LANCASTER DALLY INTELLIGENCE TIIVK8DAY DECEMBER ii7 lyytf. i' .. i U i lancastet JntclUgcnccv. aHOIWDAY RVENINQ, DEO. 27, 1008, rAiim MOTES, Sprouting reUtae for I'lanltng. (icrmantewn Telegraph. First clans potato growers nay that the cutting the potato intended for planting, allowing two eyes te eaeh piece, some two or tlirce weeks before plnucing, and spreadtnir out upon n dark barn iloer or any nlmllar fleer, wliorethoy will have aclmnce te sprout from one te two inebes, will add te tlielr earliness In maturing seme two wcekR. They should be moistened two or ttiroe times a wcek moderately, with rath er warm water. In planting out they should be covered with net ever two inohes of soil. If a modorate quality of very early potatoes Is dcslred, the potatoes can be cut m suggested and planted In het beds with u very slight coyering of soil, and planted out as rccominendod. The Heel Aitractinn Aiile, Although this is a popular variety of the npple, and of rather large bIze, with the color a brilliant doep crimson, with thick bloom, and is te be found in places uearly nil evor the republic, yet it is strange that thore are be many orchards in which it is net te be found. It is net, it is true, a Urst class eating apple, and is perhaps ratber acid, but thore Is scarcely another equal te It for culiuary purposes ; and ue matter what the supply may be in the market, it is quickly bought up. It is as soft and ontlrely froe from pulp wheu when coekod as frezen cream. It is also an early boarer, oemlng next after the Ilarly Harvest, and though it is net au abundant bearcr, it has a yearly crop and thus retains its produetivo capacity year after year, and is naturally long lived. We de net hesitate te say that no orchard should be without It, and se far as we knew we beliove it is te be obtained at al most overy rcspoctable nursery. The Oftuie or l'ears Crackinc- We hare nevcr scen a rcasouable causj given for the cracking of pears, which in seme kinds in certain localities crack se badly as te be valueless. The old Eng lish Butter, or Whlte Doyenuc, it is nert te impossible te raise except in cities, but why there no ene can tell. If it be true that a dressing of talt under the tree, te the extent of the branches, is n remedy, as a West Philadelphia correspondent seme years age asserted was the case with htm, we have a remedy ; but from no ene olse has this been confirmed. We have known trees of this variety te bear full oreps from fifteen te twenty years without producing a half dozen perfect specimens. It is the barne with the Glcut Merccau, but net the sarae extent, as occasionally we have had perfect crops. But here the blight comes in, nnd is sure in the ceurse of six te eight years te destroy the tree. The Bcurre Glilard and Tjsen are also occasionally subjcet te cracking in some localities, but in ethers thore are ue niore perfect vaiietlcs. We would commend the nse of salt, which has done se well for the correspondent referred te above. It can de no harm, if net applied tee pro pre pro fusely, and is attended with little cost or labor. Stamps and Stump Fencra. In clearing laud of timber, the next thing te get rid of is the stumps of trees. There ara various ways te effect this, but the best we knew of Is a lever power used in the northern part of this state, and de. scribed seme years age by our voteran correspondent, Mr. J. E. Vaughan, of Bradford county, as the "simplest, cheap est, most efficient ami durable " whieh he had ever enceuntered. It was originated in that county and was net patouted. " It is merely a lever pewei with a sweep of seme twenty feet in length, take up chains, ote. The reds for pulling are made of the best ene inch iron, though seme much larger. Four men and a span of horsed will pull from thirty te forty stump- per day." The stumps, when the gre"j'd has bocemo frozen, are ene by ene inaccd en a low sled, and carried te .nvidiug line for a field, and bclug in a row, with tue roots en top, -.uewed te remain and ' the Bide ones generally removed, a stump fcneels fer.flcd which will last for many yea rs v-lt1, scarcely eny repairing, and as ouVeiont for all pructloable purposes as a lencoef auy otuer kiud. Many of these fonces are new te be seen in numerous parts of northern and northwestern Penn sylvania, and they are se elosely aud firmly stitiened that it is difficult for even a man te cress them. It Is certain that the longer a speech, tue weaker It Is, but net se with u coin, thu longer It runs, thu werse It becomes. A cold, be It ever se sllght,!s no trifle. I; siieuld be checked " ' y iugu. r. nun's teiijli Syrup Is liiu -' iiniiii or i.iinnii" mii i.i in... ... i..ii that millions say Is dl- vine in its origin. The l'eople AMumtheu. llany people are ohtenlshcd when they dls dls f,v,7t.1'0wme circulation et TJiemni' Kclec frfc Oil. llicru Is hardly a drug Iiouhe In the country that Hees net have this reini .ly upon 1U shelves. The public have leund It Is a koeiI thing nnd btlck te It, Fer sale, by li. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13! North Uueen streeL Ue l'en llelieve It That In this town thure are scerus et lwrsens passing our store every ,liiy whose lives ure uiode mlserable by lndlge-stlen. Dyspepsla. Sour and distressed hteumch, Liver Cem. Plaint, constipation, when lerTSc. we will Bell them Billion's itallzvr, guaianteed te cure them. Beld by II. it. Cochran, drauxiai Ves 137 and 139 North Uueen stre" t. WbT-oed? Has Conllacnce. " In ene rase personally known te me the success i of urdeck Miter, was ulmest Incie i lllile. One ady described thum us worth hun dred) e dollar t. 1 myself have thu greatest confidence In them." . . Scratch. imS Kuthven.Ur.t Fer salu by 11 H. Ceciiinn, druggist. 137 and U'J North Uueun Btreet V.iltl'XTH. r JUIK I.AHT CHANUK. lust ene btlst da? of basmess caru Till Christmas U at hand, AtlmowhenBllts-Beiiio plain, soinurare- Abound througheit the land I've ene mero chance-l'il tnku it, tee- Te make my wife's .icat t glad ; I'll go te hhlrk's, like nusband true Whero bargains may be had, And thore I'll buy a, cirput bright, And thus bring Jey te all, Fer overy heartgrews a v and light Wilttgltts Jrem Carrei lull. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. of Weat Klna and Water ate., LANCABTKU l'A. MAVltlNKUY. TTAV1MO IIIH30LVKI) I'AKTMKltL.,,,,. i and netmanentlv closed tim,.i Luran4uu iTuiua,Auu3iiu ul niierm my patrons and the publle genurally, that I ipsiru te lnierm my old still In thu business, being located In the l'unn Iren Cninnany'a Works. North l'liim atn. whure I am uiukintr iron und llriiss CiuhiiiilS et every dottrlptleu. ana will be pleased te sorve iiil who may laver me with thelr patron patren patron uge. KrouHOyeuraesperiencalnthobuslneaLi and using the best uiuturlal nnd employing the best mechanic)), 1 am nail died I can guar guar guar Bntcocntlre sutlsiactien. Castiuga made irem fne,!;1" re et. lren 'ml l,,L'1 wl,lc n, '"or" re liable for ntrengtb und durability man the bust cast Iren known. V teeth roll pin ena ffiSTAS! re. lS JS4L yrrk ft i"'crmity. cSfc ngi hi iUvefy . WrtrSSn' i'Cve all nS tur uf the wen and layembly known Mewrer Cern and Cob Criuher. retltlid liiul Iwnreved !?.0.a ,mn'.'' mllu completely a "0 a , K 0VJ patu. te replacu old ones which huvu Li'" " JtuglHini' K. 0. McGUl.LKV. nir.vivAi -oitewN'a iken juttkhs. Three Particular Points. Jtefnf the 1'irtl. llnewa's InON llnrnu Is dot nn intoxicating compound, ft li n tonic medlclne, net a drink. It Is a skilfully compounded preparation made toreideiostrotiRtli and licaltli j net a beverage te be sold In bar roenn and taverns. Petnt the Second.-ttnevn't Iren Iltr.tsns l free from e erylhlnR I'.Jiirteus. The most delicate Indies and the most enfeebled infants may tue It with perteet ift'ety nnd with great advantage U gentle In IU upeiatlen. telor teler tng wasted strength and lmpartlmt robust health In the mejt ifbclcnt manner Pemlthe Third. Hnew.N'fl loes llimns 1 llaltlmore. a lone established house, whew leptilntten Is well-known te the btislnr.'S vertd nnd the general community There Is no risk In buying mien medicine. StKUtVAh. OAJIAKITAN NKHVIM: TIhi only known specllle for Epileptic Fits "AIe ler spasms nnd Fulling sicklier. Ni-rveiu Weakness It Instantly relieves aim cure. ( .eaincs bleed aud quickens sluggish cltcuiallen. Neutrallre geims etdUi'ii.i and saves siekn ss. Cures ugly blotches nnd stub- A SKEPTIC SAID born bleed sores. Ellmlnatix IlelK Carbuncle and Scald. --l'ormanentIy nn t promptly cures paralysis. os. It Is a charming and healthful Aperient, Kills Scrofula anil Kings Kvll. twin brothers. Changes bail breath te poed, removing thu r.iuse. IteuLs bilious ten- SAMARITAN NEHV1XE dencles and makes clearcomplerlen. Kiiiai ! ! by none in the uellrlitm of lever A cLurwtng reselvent snl n matchless laxative It drives I Sick Ueudache lite tne wind. r"tentnlns no I drnstiv cathartic or opiates. Keileve the bruin nt morbid fancies. Promptly Hires ' Kheumntlsm by routing It. Ke-teres life-glv. Ing ptt)pcrtle- te the bleed. Is guaranteed te cure nil nervous d!erdcrs, rf-Uellable w hen nil opiates fall. Hctrvshes the mind nnd In. vlgenites the body, curesdyspepstaormeney rclunded. NEVER FAILS. UlscaspM of the bleed own It n conqueror. Kndersed In writing by evor fifty theustiml leading citizens, clergymen and physicians in V. S. and Ktirepe. 49-Fersalc by all eiillng druggists. l.5a. The lr. S. A. Itlctnuend Medical Ce., Preps . St. .Iesepi, Me. (1) Charles N. Crlttenten, Agent.S'ew Yerk cuy. alS-lvee.!Aw -Mlir.UMATlU SYUUI. A Limb Saved Aud a family Made Happy. Mr. l'hlllp Moero, et West Webster. Menree County. N. Y., says- "My daughter, new eighteen years old, has, for the past ulghteen months, bvn afillcted with rheumatism in u very severe term. One year ace It settled in ttieknee, slncowhlchtlme she has been unable te touch her toot te the fleer or meve her limb without suffering the most excru elating patn. Her limb wan f ' growing out et shape, altben- j'e were doing for herull wecuiifi cav ing useil all the remedies we could hear of and that wer ecemmendel Ter rheumatism. .oneot which ten. tltted herln t'.oleast. Her case was pronounced incurable by the phy sician and by our nelchber. and all txdle'.ed that she would boucrlpp'e , all. hr days, and that her limb would i iever Ibe restered te its original shape, liut I am happy te say that te-day my daughter Is entirely iree i from all rheumaUc pains, and that she can walk with perfect eae, hav- Ing thrown aside her crutches, and her limb seems tta strong and per tect as ever : all from the Uie et your weniiertul metllclne ' llheu malic syrup," which we censldur ene of the best medicines e er In In treduced ler purltylng the bloeo, I ind 1 only regret that all ethers who are amicieti win rceumaiism cin net knew of Kit superior merits. V ou are at Hoerty te use my name It tt will de you any geed, nnd I Mmll be only tee gladtetellany ami i veryone what It has done ler my I i lighter." pmui'Moeisi:. Rhoumntle Syrup Is the greattst liloed Purifier known, and will dell that Is claimed for It, Send ler pamph let of testimonials and read et theso who have bLen cured by its uee. itlieiimatic Syrup Ce., Kechcster, . Y. Forsaleby druggists. I'rlce aer tot tie or (. bottles for ti.iie. ecH-lyil.Vw S KAY'S SI'I'.UIMU SIBDltll.1i;. TUZ VT ureat Kngllsh Uemeily. An unfailing curt ter Impe'ency, anil oil Utscases that lollew less et Ilnmerr, Universal tiidu. l'aln in the liack. Dimness el Vision, I'lematnru Old Age, and many ether diseases that lejul te Insanity or Con sumption ami a I'rumaluru Grave. Full par tlculnrs In our pumplet, which we desire te senii iree uy in hihe every ene. Thn SneelMe Hedlclunti sold bvull ntinucl:. ' age. or idx packages terf.V or will Le sent trei- bi mall en the recetut et the menev. lie mi ' dressing the agent, li.ll. COCIIUA.N, Druggist. Nes. 1J7 and 13U North (juoen stieet, l.anias l.anias ter, I'a. jn ?. count et counterfclts, woliave a.toi.t a.tei.t eu l:.( Yellow Wrupnr : thennly gunutne. TIIK OKAY MKDICl.Nh CO, Ilullale, - V. ULANl) A fill UUKKXnHAltlC. ll Km a ai.vftTiM FANCY GOODS -I'OU- HOLIDAY PRESENTS. -IN- OHINA, GLASS, AND QUBENSWARE. -AT- CHINA HALL. l'rlcea Lew. tioeds eichangud 11 net s.uis s.uis s.uis ittotery Kzainlue our stock bolore purcbas- ligh & Martin, 15 KAST KING STUEK1', LANOABTKlt. I'A. H'J.VJKa AND I.IUUUU.1. ttu i h i: a i. u6TJCm,araira" " Fine Liquors. We de net claim te seu the finest brands el Whiskies, Winea, Brautlies, Gius, &e II tit we de claim te beII m tlnu as the tlnast el all goedi.Bucli as are kept In u MIlST-UI.Aas H0USEA.L & CO., 43 North Queen Street, l-ANCASTKIt.l'A upposlie thn new l'ostefllco. iHMmd made by the llrewn Chemical Company, of MIXlVAV J.V.STMl'JlKA T. OUrKltttm yt'AI.ITY, IIU11I IH.AS.S MUSIC BOXES. I NKQl AI.LKDtnTO.NKnndDl' Sel. I by the t-t tValorMlireughoiit Sur-nni and new Inti-ediucd tn ttilm. euntrv direct by the Mniuitm turer-, triMeu? i nlei mrtltiUrprqfUs. i.auuk mromA-rie.. hu riiitKs run cash. Send two-cent stamp fur 1'ilce l.lst, I'. (JnntFt'lil.V Ce., SteCrel,MilUcrlntul. S VI.FSIIIKI.M5 AT 101S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OPPOSITE TIIK Ol'Bl'.A HOl'SB. Cnllrariv !ei geed i'teitlen and avoid rush at llelnlnys. W riLUes.. wtnrr THE WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO n. 13-2 EAST KING STKEET, H. LUC&EJIBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortment et the arleus sty. e con etantly ou band unit tei sa'e ou the most lib oral terms ter Ces'i or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call nnd examine these Instruments, which will be found te he very s -pvrler In Quality and Moderate In l'rtcu. Having fevered my connections with the Kstcy Organ Company, l take this method te Inform my friends In I-uiu-tister county, I am new sel.tutr unOriien eijual te any and ur passi d ly none, l'letue cell and examine one et the mrt teautltul-tenid Organs manu factured In the l nlted states. Mr. Luckcnlach Is also agent ter the famous "Kmvbe," McPhail, Veee & Sene, Qrovenstoln & Fuller, Htvllet & Dtivln, Ami soverel ether'li prices from f223 upwants. fehl7-ltd risjio:ert at niAMi l'Altf.tlllS L PIANO PARLORS, Xe. w".u Nei'th Sixth Street, (NKAIi I'AltlMI I'llII-AOELI'IlIA. THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. i NO STORE RENT TO PAY 1 MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS I Fer S225, $250 and S275, I PAR SUPERIOR TO THOSE SOLD IN EXPENSIVE STORES Fer S450, S500 and S600. ONLY FIRST-OLASS MAKERS NO CHEAP TRASH. Ilfad this letterjust rendved man of high stan tlug an t w el! Ireni a gen' e e tneiva in tiiie Vds Lasc-astbd AvesiR, i NevemlH.r IV I!. Mr. e lotus I.. Walskr . The tour I'lanes I purdiaje.l irem ynu at itinerant times-three ler Mend and tin- last one ter ruj self uuve proved te b niagnldctut Instruments. Tt.ey huM-given tln ninti per fect mtistactten In ecry r'p-it, unit they cannot be surpass! d ter beautiful, clear, rich, lull tone, fine nnlili, ami sundlng in tune. 1 have formerly beugt t pianos en Cheitnut street, paid a much hlbei price and did net receive nnj thing lltejj flue Instruments. 1 shall tul le all my Irlen Is ter tiielrewn bene nt, when they are in md ul a I'lunii, t.i imr imr cnase from yuu. IUpetfullvyeun, ll 1.. Hall. 1 have iiei'iiMl Inia.'f.'j -.f lettuis similar te thw. which I wlllsiiew wlti, pleasure I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving Fianes from tiir . . c .wilUICiO V UilUHJU TU OHiLib, LIKTOrCJUEAT BAKOAIXS $700 'iiuiirc Grand IMane $075 Siiuare Grand Piane ? KIclily Carved I'iane f 1000 Upriglit Plane ."Jii'iO Uni-it-Iit Piane $'J00 $11)0 17."i S230 $!()() ?0() IlPtiiitirul Kalij- Upright $17.'. StoOHand.semo IJoewood Piane$J)0 With elegant rmbrel tbied cevvrs and Plush Miels-all iiandard iu ikitis-t-ach Instrument warranted for II. e ieuis A rail will miisrv ou thai till, i, u.e er-Jtnd best plate te luiya I'iane. VAltUlAUJS, V. li)(it:i;i,i',v 4, ue HliKlOHS ! SLU10HS I EDGER1EY & CO, MAllKKT HTHKKT. IN UKAlt OK NKW I'OSler-riLK, LANCAUTKlt, PA. We have at our Factory nnd Iteposltery a large and c-plenilld Asionmcntel PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AM)- DOUBLE SLEIGHS. They are made of the Ilest Selected Mrlteilal and Kiiiust Kiniiii. our motto ilulck sales ami small prellts." It costs nothing te call '"l Vu '!mi", v!m,'.L,.v",k'." " uUe ,mv" el1 "and A Ul.l. LINK OK UNKCAUUlAt.L WOIIK A'viVli'.'iV,1,!,,"" '"'own make. ALL WOHh iiepaiitng piemnuv ftitfliided te. One workmeu eepcctal'y emplojeil ler that One tiotel tiur- peeu. I HUIll.ltb HKNOWNHD OOUCtH syrup er'sr'ii'in'v--" nueiu.a. ameness el the Threat and chest, llrenehllls. Whooping Uniigli, Hptttlni ei liloed, Inllammatlen of thu Lungs, iinil nil Diseases el the Cheat and Air I'assngcs. 1'rlct', 5J5c. ami GOcn llottle. 4"l'rrepaieil only and eeld by OHAS. A.LOOHER, NO. OfcAHTKlNQBT, c 1IHISTMAS UIIKKTIMI. HOLIDAY GOODS. nAQBUvt DROTnKR ollei n LivrRe Oolleotlou of Qoeda Bultnble for Ohrlstmna ivml New Yenr'n Qlfln. lilcgant HLACK SILK anil RIIADZIMIKR, from $1.00 which are lower than ever before for same quality. LADll-S' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, LAWKS" HANDKERCHIEFS AND GLOVES, LAWKS' FINE KID GLOVES AND NECKWEAR, GENTS" NECKWEAR AND GLOVES. I A PTC We ,nVl.t0 E.6!5001111 Attontieu te a Oholeo Oolleotlon or RL1AL LAOHS, In Point LVULjO, nnd Uuehenu nnil Eaeurlal, Spnnlah nud Potupiidenr Livoeo. EUSCHIAS AND COLLARS. Embrolderoil Tnble nnd Pinne Oovern. Tftble LlnetiB in Seta or Tnble Oletlifl, with Nivpklnn te mrtteli Dollleo und Flue Tewels. Turceman nud Ltvce Ourtnlus. Onrpets nnd ItugB. HAGER & Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, rpe Tin People of This is te certify that the house of JOHN S. GIVLER & OO- nre the only Authorized Agents for the sale of the AUROR A OARPET SWEEPER for Lancaster Oity and County, and that nene are enuine net bearing the firm name of JOHN S. GIVLER & 00., Lancaster, Pa. AURORA, 111. K..nH n.s .v Mi'it-n OHRI8TMA S BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ELEGANT DISPLAY of Ueeful Goods Suitable for Christmas Oifte All nt Lewest Prlces Plonse glve us n enll. BOWERS & NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN ST., ULOTIIIAU. I .MM. LllOICK CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Full t'ATHKIt. .MerilEK lIKuTII Klt-t 1KU COl -INs ASH At NI-. UO T' i- EEISMAN'S, e. 17 WEST KINO Sl'UEET, Uetuctiiber the number and -tie t. "INO. J.S3IAI.1NO. Fall Opening. I have thU day opened line el the tlnuat a !ar'.' and ekel Foreign and Demestic Fabrics, adapted te (Jentlemen v. i iir, ANl) WINTKUTliVUK. wrile ter the KA1.L en I ?nnlil lu. pleased te have yen xauilue. A full Une of LONDON CORKSCREWS, In all thn Lntest rihadiH , beautltul anion ment et KALI. ANl) WIN l'K.l Ovorceatlngs, Trouaeringa nnd Fancy Sultlnga. I employ none but the bent workmen and Kuarantee perfect atilact:en a te style. Kit and Workmanship. My sample garment m bu en exhibition In a tew d.iy-i. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAILOK,) NORTH QUEEN ST.. NO. 22 ( Jii Kioer.) LANCAVI'Ki:. PA UlHyVlldTil.TbAS yn.i.iA.M MII.N Si IMIM1 1 " I A GOOD WARM OVERCOAT IS A NECESSITY tOli Tills GOLD WEATHER. We have a KULLSTOUKte BOlcct from in iilKJItADES. ler all sized pcople. Irem ihu LITTLE CIIILDUKN te a very LAUOK MAN. whereaulres an E. nt A SI.iCD oveu eveu COAT, and the prices are he low that they meet the approval et Iluyeri WILLIA.MSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 3G and 38 BAST KING Street, liANCASTElt, ,l'.v. A I.I. UltlAKS MANUKAOTIJltKIui:.,; i prumlsesiand nre ui roil X,' ,,T' ether Koedmanlled at '"I'tentcil. Ne HAllTMAN'S VKLLOW KUONTCKiAH xijfr uveim, .re. Lancaster City and County. WILCOX MANUFACTURING CO. KVEItYTIIIXO IN GREAT VARIETY AT ItlZY UUUUB. i Ttii.m.w tilling. WATT, SUAND A CO., II ive tve'ignt an lmmenonBDertment of koe1ii suitable for Christmas Presents AM) NKW YEAR'S GIFTS. fir KUI. l.OODS. OKNAMKNTAI. (.OOD3, kancv iioena An elegant line et SILK IIANUKKUCIIIKK.i, LINEN IIA.NDKEItCHIEKS, KMIIUOIDKIIKI) IIANUKKUCIIIKKS, IIANOKKISCIUKKS l.N KANCV IIOKH Kit) (J LOVES, LACKS AND LACE HOODS (enUomen'ti TIEs, SUAUKtfand HUSI'ENDEIla, D11KS3INO CASES, bATCIIKLS AND I'OCKKT 1IOOK8. A lare aiaertment of KANCV (JOODS. In- cliidlni? TOVS. GAMES, UOI.LS, MCKAI HOOKS. AUTOOUAl'II IIOOK, PIC- TiritK HOOKS, WOltb HOXES. llltlC- A-I1KAC. Liullei' COATS and DOLMANS. Children's CO ATS and 1IAV KLOCKS AT I'Ol'ULAH l'ltlCES. NEW YORK STORE. NO. 0& 8 EAST KING ST., LANCAbTKU. l'A. N I KXT DOOU It) TIIK CO II KT IIIIUHK. FAHNESTOCK'S Our Stock el Ornamental, Kaney and Use ful Goods ter the HOLIDAYS wns never as attractive as at the present time. Fair Dealing, Large Stock, Lewest Prices. -KOK- Indies, Gouts, Heys anil Girlu, At Lewest 1'ilcei, inaile te our own order, with our name en each (Jarment, overy Gar ment Warranted. R. E. JMnesteck, l.ANCA8TElt,BlM. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. te $3.00 per yard, the prices of BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. 1883. LANCASTER, PA. for Lndies. Qontlemon nnd Ohlldren. HURST. LANCASTER, PA. jutr uuuiin. WAJ NA.tiAKr.u's tireui:. THE III.OCK KltOM Ohestuut te Market Sts., HUM te Public ltuildin-s, n STORE. KASIIIONAHLK AND STAl'LK DEY GOODS -A.1II- lleuse lnniisliings. 17-tldAW M KTtlKlt.V HAUOII.IIAn. WE HAVE JUST HOCmiT THE KNI'Ilti: STOCK OK UOODyllALlTV COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES, OK A LAHUE WHOLESALE HOUSE DE CLINING HOSINKSS. AND AHE NOW HELLING AT $ 1 .40. Goods that wero oeld at U.00 teJ.W. We have 011 hand, also, WHITE AMD COLOIIED Blankets, HOtJGHT AT AUCTION SALM, JCIIOM 75c. up te $10.00: WoareBollInK them etr cheap; thev have been this season at less titan manu facturer'.! cost METZGBR & HAIEMAH'S Cheap Stere, Ne. V, WEST KING STltEKT, llotweon the Uoepor Heuse tuul Serrel Ilorse Metel. LANOASTKU l'A T Ml HKOUHK IIAltriAa IU HOLIDAY PKESKNT8. L'O te HECUTOI.D'3. i.iullns'. (Innt'a and Cilldren's Furnish nir JO! WAflllMM.ll ft Stere, whom you will llntl usutttl goods aulted ler rleh and peer, at itruatly reduced prices. A cordial Invitation la catanded te all elasiea te call and examine my mock befoie purcbas- leir. Ne ttouble te allow uoeda. German und Kngllsh Dpoken. TruUn dollars tuken at par. " lUSNUr DKCHTOLD, Ne. 6'i Neitlt guoen StreeL -81n et the lllfT Jteclclinr. JeUT-lyd TliAVKtiKllH' UVtllr. I ANOAHTKIt ANI ril I.I.IMWVI l.l.K J" 1J i;a ara run ait Inllews i l.mwe Lancatser tV. II IteiHit'.. at 7. Ll.l ...., ... .. A .. -5l."" - ii;.Miih. in., iiuu , ., (i niiu p.vHip, in.,exreiit (in Dntutdav. when the but ear leaves nt t!tun. i., I.eave Mlllersvllln (lower end) atH, i),niiildt a. M and 1, 3, A nnd 7 p. m. Cam run dill von u'jve Union eeii en ttun iUvL (Itll.U.IIIIlA A 1'OKT llKI'MMT It A It. J UOAD TIM I! TAIII.K. Tnilnonew run letrulnrlv en thn Columbia I'ert Deposit llalliead the rollewltiK lltue i WOUTIIWAlin. HTATKlNH. tlOllTIIWARU p.m. A.M. ....Columbia.... ..WuMitUKten... ,... Cliwuwell ... . Hale Harber... .Hhenk'a Kiirry. l'eqitea ..Verk Kurnacii.. Tu en linn MrCall'a Keriy ...Klte'n Kddy... ..KUhliiKUreeW.. .Teach llnttem. . . Uonevrlnii... Octeintu ...1'Ort li.MNMlt.. ... 1'iirtyvllle.... d.-yi) e:.vji...., M') .... 6-S.l.... M7 ... Ml .... nw .... itxi .... tw .... CM 11.11 7:li 7:0S 8.1" b,e: 7-1.1 7 10 7:09 7:W 7:31 T.Vl 7d7 7:' 7:' l.M 4:41 4-S'l 4-.l I'll 7:37 7-10 7:ll 7.w (157 7: 7f-e 7 w S:U3 11:11 C:3-.' :1S S: 4lift S:.V1 3 11 7 . 71 7 U) R UAUINOAUOI.U.11IIIA AUUA.NUEMKN1 Or 1'ASOENUKUTIUIN" UUN1AV, OinellKIt '.".rii, ! l. MlllTIIWAKU. LBAW. A.H. A.M. A.M 10:! 10.60 10:.17 litis ... . ltlTO 11:: I urn n: iisii U:.M 11:M1 l.m 7:111 ISAM 7:77 r.M. 18:3H 77 U.10 f.OO IS.M 8 2u A.M 70 ' .0 i' 0 Quarryville Umen.iter, Klnubt I.nneoMer Ctilckle.i , Marietta Junction Columbia. AnsiVK. Heeding BOUTIlW LUVI. lteadltiK Annivn. Marietta J iiuetlen CIiIc1lIvi Columbia Ijincaiter , Umcnster. lUnuat Unarryvllln t.3J 7.30 7:10 7:,.t) 7:.V) 730 .U itu. p.i r.M. I ... , S20, .... ' 350 3 30 ....I 4-00 110 .1 tU 3'& 5.ry r.k. if I X . d AN Trains connect nt ltn.nlliiH wlin tiuliu irem i-niiaiieipiiia,roiinvll!e, Hatrliibutv innlewn and New Verlc, via fi rei UUUUl. At Columbia with tralna te and lr..-n Veib Hanover, UcttynburK. I'rederlek nut bm. . mero. A M. WILSON. Hind. J) K N W h V I. VA !ttA 11A1 l.ltMA II N I'-VV . SCIIKDUI.K-OI. und after HUN1 .NOV KM ilKIl, IMSSt. trains en the l'ennM vanln llallread will arrive at mid tn Lancvdei and l'hllailnlphladopetflaM 10 lewt I Levi At I Lae ! I'M A.N. 101 1.-21 t:V 8:10 8.1 W 85 '.UO r.M. 12A3 12.5S 2:V: 5:1c A.M .1 k 4 i'. 7.1i in. A Mall Kxpreg.... I'hlludelphla K-i press Kant Line HarrUburx Kzj"-m Verk Accommedaiion arrive ... Lancaster Aciotne Int. en ai ilvej. Columbia Armtn e Jen 11 i rrednrtclc AecomiiKxlatleu "jrlved. Leck llaveu Expuit r. v. f. .. 7 I5 Sunday Mall Johnstown Espnu-i Day Expret llarrtiburi: Aecotnmedt.thm. Hanover Accommixltiiteu wev, ronnectu i 1U' at Lancaster with Nlauara Kxprnrn at 1' 1.'. win rnn through te Hanover itally, Sunday. ITrederlck Accommodation at Lancaauir with fast Line, run threujih te K.-oderlPk. wet ntu.nii'ana went, at l 15, will l.e Ar. Il'hlljljin Wchtwaud. A.M A.M. tl : 9-v M'. II i r, v 1 v ll. Mi 7 ' 7t. II 1. 1 . Newel Kxprivsj Way 1'a.inunifur Muft Train, Se. 1. via. ML Jey Mall Train, Ne. t!, via Coin nblB,leavca Hliucara Kxpresn Hanover Acoti.medntlou Inavni.... 1.30 I: JII 7.UU 'le Fait Line Krednrlck Accomiuei' utun leav.e. Hnrrliburi; c .i.m' ." -i . Lancaater Accoiiiiee.ia'Jim lea'., i Columbia Accemu edauin llarrlftbunr Exju Wentern Kxpn't l'acine Express ll lu r.M. !II II a in ll ilarrliiburi: Kxpnue, hteli le.'.vm Laneaster at 7:10 p. m., has direct connections (without chanite of cam) te CelumhU and erk. rast Line, west, en Sunday, when flaued will ntepat liownlnKtewn.Ciatiiavllle, I'arken bura, Mount Jey, Ellr.ablhteivn and Mlddle town. Day Kxpresn, Kiut Line, Nuwa Expreiva, Mail Train, Ne. 1, Weutern Kxpi"a3 and l'actflc Kx press run dallv. The tluni here u'lven In .'iiifern titnr.m thu' etthe7.Mh meridian, w hleu Ih I minute an I '. secemlH lamer than that lirretolere ine.i. net 1 1 it, .tt-. hi I MM KMIIK AND r, A.M. M, ! r.U 7:25 12.-00; fit 0.1S r.M. i C01 IM.1 ... H:3(l 11.10 '1:10 8.S IKW 2.10 b IS 9:10 .... g-r. U-I0 .... It 31 BOILER WORKS. Cull and examine n,ir "-lock et En dniw ,iu ilelluis and get prlr--H. Portnble Engluea, Horizontal Englneu, Vertlcnl BnKluefl. Saw Mill Pumpe, Mining Maohinery, I'ulIeyB and Shnltlnp;. IKON AND liKASS CASTINGS, STEAM PITTING. JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. :M Easl Fulton St., I.A.N CAST hi: llev, NO. 10. I'A. 1". e. ectl-.1ind.lw TMl'.lftlt, .Cf. JOHN 1'. NUIIAU9I. FURNACES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call nnd nce the New Improved WKOUGHl IKON COLD CASK Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapcdt and MarkeL Ilest KUItNACE in the MANUKACTUJIKD EAOLUSIVULV in Jehn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Queen Btroet, I(ib'.7-lyd LANCABTKU. I'A. J'ltOTUUUAPJM, J. K. Ill IT K. There has been such a deunuul .for LAKGK l'llOTOGUAl'llS that I was compellod te Ket n VKUV LAUOK CAM Kit A 1IO.V te meet the uemand We can new muke yen n rilOTOas Binall m thu emalleet locket w 111 held up te u Llncli luce, te lit .ait lHslM Krame. -J !J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 North Queen ,nne2-U4 Btroet,