LANCASTER DAILY INTISIjLIGENOEU SATUJtr(A DE0GMJI13U 9 iH&i COLUMBIA NEWS. IUU HMlUI.AIl UOUIlKSr)NlKNUK Kraut A Id lid tlm HtisqiHitiniirm IImiib ' lntret In nnil Areimil tlm lliiriniKh risked iii by tlm lutein- Kftiicrr llnierter. Marietta In gayer new tlinn Columbia. Pennsylvania caitle, Ne. 70,A. O. K. of M. (J will held meeting te nlulit. Mntkel was fairly iiMenihul this tnetii lug ; no matkoten mint Tuesday morning Monday afternoon Instend. It Is stated en geed autheilty tlmt llie btaulngH of tlm i oef of thu opera liniiau rculrn nttmitien, A big ilanoe will Im held In tlm urirteiy en Monday eveiiiug given liytlie Columbia llte company. Persons who anticipate a lloed wlieu llie Ice breaks up en thu rlver nrn removing their rowboats from houses en llie iltorsheio te places metu icmute from tlie river. KitJeylHK ) Hlrliililn. Twe slelghing parties will visit hancas ter from thin pl.ien te-night. Tlie sleighing puty wlileh went te Maytown hint night had a delightful tlme. Thu oeeiip-tnts of ene of tlie outteis wero thrown out by thn sleigh overturning, but the hemu did net tun away and no person was Injured. A sleighing party from Yerk had a bit; supper at the I'nleu hotel in Wrightsville, Inst ovenltig. Wolfe'H Columbia orchestra furnished music for dancing after the sup sup ler. Theio were sixty persons lu llie party. KnllKluil Intelllcenrn, A most delightful eutertalumeut wan that which was held List night by tit. Paul's P. 12. Sunday school. The eier Mines were attended by a geed sl.ed audi audi uiiee. Thu ii'froshments nerved en tlie occasion were of the bent (lu.tlltv. Ne services at Ht. Paul's P. K. church tomorrow. Hei vices at the .Second stieet Lutheran olnueli lu the morning, but iienu In the e oiling. Services will be held at the ether churches an Watch meet lugs will "bit held en Monday night at the Methedim I'nlted Iiruthien and at llntliul Church efOnd cliitrcheH. 1 Wlf ACUIIIHIltfl. A painful aeciduut reeniitly occurred te a Tviely stove works' miuhler ; the latter new iceeivcs JO per week enau iiisuranoe polley during the tlme he ii prevented from working. Ceastinc: In line en the luntltutu ami HoIse'h hills, anil en I'eriy ntrect. A lady had her leu broken at the latter place while oeastiug last night. She was thrown by the Hied en which he w.ih riding run nlng into another counter. Criminal Mown. A gaug of druiikeu rowdies had a fight en Locust street l.iHt night anil inade the night lndenH by their drunkeu and beastly lien In and shouts. Fer thu pint threu niijIiU attempts have becu liude te steal the chickens In Jehn Ropctte's coop. A fellow wan disoevoroil lu Tille's gre. eery ntore hint evcnluc, but he escaped before the frightened clerk could give the alarm. IVrHOUMl, Minn Clara Preston, of Harford ceuuty, Md., and Mm. Kimmell, who have been the guests of Miss Lillie Ev.uih, have re turned te their homes Mr. Ittehaid Caruahau and Minn 1211a Frey, both of tewu, wero married en Thursday eveuiin; by tin) Kuv. V. I. Evans, of tlri Second ntrcet Lutheran church, Mrs. Samuel May, of (Jhi'stuiU hill, in lying nt her home daugereusly ill. IIiiimi I l:e Itrpiirtcil Columbia ion men have beguu work atd the finality of the ice bin never bofeto been Hiirpinsed. lu thlckut-ns it measures from six te eight iuche, and, while being solid in as clear as crystal, net a spook et dirt balm; visible in any of the eaken se far taken from the Su9iiiehanua river. A clear stretch of loe lit ly be neon from the bridge te I'eny street. It in about lllty feet wide and affords geed skating. 1 Ni-j Aluil l'ny L'. W est theater Iti-piiblluiu. Ex-Attorney General (Jeoree Lear, of Doylostewn, l'a., who is employed by a number of the Htuokhelders iu the Dela ware River A Lauuanter railroad company, te resist the paymeutef iiiHtaliueiits, after carefully investigating thn history of the company from llie year 181H, down te the present time, ban arrived nt the conclusion that no defense eau be set up te the pay ment of subscriptions, and ban se advised his clients, sovunty-uine of whom have recently paid a large portion of their sub tcrlptieiiH. I'natliit; lilt Meulin. The county acoeuutH ler the j ear wero closed te-day. The orders given by the oemnusinnerH upon the cuuutv tieasurer during lb93 anieunted te $3 10,050.50, ever $35,000 inore than for the jear previous ; of this a'lieuut 3O,O0O was for an escess of expenditures at the almsheuse ever I8S3, and 93,500 meru for laud damages. Mm ae ntelrli. K. 15. liuindt, piesideut of a horse thief dotectlve association, at Mcohaulesburg, telegraphs te the police horn that it detk brown horte, with letters '' A. K." en IiIh ireut noei, was stolen witu a sieigu last night. fur tlie nick I unr. Siuce the last published report the mayor has received the following attri butions for the side peer ; Jehn I). Sidles 95 ; Hest & Seu 910 ; eish 91 ; cash 93 ; N. E. Slay maker 91 I a friend 93. hevrrely Injured. Mm. Heb't Herr, the old lady maiding en tienlli Qnuan stroet, wliohe fall en tlie lee wus noticed yosterdity, breke bur left arm bulew tbe elbow nml dlnluciitud her atiouliler. Aluyor'e Conn, The mayor dlauharBed soveral vuurautH, but David ItlttunheiiKO I'ertcr, an old olTendur, vhn wait en a big dttiiik, was eeiit tin for '20 daya, Uvercuiti Hiolen. YuHterday nftorneon n thiuf entered the law ofllce of 0. O. Kenuedy, en Uuke fltrcet, and Htole hla brand new ovurceat. 1'EnauM In tnticlt et Hrl-elatn Investment Hucurltles, City uiul County Kntntu, Fliu unit I.lfe innumncn, or Mouey en Firm Moil Meil Kiign, Hhenlil apply t Junuli II. I.eiitr, Ne. 0 Went Kliift ntieet, Luncidtur, l'n. N. II, Iniiultlei iinawereil nml liitoriiiallen luinlaliud vieiiiptly. JtOllKlUIIR llev. Fib, 1. Ilesklns, rector et Trinity uhurcli, flweilonberoiiKh, New Jurtuy, will otll etll clatu In Ht. Jelin'n Frte chuieli to-menow met nlng unit evenliiit. Alinmeinenn. " I'ue Oi'ikimi.'' Te-nlglit that '.)iv' ilramn, tliu "Twe Orplmns," will be ;tpi. ilucuilnt Fulton opera liouse with iilltt Huie Clnxten In lier etlirlnal teln el Louise, the blind girl, tupperteil by nn excellent com. pnny. Mr. Ulwrlui A. Stovenaeii, tlm illutln KUlslieil uoter, will appear us the " Oliuvuller." Tlie scenery 1$ new uml uhiheinteaml tliueen. tumeR elpgunt. The llandlt Kha."'tle iliamutle ami equestrian sunsatlen, "Jeue James, tlie Han nit KIiib"' the company uhIiik their own nci)iiry anil realistic seiuatleiml ellecls, will appear at Fulton opera lieusu Meuilay oven even UK. Thu weiulerlul uiul nrlttluul Juse Jnmn lierses " llnby lint lu " und " iteau CLarKer," will take part lu thu diiim.i. " Our (ieUllni." l'ceplu wliodctlieto have a koeiI InuKh ever a liinuy ami attractlvu piny nlieulil i) te thu opeiu liouse Weiluesilny evenliiK, Mlien Itlce'a l'lensuie 1'ntty prcsenti Ulll'd extriiNttk'Rntu, " Uur (iebllni." It Is very iwnny 1 rcceinmenit i.sny cnmrlln'n feeret of Youth ninl lleituty for tlie complexion, as be lint far superior te liny nrtlole 1 ever used. It petlllvely removes Krroklen, am.' will romnve Tun In one nppltritlnn, Price 60e. for sale nt nil ilntBKl'Ln. MIIH.,1. UKNNKHM1T1I, lell.llinilMAi Newark. N. J. IIKATIIH, Ciikiii Dceeiiihei n, IRni, In lliln city. Kiiiina. M., iliiKliter nl (Jlirtntliiu Hint Hariili Hlmlil, iiKi'il W Ji'iun, H inentlin ninl 'il days. 'the I cliill vim ninl Irlonitnef thn Inuilly nrn icsiectliilly Invltml te attend tlie funeral, Irmu.lier ptrents' rendlnncn, Ne, AV) Maner street, en Suinlny nlteiuoeu at 1 o'clock. In terment nl l.uncanter cemetery. In thin cllv. en the "Dtti Inst., laniie II. Uelillnr, In llinntnt yrm el I U nte. Due notion of liiiumil herenlter. l NKW .tnVKttrtHKStKSlH. AINTMt-A tllUIK-AI'I'I.V AT USHK at Ne. 2111 Kant OtntiKO Btieet. U29-Jt w r,MIH HKfT HTilltl'. AMI DWKlJ.lMII 1 tei Kent, corner Knnl Klint mill I'liim Htrn'tn. Applval NO. It KAST VINK HT. il!t) t'lleeil nitW TIII5V KT AT II IIKnnttN'N Cniiclnn I'nreun I'lantera ulimn rnnch the unit el ilturnne tlireiiKli tlm pert's el the skin. '.Me. ( KMJlM-.VAIlACHIAH.tJI.CAIlrll.l.KH IJT only Sccnln. nt IIAItTMAN'H VKI.I.OW FUONT UIOAIt 8TOUK. I IK I. UN till THIN KVKMNII IIOSTKHM (JOUNKU HAI.OON, rriirefCriilral .Mnrknt. Hpt lean's Hnpnrlnr I.Htnr Ili'urim Up. It S A UK KUIIT I.IINIJM tliln(4ATI'UI)AV) evening nt Kxci-lnler Hall, Knnl Knur ntni-l. IIIIIV MI.IIIIH-MltRIKIKIt lillV it I'roprietern. v aNTI.II-A niAN T,l Wllltll a Tl' Tl' Tl' lisoce Knrm In Chrnler ceunlr. Mnnlril msii nralutrrit. Must ulvnuoeJ rnltircnin. In- Hill ri) ill nu, tat iniiin li ur,r..iei . .. - . &J. ..!. ,. . ... .A.JI .t .1... (IW'.' l.unninli r, l'n. 'pur: riisrruM-ii Krri.r. run Autnt 1 net will eonmeirnt De'rtnek tlilniiveulng t Frank Krltncli'n Mini' i lleti'l. Ilnliiff nun nun I'le te run out "2"0 tlekntn ter thn llcninn, a (Irnniin Slltf r ternrl. cenllnu (new) in. In sillKllliltnil at 7 TIcKiitn. 11 M'lll': MIKIIIt-IIN niAUHr.T Wll.l, IIP. 1 liclil oil HM'L'KIIAY MOItNINO, nl (I o'clock, iilentx llie cmlin el thn vlrlnllv. All pnrteiin who lmn pnlil rent will lin iiIIoheiI threu inenllin Iren when tin new house In om em om plelftl. Ily entei el thn .lOHKI'll HAMHON, iLM-initl.tltw becrntury. i.i. uuiitun niAMir'AtmjitK.iMiM thk 2 pmniHi-n unit nie nn repruvrtilLMl. Ne etner koeiI tntiilli'il m, IIAUTMAN" IKI.I.OW riUINI'CltiAll 8TOIIK. 1.M,K()Arr ri.tuiliiA OKAMir.i, tin 4. J tln el liiapt'ii llml wnlisli two pmiuiln, llrlKht llniimiHn. nml u full linn 'el frenh goedn lust ri'd'Hmt let Nnw Vrur. AttllA-j W. KCKKIli'i). It lMKiwt Kln(f fct. 1 A I.K HP OHIO II(I1C4KH. (Ill MUNDAI, IIKtKMIIKIt ). I.!, will lin neli! nt pnlille nnle. ill 1. Legan's Hitlrn fltabir. rnir el nicUiiinii llrmnn, l.ancnntiT. l'n.. Twenty 1 1 vail of Heavy lleneil Keeilern nml werknrn. Hule te pnmiimncn nt 1 o'clock p. in. ApipiIIIeI milnvi will Imulven. ltil DANIKI. I.OOAN. 4Mll nKNT TnKTWO nnEME1TS UMDtR THE Eastern Market Heuse. AITLT TO ALLAN A. HERIt, Boe'y. till U.Hntfil Ne InS KASTMNtl ST. NIIIlUK IS IIKKKltV Al' pllcntlnn will lie miidn te thu Court nl I'eniiiKin l'leiin el I.nneinlui county, en HAT fltliAY. JANUAltV 1. A. I)., IIW3, ler n cliurter let the ' l,:nicu.n ei liiirebnll Cluli," huolijpctel wlilcli It ki piiceuriiKe nml pro mote nn Intaient In tlm Kniiiun- ltmelinll. .1 IV. II. TIAUhMAN, .IVO. A.COYI-K, ii;2 ItUS hcMlrltern for npitli'nnln. N TtlTlUK TO HIIICKIIOI.IM'.llS. LANCASTER .1 ILKAIUNd NAUUDVV li.U'ltK llAlI.UOAl). A niretliiK et tlm MoeklioliliTH of thn mill eemp ny will he lielil nt tln erllce of thn un- ImmjjllP'l. n evn ii liinklOK heii'n nl Ilulr X Hh nk. I niiPH'ter. l'n. en MeSHAt. JAN UAItY . 7, .""I bttwenn tlm 'mum of 1(1 n in, unit I- in . ler ilii' inirpeie of i-UctlnR thliueii illrroten te Hkrvu lei tlie eii'iilinr your. il 11 .11.4 V . I K A M A , PP'y. IUl.Ttl.N lll'r.ltA IIOUSK. Wodneflday, January 2, 1084. A IVlUHLWINOOr 1 Al'dllTKR ' RICE'S PLEASURE PARTY In Win. (illl n Miinleul Ktiu ununr.a, mi till ml. " OUR GOBLINSn llein llie mint rempluln .Mnlcal emeily Cem pan pxtunl MAdNiriCKNT SC'KNUKY ! Ari'UOl'llIATK CU51TMKS ! Unilur tlm pennnnl illrpctleu of thn illnlln' KUtnhul llurlt'iuu Artlnt, W. IltCNUY KICK. ADMISSION, . US, fill nml 71 CKNTH. IlK.bKllVKIIhKATS, - 7A Fer nulu nt O pern Ileuan ollke. il."J IU1 ILKtlAM" FUltS. KOK NEW YEAR'S GIFTS -AT- NO. 'M WKST KING STREET. HF.ALSKIN8ACQUF.8. FUJt-l.l.NF.l) ClItCUl.Alta. BF..VI, CATS AMIMUFrH. HKAVKll I1KIITIIA8 ANII MUFFS. 8KAL AND OTTKIl l'lTI-SK WAHMKU8. liK.NTS FUlt UI.UVK8 .V MUFFLF.U8. ill-lmil LI. AlltlllT Itl'.INO DOWN. The snow came down, and in its purity looked as soft and fleecy as down. The boys all came clown with their sleighs and down go the girls te the jingle of the merry bells. Many people have been clown en the slippery sidewalks, and conse quently feel rather clown in the mouth. We have also came down very considerably in the prices of our stock of Winter Caps, Gloves, Fur Cellars, Seal Caps, etc. Ne one need te go about shivering with the cold because we have warm comfort giving articles at reduced prices te meet the possibilities of the most limited pocket-book. Come down te our store and get down te a real bargain. SHULTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (CIUNUAKKIIVJ OLD STAND.) LAMUABTfclli PA. tuiirSJ lyrtiw D ttY UUUD3. IN PJIIOD) OF DRY GOODS. HAQEIl & DRO., te rodueoHtook, will olTer durluw the month of Junurirr lnrwe tiuuntltlea of Dry Goods nt a very arue roduetion in prloe. Aa the wlnter woatlier Una only fairly nel lu , thla will be n lavorable oppor eppor opper tuulty te purobnue Houaenublo Koetlsiit very low priccB. FLANNELS, IiLANKirrS. LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS. BROCIU-: AND WOOL'iN SHAWLS. DRESS GOODS AND LA.DIKS' CLOTKS. 100 plocea Dlaelc und Oolerod Sllkn Irem 76e te 82 CO per ytird 100 ploceH Blaek n nd Oolerod Oashmore and Froneh. Kntjlleh und Dotneutlo ttreHH GoedH COO Ludien und MIbqe3' Olertka tin d OleuklngH. All new goods or thtaaenneu of the ltiteal ntylen und In ull qtittlltles. CLOTHING. 1,000 Ovorceuts, DualneBa Sulta, Beys' Sultt, nvirked at very.- low prloeo. Morlne und Soitrlet Weel Underwtmr, Knit Jacketa, Houlery nntl Glovea "We Bhull effer nil or the nbove KoedH at oxceptlonnlly low prlcea te redtioe ateck prop'iratery te tukhiR Jnvontery Febrnnry let. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. B OWK.ll4 A IIUKST. BOWERS & HURST, NO?. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN bTREET. ' LANCASTER, PA. HKl'OKK TAKING ACCOUNT UF H'lOCK W'K SHALL OFFKR Large Stock White Blankets, Large Stock Flannels, Large Stock Muslins, Large Stock Sheetings. Large Stock Tickings. - KcuiumUet Piles IUmIiicbiIIii Kciy I'epurtinenl piepuinleiy te inkliiK niueiinl ! ateik. BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN ST., riMi lilt-; People of Lancaster City and County. This is te certify that the house of JOHN S. G1VLER & 00. are the only Authorized Agents ler the sale of the AUKORA OARPET SWEEPER for Lancaster Oity and County, and that none are enuinenet bearing the firm name of JOHN S. G1VLER & 00., Lancaster, Pa. AURORA, 111. .Vii II ADVt.ul I KM I'.S I n a.-m' .. TTjrrJenrMrrfcj n.. '""U..-- rpiiK HK-ni' riVK iiai ama uiiiak 1 In thn city. MiiiiuCnPltiiuit ny mifilfuinl Kiiiirtintueit te lin llie llni'it, nt HAIlTMA.N'S VKI.l.tlW HlONlCU.Alt bTOUK. I till ItKM' KltlMl AI'KII. I. HIIIIIK Keem, .Ne. WW, mIhe Nu. 1 Kiint Klnc M. Until roemn limy be tlnewii Inte mm, limn mnkliiK nnu et Hie Illicit M'eie looms in tlie ell y. :t Ket h lle bv 1H1 fi it lenf, with xpluu illil llgbl, iloeble liule h, with piitnmiu en Ixitli rIiIpi, Fer pin tl mill n mil ul Ne '.'0 K'lil Mux Httii-t It III, .11 AltllN .C HO Cor. West King and Priced St?. UNDERWEAR! Wn puri-hi-eil nl u luine Jelibei n ile mi tin liiuii!uiU'ili'liy of Diiilcruc.ii, wlilih wn In In tenil te sell '.i) per pent, i he ipur tlniu thu hmiie KOeilncilll be I ul-iew heie SI'F.CIAI. lll.AISaiN White Underwear, At i"i, .), (0, Ml, COiukI T CH. Colored Underwear, At l m, H, W nml iie tts. Scarlet Underwear, An All Weel shiitut II i0. .'epnin'. An All-Weel Shirt ut I . tlenlH. An AU-Wenl Sbli'i lit I ., An AllWenl Mint nt 1 Mi. SlllltTX AXD IHtAWKllS 1 0 MA I I'll- Tlirfe roeiN cost mere te uiiiiiudictuu', uiul me nt etti i iiun'lty. Blue Flaimel Shirttt lleuulil illnct nt the iiiiinutiictiiiei, nml win inntuil te bu ilyuit with pmu 1 mlle llliie, unit will nel little lu wimlilni;. Illui', Uriiy, Wliitn mnl Mlinl Huiiifl Mililn lu lllcjcle or I'liUn ! i out, ut ml iilci'-. J. B. MARTIN & CO. JMV v kaii tun. n s, Booksellers aud Stationers, Offer te thelr rations, nt Lew I'lleen, u Lime Assortment nt I'nulul (ineiln ler NEW YEAR GIFTS. Including tlm Latent stylet el LEATHER AND PLU3H OOODH, lu 1'ArKTKItlKS, iIBWKIj IIUXKS. WOltK ItOXKS, 1 01 LKV CASKS, (II.UVK I10.K3, WlllTlNd DKSUS, (it) 1.1) 1'KNS, CAIll) CASKS, CASFS, ClUAit CASKS, Ac. l'llOTOHUAl'llaiid AUTOtill.M'li AI.IUJ5H, SCltAl' HOOKS, 8KTSOF AUTHOKSIN CLOTH AM) FINK HINIUNUS, 1IIIILK9, 1'HAYKU HOOK1-, CIIUKCll HOOKS, DKVOTIONAL IIOHK8. STBHL ENQRaVINQS, PAlXTIXaS, I'JlOTOaiiA ' I' litis, F.TCIlINtiS, I'ANKL l'ICUKKS, PLAO.UK3, KASKI.8, CAUINKTFIIAMKS, NEW YEAR CARDS. Illiistr.iteil Caleiitlai's. At the Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST,, I.ANCA8TKH, I'A, I SOI DM NKW RBDX "OTIOLST --iV.-WTt T V" - WILCOX MANUFACTURING CO. ,v;i- Ain'KitrinKMps i.t. nr I.M.INN IIKKMMIiiri. TOYS! U'ii li-uc new In store em In I ntneic el CIllltSTM 8 TOVi Wonderful Mechanical Toys, Tin and Weed Toys, Games of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes. Ol'lt I'HKJ'iS AUK LOW AND TUB STOCK LuVUUKK THAN KVER HEFOKK. WIIOfiKSALK AND KETAIL, AT FLINN & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Christmas-1883-Zahm's Cemer. WntcheH, Dltimeude, Brenzes, Rocera and Weal's Statuary, Flne OloekB Jewelry, Solid SUver and ailvor-Plated Ware, Spoetaolos, Muaonle nml Soeloty Radges. IJKAUTIFUL, rSKKL'L AM) DUKAllLK CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Of Unlet ijer Siicctul ei( 'i i '( (c (tc uiri nt m cm firm Miiiibfe. All Speclnl Oriltrt iiiaif in our nwnfaatery, ' EDW. J. M Nl I ALIUUI.NU JKWKLKU. ZAHM'S CORNER, ilucMuiiUl 2 TZ'TSOZ .VCII' AltVKKTlHKilKHI. TW I ILit 1LM MKItltlCIIAUai I'll'I.S AMI I DIH'.S, Al.l. KUiiliin'i'ed te be in irprmentid, milla blii ler prcn'iils, at II AllTMA.N'a KLI.OW I HON 1' t IUAH at'OKIC. point, WIIITI. Ac CO., --BANKERS,- 40 WALL STREET, New Yerk. lliekt'u and Dealers In ltallwi uml mi ether Securities. II.V1I.WAY INVKSTMKNIs n spiclnlly, In tlie selection mid itliuulii e( wluuli thuir lenvr eontu'i'tteii iin I'neii's M, OF ltAlLllOAlH "Klt tlllllll l'l Clill Illl' vim tiiKiH. Coiregpeniluiico luvlli'd and In iliililim iinsuuieil llnpealt ii.eiiiit-i imuiveil und Intercit allowed. nl'' inii'ud MOW THAT UllltlbTSIAS nas Oome and Oone, And nil have lit'un mmle Ium with ullts puculliii te the bunion, Kvcry Head of it Tamil Ceiiiplvtu the Wmket Muk I ii.: eiinn Happy by ticuluir '1 luii Thelr Hemes are Well Oarpoted -WlTll- Such OARPBTS a3 Uau 1)3 Bought -AT- Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. Weat King find Wftter St roots, 1.AN0A3TKU. PA. aUtep In and taku u Weh. at Uiu iaiesi, bent aud cheapest stock In thu tin T-HY tlOUl.s. LANCASTER, PA. Tf ! -L. J. ,-J-T7a: I r - M-- 1 --e -- - TOYS! ZiHLMI, LANCASTER, PA, llTSZXZfZZVTZ '"--"'TirT .VKII" AlH'KllTHiRMKNTH NKW LOI' OfTllOMK IlKAU tirul fcklrts; ulne nnottier let el Hllk HiiudkeielilulH; llciiiitttul Hatlu Heeds for Chlldrun, opeu te-duy : the llueil, setlcst and Ijl'hI Uubluiiuhi'd Mimlln we evei sold ter 7 c'KiilH ; nut- I1.'I3 Ciiuutoipanes ure beauilci j 10 cunt hlilitlnu' ChuvUU Iu reuiuants, at H emitH, AT BWAltlt'D, ubl7-lydTA8 M Nnuh Qnven tieut. II ion a iiAiuifi. CHINA HALL. Thanks te uui many lilnnils ter theli pat pat pat lonuKe lu the past, especlallydiirtiii; the Inte HOLIDAY SEASON. WeannuitucQ ler the tiiture Thaleui sleck will be moie complete, We will Kuarnntee all our uoeds. We n 111 uxchaiiKe nil Reeds net satUla:tery. Ne uoeds 111 be uilt lepieseuted. We nelklt a continuation el your pviieu- High & Martin, 15 EAST .KING STREE LAN0A8TWI. VA.; SECOND EDITION. ATUUDAY MVENINQ, DEO. 20, 10 '0 IN EUROPE. TllBUUrilllKAKIA8llAMTKA,Al'HIOA The Uiilertuuma l'omtlen ul Ktni; Katmllt MumlrcilH et lin Aillmreiitu Ke. ciited An Keiller In Tronlile. C'apk Oastm:, Africa, Uoe. 2'J. AfTairH In Aabnntca are qttlet. The peo ples are overawed by tbe itlaitRbter of the family of ex Kini; Koflee Ivatealll anil the dally niasiiaore of his adherentd, liunifieds of whom have been oxceutod. Sixty eltfht of bis nevcnty children have alne bceu kllled. One of KolTce Kaloalli'andbercntB bearing that the ex-kliiK'n f0 WlW In danger, sent 00 riten te Riianl him. They remained noveral 'ny with the ex king with the coiment of thoehlcf new relRiiliif. They wero then muldenly attacked and all killed. Herldiii Uharee ARnlmt nn Killier. Tkeist, Dec. 20.-8lRtier Zampelrl, edi ter el the Indeptntlente, an Italian Irroden. tint journal hore, has been arrcated en thn chart(e of high treason. An Angry Nfcrci. Piill.AUF.M'iiiA, Dee. 2il. Jehn II. Brown, a young colored man, wnH today committed te prison te nwalt the result of injuries Inllletcd by him upon Win. Hen, aged 13 years, lies?, with ether small boys shouted, " nigger " at Hrewn, when he ran after thorn, and catching liens, knocked him down and beat him in a brutal innuncr. IIe then nicked tbe bev up nnd knocked his bead against the wall. The boy's head was beaten almost beyond recognition, and it is thought he cannot recover. A Mint llsliuurnte Bliinler Cincinnati, Doe. 29. William Uebr man, a German nged 18, aud Jehn Palmer, a negro.have been arrested for the murder of William Mirk in the latter's stable Monday night. Ueth have confessed thelr guilt. They ngreed te kill Mirk for his meney, the ntie striking tbe llrst, blew te have llfty dollars In oxceas of the ethor. Palmer says Hdbrman struck tlie lltst blew and that both thou pounded Mirk's head with a hammer and a club. They hauled the body away tbe same night. Accident In .Icrary city. Jeimky Citt, N. J., Dee. 29. Three accidents, eik of which was fatul, oe eurrcd at tbe Warren street creBlng of the Pennsylvania lailread this morning. Twe yeuug men attempted te beard a train, wheu they wero thrown under the whoels. Ouu was killed aud the ether had a leg badly crushed. A crowd gathered about the spot, and an other tram coming along, struck a man aud severely injured him. Ha was, hosr hesr hosr ever, taken home by fricudi rinl 1'lKlit Willi iteme lliifitf Lmi.r. Rec a, Ark., Die. 20. Turco liotae th.evus, who had stelen three horses from a farmer, wero pur- sued by a possce of seven meu and overtakeu near Forsyth, Me. A sharp fight ensued in which two of the pursuers were seriously injured, and two of the tbfeves, James and Audruw Davis, were shot dead, aud the third euu fatally injur ed. I'ututllle A .llalmnuy llnilread. IlAiiiusniiie, Dee. 29. An application was filed iu the state department te day for a charter te the PotUville A; Mahauey railroad company, which is te rim from Pettsville te New Uotteii, a distance of twolve miles. The capital Is $100,000. loseph (J. Hrlght, of Pettsville, is presi dent. 'I Im rrnMtlfltit'R Mew enr Culiem. Wssiiinoten, Dee. 29. General orders bavu bceu issued te the oillcetsof the army aud uavy new iu Washington te assomble at the war and navy departments re spectively at 11:30 e clock,. lanuary 1 next, iu full utilfetm, for the purpose of paying their re8pccts te the picsldent t f" the United States. hlie iVhiiIb Kttence nml -0,000. Mi.w Yeiik, Dee. 29. Hose llernu, who was employed as a dotnestie for Lord and Lady .Moerdeville, and who wns chi.rged by them with stealing money and jowelry, but afterwnrds discharged by the court, has begun suit against her prosecutors for $20,000 damages for false arrest and im prisenment. Hener te (leu. imuuuuk. Lih Anoi,i,e, eal , Dee. 29. Gcneial Hancock aud party unived hote yester day. A large crowd was at the depot te welcome hint. On New Year'tt day a pub lie receptien will be held and the military, lire department and civiu societies will turn out. Cel. .HcLiliiieV ruyilisi in Mera Trmibln. Nlw Yeuk, Dee. 29. Nathaniel Mo Me kay, who seme time age assaulted Cel. McUhire, of the Philadelphia Times lu that elty, wan te day leinanded for exami nation en the oharge of assaulting Ooergo T. Steadne, of this eity. 'llie Kintiiit lleiid Ttlul. HiLi.snoue, III, Dee. 29. In tbe limma bjud trial yesterday the motion of dofeuso for a coutiiiuauce of the cimi, owing te tlie nbhonce of an impeitnnt wituess, was overruled nml the trial was proceeded with. HiIuvch nnd iliiilr lloety Uuptured. New Yeiik, Dec. 29. Detectives te. day arrested two thieves and captured 41,000 wertli of oleth, which had been stolen In Stamford, Conn , Wednesday night, nnd brought here lu a sleigh. Appealed te tlie huproine Court. CiiAHLerTK, N. U., Dee. 29. The ca'se of Albert Davis, Tem Lee aud Abram Watkius, negrees, sontenced te be hanged at Winsten yesterday, for murderlug an other colored mail, has been appealed te thesupteme ceiut. Hum iiiiuneit. New Haven, Conn., Doe. 29. Themas II, Wheelcn, a pnper stock dealer, com mitted suicide thts morning, by sheeting himself, The ouuse is bolieved te bave been business difficulties, He leaves a wife nnd six ehildrcu. IIuiiiM te be I'uld nnd Uaiioellcd. IIaihusuiiie, Dee, 29 The govetuer issued a proclamation te day ordering the payment nudoiuccllatien et lodeemcd II, ill, -1, 5 and 0 per cunt, bends ituietintiug te e.iOll.OOO. IUii, iiriint linpreflui;, Nkvv Yeiik, Dee. 29. Thete Is a marked impioveinout iu Gen. Uiant'b con dition te-day. His pbyslciaus say he will be out iu thrce or four days. Puitoiiies i:tiiiiiiifii, Wasiunoten, Dee. 29. Ulesaburg has been eutabllahcd as a presidential post pest post ellloo of llie fourth class ; salary, $1,100, WUATllKll INDIOATIO.N.4, WA8IUNOTON, Dee. 20. Fer the Middle Atlantle states, warmer, fair woather, wluds backltig te southerly, falling bar ometer. jaAUKtsie, I'lilluilelpnn mnrknt. P11H.A11HL1-111A, DucmnberW, Kleur dnltand huavy. Hye Fleur at IJ75. , v heat dull anu steady , Nn.i Weatern Hed, II OOhiUl U7 i Ne, 3 de. l 01f i Ne. 1 Pa. lied, Cem' ntin. lair damamti M yellow nd Vn.ll'!;l!!amlU1Ull"l " hll0 4l0 mux ' ' ' mi We-Mi Hye quIetatCJc. .8ifliSiiL?vtt 'lu,!l f l.BVHK I Tlinnthy dull Laid fjulet. llutter dull and tvealc. KiBa rirni. nlicnsoquletatiil firm. Jutioleuin riulet. Hunneil.flflWic Whisky alii ffl Hew Yerk Markeu, pN(1en, Uce. 29,-rieur dull, and u. mr.VI'nio,0le,T.0rll0'lvy. ftml fnegnUri iiSi STinra""1," iradliifft Ne..lKi1, April, il ix , May, ii igvfji i9i ,rw ' WnTn,Snle!0X?.r ftntl ,aMy aetivft .Mixed ii ' 'l. 5j,Ue lewnr t Ne. -2 Jan.. teft V Veil., ffijjjii?: " Stutcioeifo', Weil- t'liliniiniiiiiii, Quotations by Aisectatcil rre3f, Stocks Irregular. I'lilladelplila A Erle U. U...., in ilendliii? llallrend ,' " my I'miiiHyivnnlA Railroad !!'.'.'''. tXi .iiilUli Valley Kalireail.... '.. 71C? Unlted Cempiinlus ofNew Jerwy... ....WS .Vortliern I'aclfle. Q Nortlieru I'acllle 1'iolerrol ". nitt Nertlmrn Centra! Kullreait e LuiiIkIi .iu-iKutlen Company , uv Noirlslewn Ualliead..... m& CuiitriilTrauHirUitIeu Company m J'JlJsW, Tltusvllle 11'4 UiUiiAcbuvlklll UMlreuil 113; New treric. (iuetaltniu by Aoeclatod rrei. Blocks Arm, ilenny 0asy at ?Oikc. Nuw Yerk Uuutral 11114 Kr" Jfiillniail 27 MIclilrtiin Himtli-rn Kullread ! ' mv Illlne 3 Cuntral iutlrea.1 ".I!.. ... 3J ( luvelnml I'lttsbttrKli lltillread 133 ClUciiire A lleck Ulunci llallrend...... jiSw ittslmrKli A Kert Waynn Wesiiini Union Telearnpti Company 7IK Teledo A WiibiUll... .'. 18) New .lirsey Central fi New Verft OnUirleA Woatern ij htui'R mnrnetp. yiiiitiitleiH by itned, McQrann A Ce., W.3, U11I1U.I9VU1, 1 II, IU,i, 12 k. y. I A I, C.... . . . .. Mtclilirun control.... New etIz Centtal.. SO -U.T ...-ist-y Ullbllll...... Ohie Ceutnil Del. Lack. A Wusluru..., Ihmvur A llie Uriiudu.... Krie. ...,. ( II Itlft'LM A TilTflri 2t Luke Shern m Clilc.tKeA N. W., com.... UO'f .-i. n., UIH..I weswrn... ht, Paul A Omalia I'nrineMnll lloeheMor A 1'litBlnirKti. aui'anl Tuxas raclllc ITnlnn InnlNn 3l(2 mi ml l!K 91 U...U. & uviiii ... ...... it) WubnBli cenunnn lSU "V it uuuEjii 1'iuiurruu. . Weat'rn Union Telettrnnli LoulsvIlleA Nushvllle .. N. Y CIU. A 8t. h Leliigli Valley 71 13 W,i 71K ..uiiiKil .1111 llfUllllll. ...... .... TennnylvaiiLi 6? Ileadln Zl 1118 l'.T.A IllltlUlO Nortlieru racinc-Cem... ii'. Netlliurn raclllc Prof .. fe Hostenvlllo 13 I'hlladulplilu A Krle Nemicin Central Underground Ciinanu Southern riu Oil 113U IVople's livsenB(ir UI'EUIAIj MUT1VJSN. Tlie np of puounienla may be warded ea ivltli Hutu's Heney el Iloreliouml nnd Tar, I'lke's Tcothaclie Urepi euro In ene inlnute. d2MwdcedAw Ttiiu Wlmt lie Knows, " Hest tlilnir ler buriu I liave ever tried. Ileulu up grandly.'' Ii. 1. Kellott. Marlen, Ohie, spuaklniret riemn' Ecleetrl Oil. Fer siile by II. II. ceclimu, ilrufglut, 137 and 189 North Quenn mreet. Ne te.if el Hmiill l'ex lr Darbys rronliylnc rrenliylnc rronliylnc tie fluid U used Irccly. It dustteys tlie very cenn. Ker i.ntni Hack, nide or enmt use am LOU'S I'OUOUrt l'LA8TKIt. I'rlce, IB com Sold by II. 11. Cochran, 137 ami 133 North Quran troet, Lancaster. Iuulloed6 1 Tliu unlversul veullet, "The tlep Waiter Is I lllO liPht TifirntlU lllllAt. I- IVI I- titn.ln 11 ll,.l 15 CtS. TJ10 surest proven! Ive iisalnsl Hm&U Pox It liarbys 1'iophylatle Fluid, it, destroy contuglen. I.ettur from a Well.Kiinnrn ftw XerK Auc Auc Auc .tloueer. lWAlHKAiTllTit Srnitcr, Nnw Yesir, Iay 19, 183. 1 luve been tioubled wltlinn Irritation of tlie Tin out niul a ceuuh liireome tlme. I am alie a martyr te Dyspepsia. Ily the sdvlce et a very liuaned physician I applied two aia aia ceck l'oneus I'lastebs te my cbest, and ene en the pit et my utoiiiaeli. In thrce day my Ceiifh win cured and my Threat was well. I have new worn the Piasters two weeks, anil mv nnilQtltO uml lllirnllnn lini-n ....!. ,. pioved. Iamcentlduiittliat lu another week my aiH'iiiin win no ouureiy remeved. l llllVO 11 OVfl r utd te iilrninnt nml nnmnMm .. rcmtilijhx mytlle. T1I03. JIATHEWS. " Alcock s " Is the only gonulne Peteus l'huter;all ethor se called Pereus I'laUerg me luitlatlens. Ker Small Vnx oxpeso Darbys Prophylactic Fluid lu tlie loom und spouye oil the pullent with It Piiymciani attest: "Colden'g Liquid Weel Is paillcuiuily uiutiil lu Dlphtheils, Kevcr, und oyery dcprestlui; dlacase." dSMwdoed&w j;y i i:kta ihmknts. IUl.TOfl OPKItA HOUdX. Siittirday Evenlngr, Doe. 20, 1883. THK KAVOltlTKAIlTlST, KATE OLAXTOI OHAS. A."STEVBNS0N, Siippmtcd by tii' lr own superb company, in the ever-popular Mule-Drama, THE TWO ORPHANS I iil'VClAL 8CEXJ!Jir. KLKCIAST COHTUMliS, ADMISSION, . 7fl, 00 ami 35 CKNT3. UK3KKVKDHK.VT, 78 ' Scats ler fcule at Opera Heme efllce. (121-St TULTON Ul'KKA UOUiJK. MONDAY, DE0EMDER 31. 'llie Itmt Mclo-Dinmutle and Kquuttrlan D i auiaevur produced en the Continent, entitled the "BANDIT KING." Iiilroiltielnir the original JKJ8E JAMK HOU8K3, "iloyltanRei'' and "Uean Charger." The most woudertul anluiul actors ever seen en tlie alaue. (lt'.oeo otlerod ler thelr ciiual. Pewcilul Drainatle Company, Including Mr. J. 11. )aillck, us tlie llandlt King. AUical Seusatteu I A Play te Please tbe Millions I Special fceueiy I New anil Ileal. iHilotieiiFatlonal K Heets 1 T'ransporteit In bpe eiui uum i .nut unu .oujfcueimuio icaiuie i Kvciytlilnu' pure and elevating in tonei A play you can tuke your litmlly tu see without thu lcitit hetilutlen. Nel an immoral enti mentor action. POrULAUI'lUOKH. -UM ADM19310N s.vWand71CENT3. I'lckets ler tale at Opera Heme oeico. il'J7 It iuten epiIk.v uuuhi:. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1881. 0X1! A'JailT ONLY, Snecliil KiitfRsement of the Sterling KnglUh ' Aotrejs, FANiSY MOUNTCASTLE, In a New Vortlen et the Popular Play, The New East Lynne; Oil, Tim ELOPEMENT. Huppet ted by Oil A. THOltl'E and a power till diumutle ceuipuuy, under I he personal maiiHitumcnt of O. IV, Kidder. ADMISSION. 3D. 00 and7flCRNTB. KEsEllVED BE ATd 73 OKNT8. Benute your 80Jt new at tbe utual rUce. 1 ! r