Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 29, 1883, Image 2

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    HBHi .iMmiil ii I' IW fiW" '
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laticaztct ntcUfgcnrcr.
Hen III en llie Tnrlir.
The Albany Argu$ publlalien nn elnbo elnbe elnbo
rale letter from Abram S. Hewltt, tie
tailing hla views upon the question of
the tntlff and the present need of legis
lation affecting it. . Mr. Hewitt's views
are theso which he has been well known
te entertain, ml they correspond very
well with the general sentiment en the
subject In the Democratic party, for
which, as well as for himself, Mr.
Hewltt undertakes te speak. Ills
views are particularly notable because
he Is an Iren manufacturer ; and it is
net often that we find iron mauufactur
era recommending a low tariff en iron.
They are universally for themselves ;
and nearly us universally they consider
that the (arlff en iron cannot get tee
high for their own Interest. This fact
forces the conclusion that manufactur
ers are net very enlightened men , they
knew a great deal about manufactures,
but very little about the conditions
needed te tnake their business prosper
ous. The effect of a high tariff Is te un
duly stimulate business ; when :i large
demand for goods arlse3, prices rise ,
and if the demand grows sufficiently,
prices advance till the foreign goods are
let in ever the high tariff. Heme pre
ductien is overtaxed, but the
great profits stimulate capital te
enter In te supply the demand.
It does se, with the result of sending
prlcessurglng downward because of over
production. We lately had a striking
illustration of this in the Bessemer steel
industry. Twoerthreo years age mils
were worth seventy dollars a ten, and
home production was unequal te the de
mand. Fabulous profits were made, and
all the steel mills enlarged their capacity.
New rail are worth les3 than thirty Qve
dollars a ten and the mills are stepping.
Mr. Hewitt stated the Democratic
position te be that no greater degree of
protection should be given home manu
factures than what may be jnst
sufficient te protect them in times of
business depression. He thinks that an
Impost equal te the difference between
the home and foreign wages of labor
would be a proper rate of duty. lie argues
that when business is geed the mauufac
turer uetds no protection, and that the
duty should be left low te moderate his
profits, se far as a free competition with
the world mil deit , but when demand
slackens se that business becomes un
profitable, then the protective duty
should 6erve te keep out foreign manu
facturers and leave prices te be regulated
by home competition. Tins is a sensible
policy, nud will work well for manufactu
rerand workman. Raw materials of man
ufacture should be imported free. That
is a clear command required by the in
terest of the work man us well as of the
manufacturer and of the people. The
cheaper the raw material the cheaper
the product, the greater its market and
the belt ei the late of wages that can
be afforded.
Mr. Hewitt states the Democratic
theory te be that protection is uncon
stitutional unless it is made incidental
te tin collection of revenue: but he ad
mits that this is net a practical question,
inasmuch in we have had protection
almost sii'ce the government's begin
ing, and It is " se intended in judicial
construction us te m.ike it idle new te
ralse the constitutional question." We
de net understand that the Democratic
party has taken the position that pretec
tlen is unconstitutional, nor de we think
that it would be easy te maintain, while
declaring its constitutionality when
uinde incidental te revenue, with which
it has no atllnity whatever ; hut as the
question Is no longer a practical one, its
consideration is net profitable.
Mr. Hewitt thinks that the true ikjI
icy, if the country had net heretofore
embraced the protective policy, would
be free trade, fn this conception we can
hardly concur. It seems te us that the
ceuntrj medel protection te enable it
te develop its nunc ral and ether natural
reseuicts and te cultivate the manufac
tories which tend te make it Independ
ent of the world. This geed the piotee pietee
tlvu policy lias dene fei us ; but our
manufactories, placed firmly en their feet,
can new stand with comparatively little
support from the tariff.
Tlie .siuiduy .Newspaper.
The action et a small majority of the
Methodist ministerial association of
Philadelphia, iu pronouncing Judgment
against the dai y newspapers which
print Sunday editions is net important
in itself, for a variety of reasons, chief
among them being the small number in
attendance at the meeting and the
weight of the protesting minority, who,
tlieiiRh less in number, are quite as lor ler
cible as these who voted for the " io ie io
pert," of which' -rather Tem" Fcrnley
Is the author.
The discussion ever the question,
however, was signiilcaiit as illustrating
the embarrassments which surround the
most pleiu men iu dealing with consider
ations relating te a strict observance of
the Sabbath in accordance with the laws
of C5ed ami of human society. It was,
for example, no argument in this minis
terial association against the Sunday
editions et the newpapets that they
involved an interruption of the ordained
Sabbath real from labor ; for the ready
offset te tills was the fact that the me
chanicaland editorial workeu these edi
tions Is mostly done en Saturday,
whereas it h the Monday newspapers
that really involve actual labor of this
kind en tlw Lord's day and none of the
geed Methodist brethren evlnced any
disunion te abate the Monday papers
nor dispense with them for their own
reading ; indeed, the majority showed a
disposition te favor the journals which
crowd the most work in their publication
Inte the flr8tday of the week.
ItUtrue, as claimed, by tlie Metho
dist ministers, that seme of the Sunday
newspapers display u special taste for
" uusaasouable and sensational newa,"
but only In greater degree perhaps titan
thesarae Journals exhibit in their ordin
ary publications. On the ether hand,
many or thetn furnish a variety of most
excellent literary aud even religious
matter, and, in short, the merits and
faults of the dally newspapers are gener
ally only Intensified In the Sunday edi
tions. Theso that are bad en week days
are werse en Sunday, nud these that aie
ordinarily geed are generally better in
this 8eclal edition. It will be necessary
for the Methodist ministerial association
te discriminate between the geed and bad
newspapers, or between the departments
In them which contribute te legitimate
public Information and public morals
and theso which nre pernicious, rather
than between the Sunday and week da
One geed brother, se te speak, " gave
himself away" when he deplored the
fact that reading the newspapers kept
his people home from church, and when
lie frankly admitted that tlicre were
nine copies of these tapers taken by his
members te one of the regular church
publications. This state of things may
illustrate one thing as well as another.
It may argue superiority in the secular
newspaper te the pulpit and the doueui
(national organ ; certainly, tee, many of
the gospel agencies lack the attractive
ip-ss which must be given te them if they
would successfully withdraw attention
even during the church hour from the
better class of Sunday newspapers. A
single copy of some of these often has a
mere Instructive assortment of reli
gious news than the average mendicant
church piper, and they often preach ami
print better sermons than it is the let of
the faithtul church-goer te usually hear.
If It be true that Londen has no Sunday
newspapeis, as one of the Methodist dis
putants averted, it Is incumbent en him
te show that the averase Sunday ob
servance there is better than her , we
suspect that he thiuks net, as he stig
matised the Euglish metropolis as the
" flab Ien of modern times."
It will certainly net be denied that
the Minday newspapers of te-day, winch
are editions of the regular dailies, are u
vast improvement, in every view te be
regarded by a religious association, upon
the old seusittenal blackmailius and
obscene special Sunday publications
which they are superseding, and the
Methodist preachers should be mindful
of this fact.
Tiun wne have net jet nude up their
minds te turn ever a new leaf for nest
year muet bistir tbeinselv-cs if they would
jeia the reform prjeessien.
TilF.iic is cccj9ieu for some facetious,
nets -a the apieintment upon the Heuse
committee ou foreign relations of men
beariut; the diplomats uatnis Wise, Limb,
Wait and Ketchatn.
Unt-ir physical disturbances uf nature,
a remarkable number of disasters attended
with less of life, ami wars and rumors of
war are the striking features that stand
out In the foreground of the last fading
picture of 1S33.
Ir will soeu be m order for some one te
arisj ami scientifically demeustra'e that
the meju is made out of greeu cbeese, an
English statisticun having compiled fig
ures te prove that crime decreises ai
diUiikeuucss increase.-.
It 13 significant that there has beeu
h ildiug in New Yerk city a conference of
college president, deliberating ever the
podium which medern lauguages should
bave in the curriculum and at the snue
tltnn considering hew college bperts ma)
be kept withiu the bounds of nuuly exer
cise rather than of profession il competi
tion. If Greek " must e;e," biseball may
have te keep the company of its expul
sion. Ovhi. ill Ailentewn they have a whtmsi
oil eitizeu named Samuel M. Certw right,
who uinuscM himself every Christmas by
hiring a baud, advertising that he wil
give piesents te all the ioer children of
the er.y, said te number 1,000 aud en
the arrival of the latter scatteru u from
the wiudew of his lesulouce the presents I
te be scrambled for by the crowd. Whether
this jelly geed cituen is posing as a phil
nuthrepist, or a prac'ieal joker is net
Pell theso who understand the pateut
fact that the convocation of American bish
eps new in Heme is engaged exclusively in
the consideration of matters of church d
cipluic, the scusatieual dispatches te which
the public are regularly treated in reference
te this very innoeent convention in ike
highly amusiuz readiug. Again it is an an
ueuueed that an cllert is making te
introduce caueu law for the government
of the Cathohe clergy of the United States,
aud speculations of the most morbid kind
are indulged in as te the possible diplem
atle complications that may result fiem
the appniutment of a papal nuuoie. A
both el thebe rumors have been authent
atlvely dculed, further diBOusdeu of thetn
has about ai union partiuouey te the weild
at large as would have thu investigation
ei tuat highly interesting scientific ques
tien whother the moon is inhabitable.
llesnis is rapidly going into decay
HrHtwhile it was the proud beast of the
Hub that American literature revolved
about herself as a centre, and her claim te
being the " Athens of America " was lung
undisputed. Hut new a chaugu has oeuio
ever the spirit of the Ilostenian dream
Her literary celobnties are dyiug one by
oue with uoue nrisiug te fill their places.
Ne leuger is she the Mecca te which the
ambitious literary pilirrim beuds. his feet
steps. The great publishing bonus of
whleh she was went te beaBt are betakiug
thomcelves off te New Yerk und Phlladel
phia. Hut the severest blew of nil lathe
water famine new impending ever her
devoted head, lu oeiisoquonouof which the
nmyer has Issued a proclamation begging
consumers te batholesH.ThlH munia'pil I
vltatlen te abstain from cleanliness Bettles
ncyenu all doubt the Tate or this ence
proud elty. But In the murky blaokuess
of the oleud Bottling overher, a faint sliver
Ilniug is dlscornlble. Jehu L. Sullivan
still claims the Hub as his rosldeueo, nud
the HostenB yet remalu the champions of
the diamond field,
Pner. .1. P. WtcunusuAJi, L. L. I.,
writes te the American, of
length, showing by figures that the com cem com
peusatlon of publle school toaebor in
Pennsylvania Is net neatly equal te that
of ethor persons whom capabilities, train-
ing, ute., maj ! considered of correspond
ing grade ; and that the public soheo's
suffer largely en this account. " Four
thousand teachers le.we the profession
every ye.u ,in Pennsylvania ' Of theso,
many or the ines; premising jeuug nieu
study 1 1 v or mcdleluc, engage in some work that piys tlieui bol bel
ter, or enter upon a business career The
le Is almost enough te parity te the
whole work of education. Heside?, this
cens'aut chauge of toaehors is very datu
aging in Its effects upon the pupils in our
schools. Ne etie can teieh a child we II
who in net thoroughly acquainted with his
taleuts, tastes nud disposition ; and Mich
ati Insight into the inner being of a school
ful of children is u t acquire I H a day ei
j ear A mature mind must knit itself iu
lovetoau immature one, must inspire it
with eeutl leuee and trust, before the work
eT instruo'ieii ein properly e iu nonce ,
aud this is a pnvess of slew growth Wi'ti
nc instant change of teaohers, th pupi's
of u school lese all rli it i m jst vain itile hi
education the m. milling of character, the
sbap ng of life, that tniming whuh makes
the best pjstble men aud wemru."
LvDeuiicnc thiuks Oiear WiKte has
become Oscar tame,
Mvttiiew Amnie nay he recants
Eineiseu as "oue of the greatixt of men."
Hen. Jeiin A. Kv'sen iutetnl hereafter
te de the edi'leg for a daily ue.vspapcr te
be established in Des Moines
eut IU. Cne! .MvTrBiuii. ei St.
Peter's, II ni j. deelarcs that the Pep-.hir
ing advised with the Amtncau prelates iu
It me, has Oeeidcd te appumt thi arcli
bNhep el Pliilndelphia iu Febraary next
SrvM v.V the explorer, will with
the etpo'litteu which he is uetr e ud ict
mi tbreugh Africa uutil Mu. when he
hopes te take a lew mouth ii ! day, re
turning, however, e his work uuinedia
Ma W W. frui.'nv the Wislinitfteu
ph'lauthrepi'.t, was " years old en We 1
ucMlay.when he received fie-u th Pnueess
Marie, of Paris, the deoeratl u uf ttie au
cient "Older el Melusine." in recijuitim
of his -.erne te art and his diN et
Alfa inder bum v.n, of L'hicice, i
has a vcr lartre lcril prict c. wa eh
Siid te be worth 25,000 a yea-. Before he
was elected prcsideut of the Ins'i National
I'nien his briefs us-'d te be tnailced with
very email flgures, but new he is as inde
pendent in his conduct aud as itrenu us
for a Tee as any ptactitioner in the West.
Rev. Du. H J. N'evi, rector of M
Paul's American church in Heme, Italy, ih
at last forced te take some rest from the
long strvin of his stngte-hanled work, atd
will spend the winter in India. Mede
laye i h s departure in erd -r te receive
into the communion uf the Anglicaa church
Moasiner bviese, a domestic pieliteef
the nope. wh ou the sib et l)cetnber
made a piiblu reuuuciatien of the addi
tiens made te the Catholic faith bv the
Trideutne nn i Vaticiu CJunciU. Oann'
Ur. Nevm's abeuce his duly will be tiken
by i'.ev. J. V. Payne, of New Yerk, and
H'V. F. A. Gregery, of Maivgaseir.
f.r. V nttcruuuuuiilera ul hi;s.ej. Ceurier-Jmrnai
Seme cranky Virkj'nian accutuiy ei two
age betook Uimsilf t,j the prepvra' ou of a
new bVi rae, but somehev he becime
mix) i tii ualciU'ljns -i he ptoeor .ed,
and pre la -ei a s up He pie-uunc i it
giwi, and cal'ed it e'g nea. We c' Mfj
egg iiij am ng the soups aiviie lly, for it
bath a dui cniMiteucy, a rich urujuitef
au'.m.U nu n ion, aed withai the proofs
of cek a tl is kiv lived, fr, as tu-s rm
I 4 ler of i. )cc-v'ien, whether wUisky,
braudy or ruin, is poured into the cold
conglomerate et beaten eges, it irntnedi
aU'lycieka them. Nodriek is ncher or
mire ceneruus than this soup in respect
te its immediate effect en the palate, un t
cone is mete insidious and trick; when it
gets in its work upon the interior visera
aed u'zzird. A het lutt meauc tmd
promptly arises beiwren the sevei il in
compatible inirredieuts, nnrt they proceed
te dissolve putnership, each e.emeut
the whiUy, the ege, the mgir and the
milk settling up buMueHs en i's own ac
count. The result is confusion and c ja s
The liver and the hi;hu aUu bc nm iu
vt.lved in the demeralizati in in tue neih
borheod, and ultimitely the blmxiuad the
nerve centres. The patient, iu fact, falls
into a staje iu which he would be liable
te no called drunk ordinarily, though, ifi
fact, he i- merely the vietim ni overteei
I ln- el '' me" treacherns soup There
iu- uva meie useiui iiiveutm m than
mis snip, but we wjuld nitc-jsuie the
iuventei irvL, i'imm.
1 linn in Arttiut a Inter.,.
An Albauy torrespeudout of u New
leik paper, giving the probabilities el
th" It publieiu cvndidates for the pea Is
ship of the Assembly, say. ' The ..p
leiirances indicate that nt the jirepcr time
thu delegations fr mi New Voik an 1
Kius e mntles, or a ma) inty el them
will go te Mr. bheard, of Herki ntr, who
appaiently is s itisfactery te tUel.-a.ers
should this transler take place, It vsejld
indicate than harmonious fueling exists
between the fneuds of President Vit.' ur
aud Sjuatjr Waruer Miller, whuh nny
have important effects upon the cj npisi npisi
Hen of New Vetk's delegation te the
n e invention and upon the ele.'t.uii
efa L nit.d hi.iu.8 senator next year."
Tl.e IJenioeratic state central ojjimittee
of Missuun, met Friday in St. Leuis,
adopteia r. solution urging thu national
ueiuinltteu te call the Deinoerntio national
convention prier te the Itoptiblieiu con
vention, and nppoiuted a sub committee
of seveu te co eperate with the eitieus of
St. Leuis in eudeaveritig te pioeuro the
meeting of tlie convention in that eity.
A letter was re id ollenuu the use of the
Meohauies' Kxchanue hall te th li-m ,.
cmiie national convention.
I'ciliuliry l)SMiHi;rs te u Denmndeil ,,r
UlliliV .i:i;re..ln Atlltmle
The Pirls llepubltqite J-'ntneaue and the
IIev.ih ncouey ceuliim thu statement et
the A.ifien.iJ and the Tempi that Frauee
will ex let iniue Hteunty for the due dis
charge of the pecuniary lespensihility in
curred lu thoTenquiu campaign by reason
of the aggiossive attilu In of Chin i.
It Is nimercd ou the lienise thu n
I' r. null foree his lauded upon the Island
f II ilnan, which is opposite the nieuth of
the Delta of the Hul Uiver, and oennnanils
the Straits of Hainan, through which nil
commerce via the Gulf or Tenquiu pisses
te Heng Keng. The rumor thus fai lacks
Mrnubiuu tiin netjr fundi.
At Trenten, New Jursey. yesterday,
case ?X ,l,a7eu "ve lv 'lUlm tn tl
ai the,8ttat10 oiunell of thno.derof
AroerlMii Meohauies against Daniel H
Sharp and ethers, lately mombers of Del
aware council, Ne. 63, of Souther, New
Jersey, new defunct. Thu suit wH, t, re!
cover certan money alleged te benK te
t he cemrlaluants upeu the UlwrKanitlen
e Delaware council, a subo.diuate brai J
of the state council. Thu chancellor
decided that the distribution of tl ii fun U
was a wilful violation or the society', aw
and he required the defendants te piy ever
the funds withheld and the cehts of the
a I'Kcit uk din ii Kin mi a im:.
Su'l"el lit lie it llrlln el tlie lenlmlctale
KuittlhiK-thr Clirl.tlii.l. J.y e( Kin 1ln
Wilkes eeiintv, Geeigu. s in great ex -cltennut
ever the tltcever of a lurfie
quautlty et Cenfeilei it.' trensiire, nUeitt
whleh se much bin been mil mid wntteu
Diiiiuu a storm a mi ill eik ti was b'e ..
down nluut nine tui'.-s lnvu W ishinuleii
Mr. Jehn Prank, wiii! mm lr,
hemething shining, an I ex mimed the roots
or the tree. In the heif I It b theliee
he found almost a pe.k of kel I and a lrne
qiiantl'J of Jewels and pie.i'iissle .
Atueiu the latter wie duiueids, tubies.
ntld pe iris aud m.inv 'pieces el exquisi e
workreinship, the v el which It m b. . n
placed by several i i eitr it J.' tkH).
I he b.'ltef expr s-r I by nd wt i
have seen the tieaime is th it it Is n pa.t
of the let lest by the t' -uledernte
eabinel dntliij; it- tl h' ttir.uih
that section, as the nil iijem winch this
trouuie was f. uu 1 was tie same
upon whleli tlu cnife ira'.'s 10
treau d. It is ir, -d thr. the
lt'rsens whespeiind iiw part l the t-e.n
ute, b tug uuable t. v urv it oil in siie y
hid it ler seeurity, a 1 -ith i d, it a nam
ral death or were kd - d m u after, at d
that oeitseqnoiilly llie tna.uie wn inver
iiuearthetl. The gieit i uutity of jewels
and pwciens steues siu;ests that 1 must
have been the ejuteu'.s ei i nns'eums
jewelry box intrus 1 t' Il M and
t iken fiem her sh itl .tittrward by a
st anger vshile i. r v it i n tLi mh tin
President Davis ,in h i vbinet, t
cetber with a uu i.l t e !i:niuisUe I
Confederates, stepped v t ' res. deuce f
Mis. .Mess, nu iied widow 1 idy, where it
is beheved the la-e v. nn."' t tns liuf.d
aey was he! I Wiii tie lentuf was
ibent eevr, Gen. ,1 ilm (. l.ieekcnmUe
cillid in .Mrs M ss an f, Uiudiiij het a
bj of quiiet d -vies ti 1 .itr H wis et
great value, as it c.t : -d tire j'Weliy
which Had been p.nvui I by Udiesefthe
Ceufedericy for the betubt of the
cause, and desired her t" srciete it until
niiJ eua with pre, r aihriy sh ul I
return te claim It When the party had
resumed its retreat Mi. Mess rxamltied
the e ui'ontsef thebn. au i was dircltd
by the brilliancy winch met her caze. lr
several weeks rhe ki ' h.r tiust a pro
found sicret, nud i .: ' d it from bun
d-eds of tneu wh w
i aiciing the
n rejbjd treas
h.TMiuin rmle
A ihtiug, he
.! -. and iu
Ler that he
euutiy t tr reteaa-i's .if t
ure tmiu uuh' a
up te her reitdeiv.
C llled Mrs Mess a
whispered words '1 i
was the accredited aej
il the per us
who had left the pweliv b x in her
pissessien, nud thit he b.i 1 bet u instruct
ed tecall ler it Cemp' : h deceived by
the mau's asurau.e .iu i . ppvaraucd of
hones' v, she placed the b iu his hands,
te see him duappeai iu thu Jitkuesiand
te reabzj next dav t'n' he hid
cruelly i upjsed upon 'le d ed a mouth
later. The fact that tb j-wels just feui d
corresended se well with the contents ei
the tiivsteiieus box hnds color te the sij.
posit ou that they are the same
t'Mtii. tP nil. ir s
urleus Oriinii. 'nil CiUru'tte
The tile ie Urk!yn .'ewdiwuthe
walls of tlve new bricK buildiues, domel
ished a new frame beildm, and capsized
a lighter oentaiuing l,0tvi bas of sugar at
oue of the w bnrves.
Tlie hih wind at M intievl en ie.l the
snow te drift badly and in citere with rail
road travel
At Mabaoe) Plane, a coming sled
g nng de ii a Meep iueliue ran let a lenni
gemu up W.llie Hertz )g. ai;ed Pi years,
hd a leijae I an armbroken, Henry Slvyer
had a lee broken. Oarley Ovyer's skull
w i iraMi'-ed, au I Klla inilh's lr was
brekeu Twe i.leis were slightly iu
A passenicr tiaiu en the s mthern braueh
of the Pcnnsyivani i railreid struck n
broken rail ueur Duubar.nnd tiircoeeaohes
and a baitagecar were wreckeJ. A mini
ber of passeegeis were injurett, but uoue
The s-eamei Clara S stru k a suag and
sink iu ti.'e TU'UUtas. in Tsuhud i like.
Mississippi rhe hid a cargo of 1 000
baUs of e I't n and .100 saek of seed. Ne
1 s of lite is reperte.1.
J.iin.-s ilaCanu aud .Tescphiuu Till ley
were found dead uuJer nn overturned
watfen nt the toot of au embiukiueut in
Jersey city. The c uple bad been en a
The Ohie tiver nt Cincinnati icashcd a
height of IU fnut .'J mjhes at uoeU yeatcr
i we uniiuev. n men uore i tuuii lrezeu
te death in a barn at Numediu near Cen
l'tiiiitiieiiini i Krtt iinie-.
Mary Hristlin, aged Jil, has died from
tbu result of burns, riliewis lighting the
as in a chandelier wh n some evergreens
attached te tlie ladder fell, and, becoming
united, cot tire te her el .thing.
Tne coroner's jury rendered a virdict
of actite ulcohelism in the cise of Annue
Clauuell.uged 27. It was testilled that he
ended a sprce by drinking a piart of
hrnndy, which caused his death.
Jacob Y'oelland, olered, aged Wi, died
en Wednesday night, after a brief illness
The coroner was informed tit it death was
the result of poisoning by the wife et the
deceased, und she was ai rested.
A Ilntcli ni Aiclilruta
Rebert Gray, aged 1.2, was tern te ineces
while feeding a threshing inacluue in
Crawford county. Jehu Smith was found
frozen te death en the public
iluntltigdeu. An unknown tnau, killed
bv n near, was found in thu suew neai
Wilkesburc. IJenj Da is, aged 80,
hanged himself In Normtewu Antheny
Heley, of .Schuylkill ceuuty, hid his head
cut oil ou the lailreid ueai Mahaney en
Christmas night. Wrn Kiamer, Isaiah
Tayler and Henry Hieaii, while banting
uear Uentralia, gatheied around a fire
which oxpluded ene of the guus, seriously
hurting all tbiea or them.
America Ulnlius lis iwn (Jnrn Alnre
At Wnshiugten the modeling room in
the suiurvislug arohiteot's olllce was
struck by llglitulug Fnday. The fereman
and all of the feteigtiers, prlncipilly
Frenchmen, employed there, who inve
had a monopoly el that work, te the ux ux
clusieu of American citi.-ms, hive been
runniug things te suit thumsilvcs fei a
loin? tune. Frnnch was the prineipil Ian
guagu used, and when Hughsh was spoken
it was only te decry Amern,in lintituiiens
and Amerlevii artis's. The empleyes
came aud wcut uh they pleased, and
worked models te their own fancy and at
their loisure until the new supervising
architect, Mr. Hell, took charge. He has
been watching the epilatiens of the
orevwl 6IUCO then, and, liuding but little
Improveuiont, iu spite of fair warning
given thorn, he discharged all. The ap
imintuient, seme months ae, of Let
Flauuery, un American seulptur of reoeg
nlzed merit, soems te have brought Inte
prominence all these unpleasant features,
ns the French foremau Irera the stmt
made a doterinluod wai upon Flautiery te
drive him out by harassui ( him and eriti
elslng his work nnd nationality. O.her
reforms nre shortly te be umututed ,
A lleiartiiiiilel Jutilce Avuili.
? A disinteh from Texas says that Jlr.
Funk llurd, congressman from Ohie, will,
imtnedlatel) after the holiday reoess, in in in
trodueu in the Heuse ..Holutieus calling
for the nppeiutniiuit of a oemmlttoo te
iuvestlgate the oeuduot of Hrowster Cam-
oreu, Joel W. Hewtnau and A L, Tidball,
. cunuceted with tun department or Justioe
'or lexa, ngaiust whom spoeltlo eharges
Jmve been prepned, nud will be presented
n the same time. Tulball is new I'nitnd
S'atcs M ufhal for, This notion
is said te be Instituted by A. 11. Norten,
ex-Pulled states marsharfer the Nei thorn
Dlstiictei Texas, who Is an ittiele of Mr.
Mnltuw I rrp Krull.
Wm. Fex, eeuviuted of thu uiuider of
Tiieiuis llewatd, was hanged at Nevada,
Misseuil. Tlie exejutieii took place in a
natural amphitheatre, about a mile nud n
half from 'he bii-diiim portion el the town
and was witnessed by ten thousand spec
A sivne light oeurrod iu the uienti
t litis of uerthwesteiu Arkmsis, between
a iherdPs poise a-id a gvug of horse
thicvis, in whieli several ineti were killed
at d wuiiudid.
Twe nogrees natiied Pagan, nrrnsted for
wounding white men who had attueked
them In a q larrel, were shot de id by u
miskediueb in th. Jul at llnnkvllle,
lrnrliiK tlmtn rrlrurrtpn I'elrm
F.uipleuM of the New Yerk, Pennsyl
vania A' OMi railroad Friday began tear
ing down telcKinph poles reeentlv erected
along the Hue of the new Pittsburg,
Cleveland A Teledo railroad. Ollbials of
the thst nam. d told claim the poles ou
tlteir laud and siy they will temeve them
along the entire hue Ne attempt was
in ide te step them. President Andrews
nnd StiiHMitntondent Agnew, of the new
real, are awiv. and no itHtructiem h ive
been nceived from them Tim tumble from the disputed ownership of nu
old canal bed, and is the same which led
te the riots two weeks age.
Auirrlm NMltnil i-urk In I'ntuns,
Secretary PfeluighiiyMUi his toceivcd
trni Minister Morten, at Paris, a tole
gintu stalimr tint the withdraw il of
the decree of the 127th of November, which
will b) published te d ly, limits the time
for the admission of Auieiieiu perk pro
ducts te the 3J:li .1 inn irv, at the perta et
Havre, Herde iu i aud Maisellie, instead
el Nantes.
Iie.'fi by rirr
The Eigle woellen null of Henry vV l'e ,
at West I'holmsferd, Msssichusetts has
b irued. I.-iss $'.200,000 , insurance 7"i,000
Alssi A G Vati iidniuuds' woellen mills ut
-'.iiferd. Ontario, L ss M0.00O. A lire
at diauge. S itith Oarelina, destroyed six
stoies and several ether buildings, causing
a tetul less of $15,000.
Tlie Columbia Spy is for (ten. Sherman
for president
Tite Xer A'rn has at last get 't'ipiite
I'lieu's di.ny up te date.
The Manheim Sentinel will enter upon a
ue.v volume en Fiiday next.
Lvhzibethtewn Chrentele priutsue paper
this week. Christmas, you knew.
The editor of the Mt Jey took first
prize iu the free-for-all class nt the Lin
c )ln schesjl spelling bee.
The horse repertn of the Kiiimmer
ives a bridegioetu two years te get from
Paradtse te the ether place.
The .Marietta 'Junes thiuks if Hen..!. P.
Wickershani could be induced te outer
iu the congressional rac he might give
Mr. Smith a hard struggle.
The Marietta Register nnuouuees that
the May Hew or of the Pilgrims was net the
same Mijllewer which in 104S brought
ever some negrees te Harbidees.
It does net leek te the Mt. Jey I It raid
" as if we werejustiliml in the light of the
Hible te say that Oml has enumerated
uoue et the pleasures aud occupations of
New Helland CUinun takes the cike
with iciug en it, tee : " Place the wind
ing sheet areuu 1 the old year, and let the
fuueral cortege pass ou te oblivion's come
tery te deposit the last offspring of time "
Majer Kllwoed Orient's Lancaster fn
7 tirtr simewhat spitefully says the
iinneuncxmeut that Congressman Smith
has introduced a bill for the erection of
public bmldiiigs in Lanjaster invariably
precedes ins candidacy for roneminattoti.
"Tliis was the cv-e iu '.'', '73, N ), '"J and
new in 3. '
Ktnuts neHr mill
Heading is te
scrim ttie Ueiiuty l.lnm
have a colored bisebill
Harrisburg's skating rink, made en the
basebvll grounds, will be epuued te the
public ou New Year's day.
People iu Heading are ceuiplaiuiug that
the electric lights nre extiiicuishud tee
curly in the mertiiut,'.
The demai. d for charters for tiatural gas
iu Western Pennsylvania has become great,
applications beiug made nearly every day
atthe ntate deptttmeut nt Harrisburg, fur
The Uariisburg car company has re
ceived an order for 000 box cars and they
are te be undo in a short time. Ou the
streugth of this and a previous order for
100 cars the works will resume general
operations en Jau. 10, ISS-l
The Cumberland Valley radio il com.
pany are having tive new Hastlaku passen
ger c laches built at the Altoenacar shop.
Thise ceaches will be of the latest im
proved style and of the finest finish, nud
thu aislei will be six inohei wld jr than iu
the old cars.
A IIUUll IIP KE1.1,"
riie Uemeiiy Ht tlie tiper Heuse I.hii liven
Inii The play, "A Hunch el Keys," presented
lu Fulton opera house was HUfllciently
known in Lancaster te attract a geed sized
audience, which duriug the greater part
of the play enjoyed the antics, the songs
and the situations of the poeplo ou the
stnge immensely. Thereis a geed deal of
merriment iu " Huiieh or Keys," whleh is
merely a mulange of fun nnd droll be
havieur en the part of a curtain Littleton
Sniirj'js, euj., who tries te run a hotel with
wee I til resiilts. This character is assumed
by Mr. W. C. Crcsble, who makes much
out of it. Mr. Geergo Hoekor carried the
lieiiBO with his impersonation of Jenat
Grimes, and Miss Flera Moere, a famlllat
name in comedy, ns Teddy Key captured
the audiencn at encn. Miss Delly Monrne
is n bright aud capable little Dely Dells,
which character she has taken slnce the
recent difficulties of the oempnuy nt
Soranteu. In raet the whole treupe Is al
together capable of making plenty of
amusements, aud de it.
Kiimiiclpmluii llnlourittlen.
The arrangomeuts for the calobratien of
emanoipitien day, nuxt Tuesday, by the
colored peeple or S'.eulten, nre about com
pleted, aud if the weather should iiutprove
unpropitleiiH, the occasion will be u mo me mo
merablo ene In the local annals of Stoelton.
It is known that visiting socleties will
positively be thore from Harrisburg, Car
lisle, Yerk, Columbia, Mt. Jey, Middle
town aud West Philadelphia, a number of
thorn aoeompauied by brass bands. An
arch will be sprung across Frent street at
Adams, aud ethor points suitably decorat
ed. After the the proeossion Prof. Mc
OiunlH will read tlin emancipation proola preola proela
inntion, UoergoII. Imes deliver au oration
and singing be indulged in. The colebra
tien et the day will ba wound up by a
grand banquet ln Duukle's hall, and a
fauey dress ball in First's hall.
Veuiir l.utly Injured.
This mernlug a young lady who was
hurrying te make the Quarry villa train fell
en the loe ou Orauge stroet. Her head
was badly cut and she was uuoeuhcIous for
I Heme tlme. She was carried Inte a noigli neigli
!imilii. Imiiie whure her weuuds woie
dtessed after whleh she waB able te leave
en tlie train.
Hlilpiueiii u( lluraei.
Fiss & Deorr shlpped te day a ear lead
of Lancaster county horses te New x erk,
TllltKI. Vlllltll DltUISIM Vt 1' 11 1 ll'.V I.S
A I'lntt llntrilMlionent ut HI. lniuc' His
Irtrtimtltin Ht at. Juliii's-lim l(),
nytnrlsii Krstlvat I, tint rsiKlit.
The Chrlttu is entortaintneut givun te
thoehildien of St. .lames' Sunday school
I ist evuuing was a very Hue nllalr, and was
largely attended. Thu decorations of the
church were much the sauin wm they
wete ou Chilstmas morning, but Heme
additions h id bjeti made and the I irj'e
Christinas tint) neat the altar was litmg
with hundreds of Christmas einaiuetitri
and toys nud presents for the uhildieii,
Tlie service consisted of ('hrlslmis cauds
snug by the school, aiitheins by thu choir,
the recitation of the creed, pravurs, and
au addiess by the rector. At the close of
the service the seveial classes eT the
Sunday ncIioeI were cilled up iu turn and
each child was presented with gilts of
various kinds, the boys iceciwng luuks,
knives ntul toys, the girls toys, books,
dells, ecc , an 1 all lecciviug b ixcs of con
fectieus. Phe music was very well leu
dered, ami deserves special mention,
M. .lllllll'S 1 MS(ftlllt
A Suiid ly school euterliiniiieut, very
similar te the above, was held I ist even
ing lu St. Jehn's Hpisoepil chiiu'h, which
was prettily decorated, there beliig two
large Chrlsttuis tieus iu front el the
chancel, which wis biillitntly illuiniuatud
ami tiiuiuied with uvuigrui-u. Itev.
Fiaticts I). Hesklus, a former lector of
the church, elllctatud, instead of Hecter
Spaiildlng, who Is iu ill heilth. llie
caieN, icsp nisi s, A , woie followed by
uiinddrtss by Itev. Heskius, alter which
cakes, ciudtes and toys weie distl United
among the clnl Iren, who weie present iu
large iiuiubeis.
Toe l'rpi.l))trrltu rstl4l.
The Sunday school festival el the
Presbyterian chinch was held last evening
in the lectin e room, whieh hud been very
prettily lilted up for the occasion. Tied
greens were t.vined around the pillars, four
large and elegant baskets trimmed with
vines were pi iced lie ir the rcidiug desk,
nbove which, m gas jets, was the weid
"Welcome" The service opened with
the long metro d ixolegy, niter which
thore were prayers, slngiug psalms and
Christmas hymns, losemsivc rea lings
relating te the advent of the Sivieur, an
address by the pastor, ft v. J i. Mil
chell, and the distribution of gifts, each
child bcleugtug te thu fdioel, whethm
present or absent, teceiving a half
leiind pickage uf c indies ami eiaug'-,
after winch similar gifts were made te
every person present. The nttuudauee
was large wid the oicuieu greitlyeuj iyed
by all.
lliuln Ulnss KnlcrlHiiieti.
Jehu H. Sclium eutertitued thu memlitrs
of his female llible class, el St Paul's M.
K. church, at his residence, Ne !)11 Seuth
Prince street, last eveuiug I'hey were
each preseutui with gifts, ind a hands ice
collation was served. ii.h
Mere Hinl llioie Mini Kterjif heici
Wm. Hiddle himls around the neat and
convenient school calendar issued by
Iveseu, Hlakciuaii, Tayler A Ce.
All the ether wuithei prophets having
proved themselves fnluies, waitttutil the
ground hog has his inuiugs.
The Hefermed church, tit New Helland,
will have a Atiiglt memorial service en
Jan. 1J.
Jehn A. Hrt ueinau, west of .Marietta,
recently lest 13 turki.ys nt the hands of
bolemou (troll, of Harevtlle, has klaugh
tereJ two hogs which, t .gether, dressed
1,01.2 pounds. Next '
Mrs. Harry Hurst, uf Hist Hail town
ship, en Christmas walked out upmthe
perch et her home, slipped and broke her
V. H. II. Kuifcer brought h itne te his
New Helland fneuds liem Ins trip te
Missouri spcciuieu veuiseti and shell
The Liedeikrauz Ne Year e inert anil
sociable will be held iu thu society's new
hall ou Monday evening. Tne utiw legu
latieus regardmg admissions will be stuet
ly enforced
The tweuty-lifth auuual meeting of the
state horticultural association will b j held
at the slate capitol, Harrisburg, in tlie
room of thu state beard of agriculture, com
mencing Wednesday, Jau. Id, at 'J o'clock,
p. te., and continuing ever Thursday, the
1 1 tit. II. .VI. J;,uglu,et .Marietta, will lead a
paper en celery culture. Calvin Cooper,
S a. llathven, P C Hillcr and Jehn O.
Engle, of thin county, ure ou the vatieus
committees for thu meeting.
lllr. M)HTMI'.ltN IiiAltlll.l
A l.are t.stlicrin An.uml llie llulns.
This morning thore was a very large
curbstone market ou North Quean and
Walnut streets, iu the vicinity of the
wrecked Northern market house. Itesi
dents lu the neighborhood combined nud
by a liberal tise of b.n rels, boxes and
beards Improvised scores of "stands" for
the use or the country folks. Many regit
lar attendants ut the market sold their
marketlng direct from their wagons, which
were backed up agaiust the curbstones
for the purpose. The line extended ou
both sides et North Quoeti street from the
Koysteno hotel te the Washington lire
ougme house. The number of buyers
present was very large and thore was
mueh geed naturodjeitliug among then!
in their efforts tellud the markottnen with
whom they weru aoeustouiod te doal.Theto
was very little ohange iu pi Icej Iretn last
week's quotations. Utitter sold at about
.10 cents a jeund and eggs at !28(i30 coats
per doen.
tin lllHins Altiiuiie te thu It It I'liiiipiiuy.
Thoeotonor's jury.impvnellcd te inquire
into tlie death of the unknown man who
was struck by a train at the Little Ceues.
toga bridge en Thursday, met this morn
ing in the orphans' court room After
hearing the testimony of the train men
the following verdict was ronderod :
" That said unknown mati came te his
death from Injuries iccelved by belng
struck by the engine of Frcdericlc accom
modation en December 27 en the P. II. H.
near the Little Concstega bridge. The
jury find that no blame can be attached te
the railroad company or its ompleycs, as
the mau was walking ou the oempany s
traek when struck by the engine"
Tlie body was intorred at the alma
heuse without beiug identilled.
II. of 1'. (Illlcen.
C'astle hall of Inlaud City ledge, Ne. 83,
K. et P., was filled te its utmost capacity
last night at the seml annual election of
ofllcers for tlie ensuing term, nlnety seven
knights participating ln the olcetioii. The
following oflleors were chosen :
Ch. Cem. Sam'l. M. Skoen.
V. Chau. Heward L. Zeek.
Prolate Henry Eektnau.
M. at Arms H. Frank Zeek.
K of It. and S. Jeremiah Hlfe.
M.ef F. J. H. Markley.
M. or K I. B. Kendlg.
Trustoe M. M. Harteu.
Tlie Installation will take pl.ica Jan. I,
An Allllcteit ureau
llul AlrtMu ) A'-hU,
A few Sundays age Mlsj Ktuily Sllvci the
organist at Harm tuy church, Deer Creek,
was unable te extract any sound fiem the
ergati. An investigation buing made, a
heuse suake two feet long was found inside
the instrument. It was dragged out with
a pair of tongs and killed, tlme be
fere a motise get into the ergau und stepped
the music
u iTiinir uAiHH.
A ' llilinptlniis
Hnt(lln IVIie In Umlitloe
Lant night Ambrose (iatilz, n young
tu ni tiMillng in the Illghth ward, was
taken te the station house by Michael
Shaller, a private citlzeu, locked up
en the charge of attempting te Urn the
stable of Frank ltelker. Ilevvas, laler,
ledged in jail, This morning young
young (lautr. was taken before Alderman
Hut, whom hit was discharged, as thcre
wim net a pit Hele of evidence against him.
Shallot mlmittcd this, but elalmud that
Oatitz was the wrong mini. It appears
that these two moil hid been drinking te
gutlier dining the uvuiiing. Shortly before
11 o'clock they weie at Helkcr's, and
Hants went out. When Shaller followed
he found him Rlntidiug beside the stable.
Thcie was no llie nor nny evld.tnce of It,
but Hhaller walked the man te thu station
Heuso ny a roundabout way, nud hnj him
looked up. Oant.'s Irlunds are very bU'ter
lu their denunciation or Slnller's condiiei,
and tin eaten te prosceuto him, ns he In de
pohee olllcei nor in the employ or the elty,
he had no right te ntike the arrest, nor
had he nny grounds Ter it, as (lantz Is a
very ruspietahlu young matt. The stable
which Sualler supposed wis being set en
lire has a high wall surrounding it, and it
would be imp uslble for any m in te set it
en tire fiem thu gietiud, even if he desired
Wlirn Shaller leek the man te the sta
tlen heiisii hu ropicseutcd that he had a
case et arson against Mm. Upen this
statement Oatitz waH looked up, as the
elllcers knew nothing or the circum
stances. Shaller, at one tliiM, was em
ployed by the city te leek rer llre bugs
and he had Alex Lnatnan sent te jail. Fer
a yeir pist he h is net been employed by
the city in any capacity whatever.
iiik ni.iiMKii a,
Aliiilliei Kuinntkisble Ktlilbllleu l.sit Mlglit.
In Lineaster and In ether parts of the
country heard from, one or the most vivid
of the recent brilliant red sunsets was that
of last night. The whole wettern sky was
ene glorious blush of c.irdlual red FieK Ie
as a blush anil uncertain as the aurora, the
ruddy glow pulsated along the west
ern sky, new expanding zenith ward,
again skrltikiug after tlie iccedliig sun.
Fer two hours the vividness of the red
glow attracted thu attention of the people.
Whpu iu the star lit sky the pneiilinr ruddy
color came and went, the coldly brilliant
st ir.s seemed blue aid i;rueu by contrast
with red, and their brillivuuy was fautas magnified. Venus blazed with rare
splendor aijilust the rosy background of
the sky.
The view at stiurise this morning was
scarcely less brilliant, t' e eastern aud
western skies being alike tiliiumuted witli
a bright rel flush tint only faded away
with the stun ge,
a mil I'll.". iis.ur
."study Sllie .Int. AttMnlr.l l l.itnnniter
The extensive contractors, Jehn Keller,
of this eity, and L L. Hush, of Rlrd-ln-Haud,
whohave constructed u large pur.
tien of thu new Schuylkill Valley,
have just recencd the contract for the
grading, bridging, biding und track laying
for the New Yerk, Philadelphia A. Ner
folk railroad. The line will be uinety
milett in length nud will iiiu from Cherry
stone, Virginia, te Delmar, Dehware, and
much of the fruit, Ac, new transferred by
water Ireni the plantation of the litter
state, will be taksu across the Yerk river
from Norfolk te Cherrystene aud then
shiped ou the new line te the uortheru
markets. The ceutr.ii t also includes the
erection of twenty depots nud the building
of an ocean pier at Cherrystone, aud the
total cost will Im ever $1,000,000.
The new Oettysbtirg A Hantsburg
railroad, 02 miles iu length, has just been
llulshud by the same Him.
lin liiUlscrertlr )t I'll) rat in tlin I'lrr."
Yesterday afternoon Hachael II titer,
who is employed as a domestic lu the
family eT Jehu S Otvler, residing en
Seuth Llme street, went te the cellar aud
threw into the furnace a considerable
qu mtity of grease, from a pau in whleh a
turkey had been roasted. A loud exple
sleu followed which was heard by Mr.
Oivler, who ran te thu cellar, whoie he
round the girl lying en the tloer, with her
faee and hands bully burned nud con
siderable or her hair scorch id off Sirauge
te say her clothing did net take tire. She
was taken up stairs aud Dr. Kiugnttonded.
her. Te-day she Is much butter.
A .MU.IHK Mllll.
Cen Hatley, a former lesidetit of this
county nud a famous Irishman iu the
early days of Quarry ville, who of late
years has been living iu Wilkcsbarrr, has
been missing from his home for flve
months. He is between 80 and 85 years
of iie, and it is reared t,h it seme accident
has befallen him. About two mouths uge
he wns Heen en the Valley read, near May
posteflico, Hdeu tjwnship, this county, but
nothing has been heard or htm by his
friends since. Any Information in regard
te him would Ua thankfully reoeivud by
his nephew, Daniel Uall.mlier, of this
elty, or his sous, Ceu. ami Patrlek, of
aitlm ut Heal Kitnie.
bkipwlth Ilewett has ueld 1 1 acres of
unimproved laud iu Drumore, township
te Jehu M. Witmer, or Quarryvllle for $05
au acre.
Dauiel Hiiiear,Hr.,has bought from Jehn
Hess, 8 acres of oak timber en the "State
read," for $310. Mr. Hinear has beguu te
cut it into railroad sills for which he finds
a ready market at Quarryvllle.
.1. W. Curran has purchased of Isaac
Hoisinger, the slaughter heuse and ham
and tlie let en which they staud, situated
en Kvans' ruu, Hast Douegal, for $1,000.
Matrimony In Uelernln.
Iu the prescnoe of n brilliant oempany
at the home of Mr.Nnwten Greff, in Kirk Kirk
weed, Celerain township, yesterday, his
soeond daughter, Miss Sadle was united in
marriage with Mr. Frank Krman, jf
Philadelphia. The ceremony was per
formed by Hev. Dr 0. W. Stewart, or
Celerain. After the ceremony the wedding
feast was enjoyed, and the brlde and
groom Htarted oil' en their wedding tour,
with the best wishes of a host of friends.
Mr. Erman Is a machinist lu Philadelphia,
and he will, upon their leturn, tcttle
I'uiiliry ivemimin.
At the Chcster county poultry show,
Jehu M. Hagans, of Strasburg borough,
was awarded the following premiums :
1st en Hlun Hald Tumblers ; 1st en White
Hrcastcd Fautails ; 1st ou Yellow Wiuged
Turbin ; 1st ou Hlaclc Moerhoad ; 1st en
Sllver Wing Swallow ; 1st ou Illue Kng.
lish Owls ; 1st ou Hlank Magpies ; 2nd en
White Greyhead Fautails ; 2nd en Solid
Hlack Turbin ; 1st and 2nd ou Yellow and
Hrewn Urcasters, and the ten dollars pre
mium for the best collection of fauey
pigeons en exhibition.
I'lflKpecket Arrested,
Yesterday aftornoen Ofllcer Hey, of the
Pannsylvanla railroad police rorce.arrostod
a mau named Henry Levanlte, who was
detected in the act ei picking the pocket
et a colored woman, about taking pussage
iu the Frederick accommodation train.
The fellow had been noticed leafing about
the depet all day and was euspected of
lining a thiif, lie was taken befere Alder
man McConemy, and committed te nuswtr
nt quarter sessions court.
ltcitioveil in l'nttituwu,
J, 0. Harley, fermerly of Adatnstewn,
this county, has opuned a brush manufac
tory en North Hauover stroet, Pottstown.
Aititi'.si r.ti