" 1. v,X 'A.( LANCASTER DALLY LttTEJjLIQENOELl SATUltllAY DEOEMBEU 22 163 : " 'a lt'; f- Tub Union llullillmt und Lein Association will mouteiithuiiHthtnlturClillitmuiliii'.oiid ill Monday, Tim nttutilleii of purchasers is called I" tlie s.lu.by Hammim A Ilnrin. of tlm VAlimble Itrepnrly Hllimtenu Ntiilli Pilme street, Ne. II, Lancaster, te liikupiuee till ovenliirt nl 7 o'clock ntthu Coe pur home. Seu ndvuillsu- IIH'lll. A I il nl fleer for Hunt. Jacob It. I.eitir, peetoliiryet tlm Lancaster rnunty poultry association, wH tent tlm Jhl Meer nl Hid new ponlenico building ler ler. lures, lestl ills, bimuubi, ute. Ne place like Itln tlie illy Aliiiifeitifint. The lllnck Dirur 'I lilt gland spectacular play will be po'sentod In tlm epeta house In splendid style Christum day mill evening Tlmrempnnj travel In thelr own special cnr unit bring n cargo n elegant Hennery nml me chanical Hi els, 1 ti et ml In k tlm prismatic fouii feuii lulu el ninny coleted wnlei Jets. Thespeclslty oeniiiiiny wllli Hiu lllnck Dnail l large and talented. Ttmu Denier TIiIn naine Is snlllclent te draw a crowd niiywheie. Ills company up peals here Wednesday evening. Tliu ltlmrii Jeurmil snvs "'llie teuipany In a large enn nml ileubtli-ss tlm IicmI of 1(8 kind Tlie clown delighted tlm clillilten unit pli'iincil tlieiu of larger growth. The skipping tepe song and ilince wiui llie iiiphL gi.ieefiil uviiiii et tlie menlng Tlm tlnee triilm.il dogs caused llie Juvenilis te rear, Tlie funis of stiengih mid tlie work upon ttie horizontal were equal le tlmuveriue. TheBliiKtngiitid dancing wero OhOlgfltlC lii'f.viM. mntvrn. - T - - - t '1 he universal veullcl, "Tlm lien flutter Is tlm best poieua pliiHii i eei iiunle." Only 1.1 rln. In flimll 1'et. hcarlet Fuvei and Diphtheria Darhys Preplu luetic Fluid will slop tliu sprtudef tlm Infection. Small Pox, IMptitliuilu, Honrlel fever, Yel low Four, I'll' . mil texlsl wliinu Diuhys !! phylacllc fluid Is it 'Oil. A Pleasant Ackihim Irilixinrnt. " Had sour stomach and mltriuhle iippclllu ler months, und innw ihln eveiy diiy. I used Jlunteck Ilteml lUttert Willi tin most limrvul limrvul eils result , feel splendid. Mix Josuph John Jehn John neil, l'P tshurg, l'ii. Fersnbi liy II II Cochran, druggist. 117 neil IJ1! North Unren street. Fer Uium iuck, mm or I " use sill I Oil's POROUS PLASTER Pilce. r unit "old hy II II ( eclinin, 137 unit I.TI North Queen tii-i't, Lancaster itiiil Itie'li; 1 recommend i.miy cuuicllu's rociel el tetith. nml llennly fei llie remiiliulnn, in Ixi. let; fnr Hiipuiter te any nrtlcle I ever iimhI. It penltlvitty rt'inevi'n l-'ruekli'ii.iiiu! will lumevu Tun In enn npplluitlen. t't lu Wc. ' Far Malu nt till ilrueKliitii. MIIH. J. UKN.Nh b.Ml III, lt'3-CiiulJl.t' .Vuniuk. N. J. Til it weak, ei n mid ilttpeplte Hhutild lake I olden n I l-juld Meet 'Ionic. Xe ether. Ot dlilKKlnlN dl7 IwileedAw At) Klla in 'it llnnrnl " I einpleyed hmiiiii et tliu luMt phymlclnii') lime," rete Wm.K. Tiiiiuur, el Duyten, Ohie. "Tliry nil 'lid my child could ue llvu ter 3 neck. It had Ml lltrt In it lieuig Hokhve It .Vnmiirifiiii .Yri tine nml the iiiudtrlnu olfucted a pernmneiit euro." DriiK(l:lH dls-lwdteil.ltw Mer vleluiu utpUMient et cetiKbliiK nre ntepped tiy'llnleV Heney el llnruheuml mid Tnr, I'lke'a Toetlricho Drepi euro In out) tnl nute. U7-lwiloediC-w Muinernl mi item I Aluthtirn Aiuyeu dlnturtied m nUlit nml lirektm et your reat by u nick child Hiimirlnt; unit crying with tliu oxcriittiitlei pnln of cutting teeth t If en, go nl once nml getii bettlutil MIW. WIN HI.OW'ShOOTIIINU SYKUP. It will rulleVO tlm piHir llttln Hiittemr liiiine.ttntely depend upon It ; there. U no tnUUike ntieut It. There It net a mother en mirth w he h.ii ever unci It, who will net tell you lit ence Unit It will icguliite tlie liewuU und gtvn leit te tliu mother, unit relief mid linnltli te tlie child, np enitlng llke inKglc It WlHUtvClly H'lfe te use In nil cumed.uihI plinKiint te the tiuite, nml U the prescription of enn or tlie el lest nml lie.it teinnle pliyBlelniu) In the United Hlulni. Seht uverywluiru. - centn n liettle. innvl-M.W.fAw Time la filellfy. T'limi nml money will le nivnd by ki'eplng kidney- ett In tlie liouae. II U uu luviiluii luviiluii bie iiinedv ter ull dlherdeia et tlm Hldnejd, l.lveriiud ItewelH nml tei nit dlcimcs iirlilng Hum oliHtruclleiiH et Uiphu er-iim. It h.m cuied iniiiiy elntlinile nuxiii iitl'ir hundleiln et itetlun luul been pild te physician without etitnlnlng relief it iiirei Conttutlen, riliu, IIHlleuinesH und nil ellitr kindred dlnenlPiH. Keep It by you 4ir Tlie Voice nt ihn Trepin. Ne r'nmlly Dye wure evei e popular in the Diamond Dyes Tliuy never full. Tlm lllack In tnr aupu rler te logwood, llin ether color nre brll llmit. clln, lllchniiUeu A Ce., Iluillngten, VU si'.H .nit i.wntn-.Mr.yifi, BfcUAUK I I IHTItl'.K. All dOlioelH of ine.lirlne n'jreu tint lien ifin'n t'oreui Pliiitur 1 the betilexiurnnl ri'in f'd known. '.'Sc. Y.tS n,i!ii kkaiit ami I'liii n;r.r i.ii.mih O This (rtA TDUDAY) Kvelllug lit Kehlhllii Saleen, Uiiuei hticet. Itcst beer 111 tliu city en lap. It" I UMJIt. 1 J Ovftter He thl evening ut CIIAKI F.Y HOVr Kit's Cerner SaliHiu, In ruirel Central .Market. Alse grand Turkey Lunch en thr'ht tun morning trein li 11. m. te 12 in. It flMIK It LOU LA H SIONntl.Y .11 Kf. 'IT NO Jl et the Union Hull, ling anil Lean . Anti soda- tlen will be lin d en W e.DN F.st,y nvunlnu nnxt at 7,4 o'clock al W. A.WIIjen'dOIllce. Salu of money at 'J o'clock. It A. II. HALL, Sec. G1 IIIIAI IIAItOAINS X Oue Flru proel Sale, one lingo gilt Inline Mirror, nne Hti lug Sleigh Hull, will bu sold verv leiiseniiblu. Apply te il.Ti.2te UJNOIiTIl 11UKF.N HTHKKT. mUlll'Ll. SOUI' LUNCH, TII3 KVKNINU, At UllOFF'S LKSrAUUANl, King stleut. Ne. 2H KftSt It Cieuir.N auk uu imi'AdNi:, Jl Ueimiii I'uiich. Fine Hhurty und Jin Iclra wines. "A" whisky and eveiythlug In the ll'iuerllnu, at UOIIUKH'H I.iqiJOItSTOIlK, It Ne. 22 l'enil Hijuuie, rpiinui'.UlJLAIinKINTIII.YniKKTlNUeF X tlm Aiiiailcaii Mecliaului' llulldlug and Lean As.eelatlim will be held next 'I IIUIIS- 1 . V L'l'L'Utun IlLII ,17 14.21 .. in ..,..l.i.W i.i, i,l..l.t, ,u, ,,,sj, ,,f,Kr UUI1IUA, nt W. II. Iteliuur etll u, Ne, 2J Seuth Duke Blroet. Meney for nale. it E. J. EltlSMAN, Hcctulnry. 1)r.OI'LI'.'S UUIl.UIMO, LOAN ANII lK lK peslt Company. Monthly meetlng Tills KVKNINU ul 7 o'clock, at Majer Itelneuhl' Ofllcu, Ne. II North Uilke stieet. Meney te Lean, llortewoi'i gel lull amount, nule ut u o'elook. A. B. VILLKK, It feetelnry. I JUIILIll hAI.K IP Kf.N1 UCIC V niUH'.s, I. Oil MONDAY, DKUKMHKIt 21. lrt-3. u 111 be bold nt publle hiiIu, nt It. Legan's fetiihles, IV.1 lit .vJiitiiil Jltilinu, l.llliuittlll'r CUV. 1 U. Thirty llcnd of KKNTTJOKY MULES, 1 tel year old, A cimllt el tW dav will bu given. Hale toeommeiicout 1 o'clock p, in., when uttondunce will bu given by ltd HOVAKUHAlIiKY. TJOTIOB TO STOCIUIOLIIHIW. " LANCASTKIt A ItK.ADINO NAUUOW UAUUK KAII.ItOAI). A ineettiig or tliu stoukheldein or the said comp ny will be held ut the efllcu or the un ileislgned, iiLovethn banking hoiuuel llalr A SlifnC. Liinciuter, la., euMONDAir, JAN. UA11Y, 7, Ititil, Itutwuuii thu 'jour et 10 n 111, nud 12 m., ler the purpose of electlug Ihlrlcun director te svrvu ter tliu unniilng year. ivwaia w. LKAMAN.aee'y. AVVOMIK.HPIJL TltANHKOItMATION. Hundreds nml nurhiiptheuand el pro pre plu having been unublu te acu my large Christ inas true el former year, ler want el room at my lusldencuen North Queen stieet, 1 have eecured the largrt room en thugiennd llojiet Odd FelllewK' Hall, Seuth Union sltcwt 1 and ntte t It up 27 feet wide, 21 luet deep anil 1' teet high, for u Ululslnias entertainment ler the publle. commencing '1UICSDAY ArTKIt NOON, 1IKU. 2.MI1, nud te continue for an In. duflnlte lline, day and uvenlng. De net full te see the weudeiiul tiaiisforuiallen. Adtul felon AdnltB, 10c 1 Uhlldrin, fie. Ituuiomber It U en thu 11 1 st fleer et thu hall; no stairs ler UdliBer chlldmu te ulliub. il2V.'ta I8AAC STONER, NKW AI)VKIlTIHKXIKNin, W ANIKII-AIIOOK-AITI.T A I' NU.4H NllltTIt mjUKBTUHKT. iHI-n d rjWKKf uaiiiiiai, 111,11 junur, Clnli. Union Jueli. Our I.lttlii O Onion Pilet. Hltnil, until. Viitunin mnl nlhurliluiirutte ntlinttem pilrti ,nt IIAUTMAN'H VIIIjI.OW KKONT UillAll Dt'OltK. I lltl', lllltll-". NHIIIT-MIIXUINIi t)A. Ihn I NAUIKf for n lihrliiliiiiM prinenl only Hi, Am ii'iitiiurK hiiikuih in Liinciuitdr. lleniii-iiiliKMl let II SO. Oeldfliifilii'i. 112.1 iieKinnnnni, llcnip Hi'cil.fk). MeckltiK Hint Kemi, iic. n (j Hurt. A liiiKDBcliMitliin el Cunri Nevor liny npiilnlrilcitue, U kill tliu liluln. Held r"lsh unit f liver Kthli .Vi. VONIH'.ltlMllllM lllltll HTOUK. iUI-.1tdlt HX ICilU OlfliiRM Hieet. NtlTltIK It Ill'.ltlCilV tllVlT.N THAI' AT pllnitleii will he iimde le Dm Court et common Hum of l.nuunHtui' county, en 8AT OIUIVV, .IANUAIIV 1, A. I), I&U, ler ii clinrt"!' ler tlie " l.unrim or llimdmll Cltili," IhnoliJi'Otel which N wi enceiiriiKO nml pio pie pio metu mi Intnieit In tlie ttuinn e' lmmhiill .1 W. II. IIAUHMAN, .INO. A.COYI.K. d'22-.ltdH Kollcltem ler nppllcnnlH, W i;ilAVI!A KKW IIHII-H ANII UOMII Hi; Th lilt, wlileti we will fiellKl a (innil. 11 CO le clone t em out. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED I AIke, ii tow Oder I.'iiiih wliluli we de net wiah tefiii y evor. I'OSITIVK IIAUUVl.Vd AT TIieh. II. Hrchteld'n Unit; Store, Ne. 101 WKSTOIIANOKBTUKKT, cerimr or (Jliuilettn. ill.lyd rMII.Kin OP nil A IIOUHK, Wodneadtiy, Doeombor 20, Potently Pel lucll'tintnniltnlcry ' Mnlehli'm In KiiKUintile ' Uouipleloluoiicli llctull t "TIIKMAHTKIt M1IIK" TONY DBNIER'S Luteal Innoviitlen, IiIh (J lent CO.SSOI.lllA IKK 2 C L O W M 2 I'ANTOMIMK L'OMPANV I'leiuulliiK mi Artltlle Union el tlie Twe Hest RAVEL ANDMELVILLE InnthoieiiKliii'Juvoniitlonol tlie oreruiuun Humpty DumpLy, Itendnied uildltleniilly vuleyiililn by tlm Inlie- itiulltiii of mi Kiiellviilceinpnuy olcliulce HPKCl I.TY AUI'ISIH IfulfdiV mill ' Ojieriitle OrcUctlra ' 30-ArtlBta of N-ittenttl Ropute-33 AllMIHHIOV 3fl.n0 mid 7KNTrt. IlKhllVKOHK I'll 7S CKNT8. Hulci m Opel n IIuihu Olllce. d.,.,.:llil rim K LAST UIIAMUi:. I n't one In tut ilny of bumne euro 'I 111 Chiiftiinn U ut liiiud, A tliuu wlieiiBlltn-some plain, neinu iiue Abfiuml throughout the hind. I've enn iiieift chunce I'll lake It, tee 'J e iniike my wKu'h heart glad , I'll go teHnlrk'H, like husliand tt uu, Wliem biirgnliiH may bu had. And tliuie I'll buy nuirpul bilftht. And tliu bring Jey te all, Fer every henrtKrew gny nml light Wltligltt from Cnrput Hall. Shirk's Carpet Hall, Oer. of Weat KIur and Water Bts., LA N't AS 1 Bit, PA s t't'Mllt Christmas Gilts -AT- AMER'S, NO. II!) WEST KIN'll HTltKKT. ShALihlNHAtlJl'KH. Ft It-l.l.Nhll CIIU I'LYIlh. 6 h A . K I N 1 1 ATS A N D V A PS MhALSMN ANDOTIIF.il MUFFS IIK.W Hit llblll II H AMI MUFFS. HKAI. ANDOrVK.lt PULSE WAllMF.IW. CIllLDItK.N'rt FUltS, FUll TKIMMIMI. (JEN'iatil.OVKS AND MUFFI.KllS. S.icitue and CirciilnrM caielully Hindu te measiirn. Our lensand ui'ieslul uAiuiluuce given usa UiianuiU e et nut nluctleu. OltDKI S FOIl (JAUMF.N1S TO MKASITItE jeituiiuivrMAs mieuLit hk. lf.fi' LAItl.Y NKM. WLKh. dl-lmd LJUmlKSTItH Te Christmas Buyers. FOltUKNTLKMKN- A iiIle uusy Put Iteckei In Leather. Plush, etc. A line Ceinfailnhln Rocker III Haul Weed or Kiivtnu. Onn nt these Comfortable Smoking or Llbuiry Chair. A handsome toot UuLSIIipr Case, Shoe Het, In walnut, mahogany, ebony, elc. FOlt LADIE8- BoiiU'lhlngnlie-Kbony, Mahogany and Will nut In Cabinet, llilca lliau. Easels, Pedestal, Pluih or Leather Tabic, etc. Oue el theso very cemluitublu and handsome Hatlun lteck. tniHi vuiy laslilomible. We have the largest asserlinent ever In the cliv. A Flunch or der man Pur or Mantel .Mirror, 11 vuiy large uesertment at oxtreinely low pi lie, a hand soma Weilc Table, Heek Cino.C'helloiloi Desk, etc. FOHCIIILDHKN- A large ussertmHiil or llaltiin Heed Chaliu and Hookers The hamlseimwt ItiUlnn High Chair j ou ever saw. Step and leek ,il It. Ahmys 11 I'lcusure te Shew Our Sleck. WArtlcle seleetud new will be icservcd until Decembui 2IIU ler dullvuiy. Walter A. leinitsh, e 20 Euat King Streot, us. s, VAI.UAItl.KOITYl'lUII'KHT KO US A 1.11 OnSATUHDAY. JANIJAllY li, 1681, will bu sold al thu Cooper 11 en se, 011 West King xtieul. l.uticasturctty.Pu Ne. 1, nil that certain UireubterySTOItKuud DWnLLlNU HOUSE, with latge two story Hack Hiilldlng, Threo Htery Hrlclt C'enlucllnuuiy, Three-st ry Hrlck lce Heuse, llrlclc Huke Heuse, Knglne Heme and Kluvuter, nml Hrlck Ntablu nml C'unluge Heuse. Thu let Irent 32 feet, iyt tucliea, 011 the wcatsldoet NeilliUucun stieet, und extends In depth 211 feet, mero or less, te .Market strict. Tlie property 1 situate Ne, lit und 13. en tliu wul Hlde of North Quern strcut, 11111I Ii in llrsl-class order nml tepalr, and lorucenleollonory t stnblUliineut theiu I uone supnrle te ltln the city et Lancaster. Ne, 2. All II tt certain Hiilldlng Let en the north side et Columbia iivenue, west of OningiiBtroet, In Lancaster city, containing In Irent en said Columbia avenue 2.1 teet, ami oxteudtugliidopth, northward, 13 loot, mete ev leas, ten II leet alley, adjoining property et chrltopherl.lllur and Jehn siaugh. Ne. 3. All that curtain Let or Piece el Ureunil, ou the north blde et West Orauge stroet, wcsl 01 Marletti nvenue. Lancaster city, containing In trout ou said West Oninge street, GS luet, and extending In depth, north. ward, 103 luet, tnnru or lesi, te a II loot alley, adjoining prepyl ty of CUarle Mem and ItlinailH. Ne. 1, AU thai ceit.iln Let or PIoeo el Urnund, limiting 40 feet, mete or I s, en thu west sldu or Pine snout, between Oiiiuke und Chestnut stiuuts, Lancaster oily, nml extend' Ing in depth, westward, 11,1 teet, te a 10 feel alley, adjoining prepurty et U. Hoetnur anil F. Il.inker. Ne. S. All that certain Let or Plecu of Uieund, trentlng Hi leel en thu east sldu et Nevln struct, belwuuu Orange und Chuslnut streets, Laiicnster city, ami extending cast ward HO feci, 111010 or less, te a 10 loot alley, adjoining pmperly et Dunlap and Martlll. These several tracts el building lets atenll lecnted within two uuares el thu Western Market, und w III be sold supanitely or together u may be 11101 advantageous. Any persen iledlrluu Intoruintlen about thesu proiieruos win can ou triiuui pu-lilur. at Ne. 22 Kiut King street. Hale te coininence at 7 o'clock p. in., en said day. when iitlemUncu will bu given und tei ma maile known by LOUISA S ATT 1. Kit. MllVDSnT A 81'lTON, Auct. d.v2 8Tutd B IMVKICi A IIUUHT. CHRISTMA 81883. BOWERS & HURST, N03. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ELEGANT DISPLAY of Ueful Qoedn Bultoble for OhrlatmtiB aifta for All ut LoweBt PMce. Plottfie glve tin a call. BOWERS & NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN ST., NKH A UV t.ltriHHM KX1H. ir DAsri',1) HAIIIIIT AnIIKAtJI'.lt KHAtlT I. line i ami Tuikiiv Itn tin I IIIH r.VKW- ISO.nttlioKeiitlti Wind hotel, Ne. 112 Houth Oiieeu ntiuut, ll Wll.l.lAM ItKIIM. 1 UNT KtliuiKT 1 UK IIHANH HAI'fl.l'. ler the (.elehraled IIchheii f'erni t Tlllf) KVKNINU lit Finiik r'iltuh'8 Mtttiur hotel. Haiti el ticket limited. It' l.lt'l'KIUI, MLIPI'I'.ltM. PLAIN AND FANCY. Selling oil below cost, at It. II. i:il.lll.KS A ( e. illl-:til Ne 2X Kimt King Dili ft. MKr.ltntlllAILM PII'f.M ANItlUIIKH, AI.I. glial an iced te be a represented, miiIIii ble Mr preneulH, III IIAIITMAN'M YKLI.OW KKONT CIWAU HIOUK (1 MIT. AN l A ANII Mllll I' MlfHIf.ltM. T All J 23. llniiui llnl-ed Hlnger nt tiCO llullnnclicHUt t1,M- (leldllnchcn 'ind Linnet at J HO. .Iiijinii nml Hiiih i.ngi Ireiu 7'ote J 0"). (lob! f'lili, we Silver Fish, 10c. Aitin limn Wiiter HnntH, Flb heed and Hewl, nt (JIIAH. LIl'l'OLD'H, IH W, King HI It 1)UIVATH. MAI.K. '1IIAT ItfHlUAIII.K ItitHliluni'u, turner of ICimt Oninge mid LlimiHtie, t. Having turiiHie, I align, giLs, he' and leIiI wuler, und leuiilntu In Hlduyutd. W. It. MPItKCflF.il, .11 F.nHt King Hlrcet, n2 biind VfAH l.aucuHtcr, l'ii. A NrtTMr.itNIW l.lll' IIKTIKtaK 1IKAI1 II fill fklru; iiIhe atielhur let ul Hllk llamlkciclilut; llcauilliii Sullii IIeihI ler Children, open today ; the tlm fit, -eitefiluml best Unbleached Miulln we evel -old ler 7 eenlH ; our 11.2.1 C'oiinteriiiue me lieiiullen ; ID com Hhlrllni: ciiuvlLt In remnante, ut s elllt. ATHWAIlll'S, I." elil7lyITAH M Neitb Qiienn tliet. I.M.KeTMtN Ml'l'IIJl., i Lanuamikh L'euhTV National IIa-, ( Deremliei ., 15s J. Tlinniiiiiint inrntliig of tlm etoukheldei of till Hank will he held nt the b inking home eilTUKHDAY, JAN U Alt Y I, I1M, at 10 o'clock n. in. The. an mini F.LKC'TION ler Dliocter will he hi Id nl tlie leiuie ihice en the aniiiu day, be twn the hour el II u in. nml 2 p. in. F. II. IlltUNKMAN, dejtISAJIw Cnshlur. ftm ItKNT TniCtWO IIAHEMKir I'MDHH tiic Eastern Market Heuse. ALLAN A. HBUH, Soe'y, (lll-W.taittrd Ne If S EAST h. INO bT- 1)UIU.HJ MALI'. ON b.VlllllDAY, UKllr.M II Kit 22, l.l, will bu sold ul public sale, ul the Lenpiiid Hetel, nil thill valuable twu llilck liHiilltng and two-ntery brick back building. Ne. Mi E.ut Mug ntrrut, centatnlng hall ami eight room. Let limit 1 1 teet and extends In depth te Omul stnxit, und con tains a large let el choice null tree. Hale le comment,) ul 7 o'clock p. in., when condition w til bu Hindu known liv W.C. F. &1IKKII. MIUHKnT A Sl'TION, AUPlH. dl57td tint HKtIIKK UA11UA1NS IN HOLIDAY PltlKNI'9. go le HECII TOLD'S. Ladles', dent's and Chll, lien's rurnlshlng Stele, wliele you will Und usutul geed suited ler rich and peer, ut gicatly rt'diicpil pilce. A cerdlil Invitation I extended 1 1 all clashes tu call ami examine my stock before imrchiis ing. N11 1. euble te show geed Ounmiii and KiikPsIi spoken. Tnidu i.ellnr taken ut pur. II EN It 1 HKCUTOLD, Ne. A.' Neitti Queen stieet. 44-Slgu el the Hlg Slecking. tebS-lil 1UHHO nAI.I.. ON NA'l'i ItltAV r.Vf.ri I.Mi, DhCKMHKK V2, lil. wl 1 be sold nt tlie Cooper lleiisu. WVt King strict, thsl very desirable three story Hi Ick Slated Hcsldeucc. belonging te Mr. Aliter, und situated Ne. 41 Ninth PrliicuHtieet, having .1 p eun and hall mi II ml Heur. A looms tin n-cend lloer ami 3 room 011 third lloer. Hear attachment hu I eimial IniKtiiiieiit kllchen mid (lining loom. ! furmice, range et best make, het nud cold liter, bath, gas and Miitci cluict let llents .".1 teet 011 Prlme Nlreut.amlvxtends westwaid 'H bet, 111010 or lc-,, te an alley luuiilngte Watei'Htreut. Prepurty 1 in excvlluut icpalr. Salu will coininence at 7 o'clock, w hen turius and coudllleii will be niade known by HAU.MAN A HUHNS. JACOII CiUMlAKKII, AllCl. iiip,i,s,Hi,r;,n,u,ii,i. LJIlUlT . til.lt SI AND. Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladles' Heal SnoiuteH and Delmaua, Ladleb' Fur-Llned Olreulare, Gents' and LadleH' t-eal Oap3, Silk Umbrellaa, Olovea, &e &e THE LAIltlKsT STOCK AN D AKSOUTMEN 1' OF r AslllONAHI.E Wilier flats, Gaps, Furs, k Kverolluied te the public, nt llie LOWEST P MUr.S. Whelesjluaiid Itetall. Ilny ler cash only and sell chenper than any ether Hut Steiu In thu city. SOLE AUKNT FOlt TH E Knox Silk & Derby Hat. Thu ONLY tint Muuulaiteiy In l.ancnsttr. The Ainlsh and Menuunlte Hats a Specially 1 my own iiiaiiiifactuie ltepnlilng neatly and promptly done, old Sill: Hat ma lu lashlei - uuie. JOHN SIDES, iWMId buccesjorte HIIUI.TZ Ac IIUO. H Kill M MAliTl'l FANCY GOODS -FOK- nOUDAY PRESENTS. -IN- CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. -AT- CHINA HALL. Prlce Lew. Goods exchanged II net satis factory. Examine our stock bo'eiu puuhas lue. High & Martin, 1 KAST Him STRBKI', LANOASTEIl, TA.: NK IT A V YB It T1HK W M 771. EVfiRYTIIINO IN 0REA.T VAHIBTV AT ttjtnr AnrtturitiKjtr.NTH. 71.1MM ! IIHKMKMAN. TOYS! We lmve new III stoie our lull Hteck of CIIItI.STJI.Y8 T0Y3: Wonderful Mechanical Toys, Tin and Weed Toys, Games of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes. OUH PUIUIW AUK LOW AND T1IK OTOUIC LAUQKU THAN EVEIl DEFOUE. WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL, AT FLINN & BEENEMAN", Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. rSAIIAfH COItNHK Christmas-1883-Zahm's Cerner, Wutchoe, Diamonds, Brenzes, Rouers and Weat'a Statuary, Ffue Oloeka Jowelry, Solid Sllver and Sllvor-Plated Ware, Spoetaclos, Maoenlo und Soeloty Badges. IIE.1UTIFUL, USEFUL AND DUHABLE ClIltlSTMAS GIFTS. te- Onltrijer Special Werk iheuUlbe Ift made in our ownnctei y. EDW. J. MANUFACTUHINO JfcWELKft. ZAHM'S CORNER, decl-lmdll NtT?A 1 VKUI'MKAIKNTS. 1 KAN I) NAIir.lt KUAlIT I.UNUII JI Tills (SA'IUHDAY) Kvenlnc und the fliiel beer en tap lu thnclt. Abe en Christ mas Dav a line hut-out at tlie (jlluld lleuue, Ne. 23'1 North Oiieeu street. It CHAHLKS .ECU, Plop. 1.1, UIOAItS fll ANUKAOTIIKKI) ON TIIK i piuinUe and 1110 n repiusenled. Ne ether graxU letJilleil no HARTMA.N'S El. LOW KltONT U1UAU BTOUK J." MAUT1N UO. Uliribtnias Oreeting Oui trade, thanks te our patiens, dining the past week has been tin moie oxtensive than wu expected, no much se that tt has been dllll cult te keep up our stock. We h ive duplicated n number et articles which wn run out el dur ing thu woeete. -Uu Monday, It wu pessl'dy can, In vluwefnii uitcualvu altoratlen nltet New Y ar, we luteml te sull uyury dollars n 01 til or Holiday Goods we have, and 10 de se II will be neceisar;' te make SPECIAL PRICES. China, Glass and Queensware, Toys, Novelties, Beeks, &e., &e. UENU1NK Aurera Carpet Sweeper ONLY 8U.30. CARD. As n purly lit the ltiy Cioeds tiade In this city have had the Impudence te advoilise that " Nogenulnu Aureia Cm pel Sweeper " can be putchased In Lancastei except tliieugh thorn, we take this opportunity te declaru thelr statement an unwni ranted talsehoed, and elb-r te thu publle of the city and county " I'hu Uenulnu Aurera Caipet Sweeper," maiiufucturud at the same place as theirs, by the same party, under thu siuiu pntents and Identical in evury particular , ami we further say that we will sell the Hame ter less money than the abeve party new tell U , und we p'edgu Ouu lluudiud Hellar a a leileltll the sweeper we oller Is net " Thu (iuniilne Auteru Carpet Bwoepur" advcitlaed by the paity hoie lelened te. J. B. MARTIN & CO., L'UH UHICISTflAH rite Kith FANCY JJ ASK MS or FRUITS AND FLOWERS. Fer Cholce Flerida Ontegen. Fer Cholce Whltu U nines. Fer Cholce Hananns. Fer Fancy llaldwlu Applui. Fer Paper-Shull Almonds. Fer Hruzll Pecans and r libel ti. Fer haml-miide Oluar Toys. Fer Sugar Pretzuls and flaskets, Fei 12, 13 20 and 23a Candy. Fer Fluu iluneliDehcsIa ItaUlnp Fer Cholce Muscatel al I5n. 1 or a bottle of Flerida Wutui . rorubeitloor Henumla Watei. Fer Fancy Toilet Soups. Fer a &K pound Hat box Fancy IIuUIuf, Fer a small box or film Fer Canned r rulls and Iloltle Ge ds, -GO TO- BTJRSK'S, ,NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. Lndioe, Qontlemon and Ohlldren. HURST. LANCASTER, PA. TOYS! uitth ui ru di(i ajpejil&ff. AU Special Ordert ZHLIVC, LANCASTER, PA, iiJVI EHTAlNStKNTS. L-UI.TON OlT.KA UOUSK. Tuesday Afternoon and Evening, DECEMHEH2.1.1S8J. MaxweU'8 Sncclaculur Ceiiiniiny, IN THE OIIEAT PLAY OF THE BLACK DWARF. Companion plece le thu I1LACK CIIOOK, by thuKiiuie company that appeared In thu nrln- clpal clllc Seuth last season. Ileplutu with scenes ul dazzling splendor. The tameus Ama Ama eon Maicti by 21 YOUNU LADIES, litltied In Olltteiing Armer. The UllEAT INCANTA TION SCENE. The lli-dtilltiil Prismatic Fountain nud U01 geeus Trunslormatien Seunu. FORI V AltTlftTS IN THE CAST. ADMISSION 77T....33,aennd 7.1CENTS. llESKItVEII SKATS 7,1 CENIS. MAT1.SKK PKICKS 33 and 00 (JKN'18. On salu at Oper.i Hoitse OMIce. iise it VJ.UTIIINO. Ill Vhllli Al UATllirtlM. NEW ATTRACTIONS ! The many NKW STYLES of SUITS, SUIT INUS, t'VKItCOXTS und OVKHCOATINU8 new hole ure nltrnctlng much attention, and, added te this, thu very LOW I'HICKS at which they urn bulng sold prices based tiien shrinkage valuts nt au overstocked woolen inniket 111 u Inducements which all clothing buyers would de well te hcud. Out Ready-made Clothing I unsurpassed In quality, handsome In style, excellent In ill nud Untsti, and thoroughly wull madu, which wu usk you te uxumlnu and Inspect, and cempare with the bust purchas able uleuwhbru ut ilke prices. THE IIKST OVKHCOAT. THE IIKST OVKItCOAT. TIIK IIKST OVERCOAT. THE IIKST ALL-WOOL SUITS. TIIK IIE3T ALL-WOOL SUITS. TIIK 1.K8T ALL-WOOL SUITS. YOUTHS', HOYS' unit UUILDUKN'S CLOTH 1NU In ngreul vuilety el styles at cor respondingly LOW F1UUHKS. Merchaat Tailoring. The largest assettmiuit el FOUKIUN und DOMESTIC WOOLENa for the Merchant Talleilng Tiadu elegant ami attractlvu In style madu up Inte any desired shape prompt ly, well, und nl prices you'll bu willing te pay. elvu us 11 call. Thore Is varle y enough here togwittlyevery taste. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADlNU LANOASTEIl UI.OTIIIKUH, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. c 1II1USIMAS I'UESKNIS. WE HAVE Christmas Presents FOlt EVERY HOIJY, And ovnryeno Is lnvlted te call and get ene. besides the presents, wouieogoilng allot our OVERCOATS -AT- Flfty Per Oeut. of Fermor Prloea. All we ask Is te call ami soe the GREAT HAUGAINS WK ARK GIVING. AN KXTRA QUALITY AliIMVOOL DRESS SUIT for $10. Equal te any (in Sj.lt te bu found. Children's Bey's and Youth's Clothing. At ONE-HALF et their wetth. BILK HANDKERCHIEFS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, SILK aUSPENDEUS, HOSIERY, FINK UNDEIIWEAU, TltUNKB, 8ATUIIKI.7, Etc., AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW P1II0K8. -AT- Hirsli & Brether's Tcim Hall Clothing llouse, Neb. 2 & 4 NORTH QUEEN BTIIEBT. LANCASTER, PA. CIUAlta rOHTIIK IlOLIDAKSlN IIOXES ol23,Sanillei)at UAUTMAN'B YELLOW rUONX CIGAR STORE. Isecond'edi'tjen. 'S. 1T BATUHDA.Y ISVENltlO, DEO. 23. tOOH. THE IRON TRADE. WHAT Mil, BlVANK TU1NK4 OK It l.llfply te lis Ne Further t)rprmlon-Labering lllcii Accrptliig the Conillllensot Trade tiracelully. I'liiLAl'KLPiHA, Doe. 22. Sccret.try Swank, of tlie Amoriean Iren autl Btcel association, stated that the prices of Iren anil Htcul nre about ntc.tily at thin tlme nml as the ncccAslly for rcntriatleu of prodtio predtio prodtie Hon Kceins te be gonerally rrcecnlzcd by producers, he In Inclliied te bolfevo thore will be no further donrcBsieti. IIe had nd vlces from all parta of the country te the effect that the laboring elaBHCfl nre yielding gracefuliy te the deniatuln cnueed by thochanned conditions of trnde and lmve oerao te au appreciation of the fact that wages have net declined In proportion te te the fnll in prices of Iren nud Hteel. The present prlce of steel rails is J20 CO and the consumption of both iron and steel Is about cfptal te the current output. ltetliictlc.ii et Wagen. Bosten, Slass., Dec. 22. The Laue.ts' ter gingham mills at Clinten, announced te thelr 3,000 operntivon that thoie will be a oencral out down in wagon nfter Dee. 31. The amount of the proponed teductiun is net stated. truitKiUN AfrAiiw. Klaalirs lljr tlie ocean Cable. Linbeu oxperionccd a sovete Bheck of c.irtlHitiake nt 3:!!0 this morning. Capt. Ellzabeth Clatk, or the S.vlvatlen army, has been requested by the nutherl tics of Noufchatel, .Switzerland, te quit the elty. Bevcral mero of the crew of the steamer Saint Augusttu which was burned en Suit day.in the bay of UIsaay,have been laudetl at Devor. The French Anarchists, Indicted for sedition, were scutenerd te from otie weak te six months Impiiseiiment, utiihl ox ex ox prcRsIens of sympathy. The steamship Belivia, from Glaugew for New Yerk, inn n ground en Skilmautiu bank, In the Clvde, last evening and tilled with water. Her passengers took te the beats, which remained alongside, the ves sol for sevcral liuutc, In bad woather, nud were landed safely ou the beach. Ne lives wcte lest. IKI.11K Nf.UH, I'r.m IVnshiiigteu ami Other Centie. Secretary Chandler joined the president in Philadelphia today te dine with the New England society. Jeseph Madden shot and kllled .lot-eili F.irincii, ut Viela Ivy., in n dispute us te which wits the better caul player. Charlrs Briggs, convicted of wife mur der, in Philadelphia, was te day sentenced te death. Peter Lezler, of Bloetnlleld, Out., was shot dead while trying te caplure burglars, who breke into the houte of I'otet Jeuui', with whom he lived. Jttdge Wylie has dismissed the o.yke agaiust ex Senater Spcucer, ehaigud with contempt of court in the star reute catei". 1VKAT11UK IMIIUATIONS. Wasihniiten, Dee. 20. Fer the Mlddle Atlantle states, generally fair woather, northwesterly winds, vcering te north easterly, nearly stationary tomperuture, ris leg followed by falling barometer. MAitKr.tn. I'lillailelpnta fiMrnm PHtLAUisLi'iitA, Uecoiuber 2: Flout lulul and sin niy. ltvu Fleur at t3 73. Wheat dull : Ne. Western Ued. II 01 : Ne. 3 (In, tl 03Q101X ; Ne. 1 Pn. lied, ft 12. Cern quiet; new sail yellow, C0tJM)Vet de mixed. MJJJiJOKe; uuw Ne. J mixed nml yel low, liiQMXt'. Oals linn and quiet ; Ne. 1 W lute UKut Ne. 2 Whltu, WHO Uu I Ne. 3 de, S'.le ; Ne. 2 Mixed, liye steady at file Seuds-Clever thin at flViOlOe : Timethy dull al II 40Q1 13 ; Flaxseed firm at (1 te. Previsions slendv nud dull. Laid tcudy. Hutlurriulutnnd steady. Kgiis qulut und ele.idv. Clieesu steady and dull. Putroleum quiet. Whisky dull ut II 2d New Yerk fllariieu, Nkw Yerk, Die. 22 Fleur unchiinged. Wheat O0 lower, but a Httln 111010 uctlvn, hugely In options ; Ne. 2 lied, Jan., $1 Villft 1 13 1 de Feb., fl UKUl WA i de Mulch, fl W; 1 WJriiMay, iWJMt 21; June, II && 1 20JJ. Cern WG'ie loner and dull ; Mixed West urn, spot, 4'JiJU'Ke ; de tutiiru, JitS bec. O its 11 shade lower and dull; Ne. 2 May, l1iet State, lOaile; tt u tern, iHe. Live steak rnens. ClllOAOii Uogs-Uecelpts. 30,000 hPiul ; shlji meuts. ,uiu head : market opened loc hlgher but closed weak j packing, II Wijl 'U; pauklng und shipping .1 1.Srtd JJ ; light, it 10Q3 W skips, f 2.13 00; lS,,i0i) leuialu unsold. Cattlu Itucutpts, G,W0 head ; HhlpiniiiiL, 1,300 lb uili niarltet steady; oxpeits. IKK8 0 60 1 geed te choice shipping, A 4CQ0 10; couinumte medium, II ueQJ.TO, Hlieep UucelpU, 3.&O0 heud ; shipments, 2 300 ; market slew ; ewes almost uiiialublu t luff rl r te fair, I2 23Q3 2J; luudiu n le geed, J3U(J100 1 cholce te extia, II 303 10. East I.iiiKitTV. Cuttle Ucceltita ler the wiek, 3.330 head et thieugh und V.siu head of local; market tali ly active : Chttitiuas cattle, l7ftS21; shipping, 15 50fJ0 73 ; butuueUng, (I7IQ5 73 ; steckursaud loedeis, )l(3. Hogs Ueculnts ler llie week. 31.271 head: market slew ; Pt.llndelphltw, fjtfij.'e j Yerkeu, $3 4QCC3 60. Sheep HocelptHlor the week. Id 390 ; maiket active; exlin, M73U3 t pi line, tl 'iltjllMi; fair I23Q373; common, fiiiJ ; lambs, (1 2303 73, hook marKeis, Quotations by Reed, McUniun A Ce Unna Br. u urs, Luncusiur, re. 11 A. M, Ot Ct A, I Ud ! Michigan Ceutnil te Nuw Yerk Central m)i New Jersey Central Ohie Central Dul. Luck. A Western.... 110K Denver A Rie Grande.... 25 12 M. t3'4 OJi-m u.)i 81 2 Il '5 2SVi 2.1','. jiy. new wi 13'4 03)S 20 7l.3 ltl 31Ji 7(2 wA 71 27 a-in ni) 23 ml 22)i ink 3ik ml 7ti 41 Mi Kansas A Tuxus 21Vii Lake Shern V.)K (IhleageA N. W com.... 1I7V, N. N.,Ont. A Weslurn.... 10)1 bt. Paul A Omaha 3i)l Pacific Mull Rochester A Pittsburgh.. 16 SLPilllI UIS Texas Pacltle 20' Union Pacltlp Wabash Common Wabasti Preferred Wesl'rn Union Telegranli LoulsvllleA Nnshvlllu... N. Y..CH1. ft SL L Lehigh Valley Lnldili Nuvlirallen Pennsylvania W M 2SJi 1 12 .ii 63 Reading. ffl P.T. A llllllale Netthutn Pucltlo-Cem... Northern Pacific 1'ivl... Husten villi) Philadelphia A Krlu Neitnurii Centtal Underground Canada Southern OU Poeplo'd PausouKer i K n; 13 l CO ID 5IM liatf ut Philadelphia. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks weak. PhlladelphlaftErluR.lt lVi Rending Railroad , ,,,. 27 J Pennsylvania Railroad h8 Lehlgh Vulley Rail mad 71 United Companies et New Jerjey l'jl Northern l'aclila ,,., 25H Northern Pacltle Pielorrel 31 Northern Central Railroad CO Lenlgh Navigation Company ill nerrisiuwu imiireau.,, ,,, ,,,,...iub, central Transimrtatlen cemiunv. its I'llUlll K, lllinvun, i IMIIIUIU Ik. IV.. ...a, lira Littlu Schuylkill R&llreuii , cul r.7..:.,... , .--.,, m. ,,..,. .,-, r. .,. New vern. Quotations by Associate! Pre. Stoeks lower. Meney easy at 23 2X Nuw Yerk Ceutiul IN Etlo Railroad H Adams Express 12V Michigan Central Railroad..... W Michigan Southern Ralliead.,., O.Jil lillnnbi t 'enttHl Irnllrnad .....a......l32f 1 Cleveland ft PUtsburuu Railroad 133 Chicago A Heek Island lltillrrmit..... .. .111 Httiibiirti ett Wnyne llnnreaVl .... XST New Yorlc'enlarlo A WMtermV....""::: " HVKVlAti MUTIVKH, Cninella Donteno ler tlie tcatlil vaty tra Rinntana rcinovesTnrijirnnit fseurf, Jiantent lie guiim, step ileeay and perfumes the breath. I'rlco.Wceut. Fer ale nt all drug '' le-iMinuny llelpeii iter Out. "Fer year lmve been a snvore surforer riem Pi-i 1 ..ih0 'l0 T,n,, vatlmn nnnllcatlens. n,??n J '?'." ,'.,r 77!""' fcteetrte Oil entlrnly Hi..i.V .0. .0u..0, oll,er9 e'limlly qulelc." Mru -, r3N9l,b5.?'enlVtryra"' "r"gt"t' "7 ttn" Kuilnent Meclleal Tettlmeny. 19KAST32lSTn--, New Yenic, Mnreh 1J, 1883. 1 have used ALUituR'a I'oeus 1'lastsm In my practlee with rumarkatile succesn, anil found thorn peculiarly emcaoleut when ap plied le the back ler Weak Hplne and Nor Ner vnini Ksliaitstlen 1 tliev arreril almost Instant rollef In Coughs, Colds anil Mver Uemptatnt. I cordially reeommend thorn as tlie beat nml safest plaj ter ever niade, and would caution tlie publle ngalimt tlie numerous otner te cilled I'oretii Plaster? Hint nre sought te be palmed oft en a credulous public they are worthless nud oltenllmos ttnngoreu. ItOHEIlT 3 NEWTON, M. ., Ii. It. C. 8. Late Chei de Cllnluue llesnltal for Dlaoesoa of the Threat and Chest, Modlcnienicor te the Londen HesplUil, Clinical AsalsUnt Weyal Londen Ophthalmia lleipllnl, Assistant te Jleinltal (or DUoasej et tlie Skin, Londen. CuilbUltlng I'hyslclan iindHurgoeu. When you want the most caretully prepared ami best plaster made, ask your druggist ter aiueck's I'oreua Plaster, iU7-lwoed&w lirewnM liuusenuKl I'unaoen. Is the moil oifectlvo Pain Dostreyor In the world. Will most surely quluken the bleed whotlier tuken lnternally or applleil oxter exter nally, and thereby mero certainly UKUKVE PAIN, whether chronic or acuta, than any ether pnln alleviator, and 11 Is warranteil dou ble thu strength than any olher similar prepa ration. It cuius pain In the Hlde, Hack or Hewela, 9eie Tlneat, Itheuinatlsm, Toothache, and ALL ACHES, nud Is The tlrent Itellever el Pulii. " HIIOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA" should be In evury family. A teaspoenlul et the Panacea In 11 tumbler el het water swoot sweot swoet unnd, II prelerred). taken nl bodtlme, wilt UllEAIt UP A COLD. 23 ceuta a bottle. uinyl-T.Tli.rAw IIUOHH ANII HTATlONjeUl, CtlltlSlBlAS UlfrTS -AT- L. M. FLYNN'S. CIIUISTMA3 GAUDS AND NOVELTIES, ILLUSTUATKD HOOKS AND ALHUM3. Wltll'INU DESKS, WOUIC UOXES. UAME3, &e C,Ac, -AT- Ne. 42 West Kln Streot. 11 OLIO AY UUOU-J. Booksellers and Stationers, Offer te thelr Patrons, at Lew 1'ilcei, for the Coming Chtlsttun Season, a Large ami Varied Assortment of Holiday Novelties Including the Laical Styles et LEATHER AND PLU3H GOODB, 111 PAPETEH1KS, JEWKL IIOXKS, WOltli IIOXKS, TOILET OASES. ULOVK1IOXK8, WHITING DES1C8, " GOLD PUN9.CAUD OASES. LETTER OAHKB, ClUAlt OA8K3, Ac. CHRISTMAS SOUVENIRS In Lleunl Novelties ler Tills Beasdn. PHOTOUHAPH mill AUTOQUAPII ALIIUMS, SCRAP HOOKS, SKI'S OF AUTHORS IN CLOTH AND FINE IIIN DINGS. HIULES, PRAYER HOOKS, CHURCH HOOKS, DKVOTIONAL UOOKS- STEEL ENGRAVINGS, PAixnxas, rjioTeaiiA vures, ETCHINGS, PANKL PICTURES, PLAQUES, EASELS, OAHINKTKRAME8, JAPANESE WARE, In l!RA0KET3,TRAn, and WALL POCKETS. Ariuu Line or TIIKRMOMETERS, HOOKS, CAIUhl'MAS CARDS, GAMES, ULOCKS, INDUSTRIAL TOYS and WATER COLORS for thu LI I'TLE ONES, At the Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER, PA. 11A1H AN It CAM. 101NU, GOING, GOING. AND THE NEXT THING TUKY WILL UK GONE GONE I GONEl All tliose stylish Hats tml Caps, which we nre dclei mined te sell at Bueh LOW PltlCbS as te put our Goods beyond compelltiou. Theiuls no moie suitable prcsent lern gon gen gon llemati than a Flnu Silk Umbrella, or a Seal Turban. BILK UMHUELLAS FROM 3.a0 Ul. SHULTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (GUNDAKKK'3 OLD STAND,) LANOASTEIl, I'A. mar27 lytlftw iixvra as it JAQUuuit. TIOUaEAI. 3 CO. Fine Liquors. We de net claim le seli the finest bratula et Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Gins, &e Hut we de claim te sell at Hue as the Une.it el all goods, sucU us uru kept lu a FIRST-CLASS Liquor btore. HOUSEAL & CO., 43 North Queen Street, LANOASTEIl, PA Opposite the new Po.teflJco. dll-lma JOI BAER'S SOUS, 4t Vi5? . 1 i