i. v , LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, SATUHhAK JANUARY 10, 1HSI, Ulir (imiH.i, Ar. ut.UTiiimi, AN UPKIGITr MAN- aiisiuVAV. AV" lAMHOn ,V fUSTKIt. B HOWN'S IIHIK ItlTlKltb. 11 AllKK A 1IHUTIIKK. UKNItV . 1'AV.IK AHU HIS KrfMII.V. b ! J? f A Alittv iinil UprUnt Mn f llnnieM-nir. I'ajne Unconnected With in" HUnimr.l Ull Dinnimtiy-HI" Jllectien Viilint 8Ute HruRlur. Jf Tf.Bun. Mr. llenry H. IVyrtu, the Kotialer elect, la net Ititercntcd In the Htitndnrd oil com pany, does net own it dollar of ltd ateck, and ueTcrdid. Hels net, nor has he evur been, the attorney of that corporation, an lias been frequently stated in the lirciw. Tlie only Interi'st he can possibly have in the Btauriurd oil company nrlte.i from the faettlinL hiit son, Cel. Oliver l'ayne, in treanurcr of the company. A. Olovelitnil uontletnau tclU the facts about the business nnd lliiancial alTalrs of the l'ayne family. When Nathan, eldest son, nnlvcd ut his majority he was Riven $100,000 by hln father and told te take care of himself. He embarked In the coal buslneHS, founded the linn of Payne, Newton& Ce , and has, at the ae of 40, bcoemo u tnodurately wealthy man. His lattier has had nothing te de with his son's coal liuaincMi, and Ins tioteveu bteu aoetiRcd of It In tLe papern. When Oliver bfoatne " of age " he, tee was provided with capital by hi father, nml set out te nuldle tits own c.vuoe. He oheso the oil business, and, by poed fact and Industry, has worked hU way up te be treasurer of the Standird oil company. His father has had nothing te de with oil, nod knows nothing of the n Hairs of the company. "It is a queer fashion lu the l'ayne fami ly," fcald Mr. l'red Wallaoe, a retired law ycr, aud for many years Mr. 1'ayne'a pn pn vate secretary, 'that net ene el them has nuythlu te de with the ether's buniiieai alTaiiH. Henry H. laid it down as a house hold law that each tub must stand ou its own bottom, and while their social inter ceurse has been very clese, the buslncst Interests are us top into as though they were Atr.iugeric They are net even stock holders lu tlie same e mourns aed bank at dllVereut banks, or did when I was mniu familiar with their ntTairs, and, I suppose, de te this day." Clovelanduis declare that even if the Standard oil e impaiiy had any ue for Mr. l'ayne in a public station tbey con 1 1 get lefcs service from him than from a stranger his regard for his honor and uame beiug no zealous and Bcvcre. Said an oil reiliier, wheM) iulerests are autagouistie in oemo ways te theso of the Standard oetupuiy : "The Staudard folks have no usa tjr United states souatern. One sorvile mem ber of the Pennsylvania Legislature is worth tueic te thorn than n row of ceu grcssmeu. We Mnall fry retluers are net alarmed about tli.it, at all. I am net much in leve with the Payne family, but 1 knew that the old gentleman is the last man in the world that would, as a senater, de anything that could be construed into au act of friendship for the ritamlm d folks. Ve found that out te our satisfaction when he nas in Congress. " "Didn't sumo of the St md ml people interest thumselvea in his election ?" His seu Oliver aud Jehu Huntington Oliver fauly worships his father, aud Huntington is au old friend of the lauiily. That's all thure is of that. I knew that the Standard cempauy as a corporation took no iiiteu'sl wliatevur in Mr. Pavue's election. Cel. Heckcfellcr, president of the company, is u Itcpublicju." In convocation with a gtutleuiaii who was at Culuuibusduriiig the late senatorial contest, if contest it can be allied, I learned th.it a corps of detectives, hired by PendltU'ii and guided by Jehu U. Thompson, were continually at the heels of the I'.ivne managers, endeavoring te catch them usiug money ; that all the howl iu the ) apcrs about "gieate," "oil," "corruption, &J , was worked up design edly by Pendleton's managers, te prepare the ground for au uxplonieu they ex pected te make by au alleged iliaciv ery of attempted bribery ; that a Peitdle ten mumbcr of the Heuse was t-uiit te the Payne liciiilnuiuterH te hull his vote as a decoy ; tli.it the l'ayne uiau.igei ,i!e had dctu'tiv is en the track of Jehn Theiiip son, CI irk Irvine and ether Pendleton lieutenant.". Ne money was used illegiti matelyju the senatorial contest. Payne had 41 voles out of 8.', ami could haveh d 10 mere had they been needed. His elec tion brings te the front, iu Diiinocratie politics a riH, earnest, powerful man. Henry 11. Payne is a business man In in self ; he is, or was a fe.v years age a diree ter in eihieeu industrial cert orations, embracing iron mining, uuiiuf laturiiig, nnd banking. His business and iiuseual pepulailtj is such that he could (1 what was never doue yet, take Ohie away fiem the Republicans in a presidential election Healthy People sometimes Laugh. At the Hiinerlngse! dyspeptics, nnd ray th t then pa' and dlsuwsc re lumitlnniy Tills Is net mount for crulty, tint It U crueli .ml me tin fame A poison who lnvs a vuHikcd feet, or a wounded hand, or u s'tlitli-" eye. calls feith syuipiitliy liy tlie ovhlbltlen el Ihede tectlve member. 11 tlie ilynwnlles millercr tem.ich could tin placed en ovhlbltleu, the eausii of hi dlsln m would be apparent. The man with a ttoublpeim Memiit'h ollen nntlei ijulte u much in the limn with a uioLeii leu, mid Is ter less likely te roielve J inpiilliy. Bvmimlhy Is Keed lersuilemrs, i far us It bees. lint lttn n't turn lUutrt U hotter, ler It strikes at tlie root of tluwe Iretilile and cures eItusii. IUniiliiltHl dvl'ptles, w,nry et liavlna trleilniniiy eiperlinenls In evoking eille, will de well te itiikKiuie fair tilal el liruunt Iren Hitler mid lepert I lie result. Tliat tills well tiled tmnlly iiiedlilne will Urns iltnilnlsli tlie'innnllty of liiinmn siiirciliitf Is mi v.tnillstiel tiict. HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES. jficiift.ir.. WHAT M)IK'UI tlrKTIlS tttll. t'HK no llnlitinnts. salvs or lellnns. Hen ens I iipclne I'orens 1'liisleis aie bcl. IJiiIlK. Iilnhly iiiedU'lmil i'0. IVV.NtDN'M SKIN UlllK, I Mum Frank Lettit'i Illiittrutnl Xeu j;)'i;rr ) A LADY SAID. 1Ihm( llnrrlit I'lmplr! Ne, I (.'.tiiiiui ln. l'lritiKi I'riswnt .Sly Kucuum " l'liiliahly iwe-ttilnN et tte ladles In xoelety nnd Heme et our liind urn iilllleted wliliHklu dle4ie et various kinds, te de awu with wlilch. It It could Imi done without l,)ur, would be tlie Inppli'st event et tlielr lives. Then she would have Instead et u i!ltlKUivd rtiul iimrnxl conntenaiice. one th.it would be handsome, or at least geed looking, ter imy one with it clear, pure skin, no matter what the out et her leatures n. hiw a certain amount of geed Ioeks whlcli ul tract every every be.lv. A It Is new, he ImiiKlues every ene si" nnd talks about " tho-e In'ekles,"' " Uiee herild pimples." and etln r ble'iilshes wtlh wiileh she Is ntllleted, tut this Is true el ilther SOT. In liiiprove this iipjieuraiMe uie.it -lfk-aie taken .iiiM'.ik', mercury, or hlrfli-snund tlilel iiiiinrdirtUlise"nlalnlnjtliese death OeiilliiK druB". me taken lu liepvs et pettlim thiel all lie se troubles. In many cases ile.Alh la the result. .Ne alleviation "I tlie burning. Iieutln. Itchlni; and Inllnunnatleii Ih1veu. All troubled with Kczem.i (alt rlieiiiu) Telterj. Uuinurs. lull imtiiatluii, lleuuli scaly Krupt'onset any kind, Dlsca-e el the llalr and sculp. Scrofula, fleets, 1'linples ut 'len der Itchlnus en any part el the ll should knew tliat there Is liope ler them lu a sure, perfect and elegant ruined, known as ' Hr. C. W. llenseirs Skin Line." It makes the sutn white, soil and smooth , temeves tan and lieekb", and Is the 11KST toilet dteeslliK 1 TllKWllltl.lt. It Iselepvnlly put up, 'I WO tiellles In one p ickiiu, censlitlni; et both In turnulaud eiiernal tre.iliimnt, Our ninlers Hheuld be su'u UKet tills u-id net some old reined; resiisclliiled en the success el Hr.He:. Hr.He:. ite'i s and new udvci Manilas " The Ureut Skin Cure." Tliere Is only oue-ll bjarsthe de'ti.'s Iilctuie mid Is ler sale by all drugKUl. II pi r iackii),'e. A Meiisnlluii HAS Ol-TK.S lltKN MADS by the discovery el some new tulnir I w nelh Hit; bai ever st(HHl the til like llr. t-. . Hen son's Celery and Chamomile Tills. The) really de curr Slik Uiadaihe, Nervous licuiliuhc. Neuralgia, Nerv(iusn.', .seeiless. ncss, liidUetlen, l"anilsls ami Melancholy. l'rlee, M cint-s per ti, two ler II, 1 ler li'e l mull, jxwtiiBe Iree Ur. C IV . Hciisen. llaltluiere. Mil. Sold by all druKRl-ts. C.N Cbittkntei, New .erk, Is t holeuile .(cnt ler Dr. U. W Ilenseu's Ueimslles. J'.5-lmdM.V.t!?.lw itt;i.t()iei'n. l)KI.UIUUI-M'.ltVIOI'.S Wll.l. ItK IIKMI IX In the lolleulin; cburches te morrow, In tlie lueriilutr at le., Iu the (V.nlntf al !.!. Sunday clioel at I I"' p m When the hour U dllleieiit It Is iipei billy noted. (otiKeK t mi kl Seiiiien by Itev. J. II. Ilubbs. I) l ir .1 wks-IIeIv l (Miimunlen ut sand morn Inn seivln at let, a. in. hvmitiiK l'rayet ut i.i,. p in ;-T I i kk ItKr smi 1 iinteit MarlettH ave nue, uev. in. K llihlller. Miuday scluxd t ikst brreKMBn t'urniil Itev. .1 A. Peters. M- PaVi's UKret.MKii-ltev, J. II. Miuinakei, I). I). - rtueii In the merula by Itev J M. Crewell. I' l . secretary nl tlie American uiidii .school I nlen.and In the livening by the pater. I'miin llmncL. Itev. M. V. Sellliamer HRhT IUl-TiT e service III the liiernliiil. l'niei meetlii); In tuoevonliiR. Sdiidaytjciioel at .' p. in. McivM Kv. t'lii'sei (Kntf.) Mullerrystreel. Itev I. N. Weruein. Sitiiday school at 3 p in l'KssiivTxuiAS CNt'icL-MertiliiK and even me service by the piu.ter. Hi v. Themas Thonip'en. rmaiivTniAii I'lenehliipliithoiiiernlni; by Iter .-iHilden Jaekse i, 1 1. In the evenliiK Itev .hillle-. l. I rewell. 1.I., el l'hllailelphla. Sli'RMiis-Itev J. Mu Hark. MUuy and seiuien Siiti'hn pi MimiI at i p III. KvenliiK I mini ni vliv iii I'lebyteil.iii cbiiich. t JciisV I.i Timlin -Itev 'ylvanus Ktsll. l'reai hiiitf b Kev J W Itlehar.l. el terk. IkTw lh Mipi Ien kuiid c hi el at 2 p in SaIBM (.ill lun et lioi-Uev .1 Nol"eii I'eU tr (.rue I.t iiivn is North, ljueen. Itev C I Iv lu lleupi rimd.iv sihoel al 2 p in. -T. I'All H M K. UHV. .. I. LlllllMIl will pre ill I KKT Ml'WIeN III V Cambric Edgiuga and Iusertings. Naiuzoek Edgings aud Insertings. Swiss Edgiuga aud Iusertiugs. NJffiW FLOUNCINGS, IN SETS OF VAIUOU3 WIDTU3 TO MATOU. Wc will open en IUnpan. J m via i.. our INi'w Spkini. 1m Complete line of Medium ami Fine ljualitics. as well as some of ported, te which we invite Special Attention. Nl'W Sl'KlNl. lMlMKIAIldN til KmP.U MNI'.Uir.S. the most lileant 1 )csigns A Im- preaihlu tlieu.eriilnK, mid Mils l.lzrle Shurp he cvi'iiliiK.iiint eveiy nitflil next woek. IV - in. Pe wick I'1-.W AKh AVV'AKK OH 1IIK IIH'OKI in ce et clu cklii a Ceiik'ti or imuiiinii (old In Its tlrst 4taiie Tlkit w hleli lu the be be Klnulie; would lebl te a mild leineOy, II neltitisl, seen pies upon tlu luugj. lUCIIKIl's KKNOUNtI) C O UT Cr S V It L1 V ailurdj In.tunt rellut l'rlee, '-'.r. aud utV.n lleltlc. 'le he hud enl at LOCHER'S Drug Stere, A new plav If iibeut le Im uriidticfi! eiitllle.l "what shall he dewllhlt? well, II u" l. iibotlluel llr Hull's Ceugn sj rup, ne'l beltri take a spoeulul three Uuikb a day until he cuts li I el his cough or cold. Ilitlin the bands lu llnhys I'leuhiUll Haiti mill liocentacloii will utiack you Alliiu Uh in .Sm Tll.lt a koeiI deal el the siurerlni; In hN world '?!'! '.'". "'''''"d ly pincliiitliiK llr. 7'Aikii' Aeltrtrlf UU. eud u-lin,' li as p i illreeibm,. It Is an lulalllblu ciiiit ler all ach. s, hiimIiih and pains. Kersalu by II. II. Cechian, tlniK Klst. 137 mid 1J N'eilh (Jueun alieut. - I'ritty us n I'lciuiri. l'lienty-tnur liftui tllul coIeim el the Minium. t liyis f , - hu Weel, Cot lun,, tin,, iisi uicli A child la-i iie with pcilutl Hiiccess. te t ut one., ui ten, ilruxclslft. e 6 utibunlseu A Ce. llui Hus Hus eon, Vt G" SOi KAHT KINU ST. (H.v vi -irr.iji ! !u utt.iinjiein. ! ur. (treat KmrlNIi KeiiiiHly. An unalllii eurc for Jiuisiteticy, and all litseasttn that fellow les et Mmiiery, UnlV( raal I..is. tu.le. 1'ilu in tt.e lla( s, IMmnexs et Vision, l'riiiiiiiliirii Old Afc't), and many Other diseases that lead te luaatillv or Ceu. sumptien ami u I'reuiatiiru (trave. full par ticulars tn en i pauiplel, w hlch im ilelre te suiiil tiifii init toevfi-y one. I he "iirc Misllciuei i l.l by all dniitvlntii al II per i.t. t axe, el I v iiiikum b'r t-., or will 1 1 ,...r iee by mini en Hie receipt el the iiieiie,ii til dres-dug the imeiil, II. li t ut IIUAS, Dnm'KlHt, Nes 137 and 1JU North (jiievu stlccl. l.uuias- lei, I'a. On UM-eiinl et counterfeits, we have .ulopt .ulept il tlie bellow Wmpitwi ; thoenly Keiiulne. TIIK liP.AV MI-.IMCIM. CO, aurl'Mvd.Vw llullale. N N tlllttlMO NA1.VI. UAK.VIIItll li A miicnus dls- All lUcrllent Jtcpril. lien. Jeh. a, (ioe.li I. !(,-(., ei iirneklyn, N. 1 writes this: " C'anuet epie.i iimsdIi In huiii clently piulsoweilhy lenns Jlunluck Illuml Jlittcr i live med ler tlie pat two jeais jeais kuepiiiVBleiiiii.il iiiHpUiti.lhl Him." ! or Hali! by II. II. Ceilir.ii.iliunBlat, U7 an.l SJ Nmlh Oiicen Btloet. DO OH llullflltl It, That lu this tow u thorn me sieies el iKirsens paasliiKOiirslote eveiy day whose lives mu liiutlu mlscrabln by ln.llBestltin, l)siepf(lu, Heur mitl ilUucHed hieniach, l.lver coin plaint. Coiistlp.itlen. when ler 7Vc wewlll eel I llu-lii Hhlleli's VllalUer, i urn unti-f .1 lu cine tliein. Keldby II. II. Ced.i in. iliurxixl, Nem. Ii7 and l.rj Neitb 4ueeu stiuuL t.'b7-oeii t V' Cbrenle loudltlen el liiipeillnieiit le 1111- fin n spiraueu wiiu uioie or lets iii.irgu uy puurynx 01 neiiriin. liln-asiH el the Ke, Kur and I'lireat aUe, luureiH, 'liiiiiers, Skin ami Chieulc Iilnciuxwl sulci flully triated by UK.-.. II. I), and M. A. I.OMtAKKH Ollli-e II Kant aliiul stieel, l.uneuler, I'll Censul iitleu tree JlTJl.t.Vw OL.iSH AflO U(fvK.VHIMJIji, il.i IS AH1 VAI'il. iOlllil.l.':s 1IAI ' blOKK. We have looked ever our stock and find it tee bkj for this season. The holiday .sales were very large, but we are still full of I leavy Caps and Men's Fur Goods generally. Most of these goods we have marked down te cost, ami some lower, because we don't want te carry them ever. The money is worth mere te us just new than the goods will be next year. The lew Seal Caps left are all bargains in which it will pay any one te in- SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 north qui;i;n strict, (UL'MIAKKII'S OI H -TA.NU.) I.AMA-Ihlt, I'A. mar."; IvI.V w OHLl.l UI.UM.lMI, e (al'.KAT llKl'L'CTlOS IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Ltnllea' Seal Sacquea iind DelmuriB, Lndlea' Fur-Llued OlreulurB, (fills' mitl l.ailleV Seal Cups at Cost, HILK I'MllliKl.LAft A IUk'e AsMrtutent et UI. JVhi at Cost. THE I.AUlilT'Tiil K ANH V'SOItTMKNI' OK Aslll'iN AllLh Winler Hals, Caps, Furs, &c. Kvurriili ie.1 te the public, at the t.OWr.sr I'lill'hS tv iieicKjir un t Iletall Hny tir(ii.h only aud sell cheaper than any etlu r Hat stelu In Hlo city. 10I.E AUENT I'OllTUE Knox Silk & Derby Hat. Tli.-eM.V. Hal Manutat lery In l.aiiriistm. It(ia' C'UM Irein lnc up. Men's Cup-, el all Klmla itieailv retimed In prleti. Uepalrlnn lit ally and pieuiptlytluim UM "-Ilk Hiitsiniide ushleu.iblu. .10 UN SIDES, tl.'MII huciesser te Sll L I.T. A lllll). HAGER & BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. mi. v. K.vriiveN. DEPARTMENT. Ne. 25 WEST KING STBKEIT, CARPET WILLIAMSON & FOSTER'S SPECIAL 31 DAY SALE COMPRISES -Al We are new offering soine Special Bargains iu Carpets te make room for Spring Stock Persons wanting Oarpets the coming Spring will de well te leek at our goods new, as they may find tome patterns te suit them at an odd price and save money. Our New Spring Stock will be larger than ever ; some goods are arriving new JOHN S. GIVLEE te CO., DEPARTMENTS lllll'TUIIAl UK IISI.I A KKW rillCKSIN KIMINISII TIIKUI.OI'IIIM.. 0.fC MICK lli)' (ieUl)S ASD CMIPUT llOLSK. NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA, VI.UTIII.1U. J Ml. J. 3.1I.V1.1MI. 3t r.i c.i . i.N.f rtt u ji t:.s r.s. I )IAMI I Mill OtlS. REDUCTION. I have still a l. l HOICK I' VI lhllN. el Oraialiiiis and Mm ! On hand, h'. h I ill i hue out AL and Belew Cost. Call at eutre and set me UAIltt Al.S. JNO. J. SMALING. (TA1I.OU.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., m rioei i I.ANUTKIl. I'A uiai'l-lidTil.ThA. M1 Kit-) Jtl llATItrOM. our the U1e MAKTIM Mlfl-Wiuter Clliiffi. In OVKItC'OATs. wu have all ueluhls ter Winter Wear, Irein the Iteuxh Heavy Ceals ler service, te the I Incut Driw Uaruieiit. All Styles el HK.VS, lOUTIIV nnd 110 V M' ITS net a cntliered toicethnr let et " mark ed down " ' shop wern'' or keIIihI KunnvnU thM would Ik a weed rltltUnce at .H) cell's en the dollar, out new, clean, lliuli kihmN, own nmke-fMiple kikmU, alnras worth pi Icen uiatKL-d ou them. HKItCIIANT TAlLOUIXti. Wu hive at all times u l.it;e ami well e let tid liH'k et KINK an.l M hllll'M Li ItADK W UO I.K.N a In our Cintem n.iler Hepartiiieul, all marked at IlKurus no low that our patrons can hist at encu the advaiita,'e et HUppiylm; thtli wauls, held wltiiuat the IreuUlu ul link liiK luithur. MYERS & RATHFON, I.KAIMMJ l.AN CAST hit CI.OIIUKl'.S, L. WALKER'S PIANO PARLORS, Ne. s:Hl Verth Sixth Stml, (Nl- AU I'MilMI) I'llIi.ADKI.l'lUA THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. NO STORK RKxNTTO PAY MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS Fer $225, $250 and $275, FAR SUPERIOR TO THOSE SOLD IN EXPENSIVE STORES Fer $450, $500 and $600. ONLYFIRST-OLASS MAKERS NO CILEAP TRASH. I M.I t IX 1-1 Kl. it (la i nil M .-Ml lll.l.i:ll.HVII.I.K li. I. IlilliiXi btuve l-UHKter (I. it li'ipet), ut 7, 0, ll-.'fciu. in ,an.l 2, I, fi nml s.uip in.,eiceut en Oiltnnlay hi n the last cur leav nt at t) ju p. til Umve Mill, .villi .lew.T eiul) ul5, S, an.lll i. VI . .fii.l I i, 5 -im 7 p. in Cin. run .L nv ena ive lluiu oxcept en 8un dvv Clttl.UltllltA A 1-OltT UhfOMlI' HA 1 1. ) UOAll IT UK 1 Alll.K. Tn.lnH new run it'itnUrlv ou the ( iilunilda t 1'ert leKnlt Ilallrec.l en the lollewlnv tlme: .STATIONS miKTiiwAlte Irein ii Kentle Kentlo Kontle U n own In thin BQCTIIWAIIII. r. M. A.VI.T.V. 6.x ie-.: euss 10 mi ei i(W7 7.ti 11:14 ... . 7:0ft Uri) 7.W 1121 7:1: UT 7:17 I1MI 7.-i1 11: 7J7 II AX 7 41 ll-VI 7.VI lX-SKi 7.IU S.-US 1X.M 7.'-"7 P.M. 31J IX 7.17 a.'xs ii in hi 12:V, (t-JI ....C'tiliiiiihla.... . VVa.fhlii;ten.. ...Ciesawull .... . Sain Itarher... .fthtink's I'erry. ... .re(iien .... .erk iMiriiactt.. ....Tll(SllMII lleCall's Keir-. . UteN Kittly... .KUhliiK Creek, .l'each Itottem. ,. Coue lue... .... Octnrura .... ...Teil l.i-in-tlt.. .. lVrryvllhi.... A.M. S.-3) (il 7:i.'i 7.4U 7'l 7-31 7" 7C1 7:10 7U b.S7 G.ll fi-.Tl II: J i r. m. r S-MJl., 'ft.!'. &!.. 1171. f IX1., 5 OS . M"l ., 5 001. ML ii.i!. :.l:i i..m u,( He M 3:111 7M 7:3fc 7.-'.l 7 I 7. 5 The HUH and Ovotceats III tills llsl ill e all trenli. .Sew UihmIii and of the Latest t-'iothleti", matte In uvriilleut Dtyltt nml were I'oiislileretl cheupat their ternier selllntr pilce-t. When wu puichuxcil tlicm It was net our Intention te tell Ilium ter less; hut we have been I, KM' Willi A SURI'I.Ua STOCK THAT MUST UK 11 U.N Kll INTO MO.N'KY. Te de this we nae rlflee them.liy wlitch ineani we optiniich.inuel ler btiji'iti te Bee tire HarMns In mifh iiiautl tlrii and at Hitch rrlces that were iiiiver helere etlervd by us. In luiMdny KvenliiK's AdvititUeineiit wu wIUkIVO a tull and levlsud list el I'llrvs Many lines have brtin nlreutly Mild mil in l hoiiie new one put In their pt .ce. CLOTHING. CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS. llUlt.KItH, XV. QUEENS WARE, QUEENSAV?HE, -AT- I rAVlhll 1JL mid .11,1 I II A, KV. Ilt-MM VI. II I'AltlliKllMl li. i (tmuiieutlv oleetl tin, i'i.i.i,.. btieiil Iren WeiKs, I ifiwnu n, Inleim my old pillions nml tne pnl.it. (,'eiieudi , that I am Htlll In Hut htitdiifbH, belli); leuittid in thu l'tiiin Iren C'euipaii 'j lleikn, Nmlh I'lum Hiieet, vvhuiu I inn iiiuklni; lien nml IIiiish C'iitliii,'if eluvurvtliflllptlim, un. I will be pleube I e ui'i'Veiill who may luier me Willi theli puirou puireu IlKH. fiem It) yoiil-devpoilijiicti In IhlihllalliuBa anil lutui? tlie bent miiK-ilil anil Diiipluylui: thtihe.il itiiLlmiilU!, 1 mil mitl-lled I inn uuai uuai uilteuunlli'etjailslaiUen. CimtiiiKd ma u Irem !v.m,tXlme "' lr"" "'"' t)l hli'li me linn e re. lit (... il i?i'!",i'11' t"l 'lemhlllty than tlie l)it coot Iren known, v U'uth mil pIuIeuh i-eUb iinil rui ln(; nun w,,, k a -j'.iclulty. cJi- illts liiilde et very neil Iren, iu.l hia cVTf Iukh el uveiy ilfsi-ilptlen. I h ivu all iliu iiiit. Jein ul the well nml laverably knew n .Mewier Cern nml cob CrtiHiicr. uiuteti nnd luiiuevcil. Mm un liuiul, nilllii iiuiiuietuly lllletl up i I imrls, te runlutii old euiM vviiivii huvii beeh iisu ler y cum, HU.iuinlecliin ihum te ulve lshicllen. n uuuM-iiiiii' U.U. MuUULliBY. lKH A.Vlt 1.1UUUUS, CHINA HALL. We huvii new open a large anfeiluu in el QUEEMSWARE! -IN- Whltu hi. me I lilim, KdkIUIi and Auieiliaii l'eiei lain, KiikIUii and Amuiluiii Duc- eiatetl Wtue, l.HHtiu ami Hpilj Witiu. A l.'iii- l.lnu ul Heus8furllishillg, Goods ! INUUU LINK. Kiiiinlnu mil' HteuU laileru pun Inning High & lartin, 15 EAST KING STKKET, I.ANIJAH'I'"" V T"" BEST STEAM ENU1NE NO. 12 HAST KINO I. A.N CAST Kll, I'A. STREET. G AMB.IIArf & ItltO. FOR BARGAINS IN AN 11 K VAUUlAUtSli, ,tu. eiatt.r.v a co I lOUHKAL, JJ VO, Fine Liquors. We de notelmiii te tilu tbollneat biuniU e Whialties, Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c Slf L JS?li,0I;I3l,2llrwi,, n f1"0 nH "" ","'it huiiwi latore. ,ulire '" J11 ,l,u 'H.a.'-ei.Aas HOUSEAL & CO. 43 North Queen Street, I-AN0ABTKU,1'a, 10pposte the new rostetiico. ui'-:m4 8LK1U1I8 ! 8LK1UHS ! ED9EBIEY & CO., BOILER WORKS. We lu.iiinliiituiu and keep in Hletk thu u. 'owing uiHidfi Tet table Knulntsen W bei Is and iIU Htutlenery hiiulni s aim ntuiiuuciy Ilellt rs. l'lirtiiblu I'eiu.rn. rerlalilu Saw Mlllx. I.iui;euii.l Hiniill lle lei tuud I'liiiiiw; pump uud heiitniHcomblnetl. ISarK, t eik and Cob Mill l'nllc, hhillWiK anil IJuailnu' llotlie Cellai lleiUelH. C'reamrilrs lllletl up. Meaiu HciilliiK u Sh vlulty lien antl Itnets CiuIIIikh. Iren TiiukMler Wnl.ir an.l oil l.lKlil anil Heavy Hhcet lien Weik Steiiiu uud Water I'lpua. Valvimiinl Klttluu-i. Itilhl any Ml lu or power et Heller I'.MilintniM Bivun ter mtieliliiitiy Itcpuir promptly aniluuulully utteiulutl le Jehn Best & Sen, (I'llel'Ulh'lUUS ) Ne. UM EilsI Fulton St., I.ANCAHTKU, I'A CLOTH1 NG GO IU HAY, TO MAIIICKT BTIIKKT, I'O.iTOr'KHJU, IN IIEAII OK NKW (ANOAHTKIl, I'A. L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S, AT TIIK LOIt.NKI. OK NORTH JUEKN v 0KANUKS1S. Ulilluuleiisly C'huup Ovt it-iiaiH al .M Htethu Woni'erlnl evei coats ai m tiee tint OverccuUi at f, Vi. ; le, in,, tiuen uud WOO. ' All Weel Hulls lit 3'iUI tee thu All Weel Willis ut ji, tiaii. jt' I'lentyetMtyludi rilluliliiKoeit ; our own tin topmuke. ' see our Children's I'tmttt at iivi tim iiev's rmitM nt oeo. Uiir tren mm heavy lined Mini's rimm nt l and ;i:.v '""" UiimuuilMir thesti barKiilns Censhler I he valiioef your money ImiIdie you iiurchua Loek aieuiid nnd hie It wuuru nut uit,UV(,i. Inguiiybeuy In this or any utiiur city. I. Gansman & Bre., Ueiid this Idler. list received man e( hllt tun.llnu and well city 3519 I.ASt'VWTftn AVKKOtt, ( NeveinUil 15, 1NU. S Mr. ifKennK I. Walk kh : The tour 1'l.iues I pnrch.iied Irem you at dirleruiit tlmeri three ler Irlends ami tliu hut one ter in sell have preved te be mairnltlcnnt Instruments. Tnev have jtlven the most per fect s itl.tiu Hen In every respeet, und they cannot he surpassed ler beau tllul, clear, rich, tull tone, tine iluldh, nnd HtiiiidlnK In tune. 1 have inrtiterly bought plauert en Chestiiut ntreet, paid a miirli litKher price anil did uel reielve anv thliiK like ils line InstrtiiiieiiM. 1 shall n.ivlse all my Irlen.is ter tin Irow n bono beno bone nt, when they are lu uced et u I'luue, te pur chase fnun eti. Ui-m- tiuilv yours, II I.. HAtU 1 have ixelved hllll.lrt'dd of letteiH ttllnllar le thN, w hlt.ii I will altew with pli'iLsure. I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving Pianos from FAMILIES FORGED TO SELL, MSTOPUIIKAT JIAKUAINS : $700 Hiinare annul Tiaue - $200 $(57."i Sqimre (Jranil Tiiiiie - s?U)0 f (MU) Richly Cnrretl l'liiue - $175 $1000 Upright Piane - $250 $750 UpriRht riane - $200 $000 IlcaiiUl'iil Ruby UpriKhl $175 $ i50Hsiiilsonie Rosewood PianeSDO W I tli eleKiuit ombreldorod covera antl fluali bioeiH ml Htintlurtl makum each ItiHtruinent wnrranteil for llve yearn. A cull will miliary you that thU U the bust pluce te buy a 1 liine. ellWiml 7) 7 HI 7ie 71 7:30 9:16 7r3 9:15 'J: U' r. m. i:) 3.K) 3fV) 3 30 4s.il) 1 10 3.10 3:1) BiO i.B' 7U :10 )KAUIhUAUOI,U.1tUIA U.K. AUKAMiKMKNTUr f A1KNUKH ITlAlNtf MONDAY, OCTOIIKU 21ru, U3. NOIITHWAIIU tun. 1 a.m. r. m. uanrryvllle Lanauter. KluxUt.... Liinauftur 7 ID 1 Cltlckles MarlulUi Jiiucllen.... Celuinblx... AKtUVK. Ueadlntf 80UTHWAUH i-iiVl. I A.M. nuufiiiiK .f. AIU11VX. Mttrlettn Junction Chlcklts Coin Hilda Lancaster 9 30 i.u d.P Alt Lunciutter. Klmrdt iu .... hi, i-d quarryvllle n te .... j3. BJf rruini connect at i.eiuiiiik wiiii ininif kmuiii from fhllailelphla, I'otUtvllle, lUrrlsburg, Al. luntewti and Se'i Yerk, via Hound Bit) Ueutc At Columbia vrltbtruliiH leauil from Yerk, llunevur, Uuttyaburu, Krt.lerltk and lliltl. mom. A Al. WII.UON. Bupt. m. r.n. U.-U)1 U:iu r.v. ti.01 ... S:3'l 1 IU u.-s i.lti d.P .... HI' .... J3 IO A I t'.'i l.'iO Weel ovirceaM Itediiced tefltfi 6ll " IU 0 (Ml BOY'S OVERCOATS. 1 H.V) All Weel Oviirceal' ....Hisltit'tsI te7ii Ufsi All Weel OverceatH 7 7ft 10 VI All W oel Overcoats ... " til 11.00 All Weel Ovurceatn.... " out) 1IKNNB V I. VAN I A JL HCHKHUI.K On UAll.llOAU NISW and alter HH Nil A 1 NOVKMUKH. IH.HWll. trulnii en thu I'enimvl vnnla Uallrend will nrrlve at and leave the Laervde' nml I'hlladelphlatlopetiiaii felliw KAHTfVAnD. II.uvl Ar ll.anll'hl JanUi-iyii Wolmveat our Factory uud lleniMliery a Ifitriioiiiidisiileiiilltl Auaoitinuiitet PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AND- DOUBLE SLEIGHS. Tlioynruinaileol lltu lltst Helceteil Mateiial am Flneat I Inlsli Our motto " (jiiiuk hiUuh uud tjinull pieiiui." It ijehu netlilim te cull "."i .','f ,i,",,,.'Sim,.',w2.kVw" '""" "V" en hand ArUMilUNKOKKlNKCAItlllAuK WOUK. All our own well known muku. AM. WOUK WAHUANTKII. HepulrliiK promptly ntUtiitletl te. One eet et workmen esixjclaLly oiupleyuil ler that imr Pose. nae-tidATf UAIUIAInn l WA'IUIIKM, UCOClAb ., ..tV'l!.1"?' ulMf' HlHicUiclus, Ac. UimalrliiK el till kinds will lecolve my liuraeiikl uttuii. lti'.i ''uU,l,H WKI1KH. NO. lfei( North e"een ?J..V.V, """V'mlitii- mimi) nut niiuibur. IH- raiiVX.u'.l'.J.V' U,ly Ue1"1' umr ,''rvivuili railltiii.l iltllsll. ilne'W Ivil l'U-rnnv ""'VUKHAI. r,) UUrfObI Aii l. .' nre euro for every form el files, internal and oxternul. Uclilna or b "". nir.uiitl Ieiik HtiiiidlnK ciwIih. it , nuver lulled uven In caHita ui lanu Btniullmr "Vtn S ytuiH. TI.UHupposltery fi co ,'u ,&& iJufy V. '. V ' M.. . ,,,, "iiiimuiiiti lllltl ElllVea. I'hyMlclanij use It lu their practice, utve It a tilul. und you will he both rulluviHl mid con. vliiced. II venr ilrinili.t.ihtex i..,t !,.... , .' uet It for you, iiccent no ethur, hut num. ler It by mull, us It run be Bunt nnywhtire by niiill rrice, oeo per no- rntpuruil uml go d hv ANDUKW U.VUKY, IlniifBlmf n..A?,,8,J.U,wi r'Bhe. Cor. ChiUHiin. apw-lydAwi iiouctwler, fa. NeH. . MOUTH UUKKN KlKht en the Beuthwist Cerner aiiiei, HTHEhT, of OraiiKU IjANOAHTKU, I'A. lluMltU,enSly.,,,,, WU" ""y ll"r '""'B fl HltllSI.. KUU1IHK, (JAHHINO ami. 5? at l"Ur ,ltty",KOur" foVifbmVper paNck llAUTUAN'S VKI.I.UW IKONT CKIAK AUCTION KKH AND AUICNT, HKAlf hSTATK HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKKH ANnllKAL E9TATK Ol North Duke St., LnnoftBter, Pft. Kvarytlilnic nvrtainlmr te i ... .... !..;. iculvemv tiumenal iiii.',',,.!;..'."'.-"""'"""' win TO CAW. 'I'lIK IlltAVVIIAUOlI Telephone & Telegraph Ce. KOU I'KNNSU.VANIA, NKW OllH, NEW JKItshV, MAUYI.AND, UKI.AWAltK AND D1HTUICI Of COI.UMUIA. Uiymweil I'mtcr Jmwi ebtate .Yoie i'urk. Oanltal. 300.000 Slmroe. Of Par Vulue of 850.00 Kueh REGISTRAR OF RECEIPTS. Tlie Fiilelity Insurance, Trust anil Sale Deposit Ce., Phi l'a. Thl company and tlie local cempiinlm lobe tilbutiiry te It, te the Miiveral Slatt:rt iiiiine.l. have thu eiclnilve rlKhl te thu luvuntlem or Haiiltii Hruwb uifli, of I'tjnnsylvanla, the orlK erlK 1 iiiil Inventor nt the telephone, and ure pre pared te eitubllHli thulr claim te the telephone and ttilernpli UiHlni-itH of thin territory. DIKKCTOHS: l'urker O, Ohaiuiliir, of ilos iles ilos ten. f ri-H't.; Gov. Thin. M. Wiiller, of Coiinoo Ceiinoo Coiineo Hciil ; hiimiiel It. Hhlpley, of fhllmlelphlui liev. Horuce KulrbiuiKH. et Vitrment ; Hen. Uoe . WutieiiH, fuiHltleiit N Y. uml N. 11, H- It. Ce.; Win. f. l.eitiin, et f lilludulphlu m. f . I.lhliv, et lltoeklyn, N Y.i Josepli Hlllweith, et l'ltlMbnrh'. fu-l Iiiinu, ICIrkhum, I'lesliluiit HiHt Nut Hunk el HpiltiKllulil, Miihh K. W. llentl, l'rerihlulit Ma.-wilchimi!tlB Miilinil I. lie IiiHiinince Ceinpiiny i Ktlwunl A. Mliitiiril, fieat, (JltUiina'uvlnisn Dunk, N. Y. CUUNHKI, lien. due. K. KdiiiumlB, of Ver mont i Oee, W. und U co. lildillu, et fhlhnlul phlu; .liiiie I.yean.kir lllll, et New Yerk Jolte A bpcur, et WiiHliliiKteu, IIiMikHelHiihiicrlptlnn ter u limited amount el DruwbuiiKh Teli'iilioneiiml Tuleumph Coin limy block will buopcuetl 'lucmhiy, Juuuary IS, Ib-tl, at banking liottne of thu itnilcialnneil PRIOH, $16 PER SHAnB. W) per cent, piiyubloenmilmcrlptlon, llulnneu tebu piililoiilyen luvombleduclalon el U, H, Courts, We roeervo rlht te udvauce tliU prlce ut liny tlme without nollce. Any liutlier lnfoi lnfei lnfoi uiutleii uml till documentary ovideiico cuu be ehtutiiutl from R. K. JAMISON & CO., HANK KUS. 3-llll.l.WA3 rillliAIIKlfl'IHA. Mull Kzpnwi , I'hlladelphlu Kxpresa ftwtt I.lne HurrUliiirK Kji".i Yerk AccommeduUon an I vet .,, I.ancu.tler Accemr liiUeu artlviw Columbia AccoiuujeU Hen rroderlck Accomuiedutlou arrives.. Leck llavuu Kjtprcim A.M. l.OI 2:27 8:Ili I.OO 8-fif 9.0U r.K. 12 At VIM 2:12 ai lid A.M 3.11A I.2B 7X0 lerx U;W 3:15 r.n. 6: IB 6:1 7r26 9 It MEN'S SUITS. 412.U) All wool IlimlueS!) Siiltit Hetluccd te f J7S U.te AH wool l!unlne8i( stiltt lled'lietl te le'" l5.0eKlnu WoiHled Ilri'tMi-nlta Uedticetl te li-'O 18 00 Kine HluKenal Ureas SuIIh Itmlticctl te , U.M Iri.ei) 1-llnUeii CutAWuy aullrt liedticed te I'M 20 00 3-llutteu Cutaway HuIIh itoduced te ' CHILDREN'S SUITS. al All Weel I). II. BullH....Ueduced te f i,,VI 8 50 " " " I"! il mi " " .... " 5il 5.W ' " " Sunday Mall....... JolinBlewn Kipresa Day Kzprnaa llarilihurir Accoiumediitlon llunevur AccommiNiutlen went, connectlnu at I.uncuiiter with Nlnuru Kxprejn ut U.IA will run through te liunever dully, oicepl Huntlay. rroderlck Accommedftlton.woet.connectlnff at iJincaaler with Fuut I.lne, wuat, ull:35, will run threuuu te rrtMlerlr.lt. WnflTWAitn. Il-e. Ar. ifhilLan .............. recuivemy puuenal utientlen. IIUIUl VJIf f fflU If UUI1 Turma reason. jiuuj-tni Mews Kxprtutfi Wuv faiieimur.... Mull Tniln. Ne. 1. via. SlU.ley., Mull Train, Ne. 2,vlaC'oltiinbla,leiivon NliiKiirn hxprtw.1 Hanever AccouiuiiKlatten loavee.... Kait I.lne Krixlerlck Accomtnediitlou Ictwes... HarrUhiirK Arconitnmlatlen 1-uiiuu.ter Accoiumedutlou leaves... Columbia Accomiredutlou HurrUliiirK Kipiem... Wiwtern KAprtiBd facltle Kzpruaj HnriiaburK Kxjinnw, which leu vea I.unciuiter ul7iiup. iu., uaa direct cennuctlnns (without change et cars) te Columbia ami Y'erk. runt I.lnn, we.it, en Huuduy, whim iliiKKinl will utoputDewnliituown.C'ontiiHvlllo, I'm ken, burn, Mount Jey, lUUubolhtewn ami Middle, town. Day Kxpresa. Kant I.lne, Nevva Kxpruna, Mall Train, Ne. I, Wuutern Uxpreaa anil f uclfle Ux pruua run dutlv. Thu tlmu here ulviin la J.'atttrit Umr, or that el the 75th muiltlliiu.wlilee la 1 liilniiteiindS BuceutlB last l or thun that haroleloru ubctl. A.M. A.M, 1:30 i!:2& t:30 OSIJ 7:00 U.2T, U:.'W 7:1" IMS lUX) r.it 11:10 isz .... 1M5 v. u. 2:11 fi.la 2-J!t 1:1" 7UK 6:10 T.K U:le II:1S Ur2e U1A I'JIUTUUUAI'HM. J. 13. 1COTI5. Tlinre hut liuuu such a deiunnd .for HAIUIK I'llOTOUUAfllH tliat 1 Wits compelled te net n VKItY HAIHIK UAMKHA 1IUX te meet the ileinund. We can new mnke you a I'llOTOus Biiiall m the Bimilleat locket will held up te a S-lncli lace, te Ut .un 18x22 Krauie. A1 Ll. UIIiAHH MANUrAOTUllKlMiriTiir, tiromlseti and ure aa ropresoiuou. nu ether unedH retailed ui ...,m ,i HAHT MAN'S Y KI.I.OW.rilONT 0. (lA'l BTOHK. E. ROTE, Btmtit Ne. 100 North Qnoen liillt2-llil STUVT.IJH IIOUHK ...,., BHAVINU AND HAIll DllEflSlNO HAI.OON. (loed Journevinon ami prices yaine aa otlier iiloena. 11. WAUNt.it, mylUM Muniuiur. Thoubevonio only u luw thliiKu culled Hern eneh dlvlalen el our C'lelliluu Depui tmeiit. HieTucHiayM faper ler a New filcu I.IU el All DepurliiunUi. On Saturday Evening our atoie me open until 11 o'cleok. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, -DKAIiKUB IN- CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, Geuts1 Furnishing Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, Etc. 32, 34, 36 & 38 B. RING ST., 1.ANCA3TKK, IM. JIlMUKlAw