J"i tf? LANCASTER DAILY INTICLLIUISNCKK PATHWAY. DK( EMUHK i2U. 1m8. N V . r-:n f r . j iM ..j fl. If' ft 1 v,' aancastrr vntrlitgrnrrr. kt- HATUROAY dVKNIHd. IlftO. 23. IUUH. The Klute or UnSliH'SS. The sleigh bells lira merrily ringing and nature has dune nil slin can te give us a merry Christmas. Tlie unproduc tiveness of luber, however, will be a drawback te tliefull enjoyment of the season. There docs net Fee in te be any rery geed reason why our lmln.slrk'9 should be checked, but ttiere Is no doubt that tliey tire net in n flourishing condi tion. The country Is growing nnd de veloping and its trade ought te be in geed condition. Tliere hna been a great ever production In the item of railroads undoubtedly, which have been built be yond present requirements. It would seem that the stimulus under which the business of the country was lately boom ing, was largely attributable te thrseen terprlses, for there nre few ethers wh'ch appear te have been unduly driven. A great deal of money has been lest In the stock market where a great deal had been previously gained. The public are very effectually weaned ftem that avonue te wealth nnd have returned te their ordi nary basinet avocations, te flud them likewise, very unpromising In the way of preDts. There Inn been some great dis turbance which h:is produced this ab ab uermal condition of trade, but what it may be is net readily detected in view of the apparently undisturbed and pros perous condition of the country. Meney is abundant and cheap ; and ami se is labor. Industry ought te be active un der thebe conditions, and there is every reason te believe that it will be in the coining year, te which business men are hopefully looking. Tim wages of labor will le lower than in the past jear, and the rates of railroad carriage will be reduced. The conditions will be produced which will give em pleymcnt te idle factories and hands, whatever their conditions are ; for the one thing which the general Interest re quires is tliat such employment shall be found. It Is net a cheerful prospect which the taxpayers of the city are Invited te con template in the probable cost of Hghtiug Lancaster p.utl) with electric light and in part with gasoline It was obvious from the beginning of the new system efllghtlugth.it iu many paits of the city the old lamps would have te be con tinued, and the expense of ejeratiug both is eiip of the considerations which ,in our judgment, should have halted coun cils, lu accept i im the experimental elec trical 8) stem before it was demonstrated that it would de what its projecteis contracted for. An outlay of $.10 000 per annum for lighting the city means, at the present valuation of thueity prep erty, ticit) lax or $1.10. There .ire a great many things which It would be well for tin-city te have, notably water works Improvements. Hut they cannot be seemed without an additional tax rate. The cii debt is about up te its constitutional limit. Under the present vicious and unequal system of assess ments there is no increase of valuation corresponding te the iucpmsp et munici pal expenditures. Reside the i Miunrdiuu ry expenses for lighting next ) ear, aud probable deficiencies tote provided ter, the city bus entitlements te pay tei three engine houses The-e expendituies will render neeet-'ary an mrresise (if city tax which will cause general complaint. It may as well lie anticipated new, and previsions be made for it ; and as the initial slep, attention blieuld be given te revisieu of the assessments. Cjiimstmas meets with an uniuTsal recognition that is accorded te no ether festival. Frem the four quarters of the Clobeand from all the varying creeds comes the echo of Christinas preparation This universality of celebration shows hew deeply the leaven of Christianity has permeated mankind. Fer the Christian itlsujilulsouie ami hle.sefd period, re calling the da) a when the Saviour walked the weild in the cempaii) of lowly fishermen ; and deep down in the hearts of the unbeliever there Is a feel ing almost akin ti lellgleus joy in the coinmemeia'loii of the Clulstmaa festi val. It Is a Masen when all meu miet en the common level of humanity, and it should be the dthlre of these possessing an abundance of the weild'd geid3 te se minister te the wants of their less for tunate biethren, that the "glad tidings of great joy " may bring equal happiness te every household. Tiik descendants of the Pilgrims and rurltans iu Brooklyn lad their annual banquet last night, and in their speeches the usual Bcll-glei Mention wai somewhat moderatod te provide for a geneial on slaught upon the Mormons and Mer monism. The Rev. Dr. Leenard Bacen was cousi.lcueua for his absence from the feast. He could have told the society something about what he calls polygamy iu New England and the laxity of morals among I he descendants of the rilgrims that they would net have relished. Acceiding te this responsible authority the average state of morals nmeng the native stock of .New England la little above that of Salt Lake City. Hut the Puritan and I'llgrlm descend ants never hud much taste rer that doctrine which bid htm without sin cast the flitit stone. Down In Louisiana there seems te be nn invitation te Helf-pnrMcatleu extend, ed te the Democrats. There have been tee many scandals connected with the present government theie te have made It wise In the Democratic cenven tlen te reneminate Governer MoKnery, us it una none, against tlie pretest of a powerful minority. We are net iliHtnP,i te defend Democratic wrongdoers in ouice. They should have stout shrift ; our candidates should be geed men and unsuspected. If the Democratic con cen con veutleu has given Governer McEnery a vindication, which he did net deserve, sen respecting Democrats will net up. prove its work, The Republican K)litleiaua lu Phlla Phlla delphin have u hard row te hoe nowa days. The election of gas trustees comes en before the municipal elections. The Leeds and Lines of that offeuslve dem. (nation will net yield te the public sen tlment which demands their retirement. The place hunters, who want nomina tions, fear te break with the bosses, whlle at the same time they are assured that nominations will be empty honors if they offend tlie reform sentiment which demands the overthrew of the gas ring and the deposition of the men w he have made Its regime se obnoxious. " Tin: man with a bundle" has the right of way. G he him a clear track. Sestav's capture was the Christmas gift old Santa Clans hud hi resorve for the French republic. AneiT this season of the year the eagle take n brief vnoatlen from his pedestal a the national bird, and the turkey reigns In his stead. Fill the stoekings of the littte ours heaping full with dainty Christmas mor sels, but don't forget the waif wh weir no stockings " Let thcre be light," but let there be also common sense ou the lighting ques tion. 130,000 per annum for lighting pur poses means a tax of 41 upon each from every ninn, woman aud child in the city for lighting the streets. Turns Is n dawning In the kv Which doth a word el f-ite Imply . And en escll casual passing Uci , leek expec'ant you mny trace . These signs the vcter.in turkey ee.. And with a deep nnd mournful sIkIi llu call lil numerous fsraliy nigh Ami murmur pnltitlnv te the trees, " lloest hlfc-li my 111 tie one, re it hi ,h ' ' Demtr Tribune. Again is the uews wafted ever the ocean that th" Ameileau hUhepn new iu Heme have agreed upeu the attitude te be adept ed by the Cat holie clergy of the Undid State towards the Fenians. It has been repeatedly aunouueed that the council is purely disciplinary, dealing exclusively with church matters , but this patent fact seems powerless te close the mouths of the exuberant foreign correspondents who are ecurce of live items TKLEi'iiesir Invention has uotreiehed its limit. Net satisfied with being able te talk 1,000 miles by land, it is new pre posed te carry tb biitniu voleo across tlie Atlantic. That this Is uet impossible is evident from the fact that tin resist ance ou land Hues is greater than that en ocean cables, and the means whereby the power of the telephone has been strength oDed can be further increased. Should it come te pass that conversation across the ocean can be carried en by telephone, the United States and Europe will be iu tlie same relative position as the owners of ad jacent back yards. Piif.sidk.nt Artiii'ii bes issued a proela mutton recommending that Menda), the 21th Instant, the centennial of Washing ten's surrender of the command of th0 Revolutionary Army, be appropriate! observed throughout the ceuutry by rein; ieus excretes and public observances. It Is fitting that this doting eoeue of the last act of the war should, be commemorated in a fachleti becemiug the greatness of tlie nation which Washington did se much te establish. Of him It was th.V. Lord Byren, after Napeleon Bonaparte's fall, wiote : " When msv the we'iilnd ejp repose. ueu xazini; en me uxi'M t here neither guilty nlery glow s fui ueiueneiu suite Yes nne-lhe first tlie Uit -the be-,1 I lie Clin lliliiilus et tlie We-it. W hein envy diirml net Imtu. Ileiiuentli the mime et Washington. Te make man b.nsli there was hut one Ip the fneiids and admirers of William Culleu Ur)aut are what they profess te be, they willatonce abaudeu their project te erect a nUtue te the peel's memory in Ceutr.il I 'ark, New Yerk. All r.n,..t attempts te thus honor imblie n-rs m.i-s hiveturmHl out such mgloneus failures, iuat wte moil will net waste tlieir timn and money in vain efforts te repeat the xpsrlmenl. 1 be Waihinjten in.uuinmnt is still lutlulshed : he' of luuds has caused the I'eter Ce mer memimnni pr..jeet te hi aband e-ied ; funds ler the G.irlield moraerial have ceasel te roll iu ; Nev Yerk h.is net thus far raised more-thiuene-fourth Of the cash lenmrwi r oempleto the pedestal of the IJartheldi s atim , and numerous ether similar outer p Ises ever the country are laucuishiiiL' bscause the spirit and enthusiasm that give thorn liii th has leug slnne departed uryant s literary works are a suuioieu1 mutiuinniit te his uiomery, and uuleus the dead ptt's friemlH aud admirers dusn., m see au exhibition of American niggardli ness, tliey will let the material monument project ueverely nloue. FEATURK3 OK THKTATK PHES3. The Laneaster Examiner approves " negative administrations." I no Alteena Mernlna Call his siisepi,,! ed publication. It is the opinion of the Liucistur In- quirtr "that civil service referm, se called, Is a humbug." The Yerk Litmlch rinira the clmmi, n the neoessity of a government bullidng In that borough. The Norristown 7ra!i!, outeilug en Its flftceuth year, rejoices ever Its continued prosperlty. The Altoeim Timtt advises the Halvatlen army te hlre the Hlalne organs, because of the noise- tliey make. Tlie Uarrlsbun: Iitrtet claims that H... high proteotlvo tariff el Germany has lerceu tne expatriation of lier oitizeim. The I'hiladelphia JJullttin siiggests that hereafter the name " United States" be dropped and "New Erin," or "The lllbeiulan Annex," besubstitu ed. The floranten Itepubluan bollevos that a general law regulatlug marriage and di vorce lu this country would ebviate the uecesHlty of spoelal legislation for Utah. The Lltltr. Bteerd, with oemmen.lablo enterprlt.0 issues this week nu nttractlve supplement of four pages.nilcd with inter hell'di s "K "latU,r ,H)rtn,"ll,K t0 tl)e A Blan With m lluudle. I'liiRrcsii. NewilllilVB tlie timn wllli l.n.wll.. ... i py. It Is only about Christmas that the .... uimvuiu cau carry a bunille ami a snille together. Usually a man with a buudle is miserable aud liable te profanity. New the bunille U ., li .,!.. ,i,.i ....... .i.'. nm-i,e,.i... "7.. .""" ';"' "'in u.m..mv. vuwumiiuuuie wnore seme body Ih waiting for him, te whom the comiugefhlmsolfnnd his buudie is te bring joy. Bad indeed the fate of the peer fellow who this season of the year has UOthluif te de with linnillnii I ,.,i.i ...i..i..,. him te mask his unkind fortune and no ""leuuiumjuui uuueie, oe it wu.it it may. A TURKISH ESCAPADE. iuk i.nmr i if tiik iiakk.si ntr, Stir flop wltli a llnlRUn I Mplntu ( in Anaty nuiuii' tain llic-n ip t I'arla and Usthulle inn. The wildest excitement prevails lu Con Cen Con stantlueple, nnd pilaee ami dlpl nuatie circles have sustained u shock uuequ tiled stuce the trtgle deatli of Sultan Abdul Felr.. The present monarch, who 1ms been pictured its an uncommonly miKI manneicd Turk, i.s besitle lnuiself with rage, and St.tuibeiit treiublcs at the eehee of his anger. The e.iue of all this Is simply a pretty widow. One year .me she was the yptitii; bride of Kiaizttn Hey, who hail been the Hrst secretary of the ptl.tce, but was then out of olllce He lived iu a palace opposite Scutari, sumiiiuled by every luxury, including a harem, of which the fair heroine of the present ese.ipide, was the acknowledged queen. Kt.irr.lm died seme mouths ae and his widow h. s smce made the most of the cetnpatahtc freed .mi which Mii.Milnnt) practice has late') aevenled te her couditieu. During Uie sunituei she was fn ipi 'titly found at lltijiikdre Heliek, "the sweet waters,' and the ether roni.tntte nvserts iu the vicinity of the capital, and was pronounced by many foreigners the leve liest wennti in Kurope, hwmg w i ship pers by the score. Due, a liaudMimc )euiig attache of the the Belgian embassy, who is said te bear tne title e( au ancient baron iu Belgium, pressed his suit with determination and success and seen wen the widow's heart. Hut nee ami religion worn appiretiii) iiisupral)le obstacles te their marriage llin frauK mill thr Jlinlfin Klepr i no o.treu s ardor and weiu.ins wit suggested au eleH.'tneiit, aud SUuubjiil ts new horrilled by the unprecedented seau d.tl of a wealthy and lovely "daughter uf the tme fallh" lev.iutiug with n '-.I ; et an tuthlel." The lady lied with her lever te Parts, where she abjund the Moslem latth, em braced Catholicism and w.ti duly raaincd te her baron. Abdul Humid, however, c'lild uel be brought te btbove that she hatcscipcd fro u Coiistantiueplo.and police anil palaej cuaids have sc)ureil the city in searth el the fugitives. Dunug the hunt the po'ue arrests! the hauit-ome yeuug wife of Dr. Hmiij, n French pbyic.tn, and the ptluce author ities Insisted that she was the output ter whom they wero looking. Dr. Henry was in ternble distress and appealed te the French ambassador, but it was net until strong diplomatic pressure had bi-en brought te bear upon the Sultan that the uufertunate lady was re'eased. Tlie oem maudoreftho Faithful has new issued strict e hets that the law at laid de.vu iu the Kerau regarding the sclusien and veil. eg of wemeu shall be rigorously en forced and that all violations tuereef Mull be punished with the barbarous peualties enforced in the days of the preph ts M wlem husbands all knew that the may be made shorter by a head if they lad te eutjruethe Sultau's decrees as well as that they cannot cuforce thorn without ii uiiuui reu3iiu:i, comptred witn ivii..h a peualty of death may be a luxury. SUM K tf.UK.VT3 UASI1KU. I en rniiiK.ind lluliar Upturn. 0 in Irrsnury Out ul the Hall JIiiilu.i ttir treuateis Aguew, Republican, Henuing er, Democrat, aud Smiley, Rer-ublk-uu, have presented their warrants at the state teasury, and all sealed them in the inter est el the state Agnew deducted 101 an from the amount of his warrutit. Smiley f-iiSaml Heuuinger ?100. Nene of these senators charged the state an) thing for the .Itine recess. Senators Heggs and Stewurt, Republicans, aud Hall, I.iirdaud Wolverton. Democrats. haa imtWil.il iu their warrants. Tueie is ewiui? them m the aggregate I0.1GO The following jiameu numbers el the Huue have nm been paid f..r their services nt tbeejtia mvs sieii . llryseu. Dem., el Columbia , Hu. Iitt, Dem , I'hiladeljihia ; Carey, Dem . W joining, Clark, itep , I'hilulelphia . Geutntr. Dcm I'hilailelphu , Hajs, Dem, Yerk; Hillings, Rep, Venaug.. . Katanatigh, Rep, Philadelphia ; Meny Dem , Clinten ; Rihud. Dem , Northum Nerthum Northum eerland : Sne-k'nim R,.r, a ii-,.i,.... ..... Stces, Rep., Schuylkill. Fer these mem- .ts tuer.) aie in the state treasury Vii, U3 05 TllllS far thlrtvcntnn ...... ., Uave covered all or a perti u of the amounts due te them into the treatury .imeuutiiig in the aggregate te a 13,70;) Ge' hight have taken full pay and tlve remain te be iiaul Jiitii tlvi, o.e.,, i. ...... . r . i. H, j ...w iMumviiin ill LIIQ ousehateniudo a similar disposition of ...i... lu.uuj, me eutire amount turned Inte tlie trea.-iiiiv initi... iin.-.i -a -j """'I, V1'"XI1.IU, One hnudiul aud twenty livu have taken iuu in i mueuui 01 their warrants unci twelte li ive net preseuted theiiH for py Lmlni ,-Thcre uas bm P,td toseniters f'.L'- U.,aml t0 "'embers of the ilou-e JjO i-jUGS fur he-vices dunng the extra SlhSlell. Cltlsih ASI) UW.AM1TV leuii In tn imrtaiman .s.innu, Them :is i'imulil..r ..i .....i .. V , i .....u ikiviii,; in mi) Liiy et .M'xice, growing out of a nfusal te receive nickul coins In the e.ty m.irkets I A mob giithereii, crying, Down witli mcke and fliim m.1,1 ti i. rushed through the streets, bieaking lamps and windows, and a pauie ehMting, all the business houses wero closed finally the troops were called out, blank cartridges were lired, aud the oiewd was charged by cavalry several times. Order was at last restored without bloed.-hud. It is auneunced that a detective eng.igcl in the soareh for thu munlerer or murder its of Mrs. Maybce and her daughter, at llroekvlllo, Leng Island, has obtained a olue te the guilty irorseus. In Grafton, Wtst Virgiula, Cuttei rimith aoelortd barber , rpiarreled iu his shop with Oeorge Me Daniel, also colored and stabbed him te death with a pair of nils sers. Smith escaped. Dr. William K. Reynolds, medical x aminer of the Metropolitan llle lusuranee company at Chicago, committed suloide In a tit of despondency. Calvin Eaten, a constable, was shot nnd mortally wounded by Edwaid Doe, nt Seabreek, New Hampshire. JKHIt UUXllAmiKii. I'teteiltiij: innucenun en th .IcjITeiu-TliB urlme ler Whlcti lie lilee. At Oeorgetown, B. C. Jerry Cox, was hanged at neon Friday for the munler of llorbert II. Rambert ou June 0, last. He weut te the scalleld protesting his u. nocetiea aud exhibited ue signs of fear He made a sheit speech, iu a low voieo' nayiiig that he was a great biuuer nnd would die. iw a great many ether persons had died bofero him. Death resulted from straoKulatien iu twenty llve minutes alter the drop fell. Cox was a North Carolina negre. Rem Rem Uert was a white butcher iu Georgetowu. He was knocked down by Cox en the night or the 0 el June nnd his neek waa broken. Cox threw the body Inte the Bampitrlvre and roner ml that Rombert hai been drowned white trying te swim across the rher. A medical examination, howevor. that death had icnilted' from tlm innu-jiniAi, NiirrM. nonunion el Ohie's niauuliicturei, Special rcjierta from the leading ludiu trial oeuties of Ohie concerning the condi tion of the mauufaeturiiiK Interests et the 8,000 establishments, with aggregate can talef eiSS 000,000, emplejliic 150?OfJ0 bauds turulug out prmluets valuud at $2US, 000 0000, The Miiiiimuy shows the mauiifaetuiliH! ln.lutrks of thest tte te lm In a iiiueli better condition tluu was gen eially mppescd. The tolunie of hunlnefs was about up te that of 1'-'. n. though the piellls were le-s. I'li-.e is due uir.tgeiuent uiatillestid in semiMj lattee. 1'iit the great miJ ulty of the tiiaintl.u.iinri .no teiy hepeful of the future l.atnr' Hard lliu" The striking engineers of thu C.tiuidin Pueillu Mlmiil nnst Hi.' Mip-rlntemteiit en Thins lay uih an 1 oil. r. I t re-unie work til n holy. 'I m siip'rli tenileiit ie fused te reliiMate thee who hid .liseited then Mains and suhjiied the e'ltipany s prejHMty te lujiiry. Anew engineer liein Montreal, who arrived in Winntp en 1 liuis day, was assaulted b the strikes Many of tlie latter me leaving for the I mtid States. The West Shote rvlnud cmpinr en Tliiirsilny dlseharged ii H) men at Huilale, and about 1,150 near Suaeuse, ou tlie Wi-Merii division. The reason as.igiud Is th iuabilit) teeairyeu ivuk daring the overe fiesl and snow. The rolling mills et M. Lin ilnn, S nith A Ce., and thn Helliduysbuig l.'u ml N dl c imp in) 's works, H.illidsyslnirg. lVnna., h ie shut down beoiuseel a lack of eideis. . Comet thai latlrenlnK llrlKntrr. I'rofewor Ure.ks, of th II -d HmsnOb soivatery, N. Y.,i)stli' OiimetdisoevtMol b) hi tu last Sepleuihei t.lie comet el lSI'.M is new visible te llte inked eye a small, round nebulous in s m the e nistcllutieu C)g.uts. lu small lelesoep.'s a tail cau bu tracesl one degree and a had iu Inigth lu large telescopes the oetnet presents a tine epjiearauce with a starlike nucleus and a large coma. 1'he motion is peiltheait, and ou Christ ma the c imet will be ue.tr the southern arm el the C.esi iu Cygnus ei near the star Erwdeti. Oa New Yen's da) It will be near the right lore loot ei Fegas. The comet mil grew brighter till the latter part of Jiuiinv, its perihelion passive being ou J.ieiiny 'i' when it will b In the tail of C'etus r I'm Whale, it'.d distant Irem the suu ;e ' tKJ.KH) miles. I. will be tie.vrcht the ea-th about the mul lie or January about, rti) 000,000 uu'ea. Ait i J.tuuiiry it will recede from the sun, and purue its leug , lutue) through spae-, return ng te vi-w iu sen uty i-ue ears. One loeiMiMI tuilir- l.ir t'tiree unl At Jersoy City, iu ti e r.-1 '. our. a jury uivarded fijwell TileH 41,0-W dam i ge.s tu suit a nnst t'ae C 'ii:ril ratlreil of S"w Jcrae). I'ne p ami. $ b mjbt a ticket en a train dem 1 ti-u I .nt te Ne Yeik, anden rcilij; tli)J'rsy City de (jt, the ticket e il'OC or dem iu lei three ceut.i ferriage, whica Mi Taltut lulu-ted te pay, ns he hid paichisvl a ticket te te Neit Yerk. He atteiup ed te go en th be it and wn arrested Mr Talbot was ordered te pay a tij by a jistioeof the peace, but liu refused aud a ts locked up until the uixt morning when the detective released him. Mr I'jlb t entered sin: auius: the company and laid Ins damages at f te, 000. The jrj p.etip'l eied tegivehim : 1,000. aliiHitliii; UK runner MieetUeiitl At Helleville, I.I , Thursday nftcrue n, a yeuug German uanml Henry llibt while drunk, went te Widermie station I miles south of lie:ievilIe,uud fatuity b'mt Mis )lary Hammei, it firmer sntetht.ut tie was pursued by the p-ople el the vil I ige at'tl overtaken wilhiu a mile of the city Huge Roplniuer, a son of the sheriff, attempted te arrest Ilebst, when the lattei suddenly dime a revolver and pointed it at Repleiuet. The latter threw the pistol up and at the sauie moment the pistol was discharged, the bad entering the i.iek of Djbst, pasiug through the jugulai tetu and causing his deuth in a Il imeiKiits. Tlie girl at List accounts was still ahv, but is sulfertug from a sjvere wound in tLe right aula. Hrcent .tccldeiits A building in Brooklyn, occupied by a lnjuer store nud bearding house, was itamagdl by a lite caused by an explosion of a umI oil lamp. Jhn Dreese, one of the boarders, was e budl) burned while try ing te i.nve some valuables that he died seen aiterward. Au express train en the Alabama and Great Southern railroad waa threwti from the track by a broken mil near Akren, Alabama, and the sleeper lolled deivn an einbuukuieut. .las. Ljnch, of Cincinnati, waa badly injured. 'lbe st. res of .1. W. Demurcs & Ce., fruits , Jaeger ec De 1'uss, confectioners, and Greve & Williams, grocers, in New Orleans, were damaged by tire Les. J.'j.OOO. In the L'euris .Mrs. C. F. Nutt, widow el the late Captain Nutt, has brought suit against the Accident insurance cempuuy of North American te recover " 0U0 luhiirance en the life of the deceased, according te an agreement that the motiey was te be pud in ninety da) s after the death of the in sured. Chief of I'uhcj Mi. Br ule aud sheriff Kcoktey, of Vincctnes, Iudiana, arrested a gang of ceuuterfi iters. Jume Kmfeil an ex county etfL'iul, and J unes Hurt, an ex convict, were arrested for passing e ninterleit coins, purchased from James Summers, the lender of the gang arrested. The rnte iilTlility.elilit Men. The survivors of the steamship S tint An gustin, which was burned en Sunday iu thu B ly of Biscay while en the vjyage from Manitoba te Liverpool, state that thirty eight men were left en be.iid when the four beats mentiened in vestenLivV ,1 patch put off Trem the vessel. It n fearul that all are lest, as, when the steamer was last seen, a heavy ea was runum.' and the vessel was ail ou lire and had no ether beats. II lit PO. AMI) Till'. III.S. A .New ratj'e Willi aiay .sterols. St. McheliH. "Hew big n breed shall ye.i inve (,tilH year, madam ?" said thu Fex te the Hen one cold winter ovening in the bainvard ' the Fex. "Supper!" replied the Fex, promptly. "Well, I don't knew," said the hen in nply; I may have ten ; but I never ceuut my chickens befere they are hitch " Quite right," said the Fex," neither de I ; and, as a hen in the present is worth ten chlokeus in the futiue I will eat you new." Se saying, he cirried he" The next meiiiii.,? the farmer, .com the traeka or the fox m the WI0W tfi0'g ',KU. iU'.', rintt.0iu a"'1 uet him "Alas " said the Fex, " I slinnni i .. waited for the ten chickens; t e "e 'is no buew in summer time." Is ue -- r iwe liiasui) I'rsiictier Rev. Geerge Goeilwin, (oelored; a Ka vunnah preacher, has become iusum frn n reading thn Bible. He apiart L h rsruer of Bernard and cSnwS .irJ.L" where he denuded h.mMfXurml M,,, ' was Jeb,, the BuptUt, m ,1 Sffil ?' thoHtreet proelahfing ik&$$cft? He was arrested by the t,0uca h i. , .,,' ran a white Methoillstclergymn Vni' h Mr. McGrltl', Is laboring hX .l,niK,,8V luoliiatiens, and Imagines ttR1 Vn H?1' wllderneas, living en w.l CL" U,i honey. He has Icen a.ljnl,r & T ordered te a lusaue asyhimf "1Siine ttud Tlie f trit lie Tim first Ice which baaamni.r.i ,., , of thlssimseu'H crop wwsffi, J? ..tow" .ituateitMa Z $& W inehc. thick Is being Mt t0 5nafr,0 'lvu it Is of the lluest ipiairty an ft'hn f 00Vrb0 has a contract te fWnUu l gn8 $ MKKUY OHUISTMAS, us imi r.ttVAMUK HiaiiN i;aki.v. 0-lflifOllen lu ttir l-uliltfl Hitimili-Kii - pleytn l'rretilil IVIHi I urkryii 1 lip ItirlMm is tlrrrnn In the iunrn KilUtit llnlldsy Wrsllirr. All ever town me evlr'ences of the ap. proaeli of Christmas Centre Ptiuute nud thetielnity of the several matkeU, ate 111 ted wild evergreens the stores nud shops mnlie ii most Inllllant display el elegant and useliit aitieles for Christmas presents--our markets are oveillewlng with everything pJrlaliilug te the Clulst mas fesiivnl, Inehidiiig unrivalled spool mens of big turkeys, young goese, fat dtiek.s, tender chickens nud all the ether concomitants of blj dinners Mm .di,,U I adjourned with oetieerts and presoutatleus ' the chinches and Sunday schools ate piepanug inr uie great holiday, and nl most every family In the city has made moie or less extensive preparations te usher In the gieutist holiday of the year. The bright weather and geed sleighing hnte greatly stitnii'nted the Christmas trade. Te t Ight, thetn is no doubt, shop ping will be largely idignged iu ; and to morrow the thousands who indulge iu this delightful putsuit will have opportunity te re-collect what has been forgotten, and en Monday it can be provided for. tllir Hustlieai, Mm. Perhaps It Is uuuecessary te say mero in regard te the nierehantK and business men or the city than that tlieir stores aud shops net or piesented a mero beautiful and at tractive, appearance than they de te-day. The advance in art aud esthotle taste is seen In every braueh of trade, from the tots that phase the children te the costly works of the nrtist that please the eye and tempt the purses of the wealthy and ro re llncd The stores should be visited by all who have an hour or n dollar te spetid. Tune will be saved aud direction giveu te tboi.e have who net much leisure, by a pe rus.il of the itdvertihemeiits iu the Ih'TKi. Ih'TKi. lieenceu wherein is set foil b almost all tutu is worth having tu the way of unriitmas goods. Tlie Mil, Set. Lancaster m itkcts were never se cm veuieut nor se well provlded with market ing as at present. The erectieti of the Northern, K-vttiru ami Western market houses has added vastly te the stock of necensirles from which our citizens new Iiiivj the opportunity te draw. Our butchers me net surpivsed 'y any In the ceuutry in their skill In placing the best roast bofeio customers in the most attractive term. Our grocers, fruiteteni and huskstera are always en baud with the bjst varieties of their produce, and our farmers and gurdeuers are becoming overy year mero expert lu producing anil mete apt in preparing for market the products of the farm aud gar den. Poultry, of course, forms the basis of the Christmas feast, and never bofero was it mero abundant ei of better quality thau uew. Turkeys from six te thirty pounds are offered, at from It te 20 .cents per pound ; young geese at from 31 te J 1 50 each ; dueks 10 te 60 cents each, and chickens at about the same price. Rabbits are offered at20eT25 cents; pigeons at 25(t.30 cents per pair. All kinds of fruits nre cheap apples Ht 15(0, 30 cents iter half peck oranges 20(ai0 cents per dezan ; bananas !)0(a.30 oents per dezeu. Mince meat soils at 12 cents a pound, and cranberries at 12ki,15 ceuts per quirt. All kinds of nuts aud confec tions are abundant at low prices. Wm. B. L irenz poultry dealer of this city, shipped dining the present week te Philuihdphii ami New Yerk, sixtv-ene barrels of turkeys, weighing 10,000 pounds. Uhrlntinis Ureenf. The supply of Christmas gteeusisveiy abundant, and would be thought te be in exhaustible had net experience taught us that the supply never exceeds the demand. Tiih-s and biauchci. of evergreen of all sized and of all varieties hlocknde Centre eipiare and sell for 5, 10, 2.'51 .10 cents or a dollar each, accerdiug te their excellence. Tied greens are abundaut nt rea sonable prices, ami bunches of laurel, branches of holly, baskets of messes, bright berries, wreaths of evergrceu, cresses, anchors and ether pretty design i are displayed and rapidly purchased. Out side we will have "a white Christmas," but witliiu doets tlicie will be an abund. ance of grren. Closing tile Schools. Wc mentioned yosterday a few incidents connected with the closing of the schools. There are seme ethers worthy of notice. At the boys high 6oheol yesterday afternoon, Prof. McCaskcy, the prinelpal, was presented by the boys with Rogers' beautiful group, the trial scene from Shakcspcaie's " Merchaut of Venice." Sir Gable was presented with an elegant shaving apparatus, finished iu silk velvet, and Prof. Glever was presented with a silver mounted set of carvers. The pre sentations wero accompanied by apprepri ate speeches and lollewul by an im promptu concert of vocal and instrumental music- by the pupils led by Prof. Mat.. The teachers aud pupils of the girls' high school wero introduced aud assisted in the jollification. Iu the girls' hih Hoheol thore was n very delightful wiud-up of the session, consisting of recitations, dialegues, vocal aud instrumental musieand presoutatleus. In Prof. Matz's German-English school, the Strawberry street school aud soveral ether schools thore wero interesting Christmas festivities. The A class of the Rockland street secondary soheol remombered their prim cipal, Mr R. S. Gates, with a valuable present nnd in the afternoon some of the members of the I) class paid their oempli meuta te their teacher. Mr. Gates re turned the compliments of the season by treating the boys te confectionery. The pupils of Mr. Stamy'n Lemen Btreet boys' secondary school surprised him be be bo eoro the school olesod yesterday by presenting him with a big turkey, nn elegant set of carvers, and a number of flue cards, confections aud a purse of meney. Miss Carpenter of the girls' secondary school was made the recipient of three volumeH of Dlckeua' weiks; Mum Helbroek iccelved a geld pouell,aud the ether teach ors handsome testimonials. Iteiueumerlns their liinplejrea. Many business meu nud manufacturers romemborod their ompleyea by presenting te each of thorn a Christmas turkey. Win. Waits, elgar maker; Goe. II. Behaum, furniture dealer ; Fred. Urimmer, llvory llvery man ; Luwis Haldy, marble mason, are among these who ludulged lu this laudable way of observing uie koasen. bun ilny Scheel KiiKirtmnineiiu. At the annual outertalnmeut of the Presbyterian mlssleu en Monday ovening thore will be oQlelal reports, addresses by Revs. Mitchell ami Thompson, Christmas music uud a distribution of gifts, Including a prize class banner, a bibles, oaudies, etc, In tit. Stephen's Lutheran ehiirch, at the Sunday eoheol colebratlon en Tuesday evening there will be roeltatloni, dialegues, inusle and two large Christmas trees. HUUIlANAn UKI.IKf. iilitrltiutint: Uunl te tlie Peer. A meeting of the Uuehuuaii MoKvey Reynolds rollef aommltteo of city councils met yosterday. The fund, nt thu disposal of the committee for relief purposes, is larger than it was last your, but the mini, boref half tens of oeat te be distributed among the needy will net be be large, be cause of the hotter quality of the oeal ami the higher price, me lists ei nppuuuiim for oeal woie plaoed Inte tne hands of the police oflleors, nnd they wero also directed te canvas their soveral wards nnd add te the lists the names of deserving peer, The greater paitnf the oeal will be distributed iinieug the tiutside wards, tlie nrplioatleim rrem the ! Irst, Seoeud uud Fifth wards being less numerous than formerly. imisTltlltl'rtONs KMIKIVIMI. Irn llnllsrs Hum h Slrmlinr et llin l.ecl,),,. Iilln. The contributions toot I n d nt tlie nuiyei 'b olllce for the sick oer weie as fellows this week; Hmi. B. . Hoever, 410 j 8us.ui Wolf, iM ; a friend, 1 ; Audimv M Fr.uitz, thtee bushels of potatoes. As It is he near Christmas, tlie jieeple who nte In need should be looked itfter and thou wants attended te. There are plenty of these nnd the contributions received are net sufficient for all purposes. ilerins hnrlety ArkiienlmlRmimtn Donations loceived by the niombers of the I'nlen Doieis Hejlety since December 8th ; A friend $2.50, Mrs. R itenmlller 1, a friend 41, Mr. Win. Murray l, Mrs. Clara Iv null man 1, Mrs. .1. It. Fester 45, .Mis. S.inih Huhley 41, Mrs Charles llnltuUeli 41, Mis B B. Martin 45 and 18 bushels uf potatoes, Mr. Henry Baumgarduer 1 ten el coal, Mis Cutter clothing and shoes, Mrs. Wm. Car penter clothing, u rrlcnd clothing, a friend clothing. Fer smallpox stilTmeis speedily, A friend 42.50, a friend 42, Miss K 41, Mrs. A. Frantz 41. A Ml.r.MIIIIM) D.tU.MV tl,. Miepkcrimrs Aw.ikrnHiK, l.ivery turn .1 mil ium mid l.evcia lli,y. With the nearer approach of the glad Chilstinas seawm, and the consequent purohape of helltlay presents, trade Is be ginning te brighten up, and the necessity of discharging u mm en the entrance of a customer In seme of our stoics te awaken sleepy elerks is uew obviated. The chief incentive te this business Impetus lies in tlie mantle of snow in which the earth is new wrapped, the runner taking the sleigh'iig opportunity te ceme te town te make Cbiistin.is purchases, while his mer frisky son seizes the occasion te give his "best girl" a much coveted tide te see the sights of the town. The llvery meu nre doing a thriving business , aed if It la possible te make hay with snow ou the ground they aie aecini plishlng this wonderful fc.tt with a vengeance. The demand for teams fin exceeds thn supply, and in e inseiiuouce he who wishes te join iu the sleighing earn! tal must appre tell the liveryman with be bo be ceming humility (or the cztr of all the Riissias Is net mere autocratic in the piesent situation of nlVaiis than he. In quiry at the vuiieus hvciy stabhs thuugh town Jeveleps the infoim.itien that single cutters ure worth 42 nu hour, while double teams bring as much as 4 1, and In some iiistaueis yestenl.iy 45 per hour. East King and Seuth (iueeu sheets were threuged all yesteiday afternoon aud lute into the evening, as well as all day te day, by n merry crowd of pleasure seekers, who unmindful of the municipal regulations against fast driving sped along like Jehus iu frieudlv trials of speed. Slcighiug in the eity by night is excellent sport, as ttie electrte light murks out a clear pathway for the veil turesome racer. The new light has nUe great charms ler levers, as under Us fair witchery the bashlul swain is given ceur age te avow his passion, it feut tee prosale te be accomplished under the garish gas light. The additional snow fall of Thern- day evening has put the muds iu excellent couditieu, and should thn cold weather continue geed sltdghiug may be cxpectid turetigu tue holiday season. MIWr-H r.NO M-.Ws, triini Ouimvviile nud Vicinity. Geerge Keyler has sold his farm lu Cole raiu, near Coulter's Cerner, te .1 B. Caughey, for 430 50 an aero ; It contains 32 acres. Dr. Jehn Martin of Bart, has sold his farm, below Kirkwood, containing 10 acres, ler 430 au aero. The following stock of the Quarryville national batik have been sold lately : K B. Fritz, 10 shares, te C. M. Hess, at I 10; J. U. Lefover, 5 shares, te same, at same price ; Jacob Swarr, 10 shares, te Mr. Kieiter, for 4110 per share A ufirMliiius Crlelirstleii. Kxtcusive preparations are being made for Christmas night in St. Paul's Re formed church, nt Quarryville. Thu Suu- d.iy-schoel will then held its annual Christmas festival. The musical pirt of the exercises is always a prominent feature, and is under the supervision of u. j r. uaue, tne eiticteut leader or the choir. This year he has added new in struments aud voices. A Christmas tiee is new being erected, and all tcheiars will be presented with gilts. ltev. -?iiieker' U. it Ulmrvli. It is net mero than four mouths since the idea el building a church for the use of the United Brethren service te the Rev. J. G. Smoker, of New Providenee, and with his well known zi.il he weut te work, and en next Suud ly it will bu dedi cated. The bishop of thu eastern district, J. Diokseu, of (Jhambersburg ; Rev. K. Light, of Lobtnen ; presiding elder of Lancaster district, Rev. L. Peters, Revs. Hughes, Seutler aud soveral ether minis minis ters will be present en the oceislou. The building is a no it frame structure, and is the second church that Rev. Smeker has built during his ministration iu his cir cuit. TIIK HKVRNTII 1'AY HAITI ST OI1U1HJII, Ths Inhnriminluu JuUges Atalu Hlminree, Iu the Seventh Day Baptist ohureh case in which Nolde et nl. nre plaintiff, nnd Madlem et nl. dofeudants, Jtidge Livings ten this morning delivered an opinion which overruled nnd dismissed the excep tions te the master's report nud dismissed the complainants' bill with oents. Judge Pattersen filed a dissenting opinion. Current Court lliulnena. The motion for a new trial for Jacob Gangaway, train wrecker, was argued. The argument of a like motion in the case of Jere. Dungan, areeu, was continued te make further Inquiry regauliug the wit nesses. The exceptions te the ntiditer's repert iu the ostate of Hauuali Kburly, deceased, wero dlsmhsed ; also lu the estate et Gee. Willlne. In the ostate of Themas Cellins, deceased, nu Inquest te make par tition was awarded. The Columbia Light Infantry recelved n charter. Goe. A. Lane was appointed te audit the accounts of the county officers. Itla L. Warfel sues for it dlvorce from het' husband William ti. Warfel. Ii. Llntuer Hess convicted of violating the auction Inw, was snuteuced te pay a fine of 430 nud costs, whieh amount te 4115. Herman Miller convicted of main tabling a tiuiuance was bouteuccd te pay a line of 41 nud costs ; the ousts amount te 4311. I'UHsUMAIIl.Y OFFIUIAl,. A. Ilerr Hnilili HUH in the field. Wiishliifften Dlipatch te tin) 'limes, The announcement that Renrosentativn A. Herr Smith would uet again be n cau dldate for Cougress is net sanctioned by that goutletnau nud he has never nutheriz ml any perseu te make such nn assertion. It is for Mr. Smith's constituents te say whether he Is acceptable or net and their wishes will govern his actions. Besidef, the statement that certaiu parties were desirous of suoeeodlngliim lu Congress was somewhat premature, for it has been as certained that they wuuld only make a eauvass iu the event of a declination by Mr, Smith of a ronemination. This is the statement of it leading Republican of Lau caster, who enjoys Mr Smith's oenfldonoo and who is new in Washington en bust n ess. C0LDM1UA NKWS. OUtl Kl.llt'l.AU HOttllKHI OMM'.M K.. fvnts (tilling the Hiisiiirlmuiii lleins uf Interest In mid Around llin IIiiiimikIi I'mlied up liy llin lutein- genunr Iteiunter. Business lively today nud meiulututs happy Many sleighing parties fimu Yerk visit Wtlghtsvllle. Heme one left a rollef silver ou a desk lu the Flint National bunk." The Black Dwarf" at Mm upera lioiise ou Monday evenl g ; " Ainish Girl" Christmas night Michael Smith's funeral this morning nt St Paul's Cathe He ehuieh. Bunquehaiina telling mill oIefcs te nlKht until next Wwiiiesdny morning. Pennsylvania Castle Ne. 711 A. O. K. of M. O. this evening Thine drunks sent down this morning and six ledgers In the lookup ever night. loiter ta nnients at n number tif the piiblin schools iesterday. Big market te-day, dressed turkeys 20 cents, llve 15, butter nnd eggs ill) -Geerge MitlMn home for the holidays, Fred. Heckle geno te Spring City, Misses Lytlia Slteen and Alice Biieher te Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd v"iililu,,inii l.e... n Clark, of the Kcely stove works, has been nppolnted olerk in the Columbia natlnual bank. New pastor nt Tiinlty Reformed te-morrow . Rev. Berghaiis, of Carlisle.at St. Paul's P. K-; Shecli ehapel Chlstmas entertainment, charade, &e., Monday evening. Columbia wreckers cleared up the debris ihuihciI liv tlm lirmVimr .. i yesterday ou near or the seuthwnrd bound . .1.. r.. iik Ik li mini, ise. -iu, r. ii, tnureaii, ene miie south of McCull's Ferry ; reud blockaded fei two hours. Ill I. NI'ltKKT I.AJII'S. lle.ivjr inn ler Klectilcltjr, IU Kid tlaiiillne. Chnirmnu Diller, ei the lamp committee of ceuucils, having ordered that all the gasoline lamps in thu city be put out. and Chairman Kvaus.ef the flnance committee, having declared that he would nppreve no bills for the use of gasoline fiem the date ou which the ceutr.ict for lighting tlie streets with eltotilelty, was made (Dee. 1 lib ) Mr. Kitoh.whe has the contract for lighting the gasoline lamps, commenced te take thorn down, and up te Friday morn ing had cut out 229 of them, principal ly along the line of the electr e lamps. As the taking down of the gasollne lamps would leave many of the back street ami alleys iu darkiiess, a vigorous pretest was made by citizeus ugnlnst their removal, and nta special meeting of the lamp com mittee held ou Friday, the order of Chair man Diller was rescinded, nud Mr. Kitch was Instructed te take down no mete, lumps until the lamp committee shall have made a tour of the town and desiguaud tliose that may be removed without Intel feriug with thu lighting el the streets. This arrangement leaves e00 gasoline lamps still m use, at a cost of 425 per lamp per annum, a total of 47,500. The ceutr.ict with the electric light company is for 120 electric lamps, at n cost of 410,800 per annum ; and the contract with the gas company for lighting the public efllces, station house, matket houses, &e., at 42 per 1 000 eubie leet of gas, will cost another 41,000 making a total 4-'5,300 per year for light. Owing te the adoption of the electric system of lighting there will be a dellci dellci euey of seteral thousand dollars lu the appropriation for thecuirent year and this will have te be added 1 1 425,1100 for this year nud be provided for In next year's appropriation which will net be lets and will probably be considerably mero thau 40,000. Some taxpn) ors are kicking at tlie prospect of Increased tax itieu.atid per sous living en the back sheets are kicking at the prospee" of being Ifft lu daikuess. This places the lamp committee "between the dickens and the deep sea," and they hardly kuew what te de about it. They will probably reduce the number of gase line lumps still in use, but whatever they de will give dithatisfuctleu. L'vcu seme of thu warmest advocates of the electric light are beginning te think that we am "paying tee dear for the whistle" espee ially ns the light has proved te be irregu lar and unreliable, quite a number of '.lie lamps lading te bum every night smce their erection. I.ITTI.K I.OUAI Here, There mm Kvr)nlieie, J. B. Leug has sold six shares of Farmers' national bank stock at 4110. Miss L. M. Flyuii fell lust ovening ami breke her arm, near the wrist, 011 West King street, iu the vicinity el her book store. Chas. Lippold's fancy pigeons took uiue prizes nt the Chester fair. Alderman McGIinn, charged with as saulting Merris Levy, was held te answer nt court by Alderman Burr. The curbstone market places 011 Centre t-quare, Duke, Hast King nnd North Queen streets, were sold this morning at Irem 45 te 411 each. Fied. Urimmer, coutiacter, has put a new and handsome, latest Improved mail wagon 011 the reute from thu postefllco te the P. R. R. station. At the meeting of Southern market heuse stockholders last evening, the com mit tce en slte was instructed te rutaiu the refiiH.il of tlie proportion en the west side of Seuth Queen street, between Andrew nnd Middle. A Youthful iiorseTMuf Yesteiday a negre boy about 10 years old oalled at Geerge Diller's hotel, Lcanian Place, with a herse aud sleigh nnd offered te sell It very cheap Diller, suspecting the tenm te have been stelen, took posses sion of it nud had the negre arrested, brought te town and ledged iu jail. It has becu learned that his name is Jack Wallace ; he was brought from Virginia bvMr. James Stewart who gave him a home nud employment, until it was found that he was dishonest. Yesterday he went te Brimmer'slllvery stable nnd tried te hlre a saddle herse, representing that Mr. Stewart wanted It. Brimmer had 110 saddle herse, ami the negre said that a herse ami sleigh would de. The herse nnd sleigh were sent te Mr. Stewart's, aud it was then learned that it had been ordered without authority. Iu the moautiuie the negre went te Mr. Nidi's llvery, en Market street, and or er or dered another herse aud sleigh in Mr. Stewart's name. With this he dtove te Leaiuau Place. The owner of the team, nccompanled by Officer Dully, went te Leaman Place this morning and rccovered the htuleu property. BU.II ATI t A TOISAUUO. tluir luinertera Kvude the Turllt', Aspoelaloorrospondoutof the I.vrr.M.t- OENimt wrltes from New Yerk that Falk Bres,, a short time nge, roeolvod ten bales of Sumatra tobaeoo, iu whleh wero packed 33 per cent, of Havana fillers ; and by a reoent dcoislen of the scoretary of the treasury they wero allewed te pass through the custom heuse under the old law, which oxaetcd a duty of f!3 oents per pound, in stead of 41 per pound, as the uew law contemplated. The new law reads : " All wrappers containing S3 per cent. of 111 lern shall pay 83 oeuts per pound duty." Sev eral tobacco meu, including oue of the abeve tlrm, nre iu Amsterdam repacking Sumatra tobaeco that is, they put into each bale of Sumatra 33 per cent of Ha vauit tillers, and thui oscape the payment of the higher duty. This will have a bad effect en the sale of seed leaf as It enables Sumatra te oemo into a mueh wider com petition with it. This is ene reaseu why thore is se little demand for the crop of '83 Pennsylvania. We hear of the rejec tion of several crep3 el '83 by a New Yerk doaler.