Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 20, 1883, Image 2

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iancaster flntelUgemxr.
TllH New Yerk beard of uldermpu I of patlcnoe for nu notresa, but thore nre
ive decided that the electric wires In boiue things that even the " pottte Barn "
The Kali Association.
The Western nail association has
determined that the works of lta mem
bers shall ccase manufacturing for six
weeks, the prices of nails te remain un
changed. The object Is te maintain
prices by reducing production, which
exceeds the demand. There nre mero
nail works than nre needed, and the
business used te be n very unprofltnble
one, before the association of the manu
facturers was formed. Fer seme years
under the association It has been profita
ble and no doubt will contlnue te be se
If the association can be main
tained. But there are times when
the bends of such associations nre
soverely tried. Jt Is net n pleasant thing
te step business and meet the cost of
maintaining the works whlle thore nre
nonreQts coming In. "When such sus
pensions beceme frequent, members of
the association who can manufacture
mero cheaply than ethers get tired
of the association's restraints; and
ether members who are net scru
puleus of their obligations seek
secretly te evade them. The final re
sult, in long periods of trade depression,
Is that the association falls te pieces and
the Individual members ceme under the
general law of the survival of the fit
test. The probability is that seme of
these days the nail association will suffer
this experlence.and we will have nails for
awhile nt u prlce below cost, as we used
te have. The nail men have been for a
geed while objects of envy te ether Iren
manufacturers, and the disposition has
been great, in all the branches of the
1 manufacture, te associate as they have
It is a question whether such associa
tions nre of ultimate public or private
advantage; and it is a mero p-nctlcal
question than that of free trade or pro
tective tariff. These associations work
much as a protective tariff te their
members. Their rules keep up the price
of their products te the consumer. If
the associations are net tee avaricious
and put the price of their goods at but a
moderate advance upon thelrcestlt may
be said that they de the community no
Injustice or harm ; for it Is net a
public benefit te have goods sell be
low thelr cost. Somebody has te
piy the difference ; and it Is the
creditors of the manufacturers, who pay
the piper for the dance, if it is net the
customers. The danger of the arrange
ment is that the manufacturers will put
their prices tee high, either because of
their greed or mere probably te protect
the members of the association who
produce their goods nt tee great cost. It
is net te the public interest that home
manufacturers, disadvantageous situa
ted for their work, shall be protected by
an undue tax upon the consumer. The
nail manufacturers' association does net
have a healthy leek. It ought net te be
necessary te step manufacture for se
long n period ns six weeks. Especially
at this season of the year, when the
work is most advantageously done, and
when the workmen can se 111 afford te be
idle. Nails are tee high according te
the price of iron; and it would have been
better te work off the surplus product by
dropping the profits instead of stepping
the works, though some of the concerns
did die In the effort.
that city must be put under ground and
the light companies hnve boenglveu two
years from the first of next May te com-
plote the construction of thelrllucs upon
the new syBtem. The constantly In
creasing danger of overhead lines
transmitting the death-dealing current
hnd beceme he manifest that net only
did vital public Interests demand the
Improved system, but the electric com
panies themselves conceded Its practica
bility and only asked for time tomnke
the necessary arrangements. In foreign
cities the underground system Is largely
used with great success and popular ap
preval ; In Philadelphia several squares
of it
aim it
or later all must ceme te this
and oxperienco has shown that street
improvements, nnd especially under
ground work, had better 1 dene sub.
stautlally and en the best possible plan
at the outset. The electric light is sure
te be a costly improvement in any event,
and while it is being adopted, cltie3 may
as well secure the best and the least
dangerous method of erecting it.
which attend
oannet brook. Whlle sojourning lu tne
United States alie was made the aubjoet of
mauy scandalous cartoons by the Illus
trated paper?, anil an l'dlsen incandoseont
light was thrown en her prlvnte life ami
moral, by morcllesa critics. All thin
hewever, was cndiued by her for the rca
son that in a commercial point of view It
was advantageous in makh g the publie
Heck te aee her. Hut te be insulted iu an
alien country and at home in sunny
France is vastly diflorent Sara thinks, if
otie may JuJgc from the severe horse
whipping the actress administered en
Tuesday te Marie Colembicr, the writer,
who has recently put en the literary world
have already been laid n satirical ami scurrilous biography
works chnrmlnalv. Seener I of the divine Sara. Weman herse-
whipping woman is net a pleasing
spojtacle te contemplate, but few will
en this account condemn the very effective
methed taken by the actress te vlndloate
her reputation
nrl In III
The Xtw Em evade3 the tesue raised
by its commendation of Select Council
man Evans criticism upon the mayor's
veto message. The mayor pointed out
that 1,600 could net ba taken from a
fund which did net have that amount
remaining in it; and that nethintr
should be taken from a fund which had
te meet expenses of double the balance
yet left te it. Mr. Evans declared that
these expenses were net due out of this
year's appropriations; the Intelu Intelu
eenceu says they are. The Nc Em
should gainsay this or admit it It will
net de for it te point with pride te Mr.
Evans' repeated re-elections te councils.
The iNTKr.MQENCEn lias been Just as
ready te praise him when he Is right and
te commend his merits as a councilman
as any ether Journal In the city. It is
when he condescends te " clap-trap "
nnd approves a policy in public affairs
that he would net for n moment counten
ance In private business that we point
out ids inconsistency. Ami when he
talks about "clap trap "he only In
dulges In it himself. lie talks very
carelessly te. Fer example, iu councils
the ether evenlng he said . " The gaso
line lamps are frequently net burning In
many parts of the city, but. the police
never report them, for the reason that If
they did se it would hurt seme persons."
"When the truth Is that the non-burning
gasoline lamps have been regularly ro re ro
perttd every day for years by the police ;
their reperts have been en file at the
station house for all whom they might
concern, and are new in the hands of
the lamp committee.
Seme of the difficulties
the Inability of the speaker te oblige all
the demands upon him by Importunate
members of the Heuse of Representa
tives for geed places en geed committees
will be relieved perhaps by the organiza
tion of a number of special committees,
te be composed as fellows Civil service
reform, thirteen members ; law respect
ing the election of president, thirteen
members , pension, bounty and back pay,
public health and liquor truffle, each
nine members; ventllatieu of the hall,
sven members, and American shlppinsr,
eleven members. The suggestive titles
of these committees Indicate that their
nlintrmnwalittw u-ill tin nlnrp of honor.
Certainly such subjects n3 civil service
reform, the electoral cortege ana Atnen
cm shipping nre bread enough te engage
the attention of enlightened statesmen.
As the move for these committees ceme3
from the committee en rules, it is te be
presumed that the prevision for them
rneeLs with the speaker's approval, and,
like as net, they will relieve him from
some of the terrific pressure te 'iich lie
is new subjected.
Oru esteemed contemporary, the Ami
Em, with eminent propriety, criticises
the action of councils In accepting the
Maxim electric light without inquiring
into the very important question as te
whether the lights furnished are actually
of two thousand candle power, as the
company agreed te furnish. Our con
temporary says very forcibly " This
easy geiug way of doing business is no
doubt very convenient, but it is net ex
nctly what the taxpayers have a right te
expect or what they looked for." The
Xeic Em is hardly consistent, however,
in maintaining that is always safe te
assume that Select Councilman Rebert
A. Evans' position upon questions which
arise in councils is "exactly what the
taxpayers have a right te expect.'
Fer in this instance Mr. Evans was one
of the most strenuous advocates of the
acceptance of the electric light in the
slip shed manner which the Ytie .'i"
se severely, but Justly, condemns.
ANuriiEii terror Is added te that no
torleus institution known as Hummers
hall. Out of the recent riotous proceed
ings there, related in our local columns,
have grown thirteen criminal prosecu
tions, te make business for the con
stables, 'squires and courts, and costs
for the county. It is bad enough that
such a place should be maintained by
the county. lie would le a man of
harmless Instincts, indeed, who could be
subjected te its associations without
bding incited te theft and every ether
kind of crime. Hummers' hall must go,
Civil. Hervice reform, expounded by
the Republican senators : Turn the Dem
ocrats out. The chaplain must go
UiiuiJTMAs from present appearances
will ba ushered in te tbe tune of the merry
elelgh bells.
Twisting the tail of the British lien by
Indignant congressmen may ba a very
pleasant diversion, but iu the light of
recent events, it cannot be said te be a very
profit ible occupation.
Onk of the most costly as well as pepu
lar Chrhtrnas decorations is the real
English mlatlotee. Perhaps geed reasons
for itH cost and popularity may ba dis
covered iu the faet that nny girl standing
under it may be kissed without warning.
Ne longer in Ilethlebum wumlur Ilu led,
Ne mera by Capernaum's ana
1 wenJur If kIUi te peer chllitren I meat,
Totl.e Utirlat-Uhtid m vrulcnmr wenlil lji
As though 11b wura still In llulh'tihum
Orthoetilldet UallliM).
Would Hi) say as Ilu unlit te tellnwer' et old,
'- luilM u unto iuet-'
The vivid realism of the women's
battle nt the public wash tubs of Paris,
us described In Zela's "JVAssomelr" is
paralleled In the accounts cabled hither
et the scene In M'lle Colembler's house
yesterday, when Sam Bernhardt chaiged
upon her with a horsewhip. Oneac-
emit Bays; "Celumbler turned and
fled, Sara darting after her, with the
rapidity of lightning, and lashing her
with her whip. The wild pursuit con
tlnued into one room and out of iiuother,
nobody being unable te step It, Sara mid
her Yictim Jumping ever chairs and
tables and dashing into a thousand pieces
etagercj, vases and pictures Sura nil the
time whipping Marie, who was shriek
ing witli pain and terror. At last M'lle.
Colemblor managed te escape by the ser
vants stairway, and Sara Bernhardt,
utterly exhausted, but revenged, with
drew." In all the wild gusts of passion,
which are seen iu her noting, this won
derful French woman has Bhewn no
such dramatie vigor as that which
marked this performance. And that
uhe Is a great actress was proved by the
fact that shortly after the exciting epl.
sode with her traducer she went te the
playhouse nnd bore out her pwrt in the
drama for which aim was cast.
Lanetuy had hotter neck for groener
pastures, as hnr ongagemouts for the pro pre pro
sentBoaaon have net been conspicuously
auocessful. Emigration te Australia is
rjapcctlully suggested. With the bread
Atlantie bUween Freddy Gebhardt and
hsrbolf.her mustard plaster capaeity for
drawing must be a lamontable failure en
this aide of the water.
Kuirai's loadershlpof the Heuso it a
tenfold greater failure than his speaker
ship. Toe result of his attempt yesterday
te dictate party aotien en the seating of
Skinuer, Doraeorat, from North Carolina,
was a meuumeutal fiasco. Hut one Re
publican oeuld be found te ngrce with him
aud the lest voted solidly against him. It
Is high tlme for the cx-apeaker te retire
within his box, pull the deer in after him
and thore forever remain,
It In an oxtreraoly frigid day wheu
Veni. i-, he weather prephet, ean net Hud
seme explanation for existing atmospherio
conditions, He doehtrod that the ruddy
glow of the western aky portended unusual
warmth during the latter portion of the
prosent month and mueh of Januaiy, und
thatMareh and April would probably sup
ply the oeld and snow lacking for the
former periods. If Venuer bellovea that
the present is the "midsummer weather"
ba bus predicted, It would be a geed thing
te roll him around in the anew awliile te
convince him te the contrary,
Baiu Di-.uHiunDT has a goodly amount
The heck Haven Daily Journal has sits
pended publication.
The Pittsburg Dispatch approves of
student juries for the settlement of cellege
"Nobody ought ever te set out te buy a
library, they must grew," declares
the 3Lra?ian.
The Philadelphia J'nts warns the Re
publican Mutater te go no further with
their changes of officers.
The West nereland Deme, rat will add
.-mother cel.imn te each page of its
sprightly paper en Jan. 1.
The Laucastei Ei tminer thiuks that the
clamor against passes is net becauie they
corrupt but because they are tee few.
The Fultea Dtneerat wants an agricul
tural society iu Fulton county ; ours
might be swapped for a geed jack
The Philadelphia Lt,lj(r thinks that no
ene is coucernHl uoeut what uen gross is
doing new when the one supreme topic is
The Philadelph'a Jleeerd declares that as
Christmas time approaches, scarlet fever
and diphtheria cannot keep paacc with Loe
ami llvmcu.
It was real mean of the French uatien,
says the Easteu Erprtt, net te give us a
pedestal te put the Hartheldi statue en,
aud they might have sent men ever te put
it up fei us.
Jimin Li. Wiiittieii was sevcuty sis jeats
old en Monday.
C0MltF-M.VS Tewnjiiem. of Illinois,
once served as a page iu the II01133
W. 1). Heweii.s novelist, and Mr.
Hctifrchel, of Bosten, art) writing a comic
opera in two acts.
Mn. L.vxeTr.i's engagement in Wash
ington city was by no means a tleaucial
success, though she made a social bit in
securing Senater Bayard as ausjrt.
Re. iln. Hi ks, of Washington says
' -there are at the Seuth graveyards miles
Ien tilled with Republicans." A great
many Republicans have died at the North
in the last twenty jears also. was pl.ijlng " Julius C.wiar," in
Macen, tl , en Monday uight. The
" supes " struck, and C'iuim, after wait
ing a gej-1 while for the soldiers, went en
and killed himself.
Bimiki- Ti'iu. of Pittsburg, who has
been cenvalesciug in Altoeua for eotne
months, suffered another stroke of paraly
sis e-j lu'sny, acu but little Iiope is
entertained ler his recovery.
Dn. Bi.i, of Constantinople, who
sailed from New Yerk a week ae, has
distributed mere than 1.000,000 bibles iu
tie East during the quarter of a century
of his suporintendence of the American
B.ble heciety's work in the Luvaut.
Jimes GoiiDeN Bennett is said by per
senn who have seen him iu Paris lately te
have beceme "prematurely old. His hair
is turning gray and he is se slew and
precise in mevement as an old man." Ills
chief amusement new i.s baccarat
Ex Senateii Tuien, of Colerado, is said
te have supplemented the order of his new
resideuca in Washington with the remark:
" lJiaiue. of ilaiue, may build a heuse se
big that Leiter, of Chicago, has te live in
it, but Taber, of Colerado, will show
thorn hew te build 11 Iie-jsj and hew ti live
in it, tee."
Gf.neuai. Snr.niinN will seen make his
annual pilgrlraage te hi.s old home in Ohie
te visit Ins unther. She is oighiy-three
years old, and the goueral never neglects
te vis.t her ence a year, and eftencr when
he can. Ue would be glad te have hnr
with him in his new home, but the old 1 uly
clings tenaciously te the homestead where
all the tlve children first saw the light of a
successful life. The old lady is proud of
her boys' success, and thoroughly enjoys
it, and they never fall te visit her and cheer
her declining years with their pro3enco.
Kmciisen years age delivering a lonture
in Boiteu, asked the reporters net te take
notes, , he dosired te roservo it for pub
licatien. One young man, in spite of the
request, continued te write mero Indus,
trieusly than ever. .Mr. Kmorsen glanced
inquiringly at him several times and at
length paused in his disceurse nnd said :
" In Hpite of my request net te
ba reported, I obscrve ene of the
gontlemcu at the press table is making
copious notes of my paper." In
stantly overy oye was turned unen the
offending Bcribe. But he was notdiscon netdiscon notdiscen
oortod. Rising from his Beat and loekiug
at Mr. Emorsen with an air of injured
honesty, he replicd "Ne, Mr. Emersen.
I was net doing anything of the klud. I
was busy writing en a pnvate work of my
own " And aueh was, indeed, the fact.
He was a writer of aerlal stories as well as
a news gatherer for the daily press.
A iltriutuel Youth l'itr
Spite 01 Her Motlier-Uthor
rences e( IntereJt.
Thursday night a barouche, which was
beiug driven from the Milage of H'arville
te the Bruce farm, near Menree, ami in
which thore wcre thtce ladle, met a car
riage about midway between the farm and
the village As the vehicles turned aside
for ene another te pw. i'" of the lviies
spraugoutef the Inrouehe aud ran e.ick
toward the carriage. She called out . (
" Lu, Lu, they nre taking raebn-k
Simultaneously the 'we ethei l.ulics
sprang from the barouche ami the man
alighted from his carriage. He ran te
meet the lady who had called te htm He
caught her in Ills arms. aud. hurrying back
te his carrlage, helped hoi in. ami, spring
ing te lieralde, drove away wuu " "
en n run. The ladies hurried Im-'k te
their baroueho, and, turnmi H"'lr "l,rse
nbeut, started iu pursuit of the carriage.
When the latter reached the Mllae it was
driven te the residence of Sume Panes.
The gentleman gave as his inme I.ueien
H. Bend, and the lady's as 1....0 Bruce.
Thojustice was requested t murytnem,
which he did. The ceremony was barely
ever wheu the barouche uiiwm at t te
'squlreV, and the two ladies hurried in.
When they saw that fie) were tee 'ate.
oneof thorn gave wy te a ie!entlltH
weeping, but finally gre c mpe5Cd,
kissed both the bride and br. legroom, and
the party all left together.
The Widow HriK-e's faii.i was one r
the best in Northeastern lVtms Wants.
Among the help she hvl u i.ituv.ue it for
her was a young urn mined I.-uun
B. Bend. He was a cmmenfuin
laborer, but a yeuug man -f geed a hires-,
fair education and nspei table family. His
father was a preach r, and having
been a widower seme ran., proposed te
llin Wlilnw Hrnr. r!lil wit .WCCI'ted. ll'S
sudden death a e..r age prevented the
union. Yeung Bend fell m 1 we with the
widow's daughter l.-i. e. who te
turned from bending school last
fall. The attachment was mutual, but
Mrs. Bruce was bitterly opposed te it, and
when young Bend asked ter Lusie's hand
the mother net only re(ued te consider
the proposal, but premt' y d.schargcdhim
from her employ.
Last Thur9d.1v altera kl Miss I.iz.e
told her mother hhe was g n te0.1i: eti a
yeuug lady liviug a mile i.r se from the
farm She had net returned at T o'clock
in the evening and Mrs Hre:i suddenly
had suspicious. She went t Lune's
room and discovered enough te cenclude
that her daughter had p-ui te Searvi'le
nnd would meet her I ur there. Mrs.
Bruce at ence erdi red her horse and car car
rlace and btaitcd fr the village te step
the proceedings. hc f mud her daughter
and with the aid of a la 1 fner.d compelled
her te get in the biroucheand return with
them. It was en the way home that they
met young Bend en his way te the roude--veus,
unaware of the fact that Mrs Bruce
had discovered all aud had captured Liz
zie. The latter knew thai they must nec
essarily meet him en the read and formed
the plan which she mf s success,
been a authority, Bald " Thore
is no use lu disguising the faet that Boarlet
rover Is opldemlo In Atlantic City, lu fact,
Is worae than at any ether tlme for twenty
yenra paat I have fifty eases uuder my
care," he added. Thodlseasehasnssnmed
a form whleh alToetH the sutl'erera with
th,t ailment almllar te that produced by
diphtheria. Thore are as mauy uh five
chlldreu ill in 0110 family. The death rate
baa been comparatively atiuill. thore only
having been eight fatal easeH within two
tltciulA UUI111 Ue Will He u Hnnnier
from New Mexico.
At Denver, Cel., Stephon W. Hersey is
just new attracting rt geed deal of ntton ntten ntton
tien, net only lu connection with his
ranch, but iu political circles in the West.
A gentleman who met him, en belng ques
tioned as te Dersoy's future oareor In
politic, stated that Dersoy bad bceu per
Bccuted te n very great oxtent by Ida
former frlends lu the Republican party ;
that he fcela that he is belug estracised by
hi.s party, nud that he is determiued te
have rovengo.
" Mark the prodletiou, Stephon W.
Dersoy will be the first Republican Houa Heua Heua
ter from New Mexico. He is popular
with the party in New Mexico, will use
every olTert te go te Congress, and will be
successful boveud n doubt. AimHuAtlni,
will be made te Congress shortly toenablo
New Mexico te adept .1 new constitution,
and this will be quickly followed by the
admission of that torrltery Inte the union
of states."
return lratiU umrjr Interctt,
The lortheoraiug report of the secretary
of the state beard of ngrlculture shows
that the value of dairy produets in this
for the past year wan i 10,0-19,100. The
average price of butter twenty tlve centa
per pound ; of ohecso, twelve centa ; milk
par quart, four centa ; nnd of dairy cows,
10; whlle tue cost was twenty cents for
butter, elght cents for chcese, thice cents
ler mini ami ?du leriiairy cows. '1 lie vnlue
of the grass crop, R,U2n,!)09 tens, is placed
nt 81,8i0,020. The annual value of
coreals Is said te be $72, 101,730 110, whleh
included 13S,00Obii8helB of barley, 093.320
bushels of buekwheat, 103,021 buBhels of
rye, and 10,102, -m bushela or wheat. The
number of homed cattle in the stnte is
1.7-10,227, nnd thelr value, $31,080,100.
rhoie are 2,827 establishments for sawing
lumber : value of Bawed lumber, 22,W,
UjO ; ulne allk inauufacturerB : value of
raw Bilk, $1,8,07,705. The gresa value of
manufactured produeta Is $3, -101,810.
KluplliK nun lilt Wits' Mister.
In Mftoeu, Cla., Miss Lljtzle .lencs met
Mr. E. Sluelalr nt a caudy pulling, and
later became Ida wife, be met bis new
wlfe'a 14 year old aistcr.te whom he at ence
begati te pay attention. This aroused the
wlfe'a jenleusy, nud the matter beoume
publie, Sinclair eloped with his wlfe'a
bister In the direction or Atlanta, and the
the lata mother-ln-law und wife are in
pursuit of them,
The Iteinitrliable ..larltai aililiapi lu
I'reinlneuc llaluinure l'mully.
Henry Herbert, M. P., of Ireland, en
whose estate are the Lilies of Killaruey,
whose wedding with Miss William, the
wealthy hcircs3 of Baltimore, was broken
oil se abruptly a few m jnths age, anived
at Baltimore en Tusdiy night, aad his
presccce has caund a nppb 111 social
circle. Varijui statem-nts were made
about the postpeneruoat of th wedding
ene that Miss Williams had bon sen
eusly Injured while riding en horseback,
Herbert said that he came expecting
te wed Miss Williams, aid net until
he called at her father's rcs.deuce did
he knew that the engagement wah te
be finally broken. The plea new n that
Miss Williams is still an invalid. Heru.rt
will remain for seme time. Miss Williams
is a society belle and i-nmcntely wealthy.
Her father, Geerge II Williams, is presi
dent of the Maryland Senate. A brother
of Mm Williams su Idecly left Baltimere
about two years age, after cards were out
for the wedding or a Mi-s Hazlitt and
himself, having assigned hit, prepjrty te
his father iu trust. Great scandal ensued,
the father of Mr. Williams being credi'cd
with having ad vifed the abamienmint or
the proposed wedding However, a year
laUir young Williams n'-eiaidercd his
aotien, returned, w.n fer.1 en by Miss
Uazlitt and they weie mar '. d, and the
son subsequently med the father for the
annulment of the trust deed These two
rcmarkable ovents in ene family of such
great wealth and social prominence natur
ally cxclte eritic'sm net altogether e a
kindly character.
Sarah llernti.irilt Makri na Anult
At Paris "Sarah Ilwuum," the
biography of Sarah Bernhardt, writtei by
her rerincr friend, Marie, has
bcen the cause of a duel between friends
of the women and et a scndaleus quarrel
ueiwccn tne actress aivi the author. Sarah,
incensed because she was described as a
"ahe Barnura," asked the pohce te eoise
the book. The pohce replied that che
must seek redress at the civil tribunal
Sarah, with her son, proceeded en Tuesday
te Marie Colembior's resideuca and struck
the author of the book in the face with
her riding whip with her full ferce. Marie
tied, puraued by Swab, who smashed
everything iu her wiy. Moanwlnle the
friondaeftbo women indulged in a frce
light in another part of tl.e heuse. It is
stated that theaifair will .ad te a number
of duels.
A YUU.IO Ml.N 8 (,llh i uitnii.,
In n Drunl'nn rreKy He I'nta the Theat ul
M i.H.l.i.nn ,1Ulll)tII.
At Jellct. Ills., Wednesday mnmir,,.
about 2 o'elock, cries of 'Htjlp"' "Mur
der !" woie heard en the second lloerof the
Auburn heuse. The b iardern wcre aroused
aud the night clerk proceeded up atairs
just in time te ace the head cook Mrs
Jane Haycock, fall te the tloer witli
bleed Btreamlng down ever the front of her
uight dreaa. Ooergo Preestume, who was
ene of the boarder, had entered Mrs
Hayceck'a room and bound her te prevent
her Bereama nnd then assaulted her When
he had finished his fiendish work he
atartcd te leave the rejm, when Mrs Hay
cock, recovering her annses, Kave v'ent te
tcrrlble Acreams. 'I .) conceal what he had
done ami mevent exposure, Froeatuue
rushed back, drew a large knife and delib
cratolyeut the woman's threat and lied,
anrtimclnrv tin 11 til bill&.l l. I
....,.,.-...,, ...... .,.,, m7r. wniccra wcre
Bummened, nnd lu a few minutes the cul
pilt was under arrest. Freestunowasgiven
a preliminary examination, and was held
te answer In 20,000 bends'. Thoprseu
Is a geed looking man, about twenty three
years old. When .net10nec! about the
crime he admitted 1,1. Ruilt 1Ie ,d ,
had bcen with the wemu fmm mi.ii... .
that he had been drinking and ,11,1 h,.V
, ...1... 1... .. . , .-
niiutY Yvnav tiu xaa ueitij.
dced was the outceina el
,, urn. mac the
fill nl.l I.
Mia. Hayoeok Is net oxrwetod te leoever
l'4ine ut it rutterl Srrvlee.
At Princeton, Wis., about ttOO men,
wouieu nnd children gathered In church te
attend the fuueral of Mra. laue Molutyre.
As the pcoiile arose te their feet in ro re ro
apenso te a feature of the Bervico the cen
tre el the lloer gave way, settllug n ills
tance of aix feet. A panic ensued and the
greatest excitement prevailed. The pco pce pco
ple wcre dumped into the cellar in
a prouiheuoiis heap. The broken fur
nace poured forth volumes of smoke,
adding terror te the scene. The tloer had
given way be na te form a V, and in the
coutre were piled oeplo and benchea In In
dlscrimiuately. Every window in the
building was shattered, and, though men,
women and children were plled upju each
ethers In layers, screaming, kicking, pray
ing ami lighting, when all the crowd
escaped from the building it was found
that no ene was dangerously hurt, al
though mauy bad fingers aad ether bones
broken and mauy were painfully crushed.
After the excitement had subsided the
corpse was gotten out of the debris, taken
te auether ehurch and the funeral services
I'uultrj Thiel Hhet.
Charles Highter and Harry L. Loep,
Montgomery county farmera, wntehlue for
poultry thlevea, saw thrce men nt their
chicken coop bagging turkeya nud fired.
One of the thieves dropped whlle two lied.
1 nree uirKeys uau already been put in a
bag and just as Frederiek Brenig, a junk
dealer of Nornstewn, aged 50 years, was
steeping te bag a fourth turkey hia legs
from thigh te heel wcre riddled with ahet.
He was committed te jail aud ia suffering
excruciating pain. Over ene hundred Ne.
4 ahet are imbedded iu bis legs. His ac
cemplices, Jehn Keonig nnd Lewis Kraft,
who say they hail from Philadelphia, but
who were recently released rrem the Mont
gomery county jail arter serving sontencea
for chicken stealing, were also arrested nnd
In (luvernineut Department.
Our minister te Sweden informs the
state department tint, en the 24th el April
next, direct steam communication between
tbe United State, and Sweden will begin.
It will be continued monthly thercafter
botweeu New Yerk and Gothenburg, under
tbe auspices of the North German Lloyds.
During 1-S2 Sweden Imported e2,000,000
worth of wheat, mostly from Deumark.
Mr. Curtis, of the commission appointed
by the president te luvcstigate diseases
among awine, baa just returned from tbe
West, and reports that "there is a great
deal less disease among Western awine than
has been reported."
Uptln Oorden' Uailjluc l.ove.
At Jersey City Captain Gorden was
looking at the snowdrift in the courtyard
of the Hudsen county jail tvhen he wan
naked what he thought of his oeuvictlon.
" It la an outrage The child loved me nnd
it nearly broke her heart te tear her nway
from me. She would never have denied
her affection for me had she net beeu
coached at home. I Intend te appeal from
the verdict or tbe court in which I was
trled, and I leek confidently for an acquit
tal. If I had bcen acquitted I would have
married the girl, for my love for her has
net diminishes!, although she told lies be
fore the jury."
Uenlalul uti AUU in nc.miUI.
The secretaries of the beard of home
missions of the Presbyterian church have
issued a Btatement in which they Bay, with
regard te the mission and girls' school at
Fert Wrangle, Alaska, that there have
been seme differences as te methods of
work and seme unpleasantness and excite
ment in the Bchoel and the town whieh
ttiey doplero, but that the account acnt
from San Franclace Saturday laat te a
New Yerk evenlng paper, alleging that
tbore has been impreper relations in the
school and that ene of the missionaries
has elaimed te be a second Christ, ia
wholly untrue.
An Excited Irishman.
A young man yesterday rushed into the
naturalization bureau in New Yerk, left; a
letter en the olerka' desk nnd ran out.
The letter was addressed te the judges or
the courts or common pleas, aud signed
" Jehn Jeseph Ryan, a citlzen or the Irish
Republic." It contained the writer's na
turalization papers, dated Octeber l!i,
1830, and a note, whieh said that " he
wished te have his uame erased rrem the
Amoriean citizenship roll, booking bow
Amoriean oitizena wero atrung up unmer
cifully In England, whlle othera wero al
lowed te langulah In prlsDn."
Alnnltelm Tlk el Hecetileii.
At Winnopeg, Man., the meeting of the
Manitoba and ixertuwcsi rarmera- union,
epened Tuesday morning. A committeo
was appointed te draught a conBtltutlen.
Resolutions prosented by aome of the dol del dol
egatca advocated taking measurea te roreo
the rederal governmont te rccognlze the
rights or Manitoba, and urged In the ovent
of failure Iu this, the withdrawal of tlie
provluce from the confederation, liie
foellug or the meeting was In favor et all
legitimate efforts te secure the rodresa or
Ujlnc et Triclilnetli.
At Hloemlngton, III-, a German uamed
Gell. hia wire, aen and bIz male boarders
residing with thorn, are all 111 with trloh trleh trloh
inesis. They wero nfieoted two weeks,
but the nature or the doeoaso was net
known until Wednesday. They had been
eatlug Bausnge made or raw perk from
liega ralacd by Gell. Mlcrosceplo examl.
nation allowed that the perk waa fairly
swarming with trieblna). Gell will die,
na will hia beu, the ether cases net being
se sovero,
liver the HIMe-lnridcnt ami Atcldeiil-
Thn Drill of DlixtiMlnii-Hpriiw I
Iruiii ilu, Keytienii.
DickliiBen collego, Carlisle, la te have a
new aclontllle building. The oellogo ia
enjoying ut present a most prospcieus ex
steiice. It raised nearly $100,000 laat year
In contributions.
Andrew Cairns, 11 H.1I0011 koepcr lu Phil
adelphia, has died from the effect of liiju
ties alleged te have been indicted with n
beer glass by August Pot.eld.
.lnmea Mendham, nbeut fifty years old,
died iu Philadelphia horn the elTecU of
accidentally swallowing a amnll tin te.
uacce tag which was hlddeii In a pleoe of
1111-111. 1111 wiia filling.
The Carllsle brass band will eolubr.ite Its
twenty.niglith auniveraary en New Year'a
'A'BJl1'. ''"or twonty.eight yenra Prof. L.
y. i-aoernas been its leader and two of
na oretiiora and live of his runs are mom mem mom
bera or the band.
Chrlstopher Hoebnor, Ter many a
promlnent citizen of Norristown, Pn 1ms
died lu the 73th year of bis age. Ilu was
for many years n momber of the town
council nud school beatd or Norristown,
aud was largely Interested in lallread and
ether companies.
Jehn L. Wllseu, for ever eight years
chief elerk at the Glrard heuse, Plnladcl
phla. died auddeuly last Sunday night iu
the St. .lamca hotel, Baltimere. The do de
ceased Bovercd his conuectlon with the
uirartl heuse evor a year age und went
Seuth, fiunlly locating iu Baltimore.
Jehn Blekle, a young married man,
living In Crnnberry township, Venango
county, wns lustiuitly killed whlle at work
en Last Sandy read, making stave belta
He get lu the way or a falling tree nnd a
bough striking him ou the head knecked
his braina out.
W. II. Mnrkle.
I lAI.m,
Three llnnilrcdOhUUrenj,,,,,, le b ,, M
The reaidentaef Atlantie City aroexclted
ever a eoarlet fever i)t,i,i,.mi i."
Ik 1 1
rareutanre Kcepiug 1 iu m.h.i. jk":
nUending the public school by advice of
thelr physlclaus. There are 1 300 ehll?l
there, nnd of thatnuinl,,.... i'..SL,',ren
,1,, x..;iir.M...,i;,.i .""' "u-iu,yw are
de A-n with the dread dixtm
.awirding te
A t.lmi, UIakIj c ,. 1 .
Willard Wright, who for twenty jcarahw
A Vuung Wouieu Wne KCiaiee w -..
I.uylnyutte Times.
Great Intorest is belng oxelted in the
case of n young lady from Bedford, Inn.,
who hns been in ttie city for the past
twontythreodayB, during vrhleh time Bhe
net tasted loed or water, and bids fair te
outdo Dr Tanner In her fast. The young
ladvinquostlen, Miss Industry, la stepping
at Ne. 25 Seuth Fourth street, and oame
te this city te fill a position In the new
oeurt house. The heuse in whieh ahe is
stepping la closely guarded te keep out .the
curious who Heek dally In front of the doers
and windows In erder te get a peep.
nmminiuit Inu-i... nf
Chamberaburg, dled nt the Giiard house,
Philadelphia from paralysis. The do de
coased the hotel en the night
et the 12th instant, and ahertly after
taking aupper was Hei.ed with i.iralyais.
The atroke lasted for nearly .1 week.tlnally
eliding Iu hia death.
Four Geriuaus wcie nrreated ou Wedncii
day nt Steelten for stealing coal from
Pennsylvania railroad cars. Oflicera who
have been investigating the muter atate
that tweuly.uliie heusca nleng the railroad
were visited by them, aud all but two had
a full supply of coal known te have been
atoleu. Some of the heusca had coal
enough te IIP up the nutire cellar. Mere
arrests are te fellow.
i.itk nuiNcs or -mi: wekiu.numi'.n.
llinSIHteer i.RI,ir Tlireni;liiiut Till- Hlnl
inner nmire-sillM Oliiifxi-Tiirrnl-onte
Mrlke? uruitlni: Online.
The coal lar distillers of the I'mtcd
States wcre in confcrenci' esterdiy at
Clovelnnd, Ohie.
Werk at thodiilerontcolliories iu Netth.
iimberlaud cuunty, Pa., was suspended
yesterday until thu 2tth inst., throwing
12,000 ompleyes out of work.
The Velta ireu works at Apelle, Pa.,
which shut down two wceka uge because
of a atrike, lesumed yesterdaj, the men
accepting a reduction or wages.
A despatch rrem Pittsburg sajs that
Manchestcr iron and steel company's rur
uace, employing 300 men will huspend
operations ou Saturday.
It Is reported from Pittsburg that a strike
Ter the district price will begin today
among the miners of the third ioel. About
1 .-.11 .-
The galvanlzera in Oliver & Reberta'
mill, at Pittsburg, struck yesterday be
cause non union men took the places of
the machinists who (.truck two weeks
The western association met ester -day
in Pittsburg, nnd resolved te .suspend
operations from the 29th inst. te the 1 1th
of February a period of six weeks. Ne
change was made iu thu card rate. The
auspensien will threw out of employment
several thousand men.
Early Wednesday morning anew began
te fall, and continued until 3 o'elock in the
nfterneau, covering the ground te .1 depth
of thirteen inches, and stepping every col
liery in Northumberland county. All the
passenger trains wero belated. The
t'hiladelphia and Heading oeal and iron
collieries 111 the county suspended until
the day after Christmis, Over a thousand
men nud beya are thrown idle.
The 3,000 men employed iu the National
tube works, at Mclveeapert, ware notified
Wednesday morning of a general reduc
tion of wafcs, te go into effect Jauuary
1. A committee of welders had an inter
view with the mauager, J. II. Flagler, of
New Yerk. He informed them that, he
was paying higher wagca than any ether
pipe mills iu the country, and, in support
or his statement, agreed te pay the ex
penses eT a delegation of thelr own choea
ing te go nreund the different reilln and
sce for themrelvcB.
Grewing diillness ia reported in the mauu mauu
factering interests in various portions of
Connecticut. The Pratt & Whitney Cem-
fany, manufacturers of machinery in
Iartferd, have reduced thelr roreo of work
men from 700 te 500, nnd are cenBidering
thoexpodionoy of a reduction in lime te
eight hours daily. The large brass manu
factory in Waterhury has made a tlme
rcduotien and several ether lactenes tnoie
nre running only four or five days iu the
week. It ia reported that the Wlllimnntie
Thread company, nt Willlmantie, will
redttce its operations, nnd is considering a
preposition te sell its Ne. 4 mill, recently
finished, te the Pulman Car company.
The Wllllmantic company employs about
1,000 hands.
lluinrit been Again,
The Hoatnatewn correspondent of the
Lebanon Timti reports that a certaln
Boheolmastor residing near Ephratn, losing
himself whlle out upon the Hahnatewii
mountains recently, inquired the way te
Ephrata from a stranger. After having
glven the Information, the latter turned
te the toaehor with this startling remark :
"Sir, de veu knew me ?" The reply
was or oeurso in the nogative. Imaglne
the consteiuatiou or the goutleman when
he rcpllel, in clear, ringing tenea :
"I am the noteilous outlaw, Abe Buz
zard." Ne aoenor waa this said thau he
turned nnd waa lest In the deptha of the
roreat, leavlng an extremely ac.ircd per.
aonage in amazement and pcrplexlty.
rineil ler Mtflcli fjubicrlptienn.
The Delaware Itlvent Lancaster railroad
oempany has entered suit ngainst sovera!
subscribers te the stock of the oempany,
rcaidlng In the vlelnlty of Churohtewn,
who have failed te pay the iiistalmecta
due en thelr atoek. The easos wero beard
by Alderman McConemy yesterday, nud
judgment was ontered agaiuat the defend
nuts In nil the cases. Similar milts have
been entered against aaveral ether atook ateok atoek
holders residing in Chester comity.
UliwrBOii Willi Litreeuy.
Jeliu Ray nud Curley Shay went te P.
8. Albright'H liquor store nud asked for a
quartef whisky. Having seemed the oxhil exhil oxhil
erating boverage they retreated deuble
qulek, without paying the bill Complaint
was made against them, and yesterday
Ray was arrested aud committed for a
heating by Alderman Samson. Shay la
belng looked for by the police.
OOl.unilllA ju-.wm.
rrem Our ItrKiilur Oerrr-iitinitm,
Themns llatnaker'a grocery Btoie has
been closed by Ida eroditera. The proprie
tor has been nbseut from town since Men
day, Inst, Although unpleasant rumors
nre alleat concerning hia dlaappoarnueo nt
mi el 1 a time, his friends atnte that he was
unaware iff the nppioaehlng notion or
Ida creditors und did net leave for that
roaneii. A day or two will probably make
the mattnrolearor.
Anether di8apoaiauce has caused con
siderable, comment. On Saturday a woek
age, Jacob Boek, a Locust street nhoo nheo nhoe
innkor, announced his Intention of visiting
Philadelphia for the purpose or laying In
a new atoek iff lenther, but slnce then
nothing has bcen heard iff him. llin
housoheld goods have bcen removed te a
plnoe unknown and Ida wffe'a whereabouts
ia also a matter of doubt. VarlmiB nur
mlses hnve made as te his roasena for this
notion, but nene, probably, ceme nny
where near the truth.
Hound -low 11 oriels,
Osoeel.i Red Men meet te-night. A
21 hour clock nt Mra. Hoeth'n clgnr atom :
four electric oleoka lu the It. it C. It. It.
station, and a candy heuse lu Sharp'-,
conrcetionery window nre uotnble objeots
or popular intorest. The Mt. dim A. M.
P.. festival will oentinuo after Christmas,
Citizens bind talk of new uniforms. -Mr.
Geergo R"dseekcr, en Third street, Is
entertaining Mr. Samuel alaymaker, or
Laudater Mra. A. IC. Molllnger, aim
and daughter, are visiting Philadelphia.
Winter Weather.
Sleighing nbeut here Is line and the
young folks will roeii have the hllla lu
geed condition for coasting. Then for
coasting accidents, most of winch, by llm
way, result from carolessness. All who
owned or could procure turnouts wero en
Jeying the alelghlng te day, and the merry
giiigliug of the bells made the htrceta
qulte lively.
Whetlter the ion melts away or net,
linvigatinu en the Pennsylvania eatial Is
otided for this Bonsen, all of the water late
ly In it having been dinwu,
This merulug the reads iu MeuutlBethel
pometory were opened with a snow plow.
This leuka as though the anew was pretty
Alter the llml lly
The beya who defared the It. iV ('. rail
read depot recently were rilled upon by .1
policeman or that 101 1 yestciday, mil
compelled te premise te romevo the offend
ing marks. They did ae lnt night by tin
aid of a light. They are net llkelv l-.
repeat the aet, and the affair should be u
warniug te ether beya The cempauj
intends te punish M-vorely allceara of dn
facomeut of it property, nnd all loafers
about the depet are te be arrested,
nent Oiiirti
Five hard (joking eases wero taken ti
the ceuuty prison by Oillcer Mtruek tin.
morning thren for 10 days iuch and tw..
for f daya each. Drunken ami diserderlv
conduct was the oharge against all. The)
looked like fellows who would net ebjeit
te a briuf residcnce .11 a place of the kitn'
they wero sent te, especially during cold
weather. Bread and water ia said te be
the diet at the "castle," and after n'i'i
er this treatment thej may give tins cenn
ty a free rauge.
Alter the Hwliinu Krrier
Twe saloon keepers are te he iirodceulcd
by two wemen of this boieugii ene for
selling liquor te intoxicated pontens aud
the ethor ler sidling it te minera. When
the wemen taki held of a matter hke thh
there Is trouble brewing for somobedy.
Nurrew jJicane,
Lustevenlug n roan who deslred te take
lUHsage en the (1:20 tralu for Quarryvllle,
ran down West King street just na the
train was moving out of the depot. The
ear wheela giazed hia font and he was
picked up terribly filghtened, but net
mueh hurt,
TIIK lltlMSIKIl.-l
righting hdU jnlln- In iinininer'4 Hull
Thatpartel he Line inter ceuuty jail
was never a ry swet t scented bower,
and Ite eccuianta have never been regard
cd as modelh et refinement and propriety.
Quarrels among them nre of frequent
occurrence, aud they atcal from ene au au
other aa occasjen ell'era But it ia enl
ence iu a while that thoje troubles reach
the ears of the outside world. A fewdaja
age a pier German naiuid Carl Petersen,
having no home, wnsceainutitd at hia own
request, bv a Columbia justice of the peace,
and as is usual in sue!, eves, he was lenked
up in Bummers' hall. He had aevcral
dellara iu money, and rather hotter cloth
ing than his associates, and 11 light at ence
commenced for jiossessien or them.
Petersen's money, coat and hat wero taken
from him, and he was given a torribte
thrashing aa a warniug net te make nnj
fuss nbeut it. This morning he was dis
charged, and made complaint before Squire
Spurrier against Themas Leng and Richard
Millnr, w he are htlll in j ill, charging them
with lobbing and a-saul'lng him.
Jeseph Haul: and J is. Myers, who nre
alsoinmatea of Bummera' hall, accuse the
game defendants of robbing them of
twenty marks, which they had In their
nosseasiou when committed te jail. De
talners have been ledged with the pruen
keeper te held the accused for a heariug
befere Aldermnii Spurrier at the expirn
tien or their terms of service.
Blcsl Futtorer charges Themas Leng,
Richard Murray, William McLaughlin.
Thomaa Casaidy nud William King, hum
mrra, with stealing from him en Thursday, handkorehlefs and about 2 in
money. The accused will bogiven a beat
ing bofeio Alderman Spurrier.
Election nnd In-tnltatliiu.
At a regular atatcd meeting et Goodwin
Council Ne. 10, It. S. and 8. M held at
Masonic hall, en Wodnesday evenlng, De
comber 10th, the following were oleetod
and installed rduVers for the Masonie year
beginnlng mi bt Jehn's Day, Dccctnbei
27th, by P. T. I. G. M., Wm. J Ford Ferd Ford
ney :
T. I.O. M.-Je-hiu L. Lyte
I). I. G. M. Dr. Jehn It. Merris.
P. O. el W.-J00I S. Eaby.
Treasurer Charles A. Helnltsh.
Recculer Hugh S. Gnra.
Hep. te G. Council Wm. J. hoidney.
Xlis Military Cuinpany.
The Lancaster military company have
secured Exoelakr hall, en East King
street, for au armory. They are having
gun racks nnd olesots put up, which will
make a very h-amlsome llnisti, ami tney
think they will have 0110 or the llncM
armeilcs In the atnte. They will take pes-ee-sinn
of their new hall en Monday even
Ing, Decembi-i 31, when the members are
ordered te assemble 11 1 thelr pu-aent
armory, Huberts' hall, and proceed in
heavy inarching onler te their new quar quar
tera. Next Monday night belng Olnwtraas
ove there will be 110 drill of the oempany.
Ohiirued IVIIIi AMwiilt i.ihI llnltery.
Merrla Levy lias breu.jht a auit of
assault and battery against Michael Mo Me
Gllnn, alderman el the Fifth ward, before
Alderniau Bnir. Like all aflnlra of this
kind, there are twn sides te the story, and
the facta will be developed at a heailng.
It nppears that a man uamed Morlskew
had 11 beating boleiu Alderniau MeGlinn
yesterday. Ijevy, as a fiiend or the do de
fondant, ntteuded the hearing aud boeamo
somewhnt oxeltod ever the aldermaii'n
doclslen. The men ilually took heldn,atd
thla Milt la thu result.
AlnyeT'4 Court.
This morning the mayor had cloven
cases bofero him. Ten lodgera wcre dla.
charged and ene who hnd been te the
atntleu hoiiBe bolore was committed (or 10
Danher Damaged.
Ab Ed. Harnheld was dilvlug en North
Quecn street his tiersa ran upon the pivo pive pivo
tnent In Irent of the Washington ouglne
bouse nnd smashed iu the dasher of
J slelgh te whleh he was barncsccd.