L.nii, f. Lr' LANCASTER JJAIIA7 INTELLIGENCE! TUESDAY DEOEMBEK Id iHstf. Trbr A ' itr." I .v . I r .. fcniicastet JntclUgenccr. TUESDAY IfVKNlNO, DEO, IB, 1009, BIIAM09 O'-MALI-KV. Onto'ertliohllHcoDQe6ioiiTnl et deep wall- Inn llnrlt en tlie night wlnl bow flailly Jti berne I Hlmmui O'Malley Iws itled tlie ilerk ke1 In : Tjioy're Iftkl"' hlscorpse te his widow ler lern. -Vlitdlil)ia ilfa Ter? Yo'fe lukln ttiAtques Hen? Ills crlme wm, lie lenjtlit lili ilear country te sare, Jle retiglit te rlii ireiami 01 cruei eppres. rengiit te alen rer Bltamin brave. wai bravest iml beat el tlie Hutoh.theroaroscoundreUllvodown In this volley, ,1 wonder the grasi iloesn't lade at their breath, Twas ene of ihesn spalpeens betmyed our O'Malley, And new the whele hlllsldu's beffallln" his iKnvh, Oh, 'til easy 'tweuld ba te tell things about lilin, Te tell of his ilarln'. te slug or Ids leve ; iilreng heart-i are new hreaklng, nnd soil eyes K urn wceplir Knrthe less of our Shauius, whoje soul's geno nhevn. 1,03k-, there's I'.iwcetl's widow, she ewos htm n (loop debt, He roscued her son trein the laws et the sea, And bera comes O'llignn (whose death te In former) shntmis breke Inte n Jail eure te set that man troe! There's peer llttle Larry, Tltn Motiegiian's grandson, lle's a peer cripple, peer darllni. and never will walk ; .lust inontlen tlie uiuia el peer Shuiius te him thou, If ye want te kne hew lere can make a boy talk. Let's Jein the pracoulei, Ije1j well at that cottage, ThatbrokendownshantyJiKi here en your right i Thopaeplo will st p and their crles turn te curslnr. Directly that liali-liibltntlen's In tight. What for C.inye ask It Tls thore lives the blackguanl, The scoundrel who lles lern morsel e' piy, The vampire, the vllltan, tlie black, bue In former, The wretch win nair iye.1 our O'Malley nway. fustssolievv the luniie will treit tint black spalpeen, They'll pull down the shinty hark new nt their cries ! They'll tear him te plocei II ence they ran find hlui, Te toaeh him te tall agilnit wen we nil prize ! L'.aten new f tin iltrlu'cln', tlusheu'ln', the cursln', Thcre geos t!i t rejt the cottage right In ' Kh, what I On u an Men a limit comes all e or thorn, An I a dear, well-known velca sounds alie re the harsh din : It'llllsgheU" Or hi spirit ' Ne, Ued lv s his own sell : Juitleak! Can't you sh car te tint pre.nl, neble head -Oh, shout loud ter J iy ' It's all been n lol.'ii lel.'ii In' And Shamus O'.M illey's come back trein tliu ilead ' Tracey .evarii in iht IVett Or, Muhlenberg Itenellceucr. Stranjjers in New Yerk often step te soe iu tbe most otprnv.vepart of Fifth avenue where individual building lets Bometimes bring 3100,000, a spacious hesjiital with wide fireunds. Saint Luko'e who is finiil te have bacn a physician, was tlie pious work of the late ltav. W. A. Jltthlciibern, of that lector's family who preached a sermon at the revolution with his uniform beneath his uewn, and after tha bencdie- tlen called the roll of his rcciment. Iu 1830 the hospital was incorporated ; a subscription raised for it tlOO.OOO in large sums; ami it received 21 lets fiem the city in conccssteu ler aceriatu imtueer et beds. I'.ight additional lets wcre bought about thirty years age for $1,500 apiece. Each of tbesa lets is probably a fortutie new. Tlie jieople gave auother $100,000 bofero the buildings were completed iu 1338, at a costs of $'.225,000 furnished. The first Pretcstaut cemruuuity of Sisters of Charity was founded te operato this hospital ; the apothecary, tee, is a woman. -The mothers lli.it afirnii cHi(i'rrrabeiil the loamy el thulr respective babies alwnyi agree en tlie IhcUIkU ler the croup, uud colon et tlielr bubles nothing can eiiual that ilc llghtlul uud pleasmt reinedy, Or. Hull's Couch Syrup. Dr. .1. Marlen Sims. N. v., ender.es Pnrbjs Prophylactic fluid. Seuiulvertlsuuient. What vc Wuut. (llve llemcnpath ins peiletn Allepath Ids pills ; but ler rlieuinatlsiii, ler uehes ler paliii unil sprains, Tiemas' Ketertric Oil U India lily Bttpei ler te elther. It has heutilied n many peeple tu It has had puicluhers. All ilriiKKist hkII It. Ker Bale by II. II. Cecliluil, drUKKlsl,137 ami IJtl North Uiieen street. Me Inception Ued. It NstranKoee many pwnple will continue tosiillurduyatler day with Hyspi iniu, I.lvur Unmplulnt, Constipation, Sour f tenmcli, Wen urul nubility, when they eim pieeuii) at our store SIlll.OII'S VlTAl.lZK.lt, ireuofresl lilt does net euro or relieve them. Price. 7.1 cents. Sold by II. II. Cechttin, U7undU'l North Qut'un street. Iiucaster. lodtl-eedS Truth Crunhed te hurlli Is bound le rba Ciewd down and smother thu friith us you may eenreriiliiK 7'Aemiii' Ji'cleclrle Oil yet the fiic'M will tlsn up that It Is ene el the host leuudlcs ler uchcx, Mprulns. uud pains thai lis ever been Invented. Fer silo by II. II. Cochran, driiKKl-d. U7 ami 13'J Mettli Queen street. iutr GOODS. H fTOMIlAY (lOOl)S. WATT, SIIAND & CO., llave beiiKht nn Immense assert mom el uoeds suitable for Christmas Presents W YEAR'S GIFTS. USEKUI. GOODS, OUNAMKNTAL liOOlLS. TAN0 OOOD.S An elegant llnoet (ILlCHA.NUKKltCllIKKd, J.1NKN HA.Nl)ltKllClllEP3. EMUllOUiKriKO IIANDKKllCIIIKr-B, llA.NDKKIlOHIEra IN KANUV IIOXKS KID U1.0VKS, LACES ANU I.AOKUOODS Ocmiuiiieii'4 TlKs.SUAUr'Haiid SUSPhNDKIIS, DUKS3INU UAhEd, UATCIIKI.3 AND l'OUUKT lluOliS. A lurgu anrtment or l'ANCV (loei).H. in. cIllillllKTOib. (1AMKH, DOUl.H.dCltAP IlOOitri. AUTOdltAI'll HOOKS, Pit;. TUltK HOOKS, WOUK 1I0K8. 11IUC- A-UUAC. Ladle.' COATS niul DOLMANS. ClilUliun'a COATS and IIAVKl.OCKS ATPOPULAIl I'ltlCES. NEW YORK STORE. NO. (& 8 EAST KINO ST., LANOASTKIt, IM. HUAliUUAKTKIM rillt FOUNTAIN .j- necl 'Wtawce, te. per oz" S. per ' ilAUTUAN'fl VKM.OW If UONT C1CI AK MKIUVATm TIKOWN'S IHON 1IITIKUS. THE MINISTER WHO PAILS te Interest 111) congrcsailen ana build up Ids church is Reserally accused el being it peer preacher, or et net studying hard oneimt), TJiat is net always tt hore tlie trouble ceincs trein. Dyspepsia nnd llvonllserdorsftto rcfponslbie for many a dull sermon and many a vacant pulpit. When the Deminie's dlgosllre apparatus l working wrong ntid tin nerves ute giving liltn p.iln, nnd hlsbriln roluses todeltsduty, it Unlmejt luiposMb'e te iiiaIip ertupruacli u geed hi moil. (Ilvoyeursuncrlog mlulslci a boltluel llrewn's Iren Hitlers, ion will see ll etlect en nesl Sunday's preaching. Tlie ltuv. Mr. curing, el Coder.it, l'a , tt us pa ml y ml, and con Id net walk incept with crutches, until llietin's tren Illtteis matin n new man el him. Tlie Iter. Mr. W'hltn.er Heck Hill, S. C, says "It restored me te sttength nnd ilger. ' llrewn's tren Hitters Is notenlv ler the mlnlstei. but let nil pvopie. StEDlVAU .IIINKV-WOltT, TIIKSUKK tl'UK VOIt Kldney Dleoaseo, LlvorOeniplnlnts, Constipation, Piles unci Dloetl Dleoases. piiysiciaxs BxneiiMt it heartily. " Kldncy-Wert edy 1 ever used.' Is the most succcmIuI rem Dr. I. C. llalleu, Menk ion, i. ' Kldncy-Wert Is always reliable." Dr. It. N, Clark Se. Here, VI. " Klduev-Wert has cured my w He niter two years suiretlng." Dr. c. M. Summcrlln, Sun Hill, e i IN THOUSANDS OP OA&ES It ha nire-l wliore all clse bail tailed. It Is mild, but clllclcnt, CKHTA1N IN ITS AC TION, but harmless In all civ.es. -It cleanses the Itloed nnd strengthem anil nlves new llfe te all the Important organs of the body. The natural action et tne Kid neys Is restored. Tlie l.lver Is elenned et nil disease, nnd the Hewels meve freely and healthfully. In this way the worst dlseise nre erullcuted Irem the system. Price ?1 liquid or ilrr. Sold bj Drucglst''. Dry can be sent by mall WKM,S, RICH Alt DSOX A: CO., HLia-lNliTON. I KIDNEY-WORT dlS-vOtlAw (2) inr iieuii.i W r.N.M.KKU'.s sreui:. THE lll.OCU KKOM Ohestuut te Market Sts., mi te Public Uutltlimjs, STORE. FASHION Alll.i: AND Sr.ll'f.K DRY GOODS - AN I' ll tUSP furnishings. .17-U.IAw "I It M.XtlTIN CO. China, Glassware -ANU- TOY DEPARTMENT. J. B. Martin & Ce. I.AUUKai'Sl'OcK IN TUB CITY. l.eHrST I'ltlCES K Kit OrTKUKIi IN TllK cm. LAItUKaTsTOCK K Kit IN 1 11 K ( IT $ 10,000 MOUTH Or' Holiday Goods THAI MUST 1IK Sdl.l'. Elegant China and Bisque Wares. Uaniseine Cups and Saucers, Dinner and Tea Sets, Chamber and Toilet Ms. And everything ilayUlltH. New and Putty tut lleh. 100 Piece White Qrauite Dinner Sets, O.N I.Y Hll.OO. 4Pioce htte Granite Tea Sets, tlNL MOO. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS Ol evcrv kind und pi Ice. Tey lloeki, lleckn, (lumuj, etc. China, llltiiie, Tin and Weed TeyH, BmokeSeU, W'luu Htt j Olatiware of all kinds at lowest prleci. LAMPS Hern SrentM upwardi. Loelt Over Our List til 5 Cents. Ohms Siikar llewl.t, Crniin .liin, Mpneu Ueldeiii, llutter Duhut, Liuiiih, iimry lilthe, J pney Dlnltea. Miikh. Pickle lll.lir.t, Wlne OlussiM. lieblcis, Viiiet cupt and &ucern. 11 rend l'ltiti-fl. Culerv l'lu., t n i- i.i,,,.. Clirlttinan CardB. lliMilm, and hiiudredn el oilier nice thliiKii ler live eentn. Much mero tlealrablu koeiU nt l, 13, m, i emits and up ward!. ' FllKE TO EVERY CUSTOMER. One copy el out ulcuaut Pluitue. uetten un expreiuly for this occasion, Iree te evety cus temer. temer, cull enriv te avoid I he null, ilrlua the chlldrtm te nee the wonderful mechanical thecl teym. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. "West King anil Frluce Sts., Ol'.BTKVKNSIIOUHK, JQi WANAIAKER'S I ANtAHTKIt.l'A dli-7ld JI IM I VA I- 1 XM Tit II it t:. TA . oiii'Kitiei: yuAt.iTV, iiiiiii ci.ais MUSIC BOXKS. I Nl.lifAI.I.KD luTON'Knnd DlllAlUl.lt . Sold by the 1eM Dealers throughout Kurope nnd new Introduced In till'. Country direct by tlioManiituclnn'rvKAeMiiir' ntilnteprtylti. I.MtUK IMI'OItTATIONi. hlt !.( riUCr.S tell CASH. Semi two-cei.t t-tani)i for Trice l.tst. ('. (JiiulcliliV Ce., SlerreIfMUl7Prliiinl. H I.Ki:OOMS AT WIS Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OI'l'OMTK Till. Ol'KUA 1101 "K. Cill early ter geed election an I avoid rush nt Holidays. eetit-tld.tw v rtl.UOA IVtllTR -Ttlf- WILCOX & WHITE ! Parler Organ Warerooms, , NO 153 lttST KINO STHEKT, E H. LUOKBNBAOH, Ajrent. A r nil Asserliucntcl the vatlnu Mylnsrnn stuntly en hand and ter ale en Die me-tt lit) eml tiruis ter (.as i or Small Memmy In gtillnicnl. The public Wn.ctii cerillaily Invited te call ami examine thvse tnslruiiietil1), uhleh v, 111 W tennd te le von' lK,rler In (Jualtty nnd Moderate In l'rlce Havln); severed my connections with the Estey Organ Company, 1 take Ibis method te tnferui my irlciitW in ljuuaiter eeuuty, 1 tin non pclilnu' iniOru-nn t.uul te any and pur-poje-fil by nene. i'lease csdl and exumlnu ene et the most beautltul-lened Organs manu factured In the United States. Mr. I.uckenbach It nlse agent for the famous "Stmbe," MePhnll, Vose & Sens, Qrovenatoln fc Fuller, Hallet & Davis, And several otl.er lelrnb:e I'lanoterttw, at prlces from IZ23 upwrlf, teblMtd 1)1 AMI I'AIILUIIS L PIANO PARLORS, Ne. s:(5 Xerih Sixili SI reef, (StAIl I'.MtlJillj l'HII. VUEI.I'III V. THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. SO STORE RENT TO PAY MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS Fer S225, $250 and $275, PAR SUPERIOR TO THOSE SOLD IN EXPENSIVE STORES Fer $450, $500 and $600. ONLYFIRST-OLASS MAKERS NO CHEAP TRASH. Iliad lids leltiTju.it riHi-Ui .1 irem a peullc i urn nl high standing and will Knew n In Ill's rlty 351S l.ANlASTtlt VKM S, t Nevinibvi II, l3.i v Mr. CEones I.. W'alkeh : The tour Pianos 1 iurtliaed trein you nt dltlerent Uines three ter Irlfii.ls and the last one ler myself have proved te lie masnltlcenl liislrumuiitn. Tnev hit veiilven the most iwr- teet Hillstai'tlen In oery rutpect, and thuy cannot b nurpiuni-il ler beautiful, eliar, rich, tull tone, tine tlnlnh, anil r-tamllni; In tune. I have teriii'uly LkiukLi jilanns en Chextnut street, patd a much IdKlmr prlei' and did net receive inn thinii ttki .n 1 1 tic- luatriinu-iitii. 1 shall ailM-ie all my lili-n let th.-lrewn bena 111, when thcyun In nerd id r. t'l.me, te imr-chn'-e fiem jeu. iteiHctriiiir yeuts, it. i.. iuil. 1 have n-eulvcd hiimlri'ds of hatum slmllHi te lli!-. w iilch I w 111 xhiiw with jilcinuii I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving Pianos from FAMILIES FORGED TO SELL, MKTOFCKKAT IIAKCAINS : $700 S'qiuiiv (J rami Piane 07.") Squint (Jraml I'iune $n Kichly Carved l'iane 1000 Upright IMaiie 5200 100 175 - 230 - 200 .)0 liiriKiii l'iane 000 Heautifiil Jiaby Upright 175 iriOHamlsome Ilocweod I'iaue'.U) llbili-K iiil einliiel tinid iemih uud Plush Htoeli all -t mdiird in.iK-vi cm ti llintriliui'iit wair.mtfd fei n v. jeari A ull will mi;l(y you tliut tldi It t 10 best pl.Kn te luiya Piane. eUKliml imtisr.iiA v.' Come and s rmK.viM run all. itliili pitet-s ut ricy't Hiiik' Sinn., N'e. ?.i Kant tiiuiiKe biiici. ijiiuiuv una lit-iiM' UresHlni; Lusei Iu eeal und ullUulei tkln, 'liillet eaten. Oder .Stundt, .Mil lern, t)haMuK Ciuet, Plain and I alley Pocket lioeKt, I urd ( ute, Clitar tines. Leltfi L.ws, u liriti llu.- el (.ciiIh' Cotniianlenn, veiy i ,uup. Plain un I Eiik'nived llettlut. ColegntH el my en n muiiiiiuciuiu a tpiclal y Ne treuble te khen koeiIi. ANDItEW ti. HIEV, lliktiLt, Ne.Ulllasl Orange bluet. i n. Hi-r.cirii) mr.inuiM';, TllK VT Ureat Ennllsh UuuiinIv. An iinfiiiiinir cure ter linpo'eticy, and ull Diseases Unit fellow lean el Memery. Universal I.axsl. tiule. Pain In the lines, Dimnuss el Vlelen, Premuliiie Old Ae, and many ether ill'H'tie.'p that lead te InHuuliy or con cen con diinipiieu uud n Prematuiu emve. Fun pur. tlculare In our pamplut, which tte dentin te xiinit lienby iiiutlleeveiy one. Tim Hpcellle Medicine 1 1 suld by all di ukkInU at II pur puck, aue, ei six puckiiKOS lert- ei will l.u sunt iree by mill en the receipt ei tl.e money, ly u,i itrnssiur the iment, II. II COCIIIIAN, Dni!lst. Nes 117 and l.fJ Ni rih Qu hmi ulieet, Lunciu- ter, Pa. On account el counterfeits, we have adopt ed thu Yellow Wrapevr ; thuenlvunnuiiHi. TllK lilt.W MEDICINE CO, illulMydAw llullale, h iiiiitr.ii's RBNOWNHD COUGH SYRUP Id ii pleasant, tiatu, upee.lj nnd Hiiro remedy ler Coughs Colds, lleni-xenets, Aithinn, Iu ttuenza, Hmeneas el the Thieat uud Chtjit, llrnnelilllii, Whoeplinr Cough, HplttliiK el llloed, liillaminiitlnii et lite Lungs, und nil Dlsuusiaef the Cliiatiuid Air Puisucm. 1'rll'P, tlei'. mill r.Ol'.ll HetllP. ad-Prteparcd only nnd inbl l,y OHAS.A.LOOHER, SO (IKAHT KIVtlBT nUHISTAlAS UUKKTINO. HOLIDAY GOODS. HAQHR & BROTHKR oflet n Ltirffe Ool'eotlon or Qoedo Eultnble for Ohrlotume ntul New Year'a Qlfln, Iilegant HLACK SILK which arc lower than ever bdere ler same quality. LAIMKS' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, LADIllS' HANDKI'RCIIIHKS AND GLOVliS, LADIliS FINI- KID CLOVES AND NHCKWKAK, cents' ni:ckyi:ar AND CLOVES. T A PT7Q We lvite Eepceldl Attontleu te n Oholce Oolleotlou of RBAL LA.0I3S, In Point. Li i KjLiO, tti(l UHohePH ntul Escurlnl, Spnnlsh ntul Pompadour Lncea. l'l'SCUIAS AND COLLARS. EmbroKleroil Tnl1e nnd Piane Oovern. Table Ltnena In S0U1 cf Table OletliD, with Naplclnn tomuteu. Dellios and Fiue Towelo, Turceman and Lnce Curtains. Oarpeta and Hurh, HAGER Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, i)tnvi:it s a iitiitxr BOVVERS & HURST, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. HEAD OUU HOLIDAY AN.VOl'NCKMKNT THROUGH Wonre new read te, tl. llnlld.it a ltti an Stock lust rrcplvi.,1. nl ilii-n- l.et-it Piln- erv i.eni'41 nui' ClIOICKCOI.OltKKMl lt. Hiirnut III. M It elTiiSIAN mil DltV.iS l.Odlli. I.lexnnt III.AIU CAillMKIlK1. Kli'Kimt ( OI.OUKIi t'AMl' MKItKS, Klcaant I AMKf (. I.ul II si 1 1 IN it. Klettunt Ulthsu PLAID-, the Kltul AirfOrtnieut In 111" ellv Kleituut 11 LACK OTTO SI AN CI.OTIISnnd DIAGONALS fei I.adlcx- He'mun and Cmtn. Kleaant Line .dKl'lt TltlMMlNUS and It'll LOLI.AliS Kleunt Line I I.OAIt l.MlhCLOTlHIn Ulm-ii-nt S-lide tm Ludl.x and I hlldren- ( lealts. Kleicant SK.A1. skIN PI I SK, the best value Inthe rltv.proiiennceil sebymanv Klesniit tll.li ANU II ALIAS (jl ILIKI) I.IS1NU-, iplendliliiiiullty at per vard LanleV tiklrta,CI.lkn, -slinwli and Pol Pel inaiM. ClllLDUKN-- i i.uaKm. alllti lull iLutineut, KleK.mt Line et L.vlteV mid i hll.lriMi's I.AC . COLLAU-. l.leRiint AHieiliiient of I. A III KV I. AHUM Kill iindMli i,l.l h. hlepint Auerliueut el Linen nnd M!k llnndkeielilef. Klecmt Aiertinent I.AIUKS' I'l.UiJII and LKATIIKllSATl llf l.s Lleeiuit Ai'ertuii'Ut Mtln Pin Cushion and lldli-i. KU'K'iuit sldi'M an entire new .!,, k el i, nu Neckwear, jet tie leivu liumtrrd- umiu tilt h It tt III kivu u i III Kive hr in t i iu i ur..tiar.i.t r Mil' KOIli BOWERS jm uoetin. L" Kill. I'lllhM- k 'U LUY Useful Presents. A I. Alt lB.iT I'OAl fit "'..U.t.V, .1 UAXDSOMti 1'AlttLHr SUA 117. A OUOD HLAXKETSlI.l If,, A 11 LACK TlIIllf.Tdll.l '., .1 11LACK 8H.K DltESS M'iTA'AW. A llLACKVli COLORED VAallilERE A l'Allt ey IILASKKTS, A UOOD WARil njitrORTARLS A UOSSASIER WATERPROOF, A SICE HALllORAL SKIRT, A I'RETTY SILK llASDKKRVlltKf, A IIOX (FLIXE.VllA.yi)KERCIi:i:y A CALICO PRESS. A TAllLF.Vl.OTll, A CARPI T, Or mvthlnirln the l)ll t.ii ili LI s K en l beitit it t,.!.' 'LOWEST PRICE'S, I -A I- & 'ft Cheap Stere, !I WEST KIXU STKEKT, Ne. lletween the Cooper llouse a id Seml llone Hetel. LANCASlhll PA KKX t noeit hi imi: i.ecur imt'sr FAHNESTOCK'S our Stock 01 Orn mien lit), Kancy an I I re fill UoeiU ler tlie IIOLlOAVS wiMiiorera attract He as at the preiunt time Fair Dealing", Large Stock, Lewest Prices. -KOlt- ii' in ull 18, Lailies, Gouts, Heys ami At Lewest Prices, tnudu le our own elder, with our ntktne en each (.uriiienl, every Our muni Warninted. E. E. Pahnesteck liANl'ASTKII, PA, Next Doer te the Court Heube. reiJll ATTIINTION lis UAI.I.r-.IITII tiliK Hteck or Holiday Uoeds, Ineludlnu Toilet Helse! Cellllleldauil KloiuiiceOooils, (ll Plllsb and Leather Cases. Oder htundsaiid Cases In Plush nnd Leather, IIIkuu t'lKiiies, Eiitnivel and Cul Hollies, plain beltlt-H ler covet lux, etc. i Held at less than down town prices, ut TDOS. D. BEOHTOLD'S llrtiif Htniu. Ne.lOl WKST OIIANOK STIIH I'.T, corner of Cliat lotto. dl-ljd riMlHKK TIIUUHAND Pill Hl:.-,TH ill Itr, 1 Klveu away te persona liujIiiKonudeliiirs werilinnd ever lu Holiday Uoe.lt. Trade Det-Iiii-h taken ut par. Ilatlii an overstock nl Ladles' unil llenls' t'nderttiar. (ilnvim, Mils, llesteiy unit ether Winter (ioedt. 1 will close them out without uiinr.l le ce.t, tathur than carry llieui ever thebeasnn l have aUeStaple (loeds.BUcliiis Kurle A Wilsen's Cellars and t alls, anil ether makes. Hilk Hiindkeiuhlela, HuHitndeis, Umbiellasiiud Notleusiieiiorii'ly, Please call bulote purchatln elsunlietuaiid biive money. IIENIli liKUl'lOLD, Ne. bl Net til Uucen Htreet Srflliin el thy lllrr Hteckltur leb'l-lyd j) itr auuvs, &c. and RUADXIMIKR. from Si.oe & BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. liumeme htoeHJIn evurv depart inent. ,nv and in xiu- cut. r.ii i . 11.111, i.i l; In the ell v. l'A I A ISII. l'Ai l' A ISIf iiehIc rv, SuiiH'ii.tiT-t, si.k lliuidkerelileM, plu.nuiii te nhen W e are m llliiir iiiuintltli- of WUI! U ITU A I ALL. & HURST. THE MOUTH Ql KEN STHEET DHY ODUDS CLuniixu. L.MIII CllOICK CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, f:: KATIIKIt. MOlllKU. ItllO fllKIH. THUS llllslN ANU At NTS, Ms EKESMAN'S, Ne. 17 WKST KING sritEKT, ItiinuiiibiT the until ber and tietd. I Ml, .). S.1IAI.1N1I. Fall Opening. I have t tit -t ,Uy openeit llnoet thu tliicnl n larKn an I select Foreign anil Denicstif Fabrics, adap'ed te t.i.ntleiueir-. ttnir, ter the KALI, ANU W1XTKUTK IK, wldi-ti I tteuld l pIi'.Lte.l le liavi- you cxamlne. A full line d LONDON CORKSCREWS, i In all the l.at.'tt Sliadm A IkviuMIuI itt-eil mentelKALL ANU WIN'TKi: OvorceatlngB, TrouserinKQ Fancy Suitings. and I rinnlny nenn but the belt workmen und Ku.iianteu p-irlect nulla tactien ax te Mylu, Kit and W'erkininisnti. My iam)i' Kiirnienu will in. en exlitblllen In u tuw ilaj . JNO. J. SMALING. (TAILOlt.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( M Kleer.) LA.NCASTKIt. PA mnyO-lydTu.TliAS jfuu HEN IK TASl'K TO KKAII. Tlulnn man Ii WELL IIUKSSKH, wlwe Karint'iils, no mutter hew linn the material, and ta-thlenable the cut, tire net nrtlntlcally tltted te tlie form or u-tlhetically belected Iu color, c, U a fact loe well known te be did putcd. Thutlltlnir of irannentH. Hclecllnu el Ntyle and color, In nt much an AUT ut the proper blendliiK of colon and Kreuplntf ' ebjectnln u iiinu.-fupe or ether lmlnlint,'. fits and Choice Materlula call en a COLEMAN, ARTISTIC TAILOR, And Imi suited ptoperly. MU. COLEMAN has Just tecelved u uplemlld atnrtiiieut or the ehnlcett CLOTHS. CASSIME11E8 and UKNTS' UKESSliOOlJS. et the latest styles, ler fall and Winter butts. A lurcer variety of Hultlniis cannot lie leuml lu the market. Suitings ter the inllllenalrn and artisan, the exquisite mid practical man, allot which will tin furnished ut rciiKonable rates. The reputation et MU COLEMAN as an artist In hit profession Is tee tvell known te need comment. Call and examine bis Immense stock ut NO. 524 1-2 PENN STREET, 2.1 Slildcetl KEADI.NO, PA. i' Ay jut iiANumua, jet. 1)IIAIIK m w. ritv. We urn maklnj; a'niejt dally nddltlem te our Hteck et WALL PAPERS. The styles are Leuulllul and no have tliem in elegant iwsettment, In, in the common brown te the tlnest embroidered Kilt one, two i und threo bttinl friezes. Decorations ler cell- UlS ill CII'KUIll. IIUSIIIS, L'Ullllll iiivcut 111 match. Dade Window Shades Aie becoming mero popular every Kcasnn. W'e can show you titty dlirerent styles, In the pro pre viiIIIiik colors. Plain cloths for shades Hi all widths, tlxturcHnrnameulH, ete. CKKA.M nnd WHITE LACK CURTAINS, IIKDHKTS. PILLOW HIIAMS.TID1EH, and LAMIIItKOUINH, C DICTA IN POI.KM, COUNICKB, Milt- ItOltH, Ac. PHyRES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN BT, IUXKU AND LIOirulM. l.ltltl.SKAI. A CO. Fine Liquors. We tle net cinltn te sell tliu llnest brands e' Whiskies, Wines, Brnndies, Gins, &c lint we de clulni te soil us line as tlie llnest el all lioeds, such us are kept In n EIKSr-CLAH-i Lliiuer mere, HOUSEAL & CO., 43 North Queen Street, LANOAHTKH.l'A Opposite the new Poileltlce. dll-lm 1 -.---- te $3.00 per yard, the prices of LANCASTER, PA. AND THKOrOH. overybmiy can bu 8Ultt.l Irem our linmiinne We will hIiew you C HOICK II I. AC It hll.lt?. Aoettimnil Lndt.-f nn.i l in lurrnn inwery, "' W'e have have iiiiMittoned unite n uoel many urtleli (null Kill SlOi.lt ANU PlUCK-i MPKAK khm I STOHE. Vl.OTllltiU. At YII1W ItATUKOW. NEW ATTRACTIONS I Tlie many NKW'RTW.K et sflT. si IT LSl.ll, OV KIICOAT.S nnd OVKUCOAIINHS new he: i' an nttractliii; iiiucii uitintlen. and, aided te t lili, the wry LOW I'ltlLh.s at tthtch th.-y are beluu old prlcen bated upon shrinkage valuen et an eventineki'd woelmi marki't are Ini'.ieiiuii'iili. tt hlrh all e etlilnc buyers would de well te hceil. eui Ready-made Clelliing UuuBiirp.meil luiiiultu. liaudteiiiu In ttyle, tixcllent tu tit und nmiii. unit tnoreiulily well madi'. which Mtui.kiiin f. nxamlne ill d lniH'CU nud eeniparii with iiw I e-t imrch.it ablu elKewhbru at ilku prices TUB I1KST OVK11COAT. TIIK 1IKST OVKItCOAT. THE IIKST 0 KUCOAT. I UK 1IKHT ALL-WOOL M II- TllK P.KST ALL Weel, M ITS TUB i.KHT ALI -WOOL St lis 0. TIIS HOYS' and L1I!I.1UIKN" cl-Ol'II I NO In ai;reat atlntv et ttji.M ut eer respendliiKly LOW t Uil ItEs. Merchant Tailoring. Tin largest ivtteituu nt et UlUKKiN und HO.MKS11C WOOl ENS for tlm .M.-icliant T.illruini? 'I nidi It-Kant and nltr-ictlvt- In i yli' mudti up Inte any d'lredluiie prompt ly well, and t prtct-t veu ti iw wniinx hi nut', (.it tt nn a fill I. 1 hi-re 1 vailn y i-ueiikIi I no teKruillvct.-iy la-.'.' MYERS & RATHFON, I.KAIUNO I.A.SCASThlt CI.OTIIIKUS, NO 12 KAST KING STREET. I )iu:r.iti-. peit rei.ii u'i:aiiii'-h new. Overcoats for Men, Overcoats for Youth, Overcoats for Beys. Our tno tne Men ll :i sal nli e nVEItl'OAT new for DAP.lt IIKAVV, INLINKD DIAGONAL OVERCOAT, U hlch we nte selllni; at the Lew Price of $10.00. We Kinrant"i It strictly pure all-wool and It you think et purclnslng be sure te son It be be teru buyliiK. We have Overcoats el all Kill Us and pi'ce, ami are stire ti please you u you cu call. D. B. Metier & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOASTK.lt. PA. OUITAIII.K CHRISTMAS GIFTS -AT- HIRSH & BROTHER'S Penn Hall Clothing Heuse, Neb. 2 A 1 NORTH QUUKN STHBUT. WonreKlVllik'KXTItA INDUCEMENTS te tries j peiHens who have net yet purcliiiHed their win iKiici.uriii.-tu. uur OVERCOATS WonrecloslniroiitiitONK-IIALr' Of TIIEIH VALUE, as we preler ulvlnKOtir customers the benuni et the lcditcllen new. KXTRA. LOW TRICKS FOR CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, W'e can sell you a olillil'sneoil Suit or (Her (Her eout as low as ti ti. POIt THE IIOL1DA.S-Tiikea leek ut our .SHOW W1NUOWH nnd notice our LOW PKICES. NEW I.INKH .IU8T IN Or NECK WKAlt, (i LOVES, BILK llANDKEUCllIKr'a, SILK 8USPENDICI13, liNIT.IACKETS. IIOSIEIIV, KIIIUTS. DNDKllWKAK. JEWELIli, Ac w-Our puces nie the lewent. The koeiIs Hie latest styles. HIRSI & BROTHER, i'ciiu Hull Cletliiti Heuse, e I.ANtASTKlt I'A. T)KNN8YI,NANIA UIOAIIS filO.1l til I bundled upwards at HAItTMAN'S VK!.LjW STOllK KllONTt l lt rjtA rjthr'ts' a vnm , IANUAMTKU AND nlll.I.lillMVI t.l.ll ,, j Cars run as fellows i ihuvu I.nnrnlner (!'. 11 Depn'.;, nl 7, , tin. 11:30 n. tn,, nnd S, (, ntul 8;30i. in., exeunt en UiUunlay, when the but car iiuivns nt ti.:i p, tn I.ruive Mlllersvlllx (lower dud) nts, t, nudilS a, M., and 1, S, ft nnd 7 p. m. Cms run di v en ni ve tline nieepl en Dim day. CIOI.IIMIIIA A t'OIIT IIKI'OSIT ItAtl, 110AD TIMK lAlll.i:. Tmtns new run teguinriv en inn ceintnbl.t fort tlme t Deposit, llalirone en thu folletvlnn BOUTIIWAIIU. H'fATlONH, HORTIIWAnil r.M. ni'jii CM (1:11 A.M.I 0M A M A.M. r.iur.ii ....Columbia.... ..WnshtiiKteii... ... CieiMtunll .... . Hale Harber... .8 hen )t' Kerry,. l'eijuen Yerk Kit rnnen., ....Tiieitiau McCall'a Keiry. ...Klin's Kddy... .KMhluitOnek, Pivieh llolteni. . C'titie lun ., Octeratn ... ...Pert i:;i;i.Mlt. ... I'ei ry vllle. .. n,"je H.IM H.W 7:ir D'OO A:KU .... 0:3.1 ... M7 ... 10.M I0.H 7.-0O 7:t 7.W 7:12 7tl7 7:'a 7:37 7:11 ll!.M 7:10 ft:l'2l Mm IN 00 MKll 4.M I 1.1 i .111' Oil HI1 utu 7:M 7:31 7:'2H 1U.T1 ..... ..... lt!.'W 7:'l 7:10 7'W1 (1-57 MM U:.vi U.irt 7:fiO M: 7-in 7Ni 7 ti ll! W 7 2; till 1'. M. UilS H.-' I2l'.y 12:111 IJ-M 7 37 e:;w C.-2U I lift 3 III ,(XI liKAUlmi .nOOI.UMtllA K.'A. Allll INUKMK'li'l'r 1'AS.shNuMlTIIAIN HONDAl OC'TTTlllU tl'ru, i NOtt'l'iTw'AIU). LIXVn. a.m. r u. r. V t ijiuirryvtlle e.U .. u i Umcnster, KliiKbl 7:.se .. i s in jinranuir 7:in l..'s.vi Uhlekles 7.-.M j )' . Marietta Junction -M .... iu Uelumbln. ;:3e in, ; (, Atimvs. Itemllnc il. C 3. a r,.u ,, flOUTIIWAIlU. -vc a.w. u ru 7:2S KM b.li 1:I5 r.M.' 8(11 thli ... H Mt 1:I0 : in j U:M) 2.11 B If 0.K1 2. 10-1! ... 1.1 UcadlnK Aunn j. Marietta Junction.., Chlckles Columbia I.iiucuter. , Lanciuter. liliiKbt.. Ounrryvlllu Trims connect lit IK udlua win I ,i from Philadelphia, Petuvtlle, Hi ttHbui. , ,V' ,V' Iimtewn ntul Sew eik, tla I'e.i.id r-ixj Uenttv At t'elui..bla nllliuiitnj tAai..l ii i. . , UAiievcr, ibillyBf'urj;. Krv.!erli U ,,.! ' miir.', a l. tl II. -tiv. tT.K:tti I.VAMA UAH ltOAU m:w X UlCliUI.K en nnd alt. r st'N.n NOV liMIIKIt, 18.1SM. trIU3 ODiti' IVn -t vantii ltutirt.id will arrive nt mi i I. , , Lincmtie nnd PMIaih'Iphlmtepeta.i.-. M., w- I Lev Ar hAATWAiiD Lan Ph.i A.M. Mall Kiprej , Philadelphia Kiprc rant Line llatTtsburK ICx;'flss Yerk Accenin'OtlaMim an Ives ... J.aimuiter Acteiur lainn arvlvej. CelumhU Actiite -tt.1 Ien 1 1 if! 8:ln UiAl 7.M 0-J r.K. rrederlck Accoinme.liM"u arrives. Leck Unveil i:xiim 12.W 3 k f.. Uunday Mr.ll Johmttettn hxpiviu Day Kxpreiw HarrUburu Accommeilu'lon. 22i 6 I I -" ' llanevtT AcconuiKxintlen tvejt, c iihi.m iu , nt Lancaster with N'lejraim hxptv-t at V will run through te ihtnuwr ..allj, ii, i' Sunday. irntlerlck Acoimmed.itton, v ' n i. . at tancaster with yast I !n, ! I '. i.i run tureuah te K-nlnrlt i. ia a I'ldiiLan a u ' S,'. 4 ' i VciTWR Newj Kxjinxu Way l'u- . iitfur Mall Trul . NO. 1. via. Ml. Jey MiUlTralu, N'e '2,vlnCn!ut:itdu,liai Niagara l'.xnt' llanevi r Arc m-n.-.tiitten l.mvi-H ln.u Line ITre-ltrtcS Accemtutxl men It-i, i i I r. u. 211 i'i r, i 'i i ll x IlarrtuburK Ace''-imetltlnn Laiiautcr Aceen .oia:ie.i iruti i Cel n in bin Accen elri'-ii Harrtsburg Exp s Wtvtern Exrirtw Pacific Kxiimu Ill Jl 1 llirrl burg Exi luss, n hlch Ic ivi-n I.uik u.tu . nt 7I p tn., na direct emmw liens (tt Itheu' ctiaui t.r cn.iO te LulnmLilii and erk. k'lwt Lint', vest, en puudnj, win n 11 . ,',. will slepul Dotniliutleit ii.L'o.itesvllli' I'i k s burg, Mem t Jey, Xltxbi''titcwi t n i Mi i. low it Day hxprvM, Kust Ltne, Snwi'Kti.ii si 1 Train, He. I, Wculern Kxiri. nnl l'u i i I'i prwss run dull v. Tilt-tl'iiii 1. ere kIvi n 1 l.'intfi it l.mr. i.. "i, et the 7Mh ii crltltan. ti hli'n I. I inlnutr : ' cceiids lusitir than Ihut hi i.-tolme d non run, ,rr r T STIMfll t'.N'OI.NI AND BOILER WORKS. Call and examine ifii si.k k of Kilobit hi llelleis and get pibet Portnble Enginea, Horizontal Englnoe, Vertlcn.1 Enuinen Saw Mill I'unips, Minln Mnohlnery, I'ttlloye mid Sbnitlny iken 'and HHASS (ASTINUS. STEAM FITTING. JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. ::t Fast riiiien St., t.ANl AHIKIt, PA P. O. Het, no. til. ectl JuulAw 7'JAH.IJfl, At. TOIIN V. HUilAllnl. FDRMCES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Cull and pre the New Impieved W'llOI'OII'l IltON COLD CASE Radiating Portable Furnace, Tliu Cheapest anil Market. Hest KUKNACK In the JIANUEACTHUED K..CLUHlVK.I.i 111 Jehn P. Schaum, H1 !-euth Queen Streot, feb.? ly.l I.ANCASTEIl. PA. nioreauAPiiH, J. K. ltOTK. Tlirre has been bucIi n derannil Jfer LAItOK PIIOTOUUAI'IIS tint 1 fM cempelleil te keI n VBltV 1.AU11K CAM Kit A IIOX te meet the demand Wu can new tnnUe you a PHOTO us small ns the smallest leiketw 111 held up te a D-inch lace, te tit an IHi" I'mtne. J. E. ROTE Ne 106 North Queen Btrcel I'WUd