tiHfjeiWiUfimttrjqw"-,f "..T ,.1 ,;.: i n . LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE! WKDNKSPAY. DECEMM3H 10 Wtt. 7v kV r ii liricastct I-ntclUgrnrcr. , WJIBOAY KVBMNO, DKO, 10. 1868. , A (juratien In Art. l A New Yerk Jury litis Just been con ridftrlng whether a vender of Vlclures, who sold photographs of pictures mid statues ttutt were ndmltlctl te have been exhibited In tlie Purls anion, was guilty of a violation of the liiw prohibiting In decent publications. Tlie peer Jury did net have much assistance from the judge or the testimony. They had the bare " fact befere them iliat bare photographs of tlie human form divine were sold and that Frenchmen exhibited thelr origin ala In thelr highest tetnple of art. The judge calmly Informed them that " the only question is whether these pictures ure decent or Indecent, and that question reeta entitely with you ; it does net fellow that bccausothpynrephotoRraplis of picture b exhibited in the Paris or any ether Bftlen that may net be Indecent. In this connection we enter what may be called the charming realm of art, every form of which Is IiIrIi and enno bling;. Every Incident of life may be depicted by the artist and he may present it in any form he like?, but his methods nre te be such 113 commend themselves te the morality of the com- munlty. We must all rcceglzu the fact that the representation of nude figures is net necessarily an indecent exhibition it may be pure or it may be indecent that depends entirely upon the character of the exhibition or Us effect." With bueh instructions the jury must have been fully satisfied that they had the whole question submitted te them without bias from the learned judge Xudlty Is net necessarily Indecency, he tells them ; there Is a line somewhere, if they can fiud it, which divides decent from lndecent nakedness. As the clothes bad nothing te de with It and the French savants' authority was of no ac cennf, and no testimony of learned ex perts in art was permitted, the jury Bat en the pictures, and after an hour's enjeyment of their contemplation, con cluded that they were Indecent, but they were net sureef it, and se recommended the vender te mercy. Evidently the vending of nude photo graphs is an embarrassing business. Clethes and fig leaves net being the criterion of decency, and the mark of It being se indefinable that the judge has te refer it te the inner consciousness of the jury te determine. The vender of tlie nude photographs will be all the time in peril of the jail until he can get n law passed defining the boundaries of decent nakedness and stamping his pictures as a safe delivery. mm m A Charge le he Met. The Philadelphia 7Ym charges Speaker Furice with luvlng abused his power as speaker in order te prevent the repeal e'tliy pin iai'r railway act, In the Interest of the city corporations. The speaker gav his vote for the repeal, but used v.-i etlki.il power against it, ace u 1U14 e the Tines, it makes a very speciihi sla'euieut of tlie manner in which Mr. ILissett, in charge of the bill, was refusal recognition by tlie speaker, with intent te d-vive 'urn of t'ie opper tuulty te Te.ii liia bill, if the speaker did as he is charged, intentionally and with niance lU'iiutiieugur, ii' certainly was guilty of ureut unfairness and hypocrisy. The char,!' is ene that calls for a ro re ro Bpeiuo from him. It is a most ignoble and cowardly thing for a presiding officer te take advautage of the power of his office, whose dutiw he has sworn te faithfully discharge, te deprive these ever whom he presides of their proper privileges and rights. Tlieie is, of course, a great tenp'utien always presant te the occupant of such a pest te iibuce his aulh'iritv ami te put down the men aud thlius he wants put down. It takesu very honest anil Hiuare man te run a straight course In a speaker's chair. Mr. Faunce probably had tee long an experience as a legislator of the habitual abuse of power in the speaker's office, te tie in a proper fiame of mind te refuse te take a Wantage of tlie nppor npper tunlly te ceufuse his fees when the gavel fell Inte his own hands ; but Monre sure that, if we were in lib place, some body would Ret hurt, if such charges as thoseof the 7Ynifs were Hung mound se freely. i - . This Xew Yerk Times affected te be scaudalied that the Democrats in ie organizing tlie Ueusu of Representatives failed te elect the same elllcera as the former Republican IIouse had. There was n reason for this net only in parti san considerations, but in the fact that the present Is an entirely new IIouse. The Senate, en tlie ethor hand, is n con tlnulng body. Its officers' terms de net explre until their successors are re elected ; until that occurs their tenure la fixed. Yet the country saw the spec taole yesterday of the Itepubllcau ma jerlty of the Senate coolly proceeding te oust every Democrat m elllce from clerk te chaplain. There wai no exception te the way in which any ene of these men had discharged his duties. Each and all had te go, simply b-'cause they were Democrat!), Is this the Republican Idea of civil service- reform 'I The Timet should enlighten Its readers. Sluce animadversion has been mitde upon the action of the Democracy in se lecting a clerk aud doorkeeper of the Heuse who had been a Confederate, sol dler, the Republican Senute had a chauce te point a contrast. There was n candidate for serguant at arms befere Its caucus who had been a Union sol dier, Cel Gee. W. Hoeker. They de feated him and took Cannaday, late of the Confederate army. Hew Is this te be explained ? State Benatek Ecklet 11. Coxe evi dently does net euro te oeiitributo te tbe " Imue " next fall, and he consequently takes tlili onpertuno memeut te announeo that be will net be a oaudldate for ro re ro leetlon. Next I Philadelphia Ectning Telegraph. What "Issue" does the Tehyraph mean te Insinuate, that Senater Coxe Is unwilling te contdb.ite te ? If it har bers the delusion that anything except the posltlve refusal of Mr. Coxeterun would prevent his renomlnatlen and re election its iguorauce Is se dense as te be beic!ess. The party In his county was never se united (fad harmonious as under his lend, and the party In the state never had mero c6nfldcnce nnd respect for him than nt present. Tho-anneutico ment that he will net continue te serve it by looser adorning the olllce which he new holds causes unfeigned regret every, where. Jehn SitisitMAN is n thrifty man II" lias never failed te make the most of an opportunity te have the government pay his private debts. The explanation of his extraordinary zeal te have Canaday olected sergeantat arms of the Senate Is readily found In the fact that Canaday spent a geed deal of meney making the North Carolina delegation solid for Sherman In 1SS0, and never until new get a dividend en that Investment. - m mm m Wit.t, the ii'xumincr please explalu hew Its party In the Senate came te de feat a union soldier In caucus for ser Remit at-arms and te elect In his stead a late rebel soldier ? Tin: gallows troe has rcceutly become a mero popular Institution thau tbe grceu Christmas tree. Snivel service reform received an iilus tiatlen In the llghtnlug-llke rapidity wi h whleh the Democratic Incumbents of tlie Sonate oflieos wero ousted. Tiik undertaker, who was looking for ward te a groen Christmas with all that tbe term implies, must derlve a great deal of comfort from gazing nt the wludlng sheet in whleh the earth Is buried te-day. Mi9M.ne Miss Cootey will probably turn out te be as much of a bonanza te tbe newpapc correspondents as the recently escaped Lancaster jdlblrds A report comes from Wilkesbane that the young girl was f ecu at a late hour en Monday night in a lene section of the oeunty, hur rying mysteriously towards the mountains. All tint Is new necessary te give the story Ita proper spice is te place a gang of gere Imbibing desperadoes en tha track of tbe mieslng girl. Experiments raade hi Newaik last ovening tendril te show that a stream of water fa I liiii: en charged elcotile wires docs net eundint the electric fluid. At. mospherfo conditions and a weak electrical ourreut may have conduced te bring nbeut this result. At any rate, llremen will be a little ehary about working In the vielulty of a network of oleetrlo witcs. Ne ex petiments, however, have thus far shown that the underground wire system is net safer and better in every respect than that which requires the placing of au un sightly pole at every stroet oeruer. New JEnsF.r proposes te abolish the system of letting out convict labor by con tract The proposed substitute pievidcs that only se mauy prisoners shall be employed as nre necessary for producing artloles used in th-? state institutions ; that eight hours shall constitute a day's work aud that two hours shall be employed each day for the moral aud iuttilleatu.il instruc tion of the iDinattK , that n p irtien of the eaniiugs of the inmates shall be placed te their credit, the bal bal auee of which after payment of the expenses of their trial, etc., Is te be Clveu te their familie or laid aslde for the prisouer until his term expires , nnd lastly no mere than twenty shall be employed at ene branch of business. These previsions fe: the protection of honest labor are well worthy of imitation in our own state, as under thorn equal justice is doue the toiler within and without the prison walls, SiiiitUTAiiT Foleeii iu his report stated that nn avoraze of 59,0J0,000 aunually for national sinking fund purpose would be required until 1S91. Senater Reck arises te remark thatbiucelSCS, $700,000, 000 mero thau the utmost requirements of the sinking fund have been appropriated, and calls for au investigation te step this luuless drain en the poeplu's re.sotirces. The last publie debt utatemeut shows that ou AugiuUll, 1305, the national debt wa $2,750,131,071 : en Djcomber 1, lbSJ, it was, less cash In the treasury, $1,509,73j,. 000, being a reduotieuofei.a 10,0 10,510 In a little mero thau 18 years. The senator argues that this enormous reduction was measurably due te the unnecessary swott swett ing of the sinking fund, and that therefore no mere meney ought te be appropriated te that tund, it beiug well provided for for Hfteen or tweuty years te come. The doughty Senater from the Rlue Grass ro re ro jiien will have the sympathy of the peeple in his clTerta te lighten the burdens of taxation. FKATUHE3 OP TUB STATE PHKSS, The Franklin Iltpositery will be Issued iih a dally beinniug January 1. The Reading Timet obierves that the present Is a very preper time te pay mull bills. The Columbia Herald asserts that that borough has ene saloon for about overy GO voters, and ene for every S00 of the entlre population. The Wllkcsbarre Union Leadtr points te the fate of slave holders as a warning te tariff protectionists net te push their doctrines tee far. The state lusurance commissioners, no ne no cerdiug te the Reading Herald, can learn a needful lessen from thonewspapors that are uew showing up iusurance frauds, Natleual taxes nre lovled for national purposes, says the Pittsburg Dispatch, and when there Is ue lenger any omploy employ ompley mont for theso taxes, the way te get rid of thorn Is te ropeal thorn. VKBaUNAU. Jehn F. Steinman it ulnityfeur years old te day. Bknateii Lai-ham wants te change the name of Utah te Altamont. Ration RuruivrsreiiD, the riehest man In Australia, Is worth $200,000,000. Dr. Wm. H. IIoer-Eii. of Philadelphia, recent Deraoeratio candidate for coroner died yesterday. Cot,. A K. McCluiie, of Philadelphia, will deliver a loeturo eutltled "Personal Roeolleotlons or Abraham Lincoln," in Oxford, en Friday ovening. Pjiesidknt Aivriiun will attend the an nual dlunerofthe New England society of Pennsylvania at the Continental hotel, Philadelphia, en Saturday evening. James Blaine, a son of ox.Seorotnry Rlalne, was oxjwlled en Monday from Georgetown, D. O. cellege. This Is the third episode of tbe klud in the youth's unci um uxemug career. Gkn. tea.nu.IT Is quoted as saying that there in no Rapubllein party In the south, and lh.it tlie only chance of thore ever being such a party Is te c.ury Vir ginia, CeNOiir.sM ih Cot I' net a rich man mid ha no Income beyond his Hilary at con Krcssuinii and the royalties en sever.il boekD he has written, ile owns his h uie in Twelfth street, hut lives an plain as an old fashleucd fanner. WwrriKn is color blind. A lire li.tvlup damaged the wall paper in his residence, lie undertook te match It with a new piece., whleh was neatly pascd en, te his ure it admiration and the amusement of tbe family. He had used a gieeu vine with one of crimson, William W.vniinN, the noter, was to te proached by a lady at a recent reception for going into society se little. "Yen ought te let us lionize you a little," she said. 'I never heard of but otie niau,"re piled tlie veteran aoter, "wlie was net spoiled by being lionized." "And who was he ?" " Datiiel !" I'lie llecinru ul smlar Kniiiicn, rtitlivlt'lphla Times The llnrrlsburg litrtt mjs that the 71mm liasdoeolnjiistioo te Speaker Faunce In charging him with haviug exhausted the power of the chair te prevent the repeal of the bats railway act Apparently the memory of the Patriot is defective. Even II Spc iker Faunce had tint formed a passenger railway committee that staved oil tlual consideration of the bill until the latter half of May.his actions when the bill reached that staije would have warranted the criticism which the Bitnet asserts te be uudeseircd, Ou the day when it nas intended t.i para the bill en tbird reading Mr. Hassett, wbe hadchaigoef it,repeatedly tried te get the spenker's at eutieu iu order te move that it be taken up iu advance of the seveu or eight bills that preceded it ou the ealeudar bur Mr. Fauuce's eyes did net happen te tit, i. iu the direction of Mr. llissett Fnia.ly, when uobedy but .Mr. Hassett was ealliug fet the lloer, Mr. Fauuce, breakinR his ewu rule and disregarding pieccdeuts, began, iu tbe middle of the scti.sieu, te clear his table of Senate bills. This work consumed mero than au hour. Just before it ceded Mr. Faunce, ealliug the sergeant at arms te his desk, requested him, in a le.v voice, te tell Geerge W. Hall that tlie reading of one mere bill would conclude the table clearing. .Mr. Hall was thereby enabled te get the tl jer ahead of Mr. Hassett, and tfie opponents of the repeal availed them .elves of the opportunity te cause further delay by idle discussion. When Mr. Hisett's prispeets again brightened the speaker thwarted him by announcing the next bill ou the cileudir. This disposed of, Mr. Fauuce allowed Mr. Colbern te call up out of its order a bid te settle the claim of a Somerset county man. Mr. Hassett was still tryiug te gain recog nition aud Mr. Abbett was en his feet te move for an extension of the session, but the upeakjr did net seem te notice either of them and Mr. Z-egler called up ene of the revenue bills, which occupied the le maindcr of the session, n call for adjourn ment from Mr. Crawfeid and Mr, Doua Deua Deua hue being recognized by the eh.ur, al though Mr. Abbett was again up te secure au oxtcusien of time. That day's tactics delajtd the bid for another week, aud befere it came up in regular order the ageut3 of the six cent bosses made its defeat certain by ;t trade with the members opposed te the taxing of oil. It is true, as the Putrte' says, that Speaker Fauuce voted for thi repeal, but the everwhvlmin boa combiuatieu did net uted his further assistance. 1 1I i: lOllACCU l'.lX KKIIA1I MuliulRiturel , lie .Hurt VH ACttnu ut CiH,rt'?4. tl I'hlludc'ittilik Ituceid. The tobacco aud cigar manufacturers of this city, as well as these In ether sections of the country, are looking toward Wash ington with especial interest just new. When the uew internal revenue l.w went into etteet, some lour months ae, and the tax en minufaemrcd goods was consider ably reduced, the government agreed that, altheu&h the cigars and tobacco which had been manufactured up te the date when the law took, etl'uct should go out taxed a the old rate, the mauufae turers should be given a robate equal te the amount el the reduction iu tbe tax. This legal prevision was geed enough e far as it went, but in order te meet its pre visions au appropriation by Cougreas was necessary. Tlie entire ameun. of the to te bate te b'j patd back te the manufacturers in the United States is $0,000,000. This large anieuut of inouey must first be ap propriated by the Heuse of Heprcbenta tlves and the Senate at Washington hefoie the manufaetuiers cau get a dune et that te which the government has decided they aie justly entitled. It is a difficult matter te accurately state the amount due te manufacturers tn Philadelphia, which constitutes only n portion of a roveuuo district, but it is b j tween $23,000 and W0.0O0. The compara cempara compara tive smalluess of this amount U due te tlie fact that the manufacturers, in auticipa tien of thepassae of tha bill, kept very close iu their unstamped manufactured goods, and had ue considerable amount ou baud. One of the regular appropriation bills te be jKisscd by Congress will, without doubt iucluile the amount for the payment of tbin robate, bur until this is doue, and the bill is signed by the presidaut, the manu facturers will be compelled te possess their souls in patience. mm m UAMJ.II.L, UAL.1.3 O.N UAKL.ISI.K. The Kx.'jpjaker AMtires lllisucce.nriil ill CernUl hiippurl. At Washington Sp.'aker Carlisle Tucsi'ay morning thought he would have the list of the committee prepared by Wedncslay but Mr. Morrison said he did net think they would be ready befere Saturday. The speaker has been greatly weirled by the Importunities of friends and he has boeu obliged te make certaln changes In the programme that was mapped out. The chairmanship of naval atralrs, whleh was assigned te Mr. Merso Tuesday is under stood new te be In doubt,theothor persons talked of being Governer Curtin. el Penn sylvania, and Mr. Hewitt, of New Yerk. Mr. Rolmeut's friends have net vet aban doned hepe of gettlug him the eliairmau ship of foreign affairs. Mr. Morrison Is oue of his warmest champions aud several members efthn New Yerk delegation who voted for Mr. Cox for speaker have urged Mr. Carlisle te bestow the foreign atlalrs upon Mr. Rolment. Kx Speaker Randall called upon Speaker Carlisle Tuesday at tbe capital, nnd assured him that any reperts te the effect that he was dlsgruntl ed by the result of tbe speakership eentest were untrue. Mr- Raudall assured the speaker of his cordial support. Mr. Oar lisle thanked Mr. Randall for his klud assurance and said that he had nevcr ex poeted anything but the geed will nud co. oporatien of the gentleman from Pennsyl vania in the work of the Iloupe. ArohUUhep Weed' I'eiilbla Sueceiur Dr. F. E. Cbatard, of Raltimere, father of Rlshep Cbatard, of Vlncennes, Iod., Tuesday ovening, said he had recolved no Information from his seu regarding the rumor thnt he would be made archbishop of Philadelphia. The doctor said that he had heard it stated, en clerical authority, that no Information could be rocelved until the nppolutment was netually made, The impression Iu Cathulie clreles tbore is that Illation Cbatard will be mad mi arcnuisiiej Within the next six mnnthu. liici.r,nnirn..i i. i- i ...,.".. ,eUUtj uu.iKuu ,-, nun iu lujiue, wuure no represented the arohdieccbo of Ciiiein tint! ftf Ml A f-ftStAitf aenlnKAimn of A ,. . .1 ... .. ' SStaUi"" - LATE NEWS. rilW IMOUKKIMNOS IN :UNtlU.!t. Whxt Vis Hene Vetierititr In tl'" leimte Meeting el me ilnmc Cimiittttif Udicr MmicrMl Miws In tbe I' ulted States Senate yestetday bills were repot ted nnd placed ou the cal endar te provide n civd giveruiueut ler Alaska ; nud te llx a day for the meeting of the ptestdcntinlolecterc pievide for the counting of the electoral utis, and tbe cousideiatien of questions ausmg thereon. ir uear gave notice tint ii' weuui eau up the bill ou tbe llrst day en which the the Senate should be ready for legislative business. A icsolutieu effetrd by Mr. Van Wyek was adopted, calling en the secretary of the iuteriei te furnish e.ipie el mortgages given by tlie Texas l'ae lle railway en laud granted by net of March 0, 1S71 ; also te inform the Senate el the names of railroad corporations new claiming lauds that were u t earned dur ing the lifotiunef the grant, together with the number of ncras el.unied by each of said reads. Mr, Sherman eilled up his resolution for the elcctiouef ofltae.-s of the Senate, and it was acreeJ te yeas III, nays 30 Mahoue aud Riddleberger vetiug with the R. publicans. Amen (.1 Mjlek was thereupon eluotel seen'taiy of the Senate Ohatles W. Jo1itieu, chn-f clerk ; James R. Yeung, eiecative clerk , Rev Elias Dewltt llurtley, chaplain, a. id Will lam P. Cmaday, sergea.it at arms ill of them the Republican neuuut'cs All the newly elected officers wcie snem Iu The Senate went tute uxccu'ive m'siieii, aud when the doers were reopaiied resumed e nsideratleu of the cow rul: iu commit tee of the whole. Pending aoteon the anii'udt'd rule in regard t the appoint ment of a substitute fei the piesident pre tempore, a m itie'i '. aljunn wis ngred te. At the meetiug of the Heuse e minvttee en rules yesterday uierniii', it wasdeeided te recommend that two committees be made out of the old e.luoi'ieu aud labor committee te consider tbe two subjejts separately, ene te be oilled the committee en education nud the ether the committee en labor. It was ids decided te recem mend the creation of a e .muiutee en rivbrs and bat bers. Representative Cox, of Ne.v Yerk, has prepircil a bill for introdue'iou in the IIouse, which provides that letter carriers after oue year's servu" b gtauted an an nual !50 days' leive of a'x'iui with piy. l.AIHIIt .SOILS. nrl iim .11 itter', Ueiifrrnin; fie l,b'irlnK .llrti. Tue steimer Neraesnsaile-1 from Nor folk, Virginia, for Liverpoe', yesterday, with 7,000 bales of cotteti. The Reaver lumber cempiuy, of Yama cbiche, Quebec, hasfuspuded, withhabil ities aud assets reported at about 103,000 each. The deadlock en the Canadian Pacitle rulway at Wiuuepcg, caused by the treu bio wr.h tbe eugiiieers in liremcu, is practically ut au end. New engiueers have arrive I aud tbe vierk "hops are te be opened te-day. The conference beiwtcu tlie class work ers aud glass inauufnctiireis nt Pittsburg, adjourned yesterday without having ac complished anything, and the strike is therefore, Indefinitely prolonged. The members of the tiade tribunal in Pittsburg yesterday presanted te Cmpire I. D W. eks argumeuts ler and u;tatiit tbe reduction in the price el mining iu the fourth peel. me werumtu iu i.ratl, uennctt .v Ve. a Clinten mid, in Pittseurg, last night ac cepted a tiu per cent, reduction ia wages, Fill, cu hundred men are affected. Tlie reduction of wages In the print oleMi works of Rhe le Island aud portions of MaHMchuK 'ttti bis caused much discus discus sieu in Fall River. Seme prominent inanufaetuiurs sy tint a roddctien of wagi's must take pluce then-, although, no doubt, it would be resisted by tbe ope ratives. Other manufacturers think that a reduction of wages would be followed by a decline in the price of manufactured cloth, "and that a reduction therefore would net alferd any telief." It was sug gested that shutting down tha mills for ene woek from Saturday next would probably be received with m re favor by the operatives than a re 'nation of wages. Tlie stock of print el )Mis u.i bull is evor 150,000 pieces. a uuwsriKAuv KxriMKn A Mm, muiI lVMiimn Arrvileil ,r 'rjlau te Uititi mil Muulcr. At Douver, Cel., last Satin day Mary Hullerd called ou Dr. Hene, a prominent dentist of Leadville,aud made iheNtartliug reipiest that he lurnish her with poison whicli could net be detected by au autopsy. She elfered J00 eompeusatien, reluctantly admitting that she wished te get rid of her hush iml, Hans Holl'erd, se that her hutbaud's brother, of whom she was en amured, and herself might together enjoy au insurance, of jJ.'vjOO which her husbaud carried. After making au appointment te meet both at his olllce last evening tbe doctor arrauged with the police aud several interested lusurance men te be present but concealed. At the intorvlew the whole diabolical plan was made known. The man aud woman were immediately arrested and placed iu jail. All the persons con corned are Danish. The younger brother is sixty years of age and the woman is thirty live. .ttlavelUiieeua Mutten, William J. Pearson, recently remeved from the pestmastersbip of Uatosville, Arkansas, committed suicide m St. Ljtils en Monday night. Twe freight trains en the C mada South Seuth South ei u railroad, collided near Redney, Oiita rie, en Meuday night, and both engines and soveuteon cars were wrecked The mill of Clark Rrethers at Phillips, Maine, was burned yesterday morning. Less, 421,000. Twe squares of the business portion of Fortville, Indiana, were yestetday destroy ed by tire. Eruest II. Pipsr, of tha firm of Pipar & Ce., of St. Leuis, jebbers iu notions nud fauey goods, is reported te have abscond ed, leaving debts te nu unknown amount. Twe sailors nrrlved at Thonnsten, Maine, en Sunday and reported that they belonged te the crew of the schooner William Penn, of St. Geerge ; that thelr vessel was run down by a steamer en Nev. 17, and they wero picked up aud taken te New Yerk. The late of the captain and the rest of the orew is unknown. It is announced that the Canadian cus tom department will investigate an alle gation that the colleator of customs at a Neva Scotia pert " smuggled In Amorlea rollned petroleum whleh would net stand test nud which was consigned te him by a Philadelphia firm." The iuquest iu the oase of Rese E. Kel ser, who shot horself iu the room of Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, In the Windser hotel, New Yerk, resulted yeaterday In n vcidieS of suicide. A special dispatch fiem Paris, Illinois, says that In nn effort te frihUn some boys by discharging a gun in tbe air, 8anferd Nerrla yeaterday fatally shot his brother "Ted" and seriously Injured his brother Orlande, Winsten Griffen aud Henjattiln McLaugblln, Griffen is net expected te live. Tlie l'eos'en Acencjr. It is understood that the presutcnt has decided te reappoint General Siekel pan sieu agent at Philadelphia aud the nomi nation will be probably sent te the Senate i ...i .;..". ."".. "' "" IIIIH WOOIC. 1118 1 rllHKH Of V,lll,l,vr,,1l,, eipoeieii imi ue would rcxnive the suppeit of the Iudepcrdents, but Senater Milan- I .l I .... I i '.rations' 7y cndersiSg tl lnfaBS! (nisldnr.ihln b:ul foci I n has bann ureal ed I between Pennsylvania congressmen utid Mr. tj'iay, owing te the nttempt of the latter te control the fmleral patronage of tilts Nfa'e, by which he has placed the president in a siaiewlnt iuitiarraslug position A a n.iv out of Iim pridiea ment it is uudoisteoJ that ibe ctecu'lve has decided t. allow General Siekel te retain bis position. Senater Mitchell and the ether Republican representatives of Pennsylvania are united In their ell'ei Is and tin nut desire any iliseerdant elements nt Wnsblogteu. lie III. I mil () IMr try. U Frank Smlili. the tea broker, el 1,10 Wall stirot.N'ew Yerk, who dinappeanideu Fiidiy, leuirmd t) his hiiiue at 1 IS West lit si'venth street late last ulght. At 'J oMiek jcMtmdiy afternoon Mrs. Smith neeived n telegram fruii 1'lilladclphla signed her husband. It read : " I am iu Philadelphia, stepping at the West Rail hotel. Don't knew hew I came here, or why. All my money Is gene. Remit some nt euc and I will retttrn iu the morning." Mr A. I). Tayler, Mi. Smith's son In- la.v, telegraphed tint money would be sent, lie and his wife immediately took the train for Philidelpbla and telegraphed later in the afteruetn tint they bad found Mr Smith and would accompany him te New Yetk. They arrived by t0")0 tram Mr. Tayler sild he ha I found Mr. Smith in geivl health and spirits Mr. Smith told Mr I'avler that he remembered t iking the IWO tram for Plila lolphiien Frldiy after neon. The clerks at the West Dad hotel f.ii I that Mr Smith had an Wed at the hotel late In the afternoon el Friday, that he did n t aat stiajgely. and enjoyed his meals and regu'ar w.ilte. He had ue no quaiutaueis te Pnll,viel hn His daugh ter had been at th it hotel recently en her wedding j iiiruey. I ltd lireira I'rlnce O nu 'U the rope. The Crown Prineo Fredorick Wilhehn breakfasted Tuesday morning with Count Nen 1viihiii, the Germ in nmoassader te Ifa'y, at Reme. Ile met the pepe at l o'clock Tuesday alternoeu. He w is receiv ed wife the honors accorded te a ruliug soverelgn. The pepn received tbe crown prtucti with great c irdtabty and alTabillty. The prince was visibly nlfeoted and ex ptessM, in the name of the emperer, his gratitl:atien at beiug able te mamflest his res pect for hia holy uess The private con ference of the pepe nnd tbe prinee lasted an hour. The prinee upon leaving the Vatican, appeared te be deeply moved. The German crown prince received the grand dignitaries of Italy, the presldeut of Senate nud chamber of deputies and the diplomitie body. Ha frrqueutly expressed himself ns being dee-ply impressed by tbe cetdiahty of his welcome. A state banquet van gireu in tbe priuce's honor Tuesday evt-iung, whleh thore wero present t'Jl per sous including the members of the royal family .sil-.ini; .111m UjOIpj Seen In the Sleantalni- At Wilkesb.irre, a man named Kehlor fuinisbcd the police with information, at a lite hour last night, that he bad seen Miss Coelev, who left hr lumti Sunday night a week, m the vicinity of Hemlock'-1 creek, aud that she was making in the directi jn of the mountains. He reported her as laboring under great mental excite excito oxcite men. She refused te cenverse with him and hurried aleug. As seen as the man's story became known a rush was made for livery stables by the pelice, constables and special detective for teams te fellow up the eliie. Se great was rivalry between them te secure $1,000 reward that eacb cue started out en his own responsibility. A father' Atcempt te Stenl Ills Ulillil At New Yerk thore was quite a scene in the uew county court heuse Tuesday by a father's attempt te steal his child Irem its mother. Jehn Heek, a pelice, is sued by hlj wife In tbe supreme court for a divorce en the i' round of oruel treatment, The plvn ill also seeks the custody of her jc'iildi.u, The methei was In the corridor I of th; court heuse with one of her ebil- dien when tbe husbind suatched it fieui her and a'.te npted te carry it away. The s.-reaius of the woman attracted at teutien and the attempted abduction was foiled. The parties were taken Inte court wlmre thn judge orderod that the child be returned te the osre of his mother, tlptirgl't Kuklux Seat te l'rlsun. A' Atlanta, G i., Tuesday, Judge McCoy rendei d a docisieti in the motion for a new trial in the Bulks county Kuklux eases. Five of tlie prisoners Jasper Yar-bre-agh. James Yarbreugb, U ild Emery, State Ljinens and Liviek sweetman stated in opeu court that they wero guilty, but tb tt E. II. Grccu and Dilrctts Yar Yar beougb were innojeut, Tlie ovldeuco as te t iie last two will bj heard ou Friday en au amended motion. The ethors were sentenced te two years each in the Albany ( N. Y ) peuitentlary 'and a flne of ?500 oie1). Neal Yarbreugb, wlu is sick in bed has net boenscntencod. riiuklng faces llelilml tlie Scene. At Scrauteu Flera and Ella Moero, of the "Bunch of Ivsys" combination, were arrested en Tuesday morning nt the in stance of Mrs. Slary Wills, a former mom mem ber of the company, for insulting her at the neademy of music last evening, nnd ns she nlloges, making laces at her uehinu the scenes. A compremiso was ofleoted in time for the company te take the train for Eaateu. Mrs. Wills is still playing with the company, taking the character of Jonas Grimes. Jealousy ou the part of Airs. Wills, is asiigucd as tbe cause of the trouble. In tlie ueart. In Atlanta, yesterday, Judge McCoy rendercd n decision In the Ranks county Ku Klux easos, Five of the prisoners prisoners Jeseph Yarbreugb, James Yarbreuj;li, Beld Emery, State Lomeus aud Leviek Sweetman said in court that they were guilty, but that E. II. Grceu aud Dllmus Yarbreugb were Innocent. The ovidenco at te the last two will be heard Friday ou an amonded motion. The ethors were seuteneed te two years eacb in the Albauv, New Yerk, penitentiary, and a fluoef S3C0 eaeh. Neal Yarbreugb, who is sick in jail, has net been Bontenccd. I'eital Uliuntei In tnebtHte, Postal changed In Pennsylvania wero announced Tuesday at Washington as follews: Pest Ofllees established at Dlgel, MeKean county, and Rathmel, JofTersou oeunty, The nnme of the Pest Offlce at Upper Dehlin, Montgemory county, is changed te Ambler. Postmasters oemmls siencd Jehn G. Curtis, Ludlow; Evnnt J. Ambler, Ambler; Sarauel M. Lewis, Muff; Charles R. Burdiek, Dlgel; Luther A. Hayes, Rathmel, and James Dunkcl berger, Pittmau. . . m -- New Vnrletiei. Ocr i nutewn Telegraph The time of the year has arrived te have prcs'iuted te us the coming season's new varieties of grapes, strawberries, ratpbor ratpber ratpbor berncs, &e. They are usually accompanied with a "out," showing' be far as a out can show, the slz) and form of the fruit. Se far we have net seen agrape that looked ns if equal te, oertalnly net above, the sorts we already have,and nesuredly net te com cem com nare te a number of the newer ones which have originated within the past thrce or four years. Thore Is one strawberry, of New Yerk origin called the 'Priuce of Ronles," whleh, llke all ether new berries. Is claimed as something superier te all ethors j but, while the engraved buneh has a really line appoaraneo, the ndjoetlve.i used In deserlblug it must be taken for granted, and meney te any considerable extent will be Invested by no oue, when a small sum will be equally offeeUvo lu discovering its merit. It should be se iu nil new things which are brought forth with a hue nnd cry for the purpese of fore fere ing it upon purchasers at whatover out eut laudish prlce may be demanded for it. OLUMIUA NEWS. Ot'll KCIIl L.AII UlllllKHI'ti'lli rUK. r.v-eit Along Hie MiimiUfiliKiitiH Item el inl.fpl In mill Afilllllil tin, itiiriMigh I'lnhKil ii ty llie liitnlii. Krneer Iteiierler. '1 n idglit a meeting of Orien lodue, Ne, S7l). t. O. of O V will be herd. Atiumlieref turkejsaud uhlcktun ieie the priK s nt a sheeting match whleh wan held yentetday near lllnl.'s saw mill by Geerge Grers, A eeiisidcrnble deiith of snow covets the ground hete, and It is still snowing fast. Leveis of sleighing will seen be able te giatify tbli pissleu Excursion tiekiils wlU'be sold ever tbe Philadelphia & Reading railroad and its branches en Deounber 83, ail. 'J I, W, 20, ill) and IU, and January 1, geed until Jan uary 2, inclusive. A number of building leta boleuging te the "Columbia Werkitigiunn's llulldlng and Lean association" will seen be sold nt publie sale. The Second ntieet Luther in Sunday school will net tender the cantata nutieuueed te have been pioseuted ou the evening of December 28, ou account of the inability te participate of some who had the matter Iu charge A littli attention should ha given by tbe temperance people te thesj unlicensed lestaurauts whero the silo of Intoxicating liquors is carried ou, I here are soveral of such nlaces lu town. A pistol shot and the sound as of people lunniug were heard last night by a gen tlemau tesldmg en Seuth Second street. 'e were unable te learn of any disturb auce which may have, oceiu red duiiug the night. 1'eMinml. High Ceustable Christian Straw bndge was 70 years of aie yesterday. Miss Alie o'Oeuuoll has gene te visit friends lu New Yerk City and Philadel phia. Mrs. Rebert Ham het), at her residouee en Lieust street, is entertaining Mrs. F. Muler and Mr. Hank, of Philadelphia. Twe AccliirniK. James On ley, n P. R R, freight con ductor, had a linger crushed while coup ling cars in the east yards this tinruiiig. Jehn (. aley s horse ran away yestetday, near the Shawiue lolling mill. TheshnltN were badly broken befere the animal could he brought Inte subjection. N.uni'U ter h lllslinprle. The Columbi . JlemUl names Rev. R, W. Itiimphrts!), el tins place, for a vacant bishop's uhair in this conference of the M. E church. The choice ceul 1 net full upon one mere worthy te till such ,u exalted poiitieu, mid the brilliant minister should be warmly pushed for the bisboprie by his 0 mgtogatieu. ttiv I'ltrinrn' 1'iirHilc. The Yerk borough council will ncceiu pany the tire oempaules of that place te Uelvmbla ou New Year's day, aud will form part of the parade then te be held. Large contributions of money nud feed have ahcady been reeelved by our firemen, with which te ntlerd suitable previsions for the wauts of their guests en the day of the parade. Sign ul jlir)imu9. Christmas trees have made their aiqiear auce in town. Industriously inclined boys bring tbise trees te town for sale, aud earu tu this manner money for Christmas otijeynictit. LuuMially large numbers of the coleicd population will turn out en Christmas morning for the purpose of patailiug the town and Bulging their Christmas enrels. This early morning parade Js ene of the features of Christmas iu this plae3. About Hie Opera Heme. Mr. James Harsh has routed the leslau raut located in the basement of the opera house. The "Aiiiinh Girl" will be played here ou Christmas night, and the "Galley Slave" ou New Year's night. Tne comedy of "Wrinkles," by Harry Watsen's company, was played last night iu the opera house. It was the most laugh able nlfair of the season, aud kept tbe audience iu a continual rear. Manager Miller should return with it eoeu again if be wants a big house. It would be a sure draw. lias CDiiipxuy i:ifetlen. The following managers of tbe Columbia gas company were elected at a receut meeting : Samuel Sheeb, II, M North, Samuel Triisoett, Cenrad Swaitx, II. F, Burner, Cuas. II llinkle and C. E. Grey bill. Lewer lilld Melt-. Ox'erU Press Mordeeai Talor, of West Grove, dies ter cjuuty, hassihi bis farm of 50 ae.rut, iu Point township, te ,i Lancaster ceuulian for w.aoe Father McCallan, of Baltimore, will de liver a free lecture en the " Curoraenics of the Mass," iu Oxford Catholic church, en Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. 'Squire Ferrce, of Georgetown, this ceuutv, haa en exhibition nt his stere the cob of an ear of corn resembling a human hand, having four well shaped lingers, thumb, palm aud wrist. The crearaery built by N. B. Fergusen ou his farm iu Coletniu township, this county, is new lu operation aud is turn j ing out first class butter. He has put in n Iranian y csieii supnriuer, vua nuiuu me cteam Istakeu from the milk iu ajiiry, 120 gallons per hour belng its capacity. It is drlveu by a Best engine. Mr. Fergusen's establishment makes a market for his neighbors' milk supplies. ImmnuuH, ' This flne Christmas cantata written by W. Heward Deano. the well known oem- poser, will he presonted at St. Jehn's Lutheran ohureh en Wednesday evening of uext woek by the Sunday noheol nnd choir of the ohureh. The inusie which consists of flne soles, duets, choruses. echoes, etc., will be under the direction of Mr. Jehn Ziramermau with Prof. Haas at the organ, supported by a full orchestra. The audiouce room will be flnelv decorated by the commlttce of whleh Dr. 11. D. Knight Is chairman. Ne charge will be made for admission. Lewer Knit Ure Mine. Last ovenlnc tlie work was suspended In the Brooks ero mine in Provldenco township, en account of dull times. Twenty tive raen are thrown out of em ployment. At the Cabeen mines, near Camargo, extouslve preparations nre belng made for work, whleh will be commenced In the spring. New machinery will be put lu and the branch from the Y will be repaired by the railroad company se as it cau be used. The Itete Autenmtlu llrake, Gee. S. Gatehell, goneral superintendent, of the Buffalo, New Yerk nnd PhlladeL phla railroad ; A. Vail, superintendent of motive power and machinery en same read ; Frank A, Seabert, assistant super intendent of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wostern railway, nnd James Nelan, draughtsman of said read, nil of whom have carefully examined the workings of Hie Rote automatic car hrake, give It their hearty ondersomunt and predict that it will f pecdlly oerno into goneral use OuiiiineuiirtUle Uuritributleuf, The superintendent of the Lancaster oeunty hospital desircs te have the halls nud rooms appear ns homeliko as possible, ami would therofero solicit from the clti zeus, lithographs, chroines or ethor plu turcs large enough for suspeuding en the walls. Any person willing te contribute will ploase send a postal card te tbe super intendent and he will call for them. run, i: K.itAitrM i.r.eTinir:. A Ifij t:iitertnttiliiit itiseiiumn t.iet I'truilnu Only a small audlonue gathoied In the court house last ovening tu listen te the very Interesting tectum by Mr ElwlulC. Hart, of the Phiiad.lp'iii ICetninj Ttlt graph, en the Biibjpet, "Around thu World in Nuiety Minutes.' Prier te the huituie them was some Hue music rendeted by a qiimtet, ceuslntlng el the Mia ach Ilinr and .Messrs. Smallug u-id Slaugh, which wurf well exoeutcd and npprccU livi ly teoelved. At tha oe-iehislou of llie sinning theleetilter svis tn'redmed by Mr E. K. Martin, uq. The Iretuier bald he would talk about jeiirtinjism, n Mibjeet of abseiblng lutn est The newsnaivir el te dav Is essnu ti.illy a history of the world, ltwisihi hewi vrr, se n little while age The exten si iu of the uleotrle wires no I thn ether facilities for gatheiiug news had increased the publie desire for It until new the news paper ia necessary te the comfort and oon eon oen vonlonco of overy family. The speaker then otiterod into a desultory explanation of the various departments of newspaper work. In regard te the nssseciated press, be said that it originally began by soverul of the New Yeik papeis banding together te secure the uewnud gnidii illy giew into a vast concern, gathering tbe news ftem all parts of our country and thu whele world, Ile gave some iuloriuatleu regard ing the system of securing news for the paper, and told hew the iiuagi native wilter elaborates en a few weids leeuivcd by tolegiaph and makes a long account out of a few words, The oceanic wilts next received his nltentfett, and while speaking of it mentioned among ethor things that thore wero lle oeoanlo cables aud 55,000 miles of cable wires. He then entered into nn extended account of the modus operandi of nawspipcr business, nnd gave a dotailed description of the villous duties performed by the various emp'eyes oenucetod with the editorial loom. At tbe close of bin leoture he speke of the newsboys, nnd feelingly roferred te thelr miserable condition and uttered elo quent words in thelr behalf. He closed with a line peroration ou the lile, utter ances nud nehievements of Herace Greeley, which was well received. The lecture was very Interesting nnd Instructive, nud f henld have been better attended. II A1K.lt At. I. lllllKfa. The I.Mttnt (leuip el the Diamond. Receius, of last year's Hanisburg team, is iu Louisville, without an engagement for next season, The Quickstep elub, of Wilmiugteu, want te get back Harry I'yle, of Reading, their old pitcher. Mconan.ef Reading,is said te be a risiug catcher. He Is also described te being a splendid thrower and a heavy batter. A grand stand, with a seating capacity of l,nU0, will be orcetcd en the Alleutewu baseball ground uext o.imeu. The Reading lltrali expresses the epin ion that the Lancaster club "will doubt less preve ene of the strongest clubs in the intei-state." Tbe Eclipse club, Louisville, is tiege tiating with Chue, n flue general playei of last year's Harrisburg club, Cline asked $171 of the Harrisburg management aud was refused, Harry Wright says . Au educated base ball man has brighcr and quicker porcep tiens than au unlettered oue, will see a point or play quicker and will be quicker te execute it. His correct habits of lite will make him as superior physically as he is mentally. The Held Is open for a hotter class of players, and It will spetddy be tilled." The first regtiler meeting of the Union base ball association was held at the Bing bam lieime, Philadelphia yetiterday. Flie elubs were represented nt tbe opening of the convention, which included the cities ol'Cuicage, St. Leuis, Philidelpbla, Balti more aud Washington. Immediately after the new organization tbe new Cincinnati club was admitted te tbe association. The pi incipal features of the rules adept; ed were tbe abolishment of the foul b nnd rule, aud the strict eufeteemi.nt of the into iu rofeieneo te pitehiug, requiring tbe pitcher te keep his hand below the line of the shoulder. Each club will play sixteen games with eaeh ether, of which eight will be played en each of the home grounds, The graduated system of the division of the receipts wai adopted, uaeh home club supporting itelf aud giving each visiting club $7'). Pbe follewiug officers were elected for the ensuing jear . President, llenrv Lucas, el St. Leuis , vice president, Themas J. Pratt, of Phil adclpbia ; seeretary aud treasurer, Wil liam Warreu White, of Washington ; diiucters, Justus Thorner, of Cincinnati; II. R, Hemic. t, of Washington, aifcl A, 11. Hendersen, of Chicago. Arthur Williams, pitcher aud thiid baseman, and Frank Madden, catcher nnd shortstop, late of the Westfluld, Mass., club, have signed with the Ironsides for uext season. The contracts with their signatures arrived te day. Beth men have geed records, having played against the best clubs iu the country. TIIK HM1W, lleiv Ilyil lnUciere Spoil llys Itiime? e wentricrni nuiyite ye lii mge, we siy, be v, i lle U ye pluunu ; W lien ye iieniiu alieim he iniyite riys A, Wlien wettu he took liys K'e. The abeve is net remarkably applicable te this feative season of the year, hut the sturdy, welceme and hilarious fall of the buew te-day invited a poetically inclined reporter te rummage amid thu musty cerners of his corebrum te discover some lure supposed te be timely te the presouce of the " beautiful scow," the woleomo old aud tbe general inclination of male humanity te tbe exhil eratlug iullnonces of tbe generous bover ages dispeutcd ever the marble capped counters en a iresty morn. According te the above ucudescript stanzi this Is the weather at which te take " e'cs " The snow that begau te fall at nu early hour this morning has given premise of a satis factory ceutlnuance, as it possesses the nppoarance ami tendency of a snow that has " ceme te stay." The coal merchants aud the livery gentlemen nre consequently In a state of uncertain, olevnted nud in substantial hllarleiisness, pleturlug te their mind's eje the glittering coin which must he the eoucemiiant of the snowfall or olse a creation of the heat eppr:sicd brain, that like " the bast less fabiin of a vision leaves net a rack behind "but mud. With the meny bells, ns they have been heard en the street, some prerna turely vouttiresemo folks disregaidlug the rough Belgian blocks nnd uncertain cross ings, Centre Square looking likeamina. ture plue forest, of which the rabbits deu't knew nuythiug, the windows resplendent with Christmas toys, and all natUre level ling in anticipation of thu appronehing holidays, uulted with tbe presence of the snow, all sorve te dispose of the Idea of a fat graveyard and suggest a jelly, wholo whelo whole lome and preper observance el Chrlst mtiBtide. Divores vrnnteil, Tboresa Miller, by her next friend Gee. Kline, has llled a subpoena in divorce from her husband, Ellswerth Miller, the petitioner alleging gross lndiguitles, gross violencoaud various ntsaults and batteries inflicted en her person by her hutband as te render her life burdonsemo and Intol erable. Church lienlcutlen. The Ml. Pleasant U. B, ehurch will be dodieaWd te religious worship en Sunday, the 2el lust. The services will begiu at 10 o'clock. Bishop Dlok'nsen, of Cham Cham bersbunr, and Revs, E. Light, of Lebanon, nud L. Poters, of Lauoaster, w,ll be pres ent. The r ublie are invited te attend,