush. I was re v. oak nlone tlme that I could net icive my bed. In tlie sum. uu te-I'm I OMidmttteil te lUe City Hospital. W'li'K then' tliu iloetoru Raid I had a hole In my 'fit li.iiu at blj aw a half-dollar. 1 expend, e I em r a n nulled dollars In doctors mid mud I lee, 1 vuit se inr uone al enn tluieii report wi ii Ki'inil.Omt 1 was dead. I irnvii up hope in.' i lilei. I tell ine el Hit. W.M. HAI.Iy IAI'iAM tOllTIIh liUMit. I IniiKbi) nt nn Irt. 'ids, tliliiUIng my case Inciimble, but 1 iret a i ( i tin lesiiiuiy tlium. when te mv but- lirtNi-n tl nullification, I commenced te tool tetter My hope, once ileml, benan te rovlve, a d in. lav I It el In better hplr'.ts than I Imve thei .tit three yenra. ' I willellils heplnir you will publish It, se lb .1 1", cry "HO allllcttid with IHreiiM.d l.uni's will be Iniluifl te take Dlt. WM. II ALL'S UAI." AM rOltTHK I.UNl.H.aiulborenvlncotl that CONhUMl'llON CAS III'. CUIIKII. 1 have tn ken two bottle mid can positively suy that It bus none me iiioie lioed than ull the ether medltlnes I lmve taken hIiku my sick ness. My ceiin has almost ciillrely tlUap peuiedand 1 sliull neon be nblete ke tonerk.' Heblbvll II tiehrun. 17 Neilli Uuoenstreut Kiiintttilnc rer all tlie rrjnrhers. Itev. II. II. lulrall, U. i odlter el the leua Melhel(t, says otlltet tally. In the November (IriSl) number of his papui -. " We liave tcsted thu merits el KU's Cicaiu llalin, and boltevo that, by n lhoreui;li ceursu of ttcntment, It will euro nlmest cveiycasoef catarrh. Mlu Mlu Isteis, as a clnss, tire ullllctuil with head nnd threat tieubli'P, and calarrli scems mnre pro pre pro valeitt than evor. We cannot recommend i:iyjCituin Halm tee ItlKhiy." Netnlltjulil nor it siiutr. Applletl te uestrlls iiltli tlie OngiT. Wl'.'iviloeil&w rah e Dwrlllnu' Heuse nenr the rttt limltii -iii ilin (eluinbla nlkc. villi live Acres nn 1 ler -renr I'errlius til ground, hit ly oc cupied by I'nil. J II II Wanner, then betiiK plenty el Irult nend wntur and euthillldliigs tnereeii. t'oinenrjleu Klven Immediately. Alse, alniKO llvtellliiK lleiue. Ne. KB Seuth Queen itreet, kne n A st Mniy's Academy, and fei merly the I hlldrcn's Ilonie I'twu-s-slen bi ten April 1. Apply te D. A Al.TICK. JOHN W I.OWKI.Ii, 11. It JliCONOMy. J2'JW.t"tfd Commli'te. 1.1STITB Of SMl.tll ttUI.VANV, I.ATK j el.'thecliy of l.ancistei-, deceased. The underlined nudlter. nppelnteil tn illstilbilte the bnlnnce rniniilnliiK In the hands or Jehn A. Ce le. expeutnr eihiIiI decedent te anil nuieti llieje legally utiti'led te the Biinie, will stt ler that pin pesn en Tue'diiy, KebruaiylO, l!S4. iii; in o'clock u.in., In the Library Itnmn et the court heue. In the clly el Lancaster, where ull persons Intern. te I In said distribu tion tn ay ii'.leml. W. 11. UOL.VN1), UtileinS Audl'er. TTui-IIAMsOeuIlT SAI.hllr' VAI.lIAIII.rrt I ) It. BAL KSTATK-Un i IIC Il.tD A V, KKH. It.H"! the i.ndcrslunetl.lu pur-u.iuca of un order of thn erpliaus' ceiut. et Lancaster count )-. will tell al public n le, nt the Cooper Mourn, In tlin cl-y ( I Lituiu-ter, ull that Vnlil able t I'd BlerkdlllUK DWhl.l.INU I10U3K mid liKlofisreunil atl-icheil thereto, situated tin th ft east Hide el Seuth I'rlucn hticet. In the a.ild iiltyel Lancaster, ceiit.ituliiK In tionteu suld t-t reel '."2 teel, mnre or less, mid extpndluK In dciiUiai teetvli Inches i niimbereil Ne. 19 Heutli 1'r'lice utreet. Hule le commence at 7 o'clock, p. in , when tonus, will bn made known by J A CO I! N. .11 1 LI. Kit, Administrator of Murituret Wcnver, dee'd. IlKKnr Micnsnr, Auctioneer. illiJJl.:Pleli2,.0,llll 1.tK lOIIAOl'O OltOWI'.KI ANH HrOKI' ' KKKi'Kltt. Thn t O"0lena hlenm Mlllt aiesKitln makliiKlUiit MiisIIiih inprcssly ler ceverlnif Tob.tcce I'hint". Theso innilii Inst Tear intve entire nfttlslnclleti ha li plucnwlll be labeled In 11KD LKTI'KIIS. " ExoreFBly Ter OoveritiK Tobttceo BedB nnd stamped ulih n HICK LK Teri-nln at ml thtiNloies In all the i object p en lin cenn ties. 1'rhe. Ike per jurd B-2td.T3tw V. SIII'.ODKK A CO. Ill-Ull A IN, I.A'I i: l.ancus'er t.'e . de ceased, Let'ers tcsliitiicutnry en slid estute having been kiiihImI te the tindurslune I. nil peiHens Indebted thereto nre reniietnd le ninlcelinnn dlute paviueiit, and tho-e hiivlui: claims or ilemands nKiilnst the sntne, will present t'lem without delay ter vetllenieiit te the iimlcislgneil. Mil UP OKIIJI AN. Kieeilter, Ne. II bun I el Hliect, I'lilludelphla. .1 II. II WAQWIttl, Att'y, 1S BtilH IJH. Unseat.. Lsiiedster, l'a. DIHIOl.tJTION lilt'. KIIIM OK (I SKSK.lt A eiis belnu Ut'selvuilbv the wllliilrunul el II. M. "cm run Jan. I, 1"-M. Thee huvln-.-claims against the late II rm will present tlium lersetllemi-nt, and ull pcisens Imlebteil will Iilenetnake lintnetlutn iMvuietit tetlle titidei sliiued, who wilt contlnue tlie buslnens at the old stand, nerlli'-ast corner el I'rlnce mitt Walnut streets, undci His rirm uume nt I!. Ssner.t fcenn. I KKKD'fi SKN'KIt, JillldS rt'M. .. HKNKIt. I lUiu.te s.ti.r; or kk.n rt'citv mui.ks. I On MONDA..IANCAItY. 1S8I, will be sold nt public stl", at the Merrlmue Heuse, North I'rlnce street, 5n bend et Kentucky Mules. .1 yearn old In HieipilnK. al rlc'i colors and well muted; Hult-eted bv mi experienced buyer thn choice el 1I head ; heavy boned, blocky lull' ; s.ands Imui 15 te ltlX hands lihih nnd mostly inure iniilns. riiesn ure con sidered a choice lid, us uoed as have been olTerl In this market at hiiv Hum. Thev will bi reIiI without lesrve Credit el .VI days. t-ule at 1 o'clock p in JtfltwAUiid II VKIIY V W1TMKII. 1 -ir.lllHJIIAI IU ritt.ii.titiiii. The Demet ratio inters or Lancaster City will meet nt tuclr i sua! voting places en 8ATUUDAY, rh llllt AIM M. te settla thn cnadldnted for the seter.il unices le he tilled at the c mltijr uiiinKlp'ii eirntlen, lnclmitn Mnyer, six hchoel lllieeters and City Com mitteemen iiiptulitTH of teleci Council Ireui the lt. I, Jd, till, (" hand -tli wards Coin Cein Coin tnen Ceunclliiieit mid w ird efneers lilor liler men In the 3d and 7tn nurds. The voting places will be as fellows 1st Wnrd-bheber s Hetel, e te 8 p. m. At Ward W emlla's halnnn, U te p m. 8d Waril-KlhtiBi r' 'nlcen te s p. in. 4c ti it ard Uethweller's Hnloen, n te H p. ni. flth Ward Willi's lintel, fi te S p. m. 6 h Wnrd-eclilllcr Ileu-ic, I te 8 p. ui. Ttll Wind-Kuhlnmn'n Miloen. 5 te 3 p. in Hill Wui .1 KelidMiis' Saleen. 3 te n p. m. 1 h Ward ll-ias' "ill wn, 3 le p. in. Tlie general nonilimtteiis will be made (it the abeve tunned voting pluci ., en WKI)Nh,H. DAY KVLNlSu. J N'U AIM .i'th, Hern 6 te s o'cleok. Tlie JudKcs will meet en the third fleer of the new Test (ifnie tiulidiiib'. en Satunlay ovenlng, Kib. 21, ut n.30 te cenealldutu the vete lei Mayer nn ' Bchoel Uliccters. Ily order el the C inmttten. 1). .Me.Ml'I.LIN, Clmlrman. Attest .1 . II. LfiiTV, Si tit.mry. J2il td EDW. J. ZAHM'S CORNER, ZAHM, LANCASTER PA. JSifHteie will ba tlosetl nl c p. tu. every ijTenln?, except Hatuulny. JaiiO-luidlL VAif AJHJ!jnjsE3ir.Njn. J)i;iu.ie sAi.K or neitsKH. OnMONDAY.iJANUAHY 2S, 1S11, will he se'd at publ'e sale ut D. Legan's rttuble-., rear id Mcl.r.inu Heuse, l.ftncasler city. I'n., .0 1 1 iii' let Ohie llniscs ; niuenK them are snme heavy boned leetleis and weikers. t-ale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. A e n ltel Mid its will bn il von. It DANll'.L I.0UAN. J. ii. .ti , in in & oe. Decline in Prices -OF- tt IS It AJtVlCJtTJllHlHSTM. YrA"'l I. n. a niiiiui.K.AUKi WemAfrs t wiiniB a siiuaiieii un uouseKPopcr ; pj-an give tin e III CO. best of toleronco. Itiqulre ut tuts l-3t Mtvr.K"i;llAtJM t'lfhts Af II 1 UHKN, A 1.1, giiurnnteed te be tut leprcseutcil, siiltu ble for tneseuts, nt II.Uty.MAN'H KLLOW yUONTCUJAK - BTOltK 70lt Al.lll'.KStAN DEATH BY VIOLENCE, riir: titAtir.ttv nk.mi klein, Illinois. Murder In the Unhappy linmn ef William Coombs An Italian family l'.sls l'elsnnett ninccitreiit, , OmCAfiO, 111., Jnu. 20. A. special from I'.tfiln, Illinois, confirms the ncceuut of William Coetuba, a farmer, forty ycatB of nge, living llve mllea south of l'.lgln. III., out his wlfe's threat j osteiday, ami lu tlie cuoeuntor the woineu In her dying ngonles wronehed the weapon from him stabbluR hltn fatally. It appeais that Mrs. Coombs, coverotl with bleed, which was flowing from dcep RasbcH, nnd with a Iedr knlfe In her hand, BtauKercd te the heusti of a neighbor nnd said lier husband had trled te murder her, and thinking he had dene ie cut his own threat. Coombs wan found dead en the Meer of his heuse, which showed ovldcnce of a icntful sttuir sttuir Ble. The wemau was nllvu at last no oeuntn. She was Coombs' thlid wife and was considered nn adventurc.Rs bofero het marriage Some features lu her his.tery and the fact that she and her husband had frequent (luarreliiiceently lead te the bus ploleti that she may liave murdered her husband and received her wounds In u struirgle or from an attempt nt sulclde, l'ursued te Uls Mcntti by HoeiotSo, PiTTsnune, Jnn. 20 A tn te, rlviug the name of M. h Layten, of Viodale, Iowa, shot himself through the tight lung last night, whlle cnrotite te i'lttsburff from St. Leuis en a train en the Pan Ilandle rail read. During the ttlp the paiMSUunrs t-ay Layten noted like an insann man, nnd fie queutty exclaimed : "Don't arrcBt me, lam inrio'jeut. Oh, It wni n horrihle death, but 1, could net iielp it I Thelr evea are en 'me! I cannot get away 1" These and ether remarks led the passnugers te ba liove tliat he might be the nnnderer of the Uocdecker family who were fettud slattpht ered iu a farm heusa near St. Leuis lut Wednesday. Ltyten's wound is emsld nri'd fatal. it fnmlly el ItilUnt t'uisuneil. New Yeuk, Jan. 20. Tercst I'cpa and her husband, beh and boarder were taken vlelcutly ill en Tuesday last after eatiug mneenreni. On Meuday one of the fninily found a paper paroel iu the street contain lug a wliite substance which was pre neunced Heur. The tnaccarenl was cooked with part el it. Ic wan learned later, however, that the ji.ucel oentaiuod tat poison. Mrs. I'cp-j has since died. The otbers tccevercd. JaAHKtttB. ltttladetphla sinruM, l'liiLAPHtrnrA, January M.-rieitr nulet nmt imclmnmiil. llynp'lenrntMMOieiK. Wbrat enslprntut qultut Ke. 8 Wouern nod M naei MJi t Ne. a an, 070 j we. i i'n. Hed, fl UK, . . Cern dull! nnd sternly sail yellow anrt mixed, SliJMi0 Ne. 3 tutxed nnd jelluw, 63X Wi7Me Oautiuintntul steady ; Ndrnvntte Het He. a de. 4;jOi3ei Ne. .3 de, 12ai Ne. a Mtxeit, touaiie lfye quiet at AJc. Reeds-clevor easier ntei(JlO"e t Timethy Cult at tl 10 1 Flaxseed 'inn at f I an. I'rovlslens arm and a. live. Lard linn, iiulleriliill. KKgstlruit geed demntid. ( liee3'iflrm. I'etroleiitn quiet i Kcflncit, O'HJ.lke. WliiM'Vatfl ) Mew Yerk Stnrkeu. Nw Yerk, .Ian. 14. Kleur Stute and Wrst eru about steady i oxpert and notne troileilo lnanunuui. onutnern quint nnu uneiiance Wlicnt ?5e lower, heavy nod Irrcgul r very niodcintej speculative tvade t Ne. 1 Whlle nominal t Ne. i Ked, Jan , U Wffll Mi i Feb., l mail er.jc t de March, it 07Jil tw t de April, Jl .iOJjVJJ-' " Ma't l W11S ' Cern ',1 ti'jie lowe'r, dull and heavy t Mixed Western. "pet, 81rt50 1 ile lutnre.tilHnOfttsc. (tits 'ittlic lower nnildullt Ne. May, 42le. State, lOMtfiet Westeru, 3J34UC. Live Stoek Market. CittiAOO-The Jreiers' J llegs-itecclpis, 21.10) I" ,rnnl reperlsi prices inc. blither .ad I shipments, ft.sne I nr unit slilf . 'cUlnir, V tern 2-1 i pack u 21 ..',."1.?i a Wff" 70 jlllit, tiwa , ,", tlrH 25. I .ilte llnrelnta nrm IiaihI .Mnm.nl. fl ivi . ,! . -.-.., :...-.." -"".'.- ." i'""".'."! V'uuu 1 '' pji"i, )( ; koeu uieneicu sniiiiunir. .1 i'n:.n .. . nX..,...nn . . .. ...I.'.. " -" '"-' - , .w..lll,, l, 111L-1I1I1II1. p or bi J.tXIl Olireit'ish tl.t.-ON MONDAY KVKN 'j 1 NO, PKIIHUAKY li,18si-WIII boseld lit public suie, nt the Kraukltn Heuse. I.tiucaster cliy, t'n., the following lenl estate, lute the piopu-tye! Dr. K. .1. Ilewnmn, deceased, situ ated Iies. ill Hint 2-U hint .J aim s street, in the oltyel Lancaster, censlstlm; et u deuble two story Krnine Dwelling Heuso untl ether neces sary outbuildings ; u hvtliuul near the deer ; u let el ground, limiting en said Bust 'lames street i.J feet, mere or (use. Tills propeity is iiromlsei will please call en the tenants, lesldlng thuioen. Sale tn commence ut 7 o'clock p in,, mi sulci duy, it hen terms III be miitle known by HKItENA L. 1I0WMAN, A O. II.YUH. HAMUKI. MAIITIK, Kxecuters of Dt, K, ,f . lluwtniiii. tlee'tl. Jehn IIeiimam Sl Hey, An Is. lOtilWAH 18S4. 1884. VALENTINES I SOW 11K.VD1. liiL-oeil condition. iniNnm wlnhlni te view thn Elegant Souvenirs lleusefuniiishiiig Goods ! Wu liuvoen hand ull pepulm mtkes el Muslins, Shootings, Tickings, Checks, Table Linens nnd Cottens' Towels, Napkins, Crash, Counterpanes, Blankets, Comfertables and Feathers. Hamburg Embroideries, IN NK SD HANDSOMK I'ATTKItNS. ALL AT I KsS THAN IlKUUI. Ml IMUCKb. Call dtid ex urine. J. B. lartin & Ce., Cor.Wel Kiiiuud Prhu'OSt., LANCJSn It, PA. '1 'UK GllEAT ItKDUUTION which we hve mide lu ordet le close mil ull et 0111 Heavy Weight Clothing Is npprecluteJ by the people. e have been pacing special attenlien te ihe OVERGO ATS and SUFIS. We new direct your atten ten te our BOYi' AND CHILDREN',; CL0IH1MG. We urti titrerlng thpill lit pines which will lntiiire their i.uil-l site. CHILDREN'S OVKRCOATd 111 11 V tl 75. tJO.), -l.'.Sl tlOOtO nen-WOll't'll em:-iialk Meiit. OHILDRBN'S SUITS alll.'M, tl.71. 2 00,tJfintO VX1, KVKIlYONh IS WORTH 11ALK AS MUCH MOHK. A'se. a new let of F I. AT and IT KK "C A Uf S A3 LOW A5 2U CKN IS. THIRD WJRD, Jacob K. Barr. Subject te Ilepubllcnn Hules. lS-tld II Hill rt BIAltTJIS CHINA, GLASS -AND- QU'EENSWARE ! -AT- CHINA HALL. We h.ivn new (ipen u lull line et Heusefurmsking Goods ! -1N-UUK.'CNSW KR. CI.AbitWAKK. CHINA. LAMI'3, Ac lleiiM, ket-iicrs will de well te eitunUin our Stuck iifoie piuehaslu. Our Wiuvsn.re idiur. anteed. Woex;haugeall Uoedt nel natlslac natlslac tery. High & lartin, DKjTltUuriVK rL.tiiia. Various riaces. nub $KM IS. te geed, HtJB j cholce te extra, U0,(0 nj. Biieep-urcoipts.ajeo bend t shipments, ?,600 dotlnterlor te mlr. tint W 110 Bs t medium HAST l.tnKRTr. Clltlln nntnt , vrn..l.., mt lic.ul ; shipment!. 1.125 : ntilhlnix ilnlm ' Hogs netlve t l'l.llndnlphliw. 10 C0( i in kcis, ,i.(j'i uu j rcceipu, meiitH. u.ihS de. siieep nvirket dull and prlces nominal t te te celpbj, i,2t head t ihlptnunLs, 1,000 bejd. cenn 7x 3,1M head i ship. btoeK RtnrKnu. yuotntieus by isceil, McUraun A Ce, llanit. rs, Lancaster, lu. II A. V. 12 X. 9 r. If, N Je KST KINtJ STRKKT, i . --. 4STKII, ! ! VI HOOiC'lli THK UtJUKI HOCsr.. PAHNESTOOK -KOHTIIK- t r OKKIIAItT GREAT REDUCTION -IN- FINE CLOTHING -AT- VALENTINE SEASON, AT THE i:O0hfiTO.th; OF JOHI BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 North Queen St, KNIT JACKETS and of feitner ptlces.ns we oecupy. GLOVLS at ene half need the room tl.ey E3T0AJ..L AT ONCK.T,: HIRSH & BRO., I'l'.NN NALLCLOTIVNvi 1I0USK. Nea. a nud 4 North Queeu Streot. OltltAT hAI.K Ol HOUSE FORNISHINC DRY QOODy. New filing en, ul Pilces nmer bolero known. lll.KACHL'D AND UNISLKACIIKD Muellns, Shoetintr, Shirting ind Pillow Oaalngr, ALI.UHADK8 AT ALL WIDTHS. TICK IN(i8. 0c 8c.. inc.. I2e.. ler Chad llcds. 1! Ht 21c. KEATIIK.lt TICKING ul in nnd 20 coins. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS 1 )UII1.10 HAI i; AT- UUAl.lKlKII ni i.uncnster nre m-ieny new te Mieiirn 1 1 en I tli. tsieins slrange that uuv ene will t "Her irem the many dornngenients brnught en by mi tmpiii-n condition et tlie bleed, when HCO VILL'SSAHSAl'AltlLLAAND.TriLLINUlA, or 1ILOOD AND LIVKU BY HUP will restore pcilc-1 health te tlie pbyslcalorgunlzatleu, It Is lii'ii'i-d iiHtiougthenlng syrup, pleuHiiut te tuke. a td has proven llselt le be the best ULOOD PUIlll'lKll evor dlscoveroil, oUoet eUoet oUeet ually curing Hcretula, Syplilllle dlsortlers, WeukneHS el the Jtltlncys, Kryslpelas, Mala ilnt Ml nervous disorders unit debility, bit. Ions complaints unit ul! illseosea Indicating an Impure condition et the Illoed, l.tver, Md neys, Stomach, Skin, ote. It collects Hull gostlen. A single bolUe will piove te you Its ineilta no a IituItU ronewor, ler It ACTS L1KB A CIlAUil, especially vhen tlie complaint is et un exhuustlve tiuture, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the bruin and tier veus system, ..ilKH'H PAIN l'ANACKA cures u pu'lu In limn and benst. for use externally nud Inter nally. KEDIUmSK 1'UWDKHS euro nil tllsoaees f herse, cuttle, elieep, hogs, poultry mid all Llvosteck A POSlTIVKCUItK. ninrM-a Korsale nl II. H. Cecliruu's Uniy stoie 1S7 NertU uuesa sUvvt. H. Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East King Street. In order te reducen heuvy stoek et KINK WOOLKNSaiul totuakeJtioin for tlie Spring Importation, I "Ul ninke up te order nil liutwywclghtsUlTINOSauilOVKKCOA'llNU Fer the Next 30 Daya at a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ot , or First Cost of Get ting Thern Up. I h.ive alseu Lrrge Asseumtmt el modtuui medtuui modtuui welglit WOOI.L'Na ter the Daily Spring Ha le, ttlileliwlll be Hindu up belore the Spring trade sets In at an equul leductlen, te give employment te my hands during dull eciiien. THH AliOYK JWOVUTlOtf JS fUli CAUH OXIA'. N. II. Mv sainplu cards of Spring Importa tions nre new ready unit any et my customers desirous el kccurliig choice styles cm de se new. H. GERHART. Ti IttlOI.ASl ATtON. TIIK X voters or tlie Clly notified Hint mi KLKCTIO.V will be held III the severul wnrits. at the usual pluctis et hold ing elections, en TUKSD AY, thn JUtn duy et KhilHUAIlY, lt8l, between the hours et 7 a. tn., and 7 p. in , ler the purpose nt electing en ugrtivrul ticket n Mayer nnd twelve Scuoel Directors; uud thtniuullllud votuiset thesev oral wurds shall aitnesatnn time nnd places elect ether olllceis as fellows KIHST WAltD-Onoineinberoi SoleetCoun ell, four members el Common Council, ene j lingo, two inspcoieis, ouiiuensiauiuunilouo Atm-Kser. KKCOND WAHD-One lliomber et Soleol Council, tliroe tueuibeis et t oinuien Council, ene J udge, two Inspectors, euu Ceustublu unit ene Assessor. THIHD WAHD-One Alderman, one mem ber of Solect Council, three member et Com mon Council, one Judge, two Inspectors, one Coiistsble mid ene AsiOsser. FOU11TI1 WAHD-Ouu member et Select Council, three uieinbuis et Common Council, ene Judge, two Inspectors, ene Conslnble and eun Assessor. KIt'TH WAHD Tiveuiein eis of Common Council, ene Judge, two Inspectors, ene Cou Ceu stublu uud ene Assessor. SIXTH WAICD One tnoinberef SoleetCoun ell, tliroe members et Common Ceunell, ene J udgu, two luspocteis, one Cens table uud one Assessor. SKVKNT1I WAHD-One Alderman, t'irte members of Coinineu Council, ene JiiiIke, two Inspeel it's, ene Censtuble uud ene Asses ser. MOUTH WAHD-One member et Select Council, thioe in -mbers of Cotumen Council one Judge, two Inspectors, ene Constable und one AssesHiir NINl'll WAHD-Tliroe lnciubers et Com mon Council, ene J uilge. two Inspector, one Constubleiiml ene Assessor. ihe oleellou oillcers In the several wards nre hereby ren.ulreil te inuke the necessary eflU'tul returns et the election nud te notify the poisons elected tn twenty lour hours niter such election shnll have bueu closed nnd the number et votes ter ouch candidate or vuruen voted lornseortalncn, Ulveu under my band, nt Lancaster, this tweiity-stxtu iluvei Jnnuury, Ks. JNU. T. MACUQMUI.K, j.inin it ! idnyer. Oeunueialliins at Pire hroke out In the state prison nt Stillwater, Miun , about midnight, and do de do (.ptte all elt'urlH the buildings were do de do strejetl. The prisouerti, iucliiilint; the Younger hretheis, were placed under a strong fjiiard iu the yard. The less is probably $50,000. Dining the jiregrcsa of the 11 re the state militia wete calhd ent te assist in removing conviets. Fire broke out at neon in the Persevcr. ance weed works of Mahlen Fulton, ou Ninth street, abeve Oxford, Philadelphia. The. building uud contents were de st'ruycd, leaving nothing fitaudiug hut the walls. The less Is $10,000; insured for $13,000. A number of dwellings in the vicinitv irnre damaged te the cxtent of 45,000.' Seldeti & Seti'n fertilizer facteiy at Curtis Creele, Anne Arundel enmity, Md., burned Thursday mernlug. Less, 530,, 000. At Xuui.t, Ohie, tire this morning de de atreyed the Union block, ceiiluiuitijr tbree Htetes. Lebs, $50,000 rOKLlON KLA'jllf.y. matters til lntercn Oiinteil Tlilt AlKrnien. At a meeting of thn Kmployers assoeia asseeia assoeia tieu last evening in Londen a resolution was passed advising tl.e proprietets of the Blackburn iui',l te work their looms only thiee dajs in the week. At a meeting of the Oldham Limited Liability association, representing several million spimllcs, a resolution wat adopted te curtail the pro duction of jam in erder te prevent any increase in stock. At Constantinople the mother of the Inte Sultan Abdul Az s is dead. She una in terred te day with pompous ceremony. Tlie remains of llerr Ltsker arrived at Berlin at midnight. The steamship Gorm.ttile arrived at Liverpool at 9 o'e'eok this morning.' i-i Ices el Ceal. PuiLtDUbr'HiA, Jan. 20, The Phila delphia & Heading coal and Iren company Issued thelr February circular for the liue and city prices te day. Ptices for win te ash coal are as fellows : Lump and steam beat $2.75 ; broken and egg, $2.85 ; stere and small stove, $3.15 ; chestnut $3 ; pea Ne. 1, cl.-10, and white aeh buckwheat 90 cents. These figures make no chauge In tilling rates. Shurp Tlilevcs, Ni:w Yeuk, .Ian. 20. On the 7th lust, the safe at the First street btatien of the First avonue elevated toad was opened by thievcH who secured a thousand tickets for travel en the line. Yesterday the police arrested llve well known ecituiualti who during the commutation hours have daily patronized the read for the purpoae of picking poekots, using the stolen ticuets for thelr into. ors, C.O.AI.0 Mlchlgnn Central New Yerk Central I IDs New Jersey Central njit Ohie Control ajg Del Lack. A Western.... lliVi Denver Hlo (ininde.... 20 Kile 2Vi KinsiL-i .t Texu.1 IRi-J Luku Shnre 05k Chicago . N. W coin.... HBU N. N.,Ont. A WcBtern.... lOJ SLl'aui.Omaim I'nelfie Midi ilH Hoehestor l'liisburitli 8L l'uul 6Bi Te.mi I'acltle.. Idji Union Vncirip 7SV Whb ish couuiien Hi, Wnbnsh Preferred -aVi Wesl'rn Union Telcurunh 72); LoulsMlleA Niuhville... tl N. Y Chi. A St. L Lehluli Vnlley Lehigh Nnvlgntlen U'i I'ennsylvnnla l Heudlng 2111 I'.T. A ilutrale n Nerthetn I'ueine-Ceni... 20 Northern t'ltcllle 1'ref... 41 Hestonvllle ,, .... riillndelphla A Krle Nertnern Ceulral Underground Canada Southern -M'4 en no;x I'oer'o'i rufonirer 2.1'i lOH fci'- 11SM m is" 88 7 U! sH ASM 2U)i 2 11-10 I0 21U 51N 1UH ..... ....... en? 2U4i 6SVi ui 1'hllndAlptilB. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks sternly. I'hllndelphln A Kile II. II. ueaiiing iiaureaii 1'imnsvlv.intn Itnllrc id Lehigh ViUley Hallrcid , Untted Companlesoi New Jersey , Nerthern ruclflf Northern l'acltle 1'ieferrel, Northern Centnil Itallre'id. LenWh Navliratlnn Company 11,'i .xirrniinvii luinrone .....uu Centrul Transportation Company......... 3U I'lttsb'g. Tltnsvllln X HulhlteH. ft 0 LtitleMchtivllcIll ItiUread 0lJ .191 19'i .............. in .......... ... (174 i....... ..... 1.3 ftevt Yeric. tjuotnllens by Associated fres. Slecks quiet and strong. Menoy easy ul Ik fl2c. New Yerk Central ll.rH Krle Kntlread 21 Adams Kinross 1'J) Mlchh;uu Central Itallread 9H Michigan .''out hern ltallrend Ui Illinois Ceiiir.t Kail toad llV'.ii ClovelnmlA l'litsburgh Ittllrnad lsi Chicago & Ueek Island Itj1lreul 117 Pittsburgh & Kert Wayne Ititlread I31J iiubu-rn union luiegiapu ueuipany iv, Teledo A Wnb.-sn 1SU New Jersey Central 8Vi New Yerk Oni-irleft W.vtteru 10( si - - ..-a .T-OK UAI.K. ( nitti'Kit nitUMK Keu nr.MT, riiiH ok. V stiuble JIoiel, doing n flrst-cluss business, and liicat'-tl wlthtu hsif usiiuare Irem theceu- irutu ine cuy is iei lent, .tiipiy it, v i. in tin WM. J. COOP Kit. 11M west Klngst, Lunejster. ITUIIt SAI.K, K.tHT TKltRlS. 1 I have cotne houses en New and Dulre etrents which I will sell en easier terms than ever before elUrcd te the public. Call en I. 1'. JIAYEir, Jnn0-2ind B1J North Q'leen street. itidk ki:m' KllOfll nl'ltlt, I, V The second nnd third Hours of Ne. (1 East King stioet, siiltable ter any kind of buslnena. Alse thejiasemuntnt tue em no building! fit ted up for a Urt clan i-e.iituiuut. Inquire at JhVtlil NOb.U A 6 NOHT1I QUKhN ST. 1.1 Oil KKNI. Till LAKUIS 1IOUIIL.M ' Frent Mere ltoem ou the northeast cer- nor et North Que. n ami Ornnge sttoels, new und for mnnv veius oceuuled bv Mr. S. 8. Ualliven, as a clothing nnu gentlomen's ter- In 'lunutllles, nt Lew 1'ilces. breldered Handsome Km- NORBECK ASHLEY'S. OOR. DUES AND VINE STS., LANCA3TKH, l'A. TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1883. Owing te n slUht change In t " business, wu will dlnpnsoet nn this day ou-i ONI! IIUNDUKi) FiRST-CLASS VEHICLES OK hVEHY DKSOHll'llON. The publte will bear In iuln-1 that these Juln were net built ler fjn el il hule, but wbl be guiirantced. us is eui u-uil cus tom, Tliu business will bn (mil- 1 u tue sumo nt herctoleio, under tliu lai.lul -uper-visien of Messrs Noibeolcund Mm I'' i ' u u whe dotlre u line vehicle ter tin- mln-f und tue notusyetprepurod te pin-en ie, in liave olfeied us u speclul Indiicemeiit a OHKDITOK KOUH MON'IIH Tlie discount being allowed te c.i-li pur pur ehuners This will be the latgc-t punllc ear. rlugosnle evor held In this slate, i idpuuhss ers will net bn deceived, us thn r-li n-lliy el this llrm's work Is widely knew n t gmiran tee of one year given wftli every bt lid sale. DcscrlpMve circulars giving 11 mb uhirs el each and every Jeb will be ouete l te ihe pun pun lleln n lewduys. Loek te your inteu-et. OCH WOHK SUSTAINS OUH W)IID. NOKUKtK AM1I.I.V. II. K. Howe, Auctioneer' Nets The main feature tn the construction of llrst chits vehicles ure the wheels, ours ennnnt be exculled, as they a:u uli made by Mr. Mlloy,tlierell known wheelwilght of this 11 nn, who has been In the Imdm-ss ever J J yours. Ne putents or ether im.u . m l Halocemiuoucliig at Ue'clneu a. in s,i pvl pvl pencincnt ou account et wnuiii'-i n wmk notdtipesod of en this day will i. ,1m ud en Wednesday, Cth Inst, J(nlv-3tY&juuHtit Stand, Tftble and Piane OoverB FEATHERS I FEATHERS ! We keep none but the best steam cuied Feathers, l'emeus commencing housekeep ing, or tliefe about te replenish hheiild net lull te use our ntoek beleiu purchasing. R. E. Pahnesteck, LANCASTEH, l'A. Next Doer te the Court Heuso. V.N 1 KR TA INM Ki TU. K'LLTON Ol'r.UA HOtJWi:. WodueBday, January 30, 18B4, ONLY AITKAHANLK IN THIS CITY OK Jl MB. Atlonipten Suluine, St. Let is, Md., Jan. 2G. Ilitain II, Pest, suporluteuilont of the Seuth Baptist church Sunday-toheol, nnd clerk (or the harvesting and leaping company, el Chi cago, nttompted btiLide l.ut night by taking laudanum nnd cuttiughU tlue.it -a a bungling manuer, con cuueni nten the dlscovery that he had rmbcuz'cd his em ployer's money. Ills wounds are danger, euu, but net ucccssaiily fatal. Iteclpriicnl tteduetl ins Ileinniided, Tiiey, N. Y., Jnn. i.'0. The lien ero oempauies at Pert llenry, have notified the iniucrs of a reduction iu their wages of ten and lift eon cents per day. It is lcpeited that the minera will as for a reduction in the prien of weed furnished them by the company, ami nlse iu thelr heuse rent. K.itrtine Celd al l'ltt'burj. PiTTwiiune, Jan. '20. List night was the oeldcst of the season. In the city the thermometer registered 5 degrees below zero, whlle in the suburbs It ranged from 15 te SO below. At uoeu te day it is ten nlove. nlsblng store, being well lighted by two latge mam gut's wiiiiiewH. rosscssien given en Apt ill, IsSI. Apply le 0. 11 LKKEVRE. 121-Bt Olllce-Ne. U7 East King Streel. I Minnie Hauk Lending rriuin Denna nl Her Jliilcsty'sOpein, i oin'eii and New Ynik, supported by her ewu company e! Sterling ArtUts, lu Ormul State Concert tunl Opern. I'AHT L Mlscelluureiis. l'AUT ll.-The Jd Aetel DenUettl's Uriiud UPUM' LA PAVORITA. (InKull Costumes and Stage Settings.) The company Includes .n'tleSALI, Conttulle, (lute et Adi'lluii I'litU's company) i Hlg. aiomk aiemk OKI I' FO, Tener ; Mi. no t'AUtAl.lM, Hurl Hurl Hurl tene, (lute nt tlie Scuta Thud re, Mllun) ; Air, tlliAH, i:. I'ltATT, Accompanist uud Organ ist, und Mr. Oonatantlne Stornberg, Pianist and Composer. Tliu rinne (re.n Messi i. Htctnwuy X Senu. Cairlugesat 10:11. hCALKOK PH1CES SI (IU, 7.1.t-A(ICl.NIS. Snle el seals cemmuiKis KiiUy morning, Jan. 2 ', ut Opuu iluutw OlIK'v. l.l wi The Ueveruui-'s Latrtt Apput .iiueut. IlAiinisiiune, Jan. 20 The governor hasappelutcd II. M. Nead, of thlH elty, te oellcot disallowed war claims at Washing ton. The Kuutucky Seuaterlnl Contejt. FitxNKifenD, Ky , Jan. 20. The tena- terlal sltutt ou reraaina utiohauged ami the caucus has adjourue 1 until Meuday, wuAiiir.ii inniCATie.Ni. WAsmxaTOH, Jan. 20. Fer the Middle Atlantie Btatcs, fair warmer weather, preceded en the ecast, ami in the beuth- crn portion by light full iu tompernturo, wiuds becemiug variable.rlslng bjiometer. The Ueuturleus indorse the Ueiiioerstlo XleKet. At a meeting of the Oommlttne uf One lluudied en Friday resolutions presentcd by the uxeeutivu oeunnltteo endorsing Samuel O. King for mayor, Furmaii Sheppard for elty solicitor, ami Jehn Hun ter for rcoelvjr of taws, ym adopted. J)UKLIO Hnl.l!.-.I.Nn:il.NIIStuy, JAN UAHY M. IB-1. atthu Loepard hotel, that la e story brick tlwilllug, with two-story hilck back building. Ne, &2i Wist Lemen street, hail, suven looms, garrut ami cellar, gas, hydrant, ote. Let KKxlts toot, tdrte nml rear alley, Irult, grnpoutber, ote. I'ossesslou nml clear title April 1, 1S3I. Sain tn comiueuco nl 7 o'clock p. m, II.HnCBliilT, ALLAN A IIKKIt.eC'0., JU-lOtd Auct 103 East Kins St. liuin.ie Md if. -ors tiiuusijay, Jan- 1 UAHY 31. ltdl. will be sold ut the Leenard Hetel, it 'lhtco-Meiy lllllCK DWKLLINO, sltuutcdutiia 1'iisi Orange slicot,ceiitjluing ten moms, paiitiy, iiuiub-walter and china closet eir dining loom, und a cloet In everv chuinbei' and In he hull, cupboard iu kltohen, heaters In pailnr mid dining loom, und range lu kitchen, wltu het and cold water upstairs and den n t soupideuo tubs, with het Mid cold water lu wnsh-heute. Uoed dry cciler under whole heuse. Klcgunt yard with plenty et irult. Terms p.isv or tnade te suit the pur pur cliuber. bale ut 7 o'clock p. m,, when condi tions will be tnude known by 22 9ld UENHY SllUDERT, Auet. Ottl'U.tNS OOUKT S.lUl! OK V AI.UA1ILH Dwelling and cholce building lets. On l-tlday ovenlng, Kebrunry 15, 1SS4, In pursu mice el nn ullas order el the Oriihnns' Court, et Lancaster county, will be s"ld nt public vendue, ut the Leepurd Hetel, bust King St., Lancaster, I'n. Ne. r. A tweaml a-hall s'ery Hrlck Dwell ing Heuso. two-story Hi Id: lluek lluliulii?. with fnuiie fe.il nnd llrlek Smokehouse, unit let or plcca et ground slluntetl Ne. iii North ijucun street, Lancaster, l'a, fronting 13 feet, tunie or less, ou said North Qticnn street, una extending in depth 2iS teet, InMurket alley; There Is a Krnme ntuhle with Cinrlagu Heuse, Shed und ulse cholce Irult ami grape vines en the premises. Ne. 2. The following cholce building lets, en " the Clicnluul stieet tnict," Luncasier, l'u,; Nns. Hi und W. en southeast corner et Chest nut uud Marshall streets, udlelntng each ether nud mob let being 22fcetlu tteutby lldfeet doc p. . , Ne. 137, fronting 22 teet en uertli slde Chest nut stteet, and extending 0) loot lu depth. Nea. 2ts, :&!), 2tll uud VOJ, Irenting each sM leet en neitli mile et Kullen street, and iixtendlng l.wln, Ml. II fj..t l.n ui.l.l Inly Set. 161 lllld St)J a large Tobacco Mied Is elected. 21 leet by et leet, unit IB Icet high, v. 1th slUngle inel, whleli will ba soldelthor w Ith the lets or sfnumtely, Vfll'Sn: el. fronting feet en teuth side et Walnut stroet, and oxteudtuu lit C ees. a.'s.'sStw, W7 and S ejch ftenttng 31 loot ou north siue ui nwusi """. - tenillnsliidop,Hi'cent', Alse, lets Nes. .210 am ai.,. imih net. -iu una xw. uu sum ei I-..I.,,.! fint. udlelnlnx each oilier, and each let being 22 Het In trout by SJ It-ettlccp, l'ojsesslen and titles en April 1, 1n3.' Hale te commenco at 7 o'clock, p. in., when attendance will ba given and terms et snlii mudeunewnby D.IlMlTMAS,, Kzcauter et 1). llartmau, dce'd. llKNKV 8llCUUaT, ACCt. Hll2l.ttd tl'MK HlMf KlVK OtSNY HAVANA UlUAIt X in the city. Manufuotureit by ro;elf ana Ruarauteed te be the rtuent, at JIAHTMAN'S VKLLOW'KltONTCIOAIl 8TOUK, d H e Ai