) - 'i'"'V' fnctelligen& if fi i u Velutin XX-Ne IM. LANCASTER, PA.. SATURDAY. DUOEMBHK tJ'J, USJ. il Trice Twe Conf g. -I jlKO, fAIIKICalOUIl, itHY nouns. I 1 KO, rAIIMKHTOUK, IIAllPd OM) HTANI), NO 14 EAST KING STREET. LANUAHTEIt, I'A. Dry Qoeda, Fancy Geeda and Notieuu, lu Greut Vuriety. A fill l.lmiel Luilli's'utiil illiliuii' l.'UATB, OLOAKSnnd DOLM ANBulwny en Jmtiil. Silk Plushes ey the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our litem Making I'm tot w me en tlie m'eind mill tlilnl lloeiit, whom DKwtf-n, Ceutn, Clenk iinil Delmutm inn innilii ul Hliert notice. Pulled III Mini Hiilhductluu guaranteed, "bother goeils me puicliuied heruer soul le bu made up Hum elsewhere. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET. - - - Lancaster, Pa. WINKS AND I.IUVllttS. E jvuAiii.iMiiM nun. WINES AND LIQUORS! Al BffiGABTS OLD WINE STORE, 1. 29 East Kil M t- CALL, AND EXAMINE. "tel He U.hdJiikI iccilved tilled Mem the Island e Mudutlii thu following VIiiu . Vonlellio, Viiitnie 1870 ; Serdul, VinUie 1S10, Which wu nller te our rtisliiuiers. together Willi our old I'M, 111!., HIT, 1SJ unit Ml MA liKlllAN. unit r INK OLD SIIKUU1KS. IIIIANDIKh Hi tell ms Vintage I. W hU, KV7, lia. Finn Old HYK WHISKIES. JAMAICA SIM KITS, S K. HUM. Ac FIlKNl II COItlMAI.S, lluiunmlh'S mill Clmets. We Itiivu thutnllenlitg Champagne Win I'elper llcldselck, (1 II. Milium ,t Ce. ' Dry iirxnnuy uml hxtru Dry, L Keidi id's ( uttu liluui-hn, i'emiunry Seu Vtuvu Clhjuel, Yellow -libel Dry, King .V Ce 'i I'llvute Cuvcn, .lules Champien. Ami tlie (JKUAT WUSTHliN EX. DRY WINE. Frem the Pleiumnt Vulley Wine Company, u,t Hiimmondnpert, N. Y. Till Ik tlin Fluent American Winn In lliu nmrki't, having been awarded t tin highest lioneru tlie following Expositions Al I'.irU PU7, Vleiinu Is7.1 unit Philadelphia 1B70. H, E. Slaymaker, auknt. S. OLAY MILLER. i nna J MiUM, Ne. :j:J l'KNN SUAIIE, LANCASTER, 1A. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. ftinfis mm liiis On Rve Wnishfls U vxw "j w " """" - HUMAN Ut AND. I 1 llANUKK rKICI'll.l.KK CO, HXJMIA.N GXJA.NO. Oompeuod of L'ure iiuumii Exoruiueut und Urlne. Unrlvuled ler Wheat, Tobaceo, Qruaa, Cern, &e. -HOLD 11Y WM II. JONES. Ne. I.IWI Mitlkul SUoet ; (;. It. UOUEU9, Ne. 1AJ Mitrkiit Htroel; liltAHAM, KMLKN A IWhSMOIlK. Ne. Ml Market Street ; J. Ill It Kit A SON, Hrunchlewu riilludelphU, and responsible dealers generally. OFFICK.-Ne. Cliesliiut Streel, I'liiliuieliihiu. llUgl.MlllliI O. MUSSELMAN, Aeut, Wltnier, Lancauter county, Pa. I'l.UMIIlNtl ANO UAH flTTtNU. t 1. AKNIII .1 PLUAIJilNU, (iAS-ElTTli(J, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, ESHFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leuve your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. MKIUtlAI, tUTHJUlCAill'.MKIIIK. ' BEAUTY SOAP. Te ktcp tdu pores epmi, tint oil Klunilmunl tnliiM licit v, nml Hum Inrnlili im iiiitltt ler Miipiit Itlei in the pviHplritllen mill liloeil wlituli cikiiHe liiiinlliiilliiK bloteliii.t, lil.iulilicitilft, iiinl miner Hkln blniiiNliiiH, cipvulitlly et Inliutta; teclfiuiHi', William nnil liiiiutlly tbe xkln, ! ! ! niove tun, triekli'N.aiinlxiin nml etly iimltur i te kt'up Hid lmniN Kelt, wlitte nml I loe Hern cluipH uml reuulini'ii. pievt-'til contiiKlew iMii unilf'iilpil'ini( .miiHe provPIe iinezitilnltii kin lii'iuitiilDr ami tellit. Iwtli nml niiinnry miiiiitlvt) rt'ileliinl wltli ilelltliniH lluwiiroileK mnl C'UTicuiiA lii'iulnu lnilMtiiiK, imu tlie (Juri cura McAi Inilemiiil by ilijlclutin uml i Imtii InlMHHiUntiltitiily piim uml lilulily iiiudlclliul. Billed iBSI-'i l,(jUk),UU0 UllliCH. THE HERITAGE OP WOE, MUnry, nliruiin unit imeiiy niten briiti'iitlnul UHiiKiIii Ifignry te (Millien by pirentH, Is lii'Kli'uli'il HoielnU. Te vIkuiinu Hid bloeil el Huh liricillliiiy pnlnen. uml linn irinove the nienl . roll llu nut e et linnmii NiilTurlnu, te i li'iir lliimklii et illitllitttiliiK liiniiDiH, llcdtiiK tortmen, liiiinllliil ii itriipileiiii, mill le.ilh neiiiiiHOKiicmiiuil by lt,le pitill iiuil bciuitll) ttiunkln.nml iritote the hull' no Hint net hilt Ot HlO lllllll) rutlimilK ( UT1CUKA ItlMuLVKNT, the new bleed pmlller, iliu.utlc uml upotlenl, uml CimtuiiA uinl citriLUtiA Heat the (ivui skin uuinumiil bcuiiltlliiiH, ure Inliilllble. I HAD SALT RHEUM In tlia ineitiicKiTWiitcil lerin for i'IkIiI je.un Ne klml el liciitinenl, iii-ttluimM ei ilonters Hit me miy pennitiimil roeiI. My Irlemln In Jliilili'ii kiii,v he I Hiilti'icil. Whi'ti I Im'uhii le tlll HlO CUTICUHA I' KM Kill K tliy lllllln Well) me r.iw uml lenilcr tlnil 1 con lit mil Im nr my weIkIiUiii tliein ivllheiil thn akin cnukliiK mnl bli'i)illti, unit wiui elillntiil te ke Hbent en CMItCIK'i). UnCll; HlO ClMK'UKA ltKMKIlIKH II VI) miiiitlm, uml whs LOinplelmy mnl pcrtnitnently uimil. MICH. MA HltOWN, Miiliit'll, Mtum. Id teit'iun Any (lllzeti el Mnhli n, Mitiw. OOPPER-OOLORED. I Imve been tillllcteil wllh iMiiitilr.'.eiiiii Hkln ilUcit.10, CDwrlin; iiliuoKlteniplctdlv the 1 1 j t putt et my bO'lv, niiilii( iny akin le ii."tiini it oeppor coleiuil linn Itceuhl be rnblic I oil llke ilamlriitt, unit ul II hum ritmlnu luiolcr luielcr luiolcr nlile Itelilim uml ti.e meal Inluiinn biiIIi'iIiih. 1 IlllVO IIWll bllKMl plltlltt'IM, ptllH. mill Oltll'I inlvci tlieil lutiiedhH. bill I'M'urliinciul no te llernnlll 1 prectiiuil tlie i uticdiia Kkmeeiim, which, uIUikiikIi mhciI cimli'sily unit lircuu litrly, curoitine, ulliivliiK Uml UtiIIiIe Hulling mnl roiterliiK toy nkln le II- nnliirul color. 1 um wlllliiK te muke utll'litv.l le tlie Until et tlltlt MutfllU'llU Milan, M lull. h. li. IIUX1UN Pelit by nil itriiKl'in Li'itcviiA. VI- IlKM'it VKfiT. H ; t-eAr, In. rerri.il (t n amiIiikm. iualC'e.. Iliitlen, Mil--.. ftttinl Im " Hum te euro ftklu l)tne.ii4ii.'' CAT AR R H ! Sanferd's Radical Cure. The (Ireut Ibtlnniiile Dlitllteiluii el H'lUll llnrnl, Auinrliiitii I'lnc, (ixiiinllHii I'lr, MurlKuld, Ulevvr HIekuimm, etu. Kill' tlie liiimoilliite rullul mnl IVi iiuih lit Ciiruel nvery leiin el l.iititrih, liem it alniple lli'inl Cohl or Inlliiun.it le ilie l.i el Mnell, Tiule uml lleitilni;, CeiiKh, llieni hltN nml In ulpUnl Coiiiiunpllen, liollel In llvn liiliiulii.s In imcIi mnl eMiry cilie. Niliilnj; llku It. (Iritleliil. t uijriiiil, wlioK'Heiiio. (.ure I'culm from Hint iiipllvitlleii uml Ih l.tphl, uullcul, pnriiuiiiuiilmiil nm lallun:. lue boltle lt.tiULitl Curi', eux ll.n CitUirihiit .elviinl umt H.nileKl'it Inluler, itli In ene pnuknue, Inrmtnu it coinpleto in iitiiimit, et ml illUKKlHtt ter fl. Ahk rimt'AMiKiMiu'n IU RIAL CUIlli lVlTKIl DllUO AMI CHKM1CAL Ce., llodleu. LA'rK NKAVS l,IJUIMINA lKMOUUAl4 IN Nl.bMIDM. I.olterjr Uiirtlliitii llviiiiiliiedil In tin) I'lutimin Ailiiptnit-llitMllllly te I he I'ntlie l.ottery Hjiitein Kiiiplintle Uttrncr At Iiiiten Hoiike, Ii,, tlie oimiimttte en reHDltiliutiH of tlie DumeurfUiu M'stte uen volition Blilimlttu'l majurity atnl inlunrlly ropeitR. AtiKinr; tlie roMuliitietm or tlin tnitieiUy In ene tlcalatluK tli.it tlie Leulal ntm lotteiy company is corrupting the ttieiaU of tlie pisonle ittiilii ilUttiibliii; elu tnuiit In tlie pelitiui of tlie otiite ; favern tlie uiloptlen or u ueiiHtltutiuiml uiiiciid uiiiciid inent ubellshliiK "1 l'telnbllliiK all lettcrit-M In tlie Btate fotuver. Mr, llo.Uner ofl'ured a Mtbitiliite, wliluli wan adopted, di'clatitiK hostility te the uttllre irlualpl(i of lottery de.ilinN ; that tlie constitution dcelatcn Kntnbliiif; te be n vlce, jet It uueuiir.Hies vioe in Its worm fetm ;tde lotterliM are net only ineilln litoaclieH of faitb and cmbczzleinuiit, but ate duineralixtiiK noulety, cerrnptiny pnli tiuii and impeilinx lelnLittun , and con cen con elndcB by duniandiiuf tliut tlie Lv(;igatuie te be obeHon at tlie eiisiiIhk olvntleu Bliall enact Hiiub lial ineamiiuA hh .ire iicecwary for thelr Biippiettdieii, Tlie platform ndoiiled roTem te tlie de ploiable condition of tlie Htate miiler ro re ro eoiiHtitioMoii ; uointratiitiiteH tlin poeplu upon their pieHi'tit prosperoim coinlitten uiiiler tlie proni'cmlve poliey of tlie Oome oratie iiilinltnstrutleu ; m.-yerti that the ptiblie huIioeIh of the Htate dennud tlie foHteiitiu oaie of the iroveniiiiuiit, aud that theiiKb lunch has been aohlevud for thelr promotion a gteat dual tnore tnunt be denu te iL'tulur tliein ullloleut, no as te oenfor the bttmllts of oducatieu viii.illy upon the oliildieu of overy raae ; and oppeos uioiiepidlus of all kludt). After the adoption of Mr. llo.Unei''n tuiieiidmutit, tveii ubove, Mr. Marstun, of Kuil Itivur, dematidud an eppjrtiiinty te oll'er otlier atnondittents te the pl.itlerm, vihiuh biilii donied, he and he would net, ncoept, Htieli a platform, and witbdreiv fiem the h.tll iu ilHiHt. The iniijerlty repjit en the platform, with the aiiieiidiiiuul, wan adopted by a vete mainly of the MoEnery faction : Vi'.m, 2'W ; n.iyK, 07 ; bbuik.OO. Mr titone, el EiHt Eolieiau.i, attaoked the tn.ijerlty reiwrt, commenting hovendy en certain aotxef tlie Demecratic ailmiiin tratieu, an the laud rab, pumteutniy litime, leui paid lawyer.s ciupleyuil by the Htate, etc. Cel. ltieaux uud iM.ij. llnrlte icplied te Mr. tjione, the tbrmur explaiuiu Iiih con ui'utieu titb laud o.ihes bufore the L'uited SialeM Htipicme court, aud the latter viitdt citing the McEuiry udiuiuiHtratieu a.iliiht tbe ehai'us made. 'l'hoceiivuutiou adjourned siue dte. Till. L.ATI: JUIHiK lil.AUrt.. tjtlNTAYTAKKN. COLLINS' Yett Ictric Ker the rollel ami piovmitleu, tlin Inetitiil II U itiiiillml el lllieuiiiiitNiii, Nmii.il;;lu, Scl.i'l en, eoliths, CiihlK, Wi ilk llin-k, Miiniiicli uml IIewcIh, Mioetlni; I'ulns. Nuinlniet', llyale'la, Koiniile l'uliiri. I'itlplliitleu, Iii,ieiIii, l.lvet Ceiiiphilul, lllllnin 1-i.vii, Mulmlit unit l.pt- IeiiiIck, iwi (lullliiV I'IukIvi-k, (nil l-.n-iirlc llntlrry ( (iinl)liu.l n It h u Tureua rintei)mit liuiiih nl puln. ViTic. evcry whoie. duct-lyilW.S.Aw VUAI.. 13. it. MAIlTJn Wholenalo ami Uetittl Doulerln nil aluilset hUMIIKUANUCUAL. ar runt: Ne. 13) North WRterainl I'rluc HtroelH ubove l.oinen iduicaster. iit.lyii l.U.M(lAHl)NKltH JJ Jh.FKr.KIKH. COAL DEALERS. OKKICKS. Ne. Nenrii Qukkm Htiiket, akd NO. '"il NellTll l'HIMUH ttTiimrr. YAlft)3. North 1'himch bTRKirr, nuaii Ubau. iru Durer. IjANUABTKII.I'A. IlllKl-Vllit 111 A 1. 1 j The UOAIil uuilemlumiit Inn ler unto, in lit? Yard, Cor. Antlrew nnd S. Water 8ts uliiruousaerliuuiitol the very beat klmiu el Ocul for Family Ube, which he will ilollver, cuierully weIkIiuiI nml ucri'imeil, te any puiiel Iheclty ul the lewe.it iiiiiikolnitei. Orilera by mall or loleplionii dylur."taP"y- I'HIMl' UIHUKK. MANUHK AMI U1IAI.. New Yatk uml I'lilhulelphla lloibe Ma. nuie by the air leuil at roduced prlceu. All the . 1IKHT UKADKS Ol' (JOA1-, lietli ler Kumlly ami Hieam purpeuus. UKMhi.NT by the bariel, HAY anil STUAVY by the (en nrfmle. Yaiid ills lliinlitnirK l'lke. Ubnkiial Oyieu 'MX Kuat ChDHliinlnUtxit Kautrman, Koller & Oe. iiiut-lyil VI.MHlNU,UtlH1HH KAIi, j-(.. lTAlClliUa CJUACIl-'. Various Quacks. pOAI,. M. V. J3. COIIO 380 NUliTlt WATKUHT., Uxnraattr, txt., Whoiedulo and Itetutl Dualere In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uonneotlon Willi the Telephonic KxclmiiKf, Ne. aaOHOHTH WATK 'ib'flMvil OVERCOAT BARGAINS. On account of the mild weath er this season we have a large stock of Overcoats left, which we are willing te sell low. Most of them have been reduced, seme from 25 te 50 per cent. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sta. rnii.Aur.i.riiiA. sreims err.N kvbuy evknise this wkek. iiie-iwii Yunl ami Ottloe BT11KKT Who Kni.li mill IIIbOuii I'vlKvliriiir Uu. ilvule the riehl el lliiin.iii NMlurc. Tliviu have iilwuyg hi en qunckH .-heal quiickH, tl.enlcjlcul iinuvks, Hcleutlllu ijuucka ami uu'ilical iiuackD. Soiueot tliein aie blmut oily liillewn who uruiiu ami aiullu the wertil Inte bollevlng Iu thelr lavorlte bit et humbug. Olliuisaropeuipoiinaiiilpiolunllous pnuullcs, IIul they nnvke It pity. .Men bectn te levn te be HWlmlleil, HtlpnhiUiii; only Hull It nlmll be liually ilone, Theileur publicum equally liberal te the oloc eloc olec tile mnl liiuciiolle fruiiil. TliU lollew Ij a ke nliwlli his line. He will put a iniimietlc belt ureunil your waist, h niui;iiettc iiucklnce uiiiler your chin, or 111 jeu out with an cnllie Biitler inuniiMle cloth, wiirrmitcil te unto thu purpoMeof eiilliiuryuuiiiiuntj, ami ul thisNiunu tlinu le onto ull dltcitsc, trout whoepliiK ceukIi teliiMty cotiHu'iipllen. Most el thi'se have no uicne eluctric or lnas uctlc power about thorn tlinu t estites lu woolen bliiukCti or lu flnllet nl tucktletli. Only whuu applleJ byunoxpetl Is ck'cti Icily el the BllKlitcsl use iu it mcillctnal iicent, uml even thou lu vitluii U K'e'ly nvei-stulud. What h) the ulieuiicnt posalble lucdiiuiptlve ovlilemu Iu titver et u puitlciilur leiucdyT Clcurly that It Hhenhl huve been piipmuil by lospeiiHlblo poiHiuiHel uckiiowleiliscd bklll In thu tio.itmentot ilUc.iHu. Hiiiart!ly en llilt-t loiimhitleu Htiimh IlKN HON'.S UAI'IJINK I'OUOUB IM.AhTKU. Bn Bn ilerm'il by B.IXHJ pIivhIcIuuh, phmiiiiiulNU, tlrug. UldtH ami clieinllrt, II needs iioluilhei apology nor tntioilucllen. il li me ene mm emy iruu uml it leil external application, (uiu'I;h et ull kliuU pay thu Capclue tlie cnuipllmeut et thulr (lUltke, in H.itmi U M.tM te hiitu holy wuter. Loek In thu inldille et the iilimtui' ler the word " UAI'OINK." l'lloe 'il cents. heabury A Jehnsen, ChcuiUts, New Yerk. ilt-WASJe Action el thu llHrel thn hiipiuinu l.inlil el lliu Uulleil aitticn At W.wliiuuteii an adjoin nod moo' 1114 of the U.11 of thotiuptcme court et the Uuited Statcti w.ii bold in the oeiirtioom at the capitol Fiiday for the puipose of taking action upon the death of the late lien Joremiali ti. Black. Mr. Uoerno V. r.ihniiiula, chairmati, called tlie muettiu te order, 1111 i after lem.trks by Mr. EdmumU 1 the commiliee appointed at the latt incat 11. jr, through Mr Hicliatil T. Merriclc, iu cbaiiman, Biibmiticd the follewiug tosolu tesolu toselu tiona : " Uesuleed, That the uicmbjiK of the bar of tbe biipieme court of the United StatcH luve icccived with a HOtihe of pro found ii'Kict the iiitolli't'iice of the death el Jcicmtah 8. IH.iclf, of the Htate of l'etiimylvania, ence chief jiiktioe of the Mttpieme ceuit of that Htate, attorney general of the United States, and emi nently distinguished as a practitioner at thin bar ami as a juritt of unsurpassed ability. " lteselccd, Tint ihe memory of the do de ceasod deservcH te bu churished with the utmost veneration by the members of this bar as that of a lawyer profoundly versed iu the ticience of the law, aud worthy te bu ranked with the greatest aud ablest of our ae and country; a fctatceuiu illus illus tiieua for his public services ; 11 rea'iy scholar ; a. vigorous wnt3r ; ituoxeollcd as a logician, ami in all the relations of li.e an eminent and most worthy citi.un, " lltselctd, That tlie atterney guttural of the United btites be lequcstud te cum cum uiuuicate these loselutious te the court with the rciiUBSt tliat they be eutored en its rcceids. " Jietelvt d, That thrse lobelutioni be also ceintimnic.Ucd te the family of the decutscd with tbe oxpreisiou et the sym pathv nnd oeudolouco of thu iiiombei's of this bar." After oluqueut remaika by Messrs H. T. Merrlck. Themas F. lUvtird, . 11 Vnuce, A. II Oarlaud, J. II. Iljpkius, W. II. Smith, J. 11. Embry, J. Hubby, Ash Ash ten nuil J. ltaudepli Tucker, the meeting, 011 motion of Mr Themas t Uayard, ad-jeiirmd. an KiiKHi(Miiint Umt Kiiilml In n VUterlnua AmkiiU by the l'fimcli. Adiiilial I'uyieu, tnlnlsler of tnatitu1, at Paris has received the following dispatch from Uentay, dated Dccumber 17 s "Sen lay is ours The outer uucolute wtis cairkd by iifsault en Huuday at six o'clock lu tlie evening. The attack bjgati at ene o'clock in thn morning. Tlie nssatilt was miide at llve o'clock iu the evctilug, with bravury above all praise, by the foreign legion, togeibor with tlin marine infantry mid pallers. The 11 itlll.i (isolated in the bombardment. Thoeltndol was evacuated during the night by Its defunders and was occupied en the morning of the 17th, with out lighting. We de net yet knew whither the Black Flags, rebel AiiuamitcH and Uhiiicse have fled. It Is impessible le Ic.uii thelr lesucs. We lout about lirtcuti killed, Including oue officer, and sixty woumled, iueludiiig four ofllcerH." Altrlbutvil le tlie aIhkKhu Volcano. s.iu 1'imiulsue Uull, November .9 A gentleman who is greatly interested in science, aud who ban given cjiialdcrable attention te the subject of iitmospherlo phenomena, status that tbe recent peculiar sunsetH ate, without mue'i doubt, due te tbe late volcanic ei option iu Alaska, Allies from that eruption have been carried ull ever Japan aud boyeud, and similar coleriug el the skies has been observed thore. Dm lug the eruption in Java similar oderin was exhibited iu diltoruet puis of the world, and as far east as Panama. The beauty of many of tbe Italian sun.se Is are held te be due te ashes from volcanoes uud te dust from the desert. Our own minuets, thercfore aru Htip'Kised te have been oaused by the par ticle of ashes coming from the Alaska volcano. These are carried In the upper current el the stir, and form, as it wure, a canopy In tbe eidiuary position the aim liiht passes through this stratum without producing a visible i-flect ; but wheu the light is bulew the stratum, as at sunrise or HUin-ut, aud tbe ravs slrike tbe under surface el tbe ash laden current, the Belld particles I'm 111 an extended reflecting hiir face. The sunlight is thus thrown baek upon the earth, ami 0 tuses the be.iutifu 1 Hunsets wliiuu have been se much admiiui'. llaneiiiiclui: A roust in Cltiure'i. Daniel Creutu uud Mary Creuiu, who were indicted for disturbing religious wor ship by denouncing Itev. Flurouce Mc Carthy during hurvlces at the hitter's church in Williamsburg, were Fiiday iu Kings county, N.'W Yerk, court of fles sieim. They ehaigcd the clergyuuu with having caiisi'd a pi lest'ii death by st.irvu tieu aud with enticing away thulr daugh ter. Wheu thu lovercud gentleman pre tested his iiiuojeuco they called him a liar. The defense ml mi ted these fajts aud asked the court te leek into tbe matter ami mitigate tbe sonteuco. The jury feuud tliein guilty, but souteiiuo was withheld until the civil action uuw p.md ing was decided. 11 uni-l 1 ;ive Ir'eii it telilhlu xlutoel uthilrs III 11 UU1-.11.I Uii) IViilnilsl te link: "Wli'ieun nliiml liuloie his cold ?" In his day the loliio leliio loliie dim woie low mid ileiibtlul : hew 111110I1 hup pier should this koiieiiiUoii be, thai has as a lioiibi'lieht leinedy, Dr. Hull's CeukIi byrup ; r wendiu lut lias beeu Its cuici that millions IHO up ami call It "bleated." Cnntiuleu destroyed by ll.uliye l'lejili luc tletlulil. "-co udviulUeiueiil. Ml1! II IV Ah. lOK OUUUII.S AHU UULD.S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Rdf.n " Orrvnle, Ohie, Hept. te, IW2. MVUUO, "HuvIiik been subject te 11 liruneliUI Knrctlmi, wlthlreiuotitL'eiiiH, fera number el vents, I hereby certlly that A vita's Ciutmiv I'koteiiai.kIvus me piempt relief, and Is thu liiodlellectlvu lemeiiy I have ever trled. .Iamka A. Hamilton, Kdltoret The Vreieenl." rOndHS "Ml Hleail,Olile. June!M832. uuuuue. i imve used Atsn's ciikrrv Tno Tne Tno teiial thin spilnit ler a auvuru euiirii uud lunir irimnie with koeiI cltect, nml t am pleased te recommend II te any one similarly ntlected. llAiivr.r Hacehman, l'roprlelor Glebe Hetel." rllKrARSD 11Y Dr. J. C. Ajcr & Ce., Lewell, Musa. Held by all Druaelnts. dccI7-23.1ydw A OKHAT suJUiTsa. HOP PLASTER. 'I his nenius iilastrr Is lanieiis for lis nulck ami hearty fiction lu eiirlnt: Lime lluek, Uhuu- iiutiiKin, nciaiica, ;iick in 1110 uiieK, riuuitmi lllp, NeunilKlA. nllir Joints ati'l Muscles, S010 Uhesl. Klilnev Troubles uml all nalns nrnchea either local or iloep-aeittuil. It seethes, HtrutiKthuns uml Ktluiulates the inula. Thu virtues et hops combined with kiiuis-cIeiiu mid ready le upply. Hnpurler te lliiltiienu, lotions mid Hitlvcs. l'rlce, Ti routs or a lei tl 0). Held by driiKKlsls ami eeniilry store. Mailed oil receipt el pilevs. 1'lattcr Cum lay, I'toprluters, lliwten, .Miuss. A GREAT SUCCESS. -The beat latnllv pill niade-llawley's Stomach uml Mver I'llis. '1 c Heimnl lu HCtlen and easy te lake. nnv2Vlydftw (I) )A1N KI1.1.KU. a ISMS" THK WOI14T "ISM " TO-DAY li RHEUMATISM. MKlHVAt iyWlllY'3 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A lloiiieuehl Arllcln ler lnlvrinul Family EradlCatpa Ver 8wlet and Typhoid J-lltVCilCaUCa Kevnni. Dlnhtherti, fiall- .... . . v.?lle. Ulcorated sero MAI ARIA ,,lire,lt' ?ma J'ex, jice- JLUrlJjrt.Ilii(;lcs, und till ConUffleiii Inn en the Blck-sheuld use It Ircely. HcurlAt Kcver has never beeu known In spread whom the Kluld was useit. Yellow Kevor has tiwrn cured with lt(iieriIcA:i'om(tAn(t((iknn(ae. Thu worst cases el diphtheria yield te It. H11KUMAT1SM IN THK HACK cuiikd nr l'CUICY DAVIS'S TAIN Kll,l-Ki:. UilK.UMATISM IN THK K.VKES cunee 11 v 1'KIIHY DAVlS'dl'AIN KIM. Kit. llIIEtJMA'IlSM IN THK MU8CI.KS cunue 11 v I'KltllY DAVIS'S TAIN KIM.EU. KllhUM T18M OF I.ONU Sl'ANlUNU CUIIKU 11 V l'Kl'.UY DAVIS'S I'A IN KILL KK. UlIIiUMATIC SUFFKJIBUH, buy el Any DruKgldl Perry Davis's Pain Killer K' ill-lyilAw Fevered nnd sick nor- sons retrnahed mid lied sol os pruvunted by bathlnir with Dmbys Kluld, Impute Air made huruili9 and purl ibd. Fer Sore threat It Is u huh) cure. ContuKlen dcslreyud. Fer Frosted root, uiiiiuimn.s, i-1 1 111 Chatlnc, etc Ilheunmtlsm cured Suit White Ceiiiulex tens seemed by IU use. Ship Fover nreviuilcd. Te l'tirUy the llreath, OlemiHu the Teeth, II can't be surpassed. Cnlurrh telle ved uml cured. Kryslpelas cured. lJiiiiis lelleved In , staiitly. .Scars iirovented. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed iiipt'l y Scurvey cured. An Alttldetu ler A11I uml orVetiutuhlu I'el- Hens, HUiiks, etc. I used the Fluid dur um our urosent ul Mictien wllh fc.ulel Fever with duchled iidviiutuce. It Uln- dlspeiisiiblu te the sick loom.-Wm. F bAM-eui), Kyrle, Ala. SCAUI.KTFKVKlt OUllllD. UMAIili VOX and PITTINH of Small I'ex 1'JtKVKNTED. A tncinber et inv lamllvwas taken with Small I'ex. I used the Fluid! the rmtleut win net dollrleus, wm net piiiud, ami was uueui thu house 11c ul n In tluce weeks uud no ethers had It.-.). W. I'aiikinhun, I'lilladol-phle. Dll'IITIIK.UlA l'HEVENTED. Tre phystclana hore llteDaibvs Fluid verv nuccesafiilly in the treatment of Diph theria. A. Stellin. wwick, Uiceusbore, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cheliirapiuviiiitcd. Ulcers purl II oil und hetiled. lu cases et Death It should buUBCd about the cerpse 11 will pre venl any unpluav nut smell. The eminent l'liysl clnn, ,1. MAltlON SIMS, M. I)., New Ymk, saiHt"! iiiucon iiiucen vlucrd I'ret. Darby's I'rophyhictie Fluid Is a valuable disinfectant." Vakukiuiilt Umveiisitv, Nabu villi, Tenn, 1 Ustlfy te the miwl excellent ipjalllleaet l'ret. Darby's riephyhicliu Fiuld. Asudisln tectiiut mid determent II Is both theoretically mid practically .Hiiperler te uny pieptiratlen with which lam iieiualntcd. N. T. I.uitek, Prof. Ohemlatrv. DAIlllY'S FLUID le KKCOUAl ENDED HY lien. Alkxanukr II. Stui'iiuns, et Uoerijla. Uev. C'iias. F. Dkkmj, D. I)., Church el the Slrutiji'i-s. N. Y. Jes. likC'eNrc, Columbia, 1'ief. University, H. C Itev. A. J. ItATTLK, 1'rel., MercerUnlvcrsIty. Uev. CiKe. F. 1'iKuuK, lltsiiep M. E. Church. INDlMl'KNHAIlLKTO EVKItY HOME. I'ettcctly lurmless. tlsed liitermilly or externally ler Man or llusst. The Fluid has boeiuthoioii!hly tested, and we have aiiumliiul ovIiIeiilo that It has dene eveiyllilnn lierecliilmeil. Fortuller informa tion net et your Druggist u pamplileter send lolhuprepilulurs. J.ll. 2B1UKACO., Mauuructurtiiit Chemists, PniLAUKLriiiA. Fer sale by II. II. (Jechiuu, DrugKlst, Ii7uutl 1TJ North Queen alreet. lunil-lyeed.tw VI.UTUINU. IIK IIYNAMITM CtlNSI'IKAl HlO Verdict et tltillty l'i the Trial Rl (IIiikc1'"' II10 i-riMMier SuiuvuLi-it. TIAVINU .1 1, und MAVHINKUY. DIHHOI.VKD I'AllTMKIlallll' uetiuanuilllv closed Iho CliOMtnut bliuotlreu Works, itfealru te lulerin my old patrons and the publlu geuei-uUy, that I am still In the business, beliiK located lu the 1'enu lien Company's Works, North l'luiii street, whure 1 am maklnit Iren and llruss CuslliiKa otuvery dodiiptten, uml will bu ploased te Bervo ull who may taver 1110 wllh thulr patron patren patron uiie, Fiem toyeiuauxpeilence In thu business uml iialtiK thu hcHt inateil.il unduiiipleyluu thu best mechanics, 1 um sail 'fled I can Biiiir Biiiir anteu untlre satlsluctlen. Castlims mtulu Irani a mtxtiiiu et Iren mid steel which are mero re re ro Huble for strength and durability than the bust cast Iren known. V teelh loll pinions, rolls uml rellliiK mill work a specialty. Cast Imis madu et very soil Iren, and brass cast. IukseI every deserlpllen. I have nil thu put ters at thu well and luveiuhly known Momer Cern unit Cob Crusher, roll tied and Impieved. Alse en hand, mills completely tltted up 01 lu parts, te lopluce old ones which have been lu use ler years, KuatutitceliiK them te ulve sat isfaction. atiKU-titiM' K. 0. MeOUI.I.EY. LvrKvT;5is iieusk. " O SHAVING AND HAIlt DKES31N0 SA I.OON. (Jeed Jeurniivmen uml pilioitume as'other saloons. 11, WA(INh5lt, uyl&-lid MuneKer, 1NO.J.MMAL1NU, Fall Opening. I have this day opened line et the ilnesi a large uml select VAUUIAH tLH, ill, E IHIKIll, EY & CO. KLKIUHS ! KLK1UHS ! Foreigu nnd Demestic Fabrics, adapted te (loutlemuii's wear, ler the KALI. AND WINTKIITIUDK, which I would be pleased le huvu you examine, A lull line el LONDON OORKBORHWS, In nil the rsate.it Shades. A beautllul assert montelFAIiLiAND W1NTEU Ovoreoatlnpie, Trouaerlngo and 1'iiney uuitlnge. I employ 110110 but the bust workmen und guautuiru porlcctsuttstaetlou us te Style, Fit unit Werkmunshlp. My8itmptui;ariiiuuls will be en exhibition In a low days. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAII.OU,) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( 2d Fleer,) I.AN0A8TEH, I'A. , wmytMydTu.TiiAtt EDGERIEY & CO, MAllKKT STUKF.T, IN UKAIt OF NEW I'OSTOFFICE, I.ANCASTEU, I'A, We have at our Factory and llcposltery a laiguuuil pleudld Aaioitmentet PORTLAND, ALBANY, -AND- DOUBLE SLEIGHS. They 1110 Hindu el thu Hist Selected Material ami Finest Finish Our motto : " Quick sales und mniill piellts." It crsis nptliliiL' te cull ami examine our weik. We also huve en hand A KUI1I1 1.1NEOFHNBOAKIUAUK WOltK All our own well known muliu. ALL WOltK WAItltANTED. Itnpali tun promptly intended te. One set nl workmen uipm-lally employed ler Unit pur. potte. uSO-tlUAw In the oase of tbe Glasgow dyuaiuiteiH, Friday, tbe Letd Justice cleik eccnpltil two hours iu his charge. He explained the legal technicalities of the case, ami said that it bad never fallen te Inn let, 111 nil bis legal experience, te investigate mero nbumlimble uud despicable outrages, Af ter tracing tlie history of FeathoiAtune, who was tried anil ceuvictcd of tioaisen felony iu Liverpool last September, tlie jiulge taid te the jury that it was their duty te take Inte oeiihidciatiou wiiuiiiur the prisoners wero associated with bin . Thu judge thou rcfotied te the evidence given by tbe witnesses who identillcd l)o l)e vaney, McCann and Dennelly as being iu the vlelnity of tbe Tradosten gasemeter iu Ulntmgew bofero the explosion took place, but tbe judge romatkeil, the ovideuco ollered te ideutlfy the ethers was net se distinct. The jury rotlred at IU 10 and at ;J re- turned with n verdict that llve of the piis piis euuih were guilty of all tbe charges and llve wero cuilty of the first oharge only. The latter llve wcie recommended te the leniency of the court, as they, iu tbe opin ion of the jury wero net aware of the ex tant of the operations of the society te which they belonged. The following piln piln piln ouers recelved the honteiice el imprison ment for life : Torrenco MoDennett.Tlios. Dov.viey, Peter Oallalun, llenry MeUann, and Patrick McCollech. Five tccclved tbe Eonteuco of Bevon years imprlaonment, vis : Jamas O'Donnelly, James Kelly, Patrlek MoUabe, Patrick Drum and Dou Deu uls Uatey. Tlie ohnrges against tbe prisoners wero : First, treason-foleny under the aet for thu better soeiirlty of tlie orewn and.kingdein; soeontt, oempllolty vltti r oatuersiono, Dalten and ethers iu tbe blowing up of tbe Tradosten gasemeter and attempU te blew up ethor Btruotures in Glasgow j third, conspiracy ngaiutt thu law of the laud, by foreo or constraint te ceiupal her majesty te change lier measures or oeun sels iu relation te Ireland and also In erder te put ferce aud oenstralut upon or in oruer te Intimidate or overawo both houses or cither llouse of Perllanieut lu lol.itieu te legislation afl'ectiug Ireland; 1 1 mil.) ttcniK. " All jour own I. mil II you luuntlu sick wiiun euiiiu (tui nep uuiers 111.11 never mi. The woitkesl weniiin, HiiudUsl elilld.und Hlekest invalid call use hop blllers with a-tlety uud Kieiitoed. Old men lolteilitK ureunil Iruu Klieiiina Usui, kidney trouble or ituy wiukncss will be utmost new by usIiik hop blllers. My wlfe mid daughter wero made healthy by the ti-u et hop bittern und 1 recommend llieni te my people. Methodist olernyiiian. Ask any uoed doctor It hop Hitlers ate net thn best family luedUInu On e.ulli. Malinhtl ruver, .tKUunml llllloiisne.ss, will leave eveiy iielliboiheo 1 as seen as hop hit lers al rive. " My uiother drove the pttulvsls mid lieu iiilKlaiill out el hurbysteiu with hop blltets." Ed. Utwcge Hint. Keep thu kidneys hualthy with h 'P bltteis and j nu nce I net lu ir slckiiess. ltu wuter Is tendered harmless uud tiieie retieshliiK mid reviving wllh hop bitters In uiuh draught. -The vik'er of youth Im thu atjed uiidliillim lu hop bitters. " At thu cliiiiKO et llte uelhlnK uipials Hep bltteis 10 allay all tiuubles Incident Thoiele." "The but periodical ler I111II0.1 te take monthly uml liem which they will teculvu Uiunie.itcst henelll Is hop bitters." Minimis utlh sickly, fietful, mil bIiik children, will euro lliu children umt buuullt themselves by taking hop bltteis dully. Thousands dluimuiiully trem seme teini el klduey dlseasu that may have been pie vented by a timely use et hop bltteis. Indigestion, weak slemuch, Irregularities et the bowels, cannot exist whuu hop bllluis are useil. A timely use of hop Illltcrs will keep a whelu family In idbusl health a year at a little cost. Topieducu leal genuine sleep uml chlld llku repose ull night, taken little hop bltteis en loll ring. Thai Indigestion 01 wleiincli Kits at night, )n even ting lest uml Bleep, will disappear by using hop bitters. l'atiilyliu, nervous, liuuiuluus old ladles me made rurfuctly iiilut mid upright y by using Imp bitters. dU-lmilTu,Tli,Sttw IIMA-WOKI'. DOES WONDEUIUL CUKES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Ihciuse ttucU 011 Iho Ll VEIL IKJWhl.S mid K1DN EY s at thu SAM E TIM K. llenuise 11 eleanses the HVelem et the poNen 011s huuiers thai develops In Ivtdnuy ami Uil nitty Diseases, lilllleiiHiiess, .iiiumuui', uenu pillion, riles, or lu lllieittiiattstn, Nuuraigiit, Neiveus DlberdetHnudall ti'imduCeniplulula. eiTSUL.ll) VJlUUh'OFTItlH. It will StirilyCuie CONSTIPATION. 1'II.KH mid K11UUMAT1SM by tnuslug FIIEE ACTION el ull t:ie erganj uud I unction 1 HiL'iuby OLEANSINO THE BLOOu. Itesteilng thu 110111ml peivur te ihtew et) dlscuse. THOUSANDS OF UA8K8 Of the weiat forms of tliese ten llile diseases have been iulckly lolleved, uud In .1 short llmu I'EUFECTLY CUKED. 1'ilce, tl. Liquid or Dry, Sold by diiiygists. Dry can be sent by mull. WELLS, IllCHAItDSON A CO., Ilillllnglen, VI Suudslimp ler Dairy Aliuatiiiu ler IsSI. KIDNBIT-'WORT. JIlUr.lKL. fOll UULU WKAIUMIMUW, Overcoats for Men, Overcoats for Youth, Overcoats for Beys. Our uieul h.ileitle Men Is u OVEUCOAT new ler dcc.Vced&w (S) I-or assistance te sight already linpilrccl, tlieie Is 110111tlllcl.il uldciiuiil te Iho Celluloid Kve-lihiMis. Fei sale by all leading Joweleis and Opticians. dU-lwdeed IllieKlun's Ariucil Mitlvti. Thugruutest mudtcal wemtur of the world. Win ranted te speedily etuti burns, llrulseu, CuLs, Uicers, Suit Kheiim, Fevur soles, CliU' curs, l'lles, clillblalns, corns, Tetter, Chapiied lliinds and all skill eriipllens, giiaraiiKied te ciue In uveiy tnstmice, or money leliimlud, S ceilU per box. Fer salu by Chas. A. Loeher. loia-lyeodAw lluinbUKt luiposterst Thieves I The ubove aiu tonus applied te thu unrelia ble and dUhuucst. Jlr. The nun' IMectrla Oil ler.ilnhthurla.ciiuiili. asthma, ilieiunat'sm. uud all iiches.spiiilns, and pains Is net u thing et deception but u pleasant letuedy. It Is honestly put up, honestly sold, nml does what Is claimed ler It. Fer sain by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1U7 aud Yi'l North Queen stteul. We Cliiilleiign the World. Wheu wu say we bullove, we have ovideuco topievo that Shlleh's coiiHiimntlen Ciue la duchltidly Iho beat Lung Meillclne mudu, In as much us II will ciue a common or Chioule Cough lu en e-hsll Um time uml rellove Aalh 11111, llreuuliKls, Whooping Leugh, Cieup, uud show 111010 cases of Coiisiimplieu cured than ull ethers. It will uuiu whuiu they lull, It Is pleasant te lake, harmless te the youngest child and wuguuruutoe what wu say, rrlte, inc., Me and tl.oe. it our Lungs atu seie, Chest or Hack lame, ube Shlleh's Pereus flus ter. Sold by II. II. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 mid lliu North Qiieen alreet, leb7-exl 1 A Wldii A tvit he llrugglat. Mr. Chns A. Lechor, Is ulwuya whlu uwiike In his business, uud spines 110 pains te aecuiu the best et every urucluiu his Hue. Helms. secured thu agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery ter Consumption. The only certain euro known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Heaisimujs, Asthma, liny Fevur, llrenchuls, or any infection of thu Threatuml Lungs, Sold oil peslllvu guiirun guiirun tte Will glve you n Trial Hettlo Fruu. Itrgu. liiriUe, (l.oe. Tlie Mew Tricycle. Tills machine Is propelled by steam, and w lit cn.try two people twenty miles In uu hour. It Is mild, ltlsqultunn lu volition but does net riitimiivn uitli Jlurdeek Jllued lllltert. which will curry Iho tnvultd along the 1011a te health le bout ull. Fer sale by II. II, Ceuhiun, drug KUt, 137 and U'JNeilh Qiieen mnei. TJAUKHK'aTUMU. Mether's Spiiiuing Wheel. Concernltiff One Artlcle That Was Net Fer tiale, uud Anethor Which Is Chenp At Any rrtce. "Ne, sir, 1 wouldn't sell you that for any money ; that spinning wheel was my methur's. It w us ene day, when she wils hinging llku u lark and niukliig this old wheel hum, that uiy father, then 11 young medic il sluitunt, uttor utter wurds u laimur, full tu levu with hur semu lllly yuatsiige." houneku tlie pioprleter et a rough bit el hum laud In Ulster county, N, Y., te a lellu hunter. and "mother's" spinning wheel ie liialued among hur uhlldiuu uud grandchil dren. "My mother," wiltesUev. .). W. I'IkiIih, pastor el .it, Paul's M. V. church, Chicago, "has used 1'aiikkii's TONIC, uml wishes mu te say that she has leund II mero ollecilve than anything shu ever ucd ler Invigorating and slionglheiilufC thu sys tem debllllated by mitluila. She desires mu also eupecliilly te mention the curtntuty with which it ntils digestion uud oveiceints ex ex haualleu." Ever since thu flrit household was establish ed," tuothei's "opinion has beuiiiuorepolonl 111 tins worm inaii initiei juugo.jiirisier puy slclau, Hur hand has always cooled thu lever and her volce has been tilled with bone. Willi euehiluy's decline I'AKKEK'S 'IONIC Is be coming 111010 uesiiveiiiy piinnur wun tuu women who guard alike husband nndeh'l diuu. It eradicates tualarlnl poison liem thu bleed, from which Ihuiu Is new ouch wide spiuad vVilteiliig. I'leasu ebservu i Dlt. I'AUKEU'S TONIC Is net tm iiitettcunt. II Is 11 combination el sev erst Ingredients, or which iintiu singly can pieilucu uuylhiiig llke Its eflect. Fer Kidney, Stemuch uud Liver Doubles 11 Is the sluuduid and iiittulllng leinedy. lulwuaUes; Mcents and (1. The latter thu uhuupui. Ilifecex .1 Ce., CheinUls New Yeik. deullmdued TTlUUKKH RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Is u pleasant, safe, speedy and aure iciuedy ler Coughs, Colds, llearteness, Asthnui, lu. tluuiiza, Suieuess el thu Tlueat and Chest, llieuchllls, Whooping Cough, Spitting et illoed, Inlluuimalluu of thu Lungs, unit uil Diseases el thu Chest uud Air l'aisaugcs. I'llcc, t!ec. itiiil 50c. :i llellle. 4-l'iiepaicd only uud sold by CHAS.A.LOCHER, NO. 0 EAST KINO ST. DAUK, HEAVY, UNLINED DIAUONAL OVERCOAT, Which we me felling at the Lew Price of $10.00. WogU'trnuU'elt sltluily puroiiU-weol nnd 11 jen think of puich islng be suie te aee It bo be bo teio buying. We have O vel coals el all gindes ami prices, and ate suie t pluuu you It you call. D. fi. Hosteller & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANtlASTKK. I'A. L. 1 ANSAlArt A' IlltO. swEi:riN uEuucneN, GANSMAN & BRO. 110 & 03 NORTH (JUEEN ST., Southwest Cor. Orange St,, POSITIVELY A8SKKT THAT THEIU IWs bcll-llncd In DUck ami Dark Oiuy, & is. cannot lie equaled uny whure In thn city ut less than i 10.00, uud thelr self-lined or lltied FINE FUR BEAVER MENS OVERCOATS, AT 7.00 & 80.00, AKE WOKTH DOUIILK THE MONEY. HOYS' MVKKC0AT.3 selling now'nalewna f 1 3), Urciit liurgulni for the next ten duya lu Men's Beys' and Children's Suits AND ODD 1'ANTd. Every Overcoat we have en our counter U from 'J te XI per cent. below vulue, and Is lu vurliibly lower In nrlce than elsowtiere. Loek uieuudund seu It this Is net the cns. L. Gansmaii & Bre,, N' Ol'lUfl lO TUK!lAH9rlt.1 1NI UUN. NE11S. All iioraena ure hereby loiblddeu te trespass onnnyet theliuiila et the Corn wall or Bpuedwull udlales, in Lebanon nml l.tinciuder counties, whether Inclesed or un Inclesed, either ler the purpose et sheeting or tlahtng, us thu law will bu lightly unlmcci! ugalnatull troapesalng en said lands et thu undersigned utter this nnttce, WM. COLEMAN FIIKKMAN1 It. l'KHOYALDEN, KDWA11D C. FKEEMAN, Altoniey ler It. W. Celuuuui's Hwir O'lUM" riUlK IIEST 1TIVI5 UBNTH.lV.lNA UIUAH X In the city. Maniifactured by myself and guaiaututtd te be tbe finest, ut IIAUTMAN'S YELLOW 'FICONT CIU.YK BTOHK. Tlie Faihlouable Kurcluuit Tailor ami Ulelbluis, Xes. NOKTI! UUEEN HYUEKT, tilgiitoiittieBouthwostC'iiruor et Orauge at. LANOASTKK, I'A. 9jT Net ceiuiecled with any ether .Clellilng llouse lu thu city. IN WA'l'OUKtl, ULOUUS Chains, Kings. HimicUcIes, Ac Uenalrlng uu mien DAllUAItsn I) .,1 ull litinlH will recelve mv norseuiu tlen, LOUIS WKUEK, Ne. 15'JH North CJueen btieet. ltutnemlHir namu and number. Ul tectly oppeslto City Hetel, near l'eunylvuna railroad doiet. deew lvtl