V ' ?"&&& r-' J S LANOASTEH DAILY INTELLIGENCE! AVttOX.'SDAY. DECEMBER 26. lat-a. rv c w 7 Plancautcr tntclH&enrcr WDNK3DAY BVBNINQ, DEO, 20. 1088. The Heuse Cemmit1 tecs. Mr. Carllsle seems te have Riven gen eral latlsfaci Ien In the Heuse with his committees, nnd lias certainly made them up without regard te the untiigen- isms e( his election content. Mr. Cox Is oneoftho prominent Democrats who la net satisfied that he did net get the chairmanship of foreign affairs, but he has a Tery honorable place at the head ei naval affairs, where he will have an equal opportunity for distinction nnd usefulness. Neither of these high class committees has a great deal of work te de ; but work in Itself is probably net what Mr. Cox Is especially anxious for. Mr. Springer seems te ba the Democrat of prominence who lias most te complain of, as he has a small chairmanship and no place en an important comraittee.Mr. Springer is net n very strong man, but he is ene of the eldest members and occupies a large share of public attention en the deer. He very naturally looked for a mere Inipertaut assignment than he received, and probably should have received it He attributes his discomfi ture te ids collengue Morrison, who Is credited with having the speaker's conn cenn deuce, as he has that of the country. He is a strong and rugged man, and may have been tempted te sit down tee heavily en his colleague in the Illinois delegation, without due regard te the cenlldence the constituents of Ins msse clate have shown In bis ability by their frequent return of him te Congress. Our member, Mr. Smith, get3 a place en the committee en Indian nffnlrs and another en a small committee. There is plenty of room In Indian affairs for the Indus trieus and investigating habits of Lan caster county's representative. Large Laud Helding. Mr. Hepkins prunes in Congress te forbid the holding by Individuals or cor cer cor peratlons of great tracts of public laud. He would require the railroad cempa nies holding grants te dispose of them within three ears and forbid the pur chase by any person of mere than n thousand acres in one county. It Is well known that foreigners have bought immense tracts of laud, in the Mississippi region, in tending te held them until they advance in value. These acquisitions by aliens Mr Hepkins proposes te make unlawful. It Is certainly contrary te public policy that very large quantities of land shall be held in single hands just as it is net well that great masses of wealth should be under single control. But the question is ene very difficult te deal with, and i-erhaps the time is net yet for its treatment. Congress, hew ever, may very well new determine te put a step te the growth of the evil, se far atleast as the disposition uf the pub lie laud h concerned. It is just that the iailread corporations shall be com polled te dispose of their lands within a short period , and that no citizen should be permitted in purchase from them or the government mure than a limited acreage. Whether any further steis in limiting the ownership of lands may be well taken new is a question for mature consideration. -. Stekkly has eutered the political ttelaiu Philadelphia again as a raudidate for mayor, and his candidacy tends te still further complicate the condition et things en lliu Republican side. He served t he terms in the office and was defeated in his aspiration te be his own successor. He would have been eleeted had he given certain neu partisan pledges te the Committee of One Hun dred, which he new seenn willing te make. But Ids concessions of thu' sort coine tee late te full satisfy the Independent element of his party which defeated liim three yuira age, nud the individual members of it who express an opinion show no leadiness te take him ; while Ids manifestations of independence cause his old associates te withheld their support from him. It le ks as if he had entered th-J race just in time te sutler defeat. The truth ub u h in H th.it he is a man of great execirlve ability and under some circumstances, notably as the head of the police, depaitment in an emergen cy.he appears te geed advantage ; hut he Is wholly unscrupulous In his methods and seeks h's ends regardless of tl e means te be employed. He has excited bitter antagonisms in his own party and these, operating in secret, contributed largely te his last defeat and should lie be nominated again, will render his elec tion well nigh impossible. The Demo crats et FhlhuUlphin. still h-ld the win nine card lu the probable rennminatien of King and Hunter. The tender of a public reception te Speaker Carlisle, by the Commonwealth club of Philadelphia, s ue afterthought, induced by the fair and even generous treatment which that distinguished gen tlenian bus accorded te the Pennsylvania Democratic metnbeis iu the make-up of the committees of the Heuse. This courtesy, from a representative Dome. emtie organization in the city and state of Mr Carlisle's chief competitor, was devised by gentlemen who bellevn iu the futuie of the party of Carlisle and Ran-elall-und it met with Mr. Handall's warm appreval-ami who de net see lu the election of Air. Carlisle any reason ferbcllelug that there Is no future for the Democracy. It will, no doubt, be undo the happy occasion for demon demen strating that no such serious differences exist between the different sections and elements of the party as endanger its iu tegrily ; and as a social event, designed te bring into closer communication and better understanding distinguished Dem ocrats from this and ether states, it Is most fittingly designed aud will eerve a felicitous purpose. The Philadelphia courts have amend ed their rules in divorce proceedings and ruade t belli mere stringent. The Lan caster comity court should de the same. The ease with which divorces, for trifling caiife, have been obtained here In the past has been t he cause of scandal, It has offered au Invitation for these less .'" rt ' M'u1- WLk-Tiiteir, i.hiMt favorably situated te come here nnd live long enough te get " a Lancaster county divorce "and seme have availed themselves of 1U lie form Is necessary. . It was a right merry Christmas and gave no premise of a fat graveyard. Belmont and Cox arc mined, but the country will weny through it. Ycstkudat ene hundred tears nce was the first Christmas that Washington hnd enjoyed as a private eitlren at his ewu home for nlue year. Tuc rage for Christmas cards seems te be abating, as the postal authorities report lets handling of matter of this klud durlue the holiday sensen than for several years past. UALirenxiA, It Is thought, will be the France of the future, se far as the wlue pro.liietlou of the world Is oeucornod. Although wheat Is largely grown In that state at present, it is prodletcd tlut Its relgn will seen coine te an end, as did theso of geld, of hides and tallow sud of fur hunting j and that the near future will seu California a land of fruit trees and vines. Its ollmate and soil preeminently fit It for wlue production, " Cuhistmu comes but once a year" overybody knows, but who put the fact into this pat phrase has been Involved in souie obscurity It seems that the man who wrete it wns the author of the tlrt didactic poem in the English language. His name was Themas Tesser. He was born In Btverhill, England, about 1513, and died when Sbtkespeare was but six teen j ears old. While a farniei amt poet he wrete the peeni " The Farmer's Daily D et,'1 and the sentimeut runs thus : " At Chrisms nry. anil niskwROe,! elieei Fer C lit Wluiw come bntone-s a ysar " A hall' scuie ether familiar aphorisms arc colunge from his mint. WnE.N it is considered lint 300 ore.s ties a year are required te keep a mile of railroad in repair ; that the railroads pay $!,000,000 a year for cress ties ; ami that it takes from 12,000,000 te 15,000,000 new ties (er annum te keep the established reads of the country In operation, u idea Is obtained of the way in which the turests of the country are denuded te meet the demand. Fikoceuuty, this state, furnish es the bulk of the ties ued by tbe eastern reads, and the amount of timber shipp'Mi from tboie every jcar Is said te be some thiug fitbldeus. New Yerk has r eeatly become vry much alarmed ever lervst denuditun, and it would stem that it is high time for Pennsylvania te profit by tier slster state's solicitude. PEKSONAU PllESlDKXT FACKAKD.Of Bowdeiu college is S4 and was never sick a day m his life. Ge.neiial HesecrsNs' wife died in Washington efparilysis ou Tuesday. ?rEKEK Caj'.Usle, is te have a recep tinu from the Commonwealth club, e! Philadelphia, en Jan. U. CniRME Daeki's' interest in the Sjn Franolneo miLstiels has been deposed of te another party en ace unt of lesfes m stocks. Mr. PanNEU is said e have declared that the Irish preple regard any system of Irish emigration as "a munlereu- blew against the life of the nation." L. Kn UAnu Ves STEiuinKnecii, sen of a pretty Garmtu ueblemau, committed suieidu in New Yerk because he could uet marry the woman et bis choice. William II. Vanderbilt. J F Mor gan, Mis C. L Wult, Jehu Jacob Astnr and William uster have eieh subscribed 810,000 te the Bishop Petter fund. ItECBK.v It Srni.veEit,if Cincinnati, has bequeathed te the Cincinnati an museum his va'nable art collection, as the pic lures willed him by his niece, Mrs. Mills It is alne stated that he has given 310,000 mero te the college of music for a new building. ItiuoFeim Millek, in favor of prohl prehl prohl bitieu and "a strict administration et the cit's nfiairs en a business basis," has been elected mayor of Topek.i. Kansas, ever Allen Sills, who was in favor of the ci'y deriving a revpnue from the sa'oeus. Beth were neu-partisau candidates. Hen ,Ie9Hrn Allisen, president judge )f cummeu pleas court Ne. 1. of Philadel phia, yesterday gave the bootblacks et thti city a Christmas dinner. There weie about ft of the lads present rauging from boys iu their "tteus" t the verhst mite that wields a brush. Pnr.MDEM Annan attended Christmas servioeatSt.John's Chuichin Washington. He spent the day at the White Heme, and entertaine i Saoretary Frellnghuyseu at dinuer in the evening. He received many present, mostly caues ami umbrellas and gave thu Wbite Heuso domestics $15 each. K.WLHUAI) IH4A3TKUS. A Train Witched id t jeveu raiding Kllleil. The brldge ever Ulna river.en the Louis Leuis vill, New Albany and Chicago railroads, about 1J miles south of Salem, Indiana, was washed away, aud a train ran Inte the washout, killltm Charles dan ford, baggage master, Dera Elaings, of Lifuyetto.Jaceb Helfreleh, of Louisville, and four ether passengers, len persons were Injured. A freight train was wrecked at, tin, west end of the railroad bridge at Minneapolis, Minnesota, by a wild engiue running Inte it. Three men were seriously injured, and ene of them, named Patterson, of Big Lake, will probably dle. The men were caught in the shattered caboeso iu such a way that they had te ba ohepped out lretn uiu euruiuft car. An Erie mail trajn ran off the track at Buubury, Pa., aud dashed through several ireigut ears en a siding Heveral box ears and two passenger ceacheH were wrecked, and the eugine was disabled. James Wheeler, fireman, leaped from the train and was dangerously Injured, The pas -sengers were soverely shaken up, The rear coach of a passenger train e n the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad was struck by a switeh engine uear Fert Waye. Eight poisons were daugereusly injured among them the wife of Judge Ellisen. The removal of a rail by track hands eaused a Passumpsle railroad frelght train j rllfl n(T 111 A trnnl. nn.. II... T li . ... ... . iwn uuai luneil Li'lUUlUg, Vermont. The engine and four cars were wreeked, but ue porseu was injured. A l'rill(clnian'a Hulcl. News was received in Philadelphia tint Christian Hans, formerly in Baldwlns's le. onmetivo works, had shot himself iu the Washington strcet tunnel, near Chicago, III. Martin llaan, of 1520 Gcrmantewn avenue, a brother of the suicide, said last night that he could net oencoivo any rea son for the sulelde. When the suicide left that city he had $3,000 in cash, and being a man of temperalis habits he had either lest the money by speculation or bceu swindled out of it, ir the story of the iulcide was true. Anether brether had oemmitted sttlolde six mouths age, at 2 120 Mascher ttreet, but was a man of dttslpa. ted habits, FATAL I?LAMKS. ruuit r. LIIVIS KIHKMCN fKltlMI. I.em of Lll Hfil l'n'tiy iu lh AVeil .Vfitit'B nre I' n In lu n Nsit turK Olmrcli. tpsclsl l'lii'iltli te Hie ritucs. ThnSt Lulls tlte department bes say that Tuesday was the saddest Christmas they have ever knew. Dining IS3.1 net a death bv vielence has been leceided among members of the Hie department up te last night, siuce which time four peer fallows have petlstied. Duriiijj the night the tire department was summoned te fight a great tire which destroyed sc eral stores and constimed property te the amount or J 100 000 The Hiis.li wiue com pany, the .Murphy varnish company and ether iirrus were the sullerers. Tbe lire burned stewlily. Ancsplosieu in the Hush building shattered the walls and Jehu Con Cen way and Michael Kehoe. salvage corps meu, were tnken from the rums of the Huh building yesterday morning. Tbe r bedicH weie charred and disfigured. Conway met with a terrible fa te. He was in the Hush building at a time when thore seemed no immediate catne for alarm. Ne danger was apprehended when the men enteied the warerooms, for the lire had baiely taken hu'il of the building. Hut while the brave lellews, six in num ber, were at work, the rear wall fell, buiy lug them beneath a pile of brick, mortar and debris, crushing two of them te death nul injuring the ethers. The men who weie held beneath the debris and could net extricate themselves were Conway aud Kohe. A heavy m eight of timbers fell act ess CVu way's legs aud held him there. Linreuaut Williams was uear the deer at the time the wall Ml and immedi A'ey endeavored te relieve the tuipitseued men. He and a puty of tesc lers entered the liu Iding aud get near enmgh te Cen way te hear htm cry 'Fred I'm buruiug teile.tb Get water . net thee tunbei ed me.' Ne trace of Kehee could be found uu i! meruiug, when his body and C'euw.iyV weiu taken from the ruins. C Galhuher, I'atnck Powers, T. W. Willi ims and Jno. ilanley were nil serijusly injured iy the falling wail. At just about the ruemeul their bedis were brought te the surface tbedi.ithe' Patrick Ceuway was auueuuccd. He wan the Seuthern hotel here, who was fatally injured at the Occidental hotel tire a week age, aud he was a biethei tej.ibn Ceuway. Just after tbe extinguishment of the tire where Conway and Kchec met their death the department was called te Tenth stieet and Franklin avenue, wbere the II L Neulriugbaus store and ware rooms were feuud in tlames. Jebuuy C a:i, one of the llremeu, tried tj ain an entrance te the building,but was overcome by the smoke aud foil in the doorway. The tire was se het that Cegau's comrades could net rcsoue htm at onec nnd wheL his body was takeu out it was ternbly burned and life seemed nearly extinct By the first, tire the Samut 1 Cuppha oernpany luses ou stock. ilOO.OvO ou buildings ewnd by J. E. L'getr, j7. 000 The Iloyle butldiug, corner of Fourth aud E. in streets waj damied jj"5,000 The I.ider Bash wme cimpinv's stock iu the bassmeut we valued at 3150,000. The company's less caunet jet be estimated. A Keu:ht6u( Huner ledgA.mil Frauk Ll.ur pest, G. A. H., lese J10.000 en fururuiu and paraphernalia. The .Murphy varnuh company, adjoining the Hejlo cetllu fac tory, lese J12 000 en stock. The less no the bui'dtag is $75,000. Tlie Un.ttd 5-ates army paymaster's aad quait-Tme-tei's ui my lese" 520,000. By the second fire 11 L Ni'idnnchtus loses i'JJ.OOO en his stock aud furniture. Tbe buiioe furnishing store of Char leu Neidtinghaus, iu the same building, was burn -d out, at a less of JJ0,Os) Tbe Ijs ou the building is S20.0UO. a cuuiieii ei-s riur. t l'Inckjr l'rlcsi .crt a I'nuiL rit. Paul's Catholic church, iu Nc Yeik, was diove ed te ha en lire Chri-t inns morning duriui; the oelebratieu of mass. Twe theusaud peeple neie kreel ing, whiu suddenly a gnat (lame sbet up from the let t side of the altar, ana la a very short time tha church wm tilled with densi smoke. The peeple seemed pir iljzed at tlrst, acd then arese iu n body, with every md catien ei a panic te c me. Father MeLucik called upeu them te re main quiet, while Father McCabe, wbe weighs 'Ajt) pounds, and who is us briVd as he is biu, lumped te a rail, thence t the altar, and, after his bauds aed face had been severely scorched and his vestment almost burned oil", succeeded in pulhu.' down tbe wax tl iwers and decorations, all ablaze, when willing hands cuat ta-m through the windows into the snow. Tne creat eougregatien becamn quie', and Fathnr McCabe resumed the mass at if nethiug had haptivned. utlier fires The lage flouring mdl of Geerge C. Thilemus, ut Cape G.rardeau, .Me, was burued .Monday. The lese is JIW.ODO. A Hie at Chippewa Falls, Wis , Tuesday morning destroyed the Lafayette im'l, a warehouse anii ether buildings. L iu about $35,000. Fire Tuesday evening destroyed a build tng owned by Buekhartz, Millr r & Helier at Bed Wing, Minn. Less, JJ5.U00. a eiiin.'M nrrAiu. Tlie IJ;tuliter til h iVealtnr lUnunr At. teuiis te Tke Her Own I.iln A little girlish figure steed befere the clerk iu Brown's hotel in Chicago, en Satuulay eveuing. The clerk luektd up and met tbe gaze or a piir of dark bruwu eyes which peered at htm from a poke bem et. " Yeu will please show me te a room," she said. With great coolness she Inscribed upon the register, "Nellie West, New Yerk city." She paid for a room and befere retblng requested, in case any oue Inquired for her, that she should net be called. After she hud been iu the room a short time she sent te the office for peu and paper. Ne mero was heard from the girlish ledger, aud the clerk dreamed of big blue eyes, chestnut hair and baby face danelng befere bis mind. At ten o'clock a man entered nr.d in quired whether a girl named "Maud " had been thore that evening. He was young, well dressed, wero diamonds and was very attcntive te a small, dark meus tache. Ills air of extreme uervousuess, coupled witb the rcqucht of the glil that no ene he allowed te bce her, led the e'erk te deny that any yeuug girl had been there. The man left. In the morning the different occupants of the heusu arose, but no one thought of Nellie West, nsleep in room HO, About 3:30 o'clock in the afturnoeu a strong odor of gas was poreeptible iu the neighborhood of room Ne 30. Perturs finally opened the deer. The gas that rushed out was suffocating. Ou the bed my me niiie ledger. A tranquil smlle Boamed te hover about tlie well-shaped mouth and tlie chestnut hair In a taugled mass formed a hale about the little head ihe eyes were closed. Her face was whlte aud still, and en lhe lablu a half eunce bettle of Inudauuin was found, with only a little of the deadly drug left iu lhe bettle. Dr. Tunis was called. At first he thought the gitl was dead aim he gravely shook his head when he saw the oiueunt of poison takeii trem tlie b tlie uul reillzed hew long that stream el gas had ueweu into inoreom. no went nremntlv te weik, howevor, aud within an hour she nnaiil.lulnlnll- ' Seud for Mrs. Ooergo It. Claike," was all she said. Then she turned ever iu her which th iMne cse physician and s.inl . " She will recover " Mrs Clarke nirlvcd urd .it n fee g utz .! Nollle West as tlm mrl whom hud n soiled from the hand ' n,nU.ir who was about U. take her te Onmn.i. Mrs. Clarke leek- d h rseli H '' h tlie bettajrd girl, iiiiln st,u-t .'i-Ui ' ene be allewul te see her Jim M' " histerv was published a few rks age n uiiiinretleti with au .wvmut et b.i iesnu by Mis. Claike from a jjeiub'ei wb-' as beauug her oil 10 a hle of shame ! the daughter of n wei'tby lnkr Mir tau away from her liuu.' w cars age, because she did uet like her step mother Her father seen rocevei el her mil loeueii lump in a c.uiveut Duung ber I'm I'm I'm tinioet freesiiim she bee une aeqajjn'e.i with the mill Irem whom Mrs. I la- be rescued h"r By his sssistauce sue w' P'" fnvn the csinveut f!ie rau awav ith turn te NVw Yerk. Aft-i ".' m mti of resi dence Iheie they cnn. t;J '''f1"' Tbn tuli her mission uy w ik Mr. t larKe beciime ncipiaiund wi'h her ?ae was c!oe y gu.uded bv the lady for some day. and apicued oeuteute.l with her surround inns. I'he gnmbler seems, however, te haverecainid his inthi-ne -ver her ir l lured her away. Tin. ve.re:t.s I mii-, we.-' IMe llvlm lur lm iliiiiiirea ''" ,ra'il Sru Iheil.slHl iMiUr i.iiiipieiiilnu lhe agreement male by the state beaid el aoceuuts, nt Harnburg. with lecal lepresentativ.-set the Western I oien telegraph ceuipan) teci. s tlie in. merable case aiutist the I'n. m Im.' transportation 0'iuipauv overul vcais ak1'1. In that case the st ite nbtaiued ' -'ii Ue.0iN less ibau was alleges! te have been dim the st.ue fiem the c.irper.i-i m. tw H.irn-burg lawirs ie.e.vitig flOeKK) for obtaining the money whinu tl.e cemjany paid the slate. J. W M. Ncuhn, of I'uiladel phmlistjar gave ''ie a.c u':tiug de piltmeut inform itii'ii ,l the i idtbt.-deess of ihe Western I'm "i telegraph c mpanv whtehled te his i mpl ineut as spent C nuift'l for the oei.ecttoa et thee aim. with the approval of Au in r Genera1 Palmer Tbe audt'er teeeial euip'eji-d Ne wlin, agtetuni; te pay him Uu per ctut for tbe tlrst iSO.ll c !U-cud, suvcu aid a hall per eent. ler any ex es above the latter ameuut. iu avoidance with tbe information given b New'iu the account lug dep.eitnieut cettltd an aeeant against the company for ever H7,0u0. At the meeting of the beir 1 of aocenntn last wetik Auditor Gemeral Lsm.m and S ate Tioasurer Italy vlrtua ly agreiyt te accept a preposition made by tepreseuLi tives of the Western L'uien company te pay 350,500 aud c sts of the c!um made by tbe utate. Attorney l.eeral Cassid was telecraphed te aud be lenmunicitcd his aoceptance of the turns submitteti. Tbe beard of accounts ace ;dingly hiving agreed te take J50.O0O rather man g te trial for the colltctien of JltTtW, the state will recevj jn.OeO, N-wlin being euutl-d te the remuu ug ?5 OU"), a pirti i. of which, is is uudeiKte. !, he will dli-ie with ex Deputy Atteru-y Gcn-ral eli b-rt who is uS')ciated w tU hi n In tbe ease Attorney General IVsniy sill et out of the s-jtllcmeut 32,5'K), Ahith the Westrn Cuieu iil be obliged tepiy him vi c in mi-siens eu.s'de of the J50KHI CllltlrM s- CltlMtii A Street I'li; tit in lii, .111. In Yazoo City, Mississippi, Jehu T I'oeej.oftho lirra of Widiuus & Posay, " was insulted " by Jehu James, a colored butcher. Pese celUUud his frieudi aud returncd e the p'ace where he last saw Jamei, but the iatt' r b.ul gathered some colored friends, and isheu the Posey part) apiw-ar-d, tne eoiered imn immediate ly eieLl Uie. J hn T. Posey, C Posey and Jasper N eh. ills were killed, and two ethers uaned lillat and HalM.-r were weuuded, lhe former daugereuslj. Jehn James, tbe coleieil leader in the atlrny, w is rbet dead, while lesisting at rest. A mee'ing of the eity oeuncd was held, tbe mayor presiding, te inveslua'e the matter. After uu inquiry into the fncU it was declared " that said ddlbulty was ibe result of a personal altercitleu between Jehn V Posy uud J.jhu James, and that tnends of both parties were drau 1'ite tne c it.tiiet, but enat neither p)htij u r laceprt iudice actuated either parn. ' l'ni;e.1les in UiiTerrut Sections. Iu Cleveland, Henry dohreider and some fneuds, bfing drunk, were reftisid dricks and ejeeted from eJeorge Jsare's satxiu by Ossare and his b.ether-in law, Edward Byring. The tje'ed paitv bum- biide.lthe saloon with empty beer kegs, whieb tbey feuuit en tbu ledewalk, sli ie upon Eiing te k up a stie'guu aud llred through a window, fatally bhoeting Schroeder, who died iu a quar'-cr of an hour. Ejring gave himse-lt up. W'lliam McCaurey, n prominent local p ihticiau aud assistant supcriotendent of markets iu New Oi leans, was shot aud mortally wounded Tuesday rooming in a gambling hell by ' Bud " He-naud, the proprietor, with whom he quarieled. Het and gave himscU up te the polrce. Hmauuel Belich, aged 50 years, a wealthy farmer of New Media, was found dead in a hotel at the Lehigh Ya'ley rail road doiel at Mount C.irmel, Pa. His face was terribly disfigured, and it is believed he was assaulted by unknown parties. During a diunkeu .if, ay am mg Hung.i rians iu Uuioutewu, Pa , au unknown man tried te Htab Michael S)jiel.i,iis, but was shut dead by the latter. Jehn Lirge, a larmer, was fatal' v stabbed by a udirhber niumd Blmpke in a quarrel ut Fast baguuvr, Mich. The isuewnlliles la tlie Miintitnlii When the news of the disaster at the Virginia mine, neir Ouray, Colerado, reached Ouray, a paity of 31 porseus left for thu mine te bnug in the bodies of tlie dead. The journey was made during a torrible storm. After haviug cared for the wounded, sleds were impiensed fir the bodies of the killed nnl the party started en their return. Jn reaching tbe Cum. nerland uisin, a soemd suew slide occurred, but the party being just beyond the edge of tlie avalauohe escaped death. The sleds containing the holies, ho.vaver, were carried 2,000 feet down tha mountain side and hurled ever a precipice 5'X feet high. They must remain wero they have fallen until spring. nn: ist.icii nwAitr " A Omid bpeciMty I'rrluriniii.rr Uwiugte tue vary bad weather joster day nlunnoeu, Maxwell & Viuccnt'H "Black Darf "company did net give a matluee. At the evenmg performance there was a large audiouce. Tbe nleee U the ' Blaek Creek with a number of Its featuicn left out, uud it was put upeu the stage by this party in much better style thau ethers with mero luuteiitlnnn. K...n.. of the scenery was very geed. The ballets wero net very heavy umi no mero Uian ten girU wero bceu iu any of them. They were only fair dauceiH hut thiunarehes were geed. The chaincters in the piece wero passably well taken. Doeidedlythu best part of the show was tha performance ei boHpeeialty poenlo. Melhe Broeks.a picas lug little huly.whe is well known huro.eap turedthoaudlence with her seugs and was repeal edly called bwK. The trapeze performance nt Al lanreec and wife was i . i TV UT'U Junes, who Is but eight years el age, ( , !V wonderful Uttle actor. Fer seme unknown .. .i... i "ll'u" Bretliers.thrjwell kuenn acrobats dill llllt. Illltie.lr II I l.uw.1. .!... M ., H ivunuii lliu "" e bills and ue oxcuse wai ' given Vfer ' lhelr auReue' pillow and wept, n' folded tin his im-ilt CHRISTMAS DAY. IIKTAII.-t UK ITS I.IIUAI. UIISKHV.VreUK. I'aii .lleruuiR iKxitirr KeilditaO by Miew Ciuwilrd OIenchrK nml Intnrestlng lleldbrmlunii Liucaster h.u had uu old fashioned "whtlu ChristmiiH," and Its eolebintlen was after lhe old tashioiied style. As enrly as 5 o'clock the Catholics were hnstvnlug te their tespcetive oliiuelus, uud later the stieeu wuie llllid with poeplo iu holiday altltv sauuieilug uleng lu the enjoyment of coHH.itteu fuim ted, or building their loetsleps te the city chinches, at all et which Interesting Christmas services weie held l'he morning was pleasnut ' enough abroad, but towards neon n dilv iug snow storm begun fulling which lasted a few hours and effectually succeeded lu dilving pl.Mstue seekers te their homes. Hut little slushing wan indulged in owing te the unbroken condition of the reads. L'ttle dlseider was noticeable anywhere, though most of the saloons did n thriving business In the meruiug and many closed later In the day. Helew is glveu in detail the eveuts of tbe da)'s colebrattou. lilt: UAIIIOl.tu UlllItOIIKiS. I'lie llUirivauca el lhe tiny al St. Maty', lu the e.uly heuts of the morning long befere the sun begun te brighten in the East, deveut wmshlppcrs might have been seen ou the sheets hurrying by twos and threes te the three Catholic churches of the eity, all el which held the tlrst ser vice of the duy at 5 o'clock. 8t. Mary's was thronged with au immunse gathering, and the scoueon etiteiing the church out of the bleak morning nir was well caleu luted te arouse emotion iu the beholder. The altar was ablase with wax caudles artistically arranged nnd my i lads of thu cheiurst Mowers leut te tlie adornment of the scoue High ever the tabcruacle suspended in mld-alr, huug a tleral star, omeietuatu el tlie bright luminary that ap peared lu the Bethlohem sky when the Saviour was born. The side altars were handsomely decorated and festoons of ever greoes hun. iu graceful lelds ever the sanctuary. The choir icudered Daehtuer's mass in excellent style, Miss Mazie Maleuu singing Lirubillotte's Christmas hymu " Adeste Fid.Ies," with line effect. Large numbers received communion, after which Dr. Mc Cullagli preached au eftectlvu sermon ap propnate te the day. A second mass was celebrated at S a. m., and a third, n high mass, nt 10 o'clejk, ut tlie hitter of which the services of the day were dosed with selemu benediction, St. .inlheiiy'a The interior of St. Antheny's church was decorated as uover befere. A hand some evergreen nrch was ever the altar with the lleial legend " Gleria in Excelsis Dee," uud beautiful (lowers and grccus were everywhere visible. The 5 a. m. mass was crewdid. The choir at this mass Ka'ig in tlue feim Weber's mass iu 0. Se vices were also held at 8 and 10a. m. At the litter Merca-tanti's Tulril mass was snug, The sole's were takeu by Messrs. Weber, Hiemenz, Drachbar aud Burger and Misses L. Strebcl, M. Ivaul. C. Ilept mg, Mrs. J Hiemenz and Mrs. II. Drach bar Miss L. Slrebel sang Lambil'ette's Christmas hymn, "Pasterale," accempan ied en tbe comet by ilr. r era. Weber. Father Ivaul, the pastor, preached at late services. Vespers were celebrates! at 3 p. m , followed by benediction, after which the Sunday school clnldreu were given their presents Irem a huge Chris mas tree in the b.vsemeut. The decorations retlect much credit ou the yeuug meu of the church who hatl them iu charge, nt .icnepti'i Tbe services iu St. Jeseph's church were at 5, S and 10 a. in., nnd were all largely attended. The usual Christmas decora tions were observable anil large numbers r. eeived holy communion. M'l-CUI'.tU At St. .limrt' Klilcel. St. James' church, as usual, was pretti ly tilmmed ; there were masses of greens about the pulpit, a large tree uear the organ, nnd boughs of evergreen ou the momertal tableta and between each et the windows. The Christmas sorvleo at 10:30 a. m., was opened with a processional hymu, " O, come all je faithful," by a large Burpliced choir. The Te Deum, the Jubilate and several Christmas hymns wero admirable rendereel. The rector, Hev. Dr. C. F. Kuigbt, preached a sermon appropriate te the occasion, an offertory by the choir was finely executed the offer ing being in aid of worn out clergymen Tbe holy communion was partaicen ei ey a large number of commiiuieants. The attendance at the sorvice was large con sidering the stormy weather. Tbeie was no service al at. Jenu's t.pis. copal church, owing te the illness el the rector. HLftlKIICU, i.Mrly Keivicea Id fine llctoiuie.l LliaicU. This church was very elaborately trim med. Oarlauds of overgroon dopendnd from the centre of the lefty ceiling and were looped at the four corners of the galleries. Doub'e foiteous of evergrceus wero hung along the front of the galleries and the choir. The pulpit freut was cov ered with greens and the altar with llow llew ers. The large columns en oither side of the pulpit were gtrlanJed and the pilasters and nbiineel irent were covered with greens. The service conducted by the pastor, Itev. J.A.Peters, oemmonoed at 0 o'elock a. m., in presouce of a large congregation. The musie was rouderoel by a vury full ohelr leei by Hiram Starara aud an orchestra led by Prof. W. II. Kof Kef fcr. The selections were from the best composers and were given with an effect which has Icng distinguished the tlrst Hefermed Christmas services. There was ue service later iu the day. St. rual'i lctermel Church. The pulpit and altar wero prettily deco rated with flowersnnd groens. 'l'he sor ser sor vlce, conducted by the pastor, Hev. J. II. Shumaker, O. D., commenoed at 10:30 a. in The musle was given by the combined choirs of St. Paul's aud the first Itofermed ohureh, and was of a high order of excel lence. A sormeu was proaehod by the pastor from tha text, "What think ye of Christ '.' Whose Sen is He V" In the evenlng the Sunday school anni versary took plaoe, and was largely at tended. The sorvleo opened with au anthem, which was followed by the inve oatien. Ira W- Kline, erq , read the first twenty versea of the seoend chapter or Luke. Aitor a prayer by the pastor there was nntlpheual reading by the school. An address by the pastor was followed by the distribution of conteetious ameug the Bohelars. The annual repert of the supar Inteudent was read. It shows the school te be in a very prosperous oendltlon. lhe membership has Increased very oensldora bly during the year, and the contributions nre larger than horiteforo. r.CTUKKAN, Old irliuty Taues s llertur. Trinity Lutherau held nn early musical Borvlce Christmas morning, at whbli .ware nreseut the oembluod schools of Trinity, St. Jeliu's, Christ and 0 hurlies The decorations wero asolaberato as these of the late Luther festival. The pulpit recess was filled with a mass of greens nudabovetho pulpit, en a basoel over ever g"eens, arose a pillar of rese buds lour or Hve feet iu height, and upon It was p laeed a statue of the Saviour. The freut or the galleiies and ohelr wero oeyoroU witu garlands, and betwoeu the windows lu larce Ge'rman text were the names of iaiehem.''Nazareth,''''CaFrnaum,'' Jerusalem" and ether P te" made famous by the prcsacoe of Christ, me firr'f-"ifcii.i sorvleo opened with flne orchestral mush', and oheral singing by thosehoois followed. Arter prayer by U,0 pastor, Hev. Dr. (IreenwHld, Hev. E. L e,H r Christ Church COtld noted a rnsiienslvn .i.i.. I I was followed successively by Hv e' E LlV.,,t'. J,f (,'r.m,F' Ml"1 llev' Sylvanus Stall of St. Jehn's ohureh. the Ickseuh being Interspersed with anthems nnd hymns by the schools. During the I early sorvleo a handsome oellr-otlon was lined. At 10:30 a m Dr. Uieetiwald preached an instructive nud ciitertnlniiu' sermon. The choir sang tlie antheni,' "Glory te Ced In the Highest," ami lhe Christmns oarel, " Haik, I Hear an Angel Sing," was given with great iwer. At 8 p m, the annual niitortalnment of tlie Infntit drputment of the Sunday school was given. There was seme very line singing by the little folks, eneli of whom was presented with a Chilstmas present. St .leliu'. I lieru wero no services at St. JeIiu'h yesterday, incept the rehearsal of the pre gramme of the Christum entertaitiment, te be giveu lu that church this evening at 7 00 o'clock. At the conclusion of the rehearsal Mr. Jehn F. Zimmerman, leader of tlie ohelr, was presented by the Sunday school with au iibeuy silver mounted baton. Dr. II I). Knight made the presentation speech, which was brlelly responded le by Mr. .liiimeriiiaii. Some fears having been felt tint the weight of snow upon the reef of the church might make it luscuiiru, the suew was shoveled off lhe reef this morning, .ion Uleircti. The ohureh is profusely trimmed with evergreens ; large ornamental Christmns trees laden with nil manner of ptetty trinkets . iru placed en either side of the pulpit, and n Isrge star formed of burning gas jets hangs nbove the pulpit The usuil Christmas servlces were held ut 10.30 a. m. The pastor, Hev. F. P. Mayscr iiroaeueu a sermon ou tlie Olitu of Christ, and the ohetr furnished excellent musie lu the evening the nnnual Sunday school festival was hsld. Tbe entertain ment consisted of singing, rcottatiens, dialogues, &e., and the presentation of gifts te the pupils the largur scholars re ceiving gilt or stive-red medals of hither aud the Ktualler ones pretty books. eime l.tithviuit. The regular morning service wns held at 10.30, the church decoration being taste ful but nut elaborate-, n few wreaths, greens and triangles b.'ing thu priuelpil eues. A sermon was preached by tbe pastor Hev. C E. Houpt. Iu the evcnlug there was u chil Iren's merry making, which iucluded au interview with a livluir Santa Claus, blowing soap bubbles, play lug bllud man's buff, &i. A. Confection wero given te tl.e smallrr scholars aud books te the larger eues. St. Mrplieu'ii l.uthrrnu tlinrcti Leng bofero the holiday season lu this church busy bauds nud active minds hail been working steadily. With leve for Gid's tcmple they brought out of .the green chaos et laurel uud cedar of the week previous n most stately and beatitl ful adornment. Around thu walls were heavy festoons, terminating iu pendants and wreaths. Twe beautiful nr.d tall Christmas trees steed, one en each side et the chancel, wh 1 overhead aud above the ultar and pulpit a grand arch rose from the tall pillars wound with evergieeu. In the arching totters formed the motto : " Glory te Ged in the Highest." On Chriftnns rn iruing Hev. E. Meister, the pastor, preached a sermon irem Luke 2, 10. Iu the evciut g the Suuday school auuiversary was held, and notwithstanding tlie inclemency of the weather, the attendance was qnite geed, the greater part of the audteuoe chamber below being tilled by the children of the Suuday rchoel nnd Bible class, the galleiies with adults. A special pro pre gramme had been prepared fjrtlmojev sien, consisting of suitable Christinas hymns, question. and nnswere nn the birth of our Lord, nnd sivnral di ilegu-s wero rendered well. After the address bytLe pastor and singing, the services were closed, the audiouce dispersed and nil soemed te have enjoyed lhe ouaasieu KmiiBinberlii,: 111" I'siter. On Meuday evening Hev. E. Moist, i was the recipient of a very haudsome pre sent for his study, preseuted by the Bible class and the teachers of the auudav school. The preeuatieu speech was undo by Miss Emily Wisuer. The surprise was a complete one. TIIK SUJIIAMaS. Utillilrnn'a Fsativnl ami C'lirUtin l.ltanj. The annual festival of thu Sunday school of the Moravian church took place Mon day evening at 0:30 o'clock. The enter tamment, which was largely ut tended, consisted of the usual children's leve feast and the sing ing of seme flue Christmas carols. While the hymn " Light of the World " was being sung the children inarched into the church und each was given a lighted caudloeu n tray, omblemitio of the light of Christ. Bofero the close of the sorvice caeh child was presented with a pretty book. Tbe regular Christmas service took place at 10:30 Christmas morning. It opened with Lloyd's tlne anthem, " WhileShep herds iVatehed Their Fleeks by Night," the soles bmiu; roudeiod by Miss Maggie I Potts, sopraue, and Mr. Jehn Win lei, bass. Duriui; the Christmas litany the "Adeste Fldeles"wassuiig. Thocheiralso 6aug very cffoetlvely the "Gleria" from Mozart's twelfth mass. Kuv. J. Max II irk preached au eluqiient sermon, uud the sorvice closed with "Te J)eum Lauda mus." At the clese of the servlce Miss Maggie Potts, the leading sopraue of the choir was prcsented with n very handsome jowel case, and Mr. Al. M. Zihm, the leader of the choir witli an elegant roellning chair. Every member of the ohelr, also, was pre. sonted with a pretty Christmas card. These gifts wero glven by the congregation as tokens of regard for the the sorvleos of the choir. TIIK Jll'.TIIIIIIlHI-'. Krtrly riervltBsut UuKe Mrnet. At six o'clock Christmas morning there was a sorvice of prayer lu tha Duke street M. E. church, cenducted by Hev. Batohell. The attondaneo was qulte large. Thore was no ethor sorvleo lu the ohureh during the day. rilESIITTISKIAn 3II13IUN OMATKI.. Hantrt Claus Uislrlbiillng I'n-srnts te tlie Oiiniluy bcneul OUIIUreu. The Chrlstmis outertiltiraunt of the Prnshvterlnu Misilen Sunday school ou Meuday eveuing attrauted mero pjople than could be crowded lute the oliapel at the openlug hour, 74o'elojk. The room haviug been lately papered aud painted no special dcoeratlons were made, except that an imltatleu bilck Iioube made of tobacco cases had beeu erected en the platform at the west end, down the chlmuey of whieb Santa Claus was te ceme with his presents. Hev. Dr. Mitchell opened the oeoaslou with a readlng from Sciiptures, followed by Hev. Themas Thompson iu prayer. A woleorao song by tbe school was led by Miss Sua Beiulur and Harry Gibsen. Several telegrams wero roeeivod from " Krlss Kringle " te Mr, Moero, the superintendent, announc ing his departure Hern the North Pole and arrival at thu several stations along his loute. Hev. Thompson made n short and interesting address, followed by Dr, Mitchell iu a humorous strulu. While waiting, for old " Santa Claus," the Biiporinteudont read the annual report of the school showing most marked pre gress, and ulse tlie uanm of seme forty odd scholars who had net missed a session of the school during tin! year, presenting te ouehof them, who had net nlreiuly re ceived one, a h inilkome Bible. A nluss banner for the best record ler the year was presented te Miss L'.ie Bltnpieu n ulnss, umi as the contest ler this had been very oleso, Its nward was leuelvtd with loud applause, The pnr. ler Habeliirshlp weru awarded le Willie Brltikmnn, Johnny Kertr. and Miss Ida Watsen. Just then the jingling of bells auumtuced thu coming of Krlss Kringle, who was wul wul wul oemod with shouts. He was wuimlyulad lu n suit of 11 nest ermine fur made of Can en llaniiel (by n lady frluiidef tlie school) which, for the sake of warmth, had It'.tln patches of black paint jiidiuleusly distil led ever It. He went down the eliiuinny very quickly, nut! at the front de ir distrl buted the candles, iVc, which had been abundantly provided. Among th prosents made wero very handsomely hound volumes of tlie Presby '"'bin Hymnal te Mtsi Sue B.ju.lur au I Harry Gibsen. Cards nud eusels te Miss hmina Falluk aud Jehu Bhiek, Jr., of the Infant school, nud also a liniidsome card le tlie superintendent, Mr. II. O. Moere. Thore wete n number el Chilstmns earels by the school nud a teoltatien, " hlitle Stockings," by n Uttle Miss of the Infant department, nil of which wme well ren ren dered, nud made up ene uf thn most pleas ing cnturtaitimenis glven by the mission. run en: r suai.. A Jelly I'nrtjr nt .J.iliiiiiy SutiicrV, One of the finest ptivate parties of the season was given Christmas evening by Mr. nud Mrs. Jehn A. Snyder, North Queen stieet, above Orange. About forty guests, some of whom worn from rdnead, assembled lu the parlors and several hours were delightfully spent, vocal and lustru. mental musie uud dancing forming inter esting features of the festival. The (inter taiument u!o;ed with an rleuaut lunch spread lu the winter garden. IVftililliiK lirreiitlmi. Oeorge Waller, who Is well known here, was married nt Lykuus yesterday morning. The newly wedded cotiple caine at ence te this city nnd wero giveu a rect-pttnn last eiveiiltiE at the reslduiice of Chief el Police Deichler, n brother inlaw of lhe groom, en Seuth Queen street. A large number of Itlends and Invited guests were ptcreut and enjoyed themselves heartily. (jiii.u.itiiv mi: is from llur Itciiiilitr Corriieniutn. Frauk Pierce, an acie in '' Tbe Amish Girl " company, was accidentally stiuuk with a bettle in thu bat room scene, wheu the play was presented last tilghl ; he was uet seriously huit.F. S . Bletz's brick stable was caved iu by the weight of snow ; the tobacco shrd of Gee. Greem & Sens was entirely crushed, much of ttie tobacco in It being destroyed ; nud the ice heuse attached te the American limine was demolished by a similar accident J. Wil. son home fiem New Mexico , Dr. Win. Leamaii, Jack Wilsen and Luther J. Sohre tier lu town evor Christmas; J. W. Me Elhany and S. W. Guiles visiting Pi. s burg. Christmas pissed off quietly , three tights occurred but no arrests were made. Sunday school rntertsiumeuU wure held by the Prcsbyteiian. St. Jehn's aud Silent Lutheran, the Methodist nnd the Trinity Heformed churones. Ne skating yet en the river. An Incendiary attempt te burn the building oceupied by the T. T. E. O. club was disc vered ou Monday night In time te extt igmsh thn ll imcs , sliht tire at Harry Haughey's mddeuce Tuesday meruiug caused by defective flue " The Black Dwarf" had a small house M-uulay night Thirty eight masked couples were in lhe grand match at the Vigilant II re company's ball en Monday night , it was very successful Few farmers wero at market ou Meuday. Company C has received its annual ap propriation The Columbia wreckers were nt the wreck at Landisville. Abram If run tier's sleigh broken by au accident je-etui-day. i. in i.r. I.IIU.H.S. Here ttiid lliffre Hint I'vui) wlinri, Hev. Win. (). Owcu has been called te thu Baptist church iu St. Clair, Schuylkill county, Pa. The elcet breke dewu a number of tolo telo tole phouo wires but they wuie seen repaired. Samuel Hess it Sen sold at Legan's stables en Meuday for Heward Bailey, It pair of Kentucky two yeureld mules, averaging $317 ier pair S II. Farce, of this county, en a drunk In Yerk, fell, cut his face and hail his bard frozen. Three men, sUighiug, met with au up. set anil i una way ou Suiilli Cjueeu, near Church, yesterday ; the herse fell and was caught near Lelbley's meat stele. Dr. D. H. McCermlck has present d us with seme snmple oranges, the excellence of which leaves no room te doubt that they came from the groves of Ids brether, Hen. W. 11. MoCermlck, Jacksonville, Flerida. Oy. Celvin's four hersu hleigh.drnwn by two grays and a pair of blaek horses, was the most netable tnru-eut ou tlie streets last eveuing. HolTerd and Miller, late of the Ironsides baseball club ; Hylaud and Wctzell, late of the August Flewer, and new or the I. in caster j and Hilsey, the young Athletic pitcher, spent Christmas in Lancaster. Fred. Stamm'H two story brlek stable ou Mifllln street was crushed te duy by the weight of suew ou the reef. It is a total wreek ; less from $300 te M00. The Northern market heuse company directors resolved this morning te rebuild their wrecked houee at ei co ; nbeut a hundred men have bceu put te work oleariug up the debris ; the markets will be resumed en Saturday en thu eiub, and ronters will be given stalls for three months frce when the new building Is com pie ted, iMtU.ueue; mnnu.s, New I'rem tne Lewer Kml, Mrs. Raehel Penrose, wlfe or Lukens Penrose nud daughteruf Jacksen Aiikrum, died ou the 10th lust., and was burled at Chestnut Level ou the Uth. She died of pueumeuia. She was iu her thirty fourth year and leaves four Bmall children. The wlfe of Jehn Snnvely, of Snavely's mill, died last week. Burial ou Wednes day of this woek. On the 10th lust. Miss Hannah Merguu bocame Mrs. Harry Fairlamb. The wed. diug was quite a social eveut among the Irlends of the contracting parties. The bride was atteuded by four maids of honor nud the samoniimberuf flower girls. They wero married by Friends' neremeny aud have tha well wishes of their wide oirelo of friends and acquaintances. Jere Merris, el Peach Bettem, died en Saturday night. The Sunday school of Chestnut Level chinch hiiH olescd for the winter. OlIITUAIIV. llesthur a tsenasennrisii. Yosterdny nftorneon at 5:30 Allen MagargH died at thu residence of his seu. in law H. O. McCulley, 801 Maner stroet, iu the Ulth year of bm age. Dcceased was bem at Oxford, Philadelphia, May 17, 1780, and was a tanner by trade, He lias llved St years in this eity with his son in law, ills wife died 31 yours age. The deceased had four chlldreu, Frauk Mugar. gll, of Palncsville, Ohie; Mary McCu ley; Aimle Me Man mis, Philadelphia deceased, aud Fmma Vallotte, Philadelphia. He hail a streke en Friday nfiorneou, but prier te Unit time had enjoyed geed health, Uu leturued from Phlhdelphla euly two' weeks age. i 4 :l-if-A . .&MZ&,f,au-.