, t.w ' "if ''i'iwaw(Miwi i ty.iqMiWptyillWHWWWWIIMl-11 Wi'STI- i rj mtr-f w"w li v M lAtfCASTER DAILY fctTICTXTGENCET., TCKKDAY. JANt'AHY :, Iftftl1. s tvi. Lancaster 5)ntr lltgrncrr. Tuear at fvpinine, jaw, aa. iet-4, Verdict In Ihe Sntt Case. A new law of murder Is established In Pennsylvania, nnd n senator of the United Stntea oiine down te de it. He satin Congress, he Bald, ami saw men go out from It, de the deed that Nutt did, and come hick ncqultted te their B-atfl. He sits In Congress with Mr. Thompson, of Kentucky, who slew de liberately n man accused of despoiling his wife, and who returned te his seat with the verdict of a Kentucky jur) Baying he had lnH wienjr. Wlien the honor of n female of your family is assailed by a man, truly or faUely.assume It te be falsely, "take a shotgun and sheet him down." Se I would have ad vlncd Nutt, says this senator of the United States : " I would have dene It, Ged forgive If I would net." The Jury adopted the view of the law the Senater proclaimed. It approved Mm law of Mr. Tnompsen's Kentucky Jury. It did it in as nam a ciw ; in one which afforded hardly a semblance of cover te the doctrine that a man be. Heved te have seduced n woman is Riven ever by the law te the woman's kin te be slain en sight, after days of cooling time nnd deliberate r. llectien and prepa ration, even whlle the victim is fleeing from his destroyer. On the ttlal of NuU there was no de nial that he had killed Dukes while he was seeking te efcnpe j that he laid in wait for him nnd thrice shot him in the back, out of a pistol with which he had been practising mark sheeting the same day with his uncle The evidence of deliberate k'lllng w.w complete and In disputable. In hii defence the plea of insanity was set up nnd evidence of his friends was Introduced te show his men tal weakness Hut when his advocates appeared liefere the jury, they did net rest upon thisevldence, but advanced the doctriueof " irrfsistibie impulse'' as a sufficient excue for their client's act. And, abandoning this in turn, strode ou still further le the invocation of the senator of the United States, " Take a shot guu nnd s'loet him down." This tinal position nquires no doctrine of " Irresistible impulse" te sustain it. It is wholly at variance with the " Irrre. sistible" Ide:i. It teaches that it is a duty te nvenae the effjnc3 with a frhet gun. It predilms it te bi right te slay the man aceu-e 1 of wronging woman. Andsurcl) the right and a duty are net te be resisted. The truth is that the senator of the United States get very mncli mixed en the question of " irresistible impulse " as an excuse for murder. He wanted te acquit liis client and draw tears from ins anlienctMiud sustain his fame for elo quence ; repute for legia lie lm3 little Irres's ible impulse In ' Itself is no excuee for crime ; for most men who de wrong are for the moretnt incapable of resisting their desire te de it. Otlier w se ft) is excuse would be as effective an excuse of Dukes "eductieu, if there was "fliir'.l' n, as of Xntt's murder " Irre sistiilile impulse '' te In a reasmabU' de t'liie must cei.tr"! an unsound inir.d; ivipiv sound mlud is presumed l,j tlie law te be capable ei renting wiengful Imputes. Ttie crime itself can inner be allowed te demonstrate the mentid un- seiindiu-Bs ; such rt'imuing in a circle would acquit eveiy prisoner. " Iiicsistihle impulse," in Its legal sense, was se impeiceptible un element in the Nat: case, thai the s-u.iter of the United Suites d,d well te abii.deii it for hisdoctrme of jastitl Mtnm. I' is true tint claim l.nil no just foundation ; nnd that the judge shook his head from the benchas theadveca'e proclaimed it and ignored it In his clinige te the jury. But the Jui) took net the law of the court, but of the senator And se it lias come te be d'Tlure 1 in Pennsylvania that mur de. ii m t murder, when the deed is doi.e te avenue a woman's wrong by the woman's brother ; or perhaps It ma be even le mid te mean that a son shall be prette'ed in killing liim who hut idaiu bis failier ; aril tins the. emletta is fslnblibled in Itni'Slauin. Ged save the commonwealth ! newspapers or periodicals of any kind, which ad vertigo them. Every publisher, before he could be sure that his publlca tiens would pass through the in Ml would have te ascertain that every ad vertiser in it of a medical prescription or compound had a certificate for his preparation from the patent olllce experts. There may be a geed deal of vllcncH in patent medicines and a great deal of humbug In their advertisements, but If te suppre sser avoid these, such censorious tomfoolery a? Mr, dctcives te b. , but It miy be rcspoetfully submitted tbi t this itoeount et him, I wiltteii t ' t1'" imd.iy litu by "Je Hi-v. arl," I In illy tli. Un.l i r w.itmgte euha'ice fie pip-ill" cs'imi'" of "How "Hew ard" Yimltrbilt's tastes, us you knew, ftie ll'shly A glmce at his llibby laoe would ilitolese. th.t. If you i en't knew It already. Geed eating, geed thinking, geed smoking and jol'y.eoawo companions are his ohlef dein and in thorn he tlntN bis seli onievmeut. lle In te drlie the mid Alwijs careful of bin ineliides hsteuu. their hirness, bin cu'ter. his clethta. hi diameu I pins nnd lis eircis. 1 1 .vidnd Mi" had left it, and his two hundred and mere mllll ms were divided aiDeni; bis heirs Tiiilv'a uniu bill proposes has te be established, the 'ers-vml com! rt. he his provided fn.m !,. i i i,,i. i n. ui i, i .., i hi-fa hcr's null ens ttie most expoiise public had better bear the ills it lias ni (l th(, frt,en tl,amH , Ul0 country, lle than liy ie own rs khewii nei ei. rami - 0 9lM i,N lmu. huse frnme in nngniH cal quacks are wersj than the empirics vMut se.lkin gArmpnt, litnaliv fnm tp In medicine. I '" '", " '' " ' p'timtted that hi emire m , "k t up an I cU" would brin t nt no -Men Tim tillnilnltihlii rniiti'nllnrctili, InirdlV Het l0S tluil :l)0 0O0 Till There is universal regret and sincere sjmpathy expressed ever the death of Controller Jeffries, of Philadelphia, stricken down upon the threshold of nn eill Mai career which he had a chance te make one of credit te himself and an agreeable disappointment te these who opposed his election. He was a decent man personally and the strenuous oppe sitten which once defeated him u d again ran him IS 000 behind his kt, was directed rather at the political i tl i ences which dictated his candidacj than at himself. He had started fairly in his efllcial position and the public was ills posed te give him fair play. It sems au indelicate tiling te canvass the stnvess ership before the grave has closed upon Mr. Jeffries, but there septus te be an irresistible popular impulse te de this in view of the very recent s'ruggle for the office, the fact that the appointment is in the hands of the governor who had te I'FATUHBaeK TUB STATE! PUBS. C .it lisle ii te have a new Uauiier.it la pipir, te be cil'isl the Sttndtrtl C d. J. It Hrntten ll be its editor. M.-iiy a man, sas the Alteena Tribuht, i i dragging out a tn'serably un happy esutonce bceause he 'artid irrin g Msny rthln edit rs nre lesinit their heads eyer t'n Xutt trill Tbe Helding Tlnet think the va net should be ' Guiitj bit ju-tiflible " The HirrlburK unennd PhilnJelphla Eunxfj TtUjr,iphh've both put en j unity new suita of tjpa wheh add very much te tVMr nppearatioe. Tm Soranten RrpttbUcan piu'U i's Si'dav e lit e-i en pink piper tint m THEAST01MUI.L a iui.m-: or r.Arr.ie uiMrmi'-Mi!. Ilunerl K t in lleineij' el tl "il '' att.'i liy nu I'.nitrl .1. un" 1 n,u-'tB Atl 1'rrtlMK I "4 Mih William Astei S n-e 1 nuket' u 100:hanuli.uity of t'-e nniv il in tun e.nintiy of the erlginil At " ti .vdiuen of a grind b ill en M i d n e .1 w. Who give u lull ence n leer, n de th i imlei hiltn nnd ether lieh p. p'.'1. b' in ii ii fintteiilai entertain"" it s' '"' ' ' autpn all ether ill rM Hup t. x i that nbe might de mtibl, I. ie 1 . ' I r reierfd nnoesters. A tlieniiiid 1 'il itm'' only von nmt out. T'ie Vind rbiltn , it out 8 500 nnd mi many ihj emhd tli it they tu d en 0110 atie her. Mi". A'"' prefernd te liave no in 'f Hi' 'h'' O'nl'1 noeonnnodato nnd sb- v 't'bgi I ' ,r, 11 a) of her frieil nnln Id. n Ne lull ui..nr,li.mliiM. V ikte Will Ml lltl imitation was mero 1 uh' or .ippncl nted It was lifter ten eVl vk ' f " I" '' r guent oatne, and nlUhtini ttmUel ' ' the ample awning trim the eine t tt c deer. Thej carae th-.'ic . I 1 "i ' r-' ,1'ter and ar mldnlitlit the i.,i"u h m nm crowded nnd fi' " ' '"' threugti the griu'pfnl m '" "f t,u' r' U1,rt d.i"cs. Mrs Asei hn prenill)ii twriMlnli.lml llin .!. r i' I 'f t e' le 11" In everv snot where t'i e ml I bi pin werebikct of 11 we "' b iq i There were leg fires m Mi ,,l tie.ult evnrv reiim. The ...... r. .,., it... nni.,1 ,.. tin milIi the hnll e and fiem whleli drawn g nvrm open m either bide, was tr nun..! i Me muiui'h I ereetis. w lib a touch of h ' i d r il h. re aid there The I'jirk-e ;'"1-1 imintrd, tee, wiMi r. n 1 ie iml ! . toem of imilax. H ' '" ,,"-T ,,H""'' were bright with f' "' ' m.ls. t . mill ihn nlfltnr.i nn I lie W I W Wr d 'r- llir III .lUUIMil 1 1 no KIllUUl. i Jrte Meil iil liy ,Nl tt Mei'l r itid our. r ' tii Nut . iil en i 1 1 , t me rm f ml j ii 1 1 I ensel t,e J ii y i m Hi'1, fclel Wild Ii IliiWvd I ii ihe ilefennj. After lil ul lifsitl i he Jury, ii 1 1 ""d the artuiivint .in When din court M ( ill'' '.,.l - ' lniii Mi J I Ii r "' " ' ! in M.iJ -i !) ' !.n.i' 'i V' I' p , Mr. I) V P'U. I A,, rl i in. 1 O I ". i.. .... n ...,. .i . t... 1 i 1 ' I i ' . i'rrni"n wv i ii vi vi, i in, tie .. H.'O MM S b I .' 1 II ' II I I "I ie 1 1, 1 OU i a i iv I i I . ill el it ,. t ! s o'lirije I) tu Jury, , t'nt if Mtitj the prltenev ii in' i i i th. id, devrw or v l ' .11-0 of iu 'it tl ill, II t QUA Ri'ER SESSIONS. i "ut un iRiiinr riiM.MNH ii. v mini luuMiii e il t'lllrl' 1" Ariiitnl -; un I) MV I lue Mill rnutnl i 1ein.( tleTrmi. 1 ,l..;iv Aftfinoen -li'Miiv Muitny, i Irteib weiik, llirim Witmn d lied. Deratttr, tiipprvtuen et Mneer l..vimlup, 0,'liv Utl el neel.ei of dull, wnnwii t need t pay U"0 el i eaen iu "" Tim rli-l eie Ht'inlii'l for iury trial iai tin l lOin'Mi vs J.iliu lluihe, Chilli' d vii 'i MU IT te .ii mini. H w li i . .. .i i,i ii.. . .iniiMiimi Aim tut' ou me I A f.lTll. I1-!.!.. Miilitrn lleiittM't Win t nl jrwnlt. Wet rUelgcrwult, esipniter, nnl'tlng at. Hi fill N'ettli l'llliil stiret, ivhlh I'elng te thnei'llar for oeil.mi Sitinl.if niei'iiiiii;, mis UuiMMi violently te the lietlnm of thn rttnliH hy i he uIvIiilc way of onnef thoetops. Iliti left nheitldi i was ihateeati'd, ninl hn iiviIvhI oilier pulnful Injilinit, but luf Haiv net tupp'Mml te On ihiugi reuy I m t Keitl thl iiiettitMg, irhen he win atiaekul with vlileut pilns In thn leyien or the lirurt, whleh tertulunttd in hii de itli about half put tm'yi u'vUt h Mil iiltoiiieii Mr Htelgui null itiiH ii n SO n 1 .- t,.. p'irge tli" ju l.;e said : ' ii tl I i ! eon aulty nnd in t. i. ii i Hivii Thii in sorleim ii. t t . I't we tntikt incet It. in,! ; eiii'n iii'iiiRUiiii eeiiircu vnii i nl nj( anil InweH it n-lfx hi il eiuv nivi.iu '" - .M"i..iii. ... . v- rir," .,.,"" iV": ,... ;..:.... ... il I, ..f I i.l - l.lmtKll thOIIOIetl" ll'l Wei' .nim,iv un ll millll in. I" .1 , . v v , We of 0. i. 11, M, brand, in Ci.t. Wl.itcM.le's (Je. "I" 111 h t-itt. I'. , . . . i,,...,! ,v Ii. ike lit i,iii.U8 nun w in severely woumleil III thiuiritt ,i,...'il.iii..l Hi it he W'titnl te ilil thn ael et "ine i ie ' i"' P'l8u Run inu .u'.ii un utii und ii i"d It jnu acquit h n, ji'ti iiiikI l1te t .ii ion dene en the B, i .,i liMinti If Nutt has hcen tU n . In i a .1. Ikhl of tOtliU )tl) tO lmve )pii in- pn li.le. he should 1)0 'V OllUte.l li in a Liu nel It el te-nnieiiy he has l,.iili in te liv" lueil anu he nlie'ild Iia mi ful i i nne docree el crime. The .. . . V .11. lli-te i,l ,if eillllL' llllf.'t thin him a.eiH, il iliese the ii'-ini ll mid, uetn,f firthrr 1 1. n ! nt'ilcd li ...i.l ihn nnlmitl tlnnllv died lit tlib .- , ..-v --.- . -- '.M H ainp'e h- irth i)W, ,,,,, lit t ,.,i te aj -un iti,'. hillwhicn u,( m lfl k, 0, .(j,, j,,,,,,,. ftll the vacancy just ii year nge. at.d L fain, rtfl ,., ,r the hopeful co'er of belief that the appointee will hue the advantage In tl.e contest that will ensue for a tour years term in it. 1 ii e n.itu rallv the nime of Mr. S. Divls I'age occurs as the one most llkeli te tit d favor with the executive. He was Gov. Paulsen's selection a twelvemonth since; his admin 1st rat I in of tli.i!nJ lull) vindicated the propriety of h.sap pemtmeut , it was se emluentl) satisfac tory that he commanded the unailnieus nomination of his own parry an I the support of the Committee of O ie Hun dreil, and he ran 15,000 ahead of bin ticket at the recent elections. Brides, as the appointment Is but for a ear. Mr rage's recent eillcient organizttieu of the office and his fresli acquaintance J Clnrs with its duties would eeru te make hirr cot-spicueu.-ly the man who could hrst discharge its requirements during the interim before the vacancy can be tilled by election. Attorney General C.issidy is reported te have said in Phil ulelplu.i, that " of course the governor won't nji nji petnt Mr. Page,'' and Secretary Stenger te have expressed the opinion that Mr. Page's recent defeat at the pills would militate against Ins appointment. Il i net likely that either of the meml rs et the cabinet s ud mere than the govern r himself, who, with becoming dunit), has told the rejterters that the appoint ment was net a matter for lum te talk about, at least uu ii after tbe tu'ieml of Mr. Jeffries. itsedi' u'i hjii. Te ilrriilarg Lulptfltnt is n .t ir pr (! ie co that the Er e D tp t md the Er.e G.i'fi peik iu glowieg terms of den.rer A J ILn roipe'Ktb'e emdid.itr of the K pu'uhc".n I'TiV f r governor ia lS?li Tee V:!lbirre newspaper uiiit th.it the cxc!j.e i of the Lisrne c mnt) re t .rn iu the etate count was uiin uranttd 3'id that the state departmeat flu.uM hare m re stneMy hviked alter ttie cinipluuee vith the neci"A") tjjliniealitie Tne Hiniibarg 'ifr'V does ne: b.-liere la the Miicii'y et a tar: ft t'.at Uei out dia'ii nds 10 percent, ami meo'iiuicsteiU fro n .10 te 00; lieen 'H p"r cent and ci'nn geid-i from 50 t. t, llk ve.. t ij iL.I woolen 7", p'ii 'U Jrl I) per ctnt and Bib'es CO. Th PhiUlelphta frtn g it Mj.sw pir pir denrd, but its Washington cotpenileut ed'i lum a ' broken" lelJier. whe.wal.ing nil queitiem of diictphne, did one of the met cowardly things a seldi r oeuid de and ne'v. ivith the aremi of the peinteu ttiry, which be rhhly derved, hiuniei? nbju: hU i i-Ti'n'i, ha i pi'al. 1 u sder the tuilua.) t t'e Le dnnced, a' t. n ceuta a j -p. ji"l.re" (ied site the iai Is !; il.t'l. p'.ua. i Mi) r Ei"'"i, ut u t . ihe P,'ir Tally's 'lomleoler). A bill has been lntreJuced into Cjii ress by Mr. Tulli , the title and avowed purpose of wlpch ia " te prevent the me of the Uuitel .St,i:M miili te advertise noxleii3 ami dangerous medlclnea, feeds, and compounds." The previsions of the bill and the means adopted by which It proposes te reach the end it basin view, aie aneng the most remarkable ever projie'rd b ful il lejIsliiHin It is intended te i-imet that "no ailveitise ment of nuv kind .,r nature or advertis ing device of any medical preparation, compound or inscription, or any punch, bitters, ceidlal, or similar compound or prepaiatten te bii med ui a medicine or mixed with feed, liquor, wine, or any ether substance nsd an a beverage or as feed er nudiniie, sh ill lc placed in or earned U thn niullsel the United States until the exact formula ler the prepara tlen tliercef, tegetlur with a sample et tbe sntne, l)s pi iced in the patent etllce et the United Stated, with a sworn allldavlt of the cerrectnesi of such for inula ami the genuineness of such sample and the examliruien thereof liy the proper elllcera designated therefet In said patent elllce, and tlie Ibsue or a certificate that Bald aubstance h net noxious or dangerous te health." buch a certificate is only te be had upon payment of 520, nnd upon the ilndlng of " exnerta" that the formula submitted te tliem is Innoxieus and " net dnngereus te life or health." This comprehensive, measure would require net only that the experts in the patent oiilce declde umougtensef thousands of medical prescriptions and compounds what is and what Js net dangerous te health, but also what la and whatls net an advertisement of them. As scarcely two experts can be found te agree upon the virtue or the vlce of medical preparation?, the diillcultles of securing qualllled men ler tlm duty is ob vleus ; but, that once surmounted, these inquisitorial officials, would virtually have power net only te sit In Judg ment en all the proprietary medical preparations in the country, but te ex clude from or admit te the tnnlls all the UnUUXED land grants mm' , , .1 wee unto them who Maud in 'he ww of their ROinn. lliiED rutin U or rutirini; ata'emnen will be clad te hear thit thorn Is oeo place en earth where the fishing U getMl. Rn Ma caught S00 000 tens of flsh list jear. A DISTl.NCT view of the Ins COW. I, iu the Heuthwestrni hky, can at present be liad w t'a the Hiked ive. j,hnee at it threu'U geiJ open or tleld i;'a i s tn tu catiiif.ittery. 1 nt Si)pheau taste H being dttempied in New Yerk of makiug a netibpaper rc rc petter tell where he derived certain infer mitien It is uearly tune for the nuh'ie te knew that the reporter in his effle al eipncity in a news absorbent, and when he comes into proximity with au object sunk leg with items, a enruin au'emjtbdl ab sorption Ket in which oved the reper inal iaUllie;ence ciunet explain. If thq appropriations committeeot the Heuse 1 1) feist ou spending money, why m,t let the MiiMMippi river take cate of itnelf for oue year aud doveto that amount t thn bRsmning of a uatienil library buiid lug iu H'ashmnten ? There are a lia'f milliuus of books m the present stiucturc, B'j hopelcsiily disarranged, that hunting for a given velume ia m futiie aa bcatchlng for a needle in a hay stack. ri ml "it et I ! ,mpa 7. i I lsr43UWAl, (.".i-e "ok W i nans of I" ieit h i-'iecic lur J'jiJO t New Y .k, an a d'UVi C per uiemeiial fund. JCDOE 11AKRT ft 1'ACttn, pr t ie L ni ih V a'. , ruitievl rl)U"'vi. "t Uiiliome in Mau. from an tfitceuen of tL ..e". HENJMIiy BOVILLE. ou el the UmeUS " iic hundred " who purticipateil ie tin ohirnef rhe I,i.;!it I5runrl' at Bilakiava, died n Ti .y, N. Y , en tsje'ay. UllIJITiiN Ceiu has b,n e'eO'e,! pr! dii of the Pelm) Iv ui a iliitnici! aud Estra gajethil li en previ'e l te nnke he i-wc' ' w 1,ri" a" f More rtaecing was de ie in t'ie p e'ure v i '.erj than rlMwherP, i te ether decoration'", tres and ether tr. nniA.OMus sat bnh' . t bi. All the upp i i aeie t'-rewn ej,eu t ' net cud tibleS a'. 1 th.ise who did net ! u from the police ibpu' inn drct ind bliz tir the guest and exercMfd th tiem aamit the out a' '" ' The utper w i ni-itl diuiug r.xun. en' of t'e p Hie ereat tab'e was i mm I it, i . at. i i n th ie vr re pi''li 'il s'inib Tl e i t .iv. r of (ihutb . 'i f the h me k i ' a el tUer ,j ,. u i 'ks ler i x delee'ives ( ,n.n in fn'l even 1 i"i i'l w itehe j U' ttl preeill i.i'ruil.'is i'i tli lire i.re nailery f p'lte, cbtni i oeinii e iwri' h nees net ileaiiinil no mi i iputt il my ni re Hi i iv onvie'lm, bit . lu .1 tilenniil ii j it vmiiiet." I I ni i uy retire I t ten minutes bofe'o I eUlit ii'ehck, .11 d it half.past elght bid ine.l te .iiree up " a veiuiet. .iiinue rti tiieoeuit imr will re manded te jail. Aa the jury tiled out Xult iKiel iiil thf'r tiivs witti a lioueieil 'e U 11 ' !t 'ime i ver 'e him, uiid, w "i 1 1 r aim r -nod bii ticek, talked t ' li ni h IP tie whil , then mie f.at down after I iti-M u I ii au' cohered her faea w itli her l Inu'Kfii'li il I. .si" Ni't vheu eim ,i , til ' i li e' In 4 Mill! .inn i m oil , I mi i uri.lin i' ci fully. Nutt'a friend i i'. I. irful t'lAi tle sleni.es el the jury in !.. . a' i vinl tt todes no (jeivi te the t) .. ,r I mih utl for the de feu J ii'gird h . i'it' i ftl'le in I 1 npirlial, mid are ., it'.n t u tin tne e-iii nut, or ice ini i 11 til"' te I I' V i 'i ' tel'grare from i'ltUhurg this e . ly i'1 -t the jaiy leund a verdict i ' .'' ) i'i1 f ..i. WtaLTiir people often haie ninny crotch ts te gratify which they i'i sjera n ) expense ; hut tbe whim of 4 Vim land, N. J , citiz'd, mnuted t he worth e230.- 000, who amuses hiinielf by bteihng imall sums like 3,000, surpasses helief New that the allaged weilthy oltizen li.n I s appeared ler puts unknown, the horrible suspicion is floating around that the si p p pest'd wealth is about as solid us the lUMibBtautial fabrie of a visie i. Mn Jeseph Wharten, ewuer m ihe Gap nic.kle mines, having investigiicd for himself the appearand) of tbe recent splendid twilight glows, writes te the Ltdgt r that he is convinced they result from volcanic dust bcattered through the atmonphuie Irein late oruptlens in Java and elsowhero. Hy gathering clean B'iew, melting and evaporating it, lie lias eccured graius of duiit which the microscope shows tj have thu characteristics of volcanie glasi. sectty, te fill the vacancy ean-iJ b the I'd'hei J.j-r Y I an Wallac-i Mn fiMCEL E '"AvrTF.a bm pud 2 . ' 0t) i .ah use and let in Ohme n'er, Mnm tn-t di ig t prt-Mnt it te the c 'y, win. i u 1 ! t -'. ve placi, f r a public I b'ai. Henht I it vi se was given a biuijui t in Lmi1 in at whicL the napkins, which wure of In eu, Lai the aacer s photograph en each of them, and wre taken aray by the euen'k ai mi "urs of th event. Ma.'en A C Reiveeiil, et this city, has lieeu eW'ra M. t cupnu'.eodeDt et the Me Etcellent Aswrnblv of the Alli um U.aer i.itiiii I'latee'.im or tnii s atp, the a-ii.uil miset-in of which wu held In Pbdi Jelphia yesterday. Sewteii Astuenv ia gaming materia I) in health, hut ha h e jdiici ius of his feeble n'ren'h, neil recently he Raul te a friend "It weu il be ai nnwolcemn taxeu me te think evi ') morning en waking up that I mu,t be at the bmri'e charnbei at 12 e'cljik ihrp, ram or bhiue.'' Mas. Frances IIodeis Bciineti, the n iielmt, ha a little eon rhe h m teu'ukit a j'lVBinle newspaper cilled the Il-pnter. lle net only supplies the copy, but alH'i malcen him.elf in'lependent of s'riken nnd beic ittmg hy netting up the type and -it i ik in jr oil tiin entire edit en with" his own little hands, C'iimiumn Oveult, of the Demouratie tnie e xnmittru of Illinois, a bright nnd iciv.i politic! in. was iu this eity last evii'i , the gueht of W. It. Wllse'l, eq Ir O 1 1 ul t h.i Hime family of his name that i a no w Itlv represented in thih e'ln.yanl is hlmself n nnphew of MrR. Wi's n II reldeii in Hloetninjtf n, III., an I (peiki hopefully et the Deineertt e eull.Kik in hia btatu. Klii lii, according te the New Yerk Timfi, iuh n'ul upon ilueh irking an acoemt hihml Htonetjrap'inr en the hint day of the last congiedsienal hprI in In elder te give tae stenographer's plape te his own nephew, of whom thore is noevi lencethit he is a stonerapher nt all, and te h. euro his nephnw the uteii igraphcrU pay iluriuu the recess, That, is tot ay, Mr. Keifur lined Ida poaltien as (.piker te put bib hand into the publle treasury and transfer tborefroin $1,8.10 te tbe poeket of hit) nophew in ex ehaDgu for no iicrvlce whatever. ,i,,,l il ,wnn. nml everv'h i'if "I sul'i'9 that m ,:.e) c mid buy ww nerved Thecillj te upp-'r was net miJ ir 1 i 'ai'y ere i .,..1 i..b. nri.l It was frv 1 i.iu'inueui'y a' li-ietf ii anv den red te pvtiVe pre'iab'y the ra.wt el, it r r t ihi ev.'r .-l ered at a lar,:e b.Vl in S- w V .rk Tin ' gr-At table, which nil t.,rhi of the r. em. ti nl a raised - v "- i' t'lecintn', e the m d lle of w' "i wis an mmt u" ' 'vet punah b'twl ti I with 0 w. r I L 'itnl card'es tewcrnl en either M et it. The Aer family pi ite wa eonui.'ii eenui.'ii eonui.'ii eos ei ery where. Tbe tab'e attracted the urentcst atttntieu. Te euumerite the gu s's wet . 1 b idle If there is Kiuh n tci i as N Ynk's ba-t noeiety it was there, and verv many tiuents cime en fro-n Wbi'U'teti and ot.er oitiefl. Tn tei'sts wer? tbe most miu tieent ever witn.'e.i i" the mo'rop me'rop mo'rep oh Mrs Ater was dr'sed in an esq ii i cly imbroidered wh 'e ttin. Her .la uht r w ..ie green tu.'e ever Ha' in, and sa'.n w t'i3 previ' iu fabric of neirly every cis'im-. Tlier," wis ra icb pinrl triniroiei; nnd . rniinentat.en and ls rlu m ,l.I tban uiiii.ly iiu. A'ter the np. ii'-r tt.e ijermiu wis .1 u,02,l. with Mr Lis. penai 1 5'ewart hvhng with Min Carr-e Atir Tbe lavers W"re f. mi fftinj's and weie very piei'v. m ii'i neiii iii.ei .M1.0I inri-'vi. I b l.tt rifiQll ul li'ferriit t i llin t . m ineaiT'Jllh Trtilrla Mil ti irn I m' fuel f.i,ur llui.r Goerire ithra. a.te'l CO yer, was ruu ever ard ki'ie.1 bv tne ea's en ibe L"h'gh Vu'ley milrevl ar AhliL-' ou ileuday The Dv'in.jerat stite r iiimitfe, the 6 ,ve E liteua! association ai ,1 ntute beaid of irfrie'il'ure meet in ilan.stiaig Din r row Pennsylvania conference of the United tlreihren ohureb mcetB in annual iiessie i at Ye-b, I'i , Februsrv 2) b, t) be jrc , .'el ever by U'lihep J ) cks a Keur wemn and a girl were bip re-1 in tberiver.it Ilnrriburg yetei lay. A bij het i was cut iu th-) i') te a 1 nit of the ilertTM,p trj riii'laluril. I), II h rit. aUmt 2'J yi.irn old, ou M i ' ' e 'i'i' s.'"i .it Ch'iide.i Ohie, that no i ' ii i 15 .11 ike .md wife, tliu'eeii yearn i l.i ikel .1 w:i aud rebbxl in her own ! .f Mrs It ' hi, evor SO j ears of age, duui'il in M i is a Ueiugi cjuuty, with i er nib Lib 'i M'm Kabms hi died se hi ai e t'e asMu't, but who her murderers wkre bis been a myster) until te day. A' cr H i in ute'y, and etllccrs ar in ,. ' j puts .it .r ii re mn iiis wue, wne liven n us t..e W IU 1-1 str t from the uiurden.i P Mil or i i lint iif.tJini COLLUCIOU IlOBUUTSON, Of tllO New Yerk ciiktem hoiife, whose aipnlntment was tbe oiuse of tbe Cenkbug-0 irfleld quarrel, has been allowed te held hia place under Arthur, but It ia net made a bed of rosea for him. Ne complains of being harassed from Washington ; and while he eau make no rcmevaln without autheilty from the treasury hoadmiartem, appointraeuta and removals are frequently made without consent of the oeltootor, ana evon without any consultation with him. All of which aliews that under a Stalwart administration and evon the dbjpousatlen of civil sorvleo referm thore ure mero ways te kill a deg tbau by oheklug him with butter. Mn, William II. Vandluihlt, tbe rlohest man this country evor bad, Is net popular, He probably noltber seeks nor Thn llfjliinl'ic el ftlntliiiilltiii Ou .Sunday night the Hev. 1. A. l'.iter rjii, of Hichmend, Va , alluding te thn origin of Methodism in Amenei, said "that 100 years age tbe first Methodist sermon was preached in a nail left en W.il am btrcet, Njv? Yerk, by l'hihp Cinben;, an Imiltslimau, nnd that the coriungitien cuiikistedef tlirce whlte men and a nogre When I'araen Williams pruaohed the tlrst mormen at Norfelit, Va , he was prenuuueed a lunatie by the people because hn used the words 'devlr aud hall.' The pieplj of tint loeillty did net bclleve iu the exlstenoe of oltlier 100 yeam I age. The Urst Mothedlst ecrmen pre idled in r .'etersbuig, Va.. was. deltvored iu the old thoatre. The jieople undertook te mob the minister, but he held tun ground. A ilre rnglue was proeuncd, howevcr, nnd a stream of water thrown upon tbe oun eun oun gre :a' ion had the cfleet of soitterlng it." Hud I nte el 'liie ltrutliDra. Jaoeb Hi'hafl'ui'i', of New Yerk, whlla en ills way te Leb Yegas, K. M., te visit his brother Uceige, learned that the latter was dead. The ucwa dreve him inmine and he jumpe I from the train nt Bpeluger atatlen, whero h.s body vr.u found fruen en Suuday. minerh'e'i. The Ptunix Iren oempaay, at I'litKaix ville, is mating arraugements te pill l inch Ueclt bams out of hteel They tiave fuoi-eeded in roiling 0, 7 an i S inch bi-ims. J meph I Djwling, et lioekl)n, N. Y , cnp.e)eilas a traveliD.i si'ecni'i by a New Yerk drygejds firm, committed cii'cidoen Sunday, by shecug iiim-ielf ir. the head, at the Hetel Lifayette en ill e id street, Imiladi'nbia. Max Shieldd, driver of a b -or w 14011, while cirrying a cuk of beer into the basement of a saloon at Naet oeko en Monday, wlipped and tell te the bjttem of the stairs, tbe cauk striking him ou tliu heal, crushing his skuil and instautly killing him. The hrge quantity 01 gis nouuiulited in the Ciue Kidgn chau et the IMiwaie and Hudsen company, near Wi.kesbirre, his been nxpdlled ail weik will In re sumed this week. It has taken two months te accomplish the rnopetneg of the niiue. rips will give rcempl ivmint te hundreds e' miners. Duiinn row which oceu.ud Jhnilij eieiuni; at the liquor k.iI ,en of William Ceiighlin, at Philip and Jeflurseu s'reets, I'ml tdnlphia, Therais McUarty, twenty eight years et age, was shot 111 tliu left hide and dat)goreiily wimndwi. He was rn- mcved te St. Mary's hespml, aud (Joiuh (Jeiuh hn, who in eharged wi'h having dene the shoetinir, was arrested imd looked up at ihe I'linth diHtriet sta ion house 1'. M. Nichols, a prominent atteruuy and proprietor of ttie niesHouger cemjuny in Wilkehbaire, who was recently dls chnrged by thn commis-iener for alleged violation of thu postal law in delivering letters, Ins been ordered te ba roarreited. U'.itrd Hta'ci Attorney Stoue has taken exception te thu action of the ceimnm sieiirr, and bai ordered another hearing, te tike plaoe at Pittsburg, February 11. Twe children of Hamuel Matteru, of Danville, while playing en the river Mon day nltorneon, fell into au air liole. Beth boys tl jated down stream for about llfty yards, the elder holding 011 te bis little brother with ene hind mil olutebint; thu cilim of the ice with the ether. When tliey had roaeliod the lewer edge the )ounger brother was sucked umler tee ice by thu eiirrnnt. The ether roseuod him self with diflietilty. An alarm was giveu and a large crowd of men have been broak break ing the tee all the afternoon, but the body of tbe drowned boy has net been recovered. A Swede family named Petersen, living In a slianty near Ucoela, Cambria oeunty, lest a two year old child hy death en Friday of last woek. A oellln wai pro cured, and the following day the pireuts scut their ether children te a neighbor's, olesod the shanty nud went te Ojocelti te iiurcliaBe material te drosathe child for the gravn. Whlle they were abseut the shanty caught flre and burned down. A neighbor rusueu iu ami can inn out tne oellln, but tbe baby had net yet been phioed lu it aud romnliieJ in the houne te be ireimited. The oefllu was returned te thu undertaker, tbe materials for the shroud sent baek te the btore, aud the family left te mourn again tlielr lest child and overy veatige, apirt from that they had ou, of thelr worldly effects, in a land of strangers, Ooreuer.i I011 i'l-' ne lleintlnt Taken lu tl.k Hill I'.'m r Orub'i, 'l.e boy who was t' -own f n u 1 luii.i.t.i, I." se en East Vine sticet, en hutuiila) atteiu .en, and had his salp tttnblv laei ueilaud hts skull fiaetared by be ng trimp'ed upin by the iron shed h u of ih h. ri, as stated 111 riaturday't. l.NrELLiuENCi-"ii .1 ed at the rosulense of bis tuivl-iur, K O. Henry, .'T Muih () 11. 11 hUeel, ul 4 o'e'ock tbts iuern"ig 'I ae llt U-mp ral bone wns bidiy lractur ed, two or tu ie pteees of it being it'iven in ler the adjoining part of the ok ,il'. 1 a. ug an apeilure thunch wh jh tee brain protruded. Tbe br iki a 1 e-H ni l me were removed with i?r X .1 in 1 i) ty Urs. tielen.us -mil llerr, at d tli" -ruble laoeration 01 the S'i'p, 'i.."'i x:endt in an irregtlir line Ci)ii'"i" nad frm the left te the r hti e. wan sewed up The boy was uuu 1 11 i-, fi .u the time of the ace dent unul 1 s Jeatli The flew of bleed fretn L's .'ii 's wis v. great that tbe pillows up.!'. r eh 1 e 1 iv worn saturated rrith it. 1 niun lia'el afte the accident li pncnwl. Mr Henry a 'i ie.1 his mother, who resides near (Jk Hi in Little U'ltain t iwii- 1 i , a., s'. ' aud he- ether children OA'ne mi 01 m 1 J aica-s'ei te n nister te tbi l.t' e ,i"i.rer the tnother md one s-iii remaining "ith bun until be died. Mi Henry "iy that Elmer was between f uiteen ami 'ifieen ye.iis of age, hud bee 1 m hU 0111 iv Mnca list August. He was a I r str i'1'elligent, mdueruus, ul. (iii.i.. In i-f.i!ilv honest and ira't at le a ,i n ii the r miidnce and fnem if ml Wiiu kue-v uiin. ( orecor btiilfer being netitlcl of thu bei'n 'lea'b ompanellcd a piry ceuMstmg el (Jenrge Hii'iter. Frank Unesr, Harry Stn 'im, 1 hs. F McKlligett, Jehn Shifter and H L 1" ui.ey, who, aftei lowing tbe bixlv arid ha.iru: vrltncsses. letunud a veniict that himur Grubb cime te hit diath liern c.-ntusaieii and lutlamraatieu et rhn biam, the lesult of a fracture of ihe skiul umsral by luiurics receiveil fiem a borse tramping ou his he id, the b iy lnvmg bon j .'le 1 from and fell 111 fruit of the riore. II s miiums w 1! b,i tikeu by his mother ie (Juarrjiille in the morning tram te. meriiw, uulbotheuco oenvo)od by prl vate ceuve) inu-) te her residence at Oalt Hill, wlmre thn luuernl will take placs ou fhuisday afieruoeu at 1 o'clock. utile. I IV maid ihiit, wn 0111 men, fuiin . sb hi 11 11 A l.uuilr of iti!"'i. a wl.i nn llulwiw.it il tt.Ti nt Ji 11 tn tf t no I hi b in'i-MlKMi Ni ui) ul ( th"ie Vwl 'but lUtmn'rial showed n Ui m el b i'i i m '1 n. t', 11 "I. " iamuiii 'i the 1 lencui .r i'e I ' ", hul ilt i 11 1I10 h.'ise limn l'iiiUd 1, li a a few i' s I loin this. A I .M lll.l Kllll H'l for till' I lllllUl.'l .. '1 , i" , ,min eliittt,d I'l.it thi'V WHOM ) no k In nmiiivi-tiAi aa t bey did mi tb iik tli re ' n 01 1 '' ''it c They hed be-'i luiji.i'i'iin d n 'e wbit i,0 wine-es would Oitr te Tim pr ivt ti 'ti v.a bruunUt lu god ful' b and Dure was no hi urn . Te oeuit cud the qiies ti u of 1 ism I bae t i!i t tb ' J irv and it lid. 1' i. j 1 y p it 'b i 0 -ts en lb pi i eu' ,1 t i1il!s VViij,bt who pb.id kin ') t tl.r In -, ,i el ft wat .h from UVtry uerniiry ! V u ubit, .ti -ii u 0 d te te in uiitia 1 up. .Honmret. ( uu, 1.1 va .Ian sliienO, Lie . Ilie d, tin.Uut vi8 i-,AiHd Wlib Y' eea' trim 1 1 rn nt f thi noieef W. 1,. IV'ii'i, t ,1 .uniu It. n 1 'i 'I "ii Ins b.uk I'.e 1 1 iltet Hlni'l I" l"ve pun .ai'. t'l-e -ti in liilmn in v limit Mr. P.ti .11 .i..nn .1. The iniv itfuderiKl n verdi. 11 fin ii , sell'i ne.ii le an imprison Ul.'Ow el tuien m tutus IVi ian prioenar p'en 1 em'ty te sutl 1114; a.i eiuic ai, ua.l was 'Ui.e 1 1 1 iur Oi i' thn 111 in Ciiutbvs. AI. Mtveu. ( tli s il y, tire mm. Tee inViuUnt i tt painter nuil verheil f r Jehn F. Ieng. vtbe eb-ttcrd bun wrb K'eun, .1 uumr of psmt bru.h a (liiK-i. .I iimjs. li .H'p-ared fteni tb.' ell'HCl I'I' " ,''1 I at tie ci mue I 'In b imh.-n ami tliei is tin lar ceny, Tlu jur) under v s'lue' . m of tbe C urt, ren li . 1 a 1 1 1- t of 11" u'ld'y- Cm ih 1.. ii ii t v Lev.mite. r 'bliiry The cmoi'e e iur ' 1 0 i minieiiwi'ipli .h .'e; tl.t en tb- ':J h et Ucember the accaed wtut te ibt PcmiaViiaii'ii pa'-sMi 4-.1 d pe' i,'il'i''V. W11 t. ie Dtil-'Ji U ml" I 1 "1 u I l ' "" " l" ' "' 1 ' k l of it 0 .1 no I rf -i 'U ll ' . 1 .'"I':. ' '1' I id uu; wku. I")i". a 1 1. . f Itet' I'lh. He was at eite il,en ni'e iMStedy, ami ti, una 1 ne.11 aa . ' the train before lir limine t!eu,il h lertiuwl I'tie defetidaut in his ew 1 behilf Hta'ed tbet he came te ibis eitv fr ,in 1 irk . u m. et curslen , he t;ei, erv ilti: ik iP'l Knew nothing that .Wi.irre'i ou On l). an i the teit be feni.u uiir.reif lu tbe aUMun bonse He alr.ii' ted i''t hn I ad bcei. ti ia . .111 a sun .'.ai cna'ge. Hie jUiy f un.' 1 lerdiet of guilty nt iUtempted 1 ibbery ei'l".. ed te wf I'pp'i.oemiien' of su tun. tbs llcorge V. Bre'tigan, the man wi..ieui up a let -f liiuiiexs, biggie-. Ac. be'eng 'nit te tl. I. Hildebrand .md elherr, el Ou.iir ii 1 ie.' g ul'j u- ttioehargosof iram 1 1 rr. a' thn bit tin of ritunii ltlver lle wisdts charged fiem tbe acrvlen en the tlih et lVbruniy, en ihe siirfleeu's unrilllmt 1 of iluabiliti, ewlii;' te I1I1 weii'id. Hi vi .4 nu upiight, IioiiehI man, 11 ueul meeha ue, 11 metubur el the Odd Fellows Knlclit of I'ytbus, llrd Men, Amei,.',4'i Mi'ebinles and perhaps of s nne nib 1 benevnleiit erganUithms He was t ueuernl iiud ii,ry popular man nmetii; a wl.bi 0 10I11 of no iiud ltaneea by wheinhlBiit Cipro' ed deal h will be greatly hiuientiil. Hiafuue'ii will Ukii plai.lj en Frld ry nit 11 1,11 ii.niut 2 o'c'ei a. DONI III .ItlllMIHU 'I ,t I'liinml I line HI llliaiiiiiaieiiiir Hull. Tlie oenoert and a.'Cialil,i of the I, ne is ter Mmii'iorebor, nt 31aianefiher hall last evening, was as pltnMiit and auccensful as have bv.i'11 ibeii' many simllai I'litberings in tbe pist. The miinlcvl piegnimiim was well 11 tillered aud lOiU'b appreeiltcd. Mad mm t'.wl Mais saiu ut isj eisc te au one no "(i.wd MIkIi. M Child " ii im- ecllent sttle At the etui of ten n uie"it ihe daiKiug w is lunilir.ili ' a. id kept up utt'il thn early mernimr. Belew li iven the full progratnme et the en. wit : utiTerluie "iJieiKiter Bicton' ,llei uitiiti DrehiNtur Cbor-'ctiirrerM Aliti,.ri" . ... ) ibincalaei MbuiutI, : ttier " Seili'taiiU" Kng'l iiinnlinliter I'ber W r'hei l.t plu belle' W aI Hi nt 1 Orchrstei rlen'i. turn " Frelsehuet. lilim. Hniii, ((H-nmfiin von al ml i. Jiu t t.iiveltc-' hitlg deln " v'iHi ilrcliealcr l tmr "f neillns'ebas Slun.letv n ' W 6ln Hurra, ilwnm icl'er I'e'h.t - Mtewii ' Iniuil On ' nt- I Clier-' I p ..tiikl' Kni si. Uemlsi M.ii Imr Hum 11 ire ' tnili uiin e i' " II iiuuii Urcli -Urtr, KI.BOnu.N tlr IM nu Hi I OO Mrrli tutci I llirt r Amui I ill in. At a stated mecliei! of the MehuitH tiibrarv association ei t'es nty, h l ri hbrarv room MmuUy . vein, g, im t .Hei ingelllits wiue i'icliI ie Kim I t tLe ensinng year : Presilcnt II It MiO-memy '"i l'resldci t l W Hvrne. Trea'iirer Chi'i" i'i (last. ?ecrt.irv Ji. II. Zihm. Libriry "Cmmittee M S. Rt'b W. Byrne. Dtv.l (' llsuiv k, Bm brie. Dr M. L Divis Prepertv ('i.mmi'tee .1 W lurm, M. Zahm.' 1'hillp D-craim, J. P. Fyett. Thes. Baker. I)r t "s. lta''iv hi fl-is m (.' " e I bh.a nan. f It a ,it i, tin t iHsault and bat tcry tliree of larieiy i nuil one of felonious rnt.y he wivs sentenced t i m " two lear ind J t n n1 ll.e gr.ud i'i i i . il F vV bills J rue lh'Ui Henry Jievani'' lel iineas e. ' Igneitd . Jenn (Jarlner, laroeuy Ph. i n Bontje, t lUrdriftti, al'iltirv, n m. lut'lty JfeeniV.jf Ie nhtnliiits. en the 'hole .pi jitiirn' of , i i''niriui! r Uroeio ; Wl.l. K'bl, siarlle Ji'iue. M'. J ihu Mon'eith. el Bet), rs 'a, wns buried st Ban lliiat t'ie ou ttie 17th The M. C. mite hoelet will me en uext Saturday night r.nMern ?.il.ty connected wit'i ' is gaining m I !''. The sleigh" ftill e tru rt e mil tlie heraes rej' , ettl" ri it - v i il rnn awnys aie rep. i Ivn'lnn ei i.i M-siiltB. l'he Mt. Ncbe lcium'-. B..i.,vtie3t mgs attritct lairfe (iilitniice. a i I Heed elder is man t unci. Next F ..la., ei. u i.g the question for debite ul iti s t. which Utei.i Veepei'i .i i '!' sigu befeiD leeniving I ,.u. A astiiii titua isexpcc'ed Keer-jln. iarti i ) , l-.i e il felo'JieJi 0'ify , Urn u i u'.ry , Andr" fu u'.ntP the eftnes of larceny aau-it tieorge i .-i'i, r-piimim Bins ns ue i Jehn Balmer, verdii)s of tint i t.. w i'i" ei cvioeuee. Kiug, tolnnleiis entry. nb ne ai'i 11 I t 1 i .i.tei ' i M uuu ii List , u eu 1. 1, 1 ut I ncltliiiait l,tll, Tbe following is tbe list of unclaimed lette.a reraainiug In the pest olfleo nt Lin eistir, for the week ending January 21, 181 : Ladi'' Lul.-l la Barrett. 8. K Chad, Mrs James M Dougherty, Kate Dennelly, Kmtna W. Oram, Ann H.iwler, Mrs. Chn-i. II witt, Macgn Hess. Mrs. Henry Hindi, Kirl Joschke (for ), L rie Kerr, Ella A. Litliii w, Mrs. 'Iamie MtOrue, U tun Mo Me Carty, bnsan Mekley, Mm. Oeoige Miller, Sidiii Millsr, l'.mnia Soiulel, Annle L. Hbenlf. Kmmi V. Staulfer. Atarv Walsh (for.), Mrs. A. II . Witmur, Liiima Yeuuknr, Margie It. Zeigler. OenW Litt.ll M. Bailey, Jacob A. Breiiner, Jehn Oirvin, James T. Gray, Ohirhis Hewitt, Jehn Heffman (for ), William Johseii, Jehn K. Kleio, Isaac Kroider, Jehn C. Krldles, Themas Lane, Lavi D. Yoder, W. It. Lewry, Samuel Lyiieli, Amns Noir, O. H. Painter, W. I . I ...n.l,lu llni-rv lllrm. HellWIirtZ tllO Auther, Harry Suyder, Oharlea Streleber (for ), Albjit Weed, Beuj. lerdy (I). i-ui'ti w-i'e t iW C ,n th vs Win. Kiuu, It wi auiged t'wt ib'i defendant "' ' a tnmp.rfttempWl te tje; iuii un i i-i-ei.-. Mts L mgneel.0. at Fl uin, en tbe OTCning l DtcetMUtr Is, ihe eviJeuee did net kast.uu tne i birge n-i.l tlm i art mstniuud tbe iurv te llud .i veidiet el no- guilt). whieh tl ey d,.l Cem til vs liielia i minr. inu -fondant is ene of ttve tiauips cb irgcl w itli rebbin st veril eth-rs wlu'e all woie con liued li Bummeii' ball, of the county prison. The tumrs of tb i othei ilufetid mts are i'Uemia Lmmdy, W'lliam Kiug, Themas Leng aMas Tnemis .day, and Win. McLiugbiin. 'I li' morning thn gmnl j iry teiimi no b" -bau 'ii truu bills tuaiuif tbeie tun, ebargmg theiu with laiceny, i.'libery mid ifsault nu.l battel y. The oeurt b euled HiAt the ineu shiiu'd be tried sepamiely, and tbe nascii against Miller were "KJ" "1' '"" . . rUO I'uring the coming ni'iiseti an . U??re lue,,a -'"1 ' er,..ee.Mthw..lpl.ty ... thn tl M u.,u no wns ejiinuiiii" ' i"" '- i H, ii 11IIU .T.IU.HE .W Knr.l .III The urwbaiu ie:entIy Im '- I Kcudig, I'.nntincte , iiud si'tn'. I Frederii'k stret, tear bteppen. tlrely destrejtil by Ure ibeut IiaIi imst J o'cleok this afterneui, teg.lber u.'h i's contents, retikisttnc of 1 ar, strfv aud feed ter two er tbree b iisea It Isivt knewu Lew the rt-e ..n .'Inited. Several pa.uti ra worn vt .ki i.r ...i Mi. Keudig ueir'e,, but luiysiiv n su .pi oieus persons about tlm p'.iaiins. The less b) lli'e isrfbeiit )0, aud we leirnu partly c iveri'd by insiiran.". 1 njsMr. Kendlg'n intonfen te move int-i Im new house te mortew. rim llremrn wiru promptly en the ground and presented the flames Hern spieaOm l' .n'j uning property. IIihiImII Tliodiieotora of the Aotive bmball a'ub. et Ilca'lltnr. ves'srdny e -eteii Fi.ink Heifer manager for thn coming Mr. lleifui is mi old tliile bn I plaiei pessecstd of the ipiahtirn nccussar) for u Kucoesstul manager. Hn wis omu'eteil with the Champien Actue e ub vein, iifn aud played lltst base and ohiuige pitehur with Hnriy Wright's ohunplen Misten nlnb. He will blive sole ebarce of the 1 111 0 ISO isen, in d is Mr. usrc rsniss. McFadden, lu the village of Geerge- tiwn, lius ii liaaemnnt. cenar previ en with an old fashioned ohimney flre pbce and very convenient te de the necessary work about tlm butchering of perk. rim tioiglibera use it. During the wiuter of 1832 and 1883, 0 710 pounds of jmrk wcre cut up in the cellar. In 'SU aud '81, up te the pioseut tlme, 0.833 peiiuds have been butoherod, the heavmst perkei weighing 104 aud the lightest 210 pounds. Iho heaviest perker butchered in the vi cinity of Ooergotown wolghed 121 pounds. Ou Weducsday night about 0 o'cleok Rebert Thompson, at Green Trce hotel, disceveicd a eleign nuu two or uirru i Reus in susploleus proximity te his turkey roost. He went out 'nud found all his turkevs I'enn. He had aome wusplemii of oertain partica anl went en tbe nuns ei the turkeyn, but failed te ilnd tliem. bince that time they roturned marehinir down the valley read It Ifl supposed they worn turned loeso by thu p trtlna who had til lum than. Tlie itr -ci I.Hiiips. The polieo en duty lastuUutropeit that four ei the oleotrio lamps did uet burn at al), and tb it aix ethers burned very prtWly nil night. Bsven el the (jasoline lamp i wero net burning, After being iu t w biM he w is placed In Bummers hill, whleh wan lull ei men. Aa hoeii as he enteied eoveral inen, iinieng whom w m ilefeiidnut i aught bold of Mm nnd toel: in wt -t bis el thing oil, thev thou rebbsil him of I bJ, a poem t bend kerehief, ki ile ai d ceniti. mimt '." ' n.zir, with which be Uiie.tVmed te kill wiUicjh . J sep'i H i'i' k esrl1ed that tlm party also handled lum veiy roughly and took ill) lu mono) and some aititb a from lum. '1 he prisoner mis idee eharg' d wit.1 rnithiiiir Ble ,.,..) F! tt i. another oempint of the hall, but he bus lair the oeunty. All et tbe prosceiitors uud witnesses for the commenwtallh weie brought from thodeakto testily having beei dtt uued in jail ns wltnussm J As tliU was nn eyer nud t.irmiuer cue the accused wai nut. allowed te inatify.biii hia companions win ealbd In bis behalf. Tlmy tfHiin. d that win never a new mau arrived in tbe ball H wai tbe custom te ask lum te divlde bis tobiice.'. Wlun the moeeeiitoiB uriived they wure obliged u, '. ., 'i-i... .. .-..-. I. t !iniiilrrd nor no nun i u.'y i - ,- . n.i l ..li.ln.1 ,!.,. ...infill..,. robbed, inn jury eenviuiuu n.u ,.. .-... of lobbing Fishin and Hanei: and neu,uitted him of robbing Flutier. Thn grand jury lOltun.-d the following bills : , , n TrueJUlh All.ed Tumor and Albert Oiudner, assault nud batUry ; Henry Ilorner. B'dno'len nnd fornie illen and bastardv : Josse Huimer, Abraham Hirsli and A J. Stelnmaii, wai ml m ml loUjef. Innertd. Fiodeiieic nevum, ..... Hener without lioenso, county ter cost , II. Erb Snyder, forgery. Ilnrrent iliiilucM, 'Iho annual mpert of the prison was prosentcd and tbe court made thu usual elder. I'eiuiil Until In I'm He Ulllllj. Yes'terduy memiucr, almut r o'eloak, Mr. Geerge Hoke aged 80 living near Cornwall, whlle en tbe read te com t In Labaueu, fell ever dead, caused by beart dispiise. He was found en the old Lancaster mid by iioiiieohilaren wh'jware ou tUli way te toluel. .imsnltnml Jtnttery. Christian Auf.oiiateiu and Kl'f1"1 1 Kberly bava been nrroted au bold or hearlng bofero Aldermnti Fordne, e tlie charge" of asau t aud bittary upon An drew Eberly. lillU'erj- I'Avainru.s Whlle Charley Itemlev wis walking en Mary stieet, oetwnrn I.dinen nml .latum streets, yoBterday, hn foil en thn puoment and binbe his legbetween tbe Itnee and hip. Dr. M. L. Heir ant the br ki u bmb Albert Spillmger, sued Mye.its. lesldmg en T.ast Walnut street, whlle si u'n ; near Iho DilkoHtrentbil.lge, bifct evening, lei and bioke hia kft tutu Dr. Aluight uttci ded lum. ht. ainrj's uiptiin iiji'ii. At a meeting of tbe beard of muugua of tit Mary's orphan asylum Ins' i veiling, Bight Ilov. J. F. rlhaiiahiu, hi simp of thn diocese, was elected pieHulent, Jim. A. Coylesooiotary, It. J. McOrnnn treasurer, fluauoe ciiuimlttec, Jehn in . L.well, tl. U. .MuCouemv and I). A Altiek ; oemmitteo en the iidmiB.ien of eipliMis, J I . II. Wiicnei. Dr. II. C. W'hailler and Itev. Dr. McCullagb. l-ollce CrtSB. Hemy Hildebrand and Ulizab th Hilde brand, buienglng te diffoienl f unllies of the aame name, get drunk nud iiuuuulcd ; and eieh made complaint of diiiukeii and dnorderly conduct ngiin.t tbu ether. When they had Hobered up limy wuin sorry ferthcii ipi.urel, aud cmb withdiew thocemplaint agniust tlm obei. whote upon Aldiiimm rliiuaeu dbehuicd llmni with his blessiug. . l.turDlnu Bietiil'iB' Constable Dally went up te Liii.lisvilli. this morning te arrest Shi i man 1.. Vblt.., Abiaham Biker.i artln II irry, Bjrnard Kdelman nud Jehn Debler, who are ebnrged with having maliciously disturbed the meetings f tbe lyei'iim at that place. One of tbciv favoiite practical was te put nsaafrctldi en the atove, the Btei ill catis. Iui; the audience te leave the toeio. A Ulirl.lllS I'SK. Ainaziib Heir, of Me mt villi, has shown us an odd looking egg that w.ta hud en (Saturday artorneon by a wtute Leglmru bun. It Isevliudihial in shape, renuding lit tbe biut, nnd atthe Binall im 1 tinml nates In a fenimtiw very ciinint ie the bent cud of a shephcrd'a oeok.