tilfiilj ' ! Jtmfa, I'JhtiS ntaiywAji a .emvMtvi W-.t-Vatiivr hIiepJ lld' ejJt SHU IlW iHlitlV" 0 .T '3.T3 E) 1tii lnHJfoew VNi"'l lOiil.- irrTfitUTt: CJ" '''" Velume XX-Ne )l. JLANCASTEK, 1A.. THURSDAY. DECEMBEK 10, lubU. ' r Until J liner H rti. I'l (Vit roe JMJV QTIIAWIIIIIIHIK & Vt.OTlllKK, PIANO - AND TABLE COVERS. Tim HOceml nlilpmcnt, consisting nr uvrn eacs nl our celebrated Tonquin Table Cevers, Kcaehcd hi u few daya u?, anil nra even inore handsome (if Unit bu posil pesil posil Me) than tlie fits! let, which neM he rapidly. We liave them In Eight Different Colorings, Ami tlie (nllenliiK clot 5'l 6-'li 7 4 1 S-4, 8-ie and 8-ie. 11 Is almost Impossible lOprillsOlllCSO Reeds tee highly. Tlie coleilngs re Hetlchnnd ctlectlvn nntl the pi Ice se very moderate Hint tliey should meet nil tastes and suit all purn-. Our sleck et Raw and Spun Silk and Fine Tapestry Table and Piane Cevers li new complete nml following nlr.es comprise tlie 3-4, 2, 2 I 2, 3 VDS. LONG. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Kightli Street. Market Street. Gilbert Street. PHILADELPHIA. riKt, KAII il'.sillUU. UAIIt'H OM) NO 14 EAST -KING STREET LANOAHTKIt, PA. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and A fu I l.lnoet Ladles' i nil illdrun's COATS, Silk Plushes ey the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our Dress Making Perlnis are en the teennd and third fleer, where Dresses, Costs, Cloaks and Delmans urn lundn at short netlcn. l'urfiTt lit nml nillDtuctlen Kuiunntecd, whiithi'r i;(kkI. ure purchiKiid ticrn or hmu te bu lmulinip from nutiwhore. Geerge Fahnesteek. 14 EAST KING STREET. - - - Lancaster, Pa. rr.viiitmu and ,! IIIIN l. .MtNOI.I), PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, CSTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 16 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. it v has (lltANOKK rKttl'll.l.Ml te. J JBXTMJNr OerapQBOtl of Pure Elumrm Bxoreraont und Urlne. Tobneoo, Q rasa, Cern, &e. -80I.D M, li. ju.ir.e, no. i,.i.i aiuiKUk auuui, OHAIIAM.KMLKN A PASSMOUK. Ne. 031 Market Stutit i .1. ItlllKIl X HON, llranriitnwn Pill' idelplitii, and roHpemdlilu dealers Konemlly. 0FFK3K.-N0. 333 Chestnut Street, riiilnrtelpliiu. uiiitl.'. t;md O MUS3BLMAN, Agent, Wltmer, Lanoaater county, Pa. OUAt. K u. in ak Tin WtU'iMMUu and lleiall Duller in All tnmU et l,U kill Kit AND CO Ah. VfixriliMe. 43) North Wateruid Prlnrt Httoet a'jovre I.omeu I.anrauiter. u.Mv' OA1MIIIAUUNKU8 A J t'.Kl'r.lHKH. COAL DEALERS. OKKIOKS. Ne. tl NenTii (Jiibun Btiikkt, awe Ne.fiill Nenxn 1'niNUK Utiiukt. YAltDb, NeriTil PniNUB Htbkkt, kkah Uuai- two Dbi-et, 1.ANUA8TKK, I'A. uuKlVltd CIO A 1. 1 IIIIAI.I ; Tlie umlurtdKiied ha? for Hale, at liU Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water 8tn., alartmimnortmuntef the very beat klmln nl Ocal for Family Ude, which he will dullvur, caiefmly weluluul and Bcruunnd, te uny part et tliu city at the lewimt ff limrKiii. r.iuw. u rderu by mall or tolapheno tllled promptly julyla-tld Pllll.lP UlNUBlt. utanuiik anii uiial 1VJL New VerK nnd Phllaiddphla Heme Ma- nuiu by tliu car lead at red uced price, All the JIKHT UltADKh UK COAL, ileth for Kamlly and airuiu purpeaea. OKMKNT uy Ihuuurrul, llAVand HTKAW by the Ien or bale, Vaup 311 HurrlaburK I'lkii. Okhmuai. Ofieb MX Kual Cheilnul aLn"! Kaufltaan. Koller & Oe. aniMyil M. V. ii. COU.O PHO A'.iJ577l I1 tritU UT., i4..vi,ur, tn. Wiieitanli tuiil IUiUUI Denifra In LUMBER AND UOAL. Uouuucllett With tliu TolepbK'Ho risclmun, Yunl and i'jci v in Nt-uilMV I k SXJiKUX m , UVOIM, - Our mngiilllccnl deck of Embroidered Cleth PIANO COVERS In utlniclliiK miieli atlenllnii. All tlie goe13 were manntnrtuied te our own order nml Imported illicct. NVe Imvenll tlin latest ntylei In Plain and Variegated Bor ders At very l hum In moilernlo prices. Wc liave 4-4, 6-4, 7-4, AND S-4 SIZKS, And In all tliu new ileMgnu mid color celor coler Intff. Wii liive also n complete line of Cardinal and Turkey Red Table Cleths In all sizes and g.-ndei, te inatcli. wllh napkins nev w HJ'J li.tw 1 1 1:11. I-AIIIMKSTIHIH. STAND. NotlenB, in Great Variety. OI.OAKH and DOLMANS alwuy en bund. uah vittihu. air an a. GRINO. TJnrlvnled for Whent, iiy- v.. t. iiuur.ua, itf. ie iuhiaui. auvui , j OAHVr.TH CtlUtK'H OAlirr.T KALI,. The Very Things for Christinas, " If anvoue would make me ulad With Christmas Klft 'twlxt me and you, I'd llicu te bee my tloera all clad tv iiu en cieins utiRiii. or carptiiH new. Huch M they aell at Hhlrk'n, you Unew, Or Turuuii ruK. or iloerclotli nuat, Orconuteipauo thnv's wlittea snow Ker such thlnt'sHldrrc wumiuverbvatl" THAT'S WHAT THE HKNBUJI,K WOMAN MAID. 8UKWANTKD HOMKTHlNOUSKKUJy.aaWKlil.aal'ltKTTi. AND IK YOU'D MAKK yOUIt WIKK, MOTHKIl Olt DAIH1HTKU HAPPY, 00 AT ONUK TO Shirk's Carpet Hall, Cor. West KIiik ami: Wutcr Sts. -AND-MAKK VOUll UlilllHTMAS SKI.KCTIONM muvn hi'kuikiu bir.uiutnr:, Tins Knizllrth lteimulv. An tinfntlfiitr J Ureal euro ter impeumcy, and all DUeaatw that fellow low et Memery, Uiilverual I.a.l. tude. Pain tn tlie Ilack, lilmneav el Vision. Prematura Oil a nn.i ,u,,i- ethor illseases that lead te insanity or Cen uiuur iiuuuaes mat lean 10 insanl suratitlen and a I'rematuru Univtt. Ucufars In our pauiplet, which wi Bend troe by in all te every one. I'l Kull par. wu dealrete 'I'htl MtMinlrlr Medlelnuli BeldbyalldriiuuiHUnt n .,. .,,,',.1,. bro, or ilx pnckOKea tern, or will be nunt irw by mall en the rocetpt el tliu money, by ad UroaslugtlieaKont, " ' H.ll.GOUHHAN, DriitfulaU Nea. 1S7 anil 13U Noun Queen atteet, l.nncns. ter, I'e. On account et oeuntorfJlts, wnliavoaileDt- ,(U .m :''UITW. t -""IHY KtHIUlIlL' THK UUAV nir.li 1IC1NKCO.. aprl2-lydw iiuuaie, n mtimvAt,, lyvuiiY'a PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Arllrle for Universal family USD, KerHcurlntnnd Typhoid Koverx, Diphtheria, Hall- Eradicates vauen, Ulcerated Hern MAT A 13 I A Tlirent, Bmnll Pox, lieu- lTlijH.lli,Hlifl, and nil Cnntinrleti Diseases. Persons wall Ingen Ihoslek should iike tt freely. Hcarlet Kuv.ir has iiuvr been known te spread whero tliu Kindt was med. Yellow Kevur linn lx-en mired with llnter Mack venttt hail taken tilace. Tliu worst cases et diphtheria yield te it. Koverod mid Rink par H.MAI. I. POX sons rolreshod mid mid bedsores prevented PITTING el Hmali by bathing with Vex IMIK.VKNTKO. Darins Fluid. lmpiiii) Air mnile A 111c labor et my lamlly wiu tnkun with Hiiinir 1'nx I ii.ed the fluid; tlm patient wan notdiillrleiiH, ui net pitted, and win ai'eul tlie home uKiiln In llirce weijIih and no ethers bid II. -.1. v. Pahkin'J riillailnl plila. nttMrriiKiu.v PKKVKNTKI). Tl e phlrliuis here me DaibjM niild very aiircwtriilly in tlie ircntmeni of Dlph. Ihuria. A. Htei.lkn WKitcK, tlrcniHliore. Ala. Tetter dilu.1 up. Clmlern provenlp.i. harmless mid purl lll-ll. rorisero threat it is a Biiru emu. Contusion destreyud. Ker Frosted it. Chilblains, 1' 1 1 (i b , Chafing, ntc lllieiiuiiitlam eiirud. Helt Wlilte Complex ions Hoetilod by ltd 11. e. Hliln Kevor prevented. Tn Purify tlie llreulli, Cleanse tliu lcclh. It can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved mid cured. Kryslpeluscuicd. iltirttn lollevpd In- Bluntly. Hears pievonted. Ityyuntery cured. Weuiidn lical idn henled rapid' iy u 1 corn purinpi mil la-aled. Ill casiia et Ouath It Htieuld be tmeil about tlie cerpin It will pniveiit any n npliM. aiilnuiull. arurvcy curuii. An AnlMote for Anl malorVetjatnblo I'el Heim, euiiK, me. 1 med the Klutd dur itiK our jiresrut ul- motion with teirlut Kevor with diTliledi Tlioemlnont Phj-rtl-advuula(;ii. It U In- elan, .1. MAIUON iltHnoiiHable te the; HUH, 11. I). .Si.v nick room. Wm. K.' Yerk.H.UH-"1 atneon atneen atneon HAXreiiD, Kyrln, Ala. I vluciid Pre!. Darby'ii I Prophylactic l'luld U SCAitl.KTI'KVEIt .a. vuluable dU'nftci CUKKI). 'ant." VANDKRnitT UlflVBIUITV, KA4IIVILLK, Teilll. 1 testify te the moil ixcidlciit qunlltli-HOI I'rel. Darby' Pi ophylaclle Kmld. Aindliln Aindliln lectnnl and itelurKUiit It li both llioeruttcally und practically superior te miy jireparattnn with which I mn nce.iiitlutd. N. T. l.tiiTON, Prof. chi'inNtrv. DAIlllV'S KI.UII) la ltl-.CO.MMi:.Nl)KI) II) Hen. ALKtAnKn II. SrKi'iiiiNn, el (loerl.i Itcv. Ciiah. K. Dkuii., I). I)., Church el thr StriuiKcru. N. V. Je'i. I.kCemtk, Columbia, Vvvt. IfnP.errlty, 8. C. Uuv. A. .1. IIattlk. I'rel.. Mcrcei t'nlvi'rslly ltev. line. K. l'lKRCK, llUhep.M. K. Churi'h lNUlSl'KNHAISI.KTO I'.VKIH IIUMI. l'erlectly liaiiule-iri. Uce.! Itileniallj- erexlurnnlly ler .Man or lleiHt. The Fluid linn l.uen thoreiiKhly tcttcd, .in I wu bnve abundant, uvldt'iiiu tlmt It Iiuj idini pvurylhln huiochilmeil. Knrluller liirorini liirerini liirorini tleuuotot jour HniKKHt a p'linphk't or -n.l te thopmpiirterH. .1.11. ZlUI.lN.tCO., .Manufuctiirln cbeinlits, PuiLAiiELriiiA. Ker wild by II. II. coehniu. Druitirlst, H7nml 130 .North IJituim Ht i cut. liuH-lJuedAiv llAttf A.11) UAJ1. CUPKItlt Christmas Gifts -AT- NO. 311 WEST KfN(i NTH KKT. 8KAI.SM.VHACUHKS. KDII-l.lNKl) ClltCUI. U9. HKAI.SKIN HATS AM) CAPS. SliAl.SMN A.SUOl'IlKi; MUI-F.1 1IKAVKII 1IKIITIIAS ANI1 MUKK8. bKAI. ANllOTTKIl PIII.SK WAUMKItH. CIIII.DUKN'rt Ktm.S,KIMt iltlMMlMI. tiK.NT8tJI.OV KM AND MUKKI.KIIS. Sncii04 and Circulars c.irelully Hindu te ineaHiiru. Our lenrjiunl BiicoeHilul oxpertoncu glven una (iuuiautt'e et HiitlNlartleu, OUDI'.i.d KOIt (JA11MKN1S TO MKAhHUK FOItCIUUSTMA.SHIIeUI.D UK I.KK1' KAKI.Y M'.l' WKKK. illdllld (1DIM1, J GOING, GOING. AND THIC NKXTTIII.NO TIII'.Y Wll.l. UK GONE GONE 1 GONE All tho-iemylltli llaUaiul Caps, which we are determined te veil at Hitch LOW PKICKfc as te put our UoeiM buyeml competition. TheielH no moieatiltaiile iireseui lern '' tluinau thtt' a ' 'no Silk Umbrella, or a Seal Turban Hll.K I'MllltKlLAS I'llOM SM.fil) l;P SHULTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (OUNDAKKUVa OLD BTAND.) JiANUASTKII, l'A. murJ7 lydw LASH AN It yi7 KNHWA1U H Kill C MAUTin HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- CHINA HALL. IK YOU WASTT0 1IUY A NICI Christmas Present UM.I. AT CHINA HALL. AlU.oeds exchanged tlia' ate net naiurar naiurar lery. High & Martin, 15KAST KINO HTHKr.i, I.ANHASTKIt. P BAUOAItsn IM WAIIIIIItM, U',cH,u Chains, itlnirs, Speetieles, Ac. lb'ialrln, et all kinds will receive my iiersunal atten tleu. LOUIS Wf'.IIKlt, Ne. IWH North gueen street. Komember naii" and number, 1)1 loctlyepnojiioi uy ii'ei mni p i,ivatni railroad depet. Hit i' IVII SOUTHERN PROGRESS. tup. oKetvrn or tiik iken iiuhini-.h), I'act that blietv Wheccln ihe Hmiili ittny Huppmnt I'euntyiTanin'B urit Iren TrAiteA I'rofperoiu Outlejlt Atlaula CoiiBtltutlen. TJie Courier Journal Im noeiitntil.iti'nff facts that show that tl.e Imalties of mnk lnc Iren must neon be tranufcrrccl frcm Peiiusvlrnulii ami Ohie te Alabama nml ToimcHsce. It cebU about $18 te make a ten of lien In the ertflt, ntul tliore In no way te bring the cost efn ten below iS ttnlesn indeed, tbe lrice of labor it materially reduced. Bueii n rodtictien would be bitterly renlsted, nnd the outleslc in the old Iren dlstrietH in, thotnfero, far front nietnlHlDR, Tlie tCHtinieny of ireninastcnl in the Seuth te very clear anil cwiviucing. Mr. Fred. HIebs, the aocretary of the SIehh fur fur uace oempauy, nays that iron can be made in lllrtiilugliatn at $11.91 a ten, and that tni.i mini iiieiuuch every kuuvtu oxpetiso. It iueludcH labor, clerl; hire, intnrcat en invcHtment, intcresluii working capital at 8 porcent., valtie of the ero In the moun tain bofero iniiiinp, wear and tear of machinery, taxcu, nml itieMcntnln. Mr. BIemm i.4 interested in makinir tlie oeftt of a ten appear aa large as pessi bio en paper, and he (lives n price of production that affords a handsotue leturn te both the initie owners and tlm funiaoe owners. Its safe te say that the actual cost of production docs net exceed 9.50 u ten. l)t Miller of the Eureka furnacntiays that lieii can be made by usliig the Whitwell evon and proper economy at $9 a ten iu Alabama. Cel. A. 9. Colyar says the Cowan futnace In Tcnucesee. with a cault.il of I31,000,made last year a profit $8 1,000. Cel. Slogs of the SIeek Ktirnace company ihe larccst establiahinent in Alabama, Btalcd boteto the Sonate commltlce that Iren at $11.02 would iu Alabama return a profit of 8 per cent, en all the capital invested. Tbe managers of the Alnte fur. nacwnajH that the tise of the Whitwell evens has reduced tbe cost below $11. Further testimony will he ttselcss The sum and substauce of all testimony is that thcie it money in iron tnakiut;iu Alabama when the product aeinmamls $12 it ten, New what does this mean '.' We liave a elear advantape of Dll) p.-t cent. ever Cluveland and Pittsburg ; nnd if this c.d vant.iKe is mero than the cost of trauspjr tntien U) the iron ccntrrs of tl.e East, the c.tce of the furnaces of Olnu and Poun- Hylv.ttiia is iiidciul gloomy. We are assured that iron is new daily shipped from Jlinn inhuni te Cleveland, Ohie, at $5 a ten, thus enabling the Alabama manitfaclurcr te nuilrihell his Eaatern tivaU en their own ground. Tills, of e. tirne, incatiR, iu tlie long run, the blowing out of K.istein utruaai's, and tlie blowing iu of luniacc; whcie iron at $12 yields hatulKome nreiilK te all engaged in making it. When this moicment is ence fairly inausurated. the Seuth will prosper af it has nevcr prospered before it is merely a question of time. A Itlt) UI.AISI I'O it TA.VKS. A I ii'inue ul Nearly Str.O.000 Ayulufit the Wcetwrn Union. An account .4 been made against the Western Union telcgtnph cempauy in the auditor general's ilopartnient at Harris burg, amounting te $117,209.02. Tlie corporation in cliargeil with a ttx of $105,00:1.52 en capital stock computed upon stock dividends declared dm lug the year ended the llrst Monday iu November, 187'.), am! 1881, net included In settlement made upon the report of capital ate:!; heroteforo made te the auditor general. This amount is increased te own $1 17,000 by charging lutetcst at the rate of twolve per cent a year and a penalty of ten per cent, fur failuin en the patt of the company te make repert te the auditor general Iu the sett'ement the capital stock rcptcscuted in the statu for 1870 is plneu'l at $35,0C8,575 and in 1881 at $31, 077,110. Out of this investment it is claimed stock dividends were declared ag gregating ler 1879 $5,0G0,(HH and for 1831 $10,900,015 50, which th auditor gencral claims is taxable under thu acts of Mitch 20, 1877. and June 7. 1870. Tliu Wo3tern Union telegraph eampiuy iniuiitaius that the revenue laws de net justify the imposition of the tax settled ngainht the corporation, but, admitting that tliey de, the amount demanded U grossly out of proportion te the capita! rcpi.nseutcd in the state. The company is credited with tin ownership of 22,000 miles of wlre in Pennsylvania out of a total possession of 250,000 Till, it in elh-j'cd, is a great tnistike, ai iu this computation the wires of the American Union and ethor telegraph companies con trolled by the Woateru Union ate incltn'ed. The Western Union company claims that as llicse coiperations have paid tax en their capital Bteclc for 1H79 and 1831 the imposition or a tax fir the sun:) article is unjust und unwarranted. Tim Western Union villi be niven an (urlyheaimg hefore the be jrd of public a.'ceutits. AN Al.MOHl' fOIHIOl 1 I'.N rHUKIM'IC. Afttr Twelve Veurn lUwetnl I,iiki' It Ar- irntPil ler Hating Killnl .luhii Ilnllinitu. Jehn Hedman, a premu cut cilir.en of C.'i'K) May, was shot in that my about 12 yoaiuage and instantly killed by mm poison unknown Tliu riime at tl.e time caused considerable excitement, as Mr. Heffman was known as a quiet and pciccable oUIeeii. Doteotives were en gaged te forret out the injstery, stimuia ted by a reward of $1,000 for the aneit and conviction orthemunlorer, eflered by the authorities. Every ill'ert en their patt proved futlle and the aearch was abaudeucd, A few weeks sinoe a daughter ei Mii llefl'mau was soveroly whipped by her mother, when who threatened te tollBomo tellBomo tollBemo tlilng that she knuv about the killing of her lather. NolghberH hearing the ie mail: lufetmed the city ellleials and Da tcotive DukcH wan engaged a few days hinee te make an invostigatieii. After carefully questioning thu young woman, Elwood Lepor, ofSalem, wai atrestud en the charge of committing the murder. He was taken bofero the graud jury of C tpu May county, yesterday, and after heailng ovideiico he was locked up In the county jail. Cape May Is Intonsely excited ever the uucxpcctcd development. tbe Art et ttery inllnii; Louden (Hobe. BiiiiinpoeploHjnui perenally Htteil fur ofTcetlvo story telling. Ouorj?e Henry I.ewes wm ene sueh. l'iiesa wh worn lamlllar with lilin havu eiwn loinirlced tlie vlvaoieus tiparkle et tlie eyu, tlie je culiarly telling notion el Dm hauiU, anil tlie perfoetnolf possess u with which lie would fasolnnte a oenvlvi ii p.irty.Aiitiieny Trollepo It was, if we no net mistaken, witoenoa said that tlm very oietncs no WorOHOeriiuil aoaiehow te couttlbitteto the eiToetofhls gjetl stories his velvet coat ami his neat sllppjr?, n-il tin reit of it, nil worn with Mint air of easy nnoiinaleus neus well caloilntetl te uh mee the points of bin uarraMvu. Tn it nnoeinoljiisnoss, bythe way, lia (nat maUei li personal nnrrntlve, Tliore an enn who are pre vontetl from ever tnlllijr a stey wall hy Ihelr uvldent nnxlet. te de fce. Tliey I nppear te be aa much e noerneil for Hitm- selves m for Iho success of their talo.Their own mauner and ohelco of language and the iniprossien they are making en their auditor?, are plainly distracting their wits and divertlng a great part of their nower. A geed story teller will alwnyn no leitnti te ue ene who in inmseit tee (loop in his own onieytnont and apprecia tion of the tale te be at alt conseioun of anything pertaining te hlmeelf. He outers Inte the thing tee fully and tee ontlrely Ie be concerncil with the erltlcisms which may be passing upon his personal ap poaratice, or language, or nianner. Any thing like timidity, or norvetiBnoss, or solf-ceusclouancsn Is fatal te that froedom of manner which Is always a principal charm of really successful tale tellers, and In all sueh narratives at observant trav elers liave te tell tipeu their return home. A ready Hew of language is, of course, ossentlal te Rticcess in this line. Nothing is mero unpleasant than te liave te listen te long narratives which scorn continually en the point of breaking down for want of words, or which are told in words that continually prompt the lifitcner te interruption and criticism which politenoss uovertlielcss forbids. A pleanant voice, tee Is a great point, though net by auyinnans Invariably Indlspcuslble. Tliore are llmefl, as overy ene must liave ebwrvcii, wheu nome harsh incongruity of voiee ndds linmcusely te the offeet of a story, Justin the isaniewayas thopeisenalappcaraneo of anarrater may greatly Inlluence lis (uiccrs. Lqwch was generally thought te be anything hut a hnudsemu man.aud It was in great moasure what seme would call did call, in fact his very ugliness which often lent imrnense lorce te his uttorances. An old or un pleasant vein may de proclsely te oame thing, glviug, perhapi, a soupcon of add ity te what would otherwise) be found Hat and insipid, or a droll turn te points which would be tame and dull If told In a smooth and faultless tone. llyren nevnr titternil truer werdithan when liexald, " Physician mend or end us " Hut while ilocten illximrce, all tlie world linn agreed that thereM no remedy equal te Dr. Hull's CeiikIi Syrup. Heme Items. " All your own fault ir you remain sick when you can Ucl hop bltters that never Jilt. The weaUcst woman, Niuallett child, and slckeit Invalid can use bop bittern nllh stlely and (;ioat(renil, Old men tottering around from Itlieuinii. Usui, kidney trouble or any weakness will be alinejt new by uilng hop bitter. My wife and daughter were made healthy by thu U--0 el bop blltui ami I recommend them te my people Method 1st clergyman Ask any Reed doctor II l,op lilllci are net the bin I lamlly medUliin en earth, Malii'lal rover, 'KUftiiud IHIIeiijiiejH. will le.ivoevury iielhborheo t tt neon fn hop bit ters arrive. " My mother drove the paralMU and lion lien lion ralitlaalleulol beraystem u lib hop bitters." .d. Oiweye Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with Inp hltteri and you nee I net firu'fllcl.ncsi. lee water U rendered ii:irmli"n and imue lelreshliiK anil mvivlnrr wllh Imp hltteM In rarh draught. The vlitoret youth ler I he aged and I .linn In hop bl tiers. " At. tliocluiuceol llle nethlni; cunuU Hepbllterd te allay all tumbles Incident Theiete." "The but periodical ler laillei te take ' monthly and rtem which they will lerelv the greatest bnnetll U bop blttevs." MetheiH with Hlcklv, fretfut. numlug ebildnu, will euro the chlblreu and bunelll theinaelves by taking hop bitters dally. Thousand die auniiilly from hoiiie leiin (d kldney dNume tint may luve been pie pie pio vented by u timely use el hop bitters. lndl.'OHlinu, weak .stomach, Irregularities el thu boweU, cannot exist when hop bitters me uel. A timely uaoet hop lllltcM will keep a w hole family lu robust health u year at a littfe coal. Topiedlico leal genuine Hlicpand child like repew all nljjlit, taken llltle I.ep hltteis en letlrlng. That lnillj,'(ntlen or Hlemach it at nlijlit, p eventlni; ii'ritaud Hleep, nlll disappear by ii-lng hop bitters. Paralyllc, nervous, tremulous old ladles nre made pcrlcctly (pilot and uprightly by UBlng hop blltei-s ill.tinilTu,T.i,Mxw Coubmleii destroyed by Darby Piophylat Piephylat Piophylat tle Klutdv Seu ailvuitl-.eiiieiit. Ker iwsihUiucii te sight alte.uly lmpiliud, there Is no artlllcltt aid equal te ihe Celluloid Kyu-lilusses. Per mile by all leading Juwnlers and Opticians. dlMudeeil Time l iiieney, lime mid money will be saved by keeping Klilucy-Weit In thu beuse. It Is an Invalua Invalua bie remedy ler all disorders et the Kidneys, J, Iver and llewels and fei all diseases arising Irem obstructions el thuxu nivalis. It has cuicd ninny ofistlnale ciimh nlter hundieds et dollars had bcjim pUd te phjslclans without ebtalnluu relief. It euros Constipation, Pile), lillllouiiiess and all ether klmlruil disorders. Keep It by you. OTr Tlie Videe lit ilia I'dupln, Ne I'mully Dyes were ever he popular as the Diamond Dyus. They never l.ill. The Hlack Is larHiipu rler te logwood. The elhur colors aie bril liant. Wells, ltlchanl3en (I Ce., lliirllugten, Vt. lluclclen's Armeii M.slve. Iliuiiii'iilt'Sl meu leal wonder of (he world, Wiirraiitud te speedlly ouie burns, llrulsui, Cuts, Oleers, Mall Kheiiiu, Kever serea, can' eers, Piles, Chilblains, CeriiH, Teltur, Chapped I lun. I s und all skin 01 options, gimiauteed te cuie In eveiy Inalanee, or ii.oney relundcii. W eentu per box. her Hide by Lh.is. A. I.echer. lei5-lyee.lAW lliiiiibugsl Impoiterat Tnlevrsl 'I'll .j abeve ate terms nppllud te thu unroll. i bio mid dUhnuest. 1 Themas' Kctectrle Oil let ulphlherla, caUtih, asthma, rheuinal'siu, und all aclieg,Miialii9, and pains Is net a thing el deception but a pleasant lemedy. 11 Is u mcsiiy pin up, uenesiiy Mini, ami does w lint U claimed ter It. Ker sale by II, II, Cochran, uruguisi, in ami i.rj aerin wueun Hireel. I U'luli Kerbcily te Hiieir, Itev. tieeigu II. Thayer, an old ettlr.eu of this vlulnlly l.uewii te every ene as a most Inlliieutlal citizen and christian minister et the M. K. church, Just this moment stepped tit eui tdore te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew thai 1 consider that both iuyelt and wife ewe our lives te Shlleh's Consumption Cute." it Is having a tremendous tale ever our counters and Is giving pcrlucl uatUIaclleu lu all casea et l.uug DlsiuLsui, such as nothing else lias done. 1)111. MATCHKTTA r'UANlK IIouiuiek, Irul., May 1,1, '7S,. Sold by II. II, Cecluan, iIjiik uuUt. Nes. 137 und Prl.Neriu (JiieuUHtteei. I.unciujtei tehlleedl Kxrited riiuiuiiiuln. All ever the land aie olnKlnte eetuey ever l)r Klnu'ri.New Discovery ter CoiiMUiniitleii, 'I heir nnloel-ed ler recovery by the tlmuly use of this Kieat Hie u ini; icmcd , causes them te i'e neaily wlhl In lis priilse. It Is ituaruu- teed te iiesitlvely euro Hevere Cmiuhs, Colds, Asthma. Hay rover, llreiiuhltls, HearKunens, l,e of Voice, or uny allectleu or ItmThieai and l.uims, Tilal butllei lieu at Ohas. A. LeelieiV liiuu Stele. I.arifuslzu, ll.U). 'llie new TritjeU, This maclilne Is propelled by aleam, a'ml w 111 cmrj two people twenty miles lu an hour, It Is mild, Itlsqulteau Invention hut docs net cempiiru with Murdoch flood Ilttleri, which will carry the Invalid aleni; ihe lead te health ie neat nil. rer sue ny 11. n, ceciiran, urur; (1st, 137 ami l.tu Ninth Oueuii street. tlllCIST.MArt fllliiKMS I'lln ,M,I J Come mid see nutliuiiuw stylui el floods mail prlcts at Fiuy's DuiKbteru, Ne. Vi Kivst Oram;u street. I. miles' and (leuts' Dresstni: Cases lu seal and alltirater skin, Tellut Cases, Oder stands, Mlrreis, ShavliiK Casus, Plain and Fancy Pocket Heeks, Cuid Cmes, Cl;ar Cases, l.ettei taues, a lni'h'i' line nl Ouiuu' CoiiipauleiiM, very e .cap, Plain and Kiifrraved Dettles, ( oleituiHOl my own inauulaciure a spteial s Ne troiinie lonliew iroeds, ANDKhW U FKK, dli.tdi Ne (ill Kiut OraiiKe street. aiEDlVAI.. "T0lt UOUaiI.1 ANO VOLU3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. COLDS " Orrvllle, Ohie, Sept. 10. lflH-2, " "Having been rmuject te a UroneblI nnectbin, wltlirrequentcnlrlii, fornnumberot yearn. 1 hereby cerllty that Aybr's Cnitnnr 1 BOTenAr. KivtM me prompt rollef, and m the ineu olteetlve remedy I liave ever trled. Jambs a. Hamilton, Kdltoret The Vretecnt." UOUOHS. ,. ,t-0oad,01ile..runo7, 188i. TenAt thin snrtiiB for a sovcre oeatsti anil Iuek ironhle with Reed cllcct, nnd I am pleased te recommend It te any ene tdmllarly nirccted. llAnvEr llAcanuAw, l'roprletor Ulobe llotei." mBrATtBD or r. J. C. Aycr & Ce., Lencll, Masn. i ,,. ,8pld by all DniBBlsU. dccl7-M.lydw A OltKAT SUOOKM3. HOP PLASTER. Thin porous plaster Is famous for Its quick and hearty action Iu curing tame llaclr, Hlicu. m.nUUn8olat,cfttCrIek '"" Hack, hideand Illp, NoitralBla,atlir.lelnlsand Muxcles, 8ore Chest, Kidney Troubles and all pains oraelioa either local or doep-soated. It seethes, Strengthens and Stimulates tlie partn. Tlie virtues et hops combined with gums clean and ready te apply, superior te llnlmenta, lotions and salves. Prlcei M eenu or n ler tl u). Sold by drugelsta Hud country stores. Mailed en receipt el prices, iron Planer Com pany, rroprletors, Jiosten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. , AITThe beat family pill mado-Hawley8 Stomach and Liver Mils. ie. PJenssnt In ocilen and easy te take. nevKdyilAw (1) PAIN KII.I.UU. U ISMS" THtSWOIlST "ISM" TO-DAY IS RHEUMATISM. KHKUMAT13MIN THK HACK curbd nr PKltltV DAVIS'S I'AI.V K.IUUVM. UHKUMATISM IN THK KNKKS cunen nr PKItltY DAVIS'S PAIN KIl.l.Klt. UHKUMATISM IN THK MUSCL.KB uunKh nv PKItltY DAVIS'S PAIN KIl.I.Klt. IIIIKUM ATISM OP I.ONO STANDING cuuiii) nr PKItltY DAVIS'S PAIN KIl.MClt. ItHEUMATIC SUKr'KltKltS, buy el Any DniKKUL Perry Uayis's Pain Killer dl-lyd&w UJjUTUINH. II. "" KUIIAICT SPECIAL NOTICE 1 1 hereby Inform theso In want el a FA!.!. Oil WlNTK.lt .SUIT Or CLOTHING, That 1 have new In stock the I.AKUKST AND K1NKST ASSOKTMKNTel Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That has ever been exhibited Iu Iho City of l.iineaster. A great variety of KAI.I. WINTKIl AND OVERCOATING I keep NONK HUT Til K 1IKST of Fureiu und Demestic Fabrics, And all Uoeilsuro win ranted as rupiesented at H. Gerhaifs FINE TAILORING KSTaBLlSHMBNT Ne. 6 East King St., I.ANCASTKK. I'A.; MtniAN x nun, HWKKlING KEDUCTION, L. GANSMAN & BRO., 0(1 it 03 NORTH QUEBN ST., SoittUweil Cor, Orange St., I'OSITIVKI.Y AbSKKT THAT TIIK1K & Bo.I-llneil In lllack and Dark Oruy, cannot b equalud auywliere In the city at less limit $10.0e, and their nell-llned or linen PINE FUR BEAVER MEN'S OVERCOATS, AT 07.00 & $0.00, AKKWOUTII DOUlll.K THK MONKY, HOYS' ()KKCOATa celling new as low as f 1 31. Ureal llurt'iilm for the uext ten duys tn Men's Beys' and Children's Suits AND ODD PANTS, Kvery Ovurceat we liave mi our counters Is Irem 21 tn 3.1 perceut. below value, and lu In. vntliibly lower lu price than elsewhere. Loek areundaiul rru It this Is net thu case. L, fiansman & Bre., The Kashlnnnble Merchant Tailors and Cloilileis, Noh. N0KTII 0UKKM HTKKKI', ItlRht en the Seu thwet Cerner el OratiK" H LANOASTBK, PA. 43 Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In tliu city. LKMOlVl.ltlllll'.l) UY AlA. .IUIIIIK.1 2. that the Yellow Trout 5e ll.ivuiui Cliiiir takes thele ui at HAKTMA.S'S YKLI.OW FKONTtlUAK SlOltK. M1- cz.eiMiX.vxmMW, tvm hih TOJilJ MWii '"'IliTT mv k j1 tij Lwii Esenlafiii )UlilfiB ji!J ai-i9(l .ene -Mnnel enyt f.miilsiit uoltalettauoiU'iotKji, w jefti i a I-ni Ad 'filler. . i 'i izli Ijitiii' OVERCOAT BARfiMKS, On account of the mUcfiV er this season we have aV-large stock of Overcoats lefVwhich we are willing te sell low. J Most ertiiemhavebeen reduced?s6mb irem -t te ee per cent. A. C. YATES & C0 t Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sts. I'ltll.ADHLPlirA. ST01IU9 OPKN BVKHY ItVKNINO THIS WHKK. illS Iwd VIVKIW & ItATUruif. NEW ATTRACTIONS I new hore are attracting much attention, and, added te this, the ery LOW I'HICKs at which they nre beln sold prices b.uel upon shrinkage valupg et an overstocked woelon market are Indiicoments wlileh all clethtm; biiyera would de wen te lieed. Our Ready-made Clothing U tinRurpassed In quality, handsome In style, oxcellentln lit and llnlaii, and thoreuitlily well made. which we ask you te oxnmlne and Inspect, und cempare with tbe host purchas able elsewhere at like prices. THK 1IKST OVKKCOAT. THE JIKST OVKKCOAT. THK IlKST OVKKCOAT. THK llf.ST Al.r.-WOOI. SUITS. THK IlKST AI,l,-WOOI, SUITS. THK l.KST Abl-WOOh SUITS. YOUTHS', HOYS' nnd Oil! t.DKKN'8 Ol.OTH- lN'Oln itKrratvailetvet styles at cer- lespenillniily LOW FKIUKKS. Merchant Tailoring. Thu larr-cst ns90itment of KOKKK1N nnd DOMKSTIO WOOI.KN8 for thu Mnrcbnnt Tailoring Trade eleKunt und ultractlve In style made up Inte any desired rluipu prompt ly, well, and at prices eu'll be wilting te pay. l.lve usacall. Tlicre Is varle y enough here togratllyevery tas'e, MYERS & RATHF0N, I.KAlHNd I.ANCASTKK CI.OTII1KHS, NO. 13 WAST KING STREET. nilKPAKK rillt COl.II WI'ATIIKHNOW. Overceata for Men, Overcoats for Youth, Overcoats for Beys. Our tiie.t valuible Men Ien OVKKCOAT new for llAUlf, IIKAVV, UNI.1NKD DIAliONAL OVERCOAT, Which e aie soiling at the Lew Price of $10.00. We uuaraiilcu It strictly pure a 1-wool and it you think et puiclmslnt; no sure te gee It ho he lore buy in k We liave Overceats el alt uiudes and ptlces, ami are sum te ploase you If you call. i B. MUM i uQii, VM CENTRE SQDABK, I.AMlAMTMt. I!A IAVIII11 -FOK THK- HOLIDAYS! -TIIK CHRISTMAS WORK Is new u Hern reality. Tliore Is no morn studying about what te get. The buyers are fast lakliiu' up the Del ami enr ctiole:at articles In Gents' Ncekwear, Umbrellas, Seal Skin Caps and Gloves, Hand Embroidered Silk Suspenders. Nevel and Useful Artieles of Jewelry, Cellars, Cuffs and Silk Handkerchiefs. OF ALL DEBOUIPTIONS. AKK MOVINH OFr KAl'IDLY. Make your olectleni early tn erler te to te euro choice artlelM. Our Frloes are tbe Lewest nnd, Our Stock or OhrlBtmaa Qoeds are New. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32,(34, 311 Md 33 MSI KINO 5(t(tl, wii'it; imjiinji' i- CHRISTMAS GOODS "rl '! 1