V,: 3-i LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!. TUESDAY JANUARY 22, 1884. " K 1 'ei. rum a nkws. '01 V I .'l I.Alt UUHrONIIl"M I. '-s miiiir llm HiiMiiinliiintm llt'ili t.l lu',.,.,.. , i ( Atiiiuiil tun Itnrtiinjl I'lt'llnl up liy llm llitdll kitni'rr Itoiierifr. Tim tin mi mtrr aten I it, 0 alu.ve sirre this moil tin', Ollleer Htiuuk bad two (lnuika In nliaie this morning T n days each In the county Jnll C'mtdltig rtritl tdiilghiug continued fine. Nn Minting em lm leiinil. 'I'lie old Hhawime cnglna house w.m lillcicil ut public nale, but was wlthdruwii nt 10 .1 iceb K"iid last evening purchased tlie interest of his brother, Runnel Uu.ul, lit Id iiI'm lUhnig Imttety for $100 Tim Columbia band will held but n I'iiujle piaotlee pnr week until tl.e fair In ciiiliil begluulug tlie new rule tble week. Tin lei ilonleis will irelmb!y finish theli Ire cutting epilatiens tbli week. Mr H.itiiui-1 Filbert U nun filling nti order fur Feteial car leads of lc fur n Meuntville part v. Tim M I) church mival nicetines nrc gaining In lutcicat. Omi ncrlccr nTter tlie tti'th tint nt the altar l.mt night, ruul twelve olio ib innr Cm tlie prnvi'M A nickel ilntnl wntcb which was ro re irut'y drawn by Alirnni l.wt tiiurger with ii p'ug el tobacco, was again chanced oil bv him In 30 ti n cent 'Vi uics, the winner Im lug Ailim A,l j. Tlm tenelieia and olll.ersnf Sr. Jehn's I.m'Iiemi i r'nndny ncheil here formed a M'flityli'r tlmpurpose of sni'lyliig thr lrrneiiN el tbr Siiailnv fchoel. Tliey elect nl Itnv Simiiel Zt'igling Inaeh'T, nnd Mi F V M Miller, hla assistant The tint mrctiii" will be bold next Monday rviiiiijfiit I i .lames shrueder'a rctil ideuee. rcrsiienl. The Illness of Officer Jein O.IbfMt iscen. Midori 1 serious. Mr J nne I). 8!nln, the trimmer ie. jieiti'i, i 1 nil up by illimc. .T.L I.-lz, litn of Iliril-tn-IUnil, baa born :i'ii ntid P. II It. track foremnn In pt.iuoef Michael S.uilh, deceased. "(" I' ty. I'iiiiimIi Hint .Ultlury .llrtlliiit". A spei nl nml secret niretiug of the school bend was held hat f vening Putnam (Vein Ne. in. IJ V (II. F.) (.'. A., and Clilquefaliing.i tubs of lied Men, me. i tbifl i wnlni. Hiihinth.t Hireling cf I'". C he'll last evening. Mkma F. A. Huiiui'tt, H 15 Eektnnii awl A. M. Blailowne nppelntrtl n eeiumit'ee t prepare the oetitltiitioti .ule trd b ktate mill'iity beard fur its rttil'eatlen by the company. Me5nrn. llennett and Fekuiau were also appointed te purclui-K for the company tbe ureiind n tv In. h the armory Bt.mdi at d attend te all tlm p'ti'is nvepnA.iry te Its leal tranifer te the company. An ithcr meetun; wl'l be h- Id next Meuihi) at 7 o'clock p it), for impe:tant budiiii nn Ir.uiHaclleiis. A i;i'Hitrr of ArrMeuir. Mm Annie Cnrnp, itl 'inn en Walnut strret, ulipj ed jf sterday while canyliiR a pad of het water, tl.e latter tpllllni; ever ene of ln-r nuns and butni'it; it b9 vercly. Jehn S.iMlrr, brnkrimn of P. H. R. hhllter Ne 1 10, 1ia.i1 one of his Ick badly Injured last ev.ninir by a switch lercr In Hrunei's coal yards llyin; back violently and HtriUmij him He wan removed te his home en M.iner Rtuet. The t.V iU i'ii which ici it fchut into Filbert' m li'-i hui uae way yesterday Twe men weie working en them ut th fme, I'lie of whom ('rne IUckc navnl lunif'Pir by chi'KinK te llm heavy tlmbcrH, te wh 'h the hlietrt had been fastened. J no. L nilei I ii r r. :in biived by leaping into the !" 1. 'iife. ( Hiict t 1 mrrLl' I. Iniii k I'rllnr Ai.'lend man from WiichtRvil'e wa evnbt Lift evrnin by Mr. Fimik Zoigler, AVeh ii i Union tidiKinpli 1 1 ta'ur, while be wis I'lU'ijz.i fiore tlie cellar of the P. H H.t ilcpet HecHDlng obsticierou Mi. Znclir l.'cra'ly sat "down" upon him aiul tl i n hntu'eil him evi r te a rail rail lead ol'v'e. qune Frank r'ive him CO dajd for llm inqunii'tieiictfti In going into p'uecH whrm he had tin buliieie. IIe preb.ibl) etitert'd tliu cellar tehtial. i lm l'niiltry Shim , Tbn poultry dhow will oIeko to-tneriow avruitik.'. The diawinfr e1" the priz'k wl 1 t. il.e p'nie at 0 o'clock, and for this tl e j ulgi'ii wi 1 be il etui fieni thencta Ter. Mm v Sim urn wai y,xt nbeaul tul vm limp wlili Uj U II.ikliiL' 1'emlur, Tiylt. Itil IM'IIIIIIll) I'llMII HOIK MM. I WlllClKN rmipil 111 I Oil Htl'l Ullllrr, The iflelui 1 in nml Ceirce l'lielieis, et Nuw le'lt hit' epein- I h branch store In Milt city, nl Sin l.niimd 111 .seith (Juccii meet. Theli 'lens nnd celters are put up In paper cuim. hvey eim ceiilalui, tn addition te Ten mid l ellei, an aiilcle running In va'ue liem 10 tnnU te t:ii In cuih, or lield or silver Watches or .leweli y. Alne (iciuiliie lllameud Jewelry. 'I heTi 1 1 ann weln.li can and contents ubeut IV4 peumU, the Cotten Cans wululi can and lenun1'-ainut 1 piutidi. l'rlee ) each. The leiup.ii) hit 1 adopted till' lii'ithed te niter tl ii tie ir K"e ', but ulter Kebruaty HI, thee 1 held Tins nn! Cefteei will be sold wholly en their iiu'itu iy their ui;ent, nt the samu prlee mine iimllty and tuiuie ijiianilty, lint without auyetliei in Hele In the ctuiB liesldua the Ten e.uit ( eltie, the leaaud Cotfee buliiirat a lair 1 el ill Mill 0 net Hi mere th 111 the prtce asked without miy ivur.l te tha ether m tides. 'I hid company Imi nlretdy established sov sev erului;iieli s who h ive a erv liiri'u and nip I liy I'lewlnn Iiuile.m thiisu,ioiler ititillty et t tn 1 I'oedi 1 1 1 onus line'vn Ordeis by mall, in en 1 unlud by cash or postellloo order ure pl"i t" i it j 'llnl iti-reHtud pirtles and forward ferward ferward el teull puli et the United Htit. s. Addr'Hs, Kiobe 'lm and Coire r.ipkeri, 1W and 181 North (Juteii ntreet, I.'incastei, r.i. Prices, I I per Can 6 Cam ler f5, i Cans ter 1(), 23 Cnua for t .11,1; J I ans ler IV). 'lhe lullewiuit Is a putlal list el the parties who teiind valuable nitto'ei In then cans el tin and coifee ee la: Jehn (' llr, it 1.I11 Held, I idles' Milld bem hunlliiK nisi, ttniuh in tea: aim alums' solid celnHl'.M'i ttalei'. fillis Cura, Columbia solid silver it null In ten. A h llcrsluy, silver spline, laUles' solid K Id watch In font also boys oiewn hiiuttnuetisn ttnteh In tin. Mia llewman, 'irlii'lr, ilhiinnnd rlnit In tea. (1 i. tv 1, M.uLttater. Liettn huntlm; case watch Inc 111 or lea Hubert Clark, Inttltljen itr, Chatelalmi atoll In e'tii et tea.tU .Mil's Annl 1 I'm us, lliiiihliuig, dtamenil car drops 111 1 1111 "1 I' !, M1h Kva Ntiuren (Jeityshiiiu, I'a silver cakebaskit tilth 11 tan of eolfie H. Alexan der, Mt Nibii, found n black elal stum wind Init and stem pitlliiK ttateh In 11 canet tea Oscar J'llamtner, Milltown, K. ,18. watch In eellne. Cel. l.ltfhtuer, 1'itiiidlse, lady's solid Kehl hutitliiKUiriO waieli In tin. Mis. Jehn, son, Hnutli (jueun slecet, Bllvur sorvlie, Miss llaiiliit Mllehell, dlaiiieud rlui; in tea J Alexander, silver liuutltip caie wuteh In 'en. I.. M. Ilinoklieiise, ,im Seuili I'llnce street, II. l). erewn lever watch In a can of ten, nlse n solid KOid liidtcs' huntliiK case wale 1 in a can of tea, and 11 diamond e illm button In a can et tea. Mim lluiincll's inllllnery, teiind a lace pin diamond, ruby and sajiphlre. M. V. Heater, clt, IihIIim' solid (,'old limiting cane waleh III ft can of tin. J. Andersen, tanner, MoehanlesburK, found u solid lllvur IiuiiiIiik lni case watch It cotlue. T m. blie.kirs driiKKlst, Jlountvllle, silver service. J. 8. Ileeuaiiei, Mount Jey, l'n., huntlnu'casecinit n ttatch. II. K, Ilavui-stlck, l.lme iillny, iiuntliiK-ctMiciewii levurwatch. MI-is Jiuulsen. salnshnly. tUiuunmi ilnuliiu uineftui. Michael .Mn'oney, Hint tn-llamt, htem-windlnKiuid Btciu si U111K watch, blaek dlnl, In can or ten. Jacob (iuuip, fil'i iliuver street, H, ,t 8. watch In tea. Mis HeynehlH, ( elumbla. Hllverservlce Willi can ettui. Miss Floience V. tiast. ' West Janus street, din- mono runv niiiisappmrouni;er tinu A. W. Nelt, 506 f euth Duke stieet, slom slem ivlndttiK and stem sottliiRwate'i rotor I.un dau, (Ml .North (Juccu stuut, silver cord rts eel vel. Jehn Caldwell, HiiBt Andiew stiott stiett sliver Hiitfiir 1INI1. Maiiile 1. Eaby, 57 l-ast l.emen Hiicet, K' nulne ithiniemt rim;. J. V, WIe, Kl!i Jlnnei slicei, . a. b. watch lu can el tea 1 also a July's sold ueld liunilim 0,190 watch in ciii et lei Jacob Fotler, painter, 2-J Mulbirrv street, liimtlni; case orewnlovor watch Jehn A Woiiber, ili Heutli Queen sticet Coloia e watch anil chain In tea C II Men's lutel, Mllleisvllle, l'a , stein m indlPf? ami steiiut'ttlni; watch In tea Mrs, ISS4. COTTON Cotten doeda are Lewor Jn Prtce New Than Ever Eofero Known, II.Ul! It A tinerilKIl liiive new In ler lull line) or nil tlin liest ninkci el Mmllin, lieelliiRn unit TIcUIiikn wlilu i tliv will ell nt DM. tl.l, h.'I nine en MA.NUKAUTUUUItU' l'lllCKO. Uttctv, Mohawk Vulley, Boaten and Pouperlll BhoetlugB und Pillow OubIuke. all widths, 1,000 Tallot. Quilts at Very Lew Prloeo. MarsatllOR QulltH In all qualltlOHtvnd bIzeb OIMIMAN DIOU AND DAMASK TAULG LINCNS. HM2AOMEI) DAMASK TAHMJ MNGNB. , DAMABK CLOTII8 WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH. NAPKINS. TOWKIiS AND TOWKMNOS UNI3N 8HKKTIN0S AND PILLOW CASINOS. And lull 'lnojer Whlte, Bcarlet and Qrey Dlanlteta and ethor doBcrlptlenH of (joecIh Btilttvble for HOTJSBFUKN"! BB.ING. A tills n llu Aeaneii let tlm purcliaie of Cotten, Mnen nnitlfotitetitinlsliliitf Ooeiln, WHliiTllenii Itiipeulleu et tlie a.1iove, all el lili li will tie keI'I at Vei y I uw IMi'K. HAGER Ne. 25 WB3ST KINO STREET, "nmiiel .leliii'nn, (ionlenvlile. fllvnr iituar liewl Mr- lieltllelc. Kilen nllverwiire lllrnni Weiver, Willi niHCtiWfl lltltltlliK eu Clown levrrwuteli. II l ICeienv. I.nmli lm el, rubv napplilte anil ill.uneu I llm. If llarr, 10 "eiilli Inilie liect French Olmlnliilnn wuteli Mih. llm Ii. 111 l.i nien Hlreel. silver rlm wtili i en '. ll Herr, toliurre ileuler. V Mnrlint tie"t, Imy'ii leuilltiir enii erewn wuteli. Ml l()iin. On hetnnki I Celuinlila, found n ueiin. 1 e illimeint rllvr tn colon Mw A liooil lieoil lioeil ileli, iKtimt. sllvonviire wltli tea i:. K linllv, tllnck llernn hotel, Mllervllle, .'tn wlnilltiif iitiM Klein petiltiK watcli In te i Ml (imper lr."t )inii(jetrem. ill'i enil er Irein In can t tni ('. (Insxer, leitner nil nnillnx Mere, Se 'i Knt llninue Mieet erewn lever wnlrli. (lnninsm'i,M II , llnHPneri', Mil , taily'g eldl Kelit lumlliiK ennn wuteli. 'I'. S. lllekey, t.aneunter nvi-ntin, it' in wliiillnir iitvl tnm fi'ttlnif wat'-li tn enn of tu Mrs. Ilrewn, Olumlili. Kiinitlnn illiinieml rln In enn el e lien Halt r .iirlim elerk, 117 Kail .InineHKliei I "tlxerwiirn wllti tea MMi.liine (lllvur, eelme I, I'lillnil.'ipliln, liny' Ke'lil cjlti illvnr wuteli In e.in of tea 1li ItienbilfT'" Unnlvptt Te the .Vieri e the Intelligencer DKAitfiini'-Heeliiirnii account of tlie Ineii liutei contest In lour felittiinn. 1 will Klvoyeu a correct account el hew t wiw ilecPlcil. In Urn flul otiiciilheio win axca'e el pelnM KOt up te ptilKU tliu Inciiliiteiii, liy wlilcli tl.c liulKM illil net tollew. Tliete were twejmlgei te lc nppelnteil ny tlie IhmpI el itlrccters tliey appotntel two J uilif c tliu oneillilnot emu.' e tliey lint e appoint imotlier. il. ilimtl el ciilllnif In- tiimril tesether. ene or thfi Ulrreteri uppelntc.l tlm oilier J ule lilumeir. wlreh wai net leijiil when tliure wan only time el the illmcten tn tlm hill at the tlme. This illieelfir In ii livuli ene nml newln te bi ".iiii.i" rim euitnt te te put In alcohol and nri'iurveil mi. 1 pu en xhlliltl'in at the next ; peullTV Dhew a It 111" lemiri'ui"! ( ......... Huily ami myself mailn it ' klclt " A nl wan'cil the mitflilu i luilueil ever according te tlie pelntilnlil down, nnd av" tliim eui reasin the materlty et the dlreotei rn. we were rltsht. Uut lli-y could net pe tuck en the ImlKvV iieclleti. Tl.n mahlne worn nef ImlRt'tl neennlliiK te tlm i elnia u'veu them te tretiv. which they hlieuM lui lollewed and did no'. I ttii'iK the Htmpiicie will bcery chilly "hen I exhibit iitijliunK mom in uie l.nri,..e. bI.ew. e.peelHllt when the beiid et I dlrreteii YunMltul'i one man. and k I nl- letviil te de hs he plei-es. Yeuis truly, KHA.M II. IIUMI'IIIII.VII.I.K, Inventor el the Siiccum llaleher. 1 Asctsricn, Jan 2i, imi '" AiiiuI'IiipiiI The yVou6(iienrj-MII b In t 0 pcia lionse this uvnnuiK Tlieio'irenlai' e millibar et lesirvcd seats taken, and itiore will lit jly boalaiReimd l.ihlonable audlonce pn-i-ent. 'He c'i Ineliulii llm cipab.e anil popular lavoilte". Nellie Melleiii j and tt.ite 9 ilabury. This company Nene et ne.iowledKed mrrll, and wlllnlvearlclitrrit te theso In nttenil nttenil iince. Thetnel lental semk d inccsnml treub ailoiirspeuliililn'itreol Ids 1 eseellonie. " Fiinentli Ilrtilnl " itedncsduy evei.lnif the fniiums lllcv'n company will ctvoupei ctveupei ctvoupei lerinamo el li 0 ebev pliyatid will have lnrgn lieu A Pitts ur! piper, where the havejuit elegit la w.-ek's niiuimeit stti "llkeu'lel Mi Rice s ertintii nrn 'Klin entlm Hiletei' is leploie wlin new. eilglnul and iiitehv muee, sell otlensliom the popular onmle operas, beitulllui cestu.is leeil hits, etc 'the play has been iiiiinlei; t lib mai vel. eus sticcma ler 11 e ..t two ve-r tluoiiKtieul iieat Ililtaln ' llVKVl.il. NU11VKU. mmrv Avoid cheap Reeds liicjjeji rtitn cure iilns and aches ttliore oilier plait' r sliiiplv rcll ve, Vl cts nt all ilrna teies. ,.ni. IMcn; for sll tnr I'rffcnm, Ilev. II. II Kalrall, t. l , editor et the Unit Melhudtit. says edlterlallv, In tlm .Neveiiitiei ( 1SS3) nuuilier of Ills p ipei " We have tesied the merits et Kit's Cieim Il.ilm, nnd bellove that, by a thoieugh 001110 et lieatmeiit. It will curs almost ity ense of eiilurrli. Mln Isteis usa cinsi. 1111 altllcled with head and tlueit treiHiks.au I eilarili seems moiopie meiopie moiepie valont than ever. We einnnt reLeminend lily's Cieini I'.alm loe highly.' Nei 11 lle,uld nor 11 null. Aiiplleil In ne'lills iillh the II 11 er. lil-iwdoeihtw nnvrit III" llHUy. " My baby, aiieil Itlteen month', was ntinck ntinck ed wllh eieiin. but whs enied Willi two ikhkb el V'teiniM' Kilectrlc Oil ; have used tills uied uied lclne ler the elder ehlldieii. Ilnve the Kicalt st laltlilult" Mim. Hanlil Mann, in hevenlh t , Ilullale. N. . Kirs ile by II. 11 Ceehriiu, drtiKL'lst. 1 17 anil J .North Uuemi snoot. Opinion el nr inlr. I.sta ilevrrnmtiit Ubemltt, 011 AlleauK's l'eruns 1 Usttr. My tnvrsttuntlen el alloecu'b I'onecs l'LAsien shnttsltte ceulilu inCtmbls nnd et teiitial uif redlnfi net present In any ether Plaster, 'lhesn lugrmllvut's 1110 se neifrcliy projinrilened that tee ALeecit's l'oaet'B I'las tbii will ii'ileiusn Milters or Xxceulve Jrrt Jrrt fnflea.uuit 1 Und It supniler 10 und mero cflleietitthi'i any etnei I'laster. HKNltY A. MOIT, III.. I'll t K. C B., I'roltsser et Chemlstiy N Y. Med. Celteiio.eto. De net ivdile your money buytiiK Inferior arilelns. Tell your Urn Ul you want AIL- COtR'S reilOVS I'LASTKRS, llllll dO llOt tllke oiheiBinado 10 soil en the reput ttluii nl the K nuliioaitleiu. The Uliiuofe Mut IIe, And se must iieiu-alula and iheumatlsm when Dr. 7iemm' hcUclrla Oil attaeks tliuui. Ills medlelne Is 11 uiarvoleus pioductetlu. Konleus theiiKht, liny ft and try li. ter silo by II. II. Cochran, iliuKlst, U7 and 1M North Uueen fllieU K01 l.ame imi H , ai'iii or Chest Hill I.OH'U IMillOUd IMiASTEIt. I'Uee, V3 cent Sold by II. II. Ceehnin, 137.iml Wl Noitlitjueen treet, l.ancaster. toliHeodB Knllil t'omtert. Korjene likes le take solid cuuiteitund tt mayboenleyed by overyono who It eps Kid-noy-Wert In the houe nml takts a row doses at the Hist symptoms of un attack of Malaila, llheuniathm, IIIIIIeuhucs!, Jaundice or any nflt'Ctlen et the l.lver, Kldneys und llowels. It Is 11 purely voice. table compound el roots, lenvea unit berries kneuti te have speclsl value In kidney tieublrs. Added te lliu.u ate riinedles nctlni? dliectly en tha Mvcr and llnttels. It lemevcs thocauseol the disrate undlertlflis tlie s system auulnst new mtiteUs lleprleiis 1'pllepsy Uurril. "Tlie doctors pioneuuceil my o.ieeto be one et hopeless op!lepy," fays ourcerref pondent, W. O. HiewntiiK, Attorney at Law, Judsenti, Aric, nnd ileclarcd death le ba my only rollet. HmnarUan Ntrilni has cuicd me " Out at ilniKKlsts. 01.50. JlMwdcedAw Mninersl ninilieriTI mothers Aruyeu illatuilied at ntght nml liroken 01 ynuncBtby aslek child suirurliij? and crying with thonxeruclatlntr pain of cutting teeth t II se, go ut ence and et a bettle et M US. WIN BLOW'S 800TII1NO HYKUl'. It will rollevu thu peer little sutlorer Immediately depend upon It 1 tliure li no lulstulre about It. Thctels net a mnUiereii earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that it will rugulute llie bowels unit gtve rest te the mother, and toilet and health te the child, op ep eratlni! Ilke uiaalc. It ispertectly sate te Use In all eases, ami pleas mt te the taste, and Is the p.eji rlptleu et ene of the 01 test and beat tenialephslclan8ln thoUulled hih'ei, nhi overywhoio 2.1 cent, a bottle, inayl-M,V,Sw ft mr a n rJtttTtHK3tm .s. AND LINEN GOODS- & BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. RS3BB39B9CSR: SKW AM VKlll wrwiniPMMW.nifrrT NMIIW'T f 11 i:miOTieN in vmvr.t. February IB, 1884. ZAHM'S CORNER. UNTIL Till: AlltlVK DATE (AT WHICH TIME tVBTAREUWR) VK OKCEIl A Straight Reduction from Our Regular Prices -or- 25 TO 33M I?ER CENT., FOR CASH. Our Uoe U nte FlltS 1' CI. AHS In avery Irat .niniit. We i re thoroughly Equlpped for ManuracturhiR and Fine rveiialrfng In overy branch. EDW. J. ZAHM'S CORNER, AiTStoie will be closed nt n p m ereiy i nil 11 n tin l.niiy eumi lla "eciet el eutli und lli'iiulj ter llie loinplexten, n be lnir farHiipi'ilni Uihiij urtlulu I ever mud. It IWKltlvely rcmevin Kreeklue, inn.' will rniiove Tan In oneitpplietlon. 1'ilic fnc. Ker n,ilf tit nil dniKulaH Mils. I. IthHMibMllli, InJS.rnillMJr .Si-niill.- N. .1 VIlJ 'I hi j- Oil Ii lm (i I nn." " Ven, thai' smlly no," j mil Jenkins, my hulr U lurnliiKKiivnnd lal Ina out buiore liy tlme. Ute r-einelliln 1 would, bill most Imlr iiMieiris mu danm-rem " " True." nn fiweii'd hN lili'ud, " bin I'.u leer's Ilitlr ll.ilsiim Unih nidc-nai II It elP-ctlve. I've liird It, and knert ijituiiiu Itnijum a Minw nnd the boy win kuiiM"pc.ililtiiu'01it iluii Jen klllt." It IlUVl fllllS tO l alOII! llm erllmil Klni " KJ-V ' l-"e I Imlr lllrlilj perfomed. n Wepmt die-lii l Ij.PAwiwW 1 1 Irtf pii c r tiiiprp.l , "1 sultered Kith d)peHla fei i.t Jems," vt lilts Jehn Albright, citj , of Celumbii , Ohie .S'nmarffim .Vrrefnc cuied me." As It ulwuys cures mrn dl.erdeis At druggists Wl-lvtdreilA w l.pllr rrmii t)jru tV. I'lebl, Jr. s Kast Mm Stbbkt. I N's'V epu-, May tlh, lbil. Ei total tliiiei this ttuiier I have Biitrcted fiem sevue elds en in I.iiiiks each tlme 1 have applied ArLcitR's Piinets I'LASTrns and I 1 1 very lilunce 1 have b en quickly rellevcd brojipl!iiinn'iBtres my chest and one en my luck. M frlnnils. UiniUKh my advice, h.ite tiled tliei xpeilm ut und also leiinil It moil s.i' ce-Htul. 1 fevl thai l can 11 commend mill ine-d lilghlv te any ene who may sce tit try them. c ill S W. riKI.I), Jn. We.ili IIai.k, Itlieiuiiall.ai nnd all Lecal I'alns urn Hllnvi'd ami lined by Allujik's I'mieis I'lastera linet-itl trill Lonvliice you, but see that yen et ih ituieilue, as nil ether e-eilled I'oreiii I'lii't' l", llnuut ll lnjrle ei. ceptlen, are wert nless linltn'lnns. The siiie.t pretenllve Dai lit I'lepln he Mi I" t.i)ileu hu iliist sinn 1 I'm u hi I ll iludreyscnii li 1. tl 11 Laiibn. Ai his r.Hideiue In I'ldiaeelplila, en Mldiy Jiimiiiv , ,fs. Daniel l.ai;eu, tn the nith teai of in. ii Kuneial lii'iii ll lati 1 Mime, Ne. 530 Sprues stie 1 I mln lelpl 1 1 en Wednexd.iy met nliic. ".11 lust ai se, leek Mass nt st .le"ephV ehiiM h it 1 ; jc1ei't precisely .ltd 'irieKinrLi In. 1 ?.' I I In this cliy, siiil di nly tlliuuili - iiimiIi tu the ,Mst Mar el his iii( 'I li" n Itiilv and 1 1 ii'No'tiie lainlly, and nl'Otl e meiiilieis of Ie 1 eii'v 1 odne, e H", I. O. O. K., l.i s ihli-ke-uee 1 rlbj of lied Men, and Inland 1 Py I e.li;e, Ne 8J. K et P., nr leipecltmly Hit lud te ull nd the liineinl fiem the Inte it-side no" I tin .'ei.'eised,"Me H3 North I'luui Slleei, en hil.lnt .illeiii'ien ufJeMml, Intumeni at lam i-trr ceiuetery. V.ll AHI t KlltihMt.S in. Tnii rne.-A 111111 I" 1.0 er.M.it.ii, 11 li .iisnttei k It Jl'i I tpi' t ut tsi ellANlfKhl'ltKbT WAMIII A llllll. TO OH (IK.MI.IIAI, TT lioiiseitoikln 11 fiiuill finillyj 110 cbll. illCli. Applyat .Ne 211 Neitli I'lluee.si J2I-21 1 I'.MIIMl lHAt'Kl.tlll.f.AU KII.CHU J only .1 cents, at It Alt 1 HAN'S lhl.l.mt CltOM' C1UAK blUKK. ijuiiii MiitAii mir I.OWi:it'Ill N I.V FKIIKFUUK, ONI 1 hi I.NT A QUAUT, - 11 i.hn tt I 1 s.'1'td 118-3111 111 Uest'lilnK M. XT iTKlv OAK a A' O II Kill IMI IIAKK lsl Calicoes. New Hldittnir t ulleei s, New C'auibltes, New I'e-ciles, New MusMns, Nett hetliiKS, New lllauki Is, New Comlerts nml Ne Cotiiitei panes nt llielatisl l.ew 1'ilcesnt HWAHU'S, anlii-3tiidlt Ne. M Neilh Qseen rlieet. Cliiei'i.i( neiisr, reit kkn r, ruts dk. j sliuble Me'el, deliu; a flist-elas buslness, nnd Illicit' d tvltiilu hi if n squ 11 a treiu the con troel the city Is lei luiit. Apply te tv ai. 1 lenrr.ii, J2MM IDi West Kit u H , 1 (iiicastei. 1Olt lll'.M. 110.11 ,111 11. . I lie. riAK 1 birtte dttollleK I1011K0 ami mivslainn's oil) e (14 looms tilth nil ceiivenleiiei s), all In excellent cnndltli n, and lulek stable ler 20 horses, situate Nes. Utj und 40 Went OuiiiKe street, and reimeily Icueivn as the " Dr. Muhlenberg liiepeity." Would lenl dwell, lnir, otllceamf ttabie .epatale. Fer paitlcu lars apply te U.lll.T.llil.l CC llUll.MS, OSIeedlt 10 Wrst Uiuiiu slrcet. llh au tiiisi mu 1 We have tliiewu together a lei et bTIFF HAT3 that tte don't want le einy ever te next season, and marked them all 41. se. In llie let are Hals that cost us 127 11 dozen. 'I hey are net ilatn lined In tiny way. toiicspondliiKioduo teiicspondliiKioduo toiicspendliiKioduo lions have been in ad 11 In ail Winter oejds, Heavy Caps uru ke'uk at less 1 linn lull value. The low Fur Heeds lelt are all mailied attay down. We have only Three Flne Seal Cups lelt, nd theie tt e want te tell at cost. The low pi lees have plated liavoe with our Winter stock, and seen tte will have ncthliiKlutt SHDLTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, NO. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (HI NDAICKlt'8 OI.l) fiTN!),l I.ANtAHTEH, 1'A, uir." ljil.tw 1884. srsacassrt tTRTf IS HM t A 7V. -!! wrH'Jl.'JUiiw ZAHM, LANCASTER, PA. evening, except Hiitimlay i ei'i nn. ill yiCII A It V Kit I IN fc.M A A. Ut n-ihi.in iTniuiir.Ntitv a mum. reliiib'e elrl or ml Idle iie I Miui'in Ad dress iNTELLinEMcsn Ofllce net l.itti Hum at urdny.Jnnimry.iJ IHH UdAw pl'HWKIsKK IIKIMtAMJ lilslli' H Ai.1T. 1 Just received n I iltfe lel et thesnrelil tedbever'Kcs I'arlles wlshlnit ulil I ut n the fume ent te till ll homes f ice 01 chaise Con nected ttlth 'li'luphenti Kxchsnae OKOIlljH. W AM,. lS3t Ne. lilseuili (jueen Slnel. IV'lMMI IM A II A III) Vf AUK NIOIIK 11 In llairlsburK, nMiiniK man who under stands the hustneis : speaks both I'.ncllsh and derm in. Ilefi r. 1 co a te chaiuitci an 1 butl nisscipaclty rxiulied. Adiiic-s, JSlift l!l) Nil. 4QJ, i,h slll'llll. Ne 1 101-. niin.it) niuin, is iikei.iii Klten tlmt the account et the Trensuier of tle l.iiuui-101 Ceuniy I'll .11 has been nied in the lleglster's Ofllce and will be open ler liispicilen and exception te nil laxi aters, fei the sp.ice et thirty da) s, us ptevt.lcd ler by Act et Afsembly, nppierrd Apilll. A. 1). I "7 C .N.M'UOUL, hollclter. Lancaster, Januaiy 1, 1KM. ll-UdluAliw pill AI.Dh.KtIAN THIRD WARD. , Jacob K. Barr. Sill Joel te Iterubllcan Ilulcs. JlS-tld 1)UIII.H1 MI'.-IIM TiiUIISM, J N. UAHY 31, ll. will he sol I nt the l.'epnrd lle'ul n lhrio-i.teij llliUK UW kl.l.lSd. (.United at'iSJ fust UrAUiie Htiect.cnntiln n tt 11 looms, p.inlry. iiimb wul'ei mid china cloetoir dliitnc room, and a cle-et In everv chainiiei and l.i heliaii eu be ml lu kitchen, lie.ilms In pjrlei un 1 einiiin loom, and rimje In ilichen, ttltn h.d and cold ttiitei upeuli a'ld oett 11 : apslone luhs, tt Ith het And cel I ttati r in uuuli home IuhmI ditceihi iimlei wliole I101110 Kicgant turd w th phmly et I rut 1 Tei us essy or made te suit the pur chiiner. sale al 7 o'clock p 111., vrlieii count' II nis ttlli be iiiAdii known by I'.'J Mid 11E.NUY SlllTtlhin. Anrt pnri,in iiiew. (JKAX1) ATlliAniOX. OS 'll.r.'D.W Mid Wl.ll.NhSIA, IAN il<. Each pien 11 puisen en cnlcrlni; llw oxhllit exhllit oxhllit tlen liiifi trill I e tin nlshed with a eaid tvlthn number en, tthieii entitles thu holder te a chance lu a bie illu pen id Ilrettn liKhoies, uude.icU end 1 10a iiumhi t iinllUliiK llm I el ler ten ch.ime In 3 pulis of PI cnih, I 11 11 tt Idle haiitnlls, 1 imlr iliiiek Muitplesund lp.li line Anittcip Adiiilsslen Ailulln, Jue . elilldren, lOe. 1 ' ui'ii.iss iieuiir mai 1 or .vi D.vm.i. i U UKI. UST VlK-en Till l(sDY, FKII. 11,13-1, UK' I 1IOC1SIUIII l, 111 MII U till l) I'l llll eiiiei of ihe Orphans' 001 1, it 1. 110 lister co inty, w II si 11 at public s le, 1'. tliu Coepei lleiitC, lu the eey et l.uieiisl.'i, all III it villi utile t'Ontei ltd IIIUCK DtS l.I.I.INl. UDl'sS und loief uiniiml nttached thuiuie, sit uih d en the t.isi shtuet Seuth 1'iluie eti 1 et, lu the sild city et I, moister, contain bur 1 11 limit en hji stieet ft iLt't.lllOlO or les, and extend liu lu depth. 11 bet '.ni Inches . nuuibuied Ne. ID beutli l'lince stiiet. Ha e te comuteiice at 7 o'clock, p in, when ti 1 111s m 111 be uiade kuntt 11 by JACOIl N. MlM.hlt. Adiulnlnlriter of Maiuarrt W enter, dei IlKMtr -nt'isfHT, Auctlnneei. Ian jj, Ju.. iil12." i 1 . M. Ml A 1 one.N 1 AUCTION!! Will b sold al Publ'c Auo'len en Tl'l'falA AND W(.i.rl 1 l.VKMNOfii JAMJsltrf.'imtl.i, Al the coiner el Ninth ijn in (l"l) and Uiaiirfe bluets, Lmeastei, l'i Ith.AllV-M MlK C.I.OrillM. and ri'UMMI IS'lt ( Olllls lei Men aiul IIe) s in; .sin SIH'IIKI.T, AllLtlOIHIII. iri.it ii:r,iiAJH..i ' ,ui.ten tii'uu.i mu si.. Tl'KSDAY, JANUARY 22. lbSl. rilF. I'KUllLKSbTL'.S MAItl.lf. nmnminvfl I Including tl ose popular fat 01 lies, NKI.I.IK MclIKNUY and It ATh SAI.bltLltV lu the pioduetloii of their erlxlnul and farel farel farel ralcomedy. lu thiceiicts, by l-etv.iid K. Md dtr, esq , entitled 3 OF A KIND. " 011 may bat. you may i.iuir, juu tuny puis II you win, Hullel a kind I) a luuil su 10 nil." TAUKinunteil Ceinpanj. lu 'lei.i'dOieliei. Ira, benKs. luiives, ItLtillatl mi ml I'lOilb.. deurtipeclaltlcB, AitMiKsiiiN aae. son. :k knts. Hli-ihllVKIIbKATS 73 CUNTS. beats en sale at Opera lloii'e efln.0. JH-it r'UI.ION Ol'KKA HOI i.iti WodneBday, January 23, 10U4, TiikScccsk or Twe ( (minit, Kice's Travistic Company FUN ON THE BRISTOL Nuwiiiid Popular Mini e-iuniiiii i;etiiiiies OUtlllHPS I lie Musleiit Treat of llie PO.TI.,uriti I AHMHtSlOV itKauiivuuaisAM . , l 'A t 7t i hvrs i I B.ST3 11) It Ontnle at Opcr lleuan.ii u A';' AnmiiriaEMKNTH. iril.MAM10N reaTRtt'H Revised List of Prices -AT Til 12- SPECIAL 31 DAT SALE. The tolleivliiR list e prices all llupait- inenls in which we hae a surplus el NKW WIN 1 Kit STOCK that ratlier than cany ever we win soil at n less. rurchaseis should net delny, as each day the oppeitunlty te pioeuro HaiKftlns (jrerrs less. Till Is no Imitation sale, but a general oleai. liiKOiilel IVlutsr Uoeds. HOOTS AND SHOES. Men's l.ate Hals . .Iteduced Irern 7.00le)H75 " 4 SO te 3M " .... " 4 .nole n:i " lliilten ... " 3.VH0 S.oe LADIHS' SIIOKS. French Kid WalklngShee teduceil Irein ,JMI te JI.IO KiikHsIi Kill WalkltiK shoe 1 edueeu 1 1 11111 KtiRllsll Kid WalklliKSheeieduicd from 1.11 te 3 .V) 30 te 2 8') Men's, Hays' nnd Ladles' bet 11 re mttil In prllfi Kir beis lia all UNI)I.RWEAK. Whlte All-Weel CiunU's Hulr... Uray MIxliI .. Cm 1 Ien Flanntl .neduced fiem I .60 te lt.2,5 JAU te J.0O ) te 4 a .V) le 8.1 WORKING 8UIRT. Slieuc Htiliied ... HtdiiLed fiem f " " .... ' " Heys...'.'.'.'. " Ni:CKWKAH. .vi te ; .10 te .JO te Pull -caif,btlk baek led need from fl.ii te f rial I.enn Tecks," " ' rt?lt"cnrl, ' " " I 7.1 te .7.1 te 50 le ..'5 (e .IBWELRY. Cull llulleu .Itediund f eni fl.U le II W " I .CO te .7.1 .7.1 te fll " ..V) te s1 GLOVES. DieH Kid, fpiliiK Tup, Irem reduced t ie lined 1 educed CO 11 :e : ii te 1 7J Dre-s, hid, Spring Tep, Irem Press Kid, tur Tops, ren . 7110 Cieili Olevts Uuitue-il Hum .te te Lined Kid Mil a.... " 1.7ft te Liidlxs' Fur lop Mitts, " 1 37 te CO 2.1 15.1 ICO HOSIERY. Men's Meitne " haiiej Mrlprit " Prow n Hese Seamlcfs ' . liediieed fiem .30 le f .75 te .'41 te 13 te HATS AND (JAPS. Yniini: Oenls Ill' SllfT Hats lte duced IIOU1.... Ill itk suit Huts Jill) te 51 10 ..llei. need liem 2.10 te 1.10 . . ' 3 OJ te 2 00 3 00 te 2 50 " 1.2 te 1.00 " flixlhl" . .. Meil's dell tut.... Weel mm Hey's fitlll te im (louts' Fine 1.50 te .2.1 l'00-.el Hals reduced liem (irnuinu .-CAl tkln tups Irem 1 21 le 1.09 2.M .50 50 50 13 I'diiLed 3 50 te (JeimlnolieeM'liCansiediuodIiom 100 te Men's l leth Cups ledueed from .75 te Heys' I leth Cops ler 3.1 ami 40 te He s Until Caps luluccit Irem "Tt te HOllhE BLANKETS. The knyetone.. " l.ttilit iilaiil " Hakm Iteduced liem F.1.10 te 1 3D le 50 te f.100 1 21 I.1U LAP ROUES. ...itediiLCd from Fur ltebi',..., Iluirnle Helies I'lUsh llelie, . ill.tnite ( 'im IMOOte 11.00 1 50 te 4 41 te JtJ te 3."0 2 71 1 10 UMBRELLAS. lidiietleu 111 Alp.u A ill in ltd andUk-. 1, (jllie,hiins 8ILR HATS. Fashion idle Dies Hals. Fl 'Mlk Diissllitls .Fiem 10.) te ftW . ' M0 te 10) . " 4 CO 10 3.50 (JlIILl)RKN'S SUITS. Fei CldhllGii from I te 12 veins el iike. J .Oil Child's Hulls Keilueed te175 .INI " SOU ' " l.l'O " 3.S0 " " 2.75 a en I '25 a ae CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS. 17 5) Child's oveieeats fl.te 5(0 ion .Iteduced te le (O 5 21 I 1X1 1 25 2 75 110 Yd' OVERCOATS. Jti..'i0 I Mill's Ovet coats 0.00 " flii ' 100 .Iteduced te ?3 2.1 " ft.oe " 100 " 112.1 IiOYfl' SUITS. Fei Heys lien ii le HI tears etaae IO.ee Heys' hulls. ..Iteduced le ,'dle ir en 85) 7.10 (lm) 7 71 7(s) 11111 5 00 ROYS' SCHOOL SUITS. Fer Heys from U te i yoaiset aje. s.oe llns' Scheel Bulls ....Iteduced tu 70 " " IKK) " .... " II 50 " ft.ll " " 4.10 " J'Ul me 5,ou 'ii 100 i.r, MliNti' OVKRCOATS. J no Men' Oveieeats Itoduced tuliure 1800 " " 14 50 Wen " uoe lloe " ' 1I..5 MKN'S FINi. DRESS SUITS. pwoe 4 Hiitteu CutAitay Hulls lleduceJ te ,'H W A)un adlutten Cutaway hulls lteduceu le ltl.CO 16.i)0 Finn Utuueual Uiess Suits lleduoed te 11.50 M.i'i Dress butt, Freek Ceat, Iteduced te '.'0 00 MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS. M5.0O All wool Iltislucsa Bulls Iteduced te fYlM lloe All wool HtulncfcS hulls Iteduced te II. a 10.00 All wool lluslness bulls Uedtieeit tn S.OO 'JW tliistnusa Hulls licdueed te l.ii 'I'tte ahove l'st Is subjict te chanRe-ns each Hun Is sold out they aie net replaced. Our stores alt cle?u al i cept nuurday. o'Ueilr, p, in., e. WILLIAMSON w FOSTER, 32. 34, 36 & 38 B. KIM ST., J-...M 8IKlt, IM. 11 lmtlAw SECOND EDITION. imjiiiiwhl: aa, ieq4. TUESDAY I5V15HINQ, JAN. THE DlUJGGISTS. KMllllTHUl' THU 1'KHTI.K IM MltssHI. RiiiiIIuc of Tlielr Atinusl llcuurt Varlnni HURiteilluni nml Hopes I'xpresiml te Cuiigresi en alaltf rs.lUilleliml, PniLAl)EliriiiA,.Tati. 2a.-Tlie motubers eftbe drug oxelmuco held tlielr auutial meeting linre tills nftorneou, The mutual report ulluilcH " with pleasure " te the repeal of the law taxing sales of patent tncdleluca In diseuHHiiifr the preposition of a national drug association it wan dcelded te appoint a cotumlUce of ene wholesale drujjlst from each congressional district te procure nljtiatureN te a potltleu te Cen. gress te repeal tlie internal roveniio of the system of taxation. The report says "It la pertinent te iuqulre If It be dcsiialile te have porfcet freedom of trade botweoti the various states of the country ; if luternal taxes wero net Imposeit as a near measuroef luternnl taxes have net alwnjs been dlntosteful te the peeple of the United States, and if the tax en distilled spirits and malt liquors has. diminished thelr consumption." The Importance of a stable tariff is referred te and It Is doelarod te be InBeparablu from business oeiillclonco. A respite from tariff notation Is urged and the hepe li exprcscd " that the subjoet will be well considered bufore our great home tnarkets ahall be thrown open te unlimited foreign competition." The report further urges our legisUters te make critical examination of causes of decllne in eurshippiug, and best metheds of recovering our lest position. .fAMItH WUTT AUUUirihll. Iji'Uil llciiintiatr.il ins in and Vd Met I itie emu t Itnbin. Prrisuciui, Pa., Jan. 22. At ten o'clock the Jury in thu Nutt tii.il bieiuht in the verdict: "Net guilt en account of insanity at the tlme the act was committ ed." An immense orewd hud gathcrid around the court liiiusu im early as 7 o'elook this meiniug. Whun the prisoner was brought into court he wero a leek of anxiety, wlileh often changed te 0110 of contldenco an serilrt of eiicouragenieut wcre ivhia. pcicd lu his ear, though facial twitching anil ether movements showed he was ill ut case. He atateil that, with the exception of an hour or two, he had net slept duriug the night. At 0:57 the jury filed In tlte court room, and the silcnce then beoatne oppicssive. When urdetcd te stand up leutig Nutt seemed very weak and had te be assisted by one of the court officers, Wlieu the verdict was formally rendered, the crowd gave vent te its feelings in a loud cheer, which was taken up by the crowd eutside. When erder waB restored, the judge ro re mauded Nutt te jail until le tnouew, wheu a committce will examine ids present mental condition. He waB then takrn back te his cell. Mis. Nutt and Lizzle wcre net prcseut ANOTiir.it siniritiaK. l'urls llepoiteil 10 Unto lieillned ler Hun ter. Philadelphia, Jan. 23 It Is icpurtcd te-day that Oeorge 0. Pieiie, the Repub lican catididate for rccciver of taxes, will wrlte a letter this nltuinoeu declining the nomination in favor of .leliu Httutcr, nn Independent, who holds tie olTice new. Piorle has already accepted the nomina tion. It la expected that the tix reociter's oeuvcuttun will lcconveue te morrow ai.il nomiuate .Mr. Hiiuter. i.uiterr.AN oei.Mis. I'l .llnlull Kclea'cs 1111 leipurtaut l'lUeiier, Caiiie, Jan. 22 Sheik Moussan, who recently brought lu halt his liihu te Khar toum, nml vt he was captured en the 18th lust., a few ueuia eutside of Suakini lias hceu relc.-.sed by the rebels and has arrit arrit eil at the latter place. The Vntlr.ui huh I'rus.li. Roun, Jan. 32. The Vatlcau ami Puis sia have settled the question in telatiuii te the training of the clergy in Heiniuaries, and the iipgoti.ttieiiH for the reatoiatienof bishops te theii lotinei dioceses mopio mepio mopie cocdiug. I'rnnen's TeLqiiiu lreiihiis. I'aius Jan. 22. The Petit .hut aal (uewspapci) Htiitei that eideia were tele graphed le Admiral Courbet, esiuday, net te attack ll.icniuli until he had 10 caived further orders from the home gev- ernmcLt lUKttrrj In I 0111I011, Londen lau. 22. Eirl U.obveuoi, heti ami heir of the duke of Westminster, died last night of congestion of the lungs. In the c.ise of William We 11V, uhaiged with pisschstug explosives, the jury which disagreed Htoed 11 te 1 in favor of acquit tal. ceNi.uicsi. I I .tins I hi et Fiance's I'ret lelllun el Aiuctl bun l'OI'K. Washinoten, I). 0., Jau. 22. In the Scuate thi meruing Mr. Cameren (Wis.), from the committee ou Indian a Hairs, re ported back advorbely a number el poll pell poll tieiiH asking for the opening up of the Ollahema lands te i.ettlemente. Ou thu conclusion of the morning hueincss Jlr, Antheny'a i etiolatien, relutiug te the prohihitien of Amciican peik hy France und Germany wan called up aud Mr. Heek pieccedcd te nddiess the Sanate upon it. In the dobate Messra Beak, Legan aud Miller (N. Y.) paitieipa ted. Mr. Beck's icmaiks woie direeicd te the tarlir generally and tholtisufllcleuoy of retaliatory measures Greater livcdeut te all coinmeron Ih what ia wanted, that com lug Inte the United States as well as that going into ethor countries, Mr. Legan was In favor of ict.iH.iteiy legislation as en the adulterated wines el tlie prohibiting countries. Mr. Miller (New Yerk) thought the Scuate would net aet hastily en be important a matter, Tlie objections made hy foreign govern ments It well leuudeu should be inspected and steps taken te remove thein. The diplomatle oerrospondonco en the aubieji would be bofero the .-enate in a few days aud thu matter could be looked at fully. The Heube lias passed the Gteely rollet bill. HIATTKll.s IN HKAUJNll. Items rertnleluB te Laber. Itr.ADixe, Pa., Jan. 22 The fly whtttt in the sheet mills of the Ueadiug iron works burBted today. Ne ene was hurt, but the accident will threw 130 hands out of weik for klx weaks. Started Up, The Maoungle Iren company's furunce was blown lu te day after a month's Idle ness caused by chilling. Mxtylwe Cents u Day AVeees, Ai.luntewm, Pa Jan. 22. Theio liau bceu no nhange during the past ten days in the condition of the workmeu employed at tlte mines lu Lehigh county. They are receiving from 02 te 00 cents per day, aud as they can only work when the weather permits they de net make full tlme, Ore Is soiling at $3 25 per ten delivered te the railroads, wharves or furnaces. WKATIir.ll INDICATION. Washington, Jan. 33. Fer the Middle Atlautle HtatcH, lair weather, except lu oxtremo northern poitlens, cloudy weather with loeal snow, warmer southwesterly winds, falling barometer ou Wcdueiday generally fair weather lu the Mlildle Seuth Atlautle and Gulf states. The Arrest el n Sennnfa Mnrdcrcr. riifLADKLPiHA, Jn. 23 The yeunf man lltipert Reehl, who 011 Friday last shot and kllled his oempanlou, Augustus RoBenbergor, nt Eg Harber, N. J., was nrroated'hero this morning. He has made a uotifesploi), In which he ndmlU the sheeting but denies any intention te kill or rob Roienborgor. IIe wan remanded te await a requisition fiem the Authorities of New Jersey. mirtilen llestli In n Niiinrrelis Fnnill. Oalvcstju, Tex., Jan. 23. A npoeUl from Lockport says : H.m Drewn, who ktlled nu etd man named Morten last summer, was taken from Jill at 12 o'eIook Sunday night by a mob or masked men and shot te death. Ills body was horribly mangled. I'retmiiiK I'tlnctteiilaii l'et. TnnNTO.v, N. J , Jan. 22.-Dr Sherman the tucamerlst who was attacked by Prioeeton oellcgo stiulcnts, ou the 12th lust , went bofero the grand Jury here yesterday tn sccure iudlotment, but the jury found no bill against thorn. JHAUKK7H. I lilUUnipnia mitrxev. PuiLADiiLi-HiA, January '2: rieur quiet and steady. Kye Flnnr nt 0Jffi3 73. Wheat ftrmei i Me, 2 Wostern Hed It 0lt 1 He. de, 91X0 1 Ne. 1 l'a. Kail, !f I 1021 I0H. Cefii steady and quiet 1 sati yellow mid tntteil, ijHiJMJt M. J mixed and yellow, M 'eats qulet s Ne. I Whlte 41V4lc : Ne. 2 de, 12H01 no, 3 de 4ici Ne. i Mixed, 40ka Uye nominal at nic Beads Clever llrm at leniOUm Tlmntliv dull at 1110; Flaxseed flimnl II CO 1'rovlslens flrmer. Lard steady. nutter steuly ami In uindctatndeuiand, Kis lotrceand hUi.er C hecse llrm and lalrly nctlra ro'.releum quiet; llollucd,9'i430)e. W livdii ut 1 aj New Ynrh MnrKeU. Nbw Tonit. .Ian. 12 Fleur dull but net quo it bly eii.inii d. Wheal K.,c higher and very firm, with a lair spoi'iilailen, mainly tu May ; Se. 1 Whtin nominal' Ne 2 lleii, Feb., tl ojffllel; de March, II (rt'dftl ifcijj de Aplll, 11 QSi Ol Cr);ile Mnv, 1 HViflfl lljif. CernHQKe better model iitely aetlvej Mixed Western, spot, &o2Ke I de tuture. utHfttnXc (its openod J'.iake lilifhei! .Se. 1 Feb, 3SJ1 illOKei April, 11'itill'Jei May. UttllKili State, lOdl'le; Wctturu, JDjgtle. Western drain Market. l'eeniv Coin ttas In active demand j new tnlxoiltiUliGIOyie. Oats tveie In active dciiiaiul; Ne. 1 Whlte at TitfiiBKO Itve quiet nml 111 Ices Irregular ; new Ne 3 nt 6Usu&7Kc. Tolkde -WliPiitdull ; Ne. I Whlte at Jl lr' Ne. 2 whlte at W ; Ne. - led cash utOIJimi 01 , Januaiy at 31He. Cern ttas qulet, but steady j high mixed at Sle ; Ne ICMshiiml Junuiiiy, nt tie ; Febru ary nt ftJKe. eats wero qulet ; Ne: 2 whlte at 3i)c Itjo-Ne 2 at 638010. Milwaukek Wheat tvaa liUlier j Ne 2 Mll- watikue, cash.Es'ie ; .lanuary at f8J(ei Feb ruaiy at $Hc ; Muicli ut ue'.c j April al'.UVtc ; May at 90' je. Cern quiet.but steidv ; Ne. 2utS15ic. Outs ttere Inactive ; Ne 2titait812c Itye was scsice snd llrm ; Ne. 1 atft'Jc Hatley ttas quiet, but lit mer; Ne. !t sprliiK nt JsVte for cash und. february; 090 ler Match . Ne. 8sprluioxtraatlOiGJOje. rf I.tve stock Blnrket, CuiCAne The Dreveri' Journal k ports liens llecelpts, H.,101 head j shipments, ij.oeo market brisk ami prlc s 10e higher; paeklmr, M'JiU5 75; piekliiK nnd shlpptiii, $jgij7llC0: HjIlit.i'ilSJi'.M'i); sslps, $J50(i5'J5. Cattle herelpts 5 lee head ; shlpiiients, 1,400 de.: mnikotstieiiKeriiml ICe blither; experts. IOOO(iG7J; geed te choice snipping, It 10 ll; common te medium, tl 7ij"tf.l S3. Hhcep-lteclpls, '2 100 head ; shipments. 700 de; muikct stindy j Inferior te lair. $.1(21 V HO fti ; medium tn noeil, ii 7.1S4 50 ; cholce te extra, fl 75itS .V) ; 'I etas sliei p, $)ai ; sheep icentlotterj bist giode 18c. Kast I.iubbtv. Cattle dull and slew ; prices nbnut ia liluher than ltul week : recelpls, 1,;30 head j slilpuiunn, '1 51 1. Hmrs were actlve uud Orm t rtlladelphlas, IS SOtfGfiO; Workers, fjtOaS'Jii lecelpU, t,ii- head ; shipments, 7,.b0 de. Hheeii wero firm at an advance et loeevor s iturday's closing j receipts, J,W) huatl ; ship ship ments, 5,200 head. riillndelphnt Cattle aiurliet. MeiiDtv, Jsu. 21. The arrivals of llve st'ie al the difteient stock yards wcre : Fer the n inn '..Mm beeves, H.cw ehcep, 4,fOO herfs. Previous wecK-'iDJ beeves, U.oeo bin ( p, 5 3 " heirs. Hei 1 cattle Wl re III fall demand, mill although lliu stock tvus lu a boiler cnnillllen pileis tvuie no hUhei limn Monday last; but few ules were uiadx ter meie llian 7c, and these ttcie ovliuiue tepi. Weiiuoteas follews: Hllta, 4fflH ! Heed, 0,'i7e i Metlluui, Cftfilie ; Common, Mtftyic rations tt oie In Kiied i((uetat 3fJ3c. MUelicntvs wote dull al WJWIH. Veal calves wero nctlvc at 7lt!.0. Sheep nnd Lnmbs were lu peer demand as pil.es continued tee hMi ler imtehers, A choice lotet til pounds Western sold atC.Kc We uuote as folleits : Kxti.i, 03UJ(!i Uoed, SKOWie; Jledlum. ilifJs'.ci Common, 3iJP;ci J.ainbs, 4)4,0 740 le(s weie in fair demand and pi Ices wcre arm. We qunte its fellows : Kxtiu, De; Uoed, 8's;c; Medluui, b;iej Coin, nien, BiiSJiO. 8ALK3 OF IlKUVBS AT WBST riULAnBl.rntA TARU. Anions the sales at the Wcat l'lilladelphla Vardsweie : Ibmlel Murphy, 1 n Westein, 6fJ7Ke. Jehn McAulIe, 170 Western and Chester counly,iUrt7Ke. I). Kinylh A Hre , lle WoUern. flfl7e. Owen binltli, fie Vt oitern, own acet ; 19 de te Martin, fuller A Ce.: '11 de te It. I,. l-.wliiK. iHQV-ie. A. A I. ChllstV. 150 W ( stein. 5W)7e. M. Uliuiin, 111 Chic ifjei, oaitf.e: de 05 Vlr Klnla, fl3Ke. I.evl I.ewensteln. Ill Western. (Id 70. I.oweusleln A Helibnrn, OJ Western anil nilTi'd, 4ljt (.'ie II. Chain, 1 1' m We tern, 5iflCKc. James cinmsmi 57 Wistern, iif7e. N, II. Herbert. 18 Kentucky. l)J8(Jc. ch unburn A I'aul. 110 W. Vu uilxeil. 4WJ7e. HchiimberK A Ce.. HK) Western, fiii7Hc. Dunnlsainyih, 50 Pu.. Gnejje. M. Levi, 75 Western, 54Uvlr)4e. I.tmlley Chaudli r, 1 1 cln ster co ,.Vic. llachman A Levi. ll) Westein and l.aue.isler en , 5KG0';e. Jehn Y. I.alta, is (.luster county, 537c, Abe Oslhetm, 1 Western. UtfZti)e. I,. Ilei n, C le stei county, mi.tcd, IG'Ke. DKSSSUD MUATA. City Ui cssed Heevcs weie ratlier actlve am! pi Ices closed ih mer tit Hft;loe. wltli sales et a tew common cons us low as 7e. AnATTOIll KAI.8S, I,. Md andlei-s t i e., 123 bead, "Htftc'ie. I ,H. DeilKlul, 71 hrlld. 0tl0c. I. b l.owileu, 5i lieid.Ua'JKe. 11.11. ItccUin in, .'.4 lieu.l, 7rf'JJ(c. .lehu II. Vturd,')7 hend. lHWAa. J. II. Menus A Hre., lit) head, fffloUe. 1.. Mc( andii'SsACe., 1G0 head, 7XW10i(e. Dressed -beep weioiicttve and idles olescl OiuiattJitleKe. Lambs at lOSlDc. SALKS LAST WEBK, hlntvuit A Ce , Wl head, SftOKe. Jehn Wnlbice. UJ head. Siltiku. Jes. II. Mcflltln, 410 hea i, SWifleKe. Jet 11. Mcl'lllln, vu head lambs, WtSU. htoex jnnrxets. (Junliulens by need, McUrann era, Lancaster, l'a. 11 A. M C.C.AI.C MlclilKim centnil Nuw Yerk Centnil UUi New Jersey Central 8-i-t Ohie Centnil 2W Del. Luck. A Weslern.... 115H Denver A llie Urandu.... pi Kile vt KunSM A Testis I7K i.ake aiiore ei"2 ChlcAiieA N. W com.... 113)5 N.NOnt. A Westein.... 11 bt. l'anl A Oraalia MX l'acltie Mall,.. .... ltochester A l'Uisburgli.. 11 Bt. Paul mii Texas l'acltie H Union I'aclflc 73f Wabash Common iJ Wabush l'roferred i , Wet I'm Union Toleifrepn iiU LoulsvllleA Nashville... 4jj N, Y Chi. A HI L LOhiftli valley UK i.eniKU nvni""" l'ennsylvanU . Keailliitf... 'ft l'.T. A Iliiirale. j Nertlieru i hi;iiiuimii... N6f!wrn lMcine-1'Wf... 47 Hostenvlllo......... Philadelphia A l.rte Northern control 6H UndcrKreund Canada Seuthern se oil l'. I'oeplo's rMignuer. rvll. O. II. IlltOTfN, XJ I'llTdlOlAN AND OCULIST, Has lUmeveil te Ne. 20 WEB I' ORANGE ST. Eyt and Ear treated. Glasses adlusted. 8u 8u ptrler Bpeetcle en hvitl and te order. ,lJI-lydTU i m i Ce., Haul Ui. Jr. m. se iUt iimI 19i 10 23 -ayt m mi u OJ n ii 13X fti ll U u t: hi n Wi WL 4 74?2 7i; 1 Till U 181? K s, W. 20 15-itl I H 9 i 7 48 a, flt4l 'M we 1 103 108 I i t TU' fl