V, 'fyz mxaM 4 IAIAVIV I lVVt i i Vnlntin XX-Ne 181 LANCASTER, PA. TUISD AY, JANUAIY' 22, J88d. s Price Tffe CknUf. . i f n.UMUimt ANII r cxveki &i-gji.i.s-r-iftTyn c V (lit PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. Tin Reefing and Spouting, Gas and Ceal Oil Chandeliers, STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES, -CIO FLINN & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. ttnuravnan ,r"y I. AKNOlMl, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters. CITFiiiest Werk, Best Workmen. Leiwc your Onion at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. int r tt it nK, KAIINIIUUK. BAIIl'ri OLD NO 14 EAST KINO STREET. LANCASTER, PA. Dry GoedB, Fancy Geeda and Notions, in Great Variety. A ru I l.lnuel Ladles" tnd 'wtillilrcn'i COATS, CLOAKS anil DOI.M ANH alwny en hand. Silk Plushes ey the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our Dress MnMng l'urlers ure en ttin second and ihtnl floors, wbnrn Dresses, Coats, C leaks and Delmuiw iiri) Hindu nt snort netlci). Perfect nt and KutUtaotlen guarantied, whether goods nre purchased here or senl te be uimle up from vlmtwliuru. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET. II V MAN G l(.?M)t:il FK.KIII.l7.Mt ( O. HUMAN G-XJA.NO. OorapeBOd of Pure Eumnu Exoreraont uud Urine. Unrivaled for Whent, Tobaceo, Grass, Cern, &e. -sold hy- W.M II JONES, Ne. I.OJl Market Hlnet ; C. II. H00EK9, Ne. 133 Miltket Hlreet; Ul'.AIIAM, EMLK.N A PASSMORK, Ne. 631 Market Street ; J. HIRER A BON, Urancntewn Philadelphia, Hint ri'wpeiuildu dealers generally. OFFIUR-Xe. S3!! Chestnut Street, Vhllitdeliihiii. nu JlJ Mud O. MUSSBLMAN, AKent, hi ut ITS. 'I'll f. Ml(AIIAUmi Telephone & Telegraph Ce. FOR PK.NShll.V MA, NEW UJlth, NEW JERSEY, MARYLAND, DELAWARE AMI Dl'U'lllCl OK COLUMMA. Orun(ied Umttr Lawi 0 Statu of yew Yerk, Capital. 300.000 Shares, Of Par Value of 850.00 inch, REGISTRAR OF RECEIPTS, 'l'he Fidelity Insurance, Trust mid Sul'e Deposit Ce., IMiil'n. Tills company and the local companies te Uu tributary te It, In tlie several htulc.s named, liiive tlm exclusive light te tlie Inventions of Daniel Druwhiugli.nt Pennsylvania, tlie ertg. Imil Inventor et llui telephone, unit nre pre pared te hIii1jI.m1i thulr claim te tlie telephone uud telegraph business et this territory. DIRECTORS Pirkert Chandler, of Una. ten, l'rcs't.i Uev. Tims. M. Waller, et Count o e tlcut ! Samuel i Shipley, et Philadelphia; (iev. Ilerimi Falrhiiik', et Vci meet ; Hen. (iue H. Wntreui. Pic-dilunl N . and N. II. It It. Ce ; in. 1'. Leuun, et Philadelphia j Win. P. Llbbv, et llrenklyn, V .; Jeseph Dlllwerth, et Pittsburg, I'll.; James hlrkham, President Hut Nat lliuik et Spilngfleld, Mhbs ; K. W llund, President Massachusetts Mutual I. Uu IiiMiiunce Company Kdwuid A (Julntnrd, I'lcnt. Citizens' Sa lugs Hank, N. Y. COUNSEL Hen, uee. F. Edmunds, of Ver mont i dee. W. and Oen, Hlddle, el i'hlladcl nlila ; .Iii'lKO I.yfHinler Hill, et .New Tork ( Jelce A hpeur, of Washington. lloeltHotiiubscrtptlou ler a llmlled amount nt Draw bauuli IVlcplione and Tiilputapli Coin, puny Hteuk will he epmiud I utwhiy, Januaiy 15, 184li at bimkliiK' licme or tlie uiulciulituud PRIOB, 816 PHH SHARE. .vipcpTcint.piijitlilreii Biiliscilpllm: llalnnce tebf paid only en ttueiablu Uuclnleu et U. a. CeurlH. We rn'ervu tUht te advauce tliN prlce nt any itine without netlcu. Any fiullicr tnfoi tnfei inatlnu ami all itoeuuiuutary ovlduuce can he ebtalnud Irein B. K. JAMISON & CO., 11ANKKU.H, tD-)ind,WA3 rilll.ADKM'IIIA. JtlHIHH AN It HTAT10NJCU1. WBW YUAU (IIITa. JOM BAEBS SOUS, Booksellers and Stationers, Oirer te tlielr I'atrens, at t,ew l'rlces, a Large Asdortmeut et UHutal QoeiIh for NEW YEAR GIFTS. Including tlie l.atest Style et LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS, In 1'iuicU'iliw, Jewcl ltexcs. Werk Ilnxei, TOllCt CllHOM. (0V0 llOXOK, WlltlllK Dc'BkH, (lelil run j, Cuid Cim'x, l.uttur Ciuca, Clgur Cuina, ute. 1'notegrapli and AuteKrupli Al buma, Hcrun Ilneks.biilH el Auilieia In Clelli and Kine illiulluud, lMbli'H, 1'rayur Heeka, Church Heeka, Duvotlenal itoeki, Htcel Kn. L'ravlncs.l'alntluuH, l'l.elOKiavurca, KtcliliiKs, Vanul I'lcturcii, I'laciuci, KateU, Cabinet rntmen. "TCEVf YKAIIOAIIDS. ILLUimiATKD CIUCUIiAKS. At tlie Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 North Queen St., LAK0A8TKH llAlUtAIMS IM vaii;iii-.h, ei.uea ltepalrliiii JJ Chains, Kluus, Hpeetaelea, Ac. et nil klndt will lecelve m n leceive my our purcuuui Uliuu tlen. LOU IB Wl II lilt Ne. ivm North Uueen ktreet, Huinein1 c i.iuue and nitiiibul. Dl lcctly euiHului City Hetel. nuti l'cnnavlvatis cnnayivan .deeMlya riuuuuuuvpuit ......- -. - ." .r. m. . - UAH riTTINtt. rsrvnxvjfiESTS - i TO u us. m ji : r- -t 'Kll, PAHNKSTOUK, STAND, - Lancaster, Pa. OVAIfO. Witmer, Lanoaater county, Pa. T1HWAHJB, JtU. J""" i. suiiAun. FURNACES and RANGES UP ALU KINDS REPAIRED. Call and hce tlie New Improved WHOUGHT IUO.N COLD OAHK Radiating Portable Furnace, 't'lie Cheapeit and MarkuU Itcat run.VACK in tlie MANUrACTUIlKD EXCLUBIVKI.Y HY Jehn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Queen Btroet, lebCT-lVd I,ANOABTIClU ha. VUAIi, B. U. MAHTIH Wholeaule nnd iletnll Doelor In all ktndn el LUM1IKU AND COAU arrnrd: Ne. 420 North Watarand rrlnce atroetn abevn I.iimen Ijiincaatur. nl-lyd I AUM(lAltll.NKltS A JKVFKltllCS. GOAL DEALERS. erriUKS. Ne. 21 Nektii O.UKBH HmBtrr, awd NO, Ml NOI'.TIt l'RISOK STllUKT. YAUDS. Nebtm l'Hinca Stbkkt, wbab HaiD- INO DtVOT. LANCAflTKIl, PA. auglMfd CtOALI 11(1.11.1 The undersluneil has for tale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and 8. Water Sts alargotwHertment of the very best kinds et Ocel for Family Ube, which he will dollver, cinetiilly wulKhed and scieunetl, toauypartel the city ut the lewett market rales. Uiilers by mall or telephone tilled promptly. JulylO-tld PHILIP (1INDKU. MAMHtri ANII COAL. New Yerk and Philadelphia Herso Ma Ma uute by the car lead at reduced prices. All the UEST UUAllICb Or COAL, lleth ler Family nnd Steam purposes. CEMENT by thu barrel. HAYund 8THAW by the ten or bale. Yaiie 315 Harrlsburg Plku. Uknkhal Oyriea aeK Kant Chestnut street- Knufltaan, Koller ds Oe. uuil-lyd - . . M. V. B. COHO ?3 NUHTJI trATJSU ST., Laneeittr, n., Wholcselo and lletall Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uoeiiectliin With the Telopbenlo Uxehttuge, Ynirt and Olfltm Ne. BSO NORTH WATK STUKKT feb28-lvil A LI. OKI AHS MANUrAUTUltKllOMTtlK pieuiUca ami me us repreiented KSK I . Ne J ft 111 e'ner t: oeds lelnlhul ut HAltTM AVI LLLOW.KUONT CIQAll Willi, nt Km v At,. G AIN HEALTH ANU IIAI'l'lN iCtH new j 1)0 A8 OTIIKKS llAVF. I)ONB. AllB YOllll KIDNKYH DIOItDKItKD t "Kldnny.Wnrt lneiiilit ine from myuravn, at It wtrn.aliurl had been (jlvun up by 1.1 lit tl (luctfiiMtn liiitnilt" M. V. Dbtbhaux, Miialimile, Inula, Midi. ,, AUK YOUIt NKHVE8 WKAK ? nldnny-Woitriiied tun liem norveiu weak. '"'. e.. alter 1 bad net tixiiedt'tl tellvn" Mrs. M. M. II. (loedwln, fcd. CAi (Man ilomler Clurcianil,OhIe. .. !'.AVK.yU HU1UUT8 IIIHKAHKf KldiKiy-Wert cniuit me wliun my wnlrr waa Jmt llke chalk and tliuii llkn bleiMl." t tunic Wilsen, l'cabeily, Main. BUKKKIUNO ritOM UlAllKTKSt " Klduoy-WertUthiunogttucctvMlultutucdy I liave evor nwil. (Ih alineit tintiiodlnte m lld." Dr. Phillip u. llnlleu, Monklen, VI. HAVE YOU MVKIl COMPLAINT? ' Ktdnej-.Wertcurtt tne of Chroule Llvr DlncuKalifter I pray oil te din." Iluurv Ward, late tel. MUi Nat Uuaril, N. Y. II YOUIl HACK I.AMK AND ACHING T ' KtdnovWert (I bettl) cured tne when I watue latue 1 had te roll outef bnd." C. M. TaliiiaKu.Mllwuu cre, Wit. HAVK YOU KIDNKY D13KAMK 1 " Kidney Wett inade me neil lid In (Iver nnd kldiinys alter yeain el unucctMntul douterliiK. Its worth lien box." ham'l IIuiIkh, WHIIjiiu. town, West Va. AllB YOU CONSTIPATED? "Kidney Wert chuiei eany ovucuatlen nnd cuiad me alter 10 ywirti ute et ether medlclne." Nelsen rulrehlld.St. Albana, Vt. HAVE YOU MA LA 1(1 A ? "Klilnny.Wert ban dene littr than any ether Hinedy 1 have evur icii t In iny pme Uoe." Dr. It. K. Clark-, south llore, Vt. AUK YOU IIILI0U8? " Kidney-Werlliaii dene me moieuooil than any etliur remedy 1 havuuvei bikMi " Mrs. J. T. Unlleway, Klk Klat, OtCKOli. A UK YOU TOKMKNTED WITH PILES? "Klilney-Wnrt perniauently ejiimI me el bleedlntf iiIIch. Dr. W. t . Kilne reieiniiiendid It te ni."-(-e. II. Heist, Cathlet M. Hank, Myurstewn, 1'u. AI1E YOU UI1EUMATI3M IUCKKD t " Kldnoy-Wert cured me alter I vhmkIch upUl illuby ph)ciar and I imil Hinrt,ie.l 3D years." hlbililife Malceinb, West Hath, Me. LADIES. AKE YOUSUrrKllINO ? " Kldiiuy-Wert cured me et )iecullar tiou tieu bleu et siiveral yeain NlauilliiK. Many Irlunds nsoandpralie IU"-Mi. II. Liitneri-atix, lale II you weubl Hantah DHoJke and tlnln Health take KIDNEY-WORT, THE liLUOD CLKA.SSF.K. ilecVuedAw 'AMAlUTAM NKUVIMt Tlie only Known pocine for Epllt'ptle Fit.. AaTAtae ler hpuauia nnd Kulllitff ftlekneai. orveu Weaknei-a It Instantly relieves and cure. ,icann bhxKl ad qillcKum sluKKlah cliculatlen. Nrutrallii Keinis et disease and uvm ulckn- t. Cuius iijly bletchet and stub. A SKEPTIC SAID . born bleed nrcs Kllinlnates Dells, Ciirbiinclei and scald. 4tf-l'eiui.inently an I pinmptly cures iiuraljsli. Ye, It U a churmlni; and healUitul Aptrlent. Kills Scrofula and Ktnxa Evil, twin bretlieri tliauK-s bad breath te geed, lemevliiK thu cauiu. Ueuta bllteua ten. SAMARITAN NERVINE donclctandinnkeselenrceinplexlon. Eriuai ed by iieni) In tlm ellrluui of lever. A ci ai intu retelvent apdaiiiatehii'it laxatlve It drive- Hick lleadaclie like the wind. AafCentalns no drantrle uttliauli' or opiates. Relieve, lb brain or morbid Iumu'i. 1'iemptly cure. lUieiilimlli-iii by te rtnx It. lntf piepeltlea le tin liirKhl. euro all ueivou-idHerdiid, lleaterea llfe-Klv- Is KUarnntued te rllellubluwlieu nil epiattM hill Iteliisliit the mind and tu vlKnruit'4 the bedj i iiisdyipcpslaorineiioy Ieluiidnl. NEVER FAILS. DIsenM-x et the bleed own It a coniiueror. Endorsed In wiIHiik by evor fitly thousand leadliiK cHUmi., eli'iuyiiien and phytlclani In U. S and hunipe. a-Ker(.aIe by all lendlnir dniKKlsts. II. W. The Dr. . A lllc'iinend Medical Ce., 1'iepj., St. Je-i-ii, Me. (3) Chniles N. CrltUnten, Agont,New Yerk Cliy. al8 -lvoedAw HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED Tht netemlly Im piempi and omcleut houeehold remedlet It dal'y rietIiik mere Imperative, and el these Uoitetlor's Stomach Hitters U the chief In merit and the most pop ular. Irregularity el the stomach nnd bowela, malarial levers. I Iver complaint, deblllty, rliHumntlsm and miner allments, are thor ther thor eughly conquered by this Incemparable fam ily restorative and medicinal safeguuid, and Itls Jiiidly ret;arded ns the purest unit most coniprehenslve remeily of Its class. Fer sale by all 1)1 nugh t' aud Dealers generally, lMuutced.tw liUOLXUlKH. A T UUllSU'S. THUKK HOUSIIKADS NEW TURKISH PRUNES, TUUEE POUNDS tOH'JJc. TWO I1UNDUED DOIEN PELL'S SUGAR CORN, AtlOoaean or 11.10 a dcicn by thacaioef twodeion. Twe Hundred Dezen Thrco-Peuml Cam TOMATOES, At loe a can, or II 10 a dozen by the oiuie et two deien. Forty Dezon Toinutecii, two pound uaus, at lour tans ler U3e. BUESK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING LANCASTER, PA. STREET CWEKT OAl'UltAI. OLD JUixiH, Our Llttle KJ U1IIUI1 IHir. UltlUII WUViAi UIU AjIWIU Pilet, Stephanla, Veterun BtiaotuerCljrarottet at bottom prlcci. at UAUTMAN'S YELLOW rneNT CiaAlt O Union Club. Union Jack, s roil K, STOM&GH BITTERS. THE TOBACCO MARKhT. Nl;V Vtnilt, I'tlll.AIIKI.flllA AND I. i ft. VAMf.ll Kniualra, nrfd l.rnl nnd llinsun-i hr Mar- htl lnr 1 (Ml Week Stirctsry Kelj(r'4 llecljl mi Tlie tlt'olalen, or niore vrejicrly dpeikltif; tlie ludt'O'sleii of tliotiecrotaryol the trenH tiry rcgnnliiiK the Sumatra tobaceo Initior Initier Initior littlen doefl net lltnl mucli favor with tlie tobacco Journal of New Yerk. The I.tiif ami Journal silike regard It as temporizing with the matter ntnl um Hkely tc invulve both the tlcfartrueut and Importer In dlfll cultlcs hereafter. The Journal sayn : 11 Whilu his flrht decision, h.ul It remained In foice, would liave dene very llttle dircet harm te pcrsetm unKncd In thu leaf trade, cither en rowerH, de.i!rn( or m.m ufjoturerH, his Iattt otie w 111, If in.ute jer mauuiit, be a most dennji-.Uizii blew te thocemnierco in any ltnpeited tell icem, and will tnaku the importation of tobacco an extremely hazardous bushiest outer prlce." The reason of this, the Journal explains, in Hint the Hcietary Ignores tlie 85 per oent. olause and dlreetH the appraiser te Insist upon tlie pijmentefal uuiyei 7. eunts en wniiiiur and Ji Oiints en fillers provided the nnpp rn en tallied in a bale are el the uecem.iry lltness ler the purpORu aud previded oue liiindreil leavea or mera of hUth will wcitfh a peuud. Tins means that tlie appraiser is oempollod, if he conforms te the order and bis du'.y, te open evcry bale of Havana that arrives, te examiue every carrot, and if he should find only ene hundred le ivcs In a hIiiIh b.tiu that ceme up te the abore named standard, te t ix thorn as wrappers. Hew olse can tlie np pnilaer iude and pass uu inv no.-of tobac tebac tobac oo ? If lie rellea upeu the reprcsen tatieim of the owter of an importa tion of Havana tobicce who ul i nu te have imperUd nothing but fillers, he will net de bin duty. He In appointed Judne and jury teijaidiiip; Ullers end rapper-i, and he mutt oxamineoveiy bale and evei cariet. Who in the tobaceo trade will ay what constitutes the necesbary llneiiuK and quality for acinar wrapper ? Oue manufacturer will iihu wliat.in ither despises , some use thick, n me thin wrap pem ; Heme will net work theso ei them colors ; Heme hae use for no etheis. New, then, nbeut the hundred leaves te a pound. Hew many bales of fillers a.e thore in existence which de net contain a hundred leaves or mere lit fei wrapping purpose, and which, whcti wtilud te Kether, will net make a pound ? Thorelero, it is olear tint nethluz but u strict examination of each bale and each oarret and the picking out of wrappers is the duty of the appraiser. Hew de the importers of Havana te card this prospect ? Wilt they rel upon the geed or bad humor of the appraisers ? De they wish, in future, te de business Hiibjeet te his whims and spleen ? The Ziraoeualiidus that "the upshot of the whele thing will be an eltbrt te levy Roventy-llve ceuts per pound duty en all' wrapper classes of Imported tobacco, and thirty live cents per pound en llller leaf, which, of course, wtll proe ineffectual, ' because impracticable. i "In the interest of giewers, dealers and , manufacturer, Ceutsraai should be ap- j pealed te amend the picheut law he that the existing unceitainty respecting inter- ' iiretaliim Miall ba immedlatiilv clwnellnil ! Lull Wei'k's New erl .sinrkrt. U. S. Tobacco Journal. j While business was net exceedingly1 brisk, the market Is gradually cettliug down te the lact that there is very little tee little geed seed leaf tobacco in tlie ruaikct, and that te Hccure the little thoie is an imperative duty. In consequence there was a geed deal el inspect iug, a geed many bids and a geed many " strictly ptivale " arrangements, but the curious public biard of veiy fuw htnujldt tiansactieus. The supescd tlnal decision el the socre tary also tended te m ike the feeling in thu maikct an exceedingly exuberant oue, every holder of trashy s.'cd le.i itmiuing himsell te b- the pus. sser d a Mevada geld mum. We e'aitn as wn liavoelaiiued bofeio. that the doeisien el tlm secret aiy never had and never will hava any ctleet en the sued leaf market as King at the nature of thu tobaccos eil'-ied in thu market remains ituchtuged. weuiii u elirar niiuufacturer refiife te piy i'i a I pound ler Sunntra because xpeugy Ohie or wild '82 Couueotiout wr.ippeis could be bought for 25 cents V Sumatra uoer was n competitor te peer tobacco, though uu fertunate holdeirt of bueh imagine such te be the case. If our market was evui - i stocked with geed and semoeable tobacco Sumatra at a de ceutrate of tlutj ceitainly would prove a powerful competitor. As it is the iusigullicaut amount of line '91 st cd leaf en baud will ll at geed profit te present heldcis et si.cb, wh-ther Sumatra pays 35 or 75 cjuts duty. Wi h the prospects of the iii'eiiiiug Sj eieps bofero its, our inanufaetuiei.s cauu it de without Sumatra, even should the duty be a dollar and a half a pound. Wlnlaie they going te de '.' It bcoemos mere ajiparent day after day that the '81 crop is, as a whele, n failure. The II iv.iu i soedalotioof th'. vat ieus states makes an at least nremisiue niipiaranee, but se lit tle natlve Heed seems better than cultivated eabbage, that U our mirkels Wuie net governed be htigely by netiuiia and se little by faets Sumatra should sill tu day at 2 te 62 50 per pound an I line 'Si seed leaf at 50 ce.its te $1 a pound The sales of the week v -ru .is foil nvs : Peunsylvaula Crep f-J : 1V oases.at 15 te 18 and 22 oeuts : illleis 5 te 7 ci nts. Crep '81 : 400 case-, at "-j te 11 cent. Crep 80 : 200 cases, at 7 ct nti'. Connecticut Ciep l: AM e.ims Havana Reed, at 22 te '-.' I cents. Wisconsin Crep '41 . 150 cites Havana Eccd, at 17 cents. Ohie Crep '82 : 200 cases, at 13 te 10 cente. Sumatra Market very active. Sties 300 bales, at 61.15 te $l,e". Havana market active. Sales TOO bales, at 85 cents te $1,80. tiaun' itepurt Following are the saWa of seu I leaf tobaeoo reported by .1 . S O ins' S in & Ce. , tobacco brokers, Ne. Ml Water street, New Yerk, for the weik ending Jan. 21, 1831 : 250 eases 1833 Pennsylvaula, 10&20 ; 200 easos 1880-1 Pennsylvatiia, 8(,1 1 j 200 easos 1882 Wlsoensln Havani 13(mi0 ; 100 easos 1883 New England, ll((i,20. Total 750 cases. Tilt Trade In I'lilludelptiht. J.cal Seed Leaf Upen Inquiry among our cigar leaf dealers It i nelf evident that a larger buslness Is boieg ihue than usual for January, be uiueh se that all grades of domestle leaf eau be repurted improving. Considerablo C'ouneotlcut ei with l'onn l'enn sylvania has found takers at full tlgurcs, whlle Wisconsin Havana senl is itiqulred after at the large adv.moe nHked. The '80 and '81 Pennsylvania is sought nfter irthosteok lsorthe nitiive iiquiieu, Sumatra soils if old lljures ein be get. Havana gees oft fieely if qua Ity is shown. Roeelpts for ib a ,") e.s du neeUvUt, 817 oaaes I'tnusivania, 1 10 ta08 Wlcoeiisln, 203 catien Ohie, 10 Yerk state seed, 17 hilts Sumatra, 120 bales Havana and 110 hiida Vitgiuia nnd Western leaf tobacco. Sales liave been : 101 ca'es Connecticut, 820 cases Peiinsjlvanla, 100 cases Ohie, 81 eises Yerk slate seed, 32 bales Sumitra, 01 bales Havana and 50 hbds Wostern leaf in transit direct te manufacturers. Exported of leaf tobacco Te Liverpool, per str Illinois, 50,721 lbs. MiehI TeIii en Mnrkit "All qulet along the Concstega." Tbnre is nothing at all doing in the crop of '83, except that some purchases, made several weeks age, have been "sledded" te the warehoused and have turned out "hotter thau was expected" the meuldy tips and pole ret uet being visible In the goods de llvered, About ene hundred eases of '8'J and four hundred of '81 leaf have boeu sold during the past week nt fairly nimunerii. tive prices te the packers. Martin vt Fritz, Hart, have doted a sale of 178 cases of '81 crop en prlvate tonus. Tlie Sumatra scare has pretty well died out since the toeretary of the treasury modified his recent decision It new being the opinion, alike of dealers and growers, t'mt the importers will uet attempt te introduce Sumatra wrappers nt a less duty i ban 75 cents per pound, aud that at the enhanced v due the goods cannot come into dangerous competition with our seed leaf. Hut another danger is new threatened, and the advantage attained by the " pro tection " secured agaiust Sumatra is Hkely te be destroyed by Orant's proposed Mex lean treaty, which will admit, free of duty, the tobacco from that " foreign " country, niore than one half of which has already been annexed te the United States. It In said that Mexico grows oxcellont tobeceo for cigar making almost equal te Havaua for tillers and Sumatra for wrappers ; aud that te opeu our ports te .Mexican tobaeoo will be, prae tidily, te open them te the ether varle ties, which may easily be shipped te that revolutionary ceuutry, and thence trans shipped te us. Te avoid the threatened danger the farmers are cry lug for " protec tion " uud the dealers for "Havana seed," 'Keep out the accursed foreign tobacco it is worte than Chinese cheap labor I" s.iy our farmers. ''IVaut Havaua seed It is better than Sumatra or Mexican," say the dealers. "Lt Lancaster county raise 3C.000 or 10,000 cases of Havana seed the oemlng Heaseii, and she can drive all competition out el the market ; ciu supply our home demand at high priens and expert the bal ance te foreign countries." There is no longer any questien that the ''Havana seed" remedy will be largely tried the coming season by Lincaster county farmers. A great deal of the soed, both liem Wisoeusiu nnd New Yerk, has alieady been secured, great care beiug taken te get It from plauts that have ba ba ba come thoroughly ncnlimated aud suited te our heil. ThoBe el our farmers who grew Havaua seed last year, will have a supply el then ewt. seed for this year s punting Ihose who did net, can purchase packages of seed, sufficient te plant four acres, at $1 per package. We tepcat, what we have often said before, ' plant Havana seed." M , The Londen Truth fears lliatevcrdres.n.,; U a constitutions! delect In America ; this may be ee. nut there Is ene thin Knuland can net '" .'' ackiiewi. uKini-tiiiii we have tneKreat i fl remedy for ujthiua evor known. Dr l Hull's Ceuku Syrup. llieurnmt llinteucd te Tlitlr UrnTetT Keljleg en testimonials wiltten In vivid HlenliiK laiiKtiae et some mliaculnus etues made by seme l.tiKtdv putrud up doctor or pat ent medklnu has hastened thousand te their urates, bulUuux In their almost lusaue (tilth that HiL s.iiue miracle will be poiteiuicd en tlieui, an 1 that tin be testimonial make the emes, while the no-called medicine Is all the tlmu hasteuliiK thuui te thulr graved. We huve avoided publishing leitlmnnl lis, as they de nut muke the cine-, although we ha e TIIOC34HD3 Cre TIIOl SANDS el tlieui, of tlie most wonderful cures, olun elun tailly -,cnt iib. It Is our medicine, Hep III t teis thil makes the cures. It has never failed and neei can. We will gle leleience te any oue ter any dlseaae similar le their own lido lide stiud. or Hill reter te any neighbor, ns there Is nolanetKhbeihood In thu known world but em Mieu its eiuei by Hep llllterd. A LOSINO JOKU iireiiilueul physician el PltUbuiKh (aid le a I.ul patient who was cemphiliunir of her continued 111 hialth, and of his Inability te oaie her. jokingly said 'Try Hep Hitters '" Thu lady took It In eatnest aud used the Hit teis, f i ein which she obtained permanent health. She new lauuhs at the doctor for his j,,, (llt , is net se well plen.ed with It, as It te-it him a itoed patient. ritES or Docreii. l'he r,e et doctors Is an Itum tint ery many pcisena are lnteiested In. V u believe the seliudule ter vlsl's li 3.00, which would ta a man eenllned te his bed let a year, and In need el n dally Wslt, ever 11,000 a year for medical attendance alone I And ene single bottle el Hep Hittuis Liken In tlni'j would i-ave the il.eue and all thu J ear's sickness A LAPV'd WI4II. "Oh. hew 1 de wish my skin was as clear aud volt as y mils," said a lady te her liluuit. " eii ci.il easlU miiRelt se." anser ed fie lili-iid. "Hew?" Inquired the Hist bnly. " lly mliiK nep iiuteis that iiiiik spuie, lien bloe I and blooming Health, it Old It l . ler me, in en ebau ve." OtVKN IT BY TUB POlTOW, Is It pe-slbln that Mr. Godfrey Is upaiidul weik, and cured by se simple a leuiedy (" "la-Hiuoyeu Ills true that he Is ontlrely cuied.atiil with uetlilnit but Hep llltteis, and only ten nays age uisnocieis gaveiiimup aim saht he must die, ireiu iviniiey ana i.iver trouble 1 (Jan IT-Iinr-Thits&w When purchasing Kye-Glasses you should heal In mind that thu " Celluloid l'.ve- I (llaes"aie thebest In the mill km. Fer sale i by all luuiliig Jewelers mid opticians J21 twdeed liuckleii'a Aruica Hive. The greatest iiiedlcal wonder of thu world. Warranted te speedily euro burns, HtuUes, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores, Can1 curs, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Telter, Chapped Hands and till skin eruptions, guaranteed te emu In eveiy instance, or money reluuded. il cents per box. 1 or sale by Chun. A. Lecher. lHj.Vlyeed.tw Takn Yuur CIioIeh. eiicau be weak, nervous, debilitated, and ilespeudent, dlsqualtrleii for work et head or huud,er you tan enjoy a lair share et health and peace el mind, JIurtleck JttoeU Hitter t alleviale leiir misery iiudile youaweildol geed If you will but have talthtetry, Fer culu by II. II. Loehruii, drugliit, 1J7 unit U'J Net til Queen stleet. Wn Cliallenge tlie World, When we tay we believe, we huve ovldence topievo that Shtleh's consumption Cure Is hoc ineiiiy inn eesi i.ting aieiucinu inline, in ut much us II will euro a common or Chronic Cough In one-hall the time and relieve Asth ma, liieiiciiuis, v iioepmg cough, croup show liioie eases of Consumption cured than ull ethers. It will ourewheio they lull, It Is pleasant te tuke, harmless te the youngest child nnd we guarantee what we say. l'uce, inc., CWu uud t.W. It your Lungs are sero, Chest or Hack lame, use bhllnh's Pereus Phis Phis ter, snld by II. II, Cechinn, druggist, Nes. 137 and U'J North Uneen street, fub7 eed J A (Ireut Uucovery. That Is dally bring ey te the homed el thou sands by saving muiiy ul their euet Irein uu curly grave. Truly is Dr. King' New UU. cevery fei Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, Uienchitli, Hay lever, Less et Voice, Tickling tu tne 'I hieat, I'alu In Side and Client, or any ounrue el the Threat and Lungs, a pealuvi euro dinuantcul 'Irlill llet'lej lieti ntlhaa 1 nUui'i Una blui'O L.uee tlZO iee Leeks llenct, A clear, bright epsn lnce oetndiow leeks linnnst. A nnrse tidal or burulnriH-ldnin e.ir rles such a lnce. JIurtleck Meed Mitten utve thu skin a peculiarly Utie toxture and clear, ncss, They MienKthen and enrich the Iren latlen nnd pe ei adlcateall eruption or hlemlsh. Fer sain by 11. il. Coehrnn, ilrugKlt, 1J7 uud uu .leitn uueen street. MKDIVAIt. snvjr- tt- I; AOlf. HACK, HOP PLASTER. This porous plater Is absolutely fi bet evnr made, cntuiilnluK llie virtues et hops with Kums, balsams aud extracts. Its power Is wonderful In curlmr dlsuinns where ether plasters simply relieve. Crlek In the Hack and Ncclr, Pain In the Side or Llmba, Hlllt Joint nnd Muscles, Kidney Troubles, Illicit mutism. Neuralgia, Sore Cncst, Allectlnusnf the Heart and Liver, and all ruins or nrhes In nnyrnlt cured Instantly by the Hep Vlailer. -Trylt. Prlce, ! cents, or five ler (I 0 Mallttd en receipt or prlce. Sold by nil drug. Klslsand (euntry stores. Hep I'latler Com pany, Proptleters, Hosten, Mass. LAME BAOE. -Fer constipation, less et nppntlte and oleaos of the liewnls take Hawlny's stomach and Liver Pill. U cunts, ilW lyilAw (3) riUKKI OUT. X TheillslfessInK fcnlluji el wes.rln s, of axlntustlnn without cflert, which makes llln a burdiiu te te many people. Is due te the luct that the bleed it peer, nut the vlfilltv con cen con sefiucntiy foeblo. II you are nutrerlnK riem tueh fie Ingg, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is Just what you ncel, nnd wl'l de you Inetl. cuhible geed. Ne ether preparation se coucentratcs nnd combines bleed nurirylnif. vitalising, enrich lng ami Invlgeratlmr o.uilltle as ATtn's Sab iapanilla. rnKCARBD nr Dr. J. C. A) er & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all DruKnlls. tl, lt bottle lern JanlViMydftw l)AIN Hit. I. Kit. Wintry Blasts. wimiiYULAsis Biuxa ceuuiu COLDS CONSUMPTION HtieNciinia HHEUMATIIM NEUHAI.GIA Perry Davis's Tain Killer VUllES COUGHS COLD! CONSUMPTION HltONLHITIS HIIEUMATIHM NEUKALUIA Provide against the evil ellccts el Win try Hlnsts by procuring Pbpiit Davis' Pad Killsr. K VKIl Y GOOD D Ul O GJS2" KHEPS 11. IllydAnr OhWXHlNU,VNIiKHWt.AH, JC. cmra II. UKltllAKT. SPECIAL NOTICE 1 1 livuiby t u lei 11 1 these In wantet n FALL OR WIM-h.lt SU1T.OI' CLOTHING, That I have new In stock thu LARGEST AND F1NL3T ASSOHTMKNTef Woolens for the Kail and Winter Trade That has ever been exhibited In the City el Lancaster. Anient aitety el FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATING 1 keep NONK HUT THE KhIT et Foretell anil Demestic Fabrics, And all uoeds nie wanuuledun irpieseutud at H. Gerhart's FINE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. t)ui:i'.iik run uiM.u wrAinr.it new. Overcoats for Men, Overcoats for Youth, Overcoats for Bey3. Our most Men It u iuleable OVRflCOAT new tei DARK, HEAVV, UNLIVED DIAGONAL OVERCOAT, Which -.mi nie telling at the Lew Price of $10.00. We guuinutee It strictly puru ii'1-woel and you think et ptiichanliufhu suiu te see It 1 lore buying. We have O vel coats el all guide uud pikes, nnd utu sine te please you H you cull, D. B. Mutter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, .ANI'ASTKR, PA. N II'IIUH -n 1'iir.ofAssr.ies ANU iiu- N MRS. All persona are hereby ierhtdiicn -CHiuus en any et the lands of the Cern te trespass en uiv wall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon nnu I imniHtm-ceunties, whether Inrlnsed or UO' Inclesed, either ler the purpose of sheeting or rwhiiig.u the law will be rigidly outero) igulnst all trespassing en tatd laud el tin uudernlKned atter this notice. .,. VM. COLEMAN FRKBMAN It. 1'RltUY ALDKN, ED WAH1 . FREEMAN, Atte;uey ler IL Yf. Celeman's Uelvt eimdw VI.OTHINO, IKItS A UAIIirON. Cleing. 7J.. for -orvice, te the rinc.i iJrS. u w!nVlV01 AH Styles Ol MEN'S, SOUTHS' and llOY'H syiTS-net n atherodeoU.Vr let et ""laTk. eddnwii" ''ghep worn" or nellud itarnienlt that would lioriKOOdrldilniice at 30 cenlteii the ilnHnr, but new. elenu, tresh Reedt. our own ninko-itanle Reeds, ulwajt worth thu prices marked en them. XEIICUANT TAIL0HINU. Wn hwe at all times n lnre ami well ka. lecleil stock of FINK nnd MKDIUM QHADE vvoeLKNa tu our Custom erder Depn tnient, nil marked nt flumes se low that our patrons can .! ut ence the ndvantAxe el tapniylnir tlii'lr wnnts here without thu treuble ei look ing lurthei. MYERS & RATHF0N, I.K.VDiNd LANLASTF.lt CLOTHIERS, NO. 18 BAST KING LANOA8TKII, PA. STREET. CirtNi SACRIFICE SALE TILL MARCH 1st, 400 Overcoats II! All qualities, nt figures which barely pay for tne materlil. Note our prices and come ana buy. OVKUCOATS lit 12 1 lift), 13.D0. Il.tS. I 90, t 7J, 17 01, fJ.V), no, fi'inml III. 500 Heavy Suits 1 1 1 Fiem (he Cheapest te the Muclt el a Reduc tion of Ouc-llalf. BxJru Lew Flyiires -O.N- UNDEKWEilK, KNIT JACKETS. Qlovea and Noekwoar. Call esily te tecum gains. the tl.olee el the liar- HIRSH & BRO., ITNN II ALL CLOTHING HOU8T, Nes 2 and 4 North Queen Btroet. G MlJIAM ft IIKO. TOR BARGAINS IN CLOTHING GO TO-DAV, TO L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S. AT THE CORNER OF NOKTII qUEKN & 0KANUE81S. Rldleuleiixly CheHp Oveiceals at fi te. Si e tlie V eui'crlul Overcoats at, fi.m. Kwi theOveiecutaat ji ) SO, f 7 00, j.OU. 10.00 ami 1 J 00. ' All Weel Hulls ut MOO. t-ee the All Weel Miitxnt i, tle ami 12. Plenty el stj lej ; nllable goods our own tip top make. t-eoeur Children's Pnnls at OJe. Our Hey's rants at W.. Our stieu uud he ivy lined Men's runts at f 1 uud )IM. Ileinember the'e hurgatns. Centiilei- the value of your money botero you purchase Loek ivcund and sie II we nre net untler-oell lug nil) bei.y In tht. or apy ethur elty. L. Gansniaii & Bre., HIE FASIUONAHLK MERCHANT TAI I.OIIM AND CLOTHIERS. Xes. ObVGS XOKTH QUEEN STKEET, Right en the Southwest Cerner et Orange strict, LANCASTER, PA. 4ir Net connected wlthiiuy ether Clothing Heuse In thu dty. fAfJHl tlAXUMUB, at. IIAI(LS W. ri(Y. We are making our block ei lUmejt dully; additions te WALL PAPEES. Thettyle are liauilliil and we have thorn tu elegant iiseituient, from the common brew n te the nnest embroidered gilt ene, two ami tluee baud Inezes. uccoriiiiens lorceu- tngs in eletfant dtdiges, centre pieces te muicu, Dade Window Shades Are becoming niore popular every tieasen. W en show you lltiy dltlereut styles, In the pr villlug colors. Plain cloths ler shade tu all widths, nxtuictV.eniaruuuts, ute, CREAM mid WHITE LACK CURTAINS, UEDHr.TS. PILLOW SHAMS. TIDIhH, una i.AMUitcijuiNS, ueiiiAi.i POLES, CORNICES, MIR RORS, .te. PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN BT. U,1 IW VOll Til r; 11ULIUAVHIM 1IUXKH et i5, SO and 100 at 1JIU MAN'S YH.I.LOW FUONT CIQAR STORK. WU IIAVK A FUW HKUHII AND UOHM sets leit, whieh xte wiu ill at ft eaort eaert flee te olese them out. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED I Alte, a lew Oder Case which we de net wish te carry evor. POSITIVE UAROA1N9 AT Tlie. H. Ikcliteia'g Bras Stere, Ne. 101 WEST ORANGE STREET, cernsr of Charlette. dMfd