-rrfc HI MA NEWS. i i. Mtill M.UI.Mt MMtlUUrtl !.''. V.VenU .tliiMK Dm Hiimiunliiinnn llrnm ill Interfwl In mill Around Urn lloreiuh riiihiiil up hy tli liitnhl- i:mii'tr llniinrier. CMiiipicftalutijt.i trlbe of Kid Mr-u ; C!tn lullifmi Idiviil Aieh iihnptrr, Ne. 921, A. 1 nml A. Si . nml riilnnm cliole, Ne. 1IJI, II. U. (II. !' ) 0. A., te iilf'lil II. I). T. elub sullen uf Roeinbtos will ehjIi January 17. In llie armory. IftluttMia feeds thry will be continued until April 1 every tlure wick. I'ublie dnnce ut Khiglt's Inn, Mniihtvllle, en 'I'liiirMl.iy uvotiliiK.'-Celuiiitiln 111 i' company ceutum plates ii fill. Columbia cernet band Solicits HIllMl'l tptteiiH. Hccetid LlltllOtntl chinch aeclablu en Tltiirntluy ovenliitf ; fien timid niches mill n..lTi'e ; children's ilny uxoieIm'H next Sunday VIll.nitM calico ball en tlie evmlng el February 'i'i 11. A. 11. drum curp'i will mum held a package party in llie iirinery. Oil llie riltrrt. 1'ilvnte loe lieurus lining Filbert te Ben nnd Klalr & F.islg, each, nippljitig I' It It. with I, 'Jut) tens of Ice. I-'llbuitABen'H mull) h;i witb ilifllculty, but witb littln injury, tescui'd from a seiver emptying Inte llie ilvcr IidIew llie bridge, Inte which tlie lirute hud fallen. The big excursion expected (imn Yeik te enjoy river Hkntlttg f tilled toeonio bccaiiM) el bad weather. Teachers nml Miipi'iiiili'iidi'iit uueeuraued by large attendance of schoolchildren. Thore nre loud complaints of diity gas, oleggid pipin mid big bills, Tlie Laurel boys el Yerk have sent tbu Vlgli it put owl, which ii net he trniiblosemo mi a Kut. i nrlely el Cims I'er Intet faring with Oflleer .lehn (lilbert whlle llie latter was making mi mrest last oveulng, Frank Wlttlck whm also tiikeu into custody by his brother, Ollleir Win. Wlltiek . It villi nn'y necninpliahed aftur a lively lljfht, lien ever. Fer being drunk and disorderly Wlttlck was sent tej.iil for 10 days. Whim that let in of imprison imprison meet ih ended he will be tried for assault and hattury Frank entuied suit against Olllc-MH Wltlick and (Silbert ler nssatilt and battery, he claiming that I hey ituulti mi itiipiovekul rtHaiiiilt up n linn whilu they wen. conducting them te a cell 111 tlie lookup. reriiiiuil. Silas Atllite Cox, el Lancaster, visiting tlie MisHca HeihUuy ; Miss I'lydiu C'en.iul, of Philadelphia, viailing Mis. .I.ii. l'urrel tel , Mr. II. V. T. Allen and wife (form erly Miss Ann Uivuu), guasts nf V H. tliven, esq Jehn Itiiiklu efWrtghlcvilli', heard the thieves who lobbed his poultry yard last night, but was tee dUctcct te in -tcrfcre with them. llnuks mid rolling mill elect e Ulcers te day. I .out en tlin Klvrr. Mr. Abram Charles, of Wrightsvllle, was lest en tlie river in the snow storm this morning. After diiving helplessly about (or a long tune he reached the dam. He was thnu nble te locate his position and at last reached the Lancaster county shore in safety. His exporicuce was a decidedly unpleasant one. l'.ullruml Ndits. 1. U. It. buslucHs dull. After the operations of workmen en the heating apparatus all last night, the K. & C. station was comfortably heated te-day. Tlie Columbia wreokers weie called' out this morning te clear the debris caused by the wreck of the, uugine and six cirri of train Ne. 1.1, oil the C. & I'. 1). railroad at Pert Deposit, Md., Inst night. auuunl Stealing et the Y. 31, U. A. The attendance, at the annual meetiug el the Veiiug Men's Christian asBOCiatleu, a' the sjciety'rt rooms last evening, was unusually large, ewiug te the Invitations out out te .1 handsome tea served by llee. Uey ami four young ladies, te all comers, pnur te the biiHiues'i of the evening. The company eT thirty sat down te table, sang the doxology, partook of the enter taiumcut, nud proceeded te business. The tieasurer'h report was highly satisfactory ; the library, budding nud lurniture are all clear of debt ; the utoek certitlcates will seen be IbsuciI ; n vete of tlmuks was given the liberal citizins who have ut l he asociatiell ou such a lirm basis, mid .1 lommutce was appuintid te arrange for the annivcib.iiy in the hilt- r j art of .l.in u.irj. The lollewiog aie the cemmittees for the ear 1SS'I . Dovetlonal I. M. Davidsen, C. 11 Frey, W. S. Dlller, Albert Zoeher, Wesley ilor iler en.y and .1. M. Nult. Meetings Albert Z)cher, V. S. Dillir and C. II. Frey. Bearding HetiscaL Iw. ateni, (Libra n.i'), Wesler Suyder and Geergo awnpe. Teniperaucc J. II. Pcarsel, P. ri. (ieiMlman mid I). 8. Kursk. Visiting Biek J. II. Penrhel, J. F Ment zuv und Jehn It. tloed. The following committees of tim bend were also appointed and confirmed : Kxecutivc H. A. Hih, J. P. MeCaskey ami Marriett llresiun. Finmice (Jcorge IC. Heed, II. Uiiuin garducr and Jehn I). Skiles. Library J. W. Hryne, A. F. Hostettor and J M. W. Ueiht. Ptoperty II. H. Fulton, I). S. Hursk and yamtnH M. Myers, Lecture J. P. McUaaltey, P. S. Geed, man mid J . M. Davidsen. Lyoeum J. Jl. Davidsen, C. U. Heller and H. J. Housten. Printing J. II. Pcarsel, rJ. L. Lev.in and S. D. Hangman. 1(1. A I, 11STAIK. HAl.tiS. ('lui'iiDi I roperty In tlie Lener I'nil and In llie Ulty. Michael 110I111 hns bought from Jeseph Kckmaii 2 acres of laud with 11 new Irame hetiMi near Quarrj villi) for fcLUOO. Mr. Hckman intends lomeviug te Wilmington te go into paitucrship with his brether, who is a pieniiucut caiputiter mid builder of that elty. Mrs. S. II. Lufovei, of Christiana, baa neli! teG. II. Miller oue of her properties in Ounriyville, ceutuiuiiig half mi acre of land with a frame heuse, for 61,250 ; her ethor prepnrty, tlie bakery, has been leaned by William Miller, who will ruu it for the present year. At Gelger'scioamery in Quarryvllle, a pair of stones have been utarted for grind ing feed, and they have all they can de. All the machinery of tbe orenmory Is in thu building, and the waking if butter will seen be begun. In Lancaster. Hhubeit & .Sutten, auctioneers, sold at public sale January 7, at the Laucastir County hnube, for Jacob Gable, admin admin istrater of llie cstate of Jehn llarter. ded'd., a two story brick dwelliiig.Bituntcd Ne. 5'J Leciut strcet, te Edward Wlley, for $720. ICefurinud Church llusrd ut ailiaieua, Hevs. Dr. Thoe, Appel, siiporlntciident ; Dr. J. O. Miller, of Yerk ; W. H. 11. Snyder, of llarrisburg ; W. II. Selbert, lliirrisburg, and 0. U. Ileilmau, Elk Liek. oxceutlvo council of tbe trl synedlaal beard of missions of the Hofermod ehurcli. nre lu session te day In the First Hofermod ohiireh of this eity. l'liey vete the quar quar terly paymeuts, hear ropetts, ve. A new mission b,as besn ebtablishud nt Newton, N. C. ; the beard has OU mission lu its oare mid will expend $18,000 111 Its work this year. Mcetliic el the u. A. It. Tlie Htale oiicampmeut of the Q. A, It., which will be held hore en Pebrunry 0 mid 7, premises te be a large nilair. Tliore will be at least 800 delegates, besides the large number of mombers with soveral tieats, which will coine as bodies, bringing muds of uiusie. rr-r KAKI.Y UI.H.1IMU. A Oiinuritl Mtivrtimut Favoring Mere Dien Iiir Alter I) O'clock, Thn dry Heeds' merchants el this elty, with u fe w exceptions, havn agreed toeloso thelr storm overy uveiilng, Saturdays tixccplrd, nt 0 o'clock. Heme who Imve signed the agreement did net close last uvenliig owing te thn lack of proper iiotlllcitleii. The new systum oes Inte ofTeotthls evening. A similar movement has been agreed upon among tin) shoe dealers mid Is projected by the hardware men mid Jowellom, Them is no reason why this notion should net become general among thu niciohantsef the city, as the number of sales made after sundown nre few mid far between, mid littln or no In convenience would lusult te customers by dosing early. Ilcsldes giving a well deter vi d Intermission fiem tell te shop clerks mid saleswomen, who theieby have the whole evening te thcmcelvec, it com Pichacs biinlnesH Inte u briefer poiled which cannot but bu moie satisfactory te employers and employed. Thn saving In gas bills mid wear and tear, us well as the gain in olieorftiluess among theso cm pleyed, will morn than compensate for any small Iek.i of trade that may result. All of the larger ulties have adopted this salutary inform, and the tluie is ripe for Ijancabter te fnll into line, nr.w AKxeitv ei-r.nr.u. Murlieil lniiriivriiiiitn 'in Kxiinltliir llMII. The new military company have Just fitted up Kxcelsler bill, ever Soheenborgor k B)tm' saloon, Kast King street, as an nrmury and it was opened last night. This room is oue of the lluest in the city for Ibis purpesu mid the soldier boys have lilted it up in line style. Uu the west aide and north ends of tlie room thirty new closets have been put up. They arc commodious mid capable of holding the equipments, &e., of two men. Pegs are provided for the ever ceaU nud knapsacks mid eveijtliing is kept neat mid clean. 12 ich closet has a key which is kept in a large key beard, no that thu member can open his olesot whonever uect'sitaiy. Theioare also four largrr closets en tlie west sldoef the room In which the rille musku's of the company are kept in an uptight position. Part of the room is also furnished with benches. The company has gene te consldeiablo expense te improve the room and te pay oil their Indebtedness will held a fair in the spring. They should be encouraged an thev are doing everything in their power te give tlie people a company which they can be proud of. IIIK nlriiihinx 1'itrly. Lint evening a party of thirty seven ladies and gentlemen of Marietta drove te this city in sleighs. They took supper at the Stevens heuse, after which tin greater number of the pur ty nltetided the perform ance of the "Danites" at. the epir.i house. They leit for home at 11 o'clock. I (te llfitilrp. Hciks county is under the same salary bill as Lancaster, and the commissioners and auditors there have allowed the new flhentl two deputius, one te be paid il.OJO and the ether 300. Clmrgni Willi Asaitull nun llttery Philip Thompson, colored, has been committed by Alderman A. F. Dennelly for a hearing en thn charge of assault nud battery en James Waters. .1lttiir's Ueurc. The mayor this morning discharged six tramps mid scut one drunk te jail fur 3 days. llcntilun iilnliiiiiiu nml Vtrhr fuiiuit In 'I rn ultil OuttAn, The UleliuTen uud Cotten Packers, et New Yolk, have opened n branch sturu In llild city, nt Nes. 129 and 111 North (Jucuii htieet. Their Tens nud Cellees mil put up lu paper cans. Kveiy can eenlains. In addition te Ten uud Ceflee, 1111 article liinnlnt; lu va'uu Irem 10 cunts te I Je Hi eiih, or Geld or silver Watches orJewelry. A'se (Juiiiiliiu Dlumnud Jewelry. Thu Ten Cans weluh can and contents iibcit 1! peumW, the Cotten Cans wcljjh can und contents about I pound. I'rlee It ench. Tim company have udeptrd Ihl mnthed te mlvor mlver tine their oeds, but niter Kehruaiy 1st, these choice leasand Cellees will be sol I wholly en their melius by their ugent, at the fame pi tea sniuu umillty uiiil same quantity, but without any ether article In thu cans besides thu Ten and Cedec, the Ten and Coffee being at a fair retail value worth uieru thin thu prlce nulled without any regard te tlm ether urttclcs. This company has slrendy established rev era! agencies who have a very large and rnp Idly mewing trude.ua thesupeiler quality et theli floods I eceme.s known. Ordeis by mull, ncceuipanlud by cash or poaleftlco order uru selected bydlslnterustud p.irtles and forward ferward ud te nil put et the United Htates. Address, Olobe lea uud ColTue Packers, 1JU nud 131 Ninth (noun street, Lancaster, l'n. Prices, tl per Can, fi Cans ler 3, 12 Caniter $10,24 Cuns ler f J0.01 Cans ler J.V). The lollewiinr Lsa purthil list et the parllea who found valuable articles In tlielr emu el tea and colleu se tar Kranlc l'lelllur, slate toefor, W Kast King stuat, Ladles' crown Hunllim Case Watch ; nlae a K1um.l1 Chalulnluu Wntch In leu. W in. Wlttlck, el Celuinblu, found a Crown Lever Hunllnit Cusu Watch In a can et colTie. Mrs. .1. W. Pattlsen, IU Kast Walnut stieel, Kruueli Chatelaine Watch In tea. Jehn Lynn, lloli lleli lloli luritewn, l'n , Stem Wludlngund btem BettliiK Wntehln colTen i ulse l.adlis' crown Huutiui; Cusu Wutchluteaand a Child's Diamond lttng In tun, J. B. Whltmur, Mount Weill hotel, Crown Hunting Cnse Watch. Mrs. II Wicker shum.ftOJi erth Uukestr.'ut, Kllvcrware, Miss Cr ahrun, fiOl North Duku street, Silverware. Miss A1111I0 Oeet. Copelimd's restaurant, Ladles' Solid Held Hunting Casu Wntch. M. K. llruchiir, 33t) West Chestnut ttreet. silver Cnsler with tui. Chas. M. Hewell, 1.11 North Oueen stieet. Kronen Trnvellmr Cleck Airs. Julia Hush, Hurrlsburu. Ladles' Solid lield Iluntliig Cnse Watch In lea. Mis. Kruuninn, .south Duku street. Diamond Scail I'ln lu colTeo. Miss KannleM Kellnr, Ne. ia North Duke Htveet, Child's Diamond III m: In can et tui; W. II. LovmireiMl,S2t West James ntrnit, bll verCuku llasket ; Mrs. (1 II. Shunk, 22) Kast KliiL' stieet. silver Caul Itecolver ; 11. M. Ilerr, meiclmut. ML Jey. I'll., Clown Lever Hunt ing Case Watch ; Miss Annie Ueut, Cepuland's iiiHtauiunt, teuud a Krench Chnlulalne natch t A. M Chandler, 21 Weal Oranite stieet, i-liver Fruit llucolver; Mrs. M. mown, Columbia, Silver l'lcklu Caster; Mrs. 11. Oga ter, ai8 1'rlnce street. Klve-bottleSliTorCa.stor, .. y, JWIIIII1I rWII, DUI'llllHIUIIIIUMV U ,..!.,. ,1,).., Nn .1 I.ii.Iv'm Snllil l.nl.l lliintlni Dime Wutc.ll I c, Anclen-en, auperimunnent e ,11011 111111; llaiten uilzunllchter, 121 Seuth 1'rlnce street. Five lloltle Caster! Mis. Adelpl) HuhuI, 317 West Lemen street, silver C'ake llaskel : Mrs. Auulu llrowne, Ml Seuth Duke utreel, allvel lleblet : 0 co iK e Cramer, Neith Queen street, Iley'a HuutliiK Casu vvaicn i Jacob ll. I labor, Kant llemptleld, Stein Winding anil Stem Set tliiK Watch lu tea Themas J. Davis, atlor atler neyallaw, Ladles' Chatelalne Watch i II C'epulaud, Hprocher Heme, silver Plclile Dlaht Oliver Loud, Inqulrir Olllcu, lluntlnu due Sllvur Watch ; .Michael Iltirns, IS Weat Lemen street, Ouuulne Diamond Stud. C 11. Wilsen, Pennsylvania railroad, Har itaburK, Silver Service, with can of tent Miaa llvan, aeamsireas, neuiu wueun siieui, leuuii Diamond Kur Drep lu can et tea, M. Y. An An An doiaen, itlllcndiur, Solid Held Chatelalne und Watch ; Mrs. SI Snyder, 301 Seuth 1'rlnce street, Sllvei Cukt) Huskut I Mrs. C. A. (lust, l.'l Nerm Mulberry meet, Krult ltecelver, with cofTeo i Mia. Henry, 107 couth Duku meet, Sllvur Caster , Finnic Htell, 'iii Kast trcdcilckslicel, Child's Hlimnud ltlim In trni O.K. Aukiiiip,slKiialuiau 1'. It. K., lives C0U NurOi yuuen alreul, Sllver Caster, n beltlea Huriy Juhinteu, clerk, 37 North Charlette street. "loin Wlndlmt uud stum miHIiik Watch, in pniipn i Illrain Johiien. truckiimn. Solid Coin Sllver Huntlnij Case Watch Mrs. Mil ler, Duke atieut, Sllver Sorvlce. with cofleo James AshcieH, traveling auleamnn Irem rmiadulphhi, Lady's Solid Held Hunting Cum tvatcli i Siunuel llntf, clitarsand tibacce, ISO North ttuionslrieLbllvur SiiKiir Hewl, with can or cplfeui J. I.. Lytn, bualnesa manaKer Jizamlmr, Lnce I'ln, Diamond, Huby and Siipphlriv-t Mia A II. Snpplee, 4i North Duke sircui. ruvrr ricme uiuiier I Jean u. iiua. merchant tailor, Silver Service with tea aud celluti t Jehn llerxer. IIS North CJueuu street, llnu Clown Lever Watch wllh can et tea; Mrs Scutt Lytle, IS Andrew Btieat, hllvur Card ltecelver j J. C. Anderaen, overseer. Ne. SlCotten Mill, Silver Servlce s Jacob stlrk, coatecttenor, 45i Weat Oranire alreet, Slum Winding and Stem'Seltlnic VVateli with teas Jeseph l Knlidit, 1'roprietor City Hetel, Ladles' Flench Chatelulnu Watch t Jehn Cep. bind, Itt'stauiant, 1' and VZl North (jueun street, Sllverwulu t A. C. Itahter, Proprietor Limb Hetel, Seuth Queen street, Ladles' Solid Held HunllnK Cau wateli lu can of tea J, s. llleiisu, Mlllursvllle, I'h., Stem Winding and Stemsettlnt; Wntch with correo ; II, K. Wit mur, MllleravlUe. I'a ,8, AS. Watea with can ei leiii l', 11. Wllluiuis, Auctluuoer,:iu North IjANCASTEM DAIJjY INTEJJ..IGEHOJSH TUESDAY JANUAKY 8 lbttd. Christian street, Stem Winding unrt Btrin Belting yvnluh In tn. This paper will publish from ilny In ilny ft pnrllnl list el the pnrllei who find Iheviilimble nrtlcle. hvkuiai ttunurn, x .t wnr if i.w. ' -Z I Imt wenk linck of mln In tlie sliloer dips you will II ml lininn Mutely relleveil wliau n Hep J'lmter In nppllcil. It strengtlKius llie iiiuheIik, giving tlieiitilllty te de hard work wltheni;urrerlnL'. Tuho none but this, MU 1 receiutnend ,-uey euinelln's Heeiet el Veulli nml lleauly for thu ceiuplexlmi, as be. Ing lr superior te any in Hele 1 ever used. It positively remeves Krrcliles, 11110" will remove Tnu In 0110 nppllcttlen. 1'ilce fiec. I'er niilg at hII drnuitlsts. MUM.. I. ItKNNfc SMITH, leil-llind.M.t' Newink. N. .1. I'.tlilnncn of llie lint Kind. ItlcliiudT. Itolilnsen Is ndiugglit llvlmr In Itiielmi. Wld. Hem Is wluitliii says t ".Millet oil Willi lur iikIIIs 1 whs iiuiinie te iirltculutn a word dlutlnctly ler fully two uientht. A 111), oral uppllcntieii of Thenuti' ticltttrle off com. lilutely cured me. Am pleused te recommend It," Fer sateliy II. II. Oeclirau, di-ligulet, 137 mid KW .Net tli tfunen street. ' (loon AtivicK. U Hele's Heney el Hele hound and Tar ler n cough or cold. I'lke.'a Toetlia he Dreps euro In oue minute. 7-lvvdoed,tw O'ontnulen destroyed by Dnrbys I'lopliylue He Held. Hen advertisement. Ker Liiuin linen , nidi) or i;iicnt use mil I.OII'H I'OIIUUM 1'I.AHTKIl, I'tlcn, iimt Huhl by II. II.Ueclirnn,lS7iuidlll'i North Queen trmit, l.aucaster. letilleedil TIiiiiishiiiIs upon 'llieimnuds eldnllnrs hive lieeu spent In advurtlilng tlin eeleljritrd Jlunleck 11 low I lUltert, but this diet iicreiinls only In pari ler tlielr I'lionneiis snlu. Tlicir Hint It luis inude Ilium what they me-tliit lieslblfMid nieiltrliH) uviirilevlsi-it by unin. Ker silo by II, II, Cochran, druggist, 1.17 anil I.TI Nertti UiitHin stnxit. Sinull Pox, Diphtheria, ."cm let Fever, Vel low Fever ele .can't ex st whine Dalbys l're pliyiaclle Fluid Is used. Iiruifii's iiourelieiil I'timcm. Is the most utlncllve I'litn Destroyer In the weild. Will ine4t surely ulcken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied otter unity, itmi thereby morn rertalnly ItKI.IKVK I'AIN, whether rhrenle or acute, thnu any ether pain iillevlnter, mid It Is warranted don den bio the Htreugtli than any ether similar prepa ration. It cures puln In the Hide, Hack or llewels, Hern Threat, llhniiuintlmn, Toetliueho, mid A I . I . ACHI'.B, and Is Tlie Ornnt Itellnvnr et I'ntii. "IIKOVN'8llOU9ltll()I.DlANACK.A" should belli every family. A lenspiMiiilul el thu I'nuiicea In a tumbler el het wnlur (sweet ened, II preferred) taken at Ixidtliiie, will liltKAK UP A COI.D. a cents n bottle. uinvl-T.Th.F.tw Itielr Mhiiih la l.olen. I.pkIeiis el people have had tlielr Urns tnade mlneriibluby 1'lles. This palulul dinicuttyls elten Induced unci nlways aKKrnviited by con stipation. Kldniy-lV erl U the Bleat leinedy ter all directions nf this kind It acts as 11 venue cathartic, promotes a, htallny action el the bowels, nnd soetheA and heals the lutliiined urlnces. It has cured hundreds el cases where all ether remedies nnd application have fulled, held by all druggists. Cuinelln Deulenu ler thu teeth Is very tru Kruut and n moves Tartar and t-curl, hardens the k'iiiih, steps decay nnd pcitumes thu breath. 1'rlce, Mcunla. Ker sulu at all drug Klstt. lu27-ltndW Aluinersl stuinnrsl III et tiers Aru you disturbed at night uud broken el your rest by a slrk child sufferlng und crying with the etrruclatlng pain of cutting teeth t If se, no at once and get a het thiel Mils. WIN BLOW'S SOOTH1NO SYUU1'. It will relieve thu peer little sullerer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no inlstnke about It. There Is net n mother en earth who has cvur used It, who will net tell you nl eucn that It will rugulutu thu IkiweU nud Hive rest te the mother, und leltel nnd health te Hie child, op- eriilliiK like innglc. It Is perfectly B'Ue te use lu nil cae,iind pleasant te the taste, nml 1 thu prescription of enu of thu eldest uud bust loimilepliyatcliiiiB In thu United Htnte. Helit uvurywheru '25 eenl a bettlu. inuvl-M.W.SAw IlKSUtMl I'llOJI Ilr.Alll. MixlollewliiKHtuteiiiHiitot William L Cough fn.el xninervllle, Mhs.., Is e remnikhlile tliut we Ih'k te ask for it thn attention nl our read ers. He says ! "In thu full el ls,nl was tiikun with 11 violent hleudtn el the Iiiuk, followed by 11 si'vutfi cough. I seen begun te loe my appetite uud lleeh. 1 was se weak ut one time that 1 could net leave my bed. In thu sum mer el IS77 1 wiisiiduilltedlethul Uy Hospital. W hilt- thure the doctors said I hud a hole In my loll lung as big as a hair-dollar. I expend ed ever u bundled dollars lu doctors and med icine. I nn se lur keiiu nt one time a report 'i et iiieuud that I was dead. I euve up hope nut a irleud told mu et DIL WM. HALL'S IIALSAM FOKTIIK Ll'MiS. I lutlghi) nt my tiieuds, thinking my case Ineumblu.but I K)t a hi tllu te satisfy Ilium, when te my sur prises it gnitlllcntlen, 1 commenced te foul butter My hope, onre ileuil, bugiiu te invlru, und te lay 1 Icel In better splilts than I have the past three yean. " 1 wrltethls hoping you will publish tt, ee that every ene mulcted with Hie eased Lungs will be Induced te take lilt. WM. HALL'S IIALSAM KJUTlli; LU.NUS.and hoceiivluccd that CONSUMI'TIOV CAN III. CUKKD. I have Inken two bettlu und enn positively any that it has done mu ineiu kihxI than all the ether mudlclnes 1 huvn taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared anil 1 shall seen bu uble te go te work.' sold Iiv II. 11 Cochran. M7 North Oueeii atreut Lni These TIiIiirs He UiiiiBldereil. Theuaunda et moil ille uvry day who could bu saved. I'rejudlce Is mainly le blame ter this less of Hlo, It It were believed that sum of dlsease may ceitalnly be reduced by phyblc, much would be gained. And ynt the propo prepo sition la very altnple If you tuke out dully mero impurities than 1 dully genciutcd, you will aoen bu rid or Impurltlc. The uftect ut this wlae practice la aoen aeen lu llllleus, Liver, and trouble-). Hut It la cuually of value ln head ami brain ullecllena ; lu Pleur isy, l'nomenlii, Apoplexy and rarulyala. In olirenlo and acutu Ilhuumiillsm, und lu nil ulTrctleua of thn bewula, this prlnclple seen rclloTes mid euros, when the uiodlclue used la HiiANUiiisTii's 1'iLLa. Yes, when all ether meina and modlciue have tailed te relieve fiem pain, these pllla have cured, by taking Impuillles fiem the bowels and bleed, and lheuauds of men nnd women new pluce llitAPUuimrs I'illb auienj? llie blesalnua of mankind. tw in Mneurti llmillli I seem strunue Hint any oue will sillier Irem the many derangementM breiiKhl en by an Impure condition et the bleed, when bCO VlLL'SSAItSAr.VlllLLAANDKTILLINUlA, or HLOOl) AND LIVKIt HYHUP will restore perleet health te tlie physical orKiinl.atlen. It Is Indeed a strcnictliuiiliin syrup, pleasant te taku, aid has proven llselt le be llie beat IILOOI) I'UHIKIKH uver illscoverod, otloet etloet otleet unlly curliiK Screlula, Hyphlltle disorders, Weakneas el tin) lUdneys, Kryslpehw, Mala ria; all nervous dlaeulura nnd debility, lilt, leua ceuiplalnls and all dlaiiuaea Imlli'iilliiK an lm)iuie condition et the llloed, Ltvur, Kid nnys, Btetnuch, Hkln, ele. It cernicU Hull Kostlen. A sliiKle bettlu will prove te you Ha mellis us ii health runuwer, ler It ACTS LIKB A CH A KM, especially when thu complaint la el an ozhauatlve nam re, having a leudeney te leaaen the natuial vlKorel the brain and tier veus systein. 4(KKlt8 TAINl'ANACKA curea a pain 111 man and beast. Fer uae externally and tutor tuter nally. KEDHOUSK POWDKUb euro all illaeuacs f horse, cattle, sheep, hega, poultry und all Livestock. A P031TIVKCUKK. inaySUU rorsale at II. II. Coetirun'a drui; aioie 137 North Uueen stroet. Henry imroeiio biiIte. The beat Halve In the world for cuts, bruises aerea, uleura, aall rheum, tolter, chapped hunda, chilblains, coma and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. Tliu salve la guaranteed te glve purled autiafuctlen lu uvery caauer uieuuy refunded, llu sure you getllssKY'a Cakiwilie Haltm, as all ethers are but Imitation and counterleiu. l'rlce 23 cuuta. bold In Lancaster nt Cechran'a Drug atore. 137 North Uucen atrixiL uay.V-t DvnrnrTtc, nervous ponple, "out el sorts," Cohlen's bhjuld Heet Tonle will euro. Atkfnr feltlen'n, 01 Ilt-tiKKlstM. JMwdindAw llml Unt el Ut. Vitus PMiee, .Mlnlsler, H thn singular name el a town alttinttilln Aulnlr.e reunty. Ohie. It Is the roaldenco el Mr. .1. flrandowle, who wrllci 1 Hitmnritnn Nervine pBrmnnenlly cured my en el u bad caie el St. Vitus Dance." ll.ne. Is-lwdeed.tw I) HA Tit. Millkii. -Jan 0. 1841, In Wesl Lampeter township, Mary Miller, wlle of David Miller (fin ne r), In her 77 h yrar. The reutlves nnd friends or the family me respectrully Invited te ntleud the funeral, j from her Inte irsldeucc, ou the Btrasburg ' l'lke, en Wednesday nlloriieon Ml I o'clock, nt the house and ut2 o'elouk at l.engnecker's ini'ollnghuuse. 17 2ld Masen. In Hadabury township, .tnnniry 5, 1941, .lehn Masen, In the 0711) year et his nge. Ills rclstlvis nud Irl'uiilsure leipretlu ly in vited te attend the luneral from his Inte lent done.), Wlilte llorae hotel, en Wednesday uinrulngnt 11 o'uleck. 21 lUmuseN. In this cltv, en the Oin Inst, Ann, wlleef Henry Harrison, In thu Alth year of her age. "At Heat" Tin) relatives nnd frlondsel the family nre respectfully Invlled te attend the funeral, Mem her hutbnnd's icsldonce, Ne. 117 North Christian street, en Welneiday ninrnliig nl s o'clock, High mass ntat. Anthenv'd ihutch. liilermeututBt, Mary's ceinelcry. It Tewsskni). In Camden, U. l , en the nth Inst., A. Jennie Townsend, wllnet Dr. Mils I'. TowiiRend anddftugliturnt the Inte C. M. Johnsten, el Drumoie tewuahlp, Lancader county, 'a. NRY AUVKHIlaliMliSln iua.s 1 r.ii a iTei'mi UOOIt AlU.ir UIVK V Koiidudeienei. Apply at ltd ll'j Wfc&TOItAMUKHTItl KT. fl'IIK IIKlT KIVH UKM' It.lV'A.NA Ulli.Mt I liitheclty. Manuractuied liy mj self und uiuiriintei'd te he thu Unci, nt HAUTMAN'Ii YKI.I.OW KKOS'I CUlAll BTOItK. voriUK-iAiieiiTK.ii vr.n sixn 1 js II ycaia et urii of honorably el churned soldiers et the ichcllleu, who v.ish te loin the orKiiiilzullen te be known us" l.mll' Auzll Inry Society el Camp 19. 8. el V ," III meet in the parlor et the Lancaster county Heuse Tilth KVKN1NU lit 7 10 o'clock. It A MOTH Ml MKIV MIT OKTItllsK llliAII tirul bklris; also nnnthar let of bilk lliiudkerchluls: lleaulllul Hutln lloeiis for Children, open te-day ; Hie finest, softest nnd best Unbtcuclied Muslin we ever sold ler 7 euuts ; our lM Counterpanes aie hcuutlus ; 10 cent Shining (Jhuvku In leuinants, at d LOIltS. ATHWAIllt'fl, elil7-lyilT.t.1 fiO North Queen tuiel 1 r.Kir.i.. r.uuiiui; s t elliei pluj lug card , UAHMl.MI AM f 1 0111 8 cents per pack up, ni HAIITMAN'S YKI.I.OW rilONTCU. It BTOUK. M'UIIM'IICE II1VIIKM. Til" piesldunt and tiiniinui el the I aneas ter, Lllzabiithlewn ami Mlddlolewn tiirnptke company havnen lhe7lh Inst, iltr'uied a dlv 1 lendet two dollars Ktid ulghlv cms en each shatc et stock for thn last six mouths, payable endemnnd. CIIAULK3 K. I.ONO, ireas. Jamuaht 7.1i'l Jsitil.tJtw Ieit itn.N r, Kicevi mm.ii. 1. -iiik pim: InrRU dwellliii: house und physlc'uii's efTl'e (II room with nil uonvenluiicia), all lu excellent cendlll' 11, and brick atublu for 2(1 horses, sltuiitu Ne. Maud 40 "e.-l eiuuku atrret, nnd formerly known us tlie " Dr. MiihleuherK property." would rent dwell ing, office and stub. u separnte. Ke. partlcu- lni supply te ii,iun.nA.i .t in ifs, r9-.1tcedU 10 West Orange stn ut. 15" STA'IKOI' JOHN lIAIllr.lC I.ATr. OK j Lancaster cllv. deceased. Letters et ad ministration en said estate liavlni: been 1:1 ant ed te the undendh'ned, all persons Indebted thoiete ure reriucsted te make Immediate pay ineut, and these having claims or demands uitntnat tlie same, will present tlitm without delay for buttluuiunt te the undersigned, ri aid ing In Luticaater city. JACOH UAIILL, Ailmlnlstrnter, W. A. WlIAO!i, All'y. J-Ulilenw IJUlll.lOSAI.l'. UN 1 l)l'.l)A'V, .lAMIAIlV H, Issl. will bu sold ut thu Lui'liurd hotel, llie billowing Ileal Katalo belonging te Hci unin Mlller : Ne. 1,1101111 uud u halt story l'.euith Custod DwrlltuK. Bltuatud Ne (.HI Kat KIiik street, with back hulldln;r, ceiilalntnu hall and six roems: liyuriini in 1110 jnrd, trull Hues, Ac. Ne. 2, 11 fame two-story brick dwelling, with brick buck building, Ne. G12 hunt King stieel, centiilnlUK hall ami ten rooms, with atl mol mel ern Improvements, such as uas, het ami cold water bntli uud wuter closet, with niiuet thu beat furuuci s lu the ce.lar. Theiu Is a prlvalu eeweiiiKu te all tliu Kast King street ptoperty, tiult tiecs, etc. Ne :i, a lurgu two story bilck building, Nn. CI4 und C1C Last Linn stieet, with trutue shed dim?, tienllng en Lust Klngstrvul 07 luct. The whole Iceut en Lust KIiik street. Including tliu three prepertli , ISC feut. mere or less. Ne 4, two two-story brick uud put Irame dwellings, with Irame back-bulldlng, nltuated Nes. J01 and .lni en thu south side el church stieel, near ,1M nnd 3W ; each house contains hull and 1) loom. Ne 3. A two-jtery Frainu Dwelling, con t.ilnlug four looms, eltualed en bheiman be tween Kast K'iib and Orungu streels. Theiu Is a ilfthl te a well el c,oed water Sale te commence ut 7 o'clock oil a lid day. Conditions of tale made knew n by HKllMA.N MILLKlt. SuunitiiT A SinreN, Aucta. dJ3-J'J.lJ5.t7 MKIlllsCllAUlt I'H'KH AMIIIIIIKS ALL Kiiarauteud te bu u rcpri seated, sullu- tile for nreaeuts. nl HAIITMAN'S YKI.I.OW 8'1'UIIK. rllllM l Hi Alt ptMHl, WIIITK A; CO., --BANKERS," 45 WALL STRHBT, New Yerk, llrekeia and Dialers lu Hallway and all elhur Becuriiica. HAILWAY INVKSTMKNTS a specialty, in thu selection ami ittinutu of which tlielr leux connection with " Point's Manual or Kailkeaih " kIvuj them Hpeclal ud vautiik'ts. C'oriuapemluueu tuvlteil uud In qulilus uuawerud Deposit aceeinil uaeivi d aud lutureul allowed. ill') imeed pAllllIUt'.illlMllSItTOMU. Doctors and Doctrines Whntover Oruel Oroeda Muy Sivy, Truth la Always Orthodox. "Yeu knew thueld aaylng, Doctei, I'bi lies mcilieifilue ii(iel-.wliore theie are threedocleis llieie aru three atheists," laughed Lev. Apelle CreamcheeM), the ether day, te id lilend, Dr. Henna, who had dropped lu tni a bit el a tulle. " Yes, I've heard It, and I'll bet u box et pills agalnsl your dry Inkstand tint i-ouie pilcst unlit tt. They ulwuys patteicd bail i at u when they had a bigger llu tnau common te gel rid el," answered tliu Doctei. lighting hi pipe. "I tell you, Deminie, veu'ie 'way etr when you think our profession ln't doing a geed work In this weild as joins H. They've both been mnru'nhalt baibaroulei centuries, but we'reauvurnl lengths ahead ei you en the homestretch. " Hut, Docter, aald Kev. Sir I uii'iieheeae, "don't you think your Iraicrnlij shows a tondeuoy te matuilallstlc "" "Hah ln Interrupted Dr. Heiinii, 'wushew a tendency te human charity nil I eoui'nen aenae. Tlie funccs are all down l by tlliin thu past week I've had a letter I mn my old Irlund, llr. W. V. lliulilex, el l'liiu Hill, Ala biiiiia, auylng that he U uhIul-. wlin ui e.il suc cess, I'AKHKK'a TONIC In hl piaeilce, and llnda ll thu beat thing ter cough-. Lung, Kid ney uud Liver tumble, Dspip l.i, lihiumn Usui, und se en, he ever an in u ami another iiieiiu in uiiiiu iir ,i. j. thituiun, el canon town, I'a,, tnys substantially tne imu thing. He'sablgapeLlallat, tee, In cluenlc dleaes, and knows what he la talking ai unlovely tlmu." Dr. senna's slaloments a te l'AKKKK'3 TONIC musupperted by genuine tistlmenlala Irem His, llatidex and eutmuii, who wille te lliscex 0; Ce., of New Y'erlc theproprleteis lu term of the highest cnmuiendailmi con cerning thla great restorative n incdy ; and letters Hern tliu proteaalen unrerally cenllim tlie opinion et thcae pliyalclaua. Pilce, We aud (1 per bottle. WlilV IIOTKL, New Hetel Lafayette, Ilroaajanacheitnut atieets, PHILADELPHIA. AMKKICAN AND KUHOPKAN PLAN. Location unaurposaed t newly furnished and Improved, with 3e0 rooms, etfera attiaclleaa superior te any hotel in Philadelphia. . .... I'. U. MALTKV, riopileter. epxiuiawAa A UrKHTlHKMENTH, I KWUlfSK YAltA U1UAK, CLKAH rlf.l.UIC VT only 5 cents, at IIAIUMAN'S YF.M.OW KllONT C10AU t BTOItK. Swkkt"" UAi'eititi,, ur.11 .luntii', (lulnn Club, Union .Jnek. Our Little l'llet, uinplianin, veteraa nnd ether Cigarettes Hlbntleni prices nt IIAIITMAN'S YUI.MIW KllONT 01UAJI BTOUK. WAATKII. AT Ttin WAnltlNCUON 11 tidy woman, whlle or cnlnred. mul undetslnnd philn cooking, tloed wnces and light work, no washing . Appiy or witness u. w. iiirrurr Wiuhlnuleii Heuse. Mnvtnwn. J.l-Md Lincnsler county, l'n. NOI I UK I'Dlll.tO nOTIOK Ih17kVkiY given Hint the ncceunt of the Treasurer et thu Lancaster County 1'rlsnn tins liuen llled In the Iteglstnr's Ofllce and will be open ler Inspection and exception te nil taxpayers, for the space el thirty days, as ptevldcd for by Act el Asnuiuhly, approved April 1, A. D. 187(1 C. N.HI'HOUL. Hollcller. Lancaster, Jantiaiy 1, 1811. H-ltdTuAItw DIVtlinM) NOTIOK. The presldenl nud mnnuKers of thn Lan caster A Hiiviiielianna turnpike read have de dared adlvldenil el three per cent- en the capital stock nl the rempany, payshle en de mand ut the ofllce of the treasurer. W. 1. IlltlN'lON, Tieasiire;-, 34 Seuth (Jueen stioet. Jan.7,1WI. J7-31U T 'UJlOKS IN TH KNA8A I. i'AHi aT7ss L rarely ntteuded with pain, but there Is nn iiuneyliiK aensatleu et stulllng.upet the nostills.ei ebsti notion at the posterior naves Diseases 01 the KYK, KAIl, THItOAT-nlse, CANCKiB, TUMOIW, SKIN and CHItONIC DiaKASKB-siuceasfnlly treated liy DIH II. D. and M. A. I.O.N (1AK Lit. Ofllce IJ Kaat Walnut stroet, Lancaster, l'n. Consullntleu free. J7-3KLI' CtlOAKS FOKTIIK IIOLIO.V1HIN IIUXICS ; et us, Ni and Its) at II HITMAN'S YKI.I.OW KllONT CJUAIl B'lOltK. 1)IUII'OSAI.M FOK WOIIOILN IIKDMIKADH and Cerk Mattresses. Proposals ler lur nlslilnK Urn Klru Dupirltneul with twenty Woeilun lledsUiuds uud twenty Cerk Mat-tte-ses will he received by thu Flre Committee at the Mayer's Ofllcc, up te Saturday, Janu ary 12. liy eruer 01 tun cnminiticueu riru Engines Itilll IIIHU, Attest JStlO J.I). MAHKLEY, Clerk. 'Piii'. riiiiwaituinu iiusimkms iikhk 1 toleru conducted by C. A. lillucr, ilce'd., will bu continued under the name el " Thu C. A. miner Line." Thankful te the public ler thu tunny pest lavers weu it ruapectlully uak foruceutluunucool tliusniue All settle ments et thu old llrm will be tnaue by the aur vlvlng meuiburs, D. 1', miner or C. W. mi ner. 11. 1. lllTNUlt. Manager of "The C. A. hltner Line " LAncASTmi, Jan. 7, ISH. J7-3U1 tOIIKT I'HOCI.ASIATION. j Wiikkbas, The Honeiublo JOHN II. LIV. 1NUSTON. President, and Iloneniblu DAVID W. rATTI.KSON. Law Associate JuilL'uel thu Courts of Common Pleas, in nnd for the county of LuncuMcr, und Asslstunt Justices of thn (.ourtHefOyer and Tennlnur and (icneral Jail Delivery and lJuaitri'Sesslonsef the I'vncu, In and ter the county of Lancaster, have Issued their precept, te me dliccted, lequlrlng me, among ether thing, te make publle pioclama pieclama pioclama tleu tluougheut my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Teiinlnei nnd n (iencral .lull Dellv ery'i aleii Court of (.cneral (juaiter Sessions or the l'euce uud Jail Delivery, will cemmence In the C'euit lleii-e, In the city of Lancaster in the t'ominenweulth of Pennsylvania, 011 the THIKD MONDAV LVJANL'aIU (211), KMI. In piirsuance of which precept publle notlce Is huieby utven te thu Muyei and Aldermen nt the city of Lancaster, lu tne said county, uud alt thu Justices of the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and county of Lan caster, thai they but hen and therein their own ptepcr persons, with their lolls, rcceids and e.andnat Ions, and liHiul-Ulens, and their ether remembrances, te de the-e thlnps which te tlielrelllcrsunpurtululn tlielrbehalflebudnne ; nnd uNeall tliesu who will prosecute iiirnlnst tlie prisoners who are, or then shall be, lu thu jail efsald county of Lancaster, aru te bu then and theiu te piesccutc ugalnat thct.l as ahull be Jut. Dated nt Lancaster, the COth day or Decern bcr. PMJ. JOHN 11. 1UUII, Sherlil. J7-2tdAw W" 1.1A.MSOM A frtlartS't. CRTJSHn& PRICES. , , Wu k op lUht en ruduclUK our pi Ices ln order tn uiiiku nutck sale. Tntinv mr..r t'Al ICO SHIltTS et KleRunt DeslKns and V..shlllL' Celer. Their former mien wu.wl.in. They nre new halt a iiellur. Theiu shirts bavu TWOCOLLAIHand thu CUrrS am sep.iratu fiem thu shlru. vmi CO I LAWS, WINTKIt CAPS, FUU 0L0VK . Ail i;e down te nlmeat Rlve away price. Seme illCAV "t UNDKItWKAlt cannot liu re placed ler t'l.i prlce they are new selling nt, (nit the men y le us la belter than the gee is. Our le: 1 yeui'Katu, CARDIGAN JACKETS Th.itwuioeeiuldeiPd oheip for a dollar, we pluce ut Tie. HOSIERY Ot all dojuilptlena fiem t'lvu Cents a pair up CO- Our atoms will bu uleaml until fuither notlce at 'I o'clock p. in., u.icupt Saturday, when it will be open till loe'clocu. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, ;, 31, 36 aid 38 KAST KING Stmt, LANCASTKlt, l'A ten ti.it. f.. I.MIII MAI. V 4 01 oeo neuudaCUTTlNUSnnd HI'Ull'I'Kl) KII.I.KUS. II. C. DKMUTII, IMwd 111 Last King street. rl'lUIC I'ea HUrsr, V Ne. I18S KAHT KlNli STHKKI'. l'ea'ea- alen Immediately can en ll. C. DKMUTII, 111 Ka.it King attcut, llllwd rACUAIII.KOlTVI'ltlU'KHTV t'OUHACr. On.SATUKD.VY, JANUaKY IJ, Ibtil, will be aeld at lliu Cooper Heuse, ou Weat King atieut, Laucaaterclty.l'a Ne, Lull that certain three story STOKE and DWKLLINU HOUaK, with large two story Hack Hullillng. Three story llrlck Conleclleuoiy. Thruu-at ly III Iclc leu Houae, llrlck llake lleiiau. Lugluu Heuiuaud Klovater, and llrlck stable and Canlugu Houae. The let trout 32 feet, i'i Inches, en thu west side el North Queen street, and extends In depth 211 feet, moie or leas, te Market stret. 'lliu property Is situate Ncm. VM aud I'H, en tlie wai sldu or North Quean stiuut, and 1 In tlrsUclaas order and repair, and ter u couluclleiiury establishment llieru Is uenu superior te It In thu city nt Lancaster. no, :. ah iiiai eeruiiu iiuiiiung cei en tne north shin et Columbia avenue, weat of erungu strcet, lu Lancaster city, containing in mini en auiii cenuumu uvonue-ii icei, ami unending lu depth, neithward, l.W Icel, mere or lea, ten 11 lent alley, adjoining property et cliuslophurLIUer und Jehn blaugh. Ne. a. All tliut cerlnlii Let or I'luce et li round, nn thu north aldu et West Oiangu street, west ei Marluttt avuiiuu, Lancaster city, containing Hi trout en aald West Orange street, us feet, and extending In depth, north, ward, 105 leet, mero or less, te n It loot alley, adjoining property of Uharlus Mers and lthends. Ne. 4. All that curtain Let or I'leeu et Urnuntl, irentlng tofcet, mero or 1 as, en the west alduef l'lne street, between Orunxe nud Chestnut aireuia, i.autaaieruiiy, ami extend ing In depth, westward, 115 feet, le a IU loot iiiiuy, ndjelnlni; properly et C. Uoetucr uud ', Hunker. Ne. r,. All that certain Let or l'lecu et (Hound, Irentlng 121 feet en the cast aide et Nevln street, between Oranan and C'butiiiii NKW streets, I.tiucastur city, and extending east ward HO f cot, inoreor leaa, te a 10 loot alley, adjoining preperty et Uunlan anil Martin. Tlioae Boveraltraets et building lets nre all located wllhln two Kiua.re et the Weateru Market, anil will be aeld separately or together ua may be meat advantageous. Any poraen desiring liilorumtleu about these pioperllos will call en frauds I'leiilur, at Ne, 22 Knat King atreet. ule te coiumunce at 7 o'clock p. in., en aald day, when attendance will bu given ami terms Hindu known by LOU1BA SATl'LKK. buuuaiiT A bUTTON, Aucta. d-'ibSTutad SECOND EDITION. TUESDAY laVBNINO, JArs. O, 10Q4 WASHINGTON NiiAVS. lll;CKlINO TIIK IIOIMPH KX I' LOU KIM, OT AIIOT1U Tlie ltetiirn lu Pebmnry at the llt-mted lle Leng nml Ills Uemtsilea tlthsr Kvcnta nt the Uapltul. Wahiiinoten, Jan. 8. Soerotary Chan dler is making arraugoments te have the bodies of Lieut. Commander De Lung and comrades appropriately received upon thelr arrival nt New Yerk. He will dircet tbe committee of naynl offleors, who will be accompanied by the relatlvcs and frietids of deceased, te rncolve the bodlefl. A tempery vault wtll be orceted nt tbe New Yerk navy yard, wlicre tbe bodles will teiiinln until finally Interred lu noeordanco with tlie wishes of frleuds Tim bodies are oxpeotod te reach New Yerk by the middle of February. Ilentti or r.x-lonnter l'ntteraen'a Wlln. Lticretia, wlfe of ox-Setmtor I'attorsen, of Seuth Carolina, died in this city, of heart disnaae this morning. Tlie neimte Tlie Sonate, after transaetinff sotne un important business, resinned considera tion of tbe new mien. IV'lNTI'.ll rl.AUlH A Ci.iilUKrHtleii In a Cern n ractery. Ni:w YeitR, Jan. 8. The llve story oe 111 n fnetnry of Smith, Winsteu & Ce., en Chrystie street, caught flre early this morning nud was destroyed in an hour. It was surrounded by thickly populated tenement houses, but the dcnlzetis were (Illicitly hustled out by the police. The less is nbeut $90,000. Flre at .MeHdv.ttn. Cllvklanu, Ohie, Jan. 8. A lira at three o'clock this morning destroyed the opera heuse block in Muatlvllle, I'enna. The less will reach $100,000, probably fully covered by Inauratics. A Hetel llurticil. A lltu at Cenucat lake, near1' Moadviliei l'n., lat-t nigbt, destroyed the Like View houae. Less, $10,000. Foreign Flushes The governmont of tbe Dutch Eatt Indies Beut troops te tbe 'west coast of Acliccn toeompol the rajih te deliver tip twenty llve of the crew of the steamcr Nisore, wrecked thore last Novetnbar. The rajah and his tribe plundered and do de do streyed the vessel. Among tbe eaptlvcs Is oue American. Five thousand steel workers rofuse te rcsiime work at the rediietiun of wages proposed by tbe masters, at Londen. A Heng Iveng dispatch says the French ferces will probably attaek Ilae Nitih en tbe 11th lust., and that China is supposed te be unpreparcd for war. The friends of Ilerr Lisker at Herlin express the wish that his body be interred at Berlin. Arabl Pacha, who is in cxileat Colombe, Ceylon, expresses emphatically bis opinion that tbe less of tbe Sjudau will strengthen the government. Tolecmplile 1'r.ps. The heaviest snow fall for yeais began nt Atlanta, Qa., last nluht. The seutoneo of ex Spcaker K(?an, nt Newark, N. J., has becn postponed until thu 17th lust At Worcester, Mass., the moreury was at zero at 7 a. ru., and (tern (1 te 10 belew in tbe Hlackstoue vatley. Near Freehold, N. Y., Satnuel Hrower, aced 70 years, a well te de f.ti'uior.hatifted lilmself yesterday lu tbe le;; heus in which he was bem. The caucus of the New Jersey Republi cans of the Heuse te-day made nemina tleus for oflleorj. Auieiii; thorn wero I GoerKO .leiikiiis for speaker, C. II. iiensen I fnr ninri, nn, fl M flnlfuv for iiprifpant. I ler mrlfi uu " -i. ceiiax ier acr(,Lant. I t aims. The remaiiiH of Fatber Lawronce Walsh lay in btate at thocatbedrallu Vrovldenco, ll. l., lat night anil wero burled te day. Works itesumlni;. I'rrrsiiuite, Pa , Jan. 8. A dispatch from Mclvccspert snyH that work was ro re tiinii'd te-day at the National rolling mill nnd forge company, the woikmeti nccept ini; the reductien of wages. Weeda' Iren works also hlartcd with ful blnai at former wages. The Natieual tube weiks will also re ro re sume work te morrow nt r dilations. Tbe 1'fltaeuutnil aalvtloell , HuiDriupeiiT, Conn., Jan. . In the court this morning Judge Beers rendered n decision in the case of Captain James Hunter, Jehn Maybow and Jehn Stewart, membeiR of the salvation army who vvcte tiled Koveral days age for violation of tbe eity ordiuance by parading tbe etreeta. They wero found guilty nnd each lined $U and costs, mid in default of payment wero bouteticcd te 10 days in jail. Heading Iren Wern. He.ujine, I'a., Jan. 8. Werk wus ro re sained iu the dopartineuts of the Heading . Iren works te day. The works employ ' ene thousand men.The sheet mill puddlera ' have been reduced fiem $3.50 te 3.25 per ten. A uumber of manufacturers are preparing te rosume work, and the out look lu tbe iron trade is gonerally brighter. Kdinumla and tlie Women Hullruglatf. Nnw Yehk, Jan. 8. The woman auf auf frage state oxectitlvo oemmlttoo have adopted resolutions denouncing Sauater Kilnuinds' preposition te disfranchise thn women of Utah mid eallinu en the senators and representatives of New Vetk te resist the preposition. WKATIir.ll lnDICATION. Wasiunqten, Jan. 8. Fer tbe Middle I Atlantic BtateH, slcet and uuevv, waimer woitber noitlieastorly, winds, backing te northerly, tailing oareiuotcr, louewcu in tbe Houtliern poitien by clearing weather en Wednesday tneriiing. JltAKKttJti. rtilltitlulpiilft ninrKui. Puiladblvuia, Jainuuy $ Kieni uulet unit steady. Ityn Fleur at f:t 75. vvnent dull t Ne. 2 Western Itiiil, tl 0flk5 10(lii Ne. 3 de, lfll 01 1 Ne. I Pa, Hud, fll2. Cern llrm ; sail yellow and anil mixed, (X))j fldlct Ne. '4 mixed, S'.lfJWJ. Oats scarcu and tinner; Ne. I White HHei Ne 2 Wlilte, IIKtfllCI Ne. 3 de, 4l0Ne,2 Mixed, ile. ltye scarce ut fiAe. Seeds-Clever III in utliV(lUOi Timethy dull at 11 10Q1 n j FhiXHueit llriuer at f l lujl fi. Previsions autct Lurd quiet. butter dull and hcaice ICggsacarcn uud htuher. Checsu dim and lu fair demand. l'etieleum arm i Kulliicd,uuut)au. Whisky ut 1 9) Nuw Voik Mnrutita Nuw Yuan, .Ian. 8. Fleur Slate and West ern dull and lu buyers' laver. con them dull uud heavy ; common te lair extra, fl ueVt i 60 ; geed te choice de, 1 UiiU 83. Wheat 'iutiile lower, heuvv aud trreuulnr i nctive apuculutlvu trailing ; Ne. 1 Whlle nom inal i Ne. 2 Hed, Jan., tl esjifti wy, ue tl 121 Amll.il ll'iUl IHi ! May. tl 10'ifJl 1UC- titui u"y, '" reu., i luKcgi hi un aiurcn, fii2t(U3i Cern KtSle lower j only meduruiely aotlve i Mixed Western, spot, oltJuiKe; de luture, 0X600!-ie. Outs ViitMa lower (Ne. 2 Feb., HftHKai March, (te ; Muy, U'tfiUXd bUte, lUijlJat Western, tutfHe, Live Stock niurlier. Ciiioaeo The Drevtri' Journal report i Hogs Receipts, 15,' uj head ahlpments, O.wc de.i mm kut steady i packing, j liailkli pack lug uud shipping. 5 Willi 21 1 light, 3 1uUS7i skips, i WS ; closed weuk. CatUo-ttecelpts 7 oej head ahlpinenta, 2,700 de, i market steady and strong early, but eleHiiil weak : expert, te 10jji "0 1 BOO't H) cholce alilpplng. i WU I common te medium HUSS5. Buoep-necfllpts. 3.JD0 hencl ahlnmanbi 1 MS ite market ateedf anrt iMnir "or '? prnrte j Inlsrler te fan . ii keas ?s , m.?iwS Weed' It UOl I l5l ieStr. S The Jeurnnt'i Liverpool aoeelalnnoieaari ndvynce el e or. cntlle. Bh?ip ntfXnmrt. llcst steers, ISe. Dressed aheflii.W1 , Kast LinanTT emtie iloeninui 8 77 liend i innrket slew but prtoei a shada Maner limn last weelr. B c ,.Hei(8 ltecelpts, 10,001 head t market Arm i l'hlladelphlaa, 10 4000 03 1 yorkers, M negs. J Slicen-ltecetpta, 4,000 heart) niarknt alew ami pilccs n ahnJe eir from theso or last week. Philadelphia uattle Market. Monday, .Inn. 7. The nrrtvnls el Hte alneit at the illlterOnt Bleck yards wcre I or llie week i,8O0 hooves, 8,i)0 atiecp, 4.IMK1 Iieks. 1'royleus woek-2,sw boevoe, 10,000 sheep. 5,( Oil heffs. lleut cattle worn In Reed ilemantt, unit Willi unites '"PP'y PUces advanceil je en all We n'uote as fellows i n7nun1v!Un7X I 0e,,, 0O7e I Medium, OHOXei Coimnen, tU((j.;!c. fiihS?" wero ln better n-nuest at 3Q5e. Mllelicnwa woredull at sofWfie. Veal cuives wnre actlve at 7U9KO. Blioen nnd Liimb-i wero In Tliflit auppl7, and prlefs aitvaticud tmiy w0, unit In Jcimn Instances e mere win obtained. A let el extreme culls weroaeldatSo. We iuote as fellows t .Jc.?!r,l'..0a0XoUii?e,'.58cl Medium, 6Q'Kc I Common, 4fl4H0 Lambs, 4UfJ7VIe. Heirs wero lu roei! demnnU andprlcua at vanccd fully Je, We quota as fellows t Lxtin, oei Geed, 8iei Meillum, 8ei Com Cem moil, 8HQke. BALKS OF IIKKVK3 AT WEST rHILlDKLl'IIIA TABtll, . Anions the sales at the West l'jillmlelpUla Yaulawore I Martin, Kullur.fc Ce., 2 Wostern, wholesalo, rQOHe. Iteitcr Maynes, 100 Vostern, 6Ua?,(e. Jehn MeArdlu, ir,e Woatern,67o. Hanlel Jlurpby. 110 Western.lRJiOtfxc. K. S. Merillin, V) VVoatern, B7e. 11. r. Mcrillln.TO VlrKlnla,a7c I). Bmyth X Ure., lta Western, 6)iQ7e. Hippie A llre., i3) l'a. cewa. 3fi5c. Owen Smith, i'i Wmtern, own ncctt SI rte te .liariin, t uiinr a Ce. t ii de Weal urn. t.n It. K1iivni.4.Mmain urn, tell. Maynoi,f4a0Ke. rlstv. Ill W. VI ulnln4ftnW A A .1. Christy, III W. VI Klnta. iqeW SnhatnberK A Ce.. 100 Western. imie. Sehamhurft A l'aul, M Weuturn and W. Vft 400)0. ' II. Chain, lr.. a Wotern, SUQO'ic. II. Chtlu, IMulxed, IKiilkc. I.. Hern, ss cows and nulla, 3X(ti)(a. M. Ulinan. 33 Western, licet, J. Hchambeifr A Co.,0iifl7e 1 108 Wealnrn, ucct. of Luvl SeiuenlK. WHIXe I b) Wcst Wcst orn, ncct. et Lovvunatelu A Hell Hell bren. Uc Levl Lnwenstein, 71 II. It IllfllVlil. illUW'liU ttr....,.... y)Mf Imuie Adler, 00 (.Vic. Wcstern and West Ve., 54 lliielnnnn A Levl, 175 Weat Va. anil Western, UiGJc. M. Levl. CO W. Vll., rtflfiXc James CleniHOn.Ci Western. "XQCKc. Lewenateln A Hellbren, W Western, 4K(I6Vc. Dennis Smyth, M Wostern and l'n., GQtlka. N. II llurbcrt, 22 St. Leuis, OfJCJie. DIIBHSXD UKATB. City Urcsacil lleoves woreactlvo anO prices rleed hl8hornt0f10(e, with aulas el a tew common cows as low us 8c. BALUS LAST WKKK. Ited'jer May nea A Ce., 100 lieail SXQOKe. Heiluvr Mavnos.ei head, 7KO10c. L. McC'audleaa. 03 head, 7KU10& c. S. I)eu(ler, 70 head, H.'tttluc J. K. Lowden, 41 bend, SKdloke. II. (L llcckman, 33 head, 7KQ0KO. .1. II. Manna A llre., lS'licul. 7&10C Jehn II. Ward, Si head, Sle. Ureiacd Sheep woreactlvo anil rate) olejod at8aieXu. Lambs at llQ13e. AIIATT01R SALES. Jehn Wnllnce, 1C1 head, PQlOe. MiHser A Ce. hi heiid, saiOc. Mutacr A Ce., 'JJ head of lauib9,10Q12s. iieck mnraeis. CJuntntlnnsby Heed, McUrann A Ce., Hank era, i.aucesiur, in. 11 a.m. 12 u. 3r. a, CCA I. C. ............ Michigan Central Nuw Yerk Central New Jersey Cential... Ohie Central 8 H3U 89 113K Del. I.aclt, A Western, Denver A Hlo Urande Krle Kansas & Texas , .. unvf new .. 'ilSJ 2I 7K 2lU Lake Shere L'hlc-ute.t S. W com.... N. N., Ont. A Western.... bt. l'aul A Omaha l'aclhe Mall Rochester. rittaburgh.. Ht. Paul Texas racttlc Union 1'aclllr Wabash Common Wabash Preferred Wesl'rn Union Tulcuranli I.oulsvllle Naahvlllu... N. Y CJIil. eLL Lehigh Valley LuhlKli Navigation txiVi IP 7? li lK 7? 7i 45 rennsyivanui WK 6?K MX i ia lteadlnu 20 Mil 21) 13-1U 13 l'.T. llutlale. 11 n 20 80S Northern l'lictlle Coin.. Nertliurn Pacific I'ref., I lesion vllle l'hlladelphta Krle.... 20 M2 nortuei'ii central UudurKrnund Canada Soutbern en ....................... l'oeplo'g ruiisunver 52K H5X l'tiiiaileipniii. Quotatleus by Associated l'ress. Stocks WCIIK. Philadelphia A Krle R.K mi Heading Railroad..... uj, reunsylvanlnltatlre.id ts2 Lehigh Valley Railroad 71V Unlteil Companies of NowJersoy l'Jt Nerthern l'ucltlc. W,i Northern l'ncltle I'roferrel M Northern Central Railroad n"Si Lunlgh Navigation Company 43j Norrlalewu Railroad 109 Central Transportation Company tsK l'UUtu'K, Tltusvllli) A llullalell. K.. ..... 11, LlttluBchuvllclll ll&llrnaU CJ new vertt. CjnoUitlens by Aaaoclated I'm. Dlecks irregular. Moneycnayat 2QJe. New Yer'.c Central 1UK Erle Railroad 27 Adams Kxpresa 123K Michigan Central Railroad mil Michigan Southern Railroad WA Illinois Central Railroad 1SJW Cleveland A l'lttsburgh Railroad USi Chicago . KecK Island Railroad..... 117',i Pittsburgh ft Feil Wayne Railroad 1.11 Wcstern Union Telegraph Company,,... 7M Teledo A Wabash tsvl New Jersey Central tai New Yerk Ontario A Wostern 152 f.ecal HtecBB una llenai Reported by J. 11. Leng. I'ar vnl. Lancaster City 0 per cent IS..., KM 1890... 100 ' UNO... IOC ft jwrct. In 1 erSOyuars.. loe " I per ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 " 4 " ln 1 ei 20 years.. 100 " 4 " In 5orWyeara..lOO " 4 " in loeruoyoara. 100 Manhulm borough lean , 100 VlOUXIXANIlOCS STOCKS. Ouatryvlllu K. It fW MUiuiaviliu struct car ffl Imiulrer rilnling Company ,. (0 (jus Light and Fuel Company '23 Btevuua Houae (Henda) loe Columbia O.ia Company 3 Columbia Water Company Uusuuuhanna lien Company...,,.. 100 Marietta Hnllewwarn 100 Blevens Houae DO Sicily Inland M East llrandy wlne A Wayneab'i;.... W Mlllorsvllle Nermal Uclioel Northern Market 60 Last ;ai-. l(K.t0 117 120 1000 103 leg 10 ie.V 102 tM0 4(1 43.73 30 flu 25 2 2C3.5B 210 S la l 21 SO 110.30 10a 10) 103 SO ae i in UlSCUU.Ai:OVS D0NC8. (luarryvllle It. H..duelB'J3 Meu Ueadlng ft Columbia R. KS'a 1UU biiucaster Ues Light and Fuel Ce., due lu lei'20yuars 100 Lancaster Uej Lllit and Fuel Ce., duePl 100 Kastern Market 60 Western Market 50 TUrtNl'lUHHTOUSS lllg Bprinp Hoavev VuUey 1 25 I Ilridgupert ft Horeatioo isw Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 2(j 'ielumbtaft Waahlnglen 2e Columbia ft Hit; Bprlng Sft Columbia ft Blarletta 2ft Maytewnft Kllzabothlewu 23 Lancaster ft Kjrihriita 20 Lancaster A Willow Btreet. ......... 23 Straaeurg Millport 23 Marietta a May town 2.5 Marietta ft Mount Jev 3 lvmc.KiUabetht'n AMlddiefn lue Lancaster A KruttvlUc. H liiiicustur A I.liltx & 13 la 20 It) ) ir 17 liW ai CO .11 03. 50 73 10VM 1SJ.10 41 S3 83 yjj rJts no 113 110.(0 110 101 141 lit 181)30 20C 130 Id IC3 73 130 US 110 Lancaster A WlHIamatewn 25 laincaaur A Maner Lancaster ft Manhulm Lancaaterft Marietta. j Lancoater A New Heiiaiiu... in) LancaatorftBuaauehauna. we 111 HTOt'KS rirst National nan lop Furmera'Nutlennl Henk M Fulton Nutleual Hank IU0 LmicwtuV county National iiamt.. w Columbia National Hank 100 Christian National Hank 100 Enhratu National Rank loe Wrat National Hunk, Columbia,..,, 100 rirat National llanr, Mnuburg.... 100 first National Hank Marietta 100 First National Hank, Mount Jey..-10J I.ltlU National Haute , iw SI an helm National Hunlt..... no Union National Hank, Mount Jey, 30 New Helland National Hunk im (lae National Haul: inn (Juarryville Nalleiuil Hank loe l ! "A ivKJ 4 A n n i i x I til m i