&: 4,,... . rrlnrSWIWdWte- c ,.. ...' 1 LANCASTER 'DATLY INTELLIGENCES, FATUHDAY. .JANVAJty 19, 1881. ,i w t ; 1. i fcancauter f ntclUgnira;. BATOBDAY HVKN1MQ, JAN, 10, 1004. Mr. Huntington nnd Ills Keart. Mr. 0. P. Huntington exhibits a cred itable faith in tlie goedue.19 of his cause In appearing In pcrsuu Itofero tlie con ftressienul committee te pretest hkuiiihL the forfeltnre of tlie laud grant te the Oregon Central railroad, running northward through California and Oregon. The land grant Is linble te forfeltnre bocause of the non completion of the read ; but Mr. Huntington de. clarea tlmt " tliere Is ue ground, moral, equitable or financial en which this Jand can be taken away from us." Ife pretests that it is the first tline he or his associates hare asked any extension of time from Congress, and that they built the Central Pacific railroad en the original aid granted by Congress, although subsequently, in the high prices of the war, they had te pay enormous advances for material and freights. Mr. Huntington's confidence in the posture of his position is n demonstration of hew men may be converted te a very ene sided view of a question by long contemplation of it us the side en which their Interest lies. Nene but M-. Hun tington and his associates would ever have thought of claiming credit for net baying asked mere from Congress than they received for the construction of tlie Central Pacific railroad, in view of the faet that the aid tliey cot paid for the whole read, and the financial result of their enterprise has been te put the pro jectors among the very richest men of the country, Mr. Huntington has no claims for a continuance of the Oregon Central land grant that he might net make new for an original grant. The time has elapsed during which the land was te be given, aud new conditions have arisen upon which the expediency of It Is te be de termined. These who had the opper tunity te build the read and did net enhunce It cannot complain, for they lest it through their own neglect. The contract between them aud the nation Is at an end by the limitation of the time during which it was te run.and there is no mero reason why the nation should ex tend the time than there would be for an individual te de se put in it, place. He would only extend it if it was (or his interest. The nation should only de it if it is for its interest. It is a business transaction and must be ruled by busi ness principles. Mr. Huntington, being one of the shrewdest business men of the country, should have seen this ; and would if it had been anyone else's case. He saw it clearly enough when Themas A. Scott was asking a subsidy te build ttie Texas Pacific read, while Huntington himseir was proposing te build the Southern Pacific without subsidy. Then it ..s very clear te him that the nation should net give Mr. seettald te de what he would d without aid. That was a clear business idea, which found accepta tien In Congieis aud was acted en. Mr. Scott did net get his subsidy. If Mr. lluntmgteu had been as ulear in his ideas us te the tqultUs of tlie Oregon Central, when he appeared before the cengressinn.il committee, lie would net have argued that it was wrong te take away from it tlie land grant which It had forfeited, by showing why the grant was fei felted, and pleading that he had never done such a thing before, but lie would have applied himseir te convincing the committee that the Oiegen Central was of such inineit.iiien te the nation's inteiests as te call upon it te voteit the land grant he desired. If Mr. Huntington can persuade Congress that it will be pie .table te the nation te give him this land, he will probably get It. Otherwise, as a biiii ness man, he cannot ask for it. He is hardly a case for national chailty. M.utvj. m has again elected anew senator. She eeems te have formed a habit of chaugiug her senators at every opportunity. Probably it is lecalise . none of her senators of late jcais have exhibited mero than a resectable abili tyte fill their distinguished places, and when the state linds ene who will shed lustreen it.preb.ibli it will be dispened te keep him in itu service. A state has mere influence in the national councils when It retains in them experienced servants, though they be men of only falrabiliths; but it is natural for a state te desire tosliine in the exalted Sonate chamber with a brilliant luniiua ry as Its representative. Maryland has net had this fortune since Heverdy Jehnsen, but with tier upeateil experi niciits nhe may hope some day te be blessed. Semk one writing from Cleveland sets forth tlie relations of the Pay no family with each ether and with tlie .Standard Oil company, t Hhew the utter discon nection from tills odious monopoly of the elder Payne, senator elect from that state. It ecejiis clear enough that Mr. Payne is net a member nor partner in it, and the country will be glad te have this ahsurance hi many respects he is meritorious and well equipped man ; juBt as in some respects Mr. Pendleton whom he is te succeed fell luluw the senatorial alaudaid. It was net se much a prefciencc between the men as it was objection te the coarse methods et some of Mr. Payne's friends in tlie caucus for him that led te the wide spiead sympa thy for Pendleton. SOJinef the Hoimbllean iu.iv.sii.mr.ra nre disposed te shed crocodile tears ever what they call tlju defeat of civil Bervlce reform in tlie failure of Mr. Pendleton te be re-elected te the Semite. Their simulated trrief Is characteristic hvimn rlsy. The Democratic party is for real net sham reform. Mr. Pendleton's da vice was net n Democratic inensiirn: il has tee much of n tendency te keep the IctteillB III. A coiiUKSveNDKNT of the Xew Yerk Sun, writing trem Hariisburg, suminar ii03 the salient features of Oev. Pattl bju's administration thus fur and the me3t unfriendly critic will cencede that the flr3tiearef his term shows highly croflltable results of a close and business like attention te the duties of hlsoQlce. BrAtN has a coir ministry, and it would net be et all amiss for it te have a new king. 1 detect More veuil than mil in Immunity, l.uve lights inuru flriM tlisn lulenxUngul.lit's Aim moil grew uniier ss me worm nrrmn em, Kllit Whttle, 'I'll I', counting of the veto of Luzerne at the present tiuie is lmttinteri.il, but the preocdent established for the future may be vital. Ge low. CoureriATio.v often come In very eon veulently as tax payers. The New i erk Central railroad pais mutually into tlie treasury of the Entplre state $323, Hla SittV'FIVB cents a day Is net a very priitceiy sum en wnicu te maintain a family , jet that is the amount that the miners in the ero bedB of Lehigh county are at present toeelvlng. ASOTiiuu terrible disaster comes te tnln the Iresh garments of the New Year. An ocean steamer sinks and a hundred lives go out with the me.iuiug billens siogieg their sad requiem. The Filz Jehn Perter bill for the teiu- statement of a gallant soldier te the place from which he has been se long u ji-tty kept, is again be fore the Heuse-, li is te be hoped that there will be no miscarriage at this session of Congiess In tbe righting of this national wrong. Thk sad precession that is weudiug its way through Itussia en the read te the United State, with the bodies of De Leng and the ethor venturesome Arctic explerers is a telling sermon that should bj taken te heart by the nation that are contemplating similar polar luicstiga tlens. linn In ll. growing nl,. Mint wltat wove li-u .Heartiest dsjs stinuld cIIiik i" mem r jei, W ll'Ml Hit UlO llll.TV.ll Ol lllU lletWeeil. Cem pi ril te thai, geeius easy te forget Hew Hie. In wlilcli wo've (englit, nn I tanged ami striven. Looked back upon, glmulil tie out empty no.. ' ' Whll. f .r li.ttnu.ni It 111... thn hill. ... ...u. un statin em tuu mi w lieu va eru glilstiml lOJ s ' FEATURES OV THE SI A'J E PHEfaS. rregrctt thinks that profanity, like everything else, ha i's uses. The Philadelphia Merth Amentan, Le lieving that Nutt was justified in killing Dukes, is disgusted with the plea of im becihty put forth for the prisoner. It is the journalistic w.irners who didn't go te war that are the bitterest epp incuts el the pensions of theso who did face the oeutbar, accerdiug te the Altoetu Tihua. The Lititz Ilteerd emphatically con demns laud monopoly, aud rightfully asserts that the public lauds were never Intended te be tczed by grabbers, either native or foreign. " They are the peer man's inheritance and a splendid founda tion for the future puissance audexpiusieu of the country." PERSONAL. Jr GefLD estimates the amount of IiIIh capital in Wall street at about s200 -000,000. BuisEtleej net believe that any work of high literary excellence cm be accom plished by dictation. Ex C0.0IIE1UN tillKLN AlUM"., of Kuiitucky, died at his residence, in I'htla delphia en Friday afternoon. Mas Vi Ai'1'i.bteN. of Uosten. Ii.im prpsented te the cathedral of the Hely Cress, of that city, for its sauctuary a carpet valued at i 17,000. OovEitNen PitocTeu Kvnr, of Ken tucky, is In a state of distressful doubt. Forty widows, all of thorn handsome, want the appointment of state librarian. Frnx AiToi.v,ieu koeper.of New Yerk, led i 17,000 t various chanuble I'mtitti. tiens in that city, aud .',000 francs te the peer of the vilhge of L'tdes, in which he was born. EtSesvTeit TiuumvnN maladies ah, neuralgia .mil rheumatism, bv which !e w closely confined te thj heutu His body is wrenoned with ram wth uverv nli.mi'., nr the weather. Sr.N VTOll klk. t Pw.m-:, of Ohie, .it a reception at Columbus Thursday ninht, said of the civil service law that it was hke trying te clean the Augean stable with a teeth brush. Mn Pauneli. ecaupiesaiiaiiun position iu the Heuse of Commens. He is rather distinguished looking, icily cold ami un irapasHleued, and has the attructien which belongs te the mysterious. His Parliamen tary force consist In the vice iike crip he has en facts and piinciples, and the lau guage, clear cut as the edge of a razor, with which he presses and sustains them. Ne man leaves the Heme while lie is Hpeaki'tg. Members rush in and erewd the bcuches. - reWDKKAllLI.1 WHEUKKU. A Slsn Hull n mlln Awhjt Klllnl ,j n I'lece uf rllut .tlitchiuti. At Sorauteu the explosion by which the mills et the Consumers' Pewdur enmnmv were destroyed, shortly before midumht iiiuintuy uigm, wasj most tcrrille. The milla weie lecitetl in a wild weeded oouii eouii oeuii tty. about a milii from the mining hamlet of Peckville, and were ulue miles from Horaitteu. I lie shock was distinctly flc iu Dcr.iuieu ann preiiuccil apauieln Peck ville, where doers were twisted away, oiiiinueys toppled Inte the streets ami winnows siitttered. At first the people thought it win an earthquike, ami thuir terror was iutonse, but calm was restored as seen aH the real cause of the shook was ascortalued. Five powder mills were blown up. L. ii. i-.inury, ei recKvnie, was killed. The explosion eriitinated from : Mm ,i,ii. broke out Iu the grist mill hertly alter 10 oelook. buperliitendent Dakin and a force et workmen tried te confine the tire te the mill iu which it originated, and worked hard, in the face of a Tearful peril, with buckets, pouring water en the build ing At 11 o'clock, howevor, thespaiks from the grist mill oxpledod the barrel mill, with a frightful crash, and then fel lowed the explosion of the press mill, the corning mill and the glazlug mill, iu quick succession. Emery was half a mile away when he was killed by a Hying piece of maohiuery that Htiuek him in the back of the uoek and bulled him, faoe dewuward, in the sand, where his frieuds feuud him dead a minute later. The less te the company is estimated nte 10,000. It is thought that the burning of the grist mill was the work of an Incendlary. None of the em. pleyes was hurt with the oxeoption or Bit. porintendont Dakln, who was hurled seme distance by the shook aud hud ene of his legs injured. Ukase et Mm Keil Niliurli. Tem Oohiltree is letting his hair grew, and the New Yerk Standard says that is the oause of the red sunsets. MM JLerey Donevan Hanged, Hawlins, Wyoming, Jan 19. Lorey Donevan, convicted of murder, was hanged here yesterday. He was supposed te be the seu of Jehn D, Loe, of Mountain Meadow massaore noterioty. A HUNDBED LIVES LOST. an uuiAN srsaMKH uur te iir.cfc the I'll el Oeluiiilms Htiuiucrgea nn Keeki . -lcrrltila t litonlele el Drntti l.ltn lletlt Stiillliil In Ihr -Mirt. News of a dreadful disaster ivaehed Ilnsteu about eight o'clock en Friday nlj:ht fiem New Hedford. Tlie steamship City of Columbus, Ciptalu Wright, which sailed fuun Hosteti for Savanuuh, tleergia, at thiee o'clock en Thursday afternoon, stiuck a icef oil Uay Head, at the south western uxttemity of the Island of Martha's ViiiPanl, at .'.15 a in., nnd be came at once a total wreck. The steamer, which was in command of Captain I,. K. Wright, of Uosten, had successfully threaded the dangerous pass ge between Mouetuy Point, at a southern end of Cape Ced, aeidiug numerous shoals and renfs, and had armed off Gay Head light house wheu she struck en the last ebstrue Ien iu her courfe, aud, Immediately careening, became a eelllu for 10'J of tlie 2$ petseus who were en luard. The pasengeis, numbering Si, were all asleep in their state looms aud berths when tlie hheck tmlily awakened them nuithei rushtd te the deck te their night clothes, most el tlietn preMilmg thotti thetti seUes with life pueruus as they emerged from the cabins. The steamer careened a.skjeii as iLie stiuck aud her peit side w.waUeueedashid iu, the sia breaking into the cabm. Capt.uu Wright, wlue coolness seems net te have dtseited him, immediately had the beats cleared away, but they were swamped as een as launched, for a gale was blew lug stilt" from the westwaul ami the sea was very high en tlie reef. The lile rait fated better and seven passengers who entrusted themseles te it diitted aiwij iu saiety. Wailiuil 0,r jiMtit lij- IMient. Meanwhile paeugers were hetug washed everbi.ud b ilezdiis. Sjme forty of them took te the rigging, hut even they wete uet all safe, for the waves uew and then snatched one and bere bint or her off iu their icy embrace. It was ten o'clock before siwe t came iu the form of the Hay Head life be it, which took etf seven jnsr sous. An hour later another life beat, eame had then the revenue cutter Dexter came up and tek en beard the remainder, twenty eue, aud started with them for New lledferd. On the way feui of these rescued persons died, nud thus the uum btr saved dwtudl -d te twenty four. The Di'til's Bridge, e't which the steamer suuk, Ma daugereus reef, which juts out live eighths el a mile from the liay Head promontory. At low water u is mnstli biro. A black run buoy marks its northwestern extremity, aud as there is plenty of sea room te the north the reef is net considered very dangerous, except in thick weather. A few turns of the screw mere and the City of Columbus would have been free te shape her course for the Carolina coast. 'I lie l.uat. The fe lowing is a list of thesi lest . William Wright aud wife, of 007 East Fourth street. Husten ; E. S. Hand aud wife, lawyer, Ul) Fert aveuu 11 ixbury , T. M. Hale, produce dealer, Uosten . Levi Livvrence, tesideaee unkuewn , Geerge A Kellogg, residence unknown ; Dr. II. C. Ii.utlett and wife, residence uukuewu , .Mr. S. Keltic, residence uukuewu , Mrs D. H. mall, Southampton, Maxs ; Miss Heaeh, reMdetice unkuewn , Mrs. Itibau, residence unknown : Oscar Iasigi, Turk ishciusul general, U'J Mirbore street, Hosten , A J. Morten, Uosten Gll Helen Uroek, Northboro. Mas , Mr aud Mrs. C. A. Hand and son, Bosten , Mrs Henry Made, Chelsea. Mass : It. B. Bel- yea, wife and two children, res'deuce tin - known , Mrs J. Atkinson, residence un known , Mri-. L Davis, residence uu uu keowu , 5Ir. 11. J Kellogg, residence uukuewu , ('. Utehirdsjti aud wile, residence uukuewu , S. Vauce. tesidetiee unkuewn, Henry I.. Baehelder aud wit.-, 10 Everett aveuue, Dorchester , C. F. James, rejideuee unknown , Fame A. Merrill, JJisten ; Henry E. Dauiels aud wife, i eiideuce uukuewu. Following are these en the rait woae fate is uukuewu : . jiorrineu, niiei engineer , t, iwin ! ill ler, nrst mate , Augus'us Hardiu, second mate , William Murray, assistant engi noer ; William Fitzjiatnek, pantry man. Trie l.e.t Vfiel. I'ljuCitvef Celuiubus was a line iron vessel . f J em) teus, built by Jehn Keach in H7. aud has alw.iv. run between S.ivauuah and New Yerk and Bosten. She was piuch.ised by the Bosten ami Savan nah steamship company iu li, and has smce run en then line with her companion ship the Oate City. She was fully eijmpjs.il aud splendidly appointed and furnished a delightful vehicle for winter pleasure travel. Shu had accommodations ter 71 poisons in the llrst cabin and 111 iu the soeuuil cabin and nan worth .J00,(jj0. She was insured for $170,000 in Engluh offices aud $00,000 iu American olUees. Tlie New Yerk underwriters held a juliey of $'J,000. The cemjiany has earned mure than HU.OOO aseugers dunug the career of fitteen years aud has net uiiitl ue v lest n life. Tbe agents Ueie aie F. W. Niokersen A, te. Ciptaiu Wnght his been in the cemjiany's serviee i years and never met with Imt mi, accident bofero tins, iu Sejitember last, wheu he sunk the bark Arthur C. Wade oil N.uitucket Sheals. Captain Vrl;!it . lrlSruui The City of Columbus, Captain Wright, master, lelt Bosten for Savannah Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. F. W. Nickerseu it Seu, of Bosten, are agents of the hue. Cajitam Wright, as seen as he could reach a telegraph olhce, sent them the following dispatch " N'hw ISeihuui), Miss.,Jau. H. '. li'. Xtrktrivn cf Hen . Steamer City of Columbus ashere in Devil's Bridge, Gay Head , fist breaking up. About leO lives lest. Will leave en early tram iu the merniug. Saved by the cutti r, Dexter. .1. E. Wiueiii, Master." Auetlirr Account el tns Dliaurr. Captain Wright has made the following statemeut tegardiug the less of tlu ves set : "The City of Columbus left Bosten at .1 i. in., mi i iiuinti.iy, carrying eignty jias sengcisand a crew of forty-live. Ate.ir, a. in. te day, (Jay Head light rearing eolith lulf east, thu vessel struck en the outsule of Devil's Bridge buoy. The wind was blowing a gale west by north. I he vessel immediately filled and keeled ever, the water bicaklng in and Heeding the e.t side of the saloon. All of the passengers excepting a few women and children, came oil deck, uearly all wearing hle jneservers. All of the beats were eleaied away, but were imme diatcly swamped. A majority of the jiassengerH wero washed overberd. Hevon passcilL'ers lelt the vessul en n lifn rnfl. mm, I about forty mero took te the rigging. At 10:;i0 a. m , the Gay Head life beat put off and took seven jicisens. Auother llfe beat put oil between 12 and 1 o'clock. Tlie revenue outter Dexter came along nt about l'J:;J0 and sent off two beats. Twenty -ene potsens, ene of whom waN dead, wero placed en beard the Dextor, and, nfter all the persons were taken fiem the vossel, tlie Dexter pro ceeded te New Bedford. Threo per sins died seen nfter going en beaul the Dexter. Uulttentllled Ileillei, Four dead bcdies wero taken te Bosten en the Dexter. They ure all meu. Oue is net Identified. Twe nre Identified as Heleu BioekH, of Northboro, Mas., and G. Fred Candler, of Hyde Park. The ether Is a man supposed te be, from u card found iu his poekot, ene of the firm of V. Ulohatdsen ifc Ce . of Clinten Mar ket, Bosten, One of the passeugers lest was N. J. Morten, lately connected with the Bosten Glebe, wlie was going Seuth for his health. " The rovenue cutter Dexter has landed at New Bedford seventeen persons nnd four dead bodies taken from the wreck. Captain Oabrlo'seti, of the eatter, esti mates the less of life at 100. The ledges ou which the I ity of Cel uinbus stiuck are considered by m irineis te be ene of the iiiestdanjennis points en the cea-st. The ledges consist of a forma tien of submerged toeks, constituting a double ledge, tlie outer strata of which Is eilledlhe Devil's Back, both ledges being called the Devil's Bridge The ledges aie abreast of Gay Head light en thomiln themiln land, and extend a little te the southward of it. The outer ledge, or Devil's Back. Is about nn eighth of a m'le from the mainland. A Mtil heijurl te niil i:rnt. Bosten, Jan. tl A dispttch from Woedshall says CipUtn Wright, of the wrecked steamer City of Columbus, has become violently tmatie. IOL.V .11 III. V M.VVS I-idiii iiir ItculHr A horse race took )esteiday afternoon. Petinsy Ivaula castle, 1 ,iiir-einilt;llt. pl,nv en the nwr e K of M. C meets te night. The high school vtsitui I. inciter during its sleighing trlj jesterd.i). Fifteen drunks and trun jumpers weie taken te thu comity jiil tins morning. Tbe Second street Methodist Sunday school session begins te-morrow .it '- o'clock 1. m. A Western Union c.iniiectieu his been made with the It. AC. ruitead etlices Messages eau uew be sent fiem that place. Auctioneer I.uulsay li.i sold te Themas Edwaidsfer l,'-,00a double fruue dwell ing located en Lctit stieet, late the piopertyef.I. .leues. The sale was jn vate. Irwin I. Ecker's n mams were rem wed yesterday te Hummelstenu for burial, lie was the vletini of the late iceuleul at Striekler's mill, near Wrlghtsville. l'rr.euHlrtiiil seil'l Mn-s Jean Kauffm.iu left te day for Vassir college, where she will tesuiue her studies. A pleasant iarty was held .it Mr. Jack Jack eon Wilsen's residence en Jl street last evening. The geutleiii.iu aud his wife were presented by their fnends with a haudseme silver table ci-ter. Itev S.im'l Y'tughug, of St. Jehn's Lutheran church, m.ule the pteseutatieu speech. The occasion was a most jilea-int one through out. SiK'ielul I acksfic l'sit. The G. A. It. drum corps packagu party last evening was a complete success. After the packages had been sold some geed clog diueiug was pren.hsl by Messrs Gil man aud Hiteshue. I ltn?r played the harmonica iu his usual excellent in inner. A dance followed, which wis kej t up until a late hour. About lintlcr lleui. e mero shows booked at the ejieia house for January. A very excellent periertn iuce was given here last night by the Meiucr Burlesque Opera troupe, 'Torn.ulees" could come again and draw a big house Miss F.iume Hice carried all by storm with her cornet belts nnd singing. Hurt Wblle U11I041II11K llarrrl, Henry Uetlenhauser was severely injured yesterday, while unloading a barrel of oysters at Warren's restaurant. The icy pavement caused him te si ji ,md jartl fall, the barrel of eystets striking his left leg and breaking the sinews He was re moved te his home in a sleigh The at tending physician proneuuees the injury worse than a broken leg. Mattrrs .Stllltitry Theie is a piebability th it company C may be tiansrerred from the Fourth te the Sixth 01 Eighth regiment. Imjiertant business is te be transacted at Meuday's evemng meeting, beginning at 7 o'clock. Forty two members of the Wrightsville milit iry cemjiany paid their last honors te the remains of Frank Charles, which were interred from the Presbyterian church of Columbia yesterday afternoon. Interment te-ji place in Mount Bethel cemetery. ItfljIUB the Wllew unit ltrtmn. Thieo childreu of Mrs. Charlette Leng, widow of rlenry, have been admitted te the Soldiers Orphan's home nt Mt. Jey. The necessary pajrs were prepared by 'Squire Evans of this plaoe. Mrs. Mary MoDewell, widow of Will iam, has been allowed a back pension of ever ii.OOO from the government, en ac count of a son who died in the army. It was ji.ecured through Mr. W. Hiyes Gner. llletSluK 11 UuelMruce (11110. Win. Walker, a Chestnut Hill farmer, had au attempt made te swindle Inm while in town yesterday afternoon. Twe strangers who gave their names aB Dr. Bewman, of Carlisle, aud Mr. Brown, of Baltimore, attempted te jilay a confidence game en him, but, the old gentleman proving tee much for the sharpers. The latter had previously registered at ene of the hotels as Harry Nevan, Baltimore, and Samuel Giveu, same city. Nothing has been seen of the rase ils since they made their attempt ou Mr. Walker. I.ITl;ilAKY KSTKHlAlHm:wr, riu.isMiit finch, nt tne I'rribjierUu Me- The entortalnment given last ovenlug In the Presbyterian chapel by the young men of the congregation was a geed ene a large audionce being m attondauee. When Mr. Monre, the superintendent of the school, aunouuced the epeulng chorus by the choir, every feet of standing room was taken up and he oentiuued dnnug uearly the two hours oeupied by the following pregramme CllOIUH . , Uocttitlen Mi Cimir s A in in, In I.nnilli Sole" '1 lie Old f exten llucltittlun The Viiuiil,i,i. -"'niitr Sole-" My llaliy anil I . Mr'Le' m" WaiiS?' Ite IUitlen-"llarlwra fVletti.' i,Jv. .c Mr A Hoae-" ,ll3 0nlvallatl,, ... f. it -. . ' Mill Uteri. Uocltruien-" A Vankee m" w"''""'' h..le- Heme Day.- M r.e'f ' U'iii' KeelUitlen-" Tlie (Jollier's llyu, Uill" ' Iteeltutlen-" Snyder'. Neili:"- M- w'" IteeltHtlen-" Mm 1 minp, nr ' 1 ,,' Sole-- At TIiv Feet." Mr. I.,?,-, 1 HeulUitlen-"TUu SLliuuliimster i,a Mr. JiMiu oiieji,,. "liners. Winters. ll,.-,a I, chorus ..'. ;;ul-" "yii. JVhore nil did se well it'weiiid be'ln' vidieus te distinguish thu oxce enwi f any, but Miss I.uidls, after Ler reShtln , of "Hew Porslmme-; took thn Haby," was compellod te Come fe La .1 again and read "Our .Mu.,stur"a Sermon.' ' I he audioiieo was dismissed after vrv pleasant evening with the long mutre loxeloKy.iindbeuodlctiou by t ,J Hev. Mr. Thompson. ' l'imr, The uext ontertuiiiment will be a loom by ene of our well known ,,!,!" of name and date being wTlZ'C Klreclurs Klrcteu, At the olllce of C. II. Lofevro 1 1st nM ing the following gentleme, w,V i2I?Ui directors of the 'inncaster'lC,0 gH Insurance company for threa jear8 Hev W. T. Gerlmrd, Jehn A. Iiurinr '.. 1 m II. Eefevre. The auditors 31 T) ..U' M ..... . ..M1. year, weie : II. .. Hhei, 7 V r ,T 'SkilesanilA.J.KImri l0a,U- J"" 1). - - - vi vq. Tlie tltjr't Lljutii. i ive olcetrlo aud sixteen irurai 1 wero net burning last tljt. n ,1X10P8 THE POULTRY SHOW, HOW Ulh IMIIHirttlN I'lMIIIKl'.NSK-l. I no 1,11011 it. ,r, IUt,lilnit (ln Ul Inks-Ill I treillliii I l-l n len Hut inn. fin I lie Vltriulsiicn le.ilnjr. Thi'ie was a geed attetidatiee at llie jteiillty show jestetdiy. This morning, notwithstanding the snow storm which pievntli'il, the e uiiitry poejilo who had eeme te tow 11 te attend m uket v Islted the show in great numbers. Judge llreu has tlulshed his judgment m evernl vatietuvi of fowls, and exjH'Olisl lobe able te eemj'letn his labeiH today. Jinlgn lUvker has ilmslied his judgmeiit of the jugeeiiH and we print the list of iiemiiuus below . 1 iveu I'ri iiiniui.. Curileis Hlaek Jehn K. Selium, l,m caster, 1st and J I . G. W. Noedol, Yeik, ;i I ; Blue Jehn 1'. Selium, 1st ; I,tpjeld A llageus, UiiKUster. i!d , G. Vf, Noedel, ;t I . Bed . G W. Noedol. 1st , Yellow : C. W. Needel, 1st , White . Jehn E. Selium, 1st. Pouters Blue lVd C. S Guilder. Mt. Jey, 1st , U.'d Pieti : Eipjuild V; llagaus. 1st , lliuiy Neater, Yeik, 'Jd ; White Jehn E Sebum, 1st , Henry Nealer, V 1. Barbs I.iiqiehl llagens, 1st, Henry Neater, '.' , White Henry Neater, 1st. Fatitails -Bl.iek J. M. Sktles, jr., Al legheny City, lt and d , LippeM V llagens, ,t I , Blue Lippold & llageus, 1st and S.I . J. M Sklles, jr., itd , Yellew: C. S. Greider, Ml Jey, 1st , White Mp Mp jeld A llagens, Island Sd. jacebins Black Jehn E. Sebum 1st. Bed : Itenrv Neater 1st. White ; W. II Welsh. Beading, Pa., 1st , Henry Neatei, M. rumblers Bl.iek . I,ljeld A. Ilagnns 1st. Bed I.iqeld A llagens 1st. Blue I.ippeld A llageus 1st aud 'Jd. Yellow. 1. Frank Evau, Litltz. lt and 2d. Inside rumblers I.ippeld it llagens 1st and J 1. 1'ui bits S li 1 llageus 1st and Celers I.ippeld ei .1 1 , C. S. Gieider 2 I. Bed winged l S. Greider 1st , W. II. Wilsh 21. bellow winged. Jehn E N. hu 111 1st , LtiqHihl A Higeus 2.1 , W. II Welsh .id Blue . Jehn E. Sebum 1st. Bl iek tailed Jehn E. Selium 1st. Tiumeters Black : Jehn E. Selium 1st. Lippild A llagens 2 1 ; T. Frank Evans .11 Wh'te : Dr. W. W. White, Biliimere, Md., 1st ; I.ipjvel.l A llageus 2 1. Mailed I )r W. W. White 1st and 21 . I. I'pjld A llagens ill. Autwerps Blue . I.ippeld & llageus 1st. I.'wis Frank, I.itioister. Pa, 21; C S. Greider 3 Silver . LijtjHtld A Hagrfiis 1st Afriein Owls White : Henry Neater 1st, I.ijpjld A llagens 2 1 ; J jlm P.. h 11 m .1 1. Eagl sh Onl.s Blue . Jehn E Sebum 1st . Hemy Neater 2 ; I.ippeld & H.igeus oil. Swallows Bed , Jehn E. Selium 1st : L ppeld A II igeus 2 1 ; G. W. Noedel a I. Blue , G. W N H-del 1st ; Jehn E. Selium 2d aud 3 1. Back G. W. Noedel 1st ; Jehn E. Selium 2 I nud 3d. Yellow G. W. Needel 1st , Jehn E. Selium 3d. Magpies Bed or Yellow : I.tppeld A llagens 1st. 2d and 31. Black or Blue . I.ippeld A llageus 1st, 2d aud 3d. N tins Yellow Henry Neater 1st. Moerheads Lipjwld &, llageus 1st nud 2 1. tjaakers Lippdd A Higeus 1st. Frill Bieks Jehn E. Sebum 1st. Birmingham Hellers Jehu E Sjhimi lt and 2d. Archangels Lewis Frank 2 I. Priests LijimM & llageus 1st aud 21 , J thu E. helium .t 1. Ice Pigeons Jehn E. Sebum 1st, 2d aud 3d. Bloudmettes lehri E Selium 1st Birds net in list Blue Bald Head Tutu, bl irs : C. a. Greider 1st. Black Bald Head rumblers C. S Greider 2. Breas-te.-s G. W. Needel 2 1 and 3 1. Mottled Tumblers . Lewis Frank 1st and 2d. Yellow Bearded Tumblers . Jehn E. Sebum 1st and 2d. Best Collection LipjHild it Hagcns. The nnneiMl theme of discussion at the show la.st night we the relative merit of the competing incubators, tbe manufac turers and exhibitors of them being loudly eloquent in commending their resjiective machines and pointing out the defects of their rivals. Meantime, the little "peeps" continue te make their ajipoaraneo in both thu " Success" and " Champien,' ap parently well satisfied with being hatched and uncouseieus of the hubbub that is bemg m.ule about the hatchers that brought them into oxisteuco. Before niten te day the judgosef incu bator, Messrs Brown and Balkley, of Baltimore, and Burruwes, of Lancaster, made an examination uf the cemjieting machines ami heard exjilanatleiis from the owners and agente. They awarded a first jirernium of ',, or silver medal of equal value te the "Champien Matcher" man nfacturcd by Singer A Mendol, of Elizi Elizi betbtewn, this county. .ti le lie itlilOeil lulu Ward. Fer several weeks excitement has been running high jii Strasburc ever tbe con templated division of that borough into thrce wards the East, Middle nnd West. Various allegations of hew the project was originated In the intorest of a caudidate for a borough ofllce and hew It was com cem hatted by ether prosjicctlve servants of the rxjojile, are made. Oi Wodnesday the viewers appointed by the court, Messrs. A. C. Kepler, Samuel C. Hlaymaker and Kebcrt A. Evans, all of this eity visited Strasb-rrg. Their decision is that the borough shall remain as it is. A MUfinU In the Ueuul, While engaged In a friendly wrestling match with a companion last oveuing in front uf the sahoelhouso, at B.irovllle, this etunty, D. W. OrefT, of Earl township, accidentally foil and breke his left leg above the ankle. The lyceum was at the tune in progress iu the schoolroom and the young man wan carried Iu aud Dr. Hliewalter, of Blue Ball, reducetl the frno frne frno ture. He was then taken te his home. While working in the yard of his resl resl resl denoe this morning atsoven o'clock Isaae Brirnmer, an old and rosjieeted oitiEen of New Helland, fell upon thu ioe and dislo disle cited his shoulder. Dr. Kehler attended his injuries ltiieater CJtick rljliteri Vmiiulhel. Ilurrtsljurg Patriot. Lancaster and Marietta parties engaged a Harrisburger a few evenings age te manage a cocking main for them with ether gcntlomen in this city. The main came off, hut the distant tinrtlcH woie far from being successful. They wen ene fight out of flvu and they wero be thor oughly disgusted that they refused te drop the sixth cock into the pit. ml Igs Contend (llven (tut. The bridge works or Cofredo A Bayler, at Pottstown, contracted with Koller A Bush, contractors of this city, who are about te oernmonoo building the New Yerk, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad, (a continuation of the Delaware division of the Philadelphia, Wilmluuten and Ualtlmore It. H ) for nil the trostle weik and a pivot draw bridge for the new line. Heme Hlilpped. Fiss A Deorr shipped 20 head of Lan Lan caster oennty draft and driving herses te New Yerk te day. .. ,, , . HeiiryWelll shipped te New erk te. day ene ear lead of heavy draft and driv ing henei, TIIIOHUHUI.t, UAMIi, III lice's llnnlne 111 ltiltlcsliitilit tlia He mill el llie Ooretior's lniii.t. Fiem the 1'lill.idelphl.i Pttn the fellow lug additional jiartleularH me gleaned couei ruing the Sehell abeitluii cise : Dr. B D111iT.1l Bruce, the mal piaett tienei of Philadelphia, Imjilleated in the death of Miss llallie Sohell, It new appenrs has been 11 fugitive fiem Justlee suiee May, 1H7H. 1 le was yesteiday given a healing before Muglstiate Lidner, 011 the chatge of having poi formed aeiliu lual ojieiatten which nsultiHt iu the death of the young Inly In ques tion. During the hearing the pris niiei sal In the deck aqiaieiilly un un ceiiciiiied, ami his wile, a small woman with her faee veiled, was inesentln the sjiaee icserved for sjioct.iteis. When ll.e magistrate called out thu 11.11110 of the defendant the tattei arose aud said : "I'hat Is my name, sir." " Yeut business ,' ' luqiilied the cenn. " 1 I'racliee medicine," was the answer. Chief el Police Jehn F. Deiehl.ir, of this city, testillud that he had loeelved lufei inatien that the defendant h id w fni tucd an iqieialieu tiien .Miss Sehell at his house, UULJlrewii sttcet, which re suited in her death en Wednesday 1 1st, ami pnei te hei death the victim hid made a statement te her lel.uives ttttpll citing the prisoiier. Tlie witness uquested that the prisoner be lem.iiided until Cues day next when he oxpeeted that liujiettant witnesses would be present. Detective Miller, who with Detective Wolf, made the arrest, detailed the cir cumstances connected with tlie wife's attempt te aid her husband in escaiiug, nud the iriseuei's subsequent bold dash for llbei ly 011 the stieet as alien ly 1 elated. " Have you anything te say '" asked the magistiate of the defendant. "I have no counsel," was the lejily , " but I denj the charge in full. There w.vs no criminal oieiatieu 1101 any atteinja te perform oue Tim woman oame te my house sutferlng fiem chills aud iulUtnnii iulUtnnii tien. When she w.u able te leave she went home." "There is a true bill against you since the May term, ls7 for a similar olleuse," remarked the magistrate "That may be se," coolly answered the pr sener. Bruce was then lotnanded, as rt quested by Chief Deiehler. The defendant was arrested in April, 1S7i5, for ct ntiiii.il mal practice ou a young colored woman named Julia Buyer, residing at S12 Oxford street, nud again in is:;, with Dr. Lebh and a street contractor, for ceusjiiracy te jiro jire jiro cure an operation ou a young woman residing at Eighteenth street nud G Irani avenue. Beth of these cases wero settled before they reached court. He has been 11 fugitive sluce the bill of indictment was found agaiust him In May, lHTs, for eaus tug the death of the young oeioied woman, Uachiel Jacksen, 022 Barclay street. A detainer has been ledged against the prisoner ou the latter oharge. Tlie Corener' lniuc.l. Iu the coroner's Inquest iu thu matter of the death of Harriet Sohell, the Jury nssembled at 1 o'clock yesterday aftemoeu in the county cjmmissiouers' elllce. Dls trict Attorney A. J. Eberly iensented the commonwealth, assisted by J. Hay B row u aud A. J. KauiVniau, esqs. Dr. M. L. Herr was called and testilled that he made n est mortem examination of the body, assisted by Dr. Win. Cemp ten, between 2 aud 3 o'clock, and found that death had been caused by au aber. Hen procured by the use of iustrumeuU. Dr. Comjiten was called and ttwtitled that au abortion had been roc med by lustriimenUi , the upper inside uf the womb was much inthtned ami hi 1 luuu punctured with something. Dr. Henry Yeagley testilied thnt he w.is called en Mend ly, the 7th, found Miss Sehell stilferiug from severe rigor , there was great hiat, a quick jiulse aud quick breathing, and suite red much from in in llamuiatieu of thu womb, caused by au abortion. On Sunday last he iuferuied her that she was in a very jireoarieus con ditieu , she was perfectly conscious aud fully understood all he told her , she died Wednesday oveuing at S o'clock. Henry Sohell a brother of dec-iised, testified that while he was with her last Suuday, she said she weut te Philadelphia by herself ami call ed en Dr. Brucn 1110 Brown street. On Friday Jan lib, witness had 11 conver sation with J. It. Stticklcr who told blin in answer te a question tli.i'. he knew where Halhe was ; that she wan well and would be home 111 a day or two , that they had made a mistake iu net letting her par cuts knew that they were going away, Witness asked Strickler if he had married his sister, and he ausiscred that he had net Jehu B. Ling ustilled th it after H.illie's return from Philaduljihia she had grown worse, and Dr. Yeagley said she would net likely recover ; he asked her in pres ence of Dr. Yeagley and her brother Frank, who the doetor was that had at tended her in Plnladeljiht.i and she said Dr. Bruce, 1110 Brown street; witness asked her who took her tliere nnd she auswured that she went there by hersell by direction of Jee Strickler , that Strick ler was there the day the ojicratieu was performed, u.ilted again ou a day she could net tlx ami nalu 011 the day he brought her home. Tlie testimony here closed, counsel fur the commonwealth saying that they bo be bo lievotl that they hid e Ife red Hullleicnt ovi evi ovi denco toeuablo the jury te find a jrejK.r verdict. Tlie jury lotired te the coronet's 1011111 aud iu a short time announced the fellow, lug voediot ' "Ilallie Sehell came te her death ou Wodnesday ovenlug, January 10, 1831, at her pareuts' residence, iu Lancaster city, Ity au abortieu iireduccd en her body by Dr. Bruce of Ne. 1-110 Brown stroet, Phil adelphia, Pa., and Jeseph Striukler of Mount Jey, Lancaster ceutity, Pa." atl.iMoliell'n Funeral, The funeral of Miss Ilallie Sehell, the particulars of whose death have already been made public, took plaoe from the residence el her parcnls, Ne. 211 West Chestnut street, this meruiug, and was largely attended, though a snow Hterm was prevailing at the tlme. The funeral services wero comlucted by Ilov. J, T. Satohell, of the Duku streut M. E. church, who preached an able sermon, avoiding all allusion te the oiiciimstauecH attending Miss Schell's death. Hev. Ephraiin Nlssley, el Mount Jey, followed with an address 111 German, during which he forcibly contrasted the " falie friend " with Christ the " true friend." At the close of tbe berviuu the funeral train of a dozen or mero oetolios meved te Wood ward Hill oernetery, whero the burial service was tend by Ilov. Hatohell and the body committed te tbe earth. Messrfl. J. SI. Duncan. J. W. Wnidley, O. 8. Bums and Goe. W. Marshall wero the c.urlerB. ll,n way lt irsut Wurniiieu. llurlutu alines. The Chloklea Iren company proseuted their ompleyofl who romalued with them the past year, for geed behavior nud faith ful services 11,080, caeh man rcoeivod a certain porcentago ou the amount he earned, Tills is a kind act en the part of the company, and it pays thorn iu the end, an It binds their empleyes te thorn in a way witieh could net be doue by a mero inducemcut of wages. Heavy IVHk'U l'erkers Edward Fellenbium of Loaeook town. Hhljt, the ethor day slaughtored a hog that dressed COt peundH It had only been fed thrce months. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Ellas Balr.near Heeber's mill, slaugh. tored two hogs whose nggrogate welght was 1,100 pounds Iu round uumbers, OPINION jAY. l MIMtlr.U OKOAIuS IKUIII-.I! Id-liAV ANrw'iiUl ueliurtl In Vutinjt iiiitfMy Who VVmh I'liiivlrlml 01 M1111.I1, t,Mvr siurienl lliiiluc. Iranssiluil IIV.II Hill'. TATTMISON. Eslate of Margaret Bishop, deeeased. LtcoitienstoaiiilitotH' lopeit, Exonptlemi suslaliiud iu part and lejiett leeeuimltted for coiieetiou in acoeiilanoo with the opinion, Seuth Shlpjien Hlieet, Liueastm city. AppiMlN from the iissussineiit erdauiages by Lancastei- county Utile gianltd U show oiuse why njijiiMls hm,j,l , , quashed, llule dlseharpid Ediiuiud Fraiikevn. Dedgu A Seu and Andeisen Maiiufaetuiltig oemp.iuy. Ex coptleim te plaliitlU's bill of costs. Bill eideied te be cei recti d by strikh.g oil mlleiigii of two witnesses. Cetu'th. vs Jacob Gaugi way. Htile Tet new tilal. discharged. It will be m ineinbered that tlaugaway is the boy who plaued au obslruelion ou the Beading A Columbia railroad Hack, causing a wreck and the death of Goeige Haiti, master moebiiulo of thu Kind. He w.is oei.'viotod iu August last of uiauiiliiighter. Annle E. Bewuin vs. the Aiiehui Savings b ink. Utile te show ciuse why Annle L. Bewers, the claimant, should net pay costs. Utile discli.uged. IIY Jl'tmi: I.IVINURION. II. S. Herr vs James lvoeimr, exceptions te plnintilT's bill of cost. Bill eideied te be retaxed. Maitln Mollinger vs. Jacob Delbter, of. tleniri by defendant from judgment of I). B. kraut, esq. Excejilleus sustained and proceedings setaside. Patrick O'lveofe'rtoslato. Exceptions te auditor's repot t overruled and reiierl con Untied. J. W. JohtLseu vs Bernard Short Mo Me Mo tien for n rule for n uuw trial denied. Lewis Sjiroaher vs. the County of Ltn caster. Kule for a newtilal made abso lute. Cein'th vs. Geerge Hipp, convicted at November session of selling liquor without license and ou Sunday. H tle fei a new tiial discharged. Clilldien el Phlllji Sehutii, deeeased. vs. the Pennsylvania railinad company. Uule te strike oll'neu suit discharged. W. S. Hastings vs. Marshall II. Hast lugs and Uebecca E Hisiiiigs Uule la strike etr dea 011 ab.itomeiit tiled bv de fondant Uule dlseuargcd. Frauk Uieker vs. the city nud county of Lancaster Alternate mandamus te eotu eetu eotu pel paymeut of cost. Peremptory mm djiiius re f lined. -Margaret Whlte vs. H. B. I, ing. Uule te strike off 11011 suit diseharged. First national bank of II iguiNtnwn vs. I). II. Sollcnberger and Henry Breiieiuuti. Uule te show cause why judgment should net be entered for want of a sullleient atlldav It of defense. Uule made iibse lute In the trust estate of Solemon Leseli oxeejittoim te auditeis rojiert wero sustain ed and reiert recommitted te nudltni iui correction lit aoeordauce with opinion. Cent'th of Penusylvaiiia vs. Fredenek Dinkleberg. Apjieal from meicuitile tux, as assessed by the njijiraiser. ( The ease came before the court in the shape of a case stated.) Judgment for defendant. Current liuslnris On motion of II. M. North, esq , James II. McCoukeyef Wrightsville, was admitt ed te practice 111 the several courts of L111 caster county, Mr. McCoukey, who is .1 son of the Inte Win. McConl.ey studlul iu the ofllce of Mr. North and (Kissed an ex cellent examination last week. He in tends locating iu the town of Yerk. Au irbiie wus granted te ascertain thu amount of damages sust lined by Charles Eschbaeh by the opening of North Chris tlau street. A petition was presented fei the opening of Laurel struct, between Maner and St. Jesejih streets, tliere haviug been no appeals by prejietty owners The rojiert of viewers filed Iu January, in ojieuitigef Clay street, was recommitted te the viewers, as Win. Wagiiet, a laud owner, along the street, had net beuu notified of any meeting of vieweis. A (totttieu was presented for the ejieuiug of Union street fiem Cenestivn strict te the city limits. In the matter of the preliminary injuue tien granted te theMummcy furuice iron oeniany teiestraln the sherill from sell ing seme of their pinperty under au exe cution of Jehn llildehiaud, the injunction made ieretu,il a, c 1st of exocutieu uiedi ter. UltlMi.lll). Ileitliul IImiiIeI I.uiiii. A disjiatcli from Philadelphia iiiiiieuueis the death at his home, 2)0 Spruce stieet, Iu that eity, ou Friday the Mtlt inst , of Daniel Lagen, the junior member ut the linn of PiUjiatrick A Ce. gmin meichaiitti. Mr. Lagen was 11 native of Liucaster and at the time of his death was in the elth year of his age. He was a son of thu late Ncal Lagen, and spoilt bis childhood nud early manhood nt his home in this city the property new owned and occupied by Marshall A Heugier, nearly oiqutsite the iNTCLMnnxt'nu olllce. He w.vs f ir several years a clerk in the forwarding Iioure of the late Kebort Medel well, uu Eist Chest nut and North Queen sheet He also held a position iu the old Liucast'T biuk as n trusted olerk and necuntaut. Humuvlng te Phikideljihi.i niiuy years age he married the daughter of Mi. Fitz jiatrick, entored Inte p.irtuern'ilp witli him, nud held that lelatien vvitli the Him nt the time of his death, Mr. L igeu was a man of mero than ordinary ability , a straightforward, upright business man , a kind aud nfl'eutioiiale husband aud fatliei, with a disjiosien as gentle;as that of a woman ; a true friend and neighbor, givuu te deeds of beuoveloucu and charily, and a Christian who jirautisud the jmeqits of the faith he professed. Uu had huidieds of warm friends iu this eity, who will sin sin cerely mourn his death and condole with ids strlokeii family. The date of his funeral has net yet been announced A Hlruck .luiy. . Te day a jury was struck 111 tlie case of Mm. Brown, asslgiice of Jeremiah Brown, ut al., vs. the Columbia A Peit Dojiesit railroad, notion for damages, which is down for trial, wool; after next : Martin II. Bllzer. Earl; Jacob M. Baker, Warwick ; Emauuel Boinberger, Klizabeth : A. L. Eshlemaii, Paradise ; Isaae Esjionshade, Patadise j Henry Hamilton, Haphe j Ephraim ilortzler, Caoruarven ; David L Kroider, Stiasburg, Henry II. Lofevro, Eden : Jesse Webster, Salisbury : David II. Wearti, Leacock , Peter B. Wanner, Eul. The jury will meet at Whitaker h hotel, en Friday next, te view the premises. ThojurerH who deslie can go by way of Columbia aud return in the oveuing by rail. nicinurUl JII eel I g. Tim llninn Unthel. coruer of Prince nud Orange streets, was crowded last night, tlie occasion Doing a memunm iuiuuuk iu honor of Ilov. D. A. h. La vet ty, a former pastor of the Hothel, who died recently in Moehaulcsburg, Cumberland county. An cloquent eiilegium en the character nud ministerial labors of the deceased was dolivercd by Hev. O. W. Hollhamer, tlie present pastor, nnd ethor members of the church contributed interesting leinin (sconces of Hev. Liverty's life and labors. A Bories of resolutions very complimentary of doeoasod wero adopted. The choir fur nished excellent uiusie. I. sit liny te l'ay Tuxes, This Is the last day for payment of taxes eusbliuir a voter te vete ut the mtintlml olectlon, February 10,