LANCASTER ,DAILY ttNTELLlGKENCEH TIIUItSUAY DEOEMHELi 27 mm COLUMBIA NEWS- HUH ItCOlM.AH UtlHltKHl'OrUH.MJl'. Kveet Along llin Hinqueliniini. Hems nf Interest In nml Around Me IlermiRli l'lnhril up by llin Intelli gencer lleperter. A he.ivy (ok iiverlmiiRH tlie town to te to The opera lieiiitn rcMnuintit will net be Osceola trlli i of Ited Men will holt! 11 meeting te night. Ticket Ne. I Hi, liulil liy Mr. Gerhnrt ICriitticr, tlrew tlie lri.n viUur oase at MaikurmliiigAtoie. Tlie poorest, market held for evor n year wns that of thin morning. It hardly ilescivcd tlie iisiine. Tlie (JltlenV b.nd received $28 for Kcreimilrn given en (MnlHlnms. Tlie miew till causes the in ovular run ning of trains en tlie lallrendit that ccntie or pasH through here. Ollloer .lelin Olllieit found 1111 ntnethynt ling, which he rctaina nt hln residence for the owner. The linn comedy of "IUx'h Fix" will be played here in night by Mrittnycr nnd ilnrtnu' excellent omnedy company. The l1rvv in full f fun nnd laughter. A el sheet el loe, Hinall in Blzn, Ih ell'ercd te ttie e dutlieUH of engaging In Rkniing, umiiu tee ce.u Millien el tlie lleailing and Columbia railroad, Tlie loe is of geed thicktu'M. l'oepto nre u1earlug the nnew trem the r.uifn f tbrlr htiilditign te provent their Living in. Tlie ioef of thoHtuble attached te tlin S'l.iwuoe foriueii w.i demolished by the grc it we'.g'it ui tlie which tested upon it. Tlie b.Mutlful H.14 iu tended for the Hhawuee lire einpiuy ih new en exhlbl bitiiin at lletniflU'n si u, as are also the new hats, belts ami Ii.kI'e i el' tlui company. Mr. Win H. Glven will roceivo the visiting llroiiien 011 bahalf of th'J Shawnoe tire eiinpntiy en New Year's Day. l'oneiiul. Mrs Jehn MoUelluin, (I. no MIkh Ida i.,)of lNithulelphi.t, In visiting bur latin r, Mr. Win. Ii.ilght. Mr. und Mrs. S 0. llelfint'i, of llar usbur..', are visiting Mr. Christian Hiiehet. Miss Jein ICnull'nuu U nuu home from assai 1' lli-i;e for the holidays. Mr (.. ISreictniu or l'htl.i'lilphi,i, Ih i-peinUni,' a fc.v tlay-i among old friends hcic. Ih. t' K. Wolfe, who ir allien near Caire, III., is new the giiea. of Ills brether, Mr. Ileury i. Welfe at Fiirview farm, near town. Tlie M. K H 1:1 1 wy H.iuertl elm ' Mrs. Ella Wener him pr-wiited lier ith a beautiful lellr. e . ' i Miehv tint esteem in winch ttiie t. held by . li.i.iu she labors he fnithfullv te instt net. Ileil;liiuf) l.i.lf tuiiii incut. This toetling, beginning at 7 o'clock, the (.'brut m . jubilee oxcieleea of the Bethel Church of Ged will be bold. The jire-...n.."!!- is nit le up of duet and nh.irm Hitigi-ig recitations, di.tleguei and a short a-Mt. . . tbe pastor, Ilev.S. I). U. Jaek son A c ritial invitation in given te the public t be ptCJent. The ontertaiuin.Mit will be ene tint, will interest all bjtli Yiiuiur and )). Many el i bone portions who witnessed tl.e i uti itaiutnrni held en ChiibtuiaR id.-1.; b Hi. .lelin'ri Iiiitheraii Sunday jieti.Hii .in (lexireus of scniut; it repeated. Tin i if irinn ' lui uvilly llni', and a ivpi : i ii of I'm oeioiiaiu-uont would no il.uitd tli itv a laie aiulienee. Thoiuatter Ih b. ni), oeumdnriiil, and if anotber per f'niiaicu in te b.i bold it will be duly ami-. mice. I. N ui 1 1 1 1 1 u t; mi!iii. A fileii;!. ee.cnpicd by Harry Wagneraud a was tun into by a sled en the hill of tb" IjMic.iKtct 5 Columbia turnpike ncai th oil! 30 nt tbe ttliawuee furuaueH. Tlie i ly bfoi'iie frnjbte'iril at tbeaiarined horse's actions uud hpran into a deep snow bank. The animal was min 'piloted and tlin I uly aitidted hi' tlie sleigh aain. Ne ptrm wan hurt. Nu 1)1 no t tlie 2linrd.Mili Tl'cie are ii'i devi loiimenta rttMtdiun the Inte attempt te tire tlie buildiui; occu pied by the ri T. 12 (). uncial club, llnil the deiiverers of the llames puniucd tbe beyu wh'i wire en runniuf nw.iy from tbe IjihI liu tltey eml I eiiily hivoein turcl tl.ein thi piobible iucniulimlcK. I'he fuiiin-i in rhuir excitunnut, hoivevor, allowed tlie in Korean t.s te escape. U.lilOU IIVHtll Of Mil till) Cltl'OU. .1,1,11 It. Clui'-t, nhoae .suddeii doceace fr'.m an atkntieii el the heart i courre 1 to il, i w 'x i v. i II Uu ) ad o.tizen. He was a dy.'i by tiaJe and feiiniuly an uiuler kn ,:. the prison. He leaves a family of tliililrei', el whom the best known are Chaw. Chiist, of Fliini A ISroitemau's es tabliHhmint ; Friuei. Christ, ofChicaee, late cl thin city ; Ames Christ, or Pliila Pliila delphii, mil .Mix. Cha'. Kreidcr. Airunl lit Atliltraieir, I'n-day tbe oase of Hawthorn HriM. vs. It. 11. Iliuce was lu aid bolore W. I) Kroi Krei dcr, Win. M. Slayniakcr and C. F. Stouer, arbi'.aters. Heth pattias te tbe Milt are deal, ii in reef paint, and the plaintiffs allot'e that detnn laT infiitnjed en their trade inaik. Tbe arlntiaten awaided Iho jilaii.iills$.')00. lleirt fur I'uurt. AHcil Heehin, ehai(;cd with asjault and battery ou Maiy ClerijiiH. had a hear ing bifore Alderman Samson and wan held te bail te auHwnr at oeutt I'hilip Uonce was oeiumltted te answer for lelonieus entry for kicking In a deer and enteiiuj a neighbor') houie. Ciirrrutluii, In out euiut ireccriliiiKH of noiiie ilayn ai;e It . " htatul Unit 11. Lintiier Ilemi wan n'lili . ct '1 le pay a line of WO und ceutii, ameuutiiiR In all te SI 15, for viola tliiK tbe auction law'. A miutake was inade iii the 11 ores an the amount paid waiiJlKa.U. A ule'4 l.ri; llrulien -i(t rd.iy aftcruoeii a mule boleuging teC. A. liitnrr, which with another waa hltehed te a wagon Imded with tobacco, foil en tbe lailread traelc near the Iteadimr ilojiet and breke is Ipjj. The animal had te be lllled. nicreautlln ilpprnlirr Appelnteil, Vcnteiday afternoon the comity com luihsioneirt appointed Aaiun II. Sutniny, of OrcReu, Manlielm tnwiinhlp, inorcantlle appralser. The new man Is a brother of Ceui.ty Commissioner Buininy. Alieniiarclier Nurlubli. Last night tbe Mmnnorcher held a H ohble in tlitlr new ball. The attendanee waK large and Hiiro was bountiful ainute nient. AimiieiiiciiH. " A Jlunch e Keyt." This BparklliiK lluco lluce utt luice will be prescnteit lit tlie opera liouse ou rii.'ay uvenini;. It lius hail u'uoe.l run lu Nmv mil ami vum very laverably lecelveil In lle leu iin,l I'l.ilailnlplila A ciewtlnil hear ilauLitlexi uvsulti Us niest'lltiitleu In I.iuii aster. ' The Tue Uriihuiit." Tite eliurmliiK net uph, tlm-. Unto Ultixten, NiippeitDd by Cltau. A. Mi'vuiismi itnil u utretiit reuipanr, wlllap licar In this tliilllliiK uiclniliaiuu, "The Twe Diilrinf," en Hatiinl.iy evenlii ul tlie npetn. Iienn' MlMCIusien liat nmilea tirciit lilt lu llin ciiaii.cturer .eiilir, tlie bllml clil, in tliU play, ami llime wlie liave net ynt seen tills HtilUm,' iioaueu i-luiiilil hceme their teats limn iilately for i.iuie iiek, anie e,- unuit usu Hill Lull -I'UH.iUl 1'JjASTKi:. IMct, Ul com com Seil by II. 11. Cochran, 137 nnd U' North Queen tieet, I ane b ,r, loblleo Itt HVKVlAli NQTIVKb. The tint varsnl vonllel, "Tite lleji flutter Is tlie best porous ptsster ever nmile." Only a cts. Tlie surest piovetvlvo imnliut Hniiib l'ex ts Dnrbys l'repliylnllit Kliilil. It ileslieys conliitften. A Hpeclnl Invliatiiin. Wocspeclnlly Invite atrial by nil theso sur ruicinfietii klilnuy ami liver complaints who havolnlleil te obtain rellnl from ether limit" illesiiiul limn iloelors. Nnture's Ktent ioiii ieiii inly, Klilniiy-SVeil, Inn otlcetoil ourej In ninny obstlmiteciuics, It acts at ence en tbe Klilueys, I, Iver ami llewels.cleainlnt; tbe sy low nt nil poisonous liuiiiers anil rrsterlnir a lirnllliy oanillllen el tliose Important erifans. De net be illiceumiteil, but try It. OTl.Nillf" nttnullnii I In Ilia Diamond llvrs ninrii colerlnK Is kIvhii limn In nny known ilytH, nml tltey Klve rustur anil tnore lirlllliutl colors. IOe. ntiill iIhiikIsU Kvory Kvery Kvory bedy pntlstM tlinui. Welti, Itlehiudsen .1 Ce., Iltiilliutteu, Vt. Nnlenrel Htimtl l'ex ir Daibys l'ropliylae l'repliylae l'ropliylae lle Klitld Is tiseil Ireuly. It ilnstreys tbe vury uurui. KnrMiiitll fox oxpeni lliirbys I'ropliylnetlo Klttlil in tlin room unit piniK" oil tint pstliint wUhlt. Tim urlp or piuiumnulii may bs wunled oil with Hale's Heney el llorebeund and Tar, I'lke'sTr fi'lineltn luep euro In ene mlniite. il2l-lwdeeilAw liaiiry tiHrixiun tiulve. Tbe best Hnlve In tbe world for ctils.brtttsim ores, ulcers, salt rhiium, tetter, chanpiid Imitils, cbllbbtliis, corns and all kinds el skin eruption, freckles and pimples. The salve Is Kiiatuuti'tid te f'lve perli'cl satlsfiiclleu In evuiy oasHer moony riifiindnd. lle suie you cut llitNiir'n CAiiueLiu Halvb, as all ethers are but Imitations and teuntnrtnltH. 1'ilce U ceiiU. Sold In l.ane.vitnr at Oerhrau'i Drittf tnn- 1.17 North Umieti stretiL mva-4 riiimuiANi ulli'sl ""ijelduu's l.liiild lleul It ptrtlculurly useliil In Diphtheria, r'ncr, and evciy ilrprussliiBdl'o.i'e." iliMwileO'lAEW Tell Wlmt lln Knew. lleul Ihlnir ler luiitw t havu evor tried. Heals up urauilly ' I. 1. Kellett. .Marlen, Ohlfi, spnakliiu el Y'iemru' Kcleelrte Oil. 'or unto liy II II. Cficlirnn, ilruttKlst, 137 and l.TJ N'lltll UllflMI Rttl'l'l. II M. MnrRfeii llecuiniiiniiil. Dr. .1. M.(l. I'hrcleu.UaU. S Kx-Sitrucen, riuildliiK new at IlloemlnRton, Ind. The Dr. wrll, te fay "I rnentntnenil Sumnrllan A'er tine brcaimn It riitns epllupsy." 1'hyslclans, Ci'tii'iulty, me Its Mends. il20 IwilredSw nietlivm I .""etnerm aiothern Are you ilNturlied at nlsht and broken el your rest by n nlelc child surrnrlniJ and crylitK will, tlin nxcrnclallni pain of cuttlnir tei'lht II he, neiit encuand net a uotUenlMUt. WIN ai.oW'tseoi'lUNU syilUf. It will rellnve Dm poei Ittlln intliirnr Imine tlately ilepmid upon It ; tlinre Ii no uilslnhe about It. Thuie Is net a tnolheren i-arth who has evci tuel It, who will net tell you ill ence that It wilt mgiiliitn the bowel und Rive rest te tlie moll or, and ndleland liealth te tlie child, op ep crutiiiit llkn tniiBie. It lipcrlcclly sale te tlae In nil cm!', and pleasant t tlin tast", and Is tin irfrilptlnn of enn of the eldest and best leinalf physician In tlie IJtiln I "tate. "obi i'Very here "ij cent a bottle tii'iVl-M.W.Bftw Let Ui 'loll eii. at tell yen mat a person who u bilious or cenitlpntrd t netu well poison, and fur lliri. Dial nearly every one Is inbjrct te i hoe lrrci;ulnrltii. Let in tell eii itlne that 7nr ierfc Illoud Hitter i are ene of the lines' oiure eiure lien and uporleiits ever jet devlscd. 1'er sjIii by II. It. Coel. run. iiruirirlst. l.H7nml ITt .North fjti". n "trei)t. l.ilUr I'i'im il UnliauieiiM New erll Ane llmifirr. Il A; lid Kast Mtii Stmset, Nr.w Yerk, Xlny Is, I'M. 1 li.uu lieeu lienblrd with an Iriltatlonef the Tbiniit and aCeuuh ler boine time, lam alie a imirtyr tu Dyspcpsu. liy the advice el a Miry Illumed phyhlclan 1 applied two All All t'et k l'oners I'lasturs te my chest, and ene en the pit et my itemaeh. In three days my CeiujIi i eureil anil my Threat was well. I lime new ein the l'lnter two weeks, and my appetite and dlKetillnu liive much Im proved. I ant confident tb it In another week my Dyspepsia will be entirely removed. 1 have never used le jilWiturif mf itjreenlilr i remtily In my life. THOi. M.VTIIHWti. " Alcock s " Is Iho only Kcnulne 1'oieus I'lastet : nil ether se called I'orem I'lnaters aie Imitations. Caiuelta DenteiU) ter tlm loet'i Is vuiy ira Krant and removes Tartar and fccurl, hardens he Kiiina, steps dcaiy and perfumes the breath Price, VI eenti for sale at nil drug Klili lc-J7-niilW new te Mecurn Health, l -leeuM strnnue that any ene will stiller trem the many dentiiKemcnt! brought en by an lmpnre condition et the bleed, when al'O lI.l.'.S-JAIl3Al'Allll,I.AANI)8TlI.LIN(il., or lll.OOD AM) I.1VKU 8ltUI' will restere petleet health te the physical orxanlrallen. It Is Indced astriMiKlhenlnK syrup, pleasant te lal.e, a id has proven ltsell te be the bust lll.OOD PUlllr'lKlt uver dlscoveiixi, olleet null) rtirlui; Scielula, ayiihlltlc dlsorders, S..iUness et tlie Kidneys, Kryslpelas, Jlala i la; all nervous dlnorilers and debility, lit! Ieih cemplaliiUi and all diseases Imllcatlnit tin Impiiie condition et Iho llloed, I.Iver, Kid in',!, steiniich, Hktn, etc. It correcta ludl Keillen. A stiiKlu bettln will pietu te you Its tnciltH aa a health ronewor, ler It ACTS 1.1 KK A CllAll.M, especlallv when the complaint Is et an oxliaustlve nature, having a tnndency te leisen the nuluial vlporet llin bratii and nor vens syslum. ilKI'.'h PAIN l'ANACKA cans a pain 111 man and beast, l-'or n") oxleriuilly and Inter nally. UhD HOICjK I'OWIIK,!'. euro all UU,a.ieJ r liorse, cattle, sheep, Iiekh, peultr. and all l.tM-.-iteck. A POSlTlVKCUItK. inayJI-a r or sab at II. II. Cochran's dnu .tote 1 17 N'lilh (Jueeii streiit lii.MCiir.ii t'lteni DrtATii. i he following statement of William J.Cenijh In, el heniervllle, Mass., I.i se lotnarkuble that we hoc tonsil for It tlie attention el our lead ors. lle says : "In the tall el lHTrtl was taken Willi a violent bleodlnuel the limits, lolleweil by a seven) cough. I seen beiran te lean my appetlle ami tlesh. 1 was go weak at ene tltne that I could net leave iny bed. In the sum imir el 177 1 wasadmlttodtethocity llenpltal. While there the doctors said 1 had a hole In n v loll Itinii as bit,' as a half-dollar. I expend e . ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med i 1 hoi. lwasoe tnrKenuat ene Union report wi nt around that 1 was dead. 1 irave up hepe but a tllend told me et Dlt. WSi. HAMAS UA1.SAM IOUTIIK I.U.NU8. I latti;lie lit my Irlemls, thluklni; my rase tneuiabIe,biit 1 i;ela Ifttle teballsly them, when te my stir prlse u1 d rnllt1catlen, I commenced toluel butter My hope, ence dead, bewail te rovlve, a ,il te lay I leel In better spirits than I have tliupast tlueoyeaiD. " 1 wrltethls hoping you will publish It, HO thiit every ene nllllcted with Dlvoaseil I.iiiiks will bolniluted te tiilie Dlt. KM, IlAI.I.'tl HAI.SAM KOltTHK I.UNUS.andboceuvlnced thai CONHliMPTIOS CAN III'. CUIthl). I liave takeu two boltle' and can positively miy that It has done me uioie koeiI limn till the ether uiodlclues I have taken elnee my sick less. My cough has aluiest outliely dia dia pearedaiul 1 shall seen boabletoKotowork,' sold bv II. It Cochran, 187 North Ouceustrnut Itrewii's iteiiffi liulil I'tinirrR. Is the most ellccllve Pain Houtreyor In the world. Will most surely iiulctcu the Ideml whother taken Internally or applied exter nally, and thereby mere, ceitaluly HKI.1KVK l'AIN, whother chrenlu or tieutu, than any ether pain alleviator, and It Is win ranted den ) uiu tne alreiiL'th than nny olher sliullur prepa- nitlen, Itcuiea pain in the Utile, Hack or llewnli, Bore Threat, ltlieuinatlsm, Toetliacho, and Al.l. AC1II.H, and Is The tlrcnt Kelimrr of I'aln. "HltOWN'SJlOUHKUOI.I) l'ANACKA" should be In every family, A teiupimiiliil or the Pan icon In a tumbler et het water hw t oneil, II profeircd. lakutt at budlline, .v ill ilKKAK UP A COI.D iU cents u bottle. mavl-l'.'lIi.l'.Vw A I'leanant AciineivlrilKincnt. Had sour stomach and miserable apiictltii ler months, unit urew thin every day, X used Jlunteck Ittoetl Jlittcri with thu tnet mat vill ous results i leel ipleudld. Mrs. Jeseph Joint, son, I'lllsburir, I'u. I'er sale by II u. L'eehrau, druj' st, IJT uud bit) Net tit (jtieim street, M Alt 111 AtllCfl. Kent! am-IlKtrtKiumn' Dne. 2fl, by llev. J.V. Kckart, at Ids reildsnce. 2ia North Mulberry street, I.ancaster, Chnrlas V. Kekman, el Uimrryvllle, te lllsi Mr.zln Itolberor, el New Helland, both of this county. Woeovahsek Hiurrmi. Doe. 'a, by Itev. J, V. Kckert, nt tils rcsldsnce, ilia North Mul errv strtet, I.iincmter, David B. WoediiiBnseo In Sllsi Ktitnia K. Shriller, both el Ilcllam, Yerk county. Uoissmesn-Totl.frfiiKn. Dee Srt, I8A1, by llev. Jaiiic V. Mlteliell, D. 1)., Mf.doernii.f. (luUslnirer, et WII'iiliiRten, Del., and Alius Dena K. Tell I n nor, et rullen township, caseor county, 1'a. lilt A TIM. " ra in i itrwtfrc-rj i" MAriAlifllt. Dee. 1 18-.1, In this city, Allen MaKarKll, In the Ultb el his niie. The relatives and Irlnnds are ennllally In vltetl te attend tlin services nt the retldence et his seii-ln law, It. Carsen Mcijnlley, Ne, rul Alaiier street, ou Friday nranltiitRt 7o'elotk, lutnrincnl at I'hllnilclpUla en Haturilny. 21 havxii In rtsrrMli irK. en Dec, II, J6s3, IUsj Maruirct Weaver, loriuerly of this city. Her rala'lves unit Irlends nre rtspectltilly liiTlled toatteud the luneral Ireiu the reiin tjivaiila railroad depet, this oily, en Friday afternoon at 'IH o'clock, le proceed te the Duku street M. K. churcti. iKC2td C'urtlST In lliliclty, Dee. 17, 1S3, of heart dlicase, .lehn llu.telpb Christ, lu tlie 7Hh year et IiIsukc. 1 he lolallvesnudlilends of Iho liunlly nre respectfully Invllwd le atlcnd the funxral Mem bis late lesldence, Ne, 137 fenlli I'llnce Ircst, nu Mattirdny allorneon at 3 o'clock Sit A U V KUTIHKMtXTR, f IKIAItS FOIITIIK IIMI.IIIAl.HIN IIU.M'S j el'ivr,(iiitidI04nt llAin'SI N'.H i KM.OW KltOST ( 1(1 M' Hl'OUK rANTi:i). A IIM'MI W.t.llAN WANTS TT a situation le de Apply at thlsotnce ceneral hou-itweik. u MKI'.ltaUIIAU.Il I'H'F.M AND! ijiu:.h, A 1.1. guaranteed le be ns reprini'tittd, snlla snlla ble for pn twills, at II Alfi'M AN" . KM UVV KlillN f I.KIAH STOllK. 1KTIIt ODItT.A IS I'ltttDUOICI) ll VA 1 rletn iitTcetlnii. It. may be ilnn le nice nice nice rulloiief thomueeus luombraue et llin nasal, or el tin slnusei rnnimtiiilfuttii;: with them. Dhicusrs el the, Kar and Tlueat ale, CaneiKH, Tumors, Skin nnd Chronic Dhtaius mieeesiliilly Heated by DKM. II. I), anil M. A. I.D.Vli AKKIi. Onicr III Knst Walnut struct, I.anc.iMer. I'u, Loiisultatlen free. il'J'.Jtd.Viv ri'HK hkst i-ivf: ur.M' uavxna jihak i In the city. Mnniirncture! liy myielf and Ciiaiantneit te be tile It neil, lit llAK'I.MAVrt I Kl.l.nlV KltO.VTCKiAll STOItK. II. ItltOWN. PIIYHlt'lAN AMHIClII.ISr. Has Itotnerod te Ne JJlVBSl'OltASIlKsT. Kye ami ucateU ).-br npi etjcle"!! Ii (Ilaisptindtuslud. "n- Ie; lind and te order. Kr-'ii-, .nil rinir. I'AUTNKiituii' UKitisTiiruuis 1 i ls Im; l ctwucti .Jehn A. Miebir nnd Adam Mlfcchllrh, doaleis and timlprs In I'dus aii'l zlne, muter the name line ulyte of Sliebur A M'.aeldtch, bus been dUseUnl by mutual censi'tit. All iluhts line ttir ilnn must he paid te Jehn A. Shobcr.uhe ivlll uuttte all liabilities et the pattnciihlp itin' carry en tlin Inuliicss at tliu out stand, ct tlie corner et (iaul unit Mniknt stt eels, lermerly knew it and mini i:n the t'nltin Hese llT'se. .IOIIV A HllneKIC. i.Mt.llll ADAM MIiUIII.ICII pDOK, Willi V Cl) , HUjNKKUS,"- 15 WAU, TUiitIT, r.'ew Yerlc. I'.i'.t., iiiiiiu in ah is In Hallway and ull ether t-ciwrltles. I: A 1 1. W AY IN V Ks Ol K N 1 3 ii hji. elulty, tn tne selection ami imtluuite el winch the'r lenir eonneetlen Willi ' l'oen's Manual or It.MLne.Mn " clvei thorn ipeclnl ml-vunla-'is. Lerrespniidenui Invited and In lnlili'S nnaweied 1) posit rcceu lit-' rm eivi d un.l Intui est allowed. itr.Mmeett .J i. eiLini n. ci. J. R Caldwell & Ce. Jewelry. Silverware. Watches. Bronzes. Porcelains. Clocks. Imported Fancy ClaeclP, 902 Chedtuut Street. PHILADELPHIA. tUAIII.I. L'l'l Vt'KOI'l.ttTV I'OttlAl.h V iiSATUi:DAV..IANU.vll 11, li-bl, will be Buhl at tlie Cenrcr llemie, e.i licit KIiik Mliei i, Laucastiu'elty.l'a Ne. I, all that citaln tltue (.teiy aTOltKaud l)H KLL1NU IIOUML, wlili ' utie twoblery Hack llulldlnir Threu tei Itrlck conlecllenuiy, Thtee-al'iy llttea lie Ueusp. Uitck ll.lUe Hende, l.nulue llea-i,iiiid ICIcx at or, and HrlcK Diable and Cat ilaue Heme. 'Iho let Ireuts 3! luet. !'.: tiuiii'1, ou thn uc.btsl.loet North ijucun itrtel, and ettetnis In depth ill teet, inoie or Ikh-i, te Mailtet ktr.ut. 'loe properly is ultuate Nem 1W nml 11', en the west alde et Netlh Queen street, and Is lit llrst-elass order ami icpalr, and Im a coutcetloiiery ritnbllihuieiit Ihcie If none viperler le It In theilty et l.ancislcr Ne, : All that certain llullilln;; Let ou tlie north aide et Leluinbta uvonne, wct el Onuiiiestioet, lu Lttneaster city, oentnlntiit lu tiem en said Columbia avenue '.'3 leet, and oxlemluie; lu depth, northward, Us icut.inoie erles", te a 11 lent alley, udjeluliif; t lepcrty el i hi litepherl.lPer und Jehn Mlaiih. Ne. X All thai curtain Let or t'lecn et Ureiiud, en the north nlde el West oiuuke Htiuet, we-it et Matlettl av.iiue, Lunuiistei city. uentaiuliiK In ironten aald tVeniOt.inuu Bticet, (' loot, mid extendln; lu depth, north war, I lullect, tuoieer Imi, te a II Mntullu, iiiljelnlnt' pupurty of Clinics Mer! .mil Ithea is Ne. 1. All that cei t-iln l.ut or Piece et Ureiind, ireiillnir 10 feet, uiore or l it, en the west side or Pine street, hotwfeu or.infcetind Chei'nut streets, Lancaster city, and extend Inn la depth, westward, Ii'i teet, te a 10 Pint ullev, ailjuliiintt ptopeity et C. Ileetu ruud t llmiker. I Ne. D. All that cctluln Let or Ploeo el I (iteitul, irentlnj; I:.' feet en the lustvldeut Nevln street, between (Jiai)ne anil Chcainut stieits. LrncuHter city, auit, eMuiuIIiik c-ut-iui-il itetiet, iiinieur lcs, pt ii lu toot a'iev, luljeliilllir piepuly et Dunlap unit Martin. Tlinaesuvuirtl tracts et biilbllne; lets me all located wllliln two tdiiuicji el the Weaturu Market, and will besoldtepaintely or toj;ellicr us may be moil uilvaniasuim. Any peieii dejirlmt Inte. inai:,,n ab.nit thete pieiieillrn will ciil en r'r.iii"!. I'll liter, al Ne.Ji hast Kin. mi-eel. ule te comment i it Te'ile-cK i in., en nul.l III, whun iittendaiKe will t.n ijivi n and leims imuie icnewii uy i.inueiv nai'i i.iuii. MiLUttnT : sutteh, Aucta. d.l6A'l'iltsd NtlTllr.ll NliW l.tir HI' ritll-!, II h, VII 1. tlful Mtlrts; alie another let of silU llnndUerohlels; llvautllui Jatin noens lei Chlldiun.opeii te-iluy i the lineal, eltct and best Cnbloaclied Muslin te ever told ler ; cunts t our i 21 Coiinierpiuoj ute be.iiulcs -, 10 cent 'dditlntl Chevh ts In icmuatiU, at s Lent-' AT SW Villi's, 51 ebi7lydT&s m) North Uuve.i tioei NJtr ADVjmTisr.Mr.xTH, rrxLr rsMNti A ItltKNKMAN. TOYS! TOYS! We liave new In stere our lull stock of UHUISTMAS TOV8- Wonderful Mechanical Toys, Tin and Weed Toys, Games of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes. OUIt PRICKS AUK LOW AND TUB STOCK liAHGKK THAN EVKU I1KFORK. WIIOLESALB AND HKTAIL, AT FLINN & BBBNBMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. rVAll.ll'S CIIUNHIC, Christmas - 1883 - WntcbeB, Dlameade, Bronzeo, RoKera and Weat'a Statuary, Flne Oloeks Jowelry, Belld Silver and SUvor-Plated Ware, SpoetacloB, Maoenlc and Soeloty BadfjCB. HHAUTU'MJL, USEFUL AND DUKAliLK CHKISTMAS GUTS. Urilcrijer Special Werk ilwutit tic left matle in our ownactery. EDW. J. MANl'FAC'l UltlNtl .ll'.WKI.KIt. ZAHM'S CORNER, ilccl-lindll XKlf AltVKUTlSKM KXTH luvkit DAI'DICAI., JUDtlr., Llnb. Union Jack Our Mttle i (iiileu Pilet, stenr.anln. Vetcuin utnl othcrClareltrs at birtlnm prlcn-. at HAKTMAN'S Y1.I.I.OW KUO.ST CIUMt HTOItlC. NllTIUIi-TlIi: UK.1tlANNIJAI, 01KK.T ItiKOt the I.anciiiter Maiunei-eher will be hcll at their hill ou TIlUltSDAY KV KM NO, DI.'C. -7, at H o'clock. All Iho meinbcrs nre In vited te bn present. Ily order el the presl iliinl. OhOllUK l'l'ICIKKKU, il.ii'Jld Scoretaty. ri'tlK MIH1IIKUN MAKU.I'.T WII.I. UK 1 held en HATUItDAY MOIt.VINtl. nt U o'clock, iilfiiiK ihe curbs et the vicinity. AH peneun who have paid lent will be allowed Hit no months Hen when tt.e new liouse Is com pleted. Ily order el the linanl. JOSKI'II HAMSUN, ilJO-lntilAltw Secretary. 1 I Kll'.l.. KUUIllti:, uAtSlMI AND I 7 othet phi, let; cards from tt cents pur pack llAUlMAN'S K1.I.OW KUUNTUIO ill STOllK 1 MIK L ll. shop with euitliie nnd boiler IS te SO home pen or, all in itoed i uiinliiK order, new nrd Kt aplauliiK mill nnd saHh factory by V. Welilstn. At ltake possession Koyileno PlunliiK Mill el K. O. SturRls. North Mulberry Htn et, I will sell or rent toy shop with eiikIiiii ami boiler; also, unme woedworkliii ma chinery. Tlie shop Is 2CiT feet, two-story, with a wlnjf 'Mfti toot, ene story, and a stable let Uu ee or lout homes, and Hltcildlnt; ter jiitiilirr and wagons Alse, it ilcsliud, adwell Im; and ofllee building ter sale cheap and en ray terms, llentlew. Apply le 1IAU3MAN tc III; UN's. Ne. lu West Oranue utteet, or en llieptPinlseH. WILLIAM WOIILSK.V, itwjwii no. fiTureen Mtcei. IDI.THN III'UII.V IUIU3K. MONDAY, DECEMBER 31. I'l. i: i .Melo-lnaiiiatle ami Kiiuettlan Diamaovurpreilucodon the Continent, entitled the "BANDIT KING." lnire-lnclim the original .n.hHE .lAMIv-i Il(m-ih-, " Hay ltatiKer" ami "lteanClinrcer." The moitweiuiortul animal actors evor seen en tlie xtaue. IR'.UX) eflnred ler their ciinat. 1'owerlul Dramatic Company, Including .Mr. J. II. .Yalllck, us tlie lliimlU Hlnc. A (itcat fccnsailen I A Play te Plcase the Millions 1 hpeclul Hcenery ! New and lleal lleal tstlehctuatlenal HITects I Transported In Hpc clal Cuml Net ene objectionable teatme ! KrerytlilttK pure and elevating In tene s A plavyen can talce your totally te ee without the least liesluitlen Net an Immoral seult seult seult moet or action. POPULAR l'llICEtf. ADMISSION i'l ill and 71 UK. NTS l'lrl:cts ler ruleutOpura llcnse Olllnt d.'71t A CARD As n party lu tue Dry Uoeds it. ule In this city have ha I the Impudence te ailvurti'u that" Nogunulne Aurera Carpet Swoepor " cun b i purchased In Lancaster except thieimh them, no take tilt opportunity te decline their statement an tinwai ranted Islselioed, and eiler le the public of the city nnd county The Genuine Aurera Carpet Sweeper," iiiiiiuilacturjd at the same place in tliilr-i, by tlie tame patty, under the kiuiu patents and tdontleil in eveiy particular, and we turlhcr uiiy l hat we 11 mill the name let les meney than the abeve ptily iieh null It : and we p'odtje Due Hundred Di,I1iuh tu a tin It'll 11 Iho wuepur we oller Is net " Tlie lieiiulnn Am, nil Carput Hwiiepei" 'iilvuitlsn l by the partv inue ndcrred te. J. B. IAETIN & CO., (.'or. West Kliigiutd L'rlticeStrtfuls, I.ANCASTEU, PA. ii'.s. lOt: UltltlSr.'lAH I'lll.irMS FANCY BA-HKK'iS OK FRUITS AND FlOWERS. Ker Chetcu Flerida Or.iii.jesi. roi'Ulieleo Wlilte Urnpes. Ker Cholce llaimuas. Ker Kancy llaldwlii Apples. Ker Paper-Shell Almonds. Ker l!rull Pecans and niberls. Fer luiul-inade Clear Tevs. ler HuKiir Pretzels und flasket Km li' J, 13, i!0 ami 23e Candy. Cor Kine Hunch Dehtsla ItalsliH ter Cholce Mtntcitnl at lie. lera bettle of Klerlila Hatet. Korabettloof Hermiid i Water. Ker Kancy Toilet soaps 1'er a 5J pound rtat Inn 1 nuey llitl.lmi. Ker u aiiiall box of KIk ler Ctitiucd rrultauud llettln (ie-'H, -(10 TO- BITBHK'S, NU. 17 HAST KINO ttTRBBI'. Nu'i'itsi; i- i-m.-ii-.v-.-r.if. aM) tiUft NICllS. All iiureeiiti ure Inneby teihlddin lettnspvH onaiiyel the lauds el the corn wall or Spoedtoil (ital.-s. lu Lebanon ami Lancaster ceutillui, ivlmtiiei mcleicd ei tin tuclosed, tlthuf im i! e piiipe.i of ii.oeiiujcr Uahlm:, aa thu tan will . tutdu ontiucie UKalnslall tre.panfinu en -..lil lau-u et thu unttorslKiied aitui Mil neiiev Wil. CUI.KMAN Klll.KSlAM It. I'KIIUV II. UK'. KIlWAKi'... rllhl l IN AttOrailV e l" i.'i Mm OlfrU-Aw Zahm's Cerner. with tit j enrly at petiible All HitcrUxt ditliri ZAHM, LANCASTER, PA, TA ItUtKNltl. c ITtltONT." KUI.TON OPKHA 1101 SK. FRIDAY EVENING. DEO. 28. The latest New Voile sticcess. 83. ;or, HyChas II. Heytand WIllle Kdetitu With a record nfovnraiteliiiitilrcC congectitlvonlRlita at the San Kranclsee opera house, N. Y. In treducltii; the utiappronchable charucter com edienne, MISS FLORA MOORE, bUPPOl.TKD UY A UltEAT OAST. The colehrated UKAND VIKW I10TKL SET carried In Its entirety. Original Music, Klegaul Cestutnlny. DLDLKY McAPOW, Managet, ADMISSION. - .'15, no and in OKNTS KKSKKVKD jKATS. - 7.1 Ker sale at Opont lleusu eillce. dJl-l d "KtULTON Ol'KHA HOUSE.."'' , Saturday Evenlug, Dee. 29, 188a. TUB KAVOKITK AllTIST, KATE CIAXTOI -AN I - OHAS. A. STEVENSON, Supported by their own superli ceuipiuy, lu the cvar-pepular Mule-Druma, THE TWO ORPHANS ! .SPECIAL NOEXnitV. iSLKUAA'T COSTUMES, ADMISSION, 75, OOanililfl CKNTS. IlKSBP.VKDrtl'.AT, 73 SeaU ter eale at Oj-.eru Heme ofllee. dJUt IWUKH Attlt nTATWNHUl OII-T3 -AT- L. M. FLYNN'S. CllltlSTMAS CARDS AND NOVKLTIKd, ILLUSTUATKD IIDOK.S AND AL1IUMH. WItlTINO Di:aKt, VOIth IIOXr.J.' liASIEI, ,te, 0., Ac., AT Ne. 42 Wcit KliiiStrcet H OI.IDAY IIODD1 Booksellers ami Stalieners, Oiler te their I'atrens, ul Lew Prices, ler the Coming Clulstnias Season, a I. arse ami Varied Assortment el Holiday Novelties liiclmlliu; the l.titusl Styles et liBATUER AND PLUSH GOODa, lu PAPKTKIUUS, .IKWKI. IIOXK.S, WOUK IIOXKS, TOILKT CASES, (ILOVi: IIO.XK3, WUITINO DK9KS, OOLD PKNS.CAIII) CASKS, LK.TTKIt CASKS, CIOAIt CASKS, Av. CHRISTMAS SOUVENIRS In I.l0;iiut Novelties let This i!itseii, I'llOTOUItAl'lland AUTOdltAl'lI ALIIPMI, SCIIAP HOOKS, sKl'MH' AUTIIOltSIN CLOTH AND KINK 1I1ND1NUS, 1HIILK3, Pit AY Kit IIOOKH, t;hi nun iioei.s, dkvoiienal iioekh. STEEL KNQRAVINQ9, I'AINTJaa, PUOTOUUA V Ull KS, I.TCIIINUS. PANKI. PICTIKKS, 1'LAQUk.S, KASKLS, CAIIINKTKKAMKS, JAl'ANKSK WAIIK, 111 llltAOKKT.H, TltAYH, and WALL I'OCKK'l'S. A I'lne Line or THKIlMOMKTKltS, HOOKS, CAHISTMASCAKUS, U AM KS, II LOCKS, INDUSTUIAI. TOYS and WATKIl COLOltS lortheLll'TLK ONKS, At the Sign el" the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTU yUU'EN ST.,, tl'A. C'l KNlUM'. VAHA CIOAIt, Ul.tCAU IMI.I.I'.H 1 only Scouts, at II Alt'! MAN'S VKLI.OW KltON 1' ClUAIt STOllK. s vi'i'.v:.:.s iidusi. SHAV1NI1 AND HAIIl DltKSSlNO HA1.UUN. (loud JouriieviuQii and prlces same as olher Baloens. II. WAU N Hit, mvlS-UU Manautr, b" ,'ltl.V'S UN1VKHSA1. I'H.1'1 HUlTllrtl TOlll. A Bliru euro for even- form el Piles. Internal und oxternal. Ilehlmr or iilnil. leir, niul leek' slandliiK cases. It has nevei lulled even lu cases ns long standing as 23 le 35 years. This Suppository Is cenn ahuiied, easy te apply, sale, neat unit cliuu, an I possesses every ndvantugn eyer eliitinenti and salves, Physicians usu It In their piurtice. (ilve It a trial, and you will be both relieved and con vinced. It your drutficlst does net keun It or Ket It ler you, accept no ether, bill neii i ei it by mail, us It can be soot auyirhere by mall. Prlre, tee l er hex Prepared and sold by ANDIIISW U, KHKV, llriiKlilst, Ne. 20 hast (Jr.iiiite hi , I or. Christian. aprJ7-lydw2 Lancaster, Pa. IJOHI BAER'S Sfll, SECOND EDITION. TIian9DAY BVEN1NQ, DEO. 37, 10B3 colered'oitizens." FOIIMINU l'l.ANS ifOll l'ltOTKUTlON A Stute Oenvfinttcii In Ohln-Witnt Their ItlChts ana Mere Aid ler Negro Helioeli A State Committee Utieien. Cer.UMUUO. Ohie, Dee. 37,-At yostor yestor yoster day 'a sorsIeii of tlie stnte convenllon of colored men resolutions wcre adopted te potltlen the Lotflslnttire te paen lawn for their protection, te ropeal nil the old statutes against thorn, te itnprove the facilities for the education of colored youth and asking both stnte nnd national aid for colored schools, rcaotnmendltip; cooperation among colored pcople by the formation of joint stock companion in businefis, thanking Honater Kdmunds for his civil rlRhU bill and Justlce llarlan for his dls dls Bentluf; opinion, nnd rccommemltng the appointment of a ntate oemmlttoo of ene from eaeh congressional district te potfcet n plan for the protection of tlie Intercsts of colored oltlzens and the organization throughout the state of elvll rights loagues. A ntntocemmlttco was seli, 'cd te proceed with the task of organization. STANUaltll Ull. COMPANY. 'Ilia I.eclslatlTO Commlttee Bt Werk. Philadelphia, Doe. 27. The Legisla tive commlttee investigating the testimony In the Investigation affecting the Standard Oil company, was te have continued its proceedings at St. Goerco'u hetel hore this morning. Nothing was dene, howevcr, It belng decided te await until thtce or four o'clock lu the nftorneon, when Senater Ilerr says It Is proposed toexamino Reger Shemiati, esq., nttorney for Mr. Patterson, of the Standard cor poration. Whether Mr. Sherman will present hlmself te be examined as te the relations botweeu his client nnd himself Senater Hcrr thinks doubtful. The com mlttee will ceutluua Its investigation in the oil regions after te-day. SUIT l'OK DAMAOl'.S, A Yacht Injured by a Ferry Steamer. Nr.w Yeiik, Dee. 27. Picrre Lerlllanl, ewner of the steam yacht Hadha, began n suit in admiralty today in the United States district court against the ferry beat icrseyuity, owned ey tlie rennsylvanin railroad company, for the recov ery of ever $".13,000 damages, by reason of a collision which eccured en the Hudsen river en the night of the 2.')d of last June. Fer the less of the sorvlce of his vessel nod repairs the plain. tilTsucs te roaevor $7,419.03 ; fernn injury te himself he sues for hit physician's bill $1,000. nnd for oxpenscs incidental thoreto he Riifl'ered damages amounting te $25,000. miANT'S PALL. lle NuITnrs serluim Iejety. Nr.w Yeiik., Dec. 27. Geuernl Grant when Icavitif: home te day sllpped upon the ice and foil, receiving n severe shock nnd serieusly injuring his thigh. Yeung Grant t ays tbe surgeons who attended his father wcie unable tn determine whether the injury was of a dangerous character or uet ; they said, however, that the limb v nJd be parapjz'd for thu time belng. Tie P. Hitd A. M. I'liir-ADELi'ii.'., Dee. 27. The nnnunl oeitimunication et t'te right worshipful grand ledge of Ancient I-'rccaud Accepted AlnsetiR of the juilsdlctionef Pennsylvania was held at neon te-day, St. Jehn's Day, nt the Masonic tcmple, when the ,grnud efllcerH, oleetod at thu grand cemmunica tien held en the 5th inst., were duly in mailed. Kfttnl Siiewnlldc. Alma, Cel., Dee. 27. A anowsllde near Montezuma en Monday carrietl .lelm Ilcndstretn, Jehn Ahlstrent mid Jehn Ling, thrce miners, half a mllndnwn the mountain. Alilstrent and Liug were found yosterdav badly nnd will probably dle. Ileadstrmn In htlll missing nnd must have been killed. Tlie LeuMlAiia ArctiOuliep. Nkw Oiii.uans, La , Dee. 27. This morning ArchblKhnp Porclie une ins te he growing weaker ami his physicians think he will net live through the day. lle has altcady received the last saorninents of the church ; soveral priests nnd represen tatives of the Catholie community assisted nt thoMiptcme caiomeny. I'mleotlen" fiirl.nUar. Headine, Dee. 27. A petition request lug CengteEH te the importation late thin country of foreign laborers under ejntrnctH rande nbread Ih being circulated and is resolving many sluatutes of work lug men theughutit this rcctinn. A Clirltmni I'liini fur llatvaid, Evsten Dee. 27. By the will of Gaergo Oaken Clarke, of Milten, his cstnte valued nt g.SOO.OOO, is left in trust for the benefit ei his family nnd nfter their decease nnd that of his relatlvcu the CBtate is bequeath ed te Harvatd collcge. A Clean Sweep Ai.ukky. N. Y. Dee 27. Thu Rttniwj Jeunutl ayn Attorney General olcet O'Brien has biguitlcd his intontieiiof mitk ing a clean sweqi of all oletks in his depart depart meet. llarn Ilnruer henteiiesil Ai.u-.ny. N. Y., Den. 27. Haughkirk, the bam btirner, was foutciiceJ this nteriiiug te live yearn in stnte's priceu. Vlt'.Arill'.K INIIIDATIONS. Wasiunoten, Dee. 27. Fer the Miilille Atlantie Btatcf, wariner, cloudy weather, with rniu, inercnslug winds Hhlftlug te night te much celder northwestetly, full iug followed by rising bniometor, and te nlgut by clearing weatner. .IIAHKJSIlt. t'hllnilelptiin mitrBHi i'lHLADnui'iiiA. DcconibefJi Klenr lull. Kye Finn rat W7S. Will dull ami lower Ne 2 Wti-lnril lied. Ne. 11 i. Hed, II UK tl 07 : Ne. 3 de, II 01 ; t(t '! Cern qulet and easier t sail yellow and sail mixed, MaS'JHet Ne 3 inUed, M63;c. tluts easier and l.ilrly ucilvn; Ne. I Whlte IlKe I Ne. a Whlte, 4U)te Ne. 3 de, 3ia.TJKO J Ne. i!Mlzuil,4Ue. Itve nnlet at ilAc. Seods-ClevoriitiletiilOOloctTliuothy dull at II 40(91 50 ; Klaxsoed acaice at $1 10. I'tovUlens iiulet and eatler. Laid qtltet. Hitlter dull. Kkus llrmer and niote actlve Chocse quiet nnd Ilnn. l'otreloum quiet. Itcnned.'.lJJ'Jc. Whisky dull at II 2D New Yerk fllnrtteu. Nkw Yeiuc, Die. 27. Kleurdull, weak nml in euyerH- tuver. Wheat XtiKe lower, ami tomewrmt excited, wlin uinru ilelnt; tn options : Ne. 2 Uud, .Inn.. $1 UKftll2:de Feb., 1 1SUQ l starch, It lSJStpl M I May, 19i 1 20. Cem KtC'hClewi ' dull nnd heavy ; Mixed Western, spot, t'Jil'MU t de future, tiltfusttc. OitsOJolewor Ne. 2 Jau lUHmo.He i Keb.,4lHilliO! Maicli,liKQI.'l;a; Slay, I IK QUHei stale, lUQllei We tern, JrJKtffte. l.lve fctoeK I'rlce, CmcAOe liens llccelpts. 11,000 head t ship munts, noun i market dull ami lujf I5e lower ; packliur. (1 mc i packing anil shlpnlnir, (inatluei itj'ht biceu itrailes, ft 73U3 2 sklpf, Jifief VjSj the market clned with 5,00U head unsold. Cattle UccelpU, 3,CG0 huail uhlpinmits, nnuut tnaiket Hteadyt oziterts, ft outfit C3 Keed tochetco shtpplnir, IA ICflU 00! coniirieit te medium, II 2.1 U0 ou i Tetaim, Hiiro 3YJ. Bheet Uocelpts.MU heaui shipments, none market streutr and active litlorlertu fair, H 503 71 ; tnedlum te goeil, 3 PSi 23 ; ehoice te eitlll, II 5035 00. Kaht l.inKnTY.-Cattle-UccnlnU. 1S2 head i inarket very dull en comiueii,but actlve ou KOed prlmOjCoaeMi lalrtoeeod ISMMI common. $IOt50. ' BP '70 HeiM Kecilntu inuaoeipi nncep, nrline. ( tnen, 2083 W. Moen sittiets, Quotations by Uoed, McUrann A Ce . en, Lancaster, I'u, nn ., ., A'' Michhjan control Hew New Yerk Central lll2 NowJersoy Central MX Ohie Central Uel. Lack. Wostern Denvor A llle Urande.... 11 Krle... ,,, Kansas Texas ii Lake Bhere esjj Mb'iR.'?J: w..cem.... unit St. Paul A Omaha ., ."!? i!8S njt ?? t-wsineuati 41 S3 IS 7ily tVfltlfltlll f'riltltnnH en' "3 Wabash I'rorerred jty West'rn Union Telcurann 73JJ Ixjutsvllle A NnshYllle... u N. Y., Clll. A 8L 1j........ .... IxiIiIhIi Valley Lehigh Navigation 1'ennuylvanla IH lleadlng 27. i'.t. A iiuimin UK Northern Pacific Cem... 2M; Northern 1'acllle l'ref... COX Itostenvlllo I'htladelphla A Krle Nortnent Central i'l)i UnilerRtnund Canada Southern M till .......................... rponle's I'aasancer. 113K 113Ji fnnadeipnia. Quotations by Associated Press. Slecks steady. fl.lln.l..l..l.A ft. b. ,1 .. 7. M " r'llU iieniiinK iiaiiread. -n I'imnsylyania lailread sjjj I.ihlifli Vallev I tat lreii I iii? United Cemnnnlin or NowJersoy IMW Nerthern Pitclllc. , , se Northern I'aclfie I'lelnrrnl ... uiu llUHIUUIttllMI.MIi. ... U9. lentral Hallrnad WW ,-Uallen Company il Nerthern central Lenlvu Nav Norrlstewn Hallrnad Central Trnniportatten Company.. l'lttsb'if.Tlliisvllle A lluttalelt. It.. .........IVO ...... ..... 11 (13 1,'Ulll HCIIIlVlKlll itwireiiu ........... Mew VerK. (Juotnllens by Associated I'reii. Htecks llrmer. Menoy easy at i&tiie. Nev Yerk Central Ill); Krle Italltoed 27M Adams Kxprcss 1ST Michigan Central ltallread dKK MIchlKan Heuthern ltallread Vj Illinois Central ltallread 132 Cleveland A Pittsburgh ltallread 133 Chla-ik'OA lleetc Island Uallread 117 l'llbtbttriili A for. Waynn ltallread IM Wostern Union Til0,'raph Company 73J 1 ICUU S KUUU.lll I'J new .inracy uenittii InrscyCenttiil UK I'erk OnlarlnA wemnra 18J4 lew Tl t.ecni Mtetitri unit itemtt Kopnrted by ). II. Lener I'ur val. li 100 IOC tee ion 100 tee Lest real 1C2.J0 117 120 10O60 102 100 100 103 tes X80 40 49.71 00 le 2S 2S.26 210 5 It! 1 21 Ml 11060 106 100 103 .Vi 63 l.nncaitcr City e per cent KW... I8'XI.. ' l&)i.. ' i per PL lu 1 or 30 years. I par ct. Scheel Lean... " " in 1 et aiyejirs. i " in S or 30 years. " I " in tOerSOveara 100 Mai.iiOlia linietuh lean 1(0 UlaOUIXtMBOfB STOCKH. Qu '.rviiie i:. u tra MlllersvlllcStroetCar EO Inquirer l'rlntlnirCempuny W) Uiu Light and Kuel Company ii StAveiiH liouse (Ileuila) 100 Columbia (iaa Company 23 Columbia IVnler Company Sii.'qucUanna Iren Company 1(0 Miiriuua ueunTwni , imi Stevetis Heube. 50 W Sicily uiand East Ilrundywlne &. Wfiymiu'i;.. Mlilnravllin Nermal Scheel Nerthern Market MIIUBLLAHKOUH BONIW. Ottarrwilln It. It., due lfa .'. (0 .tlOO Iteudlmr.l Columbia It. i:r's ..1B . 100 Laneaatertias LlKhtand t'uel Ce.. due in ler 20 years 100 I.tucasterHrw l.l,;lit anil Knel Ce., ,imi iw ine Kastern Market............. no Western Market 60 Ttmsrt'XK htoecs. lllcsnrlntf.l Heaver Vat toy IIS 1U Ultd;upert & lloreslieo 18K Celu'iilila A Chiwluul UIU '26 Columbia Ac Washington 2 CeliHiibta.t fill Spring 25 C.'iUlbla& Mallettil 25 Miiyifynt Kllzabettttewu 'Z.1 l.aiica 'i K l-.nliruta 'A 23 18 20 18 M V. 47 42.10 Ul no 31 OJ, M) 73 106.2. 133.10 '8- S3 .ja 110 117.30 Ul'.TI 118 KM 112 Hi 139.6a VOC ISO Ii" HIS 75 ISO 115 no Ijinea-Jte tvillowSlrem Htr.uiniiH e. 'UUpert Mirlntta. .. Mavl'twn. . a 15 Marietta A. Mount Tev V l.'inc, Kllzabiitlit'n tc Mlilillel'li 100 Lancaster V KrultVllle...... Mi l,iuivdcr& Lllltz IS l.uic.viler A Wlllliitnstuwn... , va. Lancaster A Maner GO Lat'eaatcrA Manheltn 2ft l.anciHter A Marietta 25 Lancaster A. New Uellanu 100 Lancaster Su3QU(linna 300 i1ihI Nntieiiiit (100 rur.iiera' National Hank 60 Kitlten National Hank 100 I. -in- aster County National llank., 60 Columbia National Hank 100 Christiana National loe Kphrala National Hank ion First National Hank, Columbia.. .. 100 rirst N'p.tleiml llantr, tttnubur,... 100 Kind National Hank Marietta 100 Ktrst National Untile, Mount Jey.. 100 l.lti-r. National Ilnna im Miintiel n National llauk tee Unl.m rfnllennl Hank, Mount Jey. SO New Helland National llauli Km Han National Hank me SLKU1VAX.. pAt'ltl'.U'MTUMU. Mether's tSpmning Wheel. Concernlnir One Article That Was Net Fer bole, and Anether Which la Cheap at Any Prlce. 'Ne, sir, l wouldn't sell you that for any meney ; that spinning wheel waa my mother's. It wasoiiedav, wheushu was elntluu llke a lark and makliiK this old wheal hum, that my tamer, tn en a young meuicai suiueni, aucr war h a tanner, fell In leve Willi horsemu llfly scars nce." fcoupeko the proprietor et a reuuli bit of tat in land In Ulster count), N, V te a rolte hunter, ami " mother's " spinning wheel r muliied ametiK her olilldreu and grauilchll dren " .My iiiother," writes llev. J. W. Phelps, pastor etst. Paul's St. i: Clmrclr, Chicago, " has mid l'AUKEn'a TONIC, and wishes me te say thai she has found It morn etltoitve than anythliiK she ever tueit ler InvlKeratlni; and sliunBthentni; the sys tem dobilltated by malaria, she deslrvn nut alseespeeliilly toiniinllen the certainty with ilileh it nidn digestion and ovurcenies ok. Iitustleii." ' I'.vur Hlncii the llit tiottsclield was establlili ml, " metliDr's ' opinion has DcoUuiero potent lu this world than that of judge, Jurist or pity slcun llcr baud lias always cooled tlie tuver and her volce haB been Illled with bone. Willi each day's decline I'Altltlilt'S ION 10 Is bo be bo cemltiK uiore ilesprvedly popular with the Mouieii who ituard allke husband and elid dren It eradicates malarial poison trem the bleed. He it which thore U new snob wide spread siitrerliiK:. I'loase olncrve; I)K. PAUKKIl'a TONIC U tin' an (ii(ercnii(. it Is a combination otsev oral Inu're Hunts, or which none singly, can product) anything llke Its olTeet, Ker Kldnes, atemach unit Liver troubles It is tha standard and u ii fall UK lenieity. In two sizes t MceuU and II The latter ttioclieipot. HieoexACo,, Clieiutsts New Yerk. dccMmdoed T.f Allt 1IALSAM. PAUKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A bonellclal diesilng prorerred le slrallat artlcles becansn of its purity and rich per lutne. ltltESTOltKS TO Ull AY 11 Allt l'lIK YOUT11KUI. CO LOU and prevents lUiidritU andlalllnff et the hair, loeandil.oo. IIISCOXACO.. N Y. lJUtieadi mtrknl nnllrit t irw.sawiM 0 Yorkers. M MtM sa' 7?WF.&V&l!Li H,w..t Tvivnji UUOl S. V. s:or l"iburgti.. Texas I'aclfie Union l'acinp FI0REST0N. Excels tbe finest flower f n richness. Doll Dell Doll cate, very lestimr. Ne odor llke it- Uu sura yen act V I.OHK8TON Cologne, signature el IUxoex Ce., N. Y., en overy label. ami 74 cents, at ilruKifUts and tlealers tn perfuinu. OOLOGrNE?. diAlvweewAtlTu tOKlV IIOTKI., New Hetel Lafayette, IlroadtandCheitnut otrcets, PHILADELPHIA. aSIKUIUAN AND BUKOl'ttAN PLAN. Location unsurpsj-ed i newly luinUUiu and Imprevtd, with Uti room.', otters nttructieu superior te any hotel tu ) hiia lelptila.