LANCASTER JDAIT.Y TNTELLTG ENCETJ, SATURDAY, JANUAHY 12, 1881. A. ?. I i , Lancaster intelUgcnrer SATURDAY RVENINO, JAN, 13. IH04 Oar Foreign Hern ropnlntlen. The fact that of the fifty millions pop pep pop ulatlen in tlie United States nearly seven millions are foreign born Is one that Is very portentous te many persons. That it has only ceme te be viewed with se fiew alarm within the. memory of tlie preaent generation is owing in part te the greater Influx of immigration in the past forty years, consequent upon the changing conditions and Increasing dis content of tlie common people abroad, and it is measurably due te the fact that net se many years age nearly all of tlie Inhabitants of this country were sub aUtntlally "foreigners," or such near descendants of them, that the distinct ions between the foreign born and na tive population were net se sharply drawn as new. Although there have been decennial censuses taken since 1790 we have no direct elllcial Information respecting the constituents of our popu pepu popu regards the place, of birth, prier te 1850, nor even adequate Information prier te 1820 concerning the arrival at American sea ports of foreign born per sons. The political troubles of ISIS In Ger many, and the agricultural distress and resulting famine In Ireland about the same time, Induced a sudden rise be tween 1850 and 1S00 In the immigration, but since then the percentage which the foreign born bears te the native popula tion has net imperially varied from 131 percent. These who read with alarm the statistics of enormous immigration nowadays are apt te forget that our total population is well nigh double what It was at the eutbrenk of the war, that the development of the country In the variety of interests and in the settle ment of Us domain (3 immensely beyond that of twenty years age and that the disposition of a larger iullux of foreign fereign erstlai ever before Is easily made with out serious disturbance of our social and political forces. Ireland aud Germany have furnished the most considerable part of our foreign population, and In almost equal propor tion, though Great Britain and its trans oceanic dependencies (excluding Ireland) and Canada combined, have given us nearly as many as either Hibernia or the fatherland. This foreign imputation has been subject te the widest diffusion, and however Impressive it might be if It pro ceeded from one stock and grouped in a single locality, the great variety and dissimilarity of race which it presents and its general dispersion through the states, obviate the threatened danger of any notable foreign intluence crystalliz ing here Inte an element hostile te our Institutions. There are but three states and ten territories, all remotely West, In which the foreign born equals 50 per cent, of the native population ; in thir teen states and territories It is 2 per cent., In eleven states It is 10 per cent ; in ten from 2 te 10 ami in eight less than 2 nor cent, it is remarkable hew the foreign aud colored population are mutu ally exclusive, and nltneat iu every sec tien where the colored are found in large number the foreign born are net, and I vicu vcis.i. it is reassuring te inesy who Btand in such dread of foreign Influences te observe hew the predominance of the different nieis varies in different states. Although the Irish population of Penn sylvania largely out-number the German there are nearly as many Irish born resi dents of Massachusetts as of our own state ; iu New Yerk, Connecticut, Call fernla and New Jersey the Irish top the list ; In Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Texas, Iowa, Missouri and Ohie the Germans nsseit themselves quite as emphatically iu the lead ; iu Minnesota the Scandinavians are tar ahead of any ether, and a goodly num her of them are settled in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. The number of natives of British America found in Massachu setts and Michigan is astonishing, until explained by the lumber interests and factory Industries ; two-thirds of all the juexicnus are in Texas ami 70 per cent, of the Chinese in California; two-thirds of the Irish Intheceuutry are east Pittsburg's meridian, and two-thirds of the Germans are west of it. Most of the Itusslans In the ceuu try are Mennonites and Kansas has the largest number of them ; Ohie of Swiss ; Wisconsin the lJehemlaus ; New Yerk the Poles, Austriaus and French ; and Michigan the Hollanders. Foreigners generally display an appetency for city iife, though the mere numerous races havoeflato ju.ira shown a falling off as elements or city population. Fall ltiver) and Lawrence, Mas , textile iiianiifac' tilling cities iu the East, and San Fran Fran ciseo, C.U., extreme geographical points Bliew the highest rank in foreign born relatively te the total population, and next te them come Chicago and Detroit, central commercial cities en the lakes. These striking facts ull point te the funic conclusion that our foreign bem population la be widely dispersed as te be easily assimilated. It presents the Wiueut range of dlveislty in its elements, nun is uiueu up unu meulded by the frrmnnlfk of ... ... rv,..u ... .....vikub Miuuiiuiiwcaiuis as much unlike each ether as the bulk of our foreign Immigration Is dissimilar te the native. There is no greater por per por ceutngo of Influx, se long as it comes from the civilized races, than Is healthy te the body politic, and nowhere te-day are the foreign elements of our population uniting and massing against the native. In fact It Is easier te array the ene of these elements against the ether even new than te incite them te an uutl-Ainerlcan attack upon the institutions of their udnpted country or te areuse the spirit of Ivnow-Nethlnglsm te shut, the gates upon the immigrant, It Is astonishing that Justice Uradley of Uie United States supreme court Bheuld refuse paytnent of n check drawn by him, simply because the payee raised It from five te live hundred dollars. Tlie course of this eminent Jurist In theelee' teral commission Justified the forger in i.w?.i i JTfWy W0U,d ,1Bver K0 SStJZFL "Ji se-? 7. ' i --e- i iiKim iii 18.7, mi doesnow indwllolngtenp preve this outrage upon Ills bank account, fraud would never have been triumphant in the election of a president, and Jutlge Ilradley would have the respect Instead of the malediction of a mindful people. 1 W i It scorns that the lawyers of I,ii.erne county wanted the commissioners te print jury lists for their use, and be be bo cause the county officials refused te ap ap prcprtate the public funds for this purpose, "Judge Woodward, at the request of a majority of the bar, ordered District Attorney McGeehan te draw up a bill of Indictment ngalust the county commissioners for neglecting te carry out certain Instructions of the court In rega-d te improvements te be made In the court house. Several lawyers made violent speeches denouncing the com mlssieners." Judge Woodward sh mid go slew. We would net suspect him of making unreasonable requests for court house Improvements but the practice of judges spreading themselves ever tee much ground, and especially their ten dency te Instruct county commissioners In their duties or usurp their prerogatives Is a dangerous one. The c)tnin's4leurs are elected by and respousible te the pee pleand in their own sphere should m 'e subject te judicial dlctatleu. We u v recently had the local experience of commissioners paying exirbitaut bills upon the order of the court which the county auditors found te be outr.igeom eutr.igeom outr.igeem ly high, if indeed they were net wholly Illegal ; aud the commissioners were accordingly surcharged Wlim the on en suing suit of the county comes te bj tried if that should ever happen of course the judges of the Lane liter county court would net bj qiuliUel te sit, as the b.ll wasp ild upon their recommenda'.ieus They will have te " call upju a judge frjiu .mother district;" ml we don't want any in ire of th.s th in is .ibnlutely necessary. Judge WoeJw.ird hil better go slew. The Columbia Spy is one of the jour mils that cannot understand why the county commissioners should levy tax of $100,000 mere than the uecessaty expenses of the county in January, and collect it off the people iu the summer in order te pay off the ceuuty debt due en the tlrstef April in the succeeding ear. Hut as the Spy, suggests, the county elllclals have eminent examples iu the state and federal financiers, wheaccum ulate treasury surpluses for the accom modation of these who haLdle them. They must have flue, tunes at the con gressional funeral. The committees en this service usually get iu a bill eC from Jl.500 te J2.300 ; aud the appropriation for Apelllnaris water averages only about S3S. Te furuUh a voter with a ticket at the polls representing that it bears names net en it is a misdemeanor, under the act of 1833, puniahnble with MOO fine or a year's imprisonment, or both, lu the discretion of the court. The illiterate voter must hare a cbauce. Tins profound sentiment from the mys torieu author of the "Breadwinners" is generally accounted a bull, alike by news pipets and jeung girls : "A young girl's name caunet be nientieued tee seldom iu the newspapers. Iu fact, twice In a lifetime Ib often enough, and cue of then should be a fuuiril uutice." Tim mnnieipil oleotiom i.i tins ci'.y will be held ou Tuesday, fob. 19. There are theu te be elected a mayor, tsrelve school directors, soleot euncilmen from the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth and Eighth wards ; common ceuucilmen and ward officers in all the wards and an alderman iu the Third aud Seventh Lut the baud play. Becii Is a geed enough thing in its way, but the presbytery of Jersey City disap preve of the use of the feamlug beveruge at church fairs. This actieu of the presbyUrv is emiuently proper, for if the Gambriuiau fluid ever came, into compo titien with the lemonade sold at church fairs, the latter would ha knocked out in half a round. Jaceii Stalky, of Huutiugduii, au n lunced his purpose te commit suicide in 1374, and quit the country. He was con sidered dead, aud se adjudged by tlie oeurt, who afterwards appeiuted a guar dlau ter his adopted son, who succeeded te the $15,000 inheritance of Statey from hislatHor'sestato. Hut new Staley turns up aud threatens te preve that he is net dead and wants te recover his patrimony. This won't de. It he is net dead his family think he ought te be, aud haviug mourned his hiiioide for ten years, they de net propose toge back of the roceid new en the motion of the solf-rcsurrceted Staley. 1 ii r. scarcity of trained nurses is ene of the most annoying wants experienced by physicians. The state medical seaiety last year recommended attention by the local faculties te this important subject. Tlie Montgomery medical society has in. stitutcd a ceurse of lectures for the buueilt of such as desire te bocemo trained nurses, and will Usno certllleates of pre Holeuey as nurses te such as attend tlie course mid pass a satisfactory examina tion before a beard of examiners. The uauuiiHier aoaeemy aim county society win no wmi te give uceu te the (,ame sub jeet. It is of mere importance than sumo matters which get mere attention. Umku the act of 18S3, it may uet be gouerally kuuwu, persons centlued iu M a.i ue uiseuargeu without the rounda bout and oxpenslvo proceedincs of the Inselvent laws. Upen the erder of the court or a law,. Judge In chambers the county commissioners may direct the dls dls dls oharge or conyletH nt the eud of their tnrtnu nf limirlannmunt n- 41 r-"Mm, ut uiohe who are committed for nonpayment of costs without sueh payraent or the payment of flues or restitution of property, providing their insolvenoy Is ostabllshed by their own affidavit and otherwlso te the satlsfao satlsfae satlsfao tlen of the conimlsseners. This practically dopriveB oeurU and juries of the pewer te punish by Impesiug Hnes or costs, iu oase the dofendant or ethor party aimed at Is net worth the amount. lT Ia elalmed ,a oxi'lauatlen of the delay the county auditorstemakothe.rrepo7t rer i8a mat wr. u. M. Ure der. of the beatd h , ftt his home In Mt. JeJ, nuil uuable te oeiuo te town. This explains but docs net oseuso the delay. II Mr. G. Is tee slot te attend the duties of the ofllee he should at ence resign and let his successor be appointed, or the ether two iiieuiln'M of the bjard, a majority, should go en with their Investigations. If these nre concluded they should go te M Jey, and with Mr. Greldur's cooperation, make out their report at ence. Oiui way or uuether, that report should bj lorthcem lug forthwith. .Meantime have the county oininissieiiius tustriiiued their solicitor te press te speedy trial the suits agiltist their prodaeosNors, surcharged by tin auditors lu !Ss2 ? If net, why net '.' Time ! FBATUKKS OF THE STATU PRESS. The New Hellatid Clarien wants the prize jKiokaue utiUiuce wlprd out. Thi Indiana Ji'atienal, the Greenback organ of tint canity, his become do de do fuuet, The Wet Chestir llspubluan e ills the Philadelphia Centurions " the euu huu dred bosses." The Philadelphia Keening Tehgraph ejusidurs Jehn Hiiu'er's " triumphant re re re olcctiea a foregone oencliisiju." The llaz'oteu VLiin Speaker we.nlers what the Philadelphia 1'resi thiuks of its here, Sergeant Masen, since hohasbecomo ene of the curiosities of a dime museum iu the leaker city. Toe C mi una Fieeman thinks ju.tges of the courts are the very lait elisn of iueu who en; lit te compromise tneir iudepjud ouce of all outside inllueuce by accepting frce railroad passes. llad it net been for the vetoing of the Democratic three per cent, funding hill iu 1S79, says tlie Pittsburg Wt, there would have been no treuble te-day abjut a bug low priced beud assecurity for bauk nete circulation. The litqmrtr has never met wlih nuy thing mere rem irkable than the h'r tan ner' argument that the wealthy cl iss e' this natieuls the better class ; and that the peer man is neither "honest, intelligent nor neble miuded." The Iiiyunr only needs te read the Examiner tuore regu iarly fEKSONAL. Mil Ce.NKMMi Is said te hive heavily iu Northern Paciiic feeiirities lest ju aiiLBii iuiukh me Hellar will be redeemed by the governmeut at par. H m.ewt, the Lindou pill man, died witha net income of a million, but he averaged $.'00,000 a year in advertising. Gtx Kinnr Smith, a distinguished officer of the late C'eulcderatu army, is iu Lancaster, the guest of Dr. Wm "itlack "itlack "itlack woed. TeriimiistcKr, the Itussiau novelist, stilfereil grratly from spine disease, dts. trusted the medical faculty and ofteu took counsel of quacks. CuM.iiiMSM.vN Sam Mili.eii, of the .Mercer, Pa , district, has decided that niaiue aud Liucela must bi tlie uext Ito Ite pablican presidential ticket. Rev. Du Jehn K. Paktjn, the boy soldier preacher, formerly of llarrisburg. later of Washington and new of New Yerk, is tilked of ler the Princeton prexi dcuey, Tiievias 1'im Cei'K. a u.itive of Laneas ter county established the tint regular line of pi;i?et ships between Philadelphia and Liverpool ; his tlrst ship was named "Lvncaster" in 107, and his hue was sustaiued in full vigor uutil 1800. PiiLMUKNr Ci rti., of the Altoeua ba-.eb.ill elub, believes that the inter state a!ociatieu wi'J survive the Eastern league, which is tee high priced an atlair te sticcee I. aud he awaits the report et F. A. DiU'endertlcr's tour among the lutir lutir state clubs Gov. Aiinerr, of New Jersey, says he did uet uomiuate Butler ler piesidcut at the Bosten banquet. He only indulged iu the delightful propeetof Andrew Jacksen being raited from his grave at the sight of Massachusetts vetiug ler a lJeuiucratic president. ltu. J. i). Can. UI.OW, IJiptit,lorm.M IJiptit,lerm.M ly of this city, is preaching all ei this week iu the Berean church. Pbiludelnhia . he i referred te in the newspaper repjrts as oue "rthose labors as an evangelist have accomplished much eejd lu Peun-sjlva-iia and New Jersey." Tllri K1.S.11KA Ilmr n .luuiuulut Kri-ietsil Uut the s laer ul Kittle HruinliDpf. Auether uewspajrer man has distin guished himself as au amateur detective. Mr. II. S BroeHB, of the Elmira Sunday Ttleyram determined te ferret out thj murderer of peer Katie Urodshepf, whose body was feuud in the ice receutly, under a budge, near Llmira. Iu cempanv with Mr. Bacen, assistant district attorney, Mr. Brooks visttcd the saloon of Mrs. Kelly, where Katie was reperttd te have stepjied iu Klmira, and began talking with the piupnetress about the case. During the conversation a man stepped up and said he had seen Katie and a man named Wilhelm Monken tegether in the house, and Menkeu asked, "Are Norten's people hvug en the farm jet?" The amateur officials teijk this ciue and visited the Norten's place, where they learned that Menken had been an lnmate of the Reformatory prison, and was marked uu the bjeks " totally devoid of moral charaeter." He Anally obtained . parole, aud, after working for the Nortons ler a while, was scut te his brother in New jerk city. Obtaining from the person a tin type of the man Messrs Brooks and Bacen proceeded te New Yerk, ami there told what they knew te Iuspeoter Byrnes. That officer did net laugh at them as the detectives el Klmira had done, but sent out an order for the arrest of Moukeu. Iu a few hours the repert came, " (W Jjen- ten iu i-iniuuMi, with dead uirls jewelry." He was taken te Cem", quartets, and fully identilied by Mr urueKu, v,uiei j.ittie, or lilmira was telo tele graghed for, and took his prisouer back Menken told several stories about the jew elry, but said it was net Katie's. Twe of the prepei ty of the murdered (jirl by airs Lessiu, of New Yerk, for whom she hai .. . . ..w, .umiieijr illumined US rs. lad worked. There Is t..i.i :,, i.- ,...., ."ix .uv uverv nriK.i ti... i ..', ".. . .uuay'uu ei tue muriler of Miss Brodshepf, as ether ovidenoo is heiug collected te preve that he was with her when she was last seen alive, and that no oue else knew her. Huiilde et h l.uvalern Nwmiii, nT.i'. ri8l,0r he.UH0 U il hl hotel lu Ureenshurg, and was niauaged by the son's er0r?i lh1,th"? Keeimll broth l. Mrs Will Km 'i"10!, MaJer Jehn Koen wUmw was ,,ia,k; ,ft yeun n,", wervlthy wiuew, was courted In a quiet wav hv nil Vn?. ,,rel1,,0'M. a' beanlei at The heuse All threo had tnade offers of marriigi i joetod. Thursday afternoon Kdirenl. the eldest, was man fed te the lady, "mi lis brother James hoeamo fren.tu.U IVi.l w niernlng he met his brother aud dlseug ed he matter e ending the partnerslnp, n it was ngroed te. Jiunes tlmn ,i, I . ..' rove'vor, ruslied te his room and killed ifin Ben'lluir tvf0 bulluU threugU wi OVER THE STATE, a iit'iiui'.T or nic.u .si;is in.Mi. Iiitrrtntlti): Mtin n.l IIaiishIiks t'liimijii lh C'euiliHliin.sIM l'inlriia tur vJiiii'K iiiMiimt. The total preducti.'ii of anthracite oeil in 18S3 was Ul.'JtO lis tens, against SI) Det, 531 urns, an i" of 2,133,017 tens. The piy master en th miin line branches of the P.ulule'p'iiv & Ituillng r.iilreiil, nbove Hiidepj.t, .lubursed $ 1.000,000 during ISNt Twe children, a by an 1 a gn', a'jml ID iiud 1 yeira, roc jntiy arrived at Jein stewn from Huiilatul. i'liey were propeily labeled and were in nei.l conditleu. The Christmas fund of the Kplseipil diocese of Peuusylvmia for disabled eler gyiniMi mid tlie wi.lens an I ehililren of deceased clergymen, rtoeivnl since May 1, nmeuutn te JI.7.M V'J Mrs. Daniel II llnii', liriug near Will lamslewii, Dauphin e u ity, wus nooidonl neoidonl noeidonl nlly burned te de it It recently by hoi clothing taking lire She leaves a husband and teti childteu. N.i.ic Wootten tlud in K.'idmr en Pit lay trout the eil.vts e' a fall He was u leader iu the labor ii'ts at Heading in 1ST" and serred .live years iiiinrisoniiieut for buttling the Llru m Valley bridge, near that city. The beard of inn' ns of the Protestant Hpisoepal chutch leoeived list year from the iiarishes hi the tli vesoef Pennsylvanlii SCC.'-'eO.lO for domestic mWsieus .'.' 09S.1.1 for loreigu missions and J010.JI for gouo geuo goue ral lulrMenc. Dr. Rebert Walter, of Werueifmlle, Berks county. met wn'i a seig.niig aceideut iu Heading ou I'lulisday. His wife, two sisters and a child wem with him. The horses t 't fright and the runners of the sleigh stiiktm; the car tracks upset the vehiele aud spilled the oecupauts into th' street A sister of Dr. Walters was se. .eiisly hart by the tail into the street. Tim weather at Pittsburg has colder, and there ate no further fears of a tloedat that point. Anether fieshet in the Upper Delaware, similar te that of the winter of lS77,is fe.iml at Tronteti uulcss cold weather shall it in. There is mi ice gerge iu the Sus.pihautij nbove Pert Deposit, but no danger is apprehended at present, a there has been uj psrcepUble rise iu the rlver. In 1S7C Jehn II. Koenu, of Kisten, was sent a check for j.t w iu payment for pen sions due him by the governmeut. He could neither reail or write, and believing the check te be for only i-W paid it out te a shop'ee)H!r in Kisreu named Bernhard Stern for that amount. Several days since iu the process of a settlement of his pen steu matters he found changed against him the check ler iW. It was traced te the stere of Stern, but he bvm dead his wid ow paiil it in full. 'I he trial of James Nun fjr the killing of Dukes will b.'giu next Monday. All the airango'iients have been comi.leted, au.l etuig Nutt will be bi-night te Pittsburg aud placed iu jail. Mrs. Nutt auil daugh ter v ill ceme at the same time, and during the trial will step with relatives living in Allegheny Mrs. Nutt had earnest invi tations from numerous wealthy families aud one hotel te step with them during their stiy, but they peiferrcl the home of relatives. Nutt wi'l be treated iu j ill the same as ether prisoners. This is the priseu rule, and will uet be deviated from. Ilesit Ailvert lc l'ay'.' The following advertisameut was prun ed in the Hartferd Morning .Veir a couple of dajs age : L)iv vv.vr;ii tiueit lir.rKiu-.M.i:-. n ,uirMl , sum ly mplei niwnt Apply te (i. I). It lltllll'.Allit. I'llnte.' lVaoQeue, 17t statotslreet. The Morning Stirs rcetivitl the following notice last night U ilt.N. In th's city. January I. a son. te Mr. mitl Jim. .. l. It llul.huril. Druukfiii I'ailil lioeli eulitract ji Uj.1i! A sheeting affray oecurred en Thursday at Dublin, Pulaski county, resulting in the serious wounding of Rebert Dedd, a rail road c mtracter, by a bar keeper named Tedd. Dedd was shot through the right lung and in the rnzht nrm. Deputy Sheriff Pratt was also shot while oudeav ering te prevent the difficulty. Tedd was arrested. lattice Uraulry' Check Itnlied. An attempt was made at the National Metreplitau bank in Washington te cash a raised check, purporting te be a check by Justice Bradley. A boy presented a check for $500, which he aul two members scut him with. He was sent back and watch cd, when his empleyes took the alarm and escaped. Justice Bradley had given a check for 45 te two men who pretended te be taken up a xubscriptieu te purchase cibet uniforms. This had beeu raised te 3300. lie Wun tlie Unp. " What are these cups for ':" asked a well dressed man of the jewoller, pointing te some elegant silver cups en the show case. " These are race cups," te be given as prices te the best racer." " If that's se, suppose you and I race for ene," and the stranger, with the cup in hand, started the jeweler after him. The stranger wen the cup. A nturr ei Meulded .uuikrAt. II. .stun Olobe. A tnubkrat catne out of the river at Fitchburg the ether day and seated him self iu the sun, where he froze te the ice aud was held a close prisoner till a boy dispatched him with a club. He MM .Nut IJIe by IJrliik. At Tronteti Mrs. Ada Dany has obtained a verdict for $11,201 10 against the -Etna life insurance company for insurance of ilO.OOO en her husband's life. The com pany contested the claim en the ground that the deceased drank himself t death A l'leus Mayer. Mayer Cummlngs, of Banger, Ale., has ngaiti vetoed standard time en the ground that solar time is according te "ene of the inevitable laws of (red." A lUiUIAI, AMJAUL.T. r-.iiillni; In the Deslti of Ilia Victim. Corener Sbiffer left this city this morn -ing for Schoeneek or Union Station, te investigate the oircuuintaeces of the death of a little he) named Mishler, who Is said te have caiue te his death from brutal treatment nt the hands of companions, named Klser aud llnuck, aged about 1 1 According te a c,irrejoiideut of the Si'etc Kra, they caught the lad " and under threats of cutting his threat if he did net &eep quiet, tieuuded his groin aud the adjacent parts with a hammer, until the latter wure reduced te a pulpy mass, be sides hacking him terribly with blunt knives, The pain at lest became se un bearable as te cause the child te scream, which brought a lady te the Hjwt, who rescued the llttle sufferer from his tormen tormen eors, but net before fatal wound hart been Inllleted. The services of Dr. P. O Hitler, or Denver, were Immediately scoured, but medical assUtanea was of no avail The child suffercd lutonse pain until Monday, vrhen death rellevcd him. The Interment took place en Thursday. Hulls are new pending before 'Squlre Oarman, of Den ver." News from the neighborhood or the reported occurrence confirm this story aud further development await the cor oner's return. found In I'lymeutii Iteek JohnWehllo, of Matihelm t jwnshlp.wiw a geed deal mystified evr an unusual used organ, which he found lu a Plj mouth Reek ohlekon upeti dreeing It for the table. Upen closer examination Urn my, tery is suineeUxl of mr,, n... ia..i-. i.i.:, i 1 der, InllaUd te the sUu of a duck eg, UUI.linilllA DK1I.1, rtmii liur ItruulHr L'oirrpeiultnt. Market was big this morning. The P. It It p iv i ir will be here ou Monday. The Sin nee llre company will held a fair -Tim 11. D. P. elub h is p.jetiuined Us il.inoe.. IViiu Ivaina eastle Ne 70, A. K. of M. C held a meeting te night. Moiner s i'vv v irk luirhuo'ie opera company will play here ou 19lh. I'lm Indies who will take ptrt lu thn C,i. iitniiia naiuis rnir lie il a imetliig iu the t.'. ...Ml.. I I I... 1 . t bi.inlttiii hoiise parlors last eveiilnc A lively sotto took place lutweeu two dtutikeii bretheis en Frent bticet, lnt evening ; nobody was hurt. Dup-'fc V Benodiei'ri girat iiilnstrel coiu ceiu piny appe.ic here mi Monday evenltig. After the cloetlon of elll lers of the Cem. in iiwenllh tnsurauoe company, last evening, the new officers woie feastel Uf the secretary, Mr. Jacob Siie.ith. On January 'ii, au ideal ion of effijers for the Columbia building. is4oci.itleu will be held in the O. A. It. armory, Odd Fellow's hall. Rev. S II. S., of Kovpert, N. J., pie.iehes In St Paul's P 11. church to te to inei row. Ne services will be held to morrow at St. Jehn's Lutheran church, as the pastor will bj absent in II irrisburg. Teams still crossed the river te day ou the Ice. Tin ee (hunks were sent te jail this morning ; one a mere boy ; all weie strangers. Mr. Pre tonek Miuliek is on en on C.ige 1 in hutehitii! chickens by nil tuoiiba tueiiba tuoiiba ter of his own construction. Thin ul tei neon the week of prayer ended ; meetings were only fairly attended. A spelling bee was held by the Marietta Ijceuni lat evening ; Mlis Alllretta Urove earned oil the prize. Miss Hilttie Miller having declined tlie posit en of a teacher of the uvn norm il school, the bend has elected Miss Maggie Purple tJ the posi pesi posi tieu. The ltlwr The Sii!qiiuhiuua river Is Htill rising. The Pert Deposit railroad uffijials here haveteceivcd information that th. Ice has broken up iiein Putt Deposit and that a corge has formed at that town, or a short distance above. At Recky Hun bridite the water is withui two feet of the rail read track. Orders have been given te place the rolling stock nf the cjiupauy lu secuie places. Clul itrii's my. Te nun row is Children's Day at the ..-c..iil street Lutheran church. The ui vices will be of a character for yeiinii ieeplu. The morning subject will be "Jesus in the Temple," and the evoking biibjict, "Children ns Members of the Church " The Columbia Auxiliary of the Weman's foreign missionary society w ill celebrate U kixth annual anniversary at the M. K. church t., morrow evening. Irs. Barrakat, a Syrian Christian, will dehver an address. llVOMILl.S K.NOL'lill. I'lilii I'll k le tlie Celinlj felillnlnu.r. (..Iil'uliln spy Last year the people of this county were compelled te piy a tax of three mills ou rial estate ii.ilust the pretests of uewspi pers and people. The result has been that tl.ere is new a surplus of nearly 3100.COO eh hand, which the commissioners, very properly of course, are going te apply te the teductieu of the comity debt. But it isn't necessary te pay oil' thn ceuuty debt at this rate. It is net necessary te burden this generation with tlie paymeut of ceuuty, state aud national debts. Oed knetts, we have bortie cueugh burdens. We have had pairca and war and all its horrors, we have a hundred thousand cripples and millions of strtiircliug per. Theu why pay etr public debts at this rapid rate. Lut these burdeus be for another generation, which will net euly be stronger but will be better able te lear a part of them. The county, state and national bends are all fetiudtd at a low rate of mterest for long pcriede, aud there let them test till a mere con venient period. The CJinuussieuers have laid a 2 per cent, tax this year. If it shall appear at the end of the ye tr that cuirent expenses can be pud ou u revenue from a two pur cent, tax, thou let us have it. This gen eration wants no mero burdens te bear.and the bjud holders don't waut their mouey. We rather incline te the suggestion of the Istuli iur.NclCH that the commissioners should reconsider their action aud take off another half mill. litr. i.mun). new rmt Till Trnln lluii. Chicago limited express train TLe which passes around this city every day runs several miles between New Yerk and Philadelphia at the rate of a mile In 37 seconds. The entlre run rrem Jersey City te Chicago is 012 miles, which is run in twenty llve and ene hall hours, or nt nn avcrau'e speed or 83 20 miles per hour. All known reseurces or mechanical soienco have bccii ransacked te produce appliances fei reducing delays be that the highest possible jicrceutnge or the tiuie allowed for the journey may b i deveted te run ning. Water for steam making is collect ed an thn train runs along, and steps nre only made for the purpose or changing the locomotives at the end or divlsieus. The Hues ever which the traiu runs traverses a multitudu or cities and towns, most et them haviug the streets crossing the track en the love), and n great many ether railroads are crossed nt grade. Therefere, although the actual steps bo be bo tween Jersey City and Chicago are only wen, n run exceeding ten miles without meeting with the necessity of checking the speed is rare. The 1'rellt el Numismatic. I.uneaster Inquirer. "There nre only nb3itt a dozen persens in this country who make dealing in coins au oxelusivo business," says Mr. Charles Stolgerwalt, the well known dealer iu this city. "During last year from ten te twelve thousand coins passed through my hands ; en these I realized a profit et $1,300," A few dayH age Mr. Stolgerwalt received a bushel of Chinese coins direct from China. They nre of ull denominations aud are made of brass. There are a number of ether persens lu this city who have invested considerable money in this business, but they have net prosecuted It te any great extent Fer liuitanse, Mr. A. N. Breuo Breue man, who died last week In his ninetieth your, bought ene thousand dollars worth of oeltis within ene or two years prier te his death. This collection Is new among his effects. It will probably be sold. ICubliiry uuil Attauit at aUrlell . Miss Margle Cassel checked her trunk from Thompson town te Maiutttaafuw nights age. When it arrived soma one placed It outslde of the depot. A thief broke It epen ami rilled it of ull that was valuable It was valued at one hundred dollars, The trunk was carried ever the canal brldge, near the river where it was found, Mrs. Jehn O'Brien, was assaulted by a well dressed man, a few nights age iu front of the high school building, a retired spot. It was about 0 o'clock : she was going home from visiting a friend's house. The mau caught her by the arm with oue hand, with the ethor he tried te grab her areuud the waist. Hhe gave an alarm, and he lea her. She took him for a muu SO yenm old aud no utrnnger. A D.irner In rliunU," A gentleman In this city recently agreed te purchase 23 shares of Christiana na tleual bank stock from a breker, In whose hands they had been placed for sale at s)10lJ. When he eamu te get them he found that the principal had, without no tice te his broker, sold them olsewhero, and thn principal, unable te deliver, seU tied with the purehaser en the basis of tHO pershare, OUR rOSTOEEICE. IS IIUHINKSH IN TIIK vr.All IHH3. A Miul,:t ill tuler.M ug Muittl-l,,rK en tliuHiieUI i.lln iin llmliif,. Ailn.ljr ul the uily The postal trail "motions of any cemtnti nltv nre liluhly exnresslve of lis seelai nr.. ' nd buslneks aetlvlty. Dverybetly gets n Jllt'le or eiiieetn ene. The pestiumi In i ioekcu lei in every street ami is tiearlv . ., I, ..... ..I Uflll. .1 I. ...,. 1. 1. ...j .I ..iiiu'iiiiu. ii uu inn mimwi (ii tue city the business of the posteflloo nteadlly InoreiiseHaiid the following ilgureH of the transaottens iu the Lino.mter ixistolllce, ler the your ending Doe. Ill, ISSil, fur nibbed by Postmaster ilarhh.ill, are full of Intel est and slgultloance : nscKiers. Kiein S'lln ul staiiipi Ilil.tlW w ' Ii rent (1.1)73 " Haleel wiislu pap. r Iu M Total receipts Jfl,(VU 67 RXI'KNSIH fulsiy el posiuiiiiter i,r.;. en ' " COIK.V, ,,.;i70ini ' ' letter canters .s wi Itfiil. Unlit nil. t lnel I,:tsj 10 Mull itifMieiiuur s.'tvice ... I'.il It Contingent expenses HI Ul Total upensC4 fll,-i3j is llaluucoevi r expenses.... n,l37 J lllsnUI(9SMIISTS. DciHMtttiel Ith ntetstiitll Ileus ilierelU S IM2 i Tiiiiiilerie.l te money outer account f.,l i co Mull liiiile ii CMouger Slu w letul :j 137 jy triTKR l AIUOUHS' UKCMtTMIia'T. ICexMcrv.l mutter lllvnied .lupi Man li.lters ilellveic.l ii-i.u?; Msll pintnl curd ilellterptl.. . I .I eub Lecal letters ilrllver.'.l I7im l.ecul peitut cnriN ilellvere.l is'J7 .Newspupers, elieuluts, ute., ileltveiml i.M',.k) Total iiuiulierpltvesdellveii'il. .. l,.Ms"s7i I.elteM rollecleil 1'usi'il e.irOs celUHiteil NrMnp.ipers, elretllllls, ete., lelleclud. Iiiial nini.ber pieces collected IIEIIISHIV lISrAIITSUNT. Keliiert .I leiturs n ml pnck.ies ler illy delivery Hegl-tered lullers and pxkiik'es ecu I from city ItcKlitu ou le Ien uuil packages In liullalt Total miinlier rrKlsteithl paekitKe tiauelrsl veikv enimii imrAiirussT. .'I '.' e NS,l?.i JkS,313 .11-41 '( .VtU.' M..M.S llalniKoen bmul Dec SI, K.' 5 4jliiiuiMlletiriliirs lisueil .... lleinesllc order lees I iiiJ pustiil miles IssikmI I'eitul note lees 35 erllUli order. Issued lliltl-li order teis 7 tiinatiliiit eniert Issued tiuiiiilljn erdur leiw 317 Uerrniiii erlerr Ujiied tieriiiiin order I. e II Swl.-i enler) lsuud s)ls enler feus , 1 Fiencli order l.sil. d r'liuicli order lee J llcltfiim orders 11. llun enli-r ne.i fasti naiMleired Ireni ikwIiiku met Lasli treui Oralis In Svw Yerk, .S. V Total f 111 Ol UtM VI e I US i.'..l 71 31 77 IU7 13 Id 74 Ul Ul : in . I.SI0 II 01 fi3 I. Si 71 J ti i 0 IS m te l ( 5,IM 00 M0 (O,'il sj X ME.STS, UeuiLMilv erilers iuld , lleuiestic orders repaid ,71l &1 &VI J7 remii notes pun I'dilul unu leputil llritlHli orders paid Citnudliin orders pidd Herman onleri pun) licrnmii enlrrt repaid iwl-s Dnlei-a pulil rettmsster' ceitimlslims. . Depe-lted ul l'ldtvlelplilii, I'll llaiuiice en hand Dee. 31, 16 2,191 27 il li 1S5 SI 151 Ol 2.1 IS 21 IU U) 30 II 110 70 5.7J7 00 10 III 0,il 3 MISCtLLAMCOUS ITSVs. Number of une alined 'etter, etc., sunt te Demi Letter Ulllce Niiuitier et unmilluble letters soul le lH-ad Letter liniee Number ei letters returned lu "fil er .. Nuinbgi et pound otuen unersiind i:u AM5 I erinnic'ii niKii e ey pneiiiiu rminil imwt Htjdiii i i;,:i2 l'enue paid en siiuie f 3.SII 21 sTATKIKNT SIIOWIIO TUB IlK-lOMIMATIOMS or nrAMr. ruYTALcARDi, no .hulii ufiumi tub VSAH IsM. .71.1-1 oue cunt ttampi two W1.IA1 three" i,()i lour " s,2l7Hve 2.7iWslx " 0,333 1011 " l.iaunilcen " Mitlilrty ' ilnlnety 330,010 one petul cauls lUJtwe" ' Newspaper and peile-llcul HUimp I'estuiru due stamps Knvolepes and wnppui f 2.7J1 su fi,JIM fid sO no III ii H l til te 17 M lwi IV) W 7 . 3,3 IU (U J Ml . 341 2 17.1 Oi i ': 62 Te'al JJ,I81 13 A comparison with the year IMS- shows au iucreasoef $2,189.7i Comparing the months of October, November and De cember, 1S3-, with the same months iu ISS'J, when two oeut letter rates weut into cfTce-, a decrease of only $19 Is shown. Iu the letter carriers' department 111. 030 mero plcces were delivered aud 2JG0 mero plcces cellected than the previous year. In the registry department the number or package registered has increased rrem 7,S0a in ia2, te 0,253 HeKistered mat ter for city delivery has iucroased 720, ItcKistered matter iu transit Is 0,810 less than iu 1682. In the money erder department 177 domestic orders less than iu 1892 were issued, which is mero than tnade up by 1 059 postal notes, Issued from September ii, 183J, te December Ul, lbS'S, showing au increase in amount or meney transmitted or 41)35. 00. The international money orders show a slight increase iu the num ber or erders issued, aud a small doercase iu amount transmitted. Director 1:1 eel oil. The following olllcers have beeu oleotod for the rospcetlve corporations te sorvethe ensuing year : New Helland turnpike read oempany : Presldeut, A. U. Hhcibley ; managers, Hen. II. O. Leng, Dr. I). C. Weldler, Ocorge Meutzer, Hen. A. 12. Itehcrts, II, A. lteland, A. 31. Krantz, Dr. Ollver Keland, T. 31. Sterb ; treasurer, James DUIer. Ezchauge batik of Marietta : It. F. Iliestand, presldeut ; Jeseph Miller, Henry Flotehor, Abram H. Ithends. Fredoriek Smith, Henry Hlcstnnd, VIoterM. Hnltle mau, M. It. Heirraan, K. h. Helnheld, Henry W. Nissley and Jehu M. Hlestand, dlrocters, First National bank of Marietta : Jehu Musscr, pres't J Harr Sp.ingler, Parta Ha! Ha! derman, Jehn Zlgler, Jehn H. Gather, H. D. Haldeman, H. F, Kagle, II, H. Musucr, and Jehu Crull, directors. Nellsville mutual llre lusurnnce com pauy dlrocters : Samuel Martin, Daniel S. llerr, Abm, U, Hiiher, lienj. Leng, Jr., II, Ii. Laudls and Jeseph C. Iiuck waiter. The beard organized by electing Baiuuel Martin prosldent, 1). H. lletr, treasurer, and A. O. Ilyus, secretary. Tobacco l'urelmsril, L. Uorthel & Ure roeolvod at their warehouse yesterday 20 nores of the finest llavana seed leaf tobacco purchased iu various portions of the county. The prleea ranged from 25 te 40 centa all round, The firm express their opinion that if the far mers of the county engage mero generally In the cultivation of Havana seed leaf, no fears uoed be felt about the competition or the Sumatra product. (lav Hull. Elizabeth Iveller, against whom a suit for slander was breugbtlby Lavlna Koge. rise, was arrested yesterday by Deputy Bherlff Btrlne, and was discharged upon furnishing ball. naullUK Hie Snow Awsjr. The Heading railroad oempany has Ira proved Water street, by hauling away the UUgO pilOH Ul SHOW WU1U11 ljr iulj na tracks en that highway. Jt .' L HIIKItlr-l KAl.K.1 ATI II h UIMMIT IIUUnK. Kuoeliril Down te llin HUlieil lllililar A lame lii0 (it I'liuirrilm llpiiiiril Ol I i VnituiM liuji ri. B.imel Hess Ov B. m sold for Jehn II, High, Hhmlll, at the eipliatis' eeiut loom, the ItilUwltig propel 1 1 'ii, this afternoon : A tint of laud iu Birashurg teifiishlp. oeut lining JIO acres, en w hieh am eiected , a euu mid a half story Cranie dwelling house, hii'di ham, wiijen shed, uetu crllm and Mther ni'ci'ssniy nutliulldliins, as the property el Alnittn rMni, te llnilmia B heir Ter $100. Atriiutel laud lu Hul township, em. taliilinr 13 ueies, ou vvhleli uie ciceied iv two story frame dwelling limine, one m.d "''all story fiame teniii.t hoime. I we stables, four and n half story pait name and part stoiie grist mid niorehaut mill, with six run of burrs, ns the pmii-itv or Bariih Jane Hank ami Jessn Umk. her husluml, te Jehn II. Uoed, esq, fr A let of ground lu V. ist P, u tewinlilp, containing enu half acre, en which ute erected a two story frame d (veiling house (Vrt tint 111 trtl... s. It I. t .! I ou ei.iunsiiiiiii kikij,, ciiiokeii Heuse ami nil ntieHsary outbuildings, m the property of Jehn lVcr, te II. M. Ileuser, crq , for 9 1 ve , A let or ground lu the eity or lmcasier, rretitlng (Mi East Omnge street 21 feet, and intending In depth 120 reet, te a fourteen feet alley, (heiug known as let Ne 57 en plot or Clatk'H custom addition of L-inea ter clty.)iiM the property of Jehn II. lleua wit. te Levi Beiisenig, for i'ie. The uudlvided hair lnteres'. of William Mehl lu a let el ground, situate en the corner of Filth mid Walnut stieets, lu the borough et Columbia, containing in front en Wnlntt street, 13 fet ami extending lu depth IDS ryet te Alley 11, en whinh me erected a two story brick dwelling house (Ne. 501). a one story frame shop, uuil a unmoor ei euiuuiiuiiig, as wwt piopetly e William .Mehl, te Hamiicl F. Prince, re f for ai, A let of ground In the bjieuli of Col umbia, containing iu front en Seuth Third street 11 feet, mid ovteudliig la depth 120 root, en which nre oreatod a oue and a halt story frame dwelling house, Irutne blaek. smith shop, franie and paint shop, nnd a number or outbuildings as tlie property of HeuryNolte, te E. Iv. Ma tin, et.(i , for $ 1,150. A let of ground lu the vlilnge of Mlllors Mlllers Mlllors vllle, continuing three-feurths of an acre, ou which uie erected a eunuud a half story ir.uue dwelling noiise, two stety Irame elgar shop, frame stable, and nil nce ssaty etlthllditigi', as tlie property el I harles Leedars, te A. O. Newphcr, esq., for 1,300. A tract of land hi Celeralu tewuslup, OJtitaltiing two ncies, en which aioerietid a eua story frame dwelling house, lratne tobacco shed, chicken lunme ami nil ucccs. sary outbuildings, ns the propeityef Fiet Gable, te James Hildebratid, for f 10. A let of ground in th city or Liucister. containing In front en Hist Oiime stiect 21 feet and extending in depth 100 kit, ou which is eote I a two story brick dwell Ing house, Ne. -I IT. as the pr. perty l Mary A. Greve, terri-tenaut, te II. F. Kshelmau, esq., feri 150. A traet of laud lu Salisbury township, containing two and a hair acres, u which are creetwl a two story stoiie dwelling house, frame bank barn and ether neces sary eutbuililltigs, ns the property or Ames A. Underwood, te Samuel Bleknui. rer 150. A tre of l.idlu l'rohleuco township, ceut niniug 01 neus, ou which ate erected a two story leg weather bearded dwelling hoiue, hank ham, wageti shed, frame shop and ether necessary outbuilding, te Jehn W. Apei, cm., Ter $1 000. Ne. 2, a tr l of land in l'rovidence township 72 acres, en which nre ercoted a two story frame dwelling, bank barn and ether necessary outbuildings, te Jehu Hlldebraiid, for :. Ne. 3, a tract el timber laud in I'revl dauee township, containing live acres, us the prperty of Jehu It. Howe, te Jehu Hlldsbraud, for 110. A let of ground in the village of Millers vllle, fronting en the Lmrister .r d .Mil .Mil lersville turnpike read 10 feet and extend ing In depth 100 feet, ou which aru erected a two story frame dwelling house, fiame stable, frame shop and ether necessary outbuildings, as the property eT L nu.s l". Jlille-, te Henry Llutner, ferlOO. Ne. 1, the undivided interest of II. II. Musscr in a tract of laud in Earl town ship, containing 70 acres, en which are erected 4 two ntery stoue d oiling house, a ene Btery frame summer kitchen, part frnme and pait stoue bmk barn, waen shed, smoke house, carriage liens.! aud all nccussary outbuildings', te Christian Mus scr, for $1,250. Ne. 2, a traet of laud iu Earl township, containing 3 sores, en which are erected a two story leg weather bearded dwelling house, frame stable, carriage hoime aud all necessary outbuildings, as the prepetty or II. II, Musser, te Christian Musscr, ler (150. A let or ground in the eity or Lancaster, fronting en EistViuu street 30 reet and extending In depth SO root, en which is erected a two story brick building, ns the preperty or Sun engine and hone company Ne. 1, te l D. llaker, rer $300. A let or ground in the borough or Col umbia, fronting 17 reet 0 perches en MaHer street aud extending in depth 127 root 0 parches, en which nre erected a two story frnme dwelling house (Ne. 515) and all nescHsary outbuildings, ns the preperty of William S. White, te II. F. Eshlemau, esq., for (425. AllnittrUI UbaiiKcs lu Hit Ulmreti of Jed, The felluvviui! chances or ministers have been made by the standing committee of fulie East 1'ennsvlvaiiia eldership of tlie Church of Ged : J. F. Melxel from Dauphin Circuit te Columbia station ; Elder B. O Stencslfer rrem Marvsville te Palmyra circuit ; Elder 1. F. Peck was assigued te Mt. Jey station In place e! B. T. Fr, resigned J Elder O. Kaliler reap pointed te Halubrldge nnd Maytown ; Elder II. F. Hoevor te the Dauphin circuit ; Elder B. W. Nalll te Elizabeth town nnd Highspire; Elder S. D. C. Jacksen te Meohnnlesburg. atrunli by a sleil. This morning William Hoever, aged 12 years, seu eIO. S. Hoever, el Seuth Ann street, was struek by a large sled which was leaded with boys, en the Ann street hill. He was plcked 11 uncnuHoieim aud taken te his home. Dr. Musser attended him and although badly bruised he lu uet ferieusly Injured. . Omul met Ini; nil IMhvmI ir, A. C. Wolelians, of this city, in building an elevator nt Du Haven't) tobacco waic waic waic house, in Hoiieybroolc, Chester county, capable of bearing the weight of eight tens. It la arranged 011 the safety clutch principle, and will extend through the thrce stories of the building. llurirs nblppeil. Henry Weill this mernlug shipped 15 head of draft horses from the Mrritnae stables te New Yerk, Fiss St Deorr shipped .icar 1 ad te New Yerk. . tlrueerlci Hlelen. Lnt night sonie ene forced ojien the wludew of the Btore or Jehn Nelle, ou West Orange street nnd stel.j several del. larfl worth of groceries of different kinds. Only Oua. The major only had oue customer this merulig. He was n yeuug colored man , who looked as though he had been sloop sleep lug In a mortar bed, He was discharged, Tlie city Light. r.:Kt nlfht four oleetrln nnd Iwnnte. I three Qfasollne lights were net burning,