t fit " JbANCASTEK DAILY LNTELL1GENCMCK TrESI)A JANUARY W I. bJ EW- . ' t - . 2 M , fcancaater jntelKgcnccr. t'TUgaUAV KV15NIN0, JA0 tBB4j DEMAKDIMU THMK IJKHATK. rblllll'hlHTeUncci Denlers Leukine Alter Their Hlghl. Thotetmcoo trndoaiseolatloii, of l'lill l'lill hdeltmln, lwlJ a n00tl"K lt even !iik at tlie rooms of tlie beard of Irude, te tnke notion In le manor 01 rcceverm irum tbe govemment tbe robate allowed te te bacoe dealer by tbe net of Congress, Mareb 0, 1893. This net Is te tbe effect that en nil original and unbroken paok paek paok ages of meklti(r tobaeoo nuil en elgnrp, ohrarettcH and snuff uiieu vrhlelt tax lias already been paid a lobalealiall be allowed, amounting te llfty per ceut. of the forruer tax. After iain this net Congress pro vided that the manufacturers ulieuld be paid this robate In roveuuo stamps, but no prevision was made for thopnyment of tie rebate te dealers In tobacco. The number or dealers' elalnu which have been pre sonted In -lO.Olil. for an aggregated amount of $3,083,37.03. Of these 00 bave been rejected and 11,074 returned fornmendmont, amounting te $109,039.27, nud tbe number of elalms, including theso returucd for " amondment, which will finally be ae oeptcd, will make $3,580,540 55 due tbe iloalers throughout the oeuntry. Tlie dealers of Philadelphia should rocelvo from $150,000 te $175,000. A. com nilttce of tbrue wure appointed by the elialrmau, te draw up resolutions calling the attention of the United States (leca ters and representatives from Pennsyl vania te the peculiar position of the tobacco doalers of Philadelphia and urge the no ne no eosstty of further national legislation for rolief. Bneh resolutions were adopted nud will be sent te the chairman of the com cem com tnltteo of ways and means at Washington, according te Mr. Handall's advice, aud te all the representatives te Congress from Pennsylvania. m m A Kentucky irlrl Rlorlet In a howl el Imlr which Mnuveiit) leches Ieiik ami ery thick. Imtonrclilef itlery Is In tlm number of cures inade recently by the neel lr. Hull's (.ouch Byrup, the best remedy for coughs iiml e Mj. In Small Ter, 'o.i'let Keverund Diphtheria Darbys l'rophybictle Fluid will step tlie spread et tlie Inltclleu. A I'ieihI CmiiI Frem Mrs. Dennis Smith, I.enlsWliu, Ky.. says: "Fer bleed linputltlcs llurdeek lltoed Uitteri seem pnrtli-ulujly mlspttnl. Never bc bc fern liad couiplexlou se clcur. Use nil the tlme." Fer sale by II. II. Uecliran ilnvK'st. 137 and 13: .Nerlli Oueen street. We CtiHlleiiRO the Werlil. When we my we bolleve, we Iisve evidence toprevii tlml Hhlleti's consumutlen Cure Is OeclitiHlly tlie best Lull); .MtMllcInu mndn. In lis much an It will cure n common or Chronic Cough Inone-lialt tlie time uud relieve Astli ui ft, llrencliltH, Whooping Ceiik'Ii. Croup, mid show mere ciiscs or Coiisiimptieu cured than all ethers. It will emu where they fall, It l pleasant te luke, li.irinless te the youngest child iiml wh Kuuiiintee w hat e wy. Frlce, inc.. 5)c anil tl.w. If j our l.uns am sere. Chest or Hack lame, m Milleh's Pereus Flus ter. Sold ny II. U. Cochran, druUt, Ne;, 137 and 13"J North (J noun sireuU fb7-(Kl l M-Fltted out ler ihe Si-UMin. Hres-i-w, cloaks, coals, steckliiKs and all garments cm ba colored hiicc ---t u II j- Willi tlie DUiiienil l)ye-. tiidhlenatilii colors. Only loe ntdrui; Klits. Wells Kli hir.lMin A CO., lturlltifcteti, A (loeil TftlKcr On the t.i(,' or platform, In seeluty or at home, must net only posess bruins but a clear, streui; veire. Catarrh, or a sovere cold. Is almost cnrtaln te lnluru the voice. Hut these cempl-ilnts may be completely cradfe.1 tcd with a lew applications of Themat' Kclec trie Oil. iimlvalid in IU specialties. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, ilruKtsU 137 and l.'fj North duiMUi street. vi.urttixu. "T NO. J.KHALIHII, REDUCTION. I I ai- -Ull:i lew I 1IU1CL. F VTlKUNa Or Ou hand, which 1 will close out At and Belew Cost. Cu.latoiie-'uml sojure HAiU..MN.-. JN0. J. SMALING. (TAII.OK,) NO. 22 (MFloei.) NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASIhlt. 1'A limiU-lnl Tli.'l liAb w Kits Jl li.Ullfll.l, Winter CletMng' -i ei:-. MEN, UUTIIB. Iims AND C1II1.UUE.N. CeniprlaliiK eury ileslrable ami attracts e lea tn id In t'nlulca, 'lrlininliiK8, Nobby style ami guierlur MorKmaiislile. Ma i I'm Overcoats, Hey's Overcenl, Clillilieus Overcoats, lien's line Diei-s bulU, Men's lliu lness hults, Ilny's rlne Dress hulls, Hey's Uultfl ler evuryiluy, Clillilruu's Sclioel anils. What yuu want In Clethliis. wbetliuraSln Ble Uurmenter nn Kntlru Suit, teiiln te nee us aniUiiek ever tlie stock that Is liuie. We won't ask you te buy; we don't w.nitjoute buy unless you Icet that you nan save money, and (jet belter j;arinuuts ler tlie money ibaii jeu cau iinywliuiu else. MYERS & RATHFON, I.KADiNU l.ANCAhTKK CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 BA.BT KINQ LANCA8TE1I, I'A. STREET. IIUOVEIllKS. A T HUItbK'a. New Year's Offer UKNKWI) FOR HATUltDAY. COPL'EES I COFFEES ! C0FFEE8 ! WowlilBlveoua.vi'UUIiAV neit l(h .U 1 IHII. CAIllirt. or ! el lamci biM CAItDa with ua.cU pound eK JOciirSS. UOASTKIl IMOCOKr'EK or UIKUOK I.AUIJAVIIA atVie'er UHOIUK.I,VAut3ie.,er MOUliA Ul iUu. Yeu Get Ne Trash ! Wiien you buy (,'pilcu Irem us tVe buy etir Cullcus urceu anil always have ttium i urceu in 'ltl531l UOAaXKll, BTJESK'S, NO. IV MAST K-ItNQ STREEr. WJNTElt uoeiw. .,rle.,,Uflavlm',".!?.' ",l""lt ,,n'al V"V le'lllCO.t lirtee. llalnKuii oversteeU for the season U.NOhltWKAIt. (llAJVKrt. Mi-i'i'ti liitHK WOHI.KN blllltll III.ANKK'ri 'COM. ' reii-iM, a k a v v mm u i'nu , . , I'ANTd.COATH. 4c. " Tnwle i.ellurs taken ut ear. HKNftV 1IKCU10I.I). -e. . no, b'i Nouli Oueen Strent. 478lUOt tlieuig BtOCklUB. "ebWya SIISIUCAU B IIOWN'H I HON IIITTKHS. Shall We Let A liard-hearled political reonemlM, looking at P 'e "' l""iy elillil feebly tf.mn as It llin upon ii pillow, says that tlie child inttflil in well die. UNe weak und peer Unit Itsllln will never be worth much anyhow. There nre already itoed ninny people In the world who are net of much account nnyliew. Ami what's the me of adding te their number nnetliei weakling, who has but slender chance el ever iiineiintlng te nnythlng T New nsk that child's mo'lier what she thinks about lcttlnn the child die. About this tlme the hard political economist had beltei cct outet the way. " t.et mj ehild diet .Ve ' iVe.' At lene at there It a remedy te be femul that wilt save that eh Hit, the i hild .'iiJJ net die ' I'll tpendmvlatt dollar te sairthe.cluld." Well, try u bottle el HltOWVS 1UO.N 1I1TVKI13 en that child. See the peer little fellow pick up strength, lle retw. He "111 live. Hosts nrniimrphllilraii linve been lireualit almost from (leulli te luulthy lite by It. own' Iren Hit ters. Your driiKKlst sells 1L AlKDlVAl,. VfcVKIt ITAILti. SAMARITAN NERVINE, The Ureal KEKYE CUNQUKHOU. A SPEOIFIOPOR ray- epilepsy, spasms, -xu CONVLSIONS, FALLING SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DANCE, ALCOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPIIILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL,. UGLYIJLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA NERVOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS WEAK NESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, DRAIN WORRY, RLOOD SORES, UILIOUSNESS, COSTIVENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND 1RREGU LARITIES. C2Tl.."iO per bottle nl drugglsts.-tJ The Dr. S. A. Richmond, Med. Ce.. Prep's. ST. JOSKl'II, MO. Coricspeudcnoo lrcely ansnere! by l'hysl clans. C. II Cli I'll KN ION, ul lyieilAw Agent, .Voh lerk. T OCUKUS RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Is a pleasant, sate, speed) and sureiemedy for CetiKhs Colds, Hearene9S, Asthma. In Uuenra, Seiencss el tlie Threat and Chest, Ilrenciillls, Whooping Ceuh, Spitting el UliHxt. Iunammalten of the Lungs, and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passives Price, 'J.",c. and eOe.n llettle. X4l'riepauil only and sold by CHAS.A.LOCHER. SO.il EAST KINO ST. 1.1 AIK IIA1.3A.11. PAllKEirS HAIR BALSAM. A benellcLil dreiln( preferrixl te slmllni articles biciiue of Its puilty an-t rich ir. tiline. ItltKsTOItKS TO UUAYIIAli; TIIF. OUTIIFUL COLOi: und prevents daiiilraU and IuUIii et the hair, -'"e anl il.u) HISCO.X A CO.. N. . FL0HEST0N. Exveli the fluest (lower In ilihuesi Hell Hell cate, ver lasting Ne o.ler llke It He mne you uet FI.OUV.STON Cologne, ainiUure et lllxeex A Ce , N. Y , en every label, is an. I 75 cents, at druugtsts and dealers In perfume,. COLOGNE. illi.lVww,itTu I.Mir.V UMVKKtAI, l-Il.i: SUl'I'OM 'lelt. A sure euro fei uvury form et 1'lles. Inti riuil ami uxturiial, llclilinr or ul 1- lutf. ami Iinik ataiulliiu cases. It has novel lalleit wim In casus as lout; Btiunlln a.i 'i'i leii years. '1 Ills Suppository Is cenn shaped, easy te applv. sae, neat and clem, an.l iMi4i-ne evuij advuntapu ever eliilmunts and salves. I'll) siclans usii It In their practice. Utve It a trial. and you will be both rvllewil anil con cen lucml. It )our di UKKI41 does net keep It or net It for you, accept no ntner, but send for It by mall, as It can b sent anywhere by mull. I'rlcti, f)u 1 1 r txix- I'rupari-d and sold by ANIIKEW U. FIlEY.DruKKlst, Ne. 'JU hnsl Oiange at., Cor. Chrlsttun. Hirf7-l)dAwi UinciLsttir. I's. vAui'vra -- L2T.ltnUK NKW VKAK AUIOIIT lty teselvlug te Made Hume us llrllit uml II u in it as 1'OShllllO And tliel'j Ii AOSCKhK WAY OK HOI.NU THIS Tlan by ieiun te Shirk's Carpet Hall, Oer. Webt King nud Water Stroeta, Anilllujllij; ALLTIIKCAlirKTSTlial uie NhCbaiAUy te jueperly CUVKIl YOUH rl.OOUS. 4.0 new, wlilin baritalni may be eblalntid You'll ;a inine lur CiujiuU In lliu billing. VAHUlAUItn, XV. E mj(ii.iu.i:v jt co. SLEIUHS ! SLEIGHS ! EDBERLEY & CO, MAllKKT STUKK.T, IN IlKAIl Or NKW l'OSTOKr-ICK, I.ANCABTK11, I'A. We have at our Kuelery and Itenosltery a LurKO and fjiluiiillil Asaei luieut el PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AND- DOUBLE SLEIGHS. Tlicy uie madeet Hie llesl Snlccled Material uml ll-lniihl I liilsli. Our motte: " Oulck sales and Kinall iiieiliH." It costs netblni: te call 'VlliVf ,5mi,VU"ir2i;k'.xv "M,) ,lllv" "B'i A MM.I. 1.1NKOK KlNKCAIllllAOK WOltK A" A'J'.ri'E", ?."n kf'WU maUu. Al.l. WOKK II .lk.lt .1 t. A i'.ll UeiMililnit tiieiniiilv laiiinMn.i in One but ei wtirKineu especially emeloyed ler tliat r pose. nx-ttil DIH1UI iri-IOM-TIIKnUM 4ilf tl.NKNKll .. n. J ijeIhk llBselytMl ly lliewltbdrawal et II. m. bum rim Jan. 1, iwi. 'lbesu liavlnu claims iiKUlnst the lale linn will iiriwuut thein lersettlcmuut, nmlall iieisens Imle'iled will Iiie.iMinmku Immediate payment te tlie iinilei sinned, who will enntluiiu Uie buslneiis at tlin old Mtuml, northeast cornel- el I'Unce ami Walnut Htreeis, umier the lluu iiiiinu el u. boner , Hens. ,. , , J- r'HKD'KHKNEIt, J-lwd VM. .. BKNKII. rjTKVrilH IIOUHK U Hll UIIAVINU AND ItAIIC DUK881NU flood Jeuruuviiiuu and prices pame as othei aleuiis. u. WAUNKIl, mvlS-tld ManaKOr. A 1.1. UIUA11H AlANUrAMTUKKO ON T11K premises und me us renresenled, Nn ether uoeds letallud at IIAUTMAN' 1 K1.LOW KHONT UlUAIt HXOKK. the Child Die ? Jt V I VA I. J.V Tit V3I KXTS. if ii. cex n aire -THIS- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroreoins, NO 13'J EAST K1NH STHKKT, H. H. LUOKEMBAOH, Ageut. A Full Asoituientef the various stvles con etantly en hand and tot sale en the most lib eral tonus ter Cash or Small Monthly In. etAllmcnt. The public is uuxl cordially InvluM te cull and examine these Instruments, w lilcli will be found te be verv $ iperler In Uuivilty anil Moderate In I'rlce. Ilalnx sevcrel my connections with the Kiley Orpin Ceinanv, I take till metliivl te Inform my frlendi In Lancaster county. 1 am new selilinf an OrKan equal te an) an I .iir-passi-l by none. I'leai call and ex.unluu one et the most bcuiltltul-lnned Ortfaus manu tactureil In ttiu C nlted States. Mr. I.uckeubach Is also eeul for the laineus "Kuitbe," LlePhall, Vose & Seua, Grovenstolu ifc Fuller, Hallet & Duvls, And several ethor Desirable I'tuHmu-, at prices Irein t?2 upwards. fubl7-tll 1 )IANO I'Altl.OKH. L WALKER'S PIANO PARLORS, Ne. S:G North Sixtli Street, (NKAli PAUISII) 1'HILADELl'lIlA. TH PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. NO STORE KENT TO PAY MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS Fer S225, $250 and $275, FAIl SUPERIOR TO THOSE SOLD IN EXPENSIVE STORES Fer $450, $500 and $600. ONLYFIRST-OLASS MAKERS NO CHEAP TRASH. ltead this letter Just rectived from a gentle man or high stanulnt,' and well Known In this city . 3518 Lacastkr Avkstci, November 14, lsKI. Ma (iEeRiik I.. Walk Eli : The lour I'lanes 1 purchased Irem you at dltlurent time-three ter Irleml-. ninl the last en.- ter in) self have proved te 1- n.a'ntrlcent Ins tin men ts. They luve j;lven the most per fect s.tllstacllen In eury r-.pect, and they cannot be surpased ler beaulltul, clear, rlclu lull lone, tlnu llnl.-h, und laniltiiK' In tune. I have formerly beuubt pianos ou Chestnut street, paid a union inciter price ami titi net receive tin) thliiR like ius flue Instruments. 1 shall adle all my friends ler thetrewn bono bone tit. when they are In need et a I'Une, te pur tliase from )ou. llcipecitullv yours, II. I.. IlAtL, 1 have iecelvtd hundriils of letters similar te this, w lilvu 1 w 111 show with pleasure. I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving PianeB from FAMILIES FORGED TO SELL, LIST OF (UtEAT BAKCJAINS : 700 Sunare Grand Piane $200 (575 Suuare CJranil 1'iane $190 $173 $230 $1)00 Hidily rarveiirinue $1000 Upright lMnue $730 Upright Piane - $200 $000 lleautilul Baby Upright $173 $130Han(lhonieloHLMYOO(llMano$!lO H lib el-Kant pmbrel lered covers and I'lush btoeis all -.Ian laid makum c.vcli lustruiin-iit warranled ter live yenri. A call wtllsa'lity you lb.it till-Is tbe best plate tu buy a I't.ine. eli-.:ml UI.AHH ANli UUXKHSHAI.tk. Uleu MAUTlIt. CHINA HALL. Thanks te our many lrlemU ler tlieli pat pat lemifje in the past, cspeclallydurlni: the latu HOLIDAY SBASOS. Woaunuuucel'oi Oiofuuiie That our stock will be uioie remplctu. We will Kuaiauteu all our i;oeds. We wIllcxehaiiKUullKOOtls net satljlucleiy. NOKoeds will be mlsiepiesenlcd. We solicit a continuation el your natreu- llb'O. High & lartin, 15 EAST KING STREET, I.ANIIAHT' I'A IUJUHH AN1) HTAHONlSUt. jVTl'.W VliAlt Ull-IH. JOIN BIER'S SONS, Booksellers and Stationers, Otfer te thjjlr I'atrens, at Lew 1'rlce.s, a I.aiue Assortment el L'selul Uoeds for NEW YEAR GIFTS. Including tliu Liiteat Btyloset LEATHER AND PLUSH dOODB, n.1!! ,PiKl,i Jewel llexei. Wetlc Ilexui aullet Cases, ulpve llexes, WrlllliK Husks, Held I'ens, Caul Cases, Letter Caes, Cluar Cases, ete. I'helOKranlt and Aulnuranli ai. Iiiiius, Hcian lloeks.HetM et Authers In 1 Cleth and Kine IllndliiBs, lllbles, l'rayur Heeks Church Heeks. Devotional Heeks, Hleul Kn- uiavliis.l'liitlnKH. 1'I.otegravures, KichliiKs. l'liuel rietures, l'lurjuus, Kasuls, Cablnut Kruincs. NKW YEAR (JAHI)S. Jl.l.US'rUATKl 0MCUI.AIW. At the Sign of the Boek, 16 nnd 17 North Queen St, iiANOABXKK, VAK ISS-I. COTTON Cutteu Qoeda nre ll.Wit.li A IIIltllllMl ii.i iikh In sleif lull ltnen el nil III i3MAI.l.niliimtian Mam r M H Utu' I'llU M. Prldoef the Weet. Wnmautta, Willlumavllle. Drtvel, DwlRlit, Anoher, Fruit or the Leem, Ulll lileni, Applo.en A, Adrititie Uonet Width Popperlll, Ooneatogiv mul Other beat nuikerf of Ulonehod nud Unbloitehocl M Utlea, Mehliwk Vitlley. Hoten ami l'oppeilU ShoetliiRO anil Pillow OnalnuH. all wldtlia, W-O, 6-4, O-l, U-10-4, lH-1. 1,000 Toltet Quilts at Very Lew 1'rioee. MarBallles QulltH in all quivllticH ami ninea, purehtiEOd dlroettiomlmportora-Sl 00.gi.7G, $3 00, 82 GO, 83.00, 84 00,84 GO, 86.00, 80.00. UKUMAN Dlt'U AND DAMA8K TAUIiB LINENS. ULKAl'lli:!) DAMASK TADIjK L1NKNS. DAMASK CLOTHS WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH. NAPKINS. TOYVKLS AND TOWKLINUS. LINKN SllUETIN'OS AND PILLOW CASINOS. And lull Hues of Wlnte fonrlet nud Qrey Dlanketa aud ethor doaerlptlouu of yoeda sultable ter 1. LOITSEFUKNISHHSTG. 4 AKI'bl.. Ill li't (. I (il'IIS-AII w II thi an i lien ul the abode, a. I et . -' I. ' 1 i I. i- 'I I III l HAGER Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, ttlVtt-.ICS A IHIK3T HUWKKS cc Ol'KNINO TO DAY : NEW IIAMUL'KC. HIX-IXCS and INSHRTINGS. All per cent, lower tnan last season Several pieces el BLACK SILK marked xcty low. These are Elegant Goods and our prices are as low as the same finality ie had in Philadelphia, or elsewhere. Elegant BLACK TI IIBET SI I AWLS opening te-day. larked very low. Elegant Line CORTAL'LD'S BEST ENGLISH CREPES and CREPE have marked can be .n maruetl very VEILS opening te tlay. All marked very low. Prices reduced MTSLINS. TICKINGS. CHECKS, GING1 IAMS and all Demestic Goods. Prices reduced in BLANKETS. COMFORTS. Ol'ILTS, Ladies', Gents' and Children's MERINO UNDER WEAR te red in. e our stock before taking our annur.l inventory. Please gie us a tail, as we will sell you geed Goods and save you money. BOWERS & NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. TOII 5. (ilVl.l'U .V Ci Ladies' Ceat We are offering many geed things in Ladies' Coats, Shawls and Skirts, and Children's Coats and Havelecks, at Bargain Prices, te sell them off te make room for SPRING GOODS. We prefer net te carry any goods ever season. All goods marked in plain figures JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, U.YE mti uutum J." MAKliA H C Cor. West Kicg and Priaca bts. UNDERWEAR! We putt tia d al a lare Jullnji 's ale an lui iiieiii.e 1 u 1 1 ' 1 1 y i.f L lelerweur, ivhli.li d In tend te sell .31 p i cent. Ueaper than the sumo COedsi.au be purchased ilseiiliere. Sl'KClAl. UVIlUAlNtflN White Underwear, At 25, 3d, lu W.COandTSttS. Colored Underwear, Atri, i, l", m and r.j cts. Scarlet Underwear, An All-Weel Hhlit at fl mi. .Second. An All-Weel Shirt at 1 i. "ecen.ls. An AU-WM)l shin at I .... An All-Weel bhlrt at 1 . HUJitTH AXI) DUAWeni lu MATCH Tln'be kekI.1 est mur 'e inanuUciure, and atoet eitr i quality. Blue Flaunel Shlrta HuiiKlit dnect ut the iii.n.iii ti i. r, and ar runttd t. be djed w.' . ,i, imli -e Ulue.aiid will ni. I lade l.i Hits .'.114 lllui, liray, liltu and MU..I lluun-l i.u'g In llli)Clier I'lalu trent, at a I pi tec- J. B. IAETII & 00 sir.r.uKKi inii.iiiiAi WKllANKJUST liuri.lll jhjj kmihl blOCh Ul (joijIjei A1.HY ' COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OKA I.AIUiK WIIOI.KM.h lHHiK CI.ININU IIUH1SK- ASI Allh NOWhhI.l.l.Ne AT UK- $ 1.40. Uoeds that were sold ut u.m te liie u havn en liaml, h'mi. WIUTK A III COI.OKKI. Bl ankets, IIOUUIITATAUCIl'JN tALKriUHl 75c. up te $10.00: Weaie nllln them been sacilllced tills sea-factUK-i'a cost. " i i.'-ip tiny have "i ! - tliu inaiiu- & '! Cheap Stere, Ne. ill WEST 1(1X0 HTltKKT, llulwduu the Cooper lliii(I kll lluu i. l.ANOAhlKIl pA Mitral It'll N (II I OK lit NKKH.AI IHKhl'tlHir.ilM AP4H flfliiw I person nn, u rl,y Uil lWIww tetriKpass en liny el tlm umu ni II.M llnru. wall or Hpotidweil estuins, in itnun u.nl i.iuiiiusiui eiiuiivii)'! wiiiiiMer ijtea Mtj tit UU' ini-iimini, uifciiur mi i1 HI) li.irp.a. ei ,hSAillXJl Will I ,1,1,1 y wt'lHAJ) n en ...id Uki m tfc4, nsninK, as me law aualust nil tresnassl uniluinlKiinil alter IhM iiettui Wil. COI.kMAH rUKJCMAW It. I'KIILY Al.lr.. KDWAIIOC nitMUAN. ,.,.ioneytorH, W isjimuui'l H,, Ol6-Udw tntv uoeim, as. AND LINEN Lewor in Prloe New Tlmii Ever best makes el Sliiillns, TJ S LIJNT S Ul IH'l'li, I ipextiy lluii.i'K Tliree-I'ly, Weel iim'keiisimi ler the purchase of Cotten, I -mi CIJ i.ev i-.iccs. & BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. UURST, 20 and 2S 2srertli s prices. vu new ami very naiutseine. Alse, WARP HENRIETTA CLOTI and Shawl S. GIVLER riUCE DIIY UU0DS AXD CMIPKT VLVTMHU. )HKI'.lllli I'llll UOLU Wf.llllr.K NOW. Overcoats for Men, Overcoats for Youth, Overcoats for Beys. our most saleable Moe Is a OVEIICOAI' new ler UAUK, I1EA Y, CNI.lNfcO DIAGONAL OVERCOAT, hlcli we aie telling ut the Lew Price 'of $10.00. W Kuarniitcu It strictly time ad-wflel and It you luuiK ei tore buying you think et purclmsluK bu sure te seu It be- Kiade II you aud ure suie t please you I call. D, B. istetier & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, wANOABTKll, I'A. G Nasi AN Ss into. KWKEPIN0 REDUCTION, L. GANSMAN & BRO. CO & 09 NORTH QUEEN ST., Seuth wen Cor. Orange Ht., 1'OSITIVEI.Y AB8BUT THAT TIIKllt & !, bell-lined In Htack and Dark a ray, cannot be eiuuled anywhere. In the city at less tluii llutf, uud their sell-lined or lined FINE FUR BEAVER MEN'S OVERCOATS, AT $7.00 & $0.00, AUK Weltill DObill.K Vila MONKY. HOYh' OVKKCOATii mcIIIkk newas low as f 1 i'i. Ureal llurifslns for the next ten days tn Men's Beys' and Ohildnn's Suits AND 01)1) I'A NTS. r.vvry OvuruHit wolmveon our counters Is from ViUiXi per lent, below value, und If In. vkilahly lower In price than elsewiicru. Loek kieijiiUiiiI see (his Is net the case. L. Gansman & Bre., 'lht rajljluiuble Merchant Tailors and (lletlituis, iittn. .NOUTII QUKIW HTKEKT, KltflH en twBouthwett Cerner of Orange BU I-ANOAHTKlt, I'A. Kt'"iiiielel with any ether Cletulnif lfuvlu tliwclty. ISS'l. GOODS- Dofero lCuewn. Slicellng nud TlekliiKH which they w III mill lit n eotuper liiKnilu, t'otlen Cbiiln mid Unix I'aniebi. Oil liien uuilllDuseluuitsliliiK Uoels, we Invite an luapec- Queen Street. new, choice patterns at hilly 20 tednv : eneniniT IS. Elegant Goods, which we in SHEETING and SHIRTING HURST. LANCASTER, PA. Department, 8l CO., LANCASTER, PA. HOUSE. OJ.UT1.NO, V.SUVHH r.Alt, JtC. II OKllMAltT. SPECIAL NOTICE I I hereby Inform llioe In want el a KALI. OU W1NTKU SC1T or CLOTHING, That I have new In stock the 1.AIU1KHT ANU KINK8T AhHOUTMENTef Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That has ever been inhibited lu the City el Lancaster. A in eat variety of KALI. AND WINTKli OVBRCOATLNG I keep NONE HUT THE 1IEST of Foreign ami Dumcstic Falirics, And all Uoeds nre warruuleil as represented ui H. Gerhaifs FINE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., LANCAHTEU. I'A. I IAIIK NOTIOK. CLOTHING -AT- HALF VALUE, On account el stock-taking after .lanuury 10, we eirer our entire block et CI0T1IINU of all DESCRIPTION -AT 0NK.lt ALF OF TllHlll VALUK. OVERCOATS ATYOUUOWN K1QUUE3. Ai they must ue, at least ai many us possible, beloretbe first or tlm mouth, EX Lit A IN DUX'EMENIU In all kinds of Underwear, Gleves, Knit Jaokets, NEOKWiilAR, &e -ONLYTXLL JANUAUY 10. Sirsli & Brether's Penn Hall Clothing Heuso, Noh. 2 & 1 N0HTII QUEEN STREET. LANCAHTEU, I'A. WK HAVE A KKW IlltUSIl AND OOMII HETb lult, which wu will tell at a sacri fice te dodo them out. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED I Alse, u low Oder Cases wlitcu we Ue net wish te carry ever. l'OaiTIVK I!AK(1AIN3 AT Thes. 11. IIeclitelil'8 Dm? Store, Ne. 101 WEST OUANOEHTUEKr, comer or Charlette. UMyU tu.in-'iKif.i' nitw IANC.lslilK ANII iil.l.l;l.SVII t.K II. J f'ais run as (nllews : lev.lV" l.lltlCjtlsel (I. II l"ipe!;, Ul 7, l, llisna. m., unit 4, 1, I- led rt.sup. m., iixi-eiit en Bitiuilay, when the lint iar leaves at IIWi, in UiilMi illllersvllle (leaur ntnl) at r, H, innl,15 a. M., and 1, 3, A and 7 p. in. Cam i mi ilnliv ou ill ive ilinnttiwpt en flu n day. nOI.UMIIIA A 1(MIT IIKI'OSIT II Mt, J KOAH T1MK TAIII.K IIUHIS IK UK t l'ert time t Depeull itallitxul mi the IoIIewIiik "OUTUWAnil. "tTrATfuKH. " MfllTIIWARD r.M. A.M.I iu : A.M, A.M P.M. II s.-gu tiM . s.in Mni . S.m 68.li. 7:1.'. f 17 . 7:IU A U . 7:WI 6I . 7::il ! 11 . 7: RlKi , 7:'il I M . 7:1(1 4:4 1 , 7.en 4., v.i . (1.07 4; 0:11 4:11 H:.TJ (IKS tl-SU BA1 3.11 (tl'JU 0i (jeiumiiia.... 10.U) ..WiisliliiKfen... 10-.M 7.ii() .... iuwiiweil .... llit.-v IllW . Hafe llaiber... .aiieuk's Kerry,. 1'ixjuea .leik Ktirtince,. .....Tiie(imii MrtJall'M rurry. ...Kite's Kddy... -.KIshliiKUuiuk,. -1'each llottem,. .. CouetliiriO... .....dclersia .... ...I'ert l.'eihwll. ... l'erryvllle..., 7:0f. 7.U9 7ili 7il7 ii:: i ll7 11:31 7:11 U:a 7:.H7 7:11 11:0: ll!.Vl IMA 7.M 7.10 7:27 7.S7 7M 7 Jb 1(H 7.17 7: b 8:00 i.se r.M SlVS Ii 40 1J:M P:'Ji IlKAllimi AiUUI.IIAIIlIA l(. II. AllKMOnMKN'rOKTAaaKNl.KllTKAlNS MONDAY, OCTOIIK.lt 2UrH, .S. MOUTH WAIU). LI1VI. A.M. A. M Wuarryvllh l.uncuster, UtiurHt, LanrKiler Clilektus Marietta Junction. Columbia. iumvi. Uellnir II su 7.30 7UW 11:10 U:3J 7:10 7:W 7:fe 7:30 0.4A DUUXIlWAllll. -UiV. Ueu-llHK iimiv. Marietta Junction... Clitcktes Columbia Can can I or..., LuncASter, KlnSt... Uniiiivvll Ui r. m r. h. ... iJe .... 3:10 l.fi JNi .... 3.:ie .... 4:(i l:lu 3:10 3-iV (S.W r.v 6:16 S:3J Trniui ceuiieet at Itcmllnic wlili lniin tuaml trum l'lillailelplila, 1'iittnvllle, llarrlrlmrif, Al. lnnumn and New er)f, via lu-un.l llroek llunte, t Columbia wlUitralnn uiaml iinui erh, llunever. tieliysburg, rreJerlik anil llaltl. WOru. A M. t ll.4(iN. - :!. l)r.KKdl,VAlA IUII.U(t.( Nhl" X M-IIKUUI.K Oil ninl uiti.r hii k; i. .v fu i-eiHKic, in,ly, invlni en the. I'cuimyi Vitnlu Ual in m. i win urrlwi at an.l ieui U I. uicaniw niul l'lillnilelilila ilixU).u- te ''.Wh a.m. u r.H. 7:3 l.'.W B.li IM5 I'.M. t.(ll U. ... 8:.1J !( J-le H-J U. J.li. d-13 0 Ii .... B.-n 10-4' .... 93i Levi Ar Lull fill "a. W7T. Is I mi .ia ::n i 8:10 10.CO a.iu .... SJA U.00 ll:i r.M. H:M .... lfciS 3:15 r.. 2-M r, a i'jri " M lift r .. ii it EUITWARD. Mall ExpreM l'lillailelplila Kxpress rust Line Ilarrl4bui Ex,ruM Turk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Acteint laltan arrives..., Columbia Accoraweo Uen rrederlctt Accointuixlatlen arrives. Loek Haven Express Sunday ilall Johnstown Express Day Eipreis Ilarrlsburi; Aceoinmelatlon. Hanover Accommodation welt, connect in ai i.ancnstur witu reiuraru r.xpnns ai u win run UireuKD te llunever dully, uxcep suniiay, Frederick Accommodation, west, eon unctlna at Lancaster with Kast Line run threuitti te r"-ilerti:X. wei, in l is, v i t I.e. ,AI. Westwahp. .)'htlfD l.M. 1.30 A.M. ti:Jft cm U.'.M 90 UIS 'J 50 r.M l I 13 5 tft ) 7W 7:IU U.1A 1: Mews Express Wuy i'assetiKcr MauTruln. Ne. 1, via. ML Jey Mall Train, Ne. '2,vluColuuibla,leavc8 NlaKsra Express... Hanover Accommodation leaves.... 4:30 ,M) T.V) rn.it Line... rrvdurlck Accounneilntlon liuvvea. Ilarzlsbun; Accomnieilntlon 11:11) I'.M. '.':ll T:l" Iineaster Acoeuimodallon leaves Columbia Accomtredailou. llarruuuri; Kxprcan. Weetein Express.... 1'octne Expixss 6:10 U:lu Urj) H arris b u rx Express, which leaves l.annuter at 7-10 p. in., lias direct connections (without chanKuuf cans) te Columbia and lerk. rajit Line, west, en Uunday, when rlaflifed will step at DawnliiKtflwn,CiUsvillii, l'arkra bury, Mount Jey, Ellzabclulewu uud Middle town. Day Express, Kast Line, News Exnreii, Mall Tram, Ne. 1, Western Express uud I'uclQc Ex prttus run dallv. The llmu here clven Is Kaitem time, or that el the 73th meridian, whlee 1 inlnute and I second luster than that lieretoteru us(d. n u 1 1. f, tin, av. B KMT t1TKA.1l K.NOlNi: AND BOILER WORKS. Call nud examine, our stock et Endues an Kolteis and Ket juices. Forttible Enginoe, Horizontal Euylnoe, Vortleul L'uylnea. 8uw Mill Pumps, MlnluR Mttchiucry, Fulleys nud Shattlng. IKON AND 1IILVSS CAST1NU.S, STEAM PITTING. JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. :m Kust Fulton St., LANCASTEIt, I'A. 1'. O. Ilex. Ne. OX oeliamdAw TltiHAlU:, AV. Jl. N 1', MUllAUfll. FURNACES and RANGES OE ALL KINDS REPAIRED. nHnl! ?'.'!'. r;'?.VL",.New "U'reved WUOUIUIT IKON COLD CAeU Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest und ltesl Market. rUUNACK luthe MANUEACTUltKD E.V0LUH1VELV II Y Jelm P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Quoeu Streot, ttib-lyd LANCASTEIt. I'A. nieruuuAVJiH. T K' KOTK. There has been such n deiuaiul ,'for LAltUE l'HOTOUItAl'IIS that I wa.1 compellea te Kt ft VEKY LAUUE OAMEKA HOX te meet tlie demand. We cun new make you a 1'IIOTOas small us the smallest locket will held up te a 6-tnch lace, te Ut an 16r Krume. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen lun.-2-ttd Streot. fl