LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WRDNICSDAY .JANTAKY 10, 1884. CV ' f US? lf 'J s t! if J. , J f V.aii raster liUclUgcnrcr. WEDNESDAY KVENINO, JAN, 10, IG04. A. Iny TJiet i Onte. The beautiful tlmea of tlie railroad projector seem te have fled far nway. The great fortunes which lmve been amassed in railroad projects fllnce tlie boom was started and the way pointed outlnllie flrflttranscentlnrntnl projects, still remain te many of tliose who gehlevcd them, whlle from elhera they have melted away. The latest crop of operators have generally come te prlef. Mr. Gould, 1 he chief of the railroad spec ulaters, still survives, but net In a joy jey joy eii3 condition, at all, In view of the necessity upon him te dispose of his stocks te people who don't want them, notwithstanding the great profits which Mr. Gould's Ilgurc3 give them. Ills Western Union condescends new even te solicit Philadelphia purchasers nt the local beard, and hli Missouri Pacific cries nlend for purchasers In circular nppeals addressed te every hamlet In the land. They will net come. Stocks which have been watered beyond their Intrinsic value no longer find eager pur chasers. Ne doubt some dav the credulity of the people will return, but their late exper ience has for the pre s?nt paralyzed it. One would thluk that railroad bends which have been Issued In excess of the cost of the read, would het lliul purchasers until at least the read had demonstrated its dividend paying power. Yet It Is a fact that nearly all the new railroads which have been built in the past twenty years have been built out of the proceeds of the mortgnge bends ; many of them have even been iqulpped with rolling stock out of the same fund. The stock has been Invariably the perquisite of the projectors; and sometimes they get a Bhare of the bends, tee. These who pre Jectpd the Union and Central Pacific reads net enl get stock and bends, but a great land grant and government bends, beside, with which te work out their fortunes. They did it magnificently. The land grant benefkence te railway builders cime te an tud some time age, and new Congress is evidently determined te re claim all that it can of what was se feel Ishly squandered te make a few men rich. Mr. Huntington will lns? the Texas Pacitic graut, and the spolia'ien of the favored companies will doubtless be complete when this session of Con gress Is ever. When railroads can be built and tquip ped ea their bend?, there is certainly no need of n land grant. A great number of railroads have lately been chartered with the viewef constructing them upon public confidence, net a dollar of the projectors' money beintr dedicated te the purpose, te which only thetr talents nud brass are te be devoted Mr Vanderbilt has a r.itlre'id In progress slew progress by tlie way through southern Pennsyl vania, which hns been contracted for by the American construction company we beltevu that Is the t Pie composed of Mr. Vanderbilt and li's fronds, which is te be eutrus'pd with any quiiitity t bends ncccssavy te build the read Tiiese very alert and enterprising gentlemen, MfBSis V. L tscettuud A. .1. Cassatt, ate building a read dewu the DeUwau pgnlneula te Norfolk upon bends, and bends only, of which enough are printed te complete the read In the level Funds it tra verse. If the tern per of the times will enable bends, which represent mere than the cost of the reads mortgaged, te find purchasers, tins way of building railroads will be as successful ns it is easy and agreeable. But in view of the disaster which has befallen the West Shere read, in the collapse of its construction company and the ceilnpMj of its bends, with ether like signs of the times, the buoyancy of new railroad bends is net going te be great, and consequently new railroad projects are likely te come togrief. The projectors of the West Shere toad were men of Bhrewdness and of weulih acquired in the uiiliead projecting business. They made a geed read, but yet, h ive found it n flnaiiulal grave. It is an experience te be heidul. TueSlar Heute MjMit. There is smething veiy remarkable about the rosecutlensof the Star Ileute thlevia. Nobody seems te be able te find out the real truth about them. The most alert newspaper correspondents have net jet settled te their own satis faction whether the rrosecutlen is hon est or net, or who of the counsel in gaged in It are sincere. The country lian had circumstantial evidence that some of these Involved had friendly assurances and reason te expect protection from President Gat field. His successei'd associations were Eiich that he was sus pected from the stmt. Mr. Mae Wash's withdrawal tiein the cabinet and the cases heightened this BUHnlclen; he has been the subject of vague hints and Inueiidues ever since, ids friends inti mating that he distrusted the new ad ministration's Binceilty in the presecu tlenniulhis enemies maintaining that he had get Inte deep water nnd leek ft'lvnntne of the change of executive te get out. Then Cook and Glb3en, who had been the mainstays of the govern Hient's case were frown out, they changed sides ami their relations te the case have been the subject of contre. veray ever slnce. There was nothing re assuring te the country In Gee. Ullss' appointment te the direction of the gov ernment's case , and events have proved that se long as he nnd Mr. Ker get $100 a day nud munificent allowances the end of the Star Reute cases will never come. Meantime the public Judgment gropes blindly in its effort te obtain a true insight Inte these remarkable cases. It is plain that the attorney general knows nothing about them ; nor does he lmve any interest in his office except te make ft ridiculous display of hlmself and his magnificence. The embroidery of his table covers, the frills en his shirt, the upholstery of I1I3 omea furnlture and the yellow wheels of his equipage nre the culer concern of his eWclaUlfe. The in formation which the pcople seek must came from a rigorous congressional in. vcstlgatlen. They only knew new that their money has been lavishly spent and Justice thwarted. The New Yerk Times, the ablest newspaper of Its party, advises Congress te "go straight te the Heart of tlie Star ltoute trial farce and lay bare the real causes of the govern ment's failure." This Is geed advice, and the proffer of it Indicates a knout, edge of "real causes" of failure that the public are net acquainted with. Mr. Merrick, tee, of the government ceun sel, esteemed alike for honesty and ability, says : ' Thore are sorae le.-idlug tu-n who have been In sympathy with the thieves, and who have obstructed my course, embar rassed my fiction, and sought te intluence the ndmlnistratieu el justice in overy way, e nllew the indicted scoundrels te escape I have heard that Kellogg has threatened te tell all about the transactions of 1870 in Louisiana. I de net knew that he lain made thin threat, but I urn certain that he could tell a great deal. If he would, that certain pern en a I could nanie would net UWe te hear." "If tboydrlve Iliewster from the cabi net and neck te make clear tlie oelitical I n line nees which surround every btcp of 'he prosecution, they will learn something. It will take tlie seal from my lips in pri vate and upon the stump next summer. I sbaM have nethl g te say upon the Hump against the administration. It has been sincere, but tht tin of tht nrextuticn cm bi laid upon tht Jirpublietin party. II Springer is In carnet in this investigation and cheeses te come te me, I will talk freely. It is tlme for everybody te un mask. They are doing DrewsteY a great wrong. In all the Infernal torments 1 have had in this business I hate known that the attorney general has been auxieus te vindicate tbe law." Thus far Dersey, Rrady and Kellogg, conspicuous Republican pelltleini:s,!uve escaped. It is " time for everybody te unmask." If the thieves are te get off the public has at least the right te knew the teasen whv. Gov. Cleveland has pardoned a man under sentence of twenty years im prisonment for rape in New Yerk state, who had been in jail since lS7e ; and. after a very geel cusem which gev. erner fellows, he accompanies the pardon with a statement of his reasons for ths of executive clemency. Tl e mewst notable of these is the observation by the governor that the c.n? against the defeudant was determined urvu. the did ing thSt he had upm the day the aIigM offense was commuted a&icdr c-'npd b?ard. as was charged by the victim and described in the warrant ; weere.w j.ue he hss been n prison h'j bevird Uas lvc allowed te grew, and its cW-r proved te W a very prwiunii buck. T wonder is net that the maa fczu We:: pardoned, but tra; it should Lavv taken the author ries eight years te ikive ob served the fact upej which h.s parJea . basd and te have concluded iiis inno cence therefrem. Tuc decadence of the Clie idea a-d the downfall of the Ohie man in Repub licau politics, are illustrated in the fact that of the members of that party in the Ohie Legislature only two etes were cast ter Fester for United Suites senator and the ether ferty-seveu were blank. Chicago has a larger proportion of fnr eun born population than any ether cit lu thw ceutrry, excepting Sau, with its Chinese. Lka:; men may take hert n-un. A love'y Philadelphia girl haa fallen m leve with uuil nurned the " Jivng gkeleten " in a museum in that city. A btati-.ticl fiend has catiicnteil tLe numher of pbjMcum m the veilil -u 103,000 S.nce the declaration el Solemon no one ha attempted te cempute the number of feels the earth neurihuh. Seme juicy devel jpinenU of thillllug iq. t-reit te present Itepubhcau sutesmen my be looked for when the II mse cjiii mlttee en espeudltures in thu department of justtce beiua te luvestigate the ex P'u03 of tbe Star Unite trials. ManTLANn has meiiib odd Uws. The ether day it was iccalled that preachers w. re haired out of the Lislatnre, and uew It tbe United Sut.s suater for tbe ceinhij; term must ejmu from the eifcteru shore. Tni: qucUieii of accepting paiscn might te be settled forever wlien we read that hu geed a prepbet as Jenah paid m his join m) tag wherever he went. Fer we read in Jenah i, 8 : ' mid he found a bh.p guiutf te Tirshluh ; se he piid the fain thereof.'' old nnHSAe. ii 1 . ' . ." 1 rt'iiiit tii my couth, uiii iiiKl 11K eniului italOH. uml awlnulmf slum. A ml Oh hie IU,-. ii,i,n 11 tlum.uii.l tube" Atom) , hluw 11 leml, unit ui sill IiIh-ii U, IP. jlunyny Wkawii is eHcapiug taxation mere each year. The cauans of 18S0 hIiews au in in ciease in the assesied valnn of real estatn iu the Uiilted States of 0,073,000,OOO out that of 1600. Iu the same tlme the alna. Hen et personal property deellued 0110 0110 feiuth. A crown of glory awaits the man who ean dovise a Bohemo to'make million, aire bondholders bear tbeir portion of tlie exi 0 ises of government. Tin: Committee of One Hundred iu PhlladelphU yoaterday nominated Jehn Iluntur fet tax recelver, and loselvod that they would support ICIug for unyer if the Domecrata named him, as they iindoiibt iindeiibt iindoiibt ellywill Things are getting warm dun n thore, nnd the Heptibhaaii bossesarosj het at Stekely and ether " belters" thut at the annual meeting of the Union pis eeuger railway this woek Leeds net only turned his haak 011 Htokely, but tried te beat him for director, and ran him O.OUO votes behind his ticket. Tun avorage jwpulatlen of the oeantry te the iquare mlle is 17.29 j the meat dousely soltled state Is Rhede Island, with 204 87 ; Pennsylvania has 05.21. Of 100 principal eities, Linoaster jatiklng 77tb, this city shows next te the smallest milli bar of persens te a dwc'llug. New Yerk exhlblta the highest avorae 10 37 j next oemes Hobekon, N. J., with 11 02. In caster has 0 03, ami the only oue that owing is Memphlm is owing te municipal makes a better hhewl lenn , 4 08, but this is owing te municipal a nit ut the luiiiee un the linzun ttiHHi I'iu IwtoiillUuOtilUlieliltlMlie lul,i luml ldUitti.ti,ilien,,uit,ljLjniniu.irKii,,,,rt 1 .'.'Ir1'"8 '"? .'"'"", "ireuirn every enuu nune 1 1 in 1111. bltnilH. uml mail.u i.m.i. , "il 1 inliiirii lniv I114 un ii, .i, 1, .,.?... -;,..;. ' -.-. -... u.i fiiiut n iiiint binkruptcy, and net te prevailing domes tie comfort A tiikvtiiv e.iinpiny dolnyed by a rail r utd collision In tJeergla failed te meet their enRrtit' meiit ntid tbe management had t u fund 4288 te diannpeltited ticket h llders ; the Jury, upniiasiiit ferdamugrs agiunst the railrenl, aw irded tlni whele amount te the dramatic mauiger The supreme e nirt, howevt r, reversed the lower court and held that the peculiar n.ittt e of a p,ieiier'rt busiueps could net be cousidered unless it was made known te tlie railroad cemp.iny, and In this case the 0 mipatiy having bad no such notice at tbe time it sold plaintiff tiekett for truiiputitieu of himself and cempau;, pUintilf could ret ttcavcr mero thin the pilce iid for the tickets. H" the 1.12 33J nattvobern population of Lancaster eutity by the hint cuntum 129, 031 weie born te Petinilvaula, 303 In New Yeilt, 193 iu Xuw Jersey, 1 250 In Miry land, 200 m Ohie, 101 in Virginia, 137 i 1 Pel w 110, -19 in Massjchusettg, Gd in t'ouneetleut and 12 111 West Virginia. Of the 7 0(15 foreign born pej illation 30 neie born iti llmisli America, 427 in Enuluidiiud Wales, 1,002 iu Ireland, 37 in Scotland, 1 iu ether Uritish pjse.sieus, 5 Ut ie Ui-rmnti), 100 in Fiance. It in S'Tccden and Norway, 1SI iu Switzerl mil, 1 in 1. land. Of tbe inhabitants of this country the females exosed the 111 lies by ever two theuaud, which ditfi'ionce is te be found entirely In the respective cl isses evjr 17 )cai of age. FfcJATUniSd OK THE S3 I ATE PKES3. The Pittsburg TiUyrapK notes the grew lug number of female patentees and re jeices. The I'nttsville Cfire'iide doubts the wiidem of iutrodiieiug German iu tbe public --oheo's. The pirty cijc n ! every year fallmg me e and mere 111:0 disrepute, in tbe eel niaiien of tbe .Vrif ii,Vi. Apropos of the Nim trial, the flirris bark.' 'ifnef ibirts that justice be tem perii bv mrcy net by sentiment. The Phil idelph'a Ilteerd adva!es the w tipping pvst pauisbmeQt for tbo-e who cenmit highway robbery with violence. The as Chester Rp.:?a "hop-8 Nutt wtil etcape punubment." 5Vby u-e the term ' puDishmeet " if N'utt has c ain'i!tii tw erim t Tl IVm --:c f-utt a PhiUit jL is. Pt i- . Xht tt'. prvp of :b? l." '-uta.v C.r w. Uf i i ay ii -' ::if j Pj l.t TJiirMfc ijarte.-'T. ' Ihvia': ke-.w t m .wi.. . . be ti. rrl e: ct te J'wy. tt. tb Ilrt'e- ! tee fi.t Sptbf. if Dne.-Ai5 jjnt qn-t filing w-.Ui :h free trsde pwel. The Pa.Jiile'phia I'.qt.rtr thicks that nearly twenty years after tiic war it is co wiw or noble ftelm which prompts new aad eoerru.Mia pension raids up in the tas payers ; it is a corrupt political ,ao;ive, ami sh)nid b denouneoil from eae end nf the laud tJ t'.e ether. l'tSUbUHAL,. Mm. I-avetuy has gene te heuekrcp doraely n New YjrU. Freddie Uebhard is lelt. SE.NVTOH Mobten s'atue wan nne lei I.) IiiduiLupel.1 uu Puesday with ft prepri n'e ceremenifcs J.iyni F. Dew., -ft, formerly of this 01'y, has been appointed district c nirt clerk at Hinsdale county, (Jel So'ATen Loox's r.'lvue te hn son "He a geed boy and grew up te be a greit and geed man like your father." Matthiw Anvei.D en his iituru t. Eiglaud, will beieeietary of the education dpirtmeut, at a salarv of 410,0 a year GF.neE II Vasdeheilt grows mere melancholy t ve-y day. The young man s'luns society and bpeeds ncirly all et bis time iu his tiHy poring ever books. Sf.ssKr Cox, it is siid, will wnte a pe- liucil histe-y of the oeuntry from tbe timoef lliulnvinn's administration, for which be m te be pud nbmt 475,)00. Senvteh Allisen has been reneminated by th.) U nblicans et the Iowa Legisla ture ; P.iyne has bcen elected 111 Ouie.aud iu Kentucky and Jlaryland thore it no cboice as j ft. bin Antheny Mr ehavb, m hU official rep ut en the cotiditien of tbe islind of Jamaiaa, notes that nn nn avorage fifty eight out of every 100 children born are illegitimate. Jamks.J. IUnrLAY, tl.e president of the beard of initiators of t'.e Philadelphia hiuse of refuge, was given a handsome ree ptieu by Ins fiiondsen Tuesday outhe occihten of his 90th birthday. Govniseit IJni.L, of Texas, en nssuming his seu, hdgaii his inaugural address with " Fellow eltizsns : In the chaste and hiauiifiil language of Jeb, ' New is the winter of our thscoutent undo gloneiis bummer by this sun of Yerk.' " Ur.imeF, llvxi uei'T, the eneiabla his teriau leeks rs though he has just stepped out of an old piature. He is a very straight iiiui nnd wull formed. His hair, still long and thick, is paiTectly white. It falls ever a small white forehend iu a long gracuful curve. His sham eves leek nut of ueld rimiin d spectacles evor a mustache and Ien beard, thick, silky and whlte. like his hair. .MThlll-ll.Ntl llltUTAL ASSAULTS. A lUrmiennty Trin, ruliril In nit r.nuru t Ciiinmit Uriiue. A tramp named Ilcrst, employed bv Mr. Wooing te nut Shartlesvill, Uerks reutitv, attempted a btutal assault upon Mr. Ueeuiu'rt wife ami her mother duriug nis iiiiKene.). railing te aoeompllsli his ternbli) il, signs he threatened te tnurder thein. The frightoued ladies inshed from the heiiHO and sereamud fnr help. He thou called at thn residoneo of Ulley Hout, about two milts distant, and asked for a night's lodging, which was granted. In" the morning, while Mrs, Hout was milking the cows, the brute oame into thu stable armed with a large clasp It info, and under threats of liking her life nttemptiiil an It The plucky woman liowevei, fought desimrately and soieimod for as sUtance. Her ories were heanl by her husband, who piemptly responded, nud tbe tramp was driven away at the point of a nelir. The jcople are terribly en raged, and It is ropertod oll'erts will be made te nppieheud and lyneh the foeuu drel. Iliiligeil fur Fllty i;enti. Jehn P.lfers, who shot Dan llngcetty, bocause the latter would net pay him ility eents which he owed him, was hanged en Tuesday morning, at Walla Walhi.Wyeni. Ing territory. A l'rleit llurueil 10 lleutli TllO lirOSbvtOl V of the Catholie nlnirnl, ' it Hayou du Large, Tone Houne parish, ' 0 '. WM li,,,,'l en Bunduy morning. Hev. . l'atllcr l "'"tarot por.shed in ths iiames. JAMES NUTIVS TlllAL .1M1MOMU) huh rilf. IK Ut.s nit lllMt. run I ram nil leu l'r,ie Hrlpmimir I'Klei rrmtirr I rler In Ihr KnlO'4 uml Het! Illrlr I '. The trial of James Nn't ler tlie killing of Nicholas Lvtiiau Dakes be."i" I'nti burg Ttiefilay inenntig luumnse crowds thteng Iho ci tut room and crrat interest is maiillesttd iu the rcsu t. I'he pieweu Ii Hi i'iieil tbe cise 1 1 il'u'g ' D He) d, a civil eii);iiiii. ' in t '' I'"' dinwiurf of the "round e it' r, ' th" scene of tlie death of Pukes I'm' di iw mg was shown the j'iry. with rxp'ainti 11 of wlnre 2,'utt steed ivueeahd nn 1 the diirctieu of PukeV npi.'.ieh, t 'getbei with the detai.s of the 1 1.1,10 nenl tint followed. Willlam.ti Hi ns, of t'litentuwii who steed by Nutt win n 'Ii" shorting el PiiUt s oecurri'il, was i-i"'d and testihVd that en the eveuuig 1 I tb" "h "'ting b" 1111 1 Janus Nutt en the p'Kt 111' iviiur ; the two ste.'d there a while uuiihi n went te Broadway urn! sepuatcl . Nutt again 011 the corner of Ma n and Pittsbaig streets, going into the 1 ew diiitf si, ire bui'ding. In thi fr ut e' i'i- bud ling iie pos's mx or e;li me'ies njnaie Tbe plan whs here bhen the witness and he designated the spd wh'reN'ntt was stand mg when he Ii .1 t!e tln.1 shot Tbe witness was stan !.!'' 01 tin' ether ide of the san.0 ,'t. Thiy bad s une oenvrritiiin. Several jeisins passed, sotne of whom the ihi ro'egi ited. The witness knew Nidi ''.is Linii'i Duke by sight. When Duke 1 wisl Jim st.e nt him Jim was stand. -g nthc pt by tlie sill Af'er the ti s' h 't ' "' '''',1 again Tne wbnewd'l 1 '' knew what lollewed the seoend .li ' Hu'i Pukes ami Nutt worn ruutiing u.erd thpoerni" when the first and venl shuts were lired. They wr re ab nit tight Uet pit. Witness didn't j;e n.. 11 d the e irn, r right away, but heaid ttioie wne tu re hhetA Died. Piank Peg-. Iho 5 1-nun, te'd the story of the eboe nig ni'".'autially us be told it nt the crener iruuest, and saie "When 1 arrested Nutt he rrnstt d 11 little, but as seen as lie reei.'i -d m he h i di'ii me the revolt r 1 : 1 s mi . ' Take it ai. d take me te j id ' A't r we started t iwanls the jail I tA' 'Jim you're dure bi 1 wrk. Yeu'w t, ",.l Dukes a'.d prnbablv another iu in ' J 1 n replied . ' I'm eny f"i the t'i, r ivim , but as h r Dukts, I couldn't hf'p 1' .l.lllli stilt I Mil -itut. With the exception 01 J hti ilesaiiere the teetim iny et tbe tiltieu or twenty ether witnesses tint . t I flei materially from the nbore or what has already beeii published. Missuiere s a l.ttle bv, uiue years old, and his tt t 'n.m, told tu a straightforward man n r w h mr a break, eiii-td a sensation. H sa.d that he knew h w ter -ad but did i.i e "e church. He a ' t-at tel'.nur an ui.r'i w u'd 6 ml i "u te a bad plaee. H.' w is sw irn by tlie -d hime!t. ib' m. i he lfinen -vvi the kd'ing of Dikes O 1 'he af er - ea of the dsy of tLi- ki Im he was at N .:: t house piaying 'h Wuhe Nut, a ' t his own age. lie sw ii'id htrd $ -z. (hetiig done. He sau l.m Nutt -v:'t. at a beard with bis Uncle. Steve. Th NiJ was the carnage h us .'. r wmch is xirt of the ttab.e. They were te or three yards awav, or ns fir as frtn the witnesn te Mr. Piayferd. itce ether man the t.y did net knew was with Nutt aud his uuc.e. They ba ' tn.) pistols. Ileth men used the Mine ii,tel. They hit tlie beard they shot at. They shot four or llve fines. Attcr they C"t through sheeting Jim went into the house and h.s Cuele reve went home. Uuc'e M'eve told Jim n t te full, said the boy. He said it j 1st before he lett. This was all that w. u hs heard.. Jimes Nutt was en thepeich the titne bis uncle speku te '.nm. A number of e'ber witnrsses supported Me smere's st ,ry ty -i:ii' tliat they h'ud sheeting t.'i Nat.'s)ari .it tLesime ufiernceu. The prosecution here rested their cue, but will ptebably present sera-' new wit nesses te day. The defense uet being qui:e ready, by permission of the prosecu tion the ease was held ever until te-day. During the afternoon Souater Voerhwa arrived, in company with Ciptniu lteudi net, the Cherokee lawyer. The pnsoner matutaics hts qmet reserve. He has bceu ti e recipient et a number of letters from persons throughout tbn ceu .try wishing him vrelt. The target prac'ice by Nutt en tie ,iay Dukis was killed, which was referred te by Beveral witnesses, was explained by James Wells, an ut c:i of James Nutt. Mr. Wells says the lite dp-am Nutt took gteat mt rest in maikhmanahip, aud that belore and after his d -atli a party would gather n the baekyaid at Nutt s heuse aud iiidulge in target practice. The words "don't fail," spoken by btephen Nutt, had no rolerency te Pukes. Dr. Ayers, formerly et tlie Dixmont iusiue asylum, wh examined Nutt last Minda), says Nutt's mi id was tindenbt edly unsound. 1 un ui.uh-iiii.n iiL'itiii: .1 M'ne deserter in tlin ir,itiwn .lull win, Is .-iiltJiit)il ut 11,0 Driiiin The murder of Samuel G. Clugsten ut Valley Forge In Aunl, 1SS1, again comes te the front. Suspic .n has Ujr attaehml tiWm.H. Atkins, wLe 11 oenlltitd 111 j til in Norriatewu, Tu eu'einpt of court ler note implying with the mrt's dectee te support bis wife, wh . ha 1 ehargsd him nub desertien. lu Uiy, 1 Atkins was employed at I), Chester county, by the Petinsylvmii railroad uempauy. He was seen una tlay te IejI: Ter sonietliing lest at a spot where a 0 .py of thoTetonto Ectrnnij Xutj, dated 51 y dot that year was leuu.l, upon thimaigin of which had been w.ittt-n the follemuL' lutttr : h "line my rospects te folk m L C and I) nnd gtve my leve te thu e'd gA n ),, a.l delphu. I lmve 41,700 m counterfeit van ou 1; i 11 way sun it ir I 8ei,cl (t le you ? If se, ene word and I Send it m a package of papers. I will wiite no morn jaon.vnet papers. I will wnte no morn low. Don't wnte in a letter or pat,d jai.l, but de all yem writing ti,u.IHr ou send. Don't let it be ku ,wn lr Ued's UUIV. ca i iqii nan U'liei cjtna out. Yeu can gut a job tuuning ,ln 0,110 en these beats, as they want engin Ktn very bad I have 0110 myself. ;iV10 ,, e-2 ' and beanl in it. That it .m i ........ , V.,11 Irnneu Wlmn . .... " 1,,luuul mO"s S-HUI4 .Ml, ttt "i"."'1 7n,' write te net at. Jehns. If they get any j"' ........ Terente ene nrrcbtei! en fllKIlinilin UAn.l . .. ristewn paper, , ' .".."" nui a ier- f riuial 5Vlll. let. nn , uiuu IIIIDI II, u UUWSIIIpr r W fnnn.l 1 missed by Atkins h-SeU ,S 'S known, announcing, however, that he was going te Texas, He returned in th,? in but it was found tint 1. i,,i. ' iMUbiirg ami i t.5hSr5 ?? e! Matylaud. Near y a var .,,. 1 arrested en cemprint ftteViAVS sortieu. lottets w Z,0 , r " Distnet. MtnW .W"1,bJ' him tO a...... ..1 .1 ixi.t vuin uiiiuiuii wis fiuiillr,,,.. 1 1 :, Judgment of experts en han w n u,u,U Atkins Identified the cm ieff ' '","., m"' the murderer as that et her h, k1.. 1Ul l)y, the picture found iu It a, ha u 5 "" nnd her child. 8I.0 did 1 et k, ,'l'rS.?lf tlme that the articles ii TJZi, m U, found at the Olugaten wsWe. " lm,,1bl08'.' been the property 0 the (! 1? ,mul ljaa de.ei. After Atkins- imD,te"te FT was questioned ns te thTm ,men, . I0 11wiKUi.1l letter, hut he dome 'liT1 U,, ....... . IU u ,,, U1D , Hen s bio. Let me knew whether them is any. thing said of the Valley ,rK0 " auf Hektepdark. Tealiie.,,1, y iVi.,." from Wm. McO. ' " AlIll'. ITIW1M l 11111 rt-Nl ip.iIa oh0lieVo.,aVAtl.nT8hiV8:frim . n!,,.m lU W '" "ie Terente A" ' I fesinil he wrote the letter, but could glve ! no ee d explrtii itieii for se doing. An linpntuit itneH says he boheies that .VtUlnsi Iho iti)trtleUH Abbett, hut Jim. Mit IIikui'ii 11 'd te identify the pi isoner its nidi til M I"" "MllltNt. 1 iistriie 1 'limit s Wtj llir.itrn tint I'be returning be 11 1 Ilie. In Hariisbuig yrsti rday and iviuputed the returns of the NiiTeinbei ler state treasurer and nudum nvi tl 1 no be ltd had 111010 eiiti'i'li) i.i in 1 mug at a oniieluslon 111 thiJ eempi' hi in of tlie etu .' tint nudi 01 giiH'inl and UUt (reas than itsiitl Tins resitlted fieni the 1 .eiMiplete returns from Lur.trtie county 1'liere was a tulii.e te larwnid a sealed 111 turn te the 1 lll.'e "f the sectetnry of the oeinni.invv, atih I'.ie prothetiotary of the e.'iinty was lepeatidly rtqui'sted te cover the d.ll. n nee, hat no apparent attontlen was pud t ) the d, m inds, nud nfter a long tliki'uwieii the vote of LiiEoriie county was ilinurn out, itnl thu miijeritlrn of the It.'piiblie in 0 indi I itns for auditor gener l And state tnn-iner wert) largely increased. The vote, as ami niueed. is as follows fellows follews S'nte tieasurer, I. mv, 3111571 : Powell WLl".' , Miisli, 1120; Heward. 0 370 A11 lit.irem nil, Ndi's, 1111,005 ; Taggart .".i: 078 , Keid 1 nn, 0,418 ; Kyuder, 1,-1 17 I'lieie was si.ue auiusemeiit ever the pv of th' c mimittoe. Seven huutlred deiUis had b. ei- appropriated, aud, at the suggestion el t ..erner Paulsen, who pi filled ever the count and who desired 1. 1 educe the t puses of the beard, only tn. ee el. iks wen- elected, Thus 11 Ceeh Lie. H P. rite a-.d Geergo D. Herbeit, win., at pun -is uiLVHtiigs thore has iltdji ti. t n nieie. Tins action of the ijteriier enlv iiicieased the pay of tlie members, as a committee was appointed dining the iiu-.'ting te ascertain tbe am. unt of pay unach, including mileage. IW the top ti nl t'ie committee tbe clerks w. re given J.J.5 an I mileage, and the mes seng. r the same. The bal.iuce netted U.'J te eae't ..f the fourteen members , 11 t 10 of then mileage, and nil took the pn f t the I- w hours' work except the govern ir and In.lge Simoiiten. The governor was net ploieed at the , xpi s- of the w rk entailed, and admitted In was beaten 1 1 tns elicits te curtail tlie I xpeust.s 11 j signed the warraut for the in tiny and .'..' commission adjourned an r inv a U.iuutt. .) I u MtluhllU'r mi -lr,t ,r Ills l.lle in,ill. 1 he tn il et I din Steiuhllber for the h siting of l'u..uias Ivearns, at Asblaud, last Neveuibe., begau en Tuesday. It will occupy the remainder of the week. Ashhud had bem terrorized for a ) ear by a tueb knew u us the "Lynx," who beat and otherwise I'ltrei'cd jieoplecauglitout after duk, paitiuu ii'y men who had been dunk -ig t ... imly. l'heir rallying cry i "it." ' 111 November '21, bte.n hilber had b'en toOirnrdville, and, return- II g at tnght te his home, a suburb of Ash'and. was p . meed upon by four or live ).mug m -ii who grabbed him and " Ue,t " He realised that he was 11 the ha .1, of the Lyux. He had a victim ouee before and had armed himself. He drew his revolver and tired. Iho ball euternl the brain of Themas Kearus, aged 10 years. The common weiltlt claims tli it the Jiynx were only in fun and that the sheeting was iinjustlll able. The prismei's pica is that it was dope in self defense. 'I he doctors and two eyewitnesses te the sheeting were heard te-day. IIDlt'N A.N KMIIM(UKT lulrly I'rt.uu. Irjursil 1111 tlis ms I'aclfle l.nilruisil. Awestbiu'd Texas Pacific passonger tram was wrecktd Tuesday morning by .1 broken rid, 10 miles west of Woatherford, T.-xas Itiskni.vti that 30 persons were iurtd, am mg them are Gee. McCall, of WeatUeiferd, uiured in several places; U U ritennett, arm broken ; It. H Strat ten, of JohLSeti ennnty. Texas, hurt In head ; L H. Atwell, of Fert Werth, scalp weuud ; 15. J. Williams, of White water, Tex , and face injured ; Mrs. Ferd, arm broken ; bur nephew, 12 years old, scalp wound A.J.Hardin and wife, of Terrell, hea I ,i".l face wounds, and Vieter Wemiirk, skull fractured and nese broken. The train was ruuuiti at the rate of 25 ran an huL. Ulnlitreii Miir.icrilcd by .Smoke. Jehn and Auniu McDonald, aged i and 3 rcsjieetivuly, wero sudecatcd Tuesday morning in a room ut N'e. 191 Hamilton avail!, Brooklyn The mother locked them iu wh .v he took anethur child te sch.jel. Piirmg her absence the children built n ti e un the lljer aud sutlocated ih.-ni Ives. Inr rr.ite V. Ml et 1, 1'lmuixvllle He 1. r Down at Ptxeaix villi), Mr. McFadden A. Kelly, a 0 infracter, lest the ether day a shanty and a vilueii hen, which rrcently showed a strong disposition te be the ma tern guardian of a drove of chickens, aud slit) was placed en a nest iu a box con taining sawdust, in which had be en packed cans of dynamite She began natcniug in tlie be;c, aud had sat cempla arntly for a day or se, when with the most t exceeding and mysterious suddenness there was a tremendous oxplesioti aud the shinty and tlie old hen and her eggs van iihed from mortal sight. There had been .vein of dynamite left in the box and the In at Irem the body of tlie hen produced thotragie reMilt. A low splinters of the shanty were afterward found, but tlie old chicken senms te been oemplotoly nuuihi lated as there was net a feather te be koeii when things settled te tlieir normal state. 1IIH IMIII.TIII hllOW. Arrltal ut hniiles rlue lllril en Kililbltleu. The fifth annual exhibition of the Lan caster Poultry association will open In the laige hall in the pest ufilce building te morrow. Already a very considerable niiinber of entries have arrived from dis. taut eities, and been jdaccd iu their coops 111 the hall. The stoek Is of unusually llue quality, and the. show proniises te be ene of the best if net the best yet glveu by the association. It will or ceurse nttraet the nttontien of all the chicken fauoiers In the county. The display of plgeena will also b') very fltie. We will publish the Hit of entries te morrow. 1 l;tm Sti.iutini- .Alttteli Mmr mount Ji.y. Au interesting pigeon sheeting match took place en Saturday nftorneon en the firm of Jehn Ilaverstielc, near Mount Jev. I'liB sheeting was for a ptirse of $18. Thure wero six nntriun nud six pigeons " h hhet nt, Josuph Fergusen, Jehn Haverstiek and Harry Btohler each shot I out of 0 birds, dividing the first price of U among themselves. Philip Pyle shot U taking the second priza of id ; and L. Htohier mid Clinten Itelnud shot 2 each. dividing butween themselves the third prir-oef jJI. Aiiiitljer Mining SIhu, Jeseph T, FouIIcef, or Taoeuy, en the Dolaware, writes te the city authorities here asking for a description of the man who was round suspended from u troe at Millway recently. He states that he hns a brother, who has becn missing for six weeks nud thinks that he may be dead, Hals el Mules. Samuel Hees and Hen nuotlenors, sold at publle sale en Monday nt Daulel Legau a sale and exohauge stables Lancaster city, Pa., for Heward Ilatly U3 head of Kou Keu Kou tueliy yearling mult .it au avorage prloe of 43 00 per pair. OVjfiltTIlESTAm nvi riinu nm niainiiioHiieou. Nnsr unit rrnsn tn.i llimnty l.lnpit-O.iiit t lis tn 11le rellllmil AimjiiiHtis III llrilm Hi ailing's of n thrce legged hull fte; Willi only 0110 eye. Tlin Spilli'e anil P un hi root pissengnr railway, Plilladi)lphl.i, altet a vein's trial of llve cut lare pays the latitest tlivldeiid In its history. The national bank of Oxford has declar oil a 8.11111 dividend of three per cent Twe hundred and twenty eight students 1110 in nltet.ilince at Lincoln L'niveisity This is tlie largest number of students ever in uMendaiioe ut this Institution, Since Friday last, ftuu binkniueii mi thu Lehigh Villey ralliead were crippl. d while coupling eirs, mid hive slnen lieen inli.iifetl te rtt. Luke'it he-p.lal, Ualble hem. While a number of b tys were ceisting lu ShuuieMii, they were thrown from their sled ugalust a building. Jehn Deuly and Kinh.ird Mtidieett were bully injund. and seveial otht.Htee ived moieer lesspa-nful weiiiiiIn. lliehard 5Iorriek shipped f uiteen h-nd of tluocittle fiuin Oxluid stock yirds te Philadelphia en Friday last. The he most pair weighed I..V20 lbs., and were foil by lteubeu Hiker of Fulton township, Liu Oister ceituty. The Conewuigo in idge oempiny.afier de elariug a dividend of il poi share, minced tells 011 two herse carriages which were reduced fiem 75 cents te fiO and emi herse carnages from r,0 te 2V Tim bridge is new lighted for SJ hours lu the evening, which is a eonvenience audsaletv lei these who have te travet nfter night." A line deposit of marble luisbeeiidis corned near Dillsburg, Yerk county. It Is said te be of exculleut quality, and a 11, 1 1 1 r.. .... ...... t. t ;r .. . " eniuK ' niiii piepariug it ler market will shortly be oreetnd by Pills burg capital. Tlie vein Is u large ii' tl ex ex ex tousive one, which it is tluught will prove a very prollfahle enn. The Pailade.phia lltend his exclusive at the luspitalet the uiiivcrsliy of PeiinsyWaiiia, in West Philadidphii, en Saturday night, Dr. Hen j iniiti F. Hamil, thu superintendent el the Institution, shot Dr. lMiv.ud Martin, one of tbe resitleut libyslctatis. inllietiiur a wound which will pess.bly rebiilt 111 his death. I'he uflair has hun kept tpiit t by the uittbuiKtcH of the institution Ilamtl cheiisheti an uuieuJed jealousy of Mar tin's ullegtid intentions te his wife, nud upon a siid hn impulse rushed out of his olUce, pistol in hand, and, without warn mg. discharged IU cinteuis mte the face of tbe phvHieiau lu Pi) mouth, Liuerni) county, a piety "f be)s were evastmg tlewn a steep hill, and among the number was I hemas Hretmau, an inu-lligeiit laii of about twelve years llrennan boasted that he had the fastest "jumper" en tlie hill, end challenged any el his companions te beat htm. In the trial Hreuuau liMtomtrel of hts bled aud was precipitated ever a deep omlunkment te the radio id below, a disi.iuce of forty five feet, sustaining u compound aud iner tal fracture of the skull. A vrreck occurred betweem S'lamekiti aud Weigh Saales. en th- Netliein Central railroad, by a collision of a coal train aud au empty freight ttaiti a shett distance from Shamekiii. The coil train stepped te snle track several uirs, the Empire freight, rounding 11 sharp carve, dashed into the reir of the coal train, driving the tlues into the tire box. The escaping steam nud boiling water alnuut roasted Fireman Jehn Childs, who was standing en the tender. Tne Empire freight and sev.rnl cars were demolished, Engin eer James Keeuan aud a brakeman being slightly injuied. Drain el a uiitr Wtirtlt 3.1,000. Mr. Edward Werth, of Wawa, Ches'tr county, the well known real estate broker and breeder of fancy stock, 011 Saturday lest his Jersey cow "Lydia Darroch," (1 903.1, from indigestion, 11 postmortem showing that te be the cause of death. She was ene of the most valuable et Mr. Werth's line stock. Last year he refused 5,000 eish for the cow, he baheviug her te be worth mete, .he his made as high as I'J (Kjunds of bntter psr wenk. rei.liIiiAi. 1'iu.iTr.NK.n, ilnwTliry On it ilvcr in Uerks Ueusty Heading News, Dem. "Over in Lehigh county," sas the Lan caster I.NTr.i.ue i:nci;u, "the bomeoratio commissioners courteously oleet their col cel col Icngue president of the beard in the last year of tlieir term. Why, dear I.ntelli 0r.5rF.11, Berks county has been doing the satne thing and gees oue belter, it gives a large share of the 0 aunty printing te the Itepubl cau organ that abuses the Poiuo Peiuo Poiue oratio party roundly from January te December, The commentary en this action nf the Doiuecratio officials of lierks and Lehigh 11 umqiiw. Toe L me inter iNTr.t.MGKiscEit pointedly asks "did Messrs Myrsand auunuy (the Republican com missioners of Lancaster; hear anything drop ?" Of ceurse they didn't! In Republican counties like Lancaster tlie Democratic minority ofilelals are treated with the broadest discourtesy and alt tbe "political pap"""gues te Republican journals. When the Reading Timet indulges In Its usual misrepresentation of the Damoeratio party it should net forget te inontien that in ilbernhty towards Its R. publle m oppe nents, the Djmoeraoy of ll jrks hai alsays been first aud foremost, simply bccame it belengs te a party of liberal Ideas, TOST NOI'TIAIi CUMTltAOTH. Vurmnr l.anrastilana li.lnretttil lu Qns Qns Hen llcletc tlio'Supreme Cinrt The question of what Is a valuable con sideration, te hiipjert a pest nuptial contract between husband and wlfu fur the bennflt of the childicu of ene of the par tics by a previous marriage, was argued in thu hi pre tn e court Tuesday morning. The point arose in .Martha Hurkheldur'H appeal from the adjudication of the Phila delphia orphans' court iu the sottlement of Rouben Rutter's estate. The decedent married Mrs. Julia Hrlssen, a widow, with ene Ben by a former husband. Heme tlme after the marriage dlllcrenccs aroae bo be twecu the husband and wife, nud iu 1819 a separation took placn. Theso differences wero hoeu compromised and a formal agreomeut was made by vvhieh, iu consid eration of a future avoltlance of dillloul dillleul tleaaud dUsonsleus, the husb mil agreed and covenautcd with the wife nnd her son thatlnoase the former should die boreio him, the huiibaud was te pay ever, upon his death, one-lialf of all hiu nre perty te his stepson The stepsen dletl three years after tne agreement was made, the wife In 1870 and the decodent In 1831. At the audit of the ostate In the orphans' court the one-lmlf share was claimed by the children of the stepsen. The e'alin was objeetod te en two greuuds : First that the ngrceinent upon whleh It was formed was a mero executery con tract, and, being without Oonsldera. tleu, it oeuld net be enforced ; nnd boo beo boe ond, the ngroemont being n pest nuptial oentrnot, caunet avail thoae who would net have the slightest interest in the ostate without it. It wan argued en the ether aldn that the sottlemout of difforeuocB was a Biiftlolent consideration The lower court decided lu favor of the stop-seu a children. , , . The parties te this suit formerly resided iu Intercourse, this ceuuty. II. O. Hru- r,. nt lliln eln. nnnnnrnil as atter ney for the appellant, nnd 8. Hepburn, et n.-irlfuhi. nnd ll J, 1. lOWUBOUll, Ul 1 u..v.. phla, for the appellees. UUIIHT OIlUllVi, neuiriv Tldrl .Mil lvr,nr,i.,,t ,, r ,.,, lilt linnls tin,., 1 nt,,: in si. it. Tfci atinlvmsaiy eiitoitaliimunter (Jhrist ehoiel snelety, given In (JhrUt Ev. ItUttnvxii chsieh last evi iibig, was veiy Iihi.'..t uiteiuleil UiHwIiiistiiiiiliiigtliniuiew Mm iw which prevailed. A. It. llutUhnrt, presilsat of the s.icleiy, pic, I ud Alter lunjMv br Ruv. Hylvanus Stid, or St. Jehn's Lmli'rnn church, tbe ulierul M)cttiiy. under the had or Rev. K. L Rtfd, retuleiul n " Gleria " villi rrry line iiTeet. Mi. Ada llutv'i lead her annual lep.ut, from whii h it iippeurs that the iiiembniship or Hid s leiety lias Increased twenty si during thn pustxear the roll nt this tlme con tnlnlug tlin names or sixty six ninnibnrii. Dining thn year the society has aided thu ohuieh In many ways by tu voluntary Ubeis, vt Idle ItH weekly meetings have iiltetdrd pleasant iinteilalntniiit am) In structien At the el. si el Iho tending nf thn seerttary'n lepeit, the oheial society sang the ant hem "Italli " Prel. M. II. Richards, el Alloiilewn, iv nuvnbrr el Iho faculty id Muhleii bi-rg oellogo and stcrelnry of the Al letdown school beard, was then Inirodiieid and dtdiriirMtl his I ntuie en " Pretty Peggy." The lecture abounds lu telling points, fnie satitoeii tlie wbimsnf society, keen humor and mniiil tiintnie" imi. Pintiy P'ffgy, the daughter of peer but iosp.)nt iesp.)nt iosp.)nt nble patents, was loved by a c.iptutu of the army and warmly reliiriied his love. Hut the gill's mother ebjtced tn thn match because the captain was peer, and she believed that Peggy's pititty lace would easily secuie her a butter miteli. Thn capt tin's brother nlse ohneted te tbe maleh bi'ciusn Peggy was peer nnd of tee low tank te be tlie matt) uf an army officer. The resuls was that both weiu made very tnUeiable, the cspiaiu went away ami died, mid then Pietty Pegg), like faithful lever, diul also. The lec turer made sumo strong p mite against tbe nbsmd dnTOti.111 paid te akln-dcep bounty and rank aud wealth, te the neglect et msntnl and moral exculleuci). Tint enter tainment concluded with au anthiMii"Siiig, 011 Siiif," by the choral socie' v, the long unitrodeioligy and n benediction by tbe p ister. At tbe oleso of tbe entertainment thn choral society and the lecturer proceeded tn the rositlntiea of Rev. Reed, where a pie-isatit sociauie was lielil ilu lug the io ie tnaiuder of ttie evenliu', thoebornl furnish ing an excellent n't , ut. I his morning Pml. Ri hards visited Mm boys' high school au I grinni'iium, the boys going through some of their t'xercistH for his entertainment. He visited thu girls' high school, where he was enter tallied with vocal music, anil expressed himself as being tutieh p!eaed. He visited various ether schools and public Institutions iu theeity pner te leaving fur Alleiitewu. n Hi 1.1. rti 1 ei.i.i-.vjI'. lliu Owner ut a 1 nw 11 I nuulit ly a ' llfirn- rinr " .tuiiiii. Win. Klinge, projirleter of the ip-n heuse at Liueaster, Ohie, bill pe,i, 1 , baker confectioner, eti) , is very angrv. It appears that 1'eni Van Tassell'a eem pany wa booked te show in that town but failed te put in 1111 appearance Hen. DoImeu, the acnt ahead of the pirty con traeted a bill of $17, including about $15 of borrewod money, with Klinge giving un order en the show for the amount. Mr. aUitige is out tins little bill. He hssid kOTVur 1 tha' the show would appear hsra this week uud scut thu bill, with a let Y papeu, theatre tickets, etc , te Mayr JIacQeniL'le and asked him te collect it 4 forward the money te biui. 'i'he asayis: dreppd Ui. Klinge a p. dim nete liif.n jing h m tut he did net have a elijUcn agency. Miss Van Tassull is net 5 soiled te Appear hate, and it is very dlflUsUl te UU when Mr. Kliue will get urea. Aftur this he will no doubt be cam tal hew he places 111 the ngsns of qiicer shows The snow is veiy dejv juftt new, tbe walking bad, ami oettosiulws, ns well as their agents, have te jjsjp tip in s imi way, 1 vi 11 if it is unmr. Ue.j Uuinull ) V3, Jr. I), u A i'i T'.e menliii' of Conestoga council Ne. '22. Jr. O, U A. M., te-morrow evening, will be ene of great inteiest. H.J, Deily, of Philadelphia, S. C. of Pennsylvania, is cxptcted tis be in nttcudaui'e an 1 1111 en en terUinment will be given in his hetnr. Tliose who atend to-merrmv night will hie tl-jj council perform the initiation el cau il.tias with tbe finest, must expensive, and only cimplete outfit in the order Mr. ll. E. Dra, of Reading vis, ted this council n few weeks age 111 the interest et n grand parade te be liu'.tl in Raiding next July, in honor of tin stite coiiueil con vening at that placs at that tune The councils theie are making extensive pre parations te entertain all members of the order who may visit Reading The mem bers of Conestegn council N 1. 2.' ute making extra elt'erts te tnerna-m then mombeishlpte 100, se as te make a geed showing oil that oceistou. Iho rates of fare, bearding, ecj., will ba made se rvasouable that overy mc.nb.'i iau take part en that occasion. i. ASsuui.viMi-ii no tipcrsll jut et tlie u.iueittin Mi. I nl At tbe annual meeting of the Ooiii'steg.t mutual hmufleial assoeiatmu In Id ci the ollbe of Ne. S cotton mill last evt 1 ing, thu fe lowing inembnrs were oleeted elllaers Ter thu ensuing year : President, H. S. poueer ; vlce prusidtin', Giorge E. Z d Isrs ; treasurer, M. O. Khun ; i-eeri tary, Edwia E. Sn)der ; trustei's.G.'e Iv ltned, Themas Days, Elam D. Iltust. This association was ei(auiz d 1 11 Ja-iu nry, 1872, and Is composed or tluee hun dred meuibets, each or whom pays ene dollar nud ten cents upon the ile ith or a tnetnbcr, ene dell ir el winch is paid te thu widow and thn remaining tn 01 nts are appropriated te the expenses of thn asse aiatien. Blue Its organization the nsse elation has had twenty two deaths, and these have been paid for beucflts $0,2U2. The amount of benefits due for ene death was paid from tha surplus funds, which hud accumulated In the treafctiry. Hnppcr te i:upiiyc. J. II. Martin & Ue. gave a flne supper te tlieir empleyes last evening In recog nition of their faithful sorvlees during the busy holiday season jiut closed. Tlie nlTalr came off at Oee. Miller's rcstauraut, North Queen strent. Thore were twenty-two who sat down te the supper, wlileh was get up lu Mr. Miller's host style. Duriug the ovenlng the ompleycH presented Mr. J. L. Maitlu, the junior mernber (f the firm, with nn elegant writ ing ser, containing overythmg pertalnlng te the artohlregriphloal. The festivities weiu continued until near midnight. Congratnlateiyspecohcs wnre mitle, songs were sung, toasts wero drunk, nnd all ptesunt had n raie seaseu of enjoyment. Atittuit ltmifry. Ueorge Burten, the big blae't perter at the Stevens house, oemmlttod an assault and battery en Oharlca Sllnkman, a eab man, whose stand Is hi front of the same hettl. Sllukmau, who says he nnvu no prevacaiUu for the assault, in ado com lilalat galnst Hiuten, who was anosted and held for a beating bofero Alderman MoCsisetny, te take jdace en lMdayaf. tcaiipOn, A " l'rra"aanff. Mr. Vi'm. II. Thatcher, of the business stan! of the Philadelphia Press, nocem- I ptinled by half a dozeu active Vfs at j tatkat, is stepping at tha Hiester heuse, It is ths purpoae of the party te malte n ! thriih eanvats of Lancantcr and wUiaVty In the iutcrctt of the Prtit.